Help After a Disaster
Applicants Guide to the Individuals & Households Program
August 2005
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the authority of section 408
of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §5174,
and Title 44 of the Code Federal Regulations (CFR) may provide financial assistance and,
if necessary, direct services to eligible individuals and households who, as a direct result
of a major disaster, have necessary expenses and serious needs and are unable to meet
such expenses or needs through other means.
Table of Contents
Overview of The Individuals and 1
Households Program (IHP)
Types Of Assistance 1
Your Civil Rights And Disaster Assistance 2
Disaster Assistance Process 2
Eligibility 2
Types Of Eligible Losses 4
Important Information About Disaster Help 5
If You Are Eligible For Help 6
If You Are Not Eligible For Help 7
Information About Insurance and Disaster Help 9
I Want To Have My Case Reviewed Again (Appeal) 10
Rebuilding and Repairing— Mitigation Measures 11
Information About Additional Disaster Help Programs 12
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers 14
Declaration And Release Form 19
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Help After a Disaster
Things To Do:
Contact Names and Numbers:
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals and Households Program
Overview of The Individuals and
Households Program
PURPOSE: When disasters take place, the Individuals and Households Program (IHP)
provides money and services to people in the disaster area when losses are not covered by
insurance and property has been damaged or destroyed.
This program guide provides information that will help you understand IHP and explains how
to apply. You must meet specific eligibility conditions to qualify for help.
IHP is designed to help you with critical expenses that cannot be covered in other ways.
LIMITATIONS: IHP will not cover all of your losses from damage to your property (home,
personal property, household goods) that resulted from the disaster.
IHP is not intended to restore your damaged property to its condition before the disaster. In
some cases, IHP may only provide enough money, up to the program limits, for you to return
an item to service.
IHP does not cover business-related losses that resulted from the disaster.
By law, IHP cannot provide money to you for losses that are covered by your insurance.
While some money is available through IHP, most disaster aid from the Federal government
is in the form of loans from the Small Business Administration (SBA) that must be repaid.
Applicants to IHP may be required to seek help from SBA first, before being considered for
certain types of IHP help.
Types of Assistance
The following list shows the types of assistance that are available through IHP and what
each provides.
Temporary Housing (a place to live for a limited period of time): Money is available
to rent a different place to live, or a government provided housing unit when rental
properties are not available.
Repair: Money is available to homeowners to repair damage from the disaster that is
not covered by insurance. The goal is to make the damaged home safe, sanitary, and
Replacement: Money is available to homeowners to replace their home destroyed in
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Help After a Disaster
the disaster that is not covered by insurance. The goal is to help the homeowner with
the cost of replacing their destroyed home.
Permanent Housing Construction: Direct assistance or money for the construction of
a home. This type of help occurs only in insular areas or remote locations specified by
FEMA, where no other type of housing assistance is possible.
Other Needs: Money is available for necessary expenses and serious needs caused by the
disaster. This includes medical, dental, funeral, personal property, transportation, moving
and storage, and other expenses that are authorized by law.
Your Civil Rights and Disaster Assistance
The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act) is the law that
authorizes Federal assistance when the President declares a State to be a disaster area. Section
308 of the Stafford Act protects individuals from discrimination on the basis of their race, color,
religion, nationality, sex, age, or economic status in all disaster assistance programs. Section 309
of the Stafford Act applies these non-discrimination provisions to all private relief organizations
participating in the response and recovery effort.
In addition, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 also protects individuals from discrimination
on the basis of their race, color, or national origin in programs that receive Federal financial as-
sistance. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a Federal law that protects individuals
with disabilities from discrimination in all programs receiving funds from the Federal govern-
ment or operated by the Federal government. Section 508 of that law prohibits discrimination
against persons with disabilities in regard to federally operated technology systems.
Disaster Assistance Process
To be used by people in Presidentially declared disaster areas:
1. Apply on online by visiting and clicking on the “Online Individual Assis-
tance Center” or by phone by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) (hearing/speech impaired ONLY—call
1-800-462-7585). In addition to having a pen and paper, please have the following information
ready to give to the person who takes your call:
Your Social Security Number.
A description of your losses that were caused by the disaster.
Insurance Information.
Directions to your damaged property.
A telephone number where you can be contacted.
When you apply over the phone, the information you provide is put into the computer and an
application is generated. At this point you will be provided a FEMA application number.
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals and Households Program
If you have questions AFTER you have applied for assistance or if the information you provided
has changed, call the FEMA Helpline at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) (hearing/speech impaired
ONLY—call 1-800-462-7585). When you call, have your application number ready. This
number will be given to you when you apply and will be on all mail sent to you from IHP.
