BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
Numara Software Confidential. BMC Software Confidential.
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
Numara Software Confidential. BMC Software Confidential.
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BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
Numara Software Confidential. BMC Software Confidential.
Introduction to BMC FootPrints Service Core ...................................................................... 1
What This Guide Contains ...................................................................................................... 1
Introduction to BMC FootPrints Service Core ........................................................................ 1
Different Uses for BMC FootPrints Service Core ................................................................... 1
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core 11.6.05 ........................................................... 2
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core Version 11.6.04 .............................................. 2
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core 11.6.03 ........................................................... 2
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core Version 11.6.02 .............................................. 2
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core Version 11.6.01 .............................................. 2
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core Version 11.6 ................................................... 2
BMC FootPrints Service Core Versions and Add-ons ............................................................ 3
PerlEx Modules, Packages, and Extensions ...................................................................... 4
Getting Help ............................................................................................................................ 4
Technical Support ................................................................................................................... 5
Key Concepts ........................................................................................................................... 6
Workspaces ............................................................................................................................ 6
Issues ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Types of Issues ................................................................................................................... 6
Master Issues and Subtasks ............................................................................................... 7
Global Issues ...................................................................................................................... 8
Quick Issues ....................................................................................................................... 8
Linked Issues ...................................................................................................................... 9
Requests ............................................................................................................................. 9
Address Book ......................................................................................................................... 9
Contacts ............................................................................................................................ 10
Master Contact Record ..................................................................................................... 10
User Types and Roles .......................................................................................................... 10
Agents and Customers ..................................................................................................... 10
Supervisors ....................................................................................................................... 11
Permissions ...................................................................................................................... 11
How Roles and Teams Work Together ............................................................................. 12
Customer Self-service .......................................................................................................... 13
Fields .................................................................................................................................... 13
Field Types ....................................................................................................................... 14
Built-in Fields .................................................................................................................... 14
Mandatory and Optional Fields ......................................................................................... 15
Field Dependency ............................................................................................................. 15
Workspace Schema .......................................................................................................... 16
InstaCalc Fields ................................................................................................................ 16
Resolving Issues .................................................................................................................. 16
Knowledge Base ............................................................................................................... 16
Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................. 17
Real-time Issue Resolution Tools ..................................................................................... 17
Asset Management ............................................................................................................... 18
BMC FootPrints Asset Core .............................................................................................. 18
Integration with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager/SMS Inventory .......... 18
Authentication and Different Authentication Methods .......................................................... 19
Searching and Reporting ...................................................................................................... 19
Searches ........................................................................................................................... 19
Reports.............................................................................................................................. 20
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Types of Reports ............................................................................................................... 20
Executive Dashboard ........................................................................................................ 20
Time-tracking ........................................................................................................................ 21
BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar ............................................................................... 22
Workspace Work Schedule............................................................................................... 22
Synchronizing Appointments ............................................................................................ 22
Automated Workflow ............................................................................................................ 23
Workflow Functions ........................................................................................................... 23
Escalation ......................................................................................................................... 23
Service Level Management .............................................................................................. 23
Change Manager Overview .............................................................................................. 24
BMC FootPrints Service Core Service Catalog ................................................................ 25
Broadcast Message .......................................................................................................... 25
Customer Surveys ............................................................................................................ 25
BMC FootPrints Service Core Web Services ....................................................................... 25
BMC FootPrints Service Core Mobile ................................................................................... 26
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Interface ....................................................................... 27
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage .................................................................... 27
Above the Toolbar ................................................................................................................ 27
Quick Search .................................................................................................................... 27
Sign-out ............................................................................................................................. 28
Preferences ....................................................................................................................... 28
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar .......................................................................... 36
Below the Toolbar ................................................................................................................. 37
Resorting the Homepage .................................................................................................. 37
Filtering Columns .............................................................................................................. 38
Reordering Columns ......................................................................................................... 40
Resizing Columns ............................................................................................................. 40
Display Drop-down ............................................................................................................ 41
Viewing Issues .................................................................................................................. 42
Quick Action Checkbox Dialog ......................................................................................... 42
The Address Book Homepage ............................................................................................. 44
The Address Book Alphabet Index ................................................................................... 44
The Address Book Summary List of Contacts .................................................................. 44
The Address Book Quick Search ...................................................................................... 44
Address Book Toolbar ...................................................................................................... 44
The Address Book Main Frame ........................................................................................ 45
Using BMC FootPrints Service Core .................................................................................... 46
Login ..................................................................................................................................... 46
Password Complexity, Password Expiration, Failed Login Attempts, and Password Reuse46
Issues ................................................................................................................................... 47
A Note On the Appearance of the Create and Edit Issues Pages .................................... 47
Working with Issues .......................................................................................................... 48
Creating Issues (Overview)............................................................................................... 48
Completing a New Issue ................................................................................................... 49
Sample Solution ................................................................................................................ 52
Editing Issues .................................................................................................................... 52
Viewing the Alignability Process Model ............................................................................ 53
Edit Test Issue .................................................................................................................. 54
Issue History ..................................................................................................................... 55
Deleting an Issue .............................................................................................................. 56
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Converting Regular Issues to Quick Issues ...................................................................... 56
Copying Issues ................................................................................................................. 57
Linking Issues ................................................................................................................... 59
Unlinking Issues ................................................................................................................ 59
Requests ........................................................................................................................... 59
Email Submission of Issues and Requests ....................................................................... 60
Searching and Reporting ...................................................................................................... 60
Searching .......................................................................................................................... 61
Reporting........................................................................................................................... 69
Address Book ..................................................................................................................... 103
Address Book Homepage ............................................................................................... 104
Create a New Address Book Contact ............................................................................. 105
Working with Address Book Contacts ............................................................................. 105
Create a New Issue from the Address Book ................................................................... 106
Address Book Searches and Reports ............................................................................. 106
Master Contact Records ................................................................................................. 109
Calendar and Scheduling ................................................................................................... 113
Calendar Basics .............................................................................................................. 114
Viewing Appointments .................................................................................................... 115
Creating Appointments ................................................................................................... 115
Editing Appointments ...................................................................................................... 118
Syncing Appointments .................................................................................................... 119
Linking Appointments to Issues ...................................................................................... 120
Creating Recurring Issues from the Calendar ................................................................ 122
Calendar Preferences ..................................................................................................... 124
Scheduling ...................................................................................................................... 125
User Guide to BMC FootPrints Service Core Email ........................................................... 127
Email Notification ............................................................................................................ 127
Using Incoming Email ..................................................................................................... 128
Knowledge Base ................................................................................................................. 136
About Solutions ............................................................................................................... 137
Create Solution from Scratch .......................................................................................... 137
Create Solution from an Existing Issue ........................................................................... 138
Viewing Solutions ............................................................................................................ 139
Knowledge Base Search Options ................................................................................... 139
Using the Knowledge Base to Resolve an Issue ............................................................ 142
Popularity ........................................................................................................................ 143
Advanced Features ............................................................................................................ 143
Advanced Issue Types .................................................................................................... 143
Using Quick Issue Templates ......................................................................................... 144
Master Issues and Subtasks ........................................................................................... 145
Master Quick Issue ......................................................................................................... 151
Creating Global Issues .................................................................................................... 153
Real-time Issue Resolution Tools ................................................................................... 156
Installing and Configuring BMC Service Core FootPrints Sync ...................................... 158
Social Media ................................................................................................................... 163
BMC FootPrints Change Manager .................................................................................. 166
Using Service Catalog .................................................................................................... 169
Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 171
Index ...................................................................................................................................... 177
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
Numara Software Confidential. BMC Software Confidential.
Introduction to BMC FootPrints Service Core
What This Guide Contains
This guide contains all the concepts and information essential to the BMC FootPrints Service Core Agent user. You
will learn basic BMC FootPrints Service Core concepts, including: how to navigate through the BMC FootPrints
Service Core Homepage and Toolbar; how to create, edit, search for and report on different types of Issues; how to
use email for notification and Issue changes; how to schedule your work by using the BMC FootPrints Service Core
Calendar. Many of the features accessible to you will depend on how your Workspace Administrator configured your
BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace. When in doubt, check with your Administrator.
Introduction to BMC FootPrints Service Core
This is BMC FootPrints Service Core version 11.6.
BMC FootPrints Service Core is a 100% web-based Service Desk and customer support tool that is so easy to use
and administer, you can get into live production in just a few days. Users and administrators require only a browser to
take full advantage of its many capabilities. BMC FootPrints Service Core puts control in the hands of the Service
Desk or Support managerwithout high costs, additional programming, or complex administration.
BMC FootPrints Service Core is extremely flexible, scalable, and customizable, and eliminates expensive training,
consulting, database programming, and staff additions to manage support automation software from your list of
It can be used for multiple, simultaneous Workspaces and supports multiple languages for users and groups. You can
leverage the capabilities of BMC FootPrints Service Core across multiple locations and corporate functions to expand
the reach of your Issue management and related communication.
Different Uses for BMC FootPrints Service Core
While many people purchase BMC FootPrints Service Core to solve one specific functional need, such as tracking
internal service desk activities, documenting the external support center and CRM, or development/bug tracking, it can
actually be used for a large variety of business functions and departments, supporting both internal and external
Some of the departments or business functions that can benefit from using BMC FootPrints Service Core for Issue
management include:
Asset requisitioning
Change and release management
Configuration management
Corporate service desk
Customer survey
Facilities management
HIPAA management
Human resources management
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Incident/Problem management
Issue tracking
IT outsourcing
Resource management
Sales tracking
Service catalog
Software change management
SOX financial control management
SOX IT change management
Training management
The primary feature that makes BMC FootPrints Service Core so flexible is that it is Workspace-based. Each
Workspace is a separate sub-database within the system that can have its own fields, forms, users, and settings. It is
this feature that enables you to create different areas within the system for different departments to use.
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core 11.6.05
Several issues have been corrected in this release. For details, refer to the Release Notes on our Support Web site.
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core Version 11.6.04
Several issues have been corrected in this release. For details, refer to the Release Notes on our Support Web site.
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core 11.6.03
Several issues have been corrected in this release. For details, refer to the Release Notes on our Support Web site.
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core 11.6.02
Several issues have been corrected in this release. For details, refer to the Release Notes on our Support Web site.
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core 11.6.01
Several issues have been corrected in this release. For details, refer to the Release Notes on our Support Web site.
What's New in BMC FootPrints Service Core 11.6
The following features have been added or enhanced for BMC FootPrints Service Core Version 11.6.
Added access to the Alignability Process Model and the related workflow processes
Viewing the Alignability Process Model
Enhancements to archiving and purging performance
Enhancements to the Social Media feature
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Upgraded to Java Developers Kit 1.6.45
For details on what’s new in BMC FootPrints Service Core 11.6, refer to the following PDFs on our Support Web site:
Release Notes
What's New
BMC FootPrints Service Core Versions and Add-ons
The following versions of BMC FootPrints Service Core are available:
BMC FootPrints Service CoreThe web-based service desk and customer problem management solution for
Windows, UNIX, and Linux servers.
BMC FootPrints Asset CoreWith BMC FootPrints Asset Core, you can track all hardware and software
assets. BMC FootPrints Asset Core allows Agents to incorporate asset data into issues by performing lookups
in the asset management database. Asset data is fully integrated with FootPrints Issue management. Agents
can get automatic snapshots of users' configurations, including platform, hardware, and software information
and save the information as part of the Issue record.
BMC FootPrints Service Core Base Starter PackThe web-based service desk and customer problem
management solution for Windows/SQLExpress or Windows/SQL Server only. This is the same great BMC
FootPrints Service Core customers have always used, but geared towards smaller business. Base Starter Pack
customers can purchase Change Manager and Mobile. Limitations include:
a maximum of fifteen named agents
Windows/SQL Express or Windows/SQL Server only
no concurrent licenses
no ability to add CMDB or SQL Link
a maximum of three workspaces plus one survey workspace.
BMC FootPrints Service Core Hosting ServiceAll the power of BMC FootPrints Service Core, hosted by
BMC Software, Inc.
The following add-on modules are also available for integration with BMC FootPrints Service Core:
BMC FootPrints Configuration Manager with Service CatalogITIL compliant add-on module that provides
complete configuration management functionality. Import assets and define your entire configuration.
Configuration management data can be imported to Issues. Also features reporting.
The Extended Starter Pack is required to purchase the BMC FootPrints Configuration Manager module. Please
contact your salesperson for more information about obtaining the Extended Starter Pack.
BMC FootPrints MobileThe BMC FootPrints Mobile add-on module combines real-time, dynamic access
to via a web browser on supported mobile devices, with synchronization functionality for calendar, task and
contact synchronization. (BMC FootPrints Sync is included as part of BMC FootPrints Mobile.) This module
allows agents to manage their assignments, search the knowledge base, etc., on the go and without the need
of a PC.
BMC FootPrints Service Core Integration with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager/SMS
Allows service desks agents to dynamically access PC asset data while they're working on an Issue from
within BMC FootPrints Service Core.
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BMC FootPrints Service Core Dynamic Address Book LinkGives access to multiple LDAP-based and
SQL-based address books.
BMC FootPrints Service Core TelephonyAn integrated, hosted contact center service that works with
your BMC FootPrints Service Core software, offering call centers and service desks advanced, skills-based
call routing that automatically transfers incoming customer requests to the right service desk agent or
customer service representative. BMC FootPrints Service Core Telephony is an integration, not an add-on.
BMC FootPrints Change Manager Enables organizations to develop their own approval process for
Issues, with no programming. In BMC FootPrints Change Manager, approvers are designated for specific
Workspaces. When an Issue meets approval criteria, the approvers are notified that an Issue awaits
approval. The approvers then give or withhold approval. When an Issue is approved or rejected, it is moved
to another stage in the process.
BMC FootPrints Service Core CRM BridgeIntegration with some of the most widely-used sales
automation tools. This integration helps organizations tie their web-based customer support tracking and
automation with their web-based CRM sales tracking process to give sales and customer support teams
direct access to the latest customer support interactions at any time. From within the sales automation tool,
sales representatives can see active support issues for their customers in BMC FootPrints Service Core.
From within BMC FootPrints Service Core, sales representatives can access their customer Address Books
that are stored in the sales automation tool.
BMC FootPrints Service Core Integration with Sales/CRM powered by SalesNet®
Live eSupport and the LANSurveyor integration are no longer supported.
PerlEx Modules, Packages, and Extensions
ActivePerl Enterprise Edition is the up-to-date, quality-assured perl binary distribution from ActiveState. Current
releases, and other professional tools for open source language developers are available at:
Getting Help
Help is available from within BMC FootPrints Service Core. To access the online Help, click the Help link at the top
right of the BMC FootPrints Service Core header. A new browser window is displayed containing information tailored
to Customer users.
The Help system includes a Table of Contents. Help topics tailored for customers are found in the Customer
Self-Service section.
A Glossary is available to give definitions for common terms used in BMC FootPrints Service Core.
The Index and Search features can be used to find topics by keyword.
Context-sensitive help links are available throughout the BMC FootPrints Service Core system. Click the
Help link at the top right of the BMC FootPrints Service Core header to obtain context-sensitive help.
The topics in the online help are also available in the printed versions (PDF) on the
Product Documentation
section of our Support Web page.
Other documentation is available, including:
BMC FootPrints Service Core Administrator’s GuideCovers installation and basic customization of BMC
FootPrints Service Core.
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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BMC FootPrints Service Core Reference ManualComplete documentation on all aspects and features of
BMC FootPrints Service Core.
BMC FootPrints Service Core Change Management GuideProvides best practices for BMC FootPrints
Service Core Change Management as well as the details of configuration and implementation.
Technical Support
If you have questions about BMC FootPrints Service Core and for technical support, see the Customer Support
website at You can access product documents, search the Knowledge Base for
help with an issue, and access online support.
For your local Customer Support number, see the BMC Support Contacts web page at If you do not have access to the web and you are in the United States or
Canada, contact Customer Support at 800 537 1813.
If you are partner supported, find their contact information here:
To Search our BMC FootPrints Service Core User Community for answers or to post questions, see our web page at:
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Key Concepts
BMC FootPrints Service Core stores and tracks information in Workspaces. A Workspace is a separate sub-database
within the system which can have its own custom fields, options, and users. There is no limit to the number of
Workspaces that you can create in BMC FootPrints Service Core. You may choose to keep all of your data in a single
Workspace or you can create multiple Workspaces. For example, one Workspace can be used for Service Desk
activity while a second Workspace can be used for internal bug tracking.
New Workspaces can only be created by System Administrators. An unlimited number of Workspaces can be created
with the Extended Starter Pack. The Base Starter Pack is limited in the number of workspaces you can create.
The Base Starter Pack comes with a limit of three Workspaces, plus one Workspace for Customer Surveys. Archive
Workspaces count as one of the three Workspaces. The Extended Starter Pack unlocks the ability to create unlimited
Workspaces. Please contact your salesperson for more information about obtaining the Extended Starter Pack.
A BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace comprises a set of related Issues. Issue” is the default name given to a
BMC FootPrints Service Core record. Each Issue is a numbered record in the BMC FootPrints Service Core
Workspace database around which all Service Desk and problem tracking activity centers.
All Issues have some built-in content in the form of required fields (i.e., mandatory data required for the database), as
Titlea short description of the Issue
Prioritythe urgency of the Issue
Statusthe current state of the Issue; Open and Closed are required status options, but administrators can
create as many categories of status (e.g., Pending approval), as they wish.
Descriptiona description of the Issue, usually containing much more detail and history than the Title.
Assigneethe person or persons assigned to track or resolve the Issue.
Not all organizations use the term "Issue" as the label for a record of this type. Administrators can customize BMC
FootPrints Service Core to apply whatever label is appropriate in your local culture. Administrators can change the
name "Issues" to "Tickets", for example, so that wherever the word "Issues" appears by default in BMC FootPrints
Service Core, the word "Tickets" is displayed.
During installation, the administrator is given the chance to change the default term “Issue” to another name, such as
“Entry,” “Call,” or “Ticket.” For consistency, this manual always refers to BMC FootPrints Service Core records as
Types of Issues
BMC FootPrints Service Core provides a number of different types of Issues:
1. IssueAn Issue is normally used to log any event or problem. The name for this may differ (Ticket, Entry, etc.)
depending on how your system is configured. An Issue can be opened, assigned, worked on, and closed by
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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internal Agent users and Administrators. BMC FootPrints Service Core can automatically send notification email
whenever an Issue is worked.
2. RequestA Request is a preliminary Issue that is submitted by a Customer. BMC FootPrints Service Core
Agents can then “take” the Request and turn it into a regular Issue, or Requests can be automatically assigned
to one or more Agents. (Administrators can read the section on Auto Assign in the WebHelp or Reference
Manual for more information). Your Administrator can tell you how Requests are handled in your organization.
3. Quick IssueQuick Issues are templates that contain pre-filled information for standard types of Customer
problems and requests. For example, a Quick Issue template for "Password Reset" would start out pre-filled with
a description of the problem, the problem categories pre-filled with "Network" and "Password Reset", and
perhaps a Status of "Closed". The Agent only needs to fill in the user's contact information to submit the Issue.
The Workspace Administrator can create an unlimited number of templates.
4. Master Issue/SubtaskSometimes an Issue needs to be broken up into separate subtasks to be completed by
different users. When a subtask is created for an Issue, the originating Issue automatically becomes a Master
Issue of that subtask. Multiple subtasks can be created for an Issue.
5. Master Quick IssueQuick Issue templates can also be defined to create Master Issues and related subtasks
automatically, for example, to define the New Hire process.
6. Global Issue/GlobalLinkGlobal Issues are used to designate important or frequently reported Issues that will
affect many users. Global Issues can be broadcast to all Agents, are displayed on the Agent BMC FootPrints
Service Core Homepage, and can optionally be displayed for Customers to subscribe to. Whenever a new Issue
is reported with the same problem as an existing Global Issue, the Agent (or, optionally, the Customer) can link
the Issue to the known Global Issue (called GlobalLinks). Global Issues can be closed simultaneously with their
7. SolutionSolutions are a special type of record in BMC FootPrints Service Core that make up the Knowledge
Base. They are used to describe solutions to common problems, frequently asked questions, document
procedures, etc. A Solution can be created from scratch or spun off from an Issue. Solutions can be public or
internal and they can be configured to require an approval process before they are published.
Issues and Requests can also be submitted and updated via email. Please refer to the section on submission via email
for more information.
Master Issues and Subtasks
Sometimes an Issue must be divided into subtasks to be completed by different users. The BMC FootPrints Service
Core Master Issue/Subtasks facility allows you to create parentchild relationships between Issues for complex
When a subtask is created for an Issue, the originating Issue automatically becomes a Master Issue of that subtask.
Multiple subtasks can be created for an Issue. As an example, numerous tasks must be accomplished when a new
hire is performed. BMC FootPrints Service Core users often create a Master Issue for new hires. Each task that must
be performed for a new hire, such as acquiring a telephone or adding the new hire as a user to the network, is created
as a subtask.
Subtasks can be created manually by an Agent or automatically by a
Master Quick Issue Template.
Creating a subtask of an Issue automatically makes the originating Issue a Master Issue, with a parentchild
relationship existing between the Master Issue and the subtask.
Master Issues and subtasks have a special relationship. When a Master Issue is opened and subtasks are created,
the Master Issue remains opened until all of the subtasks have been closed. When the last subtask is closed, the
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Master Issue can either be closed automatically or BMC FootPrints Service Core can automatically send an email to
all individuals who are assigned to the Master Issue informing them that the subtasks have been closed. It then
becomes the responsibility of someone assigned to the Master Issue to close it. The default is to automatically change
the status to Closed.
Global Issues
Global Issues are used to designate important or frequently reported Issues that affect many users. For example, a
"System Down" failure that will be reported by many users can be made into a Global Issue. Global Issues can be
broadcast to all Agents, are displayed on the Agent's BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage, and can be displayed
for customers to subscribe to it. Whenever a new Issue is reported with the same problem, the Agent (and, optionally,
the customer) can link the Issue to the known Global Issue. Global Issues can be closed simultaneously with their
associated GlobalLinks. This feature can save time for Agents by preventing duplicate work and can make it easier to
communicate pervasive problems to all users.
Global Issues have two parts to them:
Global IssueThis is the originating problem. It is broadcast to all Agents when it is created, is available on
the Homepage for setting up a link, and can optionally be broadcast to customers so that they can link to it.
Agents can be restricted from creating Global Issues via their
role assignment.
GlobalLinksThese are Issues linked to a Global Issue because they describe the same or a similar
problem, but are reported by different users. Issues can be made GlobalLinks by Agents from the BMC
FootPrints Service Core home page or the Issue Details page. Customers can link to a Global Issue, allowing
them to create their own GlobalLink automatically.
The name of this feature depends on the name given to records in BMC FootPrints Service Core for the
system/workspace. For example, if the name "Ticket" has been defined for records in the current workspace, the
Global Issue is referred to as a "Global Ticket" throughout the workspace. However, GlobalLinks are always referred
to as "GlobalLinks". For consistency, all help files refer to the feature as "Global Issue".
Quick Issues
Quick Issues are templates that contain pre-filled information for frequently reported customer Issues, such as
Password Reset, Service Request, etc. For example, a Quick Issue template for Password Reset would include a
description of the problem, the problem categories pre-filled with Network and Password Reset, and perhaps a status
of Closed. The Agent only needs to fill in the user's contact information to submit the Issue. The Workspace
Administrator can create an unlimited number of templates, which are available to all Agents and customers from the
BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar. (Customers cannot access Master Issues.)
The Quick Issue Templates page is also where you create and edit Master Issues and Subtasks.
Quick Issues are considered advanced BMC FootPrints Service Core features. Refer to
Creating Quick Issue Templates
and subsequent topics in that section for details on configuring Quick Issues.
The name of this feature depends on the name given to records in BMC FootPrints Service Core for the
system/workspace. For example, if the name "Call" has been defined for records in the current workspace, the feature
is called "Quick Call" throughout the workspace (on the toolbar, in the Administration pages, etc.). For consistency, all
help files refer to the feature as "Quick Issue".
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Linked Issues
When Issues are "linked", it means that an association has been created between the Issues. The association is
displayed whenever the Issue is displayed in BMC FootPrints Service Core. Associations of this type denote that
there are similarities between the Issues that the person who established the link wants everyone to see. Linked
Issues can be set up so that changes made to one Issue are propagated to the other Issue or Issues.
In the case of Global Issues, links are called "
GlobalLinks". These are Issues linked to the Global Issue because they
describe the same or similar problem, but are reported by different users.
Issues linked to a Master Issue are called "Subtasks". These are Issues linked to the Master Issue because they
describe a subset of activities to be performed in resolving the Master Issue.
A request is an Issue that is submitted by a customer, either through the BMC FootPrints Service Core interface
(using the Customer Self-service interface) or via email.
There are three options for handling new Requests:
1. The Requests go into the Request “bin”. From there, an Agent or Administrator may assign new Requests to one
or more Agents to work on them. The assigned Requests appear in each assigned Agent's assignments list on
the Homepage.
2. Agents can “take” Requests from the Request bin and assign themselves to the Requests.
3. New Requests can automatically be converted into Open Issues and assigned to internal users based on the
value in a drop-down field. This feature must be configured by the Workspace Administrator. Refer to the
section on Auto Assignment in the Administrator's Guide for more information.
Customers can follow progress on Requests that they have submitted as they are worked. In addition, BMC
FootPrints Service Core can automatically send email to the customer who submitted the Request when changes are
made to the Request.
Contact your BMC FootPrints Service Core Administrator for more information on how your organization handles
Address Book
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Address Book is a database of contact information for your end users, whether they
are employees, remote users, or customers. The contact data can be kept in BMC FootPrints Service Core or can be
dynamically read from an outside source, such as Microsoft Exchange, Active Directory, or other LDAP source. The
LDAP option is only available in the demo or if you purchased the Dynamic Address Book Link add-on module. When
the Dynamic Address Book Link is used, individual contacts cannot be added to the BMC FootPrints Service Core
Address Book directly. If you wish to add someone to the Address Book when using the Dynamic Address Book Link,
you must add the contact to the LDAP source. Supported contact databases include Microsoft Exchange 5.x/2000,
Netscape iPlanet, Lotus Notes, and Novell Directory Services.
BMC FootPrints Service Core supports Secure LDAP (LDAPS). For additional information on LDAPS support, contact
800 537 1813 (USA and Canada).
Address Book data can also be imported from an outside source, such as a SQL database.
When an Issue is created in BMC FootPrints Service Core, it can be linked to a contact, so that the information about
the end user is available to technical users looking at the Issue.
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A BMC FootPrints Service Core Address Book is made up of fields, just like an Issue. When a Workspace is built, the
fields in the Address Book are dependent on the Workspace template that was selected. Administrators can modify
the fields in the Address Book as appropriate.
The Address Book contains two additional properties:
Primary KeyThe primary key is a unique identifier for each contact in the Address Book. If the customer
self-service feature is used, the primary key is the ID that customers use to log into BMC FootPrints Service
Core, along with a password. This field should be both present and unique to all contacts. "User ID" is the
recommended field and also the default for all templates.
Organizational UnitThe organization unit is an optional property used to organize contacts in the Address
Book. Examples include "Department", "Business Unit", or "Company". If organizational unit is used, the
contacts in the Address Book are grouped by the field.
"Contact" is the default name given to a record in the BMC FootPrints Service Core Address Book. Normally this
contains a customer's name, email address, phone number, etc., but a contact can be any record in the Address Book
containing any number and variety of fields.
Contact data can be added to the database in a variety of ways. Contacts can be typed in directly, one-by-one, or
imported from another source. In addition, BMC FootPrints Service Core allows you to dynamically link to any LDAP
source and populate the Address Book from that source. This has the advantage of allowing you to maintain only the
one LDAP resource. Any changes made to the LDAP resource are reflected dynamically when contact information is
accessed in BMC FootPrints Service Core.
Master Contact Record
The Master Contact Record provides an easy way to organize contacts with a common factor, such as "company",
with contacts that share the same factor inheriting properties from the master company record. Upon adding or editing
a contact who is a member of an organization for which a master contact record exists, the Agent may pre-load the
master contact record information into the contact.
For details on configuring the Master Contact Record, refer to
Master Contact Record Setup.
For details on using the Master Contact Record, refer to Master Contact Record Actions.
User Types and Roles
Agents and Customers
BMC FootPrints Service Core supports different levels of user privileges for users with different needs. An “Agent”
user account is intended for specified internal users, such as service desk agents, customer service representatives,
or engineers. A “Customer” account is intended for employee end-users or external customers, allowing those users
to submit and track their own requests and to search the knowledge base.
BMC FootPrints Service Core comes with a number of built-in user types, called “roles”. Custom roles can also be
created by the Administrator to define permissions for different groups of users.
Here is a breakdown of the built-in roles:
Agent roles:
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AgentA standard, full-strength user. This user type commonly includes: service desk agent, call
center agent, developer, engineer, manager, and Workspace member. Agents can use all of the
basic functions of BMC FootPrints Service Core, including creating, viewing, and editing Issues
and running queries.
Workspace AdministratorIn addition to agent privileges, a Workspace administrator
administers an existing Workspace, including adding custom fields, setting options, and adding
System AdministratorIn addition to agent and Workspace administrator privileges, the system
administrator has control of the BMC FootPrints Service Core system, including administration of
any Workspace, adding new Workspaces, and managing licenses.
Customer roles:
Read KBView and search the
Knowledge Base.
Read KB/RequestsView and search the Knowledge Base and check the statuses on Requests
(entered by an internal user or via email).
Read/SubmitIn addition to the functionality described above, can submit requests via a BMC
FootPrints Service Core web interface.
Read/Submit/EditIn addition to the functionality described above, these users have limited edit
privileges of their own requests.
More about Customers
Customer users have a number of components:
User AccountThis is the ID and password of the customer. Users can have unique IDs and passwords or
they can share a generic ID and password. This record is kept in a database.
Contact RecordThe contact information for the user is kept in the BMC FootPrints Service Core Address
Book or dynamically read from an LDAP or other External Database/SQL source. The data kept depends on
the fields that exist in the Address Book.
Primary KeyThe customer account and contact records are linked via the Primary Key field. This is a field
in the Address Book, such as User ID or Email Address, that uniquely identifies the user.
RoleThe permission level for the user. Built-in and custom roles are available.
BMC FootPrints Service Core utilizes the concept of "Supervisors". Agents can be designated as assigned to specific
supervisors, which makes it easier to designate where emails go when, for example, there is an Issue
"Permissions" refers to the level of restriction applied to any user, whether it is an Agent, Administrator, or Customer.
As an example, Agents can be restricted from submitting Solutions to the Knowledge Base; therefore, such Agents
would not have "permission" to submit Solutions to the Knowledge Base.
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Configuration of Permissions
Permissions are configured by Administrators. Workspace Administrators can configure permissions on a Workspace
level, allowing a specified role (e.g., Agents) to perform or not perform certain actions. System Administrators can
configure permissions on either a Workspace level or system-wide. For example, Customers could be restricted from
submitting their own Requests in a specific Workspace, allowing them to submit Requests to other Workspaces, or
they could be restricted from submitting Requests to any Workspace.
Permissions can also be set on the field level. That is, users can be prevented from entering data into designated
fields without the appropriate permissions. Field level permissions are set by either a Workspace Administrator for a
specific Workspace or system-wide by a System Administrator. With field level permissions, there are two ways in
which users are prevented from accessing the field to enter data. In the first instance, the field may be visible to the
user, but the user would be prevented from entering data into the field without permissions. In the second instance,
the field may be invisible to specified roles.
Permission Assignment
Permissions are assigned by role. That is, Administrators determine which permissions a specific role is allowed. The
Administrator then can determine which individuals are assigned that role. Because Administrators can create new
roles, the affect of permissions can be limited to a small group or even an individual. For example, if an Administrator
wants only a single person or a small number of people to be able to add Solutions to the Knowledge Base, the
Administrator could restrict all Agents from adding to the Knowledge Base, then create a new Agent role, assign the
appropriate users to the new role, and allow the new role to add Solutions to the Knowledge Base.
Field Permissions
"Permission" refers to the level of restriction applied to any user, whether it is an Agent, Administrator, or Customer.
For example, Agents can be restricted from submitting Solutions to the Knowledge Base; therefore, such Agents
would not have "permission" to submit Solutions to the Knowledge Base. Field permissions restrict which fields are
accessible to users. Field permissions, like regular permissions, are defined by role. For example, Issues can
sometimes become exceptionally lengthy and cluttered in terms of the number of fields that are displayed, but not all
users need to see all fields. Field permissions can be used to "clean up" the Issues page.
As another example, field permissions can be used to keep some fields hidden until such time as they become
relevant, such as fields created for system test being hidden until a certain status is reached.
For details on configuring field permissions, refer to
Field Permissions Overview.
How Roles and Teams Work Together
Roles and teams are two user elements in BMC FootPrints Service Core that work together:
TeamUsers are organized in teams for assignment purposes.
RoleUsers are granted permissions on what they can do within their team and within the BMC FootPrints
Service Core Workspace via a user role.
For example, while the "Level 1 Support Team" may be made up of five users, one of those users might be the team
leader and the other four are support technicians. All five users share the same "Level 1 Support Team", but the team
leader can be assigned the "Team Leader" role and the other members can be assigned the "Technician" role. This
distinction is illustrated in the following table:
Jill Smith
Level 1 Support Team
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Linda Thompson
Level 1 Support Team
Bill Jones
Level 1 Support Team
Jose Gomez
Level 1 Support Team
Brian Patel
Level 1 Support Team
In this example, when someone assigns an Issue to the Level 1 Support Team, all five members receive an email
notification and the Issue appears in the Team Assignment queue. Although the Technician role may not allow those
users to take the Issue, the Team Leader role allows Jill to assign the Issue to one of the Technicians on the team. In
addition, the Technicians may be restricted to only viewing Issues for their own team, while Jill could view the Issues
for all teams in the Workspace.
Teams can be organized for different functions, departments, groups, etc. Roles can be configured to give as much or
as little access as desired for a group of users.
Other Aspects of Roles and Teams
One Role, Many TeamsWhile a user can be a member of multiple teams, a user can only have one user
role within a Workspace. Therefore, within a Workspace, a user has the same permissions regardless of the
team to which he or she belongs.
Team leadersTeam leaders can be designated for a Team. This makes a convenient method for
designating where an email should go when an Issue
Escalation occurs.
CustomersCustomers cannot belong to teams because they cannot be assigned to Issues. Customers are
organized by "organizational unit". (The organization unit is an optional property of a contact in the Address
Book. Examples of an organizational unit include "Department", "Business Unit", or "Company". If an
organizational unit is specified, the contacts in the Address Book are grouped by organizational unit.)
Customers can, however, be assigned to a customized role in order to create a special set of permissions.
Same Name for Role and TeamWhile the ability to configure roles and teams separately gives you more
flexibility, you can choose to give all of the users in a team the same permissions. In that case, you might,
optionally, give the role and the team the same name.
OptionalIf the functionality provided in roles and teams is not needed by your organization, you do not
need to configure these features at all. Users can be assigned individually without teams and can inherit the
permissions of the built-in roles.
Customer Self-service
Customers in BMC FootPrints Service Core have access to many selfservice features. Depending on their
permission level, Customers can submit Requests, track the status of their Requests, search the Knowledge Base for
Solutions to their problems, etc. This user type is appropriate for both employee Customers and external Customers of
your organization.
With respect to security for self-service Customers, BMC FootPrints Service Core can authenticate against multiple
login methods. This allows, for example, new customers to be validated against the Windows password file, while
Agents are validated against the company’s master /Active-Directory/LDAP contact book.
A "field" is a section of a web form that can accept input. Fields generally accept either text or numbers. In addition,
fields can accept a mouse click that selects an option from a list or a mouse click that checks or unchecks a box.
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Field Types
The following Workspace field types are supported:
Character (single or multiple line)—This type of field can contain any type of data, such as alpha, numeric, or
special characters. Single-line character fields accept one line of data, while multiple-line character fields
accept an unlimited number of lines of data. There is no effective limit on the amount of text in a field.
IntegerAccepts integers.
Real NumberAccepts integers or decimal numbers. You will be asked to include
Total Digits and Total Decimal
for the real number when configuring the field. Total Digits is the total number of digits in the number
and Total Decimal Places is the number of digits to the right of the decimal. If an unacceptable value is
entered into a real number field, such as a value that includes alphabetical characters, has too many digits
after the decimal place, or is too wide for the field as it has been configured, BMC FootPrints Service Core
generates a warning before you can leave the page.
When creating a new real number field, MS SQL versions of BMC FootPrints Service Core asks for the total
digits and total decimal places on the Form Designer page. This is necessary since SQL Server real numbers
default to four decimal places, which might not be what you want displayed if you are entering currency
DateAccepts valid dates (format based on system or user preference).
Date-TimeThe user can select both a date and a time for this field type. Can optionally be linked to the
Calendar. A default link to the calendar(s) can be changed at the time of Issue creation by the Agent. In
addition, the field can be configured as a link to the personal calendar or personal and Workspace calendars
by default or by clicking the radio button for either linking to the personal calendar or linking to the personal
and Workspace calendars when the Issue is created. To select the current date-time, click the checkbox
provided with the field.
Drop-downOffers a pre-defined drop-down list of choices from which the user chooses one of the options.
Multi-selectAllows the user to select multiple choices from a pre-defined list.
CheckboxOffers a checkbox for users to select in the Issue form. In searches, reports and on the Details
screen, the values "On" and "Off" are displayed, or alternate values can be defined. Mandatory/optional
permissions do not apply to checkboxes; this field can be checked or left unchecked by the user.
Web siteAccepts URL addresses (of the form Appears as a hypertext link on the
Details page of an Issue.
FTPAccepts fully-qualified FTP addresses (of the form Appears as a hypertext link
on the Details page of an Issue.
Email AddressAccepts Email addresses. Appear as a hypertext link on the Details page of an Issue.
Built-in Fields
Built-in fields are fields that are included in the BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace templates at installation.
Some built-in fields cannot be removed, but their labels can be changed. For example, "Title" can be changed to
"Incident", but the field itself must remain on the Issue form and must be filled out in order for an Issue to be
submitted, i.e., accepted by the system. Built-in fields are:
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Last update date/time
Submitted date/time
To see which Workspace templates contain which built-in fields, refer to
Chapter 12: Sample Workspace Templates.
Mandatory and Optional Fields
Mandatory fields are fields that must be populated in order for the Issue to be successfully submitted.
Optional fields are fields that may or may not be populated when an Issue is submitted. If all mandatory fields are
populated but one or more optional fields are not populated when an Issue is submitted, the submission should be
Field Dependency
"Field dependency" refers to a configuration in which the data entered in one field changes the options in the next
field. For example, if you have a drop-down field labeled Problem Type and you select Printer from its drop-down list,
the next field would offer options that are specific to printer problems. If, instead of Printer, you had select Network,
then the next field only displays options related to network problems. BMC FootPrints Service Core has a facility for
creating field dependencies, so that users can be lead through a series of fields, each of which contains options that
are specific to the choice made in the previous field.
Multiple dependencies can be configured per Workspace and multi-level dependency groups can be created to funnel
the user to categories and sub-categories.
There are two kinds of field dependencies supported in BMC FootPrints Service Core:
Pop-up window containing dependent fieldsFor this type of field dependency, a drop-down menu is
designated as a “decision field”. A different pop-up window is displayed depending on which option is selected
in the decision field (drop-down menu). Each of the pop-up windows is configured with your choice of fields. For
example, assume that there is a field called Resource. The options for Resource are Hardware and Software. If
the user selects Hardware from the menu, a pop-up window is displayed with a drop-down menu field called
Asset, a multi-line character field called Description, etc. The drop-down menu might contain a list of hardware
assets, such as Printer or Edge router, and the Description field is for describing the problem, and so on. If,
however, the user selects Software, a pop-up window is displayed with a drop-down menu field called
Application which lists the applications, such as Excel or Visio, and a second field called Server, which lists
DNS names.
