Issuance Date: 8/12/2021
Emergency Capital Investment Program
Senior Preferred Stock Term Sheet
Summary of Terms
Capitalized terms undefined in the term sheet are defined in the Definitions section of Treasury’s
Application Instructions and Materials for the Emergency Capital Investment Program found
here: ECIP Application Instructions and Materials link
The term “issuer” means a financial institution that is, as of the date
of submitting an application:
1. A Community Development Financial Institution or Minority
Depository Institution; and
2. An Insured Depository Institution not controlled by a Bank
Holding Company (“BHC”) or Savings and Loan Holding
Company (“SLHC”), a BHC, or an SLHC.
An institution must apply to the United States Department of the
Treasury (“Treasury”) to be considered for investments from the
Emergency Capital Investment Program (“ECIP”).
Senior perpetual noncumulative preferred stock (“Senior
Preferred”), liquidation preference of $1,000 per share (unless
otherwise dictated by the law of the state in the case of issuers
organized under state law).
Depending on an issuer’s available authorized preferred shares,
Treasury may agree to purchase Senior Preferred with a higher
liquidation preference per share.
No fractional shares will be accepted.
Regulatory Capital
Tier 1
Investment Amount
General limit per issuer: $250,000,000
Additional limit for issuers with Total Assets of an amount:
> $2BN: 7.5% of total assets
≤$2BN and ≥$500MM: 15% of total assets
< $500MM: 22.5% of total assets
Issuance Date: 8/12/2021
“Total assets” means (i) for issuers that file reporting Form FR Y-
9C, the total consolidated assets as reported in Schedule HC of the
FR Y-9C, (ii) for issuers that file a Consolidated Report of
Condition and Income (“Call Report”), the total assets as reported
on Schedule RC of the Call Report, and (iii) for issuers that file on
reporting Form FR Y-9SP, the higher of the (1) total assets reported
in Schedule SC of the FR Y-9SP and (2) total assets reported in the
Call Report of such issuer’s primary insured depository institution
With respect to all distributions, the Senior Preferred will rank
senior to all of the issuer’s common stock and pari passu with the
most senior class or existing series of existing preferred stock (other
than preferred shares that rank junior to any existing or future
preferred shares), and will be subordinated to depositors, general
creditors, and subordinated debt holders of the issuer in a
receivership, insolvency, liquidation, or similar proceeding.
Target Communities
“Target Communities” include Minority, Rural, and Urban Low-
Income and Underserved Communities and to Low- and Moderate-
Income borrowers, as defined in Treasury’s Application Instructions
for ECIP.
Qualified Lending
“Qualified Lending” means the following extensions of credit
(including participations in such extensions of credit) to Target
As reported to your primary federal regulator or, in the case of a
holding company that files on Form FR Y-9SP, the primary federal
regulator for its insured depository institution subsidiaries
(numerical cross references are to Call Report items in Schedule
RC-C and FR Y-9C items in Schedule HC-C (Loans and Lease
Financing Receivables)):
(i) all loans secured by real estate;
a. construction, land development, and other land loans
b. loans secured by farmland (1.b.))
c. loans secured by family and multi-family residential
properties (1.c.(1), 1.c(2)(a)(b));
d. loans secured by multifamily (5 or more) residential
properties (1.d);
e. loans secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties (1.e.)
Issuance Date: 8/12/2021
(ii) loans to finance agricultural production and other loans to
farmers (3.);
(iii) commercial and industrial loans (4.);
(iv) loans to individuals for households, family, and other
personal expenditures (6.a–d.); and
(v) lease financing receivables (10.),
and, within these loan categories, excluding:
A. any loans made under the Paycheck Protection Program;
B. the portion of any loans held by the issuer for which the risk is
assumed by a third party other than the U.S. Small Business
Administration, any other U.S. government agency, or a U.S.
government-sponsored enterprise (for example, the portion of
loans that have been participated); and
C. any loan that is an extension or re-write of any existing loan
unless it involves an increase of 20% or more in the principal
amount of the loan, in which case the entire loan amount,
including the increase, is eligible for inclusion in qualified
While, further, adding to the amount determined above the
cumulative amount of net loan charge-offs with respect to Qualified
Lending as measured since, and including, the quarter ended
September 30, 2020.
