Handbook for Officials
Updated 8/29/24
Table of Contents
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4
II. Officiating Program Mission..................................................................................... 4
III. Officiating Program Goals ....................................................................................... 4
IV. Statement of Beliefs ................................................................................................ 4
V. Officiating Code of Ethics ........................................................................................ 5
VI. Procedures for Obtaining an OHSAA Officiating Permit ...................................... 5
BECOMING AN OHSAA OFFICIAL ................................................................................ 5
REINSTATING A PERMIT ............................................................................................ 10
RENEWING A PERMIT ............................................................................................... 11
VII. Worker’s Compensation ....................................................................................... 12
VIII. Classification of Officials .................................................................................... 12
CLASS DESIGNATIONS.............................................................................................. 12
SPORTS FOR WHICH OFFICIATING PERMITS MAY BE ISSUED ...................................... 12
IX. Change Permit Status or Personal Information ................................................... 13
PERSONAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 13
CLASSIFICATION UPGRADE ....................................................................................... 13
REQUEST INACTIVE STATUS ..................................................................................... 15
X. Officiating Requirements - General ....................................................................... 15
AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................ 15
EJECTION REPORTING ............................................................................................. 17
XI. Breach of Regulations / Agreements / Ethics ...................................................... 18
NON-PAYMENT OF OFFICIATING FEES ....................................................................... 18
OHSAA ACTION ...................................................................................................... 18
FAILURE TO FULFILL MEETING REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... 18
FAILURE TO FULFILL GAME CONTRACT ...................................................................... 18
UNSATISFACTORY OFFICIATING ................................................................................ 19
OFFICIATING WITHOUT A PROPER PERMIT ................................................................. 19
ASSIGNING WITHOUT ASSIGNER CERTIFICATION ........................................................ 20
CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS ........................................................................................... 20
UNETHICAL CONDUCT .............................................................................................. 21
APPEALS ............................................................................................................... 23
XII. Tournament Officials ............................................................................................ 23
AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................ 23
SELECTION .............................................................................................................. 24
POLICIES ................................................................................................................. 28
XIII. Professional Association Membership .............................................................. 33
NFHS OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION ................................................................................ 33
NASO-ON .............................................................................................................. 33
XIV. Roles & Responsibilities ..................................................................................... 36
LOCAL OFFICIALS ASSOCIATIONS .............................................................................. 36
DIRECTOR OF OFFICIATING DEVELOPMENT (DOD) ..................................................... 37
DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR (DA) ................................................................................ 38
XV. Insurance Benefits for OHSAA Registered Officials .......................................... 38
XVI. Sport Specific Regulations ................................................................................. 38
BASEBALL ............................................................................................................... 38
BASKETBALL ............................................................................................................ 40
BOYS LACROSSE ...................................................................................................... 42
FIELD HOCKEY ........................................................................................................ 43
FOOTBALL ............................................................................................................... 44
GIRLS LACROSSE ..................................................................................................... 46
GYMNASTICS ........................................................................................................... 47
ICE HOCKEY ............................................................................................................ 48
SOCCER .................................................................................................................. 50
SOFTBALL ............................................................................................................. 51
SWIMMING & DIVING .............................................................................................. 53
TRACK & FIELD AND CROSS COUNTRY ................................................................... 54
GIRLS VOLLEYBALL ................................................................................................ 56
BOYS VOLLEYBALL ………………………………………………………………………. 58
WRESTLING ........................................................................................................... 60
XVII. Addendum A: Regulations for OHSAA Certified Assigners ............................ 62
XVIII. Addendum B: OHSAA Guide to Officials: Being a Good Guest ..................... 65
XIX. Addendum C: OHSAA Guide to Being a Good Host ......................................... 67
Go to www.ohsaa.org and click on “Officiating” to view the
information in this Handbook and other useful resources.
I. Introduction
Sports officiating can be a fulfilling and challenging avocation. This activity provides
individuals with opportunities for physical fitness, earning extra income, meeting people,
goal setting, continuing education, and public service. Most importantly, officiating
interscholastic sports provides officials with the privilege to play a vital role in the
education of student-athletes.
An interscholastic sports official is an important contributor to the development of young
people. Because of this role, every official is expected to be a person of good character,
integrity and free of racial, religious, and personal bias. The sports official represents the
very integrity of the game.
Ohio interscholastic sports officials are required to obtain an officiating permit from the
Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA). The oversight of the OHSAA
interscholastic sports officiating program is the responsibility of the OHSAA Director’s
Officiating is a privilege, not a right. Officials that are unfair or biased, exhibit a lack of
physical or mental fitness or fail to comply with OHSAA administrative requirements or
exhibit questionable conduct on or off the playing surface can be penalized. The OHSAA
reserves the express authority to suspend or permanently revoke any officiating permit.
II. Officiating Program Mission
Creating a competent community of sports officials who play a key role in developing
Ohio student-athletes into good citizens of tomorrow.
III. Officiating Program Goals
Recruit diverse people into sports officiating.
Train prospective officials in order that they will have the entry level skills needed to
enjoy officiating and competently manage lower-level contests. In addition, train and
educate the current officiating community to manage contests of all levels.
Support officials and their activities.
Reward officials through advancement opportunities, tournament assignments and
enhanced fees.
Recognize officials and their achievements.
Develop leadership of local association officers, assigners, instructors, and others
IV. Statement of Beliefs
WE believe that the recruitment of officials is most successful by individuals through
local associations.
WE believe that training leads to enjoyment in officiating and in turn leads to
retention of officials.
WE believe that continuing education leads to talented and competent officials.
WE believe that the OHSAA must support officials through training, education, and
WE believe that reward and recognition of officials creates enthusiastic officials.
WE believe that strong leadership must be present in all local official’s associations.
WE believe that a strong officiating program and competent officials create a positive
experience for student-athletes.
V. Officiating Code of Ethics
Schools have entrusted the OHSAA and sports officials to assist them in the education
and development of their youth through athletics. The proper operation of such a
process requires that officials be independent, impartial, and responsible to the people
they serve. In recognition of these expectations there is hereby established a Code of
Ethics for all officials. The purpose of the code is to establish guidelines for ethical
standards of conduct for all officials.
An Official must devote time, thought and study to the rules of the game and the
mechanics necessary to carry out these rules so that one may render effective and
creditable service in a fair and unbiased manner.
An Official must work with fellow officials and the state association in a spirit of
harmony and cooperation despite differences of opinion that may arise during debate
of issues.
An Official must resist every temptation and outside pressure to use one’s position
as an official to benefit oneself. Under all circumstances, officials must avoid
promoting the special interest of any person or group of persons other than the
athletes we serve.
An Official must constantly uphold the honor and dignity of the officiating industry in
all personal conduct and relations with student-athletes, coaches, athletic directors,
school administrators, colleagues, and the public, to be a worthy example to the
athletes under one’s jurisdiction.
An Official will be prepared both physically and mentally, dress according to
expectations of sport standards, and maintain a proper appearance that is befitting
the importance of the game.
An Official shall avoid the use of tobacco and tobacco products at the contest site.
An Official shall not consume alcohol (or any illegal/illicit drug or controlled
substance) prior to or during the contest.
An Official must remember and recognize that it is important to honor contracts
regardless of possible inconvenience or financial loss. Every member of the
officiating profession carries a responsibility to act in a manner becoming a
professional person. The conduct of any official influences the attitude of the public
toward the profession in general as well as toward the official.
An Official shall not delay the process of completing and returning paperwork
provided by a site needed to process the game payments and will provide a W-9
when requested.
VI. Procedures for Obtaining an OHSAA Officiating Permit
Any person who is 18 years of age or older and no longer in high school is eligible to
apply for a Class 2 or Class 1 permit. (High School students may enroll in an OHSAA
officiating class and obtain a Class 3 permit upon successful completion). Minimum age
is 14 for a student to apply for an officiating class.
1. Becoming an OHSAA Official
A. Beginning Officials
i. Baseball, Basketball, Boys Lacrosse, Field Hockey, Football, Girls
Lacrosse, Ice Hockey, Soccer (USSF Grades 9-12), Softball, Swimming,
Track & Field, Girls Volleyball, Boys Volleyball and Wrestling
Step 1: Take OHSAA Officiating ClassCreate profile on DragonFly
DragonFly MAX (dragonflyathletics.com)
A. All new official courses cost $70 for adults or $40 for high school
Step 2: Register for and complete an officiating course.
Step 3: Applicants must receive a passing score of 75% or better on the
Step 4: Complete Concussion Training - - Applicants must complete a
course on concussion training, prior to officiating. You can get to the link by
going to this address on the OHSAA website
Step 5: Contact a Local Officials Association
http://officials.myohsaa.org/Logon - Officials Directory- Local Association
Step 6: Annual Renewal of Permit - Renew your officiating permit annually
in June.
Exception 1: An official who successfully completes an OHSAA
approved officiating class during the current school year is required to
attend one local educational session during that school. They are
highly encouraged to attend more but only one is required, preferably the
on-court/on-field clinic.
Exception 2: An official who successfully completes an OHSAA
oved officiating class or a State Rules Examination, during the
current school year is required to attend the OHSAA state rules
meetings during that school year.
i.a. Person who has current certification through USSF (Grades 1-7) or
another sport Association Officiating program
Step 1: Submit Application MaterialsPlease visit
http://ohsaa.org/Officiating/permits and follow the steps outlined to
submit an application. See application deadlines in Section VI.3.
Reciprocity with USA Volleyball:
*Certified National, Junior National, Regional or Provisional Referee to
become an OHSAA Class I referee without going through a class.
*Junior Regional Referees are allowed to become OHSAA Class II
referees without going through a class. A referee who applies under the
reciprocity protocol will be required to pass the required examination
under the same conditions as any other referee.
Reciprocity with PAVO:
*Certified National or State to become an OHSAA Class I referee without
going through a class.
*Certified Local or Apprentice to become an OHSAA Class 2 referee
without going through a class.
Reciprocity with USA Lacrosse:
*Certified Level 3 officials may become an OHSAA Class 1 official without
going through a class. An official who applies under the reciprocity
protocol will be required to pass the required examination and fulfill the
educational requirements as any other official.
*Certified Level 1 or 2 officials may become an OHSAA Class 2 official
without going through a class. An official who applies under the
reciprocity protocol will be required to pass the required examination and
fulfill the educational requirements as any other official.
Reciprocity with Collegiate Women’s Lacrosse:
*Certified CWLOA officials may become an OHSAA Class 1 official
without going through a class. An official who applies under the
reciprocity protocol will be required to pass the required examination and
fulfill the educational requirements as any other official.
Step 2: Receive Officiating Instruction BooksYou will be emailed all
study materials, and the testing instructions at least two weeks prior to the
testing opening. Please review the OHSAA Handbook for Officials for
more information at this link:
Step 3: Prepare for Officiating ExamStudy your rule books in
preparation for the online test.
Step 4: Take Officiating ExamApplicants must receive a passing
score of 80% or higher on an online review exam. See examination dates
in Section VI.3. Two attempts will be permitted.
Step 5: Complete Concussion Training - Applicants must complete a
course on concussion training, prior to officiating. You can get to the link
by going to this address on the OHSAA website
Step 6: Contact a Local Officials Association
ogon - Officials Directory- Local Association Secretary.
Step 7: Attend Required Rules MeetingAll officials have annual
meeting requirements. Most sports require four educational sessions. An
official who successfully completes an OHSAA approved officiating class
or a State Rules Examination, during the current school year is required
to attend the OHSAA state rules meetings during that school year.
An official who successfully completes an OHSAA approved officiating
class during the current school year is required to attend one local
educational session during that school. They are highly encouraged to
attend more but only one is required, preferably the on-court/on-field
Go to www.ohsaa.org
, click on “Officiating” to find meeting information.
Step 9: Annual Renewal of Permit - Renew your officiating permit
annually in June.
i.b. Person who has current certification through USSF (Grade 8)
Step 1: Take OHSAA Officiating Class (Bridge Course)Please visit
http://ohsaa.org/Officiating/permits and follow the steps outlined to
register for an officiating class. Class fees are $70 for adults or $40 for
high school students and include the instructor’s fee, application fee, rule
book app from the NFHS and testing. See application deadlines in
Section VI.3.
Note: The course covers OHSAA, differences between FIFA’s Laws and
NFHS Rules, Dual System Officiating Mechanics.
Step 2: Take Officiating Exam - Applicants must receive a passing
score of 75% on the NFHS Rules Test and NFHS Class II Mechanics
Step 3: Complete Concussion Training - Applicants must complete a
course on concussion training, prior to officiating. You can get to the link
by going to this address on the OHSAA website
Step 4: Contact a Local Officials Association
http://officials.myohsaa.org/Logon - Officials Directory- Local Association
Step 5: Annual Renewal of Permit - Renew your officiating permit
annually in June.
Note: An official who successfully completes an OHSAA approved
officiating class or a State Rules Examination, during the current school
year is required to attend the OHSAA state rules meetings during that
school year.
An official who successfully completes an OHSAA approved officiating
lass during the current school year is required to attend one local
educational session during that school. They are highly encouraged to
attend more but only one is required, preferably the on-court/on-field
iii. Gymnastics
Note: You must first obtain a rating from USA Gymnastics Judging Program.
Applicants with a minimum rating of Level 8 and an expiration date of 2026
may proceed to Step 2.
Step 1: Take USA Gymnastics exam for Women’s Gymnastics with
Current RulesVisit - usagym.org/pages/women/pages/judging.html
www.ohnawgj.org. Applicants must receive a minimum rating of Level 8 with
an expiration of 2026 to continue to OHSAA application process.
Step 2: Submit Application MaterialsPlease visit
http://ohsaa.org/Officiating/permits and follow the steps outlined to submit
an application. Applications will be accepted from September 1 through
October 31.
Step 3: Receive Officiating PermitApplicants earning a USA Gymnastics
minimum rating of Level 9 will receive a Class 1 officiating permit. Applicants
earning a USA Gymnastics minimum rating of Level 8 will receive a Class 2
officiating permit.
Step 4: Attend Required Rules MeetingAll officials have an annual state
rule meeting requirement. Go to www.ohsaa.org
, click on “Officiating” to find
meeting information.
Step 5: Complete Concussion Training - Applicants must complete a
course on concussion training, prior to officiating. You can get to the link by
going to this address on the OHSAA website
Step 6: Annual Renewal of Permit - Renew your officiating permit annually.
