Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilitiesDecember 2019
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Water quality
guidelines for public
aquatic facilities
December 2019
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilitiesDecember 2019
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Water quality guidelines for public
aquatic facilities - December 2019
Published by the State of Queensland
(Queensland Health), December 2019
This document is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence.
To view a copy of this licence, visit
© State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2019
You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the
work, as long as you attribute the State of
Queensland (Queensland Health).
For more information contact:
Water Unit, Department of Health,
Queensland Health, PO Box 2368,
Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006,
email waterquality@health.qld.gov.au,
phone (07) 3328 9310.
An electronic version of this document is
available at www.health.qld.gov.au/public-
The content presented in this publication is distributed by the Queensland Government as an information
source only. The State of Queensland makes no statements, representations or warranties about the
accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information contained in this publication. The State of
Queensland disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation for liability in
negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the information being
inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason reliance was placed on such information.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilitiesDecember 2019
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Chapter 1: Introduction 5
1.1 Purpose 5
1.2 Scope 6
1.3 Site-specific risk management plans 6
Chapter 2: Public health hazards associated with public aquatic facilities 8
2.1 Microbiological hazards 9
2.2 Chemical hazards 12
2.3 Environmental hazards 12
2.4 Water supply 12
Chapter 3: Regulatory framework 13
3.1 Public Health Act 2005 13
3.2 Links to local laws and other local government permits and contracts 14
3.3 Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority registered products 14
3.4 Australian Standards 14
Chapter 4: Treatment process 15
4.1 Filtration 16
4.2 Disinfection 18
4.3 Automatic chemical dosing 23
4.4 Disinfection by-products 23
4.5 Troubleshooting guide 24
Chapter 5: Bather numbers, water circulation and turnover times 25
5.1 Bather numbers 26
5.2 Water circulation 26
5.3 Turnover times 27
Chapter 6: Managing water balance 28
6.1 Langelier Saturation Index 28
Chapter 7: Monitoring 31
7.1 Operational monitoring 32
7.2 Verification monitoring 33
7.3 Record keeping 35
Chapter 8: Healthy swimming 36
8.1 Exclusion periods following illness 37
8.2 Showering 37
8.3 Toileting and handwashing 38
8.4 Changing nappies 38
8.5 Avoid swallowing pool water 38
8.6 Assistance animals 38
8.7 Signage 39
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8.8 Minimising the likelihood of environmental contamination 39
Chapter 9: Incident response 40
9.1 Response procedures 40
9.2 CT value 41
Chapter 10: Operator training 42
Appendices 43
Appendix 1: Interactive water features (splash pads, spray parks and water play areas) 43
Appendix 2: Water quality criteria and monitoring frequencies 47
Appendix 3: Troubleshooting guide 52
Appendix 4: Recommended turnover times 55
Appendix 5: Langelier Saturation Index 56
Appendix 6: Incident response 58
Appendix 7: Example monitoring log 63
Glossary 64
Reference material 69
Australian Standards 70
International Standard 70
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilitiesDecember 2019
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1.1 Purpose
While public aquatic facilities are vital for maintaining and promoting active lifestyles for
improved health and wellbeing, these facilities have been associated with outbreaks of
illness. Aquatic facility users, especially children, can be affected by disease-causing
microorganisms that are passed through contaminated pool water, contaminated surfaces or
through person-to-person contact.
This guideline assists organisations and people who operate public aquatic facilities to reduce
risks to public health. The focus of the guideline is on water quality associated risks and does
not consider risks related to pool design (e.g. hydraulics), physical safety (e.g. slips and falls),
drowning or sun protection. It can also provide advice to local and state government
environmental health officers to help fulfil their regulatory and advisory roles with respect to
water quality.
Chapter 1: Introduction
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1.2 Scope
The information and advice in this guideline apply to all public aquatic facilities. Public
aquatic facilities are those that are commonly used by the public.
They include but are not limited to:
public swimming pools
and spa pools
learn-to-swim pools
school swimming pools
aquatic facilities in gyms or
fitness centres
some aquatic facilities associated with
apartment blocks, retirement
complexes and strata title and body
corporate developments
aquatic facilities associated with
holiday accommodation, including
holiday parks, hotels, holiday
apartment complexes and motels
water theme parks, with installations
such as water slides, wave simulators
and lazy riverpools
hydrotherapy pools
domestic pools when used for
commercial purposes (such as private
learn-to-swim classes).
interactive water features
Specific information about interactive water features, also known as splash pads, spray
parks and water play areas, is included in Appendix 1.
Although this guideline may be useful to domestic swimming and spa pool owners,
questions about water quality or maintaining these pools are best directed to a pool shop
or pool contractor.
Organisations that manage natural bodies of water for recreational use should refer to the
latest edition of the National Health and Medical Research Councils Guidelines for
managing risks in recreational water (refer to Reference material).
For operational matters not covered by this guideline, public aquatic facility operators should
refer to the Royal Life Saving Society Australia Guidelines for safe pool operations (refer to
Reference material). This is the recognised guidance document for pool managers to safely
operate aquatic facilities and includes guidance for facility design, risk management, safety
equipment, first aid, asset management, supervision and programs.
1.3 Site-specific risk management plans
Any public aquatic facility can use a site-specific risk management plan to help minimise
potential public health risks. All public aquatic facilities are encouraged to have such a
plan in place, however the use of risk management plans is particularly important for
high-risk facilities (refer to Table A2.4 Risk categories to inform monitoring frequencies
Risk Categories to inform monitoring frequencies in Appendix 2), where a facility cannot
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meet elements of this guideline, or where a facility falls outside the scope of this
A site-specific risk management plan may include:
a description of the facility, its source
water, and its treatment systems
staff roles and responsibilities,
competency or training requirements
water quality targets and treatment
hazard identification
risk assessment
identification of control measures
specific incident response procedures
operational monitoring
verification monitoring
data recording and reporting
stakeholder contact list.
Potential users of the aquatic facility, including any vulnerable groups such as children,
immune compromised, pregnant or elderly bathers should be considered in the risk
assessment. For example, an aged care or hospital aquatic facility may implement
additional controls such as increased frequency of verification monitoring to verify water
quality is within specification.
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Public aquatic facilities are important for maintaining and promoting active lifestyles.
Although using public aquatic facilities provides many health benefits, if aquatic facilities
are not properly managed, the health of bathers may be put at risk. This is particularly
relevant for vulnerable groups such as young children, the elderly and people with low
Bathers can be affected by disease-causing microorganisms (pathogens) that are passed on
through contaminated pool water, contaminated surfaces or person-to-person contact.
Key points
Poorly managed public aquatic facilities can create ideal conditions for
spreading disease.
In public aquatic facilities, microbiological hazards pose the greatest risk to
health because they can cause outbreaks of disease.
Chemicals can pose a risk to the health of bathers and staff.
Chapter 2: Public health hazards
associated with public aquatic facilities
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Similarly, certain chemicals can put the health of bathers at risk. This chapter provides
general guidance on the types of public health hazards that bathers can be exposed to in
public aquatic facilities.
2.1 Microbiological hazards
Microbiological hazards that can cause illness in humans include viruses, bacteria, protozoa
and fungi. In public aquatic facilities, microbiological hazards pose the greatest risk to
public health because they can cause outbreaks of illness.
Microbiological hazards are typically introduced into aquatic facilities through the following
faecal matterfor example, from a contaminated water source, through faecal accidents,
or through shedding of faecal matter from bathers.
other contaminants for example, shedding from human skin, mucus, vomit or other
secretions, from animals, windblown matter, stormwater runoff, or natural inhabitants of
warm water environments (such as blue-green algae) that flourish if introduced into
poorly disinfected aquatic facilities.
Table 1 lists common illnesses related to microbiological hazards in public aquatic
facilities. Gastroenteritis and skin, wound and ear infections are the most common. Other
conditions such as respiratory illnesses caused by Legionella are less common and are
typically associated with poorly maintained spa pools. Illness caused by Acanthamoeba,
atypical Mycobacterium, Leptospira and Naegleria from aquatic facilities are uncommon,
with infrequent reports of illness in Australia or internationally.
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Table 1: Illnesses associated with aquatic facilities
Type of illness
Group of causal
Example of causal
Example source of causal
Gastroenteritis Virus
Norovirus Faecal accidents
Bather shedding
Vomit accidents
Hepatitis A
Escherichia coli
(E. coli)
Skin, wound and ear
Bather shedding in water or
on wet surfaces
Bather shedding in water, wet
surfaces or swimming aids
(plantar wart)
Bather shedding in water or
wet surfaces, in particular on
changing room floors and in
virus (chickenpox)
Direct contact with infectious
fluid from an infectious
person such as sharing a
towel with an infectious
Tinea pedis
(athletes foot)
Bather shedding on floors in
changing rooms, showers and
facility decks
Eye and nose
Adenovirus Faecal accidents (and nasal
and eye secretions)
Swimming pool
Bather shedding in water and
on wet surfaces
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 11 of 70
Type of illness
Group of causal
Example of causal
Example source of causal
Aerosols from spas and water
(Pontiac fever and
Legionella Aerosols from spas and water
Poorly maintained showers
encephalitis (GAE)
Acanthamoeba Aerosols from spas
Bather shedding in water or
on wet surfaces
Wide ranging from
flu-like symptoms
to severe organ
Leptospira Urine from infected animals
Primary amoebic
Naegleria fowleri Warm water environments
that are inadequately
Biofilm in pipes and other
components in inadequately
disinfected waters
Adapted from: NSW Department of Health 2013-Public swimming pool and spa pool advisory document
The risk of passing on illness increases if the pool water is not properly managed. Of all the
microbiological hazards listed in Table 1, Cryptosporidium, the cause of the illness
cryptosporidiosis, is responsible for most outbreaks of illness associated with public aquatic
facilities. Cryptosporidium causes diarrhoea that, in some cases, can last up to 30 days.
Cryptosporidium is a problematic microbiological hazard in public aquatic facilities because
Cryptosporidium oocysts are much more resistant to chlorine disinfection than other
microbiological hazards. Also, a person affected by cryptosporidiosis can continue to have
Cryptosporidium oocysts in their faeces for several weeks after the symptoms have gone.
Therefore, an exclusion period of at least 14 days after all symptoms have ceased is
recommended to prevent potential contamination of a public aquatic facility.
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2.2 Chemical hazards
Chemical hazards can pose a risk to the health of bathers and staff. It is important that
chemicals are used and stored according to the manufacturers instructions. Personnel
who handle chemicals should be appropriately trained and wear the correct personal
protective equipment. Safety Data Sheets should be available onsite for all chemicals used
by a public aquatic facility.
Disinfection by-products can also pose health risks. Disinfection by-products are chemical
compounds that form when disinfection chemicals react with contaminants from the skin,
hair, sweat, saliva, urine and other organic matter. The most common disinfection by-
products associated with public aquatic facilities are chloramines and trihalomethanes.
Disinfection by-products pose a risk not only to water quality but also to air quality in indoor
facilities. To help ensure the health and comfort of bathers and staff, ventilation rates detailed
in the Building Code of Australia (Council of Australian Governments, 2016) and Australian
Standard 1668.2 should be followed for all indoor facilities.
2.3 Environmental hazards
Although bathers are mostly responsible for introducing contamination, it can also be
introduced from the surrounding environment and can vary seasonally. Environmental
contamination can be a particular problem for outdoor aquatic facilities where matter such
as dust, soil, sand, leaves and grass can easily enter the pool. Birds, bats and other animals
can also contaminate the pool with their droppings.
2.4 Water supply
The best available water supply, ideally mains drinking water, should always be used to fill a
pool. Roof-harvested rainwater could be used for pools provided it is introduced into the pool
through the balance tank to allow sufficient treatment. Recycled water, including treated
stormwater or sewage, is not suitable to use in swimming pools due to risks to human health
from microbiological and chemical contaminants.
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3.1 Public Health Act 2005
In Queensland, public health risks associated with public aquatic facilities are overseen by
local governments under the Public Health Act 2005 (the Act). The Act provides local
government environmental health officers with powers to help them determine whether
there is a public health risk at a public aquatic facility. The Act also provides enforcement
tools to address public health risks.
State Government environmental health officers may oversee the management of public
health risks associated with the use of State Government-owned or operated public aquatic
facilities. State Government environmental health officers may also provide advice in
response to an outbreak of disease that has occurred at any public aquatic facility or on the
remediation of a contaminated aquatic facility.
Key points
The Public Health Act 2005 provides environmental health officers with powers
to manage public health risks associated with public aquatic facilities.
Local governments may enact local laws about public aquatic facilities.
Chapter 3: Regulatory framework
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The Act does not require compliance with this guidance document. However, environmental
health officers may use it to help determine whether a public health risk exists and whether
public aquatic facilities are being appropriately managed.