2. Within about 10 days after you have applied for help, if an inspection is required to
process your application, an inspector will contact you to make an appointment to visit your
property. The inspector will contact you within 10 days of your application. In some cases you
may be contacted the same day that you apply. The inspector will visit your property to assess the
damage related to the disaster. There is no fee for the inspection. Inspectors are contractors, not FEMA
employees, but your inspector will have FEMA identication. You must be present for your scheduled
appointment. You must have proof of ownership and occupancy to show the inspector.
Proof of ownership (your deed, tax records, mortgage payment book, or a
copy of your dwelling’s insurance policy for the address, showing you as the
Proof of occupancy (your driver’s license address, any first-class govern-
ment mail sent to you within the last 3 months at that address, or recent utility
bills in your name at that address).
The Inspector will ask you to sign a form authorizing FEMA to verify that the information you
have given is correct. Inspectors file your report but do not determine your eligibility.
3. Within about 10 days of the inspector’s visit, you will receive a letter from IHP informing
you of the decision on your request for help.
If you are eligible for help, the letter will be followed by a U.S. Treasury/
State check or there will be a transfer of cash to your bank account. The letter
will explain what the money can be used to pay for. You should use the money
given to you as explained in the letter.
If you are not eligible for help, the letter will give the reason for the deci-
sion. You will be informed of your appeal rights in the letter from FEMA.
If you were referred to the Small Business Administration (SBA) for
help from the SBA Disaster Assistance Program, you will receive a SBA application.
To receive money or help for Housing Needs that are the result of a disaster, all of the fol-
lowing must be true:
You have losses in an area that has been declared a disaster area by the President.
You have filed for insurance benefits and the damaged to your property is
not covered by your insurance. You may be eligible for help from IHP to repair
damage to your property.
You or someone who lives with you is a citizen of the United States, a non-
citizen national, or a qualified alien.
Your home is in an area that has been declared a disaster area by the President.
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Help After a Disaster
The home in the disaster area is where you usually live and where you were
living at the time of the disaster.
You are not able to live in your home now, you cannot get to your home due
to the disaster, or your home requires repairs because of damage from the disaster.
To receive money for Other than Housing Needs that are the result of a disaster, all of the
following must be true:
You have losses in an area that has been declared a disaster area by the President.
You have filed for insurance benefits and the damage to your property is not
covered by your insurance. You may be eligible for help from IHP to repair
damage to your property.
You or someone who lives with you is a citizen of the United States, a non-
citizen national, or a qualified alien.
You have necessary expenses or serious needs because of the disaster.
You have accepted assistance from all other sources for which you are eli-
gible, such as insurance proceeds or SBA loans.
You may not be eligible for money or help from IHP if:
You have other, adequate rent-free housing that you can use (for example,
rental property that is not occupied).
Your home that was damaged is your secondary or vacation residence.
Your expenses resulted only from leaving your home as a precaution and
you were able to return to your home immediately after the incident.
You have refused assistance from your insurance provider(s).
Your only losses are business losses (including farm business other than the
farmhouse and self-employment) or items not covered by this program.
The damaged home where you live is located in a designated flood hazard
area and your community is not participating in the National Flood Insurance
Program. In this case, the flood damage to your home would not be covered,
but you may qualify for rental assistance or items not covered by flood insur-
ance, such as water wells, septic systems, medical, dental, or funeral expenses.
Types of Eligible Losses
IHP only covers repair or replacement of items that are damaged as a direct result of the disaster
that are not covered by insurance. Repairs or rebuilding may not improve your home above its
pre-disaster condition unless such improvements are required by current building codes.
Housing Needs: Money to repair your home is limited to making your home safe and sanitary
so you can live there. IHP will not pay to return your home to its condition before the disaster.
You may use your money provided for housing needs to repair:
Structural parts of your home (foundation, outside walls, roof).
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals and Households Program
Windows, doors, floors, walls, ceilings, cabinetry.
Septic or sewage system.
Well or other water system.
Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system.
Utilities (electrical, plumbing, and gas systems).
Entrance and exit ways from your home, including privately owned access roads.
Blocking, leveling, and anchoring of a mobile home and reconnecting or
resetting its sewer, water, electrical and fuel lines, and tanks.
Other than Housing Needs: Money to repair damaged personal property or to pay for disas-
ter-related necessary expenses and serious needs is limited to items or services that help prevent
or overcome a disaster-related hardship, injury, or adverse condition. IHP will not pay to return
or replace your personal property to its condition before the disaster. You may use your money
provided for other than housing needs to repair or pay for:
Disaster-related medical and dental costs.
