Notary Service
R E V I S I O N : 8 / 2 2 / 2 0 2 4
Administrator Guide
Table of contents
About the notary service 3
How notarization works 3
User roles 3
Limitations 4
Supported web browsers 4
Using the notary service 5
Activating the account 5
Accessing the notary service web interface 5
Using the notary service as a notary user 5
Notarizing files 5
Verifying file authenticity 7
Signing files 9
Document templates 12
Using the notary service as a notary administrator 17
Administering the notary service 18
Managing API keys 18
Administering user accounts and quotas 19
Quotas 19
Notifications 20
Usage reports 20
Index 21
About the notary service
The notary service is a complex blockchain-based solution that enables you to do the following:
Notarize a file.
Check whether a notarized file (or its copy) is authentic and unchanged since it was notarized.
Send a file to multiple people to sign it electronically, and then notarize the signature certificate.
The service is available through a web interface called the notary console.
How notarization works
To notarize a file, you need to upload it to the cloud storage. After the file is uploaded, the notary
service calculates a digital fingerprint (known as a hash code) of this file. A hash code is unique for
each file.
The notary service application programming interface (API) enables you to notarize a file without
uploading it to the cloud storage. Instead, the file's pre-generated hash can be used. For more
information about using the API, refer to "Managing API keys".
The notary service then sends the hash code to the Ethereum blockchain-based database. This
database ensures that the hash code remains unchanged.
To verify a file's authenticity, the service calculates the file's hash code, and then compares it to the
hash code that is stored in the database. If the codes match, this is a guarantee that it is the same
file and it has not been modified.
User roles
There are two user roles in the notary service: notary administrator and notary user.
Both administrators and users have access to the entire notary service functionality in the notary
All users have access only to their own templates, notarized and eSigned files.
Administrators have elevated rights to view and work with the templates, notarized and eSigned
files that belong to the other users or administrators in the customer tenant. Administrators and
users can manage the notary service API keys and use the notary API. Administrators and users
have access only to their own API keys.
Additionally, a notary service administrator can be assigned the role of a company administrator.
This role grants access to the management portal, where the administrator can manage user
accounts, quotas, notifications, and reports.
Files that are larger than 1 GB cannot be notarized by using the notary console. This is possible
only via the notary service API, by sending a pre-calculated hash of a file to the notary service.
Files that are larger than 1 GB cannot be signed by using the notary console. This is possible only
via the notary service API, by sending a link to the file to the notary service.
Supported web browsers
The web interface supports the following web browsers:
Google Chrome 29 or later
Mozilla Firefox 23 or later
Opera 16 or later
Microsoft Edge 25 or later
Safari 8 or later running in the macOS and iOS operating systems
In other web browsers (including Safari browsers running in other operating systems), the user
interface might be displayed incorrectly or some functions may be unavailable.
Using the notary service
Activating the account
After signing up for the service, you will receive an email message containing the following
An account activation link. Click the link and set the password for the account. Remember your
login that is shown on the account activation page.
A link to the notary console login page. Use this link to access the console in the future. The
login and password are the same as in the previous step.
Accessing the notary service web interface
You can log in to the notary service if you activated your account.
To log in to the notary service
1. Go to the notary service login page. The login page address was included in the activation email
2. Type the login, and then click Continue.
3. Type the password, and then click Sign in.
4. If you have the company administrator role, click Notary.
Users who do not have the company administrator role log in directly to the notary console.
You can change the language of the web interface by clicking the account icon in the upper-right
If Notary is not the only service you are subscribed to, you can switch between the services by using
the icon in the upper-right corner. Company administrators can also use this icon for switching
to the management portal.
Using the notary service as a notary user
Notary users have access only to their own templates, notarized and eSigned files.
Notarizing files
To notarize a file
1. Click Notarized files.
2. If there are no notarized files, click Browse. Otherwise, click Add files, and then click Browse.
3. Select the files that you want to notarize.
Once you select a file, the software starts uploading it to the cloud storage.
4. After all of the files are uploaded, click Notarize.
The software calculates a hash code for each file. The statuses of the files change to In progress.
The usage of the Notarizations quota is increased by the number of the files.
