Decisional Memorandum
New Drug Application 21998, Supplement 5
Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg Tablet Emergency Contraceptive
Labeling Supplement for Update to Mechanism of Action Information
I. Executive Summary
II. Background
III. Applicant’s Rationale for Requested Labeling Change
IV. Summary of Multidisciplinary Review
A. The Typical Events of the Early Reproductive Process
B. Approach to the Review
C. Information on Mechanism of Action that was Available at the Time of the Review
Division’s Analysis in Preparation for the 2003 Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee
D. Information on Mechanism of Action that Became Available After the 2003 Review
E. Integrated Summary of Current State of Knowledge Regarding Mechanism of Action of
Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraception
V. Decision on Action to be Taken
VI. Labeling
VII. References
I. Executive Summary
Levonorgestrel emergency contraception (LNG-EC) is effective in preventing pregnancy when taken within
3 days after unprotected intercourse. LNG-EC does not terminate an established pregnancy and does not
affect a continuing pregnancy.
In this supplement, the applicant requests an update to the labeling of nonprescription LNG-EC (NDA
21998), in particular to certain parts of the labeling that concern mechanism of action. The
multidisciplinary review team concurs that, based on the totality of both pre-existing and new data,
updated labeling is appropriate. Data are strong for a mechanism of action of delay or prevention of
ovulation, and data are weak to speculative regarding any postovulatory mechanistic effects, such as on
fertilization or implantation.
Key questions answered by the multidisciplinary review include:
A. Does levonorgestrel emergency contraception inhibit ovulation?
Clinical data are strong that LNG-EC, when administered prior to the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge,
inhibits or delays ovulation.
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B. Does levonorgestrel emergency contraception affect sperm function?
In vitro and human in vivo data do not support a significant effect of LNG on cervical mucus quality, sperm
quantity in the genital tract, sperm motility, or acrosomal reaction, when LNG is administered at doses
similar to that used in EC.
C. After ovulation occurs, does levonorgestrel emergency contraception affect endometrial receptivity
or implantation?
In vitro data and human clinical data show that LNG-EC does not affect exploratory markers of
endometrial receptivity after ovulation occurs. It should be noted that such markers are not validated
biomarkers, and the multidisciplinary team did not find published data that changes in endometrial
receptivity biomarkers translate into a clinical effect on blastocyst implantation. The totality of the
evidence indicates that LNG-EC does not alter the endometrium in a clinically meaningful way to prevent
implantation. Studies showing no evident reduction in the likelihood of pregnancy when LNG is
administered to women postovulation are consistent with histological and biochemical findings and
support the conclusion that LNG-EC is ineffective when administered postovulation.
D. Does levonorgestrel emergency contraception affect pregnancy rate after ovulation?
When LNG-EC is administered after ovulation occurs, the rate of pregnancy is what one would expect if
LNG-EC had not been administered. This is arguably the most important aspect of the evidence.
The data and citations supporting the above answers are included and discussed later in this
memorandum. Given the above findings, it is appropriate to update the Drug Facts label (DFL) and
Consumer Information Leaflet (CIL) for LNG-EC to reflect what has been learned about the LNG-EC
mechanism of action (MoA) in the years since the original nonprescription LNG-EC approval.
The scientific and clinical concept of the time period of pregnancy is generally consistent with the example
found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) under 45 CFR 46.202, which reads: “Pregnancy
encompasses the period of time from implantation until delivery.” LNG-EC prevents pregnancy by acting
on ovulation, which occurs before implantation, and because data do not support that LNG-EC affects
implantation, LNG-EC does not terminate pregnancy.
II. Background
Levonorgestrel is a synthetic progestin. Under the brand name Plan B One-Step® (hereafter referred to as
Plan B One-Step), the levonorgestrel 1.5 mg tablet is approved as a nonprescription emergency
contraceptive, with the Use (nonprescription equivalent to indication) stated on the Drug Facts label (DFL)
as for women to reduce chance of pregnancy after unprotected sex (if a contraceptive failed or you did
not use birth control).”
Levonorgestrel was first approved as a prescription emergency contraceptive product in 1999 under the
brand name Plan B® (hereafter referred to as Plan B); Plan B was a two-dose product with each tablet 0.75
mg. In 2006, nonprescription Plan B was approved in a partial prescription-to-nonprescription switch. In
2009, Plan B One-Step (the product in this labeling supplement), was approved as a partial prescription-
to-nonprescription switch, with a 1.5 mg tablet requiring only one dose. In 2013, the single dose 1.5 mg
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product was approved as a full prescription-to-nonprescription switch. The approval history for Plan B and
Plan B One-Step can be found at FDA’s webpage drugs@FDA available at
and .
Mechanism of action (MoA) information is rarely included in nonprescription labeling. It is not a required
element in the regulations that govern nonprescription labeling (21 CFR 201.66, Format and Content
Requirements for Over-the-Counter Drug Product Labeling). MoA is often scientifically complex and is
usually determined by nonclinical (animal or in vitro) studies, sometimes augmented by human clinical
pharmacology or human clinical studies. For prescription products, when MoA has been established, it
must be included in the prescription labeling; in that circumstance, the labeling is written for licensed
prescribers who have the scientific training to interpret MoA information correctly. By contrast,
nonprescription labeling is written for consumers of average US health literacy, generally a reading level
of approximately 6
to 8
grade. The US nonprescription label, called the Drug Facts label, is intended to
provide consumers with the key information they need to understand how to use a drug safely and
effectively without help from a licensed healthcare professional. Mechanism of action information is not
needed for the safe or effective use of nonprescription drugs in general, and not for levonorgestrel
emergency contraception in particular.
However, MoA-related information was included in the labeling of nonprescription levonorgestrel
emergency contraception at the time of its original prescription-to-nonprescription switch in 2006. In
2003, at the public Advisory Committee at which that application (for the LNG-EC 0.75 mg tablet) was
discussed, MoA arose as a topic of discussion. In 2004, the FDA requested that the applicant include
information relevant to MoA in the nonprescription labeling. In 2005, the applicant agreed, and
information relevant to MoA was present in the 2006 labeling for the original approval of the
nonprescription LNG-EC 0.75 mg tablet. When the nonprescription LNG-EC 1.5 mg tablet was approved,
the same MoA-related information was included in labeling.
In the current approved labeling for Plan B One-Step (NDA 21998, LNG- EC 1.5 mg tablet), the following
language relevant to MoA appears:
Drug Facts label:
In the “Warnings” section, under “Do not use”:
“Do not use if you are already pregnant (because it will not work).”
In the “Other information” section:
“• this product works mainly by preventing ovulation (egg release). It may also prevent
fertilization of a released egg (joining of sperm and egg) or attachment of a fertilized egg
to the uterus (implantation).
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Consumer Information Leaflet:
Under the heading “What Plan B One-Step® is not.”:
“Plan B One-Step® will not work if you are already pregnant and will not affect an existing
Under the heading “When not to use Plan B One-Step®.”:
“Plan B One-Step® should not be used if you are already pregnant, because it will not
Under the heading “How does Plan B One-Step® work?”:
“Plan B One-Step® is one tablet with levonorgestrel, a hormone that has been used in
many birth control pills for several decades. Plan B One-Step® contains a higher dose of
levonorgestrel than birth control pills, but works in a similar way to prevent pregnancy. It
works mainly by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary. It is possible that Plan B
One-Step® may also work by preventing fertilization of an egg (the uniting of sperm with
the egg) or by preventing attachment (implantation) to the uterus (womb).”
III. Applicant’s Rationale for Requested Labeling Change
In its justification for the requested labeling change, the applicant states that the current labeling of LNG-
EC may be misleading to consumers, because it contains information on a possible contribution of
postovulatory effects to LNG-EC’s mechanism of action, and some consumers are hesitant to use a product
that might affect postovulatory events, in particular implantation of the blastocyst.
