Courtesy of Drive Quest Authorized Driving Schools.
Contact us Toll Free at 1 888 783 7483 for private written test
preparation lessons.
1. To help avoid being hit from the rear by another driver
when preparing to turn, you should
a-Keep parking lights on at all times
b-Signal at least 100 feet before you turn
c-Check your rearview mirror often
2. You must not cross a solid double line in the center of
the roadway to
a-Overtake and pass another vehicle
b-Make a left turn
c-Enter a private driveway
3. The law states that for an adult, you are legally drunk
when your blood alcohol concentration reaches a minimum
a-One hundredth (0.01) of one percent
b-One tenth (0.10) of one percent
c-Eight hundredths (0.08) of one percent
4. When a school bus with flashing red lights has stopped
on the road ahead of you, you must
a-Slow to 10 m.p.h.
b-Stop until the lights stop flashing
c-Change lanes and pass cautiously
5. You are driving a slow moving vehicle on a winding
two-lane highway. You must pull over when it is safe and
let other drivers pass when you are followed by
a-3 vehicles
b-4 vehicles
c-5 or more vehicles
6. When you approach a "blind" intersection (you can't see
100 feet down the cross street) and there is no STOP or
YIELD sign placed at the corner, the speed limit is
a-15 m.p.h.
b-20 m.p.h.
c-25 m.p.h.
7. Where a left turn at an intersection can be started from
either of two lanes, a U-turn can be started from
a-Either of the two lanes
b-Only the left lane
c-Any lane that is open
8. Pedestrians using guide dogs or carrying white canes
must be
a-Given the right-of-way at all times
b-Given the right-of-way at corners only
c-Told when to cross the street
9. You must always look carefully for motorcycles before
you change lanes or make a left turn because they
a-Have the right-of-way
b-Are hard to see
c-Are driven too fast
10. When you hear the siren or see the red emergency light
of a closely approaching ambulance, police vehicle, or fire
truck, you must
a-Drive to the right edge of the road and stop
b-Move in to the right lane and drive slowly until has
c-Speed up to clear traffic
11. To be sure a lane is clear before moving into it, you
a-Turn your head and look
b-Look in the left side mirror
c-Look into the rear-view mirror
12. You may cross over a double line on the road to pass
another vehicle if the line on your side of the road is
b-Solid white
c-Solid yellow
13. If you become angry or upset, you should
a-Go for a drive to forget your problems
b-"Cool off" before driving
c-Control your emotions while driving
14. It is against the law to enter an intersection or
crosswalk when
a-The light is yellow
b-The light is flashing red
c-You cannot cross without obstructing traffic
from either side.
15. Which one of the following is NOT a safe driving
a-Keep parking lights on at all times
b-Fix your eyes on the vehicle ahead
c-Turn your head and look before you turn the steering
16. Driving under the influence of any drug which makes
you drive unsafely is
a-Permitted if it is prescribed by a doctor
b-Against the law
c-Permitted if it is a diet pill or cold medicine
17. If you see orange construction signs and cones on a
freeway, you must
a-Slow down because the road ends
b-Be prepared for workers and slow moving
c-Change lanes and maintain speed
18. You must make a financial responsibility report after
an accident when damage to one of the vehicles is over
a-Only if you are not insured
b-Only if it was your fault
c-No matter who was at fault
19. At an intersection with stop signs at all four (or more)
corners, when two cars arrive at the same time you must
yield the right-of way to the driver
a-On your right
b-On your left
c-Signaling a turn
20. Carpool lanes are marked with a diamond symbol. To
use these lanes during the special hours shown on the signs
you must
a-Be driving a van or bus
b-Drive at the speed limit or have your lights on
c-Have the minimum number of passengers shown
on the signs.
21. If you are arrested for drunk driving and refuse to
submit to a chemical test of the alcohol content of your
a-Your driving privilege will be withdrawn
b-You will receive an additional fine
c-You will not be allowed to post bail
22. When you come to a corner where there is a flashing
yellow light you must
a-Stop before crossing
b-Wait for the green light
c-Slow down and cross carefully
23. You are passing a school and see children near the
street. You may not drive faster than
a-35 m.p.h.
b-20 m.p.h.
c-25 m.p.h.
