BMC Remedy
Incident Management
Quick Start User Guide Training Manual
Version 3.0
Table Contents - Quick Start User Guide
How to display Incident Console window .................................................................... 3
How to set up your Profile ........................................................................................... 3
How to set up your Preferences ................................................................................... 3
How to create a new incident ...................................................................................... 4
How to select Operational and Product Categorizations .......................................... 5
How to assign an incident to another group ............................................................. 6
How to assign an incident to team member or self ................................................... 6
How to create Work Detail ......................................................................................... 6
How to e-mail your Customer from incident ............................................................. 7
How to create a Task ................................................................................................... 7
How to work on a task assigned to you ..................................................................... 8
How to Add Time for Task (if required) ..................................................................... 8
How to reassign a Sequence to task groups and Tasks ............................................ 8
How to search for TASKS by Task ID ....................................................................... 9
How to change the setting so you do not see closed TASKS ..................................... 9
How to Cancel Incidents: Cancel Types ...................................................................... 9
Out of Office ................................................................................................................ 9
Spam ........................................................................................................................... 9
Project ......................................................................................................................... 9
No Response ................................................................................................................ 9
Duplicate ................................................................................................................... 10
How to Resolve an Incident ....................................................................................... 10
How to use Relationships Tab ................................................................................... 10
Duplicate Incidents .................................................................................................. 10
Related Incidents ...................................................................................................... 11
How to use Advanced Search .................................................................................... 11
How to display Incident Console window
1. Go to and log on using your Passport York credentials
2. If not already displayed, you can get to the Incident Console window by clicking
on >> Applications tab (top left-hand side of screen) and scroll down to Incident
Management and over to Incident Management Console
How to set up your Profile
1. Incident Console window click on Functions
2. Click on My Profile
3. Click Assignment Availability drop-down menu to select Yes
4. Click on General tab to edit values if necessary Phone Number, Site+, Desk
5. Click on More Details tab to add your pager or mobile phone numbers
6. Click on Notifications tab - Notification Availability drop-down menu to
select Yes to ensure you get tasks assigned to you
7. Click on Save
8. Click on Close
How to set up your Preferences
1. Incident Console window click on Functions
2. Click on Application Preferences
3. Default Home Page Incident Management Console (to see Incidents) or
Overview Console (to see Incidents, Change Requests and Tasks)
4. Company* - York University
5. Show - Assigned To All My Groups or Assigned to My Selected Groups
6. Under Incident Management tab
7. Show Incidents Yes
8. Incident Status - All Open Incidents
9. Role Assigned Group
10. After New Save - select either New Request After Submit which will clear your
screen and open up a new Incident screen or Modify Request After Submit
which allows you to confirm fields before submitting a new Incident
11. Show Date System Yes
12. Under >> Task Management tab - Show Task Yes
13. Task Status - All Open Tasks
14. Click on Save
15. Click on Close
16. Logout - upper right corner of screen and log in to use new settings
How to create a new incident
1. Incident Console window - click on Functions New Incident
a. Note: An Incident number is assigned immediately
2. In Customer*+ field - type in last name list of names will appear Or
alternatively, you can click in Customer*+ field and hit the Enter key to use
People Search window to search on, e.g. email address, phone number, name,
corporate ID (CYIN) click on Search button
3. Highlight correct person and click on Select
4. Click on Customer Details icon beside Customer*+ field to update customer
phone number and location for that incident and also permanently for future
incidents NEVER update the Corporate 'Email Address' field. If you use the >>
and update the fields, note that this will update the information for that incident
5. Contact+ field type in last name value if there is an alternative person to
6. Fill in Notes field with additional information elaborating on what the
issue/problem is and what needs to be done to complete customer‟s request
7. Fill in Summary* field - brief but meaningful is the “subject field
8. Select Impact* value for this incident using drop-down menu
Extensive/Widespread meaning campus wide effecting everyone
Significant/Large meaning department wide potentially effecting many
Moderate/Limited meaning department/division wide effecting a restricted
number of people
Minor/Localized meaning office area affecting a small number of people
9. Select Urgency* value for this incident using drop-down menu
a. Critical meaning crucial action required
b. High meaning immediate action required
c. Medium meaning important to be looked at ASAP
d. Low meaning action required when time permits
10. Using the definitions below select the correct Incident Type* value for this
incident using the drop-down menu:
User Service Restoration: An incident where something breaks or there
is an unexpected disruption to a normal business process
MyMail server is down
WebFAS is down
PC not booting up
The system/server is down and business is affected
Service/System is down with no workaround
Printer not working
Web page down/inaccessible
My computer has a blue screen
Something is broken or needs fixing
User Service Request: An incident that has a planned process or
procedure ready to be executed and the impact is minimal
Request for Password Reset (PeopleSoft/E-mail/Passport
Request for Installation of a pre-approved software
Request for a computer set up
Request for account creation
Web page update
Adding quota
Adding disk space
Any request for changes that have minimal or no impact
Application not working (Work/Excel/etc.)