The science has evolved since the original approval of LNG-EC, and the applicant submitted publications
from an updated comprehensive literature search that identified a total of 33 publications concerning
LNG-EC MoA. Six of these articles reported on clinical studies. Other types of publications included 4
clinical pharmacology research articles, 2 nonclinical animal research articles, 16 review articles, 1
professional society publication, and 4 opinion/editorial articles. The applicant presented a summary of
the findings of these publications, and concluded that data for an effect on ovulation are strong, but data
for postovulatory effects are weak or speculative. The applicant asserts that updates to the labeling are
needed to make the labeling more accurate, to reduce consumer confusion, and potentially to reduce
barriers to use of the legally marketed approved product.
IV. Summary of Multidisciplinary Review
A. The Typical Events of the Early Reproductive Process
In order to understand the points in the reproductive process at which an emergency contraceptive might
have its effect(s) to prevent pregnancy, it is useful to understand the typical sequence of events that occur
early in the reproductive process. The process is highly complex, but some major events of interest include
ovulation, fertilization, and implantation.
Figure IV.A.1 below illustrates the hormonal and follicular changes that occur in a typical menstrual cycle.
Day 1 of the cycle (the first day of menstruation) starts the follicular phase (referred to in the figure below
as the proliferative phase), in which the pituitary hormone follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates
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the development of follicles in the ovary. As follicles mature, systemic estrogen levels rise and
hypothalamic feedback occurs. In the final stages of follicular maturation, near the middle of the cycle, a
surge in systemic levels of the pituitary hormone luteinizing hormone (LH) occurs. Approximately 24-48
hours later, a dominant follicle ruptures and an ovum is released; this is referred to as ovulation. The
phase after ovulation is called the luteal phase (referred to in the figure below as the secretory phase);
during this time, there is a rise in systemic progesterone and estrogen, with accompanying changes in the
uterine endometrium.
Figure IV.A.1: Hormonal Changes and Ovarian Follicular Development in a Typical 28-Day Menstrual
Source: Leung 2010, pg 159.
Abbreviations: FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone; LH = luteinizing hormone
Note: In many sources, the “proliferative phase” is often referred to as the “follicular phase”, and the “secretory phase” is often referred to
as the “luteal phase”.
The days in which unprotected intercourse is most likely to result in fertilization are approximately the
five days prior to ovulation, and the day of ovulation (Wilcox 1995).
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Figure IV.A.2: Probability of Conception Related to Timing of Intercourse During Menstrual Cycle
Source: Adapted from Wilcox 1995, pg 1519
*Day 0 is the day of ovulation
“Probability of Conception” for a given day was calculated by dividing the number of pregnancies observed by the number of cycles with
intercourse only on that specific day (and no intercourse occurring on other days within Days -6 to +1).
After unprotected intercourse, sperm that reach the fallopian tube generally survive for 3-4 days, although
this is variable. The released ovum enters the fallopian tube, and generally must encounter sperm within
12-24 hours in order for fertilization to occur. If fertilization happens, the fertilized egg develops into a
blastocyst, which generally moves through the fallopian tube in about 3 days and enters the uterus on
about Day 17 or 18 of the menstrual cycle. The blastocyst begins implantation about 3 days later. In order
for implantation to occur, the endometrium needs to be in a receptive state. Numerous biochemical
markers of a receptive endometrium have been explored. While none of these is qualified as a validated
biomarker, they include measurements of estrogen and progesterone levels, appropriately timed with
ovulation, followed by assessment of endometrial downregulation of receptors for estrogen and
progesterone; and may also include expression of such factors as glycodelin, prostaglandins, interleukins,
integrins, epidermal growth factor (EGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), leukemia inhibitory
factor (LIF), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and cell adhesion molecules (Achache 2006, Lindhard 2002).
Note that if intercourse occurs prior to ovulation, administration of a hypothetical drug to prevent
pregnancy after ovulation could still prevent pregnancy (based upon the number of days between
intercourse, fertilization, and implantation) if postovulation events (fertilization or implantation) were
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directly inhibited. However, as discussed in detail below, LNG-EC administered prior to ovulation is
effective to prevent pregnancy, but administered after ovulation is ineffective to prevent pregnancy,
providing evidence that LNG-EC does not directly alter events after ovulation.
B. Approach to the Review
Broadly speaking, publications related to the question of MoA of LNG-EC fall into three categories: original
research articles (meaning publications of original scientific or clinical research studies), review articles,
and commentary/opinion articles. The latter two categories include writings of a wide range of scientific
rigor, varying from careful systematic reviews to commentaries containing hypothetical or speculative
statements. The review for this labeling supplement focuses only on original research articles, both those
submitted by the applicant, and additional articles identified in systematic literature searches conducted
by members of the multidisciplinary review team. Although review and commentary/opinion articles were
not the focus of this review, all articles selected by the applicant (which included both supportive and
dissenting points of view), as well as additional review articles from separate systematic literature
searches by members of the multidisciplinary review team, were reviewed for identification of possible
additional sources of original research, and to consider all viewpoints. The following articles were
identified as original research articles by the applicant: do Nascimento 2007; Lalitkumar 2007; Marions
2002; Meng 2009 and 2010; Muller 2002; Noé 2011; Novikova 2007; Ortiz 2004; Palomino 2010; Ugocsai
2002, and Vargas 2012. Full citations for these and all articles mentioned in this document are in the
References section.
The following additional original research articles were identified by the multidisciplinary review team in
a systematic literature search and were reviewed. (A few of these articles were also submitted by the
applicant, but were not identified as original research articles in the applicant’s Table of Studies on page
10 of the applicant’s justification document.): Durand 2001, 2005, and 2010; Hapangama 2001; Landgren
1989; Ling 1979 and 1983; Marions 2004; Matsuo 2020; Okewole 2007; Tirelli 2008; and Yeung 2002.
Of the aforementioned original research articles, the review team identified the following articles as the
strongest clinical evidence of LNG-EC’s effects on ovulation: Durand 2001; Marions 2002; Croxatto 2004;
Okewole 2007; Novikova 2007; Tirelli 2008; and Noé 2011. The strengths and limitations of each of these
studies are discussed further below.
Other review articles and commentary/opinion articles that were identified by the applicant, and
additional such articles identified by the multidisciplinary review team, are also cited in the References
section. As noted above, the multidisciplinary team reviewed all articles and materials submitted by the
applicant, as well as additional articles from the FDA team’s literature search.
The review below begins with a description of the information (from research studies) that was known at
the time of FDA’s review of the literature in preparation for the 2003 Nonprescription Drugs Advisory
Committee meeting, then proceeds through the data published since then on new original research. The
review then proceeds to an integrated summary of what the current state of knowledge is about the
mechanism of action of LNG-EC.
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C. Information on Mechanism of Action that was Available at the Time of the Review Division’s
Analysis in Preparation for 2003 Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting
At the time of FDA’s review in preparation for the 2003 public Advisory Committee meeting at which the
application for nonprescription LNG-EC was discussed, limited published data were available from original
research regarding MoA for LNG-EC.
Some work had been published in 1979 and 1983 by Ling and colleagues, but because the treatment given
in these studies was a combination of levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol, and not LNG alone, these
studies were not informative as to the individual effect of LNG.
1. Clinical Studies Evaluating Effect of Levonorgestrel on Ovulation and the Endometrium
a. Landgren and colleagues (1989) published a human pharmacodynamic study that showed that
suppression of ovarian function by LNG was seen only when the drug was administered in the late
follicular phase and around the time of ovulation.
