Notation Guide - Confluence
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Notation Guide
To create a header, place "hn. " at the start of the line (where n can be a number from 1-6).
Notation Comment
h1. Biggest heading
Biggest heading
h2. Bigger heading
Bigger heading
h3. Big Heading
Big Heading
h4. Normal Heading
Normal Heading
h5. Small Heading
Small Heading
h6. Smallest Heading
Smallest Heading
Text Effects
Text effects are used to change the formatting of words and sentences.
Notation Comment
*strong* Makes text strong.
_emphasis_ Makes text emphasis.
??citation?? Makes text in citation.
-strikethrough- Makes text as strikethrough.
+underlined+ Makes text as underlined.
Makes text in
~subscript~ Makes text in
{{monspaced}} Makes text as code text.
bq. Some block quoted text
To make an entire paragraph into a block quotation, place "bq. " before it.
Some block quoted text
here is quoteable
content to be quoted
Quote a block of text that's longer than one paragraph.
here is quoteable
content to be quoted
look ma, red text!
Changes the color of a block of text.
Example: look ma, red text!
Text Breaks
Most of the time, explicit paragraph breaks are not required - Confluence will be able to paginate your paragraphs properly
Notation Comment
(empty line) Produces a new paragraph
\\ Creates a line break. Not often needed, most of the time Confluence will guess new lines for you appropriately.
---- creates a horizontal ruler
--- Produces — symbol.
-- Produces – symbol.
Links are the heart of Confluence, so learning how to create them quickly is important.
Notation Comment
Notation Guide - Confluence
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Creates an internal hyperlink to the specified page in the desired space (or the current one if you don't
specify any space). Appending the optional '#' sign followed by an anchor name will lead into a specific
bookmarked point of the desired page. Also having the optional '^' followed by the name of an attachment
will lead into a link to the attachment of the desired page.
Example: pagetitle
If such a page doesn't already exist, it will allow you to create the page in the current space. Create page
links will have a after them.
Example: anewpage
[link alias|#anchor|link tip]
[link alias|^attachment.ext|link tip]
[link alias|pagetitle|link tip]
[link alias|pagetitle#anchor|link tip]
[link alias|pagetitle^attachment.ext|link tip]
[link alias|spacekey:pagetitle|link tip]
[link alias|spacekey:pagetitle#anchor|link tip]
[link alias|spacekey:pagetitle^attachment.ext|link tip]
Creates an internal hyperlink to the specified page in the desired space (or the current one if you don't
specify any space) where the link text is different from the actual hyperlink link. Also you can have an
optional link tip which will apear as tooltip. Appending the optional '#' sign followed by an anchor name will
lead into a specific bookmarked point of the desired page. Also having the optional '^' followed by the name
of an attachment will lead into a link to the attachment of the desired page.
Example: link alias
[/2004/01/12/My Blog Post]
[spacekey:/2004/01/12/My Blog Post]
Creates an internal hyperlink to the specified blog post in the desired space (or the current one if you don't
specify any space). You must specify the date the post was made in /year/month/day form as shown.
Anchors and link text can be added the same way as described above.
If you attempt to link to a blog post that doesn't exist, no link will be created.
/2004/01/12/My Blog Post
my link name
[my link name|/2004/01/12]
[my link name|spacekey:/2004/01/12]
Creates an internal hyperlink to a view of a whole day's news. Specify the date you wish to link to as
year/month/day. Link titles can be supplied as with other links. It is possible to link to days with no news
items on them: the destination page will just be empty.
/2004/01/12/My Blog Post
my link name
[my link name|$12345]
Creates a link to a piece of content by its internal database ID. This is currently the only way to link to a
mail message.
Re: Webwork 2 Upgrade
my link name
[custom link title|spacekey:]
Creates a link to the space homepage, or space summary page of a particular space. Which of these the link
points to depends on the configuration of the space being linked to. If the space does not exist, the link will
be drawn with a strike-through to indicate it is an invalid space.
custom link title
[custom link title|~username]
Creates a link to the user profile page of a particular user. By default, will be drawn with a user icon and the
user's full name, but if you supply a custom link text, the icon will not be drawn. If the user being linked to
does not exist, the link will be drawn with a strike-through.
User Full Name
custom link title
[custom link text|phrase@shortcut]
Creates a shortcut link to the specified shortcut site. Shortcuts are configured by the site administrator. You
can add a link title to shortcuts in the same manner as other links.
custom link text
Creates a link to an external resource, special characters that come after the URL and are not part of it
must be separated with a space. External links are denoted with an arrow icon.
Note: the [] around external links are optional in the case you do not want to use any alias for the link.
Creates a link to an email address, complete with mail icon.
This only works on Internet Explorer
Creates a link to file on your computer or on a network share that you have mapped to a drive
Creates a bookmark anchor inside the page. You can then create links directly to that anchor. So the link
[My Page#here] will link to wherever in "My Page" there is an {anchor:here} macro, and the link [#there]
will link to wherever in the current page there is an {anchor:there} macro.
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{redirect:Page Name}
{redirect:SPACE:Page Name|delay=10}
Redirects the browser to the specified page or URL. Note: To allow editing of a page once it has been
redirected, add '?redirect=false' to the query string.
[default]/location - (required) The page or URL to redirect to.
delay - (optional) The number of seconds to delay before redirecting.
{alias:Alternate Name}
{alias:Alternate Name|parent=Another Page}
{alias:Alternate Name|parent=@parent}
Creates an alias for the current page. Any references to the alias will be redirected to this page.
[default] - The alias. Must follow standard page naming conventions.
parent - (optional) The parent the alias should have. May be set to any page in the current space. It
will default to having no parent. It may also be one of two special parent markers:
@self - the parent will be the page being aliased.
@parent - the parent will be the parent of the page being aliased.
{add-page:template=My Template|parent=Page
Parent}Click to add page{add-page}
Generates an 'Add Page' link which, when clicked, can take the user directly to a template and/or set the
page parent.
template - (optional) the name of the template to use when creating the page.
live - (optional) if set to 'true', the template will be live when the page is created. Defaults to false.
parent - (optional) the name of the parent page (empty by default). May also have the following
@self - (default) the parent will be the page the macro is in.
@parent - the parent will be the parent of the page the macro is in.
@home - the parent will be home page for the Space the page is in.
title - (optional) if you want popup text to appear when the mouse is hovered over the link, enter it
labels - (optional) the list of labels to apply to the new page. Does not work for non-live templates.
{link-page:template=My Template|parent=Page
Parent}Click to add page{link-page}
{link-page:Page Title|template=My Template}A
Specific Page{link-page}
Links to a page in the current space. If the page doesn't exist or is untitled, it generates a 'Add Page' link
which, when clicked, can take the user directly to a template and/or set the page parent.
The title may also contain substitution markers, indicated with '%' surrounding a Supplier key chain value.
This will link to a page with the name being the parent page's title, followed by " - " followed by the current
user's name.
[default]/name - (optional) the title of the page. If not supplied, clicking the link will always create
a new page.
template - (optional) the name of the template to use when creating the page.
live - (optional) if set to 'true', the template will be live when the page is created. Defaults to false.
parent - (optional) the name of the parent page (empty by default). May also have the following
@self - (default) the parent will be the page the macro is in.
@parent - the parent will be the parent of the page the macro is in.
@home - the parent will be home page for the Space the page is in.
title - (optional) if you want popup text to appear when the mouse is hovered over the link, enter it
labels - (optional) the list of labels to apply to the new page. Does not work for non-live templates.
{link-to:dashboard}Go to Dashboard{link-to}
{link-to:news|space=ANOTHERSPACEKEY}Go to
another space's news{link-to}
{link-to:page source|popup=true}View page
Creates a link to special Confluence locations. All locations are non-case-sensitive.
[default] - The location to link to. See the list of locations below.
space - (optional) The spacekey to link to.
page - (optional) The name of the page/news item/etc to link to.
popup - (optional) If 'true', the link will open in a popup window.
popupWidth - (optional) The width of the popup window. Defaults to 600px.
popupHeight - (optional) The height of the popup window. Defaults to 400px.
popupScroll - (optional) If false, no scrollbar is displayed. Defaults to true.
target - (optional) The name of the popup window to open.
title - (optional) if you want popup text to appear when the mouse is hovered over the link, enter it
Global Locations
admin - The administration section.
dashboard - The Dashboard.
global templates - The global templates page.
homepage - The user's homepage.
login - The login page.
logout - The logout page.
signup - The signup page.
notation guide - The notation guide.
rss feed builder - The RSS Feed Builder (Confluence 2.x)
spaces - The list of spaces the user has access to. (Confluence 1.4)
user profile - The currently logged in user's profile.
user history - The currently logged in user's history.
Space Locations
You can specify which space to link to by setting the 'space=key' parameter, or it will default to the current
add news - Add a news post.
browse space - Go to the 'Browse Space' view.
mail - The mail page.
news - The news page.
pages alphabetical - The list of pages in alphabetical order.
pages tree - The hierarchical view of pages in the space.
pages updated - The recently updated pages list.
space attachments - The attachments list for the space.
space templates - The space templates list.
popular labels - A page listing popular page labels in the space. (Confluence 2.x)
{link-page:name=%content:title% - %global:current user > user:full name%}your page{link-page}
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all labels - A page listing all labels across the space. (Confluence 2.x)
RSS Feeds
Again, you can specify the space, or the current one will be used as the default.
rss comments - New comments are added to this feed.
rss news - News items for the space are added to the feed.
rss new pages - Any new pages in the space are added to the feed.
rss updated pages - Any updated pages in the space are added to the feed.
Page Locations
You can specify the space key as above, and you can specify the page or news item with the 'page=Page
Name' parameter.
@parent - Links to the page's parent, if it has one.
@self - Links to the page the macro is on.
add comment - Opens the 'add comment' section of the page.
page comments - Jumps to the page comments.
page attachments - The attachments tab for the page.
page children - Jumps to the page children list.
page edit - The edit tab for the page.
page history - The page history view.
page info - The page info view.
page source - The page source view
pdf export - Export the page to PDF.
word export - Export the page in Microsoft Word format.
print - The print view for the page.
{link-window:Another Page}Open Another Page in
Another Window{link-window}
Links to a page or URL, popping it up into a new window.
[default]/href - The name of the page, or the URL.
type - Either 'normal' (the default) or 'popup'. If set to popup, many of the settings below will
default to those appropriate for a popup window.
width - The width of the new window.
height - The height of the new window.
scrollbars - If false, the scrollbar will be hidden.
menubar - If false, the menubar will be hidden.
location - If false, the location bar will be hidden.
statusbar - If false, the status bar will be hidden.
resizable - If false, the window will not be resizable.
title - The title of the window. Use this to open multiple links in the same popup window.
tip - The tip to display while the mouse is hovering over the link.
icon - If false, the link will not have an 'open new window' icon.
{add-page:template=My Template|parent=Page
Parent}Click to add page{add-page}
Generates an 'Add Page' link which, when clicked, can take the user directly to a template and/or set the
page parent.
template - (optional) the name of the template to use when creating the page.
boilerplate - (optional) the name of the template to use as a boilerplate when creating the page.
(requires the Scaffolding Macros to work correctly)
parent - (optional) the name of the parent page (empty by default). May also have the following
@self - the parent will be the page the macro is in.
@parent - the parent will be the parent of the page the macro is in.
@home - the parent will be home page for the Space the page is in.
title - (optional) if you want popup text to appear when the mouse is hovered over the link, enter it
{link-page:template=My Template|parent=Page
Parent}Click to add page{link-page}
{link-page:Page Title|template=My Template}A
Specific Page{link-page}
Links to a page in the current space. If the page doesn't exist or is untitled, it generates a 'Add Page' link
which, when clicked, can take the user directly to a template and/or set the page parent.
[default]/name - (optional) the title of the page. If not supplied, clicking the link will always create
a new page.
template - (optional) the name of the template to use when creating the page.
parent - (optional) the name of the parent page (empty by default). May also have the following
@self - the parent will be the page the macro is in.
@parent - the parent will be the parent of the page the macro is in.
@home - the parent will be home page for the Space the page is in.
title - (optional) if you want popup text to appear when the mouse is hovered over the link, enter it
{link-to:dashboard}Go to Dashboard{link-to}
{link-to:news|space=ANOTHERSPACEKEY}Go to
another space's news{link-to}
{link-to:page source|popup=true}View page
Creates a link to special Confluence locations. All locations are non-case-sensitive.
[default] - The location to link to. See the list of locations below.
space - (optional) The spacekey to link to.
page - (optional) The name of the page/news item/etc to link to.
popup - (optional) If 'true', the link will open in a popup window.
popupWidth - (optional) The width of the popup window. Defaults to 600px.
popupHeight - (optional) The height of the popup window. Defaults to 400px.
popupScroll - (optional) If false, no scrollbar is displayed. Defaults to true.
target - (optional) The name of the popup window to open.
title - (optional) if you want popup text to appear when the mouse is hovered over the link, enter it
Global Locations
admin - The administration section.
dashboard - The Dashboard.
global templates - The global templates page.
homepage - The user's homepage.
login - The login page.
logout - The logout page.