Printer has run out of toner
11. Select Reported Source value for this incident using drop-down menu
Reported Source definitions:
Direct Input you
Email received by e-mail submission
External Escalation Management intervened to
Fax facsimile received
Self Service created by customer
Systems Management automatically submitted by
Phone live agent
Voice Mail recorded message
Walk In person-to-person
Web Console submitted through Requestor
Other other than above
BMC Impact Manager Event tech support
How to select Operational and Product Categorizations
1. Under Links click on „Categorizations
2. Under Operational Categorization, use drop-down menu and click on correct
value; check Tier 2 for value
3. Under Product Categorization, use drop-down menus for all 3 Product
Categorization Tiers or type a text value in Product Name+ field, hit Enter
4. Highlight correct value and click on Select
How to assign an incident to another group
1. Quick Actions - click on Auto Assign - double click on correct group. You can
also go to Assigned Group* start typing name of group to see display, or use
drop-down menu to select correct group
2. Do not select Assignee+ unless it is within your own group
3. Click on Save
How to assign an incident to team member or self
1. From Overview Console window - double click on incident you want to work on
2. Quick Actions - click on Assign to Me
3. From Incident Console - under Quick Actions click on drop-down item -
Assign to Group Member or Assign to Me
How to create Work Detail
Note: Information contained in this tab will not show up on the Requester Console nor
go to the client.
1. Incident Console window
2. Status* - In Progress
3. Select and double click on an incident - click on Work Detail tab
4. Click on > More Details and use drop-down menu to select Work Info Type
Customer Inbound:
Customer Communication - giving details
Customer Follow-up - looking for details
Customer Status Update - looking for status
Customer Outbound:
Closure Follow up - final communication to customer
Detail Clarification - additional information recorded for customer
General Information - providing details to customer
Resolution Communications - reasons for resolving incident
Satisfaction Survey -requesting customer feedback
Status Update - providing details to customer
Incident Task / Action - listing additional work required
Problem Script - describing program script
Working Log - lists steps taken
Email System - reporting e-mail sent
Paging System - reporting page sent out
BMC Impact manager Update - describing tech support work on
5. It is recommended not to change Locked=No because no one will be able to
update fields within the incident
6. View Access - Internal = only users within your organization can see the entry
7. View Access - External = everyone with access to the system can see the entry
8. Under Notes: box type in your information
9. Note: A finite number of text entered (limited by the size of the Work Detail box)
becomes the Summary line.
10. Optional - Add an Attachment and click on Add Import the desired attachment
11. Click on Save
How to e-mail your Customer from incident
1. Incident Console window
2. Select and double click on an Incident
3. Click on Functions
4. Click on Email System
5. Email Subject Line* i.e. INC000000002023
6. Note: DO NOT OVERWRITE INCxxxxxxx or type in front of it - Only add
information at end of INCxxxxxxx
7. Email Message Body* click on Summary and/or Details buttons to add that
information from ticket. Add your comments, query to customer, attachment if
8. (Optional) Adding an attachment file - see below
a. Click on Add, then follow the screen window
9. Click on Send Email Now button
10. Click on OK to close pop-up window
11. Click on Close e-mail entry will appear in Work Detail window
12. Status* - change to Pending while awaiting a response from the customer
13. Status Reason - change to Client Action Required
14. Click on Save
How to create a Task
Create when you need another team involved in completing the client‟s request.
1. Incident Console window
2. Select and double click on an Incident
3. Click on Links
4. Click on Tasks
5. Use drop-down menu under Request Type to select Ad hoc
6. Click on Relate button
7. Type in a Name* of your task e.g. Task 1 Activate Drop
8. Type brief description of task under Summary*
9. Optional additional Notes
10. Use drop-down menu to select Priority
11. General tab Optional - Add an attachment
12. Requester tab submitter of task is the Requester name and customer is the
Requested For
13. Classification tab assign Operational and Product Categorization values
14. Assignment/Dates tab select York under Assignee Company; appropriate
department under
15. Assignee Organization; appropriate area under Assignee Group+
16. If required, Dates/Time fields use the calendar icon to make appropriate dates
and times
17. Relationships tab not used
18. Click on Save
19. Status of newly created Task will be Staged
20. Click on Close
21. To go back, click on Incident Console >
22. Change the Status* of the incident to In Progress
23. Click on Save
How to work on a task assigned to you
1. Click on link in notification e-mail or when in Incident Console window click on
Show Tasks >> (bottom right)
2. Double click on highlighted Task
3. Click on Work Info tab to view task information
4. Click on Assignment tab to Start Clock and Stop Clock on task (if required)
5. Status* use drop-down menu to In Progress and Status Reason where
6. Click on Save
7. Click on Incident Console
How to Add Time for Task (if required)
1. Click on link in notification e-mail or when in Incident Console window click on
Show Tasks >> (bottom right)
2. Double click on highlighted Task
3. Click on Assignment tab
4. Click on Effort Log button
5. Under Time Spent Hours* use arrow up button to add time to yourself
6. Click on Add to Effort Log button
7. Click on Close
8. Click on Save
9. Click on Incident Console
How to reassign a Sequence to task groups and Tasks
1. Double click on the incident you want to work on
2. Click on Links > Tasks
3. In the Tasks and Task Groups table, select the task that you want to
4. Click either the up arrow or the down arrow located to the right of the table. This
moves the selected task either higher or lower in the sequence.