Dynamic drop-down dependency groupsA drop-down menu is designated as a decision field for this type
of field dependency as well. However, in this case, a pop-up window is not the dependent factor. Instead, there
is a set of subsequent drop-down menus on the same page. The choices that are displayed in each of those
drop-downs depend on the choice made in the preceding drop-down field. An example of this would be a drop-
down menu field called Software that lists software products. The next field is called Release. The user selects
a software title in the Software field. The values in the Release drop-down change depending on which
software product was selected in the decision field. The next drop-down menu field might be called Known
Problems. This contains a list of known problems that are based on the specific software product and release. If
a different software product is selected, different release numbers are displayed and, depending on the release
selected, different known problems are displayed.
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This type of field dependency is very useful in setting up multi-level groups of dependencies that drill-down and refine
the information being submitted.
Workspace Schema
The Workspace Schema is a display of the order of the fields in a workspace. The Workspace Schema is useful when
you are attempting to import data to BMC FootPrints Service Core or export data from BMC FootPrints Service Core.
The Workspace Schema can be used to check that the tables of data match up.
InstaCalc Fields
BMC FootPrints Service Core allows you to create simple mathematical formulas using Workspace fields. The
formulas allow multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction as well as the use of the unary minus and
parentheses. Formulas follow the standard order of operations.
Resolving Issues
Issue resolution can be accomplished in a number of ways. The first and most obvious is by Agents directly working
on an Issue. In a normal workflow, an Issue may be created or received as a Request from a Customer, an Agent is
assigned when the Issue is created, and the Agent resolves and closes the Issue.
Other ways in which Issues can be resolved outside the normal workflow described above are with:
The Knowledge Base
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Real-time Resolution Tools
Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base is a place to record, organize and manage important information for a BMC FootPrints Service
Core Workspace database. This can include, but is not limited to: solutions to common problems, answers to
Frequently Asked Questions, patches, and documents. By using the BMC FootPrints Service Core Knowledge Base
feature, you can turn the past experiences of individual customers and agents into a database of Solutions for all
Workspace members. This can assist Agents in finding quicker resolutions to recurring problems and in empowering
customers to find the answers to their questions without submitting a request.
Records in the Knowledge Base are called "Solutions". Solutions can be developed specifically for the Knowledge
Base or can be Issues that were resolved and contain a solution to a problem. Users may be required to obtain an
"approval" before a Solution that they submitted is accepted into the Knowledge Base. Approvals are described in
more detail below.
Internal Knowledge Base
Solutions can be designated to go into the internal Knowledge Base. The internal Knowledge Base is only available to
internal BMC FootPrints Service Core users, i.e., it is not accessible by anyone in a customer role. Internal users can
also be configured in roles to restrict access to the Knowledge Base.
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Public Knowledge Base
Solutions can be designated to go into the public Knowledge Base. The public Knowledge Base is accessible by all
internal users as well as any customer with permissions.
External Resources
In addition to the BMC FootPrints Service Core Knowledge Base, which comprises Issues that are designated as
Solutions, BMC FootPrints Service Core can provide links to external Knowledge Bases. Links are pre-configured for
the following external Knowledge Bases:
Google Groups
Microsoft Technet
Administrators can add external Knowledge Bases to BMC FootPrints Service Core.
By default, Agents in BMC FootPrints Service Core can submit Solutions to both the public and internal Knowledge
Bases. Using role permissions, Administrators can limit designated users from submitting Solutions to the Knowledge
Bases, and/or can require designated users to receive approval before their Solutions are published. This allows the
Administrator to have better control over which information is published to Customers and to review Solutions before
Customers see them.
When Agents are required to receive approval before publishing Solutions, one or more users must be designated as
approvers. These users (usually Administrators) receive email when a Solution is submitted for approval and can
approve, edit, or reject the Solution.
Once approvals are configured for at least one user role, the approval process is in place automatically.
Frequently Asked Questions
In BMC FootPrints Service Core, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are categories that are available to Agents and
Customers (who have appropriate permissions) when searching the Knowledge Base. These categories are created
and maintained by the Workspace Administrator. The categories are defined by advanced search criteria, such as
problem type, platform, software version, etc., and named and saved by the Administrator. Each time a category is
accessed, it returns the latest Solutions that match the criteria defined for that category.
The BMC FootPrints Service Core idea of a FAQ page is not like other FAQ pages with their question and answer
format. Instead, a BMC FootPrints Service Core FAQ is more of a pre-defined search category within the Knowledge
Base that displays all of the Solutions that were found during the search. It is a time-saving device that helps organize
the Solutions in the database for the user. A BMC FootPrints Service Core FAQ can also contain hierarchies of
Real-time Issue Resolution Tools
In addition to communication through the web interface and email, BMC FootPrints Service Core has the following
features that allow the agent to resolve users’ Issues:
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Instant Talkallows customers to communicate one-on-one with agents.
TelephonyIntegrates telephony functions with BMC FootPrints Service Core.
These features can be used in conjunction to remotely control a user’s desktop while holding a chat session at the
same time. This section describes how to use these features.
Asset Management
Asset management is an add-on module to BMC FootPrints Service Core. Asset management enables the auto-
discovery of PC assets, network management, and software deployment using any combination of the following:
BMC FootPrints Asset CoreComplete, up-to-the-minute PC hardware and software identification.
BMC FootPrints Service Core Integration with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager/SMS
Allows service desk agents to dynamically access PC asset data, acquired with Microsoft System Center
Configuration Manager/SMS, while they're working on an Issue from within BMC FootPrints Service Core.
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager/SMS is only available for systems running the Windows OS.
BMC FootPrints Asset Core
With BMC FootPrints Asset Core, you can track all hardware and software assets. BMC FootPrints Asset Core allows
Agents to incorporate asset data into Issues by performing lookups in the asset management database. Asset data is
fully integrated with BMC FootPrints Service Core Issue management. Agents can get automatic snapshots of users'
configurations, including platform, hardware, and software information and save the information as part of the Issue
For details on configuring BMC FootPrints Asset Core, see Configuring the BMC FootPrints Asset Core Integration in
the Administrator's Guide.
Integration with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager/SMS Inventory
If your organization uses Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager/SMS for tracking PC-based inventory, you
can take advantage of Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager/SMS inventory data from within BMC
FootPrints Service Core. BMC FootPrints Service Core with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager/SMS
integration allows service desk agents to dynamically access PC asset data for a user directly from within an Issue in
BMC FootPrints Service Core. This automated process saves time, helps Agents solve users' Issues quickly, and
ensures data accuracy.
When creating or editing an issue from within BMC FootPrints Service Core, you can directly view hardware, software,
and network information that is contained in the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager/SMS inventory
database for a particular machine or user. The data can then be imported into the BMC FootPrints Service Core Issue.
This information becomes part of the Issue's history and is searchable from the BMC FootPrints Service Core
Advanced Search and Reporting tools.
BMC FootPrints Service Core with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager/SMS integration can be enabled
on a per Workspace basis.
For details on configuring BMC FootPrints Service Core integration with Microsoft System Center Configuration
Manager/SMS, refer to
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager/SMS.
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Authentication and Different Authentication Methods
Authentication is the process of identifying an individual, usually based on a username and password. In security
systems, authentication is distinct from authorization, which is the process of giving individuals access to system
objects based on their identity. Authentication merely ensures that the individual is who he or she claims to be, but
says nothing about the access rights of the individual.
BMC FootPrints Service Core supports several modes of user/password authentication. Administrators have the
option of using BMC FootPrints Service Core internal encryption techniques, in which BMC FootPrints Service Core
maintains its own database of users and passwords, BMC FootPrints Service Core can let the web server perform the
authentication, or BMC FootPrints Service Core can authenticate by interfacing with either an LDAP directory server
or the Windows user list on Windows, and UNIX/Linux user list on UNIX systems.
BMC FootPrints Service Core supports the following methods of password verification:
BMC FootPrints Service Core authentication (default)
LDAP authentication
Windows 2003/2008 authentication (Windows 2003/2008 only)
UNIX authentication (UNIX only)
Web server authentication
Each BMC FootPrints Service Core user may be assigned either a primary or secondary authentication method. Only
the assigned method is attempted when a user tries to authenticate. If the secondary authentication method selected
is None, all FootPrints users are authenticated against the primary authentication method.
If BMC FootPrints Service Core authentication is used, any user attempting to access BMC FootPrints Service Core
must have a unique BMC FootPrints Service Core ID and password. If an external authentication method is enabled
(Windows, UNIX, or LDAP), then authentication is based on the users' network IDs and passwords, but a user ID must
still be created within BMC FootPrints Service Core for each agent.
Searching and Reporting
When BMC FootPrints Service Core conducts a search, it means that the user supplies some criteria (a keyword, an
Issue number, a date range, etc.) and BMC FootPrints Service Core assembles and displays all of the records that
meet the search criteria. Searches can be conducted on specific fields (for example, search the Problem Type field
for all records that contain the word "Printer" in that field) or on all fields (for example, the user supplies keywords such
as "wireless data" and BMC FootPrints Service Core searches all of the fields in all of the records for those words).
Searches can also be conducted on a date or range of dates (e.g., all Issues that were opened between April 1, 2015
and April 30, 2015).
BMC FootPrints Service Core contains a number of search facilities that allow you to search and locate specific
Issues in the database and create custom queues for the Homepage:
Quick SearchAvailable from any page in BMC FootPrints Service Core. Search by entering a keyword,
title, or Issue number.
Built-in QueuesThese are lists on the BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage that, when selected,
assemble and display records according to predetermined criteria. For example, the user might click on the
My Assignments queue, which would then display all of the Issues assigned to the user.
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Advanced SearchComplex search on all fields and criteria.
Saved SearchesSave advanced search criteria to create queues available from the BMC FootPrints
Service Core Homepage.
Cross-Workspace SearchingSearch for Issues across multiple Workspaces.
Search results can be further refined by using Filtering. Refer to topic titled Below the Toolbar for details on Filtering.
Reports quantify and format information stored in the database. When the user requests a report, it means nothing
more than deciding which field data to retrieve and how the output should look. BMC FootPrints Service Core
provides the information in the requested format. For example, if you want to determine how many Issues were in an
active state (i.e., not yet closed) on a specific date and how many of those particular Issues were then closed one
month later, you can specify those criteria and request a Report. BMC FootPrints Service Core connects to the
database, counts these items for you, and generates a Report that displays the data in the format you requested.
Types of Reports
The following Report types can be obtained from BMC FootPrints Service Core:
Single Issue ReportCreate a report on a single Issue.
Quick ReportCreate a report on a set of Issues displayed on the Homepage.
Custom ReportsCreate custom reports with custom criteria and formatting options, including graphics and
multi-level metrics.
Saved ReportsAccess saved custom report templates.
Shared ReportsAccess report templates that are shared by different users.
Workspace FlashboardDisplay an up-to-the-minute, customizable, graphical representation of Service Desk
and Workspace activity.
Personal FlashboardDisplay an up-to-the-minute, customizable, graphical representation of the individual's
activity and the activity of Teams to which the Agent belongs for the current Workspace.
MetricsGenerate reports for statistical and historical analysis.
Cross-Workspace ReportingCreate custom reports across multiple Workspaces.
Time-tracking ReportsGenerate time-tracking and billing reports.
Report TemplatesCreate single-Issue report templates for printing out Purchase Orders, Work Orders, Return
Merchandise Authorization forms (RMAs), etc.
Change Manager ReportsOnly available with the BMC FootPrints Change Manager Add-on module, provides
data about Issues that match the Change Management criteria.
Executive Dashboard
Executive Dashboard provides business intelligence regarding the performance of your service desk. Agents with
access to Executive Dashboard can set the types of data they wish to display and observe that data, seeing it change
dynamically as the Executive Dashboard is refreshed. Executive Dashboard can provide information such as:
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Is my service desk keeping up with the work?
Am I resolving as many Issues as are being created?
Am I diminishing my carry-over or just adding to it?
How do I look this period compare to the same previous period?
The Executive Dashboard allows you to view trending, showing data changes over time in a single view rather than
compiling different reports from those same time periods. In addition, multiple, disparate reports can be viewed at the
same time in the same place. Complex searches, with a number of filtering options, can be configured as reports and
viewed as graphs.
Users who only want to view the Executive Dashboard can set the Executive Dashboard as their homepage so that,
when they log into BMC FootPrints Service Core, they are immediately presented with the Executive Dashboard
reports they have chosen and don't need to understand anything more about navigating BMC FootPrints Service
Some specific types of Executive Dashboard report are built in to BMC FootPrints Service Core:
Service Level Agreement (SLA) reportSLAs may include agreements regarding "thresholds". That is,
they may require a specific amount of "up time" for a customer. The SLA report allows you to specify the
thresholds and see how agents are doing in maintaining them. For example, if the minimum threshold is 93%
up time, the report might show a line that is green when safely above the threshold, yellow when the
threshold is being approached, and red when the threshold is breached.
Resolution Rate Report—A First Contact Resolution Rate and a Resolution Rate report are combined so
that you can watch the convergence of those two types of information in one place. The periods to be
observed (per day, week, month, quarter, and year) are configurable.
Watchlist ReportYou can watch a problem type or other field and track how many of those problems were
created during a specific period (day, week, month, quarter, or year). If you use saved searches to track this
type of information, the Executive Dashboard allows you to create a Watchlist that replaces those searches
and see everything at a glance because multiple fields can be watched in one Watchlist.
Activity ReportA line graph tells you how many Issues were active for a specific period so that you can
observe the activity at various points. For example, if you tracked activity during the month, you might see
how many Issues were created on each day, how many were closed on each day, etc. This enables you to
see where activity spikes for different statuses.
Statistics ReportThis is similar to an Activity Report, and can show, for example, your totals and carryover
for a period: how many Issues were created, closed, active etc.
Time-tracking is used to track the time Agents spend working on Issues. Time can be tracked automatically by the
system or manually by the Agent. Agents can be assigned hourly billing rates to be used in calculating the monetary
amounts spent on Issues in addition to time spent. Time can be tracked for any Agent when creating Issues and when
editing Issues. The total time counted over all sessions is accumulated and stored for the Issue. If this feature is not
needed, it can be disabled for the Workspace.
This data can be used to create time-tracking reports, which can be used for billing, or to track any time-related
information, such as how long one or more users spent on certain kinds of Issues. A BMC FootPrints Service Core
time-tracking report returns totals and averages of all time-tracking data included in the report and individual time-
tracking information for each Issue reported. In addition to returning specific data for billing purposes, the time-
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tracking report can be used to return averages and totals for a specific internal user, Customer, status or priority type,
BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar is a web-based calendaring system that is fully integrated with BMC
FootPrints Service Core Issue tracking and customer problem management. Agents and Administrators can track
personal and Workspace-wide appointments, schedule meetings, jobs, and more. Calendar appointments can be
linked to BMC FootPrints Service Core Issues. Recurring appointments can be created that automatically create new
Issues at the next recurrence. Appointments can be synchronized with Microsoft Outlook via email or, if you have the
BMC FootPrints Mobile add-on module, with a number of supported Personal Information Managers (PIMs). Work
schedules can be defined for the Workspace and for individual Agents, including regular work hours, holidays,
vacations and sick leave, which can reduce conflicts when scheduling work. Agents can set their BMC FootPrints
Service Core interface to their local time zone so that all appointments and other times appear in local time rather than
the time on the server.
There are three options for the BMC FootPrints Service Core calendar system:
WorkspaceThe Workspace Calendar can be used to track appointments for all Agents and Teams for a
BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace. Each Workspace has its own calendar.
PersonalEach Agent/Administrator in BMC FootPrints Service Core has a Personal Calendar. This is a
place to add both personal appointments and work-related appointments. The Personal Calendar remains
constant throughout all Workspaces for a user.
AvailabilityEach Agent/Administrator can have an availability schedule defined for them, minimizing
conflicts when work appointments are scheduled. Availability can be linked to date/time fields in an Issue.
Workspace Work Schedule
A work schedule can be defined for a Workspace and for individual Agents. Regular working hours, days off, and
holidays can be defined in the work schedule by the Workspace Administrator. Escalation rules can be configured to
follow the Calendar. Holidays and exceptions to the regular schedule are defined in the work schedule. When
generating a time-tracking Report, work schedule time can be figured into the Report so that only time during work
hours is calculated. For example, if your organization usually works an eight hour day, Monday through Friday, you
can define your Workspace Work Schedule as eight hours, Monday through Friday. You can then run a report
showing how long it took to close Issues. By setting the Report to account for the eight hour work day and five day
work week, the Report will only count the time spent during the defined days and hours (a maximum of 40 hours per
week). If an Issue took from 9AM Monday morning until 9AM Wednesday morning to close, the Report will show that
as 16 hours. If, on the other hand, the Report did not account for the Workspace Work Schedule, the same Issue
would be reported as taking 48 hours to close.
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace Work Schedule also allows the administrator to establish a second shift
in the work schedule. This provides greater flexibility in work hours and reporting.
Synchronizing Appointments
With BMC FootPrints Mobile, appointments in the BMC FootPrints Service Core calendar can be synchronized with
external calendars and vice-versa. This means that, from within BMC FootPrints Service Core, you can create an
appointment on the BMC FootPrints Service Core calendar and have that appointment show up on your external
calendar (Outlook, Lotus Notes, etc.) You can also create an appointment in your external calendar and have it show
up in your BMC FootPrints Service Core calendar. This requires installation of a small client.
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Automated Workflow
Workflow Functions
Workflow refers to tasks and business rules that can be configured by Workspace Administrators to occur
automatically based on many different criteria. Workflow functions are the mechanisms that are built into BMC
FootPrints Service Core for configuring those tasks and business rules to occur automatically.
BMC FootPrints Service Core escalation enables you to automate business processes throughout the system with no
programming, using the same web-based interface used for searches, reports, creating Issues, etc. This feature can
perform simple escalations that send email when an Issue has been unresolved for a certain amount of time as well
as observe more complex rules based on multiple criteria that enact multiple actions, such as changing status,
assignment, etc.
Some of the common uses of the BMC FootPrints Service Core escalation feature are:
Time-based escalationEscalate overdue Issues to another user or priority.
Service Level AgreementsAlert Agents to the fact that a service level agreement threshold is being
RemindersSend follow-up reminders to Agents.
Automatic AssignmentCreate auto-assignment rules based on a combination of multiple criteria.
Custom Email NotificationsCreate custom email notifications to be sent to Agents and Customers at any
stage in the workflow.
External ProgramsLaunch a batch job in another system or application.
Multi-workspace workflowAutomate the escalation of an Issue from one workspace to another.
ApprovalsUse in conjunction with statuses and roles to define a custom approval process.
An escalation rule automatically escalates Issues based on your criteria on a workspace-wide basis. Rules can be
defined for which Issues should be automatically escalated and for defining what should occur when Issues meet
those criteria. For example, your organization may have a rule that states that "all priority 1 Issues must be closed
within 24 hours." The BMC FootPrints Service Core automatic escalation feature can be configured to send an email
automatically to alert the Administrator when a priority 1 Issue is still open after 24 hours.
The order of escalation rules on the escalation page determines which rules take precedence. For details on
configuring escalation, refer to
Managing Escalations.
Service Level Management
The Service Level Management feature is designed to help the Service Desk meet service levels for customers based
on their service contracts. Service levels can be defined based on the problem or incident type using a Workspace
field, or can be based on who the customer is using an Address Book field.
Resolution time
An unlimited number of service levels can be defined and response time (how quickly a response of some kind must
be made to an Issue), contract information, and associated escalation rules can be defined for each level.
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Due dates and times are automatically generated based on the resolution time. Service Level Metric reports can be
generated including percentage of issues that exceeded the resolution time for a particular time period.
In sum, the Service Level Management feature can provide the basis for a series of automated workflow rules that
ensure the standard of service provided to customers.
For details on Service Level Management, refer to
Creating a Service Level Field.
Change Manager Overview
Solving business problems often results in procedural changes. However, changes just as often occur when
companies proactively seek business benefits by reducing costs and/or improving services. The goal of the change
management process is to ensure that standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt
handling of all changes, thus minimizing the impact of change-related incidents upon service quality, and
consequently improving the day-to-day operations of the organization. Changes range from small solutions, i.e.,
upgrading memory or software on a single machine, to large projects, such as an organizationwide system upgrade.
The ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) standard for service and support defines change
management as a process that ensures that standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt
handling of all changes to minimize the impact of change-related incidents on service quality. Consequently, change
management aims to improve the day-to-day operation of the organization.
The BMC FootPrints Change Manager add-on module enables organizations to develop their own approval process
for Issues with no programming. In BMC FootPrints Change Manager, approvers are designated for specific
workspaces. When an Issue meets approval criteria, the approvers are notified that an Issue awaits approval. The
approvers then give or withhold approval. When an Issue meets approval criteria, it is moved to another stage in the
process. Note that meeting "approval criteria" may mean that the Issue is rejected rather than approved.
Workspace administrators can designate different approvers for different stages in the approval process. For example,
a proposal for a software change may require an approval in principle for the change from product management, an
approval for the design from the development organization, an approval for the actual software build from software
development, then a testing approval from quality assurance, and so on. The BMC FootPrints Change Manager
feature allows the workspace administrator to create an orderly and efficient method for getting those approvals and
ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks or waits too long for review.
BMC FootPrints Change Manager is an add-on module that incurs an additional cost. The BMC FootPrints Change
Manager feature is related to but not to be confused with Change Manager as defined by the IT Infrastructure Library.
The BMC FootPrints Change Manager feature provides the ability to manage changes via a voting/approval process.
BMC FootPrints Change Manager is implemented with customized statuses, fields, teams, roles, and escalation
rules. The fields and statuses are built into the Change Manager template, a feature of the Workspace wizard for
building Change Manager workspaces. The included Change Manager template is a workflow recommendation from
BMC, and can be customized as easily as any BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace to reflect the specific needs
of the organization.
BMC FootPrints Change Manager provides features that include the following:
Customizable criteria for automatically setting off an approval process (including all built-in and custom fields)
Customizable rules for meeting an approval (i.e. requiring one, a majority, or all to approve)
Customizable actions upon approval or disapproval, including the start of another approval phase, change of
status, re-assignment, etc.
Customizable email notifications for various stages of approval
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BMC FootPrints Change Manager Audit Trail
Customizable Permissions for access to approval information
Built-in homepage listing “My Approvals”
Built-in BMC FootPrints Change Manager reports
Approval via email
Optional anonymous approvals
For details on configuring BMC FootPrints Change Manager, refer to
Configuring BMC FootPrints Change Manager.
For details on using BMC FootPrints Change Manager, refer to Using BMC FootPrints Change Manager.
BMC FootPrints Service Core Service Catalog
Service Catalog is the heart of ITIL v3. A Service Catalog is a document that provides a brief overview, in business
terms, of all the business and infrastructure services offered by the IT provider, which may also include service
charges. BMC FootPrints Service Core Service Catalog (SC) enables IT organizations to offer a menu of services
customized to their business customers; this allows IT to demonstrate its value to the business, and provide
transparency of service costs. Items in the Service Catalog might include new equipment (laptop, Blackberry, etc.),
critical business services such as email, or services required for a new hire. An entry in the SC would include a
description of service, costs, service level agreement, etc. in a customer-friendly interface.
The BMC Service Catalog builds on existing functionality in BMC FootPrints Service Core (Configuration Manager,
workspaces, quick issue templates, self-service, and change management) to provide its Service Catalog solution.
Because of its great flexibility, the BMC Service Catalog can be used in any type of organization or department IT,
HR, Pro Services/Training, Facilities, External Customer Support, etc.
Broadcast Message
A broadcast message is a message displayed in a pop-up window to all logged in BMC FootPrints Service Core
internal users (i.e., not customers). Only system administrators can create broadcast messages.
Customer Surveys
When this feature is enabled, a customer satisfaction survey can be automatically emailed to customers when their
Issues are closed. The email, with the survey attached, is sent to the customer according to the rules specified under
Administration | Workspace | Automated Workflow | Customer Surveys.
Check local laws governing automated surveys before enabling the feature.
BMC FootPrints Service Core Web Services
BMC FootPrints Service Core Web Services is a way for users to access the database over the Internet and perform
specific functions. The specific functions are:
Search the database (using queries for Issue, Address Book, History data, etc.). This search can be more
complex than the built-in searching functions of the BMC FootPrints Service Core interface, since users can
build combinations of AND and OR queries.
Retrieve the details of an Issue.
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Create an Issue.
Edit an Issue.
Create dynamic or static link between Issues.
Create a new contact in the Address Book.
Edit an existing contact in the Address Book
Create a new or edit an existing contact in the Address Book.
The functionality is limited in that the programmatic interface to BMC FootPrints Service Core cannot be used to alter
the database structure. For instance, the user (or program) could not remove a database column.
BMC FootPrints Service Core Mobile
The BMC FootPrints Mobile add-on module combines real-time, dynamic access to BMC FootPrints Sync via a web
browser on certain mobile devices, with BMC FootPrints Sync functionality for calendar, task and contact
synchronization BMC FootPrints Sync is included as part of BMC FootPrints Mobile). This module allows Agents to
manage their assignments, search the knowledge base, etc. on the go and without the need of a PC.
Access to BMC FootPrints Service Core via mobile is, just as with a full-size computer, via web browser.
The BMC FootPrints Sync module enables Agents to:
Synchronize appointments made in BMC FootPrints Service Core to their PIM (Personal Information
Manager) and synchronize appointments made on their PIM to BMC FootPrints Service Core.
Make tasks in the PIM from BMC FootPrints Service Core Issues that are assigned to them and update the
status fields of Issues in BMC FootPrints Service Core based on a field in the PIM.
Synchronize their BMC FootPrints Service Core Address Book to their PIM (i.e., write the contacts in the
BMC FootPrints Service Core Address Book to their PIM).
BMC FootPrints Sync is part of the BMC FootPrints Mobile add-on module and requires installation of a client. BMC
FootPrints Sync supports Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, Palm Desktop/Hotsync, Pocket PC (through Outlook),
Blackberry/RIM, and Outlook Express.
Refer to BMC FootPrints Sync for details on installing and configuring the BMC FootPrints Sync client.
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The BMC FootPrints Service Core Interface
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage
After successful login, the BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage is displayed. The Homepage is the starting point
of your BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace. You can return to the home page at any time by clicking the “Home"
button on the toolbar.
The homepage is displayed in two logical areas divided by the toolbar. Above the toolbar, from left to right, are:
the BMC FootPrints Service Core logo
• the Quick Search field, for searching for Issues
• the greeting, which displays the user’s name
• the Sign-out link, for logging out of BMC FootPrints Service Core
• the Preferences link, for setting individual user preferences
• the Help link, for displaying the full online help documentation
• below the Sign-out, Preferences, and Help links, the Workspace drop-down for changing the Workspace.
Below the toolbar are:
• the dashboard components for listing items of interest, and, below that
• the Actions drop-down for taking actions quickly
• the Display drop-downs for displaying Issues that meet specified search criteria, and below that
• the list of Issues
The BMC FootPrints Service Core toolbar displays the following options:
Home for displaying the home page
New Issues for opening a new Issue
Reports for accessing reporting functions
Administration (only visible to those with administrator privileges) for accessing administration functions
More for additional functions
Above the Toolbar
Quick Search
The Quick Search is located at the top of BMC FootPrints Service Core pages. It is available from any BMC FootPrints
Service Core screen (in the Address Book, the Quick Search searches the Address Book only).
To use Quick Search, enter the search string in the Quick Search field, select the field to search from the drop-down
(using the drop-down arrow), and the click the SEARCH button. A list of all Issues that match your search criteria is
displayed. More complex searches are covered in the chapter on Searching and Reporting.
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The Sign-out is located at the top of BMC FootPrints Service Core pages. Click the Sign-out link to log out of BMC
FootPrints Service Core.
The Preferences option allows Agents, administrators, and customers (if they have been configured with access to
preferences) to customize their Homepage and set other personal preferences. Users can change their email
addresses, passwords, security options, Homepage list preferences, and more.
Customers do not have access to all of the preferences available to Agents and administrators.
To change preferences, click the Preferences link.
Tabs are displayed for:
Personal InfoChange your display name, email address, default Workspace, password, and more.
Issue PageOptions for creating and editing Issues.
HomepageDefine the list of Issues and columns displayed on your homepage.
DashboardDefine the dashboard components that appear at the top of the main frame on your homepage.
Misc. PreferencesOther personal preferences.
Most options apply to BMC FootPrints Service Core system-wide, with the exception of Homepage and the security
option to Require Password for Issues, which are chosen on a per-Workspace basis. If a user belongs to multiple
Workspaces, it is possible to display different list preferences for each Workspace.
Personal Info
These options apply to all Workspaces to which you belong. After configuring options, scroll to the bottom of the page,
enter your password, and click SAVE.
NameChange your display name (does not affect user ID). Replace the current name in the text box.
Primary Email addressChange your email address for BMC FootPrints Service Core email notification. To
change your email address, replace the current address in the text box. The option must be checked to
receive email.
Pager Email Address (optional)—Optionally enter separate email address for notification via pager. Can be
used for escalation notification. Check this option to receive regular notification email at this address.
Wireless Email Address (optional)Optionally enter separate email address for notification via wireless
device. Can be used for escalation notification. Check this option to receive regular notification email at this
Change PasswordChange your BMC FootPrints Service Core password. Password must be entered
Default WorkspaceIf you are a member of more than one Workspace, change the default Workspace that
is displayed when logging in to BMC FootPrints Service Core. To change the default Workspace, select from
the drop-down box.
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Your Local Time ZoneBy default, BMC FootPrints Service Core displays all dates and times in the time
zone where the BMC FootPrints Service Core server resides. If you select a time zone from the drop-down
list, all dates and times are displayed adjusted to be accurate for that time zone (does not affect how data is
Date FormatThis option determines how dates are represented throughout BMC FootPrints Service Core.
The options are:
Revert to the system defaultThe default format set by the System Administrator is used.
Preferred LanguageIf the current BMC FootPrints Service Core installation supports multiple languages,
select a language for display.
U.S. Government Section 508 Compliance/Visually Impaired EnhancementThis feature enables BMC
FootPrints Service Core to be better accessed by visually impaired users. If enabled, BMC FootPrints Service
Core is optimized to be used with the "JAWS" browser and other similar browsers. If you enable or disable
this feature, you must refresh the browser.
This feature should only be enabled if you are visually impaired and using a browser like JAWS.
Delete CookieIf you elected to have BMC FootPrints Service Core remember your ID and password (on
the Login page), an option to delete the login cookie appears here. Check the box to delete the cookie.
Deleting the cookie means that you must enter your user name and password every time you log in to BMC
FootPrints Service Core.
If you just changed your password, your old password is still active until after you apply the changes. Consequently,
even though you changed your password on the Preferences page, you must enter the old password to apply the
changes. After successfully changing your preferences, your new password becomes active.
Issue Page
These options apply to all Workspaces to which you belong. After configuring options, scroll to the bottom of the page,
enter your password, and click SAVE.
Interface StyleSelect between Tabs and Expand/Collapse
TabsSelecting Tabs causes sections to be displayed as tabs on Create, Edit, and Details Issue
pages. If you select Tabs, you can select which section tab is displayed when each of the three
page types (Create Issue, Edit Issue, and Details) is displayed. Select the tab to display from the
drop-down box.
Expand/CollapseSelecting Expand/Collapse causes sections to be displayed as
expandable/collapsible sections on Create and Edit Issue pages. Agents can click the plus or
minus sign beside the section heading to expand or collapse the section, respectively. If you
select Expand/Collapse, you can select which sections are displayed in the expanded mode for
each of the three page types (Create Issue, Edit Issue, and Details). Checking the box beside
the section name means the section is expanded when you access the selected page.
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Automatic Spell CheckOptionally enable automatic spell check on the Create Issue and Edit Issue pages.
The spell check occurs after you submit an Issue or an update to an Issue.
Rich Text Mode EditorThe Description field can include controls for formatting the text, including font type,
size, color, bulleted and numbered lists, and tables. This feature is compatible with the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 5.5+, Firefox 2.0+, and Safari 3.0+. If disabled, a plain text box is used instead.
The Rich Text Mode Editor feature may be disabled by the administrator in some Workspaces.
Flip-Thru Description ViewerIf enabled, when the user views the Issue Description field, only one
description is displayed at a time. Arrow buttons allow the user to "flip through" multiple descriptions for the
Issue. An additional control above the Description field allows the user to display all of the descriptions at
once in a new window.
Display Complete Description on EditIf enabled, a display field that cannot be edited is included just
before the Description field that allows the Agent to scroll through previously entered descriptions without
opening a separate View Current Description window.
Edit Most Recent DescriptionIf enabled, the last description of an Issue appears on the edit page in a
separate box for editing purposes. This option is only available to administrators or other users with the
correct role permission.
Prefill New Issues With My Contact Information—If enabled, the Contact Information section of the Issue
is always prepopulated with the Address Book record of the Agent entering Issue data. The Agent must
have a corresponding record in the Address Book for this to work. Otherwise, the fields remain empty.
Open attachments from a new windowIf enabled, a new window is opened when you click on a file
attachment to download it. The default is "Disable".
Behavior after Issue create/editThe three options in this drop-down are: Close window and/or refresh
homepage, Display Issue details, and Display confirmation page only. Close window and/or refresh
homepage closes the Issue page window. Display Issue details displays the Issue details page in a new
window. Display confirmation page only displays a View Issue button and a Close Window button. Clicking
the View Issue button displays the Issue details page. On a heavily used system (one with many agents and
Issues) the Display confirmation page only option provides the best performance, while the other two options
are about equal in terms of their affect on system performance.
Quick Descriptions/SignaturesIf you select the link, a window is displayed that allows you to create pre-
defined text with which to populate the Description field in the Create Issue and Edit Issue pages. This can be
used to create a personal signature, or to have common answers readily available. To use a quick description
when completing a Create Issue or Edit Issue page, select the name of the quick description from a drop-
down list located in the Description field title bar. Additional information for creating, editing, and deleting
quick descriptions is below.
Require Password for IssuesRequire a password to save changes to an Issue. This is enabled on a per-
Workspace basis, i.e., to enable this in another Workspace, change Workspaces, then return to the
Preferences page and enable it.
Create a Quick Description/Signature
To create a quick description:
1. Select Preferences and then click the Quick Description/Signatures link in the Issues tab on the Preferences
page. A pop-up is displayed.
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2. Enter a name for the quick description/signature in the Create section, then enter your password and click GO. A
multi-character field is displayed.
3. Enter the content for the quick description/signature into the multi-character field and click GO.
4. The description is saved and the Quick Description pop-up is displayed to allow you to create, edit, or delete
additional quick descriptions/signatures.
Once a quick description or signature has been created, a drop-down box appears on the Create Issue and Edit Issue
pages in the Description field title bar. The drop-down box contains the name(s) of the quick description(s) in the
Workspace. If the Agent selects a name from the drop-down, the Description field is populated with the pre-defined
text. The Agent can still enter additional text in the Description field.
Edit a Quick Description/Signature
To edit a quick description:
1. Select Preferences and then click the Quick Description/Signatures link in the Issues section on the Preferences
page. A Quick Descriptions pop-up is displayed.
2. Click on the name of the quick description or signature in the Edit section, then enter your password and click
GO. A multi-character field is displayed.
3. Make the changes you want to the text in the multi-character field. You can delete, add, or alter text as you see
fit. When you are done making changes, click GO.
4. The content is saved and the Quick Description pop-up is displayed to allow you to create, edit, or delete
additional quick descriptions/signatures.
Deleting a Quick Description/Signature
To delete a quick description/signature, which removes the quick description or signature from the drop-down box on
the Create Issue and Edit Issue pages:
1. Select Preferences and then click the Quick Description/Signatures link in the Issues section on the Preferences
page. A Quick Descriptions pop-up is displayed.
2. In the Edit, Re-order or Delete Quick Descriptions section, select the name of the quick description/signature,
then click Delete. Enter your password, then click GO.
The quick description/signature is deleted and the Quick Descriptions pop-up is displayed to allow you to create,
edit, or delete additional quick descriptions or signatures.
This tab is used to define the list of Issues displayed on the home page. By default, My Assignments is chosen. The
My Assignments selection lists your most recent open assignments and is the recommended choice for most users. It
is the fastest to display and allows you to be continuously updated on your assignments. However, the user can
choose instead to display any built-in or custom list.
The options chosen below are, in effect, on a per-Workspace basis. To change your preferences in another
Workspace, change to that Workspace and re-configure the List Preferences.
The options are:
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Lists Available on HomepageThe lists that are displayed in the drop-down in the main window of the
Homepage. One or more lists can be highlighted by holding down the CTRL key while clicking on the list. The
choices are:
My AssignmentsThe most recent active Issues assigned to you. Shown by default.
My Assignments and RequestsActive Issues assigned to you and unassigned Requests from
My Team's AssignmentsActive Issues for your Team (only displayed if you belong to a Team).
My Assignments in All WorkspacesActive Issues assigned to you in all Workspaces (only
displayed if you belong to multiple Workspaces).
My Active ApprovalsLists all Issues for which the Agent is an approver, the Agent may or may
not have yet voted, and voting has not been completed. (Applies to Change Manager approvers
My Active Approvals and AssignmentsLists all Issues for which the Agent is an approver, the
Agent may or may not have yet voted, and voting has not been completed, as well as the
Agent’s assignments in the current Workspace. (Applies to Change Manager approvers only.)
My Vote RequiredLists all Issues for which the Agent is an approver, the Agent has not yet
voted, and voting has not been completed. (Applies to Change Manager approvers only.)
My Vote Required and AssignmentsLists all Issues for which the Agent is an approver, the
Agent has not yet voted, and voting has not been completed, as well as the Agent’s assignments
in the current Workspace. (Applies to Change Manager approvers only.)
All IssuesAll Issues in the Workspace database (only available if you have rights to see all
Issues in the Workspace).
Global IssuesAll active Global Issues for the Workspace.
Deleted IssuesDeleted Issues (administrators only).
RequestsRequests submitted by customers (see below).
Saved SearchesDisplays personal and shared custom searches.
Knowledge BaseDisplays Solutions from the Knowledge Base.
Default ListThe default list of Issues generated automatically on the Homepage when logging into BMC
FootPrints Service Core is specified here. Select from one of the items selected in the Lists Available
on Homepage.
Whichever list you choose as the default, you can always view a different list by choosing another option from the
drop-down box on the Homepage.
Auto-Refresh IntervalNormally, the default Homepage list refreshes each time you click Workspace
Home or perform any action that brings you back to the Homepage. Optionally, you can set your
preferences to automatically refresh the Homepage list at intervals of 15, 30, or 60 minutes. If you
configure BMC FootPrints Service Core to refresh every 30 minutes and then go to lunch, when you come
back the list is refreshed, with no user intervention required.
Maximum Issues per ScreenThe maximum number of Issues that display at one time on the
Default SortingSort list by a designated field (including Workspace and Address Book fields) and
choose a field for secondary sorting (where there is a match in the primary sorting column, the secondary
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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sorting column determines the order in which the Issues are displayed). Select descending (highest to
lowest) or ascending (from lowest to highest) order.
Homepage columnsSelect which columns to display and in what order. For example, to display the
Issue Type field:
For Type of Field, choose FootPrints fields.
Highlight Issue Type under Available Fields.
Click Add Field. Issue Type is displayed in the Displayed Fields box.
To change the order of fields to be displayed, highlight a field in the Displayed Fields box and
click the up or down arrow to move it.
To delete a field, highlight the field in the Displayed Fields box and click Delete.
Title Column OptionsThese options affect the display of the Titles, Descriptions, and Quick Links in
the Title column. The options work together to achieve different results, as follows:
Title Column Format
Quick Links Display
Include Collapsed
Description in Title
Always Include Quick Links
A collapsed (shortened) version of the Description is included in the Title column and
Quick Links are displayed.