5. Wait until each file status changes from In progress to Notarized.
The notarization process can take up to 70 minutes. To reduce the cost of each notarization, the
notary service collects hashes throughout an hour, then builds a hash tree based on these
hashes and sends the hash tree root to the blockchain ledger. After that, the notary service waits
for the transaction to become confirmed in the blockchain ledger, and then changes the statuses
of the files to Notarized. When the status of the file becomes Notarized, you are notified by
If a file is still not notarized 24 hours after it is uploaded, its status changes from In progress to
Notarization pending, and you are notified by email.
Notarization certificate
After the notarization is complete, the service creates a notarization certificate for each file. This
certificate is irrefutable proof that the file was notarized at a specific time. The certificate contains:
Information about the notarization (the file name, hash, size, notarization timestamp, requestor,
requestor GUID, signer, blockchain transaction ID, and certificate ID)
Instructions on how to verify the file manually without using the notary service
Be aware that your personal data, such as email and IP address, will be preserved in the audit trail
and will be accessible to all signers.
Operations with notarized files
To download a file from the cloud storage
1. Click Notarized Files.
2. Find the file in the list.
You can filter files by status; sort files by name, status, notarization, and upload dates; or use
Click or click the file name, and then click Download.
To view the notarization certificate of a file
1. Click Notarized Files.
2. Find the file in the list. Notarization certificates are available only for files with the Notarized
You can filter files by status; sort files by name, status, notarization, and upload dates; or use
3. Click the file name.
4. Click View and download notarization certificate to view the certificate in a new tab.
You can copy the values of the File hash (SHA-256), Certificate ID, or BLOCKCHAIN RECEIPT of
the notarization certificate by clicking the corresponding Copy to clipboard icon.
To download the notarization certificate of a file
1. Click Notarized Files.
2. Find the file in the list. Notarization certificates are available only for files with the Notarized
You can filter files by status; sort files by name, status, notarization, and upload dates; or use
3. Click the file name.
4. Click View and download notarization certificate to view the certificate in a new tab.
5. In the new tab, click Download notarization certificate.
To delete a file from the cloud storage
1. Click Notarized files.
2. Find the file in the list.
You can filter files by status; sort files by name, status, notarization, and upload dates; or use
Click or click the file name, and then click Delete.
If the file has been notarized, it will remain notarized. We recommend that you save the
notarization certificate or save the direct link to it prior to confirming the deletion.
If the notarization is in progress, it will not be canceled. However, there will be no way to view or
download the file's notarization certificate.
4. Click Delete again to confirm your decision.
Verifying file authenticity
You can verify file authenticity by uploading the file to the cloud storage or by using the blockchain
receipt from the file's notarization certificate.
Files that are uploaded for verification do not use the Notary storage quota. They are deleted from
the cloud storage after the verification process is complete.
To verify the file authenticity by uploading the file to the cloud storage
1. Access the notarization certificate as described in the "To view the notarization certificate of a
file" procedure.
2. Find the certificate ID and copy it.
3. In the notary console, click Verification.
4. Click Browse, and then select the file whose authenticity you want to verify. You can select
multiple files.
Once you select a file, the software starts uploading it to the cloud storage.
5. Specify the file certificate ID to confirm your right for this file verification.
6. Click Verify.
7. The software displays the verification reports for the selected files.
If a file is authentic, its status is Notarized.
If a file is not authentic or has never been notarized, its status is Not notarized.
If a file is still being notarized, its status is In progress.
To verify a file by using a blockchain receipt
1. Access the notarization certificate as described in the "To view the notarization certificate of a
file" procedure.
2. Find the Blockchain receipt section and copy the following contents, including the brackets:
"key": "filename.pdf",
"eTag": "52bf7a18744b384afba39f3646d8e245...",
"size": 1267387,
"sequencer": "B56C3FE5ED984F5337"
These strings present the file name, SHA-256 hash, size in bytes, and the blockchain transaction
3. In the notary console, click Verification.
4. Click Verify by using the blockchain receipt.
5. Paste the contents that you copied from the Blockchain receipt section to the blank field.
6. Click Verify.
7. The software displays the verification report.
If the file is authentic, its status is Notarized.
If the file is not authentic or has never been notarized, its status is Not notarized.
If the file is still being notarized, its status is In progress.
