Live Memory Forensics of Mobile Phones
Vrizlynn Thing, Kian-Yong Ng and Ee-Chien Chang
From the proceedings of
The Digital Forensic Research Conference
Portland, OR (Aug 2
- 4
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Live memory forensics of mobile phones
Vrizlynn L. L. Thing
*, Kian-Yong Ng
, Ee-Chien Chang
Cryptography & Security Department, Institute for Infocomm Research, 1 Fusionopolis Way, #21-01, Connexis (South Tower), Singapore
138632, Singapore
School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Live forensics
Volatile memory
Mobile phones
In this paper, we proposed an automated system to perform a live memory forensic
analysis for mobile phones. We investigated the dynamic behavior of the mobile phone’s
volatile memory, and the analysis is useful in real-time evidence acquisition analysis of
communication based applications. Different communication scenarios with varying
parameters were investigated. Our experimental results showed that outgoing messages
(from the phone) have a higher persistency than the incoming messages. In our experi-
ments, we consistently achieved a 100% evidence acquisition rate with the outgoing
messages. For the incoming messages, the acquisition rates ranged from 75.6% to 100%,
considering a wide range of varying parameters in different scenarios. Hence, in a more
realistic scenario where the parties may occasionally take turns to send messages and
consecutively send a few messages, our acquisition can capture most of the data to
facilitate further detailed forensic investigation.
ª 2010 Digital Forensic Research Workshop. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The standard digital forensic procedure typically involves
steps such as “pulling the plug”, acquiring data from the static
media, analysing and correlating the data to retrieve the
relevant evidence in a forensically sound manner (Ashcroft
et al., 2004). This forensic investigation procedure prevents
further interference on potential evidence, is well-docu-
mented and has proven to be reliable and hence, acceptable by
the law enforcement agencies during crime investigation
involving computer systems. However, measures to prevent
interference of potential evidence may instead result in the
undesirable loss of important evidence.
When the evidence is stored (or being transferred) off-site
or a communication session discussing criminal activities is
on-going, the “pull the plug” approach may not be an appro-
priate action. In addition, as the static storage media increases
in size, so does the amount of acquired data and potential
evidence that requires processing. A live analysis of the
current (though dynamic and volatile) state of the system and
its applications, is therefore necessary, so as to allow a more
efficient forensic investigation process. In addition, tech-
niques to protect the privacy of users and confidentiality of
user data, such as encryption and password protection, have
also indirectly provided counter forensics means to techno-
logically aware criminals. Therefore, conventional forensic
methods are no longer adequate and more research efforts
have been placed in live memory forensic analysis of
computer systems (Carrier and Grand, 2004; Adelstein, 2006;
Petroni et al., 2006; Schatz, 2007; Kiley et al., 2008; Simon
and Slay, 2009) in recent years to complement or enhance
the former methods.
In mobile phone forensics, live memory forensics has an
even more important role to play. As mobile phones are
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (V.L.L. Thing), [email protected] (K.-Y. Ng), chan[email protected] (E.-C. Chang).
available at
journal homepage:
digital investigation 7 (2010) S74eS82
1742-2876/$ e see front matt er ª 2010 Digital Forensic Research Workshop. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
becoming increasingly prevalent and are constantly evolving
into “smarter” devices (i.e. smartphones with higher pro-
cessing power and enhanced features), capabilities to perform
in-depth forensics on these devices also become essential.
However, current mobile phone forensics are still restricted to
the research and analysis of static data on the Subscriber
Identity Module (SIM), memory cards and the internal flash
memory (Willassen, 2003; Forensic analysis, 2006; Jansen and
Ayers, 2006; Williamson et al., 2006; Casadei et al., 2006; Ayers
et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2007; Al-Zarouni, 2007; Mokhonoana
and Olivier, 2007; Jansen et al., 2008; Bhadsavle and Wang,
2008; Distefano and Me, 2008; Ahmed and Dharaskar, 2008;
Berte et al., 2009; Hoog, 2009; Hoog and Gaffaney, 2009).
