Objective and purpose of the Complaints Handling Policy (the Policy)
Global Media & Entertainment (Ireland) Limited (Global Ireland) seeks to maintain its reputation as a firm delivering
high quality professional services. Global Ireland is also committed to maintaining its responsiveness to the needs
and concerns of our clients.
The Policy is designed to provide guidance on the manner in which Global Ireland receives and handles complaints.
The objective of the Policy is to set out the framework within which we will resolve complaints in an efficient,
effective and professional manner.
In preparing this Policy, Global Ireland has endeavored to align our procedures with the relevant legal
requirements and current best practice. In particular, this Policy is designed to satisfy the requirements of ISO
10002-2014 Customer SatisfactionGuidelines for complaints handling in organisations.
What is a complaint?
The Policy is intended to address complaints made to Global Ireland. In accordance with ISO 10002-2014, a
complaint under this Policy is defined as follows:
An expression of dissatisfaction made to an organisation, related to its products/services, or the
complaints-handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected.
Any person or organisation (the complainant) who is dissatisfied with a product or service provided by the firm,
for any reason, may contact Global Ireland to complain. A complaint may be oral or written. At times,
complaints can be by way of negative feedback, which may not require a resolution or formal follow-up.
While this type of feedback is valuable, the Policy does not apply to feedback of this nature.
Guiding principles effective complaints handling
Visibility Our Complaints Handling Policy is available to our customers and
referenced in our terms and conditions
Accessibility Our Complaints Handling Policy is readily accessible to all Partners,
Clients and Suppliers. The Policy is easy to understand and includes
details on making and resolving complaints.
Responsiveness Receipt of each complaint is acknowledged to the complainant
immediately. Complaints will be treated courteously and kept informed
of the progress of their complaint throughout the complaint-handling
Objectivity Each complaint is addressed in an equitable, objective and unbiased
manner through the complaints-handling process.
Charges There will be no charge to the complainant for making a complaint.
Confidentiality Personally identifiable information concerning the complainant is
actively protected from disclosure unless the complainant expressly
consents to its disclosure.
Customer focused
Global Ireland is committed to efficient and fair resolution of
complaints. We welcome feedback from our Clients and acknowledge
a Clients right to complain.
Accountability Global Ireland accepts responsibility for effective complaints handling.
The complaints officer will ensure that, where appropriate, issues raised
in the complaints handling process are reflected in our performance
Our complaints handling process will be reviewed periodically and at
least annually, to aim to enhance its efficient delivery of effective
Handling a complaint
How a complaint may be made
When you feel the need to make a complaint, please contact us and we will endeavor to address your concerns in a
timely and appropriate manner. If you remain dissatisfied with our performance where possible, complaints should be
made in writing so that the details of the complaint are clear and complete.
The Complaints Officer
Global Ireland
Adelaide Road
Fax: 00353 1 678 5559
What information is required when making a complaint?
When making a complaint, please provide the following information:
Your name, position and contact details
Your relationship with Global Ireland (i.e. the nature of your engagement with Global Ireland, if you are a
Your contact person within Global Ireland
The nature of the complaint including relevant dates, locations and if appropriate photographic
Copies of any documentation supporting the complaint.
Assistance with making a complaint
If you need assistance in formulating or lodging a complaint, please contact the Complaints Officer (contact details
as provided above).
Acknowledgement of complaints
We are committed to acknowledging all complaints immediately upon receipt. Once a complaint has been
received, we will undertake an initial review of the complaint.
We will endeavour to resolve complaints within four weeks of receiving the complaint, but this will not be possible
on all occasions. Where our review exceeds four weeks, we will contact you to inform you of the reasons for the
delay, and indicate to you when we expect to be in a position to complete our review of the complaint.
Your rights during the complaint process
You have the right to enquire as to the status of your complaint by contacting the employee who has been
identified to you as handling your complaint.
Response to a complaint
Once we have reviewed your complaint, we will provide you with a written response. If you are dissatisfied with
Global Ireland’s response, you have the right to ask for reconsideration of the response by the Complaints Officer.
Such a request should be made in writing and forwarded by post, email or fax to the address provided above.
Our quality controls
Complaints will be analysed by the Complaints Officer on a quarterly basis for the identification of systemic or
recurring problems. If such problems are identified, Global Ireland will consider what actions it may need to take to
address these problems.
We will measure the perceptions and satisfaction with our Complaints Policy and audit the effectiveness of its
operation and implementation.
The complaints handling process will be reviewed periodically, and at least annually, to enhance its delivery of
efficient and effective outcomes as part of our management review process.
This review will be performed by the Complaints Officer or an appropriate appointee. The firm will consider what
actions it may need to take to address any deficiencies identified in the review