Subdivision 1. Scope. For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms have the meanings given
Subd. 2. Financial institution. "Financial institution" means any office of a bank, savings bank, industrial
loan company, trust company, savings and loan, building and loan, credit union, or consumer finance
institution, located in the state.
Subd. 3. Financial record. "Financial record" means an original of, a copy of, or information known
to have been derived from, any record held by a financial institution pertaining to a customer's relationship
with the financial institution.
Subd. 4. Government authority. "Government authority" means any agency or department of the state
or a local unit of government, or any officer, employee, or agent of it.
Subd. 5. Customer. "Customer" means any natural person or authorized representative of that person
who utilized or is utilizing any service of a financial institution, or for whom a financial institution is acting
or has acted as a fiduciary, in relation to an account maintained in the person's name.
Subd. 6. Law enforcement inquiry. "Law enforcement inquiry" means a lawful investigation or official
proceeding inquiring into a violation of, or failure to comply with, any criminal or civil statute or any rule
or order issued pursuant to it.
History: 1983 c 225 s 1
Subdivision 1. Access by government. Except as authorized by this chapter, no government authority
may have access to, or obtain copies of, or the information contained in, the financial records of any customer
from a financial institution unless the financial records are reasonably described and:
(1) the customer has authorized the disclosure;
(2) the financial records are disclosed in response to a search warrant;
(3) the financial records are disclosed in response to a judicial or administrative subpoena;
(4) the financial records are disclosed to law enforcement, a lead investigative agency as defined in
section 626.5572, subdivision 13, or prosecuting authority that is investigating financial exploitation of a
vulnerable adult in response to a judicial subpoena or administrative subpoena under section 388.23; or
(5) the financial records are disclosed pursuant to section 609.527 or 609.535 or other statute or rule.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes
Subd. 2. Release prohibited. No financial institution, or officer, employee, or agent of a financial
institution, may provide to any government authority access to, or copies of, or the information contained
in, the financial records of any customer except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Nothing in this chapter shall require a financial institution to inquire or determine that those seeking
disclosure have duly complied with the requirements of this chapter, provided only that the customer
authorization, search warrant, subpoena, or written certification pursuant to section 609.527, subdivision 8;
609.535, subdivision 6; 626.557; or other statute or rule, served on or delivered to a financial institution
shows compliance on its face.
Subd. 3. Notice to customer. Within 180 days after a government authority obtains access to the financial
records of a customer pursuant to a search warrant or a judicial or administrative subpoena, it shall notify
the customer of its action unless a delay of notice is obtained pursuant to section 13A.03. The notice shall
be sufficient to inform the customer of the name of the government authority or government authorities
having had access to the records, the financial records to which access was obtained, and the purpose of the
law enforcement inquiry, including transfers of financial records made pursuant to subdivision 5. Notice
may be given by providing the customer with a copy of the search warrant or subpoena.
Subd. 4. Duty of financial institutions. Upon receipt of a request for financial records made by a
government authority, the financial institution shall, unless otherwise provided by law, proceed to assemble
the records requested within a reasonable time and be prepared to deliver the records to the government
authority upon receipt of the search warrant or subpoena required under this section.
Subd. 5. Use of information. Financial records originally obtained pursuant to this chapter may be
transferred to another government authority provided the transferred records are pertinent and necessary to
the receiving authority in initiating, furthering, or completing a law enforcement inquiry.
When financial records subject to this chapter are transferred to another government authority, the
transferring authority shall include the name of the receiving authority and the financial records transferred
in the notice required by subdivision 3 of this section or, if the transfer occurs after the notice has been sent
to the customer, the transferring authority shall, upon written request by the customer, inform the customer
of the name of the government authority to which the financial records were transferred.
Subd. 6. Status of records. All financial records obtained by a government authority pursuant to this
section are subject to the provisions of section 13.82, subdivision 7.