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signup - The signup page.
notation guide - The notation guide.
rss feed builder - The RSS Feed Builder (Confluence 2.x)
spaces - The list of spaces the user has access to. (Confluence 1.4)
user profile - The currently logged in user's profile.
user history - The currently logged in user's history.
Space Locations
You can specify which space to link to by setting the 'space=key' parameter, or it will default to the current
add news - Add a news post.
browse space - Go to the 'Browse Space' view.
mail - The mail page.
news - The news page.
pages alphabetical - The list of pages in alphabetical order.
pages tree - The hierarchical view of pages in the space.
pages updated - The recently updated pages list.
space attachments - The attachments list for the space.
space templates - The space templates list.
popular labels - A page listing popular page labels in the space. (Confluence 2.x)
all labels - A page listing all labels across the space. (Confluence 2.x)
RSS Feeds
Again, you can specify the space, or the current one will be used as the default.
rss comments - New comments are added to this feed.
rss news - News items for the space are added to the feed.
rss new pages - Any new pages in the space are added to the feed.
rss updated pages - Any updated pages in the space are added to the feed.
Page Locations
You can specify the space key as above, and you can specify the page or news item with the 'page=Page
Name' parameter.
@parent - Links to the page's parent, if it has one.
@self - Links to the page the macro is on.
add comment - Opens the 'add comment' section of the page.
page comments - Jumps to the page comments.
page attachments - The attachments tab for the page.
page children - Jumps to the page children list.
page edit - The edit tab for the page.
page history - The page history view.
page info - The page info view.
page source - The page source view
pdf export - Export the page to PDF.
word export - Export the page in Microsoft Word format.
print - The print view for the page.
Lists allow you to present information as a series of ordered items.
Notation Comment
* some
* bullet
** indented
** bullets
* points
A bulleted list (must be in first column). Use more (**) for deeper indentations.
- different
- bullet
- types
A list item (with -), several lines create a single list.
# a
# numbered
# list
A numbered list (must be in first column). Use more (##, ###) for deeper indentations.
# a
# numbered
#* with
#* nested
#* bullet
# list
* a
* bulletted
*# with
*# nested
You can even go with any kind of mixed nested lists:
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*# numbered
* list
{svgimage} {svgimage} or
{svgimage|attachment-name} {svgimage}
Converts an SVG to an image and displays it.
Displays a dynamic tasklist. Tasks are added to the list and updated while viewing the page.
The single parameter is the title of the task list. Make sure you don't have two task-lists in the same page
with the same title.
{dynamictable:name} |header1|header2|...|
Displays a dynamic table. Rows are added to the table and updated while viewing the page.
The single parameter is the title of the table. Make sure you don't have two tables in the same page with the
same title.
Images can be embedded into Confluence pages from attached files or remote sources.
Notation Comment
Inserts an image into the page.
If a fully qualified URL is given the image will be displayed from the remote source, otherwise an
attached image file is displayed.
!/2007/05/23/My Blog Post^image.gif!
Inserts an image that is attached on another page or blog post.
If no space key is defined, the current is space is used by default.
Insert a thumbnail of the image into the page (only works with images that are attached to the
page). Users can click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized image.
Thumbnails must be enabled by the site administrator for this to work.
!image.gif|align=right, vspace=4!
For any image, you can also specify attributes of the image tag as a comma separated list of
name=value pairs like so.
{gallery:columns=3|title=Charles' Holiday Photos}
Create a gallery of thumbnails of all images attached to a page. This will only work on pagesthat
allow attachments, obviously.
The columns parameter allows you to specify the number of columns in the gallery (bydefault, 4)
The title parameter allows you to supply a title for the gallery
The slideshow parameter allows you to turn off the "View As Slideshow" link (on by default).
{gliffy:name=My UML Diagram}
{gliffy:name=My UML Diagram|size=M|align=right}
{gliffy:space=Software|page=User flow|name=My user flow
Includes a Gliffy diagram in the page.
name: - (required) The name of the diagram. This name must be unique for the current
space: - (required if page attribute used, otherwise optional) The space key of the page
that the diagram is attached to.
page: - (required if space attribute used, otherwise optional) The name of teh page that
the diagram is attached to.
size: - (optional, default is L) The size of the image that will be shown. Possible values are
'L' (Full size), 'M' (medium), 'S' (small), 'T' (Thumbnail)
align: - (optional, default is left) Horizontal alignment of the diagram image on the page.
Possible values are 'left','center', and 'right'.
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Tables allow you to organise content in a rows and columns, with a header row if required.
Notation Comment
||heading 1||heading 2||heading 3||
|col A1|col A2|col A3|
|col B1|col B2|col B3|
Makes a table. Use double bars for a table heading row. Note that each
table-row has to be defined on a single line.
The code given here produces a table that looks like:
heading 1 heading 2 heading 3
col A1 col A2 col A3
col B1 col B2 col B3
Text in this column.
Defines a single column.
width: - (optional) the width of the column.
Must be defined in a section macro.
Column one text goes here
Column two text goes here
If you want to use columns instead of tables, you can define them first by
marking a {section}, and then placing any number of {column}s inside.
border: - (optional) set to "true" to draw a border around the section
and columns.
, January, February, March, April
Max, 37.5, 32.7, 28.0, 25.3
Min, 31.3, 26.8, 25.1, 18.7
Month Max Min Average
January 25.5 *6.3* 15.9
February 32.4 12.8 22.6
March 44.6 24.5 34.6
April 59.7 37.1 48.4
May 72.5 48.7 60.6
June 81.3 57.9 69.6
July 85.2 62.8 74
August 82.5 60.7 71.6
September 73.7 51.7 62.7
October 61.1 40.1 50.6
November 43.6 27.4 35.5
December 29.9 13.6 21.8
Converts csv and other deliminated data into a table. CSV is not a formal
standard, but the best reference is
The Comma Separated Value (CSV) File Format . The support in this macro
comes close to following this pseudo-standard. For more details see SCRP-16 .
This macro shares common table capabilities with other table based macros
(excel, table-plus, and sql).
output - Determines how the output is formated:
html - Data is output as a HTML table (default).
wiki - Data is output as a Confluence wiki table. Use this option
if you want data within the table to be formated by the
Confluence wiki renderer.
script - Location of csv data. Default is the macro body only. If a
location of data is specified, the included data will follow the body data.
#filename - Data is read from the file located in confluence
home directory/script/filename. Subdirectories can be specified.
global page template name - Data is read from a global page
space:page template name - Data is read from a space
^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the current
page^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the page
name provided.
space:page^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to
the page name provided in the space indicated.
url - Specifies the URL of an csv file. If a url location is specified, the
included data will follow the body and script data. Use of this parameter
may be restricted for security reasons. See your administrator for
heading - Number of rows to be considered heading rows (default is 1
row). Specify heading=false or heading=0 to not show any heading
border - The border width in pixels. Defaults to normal table border
width - The table width in pixels. Default is 100%.
delimiter - Delimiter that separates columns. Note that trailing
delimiters on a line result in a blank column at the end of the row.
, or "," (comma) - The default column separator.
whitespace - Blanks, tabs, and other white space are used to
separate columns.
blanks - Blank or blanks only.
other single character delimiter - may be within double quotes
with some restictions. Examples: ";", "=",
quote - the character used to represent quoted data. Quoted data may
contain delimiters or new lines. Quote character data must be doubled
inside a quoted string.
double - Double quote character (default).
single - Single quote character.
escape - When wiki output is requested (output=wiki), some special
characters (like '|', '[', ']', '{', '}') in data may cause undesirable
formatting of the table. Set escape=true to allow these special
characters to be escaped so that it will not affect the formatting. The
default is false so that data that has wiki markup will be handled
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showWiki - Default is false. Set to true to show a non-formatted
version of the wiki table following the formatted table. This is used to
help resolve formating issues.
|| || January || February || March || April ||
| Max | 37.5 | 32.7 | 28.0 | 25.3 |
| Min | 31.3 | 26.8 | 25.1 | 18.7 |
|| Month || Max || Min || Average ||
| January | 25.5 | *6.3* | 15.9 |
| February | 32.4 | 12.8 | 22.6 |
| March | 44.6 | 24.5 | 34.6 |
| April | 59.7 | 37.1 | 48.4 |
Other text can be here too!
|| Another table || | more data | {table-plus}
|columnAttributes=,,style="background:yellow; font-size:14pt;"}
|| Name || Phone || TCP ||
| John | 555-1234 | |
| Mary | 555-2134 | |
| Bob | 555-4527 | |
Adds column sorting and other attributes to one or more tables found in the
body of the macro. The tables can be produced by wiki markup or other
means. This macro shares common table capabilities with other table based
macros (excel, csv, and sql).
heading - Number of rows to be considered heading rows (default is 1
row). Specify heading=false or heading=0 to not show any heading
lines. Heading rows do not participate in sorting.
footing - Number of rows to be considered footing rows (default is 0).
Footing rows do not participate in sorting. An auto total row is
automatically treated as a footing row.
width - The table width in pixels. Default is 100%.
border - The border width in pixels. Defaults to normal table border
Other parameters - Other parameters are passed through to the html
table markup for more advanced capabilities or to override the default
Common table capabilities
A javascript enabled browser is required to enable these capabilities. A number
of table based macros (table-plus, csv, excel, and sql) share these common
Column sorting - sort a column by clicking on column heading. Clicking
again will reverse the order. Auto sorting before display
Row highlighting on mouse over - row is highlighted when mouse goes
over any row element for non-heading rows
Column attributes - ability to set the display attributes (color, font) on
a column basis
Auto numbering - ability to automatically add a leading column with the
data row count.
Auto totaling - ability to automatically add a footing row that totals all
numeric columns.
Parameters - the following parameters control these common table
enableSorting - Set enableSorting=false to prevent sorting.
enableHighlighting - As the mouse moves over a table row, the row
will be highlighted by default. Set enableHighlighting=false to stop this
behavior. This parameter was formerly known as highlightRow which
still works.
sortColumn - The table can be auto sorted before it is displayed by
any valid column name or number provided by this parameter. No auto
sorting will be done if this value is not provided or is invalid. A column
number is a 1-based count of columns (excluding auto number
sortDescending - If sortDescending=true, the sort indicated by the
sortColumn will be done in reverse order.
sortTip - Text that is used to provide user feedback with mouse is over
a column heading that is sortable. Default text is: "Click to sort"
followed by the column name if available.
sortIcon - Default is false to not show a sort indicator icon. Set
sortIcon=true to include a sort icon in the first heading row for sortable
columns. An icon will show for the last column sorted indicating the
direction the column was sorted.
highlightColor - Color of row when mouse is over a row element. See
Colors for how to specify.
autoNumber - If autoNumber=true, an additional column will be
added that will count each data row.
autoTotal - If autoTotal=true, an additional row will be appended to
the end of the table that will contain totals of all numeric columns.
autoNumberSort - If autoNumberSort=true, the auto number column
will be sortable and will retain the original data row count even after
row sorting.
columnTypes - By default, all columns are treated as strings for
sorting purposes unless a more specific sort type is provided either by
the macro logic or by this parameter. The parameter is a comma
separated list of column type indicators to identify column types.
S - string
I - integer
F - float
C - currency or similar where it is a float value with pre or post
D - date in the browser date format. More advanced date
handling may be available on your server after installation of a
date handling library. See online docmentation for more
X - exclude this column from user selectable sorting
. or - or : or / - separated numbers, like phone numbers or TCP
addresses. Valid values are multiple integer numbers separated
by one of the separators indicated by the type.
H - hide the column.
columnAttributes - A comma separated list of values used to modify
cell attributes for all cells in a column. The position in the comma
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separated list corresponds to the column that the values apply to. Each
value is a double semi-colon list of attributeName=value pairs that will
be applied to the column cells.
enableHeadingAttributes - By default, any column attributes
provided will be applied to the all column rows including heading rows.
Set enableHeadingAttributes=false to have the column attributes apply
only to data rows.
id - Sets the table id for the table for use in macros (like the chart
macro) to identify a specific table.
Advanced Formatting
More advanced text formatting.
Notation Comment
preformatted piece of text
so *no* further _formatting_ is done here
Makes a preformatted block of text with no syntax highlighting. All the optional parameters of
{panel} macro are valid for {noformat} too.
nopanel: If the value of "nopanel" is true, then the excerpt will be drawn without its
surrounding panel.
{panel}Some text{panel}
{panel:title=My Title}Some text with a title{panel}
{panel:title=My Title| borderStyle=dashed| borderColor=#ccc|
titleBGColor=#F7D6C1| bgColor=#FFFFCE}
a block of text surrounded with a *panel*
yet _another_ line
Embraces a block of text within a fully customizable panel. The optional parameters you can define
are the following ones:
title: Title of the panel
borderStyle: The style of the border this panel uses (solid, dashed and other valid CSS
border styles)
borderColor: The color of the border this panel uses
borderWidth: The width of the border this panel uses
bgColor: The background color of this panel
titleBGColor: The background color of the title section of this panel
My Title
a block of text surrounded with a panel
yet another line
// Some comments here
public String getFoo()
return foo;
<another tag="attribute"/>
Makes a preformatted block of code with syntax highlighting. All the optional parameters of {panel}
macro are valid for {code} too. The default language is Java but you can specify JavaScript,
ActionScript, XML, HTML and SQL too.
