Automatic Classification of Pathology Reports
using TF-IDF Features
Shivam Kalra, Larry Li, H.R. Tizhoosh
Kimia Lab, University of Waterloo, Canada, http://[email protected]
Abstract—Pathology report is arguably one of the most impor-
tant documents in medicine containing interpretive information
about the visual findings from the patient’s biopsy sample. Each
pathology report has a retention period of up to 20 years after
the treatment of a patient. Cancer registries process and encode
high volumes of free-text pathology reports for surveillance of
cancer and tumor diseases all across the world. In spite of their
extremely valuable information they hold, pathology reports are
not used in any systematic way to facilitate computational pathol-
ogy. Therefore, in this study we investigate automated machine-
learning techniques to identify/predict the primary diagnosis
(based on ICD-O code) from pathology reports. We performed
experiments by extracting the TF-IDF features from the reports
and classifying them using three different methods—SVM, XG-
Boost, and Logistic Regression. We constructed a new dataset
with 1,949 pathology reports arranged into 37 ICD-O categories,
collected from four different primary sites, namely lung, kidney,
thymus, and testis. The reports were manually transcribed into
text format after collecting them as PDF files from NCI Genomic
Data Commons public dataset. We subsequently pre-processed
the reports by removing irrelevant textual artefacts produced by
OCR software. The highest classification accuracy we achieved
was 92% using XGBoost classifier on TF-IDF feature vectors, the
linear SVM scored 87% accuracy. Furthermore, the study shows
that TF-IDF vectors are suitable for highlighting the important
keywords within a report which can be helpful for the cancer
research and diagnostic workflow. The results are encouraging
in demonstrating the potential of machine learning methods for
classification and encoding of pathology reports.
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world,
with over 80,000 deaths registered in Canada in 2017 (Cana-
dian Cancer Statistics 2017). A computer-aided system for
cancer diagnosis usually involves a pathologist rendering a de-
scriptive report after examining the tissue glass slides obtained
from the biopsy of a patient. A pathology report contains
specific analysis of cells and tissues, and other histopatholog-
ical indicators that are crucial for diagnosing malignancies.
An average sized laboratory may produces a large quantity
of pathology reports annually (e.g., in excess of 50,000), but
these reports are written in mostly unstructured text and with
no direct link to the tissue sample. Furthermore, the report for
each patient is a personalized document and offers very high
variability in terminology due to lack of standards and may
even include misspellings and missing punctuation, clinical
diagnoses interspersed with complex explanations, different
terminology to label the same malignancy, and information
about multiple carcinoma appearances included in a single
report [1].
In Canada, each Provincial and Territorial Cancer Registry
(PTCR) is responsible for collecting the data about cancer
diseases and reporting them to Statistics Canada (StatCan).
Every year, Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR) uses the in-
formation sources of StatCan to compile an annual report
on cancer and tumor diseases. Many countries have their
own cancer registry programs. These programs rely on the
acquisition of diagnostic, treatment, and outcome information
through manual processing and interpretation from various un-
structured sources (e.g., pathology reports, autopsy/laboratory
reports, medical billing summaries). The manual classification
of cancer pathology reports is a challenging, time-consuming
task and requires extensive training [1].
With the continued growth in the number of cancer patients,
and the increase in treatment complexity, cancer registries
face a significant challenge in manually reviewing the large
quantity of reports [1], [2]. In this situation, Natural Language
Processing (NLP) systems can offer a unique opportunity
to automatically encode the unstructured reports into struc-
tured data. Since, the registries already have access to the
large quantity of historically labeled and encoded reports, a
supervised machine learning approach of feature extraction
and classification is a compelling direction for making their
workflow more effective and streamlined. If successful, such
a solution would enable processing reports in much lesser
time allowing trained personnel to focus on their research and
analysis. However, developing an automated solution with high
accuracy and consistency across wide variety of reports is a
challenging problem.
