What does SAS
Oce Analytics do?
It combines SAS® Enterprise Guide® and SAS Add-In for Microsoft Oce so that PC users
in any size organization can access and share powerful SAS Analytics and BI reports using
a Windows-based interface and Microsoft Oce applications. Credentialed users can em-
bed SAS Analytics results directly into Excel spreadsheets, Word documents or PowerPoint
presentations, and update charts and reports directly from their Microsoft Oce applica-
tions. Executives can receive reports and track organizational performance from within
their Outlook email.
Why is SAS® Oce Analytics important?
Powerful business intelligence capabilities are now within the reach of any business user,
with minimal IT support. Users can access and share more accurate, fact-based information
for greater collaboration and better-informed decision making.
For whom is SAS® Oce Analytics designed?
It’s designed for business and data analysts tasked with data preparation and guided
analysis, as well as business users and executives who need to access the analytical results,
visualizations and reports.
Oce Analytics
Powerful analytics, interactive reports and data visualization from
familiar Microsoft Oce environments
Organizations have huge volumes of data
and are amassing more at amazing
speeds. Pulling together all that data and
transforming it into valuable information
can be challenging.
But gaining access to data is only part of
the issue. Even when information is acces-
sible, it’s often scattered among dierent
sources and databases, and the potential
for reporting errors is high. IT departments
struggle to manage it all in the face of
shrinking budgets and limited resources.
SAS Oce Analytics puts the power of
SAS Analytics in the hands of business
users via the familiar environment of Micro-
soft Oce products. From intuitive point-
and-click interfaces, SAS Oce Analytics
reduces the learning curve, enabling
business users to get valuable insights
Access SAS from your Microsoft Oce
applications. An intuitive point-and-click
interface puts information where people
can easily get to it, and in today’s world
that means Microsoft Oce applications:
Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Guided analysis via built-in tasks and
visual process flows means even SAS
novices can quickly perform sophisti-
cated analyses, schedule projects and
share results.
Create and share reports with anyone,
anywhere. Create and distribute custom
wizards as needed, and deliver informa-
tion through an established publishing
framework. You can also publish
dynamic, interactive content – including
charts, graphs and data visualizations
created in SAS Visual Analytics – to
Microsoft Oce and web users.
Liberate IT by centralizing data access.
Centralized access to corporate data
enables IT to ensure that their organiza-
tion’s many PC users have appropriate
access privileges, while empowering
them to react quickly to changing
business demands. And because the
software enables self-sucient data
preparation and guided analysis, IT is
free to focus on more strategic initiatives.
Achieve greater productivity through
grid computing. Integration with
SAS Grid Manager enables workload
balancing and ecient use of
computing assets, which is important for
SAS Enterprise Guide users who are
running large processing tasks. Jobs can
be scheduled to make the best use of
available resources, saving time and
producing faster results.
SAS Oce Analytics is an easy-to-use,
project-oriented solution that provides
access to the analytical and visual power of
SAS via the familiarity of a Windows environ-
ment. Business analysts can gather, prepare
and manage data, perform meaningful
analyses and easily share results using
familiar Microsoft Oce applications – Excel,
Word, PowerPoint and Outlook email.
A tiered licensing model accommodates
organizations of all sizes. Buy just what you
need and expand as your needs grow.
Data access, preparation
and centralized management
of SAS® data assets
Microsoft Excel users can access and view a
variety of data sources and analyze the data
with SAS. An intuitive query interface returns
results directly to Excel spreadsheets so you
can preview and query data sources larger
than those permitted by Microsoft Excel.
Several thousand rows of data can be
browsed at the same time. This ensures
more accurate analyses based on a
complete set of records, while eliminating
problems associated with summarized
data formats, which are often subsets or
aggregations of detail data.
Because data processing is performed on
the SAS server, the data limitations of Micro-
soft Oce are bypassed.
Filter and Sort dialog boxes in SAS Enter-
prise Guide make it easy to reduce and
organize results to acceptable sizes, as well
as to identify the data to be inserted into
Microsoft Excel. Results from various data
sources can be delivered as raw data into
Excel for further manipulation with native
Excel functionality.
With SAS Oce Analytics, you can refresh
data automatically, as well as rerun any
queries and apply relevant filters to ensure
that the most up-to-date information is avail-
able. You can switch dynamically between
multiple data sources, which lets you run
multiple tasks with dierent data sources
from within one worksheet or document.
You receive a warning whenever the result
set will be over the size limit you have set.
Streamlined, centralized security gives
decision makers access to the data they
need without overburdening IT. The result is
fewer backlogs, easy access to accurate
information and faster, more-informed
decision making.
Analyze data with SAS and return results directly to your Excel spreadsheet. Business
users can even use Excel features to complement SAS Visual Analytics reports.
View KPIs, reports, graphs and other data visualizations from Microsoft Outlook email.
Data access, preparation and centralized management of SAS data assets
Map physical data structures to business terms in an easy-to-use interface.
Access data from virtually any data source, including multiple sources at once.
Define consistent business views of nonrelational and relational data.
Create one business view over disparate database management systems for a
combined set of query attributes.
Combine data from multiple sources.
Control the size of result sets that can be returned to avoid long-running queries.
Capture consistent business rules and specify allowable options and prompts for
Create and manage repositories and prompts (including cascading prompts that use
dynamically generated value lists), define access controls, and register and manage
users and groups through a single interface.
