Configuring CPS DRA
Policy Builder Overview, on page 1
System Configuration, on page 1
Custom Reference Data Configuration, on page 6
Diameter Configuration, on page 11
Diameter Routing, on page 15
CPS Service Configuration, on page 15
View Versioned Custom Reference Data Tables , on page 16
View Graphical Illustration of CRD Tables, on page 16
View Repository Details, on page 17
Publish Configuration Changes, on page 20
View Notifications, on page 21
Policy Builder Overview
CPS DRA allows service providers to create policies that are customized to their particular business
requirements through the Policy Builder interface which is a web-based application with a graphical user
interface (GUI) that enables rapid development of innovative new services.
Policy Builder page supports both configuration of the overall CPS cluster of virtual machines (VMs) as well
as the configuration of services and advanced policy rules.
System Configuration
You need to define a system as it represents the customer deployment. Each system contains one or more
clusters that represent a single high availability site environment. A cluster is used to define configurations
related to the blades and shares the same set of policy directors.
In Policy Builder, the Environment specific data section displays a list of system configurations that enables
you to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations and to create clusters which can further
overwrite and customize system configurations.
Configure System
Perform the following steps to configure a system:
Configuring CPS DRA
Step 1 In CPS DRA, navigate to Policy Builder.
Step 2 Select Systems under Reference Data.
Step 3 Enter the values in each field as described in the following table:
Table 1: Configure System Parameters
Name of the CPS system.Name
Description of the entire system.Description
If no messages are received in x hours, the session is
Default value is 8.
Session Expiration (hours)
If no messages are received in x minutes, the session is
Default value is 0.
Session Expiration (minutes)
Time in minutes that CPS takes to keep a session alive after
the subscriber logs off. The other network entities involved
in the session close the session.
Default value is 0.
Timeout For Unknown Session
Time in seconds in which a soft delete session is maintained
for a CPS session after the session ends.
Default value is 30.
Timeout For Soft Delete
Select this check box to allow two primary keys to be
utilized by maintaining a map of each separate primary key
and storing the true multi-primary key as a UUID related
to the two maps. Changing this setting has a negative
performance impact. Keep the Enable Multi Primary Key
Default is unchecked.
Enable Multi Primary Key
Step 4 Click Save.
Add Clusters
After system configuration, you can add clusters.
Step 1 To add clusters, click Add Clusters.
Step 2 Enter the values in each field as described in the following table:
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Add Clusters
Table 2: Cluster Parameters
Name of the cluster.Name
Brief description of the cluster.Description
Determines the write behavior of sessionMgr and for the
error exceptions raised.
Default option is OneInstanceSafe.
DB Write Concern
Used to enter the duration (in milliseconds) to wait before
starting failover database handling.
Failover SLA (ms)
Specifies a time limit, in milliseconds. This parameter is
applicable only if you select TwoInstanceSafe in Db Write
Causes write operations to return with an error after the
specified limit, even if the required write concern eventually
succeeds. When these write operations return, MongoDB
does not undo successful data modifications performed
before the write concern exceeds the replication wait time
limit. The time is in milliseconds.
Replication Wait Time (ms)
Determines the size in MegaBytes of the policy_trace
database capped collection.
Default value is 512.
Trace Database Size (MB)
The minimum amount of time in minutes to keep a
secondary key for a session.
Default value is 2000.
Min Key Cache Time (minutes)
Default value is 2000.Max Timer TPS
The number of batches or buckets into which CPS will
divide the transactions to be processed when the rate limiting
TPS function of CPS is triggered. The rate limiting feature
is defined in the Max Timer TPS field.
Default is 50 buckets.
Re-evaluation diffusion buckets
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Add Clusters
Defines the delay before processing the next bucket. Enter
the sum of all the delays between all the buckets.
Assuming 50 re-evaluation buckets are configured (by
default), the default interval of 20000 milliseconds will
introduce a delay of 408 milliseconds before proceeding
with the next bucket of transactions.
bucket_size-1 / interval = delay between buckets
50-1 / 20000 = 408
Default is 20000 milliseconds
Re-evaluation diffusion interval (ms)
The amount of time in milliseconds for the Policy Engine
to wait between sending each Broadcast Policy Message.