To verify a file by using a file hash
1. Access the notarization certificate as described in the "To view the notarization certificate of a
file" procedure.
2. Find the file hash and certificate ID, and copy them.
3. In the notary console, click Verification.
4. Click Verify by using the file hash.
5. Specify the file hash.
6. Specify the file certificate ID to confirm your right for this file verification.
7. Click Verify.
8. The software displays the verification report.
If the file is authentic, its status is Notarized.
If the file is not authentic or has never been notarized, its status is Not notarized.
If the file is still being notarized, its status is In progress.
Public verification page
There is also a public verification page where a non-authorized user can verify a file authenticity by
using one of the following three ways:
Uploading a file itself and certificate ID
Specifying a file's hash and certificate ID
Providing a blockchain receipt and certificate ID
Signing files
The notary service enables you to send a file to multiple people to sign it electronically, or to sign it
electronically as a single signer.
To sign a file, you need to upload it to the cloud storage, or to create it from a template.
For files that can be converted to .pdf file format, the hand-written or text-converted signature or
initials of the signers can be embedded as images in the signed document. In that case, the content
of the signed file is saved with the embedded eSignatures in the signature certificate .pdf file, and
that file is then notarized by using the notary service. This feature is supported for the following file
formats: .txt, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, and .pdf.
You can use embedded eSignatures to sign electronically the following document types:
Rental or lease agreements
Sales contracts
Asset purchase agreements
Loan agreements
Permission slips
Financial documents
Insurance documents
Liability waivers
Healthcare documents
Research papers
Certificates of product authenticity
Nondisclosure agreements
Offer letters
Confidentiality agreements
Independent contractor agreements
For files that cannot be converted to .pdf format, after the file is signed, the notary service generates
a signature certificate that contains the collected signatures. This certificate is then notarized by
using the notary service. The signed files are not notarized.
Signing a file as the only signer
You can upload a file and sign it electronically as the only signer.
To upload a file and sign it electronically as the only signer
1. Click Signed files.
2. [Optional] If you want to add a new file for signing, click Browse, or click Add file, and then click
3. Select the file to sign.
Once you select a file, the software starts uploading it to the cloud storage.
4. In the Add signers dialog, select I'm the only signer, and then click Next.
5. In the Add fields to the document dialog, drag and drop the fields that you want to add to the
6. Click Preview and send.
7. Preview the document, and then click Send.
The document appears in the Signed Files list with status Waiting for me.
8. In the Files tab, click the document, and then click Sign.
9. In the Enter your name, initials and eSignature dialog, select the method to sign the file.
Suggested eSignature and initials – the eSignature and initials are generated automatically.
If necessary, you can change them manually.
Handwritten eSignature and initials – you draw your signature and initials in the
corresponding fields, and they are included as images in the signed document.
This option is supported for the following file formats: .txt, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx,
and .pdf.
10. Select the I have read and agree check box, and then click Next.
11. In the Sign document dialog, click in the eSignature field to populate it with your eSignature.
12. Click Preview and sign.
13. Preview the document, and then click Sign.
The signed file is saved as .pdf file format.
14. When the process is complete, select the signed file, click the eSignature certificate tab, and
then click eSignature certificate to download a .pdf document that contains:
The eSignature Certificate section with the collected signatures.
The Audit Trail section with a history of activities: when the invitation was sent to the signers,
when each signer signed the file, and so on.
15. Click View and download notarization certificate, and then click View and download
notarization certificate to download the notarization certificate for the eSignature certificate.
The notarization certificate becomes available within 70 minutes after the signing process is
Sending a file for signing by multiple signers
You can upload a file and send it for eSignature to multiple signers.
To send a file for signing by multiple signers
1. Click Signed files.
2. If there are no signed files, click Browse. Otherwise, click Add file, and then click Browse.
3. Select the file to sign.
Once you select a file, the software starts uploading it to the cloud storage.
4. In the Add Signers dialog, click Add signers, and then type the email address of the signer.
Repeat the step for each signer that you want to add.
It is not possible to add or remove signers after sending the invitations. To remove a signer, click
the trash can icon. Ensure that the list of signers is complete, before continuing to the next step.