For cancer registries, an important piece of information in a
pathology report is the associated ICD-O code which describes
the patient’s histological diagnosis, as described by the World
Health Organization’s (WHO) International Classification of
Diseases for Oncology [3]. Prediction of the primary diagnosis
from a pathology report provides a valuable starting point
for exploration of machine learning techniques for automated
cancer surveillance. A major application for this purpose
would be “auto-reporting” based on analysis of whole slide
images, the digitization of the biopsy glass slides. Structured,
summarized and categorized reports can be associated with
the image content when searching in large archives. Such as
system would be able to drastically increase the efficiency of
diagnostic processes for the majority of cases where in spite
of obvious primary diagnosis, still time and effort is required
from the pathologists to write a descriptive report.
The primary objective of our study is to analyze the efficacy
of existing machine learning approaches for the automated
arXiv:1903.07406v1 [cs.CL] 5 Mar 2019
classification of pathology reports into different diagnosis cat-
egories. We demonstrate that TF-IDF feature vectors combined
with linear SVM or XGBoost classifier can be an effective
method for classification of the reports, achieving up to 83%
accuracy. We also show that TF-IDF features are capable
of identifying important keywords within a pathology report.
Furthermore, we have created a new dataset consisting of
1,949 pathology reports across 37 primary diagnoses. Taken
together, our exploratory experiments with a newly introduced
dataset on pathology reports opens many new opportunities for
researchers to develop a scalable and automatic information
extraction from unstructured pathology reports.
NLP approaches for information extraction within the
biomedical research areas range from rule-based systems [4],
to domain-specific systems using feature-based classifica-
tion [2], to the recent deep networks for end-to-end feature
extraction and classification [1]. NLP has had varied degree
of success with free-text pathology reports [5]. Various studies
have acknowledge the success of NLP in interpreting pathol-
ogy reports, especially for classification tasks or extracting a
single attribute from a report [5], [6].
The Cancer Text Information Extraction System
(caTIES) [7] is a framework developed in a caBIG project
focuses on information extraction from pathology reports.
Specifically, caTIES extracts information from surgical
pathology reports (SPR) with good precision as well as recall.
Another system known as Open Registry [8] is capable
of filtering the reports with disease codes containing cancer.
In [9], an approach called Automated Retrieval Console (ARC)
is proposed which uses machine learning models to predict the
degree of association of a given pathology or radiology with
the cancer. The performance ranges from an F-measure of 0.75
for lung cancer to 0.94 for colorectal cancer. However, ARC
uses domain-specific rules which hiders with the generaliza-
tion of the approach to variety of pathology reports.
This research work is inspired by themes emerging in
many of the above studies. Specifically, we are evaluating the
task of predicting the primary diagnosis from the pathology
report. Unlike previous approaches, the system does not rely
on custom rule-based knowledge, domain specific features,
balanced dataset with fewer number of classes.
We assembled a dataset of 1,949 cleaned pathology reports.
Each report is associated with one of the 37 different primary
diagnoses based on IDC-O codes. The reports are collected
from four different body parts or primary sites from multiple
patients. The distribution of reports across different primary
diagnoses and primary sites is reported in Table I. The dataset
was developed in three steps as follows.
Collecting pathology reports: The total of 11,112 pathol-
ogy reports were downloaded from NCI’s Genomic Data
Commons (GDC) dataset in PDF format [10]. Out of all PDF
files, 1,949 reports were selected across multiple patients from
four specific primary sites—thymus, testis, lung, and kidney.
TABLE I: Distribution of pathology reports across (a) Primary
diagnosis, used a the label for the study, and (b) Primary site
associated with a report.