{index} Displays an index of all the pages in the current space, cross linked and sorted alphabetically.
Displays a simple table of all the content (pages, comments, news items, user profiles and space
descriptions) created by a user (here 'fred').
{search-form} {search-input:type=text|match=query} {search-form}
Provides an advanced style search interface, obtaining the results inline using AJAX / DWR.
See Also: Plugin Homepage and Documentation
{chart:title=Fish Sold}
|| Fish Type || 2004 || 2005 ||
|| Herring | 9,500 | 8,300 |
|| Salmon | 2,900 | 4,200 |
|| Tuna | 1,500 | 1,500 |
{chart:type=line|title=Temperatures in Brisbane|yLabel=Celcius
|| Month || Min || Max ||
| January | 31.3 | 37.5 |
| February | 26.8 | 32.7 |
| March | 25.1 | 28 |
| April | 18.7 | 25.3 |
Displays a chart using data from the supplied table or tables.
Chart type parameters - These parameters change what type of chart to display and the way
the chart looks.
type - The type of chart to display. The following chart types are available:
Standard charts
pie (default)
XY plots - The standard XY plot has numerical x and y axes. The x values may
optionally be time based. See the timeSeries parameter.
preformatted piece of text
so *no* further _formatting_ is done here
// Some comments here
public String getFoo()
return foo;
<another tag="attribute"/>
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|| Month || Revenue ||
| 1.2005 | 31.8 |
| 2.2005 | 41.8 |
| 3.2005 | 51.3 |
| 4.2005 | 33.8 |
| 5.2005 | 27.6 |
| 6.2005 | 49.8 |
| 7.2005 | 51.8 |
| 8.2005 | 77.3 |
| 9.2005 | 73.8 |
| 10.2005 | 97.6 |
| 11.2005 | 101.2 |
| 12.2005 | 113.7 |
|| Month || Expenses ||
| 1.2005 | 41.1 |
| 2.2005 | 43.8 |
| 3.2005 | 45.3 |
| 4.2005 | 45.0 |
| 5.2005 | 44.6 |
| 6.2005 | 43.8 |
| 7.2005 | 51.8 |
| 8.2005 | 52.3 |
| 9.2005 | 53.8 |
| 10.2005 | 55.6 |
| 11.2005 | 61.2 |
| 12.2005 | 63.7 |
Other charts
gantt - beta - see Gantt Charts.
orientation - A bar, line, or area chart will be displayed vertically (y axis is vertical)
unless 'orientation=horizontal' is specified.
3D - A pie, bar, or line chart will be shown in 3D if '3D=true' is specified.
stacked - A bar or area chart will be shown with stacked values if 'stacked=true' is
showShapes - Shapes will be shown at each data point in a line chart unless
opacity - A percent value between 0 (not visible) and 100 (non-transparent) that
determines how opaque the foreground areas and bars display. Defaults are:
75 percent for 3D charts
50 percent for non-stacked area charts
100 percent for all other charts
Display control parameters
width - The width of the chart in pixels (default is '300')
height - The height of the chart in pixels (default is '300')
dataDisplay - Default is false to not display the rendered body of the macro (usually
the data tables). When dataDisplay=true or dataDisplay=after, the data will be
displayed after the chart. When dataDisplay=before, the data will be displayed before
the chart.
imageFormat - Default is png. Format of generated image. Valid formats are png and
jpg. Other formats may be also be valid if installed on your server.
Title and label customization parameters
title - The title of the chart.
subTitle - A subtitle for the chart using a smaller font.
xLabel - The label to use for the x (domain) axis
yLabel - The label to use for the y (range) axis
legend - A legend will be displayed unless 'legend=false' is specified.
Data specification parameters - The data for the chart is taken from tables found when the
macro body is rendered. These options control how this data is interpreted. By default,
numeric and date values are interpreted according to the Confluence global default language
(locale) formats. If conversion fails, other languages defined to Confluence will be tried.
Additional conversion options can be specified using the parameters below.
tables - Comma separated list of table ids and/or table numbers contained within the
body of the macro that will be used as the data for the chart. Defaults to all first
level tables. If data tables are embedded in other tables, then table selection will be
required. This occurs when more complex formatting is done (for example using
{section} and {column} macros).
columns - Comma separated list of column labels and/or column titles and/or column
numbers for tables used for chart data. This applies to all tables processed. Defaults to
all columns. Columns are enumerated starting at 1. Column label is the text for the
column in the header row. Column title is the (html) title attribute for the column in
the header row.
dataOrientation - The data tables will be interpreted as columns (horizontally)
representing domain and x values unless 'dataOrientation=vertical'.
timeSeries - If 'true', the x values in an XY plot will be treated as time series data
and so will be converted according date formats.
dateFormat - For time series data, the date format allows for additional
customization of the conversion of data to date values. By default, the Confluence
language defined date formats will be used. If a dateFormat is specified, it will be the
first format used to interpret date values. Specify a format that matches the format of
the time series data. See Date Format.
timePeriod - Specify the time period for time series data. Default is 'Day'. This
defines the granularity of how the data is interpreted. Valid values are: Day, Hour,
Millisecond, Minute, Month, Quarter, Second, Week, Year.
language - If provided, the language and country specification will be used to create
additional number and date formats to be used for data conversion. This specification
will be used before the default languages automatically used. Valid values are 2
character ISO 639-1 alpha-2 codes.
country - Used in combination with the language parameter. Valid values are 2
character ISO 3166 codes.
forgive - Default is true to try to convert numeric and date values that do not totally
match any of the default or user specified formats. Specify forgive=false to enforce
strict data format. Data format errors will cause the chart to not be produced.
Color customization parameters - see Colors for how to specify colors.
bgColor - Color (default is 'white') to use as the background of the chart.
borderColor - Color of a border around the chart. Default is to not show a border.
colors - Comma separated list of colors used to customize category, sections, and
series colors.
Axis customization parameters - Depending on the chart type, the range and domain axis
may be customized. These values are automatically generated based on the data but can be
overridden by specifying one or more more of these paramters.
rangeAxisLowerBound - range axis lower bound.
rangeAxisUpperBound - range axis upper bound
rangeAxisTickUnit - range axis units between axis tick marks
rangeAxisLabelAngle - angle for the range axis label in degrees
domainAxisLowerBound - domain axis lower bound. For a date axis, this value must
be expressed in the date format specified by the dateFormat parameter
domainAxisUpperBound - domain axis upper bound. For a date axis, this value must
be expressed in the date format specified by the dateFormat parameter
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domainAxisTickUnit - domain axis units between axis tick marks. For a date axis,
this value represents a count of the units specified in the timePeriod parameter. The
time period unit can be overridden by specifying a trailing character: y for years, M for
months, d for days, h for hours, m for minutes, s for seconds, u - milliseconds
domainAxisLabelAngle - angle for the domain axis label in degrees
categoryLabelPosition - allows axis label text position for categories to be
up45 - 45 degrees going upward
up90 - 90 degrees going upward
down45 - 45 degrees going downward
down90 - 90 degrees going downward
dateTickMarkPosition - placement of the date tick mark
start (default) - tick mark is at the start of the date period
middle - tick mark is in the middle of the date period
end - tick mark is at the end of the date period
Pie chart customization parameters
pieSectionLabel - Format for how pie section labels are displayed. The default is to
show only the pie section key value. The format is a string with special replacement
%0% is replaced by the pie section key.
%1% is replaced by the pie section numeric value.
%2% is replaced by the pie section percent value.
Example 1: "%0% = %1%" would display something like "Independent = 20"
Example 2: "%0% (%2%)" would display something like "Independent (20%)"
pieSectionExplode - Comma separated list of pie keys that are to be shown
exploded. Defaults to no exploded sections. Note: requires jFreeChart version 1.0.3 or
Attachment parameters - These are advanced options that can be used for chart versioning,
automation enablement, and to improve performance. Use these options carefully! Normally,
the chart image is regenerated each time the page is displayed. These options allow for the
generated image to be saved as an attachment and have subsequent access re-use the
attachment. This can be useful especially when combined with the cache macro to improve
performance. Depending on the options chosen, chart images can be versioned for historical
attachment - Chart image will be saved in a attachment. This advanced capability is
for automation or use in combination with the cache macro. For attachment to be
used, the user must be authorized to add attachments to the page specified.
^attachment - The chart is saved as an attachment to the current page.
page^attachment - The chart is saved as an attachment to the page name
space:page^attachment - The chart is saved as an attachment to the page
name provided in the space indicated.
attachmentVersion - Defines the the versioning mechanism for saved charts.
new - (default) Creates new version of the attachment.
replace - Replaces all previous versions of the chart. To replace an existing
attachment, the user must be authorized to remove attachments for the page
keep - Only saves a new attachment if an existing export of the same name
does not exist. An existing attachment will not be changed or updated.
attachmentComment - Comment used for a saved chart attachment.
thumbnail - Default is false. If true, the chart image attachment will be shown as a
Colors can be specified by name or hex value. See Web-colors. The following are the valid color
names that will automatically be converted.
Color Hexadecimal Color Hexadecimal Color Hexadecimal Color Hexadecimal
Date Format
Copied from Java SimpleDateFormat specification.
Date and time formats are specified by date and time pattern strings. Within date and time pattern
strings, unquoted letters from 'A' to 'Z' and from 'a' to 'z' are interpreted as pattern letters
representing the components of a date or time string. Text can be quoted using single quotes ( ') to
avoid interpretation. "''" represents a single quote. All other characters are not interpreted; they're
simply copied into the output string during formatting or matched against the input string during
The following pattern letters are defined (all other characters from 'A' to 'Z' and from 'a' to 'z'
are reserved):
Date or Time
Presentation Examples
Era designator Text
Year Year 1996; 96
Month in year
Month July; Jul; 07
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Week in year Number
Week in month Number
Day in year Number
Day in month Number
Day of week in month Number
Day in week Text Tuesday; Tue
Am/pm marker Text
Hour in day (0-23) Number
Hour in day (1-24) Number
Hour in am/pm (0-11) Number
Hour in am/pm (1-12) Number
Minute in hour Number
Second in minute Number
Millisecond Number
Time zone General time zone
Pacific Standard Time; PST;
Time zone
RFC 822 time
Pattern letters are usually repeated, as their number determines the exact presentation:
Text: For formatting, if the number of pattern letters is 4 or more, the full form is used;
otherwise a short or abbreviated form is used if available. For parsing, both forms are
accepted, independent of the number of pattern letters.
Number: For formatting, the number of pattern letters is the minimum number of digits, and
shorter numbers are zero-padded to this amount. For parsing, the number of pattern letters
is ignored unless it's needed to separate two adjacent fields.
Year: For formatting, if the number of pattern letters is 2, the year is truncated to 2 digits;
otherwise it is interpreted as a number.
For parsing, if the number of pattern letters is more than 2, the year is interpreted literally,
regardless of the number of digits. So using the pattern "MM/dd/yyyy", "01/11/12" parses to
Jan 11, 12 A.D.
For parsing with the abbreviated year pattern ("y" or "yy"), SimpleDateFormat must interpret
the abbreviated year relative to some century. It does this by adjusting dates to be within 80
years before and 20 years after the time the SimpleDateFormat instance is created. For
example, using a pattern of "MM/dd/yy" and a SimpleDateFormat instance created on Jan 1,
1997, the string "01/11/12" would be interpreted as Jan 11, 2012 while the string "05/04/64"
would be interpreted as May 4, 1964. During parsing, only strings consisting of exactly two
digits, will be parsed into the default century. Any other numeric string, such as a one digit
string, a three or more digit string, or a two digit string that isn't all digits (for example,
"-1"), is interpreted literally. So "01/02/3" or "01/02/003" are parsed, using the same
pattern, as Jan 2, 3 AD. Likewise, "01/02/-3" is parsed as Jan 2, 4 BC.
Month: If the number of pattern letters is 3 or more, the month is interpreted as text;
otherwise, it is interpreted as a number.
General time zone: Time zones are interpreted as text if they have names. For time zones
representing a GMT offset value, the following syntax is used:
Hours must be between 0 and 23, and Minutes must be between 00 and 59. The format is
locale independent and digits must be taken from the Basic Latin block of the Unicode
For parsing, RFC 822 time zones are also accepted.
RFC 822 time zone: For formatting, the RFC 822 4-digit time zone format is used:
TwoDigitHours must be between 00 and 23. Other definitions are as for general time zones.
For parsing,
general time zones are also accepted.
GMT Sign Hours : Minutes
Sign: one of
+ -
Digit Digit
Digit Digit
Digit: one of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sign TwoDigitHours Minutes
Digit Digit
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{note:title=Be Careful}
The body of the note here..
Prints a simple note to the user.
title: - (optional) the title of the note.
icon: - (optional) if "false", dont display the icon.
Be Careful
The body of the note here..
Insert warning message here!
Prints a warning note to the user.
title: - (optional) the title of the warning.
icon: - (optional) if "false", dont display the icon.
