Django Ratelimit Documentation
Release 4.1.0
James Socol
Jul 24, 2023
1 Project 1
2 Quickstart 3
3 Contents 5
3.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Using Django Ratelimit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.4 Ratelimit Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.5 Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.6 Security considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.7 Upgrade Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.8 Contributing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.9 Cookbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4 Indices and tables 27
Index 29
Django Ratelimit is a ratelimiting decorator for Django views, storing rate data in the configured Django cache
License Apache Software License
Django Ratelimit Documentation, Release 4.1.0
2 Chapter 1. Project
Warning: django_ratelimit requires a Django cache backend that supports atomic increment operations. The
Memcached and Redis backends do, but the database backend does not. More information can be found in Instal-
pip install django-ratelimit
Use as a decorator in
from django_ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit
def myview(request):
# ...
@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='100/h')
def secondview(request):
# ...
Before activating django-ratelimit, you should ensure that your cache backend is setup to be both persistent and work
across multiple deployment worker instances (for instance UWSGI workers). Read more in the Django docs on
Django Ratelimit Documentation, Release 4.1.0
4 Chapter 2. Quickstart
3.1 Installation
3.1.1 Create or use a compatible cache
django_ratelimit requires a cache backend that
1. Is shared across any worker threads, processes, and application servers. Cache backends that use sharding can
be used to help scale this.
2. Implements atomic increment.
Redis and Memcached backends have these features and are officially supported. Backends like local memory and
filesystem are not shared across processes or servers. Notably, the database backend does not support atomic incre-
If you do not have a compatible cache backend, you’ll need to set one up, which is out of scope of this document, and
then add it to the CACHES dictionary in settings.
Warning: Without atomic increment operations, django_ratelimit will appear to work, but there is a race
condition between reading and writing usage count data that can result in undercounting usage and permitting more
traffic than intended.
3.1.2 Configuration
django_ratelimit has reasonable defaults, and if your default cache is compatible, and your application is
not behind a reverse proxy, you can skip this section.
For a complete list of configuration options, see Settings.
Django Ratelimit Documentation, Release 4.1.0
Cache Settings
If you have added an additional CACHES entry for ratelimiting, you’ll need to tell django_ratelimit to use this
via the RATELIMIT_USE_CACHE setting:
'default': {},
'cache-for-ratelimiting': {},
RATELIMIT_USE_CACHE = 'cache-for-ratelimiting'
Reverse Proxies and Client IP Address
django_ratelimit reads client IP address from request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']. If your application is
running behind a reverse proxy such as nginx or HAProxy, you will need to take steps to ensure you have access to
the correct client IP address, rather than the address of the proxy.
There are security risks for libraries to assume how your network is set up, and so django_ratelimit does not
provide any built-in tools to address this. However, the Security chapter does provide suggestions on how to approach
3.1.3 Enforcing Ratelimits
The most common way to enforce ratelimits is via the ratelimit decorator:
from django_ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit
@ratelimit(key='user_or_ip', rate='10/m')
def myview(request):
# limited to 10 req/minute for a given user or client IP
# or on class methods
class MyView(View):
@method_decorator(ratelimit(key='user_or_ip', rate='1/s'))
def get(self, request):
# limited to 1 req/second
3.2 Settings
An optional cache prefix for ratelimit keys (in addition to the PREFIX value defined on the cache backend). Defaults
to 'rl:'.
An optional functionion to overide the default hashing algorithm used to derive the cache key. Defaults to 'hashlib.
6 Chapter 3. Contents
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Set to False to disable rate-limiting across the board. Defaults to True.
May be useful during tests with Django’s override_settings() testing tool, for example:
from django.test import override_settings
with override_settings(RATELIMIT_ENABLE=False):
result = call_the_view()
Warning: django_ratelimit requires a Django cache backend that supports atomic increment operations. The
Memcached and Redis backends do, but the database backend does not.
The name of the cache (from the CACHES dict) to use. Defaults to 'default'.
The string import path to a view to use when a request is ratelimited, in conjunction with RatelimitMiddleware,
e.g. 'myapp.views.ratelimited'. Has no default - you must set this to use RatelimitMiddleware.
