City of South Padre Island
Capital Improvement Plan 2022-2026
Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) - Project Request Form Instructions
The CIP is a five-year planning document adopted annually by the City Council to plan
for capital improvements related to the City’s beach re-nourishments eorts, streets
and drainage, parks and recreational amenities, and facilities infrastructure. The
Capital Improvement Plan is not to be confused with the Capital Improvement Budget.
The Capital Improvement Budget is prepared each year in conjunction with the annual
Operating Budget. It generally includes only those projects from the first year of the
Capital Improvement Plan funded during the current year.
A capital project is defined as having a minimum cost of $25,000 resulting in:
1. Creation of a new fixed asset.
2. Enhancement to an existing fixed asset.
Typically the life expectancy of a capital project is at least 20 years. Examples include
construction or expansion of public buildings, the acquisition of land for public use,
planning, and engineering costs and street construction.
CIP Development Process
The City Manager, or designee is responsible for coordinating the CIP process each
year. Each Department Director will submit projects in a form and timeframe
annually established by the City Manager. The City Council appoints a Capital
Improvements Advisory Committee to prioritize and rank projects according to the
criteria listed in the Project Criteria Section.
Citizens may submit capital projects for consideration electronically using the CIP
Project Request form available on the City’s website: Forms will also
be available in a written format in the lobby of City Hall at 4601 Padre Boulevard.
Members of the public should forward all materials concerning their submission to
the Director of Operations to be incorporated into the CIP process. The related email
address is [email protected].
As per the budget calendar, the deadline to submit project request forms to the City is
May 23rd, 2022 for the 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Plan.
Departments will include as part of their project proposal:
1. A Project Description providing an overview and justification of the project.
Requests should be made and include estimated linear, square feet, or other
applicable measurements.
City of South Padre Island
Capital Improvement Plan 2022-2026
2. In the Comprehensive Plan Section, each project submission must illustrate
compliance with the Comprehensive Plan by linking the project to a specific
goal or objective.
3. Under Fiscal, possible funding options must be identified including:
a. Operating Revenues
b. Reserves and/or Debt
c. Grants
d. Partnerships
e. Dedicated Fees
4. Proposed Schedule for design, bid, and construction, to include the duration of
the project.
5. Estimated Operating Costs - The estimated annual cost of operating and
maintaining the capital asset.
6. Sustainability - Defines how the capital project contributes to the sustainability
goals of the City.
7. Identification of Project Leader.
8. Describe the methods for measuring Outcomes and Performance.
Additional information may be requested of the project by the City Manager/designee
and/or members of the CIP Advisory Committee.
Project Criteria
The evaluation of proposed capital projects will be in accordance with the following
1. Public Health and Safety (25 Points) – Project improving the public health and
safety of the community will be rated with highest priority. Projects must
demonstrate the benefit provided to the community and possible risks from not
completing the project. Compliance with state and federal mandates fall under
this category.
2. Promote Tourism/Economic Development (20 Points) – Projects enhancing
and promoting tourism including but not limited to beach renourishment
project and the economic support of the convention and hotel industry. Projects
promoting desirable economic development within the City shall be rated
3. Recreation and Aesthetics (10 Points) – Projects promoting recreational and
aesthetic improvements opportunities for the City of South Padre Island
citizens are considered priority.
4. Funding (15 Points) – Funding availability considerations are included when
ranking projects. Grants and funding partnerships are considered first
followed by operating revenues, fund balance, and debt. Fund balance may only
be used to fund capital projects if the use of reserves will delay or eliminate a
proposed bond issue and sucient fund balance exists to provide necessary
City of South Padre Island
Capital Improvement Plan 2022-2026
contingency reserves. Debt may be issued to fund non-continuous capital
projects benefiting future citizens only after alternative funding sources are
5. Service and Operational Impact (10 Points) – The service category prioritizes
projects including promotion of improved service delivery or reduction of
increased maintenance costs including rehabilitating aging infrastructure. A
cost-benefit analysis shall be done to weigh the impact of project rehabilitation
to determine if the project will reduce future ongoing maintenance costs.
Performance data will also be analyzed when considering projects related to
improved service delivery. Future operation and maintenance expenses will be
considered as part of this analysis.
6. Strategic Alignment (10 Points) – Projects will be evaluated to determine
alignment with strategic priorities identified by the City Council and with
strategic planning documents such as the Comprehensive Plan.
7. Sustainability (10 Points) – Projects designed with environmental impact
consideration and creation of the smallest possible ecological footprint and
produces the lowest quantity of pollution possible. In an eort to make the City
of South Padre Island more sustainable, projects considered environmentally
conscious and promote “sustainability thinking” will be awarded additional
points through the sustainability criteria.
See Form: Capital Improvement Plan Project Request Form (2022-2026)
Capital Improvement Plan
Project Request Form
Prepared By:
Project Title:
City of South Padre Island
Capital Improvement Plan 2022-2026
Date Prepared:
Project Leader/Department:
Comprehensive Plan Goal:
Cost Estimate Derived From:
Actual Estimate
Estimated Start:
One-Year On-Going
Project Description
# of years:
Estimated Duration
Estimated End:
Limited Information Based on Similar Projects Not Supported
Total Project Cost
Sources Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total
Operating Costs
The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the capital asset.
Does the project preserve or improve public health, safety
and welfare or is this project a federal or state mandate?
City of South Padre Island
Capital Improvement Plan 2022-2026
Project Criteria Yes No
Does this project support economic development and/or
Methods for Measuring Outcomes and Performance
Describe how the capital project contributes to the sustainability goals of the City.
Is funding currently available?
Does the project improve service delivery or reduce
maintenance costs?
Does this project align with the Comprehensive Plan Goals?
Does this project promote "sustainability" taking environmental
impact into consideration?
City of South Padre Island
Capital Improvement Plan 2022-2026
Project Criteria Yes No
*cannot exceed 100 points
Does this project promote recreational and/or aesthetic