Insert warning message here!
{info:title=Useful Information}
This macro is useful for including helpful information in your confluence
Prints an informational note.
title: - (optional) the title of the information box.
icon: - (optional) if "false", dont display the icon.
Useful Information
This macro is useful for including helpful information in your confluence pages
{tip:title=Handy Hint}
Join the Confluence Mailing-List!
Prints a helpful tip for the user.
title: - (optional) the title of the tip.
icon: - (optional) if "false", dont display the icon.
Handy Hint
Join the Confluence Mailing-List!
cloak.memory.duration = 3 #days
cloak.toggle.type = custom = ^open.gif
cloak.toggle.close = ^close.gif
Performs setup operations for some of the composition macros. Some macros require that this has
been put at the top of a page for them to work. It allows page-wide settings for macros. Its contents
is a list of properties, as listed below.
defaults - (optional) the link to the default property attachment. E.g. "Home^defaults.txt".
This allows easy setting of defaults for multiple pages.
import.css - The path to the CSS file to import. May be a page attachment (eg. "^style.css")
or a regular URL.
cloak.memory.duration - The number of days to remember the state of the page. Set to 0
to disable memory altogether. Defaults to 7 days.
cloak.toggle.type - (optional) The type of toggle to display. May be:
default - (default) Blue arrows pointing up or down.
custom - Allow custom images as the icons. You must set '' and
'cloak.toggle.close' when using this option.
text - Allow any regular text as the icons. You must set '' and
'cloak.toggle.close' when using this option.
wiki - Allow regular wiki text (except links). You must set '' and
'cloak.toggle.close' when using this option.
none - No icon will be output at all. You will probably want to make sure that
'' is set to true with this option. - If 'cloak.toggle.type' is set to 'text' or 'custom', this what the toggle will
contain when the cloak contents can be expanded. E.g. If in 'text' mode, a good value might
be '+'. If in 'custom' mode, either an absolute URL ('http://.../open.gif'), a relative URL
('/.../open.gif') or a Confluence attachment link ('[SPACEKEY:][Page]^open.gif') must be
cloak.toggle.close - If 'cloak.toggle.type' is set to 'text' or 'custom', this is what the toggle
will contain when the cloak contents can be hidden. E.g. If in 'text' mode, a good value might
be '-'. If in 'custom' mode, either an absolute URL ('http://.../close.gif'), a relative URL
('/.../close.gif') or a Confluence attachment link ('[SPACEKEY:][Page]^close.gif') must be
cloak.toggle.exclusive - (optional) If true, all cloaked sections will be exclusive - that is,
only the current section will be visible at any given time. Defaults to 'false'. - (optional) If true, the paragraph or heading any toggle icons are placed
in can also be clicked to toggle the associated cloak section. Defaults to 'true'.
deck.memory.duration - The number of days to remember the state of the decks on the
page. Set to 0 to disable memory altogether. Defaults to 7 days.
deck.class - The custom CSS class to apply to all decks - 'top', 'bottom' or 'none'. The location of the tab bar. - The border for the active tab (CSS - eg. '1px dashed black') - The background for the active tab (CSS - eg. '#ff0055') - The border for inactive tabs (CSS) - The background for inactive tabs (CSS) - The distance between tabs (eg '5px')
deck.card.border - The border for the active card.
deck.card.background - The background for the active card.
deck.width/deck.height - The width and/or height the content will be constrained to (not
including any tabs). If not set, the tabs expand to display their content.
deck.startHidden - If set to 'false', the cards will be initially visible on the page until setup
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is complete. Defaults to 'true'.
deck.loopCards - If 'true', the deck will loop back to the beginning from the last card and
vice versa. Defaults to 'false'.
deck.nextAfter - The number of seconds the slides will stay visible before moving to the
next one. By default the current slide will not transition until prompted by the user.
deck.effect.type - The effect to use when moving to a new slide. May be 'fade' or 'none'
(the default).
deck.effect.duration - The number of seconds the transition will take to complete. Eg. '1.5'.
Defaults to 1.
{float:right|width=50px|background: #F0F0F0|border: solid navy}
This will float to the right.
Creates a weekly booking sheet with the list of items able to be booked by logged-in users. All
options below such as width, background and padding support valid CSS options for the properties of
the same name.
[default]/side - (required) The side the content will float on (left or right).
width - (optional) The width of the floating content (eg. '100px').
background - (optional) The background colour or picture settings.
border - (optional) The border settings.
margin - (optional) The margin settings.
padding - (optional) The padding settings.
{cloak:id=Cloaked Content}
This section will be cloaked until it is toggled.
Creates a cloaked section which can be toggled between being visible and hidden.
Note: Requires that {composition-setup} is placed above it in the page.
id - (required) The unique ID of the cloaked section.
visible - (optional) If 'true', the section will be visible initially. Defaults to 'false'.
h1. {toggle-cloak:id=Cloaked Content} Cloaked Content
Creates a button to toggle a cloaked section between being visibile and hidden.
Note: Requires that {composition-setup} is placed above it in the page.
id - (required) The unique ID of the cloaked section to toggle.
exclusive - (optional) If true, all other sections at the same level will be cloaked when this
is shown.
Tabbed deck
{deck:id=My Deck}
{card:label=Card 1}
Card 1 contents.
{card:label=Card 2}
Card 2 contents.
{card:label=Card 1}
{card:label=Card 2}
Creates a new deck of 'cards' - sections of content which are displayed one at a time. By default,
tabs similar to those in the default Confluence theme are displayed.
Note: Requires that {composition-setup} is placed above it in the page.
id - (required) The unique ID of the deck section.
tabLocation Either 'top', 'bottom' or 'none'. Defaults to 'top'.
class - The custom CSS class the deck will be placed in.
width/height - The width and/or height the content will be constrained to (not including any
tabs). If not set, the tabs expand to display their content.
startHidden - If set to 'false', the cards will be initially visible on the page until setup is
complete. Defaults to 'true'.
loopCards - If 'true', the deck will loop back to the beginning from the last card and vice
versa. Defaults to 'false'.
nextAfter - The number of seconds the slides will stay visible before moving to the next one.
By default the current slide will not transition until prompted by the user.
effectType - The effect to use when moving to a new slide. May be 'fade' or 'none' (the
effectDuration - The number of seconds the transition will take to complete. Eg. '1.5'.
Defaults to 1.
{card:label=Card 1}
Card 1 contents.
{card:label=*Card 2*|default=true|accessKey=c}
Card 2 contents.
Creates a new card. Must be inside a 'deck'. Only one card is visible at any given time.
label - (required) The label to put on the tab.
default - (optional) If true, the card will be the default. The last card in the deck marked as
'default' will be the default.
accessKey - (optional) The key that, when combined with {{Ctrl}} will activate the card.
class - (optional) The custom CSS class for the tab.
nextAfter - The number of seconds the slide will stay visible before moving to the next one.
By default the current slide will not transition until prompted by the user.
effectType - The effect to use when moving to this slide. May be 'fade' or 'none' (the
effectDuration - The number of seconds the transition will take to complete. Eg. '1.5'
{show-card:deck=My Deck|card=A Card}Show A Card{show-card}
{show-card:deck=My Deck|card=@next|scrollTo=false}Show next
Shows a card in the specified deck.
deck - (required) The id of the deck.
card - (required) Either the label of the card, or one of the following special labels:
@first - Show the first card in the deck.
@last - Show the last card in the deck.
@next - Show the next card after the currently-visible one. If the deck loops, it will
show the first card if the current card is the last.
@prev - Show the card previous to the currently-visible one. If the deck loops, it will
show the last card if the current card is the first.
scrollTo - (optional) If set to false, the browser will not scroll to the deck. Defaults to true.
Something to cache for a day
This will be cached for 30 minutes
{cache:refresh=2 hours}
The excel data will be cached for 2 hours
Caches the rendered contents of the body of this macro. Very useful when using macros that might
be slow to render content, but where it does not really need to be dynamically generated for each
and every request. Specifically, this can improve performance for accessing dynamic data from sql,
excel, and similar macros. Cache will be refreshed if the body of the macro changes or if
attachments to this page have been added, removed, or have newer versions. The cache applies to
all users that view this page.
This macro may have restricted use for security reasons. See your administrator for details.
Optional Parameters
refresh - Cache refresh period. Default is a day. A number will be treated as seconds. A
number followed by one of the following characters will be treated as follows:
s - seconds.
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System.out.println("Generated: " + (new Date()) );
{cache:cron=30 * * * *|showRefresh=true|title=Refresh data from
This will be cached until 30 minutes past each hour of the day
select * from report
m - minutes.
h - hours.
d - days.
Any data after a s, m, h, or d is ignored. For example, 10days is the same as 10d or 10 days.
cron - Cron-like expression for finer grained expiration. See Cron Expressions.
showRefresh - Show a refresh icon if showRefresh=true. Default is false. When the refresh
icon is clicked, the cache for this macro will be discarded forcing the data to be regenerated.
title - Title to show when mouse is over the refresh icon. Default is "Refresh".
Based on OSCache.
{slideshow:Bananas|subtitle=My Favourite Fruit}
{slide:Fruit Is Good}
* Bananas are fruit
* Fruit is healthy
* Therefore, bananas are healthy
* Unripe ones are {color:green}green{color}
* Good ones are {color:yellow}yellow{color}
* Bad ones are {color:brown}brown{color}
{slide:More stuff}
h2. A Heading
* Point
* *Another* _point_ [home]
h3. Third Level
# one
# two
{slide:Charts Are Fun}
Provides the ability to collaborate with others in creating slide shows using simple Confluence
markup. This takes advantage of the versioning and sharing capabilities of Confluence to make
creating and maintaining slide shows productive. Confluence content can be easy included in the
flow of the slide show. Slide re-use is simple. Viewers can quickly review the content in full screen or
inline mode with no additional software. Parameters can be provided and they will be used to replace
parameters in the body prior to rendering.
title - The title of the slide show. Can also be specified as the default paramter. Default is the
title of the page.
subtitle - An additional title for the slide show. Default is blank.
authors - A comma separated list of author names. User ids will automatically convert to real
names with profile links. Names containing commas must be enclosed double quotes (").
Default is the user that created the slide show page.
theme - Defaults to the default theme. Valid theme names are default and simple.
showInline - Default is true. Set to false to hide inline display of charts on the page.
showLabel - Default is Show. Text for the show and inline buttons.
hideLabel - Default is Hide. Text for the show and inline buttons.
inlineLabel - Default is inline. Text for the inline button.
authorsLabel - Default is blank. Text in front of the list of authors.
{slide:Fruit Is Good}
* Bananas are fruit
* Fruit is healthy
* Therefore, bananas are healthy
{slide:title=More stuff|hide=true}
* this slide still needs work
Provides the slide content for the slideshow macro.
title - The title of the slide show. Default is blank. Can also be specified as the default
hide - Default to false. Set hide to true to hide the content from the slideshow.
admin - Allows you to specify a group or a user who can administrate the plugin.
allows all users in the confluence-users group to administrate this plugin.
allows only john to administrate this plugin.
Confluence Administrators can always administrate this plugin.
Attend Event
Name Company Admin
John Foo Atlassian
Aug 28, 2006
Peter Bar Atlassian
Aug 28, 2006
Frank E. Stein Atlassian
Aug 28, 2006
Confluence Content
Ways to include, summarise or refer to other Confluence content.
Notation Comment
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{excerpt}Confluence is a knowledge-sharing application that enables teams to
communicate more effectively{excerpt}
{excerpt:hidden=true}This excerpt will be recorded, but will not be displayed on
the page.{excerpt}
Marks some part of the page as the page's 'excerpt'. This doesn't change the
display of the page at all, but other macros (for example children, excerpt-include
and blog-posts) can use this excerpt to summarise the page's content.
hidden: If the value of "hidden" is true, then the contents of the excerpt
macro will not appear on the page.
Includes one page within another (this example includes a page called "Home").
Pages from another space can be included by prefacing the page title with a space
key and a colon.
The user viewing the page must have permission to view the page being included,
or it will not be displayed.
{excerpt-include:blogPost=/2006/12/28/News Page}
Includes the excerpt from one page (see the excerpt macro) within another. The
included page must be in the same space as the page on which the macro is used.
nopanel: If the value of "nopanel" is true, then the excerpt will be drawn
without its surrounding panel.
Does an inline site search.
query: your query
maxLimit=x: (where x is any number > 0) to limit the search result to a
number of results.
spacekey: specify the key of the space you want to search in
type: specify the content type (could be page, comment, blogpost,
attachment, userinfo, spacedesc)
lastModified: specify a time period in which the content was last
modified: (e.g. 3d = modified in the last 3 days, 1m3d = modified in the
last month and three days)
Found 2 result(s) for home
(My Space)
This is the home page for My Space.
Jan 06, 2004 by fred
( download)
Jan 06, 2004 by fred
{children:page=Another Page}
{children:page=SPACEKEY:Page Title}
{children:sort=<mode>|reverse=<true or false>}
Displays the children and descendants of the current page. Specify 'all=true' to
show all descendants of this page, or depth=x (where x is any number > 0) to
show that many levels of descendants.