Whether to allow requests when the cache backend fails. Defaults to False.
Set the source of the client IP address in the request.META object. Defaults to None.
There are several potential values:
None Use request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] as the source of the client IP address.
A callable object If set to a callable, the callable will be passed the full request object. The callable
must return the client IP address. For example: RATELIMIT_IP_META_KEY = lambda r: r.
A dotted path to a callable Any string containing a . will be treated as a dotted path to a callable, which will be
imported and called on the request object, as above.
Any other string Any other string will be treated as a key for the request.META object, e.g.
IPv4 mask for IP-based rate limit. Defaults to 32 (which is no masking)
3.2. Settings 7
Django Ratelimit Documentation, Release 4.1.0
IPv6 mask for IP-based rate limit. Defaults to 64 (which mask the last 64 bits). Typical end site IPv6 assignment are
from /48 to /64.
A custom exception class, or a dotted path to a custom exception class, that will be raised by ratelimit when a limit is
exceeded and block=True.
3.3 Using Django Ratelimit
3.3.1 Use as a decorator
Changed in version 4.0.
from django_ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit
@ratelimit(group=None, key=, rate=None, method=ALL, block=True)
group None A group of rate limits to count together. Defaults to the dotted name of the
key – What key to use, see Keys.
rate ‘5/m’ The number of requests per unit time allowed. Valid units are:
s - seconds
m - minutes
h - hours
d - days
Also accepts callables. See Rates. A rate of 0/s disallows all requests. A rate of None
means “no limit” and will allow all requests.
method ALL Which HTTP method(s) to rate-limit. May be a string, a list/tuple of
strings, or the special values for ALL or UNSAFE (which includes POST, PUT, DELETE
and PATCH).
block True Whether to block the request instead of annotating.
HTTP Methods
Each decorator can be limited to one or more HTTP methods. The method= argument accepts a method name (e.g.
'GET') or a list or tuple of strings (e.g. ('GET', 'OPTIONS')).
There are two special shortcuts values, both accessible from the ratelimit decorator or the is_ratelimited
helper, as well as on the root ratelimit module:
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from django_ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit
@ratelimit(key='ip', method=ratelimit.ALL)
@ratelimit(key='ip', method=ratelimit.UNSAFE)
def myview(request):
ratelimit.ALL applies to all HTTP methods. ratelimit.UNSAFE is a shortcut for ('POST', 'PUT',
@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='5/m', block=False)
def myview(request):
# Will be true if the same IP makes more than 5 POST
# requests/minute.
was_limited = getattr(request, 'limited', False)
return HttpResponse()
@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='5/m', block=True)
def myview(request):
# If the same IP makes >5 reqs/min, will raise Ratelimited
return HttpResponse()
@ratelimit(key='post:username', rate='5/m',
method=['GET', 'POST'], block=False)
def login(request):
# If the same username is used >5 times/min, this will be True.
# The `username` value will come from GET or POST, determined by the
# request method.
was_limited = getattr(request, 'limited', False)
return HttpResponse()
@ratelimit(key='post:username', rate='5/m')
@ratelimit(key='post:tenant', rate='5/m')
def login(request):
# Use multiple keys by stacking decorators.
return HttpResponse()
@ratelimit(key='get:q', rate='5/m')
@ratelimit(key='post:q', rate='5/m')
def search(request):
# These two decorators combine to form one rate limit: the same search
# query can only be tried 5 times a minute, regardless of the request
# method (GET or POST)
return HttpResponse()
@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='4/h')
def slow(request):
# Allow 4 reqs/hour.
return HttpResponse()
get_rate = lambda g, r: None if r.user.is_authenticated else '100/h'
@ratelimit(key='ip', rate=get_rate)
def skipif1(request):
# Only rate limit anonymous requests
(continues on next page)
3.3. Using Django Ratelimit 9
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(continued from previous page)
return HttpResponse()
@ratelimit(key='user_or_ip', rate='10/s')
@ratelimit(key='user_or_ip', rate='100/m')
def burst_limit(request):