B. Experienced Officials
i. Living in a Contiguous State to Ohio All Sports -(revised 8/15/13)
An out of state official living in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania, or
West Virginia may apply for an OHSAA Officiating permit. Officials in non-
contiguous states can apply for permits on a case-by-case basis.
ii. Reciprocity Possess Another State Association’s Officiating Permit
and Become an Ohio Resident (revised 8/15/13)
iii. Certified by Another Sport Association Officiating Program
Step 1: Create profile on DragonFly DragonFly MAX
A. Cost is $60 for the first sport and $30 for each subsequent sport
Step 2: Register for and complete a reciprocity course
A. Courses consist of the following:
a. OHSAA Handbook
b. Ohio Rule Modifications and Rule Updates
Step 3: Complete Concussion Training - Applicants must complete a
course on concussion training, prior to officiating. You can get to the link by
going to this address on the OHSAA website
Step 4: Attend four educational sessionsAll officials must meet annual
educational requirements. Most sports require four educational sessions. A
state rules meeting is also required the year in which an individual initially
becomes an official. Begin educational session attendance NOW! Go to
, click on “Officiating” to find meeting information
Step 5: Annual Renewal of Permit - Renew your officiating permit annually
in June.
2. Reinstating a Permit
A. Inactive Officials (This category is for anyone who is inactive for any reason i.e.
medical, military duty, suspension, etc.)
Step 1: Create profile on DragonFly DragonFly MAX (dragonflyathletics.com)
or log in to your current DragonFly Profile
A. Cost is $60 for the first sport and $30 for each subsequent sport
Step 2: Register for and complete a reinstatement course
A. Courses consist of the following:
a. OHSAA Handbook
b. Ohio Rule Modifications and Rule Updates
c. Rules Exam
Step 3: Complete Concussion Training - Applicants must complete a
course on concussion training, prior to officiating. You can get to the link by
going to this address on the OHSAA website.
Step 4: Attend four educational sessions – All officials must meet annual
educational requirements. Most sports require four educational sessions. A
state rules meeting is also required the year in which an individual initially
becomes an official. Begin educational session attendance NOW! Go to
, click on “Officiating” to find meeting information
Step 5: Annual Renewal of Permit - Renew your officiating permit annually
in June.
B. Criminal Conviction
An official, assigner, instructor, or local association executive whose permit has
been forfeited, suspended, or revoked or an applicant who is denied a permit,
under the Criminal Convictions Policy, outlined in Section X.9., may petition for
reinstatement/reapplication based on the following: After completion of any
sentence and/or parole/probation period. It is at the discretion of the OHSAA
administrator of officiating as to granting such request. The decision to
deny/delay such request may be appealed to the OHSAA Appeals Board by
written request.
3. Renewing a Permit
Missing all renewal dates will result in an automatic lapse of the officiating permit.
(Inactive Status)
A. Renewals of officiating permit fees for all officials are due to the OHSAA office
during the renewal period. Only officials residing in Ohio, or a contiguous
state, are eligible to obtain or renew an OHSAA permit.
B. Officiating Renewal Fees
Renew Online
Each Additional
C. Renewal Notices - Notices are sent via email from the OHSAA to the email
address on the DragonFly profile for each official eligible to renew.
D. Late Renewals will be assessed a late fee of $50 per transaction prior to the
dates listed below. There is only one penalty fee of $50 when the late renewals
for more than one sport are made at the same time. If the late renewals for more
than one sport are made at separate times, there is a penalty fee of $50 for each.
E. After the late renewal deadline, a permit may only be renewed upon the granting
of an appeal by the Officiating Director, who shall have sole discretion in
considering such appeals. Fees in addition to the standard late fee may be
Sport Late Renewal Deadline
Field Hockey, Football, Soccer, Girls
July 15, 2022
Basketball, Gymnastics, Ice Hockey,
Swimming & Diving, Wrestling
October 31, 2022
Baseball, Softball, Track & Field,
Lacrosse, Boys Volleyball
January 31, 2023
VII. Worker’s Compensation
Officials certified by the Ohio High School Athletic Association are Independent
Contractors. Therefore, officials are not eligible for worker’s compensation under the
Ohio High School Athletic Association. The OHSAA does offer supplemental insurance
for injuries that can be found at the following link:
VIII. Classification of Officials
Note: Official’s reinstating will return at the same classification as when their permit was
placed into inactive or suspended status.
1. Class Designations
A. Class 1 Eligible to officiate all levels. Required for OHSAA post-season
i. A Class 2 official may apply for a Class 1 permit during the first year of
his/her officiating experience.
ii. Officials are eligible for OHSAA post-season tournaments in their second
season as a Class 1 official.
B. Class 2 Eligible to officiate all levels of contests except varsity high school in
football, basketball, baseball, softball, and First Referee position in volleyball.
i. A Class 3 official will upgrade to Class 2 upon indicating high school
graduation during the renewal process.
C. Class 3 Restricted to 7
, 8
and 9
grade and non-interscholastic officiating.
i. High School students may enroll in an OHSAA officiating class and obtain a
Class 3 permit upon successful completion. Minimum age is 14 for a student
to take an officiating class.
2. Sports for Which Officiating Permits May Be Issued
Field Hockey
Class 1, 3
Class 1, 2, 3
Class 1, 2, 3
Girls Volleyball
Class 1, 2, 3
Class 1, 2, 3
Class 1, 2
Ice Hockey
Class 1
Swimming & Diving
Class 1, 3
Class 1, 2, 3
Class 1, 2, 3
Boys Lacrosse
Class 1, 2, 3
Boys Volleyball
Class 1, 2, 3
Girls Lacrosse
Class 1, 2, 3
Class 1, 2, 3
Track & Field
Class 1, 3
IX. Change Permit Status or Personal Information
1. Personal Information
A. Officials Portal Login to make changes to your personal profile.
i. Mailing Address
ii. Phone Numbers
iii. Email Address
iv. Passwords
2. Classification Upgrade
Note: The promotion from one class to another class does not become effective until
the year following, provided the official renews their officiating permit.
A. From Class 2 to 1 or Class 3 to 2 All sports except Gymnastics
i. Application & Examination Deadlines Class Upgrades
Sports Season
Upgrade Application Deadline
Examination Dates
November 1
November 15 30
March 1
March 15 30
April 20
May 5 May 20
Step 1: Submit Upgrade Materials To obtain an application form and
instructions regarding examination time Click here to print application form. See
application deadlines and test dates in Section C.
Step 2: Pass Observation of officiating in two scheduled athletic contests
by two Class 1 officials Both observations must be signed by the observing
official. Neither the observing official nor the Association are permitted to charge
the applicant any fee for their observing service. Observations may be conducted
by a Class 1 official working in the same athletic contest as the applicant official.
Step 3: Send completed form to OHSAA via email to c[email protected]
Step 4: Prepare for Officiating ExamStudy your rule books in preparation for
the online test. Applicants will be provided via email directions for the online test
prior to the test dates.
Step 5: Take Officiating Exam Applicants must receive a passing score of
80% or higher on an online review exam. See examination dates in Section C.
Two attempts will be permitted.
B. Off-Season Classification Upgrade Exception
i. Officials are now allowed a one-time option to take the upgrade exam via a
hard copy.
ii. To obtain this exam, you will need to reach out to your District
Administrator. Send them your completed upgrade application with the two
required signatures (UpgradeApplication.pdf (windows.net)
.They will send
you a copy of the test.
iii. Once the official completes the test, send it back to the District
Administrator so they can grade it.
a. If the official passed the exam, the District Administrator will
let the Manager of Officiating know and they will upgrade your
permit accordingly. If the official fails the exam, they will need
to wait until the upgrade testing window. Please note there is
only one attempt to pass the hard copy test.
iv. Association Districts:
a. Central DistrictDelaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Knox,
Licking, Madison, Marion, Morrow, Pickaway and Union
Counties, also Mechanicsburg.
b. East DistrictBelmont, Carroll, Coshocton, Guernsey,
Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson, Monroe, Morgan, Muskingum,
Noble, Tuscarawas and Washington Counties, also East
Liverpool, Lisbon Beaver, Magnolia Sandy Valley and Minerva.
c. Northeast DistrictAshland, Ashtabula, Columbiana,
Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Mahoning, Medina,
Portage, Stark, Summit, Trumbull and Wayne Counties.
d. Northwest DistrictAllen, Auglaize, Crawford, Defiance,
Erie, Fulton, Hancock, Hardin, Henry, Huron, Lucas, Mercer,
Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Van
Wert, Williams, Wood and Wyandot Counties, also the city of
e. Southeast DistrictAdams, Athens, Fayette, Gallia,
Highland, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs, Perry, Pike,
Ross, Scioto and Vinton Counties, also Belpre, Circleville,
Lancaster Fairfield Union, Logan Elm, Marietta, Sardinia
Eastern, Vincent Warren, Waterford and Williamsport Westfall
f. Southwest DistrictBrown, Butler, Champaign, Clark,
Clermont, Clinton, Darke, Greene, Hamilton, Logan, Miami,
Montgomery, Preble, Shelby and Warren Counties
*To find out who your District Administrator is please see page 38 #6
C. From Class 2 to 1 Gymnastics only
Step 1: Apply for Level 9 Test with USA Gymnastics. Visit
Step 2: Send OHSAA a copy of the new rating card with a note requesting
change of status from Class 2 to Class 1.
3. Request Inactive Status
A. Officials Called to Active Military Duty An official called to active military duty
may withdraw from active officiating status.
Step 1: Contact the OHSAA via email off[email protected] with your permit
number, name, and address.
B. Personal Hardship During the school year for reasons such as employment,
medical, family, or other hardship, an official may request to change their status
from active to inactive.
Step 1: Contact the OHSAA via email officiat[email protected] with your permit
number, name, and address, and reason for the request.
Note: When you are ready to return, please follow the directions for inactive
X. Officiating Requirements General
1. Agreement
A. Each OHSAA sports official agrees that they are an independent contractor and
that contests under their supervision will be administered in an unbiased and
non-prejudicial manner and contests will be officiated with adopted mechanics in
accordance with NFHS and OHSAA rules and interpretations. In addition, the
official agrees that the OHSAA possesses the authority and responsibility to
uphold its constitution, bylaws, and regulations. The official agrees to follow all
rules/regulations adopted by the OHSAA Board of Directors and published in
official publications. OHSAA officials agree to wear the approved uniform of their
sport when officiating an OHSAA contest. When feasible officials shall refrain
from wearing an OHSAA logo uniform during a non-interscholastic contest.
B. Concussion Training must be completed once every three (3) years before an
Official is eligible to officiate. You can find the link to the online courses on the
OHSAA website at
2. Rules Interpretation Meeting Attendance Requirements
A. Local Rules Meetings An OHSAA Class 1, 2 or 3 officials must attend the
required educational sessions conducted by a local association.
Exception 1: An official who successfully completes an OHSAA approved
officiating class during the current school year is required to attend one local
educational session during that school. They are highly encouraged to attend
more but only one is required, preferably the on-court/on-field clinic.
i. Officials who are not members of any local association shall pay $20 to the
secretary of the local association at each in-person local educational
session(s) attended. An official who is a member of a local official’s
association is not required to pay a non-member fee in order to receive
attendance credit.
ii. Associations may charge all guests (non-members of their association) a fee
of up to $20 for them to view their online meeting. This fee will help the
association cover costs associated with producing these meetings.
Note 1: A secretary is permitted to withhold reporting of educational session
attendance for any official who fails to show proof of membership in any local
official’s association in that sport or pay the $20 fee for each local educational
session attended.
iii. Officials may receive credit for attendance at local educational sessions in
other states, but the meeting(s) must be held during the time frame approved
for OHSAA meetings. Proof of attendance must be forwarded to the local
secretary of the association where the official is a member.
iv. The OHSAA Officiating Administrator may allow educational credit for special
v. Number of meetings required:
Educational Sessions
Fall Field Hockey*, Football, Soccer,
Girls Volleyball
Winter Basketball, Wrestling
Spring Baseball, Boys Lacrosse, Girls
Lacrosse, Boys Volleyball, Softball, Track
& Field
Ice Hockey*, Swimming & Diving
*View Sport Specific Regulations in Section XV of this Handbook.
Officials who are registered as both OHSAA girls/boys officials will only need
to attend 2 local meetings should they meet the four meeting requirement
during the girls season. 1 state rules meeting is still required,
B. State Rules Meeting An OHSAA Class 1, 2 or 3 officials must attend either an
online or drive-in OHSAA state rules interpretation meeting in the sport which
registered. State Rules Interpretation Meetings from other states are not
Exception: An official who successfully completes an OHSAA approved
officiating class or a State Rules Examination, during the current school year is
required to attend the OHSAA state rules meetings during that school year.
i. To receive credit for attendance, the official must be present within 10
minutes of the start of the meeting and must stay until the conclusion.
ii. All online directions must be followed.
iii. The cost of any make-up meeting is $50.
iv. Make-up meetings must be completed as directed by the OHSAA office.
3. Ejection Reporting
A. Officials shall file a report with the OHSAA office whenever a coach or player is
ejected from an athletic contest within 48 hours of the ejection.
Step 1: Speak with offender’s principal/athletic directorWhenever an
ejection occurs, the ejecting official shall speak with the offender’s
principal/athletic director on site if possible or via the phone.
Step 2: Submit Report FormOfficials will fill out the form electronically on
DragonFly. Go to “My Assignments”. Click on the contest needing the report.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Add Document”. Please
complete one report per offending school.
B. The Officials Report Form may also be used to report good or poor
sportsmanship, concussions, severe injuries, facility problems, or equipment
C. Ejections other than players or coaches and other items of which the Director
should be made aware must be provided.
D. The school AD and OHSAA will automatically be sent an email of this ejection
upon clicking on submit.
E. Response email notifications will be sent once the protocol has been completed.
F. An official failing to follow the ejection protocol and/or failing to file the Officials
Report may result in a maximum fine of $100 to the official per occurrence.
XI. Breach of Regulations / Agreements / Ethics
1. Non-Payment of Officiating Permit Fees
A. Late Fee An official who fails to pay the permit fee by the deadline will be
assessed a $50 per transaction late fee.
B. Non-Renewal For an official who fails to pay the permit and late fee by the
deadlines, see Section VI.4.D, the official cannot officiate OHSAA member
contests and must apply for reinstatement the following school year.
2. OHSAA Action
The OHSAA Board of Directors, District Athletic Boards and Administrative Staff
possess the authority and responsibility to uphold the OHSAA constitution,
bylaws, and regulations. When officials’ behaviors or officiating conduct requires
OHSAA attention, the appropriate board or staff member may immediately
rule/act on the situation. When appropriate, an investigation may be conducted
prior to any ruling or action.