5. Click Close
Note: ID Tas0000# nor Name of task does not change only the Sequence column
number changes
How to search for TASKS by Task ID
1. Log into
2. Click on Applications>> then highlight Foundation Elements click on
Overview Console
3. Click on Search For Incident (top right)
4. Pop-up window will appear using drop-down menu highlight Task
(Infrastructure Change Task name will appear)
5. Click on Select button
6. Type in the Task ID number
7. Click on Search button
How to change the setting so you do not see closed TASKS
1. Log into
2. Click on Applications >> then highlight Foundation Elements click on
Overview Console
3. Click on Functions (top left)
4. Click on Select Status Values
5. Under Task user drop-down menu to highlight All Open Tasks
6. Click on OK button
How to Cancel Incidents: Cancel Types
Out of Office
1. Click on Status* drop-down and select Cancelled
2. Click on Status Reason drop-down and select OOO
3. Click on Save button
1. Click on Status* drop-down and select Cancelled
2. Click on Status Reason drop-down and select Spam
3. Click on Save button
1. Click on Status* drop-down and select Cancelled
2. Click on Status Reason drop-down and select Moved to Project
3. Click on Save button
No Response
1. If you have tried to contact client at least three times over a period of five days,
by e-mail, visit or by phone (ensure Work Detail is updated with these contact
attempts), e-mail client from ticket that you have been unable to contact them,
and for this reason, incident is being cancelled. (see form e-mail at
2. Click on Status* drop-down and select Cancelled
3. Click on Status Reason drop-down and select No Response
4. Click on Save button
1. Click on Status* drop-down and select Cancelled
2. Click on Status Reason drop-down and select Duplicate
3. Relate the duplicate ticket to the original/parent ticket using Relationship
process (Refer to page 9 Duplicate Incident process)
4. Click on Save button
How to Resolve an Incident
PROCESS: Double check that the Resolution Product Categorizations is
correct go to Links and then Categorizations. If the initial Product
Categorization is incorrect, select new entries for Resolution Product
1. Incident Console window
2. Select and double click on an Incident
3. Confirm that the Resolution Product Categorizations will be correct; if the initial
Product Categorization is incorrect, select new entries
4. Click on Resolve button
5. A pop-up window will appear - (1) Resolution* field - type in how the issue was
resolved (information goes to client) (2) Status Reason - use drop-down menu to
select an option
6. Add Work Info section to add more informative solution to incident - will go under
Work Detail not mandatory
7. Click on „Save‟
8. Status* will automatically reset to Resolved
PROCESS: Tasks associated within incidents must be Closed before the
incident can be resolved.
PROCESS: The system will automatically set incident status to Closed after 10
How to use Relationships Tab
Duplicate Incidents
1. On the most current (child) incident
2. Leave Status Reason blank
3. Assignee+ value must be selected from the drop-down menu
4. Click on Save button
5. Click on Relationships tab
6. Using the Search drop-down menu select Incident
7. Click on magnifying glass icon
8. A pop-up window will appear - Type in the original (parent) Incident ID+ number
9. Click Search button. The original (parent) incident will be displayed in the lower
10. Using the Select a Relationship Type drop-down menu highlight Duplicate of
11. Click on Relate button
12. Click on OK
13. Click on Save button
14. Currently no other fields need to be filled in
15. When someone resolves or closes the original (parent) incident, its Operational
and Product Categorizations and Resolution fields are copied to the related
duplicates, marking them with a status of Resolved
Related Incidents
1. On the most current (child) incident
2. Leave Status Reason blank
3. Assignee+ value must be selected from the drop-down menu
4. Click on Save button
5. Click on Relationships tab
6. Using the Search drop-down menu select Incident
7. Click on the magnifying glass icon
8. A pop-up window will appear - Type in the original (parent) Incident ID+ number
9. Click Search button. The original (parent) incident will be displayed in the lower
10. Using the Select a Relationship Type drop-down menu highlight Related to
11. Click on Relate button
12. Click on OK
13. Click on Save button
14. Currently no other fields need to be filled in
15. When someone resolves or closes the original (parent) incident, its Operational
and Product Categorizations and Resolution fields are copied to the related
incident, marking them with a status of Resolved
How to use Advanced Search
1. Log into
2. Click on Applications >> then highlight Incident Management then Incident
Management Console
3. Click on Functions then „Search Incident‟
4. Click on Advanced Functions then Advanced Search
5. Highlight type of Incident
6. Click on Select button
7. Using drop-down menus or by typing in text fields make your selections
8. Click on Search button