Although the constraint on the storage capacity implies that
they do not face the problem of exceedingly large amount of
potential evidence to be analysed, it introduces another
problem. Due to this limited storage, volatile information such
as the application data, Internet browsing data, and instant
messaging conversation histories are often not stored in the
non-volatile storage media. This is unlike computer systems
which allows the caching and backup of a large amount of
data (e.g. MSN chat history). In this case, the limitations of
static forensic analysis on mobile phones become even more
evident. Without the means to perform live memory forensics
on mobile phones, potentially incriminating evidence may be
lost forever.
As a mobile phone’s main functionality is to support
communications, the capability to perform forensic analysis
on its interactive based applications is very important. In
this paper, we propose an automated system to support the
mobile phone’s live memory dynamic properties analysis
on interactive based applications. We implemented the
system components and performed an investigation on the
persistency of the mobile phone’s volatile data and real-
time evidence acquisition analysis. The mobile phone used
in our investigation was an Android mobile phone, the
Google development set. The choice of the Android plat-
form was due to it being the latest released mobile plat-
form and its fast rising popularity among users and the
mobile phone manufacturers (Kumparak, 2010). As our
future work, we will be investigating on applying the
methodology and porting the system to other mobile phone
The rest of the paper is organised as follow. In Section 2, we
present an overview of research conducted on mobile phone
forensics. We describe our live memory forensic analysis
system in Section 3. The experiments and results are pre-
sented and discussed in Section 4. Future work is described in
Section 5. Conclusions follow in Section 6.
2. An overview of mobile phone forensics
In an early work (Willassen, 2003), Willassen researched on
the forensic investigation of GSM phones. The author pre-
sented the types of data of forensic relevance, which can exist
on the phones, the SIM and the core network, and emphasized
the need for more sound mobile forensic procedures and
tools. In (Forensic analysis, 2006), Willassen proposed
extracting the physical image of the mobile phone’s internal
flash memory by desoldering the memory chip and reading it
from a device programmer. Another proposed method was to
read the memory through the boundary-scan (JTAG) test pins.
The extracted memory was examined to detect the presence
of deleted file contents.
In Casadei et al. (2006), the authors presented their SIM-
brush tool developed for both the Linux and Windows plat-
forms. The tool relied on the PCSC library and supported the
acquisition of the entire file system, including the non stan-
dard files, on the SIM. However, files with restricted read
access conditions could not be extracted.
In Kim et al. (2007), the authors presented a tool to acquire
the data from a Korea CDMA mobile phone’s internal flash
memory. The tool communicated with the phone through the
RS-232C serial interface and was able to acquire the existing
files on the phone using the underlying Qualcomm Mobile
Station Modem diagnostic mode protocol.
In Al-Zarouni (2007), the author studied the mobile phone
flasher devices and considered their applicability in mobile
phone forensics. As these devices offered access to the
phone’s flash memory and did not require installation on the
phone, they were deemed to be forensically sound. However,
their operations were not well-documented. Since they were
designed to write to the memory, the effect of evidence
altering while performing a read was unknown. Their reading
capability and memory access range also varied for phones of
different brands and models.
In Mokhonoana and Olivier (2007), the authors proposed an
on-phone forensic tool to acquire the active files from a Sym-
bian OS v7 phone and store it on the removable media. Instead
of interfacing with the PC connectivity services, the tool
interacted with the operating system to perform a logical copy
of the files. The tested phone was Sony Ericcson P800. One
main limitation of the tool was that those files in use could not
be copied (e.g. call logs, contacts).
In Distefano and Me (2008), the authors proposed the
mobile phone internal acquisition technique on the Sym-
bian OS v8 phones. The mobile phone data was acquired
using a tool residing on the removable media, instead of
the PC/mobile phone USB connection based approach. The
tool utilised the Symbian S60 File Server API in the read-
only mode. The authors carried out experiments comparing
the tool with Paraben Device Seizure (USB connection to
phone) and P3nfs (Remote access through Bluetooth). The
tool took a longer time to perform the acquisition. It was
able to acquire more data compared to the P3nfs but lesser
data compared to the Paraben Device Seizure. However, the
authors observed that the larger data size from Paraben
was due to the additional information from its acquired
data management.