3. Failure to Fulfill Educational Requirements
A. The official who does not meet minimum educational requirements, see Section
IX.2., will be suspended in that sport and the official is ineligible to renew the
officiating permit.
B. The official will be emailed a Notice of Suspension and how they may appeal.
C. Failure of the official to file an appeal by the date stated in the suspension notice
will result in the forfeiture of the right of an official to appeal.
D. Failure to meet the minimum requirements causes officials to be ineligible for
tournament assignments in the current season and the season of reinstatement.
4. Failure to Fulfill Game Contract
A. Regular Season
i. When an official fails to fulfill a regular season game contract, the offended
home school’s administrator or certified assigner may require that official to
pay the contract amount to the offended school or league.
ii. If the official does not comply with the directions of the administrator or
assigner, the OHSAA shall be notified where upon the official’s permit may be
a. An official suspended for failure to comply with the above directions will
not be reinstated until the fee is paid.
iii. A game contract is not assignable to any other party without the express
written consent of both parties (official and assigning agent).
iv. When either of the contracting parties fails to fulfill/honor a game contract and
the act is found to be willful (ex: changing a contract date or time; officiating
another game high school or college), the offending party shall pay the
other the contract amount.
v. An official who fails to honor a game contract gives the assigning entity the
ability to remove the official from future assignments without compensation.
vi. The OHSAA may impose an additional penalty not to exceed $100 per
B. Tournament
The OHSAA Director may void tournament contracts, at any level of an OHSAA
tournament, when it is considered in the best interest of the OHSAA.
i. Sectional/District
a. Contracts voided through mutual consent are not “actionable.”
b. When an official fails to fulfill a sectional/district tournament contract, the
District Athletic Board may require the official to pay the contract amount.
c. The District Athletic Board is authorized to void future contracts in the
sectional/district tournament when it is considered to in the best interest
of the OHSAA sectional/district tournaments.
ii. Regional/State
a. The OHSAA Official’s Administrator may require payment of the contract
fee of an official who fails to honor a regional/state tournament contract.
5. Unsatisfactory Officiating
A. The OHSAA will investigate reports of unsatisfactory officiating when such
reports are submitted by a school administrator, OHSAA board member or staff.
The OHSAA Official’s Administrator may request information from such parties
deemed appropriate. The OHSAA Official’s Administrator may direct the certified
assigner who assigned the official in question to respond to the complaint and
the OHSAA. A trained observer/evaluator may be assigned to report on the
official’s performance.
B. When an official is found to have officiating deficiencies, the Official’s
Administrator may request a local association to provide remedial work, change
the official’s classification or suspend the official’s permit.
6. Officiating Without a Proper Permit
A. Without a Permit An individual who officiates an interscholastic contest
without a permit where the OHSAA requires a permit will be fined up to $200 per
occurrence. That person will not be granted an official’s permit until the fine is
paid, in addition to whatever fees and steps must be taken to bring the permit
back into good standing.
B. Without Proper Classification An official who officiates an interscholastic
contest when not qualified by permit classification to do so, see Section VII, may
be fined a maximum of $200 per contest and placed on probation for one year.
Multiple offenses may result in an official’s suspension.
C. Contracts shall be issued to officials who have the proper permit. Contracts shall
be signed by officials with the proper permit. School Administrators or Assigners
may be fined up to $200 per occurrence for hiring officials without the proper
Note: The OHSAA Officiating Director may give permission to an assigner or a
School Administrator, for a Class 2 official to officiate a varsity contest.
7. Assigning without Assigner Certification
A. An official who acts as an assigner for interscholastic contests without proper
OHSAA certification may be fined up to $100 per occurrence. Multiple offenses
may result in additional penalties including, but not limited to, reprimand,
probation, the loss of tournament assignments and suspension.
Note 1: An official is acting as an assigner when the official performs acts which
are customarily done by assigners, such as contacting other officials regarding
availability for specific dates or contests, whether the official is compensated for
doing so.
Note 2: School Administrators may be fined up to $200 per occurrence for using
the assigning services of officials who lack proper certification to act as
Note 3: Officials who knowingly accept an assignment from someone without
OHSAA assigner certification is subject to penalty as prescribed by the Officiating
8. Criminal Convictions
i. New Permit Application or Reinstatement Currently serving a sentence
or a parole/probation period for any offense or adjudication of guilt imposed
by any court, judge, or administrative body, other than minor misdemeanors.
ii. Convicted, or adjudicated with a finding of fault, guilt, or violation, regarding
any felony offense unless/until such offense has been reversed by proper
authority with jurisdiction over the matter; or,
iii. Convicted, or adjudicated with a finding of fault, guilt, or violation, regarding a
misdemeanor involving any illegal/illicit drug or controlled substance as
prescribed by federal or state law or regulation, an offense involving a minor,
a crime of violence or any sexual offense until the completion of any
sentence/parole/probation period imposed for the offense; or
iv. Convicted of multiple DUI/OMVI.
v. Currently serving a sentence or a parole/probation period for any offense or
adjudication of guilt imposed by any court, judge, or administrative body,
other than minor misdemeanors.
B. Currently Permitted Officials
i. When a current OHSAA official, assigner, instructor, or local association
executive is indicted or charged with any felony offense or charged with a
violation of any statute pertaining to minors, a crime of violence, drugs or a
controlled substance, such permit will automatically be suspended, pending
resolution of the indictment or charge. Conviction or adjudication of fault,
guilt, or a violation under any such indictment or charge shall result in
immediate and automatic forfeiture of the officiating permit.
ii. Current OHSAA sports officials, assigner, instructor, or local association
executive must inform the OHSAA of any such indictment of charge
immediately upon receipt of or upon having knowledge of such indictment or
charge. Failure to notify the OHSAA shall itself be a basis for immediate and
automatic forfeiture of the officiating permit.
iii. If a currently permitted official, assigner, instructor, or local association
executive is convicted of DUI/OMVI, the official must self-disclose the offense
within 30 days of the conviction. The official may be subject to penalty and/or
iv. If a currently permitted official, assigner, instructor, or local association
executive is convicted of multiple DUI/OMVI, the official will be suspended for
a length determined by the Assistant Director.
C. The application procedure for reinstatement is outlined in Section VI-2-D.
9. Unethical Conduct
A. Unethical conduct covers a multitude of indiscretions and can apply to officials,
assigners, instructors, or local association executives: Failure to accurately
complete an Officials Report and submit it in a timely manner; failure to wear the
approved uniform; chronic tardiness to games; disruptive behavior during
meetings; officiating a contest where there is a conflict of interest; inappropriate
dress arriving at or departing from a contest site; use of tobacco at a game site
(locker room, field, boiler room, etc.); consuming alcohol on game day prior to a
game; disrespectfully addressing fans, players, coaches, administrators, officials;
failure to cooperate with OHSAA personnel; illegal gambling; gambling on high
school events; campaigning for tournament assignments; and lack of preparation
are some examples of unethical conduct. Certainly, this listing is not intended to
be all-inclusive.
i. Conflict of Interest is any situation which would cause a reasonable person
to question the integrity or fairness of an official. It is the official’s
responsibility to notify the school, their assigner (regular season) or
tournament manager/OHSAA Office (postseason tournament) when a
possible conflict of interest arises, so that a possible change in assignment
may occur. All potential conflicts are not equal and depend on the sport
and the circumstance. Conflicts of interest during the regular season or
early rounds of the tournament (sectional/district) may not automatically
result in the reassignment of a contest. However, notification should
always be made to the school/assigner/tournament manager so an
informed decision can be made. As long as another qualified official is
available, conflicts of interest will automatically be reassigned for Regional
and State tournament level contests unless the two schools involved agree
to the original assignment.
This following list is not exhaustive and officials should use their best judgment in
determining whether a conflict exists. Some potential conflicts include:
1. Official is a booster/donor of a participating school
2. Official’s child attends or is a recent graduate, i.e., within 4
years of a participating school
3. Official (or immediate family member) is a current or former staff
member, i.e., teacher, coach, employee, or board member, at a
participating school.
4. Official has a close connection or relationship to the coach of a
participating school.
B. Social Media Policy: It is inappropriate for any registered OHSAA official
assigner, instructor, or local association executive to connect with a student via
social media. This does not include athletes that are part of your family or
officials that communicate to students as part of their job responsibilities
(coaches, administrators, or teachers).
C. The use of the Officiating Directory is for officiating purposes only. Use of the
officials’ email addresses for personal, commercial, or non-officiating use is
D. Harassment policy: Making someone feel uncomfortable because of their gender,
race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, religion, or any other reason is never
acceptable. Making comments about the attractiveness of a coach, trainer, fellow
official, spectator, or athlete is never acceptable. Officials cannot use officiating
and its related activities as a chance to try and obtain an individual’s phone
number or ask them on a date or make “jokes” about how good looking someone
is. Comments regarding the demographics of a team or community are also
never acceptable. These are further examples of unethical conduct and will be
penalized as such.
E. Conduct determined to be unethical may be penalized. Penalties may include,
but are not limited to, verbal or written letters of reprimand, public censure, single
or multiple contest suspensions, monetary fines up to $200 per incident and
suspension as an OHSAA official, assigner, instructor, or local association
i. Individual officials and officiating crews that communicate with coaches
and/or administrators to solicit tournament votes will become immediately
ineligible for tournament officiating.
F. OHSAA Body Camera Policy- The OHSAA strictly prohibits officials from using
body cameras and/or any similar type recording devices at any time before,
during or after an interscholastic contest or event (including scrimmages and
previews). This prohibition cannot be waived even if the participating schools
agree to consent to the use of sch recording devices.
10. Appeals Appeals exist for officials, assigners, instructors, or local association
executives who have been affected adversely by rulings.
A. Suspension for Failure to Attend Educational Sessions and/or State Rules
i. Official sends a written request for appeal, with any supporting documents, to
the OHSAA by the date specified in the Notice of Suspension.
ii. The OHSAA Review Committee will review the appellant’s information.
Examples for consideration may include work schedule, personal or family
illness or catastrophe, residential move, and military duty.
iii. The OHSAA Review Committee will render a timely decision and notify the
official in writing.
iv. The decision of the OHSAA Review Committee is final.
v. Officials granted appeals are not eligible for tournaments the following year
unless given permission by the Officiating Director.
B. Decision or Ruling by Local Officials Association When a local officials
association renders a decision, whether by an officer or the executive committee
or the grievance committee, an official may appeal as follows:
i. Official sends a written request for appeal to the OHSAA Official’s
ii. The Official’s Administrator will render a timely decision which may uphold,
set aside, or alter in any manner the action of the local association.
C. Decision or Ruling by an OHSAA Administrator When an OHSAA Administrator
renders a decision or ruling an official may appeal as follows:
i. Officials send a written request for appeal to the OHSAA Appeals Panel
within 7 days of the ruling.
ii. The ruling by the Appeals Panel is final.
XII. Tournament Officials
1. Agreement
A. Officials selected to officiate OHSAA post-season contests are expected to be a
“cut above.” When an official accepts a tournament assignment they agree to:
i. Be eligible in all respects.
a. Officials may request a waiver of the required minimum number of regular
season games due to illness or injury or active military service. The
waiver may be requested for the previous regular season game
requirement or the current season game requirement, as it applies to the
current post-season tournaments. Send your written waiver request and
supporting documents to the OHSAA Officiating Department.
b. Officials are NOT eligible for tournament assignments if they are using a
medical waiver in the current year AND used one the previous year.
ii. NOT officiate another contest on the same day as the tournament game
without the express consent of the District Athletic Board representative
(sectional and district contests) or the OHSAA official’s administrator
(regional and state contests).
iii. The OHSAA recommends that a head coach should not serve as a
tournament official in the same sport in which he/she coaches. If it is
necessary to utilize said coach as a tournament official, then the coach shall
be assigned to a division other than the division in which he/she coaches.
(Golf and tennis are excluded)
2. Selection
A. PhilosophyThe overarching selection philosophy is to be inclusive and provide
opportunities to as many competent officials as possible.
i. When necessary, knowledgeable board members, assigners, coaches, and
officials may be consulted to assist in the selection process.
ii. Officials and/or crews will be assigned to the most appropriate tournament
sites and divisions. Factors that enter into assignments may include, but are
not limited to:
a. regular season and previous tournament assignments
b. proximity to sites
c. familiarity with teams/coaches
B. Cross Country & Track & Field and Swimming & Diving
i. Tournament Selection: Officials shall complete an online application. The
selection is made in consultation with the Director of Development, OHSAA
staff and tournament personnel. Please see Tournament Officials
Requirements for each of these sports in the back portion of this publication.
C. Gymnastics
i. Tournament Selection: Requires submission of an application. Selection is
made by a panel which includes the Director of Development for Gymnastics
Officiating and the OHSAA staff.
ii. Selection is conducted through an application process.
iii. All officials with four or more years of experience may apply for a tournament
officiating position unless otherwise specified in individual sport regulations.
iv. The selections will be finalized by one or more individuals including the
Director of Development and an OHSAA staff member.
D. Ice Hockey
i. Tournament Selection: Officials shall complete an online application. The
selection is made from a consolidated rating from Athletic Directors,
Coaches, Local Officials Associations, Local Assignors, and the Ice Hockey
Director of Development.
ii. Schools (Athletic directors would be responsible for submitting the ballot,
preferably after consulting their coach) vote for a maximum of 15 officials.
iii. Coaches rate officials on a 1-5 scale for each Varsity game
iv. Officials vote through local associations.
a. Associations would vote for 100% of membership divided into groups,
each representing 20% of membership.
b. Based on grouping, group 1 receives five (5) votes, group 2 receives four
(4) votes, group 3 receives three (3) votes, group 4 receives two (2) votes
and group 5 receives one (1) vote.
c. The selection is determined by a vote of all members including classes 2
and 3.
d. All ice hockey officials are eligible for consideration and may not be
excluded for any reason (except if they voluntarily withdraw). Officials are
not voted for by position.
e. The selection procedure must be conducted in an open and transparent
fashion. Selection results must be available to all local association
v. Select assigners, local association secretaries, and directors of officiating
a. Assigners of varsity sports and have an evaluation/observation program
in place may vote for 100% of the number of varsity officials they assign.
Assigners vote on a 3-point scale with one being the lowest and three
being the highest.
b. Local Association secretaries vote for 100% of their Local Association
membership. Secretaries vote on a 3-point scale with one being the
lowest and three being the highest.
c. Directors of officiating development may vote for an unlimited number of
officials in the sport they oversee. They vote on a five-point scale with one
being the lowest and five being the highest.