Clicking the "more..." link in the Title column displays an expanded version of the
Include Collapsed
Description in Title
Only Include Quick Links with
Expanded Description
A collapsed (shortened) version of the Description is included in the Title column and
Quick Links are not displayed.
Clicking the “more…” link in the Title column expands the Description and displays the
Quick Links.
Include Expanded
Description in Title
Always Include Quick Links
An expanded version of the Description is included in the Title column and Quick Links
are displayed.
Clicking the "less..." link collapses the Description
Include Expanded
Description in Title
Only Include Quick Links with
Expanded Description
An expanded version of the Description is included in the Title column and Quick Links
are displayed.
Clicking the "less..." link collapses the Description and the Quick Links are not
Do not Include
Description in Title
Always Include Quick Links
Quick Links are displayed in the Title column but the Description is not. Neither the
"more..." nor the "less..." links are displayed with this configuration.
Certain columns are displayed automatically on the Homepage, including Issue number and the Quick Action
Checkbox dialog. Title is also mandatory, but the placement can be selected in the Fields Displayed dialog box. In
addition, by default, My Vote Required is displayed in the Homepage List for those who are designated as approvers
to the Change Manager feature. The My Vote Required listing cannot be removed from the list.
The Dashboard components contain lists of specific information. By default, Workspace Totals and Global Issues are
displayed. Dashboard components can be displayed in as many as four columns. Users can also make custom
components for display on the homepage. The Workspace Totals component displays the number of Issues the
Workspace contains in different categories. The Global Issues component displays the Title fields of active Global
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Issues, which are also links to those Issues. Buttons that are displayed to the upper right of the components on the
homepage allow you to refresh, collapse, expand, and remove the component.
The Dashboard tab of the Preferences page is where you specify which dashboard components are displayed on your
homepage in the Workspace. Users can specify different sets of dashboard components for each of their Workspaces.
By default, Workspace Totals and Global Issues are displayed. Dashboard components can be displayed in as many
as four columns. Users can also make custom components for display on the homepage. Note that, while the
dashboard is loading, the user can continue to work in BMC FootPrints Service Core.
The components that can be added to the dashboard for display on the homepage are:
ChartWhen you select this component, you then select which chart to display from a drop-down field.
Options are Received vs. Closed and Active Issues. If you select Received vs. Closed you must select the
time period for which BMC FootPrints Service Core will account and whether to display your Issues only or
the entire Workspace's Issues. The component then displays the Issues that were received and the Issues
that were closed during the designated period for the designated agent(s).
Currently Logged In UsersLists the number and IDs of users logged into the current Workspace. When
specifying this component, you will be asked to set the number of records to display on the first page of the
Custom DefinedEnter custom code to display anything you want in the dashboard component. This can
be HTML, JavaScript, etc.
Global IssuesLists the Global Issues. Links in the Global Issues component can be clicked to access the
Issue and create a linked Issue. When specifying this component, you will be asked to set the number of
records to display on the first page of the list.
Most Recent SolutionsDisplays the most recent solutions in the Knowledge Base. You must designate
how much of the solution Title field is displayed.
My AssignmentsLists the Issue number and Title of the user's active assigned Issues. The list entries are
linked to the Issue. Clicking on a list entry displays the Issue. When specifying this component, you will be
asked to set the number of records to display on the first page of the list.
Pending Approvals (if you are a Change Manager approver)Lists Change Manager Issues for which you
are an approver and which still require a vote. When specifying this component, you will be asked to set the
number of records to display on the first page of the list.
Pending KB Approvals (if you are a Knowledge Base approver)Lists submitted Knowledge Base solutions
for which you are an approver and have not yet been approved. When specifying this component, you will be
asked to set the number of records to display on the first page of the list.
RSS FeedLists entries from your selected RSS feed. When specifying this component, you will be asked to
set the number of records to display on the first page of the list and the URL for the RSS feed.
RequestsLists customer requests.
Saved SearchLists saved searches.
Today's AppointmentsLists your appointments for the day.
Workspace TotalsLists the number of Issues broken down by status. Click on the status to display the
Issues in the main frame.
Add a BMC FootPrints Service Core Dashboard Component
To add a dashboard component to your homepage:
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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1. In the Available Components field, click the dashboard component to be displayed. Only one component can be
selected at a time. Fields are displayed for any additional settings you need to enter.
2. Enter any additional settings.
3. Click the Add Component button. The dashboard component is displayed as an icon in the Current Dashboard
area. Mouse over displayed dashboard components to see what is included in the current dashboard.
4. Enter your password in the Apply Changes field at the bottom of the page and click SAVE. If you skip this step,
the changes are not made.
Edit a BMC FootPrints Service Core Dashboard Component
1. In the Current Dashboard area, click the dashboard component to be edited. Only one component can be
selected at a time. The following buttons are displayed:
Complete Edit
Delete Component
Cancel Edit
2. Change settings as needed.
3. Click the Complete Edit button to save the edits or click the Cancel Edit button to leave the dashboard
component settings unchanged.
4. Enter your password in the Apply Changes field at the bottom of the page and click SAVE. If you skip this step,
the changes are not made.
Delete a BMC FootPrints Service Core Dashboard Component
To delete a dashboard component from your homepage, from the Preferences page:
1. In the Current Dashboard area, click the dashboard component to be deleted. Only one component can be
selected at a time. The following buttons are displayed:
Complete Edit
Delete Component
Cancel Edit
2. Click the Delete Component button.
3. Enter your password in the Password field and click SAVE.
You can delete all of the dashboard components at once by clicking the Delete All button next to the Current
Dashboard area. The deletion is not saved until you enter your password in the Password field and click the SAVE
button. You can also delete a dashboard component directly from your homepage by clicking the X in the upper right
corner of the displayed component. If you delete the component using the X, it is not redisplayed the next time you log
into BMC FootPrints Service Core.
Moving BMC FootPrints Service Core Dashboard Components on the Homepage
Dashboard components can be moved around the homepage using drag-and-drop.
Miscellaneous Preferences
The options below are configured for the entire system. After configuring options, enter your password and click GO.
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Sync SettingsDisplays a pop-up window for configuring the two-way calendar synchronization feature. Refer
to the BMC FootPrints Mobile for complete details on using the BMC FootPrints Service Core two-way
synchronization with external calendars feature.
Administrative Error Alerts (Administrators only)Option to receive a pop-up window when system errors
occur. The log is still viewable by selecting Administration | System | Logs, regardless of which option selected
Instant TalkSelect whether to allow customers to initiate an Instant Talk session with you. If you choose to
not allow them to initiate Instant Talk sessions with you, you'll still be able to initiate Instant Talk sessions with
them and with other Agents.
This option only applies if Instant Talk is enabled.
BMC FootPrints Asset Core AuthenticationThis selection is only displayed when BMC FootPrints Asset
Core is enabled for the system. This selection is used to enter credentials for authenticating the user to the
BMC FootPrints Asset Core. Select the Edit button to enter your BMC FootPrints Asset Core user name and
password. Select the Clear button to clear the user name and password fields entirely (leaving no credentials
for authentication). These values must match your BMC FootPrints Asset Core (not BMC FootPrints Service
Core) login. If "guest credentials" are defined for agents and an agent has credentials defined in Preferences,
only the credentials in Preferences are applied. If authentication through these credentials fails, the system
does not apply the guest credentials as an alternative. The login name can take one of three forms:
User ID login, for example: jsmith
Domain/login , for example: widgetdomain/jsmith
Internet style login, for example:
Java InstallationThis selection is only displayed when BMC FootPrints Asset Core is enabled for the
system. Integration with BMC FootPrints Asset Core requires a local installation of the Java runtime. Typically
this is done automatically upon first use of an integrated BMC FootPrints Asset Core feature. If your Java
installation should become corrupt or put of date, you can manually correct it by selecting the Update My Java
Installation button provided here. Contact your BMC FootPrints Asset Core administrator if you need additional
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar
The BMC FootPrints Service Core toolbar has options for:
HomeDisplays the BMC FootPrints Service Core home page.
New IssueClick to display a New Issue page. Mouse over the button to display other options, as follows:
New GlobalCreate a new global Issue.
Add to KBAdd an existing Issue to the Knowledge Base.
Quick IssuesSelect a Quick Issue from the list of Quick Issues.
My ReportsDisplays a page for running, editing, or deleting saved custom or metric reports.
New ReportCreate a detailed report from the database.
MetricsReport on statistical and historical data.
Cross WorkspaceReport on data from multiple Workspaces.
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Time TrackingCreate/view time tracking report.
Change ManagerCreate/view change management report.
Workspace FlashboardThe Workspace Flashboard is only available to Workspace and System
Administrators and reflects activity for the current Workspace.
Personal FlashboardThe Personal Flashboard is available to any Agent and reflects the
individual's activity and the activity of Teams to which the Agent belongs for the current
Administration (Administrators only)A complete list of options can be found in the chapters on
Administration in the BMC FootPrints Service Core Reference Manual.
o APMDisplay the Alignability Process Model page (in a separate tab).
o Address BookDisplay this Workspace’s Address Book (opens in separate
o Workspace CalendarView appointments and jobs for the whole Workspace.
o Personal CalendarView your own appointments and jobs.
o CMDBView the Configuration Management Database (with appropriate
permissions). The Configuration Manager is an add-on module that is purchased
separately for BMC FootPrints Service Core.
o Search Assets (optional)If this option is enabled, access the Asset
Management database.
o Knowledge BaseUse this link to browse the Knowledge Base or, with appropriate
permissions, create a new Solution to a common problem for the Knowledge Base or (for
administrators only) create and edit Frequently Asked Question categories.
o Instant TalkChat online one-on-one with another user.
The options on the Toolbar may differ, depending on your role. In addition, up to three custom buttons may be
configured on the BMC FootPrints Service Core toolbar. If you see more buttons on the main toolbar, your
administrator may have configured them.
Below the Toolbar
Resorting the Homepage
The list displayed on the homepage can be resorted by column. Note that most column headings on the homepage, or
any search results page, are hypertext links. One way to sort the list is to click on a column heading. The list is
automatically sorted by that column. For example, if you click on the Status column, the list is sorted immediately into
alphabetical order by status. In addition, you can:
1. Hover the cursor over the column heading. A down arrow is displayed to the right of the column name.
2. Click the down arrow to the right of the column name. A menu is displayed.
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3. Click on Sort Ascending or Sort Descending in the menu to sort the column in ascending (from lowest to highest)
or descending (highest to lowest) order.
The homepage cannot be sorted by Assignee, Issue Type, Time of Last Edit, Time Submitted, or multi-line character
fields. All other fields, including custom fields, can be sorted. To view Issue data that is sorted by assignee, please
use the reports feature.
Filtering Columns
Columns can be filtered to display only the Issues that meet the specified filter criteria. For example, the agent can
filter the list of Issues on the homepage according to the Status field, requesting that only Issues with a status of Open
or Testing be displayed.
Column Types That Can Be Filtered
The following column types can be filtered:
Single-line character, web site and FTP file/site, email address fieldsColumns populated by strings
(text) can be filtered by entering a string. Issues containing the string are displayed in the column.
Drop-down and multi-select fieldsColumns populated by drop-down and multi-select field data can be
filtered by selecting field options as criteria. The agent selects from a list of available choices (the choices
available in the field are displayed as checkboxes and the agent selects the criteria for filtering by clicking on
the checkboxes). There is also an entry for "No data". When the filter is applied, only the Issues containing
the selected checkbox items in that field are displayed. If "No data" is selected, only Issues that contain no
data in the field are displayed. Agents can select one, more than one, or all checkboxes as filter criteria.
Some additional considerations are:
For cross Workspace searches, all of the possible entries from all Workspaces for the field are
For multi-select fields, if any of the fields being filtered on were selected on an Issue, that Issue
will show up on the query results.
For Submitted By fields, only agents are displayed, but not customers. For example, if the filter
criteria were "Smith", only Issues with the name "Smith" are displayed, and only if "Smith" is an
Checkbox fieldsColumns populated by checkboxes can be filtered based on two choices. The default
options are On and Off, but the filter displays the names given the checkboxes (for example, they may have
been named "True" and "False"). Issues where neither was selected are included in the results for Off. The
column can be filtered for one or the other option, but not for both.
Number fieldsFiltering on number fields applies to Integer and Real Number field types. The column can
be filtered for greater than (>), less than (<), or equals (=).
Date/Date Time fieldsThe column can be filtered for dates/date times before, on, or after a specified date/
date time. In other words, the agent can specify a date/date time and display all Issues with an earlier
date/date time in the field (before), the same date/date time (on), or a later date/date time (after).
Assignees fieldFiltering is similar to filtering for a multi-select field. The list of available options for the
Assignees is the same as the list in the “Advanced Search” |”Assigned To” list box plus an extra option for
“Not Assigned". The agent can select one or more agents/teams from the list. Some additional rules are:
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If the agent picks more than one agent/team from the list, the results include Issues that have any
of those assignees assigned to it.
If the option to filter by is a team, the result include only Issues that have that team directly listed in
its Assignees list box.
If the option to filter by is a member, the result include all Issues that have that member directly
listed in its Assignees list box no matter which team the member belongs to.
When selecting to filter by “Not Assigned”, the result include all Issues not assigned to anybody.
Column Types That Cannot Be Filtered
The following column types cannot be filtered:
Multi-line Character fields
Issue Type
Closed by
Last Updated (Time Since)
Time of Last Edit
Time Submitted
Composite Title
Filtering Search Results
Filtering can also be applied to search results. For example, if the current search displays only open Issues on the
homepage and the agent sets up a filter to show only high priority Issues, the ultimate result shall list open Issues of
high priority. If the filter criterion contradicts the search criteria, the filter shall still be applied. In these cases the search
could result in no matches. For example, if the search is displaying open Issues and the filter is set to display only
closed Issues, the result is no matches. If the agent performs a new search, the filtering is cleared.
Filter results cannot be cleared without leaving the homepage. If the agent clicks on the Refresh button, both search
and filter results are refreshed, but both the search and filter are still in effect.
Filtering is not persistent. When a different search is run or the agent logs out of BMC FootPrints Service Core, the
filtering is cleared.
Filtering Multiple Columns
To include multiple columns when filtering, apply them one at a time or save them all at once by setting the filter
criteria on each column and then clicking Apply Filter on the last one set. All filter settings are pending until Apply Filter
is clicked from a filter menu.
To Filter a Column
To filter a column:
1. Hover the cursor over the column heading. A down arrow is displayed to the right of the column name.
2. Click the down arrow to the right of the column name. A menu is displayed.
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3. Click Filter.
4. Enter the filtering criteria. This may require entering a string, clicking a checkbox or checkboxes, entering a date,
etc. Refer to the section of this document titled Column Types That Can Be Filtered (above) for details. Long lists
of options can be scrolled up and down.
5. Click Apply Filter. The column is filtered according to the criteria you specified and only the Issues matching the
criteria are displayed.
The homepage cannot be filtered by the title field.
The Filter Icon
After a filter has been applied, a filter icon is displayed in the bar above the Issue list. Hover the mouse over the icon
to display a description of applied filters or to select the Clear Filter option.
Clearing Filters
To clear a filter, either:
Hover the mouse over the Filter icon and then click the Clear Filter option (this clears all filters at once) or
Clear or unselect the filter criteria for each filter individually from each filter menu. This is useful for clearing
the values from only some filtered columns.
Filtering is not persistent. If the browser window is refreshed, another search is run, or a different page is displayed,
the filtering is removed if the original page is displayed again.
Removed Column
If a column is removed from the page, the page is refreshed and the order of the Issues in the columns is restored to
the default, non-filtered order.
Reordering Columns
You can change the order of columns by dragging and dropping the column heading to the right or left. Column
reordering persists if an agent logs off and back on or takes some other action. Reordering is reflected in the
Preferences page.
Resizing Columns
You can use the mouse to resize columns. To do so, hover the cursor over the line that separates column headings.
When the resize symbol is displayed, hold down the left mouse button and drag the resize symbol to the right or left to
change the column size. Resizing a column causes the other columns to be resized proportionally, i.e., the increase
or decrease is divided among the other columns equally. For performance reasons, multi-line character fields will not
instantly redisplay the homepage list with the resized column. The column resizing will take effect on the next refresh
of the homepage. Column resizing persists if an agent logs off and back on or takes some other action.
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Resizing Restrictions
The following restrictions apply to resizing columns:
The Status and Priority columns can be sized to no less than 50 pixels wide unless another field is added.
The Title column can be sized to no less than 250 pixels wide.
Other columns can be sized down to fit just the first letter of the field name plus "..." (where "..." indicates that
the full field name is not displayed) plus the sorting icon.
Display Drop-down
Above the home page list is the display drop-down box. This list contains built-in and custom lists and searches.
Agents can customize this list via the Preferences link on the BMC FootPrints Service Core. By selecting an option,
the homepage list changes to the queue selected automatically. To refresh the current list, click Refresh.
The Display drop-down choices include (some of the choices are only displayed if you are an administrator, a member
of a team, a member of multiple Workspaces, a Change Manager approver, etc.):
My AssignmentsThe most recent active Issues assigned to you. Shown by default.
My Assignments in All WorkspacesActive Issues assigned to you in all Workspaces (only displayed if
you belong to multiple Workspaces).
My Assignments and RequestsActive Issues assigned to you and unassigned requests from Customers.
Team AssignmentsActive Issues for your Team (only displayed if you belong to a Team).
My Active ApprovalsLists all Issues for which the Agent is an approver, the Agent may or may not have
yet voted, and voting has not been completed. (Applies to Change Manager approvers only.)
My Active Approvals and AssignmentsLists all Issues for which the Agent is an approver, the Agent may
or may not have yet voted, and voting has not been completed, as well as the Agent’s assignments in the
current Workspace. (Applies to Change Manager approvers only.)
My Vote RequiredDisplays Change Manager Issues on which the Agent's vote is required.
My Vote Required and AssignmentsDisplays Change Manager Issues on which the Agent's vote is required as well as Issues to
which the Agent is assigned.
All IssuesAll Issues in the Workspace database (only available if you have rights to see all Issues in the
Global IssuesAll active Global Issues for the Workspace.
Deleted IssuesDeleted Issues (Administrators only).
RequestsRequests submitted by Customers (see below).
Saved SearchesDisplays the Issues for Personal and Shared custom searches.
Knowledge BaseDisplays Solutions from the Knowledge Base. Select Internal Solutions (available to
agents only), Solutions (available to agents and customers), or Solutions in All Workspaces, which are
solutions available to agents and customers in all Workspaces.
For example, if you choose "Requests", a list of all Customer Requests is displayed. To return to the original view,
click "Workspace Home" on the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar, or choose "My Assignments" as your view.
Both of these have the same effect: They return you to your original Home page.
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If the current list has many Issues, Next and Previous buttons appear in the top right hand corner of the frame. Use
these to page through the complete list.
Viewing Issues
To view the details of an Issue, click the word “more” in the Subject column of the Issues, then click “Details”. In the
same way, you can click “Descriptions” to view only the Descriptions for that Issue, or click “Edit” to view the full Edit
page of the Issue.
The Details, Create Issue, and Edit Issue pages can be displayed with expandable/collapsible sections or tabs. The
type of display is specified by the user from the Preferences page.
The Details page gives you all of the information on an Issue, including Submit Date, Priority, Status, Description,
Contact Information, Issue Information, Assignees, etc. If you don't see all data, use the scroll bar to display the full
There are also buttons that allow you to work with this Issue. They are:
EditUpdate the Issue (only available if you have Edit permissions to this Issue).
DetailsDisplay details of Issue (default).
LinkCreate a static or dynamic link between Issues.
TakeTake the Issue (only available if you have Taking permissions).
Copy/MoveThis icon will open a second toolbar with options to copy the Issue within the current
Workspace, or copy or move the Issue to another Workspace
SubtaskThis icon will open a second toolbar with options to create a subtask of the Issue, or make this
Issue a subtask of an existing Issue.
New Global LinkTurn the Issue into a Global Issue or GlobalLink.
DeleteDelete the Issue from the Workspace (only available if you have Delete permissions for the Issue).
ReportDisplay a report of this Issue (opens in separate window for printing).
Add to KBCreate a Solution for the Knowledge Base with the details from this Issue (won’t affect original
These options are discussed in more detail in Working with Issues and subsequent sections.
Quick Action Checkbox Dialog
The Quick Action Checkbox dialog, available on the Homepage, allows users to perform an action on one or more
Issues. This provides a quick means to update or report on an Issue or to make a change that affects many Issues
simultaneously. Some of the functions are only available to administrators, while others are available to Agents and
To perform a Quick Action on Issues from the Homepage:
1. In the main frame, check the box for each of the Issues you wish to change, or check the All box at the top of
the column to select all of the Issues displayed on the current page.
2. Select the action from the drop-down list.
3. Click GO.
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4. Different options are available depending on the action selected. See below for more details.
The Following Options are Available to All Internal Users
ReportDisplay the details of the Issues in a separate window. If custom templates have been created, a
drop-down is displayed that lists the available templates (Work Order, RMA, etc.) The Summary report
displays all Issues in one window. Custom templates display each Issue in a separate window for printing
CloseClose the Issues selected. Only Issues to which you have close rights are Closed. When Close is
1. A special Close Issues page is displayed.
2. You can enter final notes in the Description box. They are appended to all Issues selected.
3. Check the boxes to send email to the Assignees, Customer Contacts, and CCs for the selected Issues.
4. Click GO. The Issues are closed and updated and emails are sent.
The Following Options are Available Only to Administrators
DeleteDelete all Issues selected. A confirmation message appears. Click OK to proceed.
StatusChange the status of the Issues selected.
PriorityChange the priority of the Issues selected.
AssignRe-assign the Issues selected.
When Status, Priority, or Assign is selected:
1. A special Change Issues page is displayed.
2. Select the new priority, status, or assignees for the Issues.
3. If re-assigning an Issue, you can unassign the current assignees of the Issues selected by checking the Remove
Previous Assignees checkbox.
4. You can optionally enter notes in the Description box. The notes are appended to all Issues selected.
5. Check the boxes to send email to the Assignees, Customer Contacts, and CCs for the selected Issues.
6. Click GO. The Issues are updated and emails are sent.
The Following Option is Only Available If You Have "Taking" Rights
TakingTake the Issues and assign them to yourself.
When Taking is selected:
1. A special Take Issues page is displayed.
2. You can unassign the current assignees of the Issues selected by checking the Remove Previous Assignees
3. You can optionally enter notes in the Description box. The notes are appended to all selected Issues.
4. Check the boxes to send email to the Assignees, Customer Contacts, and CCs for the Issues selected.
5. Click GO. You are now assigned to the selected Issues.
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The Address Book Homepage
If you selected Address Book from the BMC FootPrints Service Core toolbar, the Address Book Homepage is
spawned in its own window. The Address Book homepage is the starting point of your Address Book activities.
The Address Book homepage displays the alphabet across the top of the page a summary list of your contacts. For
administrators only, Quick Action checkboxes are located down the right side of the main frame. The Quick Action
checkboxes allow an administrator to quickly delete one or more contacts from the list.
The Address Book Alphabet Index
Click an alphabet character to display contacts whose last name begins with that character.
The Address Book Summary List of Contacts
The main frame displays a list of the contacts associated with your Workspace. The listing includes the contacts' first
and last names, email addresses, and user IDs.
In addition to displaying information about each contact, you can view, edit, or perform tasks on each of the contacts
listed. You can also create an Issue from a contact's detailed view.
To view a contact, click the contact's last name link. The Detail View page is displayed, showing the contact's
complete contact record.
To edit a contact, click the contact's last name link and, when the Detail View page is displayed, click the Edit
Contact icon above the details.
The Address Book Quick Search
The top of the page contains a quick search facility for searching the Address Book for a contact.
To use Quick Search:
1. Select a search field with the down arrow, which displays a drop-down box.
2. Enter characters in the text box. The search engine will search for those characters in the field you specified in the
first step and display all records that contain them in that field.
Address Book Toolbar
The Address Book Toolbar in the left frame of your home page has links to all of your Address Book tasks. It remains
on the left of every page of the Address Book interface.
The options in the Toolbar are:
Address HomeGo to your Address Book Homepage.
Create ContactCreate a new contact in the Address Book.
Contact SearchPerform detailed search of the Address Book based on our choice of first or last name.
ReportDisplays a brief reporting page in the main frame.
Administration (administrators only)Displays the Address Book Administration page in the main frame.
A complete discussion of Address Book administration can be found in
Address Book Administration.
HelpAccess online help for BMC FootPrints Service Core.
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CloseClose the Address Book interface.
The options on the Toolbar will be slightly different depending on your user level. This manual discusses all of the
Toolbar options.
The Address Book Main Frame
The main frame displays a list of the contacts associated with your Workspace. The listing includes the contacts' first
and last names, email addresses, and user IDs.
In addition to displaying information about each contact, you can view, edit, or perform tasks on each of the contacts
listed. You can also create an Issue from a contact's detailed view.
To view a contact, click the contact's last name link. The Detail View page is displayed, showing the
contact's complete contact record.
To edit a contact, click the contact's last name link and, when the Detail View page is displayed, click the
Edit Contact icon above the details.
(For administrators only) To delete one or more contacts quickly, select the check box next to the user
name, then next to Delete, click Go.
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Using BMC FootPrints Service Core
The instructions below assume that BMC FootPrints Service Core has already been installed and licensed.
Use your web browser to go to the URL assigned to your BMC FootPrints Service Core system. For example, if the
name of your web server machine is myserver, then the URL might be This
brings you to the BMC FootPrints Service Core Login page.
To log in, enter the user ID and password assigned to you (or the user ID and password created during installation if
you just installed BMC FootPrints Service Core), and click LOGIN. If you enter your ID or password incorrectly, you
receive an error message. If, after another attempt, you are still unable to log in, please contact your Workspace or
System Administrator.
If the login attempt is successful, the BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage is displayed and you are logged in to
the Workspace created during installation. If, for example, you named the first Workspace Help Desk, this is listed as
the current Workspace in the top frame of the screen.
BMC FootPrints Service Core will not work properly if your browser's pop-up blocker is enabled. To resolve this
problem, configure your pop-up blocker to allow pop-ups for just the BMC FootPrints Service Core application.
Password Complexity, Password Expiration, Failed Login Attempts, and Password Reuse
BMC FootPrints Service Core allows the setting of rules governing the complexity of passwords and password
expiration. Password complexity rules govern the minimum and maximum lengths of passwords and the types of
characters that a password must include. Rules are not mandatory and administrators may choose not to set some or
all of the rules. If your password does not comply with the rules, a pop-up window will prompt you to change your
password. If you do not change your password to comply with the rules, you will be unable to log in. Your password
can go out of compliance if, for example, an administrator changes the rules.
Password expiration is also optional, but your administrator can set an expiration date for your password so that, after
a period of time, you will be prompted to change your password before you can log in.
Administrators can optionally set a limit on the number of failed, sequential logins you can attempt. If, for example, a
limit of six attempts is set and you mistype your password six times in a row, you may find yourself locked out of BMC
FootPrints Service Core. Contact your BMC FootPrints Service Core System Administrator if this happens. Locks also
have an expiration date, so you can also wait for the lock to expire before re-attempting login.
A limit can optionally be set on password reuse. For example, if you change passwords and the reuse limit is set at
three, you cannot reuse the any password until there have been three different passwords intervening.
All of the rules for passwords are optional and none of these rules, or any combination of these rules, may be in effect
for your BMC FootPrints Service Core.
For each browser, only one user will be allowed to log into BMC FootPrints Service Core at a time. If a second user
attempts to log in, the first user will lose their session and will be logged out. In order to log in to multiple accounts,
you can use different browsers or private browsing windows.
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A BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace comprises a set of related Issues. Issue is the default name given to a
BMC FootPrints Service Core record. Each Issue is a numbered record in the BMC FootPrints Service Core
Workspace database around which all Service Desk and problem tracking activity centers. There are different
categories of Issues in BMC FootPrints Service Core, including regular Issues, Requests, Quick Issues, Subtasks,
and Global Issues.
During the initial Workspace Setup Wizard (and per Workspace), the administrator is given the chance to change the
default term Issue to another name, such as Entry, Call, or Ticket. For clarity, this manual always refers to BMC
FootPrints Service Core records as Issues.
A user's ability to access fields is determined by the user's role as configured by the Workspace administrator. You
may encounter fields in which you are unable to enter data or which become hidden when their status changes. In
addition, some fields may be optional in one status and mandatory in another. If you are unsure about why you
cannot access a field at one time or another, contact your Workspace administrator to determine why this is.
This chapter covers the basics of creating and working with Issues in the following topics:
Working with Issues
Creating Issues
Create a Test Issues
Editing Issues
Edit Test Issues
Issues History
Delete an Issue
Copying Issues
Unlinking Issues
Quick Action Dialog
Email Submission of Issues and Requests
More advanced Issue types, including Quick Issues, Master Issues and Subtasks, and Global Issues are covered in
Advanced Issue Types.
A Note On the Appearance of the Create and Edit Issues Pages
BMC FootPrints Service Core allows Agents to choose between expandable/collapsible sections or sections displayed
as tabs. Agents select the type of view they wish to use in the Issues section of the Preferences page. To choose the
view, select Preferences, scroll down to the Issues section or select the Issues tab, and make your selection. When
tabs are used, tabs containing mandatory fields are labeled in red text on the Create and Edit Issue pages to assist in
finding incomplete mandatory fields. However, the tabs remain in red even when the fields have been completed. The
best way to determine whether all mandatory fields have been completed is to submit the Issue. If any mandatory
fields have not been completed, BMC FootPrints Service Core will display a window listing the incomplete fields.
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Working with Issues
Many options are available for an Issue from the Details screen for that Issue. They include:
DetailsDisplay details of Issue (default).
Edit the Issue (only available if you have edit permissions to this Issue).
TakeTake the Issue (only available if you have taking permissions).
Copy/MoveThis icon opens a second toolbar with options to copy the Issue within the current Workspace
or copy or move the Issue to another Workspace.
LinkLink to another Issue in the Workspace or in another Workspace.
SubtaskThis icon opens a second toolbar with options to create a Subtask of the Issue or make this Issue
a subtask of an existing Issue.
GlobalTurn the Issue into a Global Issue or GlobalLink.
Delete the Issue from the workspace (only available if you have delete permissions for the Issue).
ReportDisplay a report of this Issue (opens in separate window for printing).
Add to KBCreate a
Solution for the Knowledge Base with the details from this Issue (does not change
original Issue).
Many of these options are covered in this section, while some of the advanced features are covered in the chapter on
Advanced Issue Types and Knowledge Base.
Creating Issues (Overview)
The following describes the Create Issue page, including descriptions of each field. For details on creating and
completing the Create Issue page, see the next topic:
Completing a New Issue.
To create a new Issue in BMC FootPrints Service Core, click New Issue on the BMC FootPrints Service Core toolbar.
The names of many of the fields in BMC FootPrints Service Core can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority,
Status, Description, etc.), as well as the name of the records (Issue). Custom fields can also be created. This manual
always refers to BMC FootPrints Service Core records as "Issues" and uses the default terms for the other field
The Create Issue page will appear different depending on whether you have enabled expandable/collapsible sections
or tabs. (Refer to
Issue Preferences for details on enabling expandable/collapsible sections or tabs.) If you have enabled
tabs, the names labeling the tabs that contain mandatory fields are displayed in red. The fields and sections/tabs in
the Create New Issue page can include:
Auto-SuggestIf enabled, the Auto-suggest Solutions feature gives Agents the opportunity to more quickly
resolve Issues by displaying suggested Solutions that exist in the Knowledge Base which match the criteria
you enter in the Issue Information, and to browse the Knowledge Base from there as well.
TitleThe title or subject of the Issue.
PriorityThe importance or impact of the Issue (customizable).
StatusThe stage or workflow step of the Issue (customizable).
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Contact InformationContact information for the customer who reported the Issue. The fields displayed
here are different depending on how the administrator has set up BMC FootPrints Service Core.
Issue InformationAdditional information about the Issue. The fields displayed here are different
depending on how your administrator has set up BMC FootPrints Service Core.
DescriptionFull description of the Issue; it can include a virtually unlimited amount of text. The Description
acts as a journal and can be appended to many times. Each time it is appended, the new material receives a
time, date and user stamp automatically. The Description field can also contain a drop-down list of quick
descriptions. Quick descriptions are pre-defined text that can be used to populate the Description field. For
information on quick descriptions that have been defined by your Workspace administrator, contact your
Workspace administrator.
Search Knowledge BaseSearch the Knowledge Base for a Solution to the Issue and optionally import that
Solution into the Description.
CI LinksIf your BMC FootPrints Service Core installation includes the Configuration Manager add-on
module, you may see a CI Links section for linking the Issue to configuration data. Refer to BMC FootPrints
Configuration Manager in the Programmer's Reference Manual or full on-line help for details on this module.
AttachmentsAttach one or more files to the Issue.
File attachments can be sent with email notifications. However, attachments of one or more files that exceed 5 Mb in
total size can severely slow down notifications. If your total attachment size exceeds 5 Mb, a warning message is
AssigneesAssign Agents or Teams to work on this Issue.
EmailSelect whether to send email notification on this Issue and also whether to send a Survey to the
Time SpentTrack the time spent on an Issue. Automatic and manual options are available. Can also be
used for billing purposes, with hourly billing rates defined for each Agent.
Completing a New Issue
If the Auto-Suggest Solutions feature is enabled, you will be able to view suggested Solutions that exist in the
Knowledge Base which match the criteria you enter in the Issue Information on the Issue page, and to browse the
Knowledge Base from there as well. This will give you the opportunity to more quickly resolve the Issue. (See Auto-
Suggest Solutions, below.)
The names of many of the fields in BMC FootPrints Service Core can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority,
Status, Description, etc.), as well as the name of the records (Issue). Custom fields can also be created. These fields
may also be in a different order from the order described here, and may contain different choices, depending on how
the Workspace is configured. For clarity, this manual always refers to BMC FootPrints Service Core records as
Issues, and uses the default terms for the other field names.
1. Enter a TitleUsed as the summary or subject line.
Although the Title is intended to be brief, it is important to enter meaningful words since it is used to identify the Issue.
For example, a good title would be "MS Word crashes when underlining", but "READ THIS--IMPORTANT!!" would not
be as effective. This field can optionally be a drop-down box with a defined set of subjects.
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2. Select a PriorityThe Priority of the Issue is a number or word that indicates the importance or impact of the
Issue. Select the appropriate Priority from the drop-down list.
3. Select a StatusThe Status is the indication of the current state of the Issue. The valid statuses depend on
how the Workspace is configured. Statuses may include "Open", "Pending", "Testing", "Closed", etc. Select the
appropriate Status from the drop-down list. Since you are creating a new Issue, set the Status to "Open."
4. Fill in Contact InformationThis section contains the contact information for the Customer associated with this
Issue. The Select Contact feature searches the Address Book for the user. Refer to
Select Contact for more
5. Enter Issue InformationThe fields that appear here vary according to Workspace and are defined by the
BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace Administrator. For example, you may have a field called Platform that
is a drop-down box. Select the user’s platform from the list of choices. You may also have a field called Version
number with a text field next to it. You would type the version number in this field. Contact your BMC FootPrints
Service Core Workspace Administrator for more information on the Workspace fields in the current Workspace.
The fields in your BMC FootPrints Service Core installation may be different from those shown here, as they can be
All fields displayed in red are mandatory and must be filled out.
6. Auto-Suggest SolutionsIf this feature is enabled, you are required to view the suggested Solutions before
you can submit the Issue. Once you have viewed the suggested Solutions, you can select a Solution or browse
the Knowledge Base. If there are no Solutions that resolve your Request, you can continue entering information
in the Issue and submit it.
a. To view the suggested solutions, click Auto-Suggest. If any Solutions exist in the Knowledge Base that
matches the criteria you entered in the Issue Information section, they will display on the Select Solution
dialog box that appears.
b. To view the Solution's description, point to the Solution in the list. A tooltip will appear with the description.
c. Select the Solution if it resolves your Request. If not, you can search for other Solutions from the Browse
section of the Select Solution dialog box.
d. Once you've selected a Solution, and if it resolves your Issue, click This solution resolves my Issue on the
next dialog box that displays.
The Solution's Description is added to the Description in the Issue. You can continue entering information in the
Note: Your Workspace Administrator may have configured the
Auto-close Issues feature. If so, once you select a
Solution, the Issue will automatically close and display on your Homepage.
7. DescriptionEnter a full description of the issue in this field. You can type an unlimited amount of text in this
box. This field is designed to contain a complete description of the Issue and is usually mandatory when
creating a new Issue. If you are using the
Rich Text Mode Editor, there are many options available to format the
text in the Description.
Fill in a full description of your Issue. BMC FootPrints Service Core automatically records the date, time
and your name as the originator of the Issue.
8. Search Knowledge Base (optional)Search the Knowledge Base for a Solution to the current issue and then
import that Solution into the Description. Refer to
Knowledge Base Search Options for more information.
9. Attach a File (optional)You can attach one or more files to this Issue from your local or network drive(s). Refer
File Attachments for more information.
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10. AssigneesThe list on the left contains a list of all BMC FootPrints Service Core users in this Workspace. To
assign someone to this Issue, double-click the name in the Workspace Members list or highlight the user name
in the Workspace Members list and click the right arrow. The name is displayed in the Assignees list. Multiple
users can be assigned. Before assigning Agents, you can check Agent availability by clicking the Check
Availability icon to see which Agents can be scheduled to work. To remove a name from the Assignees list,
double-click it. Refer to
Check Agent Availability for more information.
If Teams are enabled, users are listed under t heir Team name. Both Teams and users can be assigned:
a. To view the members of a Team, select the Team name. The Team expands with a list of users.
b. To assign the Team, select Assign Team and click the right arrow. The Team appears in the assignment box.
c. To assign a particular user, select the user's name and click the right arrow. The user is listed under the Team name in the assignment
d. Multiple users can be assigned from the Team.
e. To assign another Team, click the Team name to shrink the list and select another Team.
a. To assign a user without his or her Team, or who doesn't belong to a Team, select the Individual Users option.
If the Auto Assign feature is enabled, Teams and or users appear in the Assignee box automatically based on a
choice in one of the drop-down fields. Ask your Workspace Administrator whether this feature is enabled.
11. Email NotificationThis feature can send email notification to users when an Issue is created, updated, and
closed and can also send a Survey to the customer. Refer to
Email Notification Options for more information.
12. Time SpentThis section allows you to enter the amount of time you have spent on this Issue. This can include
the entire time spent on this Issue, not necessarily just the time spent filling out the Issue in BMC FootPrints
Service Core. Fill in the hours and minutes spent. Additional fields may be displayed in this section depending
on the Workspace configuration, including Start Time/Date and End Date/Time and Billing Rate. If the field is
mandatory and you must enter a Start and End Date/Time, you cannot enter the same Date/Time for both the
Start and End (i.e., you cannot enter zero time). If the field is optional, you can enter the same Start and End
Date/Times (i.e., you can enter zero time). Consult the Workspace Administrator for more information.
13. Automated Time TrackingIf this feature is enabled, the auto time clock is displayed in the upper-right corner
of the Issue above the Title field. Click the pause button to stop the clock. Click the pause button again to restart
the clock. When you submit the Issue, elapsed time is recorded.
14. CommentIf the Workspace administrator has enabled time tracking comments, you can enter a comment
here. The field is limited to 255 characters. Comments in the time tracking field can be viewed in the Time Spent
section of an Issue and can be displayed in a report.
15. Submit IssueWhen you are ready to submit the Issue, click Save.
Auto-suggest Solutions is enabled, you will see an Auto-Suggest button instead of a Save button (see Search
Knowledge Base, above).
If BMC FootPrints Service Core detects that you have left a mandatory field blank or entered something
incorrectly (e.g., entered text in a number field), a message is displayed instructing you to go back and fix the
Once you have successfully submitted the Issue, BMC FootPrints Service Core assigns it an Issue number and
displays your BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage. From there, you can select the new Issue to view the Details,
click Edit to edit the Issue, or perform any other BMC FootPrints Service Core task.