3.2 Links to local laws and other local
government permits and contracts
Some Queensland local governments have enacted local laws regarding public aquatic
facilities under the Local Government Act 2009. These laws, in addition to conditions specified
on permits or in operational contracts, may specifically require aquatic facility operators to
comply with elements of this guideline that are suitable for compliance purposes. Public
aquatic facility operators should check with their local council to find out if there are any
relevant local laws in their local government area.
3.3 Australian Pesticides and Veterinary
Medicines Authority registered products
Swimming pool and spa chemicals sold in Australia are regulated under the Australian
Governments Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994. The Australian
Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) operates the Australian system that
evaluates, registers and regulates agricultural, veterinary and swimming pool chemicals.
This means that swimming pool and spa chemical products must be registered with the
APVMA before they can be sold to the leisure industry or to the general public.
The APVMA requires that spa and pool chemical suppliers and manufacturers show they
have followed a rigorous process before the product can be registered for use in Australia.
This process is described on the link to the APVMA website shown in the Reference material
section of this guideline.
Queensland Health only supports using primary disinfectants (as discussed in section 4.2.2)
that have been registered with the APVMA or have undergone independent testing against
the APVMAs guidelines. The APVMAs database of registered products can be searched via
the link to the APVMA website shown in the Reference materialsection of this guideline.
3.4 Australian Standards
There are a number of Australian Standards that apply to public aquatic facilities. Where they
are relevant for a particular facility, the most recently published Australian Standards should
be complied with. A list of Australian Standards that apply to public aquatic facilities is
provided in the Reference material section of this guideline.
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Public aquatic facilities must maintain suitable water quality to prevent the spread of
illness. Facilities are expected to have effective treatment barriers in place to reduce harmful
microorganisms including viruses, bacteria and protozoan parasites. All public aquatic
facilities should adopt a multi-barrier approach which involves two or more types of
treatment processes to address pathogen risk. Each barrier (treatment process) on its own
Key points
Aquatic facilities should adopt a multi-barrier approach to protect water
quality; this means there should be two or more types of treatment processes
to reduce pathogen risk.
At a minimum, treatment processes must include filtration combined with
primary (chlorine- or bromine-based) disinfection.
Secondary disinfection is recommended for all public aquatic facilities,
particularly for high-risk facilities where there is a need for extra protection
against Cryptosporidium.
Chapter 4: Treatment process
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 16 of 70
may not be able to completely remove or prevent contamination, but together, the barriers
work to provide greater assurance that the water will be safe for use. Treatment processes
need to be operated, monitored and maintained in accordance with manufacturers
instructions to minimise variability in performance.
At a minimum, treatment processes should include filtration combined with primary
(chlorine- or bromine-based) disinfection. For facilities categorised as high-risk, additional
secondary disinfection such as ultraviolet (UV) disinfection or ozone is recommended to
reduce Cryptosporidium risk.
4.1 Filtration
In basic terms, filtration is a process of separating solids from liquids. In a public aquatic
facility, filtration is a treatment process that physically removes suspended particles from the
water. Effective filtration is an essential pre-treatment to effective disinfection.
Filters are often categorised according to their allowable operating flow rates. The flow rate
is a measure of how much water flows through each square metre of the filter mediums
surface area per hour and is expressed as cubic metres per hour per square metre
), also described as the filtration flux (flowrate per unit area). Generally, the slower
the flow of water through the filter, the more efficiently it removes particles. Filters installed
at an aquatic facility will have a maximum operational flowrate, based on the flux suitable
for effective filtration.
New filtration systems should be designed to maximise the removal of Cryptosporidium.
Filters capable of removing particles 4 microns in diameter (refer to National Health and
Medical Research Councils Australian Drinking Water Guidelines in Reference material) and
achieving a filtrate turbidity of no more than 0.5 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units)
consistently will provide additional protection against Cryptosporidium.
For new aquatic facilities ultrafine precoat filters can achieve effective removal of
Cryptosporidium oocysts, when operated correctly, without the need for secondary
disinfection. However, facilities relying on conventional media filters should also employ a
secondary disinfection system (see 4.2.3).
Key points
Effective filtration improves the efficacy of disinfection and is an essential
treatment step for protecting the health of public aquatic facility users.
Filters capable of removing Cryptosporidium oocysts (4 microns in diameter)
reduce the risk of cryptosporidiosis in bathers.
New filtration systems should be designed to maximise the removal of
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 17 of 70
With chlorine-tolerant human pathogens like Cryptosporidium becoming
increasingly common in aquatic venues, effective filtration is a crucial process in
controlling waterborne disease transmission and protecting public health.'
World Health Organization 2006
Where a public aquatic facility has a number of different pools or water attractions, each water
body should ideally have its own filtration system. Independent filtration systems for each
water body provides the potential to isolate water bodies at higher risk of contamination from
lower risk pools, thereby allowing for some parts of the facility to remain open if only one
water body becomes contaminated. This is particularly important if pools are used by young
children who have not been toilet-trained.
Each filtration system should ideally have multiple filter units to allow backwashing of one
filter whilst maintaining filtration of the recirculating pool water. This flexibility also enables a
planned inspection and maintenance program, which is essential for filter efficiency.
Filtration types differ markedly in terms of the media, coagulant, process configuration and
the operational conditions applied. Each filter type should be operated in accordance with
the manufacturers specified operating parameters including filtration rates and run times,
head loss and backwash rates. The filter should be based on maximum bather numbers,
operating 24 hours per day.
The following processes make filtration more effective:
Coagulation. Where a facility uses media filtration, the use of coagulants and flocculants,
when used in accordance with manufacturers instructions, can assist with the removal of
fine, dissolved, colloidal or suspended material, and most pathogens.
Backwashing. Backwashing is the process of reversing the flow of water back through the
filters to flush trapped material to waste. Backwashing should take place whenever the
difference between the filter inlet pressure and the filter outlet pressure (differential
pressure, or pressure drop) reaches a level identified by the manufacturer or based on a
maximum filtration timeframe. Backwash water should always be sent to waste; the
concentration of contaminants in backwash water makes it unsuitable for re-use (without
advanced treatment).
For media filters discard filtrate immediately following backwashing until the filtrate runs
clear. This will help minimise breakthrough of particulates following backwashing.
Air scouring of media filters after backwash can significantly improve filter cleaning.
Cartridge filters must be removed and cleaned according to manufacturers instructions.
To monitor the efficacy of the filtration system, the operational monitoring program should
include monitoring of the coagulation dosing process, flowrate, filtration cycle including
filter-to-waste times, triggers for backwashing and turbidity.
Turbidity should be monitored immediately post filtration. The recommended limits for
turbidity are listed in Table A2.1 and Table A2.2 in Appendix 2.
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4.2 Disinfection
Effectively disinfecting the water in a public aquatic facility is the best way to protect the
health of bathers. Disinfection is the process of inactivating disease-causing
microorganisms through either physical destruction (e.g. by ultraviolet light) or by adding
specific disinfectant chemicals (e.g. ozone). Filtration of pool water is required to remove
particles and allow chemicals to directly contact microorganisms; therefore, disinfection
systems should be located post filtration and treat 100% of the filtration flow.
Not all disinfectants available on the market are fit for use in a public aquatic facility. Ideally
a disinfectant should:
be able to inactivate all disease-causing microorganisms
be fast-acting
maintain lasting residual effectiveness
be dosed easily, accurately and safely
be non-toxic to humans at levels required for effective disinfection
not cause damage to infrastructure
be able to be measured accurately and simply on site.
In practice, no single disinfectant is able to meet all of these criteria completely.
The most suitable type of disinfectant will depend on a range of factors including:
Key points
Chlorine- and bromine-based disinfectants are the only chemical-based
disinfectants acceptable for use in public aquatic facilities for primary disinfection.
Recommended disinfectant residuals (concentrations) should be maintained at all
Automatic dosing is recommended for all facilities for consistent and reliable dosing.
Automatic dosing enables the operator to respond to variables, such as bather
numbers and weather conditions, that can modify dosing requirements.
Secondary disinfection is recommended for all public aquatic facilities, particularly
for high-risk facilities where there is a need for extra protection against
Secondary disinfection should be designed to achieve a minimum 99.9% inactivation
of Cryptosporidium oocysts as water passes through the disinfection system.
Pool circulation systems should have adequate water turnover to ensure disinfected
water is present in all parts of the aquatic facility.
Operators of public aquatic facilities should implement proactive strategies to
manage disinfection by-products.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 19 of 70
indoor or outdoor situation
the type of aquatic facility such as general pool or specialised hydrotherapy
the chemical characteristics of the water supply
the number of people who use the facility
circulation capacity and pool design
chemical handling and safety issues
supervision and maintenance requirements
pool water temperatures.
4.2.1 Types of disinfectants
In this guideline, disinfectants are categorised as either ‘primaryor ‘secondary
disinfectants. Primary disinfectants must not only be capable of killing hazardous
microorganisms, but they must also persist in the water to provide ongoing disinfection.
They provide the greatest overall level of disinfection and should therefore be used at all
public aquatic facilities. As mentioned in Chapter 3, in Australia the APVMA assesses primary
disinfectants for their effectiveness and safety.
At the time of publication, the only primary disinfectants registered by the APVMA and
acceptable to use in public aquatic facilities, are specific compounds that are chlorine- or
bromine-based. These disinfectants are generally effective at inactivating viruses and bacteria
that can cause disease. However, neither chlorine nor bromine is effective against
Cryptosporidium at levels that are acceptable for general use when the pool is operational.
Secondary disinfectants generally boost or support primary disinfection and are
recommended for all facilities, particularly for high risk facilities (refer to Table A2.4 in
Appendix 2) where there is a need for extra protection against Cryptosporidium. Commonly
accepted secondary disinfection systems include ozone and UV disinfection systems.
4.2.2 Primary disinfectants Chlorine-based disinfectants
[Refer to Table A2.1 in Appendix 2 for the chemical criteria for facilities using chlorine-based disinfectants.]
Chlorine is the most common primary disinfectant and is generally effective at inactivating
viruses and bacteria that can cause disease. Chlorine is not effective against certain
protozoa such as Cryptosporidium at levels that are acceptable for regular use.
Approved chlorine-based chemicals include:
elemental chlorine gas
liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite)
granular chlorine (calcium and lithium hypochlorite)
electrolytic generation of chlorine from salt (salt chlorination)
stabilised chlorine granules/tablets (dichloroisocyanurate and trichloroisocyanurate).
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 20 of 70
The concentration of stock chlorine solutions can degrade quickly with improper storage. As
with all chemicals, chlorine should be stored in accordance with the label instructions.
When chlorine is added to water it forms a mixture of hypochlorous acid (a strong
disinfectant) and hypochlorite ions (a weaker disinfectant). Together, hypochlorous acid and
hypochlorite ion make up what is known as free chlorine’.
The pH of the water will affect how much of the stronger disinfectant (hypochlorous acid) is
formed. To ensure free chlorine remains effective, pH is recommended to be maintained
within the range listed in Table A2.1 in Appendix 2. If the pH drops too low, it may affect bather
comfort; if it becomes too high the free chlorine will lose most of its disinfection power.
Free chlorine can react with nitrogen-containing contaminants in the water, such as
ammonia, to form combined chlorineor chloramine’. Combined chlorine is unwanted
because it is not only a poor disinfectant, but it can also cause skin irritation, eye irritation,
corrosion and a strong and offensive chlorine smell’.
When added together, free and combined chlorine is called total chlorine’. When
evaluating total chlorine values, the combined chlorine value should not exceed the level
stated in Table A2.1 in Appendix 2.
Chlorine demand
Chlorine demand reflects the amount of free chlorine that is lost or used up through reactions
with microorganisms and other contaminants in the water; it is the difference between the
amount of chlorine added to the water and the amount of free available chlorine or combined
chlorine remaining at the end of a specified time period. Chlorine demand is often relative to
the number of bathers but is ultimately related to the total amount of contaminants in the
water (leaves, dirt, cosmetics, sunscreen etc.). The greater the chlorine demand, the greater
the amount of chlorine that will need to be added to the water to ensure the minimum
recommended free chlorine level is maintained at all times. Chlorine demand can be reduced
by encouraging bathers to shower before they enter the water and designing public aquatic
facilities such that environmental contamination is minimised.
Stabilised chlorine
In outdoor facilities sunlight breaks down chlorine, which can lead to significant loses of
free chlorine. Stabilised chlorine (chlorine with cyanuric acid added to it) can be used to
address this issue because cyanuric acid bonds loosely to the free chlorine to minimise
the impact of UV light. It can be purchased as granules/tablets or can be formed by adding
cyanuric acid to water containing free chlorine.