E. Applicable to Baseball, Basketball, Boys Lacrosse, Field Hockey (modified),
Football, Girls Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball and Wrestling (Process
revised 08/2014)
i. The composite score is determined by four groups, head coaches, schools
(athletic administrators and coaches), officials (officiating associations), and
officiating leaders. Each of the four groups have an equal weight in the
ii. Coaches rate officials on a 1-5 scale for each Varsity game. If an official
receives fewer than 15 ratings, the official receives a rating of 2.5 for each
rating fewer than 15. The official's highest three and lowest five ratings are
deleted, and the officials remaining ratings are used to determine the mean,
median and mode of the official's ratings. Those three are totaled for a
possible maximum score of 15. When this system is not available due to
technological limitations, coaches will vote for officials, capped at 15.
iii. Schools (Athletic directors would be responsible for submitting the ballot,
preferably after consulting their coach) vote for a maximum of 15 officials.
The maximum number of votes an official could receive from athletic directors
is capped at 15.
iv. Officials vote through local associations.
a. Associations would vote for 25% of membership divided into 5 groups,
each representing 5% of membership.
b. Based on 1-5 grouping, with 5 being the highest, group 5 receives 15
votes, group 4 receives 12 votes, group 3 receives 9 votes, group 2
receives 6 votes and group 1 receives 3 votes.
c. The selection is determined by a vote of all members including class 2
and 3.
d. All class 1 officials are eligible for consideration and may not be excluded
for any reason (except if they voluntarily withdraw). Officials are not voted
for by position.
e. An official belonging to more than one local association is eligible for
consideration from all associations in which they are a member but
receives the vote from only the association in which the official ranked
f. The selection procedure must be conducted in an open and transparent
fashion. Selection results must be available to all local association
members. The Assistant Director may direct a District Administrator to
conduct a local association's selection procedure if the Assistant Director
determines it necessary.
v. Select assigners, directors of officiating development, OHSAA administrators,
and select OHSAA assigned tournament observers and others as determined
by the Director of Officiating may vote. A person serving in more than one of
these categories may vote from only one of them. The maximum number of
votes an official could receive from assigners, secretaries, interpreters, et al.
is capped at 15.
a. Assigners of varsity sports and have an evaluation/observation program
in place may vote for 25% of the number of varsity officials they assign.
Assigners vote on a 3-point scale with one being the lowest and three
being the highest.
b. Directors of officiating development may vote for an unlimited number of
officials in the sport they oversee. They vote on a five-point scale with one
being the lowest and five being the highest.
c. OHSAA administrators may vote for an unlimited number of officials. They
will vote on a five-point scale with one being the lowest and five being the
d. OHSAA assigned tournament observers and others selected by the
Assistant Director may vote for a maximum of 30 officials.
vi. Officials are ranked in each Athletic District of residence from highest to
lowest based on the following formula:
a. Total of coach’s ratings + athletic directors’ votes + local association vote
+ officiating leaders vote.
b. With each of the four categories having a possible score of 15, the
maximum possible score would be 60.
vii. Ranked officials are then divided into pools, which are groups of officials
eligible for various levels of the tournaments.
viii. The state/regional pool is approximately three times the number of officials
a. The district/sectional pool is approximately twice as large as the number of
officials to be assigned. It may be subdivided into district, sectional, and
alternate pools to facilitate the assigning process.
b. Tournament eligible officials complete a tournament questionnaire through
their myOHSAA account.
c. Upon completion of the questionnaire process, the rankings and pools are
reviewed to make certain there are enough officials in each pool.
d. Regional and state assignments are finalized by one or more individuals
including directors of officiating and OHSAA staff.
e. District and Sectional assignments are finalized through District Athletic
Boards. District Athletic Boards receive lists of officials receiving State and
Regional assignments. Officials may be divided into District/Sectional and
Alternate pools to facilitate assigning.
3. Policies
A. Contest Fee The formula for officials’ payment when working tournament
contests shall be fee plus travel payment (if any). Officials shall receive a
standard contest fee which shall be equal among OHSAA Athletic Districts, as
set by the Board of Directors. All payments made to officials for tournament
officiating will be treated as income for the purpose of IRS reporting. The fee
shall not be amended by the Board of Directors unless it is applied equally to all
districts. The Board of Directors shall annually, no later than the April meeting,
review the base salary and travel payment.
i. Tournament Officials Fee Schedule
Team Sport Position Per Unit State Regional District Sectional
Baseball Game $190 $145 $100 $85
Basketball Game $190 $145 $110 $100
Game $50
Field Hockey Game $190 $100 0 0
Football * Game $190
(Reg. SF,
Reg. Final)
(First round)
Football Field
State $85
Ice Hockey Game $190 $90 0 0
Ice Hockey
Game $75 0 0 0
Boys & Girls
Official Game- $190
(Reg. QF
and up)
(Pre Reg
$80 $75
Team Sport Position Per Unit State Regional District Sectional
Soccer Referee Game
$75 0 0
Softball Game $190 $145 $100 $85
(Reg. SF,
Reg. Final)
Match $190 $130
& Non-
Match $80 $60 $50 $40
Game $50 $45 $45 0
Position Per Unit State Regional District Sectional
Cross Country Referee
State and
$200/Day $170/Day $30/Race NA
District Race
Cross Country
Head Clerk,
State and
$195/Day $165Day $25/Race NA
District Race
Cross Country
Asst. Clerk,
Asst. Head
State and
$190/Day $160/Day $22/Race NA
District Race
Golf Day $135 0 0 0
Gymnastics Referee
State Day;
District &
Sectional Session
$135 $110
State Day;
District &
Sectional Session
$115 $100
Gymnastics Judge
State Day;
District &
Sectional Session
$100 $80
Position Per Unit State Regional District Sectional
Swimming Referee
Session $145
Gender $100 $70*
Swimming Starter
Session $135
Gender $90 $65*
Swimming Others
Session $115
Gender $75 $55*
Session $90 0 $90 $90
Diving Judge Session $75 0 $75 $75
Tennis Head Day $180 0 0 0
Tennis Others Day $135 0 0 0
Track Referee
State and
$200/Day $140/Day $130/Meet
Head Field,
Head Clerk:
State and
$190/Day $130/Day $120/Meet NA
Head Field
Event, Zone
State and
$180/Day $120/Day $110/Meet NA
Field Event
State and
$155/Day $105/Day $95/Meet NA
Wrestling Two Day $380 $315
Friday only
0 0 $165 $115
0 0 $215 $200
Wrestling One day 0 0 0 $250
Per weigh
$0 0 $25 $25
Game $50 $45 $45
* Denotes $2 per additional heat beyond 41 per gender
Travel StipendOfficials shall receive a travel stipend that is calculated by using the following
formula: $1.00 per mile one way, beginning at mile 51 from the official’s home zip code to the
tournament site zip code (e.g., if a tournament site is 65 miles from the official’s zip code, the
official would receive a $15.00 travel stipend). The zip code used for all officials shall be the
address reported by each official as the home address on their myOHSAA account. Distance
shall be measured by the Dragonfly system as the distance found from the middle of the
official's zip code to the middle of the site zip code. At the state championship level of any
tournament, officials will receive one travel stipend. For OHSAA State tournaments of individual
sports that are multiple day events, the OHSAA will provide overnight lodging. At all other
tournament levels, officials will receive the travel stipend for each day of an
assignment. Alternate officials will be paid per game plus regular travel stipend. In tournaments
in which both permitted and unpermitted officials are used, the unpermitted officials will be paid
75% of the established fee plus the regular travel payment. Tournament site managers are
responsible for determining the correct amount to be paid to each official, including the amount
to be paid for any travel payment.
B. CancellationsIf an official is notified of a cancellation, or rescheduling, prior to
departure the official will not receive any compensation. If an official is notified
enroute, or after the official arrives and the tournament contest is not started, the
official will receive the travel stipend, but not the game fee. In such cases the
payment will be a minimum of $50.00 for State, $40 for Regional and $30 for
Sectional/District. If after the official arrives, the tournament contest is started
and is interrupted due to weather or other reasons, and not completed on the day
scheduled, the official will receive full payment. An official completing an
interrupted contest on another day will receive full payment. In extraordinary
cases, due to weather or other unanticipated occurrences, the District Athletic
Boards (Sectional & District) or State Office (Regional or State) may approve
payments to officials to compensate them for expenses incurred.
C. Alternate When an alternate is used as a game official (minimum of one play)
the alternate will receive full game pay.
D. OHSAA reserves the right to cancel any tournament assignment when deemed
in the best interest of the organization.
E. The full OHSAA tournament contract can be found here -
XIII. Professional Association Membership
1. NFHS Officials Association
A. Every OHSAA official is enrolled in the NFHS Officials Association. The NFHS
Officials Association offers several components for OHSAA officials at no
additional cost: an education program, a national awards program, publications,
searchable rules data base on-line and on-line rules videos. These can be
accessed through the NFHS Central Hub. Go to the NFHS website at
. Select the Officials area and click on the provided link to
experience the NFHS Central Hub, an exclusive online benefit for NFHS Officials
Association members. Once on the NFHS Central Hub Home Page, you can
sign in the upper right-hand corner. To sign in, use your email address and your
last name as your password. If that does not work, you can use the “Forgot
Password” link and the Central Hub will email you your password.
2. National Association of Sports Officials Organizations Network (NASO-ON)
A. All OHSAA local officials’ associations have the option to enroll in NASO-ON,
which is a program designed to assist local association leaders. In addition to
being a guide for local association management, NASO-ON membership allows
associations’ free access to all NASO educational materials. Individual OHSAA
officials may join the National Association of Sports Officials for a fee. Visit
NASO’s website at www.NASO.org
for additional information.
State Rules Interpreters
Frank Grubb, C:614-638-9583 Email: [email protected]
Denny Morris H: 419-303-8399 Email: [email protected]
Beau Rugg, B: 614-267-2502 C: 614-738-3559. Email: [email protected]
Boys Lacrosse
Lee Spitzer, C: 614-325-9358 Email: [email protected]
Boys Volleyball
Lucas Tuggle, C; 740-815-7708 Email: [email protected]
Fran Miller, C: 330-559-7895 Email: franmarkmill@aol.com
Bob Black, H: 419-734-1771 C: 419-262-2228. Email: [email protected]
Julie Wells, C: 614-668-4658. Email: Jwells@insight.rr.com
Greg Coulles, C: 937-602-1475. B: 937-433-8363; Email: greg@ohiohighschoolbowling.
Field Hockey
Travis Burwell, B: 614-206-7578. Email: tbur[email protected]
Beau Rugg, B: 614-267-2502 C: 614-738-3559. Email: [email protected]
Bruce Maurer, C: 614-284-7693 Email: [email protected]
Girls Lacrosse
Lissa Fickert, C: 937-671-4999 Email: l[email protected]
Girls Volleyball
Jim Hammar, C: 614-288-7995 Email: [email protected]
David Griffith Northern Ohio, PGA 330-607-3351 Email: [email protected]
Matt Rutland Northern Ohio PGA 803-416-3821 Email: [email protected]
Lori Powers-Basinger, C: 614-406-1537, Email: [email protected]
Ice Hockey
Gary Wilkins, C; 614-937-9012 W: 740-965-5004. Email: gwilkinshockey@gmail.com
Holly Herrholtz, C:330-979-9692 Email: [email protected]g
Jerry Fick, H: 513-563-2755 Email: [email protected]
George Gulas, C: 330-321-1858 Email: [email protected]
Swimming &
RJ Van Almen, C: 330-685-4605 Email: [email protected]
Tim Voegeli, B: 937-296-7701 H: 937-298-6689. Email: [email protected]
Track & Field
BJ Duckworth, C: 330.718.2435 Email: bjduckworth@ohsaa.org
Steven Hurley [email protected]
Bob Meuleman, Email: [email protected]
John Daubenspeck, Email: j[email protected]
Ray Anthony, H: 440-236-8224 Email: [email protected]
Toby Dunlap, C:440-487-6308 Email: [email protected]
Dick Loewenstine, C: 513-293-2777 Email: [email protected]
Jim Vreeland, C: 419-707-1133 Email: [email protected]
Roles & Responsibilities
3. Local Officials Associations
Officials are encouraged to become members of a local official’s association. Login
to the Portal and click on Officiating Directory to find local secretaries and
interpreters in your sport and area.
A. Secretaryresponsible to:
i. list educational session dates and credit official’s meeting attendance on
ii. be an expert on OHSAA administrative requirements.
iii. serve as the primary contact with the OHSAA office.
iv. annually submit a form listing association officer to the OHSAA
B. InterpreterThe Local Association Interpreter will normally be an experienced
Class 1 official who works contests at the varsity level. There may be exceptions
for example when an interpreter is a retired official who maintains a high level
of interest in the sport. The Interpreter is the recognized rules & mechanics
expert within a local association. They should have considerable input into
meeting topics and conduct. Rules and mechanics questions should be directed
to the local association’s Interpreter. Many associations have two interpreters
one for rules and one for mechanics. The interpreter should:
i. Study and have thorough knowledge of National Federation Rules, Case
Books, Officials Manuals, OHSAA playing rules and mechanics modifications
and other materials pertinent to the sport. Interpreters should not answer
questions on eligibility, playing/practice seasons/dates, or other OHSAA
ii. Attend annual Local Association Interpreters Clinic.
iii. Ensure that local educational sessions meet or exceed OHSAA requirements,
including content and time. Strive to develop the highest quality meetings for
the association. Local Association meetings are required to be a minimum of
1 hour and 15 minutes in length.
iv. Regularly attend local educational sessions and be available to provide
interpretations, lead discussions, and review situations and plays that have
occurred in recent contests. Use teaching techniques that include
participation by members rather than straight lectures.
v. Work with others (instructors, speakers, program chairs) who present in your
association to ensure the accuracy and highest quality of all presentations.
vi. Emphasize the importance of understanding definitions in the NFHS Rules
Book and developing knowledge of the layout/organization of the rule book.
vii. Provide prompt responses/interpretations to local association members who
submit questions. When responding refer to publications and cite reference
from rule book, case book, or manual.
viii. When you are unsure of the proper response or have a question in your
mind contact the state interpreter for clarification. Be willing to admit to your
members that you need to check prior to answering.
ix. Have the capability of providing email responses and distributing information
to all association members electronically. This includes forwarding bulletins
received from the OHSAA staff and email responses to unanswered
questions that arise at association meetings.
x. Limit rules discussions to high school rules only avoid discussion of other
rules codes.
xi. Be considerate of all members of your association. Understand that some
questions you receive will be very basic but don’t discourage officials from
asking questions. Have the temperament to work with officials of all levels.
xii. Develop the ability in your association to utilize current technology including
video and film when available. This could be done personally by the
interpreter or through another member.