Disaster-related funeral and burial cost.
Clothing; household items (room furnishings, appliances); tools (special-
ized or protective clothing and equipment) required for your job; necessary
educational materials (computers, school books, supplies).
Fuels for primary heat source (heating oil, gas, firewood)
Clean-up items (wet/dry vacuum, air purifier, dehumidifier)
Disaster damaged vehicle.
Moving and storage expenses related to the disaster (moving and storing
property to avoid additional disaster damage while disaster-related repairs are
being made to the home).
Other necessary expenses or serious needs as determined by FEMA.
Important Information
About Disaster Help
Money received from IHP for Housing and Other than Housing Needs must be used for eli-
gible expenses only, as identified by FEMA.
If you do not use the money as explained by FEMA, you may not be
eligible for any additional help and may have to give the money back.
Is usually limited to up to 18 months from the date the President declares
the disaster.
Does not have to be repaid.
Is tax-free.
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Help After a Disaster
Is not counted as income or a resource in determining eligibility for
welfare, income assistance, or income-tested benefit programs funded by the
Federal government.
Is exempt from garnishment, seizure, encumbrance, levy, execution, pledge,
attachment, release, or waiver.
May not be reassigned or transferred to another person.
You must keep receipts or bills for 3 years to demonstrate how all of the money was used
in meeting your disaster-related need.
Before you begin any repairs, check with your local building department to find out what
local permits or inspections are required.
If You Are Eligible for Help
If your application for help under IHP has met the required conditions and has been approved,
the money or help you receive must be used as described below. Money from this program may
not be used to pay utilities or for staying with family or friends. Below is an explanation of the
Dental: Money to address the cost of dental treatments due to dental injuries received during
the disaster.
Funeral: Money to address the cost of funeral services, burial or cremation, and other funeral
expenses related to a death caused by the disaster.
Home Repair: Money, available to homeowners, to address the cost of labor and materials for
repairs to your home to make it safe, sanitary and/or functional.
Housing Assistance: Help with the cost of disaster-related housing needs.
Medical: Money to address the cost of medical treatment or the purchase of medical equip-
ment required because of physical injuries received as a result of the disaster.
Moving and Storage: Money to address the costs of moving and storing personal property
from the disaster-damage dwelling to avoid additional disaster-related damage.
Other: Money to address the cost of other specific disaster-related needs approved for the
Permanent Housing: Due to a lack of rental resources, the infeasibility of home repair and re-
placement housing assistance and the lack of available building contractors in your area, FEMA
will have your home rebuilt.
Personal Property: Money to address the cost of repairing and/or replacing disaster-damaged
items, such as furniture, bedding, appliances, and clothing.
Rental Assistance: Money to address the cost of renting another place to live. For homeown-
ers, this money may be provided in addition to Home Repair, if needed.
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals and Households Program
Replacement Housing: Money to help with the cost of replacing your home, up to the limits
allowed by law, because it is not safe, sanitary, and/or functional.
Transient Accommodations: Money to address the cost of temporary lodging expenses (hotel
or motel) related to the disaster.
Transportation: Money to address the cost of repairing and/or replacing your vehicle that is
no longer usable because of disaster-related damage.
If You are Not Eligible for Help
If your application for help under IHP has not met the required conditions and has been
denied, then read below for an explanation of the denial reason(s) that are listed under the
“Determinations” heading in your decision letter.
I69B-Ineligible – Signature not Obtained (90-69B): The required signature or documents
requested has not been provided.
IANS – Applicant statement/Authorization (90-69B) not signed: The required signature or
documents requested has not been provided.
IARC-ARC Assisted: Disaster assistance may not be provided when money is available from, or
your needs have been met by, another source.
IAW-Ineligible – Assisted with Household Member: Our records show that another member
of your pre-disaster household applied and received help for your losses.
ICBRA-Damaged Dwelling located in CBRA or OPA: Your home is located in a Coastal Barrier
Resources System (CBRS) area or an otherwise protected area. Under Federal laws that protect
these lands from development, we do not provide Federal assistance to persons who live in
these areas.
IDEA – Ineligible for dental due to previous EAD Award: The maximum amount of money
under this category has been provided.
IDNS-Self-declaration (90-69D) not signed: The required signature or document requested
has not been provided.
IDUPA-Duplicate Application: Our records show that a member of your pre-disaster house-
hold has already registered for help.
IDUPL-Duplicate losses awarded under another application: Our records show that another
member of your pre-disaster household has received help for your household’s losses.