The decision to use stabilised chlorine in an outdoor aquatic facility and the level at which it
is added should be balanced against the need for immediate remediation in the event of a
diarrhoeal incident or Cryptosporidium contamination incident (refer to Appendix 6). Use of
stabilised chlorine can affect the effectiveness of hyperchlorination procedures. For
hyperchlorination to be undertaken, cyanuric acid concentration levels need to be dropped
below 15 mg/L. This may involve partially draining the pool and adding fresh water.
The maximum level of cyanuric acid that is recommended to be added to an outdoor pool is
detailed in Table A2.1 in Appendix 2. Cyanuric acid reduces the disinfection power of
hypochlorous acid, therefore the minimum free chlorine level should be maintained at the
level listed in Table A2.1 in Appendix 2. Cyanuric acid should not be used in indoor pools.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 21 of 70 Bromine-based disinfectants
[Refer to Table A2.2 in Appendix 2 for the chemical criteria for facilities using bromine-based primary
Bromine is another primary disinfectant that works in a similar way to chlorine. Bromine-
based chemicals include:
bromo-chloro-dimethylhydantoin (BCDMH) tablets
sodium bromide with an activator (hypochlorite or ozone).
Bromine is more stable at higher temperatures than chlorine but slightly less effective as a
disinfectant, therefore the minimum concentrations must be higher. Bromine is commonly
used in spa pools but, because it will decay in sunlight and cannot be stabilised, is rarely
used in larger outdoor aquatic facilities.
The effectiveness of bromine is also affected by pH but to a lesser extent than for chlorine.
To ensure bromine remains effective, pH should be maintained within the range detailed in
Table A2.2 in Appendix 2.
Bather contact with brominated pool water can lead to skin issues such as itching and
rashes. However, skin irritation is less likely to occur in properly maintained facilities where
the right water balance is maintained and where regularly exchanging water prevents a
build-up of disinfection by-products and other chemicals.
4.2.3 Secondary disinfectants
Secondary disinfection is recommended for all new high-risk public aquatic facilities (refer
to Table A2.4 in Appendix 2) on the basis of the need for extra protection against
Cryptosporidium. Ultraviolet disinfection
UV disinfection has a higher energy than visible light but, because it has a shorter
wavelength, it is invisible to the human eye. UV light is a powerful secondary disinfectant,
particularly against bacteria and protozoa such as Cryptosporidium. The germicidal
wavelength of UV light kills or inactivates these microorganisms by destroying the nucleic
acid inside them. However, because no lasting disinfection residual can be provided, UV light
is not considered a primary disinfectant.
UV disinfection systems should be designed for full flow (not side stream) to achieve a
minimum 99.9%, inactivation of Cryptosporidium for interactive water features (splash pads,
spray parks and water play areas) and a minimum 99%, reduction for all other types of facility
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).
UV disinfection systems typically have one or more UV lamps installed in the pipework
where the pool water circulates. The sleevesthat protect the UV lamps must be cleaned
regularly so the lamps continue to emit the correct dose. The clarity and flow rate of the
water can also impact the effectiveness of UV lamps, therefore the operational limits set by
the manufacturer should be complied with. Some UV disinfection systems have self-cleaning
lamp sleeves and provide for real-time monitoring of the dose rate.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 22 of 70
The maximum and minimum levels required for chlorine and bromine remain the same
when using UV disinfection. UV disinfection systems should be positioned before any
chlorine or bromine dosing points because the UV light can reduce the concentration of
disinfectant residual in the water. Ozone
Ozone is a highly reactive gas that can be dissolved in water. When dissolved in water, it acts
as a powerful disinfectant that can inactivate a wide range of disease-causing
microorganisms. Ozone is not considered a primary disinfectant because no lasting residual
can be provided.
Ozone is typically used with chlorine as a secondary disinfectant. It provides greater
disinfection power and can inactivate Cryptosporidium oocysts. Ozone systems should be
designed to achieve a 99.9%, reduction of Cryptosporidium for interactive water features
(splash pads, spray parks and water play areas) and a minimum 99%, reduction for all other
types of facility (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).
When ozone returns to its gaseous form, it can cause respiratory irritation. Therefore,
where ozone is used as part of the water treatment system it must be removed from the
water (‘quenched’) before the water is returned to the part of the facility where bathers are
exposed. The treatment systems should include an activated carbon bed or ozone
destructor for quenching ozone before the treated water is returned to the area where
people are using the water. Owing to the safety hazard from ozone, a breakthrough ORP
(oxidation reduction potential) sensor should be installed after the carbon filter to shut
down and raise an alarm if ozone is detected after the filter.
The maximum and minimum levels required for chlorine should be maintained when using
ozone. Ozone systems should be located before any chlorine dosing points because the
activated carbon bed or ozone destructor will also remove any chlorine in the water.
Avoid the use of ozone with BCDMH because it may produce bromate,
a harmful disinfection by-product. Chlorine dioxide
Unlike chlorine-based disinfectants, chlorine dioxide is not a form of primary disinfection
because it does not produce free chlorine. Chlorine dioxide is a powerful disinfectant;
however, it is more complex to dose consistently compared with chlorine and bromine.
Some public aquatic facilities may use chlorine dioxide as a supplementary shock
treatmentto manage health risks associated with Cryptosporidium and Giardia or the
build-up of biofilm. If the chlorine dioxide manufacturer has validated the treatment
efficacy, some facilities may choose to use chlorine dioxide for managing chloramine
concentrations or in response to faecal contamination incidents.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 23 of 70
4.3 Automatic chemical dosing
Automatic dosing of primary disinfectants is strongly recommended for all public aquatic
facilities. Automatic dosing systems can be programmed with a set range of values that
ensure optimal disinfection. Automatic dosing systems will range in complexity but, at a
minimum, all dosing systems should be operated to ensure chemicals are dosed within the
operational set point range to ensure the appropriate disinfectant residual is maintained at
all times More advanced automatic dosing systems allow for proportional dosingwhereby
the dose rate varies according to the magnitude of the deviation from the set point.
4.4 Disinfection by-products
Disinfection by-products are unwanted chemical compounds that form when disinfection
chemicals react with organic matter in the water, including contaminants from skin, hair,
sweat, saliva and urine. The most common disinfection by-products associated with public
aquatic facilities are chloramines and trihalomethanes. Public health risks from
disinfection by-products in aquatic facilities are likely to be low. By contrast,
microbiological risks are significant if disinfection is inadequate. At no time should
disinfection be compromised or reduced over concerns relating to disinfection by-
4.4.1 Chloramines
Chlorine reacts with certain nitrogen-containing compounds introduced by bathers (mostly
urine and sweat) to form chloramines (also known as combined chlorine’). Chloramines can
cause skin and eye irritation and have a strong smell that bathers often incorrectly associate
with high levels of chlorine.
Chloramines can also affect air quality in indoor venues. As such, adequate ventilation is
essential. Specific advice on controlling the air quality impacts of chloramines in indoor
facilities is contained in the NSW Department of Healths (2013) fact sheet Controlling
chloramines in indoor swimming pools (refer to Reference material).
Reducing the amount of nitrogen-containing compounds introduced into the water will help
to reduce the rate at which chloramines are produced. Requiring bathers to shower with
soap and rinse well before swimming or entering the water, and strongly encouraging regular
toilet breaks, can help achieve this.
Chloramines can be controlled with secondary disinfection systems such as medium pressure
UV disinfection and ozone. Alternatively, breakpoint chlorination or oxidisers - such as
hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide and potassium monopersulphate - can be used.
Breakpoint chlorination is a process where enough chlorine is added to a pool to oxidise
chloramines in the water to ensure an effective free chlorine residual is produced.
Chloramines can also be controlled in public aquatic facilities by regular shock dosing of
chlorine to a concentration of at least 10 times the combined chlorine concentration. To
prevent harm, shock dosing must only occur when the facility is closed. The facility should not
be reopened until the total chlorine level is less than 10 mg/L. In instances where shock
dosing does not remove or reduce chloramines, replacing a proportion of the facilitys water
with fresh water can reduce the level of chloramines present.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 24 of 70
4.4.2 Brominated disinfection by-product
Bromine can react with certain organic chemicals to form brominated disinfection by-
products. Reducing the amount of organic chemicals introduced into the water will help to
reduce the rate at which brominated disinfection by-products are produced. Requiring
bathers to shower with soap and rinse well before swimming or entering the water, and
strongly encouraging regular toilet breaks, can help achieve this.
4.4.3 Trihalomethanes
Trihalomethanes are produced when chlorine- and bromine-based disinfectants react with
organic matter that is introduced by bathers, the surrounding environment, or is present in
source water. While long term exposure to elevated levels of trihalomethanes may be
hazardous to human health, in a well-managed aquatic facility they are unlikely to be a
significant health risk.
The risks from exposure to chlorination by-products in reasonably well managed
swimming pools would be considered to be small and must be set against the
benefits of aerobic exercise and the risks of infectious disease in the absence of
World Health Organization 2006
Like chloramines and brominated disinfection by-products, the level of trihalomethanes
can be minimised by getting bathers to shower using soap and rinse thoroughly before
they enter the water.
4.5 Troubleshooting guide
Many variables can affect public aquatic facility treatment systems. Common issues have
been summarised in the troubleshooting guide in Appendix 3. The information provided
should be used as a guide only. There may be other causes that are not listed. Misdiagnosis
or inappropriate action can worsen some problems to a point where the safety of bathers
and staff is at risk. Only suitably qualified or experienced staff should diagnose or
undertake corrective actions. If you are unsure, it is best to seek professional advice.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 25 of 70
Key points
A facility should strike a realistic balance between the number of bathers it
allows and the capacity of the facility and treatment plant.
Effective water circulation ensures treated water reaches all areas of the
facility and that polluted water is removed efficiently.
Short turnover times, in combination with filters that are capable of removing
Cryptosporidium and/or secondary disinfection systems that are capable of
inactivating Cryptosporidium, provide the highest level of protection.
Chapter 5: Bather numbers, water
circulation and turnover times
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 26 of 70
5.1 Bather numbers
Working out the maximum number of bathers that a facility can accommodate should take
into account a number of factors including the surface area of water in the facility, the water
depth, the type of activity and the capability of the water treatment plant.
The maximum bather numbers for a facility should be recorded and pool managers should
ensure systems are in place so that the maximum bather number is not exceeded.
Where entrance to the facility cannot be controlled, the issue of bather numbers should be
addressed in a facility risk management plan.
The maximum bather numbers should be reviewed regularly to determine whether the
treatment system is capable of maintaining the water quality. If the maximum bather
number is approached or exceeded, then operators may need to:
implement strategies to reduce bather numbers (e.g. by sectioning off parts of the pool)
increase the treatment plant capability
further dilute the pool water with fresh water
use additional treatment such as ozone or UV disinfection.
5.2 Water circulation
Efficient water circulation in a public aquatic facility is very important because it ensures
pollutants are adequately removed as quickly as practicable and that treated water reaches
all areas of the facility.
Ideally the majority of pool water should be taken from the surface of the pool because it
contains the highest concentration of pollutants. The remainder should be drawn from the
bottom to remove grit and other matter that accumulates on the floor. Undertaking a dye
test is a reliable way of assessing water circulation and should be conducted during
commissioning of a new facility and repeated following any changes to the filtration or
hydraulic system as well as routinely to ensure water circulation remains effective. A
procedure for undertaking dye tests is detailed in the Water Circulation Dye Test (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 2016).
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5.3 Turnover times
Turnover time is the time taken for a quantity of water that is equal to the volume of water
in the aquatic facility to pass through the filtration system.
Facilities with high bather numbers and low volumes of water (such as shallow wading pools
and spas) require short turnover times, so that water is circulated through the treatment
process more frequently. This is due to the potential for higher contaminant loads in the
water. Facilities with low bather numbers and high volumes of water (such as diving pools)
can use longer turnover times.
A shorter turnover time means there is less time between when contaminants are
introduced into the water and when that water passes through the facilitys water treatment
plant. Using a secondary disinfection system, or a filter that is capable of removing
Cryptosporidium, means the risk to bathers is reduced. This is the basis of the worldwide
trend to decrease the turnover time for public aquatic facilities.
A public aquatic facility operator may have limited control over the turnover time for an
existing water treatment system. However, when retrofitting or upgrading an existing pool, or
constructing a new public aquatic facility, site-specific turnover times should be adopted,
and the inlets and outlets should be positioned so they provide the best water circulation
and contaminant removal. The NSW Department of Health 2013 - Public swimming pool and
spa pool advisory document (Chapter 7) and the Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group 2017 -
Swimming pool water treatment and quality standards for pools and spas (Chapter 6) both
contain acceptable approaches for calculating site-specific turnover times.