4. Directors of Officiating Development (DOD)
The sports of Baseball, Basketball, Boys Lacrosse, Field Hockey, Football, Girls
Lacrosse Gymnastics, Ice Hockey, Soccer, Fast Pitch Softball, Swimming & Diving,
Track & Field, Volleyball and Wrestling - have an individual responsible for the
training and education of those sports officials. The DOD assists with meeting
topics, classes, and virtually every aspect of officiating enhancement. The DOD has
the authority to all advancement prior to the prescribed timeline.
BaseballFrank Grubb [email protected]
BasketballDenny Morris [email protected]
Boys Lacrosse - Lee Spitzer [email protected]
Field Hockey Travis Burwell[email protected]
FootballBruce Maurer [email protected]
Girls Lacrosse - Lissa Fickert lfickert@ohsaa.org
GymnasticsLori Powers-Basinger [email protected]
Ice Hockey Gary Wilkins [email protected]
SoccerHolly Herrholtz [email protected]
Softball Jerry Fick [email protected]
Swimming & Diving RJ Van Almen[email protected]
Track & Field BJ Duckworth b[email protected]
Girls VolleyballJim Hammar[email protected]
Boys Volleyball Lucas Tuggle lucastug33@gmail.com
Wrestling Toby Dunlap[email protected]
5. District Administrator (DA)
The District Administrator is the primary resource for local association officers to
direct requests for assistance. The DA will assist the OHSAA office staff with
investigations and administrative services.
Central Malt Brown[email protected]
East Matt Abbott [email protected]
NortheastPat Montana pmont[email protected]
Northwest Ken Myers [email protected]
SoutheastWayne Horsley[email protected]
SouthwestJerry Fick [email protected]
XIV. Insurance Benefits for OHSAA Registered Officials
Please refer to Officials Insurance Program Info Sheet for the most up to date
information on official’s insurance coverage.
XV. Approved Vendors for Officials Apparel
i. Authorized dealers are as follows:
a. Final Score Sporting Goods
b. Honig’s
c. Fleming’s Referee and Sport
d. Purchase Officials Supplies
e. Smitty Official’s Apparel
XVI. Sport Specific Regulations
1. Baseball
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. High School Varsity All Class 1 officials required regardless of number of
Note: A Class 2 official may be used on a varsity contest in emergency
situations only and with permission from the Director’s office.
If a Class 2 official is used in an emergency varsity game, the Class 1 shall
be the lead official and determine which official will work the plate.
ii. High School Reserve/Junior Varsity Minimum of one OHSAA Class 1 or
Class 2 umpire required. Regardless of number, all must be Class 1 or Class
iii. Freshman/7-8th grade Minimum of one OHSAA Class 1, 2 or 3 required.
Regardless of number all must be Class 1, 2, 3 or an umpire in training.
iv. Must attend four local educational sessions and one state rules meeting.
Note: Of the required four local educational sessions, only 1 of those may be
the DOD-prescribed, joint baseball/softball meeting.
B. Tournament Officials Requirements (applicable Sectional, District, Regional,
i. Minimum Requirements
a. Must hold an OHSAA Class 1 Permit in baseball.
b. Must have been an OHSAA Class 1 umpire in good standing the previous
c. Must have umpired a minimum of eight regular season varsity high school
boys’ baseball games during the preceding Ohio season and must umpire
eight regular season varsity high school boys’ baseball games during the
current season to be eligible for tournament assignment. Of the eight
games umpired in the current season, at least four games must be
worked as the plate umpire.
d. Must complete an online application certifying the above requirements.
e. The Director may assign an umpire to officiate more than one regional or
state tournament game when there is a specific need.
f. Must be physically fit and have an athletic appearance.
g. An umpire will not be assigned to officiate in both the boys Regional/State
Baseball and girls Regional/State Softball Tournaments in the same year.
h. Baseball umpires are ineligible to officiate the State Baseball Finals in
successive years. (This requirement has been suspended for the
2024-25 school year)
C. Required Uniform for interscholastic baseball (Varsity, Junior Varsity,
Freshman, & Junior High).
i. Gray pants (either Heather Gray or Charcoal Gray for the regular season,
sectional, or district tournament games. For Regional and State games,
Charcoal Gray pants are to be worn by all members of the crew. All umpires
on a crew for any regular or post-season games are to be dressed alike).
ii. MLU navy shirt with the OHSAA embroidered or sublimated logo. It is not
permissible to wear a long sleeve garment under the short sleeve shirt.
iii. Undershirts or T-shirts shall be red.
iv. Predominately black plate or base shoes with black laces.
v. Black leather belt 1 ½ to 2 inches wide with plain buckle.
vi. Navy cap with the OHSAA logo embroidered on the crown.
vii. A jacket, if worn, shall be the ‘red shoulder stripe’ model; Navy with red/white
trim on the shoulder. The OHSAA logo shall be properly placed on the jacket.
Authorized dealers are as follows:
a. Final Score Sporting Goods
b. Honig’s
c. Fleming’s Referee and Sport
d. Purchase Officials Supplies
e. Smitty Official’s Apparel
viii. Jackets, shirts, caps, and any apparel with the OHSAA embroidered logo
shall be purchased from only OHSAA authorized dealers. OHSAA logo
“patches” are not permitted.
ix. No other logos, patches, emblems, or numbers are permitted on the
officiating uniform. If, for a special occasion, a commemorative or memorial
patch is worn on the shirt, it must meet the rule book requirements of 1.4.4
and be approved by the OHSAA.
Exception: An American Flag patch/emblem is optional and, if worn, shall be
on the left sleeve approximately two inches below the shoulder with the star
field facing to the front.
x. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert
necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is permitted.
xi. All umpires on the crew must be dressed alike with grey pants and navy-blue
top and red undershirt. It is permissible for the plate umpire to wear a shirt
(long or short sleeved) and the base umpire to wear a jacket.
xii. The plate umpire shall wear all protective equipment as specified by rule.
Dark blue or gray ball bags if working as the Plate Umpire. If two ball bags
are worn, they shall be of the same color.
2. Basketball
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. High School Varsity Class 1 OHSAA Basketball Only.
ii. High School Reserve/Junior Varsity Class 1 or Class 2 OHSAA Basketball
iii. 7-9th grade One Class, 1, 2, or 3 officials required. All other officials are
required to be Class 1, 2 or 3 OHSAA basketball official or official in training.
iv. Must attend four local educational sessions and one state rules meeting.
B. Tournament Officials Requirements
i. Tournament level to which applicable Sectional, District, Regional, State.
ii. Minimum Requirements
a. Must hold an OHSAA Class 1 Permit in basketball.
b. Must have been an OHSAA Class 1 official in good standing the previous
c. Boys — must have officiated a minimum of 14 boys regular season
varsity high school basketball games during the previous Ohio season
and must officiate a minimum of 14 boys regular season varsity high
school basketball games during the current Ohio season.
Girls must have officiated a minimum of 14 girls regular season varsity
high school basketball games during the previous Ohio season and must
officiate a minimum of 14 girls regular varsity high school basketball
games during the current Ohio season.
Exception: A Class 1 basketball official who officiates boys and girls
varsity basketball meets the games eligibility requirements for both boys
and girls tournaments if the official officiates a minimum 10 regular
season varsity girls games and a minimum of 10 regular season boys’
games in the same year.
d. Must complete an online application through myOHSAA certifying the
above requirements.
An official is not eligible to officiate in both the boys and girls Regional or State
Basketball Tournaments in the same year. In addition, a basketball
official is ineligible to officiate a Boys State Final Basketball Tournament
game in successive years or Girls State Final Basketball Tournament
game in successive years. (This requirement has been suspended for
the 2024-25 school year)
C. Required Uniform
i. Black and white vertically 1, dye-sublimated striped short-sleeve knit shirt
with V-neck collar, black slacks, black belt (if used), black socks, and black
Note 1: Effective for the 2016-17 season, all officials must wear the 1
stripe dye-sublimated shirt with flag and OHSAA logo for all varsity
For sub-varsity games, officials may wear the 1”, dye-sublimated shirt
or a previously approved style, but all members of the crew shall wear
the same style of shirt.
Note 2: A warm-up jacket may be worn for regular season, JV and Varsity
games, and OHSAA required for tournament games. It shall be black and
unadorned except that it shall have the OHSAA logo on the left breast.
Note 3: The new 1” shirt without panels must have the OHSAA Green Logo
located on the upper left chest & the USA Flag on the left sleeve. Both must
be “dye sublimated” into the fabric. The 1” stripe shirt is mandatory for the
OHSAA Tournament Games.
ii. The only legal jacket is that sold by authorized distributors.
iii. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert
necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is permitted.
A watch is permitted only when an official has a duty for timing during the
iv. Emblems and patches are not permitted on the officiating uniform.
Exception: An American Flag patch/emblem is optional and, if worn, shall be
on the left sleeve approximately two inches below the shoulder with the star
field facing to the front.
3. Boys Lacrosse
A. Regular season officiating requirements
i. High school varsity 3 Class 1 or 2 officials
ii. JV 2 Class 1 or 2 officials
iii. Middle school 2 Class 1, 2 or 3 officials
iv. Meeting requirements: Must attend four local educational sessions and one
state rules meeting.
B. Tournament Officials Minimum Requirements
i. Must hold a current OHSAA Class 1 lacrosse permit. Must have been an
OHSAA Class 1 lacrosse official in good standing the previous year.
ii. Must officiate during the current lacrosse season a minimum of eight
varsity high school games at the position for which applying. Must
officiate a minimum of eight varsity contests during the previous year. All
game must be three-man crews only and officiated in Ohio or a state that
borders Ohio.
iii. Must complete an online questionnaire through myOHSAA.
iv. Must be physically fit, possess an athletic appearance, and able to
read/react and flow with the play.
v. Must use US Lacrosse Officiating Mechanics.
vi. Must arrive at the game site one hour before the scheduled game time
and dressed in a professional manner (no blue jeans, no t-shirts & no
non-OHSAA baseball hats).
vii. An official is not eligible to officiate a Championship Lacrosse Game in
successive years. (This requirement has been suspended for the
2024-25 school year)
C. Required Uniform
i. Uniforms should be clean, fit properly and be neat.
ii. Black and white vertically striped, long or short-sleeved knit shirt, with 2-1/4
stripes, a black knit cuff & Byron collar with red OHSAA logo.
iii. Black shorts with belt loops, black leather belt 1-1/2 to 2” wide with plain
buckle, and black ankle socks. Black lacrosse officiating pants and black
socks may be worn as the alternate uniform for inclement weather.
iv. Solid black official’s shoes with black laces. Shoes should be shined before
each game.
v. Black official’s baseball cap with white piping.
vi. A black jacket may be worn prior to the game and during inclement weather.
vii. A black plastic whistle.
viii. Gold penalty flags with a black ball.
ix. A 20-second lacrosse timer.
x. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert
necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is permitted.
A watch is permitted only when an official has a duty for timing during the
3. Field Hockey
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. Varsity Only — Two (2) field hockey officials required. It is recommended
that one of the two be an OHSAA Class 1 official. If only one official is
available to officiate, the game may be played provided the participating
coaches agree.
Beginning in 2017-18, all field hockey officials at all levels shall be
OHSAA certified.
ii. Officials residing in a geographic area where an OHSAA Field Hockey
Officials Association exists must attend one state and four local rules
iii. Officials in other geographic regions (both in and out of state) must attend
one state rules meeting and successfully complete a rules exam.
B. Tournament Officials Requirements
i. Tournament level to which applicable State Qualifying, State.
ii. Minimum Requirements
a. Must be a current Class 1 field hockey official with the OHSAA in
good standing.
b. Must officiate at least five high school varsity contests during the
previous season.
c. Must officiate at least six high school varsity contests during the
current season.
d. Must complete an online application through myOHSAA certifying the
above requirements.
C. Required Uniform
i. A fuchsia, orange or yellow shirt shall be worn by both officials in a game.
If the officials cannot match their colors or the colors do not contrast with
the teams’ colors, a black and white 1-inch vertical stripe shirt may be
ii. Black skirt, culottes, slacks, or shorts
iii. Black shoes
iv. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert
necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is permitted.
NFHS Rules require that all Field Hockey officials wear or carry a timing
v. Emblems and patches are not permitted on the officiating uniform.
Exception: An American Flag patch/emblem is optional and, if worn,
shall be on the left sleeve approximately two inches below the shoulder
with the star field facing to the front.
4. Football
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. High School Varsity Class 1 OHSAA football only. (Need OHSAA
permission to use a Class 2 official)
ii. High School Reserve/Junior Varsity Class 1 or 2 OHSAA football only.
iii. 7-9th grade One OHSAA Class 1, 2, or 3 official is required. Additional
officials shall be OHSAA Class 1, 2, or 3 officials or officials in training.
iv. Must attend four local educational sessions and one State Rules
Interpretation (SRI) meeting.
B. Tournament Officials Minimum Requirements (Regional and State Levels)
i. Must hold a current OHSAA Class 1 football permit. Must have been an
OHSAA Class 1 Football official in good standing the previous year.
Exception: OHSAA Class 2 Football Officials may be used in the first two
rounds of playoffs as approved by the Director of Officiating.
ii. Must officiate during the current football season a minimum of eight varsity
high school games at the position for which applying unless given an
exemption by the OHSAA. Must officiate a minimum of eight varsity contests
during the previous year, unless granted an exception by the Director of
Officiating. All games will be six-person crews, or five-person if six are not
available, and officiated in Ohio or a state that borders Ohio.
iii. Must complete an online questionnaire.
iv. Must be physically fit, possess an athletic appearance, and able to read/react
and flow with the play.
v. Must use OHSAA Approved Gold Book Standards for FB Officiating
vi. Must arrive at the game site 1.5 hours before the scheduled game time and
dressed in a professional manner (no blue jeans, no t-shirts & no non-
OHSAA baseball hat).
vii. Must have completed all regular season requirements in “A” above.
viii. An official may not work Championship Football Game in successive
C. Required Uniform
i. Uniforms should be clean, fit properly and be neat. All officials must wear the
same uniform for varsity games.
ii. Black and white vertically striped, long or short-sleeved knit shirt, with 2-1/4”
stripe, a black knit cuff & Byron collar. All officials shall wear the same type of
shirt in varsity games only. The 2-1/4” shirt must have the OHSAA Red Logo
located above the chest pocket and the USA Flag on the left sleeve Both
must be “Dye Sublimated” into the fabric. For sub-varsity games officials can
wear either the 1” or 2-1/4” wide stripe shirts.
iii. Black football officiating pants with 1-1/14” white stripes and black socks. All
black shorts and black ankle socks may be worn as an alternate uniform
during sub varsity contests. Black shorts shall be worn for all scrimmages.
