Cognition 228 (2022) 105225
Available online 14 July 2022
0010-0277/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rhesus monkeys manipulate mental images
Thomas C. Hassett
, Victoria K. Lord
, Robert R. Hampton
Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States of America
Emory National Primate Research Center, Atlanta, GA, United States of America
Mental imagery
Mental rotation
Nonhuman primate
Humans form mental images and manipulate them in ways that mirror physical transformations of objects.
Studies of nonhuman animals will inform our understanding of the evolution and distribution among species of
mental imagery. Across three experiments, we found mostly converging evidence that rhesus monkeys formed
and rotated mental images. In Experiment 1, monkeys discriminated rotations of sample images from mirror
images, and showed longer response latencies with greater rotation as is characteristic of human mental rotation.
In Experiment 2 monkeys used a rotation cue that indicated how far to mentally rotate sample images before
tests, indicating a precision of better than 30
in discriminating rotations. Experiment 3 yielded mixed evidence
on whether the rotation cue shortened decision times as has been found in humans. These results show that
rhesus monkeys manipulate mental images.
Humans simulate the physical world with mental images, as when
we visualize re-arranging furniture before physically moving it (Moul-
ton & Kosslyn, 2009; Pearson & Kosslyn, 2015). Human mental images
are characterized by at least three properties: 1) they partially recapit-
ulate perception without concurrent perceptual input, 2) they are
accessible to introspection, and 3) they can be manipulated in ways that
parallel the physics of the objects mentally represented (Ganis,
Thompson, & Kosslyn, 2004; Kosslyn, 1980, 1988; Neiworth & Rilling,
1987; Shepard & Cooper, 1982). Mental imagery may also be an
important cognitive tool for other animals, particularly given the fact
that other animals cannot use linguistic representation as do humans
(Grifn, 1976; Premack, 1983).
Nonhumans have been reported to demonstrate two of the three
characteristics of mental images described above. First, they clearly
mentally represent some features of visual stimuli, partially recapitu-
lating perception as is the case in humans. This is shown by the ability to
accurately match to sample and do other kinds of visual cognitive tasks
(e.g., Adachi, Kuwahata, & Fujita, 2007; Basile & Hampton, 2013;
auer & Belger, 2018; Miller, Erickson, & Desimone, 1996; Neiworth &
Rilling, 1987). Second, two lines of evidence indicate that monkeys
introspect about mental representations, a capacity sometimes known as
phenomenal vision. Metacognition experiments show that monkeys
know when they remember an image, indicating introspection (Basile,
Schroeder, Brown, Templer, & Hampton, 2014; Hampton, 2001;
Zakrzewski, Johnson, & Smith, 2017). Blindsight experiments show
that monkeys, like humans, manifest at least two modes of visual
perception, an implicit one and a potentially explicit mode (Andersen,
Basile, & Hampton, 2014; Ben-Haim et al., 2021; Cowey & Stoerig,
1995; Moore, Rodman, & Gross, 2001). We address the third property of
mental imagery here: that mental transformations parallel physical
Studies of human mental rotation were important in the cognitive
revolution,during which mental events gained credibility in scientic
explanations of behavior. Researchers found that rotating a mental
image shared properties with rotating a physical object. For example, it
takes twice as long both to rotate a steering wheel 180
than 90
, and to
visualize doing so. Participants in these studies decided whether a
rotated shape was identical to, or a mirror image of, an upright com-
parison shape (Premack, 1983; Shepard & Metzler, 1971). The farther
the shape was rotated, the longer it took to decide (Shepard & Cooper,
1982; Shepard & Metzler, 1971).