On pathological assessment of endometrial biopsy specimens, a decrease in the number and diameter of
endometrial glands was observed only when LNG was administered during the follicular phase, and not
when it was administered in the luteal phase. A limitation of this study was that the total amount of LNG
administered per subject (3 mg, administered as 0.75 mg every 2 days for 4 doses) was higher than that
of the approved LNG-EC product in this application (1.5 mg given as a single dose). However, given this, it
seems unlikely that LNG-EC at the current (lower) approved dose would have exhibited greater effects
than that seen at higher doses in this study.
b. Durand and colleagues (2001) published a clinical study that showed that LNG prevented ovulation
when administered on Day 10 of the menstrual cycle (pre-ovulatory) and did not find impairment of
corpus luteum function or endometrial morphology when LNG was administered in the peri-ovulatory or
postovulatory period.
The study included 45 healthy surgically sterilized women who ranged in age from 29 to 35 years, and
who had regular menstrual cycles. Subjects were randomized into one of three groups. All participants
were studied for two menstrual cycles; a control cycle without administration of LNG, and an active
treatment cycle during which LNG was administered. In the second cycle, each group received two doses
of LNG 0.75 mg, with 12 hours between doses. The difference in regimen between groups was in when in
the menstrual cycle each group received the LNG. Group A received it on Day 10 of the menstrual cycle (a
time expected to be pre-ovulatory); Group B received it immediately after detection of luteinizing
hormone (LH) in the urine (a time expected to be peri-ovulatory); and Group C received it 48 hours after
detection of LH in the urine (a time expected to be postovulatory). A Group D was also formed after it was
noted that there were inconsistencies between serum LH and urinary LH in 12 of the 90 studied cycles.
Because of this observation, the investigators decided to use serum LH, estrogen, and progesterone levels
for cycle dating, rather than using urinary LH. Thus, Group D was formed from four participants from
Group B and four from Group C. Group D received LNG 3 +/- 1 day prior to the serum LH surge.
During both the control cycle and the treatment cycle, from the time of urinary LH detection, the
investigators performed daily transvaginal ultrasound until the investigators observed follicular rupture
(FR). Also, during both the control and treatment cycles, endometrial biopsies were performed on all
participants 9 days after urinary LH detection. This day was chosen for biopsy because it occurs during the
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time when the endometrium was felt to be optimally receptive to implantation, based on other published
data (Harper 1992, Yaron 1994).
In Group A (the pre-ovulatory group), after receiving LNG, 12 of 15 participants did not ovulate; follicular
rupture was not detected on ultrasound, and urinary LH was not detected. For the 3 of 15 Group A
participants who did ovulate, there was a delay in urinary LH detection, serum LH surge, and follicular
rupture. In Groups B (presumed peri-ovulatory), C (presumed postovulatory), and D (use of serum LH for
ovulation detection, with LNG dosing 3 +/- 1 day prior to LH surge), all participants ovulated, and LNG-EC
did not alter the day of the cycle on which ovulation occurred.
Regarding the endometrial biopsy results, which were all read in blinded fashion, morphology did not
differ between control and treated samples. Of note, there was no difference between groups in the
presence of spiral arteries, which are important for implantation (Pijnenborg 2006, Craven 1998,
Blankenship 1997). Similarly, stromal edema was similar between treated and control groups, also
suggesting a lack of effect on endometrial morphology important for preparation for implantation (Okada
Table IV.C.1.b: Endometrial Morphology in Control and Treated Groups
Group B
Group C
Group D
(n = 41)
(n = 10)
(n = 11)
(n = 3)
Postovulatory day
Total area of tissue (mm
1,988 ± 55
2,003 ± 45
1,984 ± 62
2,015 ± 26
# of glands/visual field
59 ± 12
58 ± 7
55 ± 8
58 ± 1
# of glands/mm
30 ± 6
29 ± 4
28 ± 4
29 ± 0.8
Stromal edema (mm
1,049 ± 308
1,225 ± 261
1,011 ± 209
1,142 ± 40
% of tissue with stromal edema
53 ± 15
61 ± 14
51 ± 10
57 ± 1.4
Spiral arteries per visual field
6 ± 3
4 ± 1
5 ± 2
4 ± 0.7
Source: Durand 2001, pg 231
Results expressed as mean +/- SD
24/33 biopsies from treated ovulatory cycles included. Reasons for exclusion: Insufficient tissue (4 control, 1 Grp A, 1 Grp D); sampling not
correlated with cycle day (3 Grp A, 4 Grp D)
Overall, the data reported by Durand supported prevention of ovulation by LNG. In addition, peri- and
postovulatory administration did not affect endometrial morphology, making an effect on implantation
c. Marions and colleagues (2002) published a clinical study in healthy fertile women; this study examined
the effect of LNG on ovarian function and endometrial development. With regard to ovarian function, the
authors observed inhibition of the LH surge and ovulation when LNG was given pre-ovulation. However,
the authors did not measure the timing of the LH surge relative to LNG dosing, precluding definitive
The authors also observed no effects on markers of endometrial receptivity, whether LNG was given
before or after ovulation. However, there are no validated markers of endometrial receptivity modulating
blastocyst implantation. Therefore, the biomarkers evaluated in this study would be considered as
exploratory. That being said, the consistent lack of alteration of any biomarker in this study provides
support for the conclusion that there were no meaningful changes in the endometrium with LNG
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d. Ugocsai and colleagues (2002) published a report on three women who, “due to enormous fear of
unwanted pregnancy”, had intentionally taken excess LNG (3-3.75 mg as a single dose, followed by at least
one other dose of 0.75 mg). The women then sought care “as anxiety emerged regarding health
consequences and possible sequelae.” Approximately 96 hours after the second dose, each woman
underwent endometrial biopsy. Their specimens were compared to two ovulating women, one in each
half of the menstrual cycle. The investigators performed scanning electron microscopy on the specimens
and reported that the endometria of the women who intentionally overdosed on LNG differed from those
of the control women, notably in a lack of ciliated cells. This study has the limitation that it evaluated
ingestion of doses well above the clinical dose; the relevance of the observations to the approved LNG-EC
product, which is a much lower dose, is uncertain.
e. Hapangama and colleagues (2001) conducted a study in 12 healthy women with regular cycles. This
study intended to examine the effect of LNG at different times during the menstrual cycle. The study
utilized urinary monitoring of estrone-3-glucuronide to detect ovulation with no transvaginal ultrasounds
obtained. The method used in this study does not accurately determine the specific time during the cycle;
that is, the method cannot accurately determine if the women were pre-, peri-, or post-ovulatory. Thus,
the results of this study are confounded, and the study is not clinically interpretable.
2. Effects of Levonorgestrel on Sperm Function
After unprotected intercourse, sperm can be found in the endocervix within 90 seconds. Based on
literature review conducted by the multidisciplinary review team, it is unlikely that LNG, when used for
emergency contraception, directly affects sperm function.
Yeung and colleagues (2002) reported data from an in vitro study that evaluated the effects of LNG on
sperm function. The authors obtained semen samples from men attending infertility clinics and incubated
the samples with either control or LNG in concentrations of 1, 10, or 100 ng/mL. The authors chose their
doses based on prior studies of pharmacokinetic data on serum concentrations of LNG, which reached a
Tmax of 5-10 ng/mL at 2 hours post-dose. The LNG concentrations to which sperm were exposed in the
Yeung study appear to be considerably higher than those that would occur with use of an emergency
contraceptive. The authors noted a decrease in some parameters of sperm motility (curvilinear velocity
and straight-line velocity) at the 10 and 100 ng/mL LNG concentrations, and a decrease in average path
velocity at the 100 ng/mL concentration. As noted above, these observations were at concentrations likely
to be many-fold above pharmacologically relevant concentrations for the LNG-EC. Several other sperm
motility measures (linearity, head beat cross frequency, and amplitude of lateral head displacement) were
the same for control and LNG at all concentrations. Limitations of the study include the high concentration
of LNG used; the unknown correlation between serum and uterine/fallopian LNG concentration; and the
fact that specimens were obtained from men seeking infertility care, who may not have had normal sperm
function at baseline.