# Implement a separate burst limit.
return HttpResponse()
@ratelimit(group='expensive', key='user_or_ip', rate='10/h')
def expensive_view_a(request):
return something_expensive()
@ratelimit(group='expensive', key='user_or_ip', rate='10/h')
def expensive_view_b(request):
# Shares a counter with expensive_view_a
return something_else_expensive()
def post(request):
# Uses the X-Cluster-Client-IP header value.
return HttpResponse()
@ratelimit(key=lambda g, r: r.META.get('HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP',
def myview(request):
# Use `X-Cluster-Client-IP` but fall back to REMOTE_ADDR.
return HttpResponse()
Class-Based Views
New in version 0.5.
Changed in version 3.0.
To use the @ratelimit decorator with class-based views, use the Django @method_decorator:
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.generic import View
class MyView(View):
@method_decorator(ratelimit(key='ip', rate='1/m', method='GET'))
def get(self, request):
@method_decorator(ratelimit(key='ip', rate='1/m', method='GET'), name='get')
class MyOtherView(View):
def get(self, request):
It is also possible to wrap a whole view later, e.g.:
from django.urls import path
from myapp.views import MyView
from django_ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit
(continues on next page)
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(continued from previous page)
urlpatterns = [
path('/', ratelimit(key='ip', method='GET', rate='1/m')(MyView.as_view())),
Warning: Make sure the method argument matches the method decorated.
Note: Unless given an explicit group argument, different methods of a class-based view will be limited separately.
3.3.2 Core Methods
New in version 3.0.
In some cases the decorator is not flexible enough to, e.g., conditionally apply rate limits. In these cases, you can access
the core functionality in ratelimit.core. The two major methods are get_usage and is_ratelimited.
from django_ratelimit.core import get_usage, is_ratelimited
get_usage(request, group=None, fn=None, key=None, rate=None, method=ALL, increment=False)
request None The HTTPRequest object.
group None A group of rate limits to count together. Defaults to the dotted name of the
fn None A view function which can be used to calculate the group as if it was decorated
by @ratelimit.
key – What key to use, see Keys.
rate ‘5/m’ The number of requests per unit time allowed. Valid units are:
s - seconds
m - minutes
h - hours
d - days
Also accepts callables. See Rates.
method ALL Which HTTP method(s) to rate-limit. May be a string, a list/tuple, or None
for all methods.
increment False Whether to increment the count or just check.
Returns dict or None Either returns None, indicating that ratelimiting was not active for this request
(for some reason) or returns a dict including the current count, limit, time left in the window,
and whether this request should be limited.
is_ratelimited(request, group=None, fn=None, key=None, rate=None, method=ALL, incre-
3.3. Using Django Ratelimit 11
Django Ratelimit Documentation, Release 4.1.0
request None The HTTPRequest object.
group None A group of rate limits to count together. Defaults to the dotted name of the
fn None A view function which can be used to calculate the group as if it was decorated
by @ratelimit.
key – What key to use, see Keys.
rate ‘5/m’ The number of requests per unit time allowed. Valid units are:
s - seconds
m - minutes
h - hours
d - days
Also accepts callables. See Rates.
method ALL Which HTTP method(s) to rate-limit. May be a string, a list/tuple, or None
for all methods.
increment False Whether to increment the count or just check.
Returns bool Whether this request should be limited or not.
is_ratelimited is a thin wrapper around get_usage that is maintained for compatibility. It provides strictly
less information.
Warning: get_usage and is_ratelimited require either group= or fn= to be passed, or they cannot
determine the rate limiting state and will throw.
3.3.3 Exceptions
class ratelimit.exceptions.Ratelimited
If a request is ratelimited and block is set to True, Ratelimit will raise ratelimit.exceptions.
This is a subclass of Django’s PermissionDenied exception, so if you don’t need any special handling
beyond the built-in 403 processing, you don’t have to do anything.
If you are setting handler403 in your root URLconf, you can catch this exception in your custom view to
return a different response, for example:
def handler403(request, exception=None):
if isinstance(exception, Ratelimited):
return HttpResponse('Sorry you are blocked', status=429)
return HttpResponseForbidden('Forbidden')
3.3.4 Middleware
There is optional middleware to use a custom view to handle Ratelimited exceptions.
