A House Divided
The economics of discounting tickets
Economic Insight
Prepared by Will Page,
Chief Economist, PRS for Music
and Stewart McKie, freelance consultant
About Stewart McKie
Stewart McKie is a freelance consultant, having
recently graduated with first class honours from
LSE and with distinction from Strathclyde
Business School. He has previously worked with
PRS for Music, contributing to Adding up the
Industry 2009 and 2010 and also the Wallet
Share Insight Paper earlier this year.
This report has been prepared on the basis of information in the
public domain and from other sources by Will Page at PRS for
Music and Stewart McKie and is provided to intended recipients
for information purposes only and should not be relied on for
any other purpose. The report should not be reproduced,
transmitted or disclosed to any other person without the
consent of the PRS for Music or its licensors. For further enquiries,
information, and to request permissions, please contact:
press@prsformusic.com. The opinions expressed in this report
are, unless otherwise indicated, the authors’ own and do not
necessarily constitute the view of the Management or the Boards
of MCPS, PRS or any associated company.
Issue 24
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Page 1 of 11
The economics of scarcity can help
explain both the decline of recorded
music revenues and the success of the
live sector. The former lacks scarcity in
a digital age; we could consume all the
iTunes downloads on the web today
and they would still be there tomorrow.
The latter possesses both scarcity, in
that there are only so many tickets for
a show, and excludability, in that you
have security guards to enforce ticketed
entry. This has enabled live to increase
the supply of events and, in response,
demand has continued to grow.
So, when Live Nation announced a
partnership with Groupon to
aggressively discount distressed
inventory tickets online at the last
minute, the industry was sharply
divided in its view. Nothing unusual
there; there is always a debate about
introducing variable pricing to the live
industry. However, the debate has
intensified. While discounting has
been part of the sector for some
time, Groupon entices a last minute
discounting culture that attracts
customers like moths to a light,
and that didn’t previously exist.
We draw upon recent case studies of
the live sector using Groupon to sell
distressed inventory tickets for Britney
Spears and Bon Jovi in the UK, as well
as the use of variable pricing and
market segmentation by The Eagles
in the US. We then turn to the
economics, and develop a yield
management model for promoters to
consider before choosing Groupon. We
conclude by considering the outlook for
the UK live music sector as well as
shedding light on situations where art
and commerce don’t mix: fair prices as
opposed to variable prices.
While discounted tickets have long been a part of live music industry, Live Nations
recent deal with Groupon has sharply divided opinion on this practice.
Here we explore case studies and relevant economic concepts to inform the debate,
especially when dealing with empty seats, ordistressed inventory’.
Much hinges upon how positively you view the health of the live music industry,
but equally we should understand when art and commerce don’t mix.
‘For those of you in the cheap seats I'd like ya to clap your hands to
this one; the rest of you can just rattle your jewellery!- John Lennon
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A house divided: the pros and cons of Groupon ticketing
On 9 May 2011, Live Nation announced a deal with online discount
operators Groupon to sell tickets under GrouponLive for the US
market. The brand was launched in time for the summer concert
season and offered fans exclusive deals on Live Nation events and at
venues using Ticketmaster. Live Nation Entertainment president and
CEO Michael Rapino stated: ‘GrouponLive represents a new channel
to drive value for fans, while helping artists to reach ever larger
audiences’. Pricing would be determined by the artist or venue, and
AEG Live quickly followed suit by using Groupon to market slow-
selling Bon Jovi tickets.
The idea was that Groupon could introduce a discount culture in the
live sector to address empty seats. Rapino told US Congress in 2010
that 40 percent of seats go unsold. He also noted that ancillary sales
average $12 to $14 per head as concertgoers spend on food,
beverage and merchandise. Therefore, Groupon not only has the
potential to generate something out of nothing as some seats would
have been otherwise empty. Indeed, discounting tickets might mean
more ancillary spend on items as consumers shift their budget round.
However, as is often claimed, discount sites attract coupon-cutters
who rarely spend more than the minimum required to participate in
the offer.
There are plenty of critics of Groupon. Festival Republic chief Melvin
Benn recently told BBC Radio 1 that he expects an increasing number
of live music promoters to start using Groupon
style discount sites. Benn observed: In tough
economic times people will look at varying ways
of pricing their tickets. However, he added that
in his own business within the festival space he'd
be too concerned about consumers starting to
expect last minute discounts, and therefore
damaging early sales, to go the Groupon route.