The 'style' attribute can be any of 'h1' through 'h6'. If you specify a style, the top
level of child pages will be displayed as headings of that level, with their children
then displayed as lists below. A great way to throw together a quick contents
You can view the children of a different page in the same space with
{children:page=Another Page Title}.
If you specify a page of '/', you will list all the pages in the space with no parent
(i.e. the top-level pages), excluding the current page
If you specify a page of 'FOO:' (the colon is required), you will list all the pages
with no parent in the space with key "FOO".
Specify 'excerpt=true' to also display the first line of the pages excerpt (see the
excerpt macro) if it exists.
another child
first grandchild
another child
The 'sort' attribute is an optional attribute that allows you to configure how the
children are sorted. Specify 'creation' to sort by content creation date, 'title' to
sort alphabetically on title and 'modified' to sort of last modification date. Use the
reverse attribute to optionally reverse the sorting.
The 'first' attribute allows you to restrict the number of children displayed at the
top level.
Displays the most recent news items in this space.
The first parameter controls how many news items to display (default: 15)
The content parameter lets you choose whether to display each news item in its
entirety (the default), just short excerpts from each item (see the excerpt macro),
or just a list of posts titles.
The time parameter lets you choose how far back to look for news items. For
example, "time=12h" would show you those items made in the last twelve hours,
and "time=7d" would show items made in the last week. (The default is no limit)
The labels parameter lets you specify a list of labels that will be used to filter the
blog posts that are returned. By default, blog posts that match any of the
specified labels are returned. To return the blog posts that match all of the
specified labels, add match-labels=all as a parameter.
The spaces parameter lets you specify a list of spaces that the posts will come
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from. If not specified, the current space is used. If specified as spaces=@all then
it will include items from all spaces.
Embeds an object in a page, taking in a comma-separated of properties.
Default supported formats:
Flash (.swf)
Quicktime movies (.mov)
Windows Media (.wma, .wmv)
Real Media (.rm, .ram)
MP3 files (.mp3)
Other types of files can be used, but may require the specification of the "classid",
"codebase" and "pluginspage" properties in order to be recognised by web
Common properties are:
width - the width of the media file
height - the height of the media file
id - the ID assigned to the embedded object
Due to security issues, files located on remote servers are not permitted
By default, each embedded object is wrapped in a "div" tag. If you wish to style
the div and its contents, override the "embeddedObject" CSS class. Specifying an
ID as a property also allows you to style different embedded objects differently.
CSS class names in the format "embeddedObject-ID" are used.
{incoming-links}No links exist{incoming-links}
{incoming-links:scope=Another Page>children}
{incoming-links:scope=A Different Page>descendents}
{incoming-links:page=Another Page|types=page,comment}
Creates a list of pages which link to the current page. Wiki content may be
included as the body to be shown if no links exist.
Display Options
page - The page to search on.
mode - The mode in which incoming links are displayed. Available modes:
list - Links are displayed in a bullet-pointed list.
flat - Links are displayed in a single row, with a separator between
each item.
separator - The style of separator to have. Defaults to ', ' when in flat
mode. Available separators:
brackets - Each item is surrounded by square brackets ('[' and ']').
braces - Each item is surrounded by curly braces ('{' and '}').
parens - Each item is surrounded by parentheses ('(' and ')').
pipe - Each item is separated by a pipe ('|').
other - The value is the separator.
style - The style of the bullet points. Some styles may not be available
depending on the mode. Available styles:
icons - displays the Confluence page-type icon (default)
none - no bullet point displayed
other CSS styles - disc, square, upper-roman, lower-roman, etc
excerpt - Will output any excerpts which have been set on the linking
sort - Allows the sort order to be specified. More than one sort may be
specified and they will be processed in order. Also, each sort item may be
followed by 'desc' to indicate the item should be sorted in descending
order. Eg. "modification date desc, natural title". Valid options are:
natural title - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the
content title. (Default)
exact title - Sorted by the exact content title.
creation date - Sorted by the creation date of the content.
modification date - Sorted by the last-modified date of the
space key - Sorted by the space key the content is contained in.
space name - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the
space name.
maxResults - Outputs up to this number of results. Default is unlimited.
Filtering Options
In general, all filtering parameters are lists of optional, required or excluded
values. Optional items simply list the value, required items are prefixed with a '+',
and excluded values are prefixed with a '-'. Each value is separated by a ',' or a
';'. For example, to specify that only content which has the "foo" label but not the
"bar" label would look like this:
If you need to specify a value which contains any of the special characters
(namely +, -, ", ; and comma), just wrap it in a set of quotes. Eg:
This will work for all filter properties below.
scope - List of pages, news items, etc which are in scope. If the content is
a page, the scope can be expanded to their children, descendents or
>children - The direct children of the specified page. Eg.
'scope=My Page>children'
>descendents - All descendents of the specified page. Eg.
'scope="My Page">descendents'
labels=foo, -bar
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>ancestors - All ancestors of the specified page. Eg. 'scope=My
labels - List of label checks. Eg. "one, +two, -three" would list content
which had the "two" label but not the "three" label.
spaces - Will only list linking pages in the specified spaces. Spaces should
be comma-separated. May also be one of the following special values:
@all - All spaces, both personal and global
@personal - All personal spaces
@global - All non-personal spaces
@favourites - All the current user's favourite spaces
types - Will only list linking pages of the specified types. Types should be
comma-separated. Valid types include:
page - Wiki pages
news - Blog/News posts
comment - Page or blog comments
spacedescription - Space description
userinfo - User profile
attachment - An attachment
mail - Mail archive
mailto - A 'mailto' link
url - An external URL.
unresolved - An unresolved link.
{outgoing-links}No links exist{outgoing-links}
{outgoing-links:scope=Another Page>children}
{outgoing-links:scope=A Different Page>descendents}
Creates a list of pages, websites and email addresses the current page links to.
Wiki content may be included as the body to be shown if no links exist.
Display Options
page - The page to search on.
mode - The mode in which links are displayed. Available modes:
list - Links are displayed in a bullet-pointed list.
flat - Links are displayed in a single row, with a separator between
each item.
separator - The style of separator to have. Defaults to ', ' when in flat
mode. Available separators:
brackets - Each item is surrounded by square brackets ('[' and ']').
braces - Each item is surrounded by curly braces ('{' and '}').
parens - Each item is surrounded by parentheses ('(' and ')').
pipe - Each item is separated by a pipe ('|').
other - The value is the separator.
style - The style of the bullet points. Some styles may not be available
depending on the mode. Available styles:
icons - displays the Confluence page-type icon (default)
none - no bullet point displayed
other CSS styles - disc, square, upper-roman, lower-roman, etc
excerpt - Will output any excerpts which have been set on the linking
sort - Allows the sort order to be specified. More than one sort may be
specified and they will be processed in order. Also, each sort item may be
followed by 'desc' to indicate the item should be sorted in descending
order. Eg. "modification date desc, natural title". Valid options are:
natural title - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the
content title. (Default)
exact title - Sorted by the exact content title.
creation date - Sorted by the creation date of the content.
modification date - Sorted by the last-modified date of the
space key - Sorted by the space key the content is contained in.
space name - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the
space name.
maxResults - Outputs up to this number of results. Default is unlimited.
Filtering Options
In general, all filtering parameters are lists of optional, required or excluded
values. Optional items simply list the value, required items are prefixed with a '+',
and excluded values are prefixed with a '-'. Each value is separated by a ',' or a
';'. For example, to specify that only content which has the "foo" label but not the
"bar" label would look like this:
If you need to specify a value which contains any of the special characters
(namely +, -, ", ; and comma), just wrap it in a set of quotes. Eg:
This will work for all filter properties below.
scope - List of pages, news items, etc which are in scope. If the content is
a page, the scope can be expanded to their children, descendents or
>children - The direct children of the specified page. Eg.
'scope=My Page>children'
>descendents - All descendents of the specified page. Eg.
'scope="My Page">descendents'
>ancestors - All ancestors of the specified page. Eg. 'scope=My
labels - List of label checks. Eg. "one, +two, -three" would list content
which had the "two" label but not the "three" label.
spaces - Will only list linking pages in the specified spaces. Spaces should
labels=foo, -bar
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be comma-separated. May also be one of the following special values:
@all - All spaces, both personal and global
@personal - All personal spaces
@global - All non-personal spaces
@favourites - All the current user's favourite spaces
types - Will only list linking pages of the specified types. Types should be
comma-separated. Valid types include:
page - Wiki pages
news - Blog/News posts
comment - Page or blog comments
spacedescription - Space description
userinfo - User profile
attachment - An attachment
mail - Mail archive
mailto - A 'mailto' link
url - An external URL.
unresolved - An unresolved link.
{orphaned-links}No links exist{orphaned-links}
{orphaned-links:scope=Another Page>children}
{orphaned-links:scope=A Different Page>descendents}
Creates a list of pages which do not have any other pages linking to them. Wiki
content may be included as the body to be shown if no links exist.
Display Options
page - The page to search on.
mode - The mode in which links are displayed. Available modes:
list - Links are displayed in a bullet-pointed list.
flat - Links are displayed in a single row, with a separator between
each item.
separator - The style of separator to have. Defaults to ', ' when in flat
mode. Available separators:
brackets - Each item is surrounded by square brackets ('[' and ']').
braces - Each item is surrounded by curly braces ('{' and '}').
parens - Each item is surrounded by parentheses ('(' and ')').
pipe - Each item is separated by a pipe ('|').
other - The value is the separator.
style - The style of the bullet points. Some styles may not be available
depending on the mode. Available styles:
icons - displays the Confluence page-type icon (default)
none - no bullet point displayed
other CSS styles - disc, square, upper-roman, lower-roman, etc
excerpt - Will output any excerpts which have been set on the linking
sort - Allows the sort order to be specified. More than one sort may be
specified and they will be processed in order. Also, each sort item may be
followed by 'desc' to indicate the item should be sorted in descending
order. Eg. "modification date desc, natural title". Valid options are:
natural title - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the
content title. (Default)
exact title - Sorted by the exact content title.
creation date - Sorted by the creation date of the content.
modification date - Sorted by the last-modified date of the
space key - Sorted by the space key the content is contained in.
space name - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the
space name.
maxResults - Outputs up to this number of results. Default is unlimited.
Filtering Options
In general, all filtering parameters are lists of optional, required or excluded
values. Optional items simply list the value, required items are prefixed with a '+',
and excluded values are prefixed with a '-'. Each value is separated by a ',' or a
';'. For example, to specify that only content which has the "foo" label but not the
"bar" label would look like this:
If you need to specify a value which contains any of the special characters
(namely +, -, ", ; and comma), just wrap it in a set of quotes. Eg:
This will work for all filter properties below.
scope - List of pages, news items, etc which are in scope. If the content is
a page, the scope can be expanded to their children, descendents or
>children - The direct children of the specified page. Eg.
'scope=My Page>children'
>descendents - All descendents of the specified page. Eg.
'scope="My Page">descendents'
>ancestors - All ancestors of the specified page. Eg. 'scope=My
labels - List of label checks. Eg. "one, +two, -three" would list content
which had the "two" label but not the "three" label.
spaces - Will only list linking pages in the specified spaces. Spaces should
be comma-separated. May also be one of the following special values:
@all - All spaces, both personal and global
@personal - All personal spaces
@global - All non-personal spaces
@favourites - All the current user's favourite spaces
labels=foo, -bar
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types - Will only list linking pages of the specified types. Types should be
comma-separated. Valid types include:
page - Wiki pages
news - Blog/News posts
comment - Page or blog comments
spacedescription - Space description
userinfo - User profile
attachment - An attachment
mail - Mail archive
mailto - A 'mailto' link
url - An external URL.
unresolved - An unresolved link.
{undefined-links}No links exist{undefined-links}
{undefined-links:scope=Another Page>children}
{undefined-links:scope=A Different Page>descenents}
Creates a list of pages which are linked to but have not yet been created. Wiki
content may be included as the body to be shown if no links exist.
Display Options
page - The page to search on.
mode - The mode in which links are displayed. Available modes:
list - Links are displayed in a bullet-pointed list.
flat - Links are displayed in a single row, with a separator between
each item.
separator - The style of separator to have. Defaults to ', ' when in flat
mode. Available separators:
brackets - Each item is surrounded by square brackets ('[' and ']').
braces - Each item is surrounded by curly braces ('{' and '}').
parens - Each item is surrounded by parentheses ('(' and ')').
pipe - Each item is separated by a pipe ('|').
other - The value is the separator.
style - The style of the bullet points. Some styles may not be available
depending on the mode. Available styles:
icons - displays the Confluence page-type icon (default)
none - no bullet point displayed
other CSS styles - disc, square, upper-roman, lower-roman, etc
excerpt - Will output any excerpts which have been set on the linking
sort - Allows the sort order to be specified. More than one sort may be
specified and they will be processed in order. Also, each sort item may be
followed by 'desc' to indicate the item should be sorted in descending
order. Eg. "modification date desc, natural title". Valid options are:
natural title - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the
content title. (Default)
exact title - Sorted by the exact content title.
creation date - Sorted by the creation date of the content.
modification date - Sorted by the last-modified date of the
space key - Sorted by the space key the content is contained in.
space name - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the
space name.
maxResults - Outputs up to this number of results. Default is unlimited.