To use it, add django_ratelimit.middleware.RatelimitMiddleware to your MIDDLEWARE (toward
the bottom of the list) and set RATELIMIT_VIEW to the full path of a view you want to use.
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The view specified in RATELIMIT_VIEW will get two arguments, the request object (after ratelimit processing)
and the exception.
3.4 Ratelimit Keys
The key= argument to the decorator takes either a string or a callable.
3.4.1 Common keys
The following string values for key= provide shortcuts to commonly used ratelimit keys:
'ip' - Use the request IP address (i.e. request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'])
Note: If you are using a reverse proxy, make sure this value is correct or use an appropriate
header: value. See the security notes.
'get:X' - Use the value of request.GET.get('X', '').
'post:X' - Use the value of request.POST.get('X', '').
'header:x-x' - Use the value of request.META.get('HTTP_X_X', '').
Note: The value right of the colon will be translated to all-caps and any dashes will be replaced with
underscores, e.g.: x-client-ip => X_CLIENT_IP.
'user' - Use an appropriate value from request.user. Do not use with unauthenticated users.
'user_or_ip' - Use an appropriate value from request.user if the user is authenticated, otherwise use
request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] (see the note above about reverse proxies).
Note: Missing headers, GET, and POST values will all be treated as empty strings, and ratelimited in the same bucket.
Warning: Using user-supplied data, like data from GET and POST or headers directly from the User-Agent can
allow users to trivially opt out of ratelimiting. See the note in the security chapter.
3.4.2 String values
Other string values not from the list above will be treated as the dotted Python path to a callable. See below for more
on callables.
3.4.3 Callable values
New in version 0.3.
Changed in version 0.5: Added support for python path to callables.
Changed in version 0.6: Callable was mistakenly only passed the request, now also gets group as documented.
3.4. Ratelimit Keys 13
Django Ratelimit Documentation, Release 4.1.0
If the value of key= is a callable, or the path to a callable, that callable will be called with two arguments, the group
and the request object. It should return a bytestring or unicode object, e.g.:
def my_key(group, request):
return request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] + request.user.username
3.5 Rates
3.5.1 Simple rates
Simple rates are of the form X/u where X is a number of requests and u is a unit from this list:
s - second
m - minute
h - hour
d - day
(For example, you can read 5/s as “five per second.”)
Note: Setting a rate of 0 per any unit of time will disallow requests, e.g. 0/s will prevent any requests to the endpoint.
Rates may also be set to None, which indicates “there is no limit.” Usage will not be tracked.
You may also specify a number of units, i.e.: X/Yu where Y is a number of units. If u is omitted, it is presumed to be
seconds. So, the following are equivalent, and all mean “one hundred requests per five minutes”:
3.5.2 Callables
New in version 0.5.
Rates can also be callables (or dotted paths to callables, which are assumed if there is a . in the value).
Callables receive two values, the group and the request object. They should return a simple rate string, or a tuple
of integers (count, seconds). For example:
def my_rate(group, request):
if request.user.is_authenticated:
return '1000/m'
return '100/m'
Or equivalently:
def my_rate_tuples(group, request):
if request.user.is_authenticated:
return (1000, 60)
return (100, 60)
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Callables can return 0 in the first place to disallow any requests (e.g.: 0/s, (0, 60)). They can return None for
“no ratelimit”.
3.6 Security considerations
3.6.1 Client IP address
IP address is an extremely common rate limit key, so it is important to configure correctly, especially in the equally-
common case where Django is behind a load balancer or other reverse proxy.
Django-Ratelimit is not the correct place to handle reverse proxies and adjust the IP address, and patches dealing with
it will not be accepted. There is too much variation in the wild to handle it safely.
This is the same reason Django dropped SetRemoteAddrFromForwardedFor middleware in 1.1: no such
“mechanism can be made reliable enough for general-purpose use” and it “may lead developers to assume that the
value of REMOTE_ADDR is ‘safe’.
