ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Volume 9 Number 2, August 2022
ISSN (Print): 2336-8560, ISSN (ONLINE): 2550-0724
ELT- Lectura, Vol 9, No 2, August 2022
Business English Materials; What Should be Developed Related to the 21
Pratama Irwin Talenta
, Maria Dimitrij Angie Pavita
Universitas Nasional Karangturi Semarang, Indonesia
Universitas Nasional Karangturi Semarang, Indonesia
Learning outcomes can be achieved with suitable teaching materials. The integration and
effectiveness of teaching materials greatly influence the successful implementation of
Business English. The long-term goal of this research and development is to develop 21st-
century Competency-based Business English materials. The design of this study used the
research and development (R&D) of Borg and Gall (1983) with simplification into four
stages, namely: introduction, development, trial test, and dissemination which were held
within six months. The data collected is tested for validity through triangulation tests by
conducting forum group discussions with experts and colleagues. The research subjects are
lecturers and students of English at Universitas Nasional Karangturi. Months 1 2 are for
conducting preliminary activities, months 3 4 are for designing the assessment draft, and
months 5 6 are for testing and dissemination. The results of this study are Business
English teaching materials, including Job Interviews, Business English conversations,
Business English Podcast, English for Presentation, Curriculum Vitae, and Application
Letters as preparation for professional career development. The stages and results of the
research are recommended to be a reference for teachers, lecturers, developers of teaching
materials, and researchers in developing and teaching business English, especially for
professional career development with steps through material development, assessment, and
evaluation. It can conclude that the 21st-century competency-based Business English
teaching materials that are produced trigger students to be more active in communication
have high creativity, critical thinking, and good cooperation, and the students can learn by
combining practical business knowledge directly.
Keywords: Material Development, Business English, 21st Century Competence
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Pratama Irwin Talenta, Maria Dimitrij Angie Pavita
Students must be willing to have
successful career after they graduate.
According to Vina A. Muliana, there are
many ways students can get a brilliant
career. “Karir dan masa depan adalah
mimpi yang harus diwujudkan.
Sebenarnya nggak sulit kok untuk
mewujudkan menjadi nyata. Tapi butuh
trik tersendiri supaya karir di masa depan
lebih gemilang,” said Vina, along with
other famous figures on social media at
the Youth Inspiring Talk event organized
by the Student Executive Board of the
Faculty of Economics and Business, UPN
"Veteran" Yogyakarta with Campuspedia
and SEVIMA on Saturday (18/09/2021).
English was very important in
supporting the success of learning and
career. (Kurniawan, Retnawati, 2019).
One of the challenges in career
development is the limited human
resources who have English skills in a
highly competitive world of work. So that
universities must be able to quickly and
precisely overcome these obstacles. As
the area of the world of entrepreneurship
is business, Universitas National
Karangturi (Unkartur) requires graduates
who are highly competitive and able to go
international. Currently, Unkartur is
actively handling entrepreneurship,
including business; the principle is the
application of national standardization so
that the quality of graduates is guaranteed.
There are qualifications of educators who
must master business pedagogic concepts,
as well as the availability of research
institutions. Thus, it is considered an ideal
bridge for connecting entrepreneurship,
especially business, to the field of national
The example above shows a need
for English for the business field at
Unkartur to create graduates who are by
the education itself. There is a possibility
that the teaching and learning process at
Unkartur does not run effectively and
follows the needs of the world of work, so
students do not get suitable learning
materials. Therefore, efforts are needed to
solicit input to formulate the Business
English program into Unkartur. Teaching
materials are an essential component in
the implementation of Business English.