Black shorts with belt loops, black belt, either a short sleeve or long sleeve
shirt, and black ankle socks may be worn for varsity games played during
Weeks 1-10. A short sleeve shirt must be worn with black shorts for varsity
games only.
iv. Predominantly black football shoes with black laces. Shoes should be shined
before each game.
v. Black baseball cap with white piping, except for the Referee who shall wear a
white cap for all varsity games. Hats with the OHSAA logo are mandatory for
all Varsity Games only.
vi. Black leather belt 1 1/2 to 2 inches wide with plain buckle.
vii. A black jacket or black and white striped jacket may be worn prior to the
The Black & white vertically striped jackets may not be worn during varsity
viii. Orange bean bag.
ix. Gold penalty flags with a black ball located in front.
x. The Umpire shall use an all-black towel.
xi. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert
necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is permitted.
xii. Black plastic whistle.
Exception: During October regular season games, pink whistles may be
used if all crew members use them.
xii. Face Coverings are allowed. Black is preferred.
xiii. There will be NO officiating logo changes before the 2024 Season
6. Girls Lacrosse
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. High School Varsity Three (3) OHSAA Class 1 or 2 lacrosse officials
recommended. Two are required. If only one official is available to officiate, the
game may be played if both coaches agree.
ii. JV Two (2) OHSAA Class 1 or 2 officials required.
iii. Middle school Two (2) OHSAA Class 1, 2 or 3 officials required.
iiii. Meeting requirements: One State Rule Interpretation Meeting, four local
educational sessions, and pass the USL/NFHS Girl’s Lacrosse Rules Test
with an 80%.
B. Tournament Officials Minimum Requirements
i. Must hold a current OHSAA Class 1 lacrosse permit and be in good standing.
Must have been an OHSAA Class 1 lacrosse official in good standing the
previous year.
ii. Must officiate a minimum of eight varsity high school contests during the
current lacrosse season. Must officiate a minimum of eight contests using a
three-person crew during the year.
iii. Must complete an online questionnaire through myOHSAA certifying the
above requirements.
C. Required Uniform
i. Uniforms should be clean, fit properly and be neat.
ii. Black and white 1” vertically striped, long or short-sleeved knit shirt with a
black knit cuff and collar.
iii. Black skirt, pants, or shorts
xi. Black shoes
xii. All accessories shall be black if worn hat, visor, socks, lanyard.
xiii. A black or striped jacket may be worn prior to the game and during
inclement weather.
xiv. Gold penalty flags.
xv. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert
necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is permitted.
A watch is permitted for timing during the contest.
vii. All officials must use a black plastic whistle.
5. Gymnastics
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. High School Varsity Minimum of one OHSAA Class 1 judge required. It is
strongly recommended that two OHSAA Class 1 judges officiate each meet.
Class 2 judges may be utilized, but it is highly recommended that a Class 2
official judge with a Class 1 official.
ii. Must complete and pass yearly rules review examination.
iii. Must attend a state-conducted rules interpretation meeting in gymnastics.
B. Tournament Officials Requirements
i. Tournament level to which applicable Sectional, District, State.
ii. Minimum Requirements
a. District must be Class 1 or Class 2 on panel under guidance of Class
1. Highly recommended to use Class 1 officials for both Sectionals and
b. State must be an OHSAA Class 1 girls gymnastics judge.
c. Must complete and return an application listing experience and judging
d. Must have officiating experience in the position for which application is
e. Must not be actively coaching gymnastics as a head coach at the high
C. Required Uniform
i. Official OHSAA pullover.
ii. Blue or black dress pants.
iii. Emblems and patches are not permitted on the officiating uniform.
Exception: An American Flag patch/emblem is optional and, if worn, shall be
on the left sleeve approximately two inches below the shoulder with the star
field facing to the front.
iv. The Official NAWGJ Judges Uniform will be worn for invitationals and
D. Assigning Procedures
i. Any individual acting as an OHSAA Assigner or as a volunteer limited
assigner (possibly by a NAWGJ representative assigner for a group of high
schools or a league) who schedules judges in an area to aid selection by
athletic administrators, schools and leagues in gymnastics shall follow the
outlined assignment procedures:
a. Will notify all rated area officials of the schools’ schedules to obtain
availability for these dates. An assigning meeting may be held, but
notification must also be sent to those unable to attend.
b. Will assign FIRST any available OHSAA Registered Class 1 and Class 2
officials as per regulations.
c. Will not assign officials who are not rated by the OHSAA. Officials or
assigners who knowingly do not meet the criteria or who are assigned
and accept/officiate a contest without meeting the criteria outlined may
be subject to a penalty of: fine, censure and/or probation, or
suspension of officiating privilege. There may be times that a school
will be asked if they can reschedule a competition to allow officials
meeting requirements to be present.
6. Ice Hockey
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. High School Varsity OHSAA Class 1 officials required.
ii. High School Reserve/Junior Varsity OHSAA Class 1 officials
iii. Freshman/7-8th grade OHSAA Class 1 officials recommended.
iv. Attend an OHSAA State-Conducted Ice Hockey Rules Interpretation Meeting.
v. Officials living in the Central, Northeast, Southwest and Northwest Districts
must attend a minimum of three local rules discussion meetings.
vi. Officials living in the East or Southeast District must complete and return to
the OHSAA an ice hockey rules review examination.
B. Tournament Officials Requirements
i. Tournament level to which applicable District and State
ii. Minimum Requirements
a. Must be a current Class 1 OHSAA Ice Hockey official in good standing
the previous year.
b. Must be a class 1 official during the current sports year.
c. Must have officiated a minimum of four high school varsity ice hockey
games during the current season.
d. Must complete an online application through myOHSAA certifying the
above requirements.
e. Must be physically fit; possess an athletic appearance; able to skate; stay
up with the play and able to read/react with the flow of the play.
f. Must arrive at the tournament game site 1 hour prior to the contest and
dressed professionally (no blue jeans, no baseball hats, and no t-shirts,
C. Required Uniform
i. Uniforms should fit properly and be clean and neat.
ii. Black ice hockey referee pants.
iii. Black and white alternating vertically striped ice hockey referee jersey.
iv. Arm bands required if three official system is used.
v. Ice hockey skates with white laces.
vi. Black ice hockey helmet with a half shield which needs HECC certification at
time of manufacture.
vii. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert
necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is permitted.
A watch is permitted only when an official has a duty for timing during the
viii. No logos, patches, emblems, or numbers are permitted on the uniform.
Note: If, for a special occasion, a commemorative or memorial patch is worn
on the shirt, it must be approved by the OHSAA.
Exception: An American Flag patch/emblem is optional and, if worn, shall be
on the left sleeve approximately two inches below the shoulder with the star
field facing to the front.
ix. Officials’ names are not permitted on the shirt.
7. Soccer
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. High School Varsity Minimum of two OHSAA Class 1 or Class 2 officials
required. Regardless of number officiating, all must be OHSAA Class 1 or
Class 2 soccer officials. Use of club linespersons is prohibited.
ii. High School Reserve/Junior Varsity Minimum of two OHSAA Class 1 or
Class 2 officials required. Regardless of number officiating, all must be
OHSAA Class 1 or Class 2 soccer officials. Use of club linespersons is
iii. 7-9th grade minimum of one OHSAA Class 1, 2 or 3 required. All other
officials shall be OHSAA Class 1, 2 or 3 officials or officials in training. Use of
club linespersons is prohibited.
Note: If only one OHSAA official is present to officiate any contest, the game
may be played if opposing coaches and the official agrees.
iv. Must attend four local educational sessions and one state rules meeting.
B. Tournament Officials Requirements
Note: An official is not eligible to officiate in both the boys and girls
Regional or State Soccer Tournaments in the same year. In
addition, a soccer official is ineligible to officiate a Boys State
Soccer Tournament game in successive years or Girls State Soccer
Tournament game in successive years.” (This requirement has
been suspended for the 2024-25 school year)
i. Tournament level to which applicable Sectional, District, Regional, State.
ii. Minimum Requirements
a. Must be a current Class 1 OHSAA soccer official.
b. Must have been a Class 1 official in good standing during the previous
c. Must be physically fit.
d. Boys — must officiate a minimum of ten regular season boys’ varsity high
school soccer games during the current Ohio season and must have
officiated a minimum of ten regular season boys’ soccer games during the
previous Ohio season.
Girls must officiate a minimum of ten regular season girls’ varsity high
school soccer games during the current Ohio season and must have
officiated a minimum of ten regular season girls’ soccer games during the
previous Ohio season.
Exception: A Class 1 soccer official who officiates both boys’ and girls’
varsity soccer meet the games eligibility requirements for both boys and
tournaments if the official officiates a minimum of eight regular season
varsity girls’ games and a minimum of eight regular season varsity boys’
games in the same year.
e. Must complete an online application through myOHSAA certifying the
above requirements.
C. Required Uniform
i. Each soccer official is required to have the new, solid, U.S. Soccer yellow
and green jerseys, both long and short sleeves. These are the required
OHSAA jerseys.
ii. The referee crew, with the approval of the head referee, may wear the red,
black, or blue solid U.S. Soccer referee jerseys rather than the gold or green
U.S. Soccer referee jersey, provided that all officials wear the same color and
sleeve length and the jersey contrasts with all field players of both teams. All
officials are to wear the same color and sleeve length.
iii. All-black shorts which may contain the U.S. Soccer logo.
iv. Black socks with two or three white rings.
v. Predominantly black shoes and laces.
vi. For 2023 and 2024, officials who choose to wear a cap may wear either
an all-black, baseball-type cap with or without the current OHSAA logo on
the front. Beginning in 2025, officials who choose to wear a cap must wear
an all-black, baseball-type cap with the current OHSAA logo on the front.
vii. The OHSAA soccer official’s patch shall be worn on the left breast pocket.
No other logos, patches, emblems, or numbers are permitted on the
uniform. Exception: An American Flag patch/emblem is optional and, if
worn, shall be on the left sleeve approximately two inches below the
shoulder with the star field facing to the front.
Note: The OHSAA soccer patch can be purchased at
viiii. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical
alert necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is
permitted. A watch is permitted only when an official has a duty for timing
during the contest.
8. Softball
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. High School Varsity All Class 1 officials required regardless of number of
Note: A Class 2 official may be used on a varsity contest in emergency
situations only and with permission from the Director’s office.
If a Class 2 official is used in an emergency varsity game, the Class 1 shall
be the lead official and determine which official will work the plate.
ii. High School Reserve/Junior Varsity Minimum of one OHSAA Class 1 or
Class 2 softball umpire required. Regardless of number, all must be Class 1
or Class 2.
iii. 7-9th grade OHSAA Class 1, 2 or 3 required. Regardless of number, all
must be Class 1, 2 or 3 umpires in training.
iv. Must attend four local educational sessions and one state rules meeting.
Note: Of the required four local educational sessions, only one of those may
be the DOD-prescribed, joint baseball/softball meeting.
B. Tournament Officials Requirements (applicable Sectional, District, Regional,
i. Must hold an OHSAA Class 1 Permit in softball.
ii. Must have been an OHSAA Class 1 umpire during the previous year.
iii. Must have umpired a minimum of eight regular season varsity high school
softball games during the previous Ohio season and must umpire eight
regular season varsity high school softball games during the current season
to be eligible for tournament assignment. Of the eight games in the current
season at least four must be worked as the plate umpire.
iv. Must complete an online application through myOHSAA certifying the above
v. The Director may assign an umpire to officiate more than one Regional or
State Tournament when there is a specific need.
vi. Must be physically fit and have an athletic appearance.
vii. An umpire will not be assigned to officiate in both the boys Regional/State
Baseball and girls Regional/State Softball Tournaments in the same year.
viii. Softball umpires are ineligible to officiate the State Softball Semis and Finals
in successive years. (This requirement has been suspended for the
2024-25 school year)
C. Required Uniform for interscholastic softball (Varsity, Junior Varsity, Freshman,
and Junior High)
i. Gray Pants - either Heather Gray or Charcoal Gray All umpires in a game
shall be dressed alike. In the event the umpires do not agree heather gray
pants shall be worn. This will allow the umpires to wear either pants color,
but both must be dressed alike.
ii. MLU navy shirt with the OHSAA embroidered or sublimated logo on the right
breast. It is not permissible to wear a long sleeve garment under the short
sleeve shirt.
iii. Undershirts or T-shirts shall be red.
iv. Predominately black plate or base shoes with black laces.
v. Black leather belt 1 ½ to 2 inches wide with plain buckle.
vi. Navy cap with OHSAA logo embroidered on the crown. The approved navy
blue knit cap with the OHAA logo may be worn in lieu of the navy cap for
cold weather situations.
vii. A jacket, if worn shall be the “red shoulder stripe” model; Navy with red/white
trim on the shoulder. The OHSAA logo shall be properly placed on the
jacket. Authorized dealers are as follows:
a. Final Score Sporting Goods
b. Honig’s
c. Fleming’s Referee and Sport
d. Purchase Officials Supplies
e. Smitty Official’s Apparel
viii. The OHSAA embroidered logo is the only logo permitted on uniform shirts,
jackets, and hats. OHSAA logo “patches” are not permitted. There is no
authorized OHSAA patch. No other logos, patches, emblems, or numbers are
permitted on the officiating uniform. If, for a special occasion, a
commemorative or memorial patch is worn on the shirt, it must meet the rule
book requirements and be approved by the OHSAA.
Exception: An American Flag patch/emblem is optional and if worn shall be
on the left sleeve approximately two inches below the shoulder with the star
field facing to the front.
ix. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert
necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is permitted.
x. All umpires on the crew must be dressed alike with grey pants and navy-blue
top and red undershirt. It is permissible for the plate umpire to wear a shirt
(long or short sleeved) and the base umpire to wear a jacket.
xii. The plate umpire shall wear all protective equipment as specified by rule.
Dark blue or gray ball bags if working as the Plate Umpire. If two ball bags
are worn, they shall be of the same color.