Mishandling client IP data creates an IP spoofing vector that allows attackers to circumvent IP ratelimiting entirely.
Consider an attacker with the real IP address that adds the following to a request:
A misconfigured web server may pass the header value along, e.g.:
Alternatively, if the web server sends a different header, like X-Cluster-Client-IP or X-Real-IP, and passes
along the spoofed X-Forwarded-For header unchanged, a mistake in ratelimit or a misconfiguration in Django
could read the spoofed header instead of the intended one.
There are two options, configuring django-ratelimit or adding global middleware. Which makes sense depends on
your setup.
Writing a small middleware class to set REMOTE_ADDR to the actual client IP address is generally simple:
def reverse_proxy(get_response):
def process_request(request):
request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] = # [...]
return get_response(request)
return process_request
where # [...] depends on your environment. This middleware should be close to the top of the list:
3.6. Security considerations 15
Django Ratelimit Documentation, Release 4.1.0
# ...
Then the @ratelimit decorator can be used with the ip key:
@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='10/s')
Ratelimit keys
Alternatively, if the client IP address is in a simple header (i.e. a header like X-Real-IP that only contains the client
IP, unlike X-Forwarded-For which may contain intermediate proxies) you can use a header: key:
@ratelimit(key='header:x-real-ip', rate='10/s')
3.6.2 Brute force attacks
One of the key uses of ratelimiting is preventing brute force or dictionary attacks against login forms. These attacks
generally take one of a few forms:
One IP address trying one username with many passwords.
Many IP addresses trying one username with many passwords.
One IP address trying many usernames with a few common passwords.
Many IP addresses trying many usernames with one or a few common passwords.
Note: Unfortunately, the fourth case of many IPs trying many usernames can be difficult to distinguish from regular
user behavior and requires additional signals, such as a consistent user agent or a common network prefix.
Protecting against the single IP address cases is easy:
def login_view(request):
Also limiting by username provides better protection:
def login_view(request):
Using passwords as key values is not recommended. Key values are never stored in a raw form, even as cache keys,
but they are constructed with a fast hash function.
Denial of Service
However, limiting based on field values may open a denial of service vector against your users, preventing them from
logging in.
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For pages like login forms, consider implementing a soft blocking mechanism, such as requiring a captcha, rather than
a hard block with a PermissionDenied error.
Network Address Translation
Depending on your profile of your users, you may have many users behind NAT (e.g. users in schools or in corporate
networks). It is reasonable to set a higher limit on a per-IP limit than on a username or password limit.
3.6.3 User-supplied Data
Using data from GET (key='get:X') POST (key='post:X') or headers (key='header:x-x') that are pro-
vided directly by the browser or other client presents a risk. Unless there is some requirement of the attack that
requires the client not change the value (for example, attempting to brute force a password requires that the username
be consistent) clients can trivially change these values on every request.
Headers that are provided by web servers or reverse proxies should be independently audited to ensure they cannot be
affected by clients.
The User-Agent header is especially dangerous, since bad actors can change it on every request, and many good
actors may share the same value.
3.7 Upgrade Notes
See also the CHANGELOG.
3.7.1 From 3.x to 4.0
Rename imports from from ratelimit to from django_ratelimit
Check all uses of the @ratelimit decorator. If the block argument is not set, add block=False to retain
the current behavior. block=True may optionally be removed.
Django versions below 3.2 and Python versions below 3.7 are no longer supported.
Package name changed
To disambiguate with other ratelimit packages on PyPI and resolve distro packaging issues, the package name has
been changed from ratelimit to django_ratelimit. See issue 214 for more information on this change.
When upgrading, import paths need to change to use the new package name.
from ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit
from ratelimit import ALL, UNSAFE
from django_ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit
from django_ratelimit import ALL, UNSAFE
3.7. Upgrade Notes 17
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Default decorator behavior changed
In previous versions, the @ratelimit decorator did not block traffic that exceeded the rate limits by default. This has
been reversed, and now the default behavior is to block requests once a rate limit has been exceeded. The old behavior
of annotating the request object with a .limited property can be restored by explicitly setting block=False on
the decorator.