If site-specific calculations are not used to determine turnover times, some recommended
times for different types of public aquatic facilities are shown in Table A4.1 in Appendix 4.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 28 of 70
Water balance is about pool water chemistry and how different physicochemical parameters
interact. These parameters include pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, total dissolved
solids and temperature. Water that is not well balanced can affect disinfection, can be
uncomfortable for bathers and can result in scale forming or fittings corroding.
6.1 Langelier Saturation Index
The most common method for checking the balance of water is the Langelier Saturation
Index (LSI). The LSI is a mathematical equation that relates to each of the parameters
Key points
Appropriately balanced water is essential for effective disinfection, bather
comfort and protecting the aquatic facilitys infrastructure.
The most common method for checking the water balance is to use the
Langelier Saturation Index, which takes account of the waters pH, total
alkalinity, calcium hardness, total dissolved solids and temperature.
Chapter 6: Managing water balance
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 29 of 70
described below. This equation is described in detail in Appendix 5. The LSI should always
be within the acceptable range (refer to Table A5. 1 in Appendix 5).
6.1.1 pH
The pH of water is a measure of how acidic or alkaline the water is. The pH of water in all
aquatic facilities should be maintained within the recommended range (refer to Table A2.1
(chlorinated facilities) and Table A2.2 (brominated facilities) in Appendix 2) to ensure
effective disinfection and bather comfort.
If the pH is too high, it can be reduced by adding strong acids such as hydrochloric
(muriatic) acid or sodium bisulphate (dry acid). Acid should always be diluted into water
before being added slowly to the balance tank. Lowering the pH also lowers total
alkalinity, so take care when adding acid to ensure the water stays in balance. Carbon
dioxide can also be used to lower pH but, because it is a weak acid, the pH change will be
slower than when using strong acids.
If the pH is too low, sodium carbonate (soda ash) can be used to raise it quickly. Sodium
bicarbonate (bicarb soda) can be used to raise pH more slowly. Increasing the pH in this way
also increases total alkalinity.
Automatic pH control is recommended for all public aquatic facilities and strongly
recommended for high-risk facilities (refer to Table A2.4 in Appendix 2 for further
information on aquatic facility risk categories).
6.1.2 Total alkalinity
Total alkalinity is a measure of the ability of water to withstand changes to pH (also referred
to as its buffering capacity). Total alkalinity should be maintained within the recommended
range (refer to Table A2.1 (chlorinated facilities) and Table A2.2 (brominated facilities) in
Appendix 2).
If the total alkalinity is too low, the pH can change rapidly. If the total alkalinity is too high,
it will be difficult to adjust the pH. Total alkalinity can be reduced by adding strong acids
or raised by adding chemicals such as bicarb soda, though adding these chemicals will
also affect pH.
6.1.3 Calcium hardness
Calcium hardness is the amount of calcium dissolved in the water. Balanced water should
contain enough calcium so the water does not damage concrete surfaces or tile grout but
not so much that it causes scale to form.
If calcium hardness needs to be raised, it can be increased by adding calcium chloride. If it
needs to be reduced, it can be reduced by draining some water from the aquatic facility and
introducing make-up water containing lower levels of calcium hardness.
6.1.4 Total dissolved solids
Total dissolved solids (TDS) describes the amount of salts and the small amounts of organic
matter dissolved in water.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 30 of 70
The level of TDS in water increases over time as bathers introduce contaminants or when
water treatment chemicals are added. In general, TDS is managed by exchanging facility
water with fresh make-up water. In a well-designed and well-operated aquatic facility, with
regular backwash and routine exchange of water, TDS should not be a significant problem.
6.1.5 Temperature
The temperature of the water will affect its balance, although it is the least important of the
water balance factors. Higher water temperatures can increase bacterial growth in the water,
increase scaling and also affect the comfort of bathers. The temperature of any swimming or
spa pool should not exceed 40°C.
It is important to consider how temperature may vary throughout the diurnal period and
within the swimming or spa pool. Consideration should be given to when and where
temperature is measured to ensure representative results. Locally warmer or cooler parts of
the pool (e.g. near lamps or heaters or after cooler water has topped up the pool or heaters
have been off for some time) should be considered when measuring water temperature.
Samples should be taken, or temperature monitoring devices installed and monitored, to
capture the warmest temperatures experienced in the pool during its use.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 31 of 70
Monitoring public aquatic facilities helps ensure the water quality is maintained. There are
two types of monitoring: operational and verification.
Operational monitoring involves monitoring the performance of treatment processes or
physical variables like water temperature. This could involve manual or automated
operational monitoring to ensure that they are operating within the operational limits.
Operational monitoring provides pool operators with an opportunity to address water
quality immediately. It should be the focus of monitoring activities.
Alternatively, verification monitoring usually involves sending a water sample to a laboratory
to verify that the water quality criteria have been met.
Key points
Operational monitoring should be the main focus for monitoring activities.
Automated operational monitoring is recommended for all public aquatic
facilities and strongly recommended for high-risk facilities.
Chapter 7: Monitoring
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 32 of 70
7.1 Operational monitoring
Operational monitoring includes any automated or manual monitoring of chemical and
physicochemical parameters (for example, concentration of primary disinfectant, pH and
temperature) and is essential for all public aquatic facilities.
Facility operators need to test the water regularly to check that the water treatment systems
are operating as expected. Automated operational monitoring provides for more frequent or
even real timemonitoring and is therefore the better option for operational monitoring.
Manual operational monitoring provides the next best method for determining whether the
treatment systems are operating as they should.
7.1.1 Automated operational monitoring
Automated operational monitoring (sometimes called online monitoring’) usually involves
use of monitoring probes or instruments to provide real-time information about water
quality parameters. These probes require periodic calibration against standard solutions or
calibration standards’. Automated operational monitoring is needed when automatic dosing
systems are used (such as automatic chlorine dosing) but may also be used to monitor other
water quality parameters or treatment steps. Where possible, treatment processes should
have on-line instrumentation to monitor their performance and trigger alarms and
corrective actions to ensure that they are operating within specification and in accordance
with the manufacturers recommendations.
Online instrumentation for filtration systems may include coagulant dosing control, online
filtrate turbidity, pressure differential and flowrate; for ultraviolet disinfection systems,
ultraviolet transmissivity, flowrate, UV lamp age, UV lamp sensor; and for chlorination systems
chlorine setpoint dose, chlorine residual monitoring, pH and temperature. Where automated
operational monitoring is used, the results should be recorded electronically. The automated
monitoring system should be configured to alert facility operators whenever operational
parameters are not within acceptable limits.
Where automated operational monitoring is used, regular manual operational monitoring
should also be used to confirm that the results from the automated systems are accurate.
These samples should be taken from a location just before the monitoring probes.
7.1.2 Manual operational monitoring
Manual operational monitoring provides spot checks of chemical and physicochemical
parameters. Manual samples should be taken from a location furthest from the inlets
where bathers have not been present for the previous 60 seconds. Taking samples for
ozone is an exception; these samples should be taken close to an inlet to confirm ozone is
being removed or quenched’.
7.1.3 Test kits
All aquatic facilities should use appropriately calibrated photometers for manual
operational monitoring. Domestic pool kits and test strips are not recommended for public
aquatic facilities because they are not accurate.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 33 of 70
7.1.4 Frequency of operational monitoring
All aquatic facilities should ensure disinfectant residual, pH and water balance (alkalinity,
calcium hardness and TDS) are monitored regularly. Higher risk facilities should be
monitored more frequently than lower risk facilities. Table A2.4 in Appendix 2 provides
guidance on risk categories for public aquatic facilities. Table A2.5 in Appendix 2 provides
recommended operational monitoring frequencies for each risk category.
7.2 Verification monitoring
Verification monitoring checks that the required water quality criteria have been met.
Verification monitoring typically involves taking a water sample and sending it to an
external laboratory for analysis.
Verification monitoring usually focuses on microbiological parameters but can also include
certain chemical criteria that cannot be easily analysed by pool operators.
7.2.1 Microbiological parameters
Microbiological parameters that should be included in a verification monitoring program for
aquatic facilities include heterotrophic colony count (HCC), Escherichia coli and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Guideline values for each of these parameters are provided in
Table A2.3 in Appendix 2. Heterotrophic colony count
HCC, sometimes referred to as heterotrophic plate countor total plate count’, provides a
basic indication of the microbiological quality of a water sample. HCC does not
differentiate between harmless and potentially harmful bacteria; it provides a simple
indication of the number of bacteria present in the water. However, it can also provide
important information that can help determine whether the filtration and disinfection
processes are operating effectively.
Elevated HCC results suggest disinfection systems are not operating as required and so the
performance of the treatment processes should be checked. If a treatment deficiency is
found, actions should be taken to correct it (refer to Appendix 6). If no treatment deficiencies
are found, a resample should be taken to verify there are no ongoing issues. If ongoing
issues are found, the treatment process and/or management of the aquatic facility may
need to be improved, e.g. through enhancing cleaning, water chemistry, water turnover,
reducing bather numbers or treatment upgrades. Escherichia coli
E. coli is a bacterium found in large numbers in the faeces of warm-blooded mammals. Most
strains of E. coli are harmless, but some can cause serious illness in humans. E. coli is
typically used as an indicator of faecal contamination and its presence in water suggests
that filtration and disinfection may not have been effective and therefore disease-causing
microorganisms may also be present.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 34 of 70
Where a laboratory does not analyse for E. coli, samples may be submitted for
thermotolerant coliform analysis because these are the next best indicator of faecal
contamination. A noncompliant E. coli or thermotolerant coliforms result indicates
deficiencies in disinfection and this should trigger an investigation into the performance of
the treatment process. If a treatment deficiency is found, appropriate remedial action will
need to be taken (refer to Appendix 6) and a resample taken to verify the effectiveness of the
remedial action. If no treatment deficiencies are found, a resample should be taken anyway
to verify there are no ongoing issues. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a bacterium that can cause a range of infections in humans. It
can be introduced to the water from bathers or from the surrounding environment.
Pseudomonas in the water can mean that disinfection systems are not operating as they
should, and appropriate remedial actions will need to be taken (refer to Appendix 6).
7.2.2 Chemical parameters
Chemical parameters that should be included in a verification monitoring program for
aquatic facilities include chloramines and ozone, if used. Guideline values for each of these
parameters are provided in Table A2.1 in Appendix 2.
7.2.3 Frequency of verification monitoring
Verification monitoring should never be used as a substitute for operational monitoring.
Higher risk facilities should undertake more frequent verification monitoring than lower risk
facilities. Table A2.4 in Appendix 2 provides guidance on risk categories for public aquatic
facilities. Table A2.6 provides recommended verification monitoring frequencies for
microbiological parameters for each risk category and Table A2.7 provides recommended
verification monitoring frequencies for chemical parameters for each risk category.
The frequency of verification monitoring may be reduced via a risk assessment process. For
example, where long-term monitoring (for example, monthly over a full calendar year of
operation) shows a chemical parameter to be consistently compliant with the guideline
level, frequency can be reduced to quarterly.
The frequency of verification monitoring may also have to be increased in some
circumstances. For example, following any significant change in pool operations or treatment,
during high use periods or following a change in chemical used, verification frequency for
relevant parameters should be increased until evidence of a return to stable values is shown.
Frequent verification monitoring should also be undertaken at all public aquatic facilities
when commissioning new water treatment equipment, or when there is some uncertainty
about the effectiveness of the water treatment processes in place.
7.2.4 Taking a verification sample
Verification samples should be taken from a location furthest from the water inlets where
bathers have not been present for the previous 60 seconds. When taking verification
samples always take the following steps:
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 35 of 70
remove the cap from the sample bottle
Immerse the bottle, neck down in the water to a depth of about 300 mm. At this point the
container should be tilted to face horizontally away from the hand and then be moved
horizontally until the container is full
Remove the sample container, replace the bottle lid and label before storing in an
appropriate container (such as an esky or cooler). Ensure samples are maintained in the
conditions and sample submission timeframes specified by the laboratory. Freezer bricks
can be used to ensure the samples stay cool during transport and kept within the correct
temperature range and the required holding period
Verification samples should be submitted to a laboratory that the National Association of
Testing Authorities (NATA) has accredited to perform the requested analysis
Samples must be analysed within 24 hours of collection. Microbiological sampling
Microbiological samples should only be taken using a sample container provided by the
analytical laboratory. It is important that the analytical laboratory is aware that the sample
is to be taken from an aquatic facility with disinfected water and provide the appropriate
neutralising agent in the sample container. Neutralising agent in the sample bottles helps to
ensure that the results of microbiological sampling are representative of the water quality.
Samples should be maintained in the conditions and sample submission timeframes
specified by the laboratory. Samples must be analysed within 24 hours of collection.