The amount of Qualified Lending, including the exclusions listed
above, shall be calculated and reported 10 business days before the
date of Treasury’s investment (“Investment Date”) by the issuer in a
format specified by Treasury (“Initial Supplemental Report”) and
during each full quarter thereafter (“Quarterly Supplemental
Report”) for the full lifetime of participation in the ECIP.
The dividend rate will be adjusted based on the lending growth
criteria listed in these terms beginning the first payment date after
Issuance Date: 8/12/2021
the 24-month, no dividend accrual
period ends, and reported results
will determine the dividend rate due for the remainder of quarterly
payments in the first 10 years of investments. The first dividend due
will be a partial, pro-rata amount for accrual inclusive of the day
beginning on the 24-month anniversary date.
Calculation of
Lending Baseline
Not later than 10 business days prior to the Investment Date, the
issuer shall submit an Initial Supplemental Report reporting
Qualified Lending for the annual period ending on September 30,
2020. In calculating Qualified Lending, if any gains in Qualified
Lending resulted from mergers and acquisitions or purchase of loans
during any quarter during such four quarter period, the issuer shall
recalculate Qualified Lending for the annual period ending on
September 30, 2020 based on instructions that will be provided by
Treasury in the Initial Supplemental Report. The Qualified Lending
reported for the annual period ending on September 30, 2020 shall
be the baseline against which subsequent Qualified Lending is
measured (“Baseline”).
When applicable, at the beginning of each quarter that begins after
the Investment Date, the Baseline will be increased by the amount of
any gains realized by the issuer resulting from mergers and
acquisitions, or purchases of loans, as measured since, and
including, the quarter ending on September 30, 2020.
The Senior Preferred will pay non-cumulative dividends. No
dividends shall accrue or be due for the first 24 months following
the Investment Date. Dividends will begin to accrue on the 2-year
anniversary of the Investment Date. The first (partial) quarterly
payment will be due on the first dividend payment date after that
References to “accrue” or “accrual” in this term sheet refer only to the determination of
the amount of any dividend and do not imply that any right to a dividend arises prior to the date
on which a dividend is declared. Because the Senior Preferred is non-cumulative, if a dividend is
not declared in respect of any dividend payment date, the holder of the Senior Preferred will not
be entitled to the dividend not declared and no interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, will
be payable in respect of any dividend not declared, whether or not dividends are declared on the
Senior Preferred or any other class or series of capital stock of the issuer for any future dividend
Issuance Date: 8/12/2021
Thereafter, the dividend rate will adjust annually beginning with the
first full quarterly period that begins after the first dividend payment
date after the 2-year anniversary of the investment, to reflect the
issuer’s Qualified Lending compared to the Baseline.
See dividend table in Annex A attached hereto.
Dividends will be payable quarterly in arrears on March 15, June 15,
September 15 and December 15.
Non-cumulative”: If the Board of Directors does not declare a
dividend on the Senior Preferred with respect to any Dividend
Period, the holders of Senior Preferred shall have no right to receive
any dividend with respect to such Dividend Period, and the Issuer
shall have no obligation to pay a dividend with respect to such
Dividend Period, whether or not dividends are declared for any
subsequent Dividend Period with respect to the Senior Preferred.
The Senior Preferred may be redeemed at the option of the issuer on
or after the fifth anniversary of issuance (or earlier in the event of
loss of regulatory capital treatmentsee “Change in Law” below),
subject to the approval of the appropriate federal banking regulator
and in accordance with the federal banking agencies’ regulatory
capital regulations.
All redemptions of Senior Preferred must be made at a per share
redemption price equal to 100% of the liquidation preference, plus
accrued and unpaid dividends for the then-current dividend period.