In Jansen et al. (2008), the authors proposed a phone
manager protocol filtering technique by intercepting the
data between the phone and the phone manager. The
objective was to address the latency in the coverage of
newly available phone models by existing forensic tools.
The authors also proposed an identity module program-
ming technique, to populate the phone’s SIM with reference
test data, so as to provide a baseline for the validation of
SIM forensic tools.
digital investigation 7 (2010) S74eS82 S75
2.1. Surveys on existing tools
In Jansen and Ayers (2006), the authors evaluated the state-of-
the-art SIM forensic tools to understand the capabilities and
limitations in their data acquisition, examination and
reporting functions. The tools surveyed included Cell Seizure,
GSM.XRY, MOBILedit! Forensic, TULP 2G, Forensic Card
Reader, ForensicSIM, SIMCon and SIMIS. It was observed that
most information such as the IMSI and SMS/EMS could be
found by the tools.
In Bhadsavle and Wang (2008), the authors evaluated the
effectiveness of the Paraben Device Seizure on a test data
populated T-Mobile locked SIM. They determined that 100% of
the test data were retrieved.
In Williamson et al. (2006), the authors studied the
performance of different mobile phone forensic tools (i.e.
TULP 2G, MOBILedit! Forensic, Cell Seizure and Oxygen Phone
Manager) on the Nokia phones. The authors concluded that
some tools failed to deliver some promised features (e.g. MD5
hash was not found in MOBILedit!, SHA1 hash was not found
in Cell Seizure).
In Ayers et al. (2007), the authors conducted a comprehen-
sive study on the current mobile phone forensic tools and
presented their findings in the NIST report. The evaluated
tools included the Paraben Device Seizure, Pilot-Link, GSM.
XRY, Oxygen Phone Manager, MOBILedit!, BitPIM, TULP 2G,
SecureView, PhoneBase2, CellDEK, SIMIS2, ForensicSIM,
Forensic Card Reader, SIMCon and USIMdetective. The
authors presented each tool’s capabilities and limitations on
a range of mobile phones, covering different operating
systems, processor types, and hardware components. Some
examples of the tested phones included Samsung SGH-i300,
Motorola MPX220, Sony Ericsson P910a, Nokia 7610 and
BlackBerry 7780.
In Hoog (2009), the author presented the existing forensic
evidence acquisition tools for the Android phone. The Android
Debug Bridge (ADB) enabled interaction with the phone over
the USB connection. Therefore, active files on the phone can
be retrieved through the “adb pull” command. Other tools
such as the Nandroid backup and Paraben Device Seizure also
supported the extraction of files residing on the phone.
In Hoog and Gaffaney (2009), the authors analysed the
effectiveness of existing forensic tools’ capabilities in
acquiring information (e.g. call logs, SMS, contacts, Emails,
image files) from a 3G iPhone. The phone was running firm-
ware 2.2 and was not jailbroken. The tools analysed included
WOLF, Cellebrite UFED, Paraben Device Seizure, MacLockPick,
MDBackupExtract and Physical DD. Of all the tools tested, the
DD approach was the only one allowing a bit-by-bit copy of the
phone’s storage and was ranked the highest (i.e. its results
indicated that the acquisition of the test data sets either met
or exceeded the expected results).
2.2. Related work
More closely related to our work, were the recent forensic
investigations on the evidence data from the instant messaging
(IM) services (Kiley et al., 2008; Husain and Sridhar, 2010). IM
services can be accessed through applications installed on the
PC (i.e. client-based) or web-based using a web browser.