7.3 Record keeping
All aquatic facilities should maintain a record of operational and verification monitoring
results for at least 12 months. Monitoring logs should be filled out when samples are
analysed and then retained on site. An example of a monitoring log template is provided
in Appendix 7.
Aquatic facilities should have arrangements in place to ensure that the laboratory
undertaking the analysis immediately reports the results to the person(s) responsible for
managing and maintaining water quality. Results should be reviewed on receipt for
compliance with the appropriate water quality criteria (refer to Appendix 2). Appropriate
corrective actions should be undertaken in instances where non-compliant results are
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 36 of 70
Bather hygiene and aquatic facility design are important factors in keeping swimming pools
clean and to prevent disease-causing microorganisms and environmental contaminants
being introduced.
Key points
Do not swim if you have diarrhoea and do not swim for 14 days after
symptoms have stopped.
Shower and wash with soap, especially your bottom, before swimming.
Wash your hands with soap after going to the toilet or changing a nappy.
Change nappies in nappy change areas only.
Avoid swallowing pool water.
Chapter 8: Healthy swimming
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 37 of 70
8.1 Exclusion periods following illness
Bathers can introduce large numbers of disease-causing microorganisms into the water.
Disease-causing microorganisms come from the faeces of infected bathers. The period
during which disease-causing microorganisms are excreted varies from person to person
however, once pool water is contaminated with these microorganisms, disease can spread to
other people, even when only small amounts of water are swallowed.
In the case of an infection with Cryptosporidium, an infected person will excrete
Cryptosporidium during the illness and up to 14 days after symptoms have resolved (two
weeks after the diarrhoea has stopped). This is particularly concerning because sufferers, even
those who are no longer symptomatic and have showered, may introduce a small amount of
faecal matter into the water, causing contamination. Furthermore, Cryptosporidium is resistant
to the levels of chlorine or bromine typically used for pool disinfection. This means it can
survive in the water for long periods and potentially make others sick.
Signage should be displayed at every public access point advising bathers who have
recently had a diarrhoeal illness to not swim for 14 days after symptoms stop. The signage
should also advise parents to exclude their children for 14 days if their children have had a
diarrhoeal illness. Staff who use a public aquatic facility as part of their job should also
adhere to these exclusion periods, although these staff may still undertake tasks that
dont involve being in the water.
Public aquatic facilities can encourage parents to prevent ill children from attending swim
lessons by promoting exclusion periods and providing catch-upswim lessons for children
who have recently had a diarrhoeal illness. All facilities should offer learn-to-swim class
structure fees to allow refunds or catch-uplessons if a child is sick with diarrhoea (and for
14 days after symptoms resolve) during the enrolment period.
8.2 Showering
Some people can become infected with disease-causing microorganisms without becoming
ill; these are known as asymptomaticinfections. Although these people might not become
ill, they will still have disease-causing microorganisms in their faeces. These people, like all
other bathers, may have small amounts of faecal material on their bottom, which can
transfer disease-causing microorganisms into the water. For this reason, it is important that
all bathers shower and wash with soap before entering the water.
Pre-swim showering is a difficult requirement to enforce for many existing aquatic
facilities. Bathers can be prompted to shower before using the facility via strategically
placed signage at public access points, by providing soap dispensers in the shower
facilities and ensuring change rooms are kept hygienic and pleasant to use. Visual and
verbal reminders to encourage bathers to shower before using a public aquatic facility can
help to change behaviour, reduce chlorine demand and reduce the rate at which
disinfection by-products are created.
In the design of new aquatic facilities, showers should be easily accessible and
strategically located. Consider designs that require bathers to enter the change rooms
before they can enter the aquatic facility itself because this will encourage bathers to
shower before entering the water.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 38 of 70
8.3 Toileting and handwashing
To help minimise public health risks, it is important to encourage proper toileting
behaviour among bathers. Parents and the guardians of children should be encouraged to
ensure their young children use the toilet before entering a public aquatic facility as well
as regularly while at the facility. Toilets should include signs to encourage bathers to wash
their hands with soap before returning to the water. Always provide enough soap for
handwashing. In the design of new aquatic facilities, toilets should be easily accessible
and positioned close to the swimming area(s).
8.4 Changing nappies
Nappy change areas should be provided in an easily-accessible location, kept clean,
sanitised regularly, and always be supplied with soap for handwashing. Wash-down water
from nappy change areas should not be allowed to flow to the pool or stormwater. Bins
should be provided for used disposable nappies and these should be emptied regularly.
Infant aqua nappiesand swim pants are commonly used but can give a false sense of
security regarding faecal contamination. There is no evidence to suggest that they can
prevent faecal material from leaking into the pool.
Regular nappy changing and frequent trips to the toilet can reduce the chance of a faecal
accident. Staff should let patrons know that nappies can only be changed in nappy change
areas rather than near the waters edge.
8.5 Avoid swallowing pool water
Many illnesses associated with public aquatic facilities occur after swallowing contaminated
water, so all bathers should be discouraged from drinking pool water. Children should also be
supervised and discouraged from whale spittingbecause this can often lead to accidently
swallowing water. If possible, locate drinking fountains at convenient locations within the
aquatic facility, particularly near areas used for exercise.
8.6 Assistance animals
Assistance animals (such as guide dogs) can be permitted to enter a public aquatic facility
but should not be permitted to enter the water.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 39 of 70
8.7 Signage
Appropriate signage can help ensure bathers practise good hygiene. It is best to display
signage at each public access point that says:
If you currently have, or have had, diarrhoea you should not enter the water. You should
not swim for 14 days after symptoms have stopped.
Parents/guardians of children who have had diarrhoea in the past 14 days should ensure
their children do not enter the water.
Please shower using soap and rinsing thoroughly before entering the water.
Avoid swallowing the pool water.
Parents/guardians should ensure young children use the toilet before entering the water
and regularly while at this facility.
Do not change nappies beside the pool or rinse off your child in the pool. Use the change
room provided.
Wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet or changing nappies. Please use the
soap provided.
Do not urinate in the pool. This contaminates the pool water.
Faecal accidents can happen. If you or your child doesnt quite make it to the toilet,
please tell our staff immediately. Confidentiality will be respected.
8.8 Minimising the likelihood of
environmental contamination
Environmental contamination can affect water quality in many ways. Public aquatic facilities
should be designed to reduce the likelihood of environmental contaminants being
introduced into the water.
For outdoor facilities, the surfaces around the facility should be sloped to direct stormwater
away from the water body. Nearby trees should have overhanging branches removed. Any
play equipment should be designed to discourage birds from roosting on it, and barriers
(fences) are recommended to exclude animals.
For indoor aquatic facilities, environmental contamination is also a concern and is
predominantly caused by bathers carrying microorganisms and organic matter into poolside
wet areas.
For a proactive approach to minimise environmental contamination, consider the following:
Dirt traps Matting should be placed at the entry and exit points to aquatic facilities to
capture dirt and additional environmental contaminants carried in on footwear.
Shoe removal points Appropriately signed areas for shoe removal, on entry to pool
change areas and poolside wet areas, can reduce contamination from the external
environment. Providing free storage lockers (with a key deposit) for patrons shoes and
bags can also help to facilitate this change.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 40 of 70
9.1 Response procedures
Despite the best efforts of public aquatic facility operators, the water in an aquatic facility
may become contaminated or a water treatment failure may occur. These incidents often
present a real risk to the health of bathers and it is therefore necessary for the operator(s)
to respond appropriately.
Operators should have documented and readily accessible procedures for responding to
incidents and be trained to carry out these procedures.
Appendix 6 provides guidance on responding to water quality incidents or treatment failures
that may affect public health. These incident response procedures are primarily for larger
Key points
Incidents that adversely affect water quality can occur at any public aquatic facility.
Operators should have documented procedures for responding to incidents.
Staff should be trained to respond to incidents appropriately.
Chapter 9: Incident response
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 41 of 70
aquatic facilities with large volumes of water. For smaller aquatic facilities, it may be easier
to empty the affected water body, remove any accumulated contaminants retained in the
filter, refill and re-establish the necessary water balance and disinfectant residual.
9.2 CT value
In incident response, it is important that all public aquatic facility operators are familiar with
the concept of disinfection CT; a measure of disinfection effectiveness. CT is the concentration
of the disinfectant residual multiplied by the contact time at the point of residual
measurement. It is expressed as milligrams (mg) of chlorine per litre (L) times the number of
minutes for which this concentration of chlorine is maintained (e.g. 15 mg.min/L). CT values are
used to determine what concentration of disinfectant residual and what length of time is
required to inactivate a certain type of disease-causing microorganism. Variations in
disinfection time for a range of pathogenic organisms are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Disinfection times for selected pathogens in pools
Disinfection time
(1 mg/L chlorine at pH 7.5 and 25°C)
E. coli bacteria < 1 minute
Hepatitis A virus 16 minutes
Giardia parasite 45 minutes
Cryptosporidium parasite 15,300 minutes (10.6 days)
Note that in practice only the Cryptosporidium value is relevant to most circumstances since that is the
most resistant pathogen.
Note that these disinfection times relate to the given pH, temperature and disinfectant concentration
ranges, and are influenced by other factors such as turbidity and cyanuric acid. For instance, required
contact times will increase as pH rises and decrease as temperature rises, and vice versa.
9.2.1 Contact time required to inactivate Cryptosporidium
A CT of 15,300 mg.min/L is required to inactivate Cryptosporidium. This can be achieved by
maintaining a free chlorine concentration of 20 mg/L for 13 hours (15,300 ÷ 20 = 765 minutes
or ~13 hours), or 10 mg/L for 26 hours (15,300 ÷ 10 = 1,530 minutes or ~26 hours), or via
alternative combinations of chlorine concentration and time that achieve the required CT. A
higher CT applies to water with cyanuric acid, as noted in Appendix 6. Elevated levels of
chlorine may damage the pool and its components. If required, consult a pool treatment
specialist to determine a suitable combination of concentration and time for the affected
pool(s). Hyperchlorination may not be required if a facility has a system that is validated to
treat Cryptosporidium risk (for example, UV disinfection) and can be proven to have been
operating within the validated parameters during and since the contamination event.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 42 of 70
Operators of public aquatic facilities should be committed to training and continuous
professional development. Membership with a recognised industry body is strongly
The level of operator training should be proportionate to the risk of the facility. Operators of
high-risk aquatic facilities should undertake more extensive training than those who operate
lower risk facilities. It is strongly recommended that operators of high-risk facilities
complete the relevant competency of either a Certificate III (course code CPP31218) or
Certificate IV (course code CPP41312) in Swimming Pool and Spa Service, as offered by a
registered training organisation.
The minimum standard for aquatic facilities would be for staff to undertake a short course
offered by an industry body or registered training organisation. These typically cover the key
water quality-oriented competencies of the Certificate III or IV.
Facility managers should ensure they have adequately trained staff who understand the
treatment processes and know how to maintain water quality. Managers of public aquatic
facilities, particularly managers of larger facilities such as aquatic centres and water parks,
should also consider self-accrediting or obtaining formal accreditation under an industry-
led accreditation framework for facility managers. This may involve completing
qualifications specific to the role of managing a public aquatic facility and undertaking
continuous professional development.
Key points
All staff involved in operating a public aquatic facility should undertake
appropriate training for their role.
Staff who operate high-risk facilities should undertake more extensive training.
Managers of larger public aquatic facilities should consider obtaining industry
Chapter 10: Operator training
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 43 of 70
Appendix 1: Interactive water features
(splash pads, spray parks and water play areas)
The information provided below will help operators of IWFs to minimise the risk to public
Risk management
Interactive water features are considered high risk facilities and it is therefore strongly
recommended that all IWFs have site-specific risk management plans.
IWFs are often located within public open spaces such as parks, so it is important to consider
surrounding land uses and how other activities in the neighbouring area may affect the water
quality of an IWF. For example, sand pits, garden beds and trees will increase the volume of
physical contaminants (such as sand, dirt and leaf litter) entering the IWF. This will
compromise the effectiveness of filtration and disinfection systems.
General site sanitation, including the availability of public infrastructure (such as toilet
and shower facilities) will reduce physical and microbiological contamination of the IWF
water system. Access to showers, toilets and baby change facilities encourages good
hygiene practices among IWF users.
Ideally, fencing should be provided to keep out dogs and other animals during and outside
operating hours. If this cannot be achieved, where IWFs are located in areas where animals
may be present (for example, near dog parks), providing bag dispensers can prompt owners to
collect and dispose of animal faeces.
System design
Full system design plans (as installed) and operating manuals should be maintained so they
can be reviewed by an environmental health officer as required.