9. Swimming & Diving
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. High School Varsity Minimum of one OHSAA Class 1 official required.
ii. High School Reserve/Junior Varsity -Minimum of one OHSAA Class 1 official
iii. Freshman/78th grade minimum of one OHSAA Class 1 or 3 required.
iv. Must attend three local educational sessions and one state rules meeting.
B. Tournament Officials Requirements
i. Tournament level to which applicable Sectional, District, State.
ii. Minimum Requirements
a. Must be a current OHSAA Class 1 swimming and diving official.
b. Must have been an OHSAA Class 1 swimming and diving official
during the previous year.
c. Must complete an online application through myOHSAA certifying the
above requirements.
C. Required Uniform
i. White collar shirt or polo with the OHSAA logo.
ii. Dark navy-blue slacks or shorts. (NO DENIM IS ALLOWED)
iii. White shoes and socks.
iv. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert
necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is permitted.
A watch is permitted only when an official has a duty for timing during the
Exception: An American Flag patch/emblem is optional and, if worn,
shall be on the left sleeve approximately two inches below the shoulder
with the star field facing to the front.
10. Track & Field and Cross Country
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. High School Varsity Minimum of one OHSAA Class 1 official required who
shall be the referee or the referee/starter, in dual, triangular, or quadrangular
meets. It is RECOMMENDED that the referee shall not be a COACH of a
competing team. The referee in meets involving five or more schools must
be an OHSAA Class 1 official. If there is a non-coach registered official
present, the coach of a competing team may not referee.
ii. High School Reserve/Junior Varsity Minimum of one OHSAA Class 1
official required who shall be the referee or the referee/starter, in dual,
triangular, or quadrangular meets. It is RECOMMENDED that the referee
shall not be a COACH of a competing team. The referee in meets involving
five or more schools must be an OHSAA Class 1 official. If there is a non-
coach registered official present, the coach of a competing team may not
iii. Freshman/78th grade minimum of one OHSAA Class 1 or 3 required.
iv. Meetings Required
a. Local must attend a minimum of four local rules discussion meetings
(spring and fall combined) to maintain one’s permit. Must attend a minimum
of four local rules meetings and one State Rules Interpretation meeting
concerning Track and Field to be eligible for District, Regional or State
tournament assignments. Fall Cross Country meetings do not meet the
requirements for Track and Field tournaments.
b. State Must attend an OHSAA State-Conducted Rules Interpretation
Meeting in each sport.
B. Tournament Officials Requirements
i. Tournament level to which applicable District, Regional, State.
ii. Must have been an OHSAA Class 1 track and field official during the
previous year.
iii. Must attend a minimum of one local educational session in the fall
concerning CROSS COUNTRY and view the online state rules meeting to
be eligible for Cross Country tournament assignments; TRACK AND
FIELD Must attend a minimum of four local rules discussion meetings and
one State Rules Interpretation meeting concerning Track and Field to be
eligible for District, Regional or State tournament assignments. Fall
Cross Country meetings do not meet the requirements for Track and Field
iv. Must have a minimum of one year of experience as a registered track
official to officiate at District level tournaments; must have a minimum of
four years as a registered Track and Field official to officiate at regional
level tournaments; and must have a minimum of eight years of
experience as a registered Track and Field official to officiate State level
v. Must not be actively coaching track and field or cross country either as
head or assistant coach at the high school level in the division you are
applying to officiate.
vi. Must complete an online application through myOHSAA certifying the
above requirements. While outdoor varsity high school experience during
the Ohio season shall be considered as the most relevant experience.
Other officiating experience can be shared, on the survey.
vii. Must have officiating experience in the position for which application is
C. Required Uniform
i. Uniform rules apply to both regular and post season
competitions. Black, unadorned officiating
slacks/shorts/skirts (no jogging suits, stretch/yoga or denim),
plain (no stripes, designs etc).
ii. Short sleeved or long-sleeved white polo shirt with the OHSAA logo
embroidered or sublimated on the right chest (3”x3”), optional US
Flag on right sleeve. On left sleeve “OHSAA Registered Track &
Field Official” in black letters. Shirts MUST be tucked in unless the
shirt is a female cut shirt designed not to be tucked in. If a female
wears a unisex shirt it must be tucked in.
iii. When a jacket, pullover, vest or other outer garment is worn it shall
be black and unadorned except for the official OHSAA logo on the
left side (the local/state association initials, name and/or logo) may
be on the right side) and the US Flag may be placed on the right
sleeve, 4” down from the shoulder. The officials name may be on the
right side.
iv. Closed toe shoes must be worn.
v. Jewelry - In general, jewelry may be worn provided it is safe,
tasteful, and not distracting. Meet management may request an
official to remove jewelry if he/she deems it to be unsafe or a
vi. Rain suites/rain gear are not subject to OHSAA logo and uniform
guidelines. However, they may not contain the initials, name and/or
logo of other governing bodies.
vii. Hats are not required as part of the uniform. However when one is
worn it must meet one of following criteria: a) Be unadorned other
than a manufacturer logo b) Include the OHSAA logo c) Include the
initials, name and/or logo of your local officials association d) Include
the initials, name and/or logo of the Ohio Track and Field and Cross
Country Officials Association e) Include the initials, name and/or
logo of a OHSAA level tournament or invitational.
viii. Name tags/badges are not a required part of the uniform. However
when one is worn it must meet one of following criteria: a) Be
unadorned other than a manufacturer logo b) Include the OHSAA
logo c) Include the initials, name and/or logo of your local officials
association d) Include the initials, name and/or logo of the Ohio
Track and Field and Cross Country Officials Association e) Include
the initials, name and/or logo of a OHSAA level tournament or
ix. No items containing the name, initials or logo of other governing
bodies can be worn.
Note: The official OHSAA Track and Field Official’s shirt and jacket
MUST be purchased from an OHSAA authorized dealer.
11. Girls Volleyball
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. Varsity One Class 1 official who shall be the First Referee is required.
The Second Referee shall be either a Class 1 or Class 2 volleyball official.
EXCEPTION: If an emergency arises which prevents the contracted Class
1 official from being present, a Class 2 official may be used as the First
Referee provided the schools mutually agree. If only one OHSAA registered
official arrives to officiate the match, the match may be played provided the
participating coaches agree.
ii. Reserve/Junior Varsity Two OHSAA Class 1 or 2 volleyball officials
iii. 7–9th grademinimum of one OHSAA Class 1, 2 or 3 volleyball officials
required. Regardless of the number, all officials shall be OHSAA Class 1, 2
or 3 or officials in training.
v. Line Judges for varsity and reserve/junior varsity volleyball
competition, all line judges shall be either well-trained adults or students not
listed on the volleyball eligibility certificate for the high school.
vi. Must attend four local educational sessions and one state rules meeting.
B. Tournament Officials Requirements
i. Tournament level to which applicable Sectional, District, Regional, State.
ii. Minimum Requirements
a. Must be a current OHSAA Class 1 volleyball official in good standing in
order to be assigned as a first Referee or a second Referee.
b. Must have been an OHSAA Class 1 volleyball official during the
previous season to officiate as a first or second Referee.
c. Must officiate a minimum of eight varsity high school matches during the
current Ohio season and eight during the previous season.
d. Must complete an online application through myOHSAA certifying the
above requirements.
e. An official is ineligible to officiate in successive state tournaments as
first referee/second referee. (This requirement has been suspended
for the 2024-25 school year)
iii. Minimum Requirements to be assigned as a Line Judge to the State or
Regional Tournament Line Judge assignments shall be given to OHSAA
volleyball officials in good standing who hold a PAVO Line Judge
Certification from the previous season and who will meet PAVO Line
Judge Re-Certification requirements for the current season.
a. To be eligible for State or Regional Tournaments, the line judge shall work
as a line judge in a total of 8 matches in the current season. These
matches can be 8 high school varsity, or 8 women’s collegiate volleyball
matches or a combination of high school varsity and women’s collegiate
that totals 8.
b. Line Judges must be a current OHSAA class 1 or class 2 volleyball official
C. Required Uniform
i. The uniforms should fit properly and be clean and neat.
ii. White short or long-sleeved knit polo-style shirt with an OHSAA
embroidered or sublimated logo (only OHSAA authorized shirts). Beginning
with the 2022 Season the bright blue (cyan) colored shirt will be added to
the approved colors. In 2022 and subsequent years, white will be the
default color. Both officials MUST wear like-colored shirts in a match.
iii. Black dress slacks or black dress shorts with a minimum 4" inseam, it is
strongly recommended that BOTH officials wear dress slacks or both wear
dress shorts. The default is black dress slacks.
iv. Black belt (if used).
v. White shoes and white socks.
vi. When needed, an all-white cardigan or V-neck sweater is permissible. The
only permissible sweater will be one sold by an OHSAA Authorized
vendor. It is not permissible to wear a long sleeve garment under the short
sleeve shirt.
vii. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert
necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is
permitted. A watch is now required equipment.
viii. Emblems and patches are not permitted on the officiating uniform. The
only acceptable logo is the new OHSAA logo.
Exception: An American Flag patch/emblem is optional and, if worn, shall
be on the left sleeve approximately two inches below the shoulder with the
star field facing to the front.
ix. Post-Season Tournament Requirements:
All referees and all professional officials assigned as line judges are
expected to wear a neatly pressed white short or long-sleeved knit polo-
style shirt with an OHSAA embroidered or sublimated logo (only OHSAA
authorized shirts). In 2022 and subsequent years, white will be the default
color for all officials including the post-season. Black dress slacks are
required for all officials. Shorts may not be worn by any OHSAA officials
for the post season. White or nearly all-white athletic shoes and white
socks must be worn.
12. Boys Volleyball
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. Varsity One Class 1 official who shall be the First Referee is required.
The Second Referee shall be either a Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 volleyball
EXCEPTION: If an emergency arises which prevents the contracted Class
1 official from being present, a Class 2 official may be used as the First
Referee provided the schools mutually agree. If only one OHSAA registered
official arrives to officiate the match, the match may be played provided the
participating coaches agree.
ii. Reserve/Junior Varsity Minimum of one Class 1, 2 or 3 volleyball
officials required.
iii. 7–9th grademinimum of one OHSAA Class 1, 2 or 3 volleyball officials
required. Regardless of the number, all officials shall be OHSAA Class 1, 2
or 3 or officials in training.
iv. Line Judges for varsity and reserve/junior varsity volleyball competition,
all line judges shall be well-trained adult.
viii. Must attend the boys state meeting and five local meetings for those
officials who work both boys and girls volleyball. Four local and one state
meeting for officials who did not attend four local meetings during the
previous girls’ volleyball season
B. Tournament Officials Requirements
i. Tournament level to which applicable Sectional, District, Regional, State.
ii. Minimum Requirements
1. Must be a current OHSAA Class 1 volleyball official in good
standing in order to be assigned as a first Referee or a second
2. Must have been an OHSAA Class 1 volleyball official during the
previous season to officiate as a first or second Referee.
3. Must officiate a minimum of eight varsity high school matches
during the current Ohio season and eight during the previous
4. Must complete an online application through myOHSAA certifying
the above requirements.
5. An official is ineligible to officiate in successive state tournaments
as first referee/second referee. (This requirement has been
suspended for the 2024-25 school year)
iii. Minimum Requirements to be assigned as a Line Judge to the State or
Regional Tournament Line Judge assignments shall be given to OHSAA
volleyball officials in good standing who hold a PAVO Line Judge
Certification from the previous season and who will meet PAVO Line
Judge Re-Certification requirements for the current season.
a. To be eligible for State or Regional Tournaments, the line judge shall work
as a line judge in a total of 8 matches in the current season. These eight
matches of a combination of Boys/Girls: OHSAA, collegiate or USAV
b. Line Judges may be either class 1, class 2 or class 3.
C. Required Uniform
i. The uniforms should fit properly and be clean and neat.
iv. White short or long-sleeved knit polo-style shirt with an OHSAA
embroidered or sublimated logo (only OHSAA authorized shirts). Beginning
with the 2022 Season the bright blue (cyan) colored shirt will be added to
the approved colors. In 2022 and subsequent years, white will be the
default color. Both officials MUST wear like-colored shirts in a match.
v. Black dress slacks only.
iv. Black belt (if used).
v. White shoes and white socks.
vi. When needed, an all-white cardigan or V-neck sweater is permissible. The
only permissible sweater will be one sold by an OHSAA Authorized vendor.
It is not permissible to wear a long sleeve garment under the short sleeve
shirt. If a white sweater is worn, the official’s partner shall wear white.
vii. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert
necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is
permitted. A watch is now required equipment.
viii. Emblems and patches are not permitted on the officiating uniform. The
only acceptable logo is the new OHSAA logo.
Exception: An American Flag patch/emblem is optional and, if worn, shall
be on the left sleeve approximately two inches below the shoulder with the
star field facing to the front.
ix. Post-Season Tournament Requirements:
All referees and all professional officials assigned as line judges are
expected to wear a neatly pressed white short or long-sleeved knit polo-
style shirt with an OHSAA embroidered or sublimated logo (only OHSAA
authorized shirts). In 2022 and subsequent years, white will be the default
color for all officials including the post-season. Black dress slacks are
required for all officials. Shorts may not be worn by any OHSAA officials
for the post season. White or nearly all-white athletic shoes and white
socks must be worn.
13. Wrestling
A. Regular Season Officials Requirements
i. High School Varsity -Minimum of one OHSAA Class 1 or Class 2 official
ii. High School Reserve/Junior Varsity -Minimum of one OHSAA Class 1 or
Class 2 official required.
iii. 7–9th grade Regardless of the number of officials, all officials must be
OHSAA Class 1, 2 or 3 or officials in training.
vi. Must attend four local educational sessions and one state rules meeting.
B. Tournament Officials Requirements
i. Tournament level to which applicable Sectional, District, State Individual
ii. Minimum Requirements
a. Must be a current OHSAA Class 1 wrestling official in good standing.
b. Must officiate a minimum of six different varsity high school contracted
events during the current Ohio season.
c. Must officiate a minimum of six different contracted varsity events
during the previous season.
d. Must complete an online questionnaire through myOHSAA certifying
the above requirements.
C. Required Uniform
i. The gray V-neck pin stripe shirt is mandatory for all levels of
competition. The American flag is worn on the left shoulder with a green
OHSAA logo sublimated on the left breast area of the shirt.
ii. Black full-length trousers.
iii. Black socks.
iv. Black Officiating Shoes (black officiating shoes with white or gray trim are
v. Black belt, if necessary.
vi. Emblems and patches are not permitted on the officiating uniform.