5. Click Next.
6. In the Add fields to the document dialog, add the necessary signer and custom fields.
7. Click Preview and send.
8. Preview the document, and then click Send to send invitations to the signers.
Each signer receives an email message with the signature request. You will receive notifications
when each signer signs the file and when the entire process is complete.
9. Once the process is complete, select the signed file, click the eSignature certificate tab, and
then click eSignature certificate to download a PDF document that contains:
The eSignature Certificate section with the collected signatures.
The Audit Trail section with a history of activities: when the invitation was sent to the signers,
when each signer signed the file, and so on.
Once the process is complete, each signer receives a notification that contains:
A link to the signed file.
A link to the eSignature certificate.
A link to the notarization certificate for the eSignature certificate. The notarization certificate
becomes available within 70 minutes after the signing process is complete.
Operations with signed files
To download a signed file from the cloud storage
1. Click Signed Files.
2. Find the required file in the list.
You can filter files by status; sort files by name, status, signature, and upload dates; or use
Click or click the file name, and then click Download.
To delete a signed file from the cloud storage
1. When you delete a signed file from the cloud storage, its eSignature certificate is also deleted. If
you may need the eSignature certificate in the future, ensure that you have saved a local copy of
it as described in step 6 of the "To sign a file" procedure.
The signature certificate will remain notarized.
2. Click Signed Files.
3. Find the required file in the list.
You can filter files by status; sort files by name, status, signature, and upload dates; or use
Click or click the file name, and then click Delete.
5. Confirm your decision.
We recommend that you download the notarization certificate of the eSignature certificate or
save the direct link to it prior to confirming the deletion.
Document templates
You can create document templates, and use them to facilitate the process of creating new files for
The document template is a blueprint for repeatable transactions. With document templates you
create the document content, including a set of required or optional fields, and assign exact signers
later. The recipients and signers can change every time you use a document template to create a
new file.
You create a document template by:
1. uploading a file that is in a PDF file format, or a format that can be converted to a PDF file format
2. adding at least one signer field to the template
3. adding fields for each additional signer, if necessary
4. adding custom fields, if necessary
5. saving the template
You can save a document template only if it includes at least one Signer field.
Document template fields
The process of creating a document template consists of uploading a file that contains the main
information, and adding predefined or custom template fields to it.
There are two kinds of document template fields: Signer fields and Custom fields.
Signer fields are strictly predefined fields for the signer's information. You can add and remove
signer fields from a template, and configure if they are required or optional, but you cannot change
their name.
Signer field
Name Name of the signer of the document.
Signature Signature of the signer of the file. By default, the field is required. To make it
optional, select the Optional checkbox.
Initials Initials of the signer of the file. By default, the field is required. To make it
optional, select the Optional checkbox.
Custom fields are free text fields that you can add to the template, depending on your needs. You
can set the name of the custom field (for example, Date, or Billing address) when you create the
template, and fill its content when you create a new file from the template.
The content of the custom fields always appears in the same font and size.
Creating a document template
You can create a template and use this template to easily generate new files for eSignature.
To create a document template
1. Click Signed files>Templates.
2. Click Create template.
3. In the Upload document for your template window, use one of the following options to
upload the file:
drag and drop the file.
click Browse, navigate to the file, and select it.
The file format of the template must be PDF, TXT, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, or PPTX.
5. In the Signers tab, click at least one of the predefined fields for Signer 1.
After you click a field, it appears on the template. You can drag the field to change its position in
the template. You can also drag the corresponding edges of the field to change its size.
6. [Optional] For each additional signer that you want to add:
a. Click Add signer.
b. Add at least one of the Signer fields to the template.
7. [Optional] To add a custom field, in the Custom fields tab:
a. Click the pencil icon next to the Custom field label.
b. In the Rename custom field window, type a name of the custom field. The maximum
allowed length for the name is 30 characters.
c. Click the field to add it to the document template, and use the mouse to move it to the
appropriate position.
8. [Optional] For each additional custom field that you want to add:
a. Click Add custom field.
b. Click the pencil icon next to the Custom Field label.
c. In the Rename custom field window, type a name of the custom field. The maximum
allowed length for the name is 30 characters.
d. Click the field to add it to the document template, and use the mouse to move it to the
appropriate position.