IID-Ineligible Insufficient Damage: There was not enough damage to your home or property
for you to qualify for this program.
IINS – Ineligible due to insurance coverage: Your insurance should cover your disaster-related
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Help After a Disaster
IINSI-Ineligible: All categories have appropriate insurance excluding flood, inspection
completed -Your insurance should cover your disaster-related losses.
IINSN – Ineligible due to insurance, no inspection completed: Your insurance should cover
your disaster-related losses.
IISS-Ineligible – Insufficient Substantiation Submitted: You have not provided enough
documentation to support your application for assistance.
IMEA – Ineligible for medical due to previous EAM Award: The maximum amount of
money under this category has been provided.
INC-Ineligible – No change on appeal, original ineligible status stands: You are not eligible
for any further assistance under this category. Your file is now closed.
INDR-Ineligible – Damages Not Disaster Related: The condition of your home was not
caused or aggravated by the disaster.
INFI-Ineligible – Has Flood Insurance: Your insurance should cover your disaster-related
INI-Ineligible – Ineligible Insurance: Your insurance should cover your disaster-related losses.
INLR-Ineligible – Not Legal Resident: In order to be eligible for assistance from this pro-
gram, either you, an adult member of your household, or your child must be a U.S. Citizen,
Non-Citizen National, or a Qualified Alien.
INO-Ineligible-Other: Your application for assistance is denied. Please see specific reason on
INP-Ineligible – Not Primary Residence: You have not provided enough documentation to
prove the home that was damaged was the home where you were living at the time of the
INS-Insured: Your insurance should cover your disaster-related losses.
INSL-Ineligible – Non-sufficient damages per inspection: There was not enough damage to
your home or property for you to qualify for this program.
INSS-Ineligible – No substantiation submitted: You have not provided enough documenta-
tion to support your application for assistance.
IOR-Other Reason: Your application for assistance is denied. Please see specific reason on letter.
IOWN – Ownership Not Provided: You have not provided enough ownership documentation
to prove ownership.
ISBA – SBA loan covered losses: Disaster assistance may not be provided when money is
available from, or your needs have been met by, another source.
ISC – Sanctioned Community in SFHA: Your community does not participate in the National
Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or has been suspended from the NFIP; you are not eligible for
disaster assistance. If your community joins the NFIP within 6 months of this disaster declara-
tion date, we may re-evaluate your need for assistance.
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals and Households Program
IVINS-Vehicle – No Liability Insurance: Disaster assistance may not be provided for a vehicle
that does not meet the terms of state law.
IVNE-Vehicle – Non Essential: Disaster assistance may not be provided for a vehicle when a
second vehicle is available.
IVNR-Vehicle – Not Licensed/Registered: Disaster assistance may not be provided for a
vehicle that does not meet the terms of state law.
IVRC-Vehicle – Cosmetic Damage: There was not enough damage to your vehicle for you to
qualify for this program.
NCOMP Non-compliant with flood insurance requirement: Our records indicate that flood
insurance on the damaged home has not been maintained as required. Failing to maintain
flood insurance makes this home ineligible for assistance for damages to the property caused by
NPND-NFIRA – Non Compliance: Our records indicate that flood insurance on the damaged
home has not been maintained as required. Failing to maintain flood insurance makes this
home ineligible for assistance for damages to the property caused by flooding.
W69B-Withdrawn – Signature not Obtained (90-69B): Your application has been with-
drawn because we have not received the required signature or documents requested.
W69D-Withdrawn – Signature not Obtained (90-69D): Your application has been with-
drawn because we have not received the required signature or documents requested.
WNC-Withdrawn – No Contact: Your application for assistance has been withdrawn because
we have not been able to contact you.
WNCS – No contact for State IFG: Your application for assistance has been withdrawn be-
cause we have not been able to contact you.
WVO-Withdrawn – Applicant Withdrew Voluntarily: At your request, we have withdrawn
your application for assistance.
WVOA-Voluntary by Applicant: At your request, we have withdrawn your application for assis-
Information About
Insurance and Disaster Help
This page contains important information about insurance and disaster assistance.
If you have not already contacted your insurance agent to file a claim, please do this as soon
as possible. Failure to file a claim with your insurance company may affect your eligibility for
help under IHP. After filing your claim, if any of the following situations occur, please call the
FEMA Disaster Helpline at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) for additional information.
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Help After a Disaster
Your insurance settlement is delayed. If a decision on your insurance
settlement has been delayed longer than 30 days from the time you filed the
claim, you will need to write a letter to FEMA explaining the circumstance.