Default value is 50.
Broadcast Message Wait Timer (ms)
This is the maximum number of shard per session.Max Sessions Per Shard
Enable or disable full scan for secondary key database
lookups. By default, the secondary key database lookups is
Disabling secondary key database lookups helps in reducing
PCRF processing latencies.
Disable Secondary Key Full Scan DB
Added to improve Gx/Rx lookup and caching performance.Lookaside Key Prefixes
To improve Gx/Rx lookup and caching performance, you
can add the lookaside key prefixes.
For more information, see Cisco Policy Suite Mobile
Configuration Guide.
Key Prefix
Admin Database
Shard Configuration
The IP address of the Session Manager database that holds
session information for Cisco Policy Builder and Cisco
Policy Server.
Primary IP Address
The IP address of the database that provides fail over
support for the primary database.
This is the mirror of the database specified in the Primary
IP Address field. Use this only for replication or replica
pair's architecture. This field is present but deprecated to
maintain downward compatibility.
Secondary IP Address
Port number of the database for Session data. By default,
the value is 27717.
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Add Clusters
End Point Configurations
Shard Configuration
The IP address of the Session Manager database that holds
session information for Cisco Policy Builder and Cisco
Policy Server.
Primary IP Address
The IP address of the database that provides fail over
support for the primary database.
This is the mirror of the database specified in the Primary
IP Address field. Use this only for replication or replica
pair's architecture. This field is present but deprecated to
maintain downward compatibility.
Secondary IP Address
Port number of the database for Session data. By default,
the value is 27717.
Used in thread which updates the primary balance DB (when
primary balanceDB is available after fail over) with
BackupBalance db records.
Default value is 3 sec.
Backup DB Monitor Interval In Sec
Used to control the TPS (with how much TPS reconciliation
should take place once primary balance db is up).
Rate Limit
Trace Database Configurations
Shard Configuration
The IP address of the sessionmgr node that holds trace
information which allows for debugging of specific sessions
and subscribers based on unique primary keys.
Primary IP Address
The IP address of the database that provides fail over
support for the primary database.
This is the mirror of the database specified in the Primary
IP Address field. Use this only for replication or replica
pair's architecture. This field is present but deprecated to
maintain downward compatibility.
Secondary IP Address
Port number of the database for Session data. By default,
the value is 27717.
Used in thread which updates the primary balance DB (when
primary balanceDB is available after fail over) with
BackupBalance db records.
Default value is 3 sec.
Backup DB Monitor Interval In Sec
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Add Clusters
Used to control the TPS (with how much TPS reconciliation
should take place once primary balance db is up).
Rate Limit
DeprecatedData Center Parameter
DeprecatedCommon Time Changes
Step 3 Click Save.
For field descriptions of system configuration templates, refer to Plug-in Configuration in CPS vDRA Configuration
Custom Reference Data Configuration
Custom Reference Data Schemas enables you to define custom derived data for installation, to make decisions
based on that data and includes the following options:
Search Table Groups - Enables logical grouping of multiple customer reference data tables.
Custom Reference Data Tables - Basic tables without search functionality.
Create Search Table Group
Perform the following steps to create a search table group:
Step 1 To create a search table group, click Search Table Group.
Step 2 Enter the values in each field as described in the following table:
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Custom Reference Data Configuration
Table 3: Search Table Group Parameters
Name of the search table group that is stored in the database.
The name can contain alphanumeric characters but must
start with alphabets, can be either lowercase or uppercase,
but not mixed cases. Special characters are not allowed
except underscore. Use underscore character "_" to separate
Examples: logical_apn, no_spaces, logical_apn2
Non-examples: logicalAPN, 2logicalAPN
Additionally, a name must have a prefix. The prefix can be
any alphanumeric string that starts with an alphabet. It can
be the name of project, customer, etc.
The prefix is mandatory for vDRA where some CRD table
are included by default in the ISO file. To avoid any
duplicate names, a prefix is required.
Example: fn_logical_apn where fn is a prefix
Order in which groups are evaluated. Evaluation order value
is in ascending order starting with 0.