Filtering Options
In general, all filtering parameters are lists of optional, required or excluded
values. Optional items simply list the value, required items are prefixed with a '+',
and excluded values are prefixed with a '-'. Each value is separated by a ',' or a
';'. For example, to specify that only content which has the "foo" label but not the
"bar" label would look like this:
If you need to specify a value which contains any of the special characters
(namely +, -, ", ; and comma), just wrap it in a set of quotes. Eg:
This will work for all filter properties below.
scope - List of pages, news items, etc which are in scope. If the content is
a page, the scope can be expanded to their children, descendents or
>children - The direct children of the specified page. Eg.
'scope=My Page>children'
>descendents - All descendents of the specified page. Eg.
'scope="My Page">descendents'
>ancestors - All ancestors of the specified page. Eg. 'scope=My
labels - List of label checks. Eg. "one, +two, -three" would list content
which had the "two" label but not the "three" label.
spaces - Will only list linking pages in the specified spaces. Spaces should
be comma-separated. May also be one of the following special values:
@all - All spaces, both personal and global
@personal - All personal spaces
@global - All non-personal spaces
@favourites - All the current user's favourite spaces
types - Will only list linking pages of the specified types. Types should be
comma-separated. Valid types include:
page - Wiki pages
news - Blog/News posts
comment - Page or blog comments
labels=foo, -bar
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spacedescription - Space description
userinfo - User profile
attachment - An attachment
mail - Mail archive
mailto - A 'mailto' link
url - An external URL.
unresolved - An unresolved link.
Lists users registered in Confluence.
By default will list every user in the system (not recommended for installations
with large numbers of users).
Supplying a groups value will list only members of those groups. The groups value
supports a comma separated list of group-names.
Group: confluence-administrators
Tyler Durden
Marla Singer
Robert Paulsen
Specifying the online value allows you to filter the user list by the user online
status. Setting online=true will show only online users, whereas setting
online=false will show only offline users.
{pagetreesearch:rootPage=Your Page Name}
Provides a search box to search a page hierachal tree within a space.
If no parameters are specified the root of the tree will be the current page, a
different root page can be specified by providing the page to the rootPage
Creates a Table of Contents for headings on the the current page.
type - (optional) The type of output. May be one of the following:
list - (default) The headings are output in hierarchical list format.
flat - The headings are listed on a single line with a separator
between them.
class - (optional) If specified, the TOC will be output with the specified
CSS class. Also, if set, no other style values will be output.
style - (optional) The style of the list items if in list mode. The style may
be any of the following:
none - (default) Headings are output in indented lists with no bullet
points or numbers prefixing them.
any CSS style - Headings are output in indented lists with the
specified CSS style.
outline - (optional) If set to 'true', each item will be prefixed with a
number in the format 'X.Y'. The numbers will increase automatically, and
extra levels will be added for lower-level headings.
indent - (optional) The amount to indent each list sub-heading by (default
is '10px').
separator - (optional) The type of separator to use if the style is 'flat'.
May be one of the following:
bracket - Square brackets ('[', ']') surrounding each item. (default)
brace - Braces ('{', '}') surrounding each item.
comma - A comma (',') between each item.
paren - Parentheses ('(', ')') surrounding each item.
pipe - A pipe ('|') between each item.
newline - A line break after each item.
"custom" - Any other character you wish, specified between
minLevel - (optional) The lowest heading level to include (inclusive).
(default is 1).
maxLevel - (optional) The highest heading level to include (inclusive).
(default is 7).
includePages - (optional) If 'true', any included Confluence pages will be
imported and listed.
include - (optional) If set, any headings not matching the regular
expression will be ignored. Due to '|' being the parameter separator in
macros, use ',' where you would have usually used '|'.
exclude - (optional) If set, any headings matching the regular expression
will be excluded. Due to '|' being the parameter separator in macros, use ','
where you would have usually used '|'.
printable - (optional) If set to 'false', the table of contents will not be
visible when being printed.
h1. First Heading
blah blah blah...
Creates a Table of Contents for headings contained in the macro body.
location - (optional) The location to have the table of contents output.
May be 'top' or 'bottom'. If not set, it will be output at both locations.
type - (optional) The type of output. May be one of the following:
list - (default) The headings are output in hierarchical list format.
flat - The headings are listed on a single line with a separator
between them.
class - (optional) If specified, the TOC will be output with the specified
CSS class. Also, if set, no other style values will be output.
style - (optional) The style of the list items if in list mode. The style may
be any of the following:
none - (default) Headings are output in indented lists with no bullet
points or numbers prefixing them.
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any CSS style - Headings are output in indented lists with the
specified CSS style.
outline - (optional) If set to 'true', each item will be prefixed with a
number in the format 'X.Y'. The numbers will increase automatically, and
extra levels will be added for lower-level headings.
indent: - (optional) The amount to indent each list sub-heading by (default
is '10px').
separator - (optional) The type of separator to use if the style is 'flat'. May
be one of the following:
bracket - Square brackets ('[', ']') surrounding each item. (default)
brace - Braces ('{', '}') surrounding each item.
comma - A comma (',') between each item.
paren - Parentheses ('(', ')') surrounding each item.
pipe - A pipe ('|') between each item.
newline - A line break after each item.
"custom" - Any other character you wish, specified between
minLevel: - (optional) The lowest heading level to include (inclusive).
(default is 1).
maxLevel: - (optional) The highest heading level to include (inclusive).
(default is 7).
includePages: - (optional) If 'true', any included Confluence pages will be
imported and listed.
include - (optional) If set, any headings not matching the regular
expression will be ignored. Due to '|' being the parameter separator in
macros, use ',' where you would have usually used '|'.
exclude - (optional) If set, any headings matching the regular expression
will be excluded. Due to '|' being the parameter separator in macros, use ','
where you would have usually used '|'.
printable - (optional) If set to 'false', the table of contents will not be
visible when being printed.
Creates a table of contributor information from the current page or a group of
Table Options
groupby - (optional) Specify if the table should be grouped by contributors
or pages. Default value is contributors
columns - (optional) Specify the columns that should appear in the table
as a comma separated list. Default value is edits,comments,labels. Valid
edits Edit Count Column
edited List of pages or contributors
comments Comment Count Column
commented List of pages or contributors
labels Label Count Column
labeled List of pages or contributors
labellist List of labels
watches Watch Count Column
watching List of pages or contributors
lastupdate Last time a page was updated or a contributor changed
some content.
order - (optional) The order the contributors or pages will appear in. By
default the table is ordered by the number of edits.
edits Orders the list with the highest number of edits first in the list
name Orders the list by name alphabetically
editTime Orders the list by the time they last edit time
update Order by the last update time of any content
reverse - (optional) If true the sort order will be reversed.
limit - (optional) Limit the number of contributors displayed to this amount
showAnonymous - (optional) Show edits by anonymous users. Default is
Page Searching Options The following parameters control what pages are used
to build the contributors list.
page The page to count statistics from. If no spaces or labels are specified
this will default to the current page.
labels The label to use to search for pages. Multiple labels can be specified
in a comma separated list. (A page will match if it has any of the labels.)
spaces Specifiy the space for the page or labels parameter. Multiple
spaces can be specified in a comma separated list. If no pages or labels are
specified all pages from the space will be included. The following shortcut
labels can also be used:
@all All Spaces
@global All Global Spaces
@personal All Personal Spaces
contentType Valid options are:
If not specified blog posts and pages are included.
publishDate specify the publish date for a blog post. The date format
expected is: YYYY/mm/dd
scope For each of the pages found this parameter lets you include the
children or decendants. (Each page will only be counted once if it is already
in the list.)
children include statistics from the immediate children of the page
descendants include statiscs from all decendants of the page
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Creates a list of contributors who have contributed to a page or a list of pages.
Display Options
include - (optional) What type of content from the pages to base the
contributor list (and the counts) on. Multiple values can be specified with a
comma separated list.
authors Include page authors (default).
comments Include page comments
labels Include page labels
watches Include page watches
order - (optional) The order the contributors will appear in.
count Order by the total count (default)
name Order by the names of the contributors
update Order by the last update time
Both the count and update orderings will use values from only the
content specified with the include parameter.
reverse - (optional) If true the sort order will be reversed.
limit - (optional) Limit the number of contributors initially displayed to this
mode - (optional) Sets the display mode of the macro
inline The contributors will be displayed across the screen (default)
list The contributors will be displayed in a list down the screen
showAnonymous - (optional) Show edits by anonymous users. Default is
showCount - (optional) Show the count for each user. Default is false.
showLastTime - (optional) Show the last time a contribution was made by
each user for any content specified by the include parameter. Default is
Page Searching Options The following parameters control what pages are used
to build the contributors list.
page The page to count statistics from. If no spaces or labels are specified
this will default to the current page.
labels The label to use to search for pages. Multiple labels can be specified
in a comma separated list. (A page will match if it has any of the labels.)
spaces Specifiy the space for the page or labels parameter. Multiple
spaces can be specified in a comma separated list. If no pages or labels are
specified all pages from the space will be included. The following shortcut
labels can also be used:
@all All Spaces
@global All Global Spaces
@personal All Personal Spaces
contentType Valid options are:
If not specified blog posts and pages are included.
publishDate specify the publish date for a blog post. The date format
expected is: YYYY/mm/dd
scope For each of the pages found this parameter lets you include the
children or decendants. (Each page will only be counted once if it is already
in the list.)
children include statistics from the immediate children of the page
descendants include statiscs from all decendants of the page
Advanced Options
showPages - show a list of pages returned above the list. Useful for
noneFoundMessage - override the default message that is displayed
when no contributors are found.
Prints a list of attachments
patterns: - (optional) a comma separated list of regular expressions. Only
file names matching one of these are displayed.
old: - (optional) if "true", display old versions of attachments as well.
upload: - (optional) if "true", allow the upload of new attachments.
{include-random:panelTitle=Tip of The Day|panelBorderStyle=dashed}
{include-random:macro=info|panelTitle=Tip of The Day}
The random-child macro allows Confluence users to include an excerpt (see the
excerpt macro) or the complete page content from a random child page onto the
current page. If no parent page is specified, it searches below the current page.
Hint: A page cannot include itself. It is always excluded from the list of possible
descendants to choose from.
All boolean arguments (with true/false values) might either be defined as
key-value pair like nopanel=true or as value-only. The latter form is the same as
key=true. The default for all boolean arguments is false. Mind that the first
argument either has to be the parent page's title or a key-value pair. So if you
don't specify the parent page use e. g. nopanel=true instead of only the keyword
all: (Boolean) If true all descendants of the parent page will be used to
choose from for random include. This overrides any depth settings.
depth: (Integer, default: 1) Up to which depth descendants of the parent
page should be used to choose from for random include. To enable
unlimited depth use the all argument.
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link: (Boolean) If true a link to the included page will be created at the
bottom of the included content labelled more.
macro: (String) Changes the default {panel} macro for embedding the
included content to something different. Mind that the macro should have a
body. In case that the macro does not provide a title argument you
should either turn off the title ( notitle option) or set the argument to use
instead via title-argument.
nopanel: (Boolean) If true no panel will be drawn around the included
notitle: (Boolean) If true no title will be generated. E. g. use this one if
your custom macro does not provide a title argument at all. Mind that this
only controls the addition of the default title (the title of the included
page). In case you add a title via panelTitle this is not affected.
pageTitle: (String, default: Current Page) The parent page of the
descendants to choose the random page to include from.
(see {panel} for types) All arguments prefixed with _panel_ will be directly
mapped to the panel which surrounds the included content (unless
_nopanel_ is specified). The first letter after _panel_ might be written
capitalized in order to ease reading: panelTitle and paneltitle will work
both. Mind that the panelTitle overrides the default, which is to take the
title of the included page as title.
path: (Boolean) If true the path from the parent page to the included
page is shown at the bottom of the included content. To also add the
included page to the path use the link argument.
spaceKey: (String, default: Current Space) (deprecated form: space) The
space parameter can be used if the parent page is in another space by
specifying a space Key. When going across spaces, a user may not have
permissions to view that space, in which case the user gets an error that
the space does not exist.
title-argument: (String) In case the macro you use for embedding does
not offer a title argument (see macro argument) you should either use
this argument to specify another argument to use or turn off the title
generation with notitle. Indexed arguments can also be specified (usefull
e. g. for user macros).
type: (String, default: excerpt) What to include. Either the excerpt which is
the default or the complete page content by specifing the value page.
{incoming-links}No links exist{incoming-links}
{incoming-links:scope=Another Page>children}
{incoming-links:scope=A Different Page>descendents}
{incoming-links:page=Another Page|types=page,comment}
Creates a list of pages which link to the current page. Wiki content may be
included as the body to be shown if no links exist.