He concluded, ‘People would come to expect it
year on year and it would damage the viability of
the festival in the long-term’.
Britney and Bon Jovi
Despite lack of consensus, there has been enough experimentation
with Groupon deals to consider recent activities with Britney Spears
and Bon Jovi as case studies. Each display contrasting results, but we
should be wary of the benefit of hindsight when learning from them.
For example, when ticketing inventory becomes distressed and artist
guarantees have already been paid, the textbook solutions can often
take a back seat when the deadline-driven reality of cutting your
losses and maintaining relationships looms large.
On 27 October 2011, Pollstar reported that Britney Spears was in
danger of bombing in Birmingham when her show at the
16,000-capacity LG Arena on 30 October appeared to be falling way
short of selling out and UK media jumped on the story. Special offers
such as £30 tickets, almost half the £55 top price, and two extra
tickets for anyone who bought 10, helped to stimulate sales.
The cut-price £30 ticket deal was brokered by tour promoter
Live Nation with Groupon.
Live Nation told The Mercury newspaper: Offering a discounted
deal on Groupon is not a reflection of the quality or status or sales
of a show but rather segmented marketing and a way to reach new
and additional consumers.’ When The Mercury went to press it wasn’t
possible to gauge if the Birmingham sales were an indication that
Britneys UK tour wasn’t doing well. A spokesman for Manchester
Evening News Arena told The Mercury that its 6 November show was
close to selling out its 16,000 seats, but several websites were
offering discounted tickets for her London show. Anecdotal reports
suggest that several thousand Britney Spears tickets were eventually
sold through discounted routes, demonstrating the merits of such a
route when faced with distressed inventory.
On 25 June 2011, Bon Jovi gave their first live show in Edinburgh
in over 25 years. Interestingly, the show was promoted as a great
Father's Day gift, yet the demand for tickets was not enough to fill
out Murrayfield Stadium. Groupon ran with the promotion of ‘get
half way there’, offering £25 tickets half the face value. Multiple
purchases were available to a single buyer, with rumours of them
appearing on secondary markets soon after, and tickets were
available for collection the day before the concert.
However, the demand for the discounted
tickets was overshadowed by the press
coverage. On 10 July, The Daily Record reported:
‘Groupon in “dodgygig deal as fans are given
tickets with restricted views’, as customers who
thought they were purchasing tickets with a
face value of £50 found themselves in
restricted view areas with a face value of just
£15. Whilst refunds were offered, this news was
followed by a probe into Groupon by consumer watchdog Which?,
following reports of more misleading deals. Moreover, there were
numerous anecdotes that many fans felt ripped off by the band, and
not Groupon, due to the different prices. Finally, the show did not
sell out.
Getting to grips with the economics
With this crash course in the Groupon debate now behind us, we
turn to the economics. The purpose is to draw upon an established
economic tool kit to inform the debate over the pros and cons of
discounting tickets. In this section, we will offer a refresher on
scarcity, an illustration of market segmentation and variable pricing,
develop a framework for yield management and price anchoring,
and introduce game theory to inform the discount decision-making
process. We will then conclude by considering the upside and
downside risks to the live music sector going forward.
GrouponLive represents
a new channel to drive
value for fans, while
helping artists to reach
ever larger audiences’.
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The economics of scarcity, and why it’s so valuable to music
The concept of scarcity is illustrated below using a matrix defining
economic goods. At the top-left, a ‘private goodis excludable, where
the owner of the good can deny others access, and also scarce, in
that if I consume it, you can’t. A ‘public good’, like national defence,
is non-excludable and non-scarce, as you cannot prevent a particular
person from its protection, and the benefits of that person getting
protected doesn’t interfere with your own. A ‘common good’, like fish
stocks, is scarce but nonexcludable, hence the Tragedy of the
Commons’ as fishermen drain the sea of fish. Finally, a ‘toll goodis
characterised by excludability yet no scarcity, such as a bridge toll,
where my use doesn’t affect yours but we both have to pay or face
being excluded.
Below, we have transposed this matrix onto the music industry.
A private good used to be a CD, as there was a security guard in the
store meaning you had to pay and if I purchased it you couldn’t. The
dual effect of digital media removing scarcity and peer-to-peer (P2P)
eroding excludability has pushed recorded music towards a public
good. A concert ticket is scarce and excludable as it retains private
good properties, and thanks to this the live industry, has doubled in
size in less than a decade. Bottom left in the matrix, broadcast
licensing introduces a toll, where a broadcasters’ consumption of
media does not affect anyone else’s, yet the license forces an
element of excludability in its access. Finally, to complete this matrix
a common good could be a free-for-all, open air live music event
with the threat of ‘tragedy’ should it be cancelled due to
overcrowding and lack of regulation.