The following factors should be considered when designing an IWF:
the quality and availability of the source water (ideally, only potable water should be
containment structures and drainage including upstream interceptor drains to prevent
stormwater runoff entering the IWF
water circulation recirculating water (subject to treatment and re-use) versus non-
recirculating water (passes through the IWF only once)
infrastructure appropriately sized to achieve effective water circulation, turnover,
filtration and disinfection targets
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 44 of 70
materials and system components fit for purpose (slip resistant, anti-entrapment) and
able to withstand ongoing exposure to the surrounding environment including varying
disinfection concentration levels (such as during periodic shock dosing)
water flow engineered to prevent both water stagnation and water pooling
spray plume height and velocity high spray plumes may expose more people due to the
drift of water particles, including people who may not be directly using the facility; low
spray plumes may be more appealing to young children, resulting in accidental or
intentional water consumption
backflow prevention this ensures water supply lines are protected from contamination.
Any backflow device should be installed and commissioned to comply with the relevant
plumbing and drainage legislation.
Recirculating systems
Water storage and circulation
Water should be stored and circulated to allow adequate water turnover and distribution of
disinfectant throughout all parts of the system. Water tanks should be accessible for
cleaning and inspection and be capable of complete draining. Storage capacity, including
both the size and number of tanks required, must be sufficient to ensure an adequate
residual level of disinfectant is maintained within the system.
Water temperature is an important consideration when sizing water storage tanks. Small
volumes of water will heat rapidly when exposed to external surfaces during IWF operation
increasing the risk of microbiological growth. A water turnover rate of no more than 20
minutes is recommended due to the relatively small volumes of water and high pollutant
load associated with IWFs. A flow gauge should be fitted to the system to demonstrate an
adequate flow rate within the IWF.
Filtration: Filtration systems should be fitted to remove particulate matter (soils, leaves etc.)
and potential disease-causing microorganisms. The filtration system should run constantly
while the IWF is open to users.
New filtration systems should be designed to maximise the removal of Cryptosporidium.
Filters capable of removing particles 5 microns in diameter and achieving a filtrate turbidity
of no more than 0.5 NTU consistently will provide additional protection against
Disinfection: Automatic dosing equipment and online monitoring equipment should be
fitted to control the level of disinfectant in the water. Refer to Table A2.1 in Appendix 2 for
water quality parameters and targets. Using cyanuric acid is unlikely to be beneficial where
the majority of the water is contained in a balance tank. In addition, using cyanuric acid in
such instances may reduce the effectiveness of chlorine disinfection.
Secondary disinfection: Secondary disinfection is recommended, usually in the form of UV
disinfection, for all IWFs. UV disinfection can inactivate Cryptosporidium oocysts and medium
pressure UV lamps can control combined chlorine while improving the water quality (including
the odour from combined chlorine). A UV disinfection system should be installed in a location
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 45 of 70
prior to the chlorine dosing point and run constantly while the IWF is open to effectively
control the combined chlorine levels. Prioritise using validated equipment that is capable of
delivering a UV dose required to achieve a minimum 99.9% inactivation of Cryptosporidium
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).
On-site monitoring
Daily on-site monitoring is essential for all IWFs and should include physically inspecting the
site. This is important to maintain an understanding of water quality and to verify the
accuracy and reliability of any remote monitoring. The frequency of monitoring should be
determined as part of the site-specific risk management plan. Routine operational
monitoring should include free chlorine, total chlorine, pH, alkalinity, cyanuric acid (if used)
and water temperature. Refer to Table A2.1 in Appendix 2 for water quality parameter targets.
Records of physical inspection and on-site operational monitoring should be maintained
and made available for compliance inspection.
Remote monitoring
To enable real-time, remote monitoring of free chlorine levels, pH and water temperature,
IWF operators should install probes for free chlorine, pH and temperature.
The probes should be configured to allow automatic shutoff of the IWF when the free
chlorine levels, pH levels or water temperature are out of specification.
If remote monitoring is used, the results should be reliable and accessible during operating
hours and made available during compliance inspections.
Safety signage should be provided in a conspicuous location(s) and include:
contact details for reporting issues/faults with the IWF
advice to not swallow the water
advice not to use the IWF if someone has diarrhoea, and for 14 days after symptoms have
advice for babies and toddlers to wear tight-fitting swim nappies
the location of the nearest public toilets/change rooms
advice that animals are prohibited from accessing the IWF.
Assistance animals
Assistance animals (such as guide dogs) can be permitted to enter an area with an IWF but
should not be permitted to enter the IWF or drink the water.
Seasonal operation
For any IWF that are operated seasonally, to minimise water quality risks the IWF should be
drained to remove any stagnant water prior to closing for the season. Prior to re-opening,
the system should be cleaned and disinfected.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 46 of 70
Operator skills and knowledge
The owner or operator of an IWF should take reasonable care to ensure the person(s)
responsible for managing the IWF has the appropriate skills, knowledge and experience.
Further information on operator training is provided in Chapter 10.
Non-recirculating systems
These systems present a lower public health risk and therefore may not require treatment as
use mains drinking water supply; and
do not recirculate water.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 47 of 70
Appendix 2: Water quality criteria and
monitoring frequencies
Table A2.1 Chemical criteria for facilities using chlorine-based primary disinfectants
Free chlorine
Any pool without cyanuric acid,
other than a spa pool
Min. 1.0 mg/L
Outdoor pool with cyanuric
Min. 2.0 mg/L
Spa pool
Min. 3.0 mg/L
Interactive water feature
Min. 1.0 mg/L
Combined chlorine
Any pool or interactive water
Max. 1.0 mg/L, ideally < 0.2
Total chlorine
Any pool or interactive water
Max. 10 mg/L
Turbidity (pool water)
Any pool or interactive water
Max. 1 NTU, ideally < 0.5 NTU
Any pool or interactive water
Total alkalinity
Any pool or interactive water
80200 mg/L
Cyanuric acid
Outdoor pool only
Max. 50 mg/L, ideally 30 mg/L
Any pool or interactive water
Not detectable
mg/L is equivalent to parts per million or ppm
Free chlorine concentration should be increased when high bather numbers are anticipated to ensure
concentrations are never less than the minimum.
Residual excess ozone is to be quenched before circulated water is returned to the pool.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 48 of 70
Table A2.2 Chemical criteria for facilities using bromine-based primary disinfectants
Any pool, other than a spa
Min. 2.0 mg/L
Spa pool
Min. 6.0 mg/L
Any pool
Max. 8.0 mg/L
Any pool
Sodium bromide
Bromine bank system
Max. 8.0 mg/L
/bromide system
Max. 15 mg/L
Turbidity (pool water)
Any pool
Max. 1 NTU
, ideally <0.5 NTU
Total alkalinity
Any pool
80200 mg/L
Cyanuric acid
Any pool
None no benefit
Table A2.3 Microbiological criteria for all facilities
Parameter Guidelines value
Escherichia coli (or thermotolerant
Less than 1 CFU
/100 mL or
less than 1 MPN
/100 mL
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Less than 1 CFU/100 mL or
less than 1 MPN/100 mL
Heterotrophic colony count (HCC) Less than 100 CFU/mL
mg/L is equivalent to parts per million or ppm
Bromine concentration should be increased when high bather numbers are anticipated to ensure
concentrations are never less than the minimum.
Ozone quenching is not required in an ozone/bromide system.
If turbidity is measured immediately post filtration, it should not exceed 0.5 NTU (DIN 19643 (2012-11)).
NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit.
CFU - colony forming units
MPN - most probable number
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 49 of 70
Table A2.4 Risk categories to inform monitoring frequencies
Low risk facilities Medium risk facilities High risk facilities
Retirement village pools
(not used for organised
exercise activities e.g.
private learn to swim
Residential apartment
Diving pools
Hydrotherapy pools
School pools
Gym pools
Resort pools
Holiday park pools
Motel pools
Theme park wave pools
Interactive water
Wading pools
Learn-to-swim pools
Program pools
Water slides
interactive play pools
Pools used by
incontinent people
Artificial lagoons with
unrestricted access
Adapted from: NSW Department of Health 2013 - Public swimming pool and spa pool advisory document
In instances where a facility manager is operating a type of facility that is not included in
Table A2.4, the manager should identify the type of facility that is most similar and monitor
If a facility falls into multiple risk categories, the facility should be monitored as if it were
the type of facility in the highest risk category. For example, if a gym pool is used for learn-
to-swim classes, the facility should be categorised as high-risk.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 50 of 70
Table A2.5 Recommended minimum operational monitoring frequency
Parameter Low-risk facilities Medium-risk facilities High-risk facilities
Free chlorine and
chlorine; or
For facilities with automated monitoring
1 daily sample
1 daily sample
1 daily sample
For facilities without automated monitoring
1 daily sample
3 daily samples
5 daily samples
Tested at the same time as for disinfectant residual (all facilities)
Water balance
(includes calcium
hardness, total
alkalinity TDS and
Weekly (all facilities)
Daily (all facilities)
Cyanuric acid
(if used)
Weekly (all facilities)
When automated monitoring is in place, the daily sample refers to a sample that is taken by hand and is
analysed manually.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 51 of 70
Table A2.6 Recommended microbiological verification monitoring frequency
Parameter Low-risk facilities Medium-risk
High-risk facilities
Escherichia coli
(or thermotolerant
Quarterly Quarterly Monthly
Quarterly Quarterly Monthly
colony count
Quarterly Quarterly Monthly
Note that the frequency of monitoring should be increased if the bather numbers increase significantly. For example,
during school holidays when bather numbers at public facilities increase significantly, medium-risk aquatic facilities
should be monitored as if they were high-risk facilities.
Table A2.7 Recommended chemical verification monitoring frequency
Parameter Low-risk facilities Medium-risk facilities High-risk facilities
Quarterly Quarterly Monthly
Ozone (if used) Quarterly Quarterly Monthly
Note that the frequency of monitoring should be increased if the bather numbers increase significantly. For example,
during school holidays when bather numbers at public facilities increase significantly, medium-risk aquatic facilities
should be monitored as if they were high-risk facilities.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 52 of 70
Appendix 3: Troubleshooting guide
The information in the following table should be used as a guide only.
Where available, the troubleshooting guide provided by the manufacturer of pool equipment
should be preferentially used. There may be other causes that are not listed. Misdiagnosis or
inappropriate action can worsen some problems to a point where the safety of bathers and
staff may be at risk. Only suitably qualified or experienced staff should diagnose or undertake
corrective actions. If you are unsure, it is best to get professional advice.
Table A3.1 Troubleshooting guide
Problem Possible reasons Action
pH too high
Mains water is alkaline
(and hard)
Add more acid
Alkaline disinfectant
Consider changing to less alkaline
Adjust regularly/frequently/automatically
by acid dosing
pH too low
Mains water is acidic
Add more alkali (for example, sodium
bicarbonate/ soda ash)
Acidic disinfectant used
Check pH probe and control settings
Adjust regularly/frequently/automatically
by alkali dosing
pH fluctuations
Water is not buffered
alkalinity is too low
Check and raise alkalinity
Dosing erratic Check dosing accuracy and frequency
pH difficult to
Water too buffered
alkalinity too high
Consider backwashing and topping up with
make-up water or reducing alkalinity by
adding acid
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 53 of 70
Problem Possible reasons Action
dirty water
Bathing load too high Reduce bathing load
Filtration inadequate
Check filter, coagulant dosing, filtration
rate, backwash
Cloudy, clean
Hardness salts coming
out of solution
Check and where necessary correct pH,
alkalinity, hardness
Air introduced when
dosing coagulant
Check on coagulant dosing; check air
release on filters and for air leaks on the
suction side of the pump
Cloudy, coloured
water (outdoor
pools mainly)
Algae sunlight, poor
Increase residual level and backwash;
consider using algicide as directed by the
label when the pool is not in use
Slimy, coloured
growth on pool
walls, floor, black
on grouting
Algae sunlight, poor
Without bathers, brush or vacuum off
algae, increase disinfectant level,
backwash, consider using algicide
Water has bad
taste or smell
irritates eyes and
High combined chlorine
Check combined chlorine levels and type;
be prepared to dilute or correct free
chlorine level
pH wrong Check and correct if necessary
Chlorine level
difficult to
Sunlight Consider a stabiliser (cyanuric acid)
Chlorine product has
deteriorated and lost
Check storage condition of chlorine, shelf
life, and test strength of chlorine
Bather pollution Reduce bathing load
Filter blocked, turnover
reduced, hydraulics poor
Check filter, strainer, flow rate and valves.
Consider air-scouring, where possible.
Injectors blocked Check chlorine injection point
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 54 of 70
Problem Possible reasons Action
Filter blocked
(pressure across
the filter is too
Backwashing/ cleaning
too frequent or scale
blocking the filter
Check and improve backwash
effectiveness; consider replacing filter
Incorrect coagulant
Check coagulant dosing; inspect filter
Water clarity
generally poor
Wrong filter or incorrect
Check filtration media (backwashing, etc.)