Search table groups and their respective CRD
tables are listed based on the evaluation order
value. If the evaluation order value is the same
for two or more tables, then they are listed
Evaluation Order
These are the AVPs that will be added into processing.
These need to be mapped to be the same as values from
underlying tables. This allows populating the same AVPs
from different tables.
Result Columns
Name of the AVP. It should start with alphanumeric
characters, should be lowercase, and should not start with
numbers, no special characters are allowed, use "_" to
separate words. For example, logical_apn = GOOD,
logicalAPN = BAD, no_spaces
More human readable name of the AVP.Display Name
Represents the availability of the row for conditions in
Policies or Use Case Templates. There is a performance
cost to having these checked, so it is recommended to
uncheck unless they are required.
Use In Conditions
The default value if no results are found from a Customer
Reference Data Table.
Default Value
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Create Search Table Group
This section controls whether or not the Search Table Group
and all tables below will be executed.
Table Search Initiators
Name of the table search initiators.Name
Step 3 Click Save.
Create Custom Reference Data Tables
Perform the following steps to create custom reference data tables:
Step 1 To create custom reference data tables, click Custom Reference Data Tables.
Step 2 Enter the values in each field as described in the following table:
Table 4: Custom Reference Data Table Parameters
Name of the table that is stored in the database.
The name can contain alphanumeric characters but must
start with alphabets, can be either lowercase or uppercase,
but not mixed cases. Special characters are not allowed
except underscore. Use underscore character "_" to separate
Examples: logical_apn, no_spaces, logical_apn2
Non-examples: logicalAPN, 2logicalAPN
Additionally, a name must have a prefix. The prefix can be
any alphanumeric string that starts with an alphabet. It can
be the name of project, customer, etc.
The prefix is mandatory for vDRA where CRD tables are
included by default in the ISO file. To avoid any duplicate
names, a prefix is required.
Example: fn_logical_apn where fn is a prefix
Name of the table that will be displayed in Control Center.Display Name
Indicates if the tables should be cached in memory and
should be checked for production.
Cache Results
Custom Reference Data Trigger that needs to be true before
evaluating this table. It can be used to create multiple tables
with the same data depending on conditions or to improve
performance if tables do not need to be evaluated based on
an initial conditions.
Activation Condition
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Create Custom Reference Data Tables
When enabled, indicates that the CRD table is an SVN CRD
table and CRD data for the table is fetched from CRD CSV
file present in SVN data source.
When disabled, indicates that the CRD table data needs to
be fetched from Mongo database.
Svn Crd Data
Name of the column in the database. It should be unique
else an error will be thrown.
More readable display name.Display Name
Represents the availability of the row for conditions in
Policies or Use Case Templates. There is a performance
cost to having these checked, so it is recommended to
uncheck unless they are required.
Use In Conditions
Determines the values in the control center as described
Text: Value can be any character. For example,
Number: Value should be a whole number. For
example, 1234.
Decimal: Value can be any number. For example,
True/False: Value can be true or false. For example,
Data: Value should be a date without time component.
For example, May 17
DateTime: Value should be a date and time. For
example, May 17th, 2020 5:00pm.
Indicates that this column is all or part of the key for the
table that makes this row unique. By default, a key is
required. Keys also are allowed set the Runtime Binding
fields to populate this data from the current message/session.
Typically, keys are bound to data from the current session
(APN, RAT Type) and other values are derived from them.
Keys can also be set to a value derived from another
customer reference data table.
Indicates whether this field will be marked required in
Control Center. A key is always required.
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Create Custom Reference Data Tables
Column Details
All values are allowed in control center.All
A list of name/display name pairs that will be used to create
the list. Valid values can also contain a name which will be
the actual value of the column and a display value which
allows Control Center to display an easier to use name.
List of Valid
The name of the column in the database.Name
Readable display name.Display Name
Validation used by Control CenterValidation
The Java regular expression that will be run on the proposed
new cell value to validate it.
Regular Expression
A message to the user indicating what the regular expression
is trying to check.
Regular Expression Description
Which row match when a message is received.Runtime
This pulls the value from an AVP on the subscriber. It will
also pull values from a session AVP or a Policy Derived
Bind to Subscriber AVP
This pulls the value from a Policy State Data Retriever
which knows how to retrieve a single value for a session.