9. Click Preview and create.
10. If the information in the template is correct, click Create.
The new template becomes visible on the Templates page. For more information about the
actions that you can perform from the Templates page, see "Managing document templates" (p.
Managing document templates
After you create a template, it is listed on the Templates page. On the Templates page, you can
view additional information about the existing templates, and perform the following actions:
Preview a document template
Create a file from a document template
Rename a document template
Delete a document template
The following table describes the information that is available on the Templates page.
Column name Description
Template name Name of the template.
Uploaded document Name of the file from which the template was created.
Column name Description
Created documents Number of files that were created using this template.
Created Date and time when the template was uploaded.
ID System IDnumber of the template; generated automatically.
Previewing a document template
To preview a document template
1. In Signed files > Templates, find the document template that you want to preview.
Click and then click Preview.
3. After you finish the preview process, click Done.
Renaming a document template
To rename a document template
1. In Signed files > Templates, find the document template that you want to rename.
Click and then click Rename.
3. In the Template name field, update the template name.
4. Click Rename.
Deleting a document template
To delete a document template
1. In Signed files > Templates, find the document template that you want to delete.
Click and then click Delete.
Creating a document from a template
You can easily create a new document from an existing document template, and send it for
To create a document from a document template
1. Click Signed files>Templates.
2. In the list of document templates, find the document template that you want to use.
Click and then click Create document.
4. In the Create document from the template window, in the Document name field, type the
name of the file.
5. Type the email addresses of the document's signers.
The email addresses that you enter will be used to send an email to all the signers of the file.
This email contains a link that the signers can use to view and sign the file electronically.
6. If the template includes custom fields, click Next. If not, go to step 8.
7. In the custom fields, fill the information.
The length of the custom fields is limited to 250 symbols.
8. Click Preview and create.
9. If the information in the file is correct, click Create.
The file is created and becomes visible in Signed files->Files. You can see the name of the
template that you used to create the document in the Template name column.
An email that contains a link to view and sign the file electronically is sent to all the signers of the
document. Each signer of the document can sign it following the "Signing a file that is created
from a template" (p. 16) procedure.
Signing a file that is created from a template
After a file is created from a template, all signers of the file receive an email with a link that they can
use to sign the file using eSignature.
To electronically sign a file that was created from a template
1. In your email, find the email notification from sender [email protected], and open it.
2. Click Review and sign.
3. In the Enter your name, initials and signature window, enter your name, initials, and
4. Select I have read and agree.
5. Click Done.
6. In the Sign document window, click the relevant fields to populate the content from step 3.
7. Click Preview and sign.
8. When you are ready with the file preview, click Sign.
The signed file is saved in a PDFfile format. A Signature Certificate, and a Notarization certificate for
the signature certificate are created. The notarization certificate becomes available within 70
minutes after the signing process is complete. You can download the file and the certificates.
Using the notary service as a notary administrator
When working with templates, notarized and electronically signed files that he or she owns, the
notary administrator can perform the same functions as a notary user. For more information, see
"Using the notary service as a notary user" (p. 5).
Additionally, the notary administrator can perform several functions that are not available to the
notary user:
View the templates, notarized and electronically signed files that are created by the other users
or administrators in the customer tenant.
View the owner of all templates, notarized and electronically signed files in the customer tenant.
The owner is visible in the Owner column in the notary service console, in the Notarized files,
Signed files, and Templates tabs.
View the progress of the signing process for all documents that are created by the other users or
administrators in the customer tenant.
The administrator cannot sign documents on behalf of other users. The administrator can sign
only documents when he or she is added as a signer.
Resend invitations to the signers of a document that is created by another user or administrator
in the customer tenant.
Download the original templates, notarized and electronically signed files that are created by the
other users or administrators in the customer tenant.
Download the eSigned files (if the process of signing the document using eSignature is
completed) that are created by the other users or administrators in the customer tenant.
Download the signature certificate files (if the process of signing the document using eSignature
is completed) of the eSigned files that are created by the other users or administrators in the
customer tenant.
Delete the templates, notarized and eSigned files that are created by the other users or
administrators in the customer tenant. The owners of the deleted templates or files are notified
through email.