There have been comparatively few studies of mental rotation
involving nonhuman animal subjects, and comparisons of the published
work does not reveal clear relationships with ecological or phylogenetic
variables. The rst studies were done with pigeons, and these birds
exhibited rotational invariance. They were more accurate than ex-
pected by chance across rotations, but reaction time did not correlate
with rotation (Hollard & Delius, 1982). Rotational invariance suggests
* Corresponding author at: Emory National Primate Research Center: Laboratory of Comparative Primate Cognition, 954 Gatewood Rd, Atlanta, GA 30322, United
States of America.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T.C. Hassett).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
journal homepage:
Received 14 June 2021; Received in revised form 2 July 2022; Accepted 8 July 2022
Cognition 228 (2022) 105225
that pigeons may not rely on manipulation of mental images to identify
rotated objects. In a related but rather different test, pigeons were found
to accurately anticipate the position of a temporarily occluded moving
clock hand, but this is explained as readily by timing as by mental
rotation (Neiworth & Rilling, 1987). Given that pigeons encounter ob-
jects in rapidly varying orientations while ying, they might have
evolved processes that supports rapid recognition of objects in varying
orientations without the time-consuming process of mental rotation
(Hollard & Delius, 1982; Lohmann, Delius, Hollard, & Friesel, 1988).
However, it could also be argued that other species, such as aquatic
animals and arboreal primates could benet similarly from rapid
recognition of rotated objects and they have either been reported not to
show rotational invariance, or show mixed patterns of behavior. A test of
mental rotation in a single sea lion revealed evidence of mental rotation
(Mauck & Dehnhardt, 1997). A study involving a single lion-tailed
macaque, a largely arboreal species, reported the monkey erred more
and was slower on rotation trials compared to non-rotation trials, but
performance did not systematically change with angular rotation (Bur-
mann, Dehnhardt, & Mauck, 2005).
Studies of mental rotation in terrestrial nonhuman primates report
similarly inconsistent results. A study of Guinea baboons found evidence
of mental rotation when stimuli were presented to the right visual eld,
however the ndings did not replicate in another study by the same
research group (Hopkins, Fagot, & Vauclair, 1993; Vauclair, Fagot, &
Hopkins, 1993). Two studies involving rhesus monkeys reported either
no evidence of mental rotation (Nekovarova, Nedvidek, Klement,
Rokyta, & Bures, 2013), or mixed results of mental rotation where one of
three monkeys showed the characteristic increase in response latency
with angular rotation (K
ohler, Hoffmann, Dehnhardt, & Mauck, 2005).
In another study involving ve rhesus monkeys, researchers reported a
systematic decrease in accuracy as angular rotation increased, however
reaction time was not reported (Parr & Heintz, 2008).
Some of the differences reported in the studies above may be due to
differences in amount of training in the tasks used in these tests, or in
prior experience subjects had manipulating objects in their lifetimes.
Human children improve greatly in mental rotation tasks in the rst ve
years of life (Frick, Hansen, & Newcombe, 2013), consistent with the
possibility that experience and practice play a critical role (Newcombe,
2002). Here we provide a relatively large group of monkeys with
extensive training to determine whether or not they are capable of
mental rotation.
The variation in ndings on mental rotation across species may be
due to additional factors in addition to differences in training and
experience. One interesting potential source of variation is cognitive
differences that might associate with differences in behavioral ecology.
For instance, the nding of rotational invariance in pigeons described
above may reect the need for pigeons to especially rapidly recognize
rotated scenes and objects (Hollard & Delius, 1982). However, meth-
odological differences between publications are also a likely cause of
differences in ndings. It is notable that few studies of nonhumans have
used methods consistent with those detailed by Shepard and Metzler
(1971) and subsequent human mental rotation studies. Requiring sub-
jects to discriminate rotated images from mirror-images prevents sub-
jects from using local features of stimuli to solve the task, and response
latency is a critical outcome variable for assessing the correspondence
between physical and mental rotation (Cohen & Kubovy, 1993; Delius &
Hollard, 1995; Shepard & Cooper, 1982). Use of mirror-image stimuli
and/or response latency have not always been reported in nonhuman
studies (Nekovarova et al., 2013; Parr & Heintz, 2008). Comparing
ndings across species would be facilitated by a more standardized
approach using these core features of the work done with humans. In
this study, we developed a monkey analog of the mental rotation task
using a delayed match-to-sample procedure with mirror image
discrimination stimuli and both latency and accuracy as outcome
In Experiment 1 monkeys demonstrated the hallmark of mental
rotation, taking longer to nd a matching shape the more the shape was
rotated. In Experiment 2 monkeys used a cue that indicated how far to
mentally rotate an image while the image was out of sight. In Experi-
ment 3 we tested whether this rotation cue would speed identication of
rotated images using the procedure from Experiment 1. Findings from
Experiment 3 were mixed.
