Public Notice: Denial of Accreditation Renewal
July 18, 2014
The DETC Accrediting Commission will provide written notice to the U.S. Secretary of Education, the
appropriate state licensing or authorizing agencies and accrediting agencies at the same time it notifies
the institution that the decision to deny accreditation is final. In addition, DETC will provide written
notice to the public on its website of the decision within 24 hours of the final decision and provide a
brief statement summarizing the reasons for the decision. (Procedure D.3. Notification and Information
Sharing, DETC Accreditation Handbook)
At its June 2014 meeting, the DETC Accrediting Commission voted to deny renewal of accreditation to
the following institution:
1776 EAST 17th STREET
The Commission informed Cleveland Institute of Electronics (CIE) of this decision on July 9, 2014 and
afforded the institution the opportunity to provide notice of its intention to appeal the decision by July
18, 2014. CIE did not elect to appeal. Therefore, the decision to deny renewal of accreditation and
remove the institution from DETC’s accredited list is effective July 18, 2014.
Summarized below are the accreditation standards that are the subject of the decision to deny renewal
of accreditation.
Standard VI.A. Owners, Governing Board Members, Officials, and Administration
The owners, governing board members, officials, and administrators possess appropriate
qualifications and experience for their positions and roles and have demonstrated the ability to
oversee institutional operations. The governing board members are knowledgeable and
experienced in one or more aspects of educational administration, finance, teaching/learning,
and distance study. The institution has policies that clearly delineate the duties and
responsibilities of governing board members, officials, and administrators. Individuals in
leadership and managerial roles are qualified by education and experience.
Standard I. B. Review and Publication of the Mission Statement
The instructors/faculty, administration, governing board, and institutional advisory
committees, if the institution has a governing board and advisory committee(s), regularly
review the mission statement, goals, and objectives. The current mission statement, goals, and
objectives are widely promulgated and readily accessible to students, faculty, staff, and other
Public Notice Denial of Accreditation Renewal
Cleveland Institute of Electronics
July 18, 2014
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Standard I.C. Implementation of the Mission, Goals, and Objectives
The institution can demonstrate that it is effectively carrying out its mission, is attaining its
goals and objectives, and is sharing appropriate information on its attainments with relevant
groups. The institution identifies the key indicators it uses in determining how it is meeting its
stated mission, goals, and objectives.
Standard II.A. Description of Program Objectives
Educational program objectives are clearly defined and simply stated. They indicate the
benefits for reasonably diligent students. The character, nature, quality, value, source of the
instruction, and educational services that are used to help students achieve the objectives are
set forth in language understood by the types of students enrolled. If a program prepares for
an occupation, field of occupations, or vocation, the objectives clearly state the types of
occupations for which preparation is given.
Standard II.B. Appropriate Programs Objectives
The program objectives must be reasonably attainable through electronically delivered, online,
or other methods of distance study. Appropriate objectives include the development of skills,
providing job-related training, the imparting of knowledge and information, the training in the
application of knowledge and skills, and the development of desirable habits and attitudes.
Evaluation of the program is based on the announced objectives and the success with which
students achieve the objectives.
Standard II.C. Comprehensive Curriculum
The curriculum is sufficiently comprehensive for students to achieve the stated program
objectives, and its content is supported by sound research and practice. An institution has
policies and procedures for determining credit hours as defined in C.9. Policy on Degree
Programs and/or clock hours it awards for its courses and/or programs.
Standard II.D. Up-to-Date Curriculum
The curriculum/curricula reflect(s) current knowledge and practice. Effective procedures are
used continuously to keep it/them up-to-date. Internal course/program reviews are conducted
on a periodic basis.
Standard II.F. Examinations and Other Assessment
Examinations and other assessment techniques are adequate evidence of the achievement of
the stated learning objectives and outcomes. The institution must publish its academic grading
policies, assignment marking system, course extension policy, and information on issuance and
completion of incomplete grades, and apply them with fairness and consistency.