Create new documents from the document templates that are created by the other users or
administrators in the customer tenant. The owners of the document templates are notified
through email.
Administering the notary service
This section describes the functionality that is available only to the notary service administrators.
Managing API keys
The notary service can be integrated with third-party systems by using the notary service application
programming interface (API). For more information about using the API, refer to the developer's
guide at
A notary service administrator can create and manage API keys for the integrations.
To create an API key
1. Click API Keys > Create API key.
2. Create and enter a unique name for the API key.
3. Click Create.
4. The API key is created with the Enabled status by default.
Copy and save the key. For security reasons, the key is displayed only once. There is no way to
retrieve the key if you lose it.
To disable an API key
1. Click API Keys.
2. Find the required key in the list.
You can filter keys by status; and sort keys by name, status, and creation date.
Click , and then click Disable.
4. Confirm your decision.
All integrations that use this key will stop working. It will be possible to re-enable the key at any
To enable a disabled API key
1. Click API Keys.
2. Find the required key in the list.
You can filter keys by status; and sort keys by name, status, and creation date.
Click , and then click Enable.
To delete an API key
1. Click API Keys.
2. Find the required key in the list.
You can filter keys by status; and sort keys by name, status, and creation date.
Click , and then click Delete.
4. Confirm your decision.
All integrations that use this key will stop working. There is no way to recover a deleted API key.
Administering user accounts and quotas
Administering user accounts and service usage quotas is available in the management portal. To
access the management portal, click Management Portal when logging in to the notary service or
click the icon in the upper-right corner, and then click Management portal. Only users that
are assigned the company administrator role can access this portal.
For information about administering user accounts and their quotas, refer to the Management
Portal Administrator's Guide. To access this document, click the question mark icon in the
management portal.
This section provides additional information related to managing the notary service.
Quotas enable you to limit the users' ability to use the service. To set the quotas, select the user on
the Users tab, and then click the pencil icon in the Quotas section.
When a quota is exceeded, a notification is sent to the user's email address. If you do not set a
quota overage, the quota is considered "soft". This means that restrictions on using the notary
service are not applied.
You can also specify the quota overages. An overage allows the user to exceed the quota by the
specified value. When the overage is exceeded, restrictions on using the notary service are applied.
Managed-service providers can also specify quotas for their customer companies in a similar way.
The following quotas are available:
Notary storage
The notary storage is the cloud storage where the notarized files, signed files, and files whose
notarization or signing is in progress are stored. This quota defines the maximum space that can
be occupied by these files.
To decrease this quota usage, you can delete the already notarized or signed files from the notary
This quota defines the maximum number of files that can be notarized by using the notary
service. A file is considered notarized as soon as it is uploaded to the notary storage and its
notarization status changes to In progress.
If the same file is notarized multiple times, each notarization counts as a new one.
This quota defines the maximum number of files that can be signed by using the notary service. A
file is considered signed as soon as it is sent for signature.
Document templates
This quota defines the maximum number of document templates that the customer can save.
To change the notifications settings for a user, select the user on the Users tab, and then click the
pencil icon in the Settings section. The following notifications settings are available:
Quota overuse notifications (enabled by default)
The notifications about exceeded quotas.
Scheduled usage reports
The usage reports described below that are sent on the first day of each month.
All notifications are sent to the user's email address.
Usage reports
The report about using the notary service includes the following data about a company or a unit:
Size of files stored in the notary storage (except for the files being verified) by unit, by user.
Number of notarizations by unit, by user.
Number of signed files by unit, by user.
The total size of files stored in the notary storage (except for the files being verified).
The total number of notarizations.
The total number of signed files.
About the notary service3
Accessing the notary service web interface5
Activating the account5
Administering the notary service18
Administering user accounts and quotas19
Creating a document from a template15
Creating a document template13
Document template fields13
Document templates12
How notarization works3
Managing API keys18
Managing document templates14
Notarization certificate6
Notarizing files5
Operations with notarized files6
Operations with signed files11
Public verification page9
Sending a file for signing by multiple signers11
Signing a file as the only signer10
Signing a file that is created from a template16
Signing files9
Supported web browsers4
Usage reports20
User roles3
Using the notary service5
Using the notary service as a notary
Using the notary service as a notary user5
Verifying file authenticity7