In Kiley et al. (2008), the authors examined the artifacts
that can be recovered from 4 web-based IM services (i.e. AIM
Express, Google Talk (GTalk), Meebo and E-buddy) on
a Windows XP system. The AccessData Forensic Toolkit was
used to acquire a bit-stream image of the system hard drive
and to perform an indexing of the image file. A keyword
search on the distinct phrases used as the test data was
carried out. The Runtime DiskExplorer was also used to
examine the image file through a sector-by-sector keyword
search. The objective was to find any residual data residing in
the unallocated hard disk space. The authors found that while
evidence of forensic value (such as screen name and esti-
mated time of conversation) could be retrieved, very limited
chat logs were recoverable. In addition, the authors only used
a short list of unique phrases (e.g. “bannnnanas”, “spaces
spled wrong”) as keywords in the experiments. Parameters
such as the message length and human response time during
chatting, which could affect the experimental results were not
defined. Evidence acquisition without the knowledge of the
messages contents was also not discussed.
In Husain and Sridhar (2010), the authors performed
a forensic analysis of the AIM, Yahoo! Messenger and GTalk
on the Apple iPhone, to investigate the possibility of IM
related evidence recovery. The experiments were conducted
on the client-based versions of AIM and Yahoo! Messenger,
and the web-based version of GTalk. For the study, the test
data was created by sending two consecutive messages for
each IM. The data on the phone was acquired logically
through the iTunes Backup. Forensically relevant evidence
such as the screen names, timestamps and unique phrases
(i.e. the chat messages) was found in the retrieved files for
the AIM and Yahoo! Messenger. However, no trace of
evidence was found for GTalk. The temporary Internet files
and caches of the Safari browser (on which GTalk was
accessed) did not contain much information other than the
fact that GTalk was accessed at a particular time.
From the prior art, we observed that only the evidence
residing in the phone’s non-volatile storage was retrievable.
The challenge arises when the application data presents itself
in the volatile data only (e.g. in web-based applications) and no
trace ofevidence could be found in the non-volatile storage. We
address this issue on mobile phone forensics in this paper.
3. Live memory forensics of mobile phones
In this section, we propose an automated system to investi-
gate the dynamic properties of the mobile phone’s volatile
memory, and to perform a real-time evidence acquisition
analysis. We used the Android phone as the test set. A few
system components were developed specifically for the
Android platform. An overview of our automated system is
shown in Fig. 1.
Our system consists of the following components.
! Message Script Generator (MSG)
! UI/Application Exerciser Monkey
! Chat Bot
! Memory Acquisition Tool (memgrab)
! Memory Dump Analyser (MDA)
digital investigation 7 (2010) S74eS82S76
3.1. Message script generator (MSG) and UI/application
exerciser monkey
The Monkey is part of the Android software stack and is
generally used to perform pseudo-random actions to the
programs on the phone. Instead, we control the Monkey to
instruct it to perform deterministic actions with our MSG,
through the Android Debug Bridge (ADB). The MSG randomly
generates a test message and a Monkey script during each
experiment run, to be executed by the Monkey.
3.2. Chat Bot
To automate the chatting process with the phone, we devel-
oped a Chat Bot emulating a user at the PC. The Chat Bot is
a Java console-based application that uses the Smack API. The
Smack API is a Java library for IM clients to communicate
using the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP),
which is also used by the GTalk service.
Configurable parameters on the MSG and the Chat Bot
include the message length, the character set to support
random message generation, and the interval between
messages (to emulate typing and reading response time). The
contents of each message are composed by randomly selecting
characters from the specified character set. The MSG and
Monkeyalsosupport configurable interval betweenkeypresses.
3.3. Memory acquisition tool (memgrab)
Firstly, we look at how the process memory is represented in
Android, to perform the process memory acquisition.
The process memory management in Android is handled
by the Linux 2.6 kernel. However, Android uses the anony-
mous shared memory subsystem (ashmem) driver for
handling the shared memory among processes, instead of the
standard Linux kernel’s IPC shared memory module (Chen,
2008). The former allows the shared memory blocks to be
reclaimed by the kernel, whereas the latter forbids it. Android
also replaces the Out-of-Memory (OOM) Killer module with its
own Low Memory Killer driver to sacrifice the running
processes on the phone when the memory is low.