Display Options
page - The page to search on.
mode - The mode in which incoming links are displayed. Available modes:
list - Links are displayed in a bullet-pointed list.
flat - Links are displayed in a single row, with a separator between
each item.
separator - The style of separator to have. Defaults to ', ' when in flat
mode. Available separators:
brackets - Each item is surrounded by square brackets ('[' and ']').
braces - Each item is surrounded by curly braces ('{' and '}').
parens - Each item is surrounded by parentheses ('(' and ')').
pipe - Each item is separated by a pipe ('|').
other - The value is the separator.
style - The style of the bullet points. Some styles may not be available
depending on the mode. Available styles:
icons - displays the Confluence page-type icon (default)
none - no bullet point displayed
other CSS styles - disc, square, upper-roman, lower-roman, etc
excerpt - Will output any excerpts which have been set on the linking
sort - Allows the sort order to be specified. Valid options are:
natural - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the content
title. (Default)
creation - Sorted by the creation date of the content.
modified - Sorted by the last-modified date of the content.
bitwise - Internal confluence local-independent sort. Can only be
used if type is 'page'.
reverse - Reverses whichever sort order has been chosen
maxResults - Outputs up to this number of results. Default is unlimited.
Filtering Options
In general, all filtering parameters are lists of optional, required or excluded
values. Optional items simply list the value, required items are prefixed with a '+',
and excluded values are prefixed with a '-'. Each value is separated by a ',' or a
';'. For example, to specify that only content which has the "foo" label but not the
"bar" label would look like this:
If you need to specify a value which contains any of the special characters
(namely +, -, ", ; and comma), just wrap it in a set of quotes. Eg:
This will work for all filter properties below.
scope - List of pages, news items, etc which are in scope. If the content is
labels=foo, -bar
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a page, the scope can be expanded to their children, descendents or
>children - The direct children of the specified page. Eg. 'scope=My
>descendents - All descendents of the specified page. Eg.
'scope="My Page">descendents'
>ancestors - All ancestors of the specified page. Eg. 'scope=My
labels - List of label checks. Eg. "one, +two, -three" would list content
which had the "two" label but not the "three" label.
spaces - Will only list linking pages in the specified spaces. Spaces should
be comma-separated. May also be one of the following special values:
@all - All spaces, both personal and global
@personal - All personal spaces
@global - All non-personal spaces
@favourites - All the current user's favourite spaces
types - Will only list linking pages of the specified types. Types should be
comma-separated. Valid types include:
page - Wiki pages
news - Blog/News posts
comment - Page or blog comments
spacedescription - Space description
userinfo - User profile
attachment - An attachment
mail - Mail archive
mailto - A 'mailto' link
url - An external URL.
unresolved - An unresolved link.
{outgoing-links}No links exist{outgoing-links}
{outgoing-links:scope=Another Page>children}
{outgoing-links:scope=A Different Page>descendents}
Creates a list of pages, websites and email addresses the current page links to.
Wiki content may be included as the body to be shown if no links exist.
Display Options
page - The page to search on.
mode - The mode in which links are displayed. Available modes:
list - Links are displayed in a bullet-pointed list.
flat - Links are displayed in a single row, with a separator between
each item.
separator - The style of separator to have. Defaults to ', ' when in flat
mode. Available separators:
brackets - Each item is surrounded by square brackets ('[' and ']').
braces - Each item is surrounded by curly braces ('{' and '}').
parens - Each item is surrounded by parentheses ('(' and ')').
pipe - Each item is separated by a pipe ('|').
other - The value is the separator.
style - The style of the bullet points. Some styles may not be available
depending on the mode. Available styles:
icons - displays the Confluence page-type icon (default)
none - no bullet point displayed
other CSS styles - disc, square, upper-roman, lower-roman, etc
excerpt - Will output any excerpts which have been set on the linking
sort - Allows the sort order to be specified. Valid options are:
natural - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the content
title. (Default)
creation - Sorted by the creation date of the content.
modified - Sorted by the last-modified date of the content.
bitwise - Internal confluence local-independent sort. Can only be
used if type is 'page'.
reverse - Reverses whichever sort order has been chosen
maxResults - Outputs up to this number of results. Default is unlimited.
Filtering Options
In general, all filtering parameters are lists of optional, required or excluded
values. Optional items simply list the value, required items are prefixed with a '+',
and excluded values are prefixed with a '-'. Each value is separated by a ',' or a
';'. For example, to specify that only content which has the "foo" label but not the
"bar" label would look like this:
If you need to specify a value which contains any of the special characters
(namely +, -, ", ; and comma), just wrap it in a set of quotes. Eg:
This will work for all filter properties below.
scope - List of pages, news items, etc which are in scope. If the content is
a page, the scope can be expanded to their children, descendents or
>children - The direct children of the specified page. Eg.
'scope=My Page>children'
>descendents - All descendents of the specified page. Eg.
'scope="My Page">descendents'
>ancestors - All ancestors of the specified page. Eg. 'scope=My
labels - List of label checks. Eg. "one, +two, -three" would list content
labels=foo, -bar
Notation Guide - Confluence
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which had the "two" label but not the "three" label.
spaces - Will only list linking pages in the specified spaces. Spaces should
be comma-separated. May also be one of the following special values:
@all - All spaces, both personal and global
@personal - All personal spaces
@global - All non-personal spaces
@favourites - All the current user's favourite spaces
types - Will only list linking pages of the specified types. Types should be
comma-separated. Valid types include:
page - Wiki pages
news - Blog/News posts
comment - Page or blog comments
spacedescription - Space description
userinfo - User profile
attachment - An attachment
mail - Mail archive
mailto - A 'mailto' link
url - An external URL.
unresolved - An unresolved link.
{orphaned-links}No links exist{orphaned-links}
{orphaned-links:scope=Another Page>children}
{orphaned-links:scope=A Different Page>descendents}
Creates a list of pages which do not have any other pages linking to them. Wiki
content may be included as the body to be shown if no links exist.
Display Options
page - The page to search on.
mode - The mode in which links are displayed. Available modes:
list - Links are displayed in a bullet-pointed list.
flat - Links are displayed in a single row, with a separator between
each item.
separator - The style of separator to have. Defaults to ', ' when in flat
mode. Available separators:
brackets - Each item is surrounded by square brackets ('[' and ']').
braces - Each item is surrounded by curly braces ('{' and '}').
parens - Each item is surrounded by parentheses ('(' and ')').
pipe - Each item is separated by a pipe ('|').
other - The value is the separator.
style - The style of the bullet points. Some styles may not be available
depending on the mode. Available styles:
icons - displays the Confluence page-type icon (default)
none - no bullet point displayed
other CSS styles - disc, square, upper-roman, lower-roman, etc
excerpt - Will output any excerpts which have been set on the linking
sort - Allows the sort order to be specified. Valid options are:
natural - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the content
title. (Default)
creation - Sorted by the creation date of the content.
modified - Sorted by the last-modified date of the content.
bitwise - Internal confluence local-independent sort. Can only be
used if type is 'page'.
reverse - Reverses whichever sort order has been chosen
maxResults - Outputs up to this number of results. Default is unlimited.
Filtering Options
In general, all filtering parameters are lists of optional, required or excluded
values. Optional items simply list the value, required items are prefixed with a '+',
and excluded values are prefixed with a '-'. Each value is separated by a ',' or a
';'. For example, to specify that only content which has the "foo" label but not the
"bar" label would look like this:
If you need to specify a value which contains any of the special characters
(namely +, -, ", ; and comma), just wrap it in a set of quotes. Eg:
This will work for all filter properties below.
scope - List of pages, news items, etc which are in scope. If the content is
a page, the scope can be expanded to their children, descendents or
>children - The direct children of the specified page. Eg.
'scope=My Page>children'
>descendents - All descendents of the specified page. Eg.
'scope="My Page">descendents'
>ancestors - All ancestors of the specified page. Eg. 'scope=My
labels - List of label checks. Eg. "one, +two, -three" would list content
which had the "two" label but not the "three" label.
spaces - Will only list linking pages in the specified spaces. Spaces should
be comma-separated. May also be one of the following special values:
@all - All spaces, both personal and global
@personal - All personal spaces
@global - All non-personal spaces
@favourites - All the current user's favourite spaces
types - Will only list linking pages of the specified types. Types should be
comma-separated. Valid types include:
labels=foo, -bar
Notation Guide - Confluence
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page - Wiki pages
news - Blog/News posts
comment - Page or blog comments
spacedescription - Space description
userinfo - User profile
attachment - An attachment
mail - Mail archive
mailto - A 'mailto' link
url - An external URL.
unresolved - An unresolved link.
{undefined-links}No links exist{undefined-links}
{undefined-links:scope=Another Page>children}
{undefined-links:scope=A Different Page>descenents}
Creates a list of pages which are linked to but have not yet been created. Wiki
content may be included as the body to be shown if no links exist.
Display Options
page - The page to search on.
mode - The mode in which links are displayed. Available modes:
list - Links are displayed in a bullet-pointed list.
flat - Links are displayed in a single row, with a separator between
each item.
separator - The style of separator to have. Defaults to ', ' when in flat
mode. Available separators:
brackets - Each item is surrounded by square brackets ('[' and ']').
braces - Each item is surrounded by curly braces ('{' and '}').
parens - Each item is surrounded by parentheses ('(' and ')').
pipe - Each item is separated by a pipe ('|').
other - The value is the separator.
style - The style of the bullet points. Some styles may not be available
depending on the mode. Available styles:
icons - displays the Confluence page-type icon (default)
none - no bullet point displayed
other CSS styles - disc, square, upper-roman, lower-roman, etc
excerpt - Will output any excerpts which have been set on the linking
sort - Allows the sort order to be specified. Valid options are:
natural - Sorted by the unicode-safe natural order of the content
title. (Default)
creation - Sorted by the creation date of the content.
modified - Sorted by the last-modified date of the content.
bitwise - Internal confluence local-independent sort. Can only be
used if type is 'page'.
reverse - Reverses whichever sort order has been chosen
maxResults - Outputs up to this number of results. Default is unlimited.
Filtering Options
In general, all filtering parameters are lists of optional, required or excluded
values. Optional items simply list the value, required items are prefixed with a '+',
and excluded values are prefixed with a '-'. Each value is separated by a ',' or a
';'. For example, to specify that only content which has the "foo" label but not the
"bar" label would look like this:
If you need to specify a value which contains any of the special characters
(namely +, -, ", ; and comma), just wrap it in a set of quotes. Eg:
This will work for all filter properties below.
scope - List of pages, news items, etc which are in scope. If the content is
a page, the scope can be expanded to their children, descendents or
>children - The direct children of the specified page. Eg.
'scope=My Page>children'
>descendents - All descendents of the specified page. Eg.
'scope="My Page">descendents'
>ancestors - All ancestors of the specified page. Eg. 'scope=My
labels - List of label checks. Eg. "one, +two, -three" would list content
which had the "two" label but not the "three" label.
spaces - Will only list linking pages in the specified spaces. Spaces should
be comma-separated. May also be one of the following special values:
@all - All spaces, both personal and global
@personal - All personal spaces
@global - All non-personal spaces
@favourites - All the current user's favourite spaces
types - Will only list linking pages of the specified types. Types should be
comma-separated. Valid types include:
page - Wiki pages
news - Blog/News posts
comment - Page or blog comments
spacedescription - Space description
userinfo - User profile
attachment - An attachment
mail - Mail archive
mailto - A 'mailto' link
url - An external URL.
unresolved - An unresolved link.
labels=foo, -bar
Notation Guide - Confluence
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Displays a list of all spaces visible to the user, with linked icons leading to various
space content functionality, within a table. The width parameter specifies the table
width on the page.
width - (optional) width of table on Confluence page, defaults to 100%.
{recently-updated: spaces=sales,marketing | labels=timesheets,summaries}
Include a list of which Confluence content has changed recently Content will be
listed from the current space or for each space defined in a comma separated list
(space = x, y). The list will be rendered in a table with width matching the width
argument (width=z) or defaulting to 99%
spaces - (optional) comma separated list of space keys
labels - (optional) comma separated list of labels (content associated with
at least one of these will be listed)
width - (optional) width of table on Confluence page, defaults to 100%.
{global-reports: width=x}
Renders a list of links to global reports within a table of width x (defaults to 99%).
width - (optional) width of table on Confluence page, defaults to 50%.
Include the Confluence site welcome message. The site welcome message may be
configured in the Administration -> General Configuration section.
{create-space-button: size=large | width=32 | height=32}
Renders a create space button linked to the create space page.
size - small (size of 'small' uses a smaller graphic, whereas size of 'large'
uses a larger one)
height - image height in pixels
width - image width in pixels
Show search results keystroke by keystroke.
id: - (optional) to uniquely identify the livesearch when there are multiple
livesearch macros in one page
spaceKey: - (optional) this option searches within a single space.
Renders a list (or heatmap) of the most popular labels ordered by popularity (or
count - (optional) Specify the number of labels to be displayed. If not
specified, a default of 100 is used.
spaceKey - (optional) Restrict the popular labels to a certain space.
style - (optional) Allows 'heatmap'. Specifying a heatmap style will use
different font sizes depending on their rank of popularity, ordered by label
names. If not specified, a default list style is used ordered by popularity
(highest first).