Public, private, common and toll goods in economic theory
Scarce Private good
(e.g. food, furniture)
Common good
(e.g. the fish in the sea)
Public good
(e.g. national defense)
Excludable Non-excludable
Non-scarce Toll good
(e.g. bridge toll)
Public, private, common and toll goods in the music industry
Scarce Private good
(e.g. concert ticket)
Common good
(e.g. free open air concert)
Public good
(e.g. P2P)
Excludable Non-excludable
Non-scarce Toll good
(e.g. broadcast licence)
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Introducing market segmentation
Let’s now consider the initial pricing strategy where supply is scarce,
where market conditions do not change over time and where demand
is known. This allows us to consider the impact of single pricing and
market segmentation different prices for different tickets.
To sell total supply Z, we have two options. In the first approach,
could be charged to all consumers; known as a single price
approach. The revenue in the market would be the pink box. The
second approach is, where possible, three different prices can be
charged: Price
for the VIP seats, then Price
for the premier fan
club and Price
for the cheap seats.
We can see how single pricing for different products can result in
distressed inventory. Tickets towards the back of the O2 arena are
valued by consumers less than tickets slightly forward at the same
price. If a single price is charged, it will reflect the average value of
the tickets. Distressed inventory of lower quality tickets (for their
sale price) is therefore a symptom of insufficient market
segmentation. The more price points, the closer each ticket can
be to its valuation by consumers; the lower distressed inventory
we have.
Subsequently, the advantage of market segmentation is that greater
revenue is extracted, captured by the purple area, leaving the
remainder consumer surplus as the white triangles above the purple
area. If every consumer’s willingness to pay could be known, perhaps
through an auction, then all white areas of surplus could be
removed. It is worth noting that the benefit of extracting additional
revenue may not be split between the promoter and the artist.
Depending upon the promoter’s contract to acquire the performance,
there may be no additional benefit to the artist if the promoter has
paid a significant guarantee and/or has a high royalty rate. This is an
important point when we consider motivations for and against
Price of
Quantity of tickets
Introducing market segmentation
Enter variable pricing
A more realistic model is dynamic, where it is difficult to accurately
price concerts. The diagram below illustrates the concept. First, each
event is unique there is no directly comparable event now or in the
future. The artist may not have toured there recently, and other
artists who have may have a very different customer base. Second,
demand fluctuates over time, particularly where the sales window for
a concert is long, such as festivals and big tours; enough time for
wallet size and preferences to change.
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Price of
Quantity of ticketsX Y
How can we price in a dynamic world?
Let’s run through the implications of a fixed price throughout the
sales window. The price initially set is Price
because Demand
is estimated, with tickets available Y. It is not known how different
consumers currently value the event or will do throughout the sales
window. For simplicity, there is no market segmentation; we assume
a single price is charged.
However, demand may not have been estimated correctly, or
demand may change over time to Demand
or Demand
Given Demand
the event is in a low-price world, where the
promoter has underpriced the show, given what the market is willing
to pay. Consequently, the price set is too low; Y tickets are sold at
price Price
, where they could have sold out at Price
, meaning
potential revenue has been missed, equal to the pink box.
If Demand
is the actual demand curve, the event is in a high-price
world, where the promoter overvalues the show, given what the
market is willing to pay. The price set is too high, and X tickets are
sold at Price
, with excess stock Y X, known as distressed
inventory, offered to consumers towards the end of the sales
window. If this distressed inventory is not sold, the expected revenue
foregone is equal to the purple box.
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The Eagles fly with variable pricing
The Eagles were the first band ever to charge $100 for a
ticket sixteen years ago and they are once again pioneering
ticket strategies. On 24 February 2011, Bloomberg reported
that The Eagles were raising prices on prime seats, making
the cheap ones cheaper and squeezing scalpers. The band’s
27 April show in Sacramento, California used Live Nation’s
dynamic ticketing service that mimics airlines’ approach –
a first for a major group. By setting 10 prices based on
anticipated demand, instead of the usual two to five, The
Eagles were selling seats closer to what they fetch on resale
sites such as eBay and StubHub.