Historically, the first use cases Django Ratelimit was built to support were HTML views like login and password-reset
pages, rather than APIs. In these cases, rate limiting is often done based on user input like the username or email
address. Instead of blocking requests, which could lead to a denial-of-service (DOS) attack against particular users, it
is common to trigger some additional security measures to prevent brute-force attacks, like a CAPTCHA, temporary
account lock, or even notify those users via email.
However, it has become obvious that the majority of views using the @ratelimit decorator tend to be either specific
pages or API endpoints that do not present a DOS attack vector against other users, and that a more intuitive default
behavior is to block requests that exceed the limits. Since there tend to only be a couple of pages or routes for uses
like authentication, it makes more sense to opt those uses out of blocking, than opt all the others in.
3.7.2 From 2.0 to 3.0
Ratelimit now supports Django >=1.11 and Python >=3.4.
@ratelimit no longer works directly on class methods, add @method_decorator.
RatelimitMixin is gone, migrate to @method_decorator.
Moved is_ratelimted method from ratelimit.utils to ratelimit.core.
@ratelimit decorator on class methods
In 3.0, the decorator has been simplified and must now be used with Django’s excellent @method_decorator
utility. Migrating should be relatively straight-forward:
from django.views.generic import View
from ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit
class MyView(View):
@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='1/m', method='GET')
def get(self, request):
changes to
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.generic import View
from ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit
class MyView(View):
@method_decorator(ratelimit(key='ip', rate='1/m', method='GET'))
def get(self, request):
18 Chapter 3. Contents
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RatelimitMixin is a vestige of an older version of Ratelimit that did not support multiple rates per method. As
such, it is significantly less powerful than the current @ratelimit decorator. To migrate to the decorator, use the
@method_decorator from Django:
class MyView(RatelimitMixin, View):
ratelimit_key = 'ip'
ratelimit_rate = '10/m'
ratelimit_method = 'GET'
def get(self, request):
class MyView(View):
@method_decorator(ratelimit(key='ip', rate='10/m', method='GET'))
def get(self, request):
The major benefit is that it is now possible to apply multiple limits to the same method, as with :ref:‘the decorator
3.7.3 From <=0.4 to 0.5
Rate limits are now counted against fixed, instead of sliding, windows.
Rate limits are no longer shared between methods by default.
Change ip=True to key='ip'.
Drop ip=False.
A key must always be specified. If using without an explicit key, add key='ip'.
Change fields='foo' to post:foo or get:foo.
Change keys=callable to key=callable.
Change skip_if to a callable rate=<callable> method (see Rates.
Change RateLimitMixin to RatelimitMixin (note the lowercase l).
Change ratelimit_ip=True to ratelimit_key='ip'.
Change ratelimit_fields='foo' to post:foo or get:foo.
Change ratelimit_keys=callable to ratelimit_key=callable.
Fixed windows
Before 0.5, rates were counted against a sliding window, so if the rate limit was 1/m, and three requests came in: [09/Sep/2014:12:25:03] ... [09/Sep/2014:12:25:53] ... <RATE LIMITED> [09/Sep/2014:12:25:59] ... <RATE LIMITED>
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Even though the third request came nearly two minutes after the first request, the second request moved the window.
Good actors could easily get caught in this, even trying to implement reasonable back-offs.
Starting in 0.5, windows are fixed, and staggered throughout a given period based on the key value, so the third request,
above would not be rate limited (it’s possible neither would the second one).
Warning: That means that given a rate of X/u, you may see up to 2
X requests in a short period of time.
Make sure to set X accordingly if this is an issue.
This change still limits bad actors while being far kinder to good actors.
Staggering windows
To avoid a situation where all limits expire at the top of the hour, windows are automatically staggered throughout
their period based on the key value. So if, for example, two IP addresses are hitting hourly limits, instead of both of
those limits expiring at 06:00:00, one might expire at 06:13:41 (and subsequently at 07:13:41, etc) and the other might
expire at 06:48:13 (and 07:48:13, etc).