1. Experiment 1
Monkeys were trained in a mental rotation task that closely paral-
leled methods used with humans (Fig. 1A, Cooper & Shepard, 1973;
Vauclair et al., 1993). Monkeys studied two-dimensional shapes that
disappeared after they touched them. After 500 ms the studied shape
and its mirror image appeared, both rotated up to 120
. Monkeys were
rewarded for selecting the rotated version of the studied shape, avoiding
the mirror image. Critically, mirror images contain identical geometric
features, making it impossible to identify the rotated match by features
alone (Cooper & Shepard, 1973; Shepard & Metzler, 1971). We hy-
pothesized that if monkeys mentally rotate images, and such rotation
takes time, as it would if done physically, then they would take longer to
nd the correct shape the more it was rotated (Shepard & Cooper, 1982).
1.1. Subjects
We tested six adult male rhesus monkeys (mean age: 9.8 years old)
that had extensive experience with cognitive testing and match-to-
sample tasks. Monkeys had ad libitum access to water and received
their daily caloric intake through a combination of nutritionally
balanced reinforcement pellets and monkey biscuits. They were indi-
vidually housed due to social incompatibility but had visual and acoustic
contact with conspecics. Procedures complied with U.S. law, the Na-
tional Research Council guide for the care and use of laboratory animals,
and were approved by the Emory University Institutional Animal Care
and Use Committee.
1.2. Apparatus
Computerized testing systems were mounted on monkeyshome
cages and consisted of a touch-sensitive LCD monitor (Elo TouchSys-
tems, Menlo Park, Ca), two food dispensers (Med Associates Inc., St.
Albans, VT), and were controlled by custom programs written in Visual
Studio 2013 (Microsoft Corporation).
1.3. Procedure
Monkeys performed a match-to-sample task with mirror image dis-
tractors (Fig. 1A). Trials were initiated by touching a green start square
twice. A sample shape then appeared centrally on screen. Samples were
drawn from a pool of 10 stimuli: 5 shapes and their mirror images
(Fig. S1). After touching the sample shape twice, the screen went blank
for 500 ms. At test, the sample shape and its mirror image were pre-
sented side by side, both rotated either 0
, 30
, 60
, 90
, or 120
. The
position of the target and distractor were counterbalanced across trials.
Selections of the rotated sample shape were followed by a reinforcing
food pellet, positive audio feedback, and a 3-s inter-trial interval. Se-
lections of the mirror image shape were followed by negative audio
feedback and a 6-s time-out. All 10 stimuli appeared once as the correct
response at each angle, randomly distributed in each 50-trial session.
Testing concluded for each monkey when it had completed at least 20
sessions and accuracy was signicantly above chance at all orientations
simultaneously over the last two blocks of ve sessions (signicance at p
< .05 as determined by binomial tests conducted for each orientation
T.C. Hassett et al.