You should include documentation from the insurance company proving that
you filed the claim. If you filed your claim over the telephone, you should
include the claim number, date when you applied, and the estimated time of
how long it will take to receive your settlement. Any help awarded to you by
FEMA would be considered an advance and must be repaid to FEMA once an
insurance settlement is received.
Your insurance settlement is insufficient to meet your disaster-related
needs. If you have received the maximum settlement from your insurance
and still have an unmet disaster-related need, you will need to write a letter to
FEMA indicating the unmet disaster-related need. You will also need to send in
documentation from your insurance company for review.
You have exhausted the Additional Living Expenses (ALE) provided by
your insurance company. If you have received the maximum settlement from
your insurance for Additional Living Expenses (Loss of Use) and still need help
with your disaster-related temporary housing need, write a letter to FEMA
indicating why you continue to have a temporary housing need. You will also
need to provide documentation to prove use of ALE from insurance, and a
permanent housing plan.
You are unable to locate rental resources in your area. The FEMA
Helpline has a list of rental resources in the disaster area. If no resources
are available in your county, then the Helpline agent can provide you with
resources in an adjacent county.
You have up to twelve (12) months from the date you registered with FEMA to submit your
insurance information for review. By law, IHP cannot provide money to individuals or
households for losses that are covered by insurance.
I Want to Have My Case Reviewed
Again (APPEAL)
You may appeal any decision. Appeals may relate to your eligibility, the amount or type
of help provided to you, late applications, requests to return money, or questions regarding
continuing help. When you appeal a decision, you are asking IHP to review your case again.
Before you appeal a decision, please refer to the specific information in this guide about quali-
fying for help. This guide should answer most of your questions about the expenses covered
under this program.
If, after you review this guide, you still do not agree with the decision about your application
or help received, follow these steps to appeal the decision:
1. Explain in writing why you think the decision about the amount or type of assis-
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals and Households Program
tance you received is not correct. You, or someone who represents you or your house-
hold, should sign the letter. If the person writing the letter is not a member of your
household, there must be a signed statement saying that that person may act for you.
2. Include the FEMA registration number and disaster number (shown at the top of
your decision letter) in your letter of appeal.
3. Mail your appeal letter to:
FEMA – Individuals & Households Program
National Processing Service Center
P.O. Box 10055
Hyattsville, MD 20782-7055
4. You can fax you appeal letter to:
(800) 827-8112
Attention: FEMA – Individuals & Households Program
IMPORTANT: To be considered by IHP, your appeal letter must be postmarked within 60 days
of the date of the decision letter’s date. Remember to date your letters.
If you need information about your case, you or someone from your household may
request a copy of the information in your file by writing to:
FEMA – Records Management
National Processing Service Center
P.O. Box 10055
Hyattsville, MD 20782-7055
If someone outside of your household is submitting the request for you, then
the request also must contain a statement signed by you giving that person your
authorization to request this information.
Rebuilding and Repairing —
Mitigation Measures
Mitigation measures are building improvements that reduce the risk of damage in future events.
After a major disaster, you will make many decisions as you rebuild or repair property that was
damaged. Some of these decisions could help protect your property from damage if another
disaster occurs. For example, if appliances or major utilities are raised off the ground, the like-
lihood of damage from flooding is reduced.
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Help After a Disaster
A FEMA Mitigation Advisor at your local Disaster Recovery Center can give you more informa-
tion about reducing future losses through mitigation. Listed below are a few examples of
mitigation measures.
Elevate or relocate an electrical panel
Elevate or relocate a clothes washer or dryer
Anchor a fuel storage tank
Level and anchor a mobile home
Elevate, relocate, or strap a water heater
Relocate a heating unit.
Elevation of a hot water heater, furnace, washer and dryer.
For information about mitigation projects such as the one shown on this page, call or visit your
local emergency management-planning official, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, or FEMA staff
at a Disaster Recovery Center. Information on mitigation also is available at:
To order publications about mitigation projects, call FEMA Publications at 1-800-480-2520.
Information About
Additional Disaster Help Programs
This section contains a general listing of the types of disaster help available during a Presi-
dentially declared major disaster. During a major disaster if you feel you have disaster-related
needs that can be addressed by an agency or service listed in this section, you should contact
the FEMA Disaster Helpline at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362)(hearing/speech impaired ONLY—call
1-800-462-7585) for referral information.
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals and Households Program
Aging Services: Services are available to meet the needs of the elderly who have been directly
affected by a declared disaster (i.e., transportation, meals, home care, etc.).