Learning success can achieve with
suitable teaching materials. The
integration and effectiveness of teaching
materials greatly influence the successful
performance of Business English. In
addition, several educators admitted they
were not confident in developing Business
English materials. They do not understand
how to formulate indicators and develop
lesson plans. Another difficulty that many
educators complain about is related to
21st-century competencies. They must be
able to design educational materials for
business English that emphasize 21st-
century skills. This research focuses on
problems related to developing 21st-
century competency-based business
English materials. Regarding the issue of
lack of mastery of material development
for Business English, the researchers want
to build it substantively, including the
concept of learning materials, planning
learning materials, creating instruments,
implementing learning, processing and
utilizing learning outcomes in
collaboration with 21st-century
competencies to welcome the industrial
era 4.0. The discussion of instrument
development material in this research is
carried out technically and coherently so
that educators are expected to be easier to
understand and apply. Research results
can source valid scientific data regarding
21st century competency-based Business
This research focuses on problems
related to developing 21st-century
competency-based business English
materials. Regarding the issue of lack of
mastery of material development for
Business English, the researchers want to
build it substantively, including the
concept of learning materials, planning
learning materials, developing
instruments, implementing learning,
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Pratama Irwin Talenta, Maria Dimitrij Angie Pavita
processing and utilizing learning
outcomes in collaboration with 21st-
century competencies to welcome the
industrial era 4.0. The discussion of
instrument development material in this
research is carried out technically and
coherently so that educators are expected
to be easier to understand and apply.
Research results can source valid
scientific data regarding 21st century
competency-based Business English.
Several researchers have researched
the development of competency-based
English materials or research on the
development of materials in the form of
electronic media, as described below,
which will later become reference
materials in this study. The results of
research by Luciana and Padmadewi et al.
(2020) published in the Journal of
Education and Teaching entitled
Teachers' readiness in inserting the 21st-
century skills in the lesson plan in
teaching English reveal the findings As an
English teacher, it is necessary to have a
good understanding of century skills. -21
before applying 21st-century skills in
lesson plans. Teachers become severe and
flexible in planning learning by looking at
the rules and obligations in the curriculum
and looking at the standardization of 21st-
century education in applying 21st-
century skills in lesson plans.
The article in the Journal of Asia
TEFL by Tipmontree and
Tasannameelarp (2018) entitled the
effects of role-playing simulation
activities on the improvement of EFL
students' business English oral
communication aims to examine the
impact of role-playing simulation
activities in improving business English
verbal communication. The results
showed that the teaching method had a
positive effect on improving students' oral
communication skills. In addition, there is
a statistically significant difference in
learning through role-playing simulation
activities. It was also found that teaching
staff should provide adequate training in
problem-solving and fluency building for
more effective verbal communication on
an ongoing basis in a business English
The Singapore Ministry of
Education contends that a comprehensive
educational framework must incorporate
21st-century skills. It is stated that
learning this competency solely in the
classroom is not possible. To help their
kids learn to become successful adults
who can think critically and create
original solutions to the complex
problems facing today's society, educators
and parents must collaborate. Creativity,
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving,
Communication, Collaboration,
Innovation, Adaptability, Digital
Literacy, Leadership, and Cross-Cultural
Understanding are some essential 21st-
century competencies that students must
have. Gill (2021).
The framework includes three skill
sets: life and career skills, learning and
innovation skills, and information skills.
Life and career skills include leadership
and responsibility, initiative and self-
direction, flexibility and adaptability,
social and cross-cultural skills,
productivity and accountability, and
flexibility and adaptability (information
literacy, media literacy, technology
literacy). Additionally, it features modern
world themes (citizenship literacy,
business, finance, economics, and
entrepreneurial literacy, health literacy,
environmental literacy, and global
awareness literacy).
This research approach is research and
development or R&D; Borg and Gall
(1983: 775-776) explain that the steps in
the R & D cycle in education (learning)
are as follows:
1. Information gathering consists of
conducting a literature review, observing
a class, and writing a current report.
2. Planning consists of specifying
objectives, setting goals, choosing a
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Pratama Irwin Talenta, Maria Dimitrij Angie Pavita
course of action, and evaluating feasibility
on a small scale.
3. Develop the initial form of the product
consists of creating instructional
materials, manuals, and assessment tools.
4. Preliminary field trial
5. Interview, observation, and
questionnaire data were collected and
6. Major product revisions Product
revisions as suggested by initial field test
7. Main field trial Results are evaluated
concerning objectives and compared with
control group data, where appropriate.
8. Product revision: The product is
changed in accordance with the main field
test findings.
9. Information from questionnaires,
observations, and interviews was gathered
and examined.
10. Product revision based on field test
results for the final product.