In Android, each running process’ memory information
can be obtained from the procfs virtual file system provided by
the kernel. When an Android application is started, its direc-
tory is created under/proc. These directories are named by
their process IDs (/proc/pid). The process memory can be
accessed from the/proc/pid/mem file, while the entries in the/
proc/pid/maps file provide the addresses of the process
memory regions. The memory regions compose of the stack,
heap and shared memory and also contain mappings to the
system libraries, Dalvik executables and device drivers.
We developed our memory acquisition tool, memgrab,
which performs a dump (or “grabbing”) of a process’ memory.
The tool locates and acquires the process memory by relying
on the/proc/pid/maps and/proc/pid/mem files in the procfs.
The idea is similar to the pcat tool, which is part of The
Coroner’s Toolkit (TCT) (Farmer and Venema, 1999). However,
our memgrab tool is customised for the Android platform, and
supports specific memory regions extraction and specification
of the acquisition interval.
The memgrab tool performs the Process Trace (ptrace)
system call, which allows the tracing of a process by
controlling its execution, as well as gaining access to its
address space. To commence tracing of the target process,
PTRACE_ATTACH is specified in the system call. The target
process is then suspended while memgrab acquires a snapshot
of the process memory. PTRACE_DETACH is then issued to
resume the target process’ execution.
3.4. Memory dump analyser (MDA)
In the memory dump, the outgoing message appears in two
forms (i.e. before and after processing to be sent as a network
packet to the chat server).
[[“m”,“[email protected]/Smack
-> F0FBEF9E”,“MESSAGE”,“MSG_ID”,“c”]]
-> [email protected]/SmackF0FBEF9E”
while the incoming message appears in one form:
-> [email protected]/SmackEC940444”
We identify the common structure in the messages as:
[“m”,“[email protected]/XMPP_RESOURCE”,
-> “MESSAGE”,“
and use the following regular expression to capture the
message contents.
-> [/a-zA-Z0-9]*“,”(.*);
Based on a list of the generated messages, the MDA
consists of Perl scripts to perform searches on each dump. The
results of the findings of whole or partial messages are then
compiled into a report.
Fig. 1 e System overview.
digital investigation 7 (2010) S74eS82 S77
Other than the Chat Bot which is specific to message
exchange applications using XMPP, the other components are
generic and can be applied to any communication based
applications running on the phone. In the next section, we
focus on the investigation of the persistency of the relevant
evidence pertaining to a web-based Google Talk (GTalk) IM.
We also perform an investigation on the cached data to
examine the presence of evidence relating to the chat
4. Experiments and results
In this section, we describe our experiments and present our
results on identifying the memory region of a process where
the message exchange can be observed, and investigating the
cached data and the volatile evidence data persistency.
4.1. Process memory region investigation
To prevent dumping the irrelevant memory regions, we con-
ducted an experiment to identify the region where the
messages reside. In each experiment, we started a chat
session between the phone and the PC. The phone sent 15
outgoing messages and received 15 incoming messages from
the PC in return.
For each entry in the /proc/pid/maps, we performed
a memory dump and searched for the occurrence of the
messages in the dumps. Our experiments revealed that the
messages were consistently found in the shared memory
We observed that the heap and stack memory contained
information such as the database initializations and chat
session credentials. However, such information has a higher
persistence and can also be found in the cached data (Section
4.2). Next, we analyse the cache data and subsequently, focus
on the analysis of the volatile evidence in the form of chat
messages exchange.
4.2. Cached data examination
Before we proceed with the volatile evidence investigation, we
first examine the browser cached data to find out what
information we can retrieve. We conducted an experiment to
exchange 15 messages between the two parties (i.e. Chat Bot
and Monkey) before obtaining the cached data from the
databases stored in the /data/data/
databases/ directory. There were 3 SQLite databases in the
directory, namely browser.db, webviewCache.db and web-
The browser database consisted of the bookmarks and
searches tables. The bookmarks table stored the URLs that
have been accessed in the past, while the searches table
contained all the past keywords that have been entered to the
search box.