All redemptions must be in amounts equal to at least 20% of the
number of originally issued shares, or 100% of the then-outstanding
shares (if less than 20% of the number of originally issued shares).
Provisions upon
Nonpayment of
The following applies whenever dividends payable on the Senior
Preferred have not been declared and will not be paid in full for any
quarterly dividend period:
1. If the issuer chooses to not declare dividends, no later than 3
business days prior to the payment date the Chief Executive
Officer and Chief Financial Officer of the issuer will be
required to provide written notice, in a form reasonably
satisfactory to Treasury, informing Treasury that the issuer
did not declare dividends and the rationale of the issuer’s
board of directors for not declaring dividends; and
Issuance Date: 8/12/2021
2. Beginning on the payment date for the unpaid dividend,
restrictions described below will apply.
After five quarterly dividends not paid in full:
Whenever dividends on the Senior Preferred have not been declared
and paid in full for five quarterly dividend periods or more, whether
or not consecutive, Treasury will have the right, but not the
obligation, to appoint a representative to serve as an observer on the
issuer’s board of directors. This right will end when full dividends
have been paid for four consecutive subsequent dividend periods.
After six quarterly dividends not paid in full:
Whenever dividends on the Senior Preferred have not been declared
and paid in full for six quarterly dividend periods or more, whether
or not consecutive, the holder of the Senior Preferred will have the
right to elect two directors to the issuer’s board of directors. The
right to elect directors will end when the full dividends have been
paid for four consecutive subsequent dividend periods.
Restrictions on
Dividends and Share
The issuer shall agree to comply with the rules and regulations of
Treasury with respect to dividends, share buybacks and other capital
In general:
An issuer will be prohibited from declaring or paying any dividend
on, or purchasing or redeeming or making any other distribution on,
any securities that are pari passu with, or junior to, the Senior
Preferred with respect to distributions or ranking in liquidation
unless the issuer has paid in full dividends on the preferred stock
with respect to the last completed dividend period, subject to
provisions on pro rata dividends on pari passu preferred stock in the
case of partial dividends.
These restrictions would not prevent an issuer from making
required, non-discretionary payments, such as payments at stated
maturity in accordance with an instrument’s terms or payments of
interest that may not be deferred, as long as such payments are made
in accordance with any regulations or limitations prescribed by the
primary federal regulator.
Issuance Date: 8/12/2021
Restrictions on
The issuer and its covered officers and employees shall agree to
comply with the rules and regulations of Treasury with respect to
restrictions on executive compensation.
Investment and
Lending Plan
The issuer shall provide to Treasury, the appropriate federal banking
agency, and, if applicable, state banking agency, an Investment and
Lending Plan at the time it submits its application for ECIP.
Voting Rights
The Senior Preferred will be nonvoting, other than customary
protective provisions, such as consent rights granted to Treasury
with respect to (i) any authorization or issuance of shares ranking
senior to the Senior Preferred, (ii) any amendments to the rights of
the Senior Preferred and (iii) any merger, exchange, dissolution, or
similar transaction which would adversely affect the rights of the
holder of the Senior Preferred or (iv) as otherwise provided under
applicable state law.
By Treasury:
No contractual restrictions on transfer by Treasury (or vehicles
established and used by Treasury to purchase, hold, and sell
investments) to a third party
, provided that:
1. Prior to any sale to a third party, issuer shall have a right of first
refusal to buy back the investment under terms that do not
exceed a value as determined by an independent third party,
conditional upon prior approval by the issuer’s primary federal
regulator, as applicable;
2. Treasury shall not sell more than 25% of the outstanding equity
interests of the issuer to a single third party without the issuer’s
consent, which may not be unreasonably withheld; and
3. With the permission of the issuer, Treasury may transfer or sell
the interest in the capital investment for no consideration or for a
de minimis amount to a mission-aligned nonprofit affiliate of an
applicant that is an insured community development financial
institution (“Eligible Nonprofit”).