Setting Appointments from a Date/Time Field
Users can set an appointment from a date/time field when creating or editing an Issue. To do so:
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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1. Select the date from the calendar.
2. Select the time for the appointment.
a. Click in the date/time field or the calendar icon beside the field.
b. Enter a start time for the appointment by clicking the Start Time radio button, then clicking on the time fields beside it (e.g., if the
meeting begins at 2:30 in the afternoon, click on the 2, then the 30, and then the PM).
c. Enter a time for the appointment to end by clicking the End Time radio button and then clicking on the time fields beside it and an
end date, as appropriate.
3. Select whether to link the appointment to the personal calendar, personal and workspace calendars, or neither
by selecting a radio button.
4. Click the GO button.
Sample Solution
What follows is a sample “journey” of an incoming user Request that is taken and worked on by an Agent user, and
finally closed and turned into a Solution. This is only one of many possible routes, depending upon how BMC
FootPrints Service Core is configured.
1. Jane (a Customer) logs into BMC FootPrints Service Core, enters her User ID, and submits a new Request.
2. Jill (an Agent user) logs into BMC FootPrints Service Core, and chooses “Requests” from the Display drop
down box on the Homepage.
3. Jill clicks on one of the Requests to review the details.
4. After reviewing the details, Jill decides she can handle this Request, and clicks Edit from the Details toolbar to
take the request. Edit the Request When Jill clicked the Edit button, the Status changed to “Open”, and the
Request becomes an Issue assigned to Jill, who now works on the Issue. She gives it a priority of “Medium”. She
appends a new Description stating that she is researching Jane’s problem. She clicks GO to save her changes.
5. The Issue now appears in Jill’s “Assignments” list.
6. After researching the Issue, Jill enters a possible resolution to Jane's problem (by appending the Description of
the Issue). Jane receives an automatic email with Jill’s suggestion.
7. Jane receives an email notifying her that the Issue is being worked on, including the possible solution. She can
also log into BMC FootPrints Service Core to check the status of her Issue.
8. Jane replies to the BMC FootPrints Service Core notification email, stating that Jill’s suggestion worked!
9. Jill then closes the Issue by changing the status to Closed.
10. If Jill feels that Jane’s Issue is a common problem, she can make her Issue into a Solution. On the Details page
of the Issue, she clicks the Add to KB button. She cleans up the spelling, and then clicks the GO button to create
the Solution.
11. All Customers (as well as Agent and Administrator Users) can now view, search, and report on the new Solution.
Editing Issues
To edit an Issue, click the word More at the end of the issue title on the homepage list, then click Edit. You can also
click Edit on the Details page of that Issue. Normally, an Agent only has edit permissions for Issues to which that
Agent is assigned. Administrators can edit any Issue.
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If you have a button on the Details page of an Issue labeled Take (rather than Edit), the Workspace Administrator has
enabled a feature called "Taking". This allows an unassigned Agent user to take any Issue in the database and edit
it. Check with your administrator for more information on this feature.
After clicking the Edit button, the Edit page containing the current data for the Issue is displayed. From here, you can
make changes in the same way that you enter information when you first create an Issue.
If your organization is licensed for BMC FootPrints Configuration Manager, all Agents and Customers with edit
permissions can see the CIs linked to an Issue when viewing the Edit Issue page regardless of whether they have a
Configuration Manager license. However, they cannot edit the CI links nor can they take advantage of any other
Configuration Manager functions without a license.
If your administrator has configured the option, a link to the management process in the Alignability Process Model is
displayed on Issue pages. For more information, see
Viewing the Alignability Process Model.
Quick Edit
The Quick Edit feature allows agents to make edits quickly without viewing the entire issue page. To use the Quick
Edit feature, click the Title of an issue in the homepage list. The Quick Edit page is displayed. The page displays
in fields as well as up to three fields that are configured by your administrator. Complete the fields and submit the issue
as you would with a full issue page. Administrators can define rules for attachments that include making attachments
mandatory based on the content of certain fields. However, for Quick Edits, attachment rules only apply based on the
Status field and not on any additional fields.
Quick Edit Limitation
Dashboard totals do not refresh after a quick edit is submitted. Only the individual row is updated. For example, if a
quick edit changed a status from Open to Assigned, the Workspace Totals dashboard component would still count the
issue as an Open issue.
Viewing the Alignability Process Model
The Alignability Process Model describes service management processes in a simple four-level structure. The model
provides the easiest and fastest possible access to detailed information that tells the users what needs to be done in
the relevant situation. This structure ensures that detailed instructions are always only clicks away from the model
The Incident Management process of the Alignability Process Model describes how to resolve support requests as
quickly as possible in a prioritized manner
To view a management process of the Alignability Process Model from an Issue page:
1. On an Issue page, click the Request Management Alignability Process link located above the Title field.
The Request Management Process workflow page of the Alignability Process Model appears in a new tab.
The link name varies based on the type of record you are viewing. For example, on a Change Request page,
the link is named Change Management Alignability Process.takes you to the Change Management page of the
Alignability Process Model.
2. Perform any of the following actions:
To view one of procedures of the Incident Management process, click one of the boxes that make up the
To view the work instructions for a step within a procedure, click the action box or the decision diamond that
symbolizes the step.
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Action boxes symbolize actions that need to be taken. One arrow always points to an action box. One
arrow points from an action box when further action is required after it has been completed.
Decision diamonds symbolize decisions that need to be made. One arrow always points to a decision
diamond. Two arrows always point from a decision diamond.
Event circles symbolize events or situations that have occurred. No arrows point to an event circle. One
arrow always points from an event circle.
In each procedure, to view a description of the roles and responsibilities of the current process, click Role.
To view the Alignability Process Model from the Home page:
Click the More button and select APM. The Alignability Process Model page appears in a new tab.
Edit Test Issue
You can edit one or more fields on the Edit page.
The names of many of the fields in BMC FootPrints Service Core can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority,
Status, Description, etc.), as well as the name of the records (Issue). Custom fields can also be created. For clarity,
this manual always refers to BMC FootPrints Service Core records as Issues, and uses the default terms for the other
field names.
1. TitleIf you need to edit the title, replace the old text with new text.
2. PriorityTo change the priority, choose the new priority from the drop-down box.
3. StatusTo change the status, choose the new status from the drop-down box.
4. Contact InformationTo choose a contact from the set of contacts in the Address Book, click Select Contact.
To update the information for the current contact, change the data and check the Update Contact checkbox; this
updates the information in the current Issue and in the Address Book (this feature is not available if the LDAP
feature is enabled). To create a new contact, check the Create Contact checkbox and enter the data. This
feature is also not available if the LDAP feature is enabled. Click Select Department to choose the contact based
on t the contact's department. Click History to view a list of Issues submitted by that contact previously (the
contact information must be entered before the History button can assemble a list of previously submitted
The user’s Issue history can be viewed by clicking the History button.
5. Issue InformationReplace the old text with new text (or select a new choice from the drop-down box) for each
field that you want to edit.
6. DescriptionAdd new notes for the Issue. The original description is kept intact; you are adding a new
description with a time/date/user stamp. To view the current description in read-only format, click the link for
View Current Description.
If the Workspace Administrator has enabled the Edit most recent description option, an additional text box is displayed
that contains the most recent description and which may be edited. Check with your administrator for more
7. Search Knowledge Base (optional)Search the Knowledge Base for a Solution to the current Issue, and then
import that Solution into the description. Refer to
Creating Issues for complete instructions.
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8. AttachmentsYou can attach one or more additional files to the Issue each time you edit it. Administrators can
define rules for attachments that include restrictions on size and/or file type as well as making attachments
mandatory. Rules can be applied based on fields, such as the Status field, which means an attachment may be
made mandatory when the status is Open, for example, but not for other statuses. For Quick Edits, attachment
rules only apply based on the Status filed and not on any additional fields.
File attachments can be sent with email notifications. However, attachments of one or more files that exceed 5 Mb in
total size can severely slow down notifications. If your total attachment size exceeds 5 Mb, a warning message is
9. Assignee PickerThere are two ways you can edit the assignees lists with the Assignee Picker:
To remove an assignee or Team, highlight the name in the box on the right and click the left arrow. The
name is removed from the assignee box and is displayed in the box on the left. To assign a new user,
highlight the user’s name in the list on the left and click the right arrow.
Double-click an assignee in the Assignees list to remove the assignment. Double-click a member of the
Workspace Member list to assign the issue to them. Assigning someone to the issue does not remove their
name from the Workspace Member list.
10. Email NotificationSelect the users to receive email notification for this update. The checkboxes for
Agent/Contact/CC default to the settings chosen by the Workspace Administrator for the status and priority
11. Time SpentEnter the additional time you have spent on this Issue. If auto time tracking is enabled, BMC
FootPrints Service Core automatically tracks the time. There is also a link here to edit existing time tracking
data. If time tracking comments are enabled, you can also enter comments of up to 255 characters.
12. HistoryYou cannot edit the History section of an Issue.
13. Submit ChangesWhen you are ready to submit your changes, click Save. The Issue is updated and the BMC
FootPrints Service Core Homepage is displayed.
If the Issue has multi-line character field(s) with a timestamp, these fields act the same as the Description field in that
you cannot edit the existing data, but you can append data to the field. You can edit the data in multi-line character
fields that do not have the timestamp.
Issue History
An audit trail of all actions performed on an Issue can be viewed from the Details page of the Issue in the History
There are links at the top of the History section for:
Complete HistoryAll activity of the Issue.
Issue HistoryActions performed on the Issue by all users and automatically by the system.
Email HistoryAll email activity for the Issue.
The following information is maintained for each entry in the History:
DateThe date the action was performed.
TimeThe time the action was performed.
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UserThe user who performed the action. If the action was performed by the system automatically, the
escalation rule is listed here.
ActionThe action performed on the Issue, i.e. "Changed Status", "Changed Priority", "Updated
Description", etc. The Action column includes initial settings for all BMC FootPrints Service Core Issue fields.
The Action column describes any changes made to fields in subsequent history entries.
Email typeFor email actions, the type of mail (incoming update or outgoing email notification) is displayed
and the user who made the update or received the notification.
Notes on History
The history cannot be changed; it is created by the system automatically.
Time and date stamps are based on the BMC FootPrints Service Core server time.
Deleting an Issue
To delete an Issue, click Delete on the Details page of the Issue. Agents can only delete Issues that they created
themselves. Workspace and System Administrators can delete any Issue.
Deleting an issue in this way does not remove the Issue from the database but only changes its status to Deleted
which provide an intermediate step to archiving and purging Issues from the Workspace. Issues with Deleted status do
not appear in searches or reports unless specifically requested.
Workspace and System Administrators can also undelete an Issue. To undelete an Issue:
1. On the BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage, choose Deleted from the Display drop-down box. All deleted
Issues are displayed.
2. Click Edit for the Issue to be undeleted.
3. Click the Undelete icon at the top of the page. A new page is displayed with instructions to change the Issue
4. Under Status, change the status and click the GO icon. The Status is changed and the Issue is returned to the
Converting Regular Issues to Quick Issues
Quick Issues are templates that contain pre-filled information for frequently reported customer Issues, such as
"Password Reset", "Service Request", etc. For example, a Quick Issue template for "Password Reset" would start out
pre-filled with a description of the problem, the problem categories pre-filled with "Network" and "Password Reset",
and perhaps a status of "Closed". The Agent only needs to fill in the user's contact information to submit the Issue.
The Workspace Administrator can create an unlimited number of templates, which are available to all Agents from the
BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
Master Quick Issue templates are Quick Issue templates that have subtask templates associated with them.
As long as one Quick Issue or Master Quick Issue template has been created, a drop-down field is provided above the
Title field when creating or editing an Issue that allows the Agent to convert the Issue to a Quick Issue or Master Quick
Issue. If the regular Issue is converted to a Master Quick Issue, all of the associated subtasks are created at the
same time.
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To convert an Issue to a Quick Issue:
1. When you are on either the Create Issue or Edit Issue page, select a Quick Issue template from the Use
selected template field. The page refreshes and fields are populated by the pre-defined Quick Issue information.
2. Continue with the Issue as you normally would.
Copying Issues
Copying allows you to copy the information from an existing Issue into a new Issue, which can be linked to the original
Issue. This feature is useful in a number of situations, for example:
A closed Issue needs to be reopened, but for administrative purposes a new Issue must be created.
A new Issue needs to be created that is very similar to an existing Issue.
An Issue must be moved or copied to another Workspace.
A new Issue needs to be linked to an existing Issue.
To copy or move an Issue, access the Details page for the Issue and click Copy/Move. You have the following
Copy Issue in this Workspace
Cross-Workspace Copy
Move to Another Workspace
There are a number of Copy Restrictions that should be reviewed before copying or moving issues.
Copy Issue to the Same Workspace
1. On the Details page of the Issue, click Copy/Move.
2. Select Copy in this workspace and click GO.
3. A Create Issue page is displayed. The new page is pre-filled with information from the matching Issue.
4. Click the checkbox to link the new Issue to the matching Issue, if needed (this checkbox is checked by default).
5. Edit the new Issue as needed (editing does not affect the original Issue).
6. Click the Save button to register the new Issue.
7. If the "link" checkbox was checked, the link to the original Issue appears in the new Issue. This link is only
viewable by internal users, so customers cannot follow the link to an Issue that they don't have permission to
Cross-workspace Copy/Move
Issues can be copied or moved between Workspaces. In a multi-Workspace environment, this enables you
to escalate Issues between Workspaces. For example, you could have two Workspaces: Help Desk and
Development. If an Issue in the Service Desk Workspace must be passed to the Development team, the service desk
agent can copy the Issue to the Development Workspace, assigning it to one or more developers.
Copy an Issue to Another Workspace
To copy an Issue between Workspaces:
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1. Access the Details page of the Issue.
2. Click Copy/Move. A different toolbar is displayed.
3. Select Cross-Workspace Copy. A new page is displayed.
4. Select a destination Workspace from the list. The list contains all active Workspaces.
5. As an optional feature, to link the Issues, click in the box next to Create Dynamic Link between new and original Issues.
6. Click GO. The Copy Issue to Another Workspace page is displayed.
7. Select the Agent to whom you wish to assign the Issue in the new Workspace. You can also CC: yourself.
8. Click GO. A new page is displayed.
9. Workspace fields in the current Workspace that do not match the fields in the destination Workspace are displayed. To append the
data from those fields to the description, click the Append radio button. To ignore the data, choose Discard. Field data in the
original Issue is not affected.
10. Click GO to complete the cross-Workspace copy.
Issues that are linked across Workspaces via a manual copy or a cross-workspace escalation update the other when
one is updated. When the new Issue is updated, common fields in the originating Issue, like Description, Title,
Priority, etc., are also updated. The same changes are made to the new Issue when the originating Issue is updated.
The rules for this workflow are customizable by the Workspace Administrator in each Workspace under
Move an Issue to Another Workspace
1. On the BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage, click the number of the Issue to access the Details page of that Issue.
2. On the Details page, click Copy/Move. To move the Issue to the destination Workspace and close the Issue in the current
workspace, choose Move to Another Workspace. A new page is displayed.
3. Select a destination Workspace from the list. The list contains all active Workspaces.
4. Click GO. The Move Issue to Another Workspace page is displayed.
5. A list of Workspaces members for the destination Workspace is displayed. Select one or more assignees by highlighting the
names and pressing the CTRL key, then click GO. The users selected are assigned to the Issue in the new Workspace. The
assignees of the Issue in the originating workspace are not affected. You can also choose to be copied via email on changes to the
new Issue.
6. Click GO. A new page is displayed.
7. Any Workspace fields in the current Workspace that do not match the fields in the destination Workspace are displayed. To
append the data from those fields to the description, click the Append radio button. To ignore the data, choose Discard.
8. Click GO. The move is completed.
CCs that have been set up for email notification are lost when an Issue is copied or move across workspaces.
Copy Restrictions
BMC FootPrints Service Core supports advanced Issue types. These Issue types have special properties and rules
associated with them, and therefore have special restrictions:
For restrictions relating to Global Issues, refer to Restrictions of Global Issues.
For restrictions relating to Master Issues/Subtasks, refer to Restrictions of Master Issues and Subtasks.
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Linking Issues
In addition to linking Issues by either copying an Issue, creating a Master Issue/Subtask relationship, or via
GlobalLinks, Issues can be linked directly to one another. This can be done with a static link, in which changes to one
Issue do not affect the data within the other Issue, or with a dynamic link, in which changes to one Issue's status are
reflected in the other Issue. Issues can be linked within a Workspace or across Workspaces.
The Workspace's Issue workflow rules dictate the fields that get updated for a dynamic link.
To link Issues:
1. Before creating the link, obtain the Issue number of the second Issue you want to link.
2. Go to the Details page of the first Issue you are linking.
3. Click the Link icon at the top of the page. A Make link to Existing Issue/Solution window is displayed.
4. Select the Workspace where the second Issue resides using the Workspace drop-down field.
5. Enter the Issue number of the second Issue to which you want to create a link.
6. Select a Link Type (Static or Dynamic) using the radio buttons.
7. Click GO. The link is created.
Unlinking Issues
Issues that are linked can be "unlinked" if you no longer wish the two Issues to be associated with each other. Issues
that are linked together can only be unlinked from the Details view of the Issue.
To unlink an Issue from another issue:
1. Open the Issue in the Details view.
2. Select the Unlink button:
For Copied IssuesNext to Linked To, select the Unlink button. The current Issue is no longer linked to
the previously linked issue. The Details view refreshes without the Linked To information.
For Master/SubtasksIn the Related Issues section in the Details view of the Master or the Subtask, select
the Unlink button. The Issue is no longer linked. If a Master Issue only has one Subtask, unlinking the two
issues removes special properties from both Issues; they revert to regular Issues.
For Global Issues and GlobalLinksIn the Related Issues section in the Details view of the Global or the
GlobalLink, select the Unlink button. The Issue is no longer linked.
Viewing Requests
There are a few ways to find out if there are new Requests in the Workspace:
From the Workspace Totals dashboard component, click the Requests link to display the list.
Select Requests from the Display drop-down box on the Homepage.
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The administrator may have configured BMC FootPrints Service Core email notification to send email to one
or more people each time a customer submits a new Request.
Taking Requests
If you have been assigned to a Request, it appears on your assignment list. To take a new Request:
1. Access the Details page of the request to see what it is about.
2. To take the Request, access the Edit page.
3. The status defaults to Open, which turns the Request into an Issue. To choose a different status, select from the
list of statuses.
4. Edit the priority, edit Issue information, append a new description, etc., as necessary.
5. Your name is automatically added as the assignee for this Issue. To change this, move your name back to the
Workspace Members box and choose a different Assignee.
6. To send an email update to the customer, make sure that the Contact checkbox is checked in the Email section.
The box might already be checked by default based on the rules set by the Workspace Administrator.
7. When you are finished, click Save to submit the changes.
The Request now becomes an Issue (or Ticket, Entry, etc., depending on the name chosen for your system) and
appears on your list of assignments.
Email Submission of Issues and Requests
The Incoming Email feature allows users to submit and update Issues via email without logging into BMC FootPrints
Service Core. Check with your BMC FootPrints Service Core administrator to find out the email account designated
for incoming submissions to BMC FootPrints Service Core.
For information on configuring and using the Incoming Email feature, refer to
Email Management.
Searching and Reporting
BMC FootPrints Service Core contains a number of options for querying the database. From simple keyword searches
to multi-level metrics with color charts, virtually any data can be reported on in BMC FootPrints Service Core to
analyze activity, trends and statistics with no programming via the BMC FootPrints Service Core web interface.
Assess how your team’s resources are being allocated, review activity and capacity levels, and produce time tracking
and billing information for charge-backs and billing. Use report data to justify staff changes, manage the types of
problems assigned to each member, and use staff resources in the most effective manner.
Topics in this chapter include:
About SearchingIntroduction to search topics.
Quick SearchAvailable from anywhere in BMC FootPrints Service Core from the top frame.
Search by keyword or Issue number.
Built-in QueuesHomepage queues available in BMC FootPrints Service Core.
Advanced SearchComplex search on all fields and criteria.
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Saved SearchesSave advanced search criteria to create queues available from the BMC
FootPrints Service Core Homepage.
Cross Workspace SearchingSearch for issues that match criteria for multiple Workspaces
About ReportingIntroduction to reporting topics.
Single Issue ReportAvailable from the Details page of an Issue. Displays a printable page.
Quick ReportCreate a report of Issues displayed on the Homepage using the Quick Action dialog.
Custom ReportsCreate custom reports with custom criteria and formatting options, including
graphics and multi-level metrics.
Saving and Printing Report DataInformation on saving and printing report data from the browser.
Saved ReportsAccess saved custom report templates.
Shared ReportsReport templates that are shared by different users.
Administrator FlashboardDisplays up-to-the-minute graphical representation of Service Desk and
Workspace activity.
Cross-Workspace ReportingCustom reports across multiple workspaces.
Time Tracking ReportsGenerate time tracking and billing reports.
Metric ReportsGenerate statistical data and metrics about the Workspace.
Report TemplatesCreate single-issue report templates for printing out Purchase Orders, Work
Orders, RMAs, etc.
Auto-Run ReportsSchedule custom reports to be generated and emailed automatically on certain
About Searching
BMC FootPrints Service Core contains a number of search facilities that allow you to search and locate specific Issues
in the database and create custom queues for the Homepage.
Quick SearchThe Quick Search is available from any BMC FootPrints Service Core screen (in the Address
Book, the Quick Search searches the Address Book only).
Built-in QueuesHomepage queues available in BMC FootPrints Service Core.
Advanced SearchComplex search on all fields and criteria.
Saved SearchesSave advanced search criteria to create queues available from the BMC FootPrints Service
Core Homepage.
Cross Workspace SearchingSearch for issues across multiple Workspaces.
Search results can be further refined by using Filtering. Refer to Below the Toolbar for details on Filtering.
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Quick Search
The Quick Search is located at the top of a BMC FootPrints Service Core page. It is available from any BMC
FootPrints Service Core screen (in the Address Book, the Quick Search searches the Address Book only).
By default, the Quick Search searches for an issue by number. Enter a number and click the search button to initiate
the search. To use Quick Search, enter the search string in the Quick Search field, select the field to search from the
drop-down (using the drop-down arrow), and the click the SEARCH button. A list of all Issues that match your search
criteria are displayed. Issue Number can be searched regardless of the choice selected in the Quick Search drop-
Keyword Search Fields
The keyword search queries the Title, Description, Workspace (Issue) and Address Book fields.
Built-in Queues
The Display drop-down field on the Homepage contains a number of built-in queues. When selected, the Homepage
list is updated with the results. To refresh the current list, click Refresh.
Under Preferences on the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar, the Agent can customize which lists are displayed in
the drop-down in the main window of the Homepage.
Built-in queues:
My AssignmentsThe most recent active Issues assigned to you. Shown by default.
Team AssignmentsActive Issues for your Team (only displayed if you belong to a Team).
My Assignments and RequestsActive Issues assigned to you and unassigned Requests from customers.
My Active ApprovalsLists all Issues for which the Agent is an approver, the Agent may or may not have
yet voted, and voting has not been completed. (Applies to Change Manager approvers only.)
My Active Approvals and AssignmentsLists all Issues for which the Agent is an approver, the Agent may
or may not have yet voted, and voting has not been completed, as well as the Agent’s assignments in the
current workspace. (Applies to Change Manager approvers only.)
My Vote RequiredLists all Issues for which the Agent is an approver, the Agent has not yet voted, and
voting has not been completed. (Applies to Change Manager approvers only.)
My Vote Required and AssignmentsLists all Issues for which the Agent is an approver, the Agent has
not yet voted, and voting has not been completed, as well as the Agent’s assignments in the current
workspace. (Applies to Change Manager approvers only.)
My Assignments in All WorkspacesActive Issues assigned to you in all Workspaces (only displayed if
you belong to multiple Workspaces).
All IssuesAll Issues in the Workspace database (only available if you have rights to see all Issues in the
Workspace; otherwise, it displays only Issues you have rights to see).
Global IssuesAll active Global Issues for the Workspace.
Deleted IssuesDeleted Issues (administrators only).
RequestsRequests submitted by Customers (see below).
Knowledge BaseDisplays Solutions from the Knowledge Base.
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Internal SolutionsAll internal (more technical) Solutions.
Public SolutionsAll public (end-user) Solutions.
Public Solutions in all WorkspacesAll Public Solutions from all Workspaces to which you
Internal Pending SolutionsInternal Solutions pending approval before they are published (only
displays if you are an approver or you have a pending solution waiting for approval).
Public Pending SolutionsPublic Solutions pending approval before they are published (only
displays if you are an approver or you have a pending solution waiting for approval).
Advanced Search
The Advanced Search feature allows you to search the Workspace database on any combination of fields and
advanced criteria. BMC FootPrints Service Core automatically generates the Advanced Search form for each
workspace, with all of the custom and
built-in fields for that Workspace included. For example, if a new field is added
by the Workspace Administrator, the field is included automatically on the Advanced Search form. In the same way, if
a field is deleted from the workspace, it is removed from the Advanced Search page.
To perform an Advanced Search, click Advanced below the Quick Search dialog. This form contains a combination of
text fields, drop-down boxes, multi-select dialogs, and radio buttons which allow you to search on any combination of
criteria. Each field acts as a filter. Only fill in or choose the criteria you want to search on. Any field that you do not
want to perform a search on should remain untouched. Some Boolean operators can be used within in text fields.
Topics in this section:
Advanced Search Criteria
Sample Advanced Search
Advanced Search Criteria
The following options are available in the Advanced Search form, as well as the forms for Custom Reports, Time
Tracking Reports, and Escalation and Business Rules (with minor differences):
The names of many of the fields in BMC FootPrints Service Core can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority,
Status, Description, etc.), as well as the name of the records (Issue). Custom fields can also be created. For clarity,
this manual always refers to BMC FootPrints Service Core records as “Issues,” and uses the default terms for the
other field names.
1. Issue Tab-General Information
TitleEnter a word or phrase to for which to search. Boolean operators AND, OR, and NODATA are
DescriptionIf a word or phrase is entered (or multiple words using Boolean Operators), only Issues
containing that word/phrase in the Description are returned.
Assigned toIf an assignee or assignees are selected, the search returns only Issues assigned to
the selected assignee(s).
Advanced Assignment ControlsClicking on the Advanced Assignment Controls link displays the
following options (Click the Hide Advanced Assignment Controls link to hide the following options):
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Advanced Assignment Controls
o Any user selected aboveReturns all Issues to which any of the users you have
highlighted in the list are assignees. For example, if you highlight three users, any
Issues in which any of those three are assignees are returned.
o All users selected aboveReturns all Issues to which all of the users you have
highlighted in the list are assignees. If, for example, you highlight three users, only
Issues for which all three are assignees are returned.
o Add AssigneeOptionally add an assignee to the list. Enter the name in the text
field, and then click the icon. The name you added is appended to the end of the list.
You must still highlight the name of the added assignee if you want the search to
return all Issues to which the added user is assigned.
Exclude Issues Assigned ToExcludes all Issues to which the user(s) you have highlighted are
o Add AssigneeOptionally add an assignee to the list. Enter the name in the text field, then click
the icon. The name you added is appended to the end of the list. You must still highlight the name
of the added assignee if you want the search to exclude all Issues to which the added user is
KeywordIf a word or phrase is entered, any Issues containing that word/phrase in any field are
returned, including Title, Description, Workspace fields, and Address Book fields, as long as the full text
search conforms to
full text keyword search behavior.
Fields Included:The Keyword search queries the Title field, Description field, Workspace
(Issue), and Address Book fields.
Refer to this Knowledge Base article for details on the behavior of the keyword search function.
Attachment FilenameReturns all Issues in which the string matches the filename of an
attachment to the Issue(s).
Access to Issues is based on a user's Role. Assignment options may be restricted based on your role. Please consult
your BMC FootPrints Service Core administrator for more information.
Submitted byIf a user or users are selected, the search returns only Issues created by that user.
PriorityReturns only Issues of the specified priority or priorities. Highlight the priorities to be included; hold
down the CTRL key to highlight multiple priorities. To return all priorities, no priorities need to be selected
(this has the same result as selecting all priorities).
StatusReturns only Issues of the specified status(es). By default, Open and any custom statuses are
highlighted in the status dialog. To select multiple statuses, hold down the CTRL key. To return all statuses,
no statuses need to be selected (this has the same result as selecting all statuses).
2. Issue Tab-Issue InformationThe fields in this section differ depending on the fields in the current Workspace.
Search on as many fields as desired. Search methods vary with the field data types:
Character fieldDisplays a text box. Enter the word or phrase to search on (or multiple words
Boolean Operators).
Number fieldDisplays a text box. Enter the number or part of a number for which to search.
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Drop-down and Multi-select fieldDisplays a multi-select dialog box. Highlight one or more
values to search on. To search for Issues that contain no data for the field, select No data. If
you do not want to restrict the search based on choices in a field, do not highlight any values.
Date fieldsSearch on a date or date range. For more information, refer to
Date Field Search
Date/time fields can only be searched by date, not time.
Other field typesEmail, URL, and FTP fields display a text box. Enter the word or phrase to search on
(including partial addresses).
3. Contact TabSearch by users' contact information. The fields in this section differ depending on the fields in
current Address Book. Search methods are the same as those for Issue Information fields (see above).
4. Advanced Criteria Tab
Issue Types to IncludeSpecify whether Advanced Issue types, including Subtasks and Global Issues, are
returned. Options include:
All Issue TypesAll Issue types are returned.
Regular IssuesRegular (non-Global or Master/Subtask) Issues are returned.
Include Master IssuesMaster Issues that contain subtasks are returned.
Include SubtasksSubtasks of Master Issues are returned.
Include Global IssuesGlobal Issues are returned.
Include GlobalLinksAll users' Issues linked to a Global Issue are returned.
Group Master Issues with Subtasks/Global Issues with GlobalLinksAvailable for Reports only.
These options override the sort order selected in the report.
DateIf dates are specified, the search returns only Issues from the time period specified. For more
information, refer to
Date Field Search Options.
It is important to understand the meaning of relative periods and aging in order to obtain accurate information,
especially as the searching and reporting functions of BMC FootPrints Service Core rely on the same types of criteria.
If a search is requested on Issues for "the previous three months," and the date is the 15th of May, then the period
searched or reported on will be from February 15th through May 14th, inclusive. That is, the report or search will
exclude the current date and give the three month period prior to the current date. This is to ensure that reports and
searches yield consistent results. If reports and searches included the current date, then the results might differ
depending on the time of day at which the search or report was performed.
TimeSpecify the time in which the Issues were created or last edited based on the 24 hour clock. Available
for Reports only.
AgeReturns Issues created in the time specified. Number of days and hours can be specified. Modifiers
are also provided, including “Greater Than”, “Less Than”, “Equal to”, “Greater than or Equal to”, “Less than or
Equal to”, and “Not Equal to”. As an example, to return Issues greater than 1 day old, choose “Greater than”
and fill in “1” for “Days”.
Age is always 24/7 and does not use the Workspace Work Schedule.
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Advanced Action CriteriaClick the checkbox to indicate that the issue has an associated Advanced
Action that requires workflow (i.e., an approval via Change Manager or some other factor) before execution
on the asset. This checkbox only applies if you have the BMC FootPrints Asset Core.
Include Only x number of Issues foundRestrict the results to the first or last x number of Issues
specified, for example, First 20 Issues. Available for Reports only.
Include only Issue NumbersRestricts the search to a defined range of Issue numbers.
Advanced Date/Time ControlsThe following "Pending Clock" options apply to the "Time to Close" and
"Age" calculations (available for Reports only):
Don't include time outside of the Workspace Work ScheduleIf this is checked, the calculations do
not include after-hours time based on the work schedule for the workspace. This option only affects
output fields for reports such as Age of Issue. It does not apply to criteria on which BMC FootPrints
Service Core searches (even though it appears as an option in the criteria section of the page). What that
means is, for example, if you set criteria for reports that have aged five days or more, when assembling
the set of reports, BMC FootPrints Service Core will not take this option into account and will use real time
to determine whether the Issue is five days old or older. When the report is displayed, however, the Age
of Issue will take the Workspace Work Schedule into account.
Don't include time Issues spent in the following StatusesSelect one more statuses (Pending,
Waiting for Customer, etc.) to exclude time spent for the "Time to Close" and "Age" calculations.
These time calculations are always based on the time zone in which the server resides.
Order Search Results byOrder the Issues returned by the specified field, descending (most recent or
highest first) or ascending (oldest or lowest first). By default, Issues returned are ordered by Issue number
descending. This overrides your preferences.
And/OrIf “And” is chosen, Issues must match ALL criteria chosen above (this is the default). If “Or” is
chosen, only one criterion must be met.
5. Save/Run TabSave the search criteria as a queue. Select “Personal” to save search for yourself. Select
“Shared/Internal” to share your search with other internal BMC FootPrints Service Core users. “Shared/Public” is
available for reports only to allow all users (including Customers) to access the report (the report will only contain
data user is allowed to see). Saved search queues appear in the Display Drop-down on the homepage.
For all text fields, regardless of section, entering just the % symbol finds all Issues with any data in that field.
When you are finished filling out the form, click GO to submit search. The Homepage is displayed with a list of
matches. If a name was entered for the search, it appears as a queue in the Display drop-down.
Sample Advanced Search
The following search returns all Active Issues assigned to the user Jill Smith that are priority Urgent or High.
1. Click Advanced under the Search heading on the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
2. For Assigned to, choose Jill Smith.
3. For Priority, select Urgent and High (hold down the CTRL key).
4. For Status, highlight Open, Need More Info, and Pending.
5. To save this search, enter a name for the search, e.g., My High Priority Issues.
6. Click GO.
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BMC FootPrints Service Core returns a list of the Issues that match the above criteria.
Saved Searches
The Saved Searches feature can be used to save and name search criteria that are used frequently to create queues
or “hot lists”. Each time the saved search is run, it returns the latest data from the current Workspace. Saved
searches are available from the Display dropdown box on the Homepage and from the BMC FootPrints Service Core
Toolbar. More information on creating saved searches can be found in the preceding topic on Advanced Search.
There are two kinds of saved searches:
Personal SearchesPersonal saved searches are viewable only by you and are accessed via the Display
drop-down on the home page or by mousing over the Advanced search link. You can create personal queues
for your own assignments of different types, overdue Issues, assignments with a due date for the next week,
a follow-up date of today, etc. All Agents have access to create and save personal searches.
Shared SearchesShared searches appear in the Display dropdown box for all Agent/administrator users
in the current Workspace. This is useful for creating shared queues for different groups, departments,
locations, problem types, etc. Shared searches can only be viewed, edited, or deleted by users with the
proper permissions.
Using Saved Searches
You can run, edit, or delete a saved search by mousing over the Advanced search link and then clicking Saved
Searches on the menu.
To run a previously saved search:
1. Mouse over the Advanced search link and click Saved Searches on the menu that is displayed.
2. Select the search you want to run from either the Personal or Shared Searches drop-down.
3. Click the radio button for Run (this is the default).
4. Click GO. The results of the search are displayed in the main frame of the browser window.
To edit a previously saved search:
1. Mouse over the Advanced search link and click Saved Searches on the menu that is displayed.
2. Select the search you want to run from either the Personal or Shared Searches drop-down.
3. Click the radio button for Edit.
4. Click GO. This brings you to the Advanced Search page. The form is prefilled with the search criteria from the
saved search.
5. Make any changes necessary.
6. To save the new search criteria with the same name as the original, leave the name in the Save this Search As
text box asis. To save it as a new search, enter a different name.
7. When you are finished, click GO. The results of the edited search are displayed in the browser window.
To delete a previously saved search:
1. Mouse over the Advanced search link and click Saved Searches on the menu that is displayed.
2. Select the search you want to delete from either the Personal Searches or Saved Searches drop-down.
3. Click the radio button for Delete.
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4. Click GO. The saved search is deleted.
Cross Workspace Searching
Each BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace is contained in a separate sub-database. Each Workspace has its
own fields, users, and other options. You may be a member of one Workspace or you could have membership in
several Workspaces. If you are a member of two or more Workspaces, and your
Role allows it, it is possible to display
Issues that match search criteria from multiple Workspaces.
Cross-workspace searches do not work for a person who is an Agent in one Workspace and a customer in another. If
an Agent performs a Cross-workspace search, the results do not contain Issues from the Workspace in which the
Agent is a customer.
Some characteristics of cross Workspace searches include:
You can only search on fields that exist in all selected Workspaces.
You can only sort on fields that exist in all selected Workspaces.
You can select any field from any Workspace as long as it does not exist in multiple Workspaces with
conflicting types.
The Quick Action Checkbox dialog is not shown.
The Workspace Totals scoreboard and Global Issues list is hidden.
Issues from your default Workspace are always listed first; subsequent issues are ordered by ascending
Workspace number.
Filters can be applied to the columns in your cross workspace search results.
If you choose to view the details of an Issue from a different Workspace, that Workspace is displayed.
Cross Workspace searches may be saved as personal or shared.
You can only see shared searches that include Workspaces to which you belong. Therefore, there may be
two shared searches that have the same name that are saved by different Agents. BMC FootPrints Service
Core adds a number 2 next to one of the searches to help distinguish between them for Agents who have
access to all the included Workspaces.
Cross Workspace searches do not work for a person who is an Agent in one workspace and a customer in
another. If an Agent performs a cross Workspace search, the results do not contain Issues from the
Workspace in which the Agent is a customer.
The record counter (displayed at the top right-hand side of the list of issues above the column headings) is
replaced with a page counter. Instead of saying, for example, "1 - 20 of 217", meaning that 1-20 out of 217
issues are displayed, it might say "Page 1 of 217 total matching Issues" when displaying Cross Workspace
search results.
Create a Cross Workspace Search
1. Mouse over the Advanced search link and click Cross Workspace on the menu that is displayed.
2. Included WorkspacesHighlight the Workspaces to be included in the search. Hold down the CTRL key to
select multiple Workspaces. Click GO when you are finished. The Search Criteria page is displayed.
3. CriteriaCross-Workspace searches can include
built-in fields like Title, Description, Status, Priority, etc. For
additional information on specifying search criteria, refer to
Advanced Search Criteria.
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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4. Optionally save your search for later personal use or as a shared search to share with other Agents in the
5. When you are finished entering the search criteria, click GO.
6. The results of the search are displayed in the main frame, with issues grouped by Workspace under the
Workspace name. You can click on the row that contains the workspace name to collapse/expand the issues
listed for that workspace.
Searches can be restricted based on a user's Role. Cross-Workspace Searches may not be available if your role
does not allow access. Contact your BMC FootPrints Service Core administrator for more information. Also, cross-
workspace searches are not available to customers.
About Reporting
BMC FootPrints Service Core contains a number of reporting options. From simple keyword searches to multi-level
metrics with color charts, virtually any data can be reported on in BMC FootPrints Service Core to analyze activity,
trends, and statistics with no programming via the BMC FootPrints Service Core web interface. Report data can help
you assess how your team’s resources are being allocated, review activity and capacity levels, and produce time
tracking and billing information for charge-backs and billing. Use report data to justify staff changes, manage the
types of problems assigned to each member, and use staff resources in the most effective manner.
The following topics contain detailed instructions for each of these kinds of reports.
Single Issue ReportCreate a report on a single Issue from the Details page.
Quick ReportCreate a report of Issues displayed on the Homepage using the Quick Action Checkbox dialog.
Custom ReportsCreate custom reports with custom criteria and formatting options, including graphics and
multi-level metrics.
Saving and Printing Report DataSave and print report data from the browser.
Saved ReportsAccess saved custom report templates.
Shared ReportsAccess report templates that are shared by different users.
Administrator FlashboardDisplay up-to-the-minute, customizable, graphical representation of service desk
and Workspace activity.
MetricsGenerate reports for statistical and historical analysis
Cross-Workspace ReportingCreate custom reports across multiple Workspaces.
Time Tracking ReportsGenerate time-tracking and billing reports.