(a) Primary Diagnosis
Description Count
Clear cell adenocarcinoma, NOS 523
Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS 340
Papillary adenocarcinoma, NOS 300
Adenocarcinoma, NOS 233
Renal cell carcinoma, chromophobe type 113
Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes 89
Seminoma, NOS 68
Thymoma, type AB, malignant 31
Mixed germ cell tumor 30
Thymoma, type B2, malignant 26
Embryonal carcinoma, NOS 26
Thymoma, type A, malignant 15
Renal cell carcinoma, NOS 14
Thymoma, type B1, malignant 13
Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma, non-mucinous 13
Thymoma, type B3, malignant 13
Acinar cell carcinoma 13
Mucinous adenocarcinoma 11
Thymic carcinoma, NOS 11
Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma 9
Thymoma, type AB, NOS 7
Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing, NOS 7
Teratoma, benign 6
Solid carcinoma, NOS 5
Thymoma, type B2, NOS 5
Yolk sac tumor 4
Papillary squamous cell carcinoma 4
Bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinoma, NOS 3
Bronchio-alveolar carcinoma, mucinous 3
Teratoma, malignant, NOS 3
Micropapillary carcinoma, NOS 2
Thymoma, type A, NOS 2
Teratocarcinoma 2
Squamous cell carcinoma, large cell, nonkeratinizing 2
Thymoma, type B1, NOS 1
Squamous cell carcinoma, small cell, nonkeratinizing 1
Signet ring cell carcinoma 1
(b) Primary Site
Kidney 937
Lung 749
Testis 139
Thymus 124
The selection was primarily made based on the quality of PDF
Cleaning reports: The next step was to extract the text
content from these reports. Due to the significant time expense
of manually re-typing all the pathology reports, we developed
a new strategy to prepare our dataset. We applied an Optical
Character Recognition (OCR) software to convert the PDF
reports to text files. Then, we manually inspected all generated
text files to fix any grammar/spelling issues and irrelevant
characters as an artefact produced by the OCR system.
Splitting into training-testing data: We split the cleaned
reports into 70% and 30% for training and testing, respectively.
This split resulted in 1,364 training, and 585 testing reports.
A. Pre-Processing of Reports
We pre-processed the reports by setting their text content
to lowercase and filtering out any non-alphanumeric charac-
ters. We used NLTK library to remove stopping words, e.g.,
‘the’, ‘an’, ‘was’, ‘if and so on [11]. We then analyzed the
reports to find common bigrams, such as “lung parenchyma”,
“microscopic examination”, “lymph node” etc. We joined the
biagrams with a hyphen, converting them into a single word.
We further removed the words that occur less than 2% in each
of the diagnostic category. As well, we removed the words that
occur more than 90% across all the categories. We stored each
pre-processed report in a separate text file.
B. TF-IDF features
TF-IDF stands for Term Frequency-Inverse Document Fre-
quency, and it is a useful weighting scheme in information
retrieval and text mining. TF-IDF signifies the importance of a
term in a document within a corpus. It is important to note that
a document here refers to a pathology report, a corpus refers
to the collection of reports, and a term refers to a single word
in a report. The TF-IDF weight for a term t in a document d
is given by
T F (t, d) =
Number of times t appears in d
Total number terms in d
IDF (t) = log
Total number of documents
Number of documents with t
T F -IDF (t, d) = T F (t, d) IDF (t)
We performed the following steps to transform a pathology
report into a feature vector:
1) Create a set of vocabulary containing all unique words
from all the pre-processed training reports.
2) Create a zero vector f
of the same length as the
3) For each word t in a report r, set the corresponding
index in f
to T F IDF (t, r).
4) The resultant f
is a feature vector for the report r and
it is a highly sparse vector.
C. Keyword extraction and topic modelling
The keyword extraction involves identifying important
words within reports that summarizes its content. In contrast,
the topic modelling allows grouping these keywords using an
intelligent scheme, enabling users to further focus on certain
aspects of a document. All the words in a pathology report are
sorted according to their TF-IDF weights. The top n sorted
words constitute the top n keywords for the report. The n
is empirically set to 50 within this research. The extracted
keywords are further grouped into different topics by using
latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [12]. The keywords in a
report are highlighted using the color theme based on their
D. Evaluation metrics
Each model is evaluated using two standard NLP metrics—
micro and macro averaged F-scores, the harmonic mean of
related metrics precision and recall. For each diagnostic cate-
gory C
from a set of 37 different classes C, the number of
true positives T P
, false positives F P
, and false negatives
, the micro F-score is defined as
(T P
+ F P
(T P
+ F N
+ R
whereas macro F-score is given by
F (C
). (3)
In summary, micro-averaged metrics have class representa-
tion roughly proportional to their test set representation (same
as accuracy for classification problem with a single label per
data point), whereas macro-averaged metrics are averaged by
class without weighting by class prevalence [13].