Implementation and dissemination
The 4th semester English Education
students are the research subjects for
Business English. The research was
conducted from March 2022 to August
2022 at the University of Karangturi. In
this research and development, these steps
will be simplified into 4 (four) main
phases, each of which includes several
specific steps. The four steps are
1) The preliminary stage,
The researcher wants to know how
students respond to teaching-learning
activities in the classroom as well as the
teaching-learning process itself in this
step. The researcher looked at the patterns
of instruction and learning in the
classroom, as well as how lecturers and
students communicate ideas.
2) The stage of developing teaching
In this stage, the researcher decides how
the Business English module will address
the issues raised by the students and offer
a solution. The researcher conducts a field
study to analyze data and determine the
most pressing needs of the students.
3) The stage of testing teaching
In this step, the researcher tests the
teaching materials to find out are the
modules are appropriate to achieve the
aim of this research.
4) The stage of dissemination and
implementation of teaching
The researcher uses the entire set of
teaching materials in this final step to
identify any areas that could be improved
before designing the materials
Research result
This research results in a 21st-century
competency-based business English
module to support business English
learning for students. Modules include
Job Interviews, Business English
conversations, Business podcasts, English
for Presentation, Curriculum Vitae,
Application letters, examples and
exercises in each unit, and structured
activities such as role-play scenarios in
small groups or pairs.
Preliminary Stage
1. Objectives:
This preliminary stage aims to review
the existing assessment and conduct a
needs analysis of the assessment that will
be developed. The questions that need to
be answered include: (1) Have there been
any previous business English teaching
materials? (2) If there is, how is the
quality of the teaching materials, and what
are the effects? (3) Is the new teaching
material (which will be developed by the
researcher) needed?
2. Research form:
The form of research used is Research
and Development research, in which the
researcher collects as broad, deep, and
accurate information as possible about the
quality of teaching materials (if they
already exist) and the importance of
developing these teaching materials.
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Pratama Irwin Talenta, Maria Dimitrij Angie Pavita
3. Research subjects:
This preliminary stage involves parties
related to developing teaching materials,
namely business English lecturers,
students, education/teaching experts, etc.
4. Data collection techniques:
The data collection techniques can be
questionnaires, in-depth interviews (in-
depth interviewing), participant
observation, content analysis, tests, etc.
5. Data analysis technique:
The data analysis technique used can be a
combination of several relevant
techniques: interactive model from Miles
& Huberman, constant comparative
method (Strauss and Corbin),
ethnographic model (Spradley), etc.
6. Output:
The output of this preliminary stage is
extensive, in-depth, and accurate
empirical information about the quality of
the existing materials (if they already
exist) and the importance of developing
these materials. This information will be
used to draft 21st-century competency-
based business English materials.
7. To obtain accurate, comprehensive, and
in-depth information at this preliminary
stage, researchers need to have a good
understanding of the assessment to be
developed and other relevant matters.
Therefore, a theoretical study of the
assessment and other pertinent issues
needs to be done.
Development Stage of Business English
1. The development phase of teaching
materials consists of three main activities,
namely (a) drafting of teaching materials,
(b) testing of the assessment draft, and (c)
completion of the assessment.
2. Drafting of teaching materials: Drafting
of teaching materials is based on the
results of the preliminary stage and other
relevant information. The features of
teaching materials need to be explained in
detail, which includes, among others, the
objectives of teaching materials,
functions, specifications of teaching
materials, user targets, strengths, and
weaknesses of teaching materials. Results
of developing draft teaching materials
should be validated by experts so that,
theoretically, the draft can be justified.
3. Testing of the draft of teaching
materials: The trial of the draft of teaching
materials in the field is intended to assess
the feasibility of teaching materials. This
trial was carried out several times as
needed, involving sufficient and varied
research subjects according to the
competence of the assessment setting. The
trial mechanism is as follows: draft of
teaching materials field trials 1
monitoring and evaluation 1 → revision 1
revised draft of teaching materials
field trials 2 → monitoring and evaluation
2 revision 2 ... and so on until the
teaching materials are considered good
based on predetermined criteria and
expert judgments.
4. Improvement of teaching materials:
The last activity in developing teaching
materials is the refinement of teaching
materials. In this phase, the researcher
refines the draft of teaching materials that
are being developed. Improvements are
based on input obtained during the trial
period in the field and expert judgment. In
this step, the researcher also needs to
explain the features of the post-trial
assessment. Thus, the parts of the draft
teaching materials will be known before
and after the trial.