Guided analysis
Enable power users, programmers and analysts to perform more advanced types
of analyses using .NET-based native Windows applications.
An enhanced user interface includes context-sensitive menus, toolbars and
role-based user definitions.
Includes a large number of prebuilt tasks and task templates for a variety of topics.
Create complex conditional processing faster with wizard-driven conditional flow
logic capabilities.
Enhance programmer productivity with program editor features, such as
autocomplete and integrated syntax.
Improve the eciency of query-building processes with computed columns
creation, filtering options and the ability to preview results.
Easily incorporate geospatial data into analyses.
Query and subset data graphically from any accessible source or write SQL/MDX.
Package results into SAS Stored Processes for use in all SAS BI interfaces and
Microsoft Oce to gain access to anything SAS can do, allowing work to be
distributed without IT involvement while maintaining security.
Use the SAS DATA step debugger in SAS Enterprise Guide to set breakpoints in your
code or watch for changes in the values of your variables.
Control the debugger using toolbars, windows or the command line.
View all errors, warnings and notes generated, as well as related line numbers and
a sample of the aected code, in a log summary window.
Identify potential internationalization issues in SAS programs and get substitution
Add notes to a process flow or to specific objects in the process flow.
Includes an .msi installer and application streaming support.
Microsoft Oce integration
Access SAS capabilities for data access, reporting and analytics directly from
Microsoft Oce tools, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
Create wizard-driven reports within Microsoft Oce tools.
View previously created results oine.
Use Microsoft Excel as an application instead of an ad hoc data store.
Access data from any centrally IT-defined enterprise data source and perform a write
back to source data using Microsoft Excel.
Refresh data at the click of a button from any central, IT-defined enterprise data source.
Key Features
Powerful SAS® Analytics
SAS oers the most powerful and extensive
set of analytics available. SAS Oce
Analytics provides a wide range of descrip-
tive and predictive statistical methods – from
traditional analysis of variance to dynamic
visualization techniques.
Using statistical software can help you
uncover new information for improving
processes, driving development and
revenues, and retaining valued and satisfied
Graphics and reporting
Almost everyone has some familiarity with
Microsoft Oce applications. With SAS
Oce Analytics, employees can now use
those familiar applications for viewing
analytical results, interacting with reports
and collaborating with colleagues in a more
meaningful way.
SAS Oce Analytics lets you easily create
reports and share findings. You can publish
and distribute Microsoft Oce documents
with embedded SAS Analytics to relevant
decision makers using native Microsoft func-
tionality. Recipients can update the
embedded results from the Microsoft Oce
documents on demand, as needed.
As more people have access to data and
analytics, it’s important to tell a meaningful
story with data. These conversations are
critical for understanding, interpretation and
Seamless integration between SAS Oce
Analytics and SAS Visual Analytics enables
you to include data visualizations or reports
from this powerful data visualization
software within your Microsoft Oce apps.
That means users can view and comment on
dynamic reports sent to their Outlook
mailbox. And all comments are kept with the
report, so there’s no need to consolidate
comments later.
SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries.
indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2017, SAS Institute Inc.
All rights reserved. 105595_G51073.0617
Key Features (continued)
Cycle through data that exceeds Microsoft Excel’s row limitations. Server-side
optimization ensures large data sources are never transferred as one to the client.
Use all Microsoft Excel capabilities on the data displayed, while always having access
to the latest view of information.
Embed intelligence and information derived from SAS into Microsoft Word and Excel.
Deliver results as a PDF, RTF or HTML with Microsoft Word, raw data (CSV) or HTML
into Excel for further manipulation with native Microsoft Oce functionality.
Manipulate pivot tables to illustrate multidimensional data from various sources.
Deliver graphics results directly into Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook in
any of these formats: ActiveX, PDF, GIF, JPEG or PNG.
Refresh tables and charts automatically to get the latest view of information, pulling
from current data that is centrally maintained.
Enable distribution of embedded results on demand using native Microsoft Oce
Use the latest Microsoft Oce ribbon-bar technology to logically group like items.
View visualizations and explorations created by SAS Visual Analytics in Microsoft
Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Maximize the SAS Visual Analytics report viewer and report elements within
Microsoft PowerPoint. Interactively update reports, charts and graphs, and your
PowerPoint slides are automatically updated.
Render reports created with SAS Enterprise Guide in Microsoft Oce.
Microsoft SharePoint integration
Add SAS Visual Analytics 7.4 reports (using SAS Stored Processes) to SharePoint.
To contact your local SAS oce, please visit: sas.com/oces
To learn more about SAS Oce Analytics,
download white papers, view screenshots
and see other related material, please visit
Guided analysis and grid
computing enabled
The solution includes SAS® Enterprise
Guide®, which gives advanced users access
to data preparation tasks and more sophisti-
cated types of analyses and queries. They
can then incorporate their custom analyses
and results into web-based reports or Micro-
soft Oce documents to share with others.
Integration with SAS grid computing and
administration tools enables workload
balancing and faster, more ecient results.
Microsoft SharePoint integration
By adding a SAS Stored Processes web
part to a SharePoint site, you can enable
report consumers to view and refresh SAS
Visual Analytics 7.4 reports, as well as apply
filters and parameters for custom views, while
maintaining user authorizations and reusing
the underlying SAS asset.