Agricultural Aid: The USDA Rural Development may make emergency loans to farmers and
ranchers (owners or tenants) who were operating and managing a farm or ranch at the time
of the disaster. These loans are limited to the amount necessary to compensate for actual losses
to essential property and/or production capacity. Farmers and ranchers may also apply for cost
sharing grants for emergency conservation programs such as debris removal from crop/pasture
lands, repairs to land/water conservation structures, and permanent fencing. Further informa-
tion is available from the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA).
Assistance From Financial Institutions: Banks that are members of the Federal Deposit Insur-
ance Corporation (FDIC), Federal Reserve System (FRS), or the Federal Home Loan Bank Board
(FHLBB) may permit early withdrawal of time deposits, without penalty. Contact your financial
institution to see if they have obtained a waiver from their regulatory agency.
Business Loan Program: Disaster loans through the Small Business Administration (SBA)
are available to businesses to repair or replace destroyed or damaged business facilities, inven-
tory, machinery, or equipment. The maximum loan amount is $ 1,500,000. If you have been
referred to this program you will be receiving an application package in the mail. For more
information or help in completing this form, refer to your SBA application package or the SBA
website at
Consumer Services: Counseling is available on consumer problems such as non-availability of
products and services needed for reconstruction, price gouging, disreputable business concerns
and practices, etc.
Crisis Counseling: Referral services and short-term intervention counseling is available for
mental health problems caused or aggravated by the disaster.
Disaster Unemployment Assistance: This assistance provides weekly benefit payments to
those out of work due to the disaster, including self-employed persons, farm and ranch owners,
and others not covered under regular unemployment insurance programs.
Emergency Assistance: Emergency food, clothing, shelter, and medical assistance may be
provided to individuals and families having such needs as a result of the disaster. The American
Red Cross (ARC), the Salvation Army, church groups, and other voluntary organizations can
provide assistance.
Financial Counseling: Provides financial and economic guidance and assistance to individuals
and small businesses affected by disasters. HOPE Coalition America offers free financial coun-
seling and provides helpful documents such as the “Emergency Financial First Aid Kit” and the
“Personal Disaster Preparedness Guide. These documents are available and can be download for
free from their website at For more information you can call: 1-888-388-
HOPE (4673).
Hazard Mitigation: You may receive funds to prevent future damage to your major utilities
(i.e., furnace, water heater, electrical service) by either elevation or relocation of these utilities
in your home.
Home and Personal Property Loan Program: Disaster loans through the Small Business Ad-
ministration (SBA) are available to homeowners and renters for restoring or replacing disaster
damaged real and personal property. The maximum real estate portion of the loan is $200,000
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Help After a Disaster
and for personal property is $40,000. The loan amount is limited to the amount of uninsured
SBA verified losses. If you have been referred to this program you will find more information
in the “Application Summary” on the back of the Disaster Assistance Application Form.
Insurance Information: Help and/or counseling is available on insurance problems and ques-
tions, which may include obtaining copies of lost policies, claims filing, expediting settlements,
etc. If you have not been able to resolve your problem with your insurance company you may
contact your State Insurance Commissioner. For flood insurance inquiries, contact the National
Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
Legal Services: Free or reduced legal services, including legal advice, counseling, and repre-
sentation may be provided to low-income disaster victims.
Social Security: Help is available from the Social Security Administration (SSA) in expediting
delivery of checks delayed by the disaster and in applying for Social Security disability and
survivor benefits..
Federal Tax Assistance: The federal tax laws allow the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to grant
relief to taxpayers who are victims of a Presidentially declared disaster. This relief includes post-
poning tax deadlines to provide you with extra time to file and pay before you will be assessed
any penalty, additional amount, or addition to the tax, or abating your interest for periods for
which you received an extension of time to file tax returns and pay taxes because you were
located in a Presidentially declared disaster area.
Generally, qualified disaster relief payments are not required to be reported in gross income.
Qualified disaster relief payments include payments received from any source to pay reasonable
and necessary personal, family, living, or funeral expenses incurred as a result of a Presidentially
declared disaster. The IRS may allow casualty losses that were suffered on home, personal
property, and household goods to be deducted on the income tax return if they are not covered
by insurance. Taxpayers may also file an amended return to receive an early tax refund. More
information, forms and publications can be found on the IRS web at
Other Tax Assistance: County tax assessors may provide information and assistance on pos-
sible property tax relief.
Veteran’s Benefits: The Veterans Administration (VA) can expedite delivery of information
about benefits, pensions, insurance settlements, and VA mortgage loans.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Disaster Awards: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
What is FEMA? FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which is respon-
sible for providing and coordinating emergency services in Federally declared disaster
areas. FEMA works as a partner with other parts of the Federal government and with
State and local governments and voluntary organizations.