Cognition 228 (2022) 105225
1.4. Results and discussion
Analyses of reaction time here and throughout used correct trials
only. Across all conditions, monkeys averaged 79% correct, meaning
that on average 21% of trials were not included in the analysis of re-
action time because monkeys chose incorrectly on these trials. Monkeys
took longer to respond on trials with greater rotation, matching the
signature of mental rotation in humans (Fig. 2, upper panel; rmANOVA:
(4, 20)
= 26.551, p < .001,
= 0.841; Shepard & Cooper, 1982; She-
pard & Metzler, 1971). While this result is a clear parallel with human
mental rotation, our monkeys differed from typical results from humans
in that accuracy was lower for larger rotations (Fig. 2, lower panel;
(4, 20)
= 7.822, p = .001,
= 0.605). Longer response times
and greater transformation may have caused forgetting or distortion of
mental images, resulting in the decrease in accuracy found with greater
rotation. A decrease in accuracy is not inconsistent with mental rotation,
and we mitigated the possible effect of differences in accuracy on latency
by only analyzing latencies from correct trials. Nonetheless, because
longer latencies often accompany guessing (e.g., Hampton, 2009), the
increase in latency could plausibly result from monkeys guessing more
with larger rotations, rather than from the time-consuming process of
mental rotation.
To address the potential confounding of response latency and accu-
racy in Experiment 1, we used accuracy instead of latency as the primary
basis for inferring mental rotation in Experiment 2. This task does not
directly test for mental rotation, in the sense of temporally extended
incremental change of a mental representation by rotation around an
axis. However, success in this task does require accurate transformation
of a mental representation while preserving the delity of the corre-
spondence between the mental representation and the represented
image. In Experiment 2, monkeys discriminated identical shapes that
differed only in orientation, ruling out discrimination on any basis other
than orientation.
2. Experiment 2
Monkeys were cued to mentally rotate a sample shape to a specic
orientation. At test they saw two identical shapes; the target was rotated
the cued amount, and the distractor was rotated 30
more or less than
the target (Fig. 1B). The cue specied the amount the target would be
rotated at test, but monkeys were not shown the target rotating. If
monkeys rotate mental images, they should rotate them on cue to
identify the target.
2.1. Subjects & apparatus
The same subjects, stimuli, and apparatus used in Experiment 1 were
used in Experiment 2.
2.2. Procedure
Monkeys learned in stages that a cue indicated the extent to which a
target image would be rotated from the sample orientation.
2.2.1. Initial rotation discrimination training
After monkeys initiated a trial, a sample shape appeared surrounded
by a rotational cue (Fig. 1B). Monkeys touched the sample shape causing
the shape and the cue to rotate clockwise 0
, 30
, 60
, 90
, or 120
. All
rotations took the same amount of time, and involved the same number
of animation frames, with each frame involving a larger movement for
larger rotations. For example, on a 30
trial, the shape and cue were
erased and drawn 30 times, rotating clockwise by 1
each time; on a
trial, they were also erased and drawn 30 times, but rotated
clockwise by 4
each time. The duration of the rotation animation was
approximately 950 milliseconds across all rotations, with a standard
deviation of 65 milliseconds. The cue and sample remained onscreen for
500 ms after rotation was complete. The test appeared after the screen
was blank for 500 ms. Both test choices were the previously seen shape.
The target was rotated to the cued orientation, and the distractor was
rotated +/ 60
relative to the target. The left-right position of the
target on the screen, and whether the distractor was rotated more or less
than the target, was counterbalanced across trials. Each target orienta-
tion was used with each shape twice per session in a randomized
sequence, once with a distractor at 60
and once with a distractor at
, yielding sessions of 100 trials. After monkeys were signicantly
above chance simultaneously at each orientation (signicance at p < .05
as determined by binomial tests conducted for each orientation every 5
sessions) the difference between the targets and distractors was reduced
to 30
. After again meeting criterion, monkeys progressed to the next
stage of training.
Fig. 1. Procedures used to test mental imagery in monkeys.