History: 1983 c 225 s 2; 1999 c 227 s 22; 2009 c 119 s 1,2; 2010 c 214 s 1; 2011 c 28 s 17; 2023 c 52
art 9 s 1,2
Subdivision 1. Application. Upon application of the government authority, a customer notice pursuant
to section 13A.02, subdivision 3, may be delayed by order of an appropriate court if the judge finds that:
(1) the law enforcement inquiry being conducted is within the lawful jurisdiction of the government
authority seeking the financial records;
(2) there is reason to believe that the records being sought are relevant to a legitimate law enforcement
inquiry; and
(3) there is reason to believe that the notice will result in (i) endangering life or physical safety of any
person; (ii) flight from prosecution; (iii) destruction of or tampering with evidence; (iv) intimidation of
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes
potential witnesses; or (v) otherwise seriously jeopardizing an investigation or official proceeding or unduly
delaying a trial or ongoing official proceeding.
An application for delay must be made with reasonable specificity.
Subd. 2. Order. If the court makes the findings required in subdivision 1, it shall enter an ex parte order
granting the requested delay for a period not to exceed 180 days and an order prohibiting the financial
institution from disclosing that records have been obtained. If the court finds that there is reason to believe
that the notice may endanger the life or physical safety of any person, the court may specify that the delay
be indefinite.
Extensions of the delay of notice of up to 90 days each may be granted by the court upon application.
Subd. 3. Notice. Upon expiration of the period of delay of notification under this section, the customer
shall be served with a copy of the notice required by section 13A.02, subdivision 3.
History: 1983 c 225 s 3
Subdivision 1. Statutory violations; financial exploitation. Nothing in this chapter precludes any
financial institution, or any officer, employee, or agent of a financial institution, from notifying a government
authority that the institution, or officer, employee, or agent has information which may be relevant to a
possible violation of any statute or rule or the financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult and providing
access to financial records relevant to the possible violation or financial exploitation.
Subd. 2. Release incident to another proceeding. Nothing in this chapter precludes a financial institution,
as an incident to perfecting a security interest, proving a claim in bankruptcy, or otherwise collecting on a
debt owing either to the financial institution itself or in its role as a fiduciary, from providing copies of any
financial record to any court or government authority.
Subd. 3. Government assistance programs. Nothing in this chapter precludes a financial institution,
as an incident to processing an application for assistance to a customer in the form of a government loan,
loan guaranty, or loan insurance agreement, or as an incident to processing a default on, or administering a
government guaranteed or insured loan, from providing access to an appropriate government authority with
any financial record necessary to permit the authority to carry out its responsibilities under a loan, loan
guaranty, or loan insurance agreement.
Whenever a customer applies for participation in a government loan, loan guaranty, or loan insurance
program, the government authority administering the program shall give the customer written notice of the
authority's access rights under this subdivision. No further notification shall be required for subsequent
access by that authority during the term of the loan, loan guaranty, or loan insurance agreement.
Financial records obtained pursuant to this subdivision may be used only for the purpose for which they
were originally obtained.
Subd. 4. Other exceptions. Nothing in this chapter:
(a) prohibits the disclosure of any financial records or information which is not identified with or
identifiable as being derived from the financial records of a particular customer;
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes
(b) prohibits examination by or disclosure to the commissioner of commerce of financial records or
information in the exercise of the commissioner's supervisory, regulatory, or monetary functions with respect
to a financial institution;
(c) shall apply when financial records are sought by a government authority under the Rules of Civil or
Criminal Procedure in connection with litigation to which the government authority and the customer are
(d) shall apply when financial records are sought by a government authority in connection with a lawful
proceeding, investigation, examination, or inspection directed at the financial institution in possession of
the records or at a legal entity which is not a customer;
(e) shall apply to any subpoena or court order issued in connection with proceedings before a grand
(f) shall apply to subpoenas issued in civil cases pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure; or
(g) shall apply when a government authority is seeking only the name, address, account number, and
type of account of any customer or ascertainable group of customers associated with a financial transaction
or class of financial transaction.
History: 1983 c 225 s 4; 1983 c 289 s 114 subd 1; 1984 c 655 art 1 s 92; 1986 c 444; 2009 c 119 s 3
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes