Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA3 Operations Guide, R1.0
August 2012
FTP Session
This chapter discusses the Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA3 FTP command line and explains how to get and
send image and configuration files between an FTP server and the ONS 15216 EDFA3.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a client/server protocol for sharing files between machines over a TCP/IP
network. The local machine runs an FTP client. The remote machine contains an FTP server that must
be connected to before exchanging files between the two machines.
A typical FTP session consists of:
11.1 Logging into an FTP Session, page 11-1
11.2 Getting a File, page 11-1
11.3 Logging Out of an FTP Session, page 11-2
11.4 FTP Commands, page 11-2
11.1 Logging into an FTP Session
To start an FTP session, use the following command:
> ftp server_IP_address
for example, type:
> ftp
where is the IP address of the host.
When the connection is made, a read/write/administration (RWA) user can log in with the user name and
password. When you are connected to the FTP host, you can list files using the dir command. This lists
files and directories on the remote server. If no filenames are specified, dir lists all files in the current
11.2 Getting a File
Because the file to be retrieved is not a text file, use binary mode to transfer the file. Use the bin
command to indicate that this is a binary file transfer.
The get command downloads a single file. An example of the get command is:
get remote-file local-file
Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA3 Operations Guide, R1.0
August 2012
Chapter 11 FTP Session
11.3 Logging Out of an FTP Session
where remote-file is the file that you want to retrieve and local-file (optional) is the name for the file on
your file system. The get command copies the remote file from the remote server to the local machine.
If a local file filename is specified, the downloaded file uses this name. If the local file name is omitted,
the file is copied to the local default directory with the same name.
11.3 Logging Out of an FTP Session
To log off an FTP session, type quit, bye, or disconnect at the FTP command line. Any of these
commands disconnects the user from the remote server and exits the FTP shell.
11.4 FTP Commands
Typing the help or ? command in FTP command line mode displays a list of all FTP commands. See
Example 11-1.
Example 11-1 FTP Help Command
ftp> ?
Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:
! delete literal prompt send
? debug ls put status
append dir mdelete pwd trace
ascii disconnect mdir quit type
bell get mget quote user
binary glob mkdir recv verbose
bye hash mls remotehelp
cd help mput rename
close lcd open rmdir
For help on specific commands, use help or ? followed by the command name, as shown in
Example 11-2.
Example 11-2 Help on Specific Command
ftp> ? put
put send one file
ftp> help get
get receive file
Note The EDFA3 FTP Server does not support wildcard (*) commands, multiple file send/receive commands
(mget, mput, etc.), or mkdir/rmdir and rename commands.
Note The user can use the delete command instead of rmdir to delete a directory.