Report TemplatesCreate single-issue report templates for printing out Purchase Orders, Work Orders,
RMAs, etc.
Auto-Run ReportsSchedule custom reports to be generated and emailed automatically on certain days/times.
Change Manager ReportsIf you have the Change Manager add-on module, you can run reports on Issues that
are part of a Change Manager workflow.
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Knowledge Base ReportsKnowledge Base reports provide data and statistics on Knowledge Base usage.
Knowledge Base reports return data on internal and public solutions.
Single Issue Report
This option appears on the Details page for an Issue. Click Report on the Details page to display a printable report of
the Issue. Only the fields that contain data appear in the report. This report is useful when you need to quickly print
the details of an Issue.
To display a single issue report, click the Report button on the Details page of the issue, select a report format from
the drop-down, and then click the GO button. If the chosen format is not support, the report is not displayed.
Other features:
Master Issue reports contain a list of all Subtasks. Global Issues contain a list of all GlobalLinks.
If one or more
Report Templates are configured, an option to format the report using one of the templates is
The Single Issue report can be printed from the browser or saved as an HTML file.
Quick Report
This feature allows you to quickly report on one or more Issues. It can be done from the Homepage or from the
results of a search. This is useful when you want a report of one or more issues displayed on the Homepage without
creating a custom report.
To create a Quick Report:
1. On the BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage, select the Issues to be included in the report using the Quick
Action Checkbox dialog.
2. To select all Issues on the Homepage, click the All checkbox.
3. Select Report from the drop-down box above the checkboxes.
4. Select a report format from the drop-down.
5. Click GO. A new browser window opens containing the report results. It can be printed or saved directly from the
6. If one or more
Report Templates are configured, an option to format the Issues using one of the templates is
available. If a custom Report Template is used, each Issue selected is displayed in a separate window for
printing purposes. If Summary is selected, all Issues are contained in one window.
Custom Reports
The Custom Reports feature allows you to create report templates based on any combination of criteria, with many
formatting options. Formatting options include headings, columns, sorting, and color graphs. Single and two-level
metrics based on any fields can be included. Report output can be exported to another application (such as Excel)
and can be scheduled to be run on a regular basis.
Report Options
The names of many of the fields in BMC FootPrints Service Core can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority,
Status, Description, etc.), as well as the name of the records (Issue). Custom fields can also be created. For clarity,
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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this manual always refers to BMC FootPrints Service Core records as “Issues” and uses the default terms for the other
field names.
To create a custom report, select Reports | New Report from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar. The Custom
Report Wizard is displayed:
1. Style tabSelect the output style of the report. Choices are:
ColumnsIssue data is displayed in fixed columns. One Issue is displayed per row. Columns can be
selected from any available fields.
WrappedEach Issue returned is displayed in its own mini-table. Line breaks can be used to wrap data to
multiple rows, for example, to place the Description in its own row. This style is useful for printing reports that
contain many fields.
Metrics and GraphicsCreate custom metrics and graphs of counts, averages and sums on any field.
Single and two-level metrics are supported. Output options include table, bar, and pie charts.
ExportExport data to a text file that can be saved to your local desktop. Use this format to import BMC
FootPrints Service Core data into a spreadsheet or other programs
Include metrics...Column and Wrapped reports can also contain metric charts and graphs. Check this box
to include metrics in a Column or Wrapped report (not available for Export option).
2. Click GO to display the rest of the report options. The steps on the next page depend on the report style
selected in Step 1.
3. Heading tabDefine what is included in the heading at the top of the report output. Available for all styles
except Export. Options include:
Report TitleThis is displayed at the top of the report.
DateThe date the report is run (updates each time the report template is re-run).
TimeThe time the report is run (updates each time the report template is re-run).
Workspace nameThe name of the Workspace.
Logo graphicThe logo image displayed in the current Workspace.
3. Formatting tabThere are two sets of options for the Formatting tab. One is for column and wrapped reports
and the other is for metric reports and combo reports.
a. Column and wrapped reportsSelect the issue information to display in the report. All fields are available. This option is available for
all styles except Metrics.
Type of FieldSelect the types of fields to be displayed in the report. Options are Server fields, Issue
Information fields, and Contact Information fields. You can select fields from any or all of these
options at any time by selecting the appropriate radio button. Once a radio button has been selected,
click on a field in the Fields list and then click the Add Field button to display the field in the Selected
Fields list. Selected Fields are displayed in the report in the order in which they appear in the list.
Change the order by clicking on the field in the Selected Fields list and then clicking the Change
Order up and down arrows. Remove a field from the Selected Fields list by clicking on the field and
then clicking the Remove button. The Reset button allows you to reset the Selected Fields list to its
default state and will do so regardless of which radio button has been selected (in other words, if you
added Issue Information fields and then clicked the Contact Information button and added contact
fields, then clicked Reset, all of the added fields, both Issue Information and Contact Information, are
removed). Some fields have special characteristics:
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Email HistoryThe Email History field is a special field that includes the email history
in the report. This provides an audit trail in reporting. Because this type of report
searches every record included in the report for every email notification, using this field
can cause a slowdown in the reporting.
HistoryThe History field is a special field that includes the Issue history in the report.
This provides an audit trail in reporting. Because this type of report searches every
record of every change to the Issues that are being reported, using this field can cause a
slowdown in the reporting.
Last Edited ByThe Last Edited By field is a special field that displays the last user
that edited a record. To include system edits as well (such as those performed as an
Autofield action), clear the Display the most recent non-system user who modified
the Issue check box.
Line BreakInsert a line break (Wrapped style only).
Description—Select which descriptions to include in the report and when to wrap the data (only
applies if Description is included in the Selected Fields box). You can include all descriptions, the
original, newest, two most recent, or three most recent descriptions in your report.
Multi-line field wrappingSelect Don't Wrap and the data is displayed on a single line. Otherwise, to
wrap lines, choose Wrap Every X Characters and enter the number of characters at which to wrap in
the text field.
Process/Phase Voting DetailsIf Change Manager is enabled, you may have options to display
information regarding Change Manager approvals in the report. Select one or both checkboxes to
display the information. Check the box for Display Final Decision information for each Issue to display
whether or not the proposed changes were approved or denied. Check the box for Display Voting
History for each Issue to display the record of voting on each issue.
Filter Voting History As FollowsIf the Voting History checkbox is checked, select the voting history to be
displayed from the drop-down field. Options are: All Processes/Phases, Current Process/All Phases, Current
Process/Current Phase [AllVotes], Current Process/Current Phase [Recent Vote].
AssigneesIf Assignees is selected, the full names of the assignees are displayed in the report (e.g.,
Bob Smith). This is not suitable for importing the report output into another Workspace, as user ID’s
must be specified in a data import file. To create a file that includes assignees user IDs (e.g., Bob
Smith), use the System Administration Export Workspace Data option.
Sort Results BySelect how the issues are sorted in the output. The issues can be sorted by up to
three levels of criteria and in ascending (from lowest to highest) or descending (from highest to lowest)
order. In the Field drop-down, select the field on which the issues are to be sorted. If a text field is
selected, the issues are sorted alphabetically based on the first character in the field. If you select a
number field, such as Issue Number, the issues are sorted numerically. If the sort is by Status, then the
data is sorted according to the Status number, regardless of the label that is displayed in the Status
field. For subsequent levels of sorting, the issues are sorted within each field of the preceding sort. For
example, if issues are sorted first based on the Status field and a secondary sort is performed
according to Issue Number, the all of the issues with a Status of Urgent might be displayed first,
starting with the lowest Issue Number up to the highest within that group of Urgent issues. With regard
to the Heading checkboxes, if a Heading checkbox is checked, a heading is displayed in the report to
indicate how the issues were sorted. For example, if Status was selected, then a heading would be
displayed at the beginning of the list indicating which Status was used in sorting the issues that
followed. A new heading would then be displayed to indicate when the next set of Statuses began.
b. MetricsCreate custom metrics and graphs of counts, averages, and sums on any field. The option is available for Metric style, and
for Column and Wrapped style if the Combo checkbox is checked. Refer to Metrics and Graphics
for details on Metrics options.
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This section only determines which fields to display; it does not determine the selection criteria for the report. The
criteria are chosen later in the report.
4. Issue Criteria tabSelect the criteria, using issue fields, for the report. Only select the criteria you want to
search on. It is important to understand the meaning of relative periods and aging in order to obtain accurate
information, especially as the searching and reporting functions of BMC FootPrints Service Core rely on the
same types of criteria. If a search is requested on Issues for "the previous three months," and the date is the
15th of May, then the period searched or reported on will be from February 15th through May 14th, inclusive.
That is, the report or search will exclude the current date and give the three month period prior to the current
date. This is to ensure that reports and searches yield consistent results. If reports and searches included the
current date, then the results might differ depending on the time of day at which the search or report was
5. Contact Criteria tabSelect any additional criteria, using address book fields, for the report. Only select the
criteria you want to search on.
6. Advanced Criteria tabThe BMC FootPrints Service Core Advanced Reporting criteria section uses the same
mechanism as the Advanced Search. Refer to the topic on Advanced Search for detailed explanation of criteria.
It is important to understand the meaning of relative periods and aging in order to obtain accurate information,
especially as the searching and reporting functions of BMC FootPrints Service Core rely on the same types of criteria.
If a search is requested on Issues for "the previous three months," and the date is the 15th of May, then the period
searched or reported on will be from February 15th through May 14th, inclusive. That is, the report or search will
exclude the current date and give the three month period prior to the current date. This is to ensure that reports and
searches yield consistent results. If reports and searches included the current date, then the results might differ
depending on the time of day at which the search or report was performed.
7. Save/Run tabClick GO to run the report. To save the report, enter a name before you run it. Select Personal
to save the report for yourself. Select Shared/Internal to share your report template with other internal BMC
FootPrints Service Core users. Shared/Public reports are available to all users including customers (the report
only contains data the user is allowed to see). Shared/Public reports appear on the customer Pre-Defined
Reports page. Each time a saved report template is run, it returns the latest matching data.
Saving the report here only saves the report formatting options and criteria chosen in this form, not the results of the
report. This feature can be used to run the same report in the future, for example, once a week. Each time the report
is run, it returns the latest data from the current Workspace. Saving report output is covered in the topic on Saving and
Printing Report Data.
After you click GO, the report is displayed in a separate browser window. Large reports sometimes take a few
minutes to run. To view the details of an Issue, click the Issue number (or whatever field is in the first column) in the
report. This displays the Details page for that Issue in the main frame.
The report can be saved or printed from the browser window. If the Export style was selected, a Save As dialog box is
displayed. Save and name the report to your local hard drive.
Reports can be restricted based on a user's Role. Custom Reports may not be available or some options may not
appear if your role does not allow access. Please consult your BMC FootPrints Service Core administrator for more
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Saving and Printing Report Data
Report data can be saved, printed, and distributed in a number of ways:
HTMLAfter the report is displayed, it can be saved as an HTML file right from the browser window.
To save report data in:
Internet Explorer:
1. Select File | Save As in the browser.
2. Enter a name under which to save file.
3. Select the type of file to save report as (e.g., HTML) for Save as type.
4. Browse in the Save In dialog to choose where on the local machine to save the file.
5. Click the Save button.
1. Select File | Save Page As...
2. Select “All Files” for “Save as type”.
3. Enter a name to save file as in File name, and include the .html extension in the name. For example, to save the report as
My Report”, the name should be “My Report.html”.
4. Use “Save In” to choose where to save the file.
5. Click the Save” button.
Text FileIf Export is chosen for report style, report data is saved to your local machine. After you click GO,
a Save As dialog box is displayed. Select where on your local machine or network to save the file and click
PrintingReports can be printed right from the browser. Select File | Print to display the browser’s Print
dialog box. If the report is wider than the screen, choose Landscape orientation. There are certain functions
of the browser that BMC FootPrints Service Core cannot override. For example, page breaks cannot be
controlled when printing directly from the browser (this is a function of HTML). In addition, for very wide
reports, some text on the right may be cut off by the printer, even when printing in Landscape mode. To
compensate, if the Description or other multi-line text field is included in the report, use the Description
Wrapping feature to force the text to wrap more narrowly. For example, instead of wrapping at 70 characters
(the default), try 50 characters. If text is still being cut off, we recommend trying the Wrapped report and
inserting line breaks, or using the Export option.
Auto Run ReportsSaved report templates can be run automatically, with the output emailed to a defined
set of users and saved to the server. Please refer to
Auto Run Reports for more information.
Saved and Shared Reports
Saved Reports
Custom report templates can be saved and run at any time. Each time a saved report is run, it returns the latest data
from the current Workspace. Reports can be saved for personal use and for other Workspace members. Access to
saved reports is defined by a user's Role.
Instructions on creating and saving report templates can be found in
Custom Reports.
Shared Reports
Report templates can be shared with other BMC FootPrints Service Core users:
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Shared/Internal Reports appear on the Saved Reports page for Agents in the Workspace who have access
to Shared Reports. An Agent whose role restricts him or her to seeing only his own Issues or his Team's
Issues only sees those Issues that match the criteria of the report and that he is allowed to see.
Shared/Public Reports are also available to customers, but such reports only contain data the customer is
allowed to see (either his or her own Issues or those of the Organizational Unit).
Instructions on creating and saving report templates can be found in
Custom Reports. Each time a saved report
template is run, it returns the latest matching data.
Run a Saved or Shared Report
1. Select Reports | My Reports from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
2. Select the report you want to run from the Personal Reports, Shared Reports, or Metric Reports drop-down.
3. Select Run (this is the default).
4. Click GO. The report results are displayed in a separate browser window. If the report template is of Export
style, the Save As Windows dialog is displayed instead.
Edit a Saved or Shared Report
1. Select Reports | My Reports from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
2. Select the report you want to edit from the Personal Reports or Shared Reports drop-down.
3. Select Edit above the corresponding drop-down.
4. Click GO. The Custom Report page is displayed, pre-filled with the report criteria and formatting options.
5. Make your changes.
6. To save the edited report with the same name as the original, leave the name in the Save this Report As text box
as-is. To save it as a new report, enter a different name.
7. When you are finished, click GO. The report results are displayed in a separate browser window. If the report
template is of Export style, the Save As Windows dialog is displayed instead.
Delete a Saved or Shared Report
1. Select Reports | My Reports from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
2. Select the report you want to delete from the Personal Reports, Shared Reports, or Metric Reports drop-down.
3. Select Delete above the corresponding drop-down.
4. Click GO. The saved report template is deleted.
5. Deleting a Shared Report deletes the report for all users.
Shared reports are available to run, edit, and delete based on a user's role. If your role does not allow access, some
of the options described above may not be displayed or otherwise available to you. Contact your BMC FootPrints
Service Core administrator for more information.
Metric Reports
Metric reports return statistical data and metrics about the Workspace, rather than returning specific Issue data.
Output options include HTML Text, Graphical, and Text File Export. The information returned by these reports can
help you measure how well your organization performs and where improvement is needed.
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The following reports can be run from the Reports | Metrics menu:
Current Performance by Team/AgentReport on Issues currently active in the Workspace, grouped by
Issue StatisticsProvide quick statistical information on specific groups of Issues.
First Contact ResolutionDetermine the percentage of Issues that were created with a status of Closed versus
the number of issues that were received for a specific time period.
Resolution RateDetermine the rate at which Issues are resolved for specific criteria.
Received vs. Closed ReportsList how many Issues were received and how many were closed, based on
specific criteria.
Turn-around TimeMeasure how long issues have remained in a particular status or how long it takes to get
from one status to another.
Service-level AgreementsThe service-level agreements reporting option returns the number and percent of
Issues achieved, breached, resolved and unresolved per service-level agreement. This type of report cannot
be saved and auto run.
HistoricalReturn historical data on Issues in the current Workspace, including past statuses, priorities, and
elapsed time. This type of report cannot be saved and auto run.
Query StatisticsReturn statistics on searches of the database, which can be categorized by whether they
were performed by Customers or Agents. This type of report cannot be saved and auto run.
In all reports broken down by assignee, the bar/slice/row for a team only lists Issues assigned to that team and none
of its members. If an issue is assigned to multiple teams, it counts for each team, just the way an issue assigned to
multiple Agents counts for each Agent. If an issue is assigned to Team A, Team B, and a member of Team B, it
counts for Team A and the member of Team B. If an issue is assigned to Team A, Team B, and an Agent who is a
member of both teams, it only counts for the Agent.
Counts broken down by assignee may not add up to the total number of Issues in a report if Issues are assigned to
multiple people.
Current Agent/Team Performance Report
The Current Agent/Team Performance reports provides data on Issues currently active in the Workspace, grouped by
assignee(s). The report shows the average age of active Issues by assignee, allowing you to extrapolate meaning for
the data in terms of "performance". Assignees can be individuals or teams.
If no teams are defined for your Workspace, you are only offered the choice to report by Agent.
The options for report output are:
HTMLDisplay report as HTML in a browser window.
GraphicalCreate chart images (JPEG files) that can be printed or saved to disk and imported into another
ExportCreate a text file which can be read by spreadsheets and other programs.
If you have grouped your Agents into teams, you are offered all of the following choices:
Team and AgentBreak down active Issues by teams and Agents. Agents who belong to teams are listed
under their team.
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When the report includes totals for both teams and Agents, the totals for the team row do not include Issues that are
assigned to individuals within the Team.
TeamBreak down active Issues by teams only.
Each team total also includes Issues assigned to individual Agents within the team.
AgentBreak down active Issues by Agents only.
Issues assigned to multiple Agents are included in the totals for each Agent. This means that the total number of
Issues as reported here may exceed the total number of Issues you see elsewhere. The reason for this is that a
single Issue with multiple assignees is counted for each of the assignees; if you have three Agents assigned to an
Issue, it is counted three times.
Issue Statistics Report
Issue Statistics reports provide quick information on specific groups of Issues. Exact and relative time (e.g., before or
after date X) periods are available. To include all Issues, select After and a date before the first Issue was created or
use Before and select tomorrow's date.
The options for report output are:
HTMLDisplay report as HTML in a browser window.
GraphicalCreate chart images (JPEG files) that can be printed or saved to disk and imported into another
ExportCreate a text file which can be read by spreadsheets and other programs.
The following Issue Statistic reports are available:
Open Issues by PriorityNumber of Issues with Open status by priority, with the average time the Issues
have been open.
Closed Issues by PriorityNumber of Issues with Closed status by priority, with the average time the
Issues took to close.
Active Issues by PriorityNumber of active Issues (includes Open, Requests, and any custom statuses) by
priority, with the average time the Issues have been open.
Active Issues by StatusNumber of active Issues (includes Open, Requests, and any custom statuses) by
status and the average time the Issues have been open.
All Issues by StatusNumber of all Issues by status and the average time the Issue has existed since it
was opened. This includes time that an Issue may have been in the Closed status.
Active Issues by AssigneeNumber of current active Issues (includes Open, Requests, and any status
except Closed) by assignee and the average time the Issues have been open.
Closed Issues by AssigneeNumber of closed Issues in the workspace by assignee and the average time
each assignee took to close the Issues.
When viewing report data by assignee, remember that an Issue can be assigned to more than one individual or team
at a time. When an Issue is assigned to more than one individual and/or team, it is counted in the report for each
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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assignee, that is, an Issue assigned to three people and one team would be counted for each of the individuals and
the one team. This means that, if you count up the total number of active Issues in the report, they can exceed the
total given for the number of active Issues that you see displayed on the Homepage.
Received vs. Closed
Received vs. Closed reports list how many issues were received and how many were closed, based on specific
1. From the Reports | Metrics menu, select Received vs. Closed, then click Go.
2. Select a report output format from the following options, then click Go.
HTML - Display report as HTML in a browser window.
Graphical - Create chart images (JPEG files) that can be printed or saved to disk and imported into another
Export - Create a text file which can be read by spreadsheets and other programs.
3. Select one of the following reports, then click Go. For those indicated by asterisks below, you must also
indicate a time period in step 4.
Received vs Closed by Priority*
Received vs Closed by Assignee*
Received vs Closed by Team Assigned*
Received vs Closed Today by Hour
Received vs Closed Yesterday by Hour
Received vs Closed This Week by Day
Received vs Closed Last Week by Day
Received vs Closed This Month by Week
Received vs Closed Last Month by Week
Received vs Closed This Year by Month
Received vs Closed Last Year by Month
Issue Information
Received vs Closed by Category*
Received vs Closed by Platform*
Received vs Closed by Problem Type*
Received vs Closed by Root Cause*
Received vs Closed by Symptom*
Contact Information
Received vs Closed by Department*
Received vs Closed by Service Level*
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4. *For each of the reports above, select options below:
Report bySelect Day, Week or Month.
Time PeriodDefine the date range from the following options:
o OnSpecify a particular date (leave second date blank).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date
is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date
is in.
o Before—Issues that were created/last edited before the specified date are returned (leave second date
o AfterIssues that were created/edited after the specified date are returned (leave second date blank).
o BetweenReturns Issues created/last edited between the dates specified (use both date fields).
ExactSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified. Enter the date or dates to search on.
Click the calendar icon to display a searchable calendar.
RelativeSearches by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report that for example, returns
Issues for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31), and select the period from the
second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
RangeSelect this to search by a particular time period, e.g., yesterday, last Sunday, etc.
Service Level Reporting
Management reports can be generated to gauge how well service levels are being met.
Service Level Reporting is affected by the pending statuses specified when creating the service level. Events that
occur and time spent in a pending status is excluded from service level reports. For details on specifying pending
statuses, refer to Creating the Service Level Field. To display the list of pending statuses, select Administration
| Workspace from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar and then select Service Level Management from the
Automated Workflow section of the main frame. Next, click the Edit button of the Pending Statuses List in the main
frame of the Service Level Management Administration page. The Pending Statuses page is displayed. All of the
statuses defined as "pending" are displayed in the Selected Statuses field.
To run a Service Level report:
1. Select Reports | Metrics from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar and choose the Service Level
Agreements metric report in Step 1, then click GO. If this option is not available, you may not have permission to
run this report type or service levels are not enabled in this workspace.
2. Select the output type under Report Formatting:
HTMLDisplay report as HTML in a browser window.
ExportIf you chose to output the report to a text file, select a file format in which to output the report.
Format choices are MS Excel (i.e., comma separated file), tab delimited file, or a custom separator of your
choice in a text file.
3. On the next page, in the first part of Step 3, select the date range on which to report in the Report on Issues
Submitted fields.
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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ExactSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified. Enter the date or dates to search on. Click
to display a searchable calendar.
OnSpecify a particular date (leave second date blank).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date
is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date is
BeforeIssues that were created/last edited before the date entered are returned (leave second date
AfterIssues that were created/edited after the date entered are returned (leave second date blank).
BetweenReturns Issues created/last edited between the dates specified (use both date fields).
RelativeSearches by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report that returns Issues, for
example, for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31) and select the period from the
second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
RangeSelect this to search by a particular time period, e.g., yesterday, last Sunday, etc.
3. For Select SLA Time to report on, choose between whether to report on Issues according to SLA Due Date (the
resolution time defined for this service level) or SLA Response Time (the amount of time allowed for Issue
response for a service level).
4. Select the earliest status accepted for Issues to be considered as having met the service level. For example, if
your organization considers Issues to have met their service level only when the Issue is closed, select Closed.
But if your organization considers Issues to have met their service level if they have been responded to within
the resolution time frame, and you have a status of Responded, select that status instead.
5. Select fields, which will be used to break down the Issues in the list further according to the selected fields.
6. Click GO. The report output is displayed in a separate window.
The report includes the following statistics for each service level:
AchievedThe number of Issues and the percentage of the total that met the service level resolution time.
BreachedThe number of Issues and the percentage of the total that did not meet the service level
resolution time.
Breached is broken down into two additional categories:
ResolvedThe number of Issues and the percentage of the total that were eventually resolved.
UnresolvedThe number of Issues and the percentage of the total that were never resolved.
NeitherThe number of Issues and the percentage of the total that have neither achieved nor breached their
service targets, as they have not yet reached their due date/time.
TotalThe total number of Issues for that service level in the time period specified.
First Contact Resolution
First Contact Resolution reports determine the percentage of issues that were created with a Resolved status versus
the number of issues that were received during a specified time period. The workspace administrator defines which
statuses are Resolved statuses in the Issue Lifecycle. If you need to know which statuses are Resolved statuses,
contact your workspace administrator.
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The following issues are counted as First Contact Resolutions:
An issue was created by an agent and the issue status was set to one of the Resolved statuses on issue
An issue was created by a customer as a request via the BMC FootPrints Service Core self-service and the
issue status was changed by an agent to one of the Resolved statuses on the first agent edit after the
creation of the issue.
An issue was created by a customer via email into BMC FootPrints Service Core and the issue status was
changed by an agent to one of the Resolved statuses on the first agent edit after the creation of the issue.
If an issue was counted as a First Contact Resolution and then its status was changed to a status that is not one of
the Resolved statuses, it is no longer counted as a First Contact Resolution and cannot be counted as one again.
The options for report output are:
HTMLDisplay report as HTML in a browser window.
GraphicalCreate chart images (JPEG files) that can be printed or saved to disk and imported into another
ExportCreate a text file which can be read by spreadsheets and other programs.
The following options are available:
Report bySpecify the time period by which to group Issues. Options include Month, Week, and Day
Time PeriodDefine the date range for searching.
ExactSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified. Enter the date or dates to search on.
Click the calendar icon to display a searchable calendar.
o OnSpecify a particular date (leave second date blank).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date
is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date is
o BeforeIssues that were created/last edited before the date entered are returned (leave second date
o AfterIssues that were created/edited after the date entered are returned (leave second date blank).
o BetweenReturns Issues created/last edited between the dates specified (use both date fields).
RelativeSearches by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report that returns Issues, for
example, for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31) and select the period from
the second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
RangeSelect this to search by a particular time period, e.g., yesterday, last Sunday, etc.
Breakdown bySpecify whether to display subtotaled results by agent/customer, team, or neither.
Show First Contact Resolution Rate out of:
Issues ReceivedThe percentage of calls resolved immediately based on the total number of
calls received for the time period
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Issues Received and now ResolvedThe percentage of calls resolved immediately based on
the total number of calls received and resolved.
Do Not Include Issues Created ByIssues that were created via one or more of the following methods can
be excluded from the report. Click the checkbox next to the methods you want to exclude:
Customer Self-service
Resolution Rate
Resolution Rate reports determine the rate at which Issues are resolved based on specific criteria.
The options for report output are:
HTMLDisplay report as HTML in a browser window.
GraphicalCreate chart images (JPEG files) that can be printed or saved to disk and imported into another
ExportCreate a text file which can be read by spreadsheets and other programs.
The options for creating Resolution Rate reports are:
Report bySpecify either the time period by which to group issues, or report by Assignees
Time PeriodDefine the date range for searching
ExactSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified. Enter the date or dates to search
on. Click the calendar icon to display a searchable calendar.
o OnSpecify a particular date (leave second date blank).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date
is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date is
o BeforeIssues that were created/last edited before the specified date are returned (leave second date
o AfterIssues that were created/edited after the specified date are returned (leave second date blank).
o BetweenReturns Issues created/last edited between the dates specified (use both date fields).
RelativeSearches by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report that returns Issues, for
example, for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31), and select the period from
the second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
RangeSelect this to search by a particular time period, e.g., yesterday, last Sunday, etc.
Cycle Time
30-60-90 DayBreak down Issues resolved in less than 30 days, 30-60 days, 6090 days, etc.
7-Day Cycle TimeBreak down Issues resolved in less than 1 day, 1-7 days, 8-14 days, etc.
Hourly/DailyBreak down Issues resolved by hour.
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Hourly/Daily (Work Schedule)If a Workspace Work Schedule is defined, break down Issues resolved
by hour within working hours.
Turn-around Time
Turn-around Time reports allow you to measure how long Issues have remained in a particular status or how long it
takes to get from one status to another.
The options for report output are:
HTMLDisplay report as HTML in a browser window.
GraphicalCreate chart images (JPEG files) that can be printed or saved to disk and imported into another
ExportCreate a text file which can be read by spreadsheets and other programs.
The reports available are:
Average Time Spent in a Particular Status
Average Time to from Status A to Status B
Average Time Spent in Each Status
For each Turn-around Time report, you can chose to report by:
TeamNote that this option appears only if teams have been defined for your Workspace.
Time Period
After you have selected one of the Turn-around Time reports and specified which information to gather, click GO.
Different options are available for these reports. The options are explained below for each type of Turn-around Time
Average Time Spent in a Particular Status
StatusSelect the status to report on.
Use Work Schedule in Time CalculationsCheck this box if you want to include only time spent during
regular work hours, as defined in the Workspace Work Schedule.
Include IssuesDefine the date range for searching:
Created or EditedSpecify exact dates to search on in the specified period. Enter the date or dates to
search on. Click the calendar icon to display a searchable calendar.
o OnSpecify a particular date (leave second date blank).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date
is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date
is in.
o BeforeIssues that were created/last edited before the specified date are returned (leave second date
o AfterIssues that were created/edited after the specified date are returned (leave second date blank).
o BetweenReturns Issues created/last edited between the specified dates (use both date fields).
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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RelativeSelect this to search by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report, for example,
that returns Issues for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31) and select the
period from the second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
RangeSelect this to search by a particular time period, e.g., yesterday, last Sunday, etc.
Average Time to go from Status A to Status B
Starting StatusSelect the starting status.
Ending StatusSelect the ending status.
Use Work Schedule in Time CalculationsCheck this box if you want to include only time spent during
regular work hours, as defined in the Workspace Work Schedule.
Include IssuesDefine the date range for searching:
Created or EditedSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified:
o OnSpecify a particular date (leave second date blank).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date
is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date
is in.
o BeforeIssues that were created/last edited before the specified date are returned (leave
second date blank).
o After—Issues that were created/edited after the specified date are returned (leave second date
o BetweenReturns Issues created/last edited between the specified dates (use both date fields).
DatesEnter the date or dates to search on. Click the calendar icon to display a searchable calendar.
RelativeSelect this to search by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report, for example,
that returns Issues for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31) and select the
period from the second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
Average Time Spent in Each Status
Use Work Schedule in Time CalculationsCheck this box if you want to include only time spent during
regular work hours, as defined in the Workspace Work Schedule.
Include IssuesDefine the date range for searching:
Created or EditedSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified:
o OnSpecify a particular date (leave second date blank).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date
is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date
is in.
o BeforeIssues that were created/last edited before the specified date are returned (leave second date
o AfterIssues that were created/edited after the specified date are returned (leave second date blank).
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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o BetweenReturns Issues created/last edited between the specified dates (use both date fields).
DatesEnter the date or dates to search on. Click the calendar icon to display a searchable calendar.
RelativeSelect this to search by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report, for example,
that returns Issues for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31) and select the
period from the second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
Historical Reports and Snapshot
The historical reporting option returns historical data on Issues in the current Workspace, including past statuses,
priorities, and elapsed time. For example, a report can return the average and total elapsed time it took a particular
service desk technician to close Issues assigned to that technician in the month of May. The report includes a
breakdown of all matching Issues and the total and average times for all Issues.
To use the historical report tool, select Reports | Metrics | Historical from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
The options available in this report are:
Report Type
Historical ReportReturns all Issues from a specified time period that also match the selected assignment, status,
and priority criteria.
SnapshotReturns a snapshot of all Issues created on a specified date that also match the
selected assignment and priority criteria.
Report formatting
Output styleSelect whether to display the report in a browser window or output the data to a text
File formatIf you chose to output the report to a text file, select a file format in which to output
the report. Format choices are MS Excel (i.e., comma separated file), tab separated file, or a
custom separator of your choice in a text file.
Report titleDefine what is included in the heading at the top of the report output. These options do not
apply to the Text File style. Options include:
TitleDisplayed at the top of the report. Enter the text you want included.
DateThe date the report is run (updates each time the report template is re-run).
TimeThe time the report is run (updates each time the report template is re-run).
Workspace nameName of the Workspace.
Logo graphicThe logo image displayed in the current Workspace.
Time PeriodDefine the date range to search on.
ExactSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified:
o OnSpecify a particular date (leave second date blank).
o BeforeIssues that were created/last edited before the specified date are returned (leave
second date blank).
o AfterIssues that were created/edited after the specified date are returned (leave second date
o BetweenReturns Issues created/last edited between the specified dates (use both date fields).
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Dates - Enter the date or dates to search on. Click the calendar icon to display a searchable
RelativeSelect this to search by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report, for
example, that returns Issues for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31)
and select the period from the second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
Starting status in this time periodSelect the starting status that the Issue should have in the date range
Ending status in this time periodSelect the ending status that the Issue should have in the date range
Use Work Schedule in computing Time Elapsed between Starting Status and Ending StatusWhen
this box is checked, don't include time outside of the workspace work schedule when calculating the time in
which an Issue was between its starting and ending statuses.
AssigneesSelect the user(s) to search on. Hold down the CTRL key to highlight multiple users.
Additional BMC FootPrints Service Core IDsAdditional user IDs of users who do not appear in the
Assignees list can be entered, each separated by a space. This is useful for searching on users who no
longer belong to the Workspace.
PrioritySelect the priority Issues should have in the date range specified.
After choosing the report criteria, click GO. A second window displays the report results. If the text file option is
chosen, a Windows Save As dialog box is displayed. Matching Issues, including Issue number, starting and ending
dates and times, elapsed time, status and priority are displayed. At the end of the report, the total number of records
returned, total elapsed time, and average elapsed time are displayed.
Reports can be restricted based on a user's Role. Historical reports may not be available if your role does not allow
access. Please consult your BMC FootPrints Service Core administrator for more information.
Query Statistics
The query logging feature records queries that have been placed in the Simple Search field, the date and time at
which each query was made, and whether the query came from a customer or an Agent. The query statistics report
performs counts on those queries based on specified criteria. To access the query statistics reports, select Reports |
Metrics, then select Query statistics from the Step1: Select Report Type drop-down in the main frame. A Query
Statistics report cannot be saved or autorun. Click the GO button when you are ready. This displays the criteria
Options for the query statistics reports are as follows:
Date Selection SectionDefine the date range for searching. The current date's data is never available in
the report. This is because the data is not entered until the day is over.
ExactSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified. Enter the date or dates to search
on. Click the calendar icon to display a searchable calendar.
o OnSpecify a particular date (leave second date blank).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Issues for the month that date
is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the date is
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
Numara Software Confidential. BMC Software Confidential.
o BeforeIssues that were created/last edited before the date entered are returned (leave second date
o AfterIssues that were created/edited after the date entered are returned (leave second date blank).
o BetweenReturns Issues created/last edited between the dates specified (use both date fields).
RelativeSearches by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report that returns Issues, for
example, for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31) and select the period from
the second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
RangeSelect this to search by a particular time period, e.g., yesterday, last Sunday, etc.
Other optionsDefine other reporting criteria.
Queries byProcess queries from customers, Agents, or both customers and Agents.
Sort and Count bySort and count the queries according to keywords occurrences or according to the
entire line of the Simple Searches.
Ignore words shorter than 4 characters for keyword sortIf you chose to count and sort by keyword,
choose Yes to leave words shorter than 4 characters in length out of the sort or No to include words
shorter than 4 characters in the count.
Exclusion ListThe exclusion list is a list of words that you can exclude from the report.
o Ignore words in the exclusion listSelect Yes to leave words in the exclusion list out of
the report. If you select No, the words in the exclusion list are included in the report.
o Review/Edit Exclusion ListThis link enables you to enter words in the exclusion list or
to review the list. Administrators can edit the list. Users without administrator privileges
cannot edit the list. To edit the list, click the link, type the word in the box with just one
word permitted per line, and then click the GO button.
When you finish selecting options, click there GO button to generate the report.
Understanding the Query Report
Query statistics are intended to demonstrate which queries are repeated frequently and, therefore, can be used as a
basis for product design. If a question keeps coming up time and again, the query statistics will show that repetition
and, therefore, provide a pointer to a solution.
For example, if the query logs show that customers frequently want to know the meaning of an acronym that is used
as a label on the GUI, you may want to use the full name in the GUI or use a more meaningful name to eliminate the
questions. Questions that show Agents do not understand some function or other may require a change to Agent
When you read the report, you should be aware that the totals will differ depending on whether you count and sort by
keyword or by entire line. If you count and sort by the entire line, then the number of queries processed will equal the
number of instances found. If you count and sort by keyword, the number of queries processed will not necessarily
match the number of word instances found in those queries.
Saved Metric Reports
Saved metric reports are available to individual users based on their role privileges. Saved metric reports can be
run. Auto-run is only available to administrators.
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Executive Dashboard Introduction
Executive Dashboard provides business intelligence regarding the performance of your service desk. Agents with
access to Executive Dashboard can set the types of data they wish to display and observe that data, seeing it change
dynamically as the Executive Dashboard is refreshed.
For detailed information, refer to the BMC FootPrints Service Core Reference Manual.
Access to the Executive Dashboard is enabled by the Workspace Administrator. Individual agents with Executive
Dashboard access set:
Whether the BMC FootPrints Service Core homepage or the Executive Dashboard is the
default page when they
log in to BMC FootPrints Service Core.
The reports they see in Executive Dashboard.
When the Executive Dashboard is first displayed, it shows all of the built-in reports. You can then edit or discard the
reports to display only the information you want to see. Built-in Executive Dashboard reports are (click the links to view
the details of how to edit each type of report):
Statistics ReportThis is similar to an Activity Report, and can show, for example, your totals and carryover
for a period: how many issues were created, closed, active etc.
Watchlist ReportYou can watch a problem type or other field and track how many of those problems were
created or activated during a specific period (day, week, month, quarter, or year). If you use saved searches
to track this type of information, the Executive Dashboard allows you to create a Watchlist that replaces those
searches and see everything at a glance because multiple fields can be watched in one Watchlist.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) reportSLAs may include agreements regarding "thresholds". That is, they
may require a specific amount of "up time" for a customer. The SLA report allows you to specify the
thresholds and see how agents are doing in maintaining them. For example, if the minimum threshold is 93%
up time, the report might show a line that is green when safely above the threshold, yellow when the
threshold is being approached, and red when the threshold is breached. Agents can create reports tied to
specific service levels, so that one report might be for the "Platinum" service level and another might be for
the "Gold" service level, and so on, or combine all service levels in one report.
Resolution Rate Report—A First Contact Resolution Rate and a Resolution Rate report are combined so that
you can watch the convergence of those two types of information in one place. The periods to be observed
(per day, week, month, quarter, and year) are configurable.
Activity ReportA line graph tells you how many issues were active for a specific period so that you can
observe the activity at various points. For example, if you tracked activity during the month, you might see
how many issues were created on each day, how many were closed on each day, etc. This enables you to
see where activity spikes for different statuses.
Issue Lifecycle
The Issue Lifecycle is defined by five "events": Creation, Activation, Response, Resolution, and Closure. The
workspace administrator defines in which of these portions of the Issue Lifecycle each of the issue statuses falls. For
example, the Open status might be defined as falling during the Creation period, which is before Activation. A status of
"Assigned" might be defined as falling during the Activation period but before the Response. A status that indicates an
issue as having been Responded to by the agent (Agent Responded) can be defined under the Response Event.
The issue and time measures display in the Executive Dashboard are metrics derived from the following issue
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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A change in status causes an event in the issue lifecycle to be recorded. For example, changing from Inactive to Open
can cause the Activation Event.
Events are defined as follows:
CreationThe event that marks the creation of an issue. An issue is not necessarily Active when it is
Created. Some activity, such as assignment, may have to occur before the issue is considered to be Active.
ActivationThe event that marks the activation of an issue. Before this event happened, the issue was not
considered Active. This event happens once in the lifecycle of an Issue. Activation usually is not undone but it
can be undone if an issue goes back to a Pre-Active status; in this case, the system considers the Activation
Event as not having occurred and it is erased from the reporting history. An issue is Active from the time it is
Activated until reaches Resolution.
ResponseThe event that marks an issue as being responded to by an agent. This event happens once in
the lifetime of an issue. This event cannot be undone. Transitioning from a Responded status to a not
Responded status does not change the fact that the Responded status already happened. An issue is
considered Responded to from the time a Response occurs and for all time after that.