E. Experimental setting
In this study, we performed two different series of experi-
ments: i) evaluating the performance of TF-IDF features and
various machine learning classifiers on the task of predicting
primary diagnosis from the text content of a given report,
and ii) using TF-IDF and LDA techniques to highlight the
important keywords within a report. For the first experiment
series, training reports are pre-processed, then their TF-IDF
features are extracted. The TF-IDF features and the training
labels are used to train different classification models. These
different classification models and their hyper-parameters are
reported in Table II. The performance of classifiers is measured
quantitatively on the test dataset using the evaluation metrics
discussed in the previous section. For the second experiment
series, a random report is selected and its top 50 keywords
are extracted using TF-IDF weights. These 50 keywords are
highlighted using different colors based on their associated
topic, which are extracted through LDA. A non-expert based
qualitative inspection is performed on the extracted keywords
and their corresponding topics.
A. Experiment Series 1
A classification model is trained to predict the primary
diagnosis given the content of the cancer pathology report.
The performance results on this task are reported in Table III.
We can observe that the XGBoost classifier outperformed all
other models for both the micro F-score metric, with a score
of 0.92, and the macro F-score metric, with a score of 0.31.
This was an improvement of 7% for the micro F-score over
the next best model, SVM-L, and a marginal improvement
of 5% for macro F-score. It is interesting to note that SVM
with linear kernels performs much better than SVM with RBF
kernel, scoring 9% on the macro F-score and 12% more on
the micro F-score. It is suspected that since words used in
primary diagnosis itself occur in some reports, thus enabling
the linear models to outperform complex models.
TABLE II: Different classifiers used in the study
Code Classifier Parameters
SVM-L SVM kernel linear, C 1.0, shrinking true
SVM-RBF SVM kernel rbf, C 1.0, shrinking: true
LR Logistic Regression penalty l2, solver liblinear, C 1.0
XGBoost XGBoost max depth 6, learning rate 0.3
TABLE III: Final train and test performance of classification
Classifier Code
Micro F-score Macro F-score
Train Test Train Test
SVM-L 0.95 0.87 0.28 0.24
SVM-RBM 0.80 0.75 0.19 0.18
LR 0.82 0.78 0.20 0.18
XGBoost 0.99 0.92 0.64 0.31
B. Experiment Series 2
Figure 1 shows the top 50 keywords highlighted using TF-
IDF and LDA. The proposed approach has performed well
in highlighting the important regions, for example the topic
highlighted with a red color containing “presence range tumor
necrosis” provides useful biomarker information to readers.
Top 10 Keywords
1. Epithelial (0.377), 2. Presence (0.269), 3. Thymectomy (0.232)
4. Epithelial cells (0.210), 5. Cells (0.180), 6. Small (0.161), 7. Lobulated (0.161)
8. Lung parenchyma (0.151), 9. Appear (0.150), 10. Examination (0.139)
Topic # Keywords
Topic 1
examination, thymectomy, measuring, resection, showing,
inflammatory, lymph, spaces, lung, immunohistochemistry,
node, modified, complete
Topic 2
samples, epithelial, proliferation, mixed, CD20, CD5,
histological, according, classification, masaoka
Topic 3
lobulated, necrotic, small, right, architecture,
presence, medulla, range, tumor, necrosis, green, appear,
parenchyma, cells, cytokeratin, right, major
Fig. 1: The top 50 keywords in a report identified using TF-
IDF weights. The keywords are color encoded as per the
abstract “topics” extracted using LDA. Each topic is given
a separate color scheme.
C. Conclusions
We proposed a simple yet efficient TF-IDF method to ex-
tract and corroborate useful keywords from pathology cancer
reports. Encoding a pathology report for cancer and tumor
surveillance is a laborious task, and sometimes it is subjected
to human errors and variability in the interpretation. One of
the most important aspects of encoding a pathology report
involves extracting the primary diagnosis. This may be very
useful for content-based image retrieval to combine with visual
information. We used existing classification model and TF-
IDF features to predict the primary diagnosis. We achieved
up to 92% accuracy using XGBoost classifier. The prediction
accuracy empowers the adoption of machine learning methods
for automated information extraction from pathology reports.
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