To summarize the information on LNG-EC MoA that was available at the time of the 2003 review, the
studies by Landgren, Durand, and Marions, and their colleagues, showed that LNG suppressed the
midcycle LH surge and suppressed ovulation. In addition, all three studies evaluated endometrial changes
in either morphology and/or endometrial biomarkers and reported no meaningful changes. Finally, the
study by Yeung and colleagues showed no evident effect on sperm function. This evidence suggests that
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the mechanism by which LNG prevents pregnancy is through suppression of ovulation, and not through
changes in endometrial function/receptivity or changes in sperm function leading to impaired fertilization.
However, the limited number of studies available at the time of the 2003 review of the data precluded a
firm conclusion regarding whether other mechanisms were unlikely to contribute.
D. Information on Mechanism of Action that Became Available After the 2003 Review
As noted in the Background (Section II) above, the decision to take the unusual step of inclusion of MoA
in the nonprescription labeling for LNG followed discussion of MoA at the 2003 Advisory Committee (AC)
meeting (note that the labeling for MoA was based upon the assessment of the literature leading up to
the AC meeting). Subsequent to that meeting, additional research (nonclinical, clinical pharmacology, and
clinical) has been published relevant to LNG-EC MoA. Some of these publications became available during
the time period between the 2003 review and the 2006 nonprescription approval of LNG-EC; others were
published later.
1. Nonclinical Studies on Suppression of Ovulation with Levonorgestrel
There are two nonclinical studies, one in rats (Muller 2003) and one in monkeys (Ortiz 2004), that address
LNG effects on ovulation. Full study reports were not available for either publication, but a review was
conducted on peer-reviewed publications of summary information.
a. In the rat study, Muller and colleagues dosed animals to determine if LNG had an effect on
ovulation, fertilization, or implantation. None of the animals were dosed after implantation. First,
rats were dosed subcutaneously (SC) with LNG (50 μg/kg), with Group 1 dosed twice per day, for
2 days early in the menstrual cycle (at diestrus and proestrus); Group 2 dosed once during
diestrus; and Group 3 dosed once at proestrus. These animals were terminated at estrus to
determine the percentage of animals ovulating, and the mean number of released eggs per
ovulating animal. Two SC LNG administrations early in the menstrual cycle (at diestrus and
proestrus) completely prevented ovulation in the rat, but this effect decreased with single doses,
and as dosing approached estrus.
Following the initial rat study, which evaluated Groups 1-3 (as described above), several additional
groups of rats (groups 4-11) were mated and dosed with single doses of LNG during proestrus or
estrus to determine if LNG affected fertilization or implantation. If mating occurred, the day of
estrus was designated Day 1 of pregnancy (P1). The following eight different groups were tested
on P2 to assess the number of fertilized eggs, or P12 to assess the number of implantations:
Dosing before mating and ovulation: females were dosed during proestrus and then mated
the same day (Group 4), or overnight (Group 5)
Dosing after mating and before ovulation: females were mated during proestrus, then dosed
with LNG once that day (Group 6), or twice (the day of mating and 12 hours later; Group 7)
Dosing after ovulation and before mating: females were injected with LNG on the day of
estrus and immediately mated (Group 8)
Dosing after ovulation and mating: females were mated on the day of estrus, and injected
immediately with LNG (Group 9)
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Dosing after fertilization upon implantation: proestrus rats were mated overnight, then
injected with LNG once on P1 and again on P2 (Group 10), or on P3 and again on P4 (Group
All groups had matching vehicle-injected controls, and data from LNG-injected females were
compared to controls. In all groups, there were no notable observed differences in implantation
rates between the control and LNG-treated animals. The primary mode of action of LNG appeared
to be ovulation suppression, based on the absence of ovulation in rats treated with LNG at
proestrus and diestrus (Groups 1-3), and there was no notable effect in the LNG-treated animals
that were mated (but dosed after proestrus), compared to concurrent control animals. LNG does
not appear to exert any postimplantation effects on the rat, nor did it appear to affect
implantation of fertilized eggs. It is not clear how systemic exposure in the rat studies compares
to those expected in humans who take LNG-EC, because systemic exposure was not measured in
b. The studies reported by Ortiz in monkeys cannot directly inform whether LNG affects implantation
of fertilized eggs or causes loss of fertilized eggs. In the first study, monkeys were mated to
determine if LNG affected pregnancy rates. In the second study, monkeys were dosed with LNG
to determine if LNG suppressed ovulation in the absence of mating. Limitations to both studies
are described below:
i. In a monkey mating study, animals were treated with either one dose of 0.75 mg LNG or
two doses of 0.75 LNG (1.5 mg LNG total), subcutaneously or orally after confirmed
mating. The authors conclude that overall, the pregnancy rate was identical between
LNG-treated and vehicle-treated controls. The authors state, “In 41 [out of] 48 [animals],
mating took place between 2 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation.” In only
seven cycles did mating precede ovulation by greater than 2 days (3 5 days). Therefore,
the number of monkeys mated early relative to ovulation is limited making it difficult to
interpret how timing of LNG treatment affects pregnancy rate. Seven animals appear to
have been treated with LNG after fertilization likely occurred; however, the pregnancy
rate in these animals was not different from those treated prior to fertilization.
Pharmacokinetic data were not collected in this study to allow for comparison to human
exposures. There were limited pharmacokinetic data collected for one of the doses (0.75
mg oral or subcutaneous) employed in monkeys in a separate bioavailability assessment
(see item iii below).
ii. A monkey study was also conducted to determine if LNG affected ovulation, but
monkeys in the study were not mated. Because animals were not mated, this study
cannot inform how LNG affects fertilization or implantation. In the monkey ovulation
study, six female monkeys were dosed with two subcutaneous injections of LNG (0.75
mg), 12 hours apart. Follicle development and ovulation were inhibited in monkeys
dosed when the leading follicle was less than 5 mm in size. Ovulation occurred when the
leading follicle was greater than 5 mm at the time of LNG treatment.
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iii. It is not clear how systemic exposure compares between monkeys and humans in either
the mating or ovulation studies (described directly above). In a bioavailability monkey
study, three monkeys received 0.75 mg LNG (oral or subcutaneous), and the total
systemic exposure (area under the curve) of LNG was not quantified.
In conclusion, the rat data from Muller (2003) show that subcutaneous administration with LNG (50 μg/kg,
twice per day, for 2 days) early in the menstrual cycle inhibits ovulation and does not affect implantation.
The monkey studies from Ortiz (2004) also show LNG inhibits ovulation when administered early in the
cycle but the data did not show that LNG decreased pregnancy rates when administered close to
fertilization. These papers did not address the impact of LNG when dosed after implantation. The data,
however, are hard to extrapolate to consumer use of LNG-EC because it is not clear how the dosing
regimen in the animals compares to clinically relevant exposures of LNG, due to the lack of adequate
pharmacokinetic data in either the rat or monkey study.
2. Clinical Studies Evaluating the Effect of Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraception on Ovulation
a. Marions and colleagues (2004) published another human clinical study further examining the
postovulatory effects of LNG-EC; LNG again delayed or stopped ovulation, and was associated with a delay
in rise of pregnanediol in the time following the expected LH peak, and a lower estrone peak at the time
of expected LH peak. In this study, after a control cycle to determine the expected day of LH peak, 7
women were administered 2 doses of LNG 0.75 mg given 12 hours apart, 2 days prior to their expected
LH peak. Daily transvaginal ultrasounds were performed, as were daily urine assays for LH, pregnanediol
glucuronate, and estrone glucuronate. Follicle rupture did not occur in any participants. Similar to findings
in other studies, the LH peak did not occur or was attenuated and delayed in LNG cycles vs control cycles.