The webviewCache database consisted of the cache table.
The cache table held the cached images (e.g. gif, jpeg, ico, png),
javascripts (js) and cascading style sheets (css).
The webview database consisted of the formdata,
httpauth, cookies, formurl and password tables. The formdata
table stored the saved values keyed into a form. The httpauth
table held the past HTTP authentication information and was
empty in our case. The cookies table stored the saved cookies.
The formurl table stored the url of the past form the user has
accessed. The password table stored the saved passwords. In
our case, it contained only a single entry from accessing the
WIFI router.
We concluded from this experiment that the exchanged
chat messages were not retrievable from the cached data.
4.3. Volatile evidence data persistency investigation
Before proceeding with the experiments, we need to deter-
mine a realistic set of parameters such as the message
length and the message sending interval. After which, we
perform the investigations with different memory dump
intervals and analyse the implications of the different
1) Interval between Keypresses: The faster a user types and
sends more messages, the sooner the memory will be
overwritten by new messages. For typing on the phone, we
define it as the process of pressing the keys on the phone’s
QWERTY keyboard. The keyboard measures 6.8 cm from
the Q to P keys. In (Sears et al., 1998), it was determined that
a novice user can type on average, 9.9 (s ¼ 2.4) English
words per minute (wpm), while an experienced user can
type 21.1 (s ¼ 1.5) English wpm, on a 6.8 cm QWERTY
keyboard (assuming 5 characters per word). Taking the
worst case parameter for our experiments (and assuming
a normal distribution), we assume that a user can type as
fast as most experienced users (at 24.1 wpm). Therefore, the
average delay between two keypresses is 500 ms, which is
our defined interval between keypresses.
2) Character set: In our experiments, we use the printable
characters (specified on the phone’s QWERTY keyboard)
only. In addition, we define the character set to compose of
only characters that require one keypress. For example,
a capital letter “A” requires two keypresses: ALT þ A. We
want to prevent an experimental scenario where the
message length in memory is inconsistent with the total
number of keys pressed.
3) Message length: We consider 3 different message lengths for
the experiments. In each message, it includes one keypress
for the final ENTER key. The 3 message lengths (in charac-
ters) are:
! 75 e We assume that the user types at least one sentence
(which is meaningful and of forensic value) in the
message. The suggested English sentence length was 15
words (AskOxford). With an average of 5 characters per
word, we have 75 characters in each sentence.
! 150 e We assume that a short text message is 150 char-
acters. This is obtained from computing the average of
the upper limits of an SMS (160 characters) and a Twitter
message (140 characters).
! 225 e We observe that the above parameters can also
emulate 1 or 2 sentences. Here, we look at the situation
where the user types a longer message and assuming that
it composes of 3 sentences on average.
digital investigation 7 (2010) S74eS82S78
We do realise that the message lengths in IM applications
are dependent on other factors such as the topic being dis-
cussed and the individual user’s style of chatting. These
factors are hard to define and we only propose the above
lengths as estimated indicators to perform the investigations.
4) Message sending interval: The interval between the sending
of the messages depends on the interval between key-
presses, k, and the message length, l. Assuming negligible
reading time and network delay, we define 2 experiment
scenarios with regards to the message sending interval. In
both scenarios, the experiment always starts with the
phone initiating the message typing and sending to the PC.
In the first scenario (refer to Fig. 2, where no waiting time is
considered), once the first message has been “typed” and sent
by the phone (i.e. the MSG and Monkey), the phone starts
typing and sending the next message at the same time that
the PC (i.e. the Chat Bot) starts typing and sending its first
message. This is the worst case scenario as there is the
continuous sending and receiving of messages and emulates
the situation where the user does not wait for a reply before
typing (and sending) a new message.