Sharing rate limits
Before 0.5, rate limits were shared between methods based only on their keys. This was very confusing and unintuitive,
and is far from the least-surprising thing. For example, given these three views:
@ratelimit(ip=True, field='username')
def both(request):
@ratelimit(ip=False, field='username')
def field_only(request):
def ip_only(request):
The pair both and field_only shares one rate limit key based on all requests to either (and any other views)
containing the same username key (in GET or POST), regardless of IP address.
The pair both and ip_only shares one rate limit key based on the client IP address, along with all other views.
Thus, it’s extremely difficult to determine exactly why a request is getting rate limited.
In 0.5, methods never share rate limits by default. Instead, limits are based on a combination of the group, rate, key
value, and HTTP methods to which the decorator applies (i.e. not the method of the request). This better supports
common use cases and stacking decorators, and still allows decorators to be shared.
For example, this implements an hourly rate limit with a per-minute burst rate limit:
@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='100/m')
@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='1000/h')
def myview(request):
However, this view is limited separately from another view with the same keys and rates:
20 Chapter 3. Contents
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@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='100/m')
@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='1000/h')
def anotherview(request):
To cause the views to share a limit, explicitly set the group argument:
@ratelimit(group='lists', key='user', rate='100/h')
def user_list(request):
@ratelimit(group='lists', key='user', rate='100/h')
def group_list(request):
You can also stack multiple decorators with different sets of applicable methods:
@ratelimit(key='ip', method='GET', rate='1000/h')
@ratelimit(key='ip', method='POST', rate='100/h')
def maybe_expensive(request):
This allows a total of 1,100 requests to this view in one hour, while this would only allow 1000, but still only 100
@ratelimit(key='ip', method=['GET', 'POST'], rate='1000/h')
@ratelimit(key='ip', method='POST', rate='100/h')
def maybe_expensive(request):
And these two decorators would not share a rate limit:
@ratelimit(key='ip', method=['GET', 'POST'], rate='100/h')
def foo(request):
@ratelimit(key='ip', method='GET', rate='100/h')
def bar(request):
But these two do share a rate limit:
@ratelimit(group='a', key='ip', method=['GET', 'POST'], rate='1/s')
def foo(request):
@ratelimit(group='a', key='ip', method=['POST', 'GET'], rate='1/s')
def bar(request):
Using multiple decorators
A single @ratelimit decorator used to be able to ratelimit against multiple keys, e.g., before 0.5:
3.7. Upgrade Notes 21
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@ratelimit(ip=True, field='username', keys=mykeysfunc)
def someview(request):
# ...
To simplify both the internals and the question of what limits apply, each decorator now tracks exactly one rate, but
decorators can be more reliably stacked (c.f. some examples in the section above).
The pre-0.5 example above would need to become four decorators:
def someview(request):
# ...
As documented above, however, this allows powerful new uses, like burst limits and distinct GET/POST limits.
3.8 Contributing
3.8.1 Set Up
Create a virtualenv and install Django with pip:
$ pip install Django
3.8.2 Running the Tests
Running the tests is as easy as:
$ ./ test
You may also run the test on multiple versions of Django using tox.
First install tox:
$ pip install tox
Then run the tests with tox:
$ tox
3.8.3 Code Standards
I ask two things for pull requests.
The flake8 tool must not report any violations.
All tests, including new tests where appropriate, must pass.
22 Chapter 3. Contents
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3.9 Cookbook
This section includes suggestions for common patterns that don’t make sense to include in the main library because
they depend on too many specific about consuming applications. These solutions may be close to copy-pastable, but
in generally they are more directional and are provided under the same license as all other code in this repository.
3.9.1 Recipes
Sending 429 Too Many Requests
RFC 6585 introduced a status code specific to rate-limiting situations: HTTP 429 Too Many Requests. Here’s one
way to send this status with Django Ratelimit.
Create a custom error view
First, create a view that returns the correct type of response (e.g. content-type, shape, information, etc) for your
application. For example, a JSON API may return something like {"error": "ratelimited"}, while other
applications may return XML, HTML, etc, as needed. Or you may need to decide based on the type of request. Set
the status code of the response to 429.