The economic objective of variable pricing is to shift the
economic value from the brokers, who get the difference
between the face value and the resale value, to the primary
ticketing market where it can go to the artists, promoters
and venue operators. Tickets for The Eagles priced as high as
$250 were being used to reduce others to as little as $32,
the lowest for the band since 1980. Analysts point to this
case study to highlight ticketing changes that are now
possible due to the Live Nation merger with Ticketmaster.
Indeed, Live Nation’s deal with discounter Groupon should
be seen in a ‘see-saw’ context as the year prior saw them
work with Tickets Now to up-sell premium seats, thus
catering for both ends of the market.
Yield management: airlines and arenas
The term ‘yield management’ neatly merges the concept of scarcity and
pricing for live music ticketing by adjusting price to demand over time.
There are three essential conditions for yield management:
There is a fixed amount of resources available for sale
The resources sold are perishable
Different customers are willing to pay a different price
for the same resources
It is best known in the airline industry where capacity is regarded asxed.
Changing what aircraft flies a certain service based on the demand is the
exception rather than the rule. When the aircraft departs, the unsold
seats cannot generate any revenue and thus can be said to have perished.
Airlines use statistical software to monitor how seats are being reserved
and react accordingly, for example by offering discounts when it appears
that seats will remain unsold.
We have worked with Oxera, an economic consultancy, to develop a
simple illustration of yield management applied to ticketing. The diagram
below illustrates two forms of pricing and their impacts on total revenues.
The first form is axed-price system and the second is a system where
prices follow a yield management curve.
One of the key benefits of yield management is that it can permit a
promoter to sell capacity that would otherwise remain unsold. This can
be seen in the diagram below by imagining that the last ten attendees
have a willingness to pay of £60. They would not choose to buy a ticket
under the fixed-price system, but would under the yield-managed system.
This system may therefore be win-win, since it increases revenues for the
promoter as well as increasing consumer satisfaction.
Pricing too high in a fixed price world can create distressed inventory.
Inventory must either go unsold, or be sold off at a large discount,
given that such tickets are unlikely to be sold before the end of the
sales window. Provided marginal costs are covered, some money is
better than none. Unfortunately, this means trading off potential
return to reduce risk by under-pricing the remaining stock.
Again, given that tickets usually sell from the furthest forward
backwards, we’re often left with the lower quality tickets as
distressed inventory, although the mix of distressed ticket inventory
can include better quality tickets that are significantly overpriced by
the promoter or undervalued by the customer.
An alternative is a variable pricing mechanism, where prices fluctuate
with underlying demand patterns. If demand begins strongly, prices
can be raised; when demand is sluggish, prices can fall to allow the
gradual sale of inventory. As will be explored in the next section, the
airline industry is well known for doing this.
First, lets understand a variable pricing and market segmentation
success story closer to home with a recent case study from the US
rock band The Eagles.
The issue of risk can also be seen in the diagram above from the fact that,
under this form of yield management, the total revenue curve is above that
of the total revenue with a fixed-price regime, until the show is sold out.
The break-even points BEP
and BEP
show where the concert’s revenue
covers all expenses of putting the concert on for yield management
and fixed price respectively. This break-even point is reached at a lower
quantity of tickets for yield management (BEP
) than fixed price (BEP
If all tickets sell out, both yield management and fixed price lead to the
same profit, but if only 3000 are sold, the concert makes a loss under
a fixed price system. Yield management may therefore provide a cash-
flow benefit to promoters, in that while the revenue is the same under
both scenarios, the cash is front-loaded and the risk of a loss is therefore
reduced. Finally, in interpreting the chart, it is worth differentiating yield
management (the blue curve) versus the reality of Groupon, which is a
cliff-edge reaction to the fixed price (purple line).
This form of yield management may also match most closely with the
consumers’ willingness to pay. Dedicated fans are most likely to secure
a ticket well in advance and hence pay the associated price associated
with that. Despite this, there is an incentive to wait for the chance of a
discounted ticket. However, yield management can also be conducted in
a way where prices can either increase or decrease. If the model was such
that prices only increased, as is often the case in airline ticketing, then there
would be no incentive to wait before purchase. A further issue is that this
form of yield management relies on the ability to limit the functioning of
secondary markets, such as eBay, hindering the ability to charge different
prices to consumers. In airline pricing, the fact that passengers are named
on their non-transferable tickets helps to facilitate yield management.
Price anchoring: where perception drives valuation
Our last concept is price anchoring. This is where people focus on one piece
of information during decision-making, known in academia as a focusing
illusion. Most notably, people are seen to overestimate income’s effect on
happiness, undervaluing other aspects.