Bind to Session/Policy State
This allows the key to be filled out from a columns value
from another table. This allows 'normalizing' the table
structure and not having on giant table with a lot of
duplicated values.
Bind to a result column from another table
This allows the key be filled out from an AVP on the
diameter request.
Bind to Diameter request AVP code
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Create Custom Reference Data Tables
This allows the row to be 'matched' in other ways than
having the value be 'equals'. Default value is equals.
eq: Equal
ne: Not Equal
gt: Greater than
gte: Greater than or equal
lt: Less than
lte: Less than or equal
Matching Operator
Step 3 Click Save.
Diameter Configuration
CPS DRA supports the following Diameter Applications:
Gx Application
Gy Application
Rx Application
Sd Application
For more information about Diameter configuration, see the CPS vDRA Configuration Guide.
Add Gx Application
Perform the following steps to add Gx application:
Step 1 In CPS DRA, navigate to Policy Builder.
Step 2 Click Diameter Applications.
Step 3 To add a Gx application, click Gx Application.
Step 4 Enter the values in each field as described in the following table:
Table 5: Gx Application Parameters
Name of the Gx application.Name
16777238, 3GPP specified Application Identifier for Gx
Application Id
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Diameter Configuration
Vendor Identifiers that are required to be supported on Gx
Vendor Ids
When selected it indicates this is a 3GPP defined application
Tgpp Application
Application Route
Identifier of the route.
Indicates the priority of the route.Priority
Indicates value of command code AVP within the message.Command Code
Indicates if the Credit Control Request type is Initial
(1)/Update (2) or Terminate (3).
Request Type
When selected it indicates the message will contain a
Destination Host
Identifies the request routing table for this interface and
Action Tables
Step 5 Click Save.
Add Gy Application
Perform the following steps to add Gy application:
Step 1 In CPS DRA, navigate to Policy Builder.
Step 2 Click Diameter Applications.
Step 3 To add a Gy application, click Gy Application.
Step 4 Enter the values in each field as described in the following table:
Table 6: Gy Application Parameters
Name of the Gy application.Name
4, 3GPP specified Application Identifier for Gy interface.Application Id
Vendor Identifiers that are required to be supported on Gy
Vendor Ids
When selected it indicates this is a 3GPP defined application
Tgpp Application
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Add Gy Application
Application Route
Identifier of the route.
Indicates the priority of the route.Priority
Indicates value of command code AVP within the message.Command Code
Indicates if the Credit Control Request type is Initial
(1)/Update (2) or Terminate (3).
Request Type
When selected it indicates the message will contain a
Destination Host
Identifies the request routing table for this interface and
Action Tables
Step 5 Click Save.
Add Rx Application
Perform the following steps to add Rx application:
Step 1 In CPS DRA, navigate to Policy Builder.
Step 2 Click Diameter Applications.
Step 3 To add a Rx application, click Rx Application.
Step 4 Enter the values in each field as described in the following table:
Table 7: Rx Application Parameters
Name of the Gy application.Name
16777236, 3GPP specified Application Identifier for Rx
Application Id
Vendor Identifiers that are required to be supported on Gy
Vendor Ids
When selected it indicates this is a 3GPP defined application
Tgpp Application
Application Route
Identifier of the route.
Indicates the priority of the route.Priority
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Add Rx Application
Indicates value of command code AVP within the message.Command Code
Indicates if the Credit Control Request type is Initial
(1)/Update (2) or Terminate (3).
Request Type
When selected it indicates the message will contain a
Destination Host
Identifies the request routing table for this interface and
Action Tables
Step 5 Click Save.
Add Sd Application
Perform the following steps to add Sd application:
Step 1 In CPS DRA, navigate to Policy Builder.
Step 2 Click Diameter Applications.
Step 3 To add a Sd application, click Sd Application.
Step 4 Enter the values in each field as described in the following table:
Table 8: Sd Application Parameters
Name of the Gy application.Name
16777303, 3GPP specified Application Identifier for Sd
Application Id
Vendor Identifiers that are required to be supported on Gy
Vendor Ids
When selected it indicates this is a 3GPP defined application
Tgpp Application
Application Route
Identifier of the route.