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals and Households Program
What types of help are available in a disaster? Two primary Federal programs offer disaster assistance.
FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program provides money and direct
services to those affected by a major disaster. Requirements must be met to
qualify for help from this program.
The U.S. Small Business Administration provides low-interest loans for
damage to property owned by homeowners, renters, businesses and private non-
profit organizations that are not fully covered by insurance.
Does disaster help have to be repaid? Money received through FEMA’s Individuals and Households
Program does not have to be repaid. Loans from the Small Business Administration must be repaid.
Can I apply for help for my damaged car? Yes. You will need to provide proof of ownership and
insurance information.
Can I apply for help for food that has been lost because of the disaster? No. Food loss is not covered by IHP.
Voluntary organizations in the disaster area may be able to help you with food needs.
Will any program pay for moving and storage expenses? Costs of moving and storage may be covered
by IHP, if these costs are directly related to the disaster. Submit receipts to IHP to see if they are
What happens after I apply for help with FEMA? Within about ten days of your application to FEMA,
a qualified inspector will contact you to set up a time to see the damage to your property that
was caused by the disaster. Your losses will be recorded and submitted to IHP. Within about
ten more days, you should have a decision about whether you qualify for help from IHP. If you
have been referred for a disaster loan from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), SBA
will also contact you and schedule an appointment to review your disaster-related losses.
How long will it take to get FEMA/State disaster help? If you are eligible for help, you should receive
a U.S. Treasury/State check or notification of a deposit to your bank account within about ten
days of the inspector’s visit. Other types of help may be provided later, based on specific eligi-
bility and need.
If I have questions about my application or need to change some of the information I provided, what should I
do? Call the FEMA Disaster Helpline at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) (hearing/speech impaired
only: 1-800-462-7585).
If it has been more than 12 days since the FEMA inspector’s visit and there has been no word from FEMA,
what should I do? Call the FEMA Disaster Helpline at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) (hearing/speech
impaired only: 1-800-462-7585) to ask about your application. If there is a Disaster Recovery
Center (DRC) in your area, you also may inquire there about your application.
If I do not agree with the results of the inspection or with the amount of money I received from FEMA, what
should I do? You can appeal the decision. Appeal procedures are outlined in this guide (page
12), or you can call the FEMA Disaster Helpline at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) (hearing/speech
impaired only: 1-800-462-7585) for information about the appeal process.
What type of ownership documentation can I provide to support my application for help? Below are a few
types of documents that may be provided to prove ownership:
Deed or Official record may be the original deed or deed of trust to the
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Help After a Disaster
property listing you as the legal owner.
Title number which lists you on the actual escrow or title document for the
purchase of the dwelling.
Mortgage payment book or other mortgage documents (i.e. late payment
notice, foreclosure notice) may be used to verify the ownership when your
name is listed along with the damaged dwelling address.
Real property insurance must be for the damage dwelling you are occupy-
ing with your name listed as the Insured.
Tax receipts or a property tax bill showing the damaged dwelling and listing
you as the responsible party to the assessments.
What type of occupancy documentation can I provide to support my application for help? Below are a few
types of documents that may be provided to prove Occupancy:
Utility Bill for the damage dwelling you are occupying with your name (or
name of co-applicant). The utility bill should be for one of the major utilities,
such as electricity, gas, or water.
Merchant’s Statement sent to the damage dwelling you are occupying with
your name (or name of co-applicant). Merchant statements include: credit
card bills, delivery notices, or other first class mail addressed to you and show-
ing the damaged dwelling address.
Employers Statement sent to the damage dwelling you are occupying with
your name (or name of co-applicant). An Employer’s statement refers to pay stubs
and similar documents sent to you and showing the damaged dwelling address.
Current Driver’s License showing the address of the damage dwelling.
Where can I get information about flood insurance? Call a local, licensed casualty or property insur-
ance agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1-800-427-4661.
Should I begin cleaning my home before the inspection? You may clean before the inspection. If possible,
take photos of the damage before you clean. Remember to keep receipts for all of your expenses.
Disaster Loans: U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
Why did I receive a disaster loan application from SBA after applying with FEMA? SBA is the primary
source of federal funds for long-term recovery assistance for disaster victims. For disaster dam-
age to private property owned by homeowners, renters, and non-farm businesses of all sizes,
which is not fully covered by insurance, the basic form of Federal help is a low-interest disaster
loan from the SBA. By making affordable loans, the SBA disaster loan program helps disaster
victims pay for their repairs while keeping costs to the taxpayer reasonable.