Pregnanediol levels rose more slowly in the LNG-exposed cycle than in the control cycle, reaching peak on
Day +9 (with Day 0 having been the expected LH peak day, 2 days after administration of LNG) as opposed
to Day +7 for the control cycle, but had a similar area under the concentration curve (AUC). Estrone levels
peaked on Day 0 for both the LNG and control cycles, with a lower Cmax for the LNG cycle. The authors
state that the latter two observations suggest that LNG-EC may have some effect in the luteal phase.
However, because ovulation did not occur, this postulation is moot, because pregnancy could not have
occurred anyway. It is unclear whether one can attribute an effect of LNG, or whether the observations
may be the natural findings of reduced luteal activity in an anovulatory cycle. Mean cycle length shortened
by 4 days with LNG vs control. Also, the study examined similar parameters for mifepristone, with each
participant receiving mifepristone in one cycle, then having a washout cycle with no drug given, then
receiving LNG in a third cycle. This presents a small possibility of confounding from mifepristones effects
in the prior cycle in the same participant.
b. Tirelli and colleagues (2008) published a study in which women with regular menstrual cycles were
enrolled within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse and received LNG 0.75 mg x 2 doses 12 hours apart.
The study included a subgroup of eight women who received LNG during Days 11-13 of the cycle, and who
underwent detailed evaluation with transvaginal ultrasound every 3 days starting on the day of
recruitment before LNG intake until follicular rupture was documented. This subgroup of eight women
also underwent endocrine blood sampling (LH, FSH, estradiol, and progesterone).
In seven of eight women, an anovulatory cycle was documented with no LH or FSH peak. In addition,
menstrual cycle length was significantly shortened. One of the eight women, who had received LNG on
Day 13 of the cycle, had an ovulatory cycle, and an LH surge. This study demonstrates that follicular phase
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LNG administration generally (in seven of eight women in this study) results in suppression of ovulation
and consequent shortening of the menstrual cycle. This supports the mechanism of LNG as suppressing
ovulation, which thereby prevents pregnancy.
c. Croxatto and colleagues (2004) published a study evaluating the effect of LNG-EC on ovulation and
ovulatory function. Each subject was studied during a placebo- and a drug-treated (LNG 0.75 mg x 2 doses
at 12-hour interval) cycle. Three groups were studied: one group received drug when the leading follicle
was 12-14 mm (18 women), one group when the leading follicle was 15-17 mm (22 women), and one
group when the leading follicle was 18 mm (18 women). All women were evaluated with repeated
transvaginal ultrasounds, and venous blood sampling for endocrine measurements (LH, FSH, estradiol,
and progesterone).
In women with the leading follicle 12-14 mm, no rupture of the follicle was documented within 5 days of
dose administration in 83% of women with LNG administration vs 56% of women in the placebo cycle. In
comparison, ovulation was not suppressed relative to placebo in women with the leading follicle 18 mm
or when the follicle was 15-17 mm. However, with LNG administration, LNG markedly suppressed the LH
peak and/or the rise in progesterone in 94% of women with leading follicle of 12-14 mm (vs 61% with
placebo), 91% of women with their leading follicle 15-17 mm (vs 45% with placebo), and in 47% of women
with leading follicle of 18 mm (vs 13% with placebo).
This study shows that LNG suppresses or delays ovulation (beyond 5 days) and/or suppresses ovulatory
function in a high proportion of women with leading follicle sizes under 18 mm, and less consistently in
women with their leading follicle 18 mm. In women with a smaller leading follicle size, the primary
mechanism is prevention or delay (beyond 5 days) of follicular rupture, while when the leading follicle is
larger, suppression of ovulatory function (i.e., prevention of the midcycle LH surge) is more prominent as
a mechanism. Both prevention of follicular rupture and suppression of ovulatory function may contribute
to prevention of pregnancy.
d. Okewole and colleagues (2007) studied 14 women with regular menstrual cycles; all were advised to
use condoms during the study to prevent pregnancy. Women were followed from 5 days prior to expected
ovulation, and daily blood samples for estradiol, FSH, and LH were collected. Women were followed
through 2 cycles: a pretreatment cycle and a cycle in which all women received LNG 1.5 mg (8 women
randomly assigned to receive drug 3 days prior to expected ovulation and 6 women to receive drug 1 day
prior to expected ovulation). In the pretreatment cycle, all women had ovulatory cycles as shown by the
LH peak. In women receiving LNG 3 days prior to expected ovulation, mean cycle length was prolonged
and LH and FSH peaks were delayed by 4-5 days relative to the control cycle; in comparison, in 6 women
who received LNG 1 day prior to expected ovulation, mean cycle length was shortened and LH/FSH peak
was only delayed by 1 day relative to the control cycle. The authors concluded that the primary
mechanism is to delay the events triggering ovulation when administered sufficiently in advance of
3. Studies Evaluating the Effectiveness of Levonorgestrel Based Upon Timing in Cycle
a. Novikova and colleagues (2007) published a clinical study showing that LNG 1.5 mg was effective in
preventing pregnancy when taken before ovulation, but when LNG was taken after ovulation, the
pregnancy rate was consistent with expected rates if LNG had not been administered.
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The study was done in 99 women who presented requesting emergency contraception. While in clinic for
their initial consultation, they had a blood sample taken for LH, estradiol, and progesterone; then they
took 1.5 mg LNG. The serum hormone samples were used to estimate the day of cycle on which the
woman took LNG. Follow-up occurred 4-6 weeks later by phone to determine pregnancy status; those
who became pregnant underwent ultrasound for confirmation.
Of the 99 women studied, 51 had their unprotected intercourse during the “fertile window”, i.e., between
days -5 to 0 of the cycle, with Day 0 being the day of ovulation. Using data from Wilcox (1998), Novikova
and colleagues estimated that eight pregnancies should have occurred among these women if no EC was
used. Three pregnancies occurred: one in a woman who had intercourse on Day -1 of her cycle, and two
in women who had intercourse on Day 0 of their cycle. Notably, these three women took LNG
approximately 2 days after ovulation.
The authors conclude that these results support the conclusion that LNG-EC has little or no effect on
postovulation events but acknowledge the limitation of a study in which only three pregnancies occurred.
It is noted that this study was conducted outside the US, while the Wilcox data upon which expected
pregnancy rates were based came from a US study. The number of expected pregnancies would not,
however, have been expected to differ meaningfully.
b. Noé and colleagues (2011) published a clinical trial on the contraceptive efficacy of LNG given before
or after ovulation; the trial showed that LNG-EC given before ovulation was highly effective, but when
given after ovulation, was ineffective and had no effect on the expected occurrence of pregnancy.
This study enrolled 450 women who presented to a clinic and requested emergency contraception. All
were given 1.5 mg LNG-EC, and had blood drawn for LH, progesterone, and estradiol (in order to
determine the day of the cycle relative to ovulation). Transvaginal ultrasound was also performed to
assess the presence and size of a leading follicle or corpus luteum. Women who had a follicle 12 mm or
a recent corpus luteum had follow-up ultrasounds. Women were later contacted to determine if
menstruation occurred; if it had not, women were followed weekly for urinary human chorionic
gonadotropin until pregnancy or menstruation was confirmed. Of most interest were 393 women who
had data sufficient to determine whether they had intercourse on 1 of the 6 fertile days of the cycle (the
day of ovulation and the 5 days prior), as described by Wilcox (1998). Women who had intercourse during
those days (total N = 148) were divided into two groups; those who took LNG before (days -5 to -1, n=103)
or after (day 0 or after, n=45) ovulation.