In the second scenario (refer to Fig. 3, where waiting time is
included), once the first message has been “typed” and sent by
the phone, the PC starts typing its first message while the
phone waits. After the PC has finished typing and sent the
message, the phone proceeds to type and send its next
message. This scenario emulates the situation where both
users take turn to send and wait for a response from the other.
The message sending interval in each direction is therefore
(k(l $ 1)) for the no-wait scenario and (2k(l $ 1)) for the waiting
The parameters discussed above are defined in the MSG
(and processed by Monkey) on the phone, and the Chat Bot on
the PC.
4.4. Evidence persistency examination
Firstly, we conducted a simple experiment to study the
persistency of the chat messages in the volatile memory. The
message length was set to 75 characters and the interval
between the keypresses to 500 ms. The experiment was similar
to the wait scenario. We started the experiment with the phone
typing and sending the first message. After which, a memory
dump was performed immediately. The PC then proceeded
with typing and sending its first message. A memory dump was
also performed immediately after the message was received.
Therefore, the memory dump interval was the same as the
typing time for a message, which was 37 s. A total of 30
messages were typed and sent (i.e. 15 in each direction).
Figs. 4 and 5 show the persistency of the outgoing
messages (from phone) and incoming messages (to phone),
respectively. The dumps with the odd IDs were performed
after each outgoing message was sent, while the dumps with
even IDs were performed after each incoming message was
A vertically plotted line at a dump ID gives an idea of the
persistency of past messages in a particular dump, while
a horizontally plotted line at a message ID gives an idea of the
persistency of the message in subsequent dumps. The plotted
parallel diagonal lines show the persistency of each message
in the subsequent dumps.
For the outgoing messages, the message with ID 9 had the
highest persistency which lasted for 8 intervals (i.e. 4.9 min).
100% and 92.86% of the outgoing messages persisted for an
interval (i.e. 37 s) and two intervals, respectively. The persis-
tency of each message diminished gradually in the subse-
quent dumps.
For the incoming messages, the message with ID 4 had the
highest persistency, lasting for 6 intervals (i.e. 3.7 min). For the
incoming messages, 64.29% and 50% persisted for an interval
and two intervals, respectively. The persistency of the
messages diminished quickly after that.
We observed from the results that the outgoing messages
had a higher persistency than the incoming messages.
4.5. Memory dump interval investigation
In this part of the experiments, we investigated the effect of the
different memory dump intervals in different chat scenarios.
Some of the main parameters (i.e. keypress interval, character
set, message lengths and message sending interval) for these
experiments were defined at the beginning of this section (i.e.
Section 4.3). In the experiments, a total of 30 messages were
typed and sent, with 15 in each direction. The memory
dumping on the phone was not performed immediately after
each message was sent or received. Instead, we defined a finite
dump interval for each experiment. One important consider-
ation was that a larger dump interval is always desirable since
Fig. 2 e No-wait scenario.
Fig. 3 e Waiting scenario.
digital investigation 7 (2010) S74eS82 S79
fewer dumps consume lesser of the phone’s valuable and
limited resources (e.g. processing power, battery).
For the waiting scenario, we conducted 2 sets of experi-
ments with the dump intervals of 40 and 60 s. The results are
presented in Table 1. We observed that 100% of the evidence
can be acquired successfully in the case of the outgoing
messages even with the long dump intervals. For the
incoming messages, the average evidence acquisition rate
was 97.8% with a dump interval of 40 s and 95.6% with a dump
interval of 60 s.