Price anchoring means people focus greatly on the price when valuing
the concert; a higher price is seen as a sign of higher quality. Consider a
price-anchoring case study; the market for university degrees. Recent
plans by the UK Government to privatise higher education saw Oxford and
Cambridge move first in setting the perceived value of a degree to £9,000
per year. Rather than undercutting Oxford and Cambridge, competing
universities matched their fees, not wanting to be perceived as offering
an inferior good, with the result being that, arguably, education becomes
overpriced. Once you grab the concept of anchoring you can see it
everywhere, in the pricing of smartphones or in groceries.
The live industry operates in much the same way. Tickets are priced at a
value that promoters believe the public will pay for them, prices that are
in many ways self-perpetuating by being heavily influenced by the ticket
price of similar artists. As such, the public perceives the price of a ticket
to be X because the price of a comparable concert is similar. The effect of
discounting primary tickets in the public eye, such as through Groupon, is
that this perception is undermined. A prime example of this is Live Nations
discounting of amphitheatre tickets in the US in 2009, where heavy
demand for ‘no service fee Wednesdays’ saw a raft of other discounting
measures introduced. Live Nation sold more tickets, but the 2010 season
suffered dramatically with many waiting until tickets were once again
discounted. By undermining the perception of the face value of a face
ticket, Live Nation had effectively converted some of its ticket buyers from
face value payers to discount hawks.
So, rather than a conventional market competing prices downwards,
anchoring may give promoters the ability to increase the actual and
perceived value of the event, which if done right, will in turn sell more
tickets. As one venue owner explained, if you were to put a global
megastar in his arena for less than £40, fans will perceive it as a skeleton
show that lacks the necessary extravaganza and may not bother going.
Push the price above £50 and the fans come flocking and you’re adding
a second night.
Page 7 of 11
Quantity of tickets
Revenue )
Price )
Yield management price
Break even line
Fixed price
Fixed price
Yield management for concert ticketing
1000 2000 3000
The promoter’s dilemma
Tickets are predominantly fixed-price with little market segmentation,
typically fewer than five price points across a venue. If sales are allowed
to continue without achieving the correct price points, this can result in
distressed inventory, and the need to discount quickly, often at the last
The sale of discount tickets provides consumers with value points better
matching their expectations. The discount sites provide promoters access
to a large market at short notice. While there is a value for promoters in
discounted ticket sites, this is not to say that the current fixed, single price
strategy is best for the industry. The rational decision to use Groupon,
despite distressed inventory being a sign of coordination failure, shall be
termed the ‘promoter’s dilemma’. Our understanding here borrows from
the prisoner’s dilemma, a well known two-player, one-period game in
game theory, where players maximise their own expected return, given
the expected actions of other actors. In the absence of the ability to
coordinate, without future periods, and knowing the incentives of the other
prisoner, both prisoners confess and frame the other prisoner. However,
if they had been able to coordinate, both stay silent.
Similarly, promoters will weigh up the costs and benefits of using Groupon.
In this hypothetical scenario, no other ‘player’ makes a decision, but the
promoter’s decision is influenced by single, fixed price and the previous
deal made with the artist.
We can now work through the scenario that promoters face when dealing
with distressed inventory. Let’s say in a 2,000 capacity venue, only 30 to
50 percent sold with two weeks to go before the event. Groupon deals
are structured so that tickets are sold at half the face value and the online
discounter will keep approximately 35 percent of the net-of-VAT revenue,
passing approximately 65 percent back to the promoter. In terms of cutting
the losses, the promoter will see just over 25 percent of the original face
value, a scalable value that can be deemed worthy of the discount.
The math behind a typical Groupon deal is laid out in the table below.
Should the show be less than 30 percent sold with only two weeks to go,
then the ‘nuclear’ options of downsizing, postponement, and cancelling
can all be considered as an alternative to discounting. It should also be
understood that profitability of ancillary revenue streams outside of
ticket sales are often higher, given the deals struck with artists. Where the
artist secures a higher percentage of ticket revenue, the incentive for the
promoter to pursue other revenue streams and spend less time worrying
about this dilemma is intensified.