Standard II.K. Educational Media and Learning Resources
Learning resources for faculty and students must be available and appropriate to the level and
scope of program offerings. Program designers and/or faculty/instructors make effective use
of appropriate teaching aids and learning resources, including educational media and
supplemental instructional aids, in creating programs and in teaching students. The institution
Public Notice Denial of Accreditation Renewal
Cleveland Institute of Electronics
July 18, 2014
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makes effective provisions for students to access learning resources and libraries that are
appropriate for the attainment of program learning outcomes.
Standard III.A. Student Inquiries and Submissions
Relevant student inquiries are welcome and are answered promptly and thoroughly. Accurate
assessment, correction services, and counseling by instructors/faculty are provided for
assignments/lessons and examinations. The institution has a process for maintaining and
protecting the confidentiality of student records, e.g., grades, test results, etc.
Standard III.B. Individual Differences
Provisions are made to be responsive and flexible to meet the individual differences of students
with diverse backgrounds, prior achievements, employment, and other relevant circumstances.
Counseling and guidance are provided, as required, to assist students to satisfy institutional
and program requirements, to achieve required program objectives and individual course
learning outcomes, and to achieve their educational goals.
Standard III.C. Handling Unsatisfactory Student Progress
Students who are unable to make satisfactory progress through the program are encouraged
to continue until they either show inability to make satisfactory progress or demonstrate
satisfactory progress.
Standard III.D. Encouragement of Students
An active program designed to optimize interaction between the institution and the student is
followed to encourage students to start, continue, and finish the program in which they have
enrolled, if continuing and finishing are the student’s goals.
Standard III.F. Appropriate Technology
The institution uses appropriate and readily accessible technology to optimize interaction
between the institution and the learner and enhance instructional and educational services.
Standard IV.B. Student Records
Essential, accurate student records are adequately and securely maintained and readily
Standard V.A. Achievement of Student Learning Outcomes and Benefits
The institution articulates student learning outcomes, has a systematic and ongoing process
for assessing student learning, and provides documented evidence that show that the results
are used to improve programs, curricula, instruction, faculty development, and services, and
the results meet appropriate benchmarked standards.
Standard V.B. Student Satisfaction
The institution regularly collects evidence that students are satisfied with the instructional and
educational services provided as described in C.14. Policy on Student Achievement and
Public Notice Denial of Accreditation Renewal
Cleveland Institute of Electronics
July 18, 2014
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Standard VI.C. Instructors/Faculty/Staff
The institution has a sufficient number of qualified instructors/faculty
to give individualized
instructional service to each student. The institution maintains files containing the résumés
and official transcripts of its instructors/faculty. Faculty are carefully screened for appointment
and are properly and continuously trained with respect to institution policies, learner needs,
instructional approaches and techniques, and the use of appropriate instructional technology.
The institution has clear, consistent procedures to evaluate faculty performance.
Qualifications for degree-granting institutions are described in C.9. Policy on Degree Programs.
Standard VI.F. Succession Plan
The institution has a written plan that outlines the process by which the leadership and
management succession would be approached and realized. The plan should identify specific
people, committees, or boards that would be responsible to carry on with the operation of the
institution. The plan should be reviewed and revised on an annual basis.
Standard VII.A. Admissions Practices
The admissions policies, requirements, and practices of the institution fully conform to DETC
Business Standard II. B. and C.9. Policy on Degree Programs.
Standard VII.B. Enrollment Agreement (Contracts)
The written enrollment agreement and/or other written enrollment documents specify clearly
the nature and scope of the course or program, the services and obligations of the institution,
and the responsibilities, and obligations, financial and otherwise, of the student. Any changes
in tuition, fees, and course or program policies and procedures must be made applicable to all
future enrollees, not those currently enrolled. The institution must use a written enrollment
agreement/contract that conforms to the provisions of DETC Business Standards II.A. and II.B.
Students must be given copies of these written agreements/contracts and/or other written
Public Notice Denial of Accreditation Renewal
Cleveland Institute of Electronics
August 1, 2014
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August 1, Update
When DETC informed CIE that the decision to withdraw accreditation was final as of July 18,
2014, it afforded CIE the opportunity to provide a written statement regarding the Accrediting
Commission’s decision. CIE did not provide a written statement.