Indicates the priority of the route.Priority
Indicates value of command code AVP within the message.Command Code
Indicates if the Credit Control Request type is Initial
(1)/Update (2) or Terminate (3).
Request Type
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Add Sd Application
When selected it indicates the message will contain a
Destination Host
Identifies the request routing table for this interface and
Action Tables
Step 5 Click Save.
Diameter Routing
Diameter request message routing is done via realms and applications. A Diameter message that is forwarded
by Diameter agents (proxies, redirects or relays) must include the target realm in the Destination-Realm AVP
and one of the application identification AVPs
(Auth-Application-Id/Acct-Application-Id/Vendor-Specific-Application-Id). The realm can be retrieved from
the User-Name AVP, which is in the form of a Network Access Identifier (NAI). The realm portion of the
NAI is inserted in the Destination-Realm AVP. Diameter agents have a list of locally supported realms and
applications, and can have a list of externally supported realms and applications.
Routing AVP definitions links the different Application Routing tables to required CRD tables and supports
the following applications:
Gx Application
Rx Application
Sd Application
The following parameters can be configured under Routing AVP Definitions:
Table 9: Routing AVP Definition Parameters
Name of the application.Name
List of search table groups to perform routing AVP
lookup. The AVPs from incoming messages will be
looked up to match the rows of the CRD tables
referenced by the search table groups listed here. For
more information, see CPS vDRA Configuration
Routing Avp Lookup
CPS Service Configuration
The Import/Export option enables you to perform the following operations:
Export CPS Service Configuration into a single file.
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Diameter Routing
Import CPS Service Configuration to another environment.
For more information, see Export and Import Service Configurations in CPS Operations Guide.
View Versioned Custom Reference Data Tables
You can view the SVN CRD data of a specific versioned CRD table under the Versioned Custom Reference
Data option. The versioned CRD tables represents a combined list of custom reference data tables present
under Custom Reference Data tables and different Search Table Groups whose Svn Crd Data checkbox is
View Details of Versioned CRD Tables
Perform the following steps to view the CRD data of a versioned CRD table:
Step 1 Navigate to Versioned Custom Reference Data under Policy Builder.
Step 2 To view details, select a versioned CRD table listed.
The versioned CRD table details is displayed.
Import Data of Versioned CRD Tables
Perform the following steps to import CRD data of a versioned CRD table:
Step 1 Navigate to Versioned Custom Reference Data under Policy Builder.
Step 2 Click Import option provided against the CRD table whose data you want to import.
The File to Import dialog box is displayed from where you can select a CSV file containing CRD data to be imported.
Step 3 Select a file.
Step 4 After the file is loaded, select Import.
File imported success message is displayed.
View Graphical Illustration of CRD Tables
Experimental CRD visualization option enables users to view Search Table Group relationships graphically.
The nodes displayed are Search Table Groups and the links show where column data for a search table group
is pulled from another table with the "Bind to a result column from another table" setting.
You can select an STG element, view its details in the Selected Info dialog box and save the layout.
STG displays the following information:
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
View Versioned Custom Reference Data Tables
Layout nodes.
Switched display of STG elements to list STG result columns instead of CRD Columns.
Indicates columns in CRD tables under STG displaying ‘keys’ (key symbol) or ‘required’ (*).
Indicates where columns get their values from such as subscriber AVP, other CRD column, and session
data field.
View Details of STG Element
Perform the following steps to view details of the STG element:
Step 1 In CPS DRA, navigate to Policy Builder.
Step 2 Select Experimental CRD visualization under Policy Builder.
Step 3 To view details, select an STG element.
The following details are displayed:
Table 10: STG Element Details
Name of the search table group.STG Name
Search table group columns.STG Columns
Child custom reference data tables.Child Custom Reference Data Tables
View Repository Details
Policy Builder displays an option that enables you can view a list of repositories as follows:
Select Repository to navigate repositories list page, to view repository details and to reload configurations
of the selected repository
Select the dropdown to view the available repositories.