(A) Mirror image discrimination (Experiment 1): Monkeys
started trials by touching the green square twice. After
touching the sample shape, the screen was blank for 500 ms,
followed by a mirror image discrimination test. (B) Cued angle
discrimination (Experiment 2): The sample shape was touched,
it disappeared, and the cue rotated. Monkeys were rewarded
for selecting the image that was rotated to the extent indicated
by the cue. (C) Cued mirror image and orientation discrimi-
nation (Experiment 3 Cued Phase): Following cue rotation,
monkeys made mirror image and orientation discriminations in
pseudorandom order. In nal testing, monkeys repeated
Experiment 1 for comparison. (For interpretation of the refer-
ences to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 2. Monkeys took longer to respond and were less accurate with more
rotation. (Top) Median response latency(s) on correct trials; (Bottom) propor-
tion correct.
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2.2.2. Sample shape fading
Monkeys learned to follow the rotational cue in the absence of the
target image rotating inside it. We removed the sample shape before the
cue had completed rotating. The point at which the target shape dis-
appeared was pseudorandomly determined from among 10 possible
points between 67% and 100% of the total rotation achieved by the cue.
Monkeys again had to reach criterion. This process was repeated with
the sample shape disappearing between 33% and 67% and nally be-
tween 0% and 33% of cue rotation.
2.2.3. Cue only tests
The sample shape disappeared immediately after being touched, and
the cue then rotated to the to-be-tested orientation without the sample
shape. Monkeys completed this phase when they met the same accuracy
criterion used in training.
2.3. Results and discussion
Monkeys learned to discriminate the shapes at the cued orientation
from distractors rotated +/ 30
(p .05 by binomial tests at each
orientation; see Table 1). Monkeys therefore mentally rotated the sam-
ple shape to the cued orientation with a delity better than 30
, even
though the orientation of the target shape was indicated only by the cue
and the shape itself did not visibly rotate. Monkeys were also signi-
cantly slower to respond when the amount of rotation dictated by the
cue was large (F(4, 16) = 4.518, p = .012). These results indicate mental
imagery by showing that monkeys formed detailed shape representa-
tions and mentally transformed them with delity to match stimuli
presented on the computer screen. These results show that monkeys are
capable of rotating mental images on cue, but because the monkeys
required extensive training to attain this level of performance, we should
be cautious inferring that monkeys would do this in nature, or even that
such opportunities would arise naturally. These results are important
because Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 used different approaches and
dependent measures yet converged on the conclusion that monkeys
rotate mental images.
One alternative interpretation of the ndings from Experiment 2 is
that monkeys used the orientation of the horizontal or vertical sides of
the cue to guide their choice at test. The upright and horizontal faces of
the rotational cue and the target shape align when oriented at the same
angle (Fig. 1B). A monkey might solve this task by matching the vertical
or horizontal faces of the cue at the time the cue disappeared, with the
faces of the choice shapes at test. If monkeys used this strategy, accuracy
should not vary as a function of the extent of cue rotation because the
difculty of matching the orientation of the cue at offset with the test
images is the same regardless of rotational distance. By contrast, the
more a mental image is transformed, the more likely it is to be forgotten
or distorted, leading to more errors with larger rotations. Monkeys were
signicantly less accurate on trials with greater cue rotation, consistent
with mental imagery and mental rotation (main effect of cued angle: F
= 11.509, p < .001; see Table 1 for individual data), but not the
alignment hypothesis. We further evaluated the alignment hypothesis in
Experiment 3. We required monkeys to discriminate images that did not
differ in alignment with the rotational cue, but that again differed in the
mirror image dimension, as in Experiment 1. Success in the task in
Experiment 3 cannot be achieved using alignment.
3. Experiment 3
When humans are cued about the orientation in which test shapes
will appear, they rotate their mental images to the correct orientation
before tests, eliminating the longer response times found with larger
rotations (Cooper, 1976; Cooper & Shepard, 1973; Suchan, Botko,
Gizewski, Forsting, & Daum, 2006). In Experiment 3, monkeys repeated
the mirror image discrimination task from Experiment 1, but were either
cued, or not cued, about the orientation in which the test stimuli would
appear. We compared response times on cued mirror image tests
(Fig. 1C) to those from a block of uncued trials from Experiment 1 and a
block of uncued trials run at the end of Experiment 3 (Fig. 1A). If
monkeys mentally rotated images when cued, then they, like humans,
should show less increase in response times with rotation on cued trials
compared to uncued trials. Critically, monkeys could not select the
correct image in the mirror image discrimination tests by using the cue
alone, as they did in Experiment 2 because the task was mirror image
discrimination and both the target and the distractor appeared at the
same orientation.