Among those who received LNG in the fertile window but were preovulatory, there were no observed
pregnancies, while 16 were expected. Among those who took LNG at ovulation or after in the fertile
window, 8.7 pregnancies were expected and 8 were observed. All pregnancies were intrauterine (i.e.,
none were ectopic); five women delivered healthy term babies vaginally. Three pregnancies ended in
abortion (spontaneous versus elective not stated).
The authors conclude that reproductive processes subsequent to ovulation were not affected by LNG-EC.
As with the Novikova study, it is noted that this study was conducted outside the US, while the Wilcox
data upon which expected pregnancy rates were based came from a US study. The number of expected
pregnancies would not, however, have been likely to differ meaningfully.
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In summary, the studies by Noé and by Novikova both show that LNG is effective when given pre-ovulatory
and not when administered after ovulation. These results support the conclusion that the mechanism of
LNG is to suppress ovulation and that LNG either does not alter postovulation processes (i.e., fertilization
or implantation) or that any effect of LNG on postovulation processes is insufficient to contribute to the
mechanism of drug action to prevent pregnancy.
4. Studies Assessing Levonorgestrel Effect on Endometrial Receptivity or Sperm Function
a. Durand and colleagues (2005) published a clinical study using specimens collected in their previously
described 2001 study; this new study examined one additional exploratory endometrial marker (serum
glycodelin-A). In the study, serum glycodelin-A concentrations rose earlier and endometrial expression of
glycodelin was lower among women who took LNG prior to the LH surge than in control cycles with no
LNG. This effect was not seen when women took LNG on the day of the LH surge. Glycodelin-A is an
endometrial glycoprotein that is postulated to have many possible effects. In an immunologic sense, the
blastocyst and subsequent embryo are partial allografts, and thus at risk of natural immune rejection. One
of glycodelin-A’s roles may be as a suppressor of Natural Killer cells that would otherwise naturally attack
and destroy the blastocyst; another role may be in adhesion of the blastocyst to endometrial epithelial
cells (Uchida 2013). Thus, glycodelin-A may play a role in postovulatory events, although it has not been
validated as a biomarker. Glycodelin-A is not usually expressed in the endometrium until the last week of
the luteal phase (Brown 2000). This timing is potentially important, because in vitro, glycodelin-A may
inhibit binding of human spermatozoa to the zona pellucida of the oocyte (an event relevant to
fertilization), but if glycodelin-A is not normally expressed until later in the luteal phase (after fertilization
would be expected to occur), this potential antifertilization effect would not generally be present
naturally. As noted above, serum glycodelin-A concentrations rose earlier among women who took LNG
prior to the LH surge than among women with control cycles with no LNG. This effect was not seen when
women took LNG on the day of the LH surge. In the endometrial biopsies done on Day +9, staining intensity
for glycodelin-A was less intense for women who took LNG prior to the LH surge than it was in control
cycles and when women took LNG at the time of the LH surge. The observation of low expression of
glycodelin-A in the biopsy specimens while at the same time seeing an early increase in serum glycodelin
concentration is unexplained; the authors postulate that it may be due to variability in glycodelin-A
expression in different parts of the endometrium.
The authors conclude that LNG may affect glycodelin-A in two phases of the cycle: the phase when
fertilization occurs, and the phase of endometrial receptivity. Possible limitations of this study include
that it is unclear how long specimens were stored prior to testing; because these specimens came from a
study published years earlier, storage may have been for years, and the stability of glycodelin-A under the
storage conditions of the study is unknown. Also, as mentioned earlier, glycodelin-A has not been
validated as a biomarker. The practical relevance of a glycodelin-A effect seen only in the absence of
ovulation is unclear, as pregnancy could not have occurred in this circumstance anyway. It is not clear
what the normal expected profile of glycodelin-A would be in an anovulatory cycle with consequent lack
of luteal activity.
b. Lalitkumar and colleagues (2007) published in vitro data showing that levonorgestrel, compared to
control, did not inhibit human blastocyst attachment to an endometrial three-dimensional cell culture
model. However, mifepristone (a drug approved for medical termination of early pregnancy) did inhibit
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blastocyst attachment. Thus, in an in vitro model with both a positive and negative control, LNG did not
affect blastocyst attachment.
c. do Nascimento and colleagues (2007) published a clinical study conducted in surgically sterilized normal
women; the study showed little to no effect of LNG on sperm function or endometrial glycodelin-A levels.
Note that prior to this work, the same group had published the results of several in vitro studies that
showed no effect of LNG on the fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa (Bahamondes 2003, Brito 2005,
Munuce 2005).
In this clinical study, they recruited fertile, surgically sterilized women (ages 30-41 years). Participants
were divided into four groups:
Group I: LNG 1.5 mg or placebo (pbo) taken 12 hours after coitus; uterine flushing performed 24 hours
after LNG/pbo intake
Group II: LNG 1.5 mg or pbo taken 12 hours after coitus; uterine flushing performed 48 hours after
LNG/pbo intake
Group III: LNG 1.5 mg or pbo taken 36 hours after coitus; uterine flushing performed 24 hours after
LNG/pbo intake
Group IV: LNG 1.5 mg or pbo taken 24 hours after vaginal artificial insemination; uterine flushing
performed 24 hours after LNG/pbo intake
The women underwent daily intravaginal ultrasound and daily serum progesterone measurements.
Couples for groups I-III were asked to abstain from intercourse for 5 days, then have intercourse on the
evening of the day when the greatest ultrasound-detected follicular diameter showed positive correlation
with cervical mucus characteristics (spinnbarkheit >10 cm, crystallization >2+). Group IV participants had
artificial insemination the next morning. In addition to the administration of LNG/pbo and uterine flushing
for sperm retrieval as described above, cervical mucus was also obtained, and endometrial biopsies were
obtained after uterine flushing. Endometrial tissue was assayed for glycodelin-A. Uterine flushings were
examined for quantification of spermatozoa present. Spermatozoa from uterine flushings and cervical
mucus were assessed microscopically for evidence of the acrosomal reaction (the attachment and
dissolution of the acrosome, a structure at the tip of a spermatozoan; this reaction is necessary for
penetration of the ovum and thus fertilization).
Measures of cervical mucus quality, as measured by the World Health Organization Laboratory Manual
(World Health Organization 1999) were not affected by LNG treatment. This observation is of note,
because previous authors had hypothesized that LNG-EC might affect cervical mucus, because progestin-
only routine daily oral contraceptive tablets using a different progestin, such as norethindrone, do appear
to affect cervical mucus (Moghissi 1973).
Number of recovered spermatozoa did not differ between LNG and pbo groups, either at 24 or 48 hours
after coitus. Viable, motile spermatozoa were obtained from the cervical and uterine cavity at Hours 36,
48, and 60 after coitus. There were no differences between LNG and pbo groups in numbers of observed
acrosomal reactions, whether observed in spermatozoa from uterine washings or cervical mucus,
regardless of whether specimens were obtained at 24 or 48 hours.
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Treatment with LNG was not associated with changes in expression (immunostaining intensity) of
glycodelin-A from endometrial biopsy specimens. This differed from observations in the 2005 Durand
study discussed above.
Potential limitations of the do Nascimento study included the fact that although a total of 33 women
enrolled with a plan for 2 cycles each, 18 women were discontinued due to various problems, resulting in
a total of only 48 experiments being completed. Problems included inadequate cervical mucus (n = 11
cycles), inadequate postcoital mucus test by World Health Organization (WHO 1999) criteria (12 cycles),
premature ovulation (9 cycles), and “problems with the couple” (6 cycles).