How can I get help filling out the application for an SBA disaster loan? SBA has loan officers in SBA local
disaster offices to provide face-to-face service to disaster victims. You may visit SBA at any of
these locations, and without an appointment. An SBA representative will be glad to answer
questions and to help complete your application. To find out where SBA disaster offices are
located an applicant can call SBA toll-free at 1-800-488-5323.
If I have already received a check from FEMA, but it was not enough to pay for all the work needed to fix the
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals and Households Program
disaster damages, can I get more help? Yes. SBA disaster loans are available to cover the amount of
repair costs that have not already been fully compensated. Application should be made to SBA
for any additional amount needed to complete recovery.
I think I can pay for the repairs on my own, should I apply for a disaster loan? You may discover that the
total costs to complete repairs on your own are more than you planned. With an approved SBA loan, you
will know that the funds to make full repairs are available. While no one wants additional debt, a low
interest loan with affordable payments is a better alternative than not making complete disaster repairs.
What happens if I cannot afford a loan to repair damaged property? If SBA determines you cannot afford
a loan, SBA will automatically refer you back to FEMA for additional help. FEMA may be able
to provided money for other than housing needs, however this additional help is not available
to businesses. FEMA’s additional help is intended to meet necessary expenses and serious needs
not met by any other form of help, including insurance and SBA disaster loans. Remember,
if you were sent a SBA disaster loan application, SBA will not refer you back to FEMA unless a
completed loan application is returned to the SBA and SBA determines that you cannot afford a
Your Civil Rights and Disaster Assistance
What forms of discrimination do Civil Rights laws prohibit? There are many forms of illegal
discrimination that can limit the opportunity of people to gain equal access to services and
programs. Among other things, in operating a FEMA-assisted program, a recipient (state or
local government agency that receives Federal disaster funds from FEMA) cannot, on the basis
of race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, or economic status, either directly or through
contractual means:
Deny program services, aids or benefits;
Provide a different service, aid or benefit, or provide them in a manner dif-
ferent than they are provided to others; or,
Segregate or separately treat individuals in any matter related to the receipt
of any service, aid, or benefit.
These prohibitions also apply to FEMA itself in its operation of federally conducted programs.
What if I have a Civil Rights complaint? Each Federal Agency that provides Federal financial
assistance is responsible for investigating complaints of discrimination in the use of its funds.
If you believe you or others protected by the Civil Rights laws have been discriminated against
in receiving disaster assistance, you may contact a FEMA Equal Rights Officer (ERO), who has
the job of ensuring equal access to all FEMA disaster programs. The ERO will attempt to resolve
your issues. You may reach the ERO by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362) or TTY 1-
If the matter is not resolved, you may file a complaint with FEMA. A signed, written complaint
should be sent to the Office of Equal Rights, generally within 180 days of the date of the
alleged discrimination. The complaint must include:
Your name, address, and telephone number. Your complaint must be
signed. If you are filing on behalf of another person, include your name,
address, telephone number, and your relationship to that person (e.g., friend,
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Help After a Disaster
attorney, parent, etc.)
The name and address of the agency, institution or department you believe
discriminated against you.
How, why, and when you believe you were discriminated against. Include
as much background information as possible about the alleged acts of dis-
crimination. Include names of individuals whom you allege discriminated
against you, if you know them.
The names of any persons, if known, that FEMA could contact for additional
information to support or clarify your allegations. operation of federally con-
ducted programs.
What will FEMA do with my complaint? Once a complaint is filed, it will be reviewed by FEMA
to determine whether it has jurisdiction to investigate the issues you have raised. If your
complaint is accepted, FEMA will investigate it and attempt to resolve any violations that are
found. If negotiations to correct a violation are unsuccessful, enforcement proceedings may be
What if I am retaliated against for asserting my rights or filing a complaint? You should be aware that a
recipient or a Federal agency is prohibited from retaliating against you or any person because
he or she opposed an unlawful policy or practice, or made charges, testified, or participated
in any complaint action under a Civil Rights law. If you believe that you have been retaliated
against, you should immediately contact FEMA’s Office of Equal Rights.
FEMA assistance is available to any affected person or household that meets the
conditions of eligibility. No Federal, State, or local entity or official (or their agent) may
discriminate against any individual because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national
origin, disability, or economic status.
FEMA Disaster Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) • Hearing/Speech Impaired ONLY: Call 1-800-462-7585
Applicant’s Guide to the Individuals and Households Program