3.1. Subjects & apparatus
The six monkeys and the materials from Experiment 2 were used
3.2. Procedure
Monkeys rst completed a block of trials using the procedure from
Experiment 2, except two types of tests were pseudorandomly inter-
mixed (Fig. 1C). Half of trials were mirror image discrimination trials,
the other half of trials were orientation discrimination trials, yielding a
total of 200 trials per session. Intermixing the two types of trials ensured
that monkeys continued to use the rotational cue, because half of the
time they needed it to discriminate on the basis of orientation, and the
correct orientation could only be known from the cue. Monkeys were
required to perform signicantly above chance across all angles for 2
consecutive 5-session blocks (signicance at p < .05 as determined by
binomial tests conducted for each orientation every 5 sessions). This
performance criterion was applied to orientation discrimination trials
only, and performance on mirror image trials did not inuence whether
or not a monkey met criterion. Upon meeting this criterion, we planned
for monkeys to proceed to the nal block of mirror image discrimination
trials without the rotational cue (but see results, below). We intended to
use this nal block of trials for a comparison of response latencies on cue
and uncued trials. Collecting these comparison trials from the nal
phase of testing ensured that continued training could not account for
any attening of the latency function observed in the cued trials. Mon-
keys were intended to complete the uncued block of trials after meeting
the same performance criterion used in Experiment 1.
We rst compared performance on the last 10 sessions of cued mirror
image trials with performance on the uncued mirror image trials
collected during Experiment 1. We also compared these same cued
mirror image trials with a nal block of 10 sessions of uncued mirror
image trials collected as the last part of Experiment 3.
During the initial administration of Experiment 3, a programming
error caused the rotational cue to disappear on the majority of trials
immediately after monkeys touched the sample. The coding error also
affected randomizing of the left and right position of correct choices,
allowing monkeys to complete the task without the aid of the cue. The
programming error was only noticed after monkeys had completed
Experiment 3. We therefore retrained monkeys to use the cue by having
Table 1
Accuracy across rotations for the last 6 sessions of Experiment 2. All 6 monkeys
were signicantly more accurate than expected by chance as determined by
binomial tests.
Orientation (Degrees) of test images
Subject A 0.96 0.79 0.73 0.82 0.68
B 0.76 0.85 0.69 0.75 0.72
G 0.92 0.79 0.81 0.76 0.64
Sh 0.92 0.85 0.73 0.65 0.66
Sy 0.86 0.82 0.65 0.70 0.82
V 0.92 0.78 0.69 0.69 0.66
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them complete the procedures described in Experiment 2, following
which they were given the correct version of Experiment 3 described
Only 1 monkey reached criterion. Two monkeys who were near
criterion were moved from the cued phase of Experiment 3 to the uncued
phase before reaching criterion because the novel coronavirus was set to
interrupt lab operations for an indenite duration. Testing of the nal
three monkeys was paused and resumed later in the year, after labora-
tory operations resumed. After extensive training without fully reaching
criterion (92, 98, and 104 days) the nal three monkeys were moved
from the cued to uncued phase of testing without having met criterion.
All monkeys completed at least 200 sessions, and therefore, we analyzed
their cued test data from sessions 191200. All six monkeys reached
criterion on the uncued phase of testing.
3.3. Results and discussion
This compound task, intermixing cued and uncued trials unpredict-
ably was clearly difcult for the monkeys. We performed two analyses
for Experiment 3. First, we compared cued mirror image performance to
uncued mirror image performance collected prior to cue training in
Experiment 1. A strength of this comparison is that it allows us to
compare mental rotation performance prior to and after training that
ostensibly caused them to mentally rotate prior to test images appearing.