Insufficient chlorine Check and correct free chlorine residual
Incorrect or no coagulant Check coagulant use
Hard scale on
surfaces, fittings,
pipes, etc.; water
may feel harsh
Hardness salts coming
out of solution
Check and where necessary correct pH,
alkalinity, hardness
Cannot get test kit
readings for free
chlorine residual
Chlorine levels too high Test a 5:1 diluted water sample
Chlorine levels too low Check chlorine dosing
Poor air quality
(indoor pools)
Air circulation poor
Check air handling introduce more fresh
Combined chlorine too
Restore recommended chlorine levels by
achieving breakpoint to oxidise
Temperature too high Reduce to recommended levels
Water has a salty
Dissolved solids too high Dilute with mains water
Staining at water
Irons salts coming out of
Check pH, water balance, coagulation
Adapted from: Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group 2017
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 55 of 70
Appendix 4: Recommended turnover times
Ideally, aquatic facility turnover times should be calculated on a site-specific basis, as
turnover interacts with other key aspects of pool operational management including bather
numbers, pool volume, bather hygiene and pool circulation (including location and capacity
of inlets and outlets). Acceptable approaches to calculating site-specific turnover times can
be found in the NSW Department of Health 2013 - Public Swimming Pool and Spa Pool
Advisory Document (Chapter 7) and the UK Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group 2017 -
Swimming pool water – Treatment and quality standards for pools and spas (Chapter 6).
If a site-specific calculation is not used, the following table shows some recommended
turnover times.
Table A4.1 Recommended maximum turnover times for different types of public aquatic
Pool type
20 min Interactive water features and spas
30 min Hydrotherapy pools
1 hour Waterslides, outdoor toddler wading, indoor learn to swim pools
2 hours
Outdoor learn-to-swim, lazy river, program and wave pools,
artificial lagoons with unrestricted access
4 hours
25 m and 50 m leisure and school pools (2 hours if used by
general public)
6 hours
Retirement village pools (not used for organised exercise
activities), residential apartment, gym, resort, holiday park and
motel pools
8 hours Diving pools
Adapted from: Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group 2017 - Swimming pool water treatment and quality standards for
pools and spas and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2018 - The Model Aquatic Health Code
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 56 of 70
Appendix 5: Langelier Saturation Index
The most common method for determining the balance of water in a public aquatic facility is
the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI).
The LSI should be between 0.5 and 0.5, with an ideal value of 0.
The LSI is calculated using the following equation:
LSI = pH + AF + CF + TF 12.1
pH is the measured pH of the pool water
AF is a factor related to the total alkalinity of the water
CF is a factor related to the calcium hardness of the water
TF is a factor related to the water temperature
12.1 is an average correction factor for total dissolved solids (TDS).
The values for each of the factors above can be obtained from Table A5.1.
Table A5. 1 Table of values for Langelier Saturation Index calculation
value for
total alkalinity
Value to use
for the AF
Measured value
for calcium
Value to use
for the CF
value for
Value to use
for the TF
5 0.7 5 0.3
Plunge pools are typically > 10°C
25 1.4 25 1
50 1.7 50 1.3 8 0.2
75 1.9 75 1.5 12 0.3
100 2.0 100 1.6 16 0.4
150 2.2 150 1.8 19 0.5
200 2.3 200 1.9 24 0.6
300 2.5 300 2.1 29 0.7
400 2.6 400 2.2 34 0.8
800 2.9 800 2.5 40 0.9
1,000 3.0 1,000 2.6
40°C is the maximum allowable
spa temperature
Bold text indicates ideal operational ranges. Where the LSI is negative, the water is corrosive and may damage pool
fixtures and fittings. Where the LSI is positive, scale can form and interfere with normal operation.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 57 of 70
Example calculation
Consider a pool with a pH of 7.4, total alkalinity of 100 mg/L, calcium hardness of 250 mg/L,
at 29°C.
Reading from the table, the alkalinity factor is 2.0, the calcium hardness factor is 2.0, and the
temperature factor is 0.7.
LSI = pH + AF + CF + TF 12.1
LSI = 7.4 + 2.0 + 2.0 + 0.7 12.1
LSI = 0
This pool water is ideally balanced.
If the calcium hardness of the same pool was 1,000 mg/L, then the calcium hardness factor
would increase to 2.6. In this case, the LSI would be +0.6 and scale is likely to form. If scale
forms on heater elements and filter components, the pool will not operate efficiently.
Corrections to the Langelier Saturation Index
The LSI described above is applicable to most aquatic facilities. However, there are
exceptions related to facilities with high TDS water and for operators of outdoor pools using
cyanuric acid. These exceptions are discussed in detail in the American National Standard
for Water Quality in Public Pools and Spas (American National Standards Institutes, 2019). If
the TDS of the water in an aquatic facility is greater than 1,500 mg/L, the factors in the
American Standard should be used. Where outdoor aquatic facilities use cyanuric acid to
stabilise chlorine, this will affect the alkalinity, and the correction factors stated in that
document should be applied.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 58 of 70
Appendix 6: Incident response
Diarrhoeal incident public aquatic facilities that use
chlorine without cyanuric acid
(Remedial steps for spas - see page 61)
Diarrhoeal incidents pose a particularly high risk to the health of bathers. Immediately
closing the affected water body(ies) and undertaking appropriate remediation is the only
way to prevent the spread of disease.
Recommended remedial steps
1. Immediately close the affected water body and any other connected water body(ies) within the
aquatic facility and ensure staff involved in the response have appropriate personal protective
2. Remove as much of the faecal material as possible using a bucket, scoop or another container
that can be discarded or easily cleaned and disinfected. Dispose of the faecal material to the
sewer. Do not use aquatic vacuum cleaners for removing faecal material unless the vacuum waste
can be discharged directly to the sewer and the vacuum equipment can be adequately cleaned and
3. Adjust the pH to 7.5 or lower.
4. Hyperchlorinate the affected water body(ies) by dosing the water to achieve a free chlorine
contact time (CT) inactivation value of 15,300 mg.min/L (for example, free chlorine of 20 mg/L for 13
hours or 10 mg/L for 26 hours, or via alternative combinations of chlorine concentration and time
that achieve the required CT).
5. Ensure filtration and any secondary disinfection systems operate for the entire
decontamination process.
6. If the filtration system incorporates a coagulation step, ensure coagulant concentration is
correct to enhance the filtration process.
7. After the required CT has been achieved, reduce total chlorine to below 10 mg/L. Sodium
thiosulphate can be added to neutralise excess chlorine.
8. Backwash filter media or replace the filter element as appropriate. Precoat filter media should
be replaced.
9. Ensure the water is balanced.
10. Hygienically clean, disinfect or dispose of materials, tools, equipment or surfaces that have
come into contact with contaminated water.
11. Record the incident and remedial action taken.
12. Reopen the water body(ies).
Cryptosporidium and/or general suspected illness or possible outbreak
here a state or local government environmental health officer suspects or confirms a public
aquatic facility has been linked to illness, or an outbreak of illness (including Cryptosporidium), all
water bodies in the facility should be disinfected as per the recommended remedial steps above.
This requirement may not apply if a facility has a system that is validated to treat Cryptosporidium
risk and it can be demonstrated to have been operating within the validated parameters during
and since the contamination event. Note that Cryptosporidium has been singled out since it is the
most common reported source of illness or outbreak associated with aquatic facilities in Australia.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 59 of 70
Diarrhoeal incident public aquatic facilities that use
chlorine with cyanuric acid
(Remedial steps for spas - see page 61)
Diarrhoeal incidents pose a particularly high risk to the health of pool bathers. Immediately
closing the affected water body(ies) and undertaking appropriate remediation is the only
way to prevent the spread of disease. Chlorine stabiliser (cyanuric acid) significantly slows
the rate at which free chlorine inactivates or kills contaminants such as Cryptosporidium. It
is therefore necessary to achieve a much higher free chlorine contact time (CT) than is
necessary in water bodies that do not use cyanuric acid.
Recommended remedial steps
1. Immediately close the affected water body and any other connected water body(ies) in the
aquatic facility and ensure staff involved in the response have appropriate personal protective
2. Remove as much of the faecal material as possible using a bucket, scoop or another
container that can be discarded or easily cleaned and disinfected. Dispose of the faecal
material to the sewer. Do not use aquatic vacuum cleaners for removing faecal material unless
the vacuum waste can be discharged directly to the sewer and the vacuum equipment can be
adequately cleaned and disinfected.
3. Adjust the pH to 7.5 or lower.
4. Ensure cyanuric acid concentration is 15 mg/L or less (this can be achieved by partially
draining and adding fresh water without chlorine stabiliser to the affected water body).
5. Once the cyanuric acid concentration is 15 mg/L or less, use unstabilised chlorine to
hyperchlorinate the affected water body(ies) by dosing the water to achieve a free chlorine CT
inactivation value of 31,500 mg.min/L (for example, free chlorine of 20 mg/L for 28 hours or via
alternative combinations of chlorine concentration and t
ime that achieve the required CT).
6. Ensure filtration and any secondary disinfection systems operate for the entire
decontamination process.
7. If the filtration system incorporates a coagulation step, ensure coagulant concentration is
correct to enhance the filtration process.
8. After the required CT has been achieved, reduce total chlorine to below 10 mg/L
. Sodium
thiosulphate can be added to neutralise excess chlorine.
9. Backwash filter media or replace the filter element as appropriate. Precoat filter media
should be replaced.
10. Ensure the water is balanced.
11. Hygienically clean, disinfect or dispose of materials, tools, equipment or surfaces that have
come into contact with contaminated water.
12. Record the incident and remedial action taken.
13. Reopen the water body(ies).
Cryptosporidium and/or general suspected illness or possible outbreak
here a state or local government environmental health officer suspects or confirms a public
aquatic facility has been linked to illness, or an outbreak of illness (including Cryptosporidium), all
water bodies in the facility should be disinfected as per the recommended remedial steps above.
This requirement may not apply if a facility has a system that is validated to treat Cryptosporidium
risk and it can be demonstrated to have been operating within the validated parameters during
and since the contamination event. Note that Cryptosporidium has been singled out since it is the
most common reported source of illness or outbreak associated with aquatic facilities in Australia.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 60 of 70
Formed stool and vomit contamination public aquatic
facilities that use chlorine with or without cyanuric acid
(Remedial steps for spas - see page 61)
Formed stool (faeces) and vomit contamination incidents pose a risk to the health of
bathers. The only way to prevent the spread of disease is to immediately close the affected
water body(ies) and undertake appropriate remediation.
Recommended remedial steps
1. Immediately close the water body and any other connected water body within the
aquatic facility and ensure staff involved in the response have appropriate personal
protective equipment.
2. Remove the stool or as much of the vomit as possible using a bucket, scoop or another
container that can be discarded or easily cleaned and disinfected. Dispose of the waste
to the sewer. Do not use aquatic vacuum cleaners for removing the stool or vomit unless
vacuum waste can be discharged to the sewer and the vacuum equipment can be
adequately cleaned and disinfected. Ensure filtration and any secondary disinfection
systems run until the end of the decontamination process.
3. For facilities that do not use chlorine stabiliser (cyanuric acid), raise the free chlorine
concentration to a minimum of 2 mg/L and maintain that concentration for 253
inutes, making sure not to exceed a pH of 7.5.
For facilities that use chlorine stabiliser (cyanuric acid), maintain the free chlorine
concentration at a minimum of 2 mg/L and maintain that concentration for 50 minutes,
making sure not to exceed a pH of 7.5.
4. If the filtration system incorporates a coagulation step, ensure coagulant concentration
is correct to enhance the filtration process.
5. Backwash filter media or replace the filter element as appropriate. Precoat filter media
should be replaced.
6. Ensure the water is balanced.
7. Hygienically clean, disinfect or dispose of materials, tools, equipment or surfaces that
have come into contact with contaminated water.
8. Record the incident and remedial action taken.
9. Reopen the water body(ies).
Note that no remedial action is required for blood in the water provided an appropriate primary disinfectant residual is
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 61 of 70
Failure to meet microbiological parameters
If, during verification monitoring, there is a failure to meet microbiological parameters (for
example, exceedances of the Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas guideline values) remediation
of the affected water body(ies) should be undertaken.
Recommended remedial steps (other than for spas)
1. Immediately close the affected water body and any other connected water body within
the aquatic facility.
2. For facilities with or without cyanuric acid, raise the free chlorine concentration to a
minimum of 2 mg/L (if not already at 2 mg/L) and maintain that concentration for 2530
inutes, making sure not to exceed a pH of 7.5.
3. If the filtration system incorporates a coagulation step, ensure coagulant concentration
is correct to enhance the filtration process.