The authors of the do Nascimento study concluded that LNG did not affect acrosomal reaction status,
endometrial expression of glycodelin-A, quality of cervical mucus, or penetration of spermatozoa into the
uterine cavity. This points away from postovulatory MoAs.
d. Palomino and colleagues (2010) published a clinical study that showed that LNG 1.5 mg administered
on the day of the LH surge did not alter multiple putative markers of endometrial receptivity in
endometrial biopsies from 12 women, when compared to untreated women. Unchanged markers
included progesterone, L-selectin ligand, integrin ανβ3, and glycodelin-A. In 3 of 12 biopsies from LNG-
treated women, areas of glandular atrophy and stromal decidualization were noted, which are common
after progestin administration (Deligdisch 2000). The authors’ overall conclusion was that the MoA of
LNG-EC given at the time of LH surge does not involve impairment of expression of progesterone receptors
or experimental biomarkers of endometrial receptivity.
e. Meng and colleagues (2009) published in vitro data using a three-dimensional human endometrial cell
culture model similar to that used by Lalitkumar as described above. This in vitro model expressed
numerous putative markers of endometrial receptivity, including alpha and beta receptors for estrogen
and progesterone; VEGF; LIF; interleukin-1β; cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2); integrin ανβ3; and surface
molecule MUC1. LNG exposure, compared to control, did not affect expression of these markers.
Mifepristone exposure, however, was associated with upregulation of epithelial estrogen receptor-β and
progesterone receptor-β; and with downregulation of stromal VEGF, MUC1, and integrin ανβ3. Thus, an
in vitro experiment with both a positive and negative control did not show an effect of LNG on multiple
putative markers of endometrial receptivity to blastocyst implantation. A limitation of this study is that
these markers of endometrial receptivity, while extensively studied, are not validated biomarkers. The in
vitro model, while robust in that it shows expression of many receptors and markers associated with the
state of endometrial receptivity, may not be fully translatable to the human in vivo state.
f. Vargas and colleagues (2012) studied the direct effects of LNG-EC on the endometrium, focused on
changes in gene expression. Eight women were administered LNG 1.5 mg or placebo after ovulation, so
as to avoid indirect effects of the suppression of ovulation on the endometrium. The results showed, as
expected, no effects on cycle length or bleeding, nor on endometrial morphology or progesterone levels.
A wide range of gene expression was assessed and only small changes were observed in four genes. The
authors concluded that LNG caused minimal changes in transcript levels and that the changes observed
were unlikely to interfere with endometrial receptivity.
g. Brito and colleagues (2005), in an in vitro sperm study, evaluated the acrosome reaction in semen
samples from fertile men. Concentrations relevant to systemic exposure with LNG-EC were used, and no
effects on the acrosome reaction were observed.
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h. Hermanny and colleagues (2012) comprehensively evaluated sperm function in the fallopian tube after
LNG administration. In this study, fallopian tube segments removed from women undergoing surgical
sterilization were removed and perfused with a suspension containing motile spermatozoa, with or
without LNG. The number of motile spermatozoa recovered was similar in the tubal isthmus and in the
ampulla in the LNG and control groups. In addition, there were no statistically significant differences in
the number of spermatozoa recovered after flushing, the number of sperm adhering to the oviductal
epithelium, or the acrosome reaction rate using a fluorescent probe.
E. Integrated Summary of Current State of Knowledge Regarding Mechanism of Action of Levonorgestrel
Emergency Contraception
The events of the reproductive cycle are highly complex. Since unprotected intercourse may occur at
various stages of the cycle, LNG postcoital dosing may occur either in the follicular phase, right at the time
of the expected midcycle surge in LH, or after ovulation. The totality of the evidence indicates that LNG-
EC is effective when administered during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, before the LH surge.
Available clinical evidence suggests that the constellation of events leading to the LH surge and follicular
rupture is interrupted when LNG is administered during the follicular phase, and that this interruption of
pre-ovulatory events is the main mechanism by which LNG prevents pregnancy.
As discussed above, studies available prior to the 2003 review, including clinical studies by Landgren
(1989), Durand (2001), and Marions (2002), showed that LNG suppressed the midcycle LH surge and
suppressed ovulation. Studies subsequently available provide additional support for this mechanism.
Nonclinical studies, by Muller (2003) in rats and by Ortiz (2004) in monkeys, both support the conclusion
that LNG inhibits ovulation, although in monkeys, inhibition was noted predominantly when LNG was
administered before follicle growth exceeded 5 mm in size. Clinical studies published after the 2003
review, by Marions (2004), Okewole (2007), and Tirelli (2008), also demonstrated that LNG suppresses
the LH surge and ovulation.
Studies by Novikova (2007) and Noé (2011) provide the strongest clinical data that suppression of the
midcycle LH surge and interference with ovulation are the main mechanisms by which LNG-EC prevents
pregnancy. These studies showed that after intercourse occurred during the “fertile window”, LNG
administered during the follicular phase, prior to ovulation (through Day -1 prior to ovulation), was
effective in preventing the occurrence of pregnancy, but when administered from Day 0 (ovulation) and
beyond, the expected pregnancy rate was not reduced. In other words, LNG-EC is shown to be effective
only if administered in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle prior to ovulation when it is possible to
suppress or delay follicle release, impair follicle development, and/or suppress the midcycle LH surge.
These observations also strongly support the conclusion that direct effects on postovulatory processes
are not relevant to the mechanism by which LNG-EC prevents pregnancy since LNG-EC is not effective
when given after ovulation.
Further support for these conclusions comes from the studies that investigated the direct effects of LNG-
EC on the endometrium, implantation, or sperm function/fertilization. As discussed above, the earlier
(before the 2003 review) studies by Durand (2001) and Marions (2002) did not find meaningful changes
in endometrial morphology or endometrial exploratory biomarkers. Landgren (1989) did report a
decreased number of endometrial glands when LNG is administered in the follicular phase, but not when
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it was administered in the luteal phase, suggesting the possibility of an indirect effect through suppression
of ovulation rather than a direct effect on the endometrium. In studies reported subsequent to the 2003
review, Durand (2005) found reduction in an endometrial biomarker, glycodelin-A, when LNG was
administered during the follicular phase of the cycle, and not when LNG was administered at the time of
ovulation, consistent with the report by Landgren, suggesting that the changes may reflect an indirect
effect of a reduced LH surge. In contrast to the findings of Durand, the study by do Nascimento (2007)
did not find any effects on endometrial glycodelin-A, nor on cervical mucus quality. Similarly, the study
by Palomino (2010) also did not find changes in exploratory endometrial biomarkers (including glycodelin-
A) in women administered LNG, although some morphological changes (e.g., glandular atrophy) were
observed. The study by Meng (2009), using an in vitro system, also found no changes in any of a range of
exploratory endometrial biomarkers assessed. The study by Vargas (2012) found no meaningful changes
in endometrial morphology or gene expression when LNG was administered after ovulation, supporting
the conclusion that there are no direct effects of LNG on the endometrium and hence endometrial
receptivity is unlikely to be reduced. Finally, the study in rats by Muller (2003) showed that LNG did not
alter implantation rates but suppressed ovulation. These studies show that endometrial morphological
changes with LNG administration are variably seen and such changes, if they occur, likely reflect
suppression of ovulation rather than a direct effect on the endometrium. Studies of exploratory
endometrial biomarkers and gene expression generally show no notable effects of LNG, particularly when
administered after ovulation. Overall, these results support the conclusion that changes in the
endometrium are variable, limited, and if seen, may reflect the effects of LNG on ovulation, and are
unlikely to contribute to the mechanism of action of LNG-EC. The observation that postfollicular-period
administration of LNG is not shown to be effective in preventing pregnancy strongly supports the lack of
the drug’s direct effects on postovulation processes involved in conception.