A weakness of this comparison is that comparatively better performance
on cued trials might be expected simply because the monkeys had more
experience with mental rotation by Experiment 3. Therefore, we per-
formed a second analysis where we compared performance on cued
mirror image trials and uncued mirror image trials collected after cue
training and test, at the very end of Experiment 3, when monkeys had
the maximum practice. The strength of this comparison is that monkeys
experience with mental rotation was approximately equal at the time the
cued and uncued data were collected. A weakness of this comparison is
that monkeys have, at this point, been trained extensively to rotate
images prior to the appearance of tests. If they continue to execute this
rotation whether or not a rotation cue appears, the difference between
cued and uncued trials might not be evident.
Compared to their performance on the uncued Experiment 1 test, the
rotation X response time function was atter in sessions with the rota-
tional cue (Fig. 3 Left; rmANOVA, rotation X cue interaction: F
(1, 5)
28.930, p = .002,
= 0.302; cued vs uncued: F
(1, 5)
= 4.802, p = .079,
= 0.386; rotation: F
(1, 5)
= 49.748, p = .001,
= 0.728). Monkeys
were also overall more accurate on cued trials relative to Experiment 1
(rmANOVA, cued vs uncued: F
(1, 5)
= 13.927, p = .013,
= 0.569;
rotation: F
(1, 5)
= 39.174, p = .001,
= 0.725; cue X rotation interac-
tion: F
(1, 5)
= 0.115, p = .748,
= 0.004). Although this comparison
provides evidence that is consistent with cued mental rotation studies in
humans, it is important to recognize that the Experiment 1 data were
collected at a time when monkeys were comparatively less experienced
at mental rotation tasks. Thus, it is unclear to what extent the observed
signicant differences in latency and accuracy are due to the rotational
cue or simply experience. One reason to believe it is not solely because of
experience is that the cue caused a comparatively greater reduction in
latency with larger rotations compared to smaller rotations. If monkeys
were simply getting better without using the rotation cue, then we
would expect latencies to improve uniformly across degrees of rotation.
Comparing uncued latency functions between Experiment 1 and
Experiment 3 shows that the slope attened signicantly (rmANOVA,
Experiment 1 vs Experiment 3: F(1, 5) = 1.79, p = .239,
= 0.213;
rotation: F(1, 5) = 55.80, p < .001,
= 0.587; test X rotation Inter-
action: F(1, 5) = 11.90, p = .018,
= 0.218).
In contrast to the results reported above, and in contrast to results
from humans, performance on uncued trials following cue training did
not differ from that on cued trials, although the effect of rotation was
still present (Fig. 3 Right; rmANOVA, rotation X cue interaction: F
(1, 5)
0.105, p = .758,
= 0.002; cued vs uncued: F
(1, 5)
= 0.089, p = .776,
= 0.012; rotation: F
(1, 5)
= 37.240, p = .001,
= 0.529; Cooper, 1976;
Cooper & Shepard, 1973; Suchan et al., 2006). Moreover, the rotational
cue did not signicantly increase accuracy (rmANVOA: cued vs uncued:
(1, 5)
= 0.757, p = .424,
= 0.033; rotation: F
(1, 5)
= 21.431, p = .005,
= 0.699; rotation X cue interaction: F
(1, 5)
= 2.138, p = .203,
0.087). Thus, the rst comparison supports the hypothesis that the
rotational cue causes monkeys to rotate images before test, attening the
rotation X response latency function, but the second comparison does
One explanation for why performance did not differ between cued
and uncued trials in the second comparison is that monkeys continued to
mentally rotate images prior to test on both cued and uncued trials, due
to their extensive training with cued trials just prior to these nal tests.