For the no-waiting time scenario, as the outgoing and
incoming messages were being sent and received continu-
ously, we reduced the dump interval to enable a more reliable
evidence capturing. We conducted 4 set of experiments in this
scenario, with each having a memory dump interval of 5, 10,
20 and 30 s. The results are presented in Tables 2 and 3.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Message ID
Dump ID
Persistency of Outgoing messages (Phone to PC)
New messages captured in current dump (only occur at odd dumps)
Message persistency in next dump
Message persistency in a dump two intervals later
(Vertical line) Persistency of past messages in dump id 19
(Horizontal line) Persistency of message id 9 in subsequent dumps
Fig. 4 e Persistency of outgoing messages.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Message ID
Dump ID
Persistency of Incoming messages (PC to Phone)
New messages captured in current dump (only occur at even dumps)
Message persistency in next dump
Message persistency in a dump two intervals later
(Vertical line) Persistency of past messages in dump id 12
(Horizontal line) Persistency of message id 4 in subsequent dumps
Fig. 5 e Persistency of incoming messages.
digital investigation 7 (2010) S74eS82S80
We observed that 100% of the evidence can be acquired
successfully in the case of the outgoing messages for all the dump
intervals. When the dump interval was 5 s, all the incoming
messages were successfully captured as well. However, as the
interval increased, the rate of successful acquisition dropped for
the incoming messages (e.g. 86.7%, 75.6% and 84.4% for dump
intervals of 10, 20 and 30 s, respectively).
Based on the experiments, we can conclude that the
outgoing messages had a higher persistency than the
incoming ones. We also noticed during our experiments that
due to the need for internal processing of the outgoing
messages to be sent out through the network, multiple copies
in different formats can exist in the memory. In contrast, the
incoming messages only existed in at most two copies in the
memory. Therefore, the persistency for the incoming
messages was lower and the successful acquisition rate was
also lower than that for the outgoing messages.
5. Future work
We are designing an optimized evidence acquisition tool
which utilises our analysis results. The tool will be used to
study the acquisition of evidence in an actual communication
scenario. We will also be investigating on porting the system
to other mobile phone platforms.
6. Conclusions
In this paper, we identified the need for a live memory forensic
analysis for mobile phones due to the difficulties in recovering
evidence residing in the volatile memory. We proposed an
automated system that analyses the dynamic properties of
the mobile phone’s volatile memory and carries out real-time
evidence acquisition. The system supported the analysis of
the persistency of evidence generated by interactive and
communication based applications. Different communication
scenarios with varying parameters (e.g. message lengths,
messaging intervals, dump intervals, keypresses interval)
were investigated. Our experiment results showed that the
outgoing messages (from the phone) had a higher persistency
than the incoming messages (to the phone). With varying
message lengths, we consistently achieved a 100% evidence
acquisition rate with the outgoing messages in all scenarios.
For the incoming messages, the acquisition rates were 95.6%
and 97.8% for dump intervals of 40 and 60 s, respectively, in
the scenario where each party waited for the other before
responding with a reply message. In the scenario where both
parties rapidly continued to send messages without waiting
for a reply, the acquisition rates were 100%, 86.7%, 75.6% and
84.4% for dump intervals of 5, 10, 20 and 30 s, respectively.
Therefore, we can conclude that in a more realistic scenario
where the parties occasionally take turns to send messages
and consecutively send a few messages, the evidence acqui-
sition rate is acceptable to capture most of the data to allow
a more detailed forensic investigation.
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Vrizlynn Thing received the Ph.D. degree in Computing from the
Imperial College London, U.K., for her work on detecting and
mitigating Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks, and the B.Eng.
(Hons) and M.Eng. degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engi-
neering from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
She currently leads the Digital Forensics research group at the
Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore. Her research inter-
ests include digital forensics, system and network security,
networking protocols, and optical fiber communi cations.
Kian-Yong Ng is a Computer Science student, specialising in
Information Security, at the School of Computing, National
University of Singapore. His research interests include system and
network security.
Ee-Chien Chang received the BSc and MSc degree from the
National University of Singapore (NUS), in 1991 and 1993 respec-
tively and the PhD degree from New York University in 1998. In
1999, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Center for Discrete
Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS). He
was with the Department of Computational Science, NUS for two
years. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in the School of
Computing, NUS. His research interests include mu ltimedia
security, and information security.
digital investigation 7 (2010) S74eS82S82