OCC Form 300 April 2016 (All previous formats obsolete)
Maryland State Department of Education Office of Child Care
COMARS 13A.15.03.05A Family Child Care Homes, 13A.16.03.06C Child Care Centers, 13A.17.03.06C Letters of Compliance Facilities, and 13A.18.03.06C Large Family
Child Care Homes require child care providers to notify or require that a staff member notify the Office of Child Care within 24 hours of (1) the death of a child if the child died
while at the facility; (2) the death of a child enrolled at the facility if the child died of a contagious disease; and (3) an injury to a child that occurs while the child is at the facility or
on a field trip which results in the child’s being treated by a medical professional or admitted to a hospital.
You may contact the office by phone or use this form for reporting purposes. If reporting by phone, please be prepared to give licensing staff all information requested on this
form. If submitting the completed form, be sure to fax or email it to your Regional Office of Child Care within 24 hours of the incident.
Name of Facility __________________________________________________ Address _______________________________City___________________ Zip Code_________
Date of Report ______________ Time of Report ____________ Name of Child ____________________________ DOB or Age of Child ____________ Male Female
Name of Parent/Guardian ____________________________________ Address _______________________________Zip Code __________________ Phone ________________
Person Reporting _________________________ Relationship of Reporter to Facility __________________ Date of Incident _____________ Time of Incident ______________
Witnesses: Name____________________________________ Address _________________________________________ Zip Code ______________ Phone ________________
Name____________________________________ Address _________________________________________ Zip Code ______________ Phone ________________
Nature of Incident: Death of child while in care Death of child due to contagious disease (Name of Disease _________________________) Child injury resulting in
treatment by medical professional Injury resulting in admission to hospital (Name of Physician or Hospital _____________________________) Injury resulting in death
Location: Playground Yard Stairway Bathroom Kitchen Playroom Basement Unapproved area (Where? _____________________________)
Off-site activity (Activity type and location ____________________________________________________________) Unknown Other ________________________
Cause of Injury: Hit or cut by object Fall from activity equipment (Object or Equipment Description________________________________________________________)
Fall from running or tripping Bitten or scratched by other child Burn Hit or pushed by other child Motor vehicle Eating or choking Insect sting or bite
Animal bite Exposure to cold or heat Other _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Details of Incident: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
FOR OCC USE ONLY - Region ________
Licensing Staff Member Receiving Report: ___________________________ Regional Manager/Designee Informed: Date: __________________ Time: ________________
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________