More often than not, promoters work with artists on a long term basis,
which means decisions made today can affect relationships tomorrow, or
on the next tour. For example, SJM and other leading concert promoters
offer bands lifetime deals, and get involved over the lifecycle of an artist,
meaning promoters’ fortunes are often tied in with their artists. Game
theory also allows for multi-period games to be modelled which enables
the impact of actions over time to be understood. Introducing a discount
factor to a multi-period game implies that we value now more than the
future. In the context of ticketing, should a discount culture persist, or even
intensify, this would erode future revenues as the notion of a face value
would be lost and the perception of price anchoring would be undermined.
In the appendix, we offer a technical decision rule which can inform a
promoter of the tipping point, where the benefits of discounting tickets
for a concert today off-set losses incurred by introducing the discounting
culture to future tours.
Consequently, Groupon makes sense when the benefits outweigh the costs
over time. The benefits however are likely to be front-loaded, and the scale
of the discount factor offered in the decision rule determines how costly
this route would be over the longer term as expectations and anchoring
drive future revenues down. The more promotersvalue the link with their
artists, and value income in the future, the less inclined they might be to
use Groupon.
This dilemma also reminds us of an important rule in ticketing; selling
inventory to capacity does not necessarily equal success. It may be better
to accept empty seats, keep prices high and monetise the ‘river of nickels’
which can be found in the ancillary revenue streams.
Moreover, recall the prisoner’s dilemma, where both prisoners couldn’t
coordinate to achieve the best outcome. Similarly, promoters make
rational decisions in an industry where coordination of segmentation and
pricing doesn’t take place.
Finally, a neat way of putting this isolated decision rule into a broader
context came from one promoter who said: ‘Groupon only makes sense
when your show stiffs and you’re staring down the barrel of a gun. As a
promoter, if you’re doing your job properly, you should nevernd yourself
staring down the barrel of a gun’.
Discounting a £100 ticket with Groupon
Face value of a concert ticket
Groupon discount offer
Ticket receipt net of VAT
Of which Groupon keep 35%
Of which 65% passed to promoter
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The prisoner's dilemma
Prisoner A stays silent Each serve three months Prisoner A: 2 years
Prisoner B: one month
Each serves a year
Prisoner B stays silent Prisoner B confesses
Prisoner A confesses Prisoner A: one month
Prisoner B: 2 years
The decision to discount depends on whether you’re long or short
One of therst macroeconomic lectures a student will come across will
feature a demand and supply chart and display the impact of a recession
under rigid and flexible prices. As demand shifts inward, a flexible labour
market allows prices (wages) to fall, reducing the impact of the recession
on demand and helping restore the market to full employment. Rigid prices
and fixed wages, on the other hand, intensify the impact of the contracting
economy and hinder the ability for the market to correct itself.
Not only does this theory illustrate the difference between classical and
Keynesian schools of thought, but it provides a neat backdrop to the
question of discounting tickets. That is, if live music has peaked or worse,
if it’s about to enter a downturn, then discounting tickets can help manage
the slide. Conversely, refusing to discount tickets can risk aggravating the
problem of empty seats even more. The debate over discounting hinges
on whether you perceive the fortunes of the live music industry as positive
(long) or negative (short) going forward.
It’s worth illustrating how high the
stakes are, by reminding ourselves of
the gravity-defying performance of live
music throughout the recession. Live has
not only increased the inventory but also
the ticket prices during the downturn
and still sold out. Hence, if you had been
thinking like a rational economist and cut
ticket prices in response to a downturn,
you would have foregone revenues. One
line of thought, explored in more depth
in a paper titled Wallet Share, is that people are cutting back on luxury
goods, such as short trips abroad and going to more concerts instead.
Nevertheless, as Melvin Benn mentioned earlier, the economic downturn
and ‘wallet squeeze’ will continue to adversely affect demand over the
medium term and the industry needs to take a view on this before debating
Here, we will consider upside and downside risks, as well as contrasting
with other events industries to help develop that view:
A balanced view would favour a positive
outlook, due to the unprecedented
scale of technological advancements
impacting the live industry.
While Facebook is helping you buy tickets
today, it could be selling them to you
tomorrow. Similarly, festival technology
company Intellitix, which activated one
million Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) wristbands in North America this
summer, has developed cashless payment systems that will remove the
need for cash, cards and tokens in the UK next year. Sometimes it feels
like recorded music grabbed the lions’ share of digital innovations in the
last decade, and this decade will see it shift towards live. The economist's
hunch is that digital innovation plus scarcity equals growth.
When art and commerce don’t necessarily mix
Even if you are a proponent of Groupon style discounting, you still need
to balance rational expectations, as concert goers may well expect
further last minute discounts to appear next time round. While this might
work with clothing stores and beauty spas, it does not sit easily with the
intimate relationship of a band and their own fans.