The focus of Experiment 3 was on whether monkeys would use the
rotational cue to mentally rotate in advance of tests. While the evidence
that monkeys could mentally rotate fully in advance of tests is mixed, we
consistently observed longer latencies with larger rotations, replicated
again here. Regardless of whether latency and accuracy functions at-
tened because of the rotational cue or because of experience, monkeys
still showed a relation between extent of rotation and accuracy and la-
tency, and this pattern is characteristic of mental rotation. Throughout
these three experiments, we consistently observed this pattern.
4. General discussion
We found multiple independent signatures of mental imagery,
-0. 2
Orientation (degrees) of test images
Latency difference (sec) from 0°
Fig. 3. Left: Response times increased less with rotation on cued (gold) than uncued (blue) trials (Experiment 3 Cued vs Experiment 1). Right: Response times
increased equally with rotation on cued (gold) and uncued (blue) trials (Experiment 3). The difference in latency for each rotation from latency at 0
. (For inter-
pretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
T.C. Hassett et al.
Cognition 228 (2022) 105225
providing converging evidence for the presence of this cognitive process
in monkeys. Monkeys matched remembered upright shapes to rotated
shapes and showed the hallmark longer response time with greater
rotation. Monkeys transformed mental images as instructed by a cue
with precision better than 30
in Experiment 2 and may have used this
cue to mentally rotate images prior to seeing tests in Experiment 3. Thus,
the mental images monkeys formed included ne perceptual details and
remained true to physics through substantial transformation. The nd-
ings from these three experiments, combined with evidence from studies
of blindsight and metacognition that suggest phenomenal visual expe-
rience in monkeys (Andersen et al., 2014; Cowey & Stoerig, 1995; Moore
et al., 2001), indicate that rhesus monkeys form and manipulate mental
images, as dened by the three criteria we dened.
Mental images could underlie a variety of nonhuman animal be-
haviors. Vervet monkeys make specic anti-predator responses when
they hear particular alarm calls and may visualize the predator indicated
by the call in support of this specicity (Cheney & Seyfarth, 1990). It is
common for animals to form expectations of specic rewards, as shown
by selective satiation experiments, and these expectations could involve
visualizing the expected food (Baxter & Murray, 2002). While it may be
considerably less common for nonhumans to have cause to transform
mental images than is the case for humans, tool-users might gain so-
phistication in their use of tools with the aid of isomorphic trans-
formations of mental images, and navigation might be enhanced by
visualization of mental maps (Hunt, 1996; Tolman, 1948; Tomasello,
Davis-Dasilva, Camak, & Bard, 1987).
Human mental representations often include propositional linguistic
content in addition to, or instead of, recapitulating perceptual processes
(Pylyshyn, 1973; Shepard & Cooper, 1982). Lacking language, nonhu-
mans may be especially dependent on representations that are based in
the processes that give rise to the initial perception of stimuli, rather
than propositional representation. Our ndings suggest an evolutionary
continuity, at least among primates, in visual imagery. Evidence from
other cognitive paradigms suggests that nonverbal animals rely on
quasi-visual, rather than propositional, representations to solve a range
of tasks including transitive inference (Gazes et al., 2017; Gazes, Chee, &
Hampton, 2012), quantity discrimination (Brannon & Merritt, 2011;
Gazes et al., 2017; Lourenco & Longo, 2010), and memory for order
(Bunsey & Eichenbaum, 1996; Templer & Hampton, 2013). Visual im-
agery may be an especially powerful form of representation for non-
humans. The evidence presented here showing that monkeys transform
mental images may begin to transform our image of monkey mentality.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Thomas C. Hassett: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing original draft,
Writing review & editing, Visualization, Project administration. Vic-
toria K. Lord: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis,
Investigation, Writing original draft. Robert R. Hampton: Concep-
tualization, Methodology, Investigation, Resources, Writing original
draft, Writing review & editing, Supervision, Project administration,
Funding acquisition.
We acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation
(BCS-1632477; BCS-1946767), and the National Institutes of Health
(P51OD011132). Tara Dove-VanWormer assisted with testing monkeys.
The authors declare no conicts of interest.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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