24. It has been proven that safety belts:
a-Sometimes cause drivers to be trapped in their cars
b-Can make it harder to steer during an emergency
c-Can reduce injury and death
25. When you reach a corner without a traffic light or sign
at the same time as vehicles on the cross street, you must
yield the right-of-way to
a-The driver on your right
b-The driver on your left
c-Neither driver
26. When both right and left turn signals are flashing at the
same time on a moving vehicle, it means
a-It is carrying children to or from school
b-Let the vehicle have the right-of-way
c-There may be a hazard or an accident ahead
27. California's basic speed law" says, in addition to
obeying the maximum speed limit, drivers must keep in
a-The posted speed limit
b-Synchronized stop lights
c-Road, traffic and weather conditions
28. When coming to a corner where there is a stop sign,
you must first stop
a-After crossing the crosswalk
b-Out far enough to see cross traffic
c-In back of the crosswalk
29. When a school bus with flashing red lights has stopped
on the road ahead of you, you must
a-Slow to 10 m.p.h.
b-Stop until the lights stop flashing
c-Change lanes and pass cautiously
30. Using the unpaved shoulder of the road to pass to the
right of a vehicle ahead of you is
a-Forbidden by law
b-Permitted if you are turning right
c-Permitted if the vehicle ahead is turning left
31. If you become sleepy while driving, it is best to
a-Increase your speed to get away from other vehicles
b-Move over to the right lane and continue driving
c-Drive to a safe place, stop and rest
32. If traffic light is red, but a police officer or fire fighter
on duty tells you to go ahead, you should
a-Wait for the green light
b-Do as he or she tells you
c-Report him or her to police
33. How many days do you have to report to DMV the sale
or transfer of your vehicle?
a-5 days
b-10 days
c-20 days
34. It is against the law to have an open alcoholic beverage
container in your vehicle, except
a-On the back seat
b-In the trunk
c-In the glove compartment
35. If you are repeatedly convicted for traffic violations
a-DMV may impound your vehicle
b-Your driving privilege may be suspended by
c-Both of the above
36. You may not "double park"
a-At any time
b-Except when making a delivery
c-Except while waiting in the vehicle
37. Bicycle riders must
a-Ride facing traffic when there is no bike lane
b-Be given a safe amount of space when being
passed by automobile drivers
c-never walk the bicycle across the street
38. Driving so slowly as to interfere with normal or
reasonable flow of traffic, except when necessary for
safety, is
a-A violation of the law
b-The right of any driver
c-Legal, but not advisable
39. If a police officer asks you to take an alcohol test, you
may choose:
a-A blood, breath, or urine test
b-A field sobriety test
c-To say the alphabet backwards
40. If you are involved in an accident
a-Notify the local law enforcement agency or CHP
if anyone is injured or killed
b-Show evidence that you have insurance only to a
peace officer
c-Stop and identify yourself only if someone is injured
41. Sleeping pills, tranquilizers, pain medicine, or cold or
allergy medications
a-May impair your driving
b-May increase the bad effects of alcohol on your
c-Both of the above
42. A passenger vehicle may NOT tow
a-One trailer
b-Another passenger vehicle
c-Two trailers
43. If a driver ahead of you has stopped at a crosswalk,
you should
a-Change lanes, look carefully, and pass
b-Tap your horn to let the driver know you are waiting
c-Stop then proceed when safe
44. You should not drive
a-After you have taken any drink, drug, or medication
which changes how you think, or act, or causes you to be
less careful
b-If you are not alert
c-Both of the above
45. When you enter a freeway from an on ramp and merge
with traffic, you should be driving at
a-The legal speed limit on the freeway
b-About the same speed as the freeway traffic
c-About 10 m.p.h. slower than the freeway speed limit
46. Coasting with the gear shift in neutral is:
a-Recommended in the mountains
b-Safe and conserves gas
c-Against the law
47. You are driving alongside a bicycle lane and want to
turn right at a corner. You should signal, look carefully for
bike riders, then
a-Merge into the bike lane before turning
b-Make your turn, being careful to stay out of the bike
c-Speed up and pass any bicycle riders before they get
to the corner
48. You may open your vehicle's door on the traffic side
a-At any time while parked
b-To leave but not to enter your vehicle
c-Only when it is safe
49. If you are the first person to stop to give assistance at a
collision scene, you should drive to the side of the road:
a-After you have passed the collision scene
b-Before you reach the collision scene
c-Next to the collision scene
50. The 'implied consent law” says you have agreed to take
a test for the alcohol content of your blood
a-Whenever you drive in California
b-On advice of an attorney
c-If an accident has occurred
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