A good example is Bruce Springsteen, who has been performing to his
fans around the world for more than thirty years. On 4 February 2009,
Rolling Stone reported that ‘Bruce Springsteen "Furious" At Ticketmaster,
Rails Against Live Nation Merger’. Ticketmaster was redirecting
Springsteens fans to its secondary site TicketsNow, which specialises in
up-selling tickets at above face value. They did this even when other seats
remained available at face value. ‘We condemn this practice,Springsteen
and his tour team said in an angry and emotional letter posted on his
official website.
Upside opportunities to the future of live music revolve around the
technology space, and the ability to get people off sofas and into
theatres. Developments such as the integration of Facebook and
Ticketmaster allow fans to see where their friends are sitting and buy
tickets accordingly. Similarly, Songkick is designed to ‘grow the size of
the overall pieby introducing you to shows that you want to see, and
the viral growth of this service, which is now integrated into Spotify,
can only be a plus for the industry over the medium term.
Downside considerations revolve around the domination of live by
heritage acts in their 50s and 60s, which stifles the stadium acts of the
future. BPI research showed that 2010 saw the number of breakthrough
acts those who have surpassed 100,000 album sales for the first
time fall from an average of 25 to a new low of 17 with X-Factor acts
increasingly prominent in that reduced list. Moreover, some bands that
might have been once been touted as tomorrow’s heritage acts have
seen their seven-figure album sales fall dramatically in recent times.
Considering the broader event economy includes (i) the phenomenal
growth of overseas events like Serbias Exit Festival which is dominated
by British, German, and Dutch festival-goers, (ii) football, where
watching live or in pubs, or even at your home stadium is common,
(iii) theatre, where discounting has always been present and (iv) tourism,
where statistical methods of yield management balance demand and
supply. Ignoring the strategies of events’ industries competing for
shrinking entertainment dollar risks undermining your own.
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Groupon only makes sense when your
show stiffs and you’re staring down the
barrel of a gun. As a promoter, if you’re
doing your job properly, you should
never find yourself staring down the
barrel of a gun’
Whose ticket is it anyway?
There is however aip side to this notion of fair prices for the fans, which is
to consider if there is a fair allocation of risk.
For top-tier headline acts with strong bargaining power, the promoter’s
share of the gross has increasingly been squeezed in recent years, evolving
from axed fee for the artist to offering them not only a minimum
guarantee but also a percentage break (after agreed show costs). The
artist split has also been increasing, to the point where it has even been
known to exceed the 100 percent show gross. Some major acts even
hire the local territorial promoter, keen to be associated with the artist's
profile and business.
This obviously affects the risk-reward balance, as one person's gain will
be another’s pain. In this case, the gains of the artist lie in reducing risk
(upfront guarantees) while increasing total potential reward (higher
revenue shares). This obliges the promoter to develop creative solutions to
accommodate the higher risk and lower potential reward they now bear.
To some extent there is nothing new here: the booking fee has long been a
source of revenue for promoters squeezed by artist demands. At the margin
though, a shift in the risk-reward balance will force those on the losing
end towards what Mark Wienkes, analyst at Goldman Sachs, identified as
a ‘river of nickels’ strategy, seeking value wherever they can find it. This
could be a diversification play, where the promoter becomes the venue
owner and monetises everything from the bar to the car park - monies
that neither the artist, nor the songwriter for that matter, would see. It
could also involve up-selling on TicketsNow or it could extend to deep
discounting on Groupon.
Such strategies are a rational response to the increasing power of top-tier
acts. Economists often refer to a waterbed effect, where the application
of bargaining power on one side of the market results in a re-balancing
on the other side. If artists oppose ticketing practices like TicketsNow and
Groupon, the market solution would be for them to bear more risk and in
return have more control over the price of their performance, though there
is no real evidence of such a trend emerging.
The economics of concert ticketing should not be considered in isolation
however. A number of other factors also dominate the debate and no
matter how you explore ways to maximise revenues and reduce risk, ticket
price can never just be a numbers game. The imperfect science of price-
setting includes keeping a sharp eye on comparative artists, thus anchoring
occurs across tours, regions and genres, which goes some way to explaining
the exception of Lady Gaga pricing tickets at a level close to Madonna.