Stage of Testing Business English
Teaching material is considered good
if it has a good impact on its users.
Therefore, the teaching materials being
studied need to be compared with other
teaching materials that have existed
before. The form of research used is an
experiment. The experimental research
design used is Pre-Experiment.
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Pratama Irwin Talenta, Maria Dimitrij Angie Pavita
Dissemination and Implementation
At this stage, the researcher
socializes the teaching materials he has
developed with the hope that these
teaching materials can be implemented.
Dissemination can be done in various
ways, such as presentations in scientific
forums, writing articles in scientific
journals, and dissemination through the
webbroader scale trials in the group of
users of teaching materials and the impact
group. At the stage of developing and
validating teaching materials, the
analytical approach used is descriptive in
the form of data presentation, as well as in
the size of the assessment accuracy
(applicability) analyzed descriptively
One of the easiest ways to learn
business English is to get directly
involved in business/entrepreneurial
activities. Students are given examples of
business activities in English which are
expected to be used for simulating
business activities. This activity is
expected to be a structured trigger for
learning business English. In addition to
dialogue examples, material enrichment
and explanatory phrases aim to equip
students with more vocabulary knowledge
related to topics or daily business
activities. Structured activities are
outlined in modules so students can
prepare their activities before learning.
This step is offered to reduce student
anxiety facing the professional world of
work in the real world.
Potential and Problems
Lack of modules to support students in
learning and practicing business English
skills. These potential problems can be
seen in students' daily life in lectures.
Many students are not directly involved in
business activities. The existing modules
are considered not to support business
English activities.
Developing Early Products
The initial product was designed based on
course descriptions, objectives, and
questionnaire results. 21st-century
competencies such as characteristics,
communication, creativity, critical
thinking, and collaboration are the
mainstays in developing business English
modules. For example, below is Task 5,
which provides knowledge of business
English that must be supplemented by
specific vocabulary.
Job interviews
Preparation is the key to a successful job
interview. Here’s how to be ready for some
common question types.
Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the
article and do the exercises.
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Pratama Irwin Talenta, Maria Dimitrij Angie Pavita
Table 4.1 Example of Exercise Matching
Match the definitions (ah) with the
vocabulary (18).
1. to resolve a
3. to be
4. to be
5. to be the ideal
match for
6....... competence
7. to remember
8. day off from
a. causing
anxiety because
of a challenging
b. unrelated to
the subject at
hand or the
c. a necessary
skill for
performing a job
d. to deal with
something; to
respond to
e. to recall an
earlier occasion
f. imagined and
therefore not
necessarily true
or true
g. not working
that day
h. exactly what is
A discussion section is provided to help
students understand the Job Interview
based on its context.
Here are three types of interview questions
that you should practice answering before
that important job interview.
1. Common interview questions
Tell us about yourself.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Why do you want to leave your current job?
2. Competency questions
Tell me about a time you had to work as a
Tell me about a time you had to use your
creativity to solve a problem.
Tell me about a time when you experienced
conflict with a colleague and how you
handled that situation.
3. Hypothetical questions
What would you do if you had a different
opinion from your boss about how to do
How would you deal with a large volume of
work with several staff members off work?
What would you do if you had to introduce
a new policy that you knew was going to be
unpopular in your team?
In conclusion, the authors have presented
what students need in Business English
class; Students feel they have to be
directly involved in business activities
supported by teaching materials full of
entrepreneurship knowledge. Moreover,
21st-century competency-based teaching
materials that are produced provide a
trigger for students to be more active in
communication, high creativity, critical
thinking and good cooperation. And
students can learn by combining practical
business knowledge hands-on. With this
teaching material, the role of the lecturer
is not limited to providing direction,
assessing and providing feedback to
students about their performance. Because
of the limitation of the time, this
researcher only designs the English
Business module without considering the
other competence of the students. It is
suggested for those who are interested are
| ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2022 Pratama Irwin Talenta, Maria Dimitrij Angie Pavita
encouraged to do similar research to
develop a variety of teaching strategies to
help students enhance their abilities.
Therefore, this research is vital because
these modules support and assist students
and can be implemented to support the
learning process of Business English.
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