4. Backwash filter media or replace the filter element as appropriate. Precoat filter media
should be replaced.
5. Ensure the water is balanced.
6. Hygienically clean, disinfect or dispose of materials, tools, equipment or surfaces that
have come into contact with contaminated water.
7. Record the incident and remedial action taken.
8. Reopen the water body(ies).
Recommended remedial steps for spas
1. Empty all water from the spa (including balance tanks).
2. Scrub and rinse all surfaces with tap water known to have an acceptable water quality.
3. Spray all surfaces with a chlorine solution of one part bleach to 10 parts water. Note that
the dilution factor is based on a bleach product containing 1012.5% sodiu
ypochlorite. Apply liberally and leave to soak for 10 minutes.
4. Rinse with tap water known to have an acceptable water quality.
5. Refill the spa.
6. Raise the primary disinfectant level to that recommended in Appendix 2 (3 mg/L for
chlorine or 6 mg/L bromine) and maintain that concentration for 2530 minutes, making
sure not to exceed a pH of 7.5.
7. Backwash filter media, or replace the filter element as appropriate. Precoat filter media
should be replaced.
8. Ensure the water is balanced and the concentration of disinfectant is acceptable.
9. Hygienically clean, disinfect or dispose of materials, tools, equipment or surfaces that
have come into contact with contaminated water.
10. Record the incident and remedial action taken.
11. Reopen the spa.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 62 of 70
In major contamination events it may be necessary to submit a sample of the water to show
it is free of microbiological contamination before reopening. Public aquatic facility operators
should contact a local government environmental health officer for advice.
Contamination of surfaces
Hard surfaces within a public aquatic facility may become contaminated with faeces, vomit or
blood, or with water of poor quality that has been contaminated by such substances. In these
instances, operators should follow the remediation measures below.
1. Restrict access to the affected area.
2. Remove all visible contamination with disposable cleaning products and dispose of
3. Disinfect the affected area using a chlorine solution of one-part household bleach to
arts water. Note that the mentioned dilution factor is based on a bleach product
containing 1012.5% sodium hypochlorite. Apply liberally and leave to soak for 10
4. Hose the affected area, directing the water to a stormwater drainage point.
5. Log the incident and remedial action taken.
6. Reopen the affected area.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 63 of 70
Appendix 7: Example monitoring log
<Name of your pool> Week beginning / /
Free chlorine
DPD 1 mg/L
Total chlorine
DPD 1+3 mg/L
Combined chlorine
(total- free) mg/L
Total alkalinity
Calcium hardness
Total dissolved
solids (TDS) mg/L
Number of bathers
Corrective actions / reason
6.00 am
10.00 am
12.00 pm
2.00 pm
6.00 pm
6.00 am
10.00 am
12.00 pm
2.00 pm
6.00 pm
6.00 am
10.00 am
12.00 pm
2.00 pm
6.00 pm
6.00 am
10.00 am
12.00 pm
2.00 pm
6.00 pm
6.00 am
10.00 am
12.00 pm
2.00 pm
6.00 pm
6.00 am
10.00 am
12.00 pm
2.00 pm
6.00 pm
6.00 am
10.00 am
12.00 pm
2.00 pm
6.00 pm
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 64 of 70
Term Definition
A liquid or dry chemical used to lower the pH of pool water.
Having a pH below 7.0.
Having a pH above 7.0.
Refer to Total alkalinity.
Alkalinity factor
(AF) Used to calculate the Langelier Saturation Index of water.
A nitrogen-containing compound that combines with free chlorine to form
chloramines or combined chlorine.
The process of removing debris accumulated in a filter by reversing the flow of
water through the filter.
Bather number
A measure of the number of bathers in an aquatic facility over a set time. This
should be linked to the capacity of the treatment system and pool safety.
Bromo-chloro-dimethylhydantoin. A common bromine-based disinfectant.
Slime-like community of microorganisms usually attached to wet surfaces.
The addition of sufficient chlorine to oxidise combined chlorine to the point
where free chlorine makes up the total chlorine and chloramines are oxidised
to below detectable levels.
Buffering capacity
The capacity of water to resist pH change, e.g. when adding strong acids or
Calcium hardness
A measure of calcium salts dissolved in pool water. Calcium hardness factor
(CF) is used to calculate Langelier Saturation Index.
Carbon dioxide
A common gas found in air at trace levels. When injected into pool water it
forms mild carbonic acid to lower pH.
Colony-forming units. A measure of microorganisms per unit volume of water.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 65 of 70
A group of disinfection by-products formed when free chlorine reacts with
urine, sweat or other nitrogen-containing compounds in water.
The application of chlorine products for disinfection.
Chlorine demand
The amount of chlorine that will be consumed by readily oxidisable impurities
in pool water.
Chlorine dioxide
A secondary disinfectant. Chlorine dioxide is generally generated on site and
then added to the water or generated in the water itself by adding specially
formulated tablets to the water.
Chlorine gas
Gaseous form of chlorine containing 100% available chlorine.
Degree of transparency with which an object can be seen through a given
depth of pool water.
Chemicals, sometimes referred to as flocculants, that help clump suspended
particles together into a filterable size.
Items of small size that are floating in solid, liquid or gas.
Combined chlorine
A measure of the chloramines in water.
A protozoan parasite that causes cryptosporidiosis. This is a diarrhoeal disease
in healthy persons that can last one to two weeks. For those with some
underlying health conditions it can result in severe dehydration, and in some
cases death.
Disinfection residual concentration (C, in mg/L), multiplied by contact time (T,
in minutes) at the point of residual measurement; a measure of disinfection
Cyanuric acid
A stabiliser that can be added to an outdoor aquatic facility to reduce chlorine
loss due to ultraviolet light from the sun.
An oxidising agent that is added to water and is intended to inactivate disease-
causing microorganisms.
The measurable disinfectant present in water.
A vessel or device that removes suspended particles.
A substance used in treating water that promotes clumping of particles.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 66 of 70
Flow rate
Rate of movement of water typically stated as litres/second (L/s) or cubic
metres per hour (m
/hr). A cubic metre is 1,000 litres.
Free chlorine
A measure of the chlorine that is available as hypochlorous acid and chlorite
The practice of dosing high amounts of chlorine-containing chemical to
achieve a specific CT to inactivate disease-causing microorganisms.
Hypochlorous acid
Formed when any chlorine-containing product is dissolved in water. The most
active oxidising form of chlorine.
Points at which water from the aquatic facilitys water treatment is
reintroduced to the water body.
Isocyanuric acid
Refer to Cyanuric acid.
Saturation Index
Calculation based on various factors to determine the corrosive or scale-
formation nature of water. Used to determine appropriate water balance.
Make-up water
Water used to replace water lost from an aquatic facility including backwash
water, evaporation, splashing, water exchange and the water bathers carry out
on their bodies. Make-up water is typically introduced from municipal mains
via an auto-level valve.
A micrometre one millionth of a metre. Used to describe particle size.
Microscopic organism such as a virus, bacterium or protozoan.
National Association of Testing Authorities the national accreditation body
for Australian testing laboratories.
An element present in ammonia, sweat, urine, fertilisers and a variety of
personal care products. When introduced to pools, it readily reacts with
chlorine to form chloramines.
A hardy, thick-walled spore. The infective stage in the life cycle of
Two or more human cases of a communicable (infectious) disease related to a
common exposure.
Points at which water exits the water body for treatment by the facilitys water
treatment plant.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 67 of 70
The process by which disinfectants destroy contaminants and inactivate
disease-causing microorganisms.
A relatively unstable molecule containing three oxygen atoms. Ozone is created
on site by passing oxygen across a corona discharge (in the same manner as
lightning creates ozone in a thunderstorm). It is one of the most powerful
oxidants known. It has a very short life wanting to revert to atmospheric
oxygen, hence it cannot be stored for later use. It is a light blue gas and can
also be created using ultraviolet light. It is very hazardous, especially in poorly
ventilated spaces.
Disease-causing microorganisms.
A scale used to express the acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a scale of 0–14,
with 7.0 being neutral. Values less than 7.0 are acidic and values greater than
7.0 are alkaline.
An analytical tool that uses light intensity measurements to determine the
concentration of a particular chemical.
Relating to both physical and chemical properties of a substance.
Program pool
A pool set aside at certain times for specific programmed activities like swim
school or lap swimming.
Refer to Disinfectant residual.
The precipitate or deposit that forms on surfaces in contact with water when
calcium hardness, pH or total alkalinity levels are too high.
Shock dosing
The practice of dosing high amounts of chlorine (sometimes in excess of 10
mg/L) into a public aquatic facility to reduce chloramines or to remove
confirmed or suspected microbial contamination.
A white powder used to raise total alkalinity in pool water. Also known as
bicarb soda.
Sodium bisulphate
A granular material used to lower pH and/or total alkalinity in water. Also
known as dry acid.
Sodium carbonate
A white powder used to raise pH in water. Also known as soda ash.
A clear liquid form of chlorine. Commercially available in bulk delivered
strengths of 1012.5% available chlorine. Also called liquid chlorine or bleach.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 68 of 70
Source water
Water used to fill the aquatic facility and used as make-up water. Usually town
water but could also include rainwater (provided it is introduced into the
balance tank first).
Refer to Cyanuric acid.
Test kit
Equipment used to determine specific chemical residual and physical
properties of water.
Total alkalinity
A measure of the pH buffering capacity of water.
Total chlorine
The sum of both free and combined chlorines.
Total dissolved
TDS A measure of the salts and small amounts of organic matter dissolved in
Compounds formed by reaction between chlorine or bromine and certain
organic compounds.
The cloudiness of water due to the presence of extremely fine particulate
matter in suspension that interferes with light transmission. Generally
measured using Nephelometric Turbidity Units.
Turnover time
The period of time required to circulate a volume of water, equal to the aquatic
facilitys capacity, through the treatment plant.
UV light
Ultraviolet light. Wavelengths of light shorter than visible light.
Water slide
A feature at an amusement park consisting of a large slippery slide, often with
many curves and twists, leading to a pool, with water running along the slide
into the pool.
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 69 of 70
Reference material
American National Standards Institute 2019, American national standard for water quality in public pools
and spas < https://webstore.ansi.org/standards/apsp/ansiapsp112019 >.
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority 2018, Demonstrating efficacy of pool and spa
sanitisers <https://apvma.gov.au/node/1039>.
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority 2018, Public Chemical Registration Information
System Search (PUBCRIS Search) <https://portal.apvma.gov.au/pubcris>.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Department of Health and Human Services 2018, Model
Aquatic Health Code <https://www.cdc.gov/mahc/index.html>.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2016, Disinfection and testing
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2016, Hyperchlorination to kill Cryptosporidium when chlorine
stabilizer is in water <https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/swimming/pdf/hyperchlorination-to-kill-crypto-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2016, Water circulation dye test procedure
Council of Australian Governments 2016, National Construction Code 2016, Building Code of Australia
Volume One, COAG, Canberra.
National Health and Medical Research Council 2008, Guidelines for managing risks in recreational water
water.pdf >.
National Health and Medical Research Council 2011, Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
NSW Department of Health 2013, Controlling chloramines in indoor swimming pools
NSW Department of Health 2013, Public swimming pool and spa pool advisory document
Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group 2017, Swimming pool water treatment and quality standards for
pools and spas, Micropress Printers, Southwold, UK.
Royal Life Saving Society Australia 2018, Guidelines for safe pool operations
World Health Organization 2006, Guidelines for safe recreational environments Volume 2 Swimming pools
and similar environments <http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/safe-recreational-
Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities - December 2019 Page 70 of 70
Australian Standards
SAI Global has compiled a comprehensive list of Australian Standards that may be relevant to public
aquatic facilities in its Guide to Standards pools and spas
Key Standards include:
HB 241-2002 Water management for public swimming pools and spas
AS 1668.2-2012 The use of ventilation and airconditioning in buildings
AS 1926.1-2012 Swimming pool safety safety barriers for swimming pools
AS 1926.2-2007 (R2016) Swimming pool safety location of safety barriers for swimming pools
AS 1926.3-2010 (R2016) Swimming pool safety water recirculation systems
AS 2560.2.5-2007 Sports lighting specific applications swimming pools
AS 2610.1-2007 (R2016) Public spas
AS 2865-2009 Confined spaces
AS 3136-2001 Approval and test specification Electrical equipment for spa and swimming pools
AS 3636-1989 (R2013) Solar heating systems for swimming pools
AS 3780-2008 The storage and handling of corrosive substances
AS 3979-2006 Hydrotherapy pools
AS/NZS 2416.1:2010 Water safety signs and beach safety flags: Specifications for water safety signs used in
workplaces and public areas (ISO 20712-12008, MOD).
International Standard
DIN 19643 (2012-11) Treatment of water of swimming pools and baths swimming pools