The notion of one price for all was debunked years ago and to a large
extent the only people to benefit have been the secondary market
operators, for whom it has until now been a one-way bet. Playing them at
their own game is the only way, but as the market shows signs of slowing
growth there is a risk in establishing patterns of discount behaviour. The
live industry should look to the airlines to learn how to manage capacity,
which will show that to win in this game you have to master the data
and mix it up. Perhaps, then, Live Nation's acquisition of media metrics
company BigChampagne illustrates the importance of harnessing data to
drive the sector forward, which can only mean fewer empty seats.
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Craig Wylie (Consultant Concert Promoter, Mean Fiddler), Greg Parmley (Intellitix), Steve Machin (Storm Crowd), Tim Chambers (LNE), Rory Sutherland
(Ogilvy), Kevin Leflar (Official Community), Paul Oxley (Oxera), John Sharkey (Glasgow SECC), Trish Gorman (Dean of the Jack Welch Management Institute),
Chris Deering (former president of Sony Europe), Matt Jones (Crowd Surge), Geoff Meall (Agency Group), Chris Carey (EMI Group), Gordon Masson (IQ
Magazine), Steve Parker (Audience and Live UK magazines), Manfred Tari ( Pop 100), Robbie Towns (Nesta), Kevin Leflar (Official Community), Deborah
Hyacinth (Universal Group), Pete Downton (Imagination Technologies), Dana al Salem and Nadim Tannous (Fan Shake), Joe Kennedy (Pandora) and Duncan
Gray (Oliver & Ohlbaum). Finally, thanks to PRS for Music colleagues, Robert Ashcroft, Gary Eggleton, Scott Taylor, Anita Awbi, Paul Nichols and Steve Cole.
Appendix: a decision rule for promoters
We introduce a technical decision rule for a one-period game. Importantly,
we make a number of assumptions to keep the model easy to use. First,
promoters would be able to sell a fraction of distressed inventory through
existing sales channels at the fixed price, without using Groupon. Secondly,
all available stock is sold using Groupon. Thirdly, other than VAT and
royalty, there are no additional costs of using Groupon other than the
commission fee. We’re now ready to introduce the one-period model,
where promoters choose Groupon when the gross income is higher than
using existing sales channels.
However, as we’ve already discussed, this one-period model is not realistic,
for two reasons. First, promoters are interested in any effect that decisions
now will have on future income. Second, promoters are also interested
in any effect that current decisions now have on the relationship with
their artists.
Therefore, a multi-period model is provided below. We introduce a
discount factor which implies that money now is of a higher value than
money later. This discount factor is applied to the loss in future periods,
L, caused by the effect Groupon will have on driving expectations of
value down due to anchoring, and the rational expectations that such
discounting will continue. This means a potential inability to sell stock
at face value, because of the expectation it will be lower on Groupon
soon. One additional assumption is required to add to assumptions under
the one period model: the gap between periods is equal to retain
simplicity of the model.
One period model
Promoters will determine where to sell distressed inventory to maximise their income. They weigh up the costs and benefits of
two alternatives, using Groupon and using existing sales channels. Six variables are needed to map out the promoter’s income
from both alternatives.
D = Distressed inventory | c(VAT, Ro) = costs from VAT and royalty liabilities | P = face value of ticket
R = new value as a percentage of face value [0-1] | C = commission rate [0-1]
F = percentage of tickets sold if Groupon not used
In this one period model that ignores future events, a promoter would choose Groupon when the income for the current period G
exceeds the income from not discounting ESC
Promoter’s income from using Groupon (G
Promoter’s income from using existing sales channels (ESC
The promoter should use Groupon when they are likely not to sell many tickets otherwise (low F) and so long as they can
get good terms from Groupon (high R, low C)
Multi-period model
Promoters again determine where to sell distressed inventory to maximise their income, but under this model, their income is
considered over a longer time, and is likely tied up with the artist’s fortunes. As mentioned, two additional variables are needed
to map out the promoters income from the same two alternatives.
L = Loss in future period (1, 2, n) from Groupon | δ = discount factor [0-1]
A promoter should choose Groupon when the income across all periods from Groupon G
exceeds the income from not
discounting ESC
over the same periods.
Promoter’s income from using Groupon (G
Promoter’s income from using existing sales channels (ESC
The promoter should use Groupon when they are likely not to sell many tickets otherwise (low F) and so long as they
can get good terms from Groupon (high R, low C), but are unlikely to use Groupon when future income streams are still
important (high δ)
D(RP CPR – c(VAT, Ro))
DF(P c(VAT, Ro))
) – δ L
– […]δ
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