Several studies evaluated sperm function (Yeung 2002, Brito 2005, do Nascimento 2007, Hermanny 2007)
and found no evidence of reduced spermatozoa number recovered from the cervical or uterine cavity;
reduced sperm function; alterations in the acrosomal reaction; or inhibition of fertilization. These studies
support the conclusion that alterations in sperm number or function, or fertilization, are unlikely to be a
relevant mechanism of LNG-EC prevention of pregnancy.
The conclusions from this review are that there is strong evidence that LNG-EC acts by actions on
ovulation, including inhibiting or delaying follicle rupture and suppressing the LH surge; there is no
substantive evidence that other mechanisms such as direct alteration of endometrial receptivity leading
to reduced implantation or alterations in sperm function or fertilization contribute to the mechanism of
It is of note that the evidence prior to the 2003 review already pointed to a predominant mechanism of
suppression of ovulation; however, at that time, the evidence was as yet insufficient to conclude firmly
that other mechanisms were unlikely to be contributory. Evidence subsequent to the 2003 review
provides strong evidence that mechanisms beyond changes in ovulation are noncontributory to the
mechanism of LNG-EC. Novikova (2007) and Noé (2011) provided especially persuasive evidence showing
that dosing after ovulation does not reduce the occurrence of pregnancy. Additional studies provided
evidence that LNG-EC suppresses ovulation and/or ovulatory function, and that there is no substantive
evidence of direct changes in the endometrium or reductions in sperm numbers or function with LNG-EC.
In summary, LNG-EC is shown to act primarily by interfering with ovulation (delay or inhibition of follicle
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rupture and/or the midcycle LH and related hormonal changes) and not to act through direct effects on
fertilization or on the endometrium to impede implantation.
In the Executive Summary in Section I above, summaries of answers to the following key questions were
provided. These answers are expanded upon in the following paragraphs, with supporting citations:
1. Does levonorgestrel emergency contraception inhibit ovulation?
Clinical data are strong that LNG-EC, when administered prior to the LH surge, inhibits ovulation (Durand
2001; Marions 2002; Croxatto 2004; Okewole 2007; Novikova 2007; Tirelli 2008; and Noé 2011).
2. Does levonorgestrel emergency contraception affect sperm function?
In vitro and human in vivo data do not support a significant effect of LNG on cervical mucus quality; sperm
quantity in the genital tract; sperm motility; or acrosomal reaction when administered at doses similar to
that used in EC (Yeung 2002, Bahamondes 2003, Brito 2005, Munuce 2005, do Nascimento 2007).
3. After ovulation occurs, does levonorgestrel emergency contraception affect endometrial receptivity or
In vitro data, and human clinical data, show that LNG-EC does not affect exploratory markers of
endometrial receptivity after ovulation occurs (Lalitkumar 2007; Meng 2009; do Nascimento 2007;
Palomino 2010; Durand 2005). In these research studies, a wide range of endometrial characteristics and
markers was evaluated, and overall, essentially no changes were consistently observed. It should be noted
that such markers are not validated biomarkers, and the multidisciplinary review team did not find
published data showing that changes in endometrial receptivity biomarkers translate into a clinical effect
on blastocyst implantation. The totality of the evidence indicates that LNG-EC does not alter the
endometrium in a clinically meaningful way to prevent implantation. The findings of Noé that there is no
evident reduction in the likelihood of pregnancy when LNG is administered to women postovulation are
consistent with the histological and biochemical findings of the aforementioned studies and support the
conclusion that LNG-EC is ineffective when administered postovulation.
4. Does levonorgestrel emergency contraception affect pregnancy rate after ovulation?
When LNG-EC is administered after ovulation occurs, the rate of pregnancy is what one would expect if
LNG-EC had not been administered (Noé 2011, Novikova 2007). This is arguably the most important aspect
of the evidence.
As noted earlier, the scientific and clinical concept of the time period of pregnancy is generally consistent
with the example found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) under 45 CFR 46.202, which reads:
“Pregnancy encompasses the period of time from implantation until delivery.” LNG-EC prevents
pregnancy by acting on ovulation, which occurs before implantation, and because data do not support
that LNG-EC affects implantation, LNG-EC does not terminate pregnancy.
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V. Decision on Action to be Taken
In response to the applicants submission of this labeling supplement, FDA reviewed currently available
scientific evidence regarding the mechanism of action for LNG-EC as described above. Based on that
review, the multidisciplinary review team agrees that it is appropriate to update nonprescription LNG-EC
labeling information relevant to mechanism of action.
As explained in this review, LNG-EC prevents pregnancy - it does not terminate pregnancy. For people
who are capable of becoming pregnant, LNG-EC is effective in preventing pregnancy when taken within 3
days of unprotected intercourse and before ovulation. LNG-EC is not effective if pregnancy has already
The current science supports an effect on inhibiting or delaying ovulation and the midcycle hormonal
changes, and the evidence also supports the conclusion that there is no direct effect on postovulatory
processes, such as fertilization or implantation.
Therefore, based on careful consideration of the applicant’s labeling supplement, as amended, and
additional scientific evidence, the labeling of LNG-EC will be updated. In the Drug Facts label, some (but
not all) information relevant to mechanism of action will be edited. In the Consumer Information Leaflet,
information relevant to mechanism of action will be updated to reflect the current state of knowledge.
The following section details the changes to be made.
VI. Labeling
The multidisciplinary review team proposes the following labeling changes.
In the Drug Facts label for Plan B One-Step, in the “Other Information” section, remove the following
“ * this product works mainly by preventing ovulation (egg release). It may also prevent
fertilization of a released egg (joining of sperm and egg) or attachment of a fertilized egg to the
uterus (implantation).”
In the Consumer Information Leaflet (CIL), under the heading “How does Plan B One-Step® work?”, make
the following edits; additions are underlined, and removed statements are struck through:
Plan B One-Step® works before release of an egg from the ovary. As a result, Plan B One-Step® usually
stops or delays release of the egg from the ovary. Plan B One-Step® is one tablet with levonorgestrel, a
hormone that has been used in many birth control pills for several decades. Plan B One Step® that
contains a higher dose of levonorgestrel than birth control pills but and works in a similar way to
prevent pregnancy. It works mainly by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary. It is possible that
Plan B One Step may also work by preventing fertilization of an egg (the uniting of sperm with the egg)
or by preventing attachment (implantation) to the uterus (womb).
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Without the above editorial markings, that CIL section will read as follows:
Plan B One-Step® works before release of an egg from the ovary. As a result, Plan B One-Step®
usually stops or delays the release of an egg from the ovary. Plan B One-Step® is one tablet that
contains a higher dose of levonorgestrel than birth control pills and works in a similar way to
prevent pregnancy.
Of note, there are several other sections of the DFL and CIL that are relevant to mechanism of action, and
these sections will remain unchanged.
The DFL will retain the following language that is relevant to mechanism of action:
In the “Warnings” section, under “Do not use”, the following statement will remain:
“Do not use if you are already pregnant (because it will not work).”
In the Consumer Information Leaflet, the following statements relevant to mechanism of action will be
Under the heading “What Plan B One-Step® is not.”, the following statement will remain:
“Plan B One-Step® will not work if you are already pregnant and will not affect an existing
Under the heading “When not to use Plan B One-Step®.”, the following statement will remain:
“Plan B One-Step® should not be used if you are already pregnant, because it will not work.”
These retained statements are relevant to mechanism of action because they continue to inform the
consumer that levonorgestrel emergency contraception will only work prior to establishment of a
pregnancy. Thus, when considering where in the reproductive cycle that LNG-EC might exert its
mechanism of action, the consumer can still know that LNG-EC works very early in the reproductive
process, before pregnancy has actually begun.
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