ResolutionThe event that marks the resolution of an issue. This even happens once in the lifetime of an
issue. This event can be undone if an issue transitions from a resolved status to an unresolved status, in
which case the system considers the issue as never had been resolved; the Resolution Event is removed
from the reporting history. This is important to note since it may result in different numbers being reported at
different times. For example, Executive Dashboard might show 35 issues as resolved the previous month one
day, but one of those issues might return to an unresolved status at some point. If the same report is viewed
the next day, the number of issues that were resolved in the previous month would show as 34. An issue is
not yet Closed when it has been Resolved. Customers may require some additional processing to occur
before an issue is Closed.
ClosureThe event that marks the closure of an Issue. This even happens once in the lifetime of an issue.
This event is undone when an issue transitions back from the closed status to an unclosed status, in which
case the system considers the issue as never had been closed; the Closure Event is removed from the
reporting history. As with Resolution, this could result in different numbers showing up in a report at different
times. In a report, all issues that have been Closed also count as Created, Activated, Resolved and
Responded To.
Events in the Issue Lifecycle for reporting always occur in the order in which they appear in the user interface
(Creation, Activation, Responded To, Resolution and Closure). An issue cannot have an event in its lifecycle happen
without all the preceding ones having happened as well.
An issue that is created in a Closed status will have the following events marked in the following order: Creation,
Activation, Resolution, Responded and Closure.
An issue that is created in an Active Status will have the following events marked in the following order: Creation and
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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When a status is put in the Resolved category in the Issue Lifecycle, a transition to this status not only will cause the
Resolution Event to happen, but will also cause the Creation, Activation, and Response Events to happen if these
events did not already occur.
View the Executive Dashboard
To view the Executive Dashboard, select Reports from the BMC FootPrints Service Core toolbar, then select
Executive Dashboard from the drop-down menu.
Make Executive Dashboard the Default Page
You can make the Executive Dashboard your default page when you log into BMC FootPrints Service Core. This
means that the Executive Dashboard is the first page you see when you log in. This is useful for people who want to
view the Executive Dashboard reports but have no need to learn anything else about navigating within BMC
FootPrints Service Core.
To make the Executive Dashboard your default homepage, you must edit the Personal Info tab of your Preferences.
Refer to
Customizing Your Preferences for details.
Remove a Report
To remove a report from the Executive Dashboard, click the trash can icon beside the report name. If a report is
removed and you wish to restore it, you must click the Change Dashboard link at the top of the reports view and then
click the Add Now button for the report. Any customizations you made for the report will be gone so you will have to
customize it all over again.
Common to All Executive Dashboard Reports
Some factors are common to all types of Executive Dashboard report.
Three categories of report are available for all Executive Dashboard reports:
CreatedThe Created report contains only issues that were created during the specified period. This means
that issues that are active during the specified period but which were not created during that period are not
included in the report.
ActivatedThe Activated report contains only issues that were Activated during the specified period. For
example, if an Issue is resolved this time period but it was activated on a previous time period, then the issue
is not part of the Resolved count. Issue creation is not pertinent to this report and the Created data are not
included in this report. For example, if an Issue is resolved this time period but it was activated on a previous
time period, then the issue is not part of the Resolved count.
All ActivityAll issues, regardless of whether they were Created or Activated during the specified period,
are included in this report. For example, if an issue is resolved this time period but was activated or created in
a previous time period, this issue is part of the Resolved count.
Change the Dashboard and Other Controls
Change or Show Dashboard
The Change Dashboard link at the top of the Executive Dashboard page enables you to enter a name for the tab on
which you clicked the link (the link appears on all Executive Dashboard tabs) and to add reports to the tab. When the
Change Dashboard link is selected, it changes to a Show Dashboard link. When Show Dashboard is clicked, the
Executive Dashboard reports view is displayed and the link is relabeled again as Change Dashboard.
Add Dashboard Tabs
Dashboard tabs allow you to put different reports on different tabs. You may want all the repots on one tab, different
types of reports (such as Watchlist and Statistics reports) on different tabs, or the same reports using different criteria
(such as a Watchlist Created report for this month and another Watchlist Created report containing data for this year)
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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on different tabs. Tabs can be added by clicking the tab labeled Add a New Tab. Tabs names are defined and reports
for a given tab are selected by clicking the tab, then clicking the Change Dashboard link on that tab.
Add Reports to Tabs
The Add Now buttons allow you to add reports to the current tab. To view the Add Now buttons, click the Change
Dashboard link, then scroll down to the report type you want to add and click the Add Now button. Once the report
has been added, you can customize it by clicking the Show Dashboard link and then clicking the Edit icon next to the
report heading.
Personal Flashboard
To access the Personal Flashboard, select Reports | Personal Flashboard from the BMC FootPrints Service Core
Toolbar. The first time the Personal Flashboard window opens, it displays a bar chart of Issues Received vs. Closed
last 12 hours and basic statistics about the total number of calls received that day and the calls that are still active as
pertain to that Agent. You can optionally choose other statistics and charts.
There are several options from the main Flashboard window:
CustomizeYou can include additional reports and statistics in the Personal Flashboard window and
change the format of some of the graphs from bar charts to pie charts. Refer to
Customizing the Flashboard for
detailed information.
RefreshAlthough the Personal Flashboard window refreshes every five minutes, you can refresh the
window at any time by selecting this option.
PrintThe contents of the Personal Flashboard window are printed.
CloseClose the Personal Flashboard.
Customizing the Flashboard
The Personal Flashboard can be customized to include specific charts or metrics. To customize the Personal
Flashboard, click Customize in the Personal Flashboard window. new window opens with a list of metrics that can be
included or excluded by selecting the corresponding checkboxes. The Received vs. Closed charts are displayed as
bar charts; the Active Issue charts allow you to choose between bar or pie chart format. In addition, you can display
charts for up to four custom Workspace fields that have been defined as drop-down display fields.
Defining Statistical Flashboard Information
Statistical Flashboard information is displayed in scoreboards. The following statistics can be displayed in the
Received Today Statistics for Me and My TeamsCheck the box in the Show column next to the statistics
you want to include from the following list:
Total IssuesTotal number of Issues received today. Checked by default.
Active IssuesOf the Issues received today, the number that are still active. Checked by default.
1st Call ResolutionOf the Issues created by the Agent or the Agent's Team today (i.e. received via
phone), the percentage that were resolved on first contact (i.e. created in the "Closed" status).
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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This statistic does not include Issues submitted by customers via web or email, as by definition those Issues cannot
be created as closed.
Average Time to CloseOf the Issues that were received and closed by the Agent or the Agent's Team
today, the average elapsed time it took for them to close.
Average Time Spent TodayOf the Issues received by the Agent or the Agent's Team today, the
average time spent on them by Agents (using the Time Tracking feature).
Defining Graphical Flashboard Information
Received vs. Closed graphical information is displayed as bar charts. To include the charts in the Flashboard, select
from one or more of the following by clicking the box in the Show column:
Received vs. Closed last 12 hoursA bar chart of Issues received vs. Issues closed over the last 12 hours
broken down by hour.
Received vs. Closed last 24 hoursA bar chart of Issues received vs. Issues closed over the last 24 hours
broken down by hour.
Received vs. Closed this weekA bar chart of Issues received vs. Issues closed over the last week broken
down by day.
Received vs. Closed last weekA bar chart of Issues received vs. Issues closed during the previous week
broken down by day.
Received vs. Closed this month by weekA bar chart of Issues received vs. Issues closed over the last
week broken down by week.
Received vs. Closed last month by weekA bar chart of Issues received vs. Issues closed during the
previous month broken down by week.
Active Issue information can be displayed as either bar or pie charts by selecting either pie or bar from the drop-down
selection box in the Style column. Select one or more of the following to display in the Flashboard by clicking the box
in the Show column:
Active Issues by Custom FieldA bar or pie chart that shows number of active Issues broken down by any
drop-down field (Problem Type, Department, etc.) Up to four fields can be selected.
Active Issues by StatusA bar or pie chart that shows number of active Issues in the Workspace broken
down by status.
Save Current Window SizeIf checked, the current size of the Flashboard window is saved for the future.
When you have finished customizing your Flashboard, you can save the changes just for this Flashboard display or as
your default settings:
ApplyApply these settings for this time only.
SaveSave these settings as your default.
Cross Workspace Reporting
Each BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace is contained in a separate sub-database. Each Workspace has its
own fields, users, and other options. You may be a member of one Workspace or you could have membership in
several Workspaces. If you are a member of two or more Workspaces, and your Role allows it, it is possible to create
a report that includes data from multiple Workspaces.
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Create a Cross Workspace Report
1. Select Report | Cross Workspace from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
2. Included WorkspacesHighlight the Workspaces to be included in the report. Hold down the CTRL key to
select multiple Workspaces. Click GO.
3. Refer to the section on Custom Reports (elsewhere in this document) for details on completing the remaining
4. When you are finished customizing the report, click GO .
5. The results of the report are displayed in a new browser window, specifying the Workspace for each Issue.
Reports can be restricted based on a user's Role. Cross-Workspace reports may not be available if your role does not
allow access. Please consult your BMC FootPrints Service Core administrator for more information.
Cross-workspace reports do not work for a person who is an Agent in one Workspace and a customer in another. If
an Agent creates a Cross-workspace report, the results do not contain Issues from the Workspace in which the Agent
is a customer.
Time Tracking Reports
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Flashboard feature displays customizable, up-to-the-minute graphical reports of
Service Desk and Workspace activity. There are two types of Flashboard. The Workspace Flashboard is only
available to Workspace and System Administrators and reflects activity for the current Workspace. The Personal
Flashboard is available to any Agent and reflects the individual's activity and the activity of Teams to which the Agent
belongs for the current Workspace. You can track the time spent by internal users working on Issues. Only data from
Issues that contain Time Tracking data are included in the report. Reports can be used to assess how your team’s
resources are being allocated, to justify staff changes, and to produce time tracking and billing information for charge-
backs and customer billing.
To generate meaningful Time Tracking reports, you must configure the following options:
Time Tracking FieldConfigure the Time Tracking feature to automatically track the time Agents spend
working on Issues or to require them to enter time spent manually in the field. Refer to Time Tracking under
Administration | Workspace | General | Workspace Options in the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
Billing RatesAssign billing rates to Agents. Refer to Billing Rates under Workspace Administration | Users
and Roles in the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
Other topics in this section:
Create a Time Tracking Report
Sample Time Tracking Report
Saved Time Tracking Reports
Create a Time Tracking Report
1. Select Reports | Time Tracking from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
2. Complete the tabs as described earlier in this document under Custom Reports. Some items, however, are
specific to the Time Tracking Report, as follows:
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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a. FormattingTime Tracking reports contain built-in data, including Issue Number, Title, Time Spent, Billing Amount, etc. Additional
fields can also be included. These fields are displayed one to a line in the order selected. The History field is a special field that
includes the Issue history in the report. The Email History field is a special field that includes the email history in the report. This
provides an audit trail in reporting. Because this type of report searches every record included in the report for every email notification,
using this field can cause a slowdown in the reporting. This provides an audit trail in reporting. Also select the format for text file output.
This only applies to Text File style. Choices are comma-delimited file (.csv), tab delimited (.tsv), or your custom delimited (.txt).
b. Time Tracking Tab
UsersSelect users and teams whose Time Tracking data goes into the report. Hold down the CTRL key
to highlight multiple users or teams. Select the Flat radio button to display a flat list of the names of
Agents. Select the Group By Team radio button to list the teams. Click the plus sign to expand a team list
and display individual team member names.
Time TrackedRestrict report to a certain date range. If this is left blank, all time-tracking data for the
current Workspace is included.
3. On the Save/Run tab, enter a name for the report to save it. Each time a saved report template is run, it returns
the latest matching data. Click GO to run the report.
Saving the report here only saves the report formatting options and criteria chosen in this form, not the results of the
report. This feature can be used to run the same report in the future. For example, you could set the report to be run
once a week. Each time the report is run, it returns the latest data from the current Workspace. Saving report output
is covered in Saving and Printing Report Data.
Reports can be restricted based on a user's Role. Time Tracking reports may not be available, or some options may
not appear, if your role does not allow access. Please consult your FootPrints administrator for more information.
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Time Tracking report returns totals and averages of all time tracking data included
in the report and individual time-tracking information for each Issue on which it reports. In addition to returning specific
data for billing purposes, the Time Tracking report can return averages and totals for a specific internal user,
customer, status or priority type, etc.
Average times on Time Tracking reports are in decimal hours, not hours and minutes. For example, an average of
"1.25" means 1 hour and 15 minutes.
In addition, if time tracking comments are enabled in this Workspace, they are automatically included in the Time
Tracking report.
Sample Time Tracking Report
This report returns year-to-date Time Tracking data for the year of 2012 for a specific company:
1. Enter title “Widget Support Team - Time Spent in 2012 YTD”.
2. Select “All Users” from user list.
3. Report on Issues after 1 1 2012.
4. Select all Statuses.
5. Click “GO”.
A report is returned that includes:
Workspace Name
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Total number of Issues reported
Total time spent by all team members in 2012 as of today’s date
Average time spent by Agents on these Issues
Total cost of work for department (based on hourly rate)
Average cost per Issue
A breakdown of each Issue
The time tracking report can be saved or printed right from the browser window. If the text file option is chosen, a
Windows “Save As” dialog box will appear.
Saved Time Tracking Reports
Time Tracking reports can be saved as templates. Each time a saved report template is run, it returns the latest
matching data. These reports can be run from the web interface or scheduled to be run and emailed automatically.
Refer to
Auto Run Reports for more information on how to run and email reports automatically.
Access a Saved Time Tracking Report
1. Select Reports | My Reports from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar. Saved Time Tracking Reports are
listed in a drop-down.
2. Select the report from the drop-down.
3. Click the Run radio button to run the report (this is the default), the Edit radio button to edit the report, or the
Delete radio button to delete the report.
4. Click the GO button.
5. If you selected Edit, change values as needed, then save and run the report. If you selected Run, the report is
run and displayed. If you selected Delete, the report is deleted. Deleting a Time Tracking report deletes the
report for all users.
Saving the report here only saves the report formatting options and criteria chosen in this form, not the results of the
report. This feature can be used to run the same report in the future. For example, you could set the report to be run
once a week. Each time the report is run, it returns the latest data from the current Workspace. Saving report output
is covered in Saving and Printing Report Data.
Change Manager Reports
Change Manager reports return data about Issues that match the Change Manager criteria. Only Issues that are part
of a Change Manager workflow are included in the Change Manager Reports. The report can include:
Any or all fields from the Issues
Voting history, including individual votes and final decisions for the Issue
The Change Manager criteria, i.e., the criteria used to place an Issue into the Change Manager process
Links to the Issues
Other data that you choose when configuring the report.
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The information returned by these reports can help you determine how well your Change Manager process is
performing, whether approvers are voting on Issues in a timely manner, which approvers are not responding in a
timely manner or at all, and so on.
Obviously, to generate meaningful Change Manager reports, you must have the BMC FootPrints Change Manager
add-on module installed and
Change Manager processes and phases configured.
Users should be aware that they cannot necessarily see Change Manager Issues that they have approved or that are
awaiting their approval unless they are also assigned to the Issue. This is because what is seen in a Change
Manager report is governed by one set of role permissions, but permission to run the reports may be governed by a
different role permission.
Creating a Change Manager Report
To create a Change Manager Report:
1. Select Reports | Change Manager from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
2. HeadingDefine what is included in the heading at the top of the report output. They do not apply to the Text
File style. Options include:
TitleThis is displayed at the top of the report.
DateThe date the report is run (updates each time the report template is re-run).
TimeThe time the report is run (updates each time the report template is re-run).
Workspace nameName of the Workspace.
Logo graphicLogo image displayed in the current Workspace.
3. FormattingChange Manager reports contain built-in data, including Issue Number, Title, etc. Additional fields
can also be included. These fields are displayed one to a line in the order selected. The History and Email
History fields are special fields that include the Issue or email history in the report. This provides an audit trail in
Fields DisplayedChange management reports can contain any field data from change management
Issues. These fields are displayed one to a line in the order selected.
Select fields to displayUse the radio buttons to select which field types to display: choose from BMC
FootPrints Service Core, Issue Information, or Contact Information fields. From each set of fields, select
the fields to be displayed in the report by clicking on the field name in the list on the left and then clicking
the Add Field button. The History field is a special field that includes the Issue history in the report. This
provides an audit trail in reporting.
Descriptions includedIf the Description field data is to be included, the report may become too large
due to the size of the Description data. You can use the radio button to determine whether all of the
Descriptions for each Issue are included, or only the original, newest, two most recent, or three most
recent Description entries are included in the report.
Description and multi-line field wrappingSelect whether the Description entries are not wrapped
(Don't Wrap) or set the length of the lines for wrapping.
Display complete voting history in reportCheck this box to display the complete voting history of
every Issue. This includes the names of the voters and which way they voted.
Display complete voting history in reportCheck this box to display the complete voting history of
every Issue. This includes the names of the voters and which way they voted.
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Sort Results byOrder the Issues returned by the specified field, descending (most recent or highest
first) or ascending (oldest or lowest first). By default, Issues returned are ordered by Issue number
4. Change Manager CriteriaSelect the criteria to be used to determine whether an Issue is included in the
Issue must have been in one of the below phasesHighlight the phases to be included in the
report. Only Issues that are or have been in the selected phases are included.
Issue must have been in one of the below phasesHighlight the phases to be included in the
report. Only Issues that are or have been in the selected phases are included.
Issue must have been in one of the below phasesHighlight the phases to be included in the
report. Only Issues that are or have been in the selected phases are included.
Issue must have been in one of the below phasesHighlight the phases to be included in the
report. Only Issues that are or have been in the selected phases are included.
5. Issue CriteriaSpecify the criteria for including Issues in the change management report. Only Issues
matching the characteristics specified here are included. Built-in fields and Issue-specific fields are included on
this page.
TitleEnter a word or phrase to for which to search. Boolean operators AND, OR, and NODATA are
supported. For more information, refer to
Boolean Operators.
DescriptionIf a word or phrase is entered (or multiple words using Boolean Operators), only Issues
containing that word/phrase in the Description are returned.
KeywordIf a word or phrase is entered, any Issues containing that word/phrase in any field are
returned, including Title, Description, Workspace fields, and Address Book fields, as long as the full text
search conforms to
full text keyword search behavior.
File AttachmentsSearch for file attachments by name (not by content). Available in all versions except
the BMC FootPrints Service Core database.
Assigned toHighlight one or more users to returns Issues assigned to the user(s) selected, holding
down the CTRL key to select multiple users. If you do not want to limit the search to any particular
assignees, do not highlight any users.
Advanced Controls are also available for this field.
Access to Issues is based on a user's Role. Assignment options may be restricted based on your role. Contact your
BMC FootPrints Service Core administrator for more information.
Submitted byIf a user is selected, the search returns only Issues created by that user.
PriorityReturns only Issues of the specified priority or priorities. Highlight the priorities to be included;
hold down the CTRL key to highlight multiple priorities. To return all priorities, no priorities need to be
selected (this has the same result as selecting all priorities).
StatusReturns only Issues of the specified status(es). By default, Open and any custom statuses are
highlighted in the status dialog. To select multiple statuses, hold down the CTRL key.
Issue InformationThe fields in this section differ depending on the fields in the current Workspace.
Search on as many fields as desired. Search methods vary with the field data types:
o Character fieldDisplays a text box. Enter the word or phrase to search on (or multiple words using
Boolean Operators).
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o Number fieldDisplays a text box. Enter the number or part of a number for which to search.
o Drop-down and Multi-select fieldDisplays a multi-select dialog box. Highlight one or more values to
search on. To search for Issues that contain no data for the field, select No data. If you do not want to
restrict the search based on choices in a field, do not highlight any values.
o Date fieldsSearch on a date or date range. For more information, refer to Date Field Search Options.
Date/time fields can only be searched by date, not time.
o Other field typesEmail, URL, and FTP fields display a text box. Enter the word or phrase to search
on (including partial addresses).
6. Contact CriteriaSearch by users' contact information. The fields in this section differ depending on the fields
in current Address Book. Search methods are the same as those for Issue Information fields (see above).
7. Advanced CriteriaVarious criteria for determining which Issues are searched and other criteria.
Issue Types to IncludeSpecify whether Advanced Issue types, including Subtasks and Global
Issues, are returned. Options include:
All Issue TypesAll Issue types are returned.
Regular IssuesRegular (non-Global or Master/Subtask) Issues are returned.
Include Master IssuesMaster Issues that contain subtasks are returned.
Include SubtasksSubtasks of Master Issues are returned.
Include Global IssuesGlobal Issues are returned.
Include GlobalLinksAll users' Issues linked to a Global Issue are returned.
DateIf dates are specified, the search returns only Issues from the time period specified. For more
information, refer to
Date Field Search Options.
AgeReturns Issues created in the time specified. Number of days and hours can be specified.
Modifiers are also provided, including “Greater Than”, “Less Than”, “Equal to”, “Greater than or Equal
to”, “Less than or Equal to”, and “Not Equal to”. As an example, to return Issues greater than 1 day
old, choose “Greater than” and fill in “1” for “Days”.
Age is always 24/7 and does not use the Workspace Work Schedule.
Include only Issue NumbersRestricts the report to a defined range of Issue numbers.
Advanced Date/Time ControlsThe following "Pending Clock" options apply to the "Time to Close"
and "Age" calculations (available for Reports only):
Don't include time outside of the Workspace Work ScheduleIf this is checked, the
calculations do not include after-hours time based on the work schedule for the workspace.
Don't include time Issues spent in the following StatusesSelect one more statuses
(Pending, Waiting for Customer, etc.) to exclude time spent for the "Time to Close" and "Age"
These time calculations are always based on the time zone in which the server resides.
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8. Save/Run ReportSave the report criteria as a queue. Note that this does not save the report results when you
run the report, but just the criteria used. The report criteria can then be re-used to run reports at various times or
to auto-run reports. Saved report queues appear in the Display Drop-down on the homepage. Click GO to run
the report.
Saved Change Manager Reports
Change Manager reports can be saved as templates. Each time a saved report template is run, it returns the latest
matching data. These reports can be run from the web interface or scheduled to be run and emailed automatically.
Refer to
Auto Run Reports for more information on how to run and email reports automatically.
Access a Saved Change Manager Report
1. Select Reports | My Reports from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar. Saved Change Manager Reports
are listed in a drop-down.
2. Select the report from the drop-down.
3. Click the Run radio button to run the report (this is the default), the Edit radio button to edit the report, or the
Delete radio button to delete the report.
4. Click the GO button.
5. If you selected Edit, change values as needed, then save and run the report. If you selected Run, the report is
run and displayed. If you selected Delete, the report is deleted. Deleting a Time Tracking report deletes the
report for all users.
Saving the report here only saves the report formatting options and criteria chosen in this form, not the results of the
report. This feature can be used to run the same report in the future. For example, you could set the report to be run
once a week. Each time the report is run, it returns the latest data from the current Workspace. Saving report output
is covered in Saving and Printing Report Data.
Report Templates
The Workspace Administrator can create single-issue report templates for printing out Purchase Orders, Work Orders,
Return Merchandise Authorization forms (RMA), etc. Refer to
Workspace Administration for more information.
Knowledge Base Reports
Knowledge Base reports provide data and statistics on Knowledge Base usage. These are built-in reports for which
you select criteria. Knowledge Base reports return data on internal and public solutions.
Statistics Reports
There are three types of Statistics report:
Activity ReportsActivity reports return customer and agent votes on the usefulness and accuracy of
Knowledge Base solutions. Results show responses to the question for whether the solution was useful.
Responses are Yes, Yes, but Inaccurate, and No.
OutcomeOutcome reports show the creators of solutions, how often the solutions were edited by them or
others, and the number of times the solutions were used by them or others. This gives you an idea of how
often solutions need to be updated or corrected once they have been created and how much they are being
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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TrendsTrend reports show the number of solutions created by agent and by team, the number of solutions
created by agent and by team, and the votes on accuracy of solutions by agent and by team.
Running a Statistics Report
To run a Statistics Report:
1. Select Reports | Knowledge Base from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
2. Select Statistics from the drop-down field, then click GO.
3. Select the type of output for the report.
HTMLThe results will be displayed in a browser window after they have been generated.
ExportResults will be displayed in a file that can be saved. If you select Export, the next step will
require that you specify the type of file into which the data is to be exported. Options are MS Excel (a
comma-separated file with a .csv extension), Tab delimited (a file with tabs separating the fields and a
.tsv extension), or Custom (you must select your own field separator and the file will be saved with a .txt
4. Click GO after you’ve made your selection (or selections, if you chose Export).
5. Select from the following options:
Select a ReportPick the type of report to return: Activity, Outcome, or Trends.
Activity ReportsActivity reports return customer and agent votes on the usefulness and accuracy of
Knowledge Base solutions. Results show responses to the question for whether the solution was useful.
Responses are Yes, Yes, but Inaccurate, and No.
OutcomeOutcome reports show the creators of solutions, how often the solutions were edited by them
or others, and the number of times the solutions were used by them or others. This gives you an idea of
how often solutions need to be updated or corrected once they have been created and how much they
are being used.
TrendsTrend reports show the number of solutions created by agent and by team, the number of
solutions created by agent and by team, and the votes on accuracy of solutions by agent and by team.
Include all SolutionsDefine the date range for searching.
ExactSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified. Enter the date or dates to search on.
Click to display a searchable calendar.
CreatedSolutions that were created on, before, after or between (depending on the drop-down
selection you make next) the specified date(s) are returned (leave second date blank for all but
Last editedSolutions that were last edited on, before, after or between (depending on the drop-down
selection you make next) the specified date(s) are returned (leave second date blank for all but
UsedSolutions that were used on, before, after or between (depending on the drop-down selection you
make next) the specified date(s) are returned (leave second date blank for all but “between”).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Solutions for the month that
date is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the
date is in.
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RelativeSearches by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report that for example, returns
Solutions for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31), and select the period from the
second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
RangeSelect this to search by a particular time period, e.g., yesterday, last Sunday, etc.
1. Click GO. The report is returned. If you elected to Export the file, you will be asked if you want to open or save
the file.
Lifecycle Reports
Lifecycle reports return the amount of time a solution spent in a particular part of its lifecycle following creations. Types
of lifecycle reports are:
Time Spent in a Particular StatusThe amount of time that the solution spent in a particular status. For
example, the status might be “Pending”, i.e., waiting for approval to be entered into the Knowledge Base.
Time to Go from Status A to Status BThe amount of time a solution spent going from one status to
another. For example, if your organization had several intermediate steps in the approval process but you
wanted to know how long it took for solutions to be placed in the Knowledge Base after they were submitted
to that process, this would tell you. Status A, for example, might be “Submitted for KB” and Status B might be
“Closed”, but statuses “Pending Approval” and “Verified by Test” might be intermediate steps between
“Submitted for KB” and “Closed”.
Time Spent in Each StatusTime Spent in a Particular Status returns the amount of time that solutions
spent in a specified status. Time Spent in Each Status returns the amount of time that solutions spent in each
of the statuses, so that all statuses are returned with data.
Running a Lifecyle Report
To run a Lifecycle Report:
1. Select Reports | Knowledge Base from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
2. Select Lifecycle from the drop-down field, then click GO.
3. Select the type of output for the report.
HTMLThe results will be displayed in a browser window after they have been generated.
ExportResults will be displayed in a file that can be saved. If you select Export, the next step will require
that you specify the type of file into which the data is to be exported. Options are MS Excel (a comma-
separated file with a .csv extension), Tab delimited (a file with tabs separating the fields and a .tsv extension),
or Custom (you must select your own field separator and the file will be saved with a .txt extension).
4. Select a report:
Time Spent in a Particular StatusThe amount of time that the solution spent in a particular status. For
example, the status might be “Pending”, i.e., waiting for approval to be entered into the Knowledge Base.
Time to Go from Status A to Status BThe amount of time a solution spent going from one status to
another. For example, if your organization had several intermediate steps in the approval process but you
wanted to know how long it took for solutions to be placed in the Knowledge Base after they were submitted
to that process, this would tell you. Status A, for example, might be “Submitted for KB” and Status B might be
“Closed”, but statuses “Pending Approval” and “Verified by Test” might be intermediary steps between
“Submitted for KB” and “Closed”.
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Time Spent in Each StatusTime Spent in a Particular Status returns the amount of time that solutions
spent in a specified status. Time Spent in Each Status returns the amount of time that solutions spent in each
of the statuses, so that all statuses are returned with data.
5. Report by:
Average for TeamAverages the report data by team.
Average for AgentAverages the report data by agent.
Average for Time PeriodAverages the report data by the time period you specify.
6. Click GO.
7. The next page requires different information depending on which type of report you chose:
Time Spent in a Particular Status
StatusThe status for which you want data.
Include Issues
ExactSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified. Enter the date or dates to
search on. Click to display a searchable calendar.
CreatedSolutions that were created on, before, after or between (depending
on the drop-down selection you make next) the specified date(s) are returned
(leave second date blank for all but “between”).
Last editedSolutions that were last edited on, before, after or between
(depending on the drop-down selection you make next) the specified date(s) are
returned (leave second date blank for all but “between”).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Solutions for the month that
date is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the
date is in.
RelativeSearches by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report that for example, returns
Solutions for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31), and select the period from
the second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
RangeSelect this to search by a particular time period, e.g., yesterday, last Sunday, etc.
Time to Go from Status A to Status B
Starting Status/Ending StatusThe starting status for which you want data. The data will be
returned for solutions based on the time it took to go from the starting status to the ending status.
Only Include Issues that Still Remain in the Ending StatusCheck this box if you only want
data for solutions that are still in the ending status. Leave this box unchecked if you want to
include all solutions that meet the criteria regardless of their current status.
Include Issues
ExactSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified. Enter the date or
dates to search on. Click to display a searchable calendar.
CreatedSolutions that were created on, before, after or between (depending on the
drop-down selection you make next) the specified date(s) are returned (leave
second date blank for all but “between”).
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Last editedSolutions that were last edited on, before, after or between (depending
on the drop-down selection you make next) the specified date(s) are returned (leave
second date blank for all but “between”).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Solutions for the month that
date is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the
date is in.
RelativeSearches by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report that for example, returns
Solutions for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31), and select the period from
the second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
RangeSelect this to search by a particular time period, e.g., yesterday, last Sunday, etc.
Time Spent in Each StatusData is returned for all solutions for all statuses.
Include Issues
ExactSpecify exact dates to search on in the period specified. Enter the date or
dates to search on. Click to display a searchable calendar.
CreatedSolutions that were created on, before, after or between (depending on the
drop-down selection you make next) the specified date(s) are returned (leave
second date blank for all but “between”).
Last editedSolutions that were last edited on, before, after or between (depending
on the drop-down selection you make next) the specified date(s) are returned (leave
second date blank for all but “between”).
When "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by month, the report contains Solutions for the month that
date is in. If "on" a single date is chosen, and you are reporting by week, the report contains Issues for the week the
date is in.
RelativeSearches by relative date, allowing you to create a search or report that for example, returns
Solutions for the last month. Select a number from the first drop-down (1-31), and select the period from
the second drop-down (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
RangeSelect this to search by a particular time period, e.g., yesterday, last Sunday, etc.
Auto Run Reports
Saved reports can be scheduled to run automatically and to be sent automatically via email on specified days/times.
Refer to the
Auto Run Reports topic under the Workspace Administration heading for more information.
Address Book
The Address Book is used for maintaining employee and/or external customer contact and other information. This
information should be relatively permanent for your end users. For example, data kept in the Address Book may
include Department, Name, User ID, Email address, Phone number, Service Level, etc. This feature allows Agents to
quickly view the latest user contact data and look up the data right from the Issue form, saving time and keystrokes.
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Topics in this chapter:
Address Book Home Page
Create a New Contact
Working with Contacts
Create a New Issue from the Address Book
Address Book Searches and Reports
Address Book Administration
Address Book Homepage
To view the Address Book, select Address Book from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar | More menu. The
Address Book is displayed in a second browser window.
Address Book Toolbar
The Address Book (AB) has its own toolbar with the following buttons:
HomeDisplays the Address Book Homepage.
Create ContactCreate a new contact.
ReportsReport on contact data.
AdministrationConfigure the Address Book (administrators only).
You may see additional toolbar buttons if, for example, your BMC FootPrints Service Core administrator has
configured BMC FootPrints Service Core to use the Master Contact Record feature. In that instance, you might see
buttons for Company Home and Company Search. The list above is for the basic buttons on the toolbar.
Above the Address Book Toolbar
Several functions are located above the Address Book toolbar:
Address Book Quick SearchTo use Quick Search, enter the search string in the Quick Search field,
select the field to search from the drop-down (using the drop-down arrow), and the click the SEARCH button.
A list of all Issues that match your search criteria are displayed.
Link to Advanced SearchThe Advanced Search feature allows you to search the Address Book database
on any combination of fields and advanced criteria. BMC FootPrints Service Core automatically generates the
Advanced Search form for each Address Book, with all of the custom and built-in fields for that Address Book
included. For example, if a new field is added by the Address Book Administrator, the field is included
automatically on the Advanced Search form. In the same way, if a field is deleted from the Address Book, it is
removed from the Advanced Search page. To perform an Advanced Search, click Advanced below the Quick
Search dialog. This form contains a combination of text fields, drop-down boxes, multi-select dialogs, and
radio buttons which allow you to search on any combination of criteria. Each field acts as a filter. Only fill in or
choose the criteria you want to search on. Any field that you do not want to perform a search on should
remain untouched. Some Boolean operators can be used within in text fields.
CloseClose the Address Book browser.
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HelpOpen the complete online help.
Below the Address Book Toolbar
Immediately below the Address Book toolbar is an alphabetical index. Click on a letter to display all contacts whose
search field (by default, this is Last Name) begins with that letter.
The Address Book contacts are listed below the toolbar.
The contacts are sorted alphabetically on the first field. By default, this is Last Name, but any field can be set
as the first field, such as Company, Department, User ID, etc.
Clicking the hypertext link for a letter (A, B, C, etc.) brings you to the contacts for that letter.
If the Address Book is either LDAP or Dynamic SQL-based, the Address Book Homepage contains a search
Create a New Address Book Contact
1. Click Create Contact on the Address Book Toolbar.
2. Fill in the fields (these can differ depending on how your administrator has customized BMC FootPrints Service
3. Click SAVE to submit the new contact information.
The new contact is included, in alphabetical order, in the Address Book. Contacts can also be created from the
Issue screen.
When a new Address Book contact is created, the system checks for duplicate contacts by comparing the first two
fields and/or the primary key. If a duplicate is found, the user is given the option to create the new contact or to go
back and fix the data.
Working with Address Book Contacts
Selecting a contact in the Address Book (by clicking the hypertext link) displays the details of that contact. You also
get a new set of buttons for that contact.
Contact Options
Edit ContactEdit the Address Book contact (if you have permission).
Copy ContactCreate a copy of the contact.
DeleteDelete contact from Address Book (if you have permission).
Create IssueCreate a new Issue from an existing Address Book contact, with all of the contact’s
information pre-filled.
HistoryLists all Issues for that contact.
ReportReports all Issues (with details) for that contact in a separate browser window.
Organizational Unit
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If contacts are grouped by an Organizational Unit, such as Department or Company, two fields have hypertext links. If
the Organizational Unit field is selected for a contact, the Master Contact record is displayed. Options include:
HistoryLists all Issues for that contact.
ReportReports all Issues (with details) for that contact in a separate browser window.
List ContactsList all contacts for the Organization.
The name of the contact records and Issue records can be changed by the BMC FootPrints Service Core
administrator. For clarity, this manual always refers to BMC FootPrints Service Core contact records as “contacts",
and to Issue records as "Issues".
Create a New Issue from the Address Book
You can create an Issue directly from the Address Book, with the contact’s information pre-filled, in addition to creating
one from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
To create a new Issue from the Address Book:
1. Use the A-Z hypertext letters at the top of the Address Book screen to search for the contact’s Last Name or
other first field. You can also use the Quick or Advanced Search options to search on other fields.
2. Once you have found the contact, click the hypertext link for that contact display the details.
3. Click New Issue on the BMC FootPrints Service Core toolbar.
4. The New Issue page is displayed in the main BMC FootPrints Service Core window and the contact’s information
is pre-filled in the Contact Information. The Address Book window remains active, but in the background.
5. Fill out the rest of the Issue as described in
Create Test Issue and click Save. The new Issue is registered and
given a number.
Address Book Searches and Reports
Address Book Search and Report Options
The search options for the Address Book are:
A-Z linksClick a link to list the contacts for that letter or number. The field it refers to is the first field in the
Address Book. By default, this is Last Name, but it could be any field, such as Company, Department, etc.
Quick SearchThe quick search option appears in the top frame of the Address Book. Search for a name
in the first or second Address Book field. This search is always anchored to the beginning of the field. For
example, if the string smi is entered and Last Name is selected to search on, Smith and Smithe might be
returned, but Goldsmith is not returned.
Advanced SearchAvailable by clicking the Advanced link below the Quick Search. Search on any
combination of Address Book fields.
ReportsReports can be generated on contact information from the Address Book.
Saved Searches and ReportsCreate saved searches and report templates of contacts.
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Address Book Contact Search
The Advanced Search is available by selecting the Advanced link below the Quick Search field. A search can be
done on any combination of Address Book fields.
After selecting Advanced, you can run, edit, or delete personal or shared searches. These options work the same as
with Issue searches. In the same way, you complete search criteria to create a new search.
The following options are available in the Address Book Advanced Search form:
1. Contact InformationThe fields in this section differ depending on the fields in the current Address Book.
Search on as many fields as desired. Search methods vary with the field data types:
Character fieldDisplays a text box. Enter the word or phrase for which to search.
Number fieldDisplays a text box. Enter the number or part of a number for which to search.
Drop-down and Multi-select fieldDisplays a multi-select dialog box. Highlight one or more values for
which to search. To search for Issues that contain no data for the field, select No data. If you do not want to
restrict the search based on choices in a field, do not highlight any values.
Date fieldsSearch on a date or date range. Date Field Search Options.
Date/time fields can only be searched by date, not time.
Other field typesEmail, URL, and FTP fields display a text box. Enter the word or phrase for which to
search (including partial addresses).
2. Order search results bySelect a field to use in ordering the output. All output is displayed in alphanumeric
order (numbers first, then alphabet characters). For example, if you select “Last Name”, the output is displayed in
alphabetical order according to the Last Name field.
3. And/OrIf And is chosen, contacts must match all criteria chosen above (this is the default). If Or is chosen,
only one criterion must be met.
4. AnchoringBy default, searches in the Address Book are anchored on the first letter for each field. If you
would rather not anchor searches (such as when looking for a value that might appear in the middle of an
address book field), you may do so by selecting Non-anchored.
5. Data encodingSelect the type of data encoding to use in displaying the output. Options are:
Server defaultThe default encoding that is in use for the BMC FootPrints Service Core server. Leave this
as the selection if you are unsure about which choice to make.
UTF-8UTF-8 is very universal and handles pretty much all scripts. If you have any problems with garbled
characters in the output and are not exporting the output to an application such as Microsoft Excel, then use
UTF-8. Otherwise, if there are no problems with the output, leave this field at the “server default” option.
UTF 8 with Signature (MS Excel Compatible)UTF-8 with Signature (MS Excel Compatible) prints a UTF-
8 Signature at the beginning of the file, which allows certain applications, such as Microsoft Excel, to identify
the text as UTF-8. Without this signature, those applications interpret the data with the server's local encoding
and some characters may be garbled.
6. Run SearchClick GO to run the search.
7. To save the search as a template, enter a name. Select Personal to save the search for yourself. Select
Shared/Internal to share your search with other internal BMC FootPrints Service Core users. Each time a saved
search is run, it returns the latest matching data.
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8. The search results are displayed in the Address Book Homepage.