Displays a list of content marked with the specified labels.
key - (optional) restrict content to a certain space.
type - (optional) restrict content to a certain type (all included by default)
showLabels - (optional) display the labels for each results (enabled by
showSpace - (optional) display space name for each result (enabled by
title - (optional) add a title above the results list
maxResults - (optional) the maximum number of results to display (default
is 5)
excerpt - (optional) display first line of excerpt for each result
operator - (optional) show content matching with OR:any labels, AND:all
labels (OR by default)
{related-labels:labels=labelone, labeltwo}
Renders a list of labels related to the current page's labels.
labels - (optional) comma-separated list of labels whose related labels will
be displayed.
Renders a list (or table) of labels most recently used in a specified scope.
count - (optional) Specify the number of labels to be displayed. If not
specified, a default of 10 is used.
scope - (optional) Allows 'global', 'space' and 'personal'. If not specified,
the 'global' scope is used. The global scope will show labels that were
recently used within this confluence instance. The space scope will show
labels that were recently used in the current space. The personal scope will
show you personal labels that you recently used.
style - (optional) Allows 'table'. Specifying a table style will render the
most recently used labels in a table form.
title - (optional) Allows you to specify a heading for the table view of this
macro. See the 'style' option above.
Renders the list of pages associated with the specified label as a navigable map.
A label must be specified for this macro. The following parameters are all optional:
title - the title for this navigation map.
wrapAfter - the number of cells to span horizontally before wrapping to
the next line. (default: 5)
cellWidth - width of individual cells in the map in pixels. (default: 90px)
cellHeight - height of individual cells in the map in pixels. (default: 60px)
theme - if you want to create your own look and feel for the navmap (say
one with rounded corners), you can do so by adding a file to the
WEB-INF/classes/templates/macros directory. The file name convention to
use is: navmap-mytheme.vm. You can use whatever name you like in
place of mytheme. Just make sure you specify this when calling the macro
using theme=mytheme.
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Table of Contents
Documentation Meeting Minutes Staff Directory
Renders the list of all labels or labels for a specific space sorted alphabetical.
spaceKey - (optional) list the labels in the specified space (current space by
default). If '@all' is specified, labels in all spaces will be listed.
documentation, staff, events, books, music
External Content
Ways to include, summarise or refer to content from other servers.
Notation Comment
Display the contents of a remote RSS feed within the page. Note: feeds are cached for 60 minutes before
being retrieved again.
The 'max' parameter can be used to limit the number of entries displayed.
Sample RSS Feed
(RSS 2.0)
(Feed description here...)
My Item
( Dec 30, 2003 06:53)
And part of the item content here...
Another Item
( Dec 30, 2003 06:53)
And part of the item content here...
You can specify 'showTitlesOnly=true' to show only the RSS feed titles. This parameter defaults to false.
You can specify 'titleBar=false' to hide the feeds titlebar. This parameter defaults to true.
Imports and displays JIRA issue list RSS as inline content for the page. You can easily customize the list
and order of the columns being displayed, by specifying columns parameter.
Not specifying columns will lead into the default column list and order.
Allowed columns are: key, summary, type, created, updated, assignee, reporter, priority, status,
Specifying count=true will cause the macro to just print out how many issues were in the list, without
printing the list.
Using count=true will cause the macro to just print out how many issues were in the list, without printing
the list.
will force the macro to refresh its internal cache of Jira issues.
Note: Certain filters may require a logged-in user in order to work. Hence you may need to append:
to the end of your jira issues url.
Atlassian JIRA
(This file is an XML representation of some issues)
Key Summary Assignee Status Res Updated
TEST-100 Add JIRA support John Gordon Open UNRESOLVED 01/Jan/04
TEST-103 Add JUnit Support Robert Matson In Progress UNRESOLVED 25/Dec/03
TEST-108 Add RSS Support Bill Watson In Progress UNRESOLVED 23/Dec/03
TEST-109 Add Search Support Fred Morit Closed FIXED 03/Jan/04
Imports and displays JIRA 3 portlet into a Confluence page.
You can get the URL for the portlet by configuring the portlet into your JIRA dashboard. While in
configuration mode, you can copy the portlet URL from the top of the portlet display.
Note: Certain filters may require a logged-in user in order to work. Hence you may need to append:
to the end of your portlet url.
(currently only picks up result files in XML format. Set ant
formatter to "xml")
Displays the results of a series (or single) JUnit test.
Success Rate Tests Failures Time(s) Time(s)
93% 14 1 0 1.531
Notation Guide - Confluence
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Displays an OPML file with expanding sections for each outline item. Should contain {opml-column}
macros to define extra attribute/column values.
source - (required) The source of the OPML file. Either an attachment ('^attachment.opml') or a
full URL ('http://server/file.opml').
width - (optional) The width of the table. Eg. '100%' or '400px'.
iconType - (optional) The type of content to use for the icons. May be one of the following:
image - (default) The icon values point to an image file, either an attachment or a URL.
wiki - The icon values are wiki text.
text - The icon values are plain text.
expandIcon - The value of the expand icon.
collapseIcon - The value of the collapse icon.
singleIcon - The value of the single item icon.
class - (optional) The custom CSS class for the OPML display.
{opml-column:name=text|title=A title}
{opml-column:name=Attribute}+A title+{opml-column}
Specifies the settings for a column of data in an OPML document. The data comes from extra attributes
on <outline> elements. Must be contained inside an {opml} macro.
name - (required) The name of the attribute the column gets data from.
title - (optional) The title of the column. This is wiki text, and you may alternately use the macro
body to set the title if there is more complex text you wish to use.
type - (optional) The type of data contained in the
text - (default) Plain text.
html - HTML text (note - this may be dangerous if there is bad HTML in the source).
number - A number. This may not contain any non-digit values. Eg. '9.5' is good, '$9.50' is
date - A date. You will usually want to specify the source format so that the date can be
interpreted correctly.
sourceFormat - The format of the date in the OPML file (eg. 'dd MMM, yyyy').
displayFormat - The format to display the value as, either a number format (eg. '$#0.00') or
date (eg. 'dd-MM-yyyy').
width - The width of the column. Eg. '100%', '400px'.
Displays a graphic indication of whether a Yahoo! Instant Messenger user is online. You must supply a
valid Yahoo! ID as the default argument.
Specifying showid=false will cause the macro to only output the image, not the user's Yahoo! ID in text
Displays a graphic indication of whether an AIM user is online. You must supply a valid AIM screen name
as the default argument.
Specifying showid=false will cause the macro to only output the image, not the user's AIM screen name
in text format.
Displays a graphic indication of whether an ICQ user is online. You must supply a valid ICQ UIN as the
default argument.
Specifying showid=false will cause the macro to only output the image, not the user's ICQ UIN in text
will cause the macro to use ICQ image set X. Examples of image sets can be found
here. The default image set is 5.
{excel:file=Year 2005^Report.xls|sheet=First Quarter,
Second Quarter}
Displays one or more worksheets from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (Excel 97, 2000, 2003 workbooks).
Each worksheet is shown as a table. This macro supports common table capabilities with other table based
macros (table-plus, csv, and sql).
file - A required parameter unless url is specified. It specifies the location of the Excel file.
^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the current page.
page^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the page name provided.
space:page^attachment - Data is read from an attachment to the page name provided in
the space indicated.
filename - Data is read from the file located in confluence home directory/script/filename.
Subdirectories can be specified.
url - Only required if file is not specified. Specifies the URL of an Excel file. Use of this parameter
may be restricted for security reasons. See your administrator for details.
sheets - By default, each sheet in the workbook will produce a table. Use the sheets parameter to
control what sheets will be shown. The parameter value can be a comma separated list of sheet
names (case sensitive) or sheet numbers (1-based counting)
output - Determines how the output is formated:
html - Data is output as a HTML table (default).
wiki - Data is output as a Confluence wiki table. Use this option if you want data within the
table to be formated by the Confluence wiki renderer.
heading - Number of rows to be considered heading rows (default is 1 row). Specify heading=false
or heading=0 to not show any heading lines.
border - The border width in pixels. Defaults to normal table border width.
width - The table width in pixels. Default is 100%.
showHidden - By default, hidden sheets, rows, and columns will not be shown. Set
showHidden=true to show all data.
showSheetName - By default, the sheet name will not be shown. Set showSheetName=true to
show a the sheet name before the table.
formatCell - By default, no special formating will be applied to the cells. Set formatCell=true to
process each cell for special properties. Currently supported properties are:
html - Font and background color.
wiki - None at this time.
formatColumn - By default, the format for a column will be used to apply formating for all cells in
the column. Set formatColumn=false to not use the column formating information from the excel
sheet. Note that this parameter is ignored if formatCell=true or columnAttributes are specified.
showWiki - Default is false. Set to true to show a non-formatted version of the wiki table
following the formatted table. This is used to help resolve formating issues.
escape - When wiki output is requested (output=wiki), some special characters (like '|', '[', ']', '{',
Notation Guide - Confluence
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'}') in data may cause undesirable formatting of the table. Set escape=true to allow these special
characters to be escaped so that it will not affect the formatting. The default is false so that data
that has wiki markup will be handled correctly.
ignoreTrailingBlankRows - By default, all trailing blank rows will be ignored. Set
ignoreTrailingBlankRows=false to show these blank rows.
ignoreTrailingBlankColumns - By default, all trailing blank columns will be ignored. Set
ignoreTrailingBlankColumns=false to show these blank columns.
language - If provided, the language and country specification will be used to provide number and
date formats to be used for data conversion. This specification will be used before the default
languages automatically used. Valid values are 2 character ISO 639-1 alpha-2 codes.
country - Used in combination with the language parameter. Valid values are 2 character ISO
3166 codes.
{im:[email protected]|service=MSN|showid=false}
Displays a graphic indication of whether an IM user is online. You must supply a valid user ID as the
default argument and the desired service.
(default) - The user id/screen name.
service - The name of the service to check. May be 'aim', 'gtalk', 'icq', 'msn', 'sametime', 'skype',
'wildfire' or 'yahoo'.
showId - (optional) If 'false', the user's id will not be shown.
Various other syntax highlighting capabilities.
Notation Comment
\X Escape special character X (i.e. '{')
:), :( etc
Graphical emoticons (smileys).
Notation :) :( :P :D ;) (y) (n) (i) (/) (x) (!)
Notation (+) (-) (?) (on) (off) (*) (*r) (*g) (*b) (*y)
Macros allow you to perform programmatic functions within a page, and can be used for generating more complex content structures.
Notation Comment
{vote:What is your favorite color?}
None of the above
The vote macro allows Confluence users to vote on any topic of interest. Users are allowed to
select only one of the given choices and vote one time, and the results will not be visible to
them until they have voted. Users that have not logged in will be prompted to do so before
allowing them to cast a vote. This macro was created to support quick, informal votes on
various topics. The macro has a title and a series of choices, each choice starting on its own
default argument - (required) the title of the ballot.
Before the user logs in:
Ballot: What is your favorite color?
(Log In to vote.)
None of the above
Before the logged-in user votes:
Ballot: What is your favorite color? Choose
None of the above
After the logged-in user votes:
Ballot: What is your favorite color? Results:
(10 total votes)
(4 votes, 40%)
(5 votes, 50%)
None of the above
(1 votes, 10%)
Notation Guide - Confluence
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{vote:What is your favorite color?}
None of the above
The vote macro allows Confluence users to vote on any topic of interest. Users are allowed to
select only one of the given choices and vote one time, and the results will not be visible to
them until they have voted. Users that have not logged in will be prompted to do so before
allowing them to cast a vote. This macro was created to support quick, informal votes on
various topics. The macro has a title and a series of choices, each choice starting on its own
default argument - (required) the title of the ballot.
Before the user logs in:
Ballot: What is your favorite color?
(Log In to vote.)
None of the above
Before the logged-in user votes:
Ballot: What is your favorite color? Choose
None of the above
After the logged-in user votes:
Ballot: What is your favorite color? Results:
(10 total votes)
(4 votes, 40%)
(5 votes, 50%)
None of the above
(1 votes, 10%)
Knowledge - This is the knowledge category.
Communication - This is the communication category.
The survey macro allows Confluence users to be surveyed on several categories. For each
category, users are allowed to select only one of the given choices, and the results will not be
visible to them until they have voted. Users that have not logged in will be prompted to do so
before allowing them to cast a vote. This macro was created to support surveys of confluence
users on several categories and will provide them with the chance to give a rating (1 to 5) for
each category as well as a comment.
The body of this macro defines the categories that the users will be polled on. Each line of the
body will be treated as a seperate category and should be written in the format "title -
description". The title is always required but the dash and the description are optional.
Parameter Required Default Description
voters false
This is a comma seperated list of usernames to
who are allowed to cast a vote. Users not in this
list will not be allowed to vote, but if they are
viewers will be shown the results of the vote. If
this parameter is not specified, all users with
access to the page are considered voters.
viewers false
This is a comma seperated list of usernames to
who are allowed to see the survey results. Users
not in this list will be allowed to vote but after
doing so will simply be shown which item they
voted for. If a user is in this list but is not a voter,
they will be taken straight to the results. If this
parameter is not specified, all users will be able to
see the results.
changeableVotes false false
This parameter, if set to true, will allow the users
to change their responses after they have been