4. Treasury will not sell the investment (other than to an Eligible
Nonprofit) before the tenth anniversary of the Investment Date
without the issuer’s consent, which is not to be unreasonably
withheld. In addition, Treasury will provide the issuer 18
The definition of 3
party does not include a vehicle or entity controlled by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Issuance Date: 8/12/2021
months’ advance notice of intent to transfer Senior Preferred
other than to an Eligible Nonprofit.
By Issuer:
The issuer, subject to receipt of any required regulatory approvals,
may merge or sell all, or substantially all, of its assets (as well as, in
the case of an issuer that is a BHC, any insured depository
institution subsidiary), provided that the right of the Senior
Preferred, and the obligations of the issuer relating thereto, are
assumed and an equivalent Senior Preferred issued by the successor
The successor must also meet either the certified CDFI or MDI
criteria to continue to participate in the ECIP unless prior Treasury
approval is obtained. Treasury will issue guidance for how to
account for qualified lending when two institutions merge.
Access and
The issuer will permit the holder of the Senior Preferred, the
holder’s designees, the Office of Inspector General of the
Department of the Treasury, and the Comptroller General of the
United States to examine the issuer’s corporate books and discuss
with the issuer’s principal officers matters, in each case to the extent
relevant to the investment, after being provided with reasonable
notice, subject to applicable laws and regulations the disclosure of
The issuer will provide the following certifications to Treasury:
1. The issuer’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer, as well as the directors (trustees) of the issuer who
attest to the issuer’s Call Report (or those of its insured
depositories, in the case of a holding company), will certify
to Treasury that information provided on each Supplemental
Report is accurate.
2. Following the Investment Date, within 120 days of the end
of each fiscal year of the issuer during which a
Supplemental Report is submitted, the issuer will receive
and submit to Treasury a certification from its auditors that
the processes and controls used to generate the
Supplemental Reports are satisfactory.
3. Annually, until the Redemption Date, the issuer will certify
to Treasury that it is in compliance with the Customer
Issuance Date: 8/12/2021
Identification Program requirements set forth in 31 C.F.R.
103.121 (or any successor provision). Issuers must submit
valid and timely certifications to be eligible for any dividend
rate adjustment on the Senior Preferred.
4. Annually, for the period required by Treasury’s rules and
regulations, a certification by the issuer’s Chief Executive
Officer and Chief Financial Officer that the issuer is in
compliance with each of the excessive compensation,
severance pay and excessive or luxury expenditures
requirements and limitations on capital distributions set
forth in Treasury’s rules and regulations related thereto, as
published and in effect at the time of the certification.
Change in Law
If, after a capital investment has been made in an eligible institution
under ECIP, there is a final change in law or regulation that results
in loss of regulatory capital treatment for the investment, the eligible
institution may, after consultation with the appropriate federal
banking agency for the eligible institution, redeem the investment.
An issuer’s noncompliance with the requirements of Treasury’s
rules and regulations related to ECIP and the related ECIP
investment agreement may result in (i) restrictions on capital
distributions and (ii) certain governance-related remedies (e.g.,
observer and director rights). In addition, Treasury may inform the
appropriate federal banking agency of an issuer’s apparent
Information and
These terms and conditions are preliminary and subject to change.
Final terms and conditions will be found in the definitive closing
This document does not create a binding legal obligation. A binding
obligation shall only arise pursuant to duly executed definitive
documentation, subject to the satisfaction of closing conditions,
including the absence of any material adverse change in the
condition (financial or otherwise) of the issuer.
Issuance Date: 8/12/2021
Annex A: Dividend Table for Senior Preferred
Increase in Qualified
Lending Compared to
First 8 Quarters
After 8
After 10 Years*
Increase of less than 200% of
capital investment
< 2.0% per
< 2.0% fixed
Increase between 200% and
400% of capital investment
< 1.25% per
< 1.25% fixed
Increase greater than 400% of
capital investment
< 0.5% per
< 0.5% fixed
* After the tenth anniversary of issuance of investment, the dividend rate will be fixed based on
the average annual amount of lending in years 2 through 10 compared to the Baseline.