Address Book Reports
Reports can be generated on contact information from the Address Book. The results are not related to Issue
information, but strictly on contact information from the Address Book. To access Address Book reporting functions,
click the Reports button on the Address Book toolbar.
The names of many of the fields in BMC FootPrints Service Core can be changed by the administrator, including the
name of the records in the Address Book. For clarity, this manual always refers to Address Book records as
Shared and Personal Reports
For details on how to run, edit, or delete a saved Address Book report, refer to
Saved and Shared Reports. That topic
refers to running a report on issues, but the principles are the same for Address Book reports.
Create an Address Book Report
1. To create a contact report, select Report from the Address Book toolbar.
2. Specify the Format of the ReportOptions include:
TitleThis is displayed at the top of the report.
DateThe date the report is run (updates each time the report template is re-run).
TimeThe time the report is run (updates each time the report template is re-run).
Address Book nameThe name of the Address Book.
Logo graphicThe logo image displayed in the current Address Book.
3. Sort OrderSelect a field to use in ordering the output. All output is displayed in alphanumeric order (numbers
first, then alphabet characters). For example, if you select “Last Name”, the output is displayed in alphabetical
order according to the Last Name field.
4. Select Report CriteriaSelect the criteria for the report. Only fill in or choose the criteria for which to search.
The Address Book Reporting criteria section uses the same mechanism as the Advanced Search. Refer to
section above on
Advanced Search for detailed explanation of criteria.
5. And/OrIf And is chosen, contacts must match all criteria chosen above (this is the default). If Or is chosen,
only one criterion must be met.
6. AnchoringBy default, searches in the Address Book are anchored on the first letter for each field. If you
would rather not anchor searches (such as when looking for a value that might appear in the middle of an
address book field), you may do so by selecting Non-anchored.
7. Data encodingSelect the type of data encoding to use in displaying the output. Options are:
Server defaultThe default encoding that is in use for the BMC FootPrints Service Core server. Leave this
as the selection if you are unsure about which choice to make.
UTF-8UTF-8 is very universal and handles pretty much all scripts. If you have any problems with garbled
characters in the output and are not exporting the output to an application such as Microsoft Excel, then use
UTF-8. Otherwise, if there are no problems with the output, leave this field at the “server default” option.
UTF 8 with Signature (MS Excel Compatible)UTF-8 with Signature (MS Excel Compatible) prints a UTF-
8 Signature at the beginning of the file, which allows certain applications, such as Microsoft Excel, to identify
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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the text as UTF-8. Without this signature, those applications interpret the data with the server's local encoding
and some characters may be garbled.
8. Create ReportClick GO to run the report.
9. To save the report as a template, enter a name. Select Personal to save the report for yourself. Select
Shared/Internal to share your report template with other internal BMC FootPrints Service Core users. Each time
a saved report template is run, it returns the latest matching data.
Saving the report here only saves the report formatting options and criteria chosen in this form, not the results of the
report. This feature can be used to run the same report in the future. For example, you could set the report to be run
once a week. Each time the report is run, it returns the latest data from the current Workspace. Saving report output
is covered in Saving and Printing Report Data.
After clicking GO, the report is displayed in a separate browser window. Large reports sometimes take a few minutes
to run. The report can be saved or printed from the browser window.
Master Contact Records
Master Contact Record Actions
If the Master Contact Record feature is configured, if you move your mouse over the Home button on the Address
Book toolbar, a menu is displayed for the Master Contact Record Home. Note that the name used for this is not
“Master Contact Record Home”, but the name of the field used for Master Contact Records. If the field used is
“Company”, the menu selection will say “Company Home”. If you select the Master Contact Record Home, records are
displayed in alphanumeric order based on the field used for the Master Contact Record. For example, if the records
are organized according to a field called Company Name, the first column listing contact records will be based on that
The Master Contact Record feature enables the user to take the following actions on the Address Book homepage:
Create a Master Contact Record
Search for Master Contact Records
View details of Master Contact Records
From the Details page of a Master Contact Record, a user can:
Edit the record
Copy the record
Delete the record
Create a new issue
Generate a report on the history
List associated contacts
In addition, the label "Master Contact Record" can be changed as a system preference or as a Workspace preference.
The term "Contact" is used as a default and may be changed prior to configuring the Master Contact Record feature.
If that is the case and the term was changed previously to something like "Customer", this would be displayed as
"Master Customer Record".
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The Master Contact Record is only available for BMC FootPrints Service Core Address Book users.
Creating a Master Contact Record
Creating a Master Contact Record is simpler than creating a new contact.
To create a Master Contact Record:
1. Select Address Book from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar. The Address Book Homepage is
2. Select Create Master Contact Record from the Create Contact menu. The Create New Master Contact Record
page is displayed. Note that the name used for this is not “Create Master Contact Record”, but the name of the
field used for Master Contact Records. If the field used is “Company”, the menu selection will say “Create
3. Enter the data in the appropriate fields. For example, if you are using a field named "Company" for lookup, enter
the name of the company in the Company field.
4. To update all records that have a matching Master Contact Key, check the Update Contacts checkbox. This
updates all of the records that have the same value in the Master Contact Key with the same data in the contact
5. Enter your password and click the GO button. The Master Contact Record has been created.
Searching for Master Contact Records
To search for Master Contact Records, from either the Address Book home or Master Contact Record home, you can
use the Quick Search field and select the Master Contact Record field from the drop-down, then search for records
that have the specified string in the Master Contact Record field. For example, if the Master Contact Record field is
"Company" and you are looking for all records for the International Widget Company, you could enter the string
"Internat" in the Quick Search field, select "Company" from the drop-down, and then start the search. Because Quick
Searches are anchored searches, the string you enter must start with the first letters that would appear in the Master
Contact Record field. In the above example, searching for "Widget" would not work.
To perform non-anchored or more complex searches, you must use the Advanced search feature.
To search for a Master Contact Record:
1. Click the Advanced link below the Quick Search field on either the Address Book home or Master Contact
Record home.
2. Enter the search data and select from the options to search for the Master Contact Record or Records.
For a Master Contact Record search, be sure to enter data in the Master Contact Record field. The records you
find will be further filtered by any other fields in which you enter data. For example, if your Master Contact
Record field is "Company", you must enter characters in the Company field. To find all the records for that one
entity, only use the Master Contact Record field and do not enter data in any other fields.
Other options on this page are:
Order search results bySelect the order in which matching records are displayed by choosing a field from
the drop-down list. The drop-down contains all of the Master Contact Record fields. Records will be
displayed in alphabetical order based on the field you select here. For example, if you have two Master
Contact Record fields named Company and Service Level and you choose to order the search results
according to the Service Level, then "Bronze" is displayed in the results before "Gold".
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And/OrDisplay only those records that match all fields by selecting And or display records that match any
fields by selecting Or.
Anchored/Non-anchoredWhen you select the Anchored option, BMC FootPrints Service Core searches
for matching records starting with the first letter of the Master Contact Record fields. If you select Non-
anchored, BMC FootPrints Service Core searches for any records that match the field data you provided
regardless of where that string appears in the field. For example, if you perform a non-anchored search with
"idge" entered in the Company field, BMC FootPrints Service Core would display Master Contact Records for
companies with names like "Widget" and "North Ridge".
Data EncodingSelect server default, UTF-8, or UTF-8 with Signature from the drop-down list.
Server defaultThe default encoding that is in use for the BMC FootPrints Service Core server.
Leave this as the selection if you are unsure about which choice to make.
UTF-8UTF-8 is very universal and handles pretty much all scripts. If you have any problems with
garbled characters in the output and are not exporting the output to an application such as Microsoft
Excel, then use UTF-8. Otherwise, if there are no problems with the output, leave this field at the
“server default” option.
UTF 8 with Signature (MS Excel Compatible)UTF-8 with Signature (MS Excel Compatible) prints
a UTF-8 Signature at the beginning of the file, which allows certain applications, such as Microsoft
Excel, to identify the text as UTF-8. Without this signature, those applications interpret the data with
the server's local encoding and some characters may be garbled.
3. After you have entered your criteria, click GO. BMC FootPrints Service Core displays all of the Master Contact
Records that match your criteria.
Master Contact Record Details Page
Viewing Details of Master Contact Records
You can edit, copy, or delete a Master Contact Record from the Master Contact Record Details page. You can also
create a new issue, view the Issue history. generate a history report, and list associated contacts from this page.
To view the Details page of the Master Contact Records, click on the first column of one of the records in the list. The
Master Contact Record Detail View page is displayed.
Editing the Master Contact Record from the Details Page
You can edit a Master Contact Record from the Master Contact Record Details page.
To edit a Master Contact Record:
1. Display the record on either the Address Book or Master Contact Record home page.
2. Click on the first column of the record you want to edit. The Master Contact Record Detail View page is
3. Select the Edit link from the options above the detail view of the record. The Edit page is displayed.
4. Edit the fields as appropriate.
5. To update all records that have a matching Master Contact Key, check the Update Contacts checkbox. This
updates all of the records that have the same value in the Master Contact Key with the same data in the contact
6. Click the GO button at the bottom of the page to save the changes.
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Copying the Master Contact Record from the Details Page
You can copy a Master Contact Record from the Master Contact Record Details page.
To copy a Master Contact Record:
1. Display the record on either the Address Book or Master Contact Record home page.
2. Click on the first column of the record you want to copy. The Master Contact Record Detail View page is
3. Select the Copy link from the options above the detail view of the record. The Copy page is displayed
4. Enter a new company name and edit other fields as needed.
5. To update all records that have a matching Master Contact Key, check the Update Contacts checkbox. This
updates all of the records that have the same value in the Master Contact Key with the same data in the contact
6. Click the GO button at the bottom of the page to create the new record with copied data. The record that you
copied from is unchanged.
Deleting a Master Contact Record from the Details Page
You can delete a Master Contact Record from the Master Contact Record Details page.
To delete a Master Contact Record:
1. Display the record on either the Address Book or Master Contact Record home page.
2. Click on the first column of the record you want to delete. The Master Contact Record Detail View page is
3. Click the Delete link from the options above the detail view of the record. A confirmation pop-up is displayed.
4. If you choose to delete the record, click OK on the pop-up. Otherwise, click Cancel. If you click on OK, a
password page is displayed. An administrator password is required to delete a Master Company Contact
5. Enter your administrator password and click GO to complete deletion of this record.
Creating a New Issue from the Master Contact Record Details Page
You can create a new issue from the Master Contact Record Details page.
To create a new issue from the Master Contact Record Details page:
1. Select Address Book from the BMC FootPrints Service Core toolbar, select Master Contact Record Home from
the Home button, and then click the first column of the record for which you want to create an issue. The Master
Contact Record details page is displayed.
2. Select the Create Issue link from the toolbar above the detail view of the record. The BMC FootPrints Service
Core New Issue page is displayed, with the contact information populated with data from the Master Contact
3. Complete the rest of the information for the new Issue as normal. When the Master Contact Record feature is
enabled, it places a new button in the Contact Information section of the New Issue page.
Generating a History Report from the Master Contact Record Details Page
You can generate a History Report from the Master Contact Record Details page.
To generate a History Report from the Master Contact Record Details page:
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1. View the Details of the Master Contact Record (refer to Viewing Details of Master Contact Records).
2. Select the Report link from the toolbar above the detail view of the record. The BMC FootPrints Service Core
Select Report Format page is displayed.
3. Select the type of report you wish to view from the drop-down, then click GO. The report is generated and
Calendar and Scheduling
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar is a web-based calendaring system fully integrated with BMC FootPrints
Service Core issue tracking and customer problem management. Agents and administrators can track personal and
Workspace-wide appointments, schedule meetings, jobs, and more. Calendar appointments can be linked to BMC
FootPrints Service Core issues. Recurring appointments can be created that automatically create new Issues when
the next recurrence occurs. Appointments can be synchronized with an external calendar via email and appointments
made in the external calendar can also be synchronized in the BMC FootPrints Service Core calendar. Work
schedules can be defined for the Workspace and for individual Agents, including regular work hours, holidays,
vacations, and sick leave, reducing conflicts when scheduling work.
There are three options for the BMC FootPrints Service Core calendar system:
WorkspaceThe Workspace Calendar can be used to track appointments for all Agents and Teams for a
BMC FootPrints Service Core Workspace. Each Workspace has its own calendar.
PersonalEach Agent/administrator in BMC FootPrints Service Core has a personal Calendar. This is a
place to add both personal appointments and work-related appointments. The personal Calendar remains
constant throughout all Workspaces for a user.
AvailabilityEach Agent/administrator can have an availability schedule defined for them, minimizing
conflicts when work appointments are scheduled. Availability can be linked to date/time fields in an issue.
Two-way synchronization of appointments requires the BMC FootPrints Mobile add-on module. Refer to BMC
FootPrints Mobile for details on how to administer this feature.
The following topics cover the different aspects of the Calendar:
Calendar Basics
Viewing Appointments
Creating Appointments
Editing Appointments
Syncing Appointments
Linking Appointments to Issues
Creating Recurring Issues from the Calendar
Calendar Preferences
The following topics cover the different aspects of Availability Scheduling:
About Scheduling and Availability
Creating Schedules
Viewing Schedules
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Checking Availability from the Calendar
Checking Availability for an Issue
Calendar Basics
There are two types of Calendar in BMC FootPrints Mobile:
WorkspaceThe Workspace Calendar can be used to track appointments for all Agents and Teams for a
BMC FootPrints Mobile Workspace. Each Workspace has its own Calendar.
PersonalEach Agent/administrator in BMC FootPrints Mobile has a personal Calendar. This is a place to
add both personal appointments and work-related appointments. The personal Calendar remains constant
throughout all Workspaces for a user.
To view a Calendar, select Calendar from the BMC FootPrints Mobile Toolbar's More menu. Select Personal to view
your own Calendar, or select Workspace to see the Calendar for the current Workspace.
The Calendar consists of the following parts:
Main Frame
Day ViewA representation of the current day, with each hour represented. All of the day's
appointments are listed in this area by hour. To see the details of an appointment, click the Title. To edit
an appointment, click the Edit icon on the detailed view. The Edit icon is only visible if you have editing
permission for the Calendar. To delete an appointment, click the Delete icon. To view a different day:
o Use the Next and Previous arrows at the top of the screen to advance or go back one day at a time,
o Select a day from the current month on the left side of the screen. Use the small arrows to change
o Use the "Go to Date" option to enter a specific date. That is, enter a date in the fields at the bottom left
of the main Calendar frame and then click the GO button.
RefreshRefresh the current view.
PrintPrint the current view.
CloseClose the Calendar.
HelpOpen context-sensitive help.
Left Frame
Current MonthA small representation of the current month is displayed on the left side of the screen.
Navigation options include:
o Select a day to show the Day View for that day.
o Select a Week (W1, W2, etc.) to switch to Week View for that week.
o Use the small Next and Previous arrows to switch months.
Create AppointmentSelect this to create an appointment for the current day (refer to
Appointments for complete instructions).
Go To DateEnter a specific date and click the GO button to bring up that date in the Day View.
Other ViewsThe Calendar can be viewed in multiple formats:
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Year ViewA representation of the current year. No appointments are displayed. Use the Next and
Previous arrows to change the year. Select a day, week, or month to display that view.
Month ViewDisplays the current month. Appointments are listed for each day. Use the Next and
Previous arrows to change the month displayed. Select a day to go to its Day View. Select an
appointment to view the details for that appointment in a pop-up window.
Week ViewRepresentation of a week. Appointments are listed for each day. Use the Next and
Previous arrows to change the week displayed. Select a day to go to its Day View. Select an
appointment to view the details for that appointment in a pop-up window.
Day ViewThe default view for the Calendar (see above).
PreferencesThe user can set various options for his or her own personal Calendar. The Workspace
Administrator can set options for the current Workspace Calendar.
Viewing Appointments
Appointments can be viewed on the Calendar in multiple ways:
Day ViewAll appointments for that day are listed on the Day View. To view the details, click the Title of the
appointment. The details are displayed in a pop-up window.
Week ViewIn the Week View, appointments are listed for each day in the box for that day. If your
preferences are set to only show a certain number of appointments on the Week view, click the More link to
view all appointments for that day. Click the Title of an appointment to view the details for that appointment in
a pop-up window.
Month/Year ViewsBecause of space limitations, these views do not show individual appointments. Select
a day from these views and the Day View is displayed. Click the Title of an appointment to view the details.
Navigation options for the Calendar can be found in
Calendar Basics.
Both personal and workspace Calendar appointments can be created by Date/Time fields in Issues. If a Calendar
appointment was created by an Issue's Date/Time field, then:
The date and time from the Issue Date/Time field are set as the date and time of the appointment
The Assignees on the Issue are listed as the Invitees on the appointment
The Issue Description field is entered as the appointment Description
A dynamic link is set between the appointment and the Issue.
With respect to edits made on the Issue or the Calendar appointment:
If the date or time are updated on the Issue, the Calendar is also updated
If the Description is updated in the Issue, the original Description is unchanged in the appointment
If the date and/or time of the appointment are updated in the Calendar, they are updated in the Issue
If any other details of the appointment are edited in the Calendar, those edits are not changed in the Issue.
Creating Appointments
Appointments can be created in the Calendar using one of the following methods:
Click the Create Appointment button on the left side of the page when in Day View.
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Select an hour in Day View.
If the Workspace contains at least one Date/Time field, appointments can also be created from the Create Issue page
(described in
Linking Appointments to Issues).
To create an appointment from either the Workspace or personal Calendar:
1. Click the Create Appointment button or select an hour in the Day View. A pop-up window is displayed with the
Create Appointment dialog.
2. TitleEnter a Title for the appointment. This is the subject of the appointment, such as Quarterly Meeting. If it
is important for other users to know who is involved in the appointment at a glance, you may want to include the
names of the people involved in the Title, e.g., Bob S. to work on Server.
3. Start TimeSelect a time for the appointment to start. If a time was selected from the Day View, it is pre-filled
here. Hours are listed in one drop-down (1-12 or 0-23 depending on your preferences), with minutes available in
5-minute increments (from 0-55) in a second drop-down. If the 12 hour clock is used, a third drop-down is
available to select AM or PM. If an appointment lasts all day, select None for Start and End times. These
appointments are displayed at the top of the Day View with no time associated.
4. End TimeSelect a time for the appointment to end. If a time was selected from the Day View, this will default
to 1 hour after the Start Time. If the 12-hour clock is used, remember to select the correct option for AM or PM.
If None is selected for Start Time, it should also be selected for End Time.
5. General Info tabThe General Info tab has the following options:
LocationOptionally enter a location for the meeting or Appointment, e.g., Board Room or Customer Site.
Link to Issues using the fieldIf the current Workspace contains at least one Date/Time field, you can
optionally link the appointment to an Issue. When creating the appointment from the Calendar, this
automatically creates a new Issue with data from the appointment. Select the Date/Time field to populate
with the appointment Start Time from the drop-down. Select No Link if you do not want to create and link to
an Issue. Refer to
Linking Appointments to Issues for complete information on this feature.
CalendarThis option only appears when creating an appointment in a personal Calendar. If Personal is
selected, the appointment is displayed in the user's personal Calendar as well as any invitees' personal
Calendars. If Personal & Workspace is selected, the appointment is also displayed in the Workspace
Calendar for all users to see. When an appointment is created in the Workspace Calendar, this option is not
displayed. These appointments are automatically displayed in the Workspace Calendar and in the personal
Calendars of all invitees.
Customers, members of other Workspaces, and nonusers of BMC FootPrints Service Core are not available to be
Invitees. The BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar is intended for use by BMC FootPrints Service Core
Agent/administrator users. If nonWorkspace Members must be notified of an appointment, the email notification you
receive can be forwarded to them (see below). Users can also be copied on any Issue linked to an appointment.
DescriptionThe Description can be used to include any notes or details of the appointment.
6. Invitees tabOne or more members of the current Workspace can be invited to the appointment. Examples of
invitees would be members of a committee who attend a committee meeting or a technician who is scheduled to
work at a customer’s site or an entire Team at once for a Team meeting. To invite a user or Team, double-click
on the name in the People list; the name is displayed in the Invitees list. You can also click once on the name in
the People list and click the right arrow button to make them an Invitee. Select Check Availability to see who is
available for the appointment. Refer to the chapter on
scheduling for more information. To invite all of the
members of a single Team: double-click the team name or click the team name once, then select Assign Team,
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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then click the right arrow button. The appointment is propagated to the Availability calendar for all the individual
members of the team. The ability to invite a Team is only supported in the Day View.
Check AvailabilityBefore inviting Agents to an appointment, you can check Agent schedules to determine the
best time for scheduling the appointment.
7. Email ConfirmationBMC FootPrints Service Core can send users email confirmation about an appointment.
This is in addition to any email notification the users receive regarding BMC FootPrints Service Core Issues
(including linked Issues). Email notifications include all of the information about an appointment as well as an
optional link to synchronize the appointment with the Microsoft Outlook Calendar (the link is for those not using
the BMC FootPrints Mobile add-on module). The options are:
Email meIf this is checked, you receive an email notification about this appointment (regardless of whether
you are invited to the appointment).
Sync w/OutlookIf this is checked, notifications include an attachment that synchronizes the appointment
with the user's Microsoft Outlook calendar (refer to
Syncing Appointments-this is not for BMC FootPrints Mobile
Email InviteesIf this is checked, all users invited receive an email notification for the appointment.
Set reminderIf a reminder is set, users receive a second email notification before the appointment starts.
The reminder is sent before the appointment as specified by the person who created the appointment. Time
period available before the appointment starts are: 5, 10, 15, or 30 minutes, 1-5 hours, 1 day, 2 days, and 1
The time specified for the email notification to be sent is based on the internal clock of the BMC FootPrints Service
Core server. If an appointment is set to begin at 1:00 PM, Monday, December 2, 2015, and the reminder is set for 30
minutes, the email is sent at 12:30 PM of that day based on the time on the server where BMC FootPrints Service
Core is installed.
8. Recurrence tabAppointments can optionally be set to recur at regular intervals. The appointment is displayed
on the Calendar for each day that it recurs. The options are:
NoneNo recurrence. The appointment occurs just the one time. Recurrence is left off by default, but if you
have clicked the Activate Recurrence checkbox, you can click it a second time to turn it off.
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, YearlyClick the radio button to select the frequency with which the appointment
occurs. It can be once every day, once a week, once a month, or once a year.
DailySet the recurrence for every X day(s) of the week (i.e., enter "1" for the recurrence to be every
day, Sunday through Saturday, "2" for every other day, "3" for every third day, etc.) or only on weekdays
(i.e., Monday through Friday) in combination with the every X day(s) schedule.
WeeklySet the recurrence for every X weeks (i.e., enter "1" for the recurrence to be every week, "2" for
every other week, "3" for every third week, etc.) and select which day(s) of the week it is to occur by
clicking the appropriate checkbox. You can select more than one day per week. For example, you could
create an appointment for every second week on Monday and Wednesday.
MonthlyThe appointment recurs on a monthly basis. By default, there is no end date. Specify the date
on which it is to occur (for example, the 19th of the month) by selecting the radio button and entering the
date, as well as the frequency (every X months) of the appointment (i.e., enter "1" for the appointment to
take place every month, "2" for the appointment to take place every other month, etc.). Alternatively,
select the second radio button, then use the drop-down fields to designate in which week of the month
(first week, second week, etc.) the appointment occurs, the day in that week, and the frequency.
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YearlyThe appointment recurs on a yearly basis. By default, there is no end date. Specify the date on
which it is to occur (for example, September 19th) by selecting the radio button and entering the date of
the appointment. Alternatively, select the second radio button, then use the drop-down fields to designate
in which week of the month (first week, second week, etc.), the day of the week, and the month of the
year in which the appointment occurs.
No end dateWhen this is checked, the appointment recurs without end.
End bySpecify the date on which the appointment ceases to recur.
9. Click SAVE to create the appointment. The appointment is added to the Calendar and email notifications are
sent to users (if selected). The appointment is displayed in the Day, Week, and Month view of the Calendar.
If you want the appointment to appear on the Availability Matrix, it must have a Start Time and End Time. If you select
None, the appointment does not appear on the Availability Matrix. To schedule a full day appointment, select Start
and End Times of your work day, e.g., 9 AM for the Start Time and 5 PM for the End Time.
Editing Appointments
Appointments can be edited in the Calendar using one of the following methods:
Click the Edit icon for an appointment in the Day View.
Click the Edit button on the Detail View of an appointment (pop-up).
When the data within a Date/time field is cleared, the associated calendar reference is also deleted.
Editing an Appointment
To edit an appointment from either the Workspace or personal Calendar:
1. Click the Edit icon for an appointment in the Day or Detail View. A pop-up window appears with an Edit
Appointment dialog.
2. Make any changes to the appointment data, such as the Title, Invitees, etc. Refer to
Creating Appointments for
more details on these fields.
There is only one description per appointment (unlike the unlimited appends allowed for Issue descriptions). To add
additional notes, type them at the end or beginning of the Description field. You may want to manually add a
date/time stamp or signature.
3. Click SAVE to complete the edit. The changes are made to the appointment and email notifications are sent to
users (if selected), including any new invitees.
4. To cancel the edit, click Cancel.
Deleting an Appointment
To delete an appointment, click the Delete button on the Day View or Detail View for that appointment. A dialog is
displayed confirming that you want to delete the appointment; click OK to delete the appointment, or Cancel to cancel
the deletion.
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Depending on your permissions, Agents may not be able to edit or delete appointments on the Workspace Calendar.
Agents can always edit and delete appointments on their personal Calendars. If you are viewing one of your
appointments on the Workspace Calendar and you want to edit or delete it, you must switch to your personal Calendar
and edit/delete it from there.
Syncing Appointments
While the BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar has many advantages (it's web-based, integrated with BMC
FootPrints Service Core Issues, etc.), most people use it in addition to their usual personal or desktop calendar for
tracking their appointments. In light of this need, BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar appointments can be
synchronized to Microsoft Outlook via email and the Vcal standard.
Synchronizing appointments with Outlook as described here is separate from the BMC FootPrints Mobile add-on
module. This function is part of the base product and is not used if you are using BMC FootPrints Mobile.
VCal is a standard used by software programs to allow users to exchange calendar appointments between different
calendar applications. BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar email notifications can include VCal attachments that
allow users to place BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar appointments in their Outlook calendar with a mouse
To synchronize an appointment with your desktop Outlook calendar:
1. Create an appointment in the BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar.
2. Check the box for Sync w/Outlook. For invitees of the appointment to synchronize with their Outlook calendar,
the Email Invitees checkbox must also be selected. If you would like to synchronize the appointment and you
are not an invitee, only the creator, check the box for Email me as well.
3. An email notification is sent to your Outlook Inbox. Double-click the email to view the details.
4. The email contains an attachment. Double-click the attachment.
5. A Microsoft Outlook dialog box is displayed. The dialog asks if you would like to accept the appointment.
6. Accept the appointment.
7. If someone else has created the appointment, you can send an email confirmation to the user. If you do,
Outlook sends the creator an email stating that you accept the appointment.
8. The appointment is included in your Outlook Calendar. All of the data for the appointment (Title, Location, etc.) is
populated. If a reminder was set in the BMC FootPrints Service Core appointment, the reminder is also set in
Outlook (i.e., you receive the Outlook pop-up reminder dialog 15 minutes before the appointment is scheduled,
Synchronizing with Outlook is one-way only. Changes made to appointments in Outlook are not reflected in BMC
FootPrints Service Core. Changes made in the BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar result in another email
notification. If the Vcal attachment is double-clicked and accepted, the change is made in Outlook.
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Linking Appointments to Issues
Linking Appointments to Issues
The BMC FootPrints Service Core Calendar can be used strictly to track appointments added manually to the
Calendar by Workspace members. It can be even more powerful if appointments and Issues are linked together.
If the current Workspace contains at least one Date/Time field, you can optionally link the appointment to an Issue.
When creating the appointment from the Calendar, this automatically creates a new Issue with data from the
appointment. Appointments can also be created automatically from the Create Issue and Edit Issue screen.
Some practical applications for linking appointments and Issues include:
Showing when Agents are scheduled to work on specific Issues for scheduling purposes.
Scheduling field service technicians to work on jobs (which came in as BMC FootPrints Service Core Issues).
Scheduling Workspace or Team meetings related to a particular BMC FootPrints Service Core Issue.
Displaying all of your follow-up calls on the Calendar.
Displaying due dates for important Issues on the Calendar.
Scheduling recurring maintenance calls.
The following subtopics explain the different aspects of linking appointments and Issues:
Setting Up BMC FootPrints Service Core to Link Appointments and Issues
Creating an Appointment from an Issue
Creating an Issue from an Appointment
Viewing Linked Appointments
Editing Linked Appointments
Setting Up BMC FootPrints Service Core to Link Appointments and Issues
The only requirement to link Appointments and Issues is a minimum of one Date/Time field in the Workspace. The
Date/Time field is a supported field type for BMC FootPrints Service Core Issues that allows the user to specify a
calendar date and time to associate with an Issue. Examples of a Date/Time field include Due Date, Start Date,
Follow-up Date, and Work Scheduled.
The Workspace Administrator can create a Date/Time field on the Administration | Workspace | Form Designer page.
An unlimited number of Date/Time fields can be created. The user can choose which field to use to make the link
when creating the appointment or Issue.
Plain Date fields are not supported for linking to the Calendar, as no time can be specified for this data type.
Creating an Appointment from an Issue
To create an appointment from an Issue:
1. On the Create Issue or Edit Issue page, fill out all of the information for the Issue.
2. Select the Date/Time field to be used for the link (for example, Due Date). Date/Time fields are indicated by the
Date/Time icon.
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3. In the Date/Time field pop-up, select the date and the start and end times for the appointment. To select the
start and end times, click the radio button, select a time from the times list for the start of the appointment, then
do the same for the end of the appointment. If no time is required (only a date), check the box for No Time.
4. For Calendar, select either Personal or Personal & Workspace. If Personal is selected, the appointment is added
to each assignee's personal Calendar. If Personal & Workspace is selected, the appointment is also displayed
on the Workspace Calendar for the current Workspace.
5. Click GO in the pop-up to complete the date/time field selection, then click GO to submit the Issue.
6. The Issue is created and an appointment on the appropriate Calendar/Calendars is also created.
You can view the link to the Appointment on the Detail View of the Issue. The data for the Appointment includes:
Appointment DateThe date selected in the Issue for Due Date.
TitleThe title of the Issue becomes the Title of the appointment.
Start TimeThe time of the selected for Due Date in the Issue.
End TimeDefault to one hour after the Start Time.
Linked to Issue X using Due Date fieldThe Issue number is displayed along with the name of the field
used in the link.
InviteesUsers assigned to the Issue are listed as invitees.
DescriptionThe initial Issue Description is included here. The description information is not updated even
if the Issue Description field is updated afterwards.
Round Robin Assignment
When an appointment is created from the Issue page and Round Robin assignment is enabled, the new appointment
shows the correct Round Robin assignee. If an appointment is created from the calendar, then all members of the
Round Robin team are assigned.
Creating An Issue from an Appointment
An Issue can be created from an appointment. When this method of Issue creation is used, the Issue is pre-filled with
the data from the appointment. Additional Issue data can be entered from the Issue page.
The names of many of the fields in BMC FootPrints Service Core can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority,
Status, Description, etc.), as well as the name of the records (Issue). Custom fields can also be created. For clarity,
this manual always refers to BMC FootPrints Service Core records as “Issues” and uses the default terms for the other
field names.
To create an Issue from an appointment:
1. Click the Create Appointment button or select an hour in the Day View of the Calendar. A pop-up window is
displayed with a Create Appointment dialog.
2. Enter the data for Title, Description, Invite Users, etc. Refer to
Creating Appointments for complete instructions.
3. For the Link to Issue field, select the Date/Time field to link, e.g., Due Date.
4. Click Save to create the appointment. The appointment and the Issue are created and the Create Appointment
page for that date is displayed.
Both the Issue and an Appointment are created and linked.
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Viewing Linked Appointments
A reference to the link can be found on both the Appointment and the linked Issue. To view the link:
On the Detail View of an appointment in the Calendar, a link called Linked to Issue #n using the Due Date
field (where n is the Issue number and Due Date is the name of the Date/Time field) is displayed.
On the Detail View of the Issue, the reference Linked to Calendar is displayed along with the Linked to
Calendar icon. Click the link to view the details of the appointment in a pop-up window.
Editing Linked Appointments
Issues and appointments that are linked can be edited from either record with the other automatically updated.
Fields that cause an update are described below.
For Appointments
TitleUpdating the Title field changes the Title of the Issue.
Start Date/TimeChanging the Start Date/Time updates the corresponding field in the Issue (Due Date,
Follow-up Date, etc.)
InviteesChanging the invitees changes the assignees of the Issue.
DescriptionIf you update the Description field, the latest description of the linked issue is updated as well.
For Issues
TitleUpdating the Title field changes the Title of the Issue.
Date/Time fieldChanging the data in the linked Date/Time field (Due Date, Follow-up Date, etc.) changes
the Start Date/Time in the appointment. The End Date/Time defaults to one hour after the new Start Time.
AssigneesChanging the assignees changes the invitees of the appointment.
DescriptionUpdating the Description field of the Issue does not alter the description of the linked
Recurring appointments function differently. If the Appointment is edited, only future Issues are affected. In the case
of appointments that recur Today and n consecutive days (which only makes one Issue), the Issue is updated as
described above.
If an Issue created from a recurring appointment is edited, it does not affect the appointment. This is because that
instance of the Issue may have special properties or notes that are relevant only to that instance. To change the
properties of all future Issues for the common fields (Title, Assignees/Invitees, etc.), the edit should be made to the
originating appointment.
Creating Recurring Issues from the Calendar
Recurring appointments can be created that create new Issues automatically when the next recurrence occurs. This
is useful for scheduling recurring maintenance jobs that require an issue to be created and assigned to a particular
user automatically.
The appointment must originate in the Calendar. That is, you must make the appointment first (as a recurring
appointment) and link it to an Issue via a Date/Time field. Recurring Issues cannot be created if the Issue is created
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The names of many of the fields in BMC FootPrints Service Core can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority,
Status, Description, etc.), as well as the name of the records (Issue). Custom fields can also be created. For clarity,
this manual always refers to BMC FootPrints Service Core records as “Issues” and uses the default terms for the other
field names.
To create a recurring appointment which creates automated recurring Issues:
1. Click the Create Appointment button or select an hour in the Day View in the Calendar. A pop-up window is
displayed for the Create Appointment dialog.
2. Fill in the data for Title, Description, Invite Users, etc. Refer to
Creating Appointments for complete instructions.
3. For the Link to Issue field, select the Date/Time field to link, e.g., Due Date.
4. For Recurrence, select the Recurrence tab, and then click the Activate Recurrence checkbox. The recurrence
controls are activated.
5. Select the type of recurrence you want from the drop-down box. Options are:
6. The options for the type of recurrence change depending on the type you select.
DailyOptions are Every X days (where X is a number you specify) or Every weekday (i.e., Monday
through Friday)
WeeklySpecify that the appointment recurs every X weeks (where X is a number you specify) and
the day of the week on which the appointment recurs.
Monthly—Specify either that the appointment recurs on a date (the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) every X
many months (e.g., the appointment recurs on the 3rd day every two months) or that the appointment
recurs on a day of the week (e.g., the third Tuesday) every X months.
YearlySpecify either that the appointment recurs on a specific date every year (e.g., August 14) or
that the appointment recurs on a day of the week of a specific month (e.g., the third Tuesday every
7. Next, either select "No end date" or an "End by" date, in which case you must fill out the date by which the
recurring appointment ends. For example, you might choose to set up an appointment that occurs on every
Monday of every week and then select a date three months later for the appointment to stop recurring on the
5. Click Save to create the appointment. The appointment and the issue are created and the Create Appointment
page is displayed for that date.
Issues are created automatically by the system each time the appointment occurs. The first Issue created contains
the manual information entered on the Issue page; subsequent Issues only contain the information taken from the
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Calendar Preferences
The user can set various options for his or her own personal Calendar. The Workspace Administrator can set options
for the current Workspace Calendar.
To set the preferences for the Calendar, select the Preferences link from the Day View of the Calendar.
The options are:
Email myself after appointment creation and updateBy default, the creator of an appointment receives
an email notification for the appointment being created or updated regardless of whether the creator is
invited. If this option is turned off, emails are not sent to the creator by default. The option can be overridden
for a particular appointment when creating or updating it using the Email Me checkbox option.
Email all invitees after appointment creation and updateBy default, users invited to an appointment
receive an email notification when an appointment is created or updated. If this option is turned off, emails
are not sent, by default. The option can be overridden for a particular appointment when creating or updating
it using the Email Invitees checkbox option.
Display the full item in the week/month views instead of truncating items that are too longAll
appointments for that week/month with full titles are displayed by default in Month View. To limit the number
and size of appointments displayed, select NO for this option and select a maximum number and size using
the two following options
Number of items to show for each day in week/month views, if truncating items in
week/month viewsSelect the maximum number of appointments displayed for each day in
the week/month View. This option only applies if the option above is set to NO.
Number of characters in day boxes of week/month views before truncating the item, if not
displaying the full itemSelect the maximum number of characters to display per
appointment for all appointments displayed in the Month View. This option only applies if the first
option above is set to NO.
Show hours for items in week/month viewsBy default, the hours of items in the week and month views
of the calendar are displayed. You can turn that off.
Show items in day view in all hours during which they occurBy default, appointments that span
multiple hours (e.g., 10:00 AM-12:00 PM) only display in the first hour in which they occur. If this option is
enabled, appointments display in each hour block they occur as duplicate appointments.
Show hours with no items in day viewBy default, the day view calendar shows all the hours of the work
day, regardless of whether there is an item during that hour. This can be turned off so that only hours with
items entered are shown.
Show end time on week/month viewsBy default, the end times for items on the week/month view of the
calendar are displayed in addition to the start time. This can be turned off so that only the start time is
Show name of user who added or last edited each itemThis is turned off by default. If this option is
enabled, the name of the user who created or last edited an appointment is displayed in parentheses next to
the appointment in Day, Week, and Month Views (individual appointments are not displayed in Year view).
Day to start weeks onBy default, weeks are displayed from Sunday-Saturday. You can elect to display
weeks from Monday-Sunday by selecting Monday.
Time to start/end day view at, in 24-hour time formatBy default, the hours displayed in the Day View are
8:00am-5:00pm (0800-1700). You can elect to change this range using these two options. Appointments can
be created for any time regardless of what is selected here.
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12 or 24 hour time formatHours displayed on the Day View are displayed in the 12 hour format using AM
and PM by default. If 24 is selected, hours are displayed in the 24 hour format.
Number of items to show for each day in week/month views, if truncating items in week/month
viewsSpecify the number.
Number of characters in day boxes of week/month views before truncating the item, if not displaying
the full itemSpecify the number.
Time slot length (in minutes) on the day view pageTime slots on the day view are displayed as 60
minute slots by default. You have the option to set the time slot to 15, 20, 30, or 60 minutes.
Default reminder timeYou can set reminders to be displayed X minutes/hours before the appointment or
turn off reminders.
After you make changes, click the GO button.
About Scheduling and Availability
Scheduling allows you to manage your work schedule and make it available to other Agents in the Workspace,
minimizing conflicts. The Workspace Calendar is defined by the Workspace Administrator. Default schedules can be
created for all Agents in a Workspace, but Agents can also modify their own schedules as necessary.
The following topics cover the different aspects of scheduling and availability for Agents:
Creating a Schedule
Viewing Schedules
Checking Availability
Linking Availability to Issues
To administer the Workspace schedule and define default schedules for Agents, refer to Scheduling in the chapter on
Workspace Administration.
Viewing Schedules
Agent schedules can be accessed by selecting More | Calendar from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar, then
clicking the Availability link. Both the Workspace and the Personal calendars show availability for all agents in the
workspace from the Availability link.
A legend in the lower left of the window explains the matrix, using the colors that have been defined by your
AvailableAgent is available.