To switch to a new repository by selecting a repository from the dropdown list, user will have to re-login to
authenticate the user with the selected repository.
The following table describes the repository details:
Table 11: Repository Details
Name of the repository.Name
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
View Details of STG Element
URL of the branch of the version control software
server that are used to check in this version of the
Username that is configured to view Policy Builder
SVN Username
Temporary working local directory for the policy
Temp Directory
Select to reload the repository from the file system.
Reload link is available only when the
repository matches the selected (working)
Reload Repository
Add New Repository
Perform the following steps to add a new repository:
Step 1 In CPS DRA, navigate to Policy Builder Overview.
A Choose Policy Builder Data Repository dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Click Add Repository link.
An Add Repository dialog box is displayed with the following fields/URL:
Name of the repository.Name
URL of the branch of the version control software server
that is used to check in this version of the data.
Local directory for the policy configurations.
The standard path for Local Directory is
Local Directory
Step 3 Enter valid values.
If the mandatory fields are not entered, an error message is displayed.
Step 4 Click OK.
1. After entering values in the repository fields, the progress bar should display and hide when the response from API
is returned.
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Add New Repository
2. If there is an error response from the API, it should be displayed in the error modal. On closing the error modal the
add repository modal with the old values is displayed.
Select Repository
When you select Policy Builder option in the CPS DRA interface, a Choose Policy Builder Data Repository
dialog box is displayed which enables you to select a repository.
The dialog box to select a repository is displayed only if you have not loaded any repository earlier. In case
any error occurs while loading the available repositories, an error dialog is displayed. When you click Close,
the DRA landing page is displayed.
Perform the following steps to select a repository:
Step 1 In CPS DRA, navigate to Policy Builder Overview.
A Choose Policy Builder Data Repository dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Click the Select Repository drop-down.
Step 3 Select a repository from the drop-down list.
Step 4 Click Done.
The selected repository is loaded.
If you click Cancel, the application is redirected to the DRA landing page as there is no repository loaded.
Switch Repository
Perform the following steps to switch repositories:
Step 1 In CPS DRA, navigate to Policy Builder Overview.
Step 2 Select the Switch Repository icon.
A Choose Policy Builder Data Repository dialog box is displayed.
The repository which is currently loaded is displayed as selected in the repository drop-down.
Step 3 Click the Select Repository drop-down.
Step 4 Select a repository from the drop-down list.
Step 5 Click Done.
The selected repository is loaded.
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Select Repository
You are notified with appropriate error messages during switching repositories in the following scenarios:
Failure from API end.
When SVN is down.
When the request gets timed out.
Publish Configuration Changes
To put changes into effect and have the Cisco Policy Builder server recognize the configuration changes made
in your client session, use the Publish option and save the changes to the server repository.
Publish enables you to publish or revert all the changes made in the Policy Builder.
For more information on Publishing operations, see CPS Mobile Configuration Guide.
Publish Changes
Perform the following steps to publish changes:
Step 1 In CPS DRA, navigate to Policy Builder.
Step 2 Select Publish.
Step 3 Enter a commit comment.
Step 4 Review the changes displayed under Changes to commit.
Step 5 Click the Publish To drop down and select the Publish Repository.
The Publish to drop down points to CPS server SVN configurations repository where CPS server polls for SVN
changes. After receiving the notification, CPS server will check out the latest configurations from SVN.
Step 6 Select Commit and Publish.
Publish successful message is displayed.
Revert Changes
Perform the following steps to revert changes:
Step 1 In CPS DRA, navigate to Policy Builder.
Step 2 Select Publish.
Step 3 Review the changes displayed under Changes to commit.
Step 4 Click Revert All Changes.
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
Publish Configuration Changes
View Notifications
You can view notifications regarding various stages of all CPS products by selecting the Alert option provided
in the toolbar.
Perform the following steps to view notifications:
Step 1 Click Alert.
A notification message is displayed.
Step 2 Click Accept.
After the notification is accepted, the toolbar reverts to the default color.
If the system upgrade deadline is approaching, the accept option is not displayed and the toolbar continues
to display the alert link and notification.
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
View Notifications
Configuring CPS DRA
Configuring CPS DRA
View Notifications