Exception: An American Flag patch/emblem is optional and, if worn, shall
be on the left sleeve approximately two inches below the shoulder with the
star field facing to the front.
vii. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical
alert necklace or bracelet. A religious medallion which is not visible is
permitted. A watch is permitted only when an official has a duty for timing
during the contest.
viii. A black warm-up jacket with OWOA logo is required for all varsity
ix. Red and green wrist bands, a colored flip disc, black lanyard with a black
plastic whistle is recommended. The whistle must be loud enough to be
heard across large multi-team events.
XVII. Addendum A: Regulations for OHSAA Certified Assigners
1) An OHSAA Certified Assigner (from here forward referred to as “Assigners”) shall be
required to submit an annual registration form and fee and to attend an OHSAA
Assigners certification seminar annually.
2) An Assigner will be familiar with OHSAA regulations and officiating classification
requirements. Assigners will assign/contract only those officials who possess a current
and appropriate OHSAA permit.
3) Assigners may only be an athletic director or an OHSAA Certified Assigner.
4) An Assigner shall assign officials that are mutually acceptable to the competing schools.
An Assigner shall obtain a list of acceptable officials from the schools for which
assignments are made.
5) An Assigner shall assign officials to contests without regard to race or gender.
6) An Assigner will assign officials based on competence and certification; officiating
assignments may not be denied based on the official’s membership (or not) in a Local
Officials Association (from here forward referred to as “Association(s)”).
7) An Assigner shall execute a contract with the school(s) or league(s) for which
assignments are made. This contract shall clearly outline the assigner’s fee and each
party’s expectations.
8) An Assigner or administrator will issue valid OHSAA contracts to officials. Valid OHSAA
contracts shall include the contest date, time, place, and fee (site TBAs are acceptable).
Contracts must be signed by an Assigner who is appointed by the school administrator
or the home school administrator. All OHSAA assignments must be on the OHSAA
approved assigning platform (Dragonfly).
9) Assigners must provide a copy (physical or electronic) of the contest contract to each
official for each contest.
10) Payment for games must come from schools or an independent payment system (i.e.,
Dragonfly). It is not acceptable for payment to come from Assigners’ personal accounts.
11) All substitutions must be processed through the Assigner. Officials who fail to honor
contracts shall be reported in writing within 10 days of the violation, to the OHSAA
Officiating Director.
12) Assigners are to be employed/paid by schools or conferences. They must assign for a
minimum of one conference or six individual schools.
13) Assigners that assign officials to interscholastic contests shall not require individual
officials to pay “booking” fees.
14) An Assigner may be paid by the school(s) or league(s) for which assignments are made.
15) If a school or league approaches an Association for assistance in securing officials for
games, Associations should suggest Assigners to use. Associations are not assigning
entities, only Assigners.
16) Posting games at Association meetings or on Association websites is acceptable if the
school or Assigner is making the final decision on the selection of officials.
17) An Assigner cannot receive any form of compensation from officials or an Association
including, but not limited to, dues, fees, payments for assigning software, donations,
gifts, etc.
18) An Assigner may not establish game fees.
19) An Assigner cannot require/mandate that officials join and/or pay dues to a specific
Association to receive game assignments.
20) An Assigner cannot require/mandate that officials work solely for the Assigner.
21) An Assigner cannot, in any form, threaten or punish an official for working for another
22) An Assigner cannot require officials to attend meetings at a specific Association or clinic.
23) An Assigner may not engage in practices such as “game trading”, nor show other forms
of favoritism to other Assigners.
24) An Assigner is eligible to work Regional and State contests.
25) An Assigner who exclusively assigns middle school contests cannot vote for varsity
tournament officials as part of the Tournament Officials Selection Process.
26) An Assigner is expected to be honest in all dealings with officials, school personnel, and
OHSAA staff. Assigners who fail to follow OHSAA bylaws or regulations will be subject
to penalties which include, but are not limited to, a maximum fine of $100 per violation,
public censure, probation, and suspension as an Assigner.
27) These regulations shall apply to home school administrators as they assign officials.
28) An assigner shall not assign without an OHSAA Assigner Certification. An official who
acts as an assigner for interscholastic contests without proper OHSAA certification may
be fined up to $100 per occurrence. Multiple offenses may result in additional penalties
including, but not limited to, reprimand, probation, the loss of tournament assignments,
and suspension.
29) Assignment of Contest Officials - Member schools, their administrators and/or assigners
acting on their behalf, shall utilize the assigning platform approved by the OHSAA
(Dragonfly) when contracting with contest officials. Furthermore, upon the acceptance
by the contest official of the offer extended by the member school, school administrator
and/or the assigner acting on behalf of the school (or conference) shall constitute an
offer and acceptance and shall become at the moment a legally binding contract.
Note 1: An official is acting as an assigner when the official performs acts which are
customarily done by assigners, such as contacting other officials regarding availability
for specific dates or contests, whether the official is compensated for doing so.
Note 2: S
chool Administrators may be fined up to $200 per occurrence for using the
assigning services of officials who lack proper certification to act as assigners.
Note 3: O
fficials who knowingly accept an assignment from someone without OHSAA
Assigner Certification is subject to penalty as prescribed by the Officiating Director.
For a listing of Assigners, see the OHSAA website
http://www.ohsaa.org/officials/assigners.htm or in your myOHSAA
profile in the Officiating Directory.
XVIII. Addendum B: OHSAA Guide to Officials: Being a Good Guest
Sport officials play an important and integral role in the fulfillment of contests providing
educational value to high school young men and women. Our conduct and handling of
situations provides an important contribution to the development of participants and high school
spectators. You represent the very integrity of the game. Your conduct before, during, and
after the contest will reflect and ultimately shape attitudes towards authority figures and sports
officials in general. As a contest official, you represent not only yourself and your respective
association, but all officials and the OHSAA.
Prior to the Contest
1. Respond promptly to a contract offer to officiate.
2. If the school attempts to contact you to confirm the game, inform you of changes or
important details such as change of venue, opponent, Senior Night, time, respond
promptly. Return all calls and emails timely and professionally.
3. Call the school to confirm if the school has not called you. Leave your cell phone
number if available. If possible, obtain a contact and number that you can call if a last-
minute issue arrives.
4. Email the Athletic Director. Secure a phone number to call on the day of the contest if
travel complications arise.
5. Get directions so you know where the contest is held, particularly if it is not on school
Arrival at the Site
1. Be courteous to all you meet. The memory of your conduct will last long after the game.
2. Park intelligently. Avoid areas where boosters may be congregating. If officiating a
sport where your locker room is the parking lot be aware of what can be seen. Be
discreet and as invisible as possible.
3. Let the AD/coach know you are at the site.
4. Dress in a manner that reflects well upon yourself, other officials, and the OHSAA. Be
mindful of team colors in your dress. Dressing in a bright red shirt as you officiate the
“Big Red” may cause some speculation from an opponent.
Dressing Room
1. Check to see if there are changes to the event schedule.
2. Take care of any requested paperwork or vouchers.
3. Treat the dressing room appropriately and respectfully. Leave it in better shape than
when you arrived. Place all towels that were provided in one central area.
4. Don’t leave bottles or trash strewn about. Gather and secure all trash in appropriate
containers as you leave. Leave the room or area in better condition than how you found
5. If the game was on an outside venue, don’t clean your shoes on the walls or floors.
6. Realize that not every school will be able to provide food or drink. Do not take any
frustration out on those helping you or working the concession stand. Treat everyone
you encounter with respect and dignity.
7. Don’t expect or ask for any special favors or entitlements. You are there to officiate, not
be honored.
8. Appreciate whatever is provided.
9. Say “please” and “thank you” and “you are welcome.” They go a long way.
Contest Site
1. Arrive ahead of time; be there as the respective sport requires.
2. Enter together, as a crew. Leave together, as a team.
3. Be friendly, yet firm as needed in gaining cooperation to have any site needed changes
made. Explain the need. Be patient; be understanding; but be professionally firm. It is
about the players.
4. Ignore the fans unless they are inciting players on the opposing team, using
insulting/offensive/abusive language. Do not tolerate gestures or behavior that prevents
you from performing your role.
5. Smile occasionally. Let your body language reflect that you are glad to be at the game.
6. Most schools have a no tobacco policy for their premises. Respect their policy and
abide by it. Do not use tobacco while on school grounds or fields.
After the Game
1. Shower and pack in a timely manner. Don’t hang around. School personnel want to
leave as well.
2. Ensure the dressing room is tidy and picked up. Turn off all showers and leave towels in
one place. Turn off lights as you leave.
3. Leave with only what you brought. Take no towels, balls, or souvenirs.
4. Thank those who helped you. Be gracious even if you were not treated as you
5. Don’t leave any trash/bottles/etc. in the parking lot as you leave.
6. Be the guest whom the host wants to have return.
Some officials bring joy wherever they are; other officials bring joy only whenever they leave.
XIX. Addendum C: OHSAA Guide to Being a Good Host
In general, treat officials in the same manner as a guest in your home. Your fans, supporters,
coaches, and players will emulate how you treat officials. Show how you value the role officials
perform by treating them with respect and in a professional manner.
Officials play an extremely important, integral role in an interscholastic athletic event. We are
facing an increasing shortage of officials in most sports and activities. How one hosts and treats
officials when the event is their responsibility speaks volumes in showing respect and
appreciation for their role, effort, and hard work in these educational contests. Providing officials
with a welcoming atmosphere and essentials for the several hours they will be at your event will
benefit everyone. By showing your appreciation, more officials will continue in this avocation
and will help the OHSAA to continue to build and maintain a strong base of experienced,
competent officials.
The OHSAA recognizes that the school administration has many duties and responsibilities on
game day and night. There are also limitations regarding facilities, funding, and staffing. It is
our hope that you will consider the suggestions provided in this publication and put into practice
as many as possible. Officials ask no more than what you expect of them to give it your best.
Thank you for hosting and treating officials in the best possible manner. Ultimately, it is in your
best interest.
Prior to the Contest
1. Ensure there are contracts for all your games and activities.
2. Obtain the list of the officials assigned to your games and double check
3. Have an alphabetical list of your upcoming event officials along with contact numbers in
case of a cancellation/postponement/delay.
4. Officials are to contact you to confirm date, time, and site several days in advance of the
contest. If you do not hear from an official, do not assume all is okay.
5. Inform officials of any special parking instructions, who will be there to meet them upon their
arrival, and details of any special ceremonies such as homecoming, senior night, etc.
6. Notify officials when there are changes, postponements, or delays.
7. Take appropriate measures to provide security for officials before, during, and after the
8. Ensure that the playing surface/field is properly prepared for the contest: well-maintained;
lined properly; team and official areas marked in accordance with NFHS diagrams; no safety
hazards; scoreboards and horns/buzzers operating; PA system in working condition.
9. Provide trained individuals to perform needed game functions scorekeepers, timers, table
workers, announcers, site managers. Have at least one experienced individual on site.
10. Provide proper medical personnel at the contest. Notify the officials who they are and where
they will be during the event. If there are special procedures for requesting emergency
medical assistance, please advise the officials. Let the officials know where safe shelter is
in the event of inclement weather or a weather emergency.
Day of the Event
1. Reserve appropriate number of parking spots for officials.
2. Have your host greet and meet the officials upon their arrival and escort them to their
dressing room.
a. Provide a clean, spacious private area to be used as a dressing and/or meeting room.
If there are male and female officials, provide appropriate accommodations for
b. The facility should have a toilet and a shower if possible. Make sure there are
enough chairs and lockers that can be locked available.
c. The areas should not be used by coaches or other school personnel during the
d. Provide water, sport/energy drinks, soda for half-time and after the game. Having a
cooler with the drinks in them is very convenient.
e. Officials will spend several hours or more in getting to, working, and leaving the
contest. Many will not have eaten for many hours, so some snacks are most
f. Provide towels if possible.
g. Ensure the showers are working and providing hot water.
h. Escort the officials to and from the dressing room. Notify them of time remaining at
half-time. Be sure to lock the room when the officials leave and have the room
unlocked prior to the officials returning. Having to wait for the room to be unlocked
provides an opportunity for unfortunate situations.
i. Provide officials with any needed instructions for the contest: pre-game times, names
of bench personnel, and information on special pre-game or half-time ceremonies.
3. Make sure the officials are aware of any special conference policies or procedures.
4. Have needed paperwork for game payment available upon the officials’ arrival. Provide
proper security for the completed papers. Make them aware of when payment will be made.
5. Provide officials with properly inflated game balls, pucks, softballs, baseballs, etc. Have
extras available if needed.
During the Contest
1. Set high expectations with your coaches regarding their sportsmanship and behavior and
insist they do the same with their players. If coaches and players role model proper
behavior towards an official, the fans may behave properly.
2. Read the OHSAA statement about sportsmanship and officials.
3. Introduce the officials prior to the starting lineups.
4. Make sure site managers understand clear instructions as to their duties and
5. Ensure proper arrangements have been made and that plans are in place to contact
appropriate personnel in case of an emergency.
6. Keep all locker rooms, dressing areas, and other areas used by officials, players, and
coaches clear from unauthorized personnel.
7. Have trainers and doctors available when possible.
8. Plan to have supplies available to clean up any blood/bodily fluids. Provide proper
maintenance to clean floors, wrestling mats, etc. as needed.
9. Have someone carefully observe the contest and the spectators and be prepared to handle
problems as necessary and appropriate. Handle those that might directly affect the officials
and their ability to work the game.
10. Be prepared to support officials and assist fully with any request that they may have
regarding problems with spectators. Remove a spectator when requested or needed.
11. Inform the officials of the best means to find and communicate with you or the site manager
during the contest.
12. If necessary, have someone serve as ball personnel (football, soccer); retrieve balls
(volleyball, basketball), return foul balls (baseball, softball).
a. Require Chain Crew and the Timer to meet with the Football crew prior to the
b. Have someone notify the Basketball crew when there are 3 minutes left before the
end of the halftime intermission.
After the Contest
1. Provide an escort to ensure that the officials return safely to their dressing rooms.
2. Do not allow unauthorized individuals access to the officials.
3. Provide refreshments for the officials after the contest whenever possible.
4. Be prepared to provide an escort for the officials to their cars when needed.
5. Regardless of the outcome, show respect and appreciation for their hard work and efforts.
Thank the officials, and better yet, have your players and coaches thank them.
6. Have your coach submit officials’ ratings on-line in an appropriate, timely manner.
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