# myapp/
def ratelimited_error(request, exception):
# e.g. to return HTML
return render(request, 'ratelimited.html', status=429)
def ratelimited_error(request, exception):
# or other types:
return JsonResponse({'error': 'ratelimited'}, status=429)
In your app’s settings, install the RatelimitMiddleware middleware toward the bottom of the list. You must
define RATELIMIT_VIEW as a dotted-path to your error view:
# ... toward the bottom ...
# ...
RATELIMIT_VIEW = 'myapp.views.ratelimited_error'
That’s it! If you already have the decorator installed, you’re good to go. Otherwise, you’ll need to install it in order to
trigger the error view.
Check the exception type in handler403
Alternatively, if you already have a handler403 view defined, you can check the exception type and return a specific
status code:
from django_ratelimit.exceptions import Ratelimited
def my_403_handler(request, exception):
if isinstance(exception, Ratelimited):
(continues on next page)
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(continued from previous page)
return render(request, '429.html', status=429)
return render(request, '403.html', status=403)
Why doesn’t Django Ratelimit handle this itself?
There are a couple of main reasons. The first is that Django has no built-in concept of a ratelimit exception, but it does
have PermissionDenied. When a view throws a PermissionDenied exception, Django has built-in facilities
for handling it as a client error (it returns an HTTP 403) instead of a server error (i.e. a 5xx status code).
The Ratelimited exception extends PermissionDenied so that, if nothing else, there should already be a way
to make sure the application is sending a 4xx status code—even if it’s not the most-correct status code available.
Ratelimited should not be treated as a server error because the server is working correctly. (NB: That also means
that the typical “error”-level logging is not invoked.) There is no way to convince the built-in handler to send any
status besides 403.
Furthermore, it’s impossible for Django Ratelimit to provide a default view that does a better job guessing at the
appropriate response type than Django’s built-in PermissionDenied view already does. We could include a
default 429.html template with as little information as Django’s built-in 403.html, but it would only be slightly
more correct.
The correct response for your users will depend on your application. This means creating the right content-type (e.g.
JSON, XML, HTML, etc) and content (whether it’s an API error response or a human-readable one). Django Ratelimit
can’t guess that, so it’s up to you to define.
Finally, a small historical note. Django Ratelimit actually predates RFC 6585 by about a year. At the time, 403 was
as common as any status for ratelimit situations. Others were creating custom statuses, like Twitter’s 420 Enhance
Your Calm.
Per-User Ratelimits
One common business strategy includes adjusting rate limits for different types of users, or even different individual
users for enterprise sales. With callable rates it is possible to implement per-user or per-group rate limits. Here is one
example of how to implement per-user rates.
A Ratelimit model
This example leverages the database to store per-user rate limits. Keep in mind the additional load this may place on
your application’s database—which may very well be the resource you intend to protect. Consider caching these types
of queries.
# myapp/
class Ratelimit(models.Model):
group = models.CharField(db_index=True)
user = models.ForeignKey(null=True) # One option for "default"
rate = models.CharField()
def get(cls, group, user=None):
# use cache if possible
(continues on next page)
24 Chapter 3. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
return cls.objects.get(group=group, user=user)
except cls.DoesNotExist:
return cls.objects.get(group=group, user=None)
# myapp/
from myapp.models import Ratelimit
def per_user(group, request):
if request.user.is_authenticated:
return Ratelimit.get(group, request.user)
return Ratelimit.get(group)
# myapp/
@ratelimit(group='search', key='user',
def search_view(request):
# ...
It would be important to consider how to handle defaults, cases where the rate is not defined in the database, or the
group is new, etc. It would also be important to consider the performance impact of executing such a query as part of
the rate limiting process and consider how to store this data.
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26 Chapter 3. Contents
Indices and tables
Django Ratelimit Documentation, Release 4.1.0
28 Chapter 4. Indices and tables
get_usage() (built-in function), 11
is_ratelimited() (built-in function), 11
ratelimit() (built-in function), 8
ratelimit.exceptions.Ratelimited (built-in
class), 12