AppointmentAgent is at an appointment, but working.
Out of OfficeAgent is out of the office.
Holiday/ExceptionAgent is out of the office due to holiday or vacation, etc.
There are various options on this page:
Change the dateThe Agent Availability pop-up window defaults to a schedule for the current day. To
change the day, use the arrow buttons at the top of the window.
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Display AgentsThe default display shows availability for all Agents. Available Agents (no appointments at
the moment), Agents Logged On, or Agents by Team can be displayed by selecting an option in the Display
Start TimeThe start of the work day defaults to 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Select a different start time from the
drop-down to change the time range. Start times between midnight and 2 PM can be selected. You can also
change the start and end times using the left and right arrow buttons within the availability matrix.
The actual scheduling of an Agent's time is done from the Agent Work Schedule, from the Calendar, and from the
Create Issue and Edit Issue page when linked to the Calendar via a Time/Date field.
Checking Availability from the Calendar
Agents can access this window from the Calendar while scheduling appointments and from the Create Issue and Edit
Issue pages. In addition to the options explained in
Viewing Schedules, you can select the Agents you would like to
invite to the appointment.
To include Agents in an appointment:
1. Select
Create Appointment from the Workspace or personal Calendar.
2. Click Check Availability. The Agent Availability matrix window opens.
3. After reviewing the matrix, check the box(es) next to the names of the Agents you wish to invite to the
appointment. If you allow the cursor to hover over an unavailable time slot, a small pop-up is displayed showing
the reason that the Agent is unavailable.
You will get a warning message if you select the name of an Agent whose time is not free for the scheduled
appointment if the Auto-check Availability option is enabled.
4. Click GO. The Create Appointment page is displayed. The names of the Agents you checked are included in
the list of invitees.
Checking Availability for an Issue
When creating or editing an Issue, you can check your availability or the schedules of Agents right from the Create or
Edit issue screen.
1. Select
Check Availability from the Assignee section of the Create Issue or Edit Issue page.
2. The availability matrix displays today's date. If your administrator associated date fields with the schedule, for
example, Follow-up Date, you can switch to that date to see Agent availability. You can also click Change Date
to select a different day's schedule to view.
3. Check the boxes next to the names of the Agent(s) you want to assign to the Issue.
4. Click GO.
5. If you've selected an Agent who isn't available at the moment or based on the date/time field selected, and the
Auto-check Availability option is enabled, a warning message is displayed asking if you want to continue with the
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User Guide to BMC FootPrints Service Core Email
The Email Management feature gives you many of the capabilities of email management tools to use in conjunction
with the web interface. The system can send customized email notifications to users and process incoming email
submissions and updates. As an Agent user in BMC FootPrints Service Core, you can send email updates to users
containing your latest comments about an Issue. You can also submit and update Issues via email and query the
database from email. The available features depend on the options enabled by your BMC FootPrints Service Core
Topics in this section:
Using Email Notification
Using Incoming Email
Email Notification
The BMC FootPrints Service Core email notification feature allows the Agent to email other users about Issues from
within BMC FootPrints Service Core. The administrator can configure rules to control when email is sent for an Issue
by default. As an Agent, you can use the defaults or override them to send email to other users about an Issue.
This topic covers the different kinds of email notification.
Create/Edit Issue Email Notification
Escalation Email
Customer Requests
Create/Edit Issue Email Notification
The Send Email To section on the Create Issue and Edit Issue pages controls who receives email notification about
the Issue. There are three parts to this section:
AssigneesIf this is checked, the assignees of the Issue receive email notification for this submission.
ContactIf this is checked, the contact for this Issue receives email notification for this submission. This is
based on the customer email address listed in the contact information for this Issue. If there are multiple
email addresses defined for the contact, a link labeled Select contact address is displayed. This allows you
to select the email address to which the notification is sent. By default, it goes to the primary email address
(as defined by the Workspace Administrator) unless the Issue was submitted by the customer from a
secondary email address, in which case the default behavior is to send the notification to the secondary email
CCTo copy someone on this Issue, click the link for CC. A pop-up window is displayed. Enter the email
address(es) to copy in the box provided (separated by spaces), select from the list of Agents, or click Select
Contact to select an email address from the Address Book (does not affect the customer contact for this
Issue). There are two options for CCs entered here:
All ChangesThese users receive an email notification for each change to the Issue (unless they
are removed during a later update).
Issue Creation Only/One-TimeThese users only receive an email update for this update or
Send Survey To CustomerIf you select this checkbox, a BMC FootPrints Service Core survey is sent to
the customer for this issue (the person listed as the Contact). If the administrator has set a rule governing
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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frequency (i.e., send a survey to a particular customer no more than once every X months), this checkbox
overrides that rule. This function is obedient to all other survey rules.
If the Agent adds a CC or CCs to an Issue upon creation, the CCs are emailed a notification. However, that CC does
not remain part of the Issue in subsequent edits, so if the Agent edits the Issue and a notification is sent out when the
edited Issue is submitted, the CC(s) would have to be added again if the Agent wanted them notified. In addition, the
CC(s) do not show up in the notification email to the contact. Therefore, if the contact replies to the notification email,
a copy of the reply is not sent to the CC(s).
The BMC FootPrints Service Core administrator can define rules for when email should be sent, what the emails
contain, and which user types receive updates (e.g., Agent and customer). The check boxes for Assignees and
Contact are checked or unchecked based on these rules. They may change status based on the status or priority
chosen on the Create Issue page. To override the default, click the checkbox to check or uncheck it.
You may receive these email notifications for various circumstances:
You created an Issue and assigned yourself.
Someone else assigned you to an Issue.
You were assigned automatically to an Issue by a rule.
An update is made to an existing Issue to which you are assigned.
You were copied (CC) on an Issue.
If you are assigned to an Issue and the Assignees checkbox is checked, you receive the email notification even if you
are making the update yourself.
Email notifications look different depending on how the administrator configured the email templates. Different
templates can be made for different types of users (Agents, customers, etc.)
Receiving Escalation Email
The administrator may have configured special rules to escalate certain Issues using BMC FootPrints Service Core
Escalation feature. For example, there may be a rule that automatically raises the priority of an Issue and assigns it to
a particular user based on the customer’s service level. You may receive a special escalation email based on one of
these rules.
Escalation emails may also be sent to your wireless device. The administrator usually configures these to include
minimal text.
Customer Requests
You may receive email notification when a customer registers a new Request to the system. These emails are similar
to the regular email notification and contain all of the information about the user’s Request. You can tell that it is a
new submission from a user because the status is Request and no assignees are listed. Contact your BMC
FootPrints Service Core administrator for instructions on how to process customer Requests.
Using Incoming Email
The BMC FootPrints Service Core incoming email feature allows users to submit and receive information to and from
the database without logging into BMC FootPrints Service Core. Your BMC FootPrints Service Core administrator
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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may have configured BMC FootPrints Service Core to receive email from a certain address, e.g., This topic covers the types of supported incoming email.
Contact your BMC FootPrints Service Core System or Workspace Administrator to find out the email account
designated for incoming submissions to BMC FootPrints Service Core for your Workspace.
Submitting Issues via Email
Updating Issues via Email
Email Queries
Alternate Submitter via Email
Email for Customers
Submitting Issues via Email
If incoming email is configured, both Agents and customers can submit Issues to the system via email. Information
can be included in the subject and body of a regular email or a form can be requested (refer to
HTML Form). Each
Workspace can have its own email address (,, etc.)
In addition to configuring an incoming email account for the Workspace, the Workspace Administrator must
specifically allow Request and Issue creation through email. Otherwise, only updates to Issues are allowed through
the email interface. This option is enabled by default.
To allow incoming email submission:
1. Select Administration | Workspace |Mail Preferences.
2. Under Incoming Email Submissions, check the boxes to allow customers and/or Agents to create Issues via
As an Agent, the following information can be included in an email to BMC FootPrints Service Core. Please check
with your administrator for the correct address.
When Agents and administrators send email to the designated BMC FootPrints Service Core account, the email
becomes an Issue. BMC FootPrints Service Core detects that the user is an Agent/administrator by the email address
and automatically assigns that user to the Issue. Submissions by Agents/administrators are formatted the same way
as incoming email from customers.
SubjectThe subject of the email becomes the Title of the Issue.
BodyThe body of the email becomes the Description.
Workspace fieldsYou must include data for all mandatory Workspace fields. If you email BMC FootPrints
Service Core without this information, you receive an error notification email with instructions on getting
Workspace field information. See below for the format.
Address Book fieldsYou must include data for all mandatory Address Book fields. The format is described
Email addressYour email address is recorded as the submitter of the Issue. By default, the submitter is
assigned to the Issue. If auto assignment or escalation is configured, other users may be assigned by the
system in addition to or instead of the submitter. To designate a customer or other user as the submitter of
the Issue, include the email address in the body of the email in the form:
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PriorityThe default priority is automatically assigned to all new email submissions. To define a different
priority, include the line Priority=X on a separate line in the body, where X is the priority.
StatusBy default, Issues submitted via email by Agents get a status of Open. To define a different status,
include the line Status=X, where X is the status.
AssigneesTo define assignees, include the line Assignees=X, where X is the user ID of the assignee. For
complete details on using this function, refer to
Updating Issues via Email.
To submit Workspace or Address Book field information:
1. In the body of the email, include a line for each Workspace field, Address Book field, Priority or Status field to be
The Workspace field data must be in the form:
2. For example, if the name of the field is Problem type, and the data is Software, then the line should be:
problem type=software
By default, BMC FootPrints Service Core assumes that the data is contained on one line only. For multi-line data, the
form is:
END fieldname
To specify a value for a checkbox field, use the words specified for the checkbox, i.e., On and Off (which default to On
and Off, but can be changed). For example, if you have a field called Customer Satisfied and the checkbox values are
Yes and No, to indicate that the checkbox is checked, include Customer Satisfied=Yes in the body of the email.
Data submitted to checkbox or multi-select fields is validated against the permitted data values for those fields;
incoming emails are rejected if the data values are not in the list. example: the field 'Color' has values 'red', 'blue' and
'green' in the workspace. If the incoming email has a line of 'Color = black', this email will be rejected.
Multi-select fields with multiple values must be semi-colon delimited. For example: 'Colors i like = red;green;blue'
3. By default, the Issue is entered into the default Workspace for incoming email or to the Workspace defined for
that particular email account. To submit an Issue to a different Workspace, the following line must be included in
the subject of the email:
where n is the Workspace number. You can obtain the Workspace number by submitting the listprojects email
When populating date and date/time fields in email, the field data should be provided according to the user's date
format: American, European, or ISO. If the user has not set a format for himself or herself, then the data should be
provided in the format of the system default. For date/time fields, enter the time in the form hh:mm. That is, after the
date is entered (e.g., 03/04/2015), leave a space and then enter the time (e.g., 03/04/2015 14:45). When submitting a
time via email, it is always submitted using a 24-hour clock.
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Incoming email requests are checked for errors by BMC FootPrints Service Core. Data that is incorrectly formatted is
not lost; it is added to the Description. For example, if the name of a Workspace field is misspelled, that line is placed
in the Description of the request. BMC FootPrints Service Core also checks for invalid data. For example, if text is
submitted for an integer type field, BMC FootPrints Service Core does not create the request and replies to the user
with an error message email.
Updating Issues via Email
In addition to creating new Issues, existing Issues can be updated via email. You can respond to a BMC FootPrints
Service Core email notification and have your response threaded to that Issue. Fields like Priority, Status, and custom
fields can be updated as well.
BMC FootPrints Service Core automatically appends incoming email to the correct Issue in the correct Workspace.
The Workspace ID number and Issue number are included in the subject of all BMC FootPrints Service Core
notification email. You can reply to the mail, leaving the subject intact (and including new information at the top of the
email), and the reply is automatically appended to the correct Issue in the correct Workspace. In this way, an Agent
and customer can have an email conversation that is seamlessly tracked by BMC FootPrints Service Core.
To respond to an email notification:
1. In your email reader (Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, etc.), reply to a BMC FootPrints Service Core email
2. Type your response above the line that states When replying, type your text above this line. In this way,
BMC FootPrints Service Core only takes the latest information that you add, eliminating duplication in the
Description. You must enter your reply above this line. BMC FootPrints Service Core does not append
anything below the line to an Issue.
3. Do not touch the subject of the email; it contains important information about the Issue and Workspace IDs and
is needed by BMC FootPrints Service Core to update the correct Issue.
4. To update fields (optional):
Update priorityMust be in the form Priority=n (included in the body of the email), where n is the new priority.
Update statusMust be in the form Status=x (included in the body of the email), where x is the new status.
Update workspaces fieldsMust be in the form FieldName=data (included in the body of the email), where
FieldName is the name of the field and data is the field data.
Update Address Book fieldsAddress Book field data can be included in email submissions in the form
FieldName=data (included in the body of the email), where FieldName is the name of the Address Book field
and data is the field data.
SubjectAny new information added to the subject of the mail will be ignored. Do not change the Issue and
Workspace ID information in the subject, or the Issue will not be updated properly or at all.
Update assigneesAdd assignees to the assignees list using the syntax:
or leave out the plus sign and use:
to add an assignee. Multiple assignees can be added by leaving a space between the user IDs, for example:
assignees=user_ID1 user_ID2 user_ID3
Subtract assignees using a minus sign, as in:
Subtract multiple assignees by leaving a space between user IDs, as in:
assignees=-user_ID1 -user_ID2 -user_ID3
You can also add and subtract assignees in the same email as in the following example:
assignees=+user_ID1 -user_ID2 +user_ID3
where the user IDs user_ID1 and user_ID3 are added to the Issue as assignees and user_ID2 is removed from the
Issue as an assignee.
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Add or subtract teams using the same syntax as for individuals unless there is a blank space in the team name. If the
team name contains a blank space or non-alphanumeric characters, enclose the team name or the string containing
non-alphanumeric characters in double quotation marks. Please note that team names are case sensitive.
For example, to add Team1 and Team 3 and remove Team 2, the syntax might be:
assignees=Team1 -"Team 2" +"Team 3"
You can also combine teams and individuals using the syntax described above.
Time trackingYou can add time to an Issue, set the billing rate for an Issue, and add a comment to Issue
time tracking via email. If time tracking is not enabled for the workspace, the text will be processed as a normal
TimeAdd time to an issue. Users can only enter a non-zero time value. The syntax for adding time to an
Issue is as follows:
The above syntax would add twenty minutes to the time tracking on an Issue.
The above syntax would add twenty minutes to the time tracking on an Issue.
The above syntax would add one hour to the time tracking on an Issue.
time=1h 20m
The above syntax would add one hour and twenty minutes to the time tracking on an Issue.
Billing RateSet the billing rate for an Issue. This can be set as a value or as a description (refer to
Billing Rates for more information). Only rates that are set for agents on the Edit Agents page can be
entered here. Invalid rates are not accepted. The syntax for setting rate is:
time rate=44.50
The above syntax would set the billing rate to 44.50 per hour of the currency for the Workspace.
time rate=$44.50
The above syntax would set the billing rate to $44.50 per hour. You can use any appropriate currency
time rate=description
The above syntax would set the billing rate to a description that was set by the administrator.
CommentEnter a single line of text as a time tracking comment. If the mail client wraps it to multiple
lines, the other lines will be lost in the time tracking comments, but the rest of the comment will be
included as part of the description. The syntax for entering a time tracking comment is as follows:
Combination of time and rateYou can combine an entry to enter both a time and rate for an Issue as
in the following example:
time=$44.50, 1h 30m
4. Click Send to send the update to BMC FootPrints Service Core. The Issue is updated within a few minutes. If the
email rules are configured to send email updates to the customer and/or assignees, email notification of your
changes are sent.
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You can only update Issues to which you have “write” access. These include Issues to which you are assigned if you
are an Agent or all Issues if you are an administrator. If CC updates are allowed, then you can update the Description
of any Issue even if you are not assigned as an Agent. If the update is not allowed, you receive an error notification via
Appending Description
Customer, Agent, and Administrator users can append a new description to any existing Issue to which they are
The formatting of the email is as follows:
SubjectThe subject of the email must include the phrase:
where n is the Issue number. Anything else in the Subject is ignored.
BodyThe body of the email becomes the new description.
If the user is not assigned to the Issue, he/she receives an error notification email, and the description is not
An HTML form containing the appropriate fields for a particular Workspace and the user’s permission level can be
obtained by sending an email to the incoming email account for that Workspace with the subject: HTML form. This
allows any user with access to a Workspace to submit an Issue, without logging into BMC FootPrints Service Core,
from any email package that supports HTML, including Microsoft Outlook Eudora, Netscape Mail, Yahoo Mail, etc.
An HTML form is automatically generated by BMC FootPrints Service Core with the correct fields for each
Workspace. There is no need for the administrator to create these forms. A different form is sent to Agent and
customer users (identified by their email address).
For an agent to receive the customer version of the form, for example, in order to post the form for customers on a
web site, enter HTML Form Customer in the subject line rather than HTML Form.
To obtain a form for a different Workspace (you must belong to the Workspace), send the HTML form request to the
email account for that Workspace, e.g., or, etc. If there is only one email
account for the entire system, you can include the Workspace ID in the subject of the request, e.g., .HTML form
To use the form, simply fill out the fields and click the SUBMIT button.
Field dependencies enabled for the Workspace do not appear in the email form. All Workspaces fields are displayed.
Email Queries
To receive information from BMC FootPrints Service Core via email, several email queries are available. To query
BMC FootPrints Service Core via email, send an email to the incoming email account for the Workspace in question
using one of the queries described below in the subject line.
General Queries
HelpReturns this section of the help documentation (i.e., the section you are currently viewing).
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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listworkspacesReturns a list of Workspace names and corresponding Workspace numbers of all the
Workspaces to which you belong.
Queries to the Database
The following queries return data for the default Workspace for incoming email as defined by the System
Administrator. If different email accounts are defined for each Workspace, a query sent to a particular Workspace’s
email account returns information based from that Workspace.
To return data for a different Workspace to which you are assigned where that Workspace does not have its own
email account, the line Workspace=n can be placed in the body of the email, where n is the Workspace number. It
can alternatively be included in the subject line of the email in the form Proj=n. The Workspace number can be
retrieved with the listworkspaces query. All searches are case-insensitive.
The following queries can be performed by placing the query in the subject of an email that is sent to the BMC
FootPrints Service Core incoming email account:
getMineReturns a list of your assignments.
GetschemaReturns the Workspace field schema of a Workspace. This describes the Workspace fields
specific to the Workspace.
SearchFAQ “keyword”Returns solutions based on a keyword found in the Title or Description, e.g.,
SearchFAQ printer.
getTicket “number”Displays the details of an existing Issue based on the Issue number (you must be
assigned to the Issue), e.g., getTicket 235.
getData “keyword”Returns database Issues based on a keyword found in the Title or Description, e.g.,
getData Exchange. This is for internal users only. External users receive Solutions based on the keyword.
HTML formReturns an HTML form with all fields for Issue submission for a Workspace, e.g., HTML form or
HTML form PROJ=5.
Alternate Submitter via Email
An Agent or administrator may need to submit an Issue for another user via email. There are two steps to doing this.
Select Workspace Administration from the BMC FootPrints Service Core toolbar, then select Mail
Preferences. In the Incoming Email section of the Mail Preferences page, set the Change Sender option to
Include an extra line in the body of the email:
When the line is included in an incoming email submission, the email address becomes the submitter of the Issue,
regardless of the true sender.
Email for Customers
If the administrator has enabled the incoming email feature, customers can submit Requests without logging in to
BMC FootPrints Service Core. To do so, a customer sends an email to a BMC FootPrints Service Core email account
and it is processed as if it had been submitted via the web. Information can be included in the subject and body of a
regular email or a form can be requested (see below).
The field breakdown is as follows:
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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SubjectThe subject of the email becomes the Title.
BodyThe body of the email becomes the Description.
Workspace fieldsCustomers are only required to include Workspace field information for fields that have
the permission status of public mandatory. If a customer emails BMC FootPrints Service Core without this
information, the customer receives an error notification email that includes instructions for obtaining
Workspace field information.
Email addressThe user’s email address becomes the default submitter. Customers who submit a
Request via email are also automatically linked to their Address Book contact information based on the
submitter's email address. BMC FootPrints Service Core makes the link and places the Address Book data
into the Issue record.
Auto assignmentThe BMC FootPrints Service Core auto assignment feature allows you to specify users
to be assigned automatically to Issues based on a custom choice field. New Issue and Request submissions
via email can be auto assigned by including the choice field data in the body of the email submission in the
form FieldName=data, where FieldName is the name of the choice field and data is the field data. The
user(s) associated with the specified choice are automatically assigned to the Issue and receive notification
email. For information on configuring auto assignment, refer to the Workspace Administration topic on “Auto
The default priority is automatically given to all new email submissionsRefer to
Priorities for additional
Email addresses copied (CC) on an incoming email submission to BMC FootPrints Service Core are
automatically added to the permanent CC list for that Issue. The Agent or administrator who takes the Issue
can remove the CCs.
To submit workspace or Address Book field information:
1. In the body of the email, include a line for each Workspace field to be submitted.
2. The Workspace field data must be in the form:
For example, if the name of the field is Problem type and the data is Software, the line should be:
problem type=software
By default, BMC FootPrints Service Core assumes that the data is contained on one line only. For multi-line data, a
single backslash (\) must be added to the end of each line.
3. By default, the request is entered into the default Workspace for incoming email or to the Workspace defined for
that particular email account. To submit a request to a different Workspace, the following line must be included
in the body of the email:
where n is the Workspace number. You can obtain the Workspace’s number by submitting the listprojects email
Incoming email requests are checked for errors by BMC FootPrints Service Core. Data that is incorrectly formatted is
not lost, but instead is added to the description. For example, if the name of a Workspace field is misspelled, that line
is placed in the description of the request. BMC FootPrints Service Core also checks for invalid data. For example, if
text is submitted for an integer type field, BMC FootPrints Service Core does not create the request and sends the
user an error message email.
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Once a Request has been submitted successfully via email, it works the same as a Request submitted via the BMC
FootPrints Service Core interface. Agents can take the Request and turn it into an Issue or the Workspace
Administrator can assign it to one or more Agents.
Updates from Customers
Customers can also update an Issue via email. To reply to a FootPrints Service Core email notification:
1. In your email reader (Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, etc.), select Reply to reply to a FootPrints Service Core
email notification.
2. Type your response above the line that states When replying, type your text above this line. In this way, BMC
FootPrints Service Core only takes the latest information that you add (eliminating duplication in the Description).
BMC FootPrints Service Core does not append anything below the line to an Issue.
3. Do not change the subject line of the email in any way; it contains important information about the Issue and
Workspace IDs and is needed by BMC FootPrints Service Core to update the correct Issue.
4. Click Send to send the update to BMC FootPrints Service Core. The Issue is updated within a few minutes. If the
email rules are configured to send email updates to customers and/or assignees, email notification of your
changes is sent.
When appending to an existing Issue, the BMC FootPrints Service Core incoming email feature only takes the latest
information from a reply (eliminating duplication in the description).
The message:
When replying, type your text above this line.
appears in every BMC FootPrints Service Core notification email. Users must enter their reply above this line. BMC
FootPrints Service Core does not append anything below the line to the Issue.
Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base is a place to record, organize, and manage important information for a BMC FootPrints Service
Core Workspace. This can include, but is not limited to: Solutions to common problems, answers to frequently asked
questions, patches, and documents. By using the BMC FootPrints Service Core Knowledge Base feature, you can
turn the past experiences of individual customers and Agents into a database of Solutions for users to search. This
can assist Agents in finding quicker resolutions to recurring problems and in empowering customers to find the
answers to their questions without submitting a Request.
Topics in this section include:
About Solutions
Create Solution from Scratch
Create Solution from an Existing Issue
Viewing Solutions
Knowledge Base Search Options
Using the Knowledge Base to Resolve an Issue
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Knowledge Base Administration (includes Knowledge Base Approvals)
About Solutions
The primary component of the Knowledge Base is a Solution. Some of the properties of a BMC FootPrints Service
Core Solution are:
Workspace-basedSolutions are records which reside in the Workspace database but which have special
attributes (detailed below).
Public or InternalA Solution can be categorized as a Public Solution, accessible to both customers and
Agents, or Internal, accessible only to Agents.
Can be CategorizedSolutions can be categorized using the Workspace fields for the particular
Workspace. These categories can be used to make FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) lists that group
GenericSolutions contain no contact (Address Book) information.
File AttachmentsSolutions can contain file attachments, enabling the Agent/administrator to make patches
or other documents available to users.
Can be ApprovedAgents can be required to receive approval before a Solution is published to the
Knowledge Base or can be restricted from creating Solutions at all.
There are two ways to make a Solution:
From ScratchSolutions can be made from scratch by Agents as long as the user has permissions to do so.
From an Existing IssueWhen an Agent closes an Issue, a Solution can be added to the Knowledge Base with
some of the information from that Issue. The original Issue remains intact; the Solution receives a new
reference number.
In addition to creating solutions from scratch or from resolved Issues, Solutions can be imported into the Knowledge
Refer to Importing Issue Data for more information.
Create Solution from Scratch
1. Mouse over the New Issue button on the toolbar and select Add to KB from the menu that is displayed. If you do
not have the Add to KB option, you do not have permission to create Solutions.
2. The Create Solution page is displayed.
3. Knowledge BaseSelect the Knowledge Base to which to add the Solution. The Public Knowledge Base is
viewable by customers and Agents. The Internal Knowledge Base is only viewable by Agents.
4. TitleThe Title can be used for a summary or brief description of the Solution or a question (e.g., “How do
The Title field may have a different name (e.g., Subject, Short Description, etc.)
5. Issue InformationUse the fields in the Issue Information section to categorize the Solution by problem type,
product, etc.
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6. DescriptionUse the Description field to detail the step-by-step Solution. You can use the formatting options
(bullets, numbered lists, font options, etc.) to help display the Solution in the clearest possible manner.
The Description field may have a different name (Notes, Journal, Details, etc.)
7. Use the Spellcheck option to review the spelling of your Solution. Because Solutions are viewable by many
users, it is important for the language to be as clear as possible.
8. AttachmentsAttach one or more files to the Solution. For example, you might attach a patch, an image file
containing a screenshot, or a PDF file containing a product brochure.
9. Optionally CC one or more people. They receive a one-time email containing the Solution.
10. Click GO.
If an approval is required, the Solution goes into the Pending queue, and the approvers are notified. If no
approval is required, the Solution is published to the appropriate Knowledge Base.
Refer to
Approvals for more information.
Create Solution from an Existing Issue
1. Open the Details page of the issue you want to make into a solution.
2. On the Details page of the Issue, click Add to KB. If you do not have the Add to KB option, you do not have
permission to create Solutions.
3. If:
the Issue is already Closed, the Create Solution form is displayed. The form is pre-filled with data,
including the latest Description for the Issue. Contact information from the originating Issue is not included.
if the Issue is still Active (i.e., Open or another active status), you are prompted to close the Issue. If Yes is
selected, a Description field is displayed for adding any additional comments or a resolution before closing
the Issue. After clicking Save, the Solution form is displayed, pre-filled with the public information from the
Issue, including the latest comments added.
4. Knowledge BaseSelect the Knowledge Base to which to add the Solution. The Public Knowledge Base is
viewable by customers and Agents. The Internal Knowledge Base is only viewable by Agents.
5. Link to IssueIf this is checked, the Solution is linked to the original Issue. This link is only viewable to internal
BMC FootPrints Service Core users (not to customers).
6. TitleThis is pre-filled with the Title of the Issue. The Title can be used for a summary or brief description of the
Solution or a question (e.g., “How do I…?”). You may want to re-word the Title to better summarize the Solution;
this does not affect the originating Issue.
The Title field may have a different name (e.g., Subject, Short Description, etc.)
7. Issue InformationUse the fields in the Issue Information section to categorize the Solution by problem type,
product, etc. These fields are pre-filled with the information from the Issue and vary depending on your
8. DescriptionThe entire Description history of the Issue is pre-filled in the Description field. You may want to re-
organize and format this information to create a step-by-step Solution. If you do re-organize and format the
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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information, it does not affect the originating Issue. Use the formatting options (bullets, numbered lists, font
options, etc.) to display the Solution in the clearest possible manner.
The Description field may have a different name (Notes, Journal, Details, etc.)
9. Use the Spellcheck option to review the spelling of your Solution. Because the Solution is viewable to many
users, it is important for the language to be as clear as possible.
10. AttachmentsCheck the box to include the attachments from the Issue with the Solution. You can also add
new attachments. For example, you can attach a patch, an image file containing a screenshot, or a PDF file
containing a product brochure.
11. Optionally CC one or more people. They receive a one-time email containing the Solution. By default, the
assignees and contact for the originating Issue are pre-filled in the CC field. They can be removed and/or other
CCs can be added.
12. Click GO.
13. If an approval is required, the Solution goes into the Pending queue and the approvers are notified.
Refer to
Approvals for more information.
14. If no approval is required, the Solution is published to the appropriate Knowledge Base.
15. Changes to the Solution do not affect the data in the original Issue. The Solution receives a new reference
Viewing Solutions
To view solutions:
select More | Knowledge Base or
select Solutions from the Workspace dashboard component or
select Solutions from the Display Drop-down.
Types of solutions you can view are:
1. Internal SolutionsSelect Internal Solutions from the Display drop-down list or the Workspace Totals box on
the BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage. Internal Solutions are only viewable by Agents and administrators
and usually have more detailed or technical information than Public Solutions.
2. SolutionsSelect Solutions from the Display drop-down list or the Workspace Totals box on the BMC
FootPrints Service Core Homepage. Solutions are viewable by both Agents and customers.
3. Solutions from All WorkspacesSelect Solutions from All Workspaces from the Display drop-down to see a
list of Solutions from all Workspaces to which you belong.
When one of the options above is selected, a list of Solutions is displayed on the homepage. To view the Details of
the Solution, click the Solution number.
Knowledge Base Search Options
Solutions can easily be searched and reported on in BMC FootPrints Service Core. Options include:
Keyword SearchSearch the Knowledge Base for the current Workspace by keyword.
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Keyword Search of External Knowledge BasesSubmit your keyword search to external Knowledge Bases.
Advanced SearchSearch using a combination of criteria.
FAQsView the FAQ categories created by the Workspace Administrator.
Report on SolutionsCreate a custom formatted report of the Knowledge Base.
Cross-Workspace Report of Knowledge BaseGet a report of Solutions from multiple Workspaces (must be a
member of those Workspaces or a System Administrator).
Knowledge Base Keyword Search
The Keyword Search (also called "Basic Search") is available by choosing More | Knowledge Base from the BMC
FootPrints Service Core toolbar. The keyword search function is in the Browse section of the Knowledge Base page.
To perform a keyword search:
1. Select a Knowledge Base from the drop-down box (for example, BMC FootPrints Service Core Public
Knowledge Base).
2. If it has been configured, choose the Category in which to search. For example, you might choose to search just
this workspace, solutions in all workspaces, or solutions in another category, such as categories that have been
set up for specific company products. The word “Category” may have been changed by your administrator.
3. Enter the word or phrase for which to search in the Search Results for Keyword field.
4. Click GO. BMC FootPrints Service Core searches all fields for the keyword (including Title, Description, and any
Workspace and Address Book fields configured by your Workspace administrator to allow keyword searches).
5. A list of matching Solutions is displayed in the main frame or in the pop-up window, if you are searching from an
Issue page. Click a Solution to see the Details or mouse over it to see a preview, if it is displayed in a pop-up.
6. If you are searching the Knowledge Base from an Issue page, selecting a Solution from a BMC FootPrints
Service Core Knowledge Base automatically pastes the Solution into the Description field.
Keyword Search of External Knowledge Bases
In addition to searching the BMC FootPrints Service Core Knowledge Bases, the keyword search can be submitted to
popular online Knowledge Bases, including Microsoft TechNet, Adobe, and Google Groups.
To perform a keyword search of an online Knowledge Base:
1. Select from the available online Knowledge Bases using the drop-down box. Choices may include Microsoft
TechNet, HP, Adobe, Google Groups, etc.
2. Enter the word or phrase for which to search.
3. Click GO. A second browser window opens with the results of the search from the selected Knowledge Base.
4. If you are searching the Knowledge Base from an Issue page, you can copy and paste information from the
external Knowledge Base into the Issue Description field if a matching Solution is found.
Knowledge Base Advanced Search
If the keyword search is not sufficient, the Advanced Search feature can be used to create searches with a
combination of criteria. Click the Switch to Advanced Search link to use the Advanced Search. The options include:
1. Select Advanced Search of Public KB to search Public Solutions or Advanced Search of Internal KB to search Internal Solutions.
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2. TitleEnter a word or phrase to search for in the Title field. This field may be named something else, such as
3. DescriptionEnter a word or phrase to search for in the Description field. This field may be named something
else, such as Notes.
4. KeywordEnter a word or phrase for which to search. The Title, Description, and Issue Information
(Workspace) fields are searched.
5. Issue Information---The fields in this section are different depending on the Workspace fields in the current
Workspace. Fill in criteria (or select one or more values for a drop-down or multi-select field) for one or more
fields to return Solutions that contain that data. For example, to return Issues where the platform is Windows XP,
select Win XP for Platform.
6. On the Advanced Criteria tab, you can enter following criteria:
a. DateIf dates are specified, the search returns only Solutions either created or last edited on, before, after, or
between the specified dates. For example, to return Issues created before January 1, 2015, choose created
before, and fill in 1 1 2015 in the first date field, leaving the second date field blank. To search on the current
date, click the Current Date checkbox. Other date ranges are also available. Refer to
Advanced Search for more
b. AgeIf this section is filled in, the search returns Solutions based on the specified time. Number of days and
hours can be specified. Modifiers are also provided, including Greater Than, Less Than, Equal to, Greater than
or Equal to, Less than or Equal to, and Not Equal to. For example, to return Solutions greater than three days
old, choose greater than and fill in 3 for Days.
c. Order Search Results byOrder the Solutions returned by the specified field. The orders are descending
(most recent or highest first) or ascending (oldest or lowest first). By default, Solutions are ordered by
reference number descending.
d. And/OrIf And is chosen, Issues must match all criteria chosen (this is the default). If Or is chosen, only one
criterion must be met.
7. Click the Run tab and then click GO to submit the search.
The results are displayed in the main window (or in the pop-up if searching from an Issue page).
Note: If you are searching the Knowledge Base from an Issue page, selecting a Solution from a BMC FootPrints
Service Core Knowledge Base automatically pastes the Solution into the Description field.
The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) categories are available to Agents when searching the Knowledge Base.
These categories are created and maintained by the Workspace Administrator. The categories are defined by
advanced search criteria and named and saved by the administrator. Each time a category is accessed, it returns the
latest Solutions that match the criteria defined for that category.
Refer to
FAQ Administration for instructions on creating and maintain FAQs.
To view an FAQ:
1. Select Frequently Asked Questions on the Knowledge Base Advanced Search page.
2. There are two lists of FAQ categories: Public and Internal. Public FAQs contain Solutions aimed at customers.
Internal FAQs usually contain more detailed or technical Solutions.
3. Click the Title of the desired FAQ category.
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4. The matching Solutions for that FAQ category are displayed in the main frame (or in the pop-up window if
searching from an Issue page). Click a Solution to see the Details (or mouse over it to see a preview if displayed
in a pop-up).
5. If you are accessing FAQs from an Issue page, selecting a Solution from a FAQ automatically pastes the
Solution into the Description field.
Public FAQ categories are also viewable by customers.
Report on Solutions
You may need to create a report of Solutions. Reports contain more search options and formatting options than the
Knowledge Base searches. You can only create reports if you have the proper permissions.
To create a report of Solutions:
1. Select Reports| New Report from the BMC FootPrints Service Core toolbar.
2. Select the desired formatting options, fields displayed, etc. as described in
Custom Reports.
3. To get the full details of the Solution, make sure to include the Description field in Step 3 (the field may have
another name, such as Notes or Details).
4. Under Select Report Criteria, for Status, highlight one of the solutions options. This limits the report to the
Knowledge Base only.
5. Select other criteria for the report. For example, to return Solutions with the word "password" in the Solution,
enter password for as the keyword. Do not specify any Address Book information, as Solutions do not
contain Address Book data.
6. Click GO. The results of the report are displayed new browser window.
Using the Knowledge Base to Resolve an Issue
The Knowledge Base can be used by the agent to find a Solution to an Issue while working on that Issue. This allows
the agent to quickly resolve an Issue without losing any work. If a matching Solution is found, it can be imported
directly in the Description of the Issue.
If the Auto-Suggest Solutions feature is enabled, you will be able to view suggested Solutions that exist in the
Knowledge Base which match the criteria you enter in the Issue Information on the Issue page, and to browse the
Knowledge Base from there as well. This will give you the opportunity to more quickly resolve the Issue. (For details,
see "Enabling Auto-suggest Solutions for Issues and Requests" in the Administrator's Guide.
To use this feature:
1. On the Create Issue or Edit Issue page, select Search Knowledge Base above the Description field. A pop-up
window appears containing the Knowledge Base search options.
2. Enter the keyword for which to search. For example, to find Solutions regarding password problems, search for
the word "password".
3. Select one of the BMC FootPrints Service Core Knowledge Bases listed in the drop-down. Other Knowledge
Base search features are also available from the Issue page, including FAQ categories and the Advanced
Search. Refer to
Knowledge Base Search Options for more information. To place a link in the Issue back to the
originating Solution, click the checkbox.
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4. Click GO. A list of matching Solutions is displayed.
5. Mouse-over the Titles to view the details of each Solution.
6. Click the Title of the desired Solution. If none match the current Issue, click the Search button to perform another
7. The Solution is displayed in the Description field. It can be edited if necessary. Editing the Description does not
affect the originating Solution.
8. If an external Knowledge Base was searched, the results are displayed in a separate window. These results are
not automatically pasted into the Description field when selected; you must copy and paste the Solution
9. Make any other needed changes to the Issue and click GO. The Issue is updated with the selected Solution and
email notification is sent to the assignees and customer if that option is chosen.
The names of many of the fields in BMC FootPrints Service Core can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority,
Status, Description, etc.), as well as the name of the records (Issue). Custom fields can also be created. For clarity,
this manual always refers to BMC FootPrints Service Core records as “Issues,” and uses the default terms for the
other field names.
Solutions in the Knowledge Base can be ranked by popularity in virtually any search or FAQ. Popularity is determined
by a survey question posed to customers each time they access a Solution. When a customer logs BMC FootPrints
Service Core and views a Solution, the question Was this Solution useful to you? appears, with Yes and No options.
The responses are tracked and each Solution is given a Popularity rating (the higher the better).
Customers do not have read access to the ratings, but any list of Public Solutions displayed to them can be ordered
by popularity (the Most Popular Solutions list displayed on the Customer Homepage is always sorted by popularity).
Agents and administrators can view the popularity rating at any time; it is included in most search results from the
Knowledge Base.
Advanced Features
Advanced Issue Types
The Issues topics of this manual cover the basics of creating and working with BMC FootPrints Service Core Issues.
In addition to regular Issues, BMC FootPrints Service Core supports other Issue types for improved workflow. These
include Quick Issue templates, Master Issues and Subtasks, and Global Issues.
During installation (and per Workspace), the administrator can change the default term "Issue" to another name, such
as “Entry,” “Call,” or “Ticket.” For clarity, this manual always refers to BMC FootPrints Service Core records as
The Advanced Issue Types section covers the different types of Advanced Issue options in the following topics:
Quick IssuesQuick Issues are templates that contain pre-filled information for standard types of customer
problems and Requests. Password Reset would start out pre-filled with a description of the problem, the
problem categories pre-filled with Network and Password Reset, and perhaps a Status of Closed. The Agent
only needs to fill in the user's contact information to submit the Issue. The Workspace Administrator can
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create an unlimited number of templates. For details, see Quick Issues in the Administration section of the
user documentation.
Master Issue/SubtaskMaster Issue/Subtask When a Subtask is created for an Issue, the originating Issue
automatically becomes a Master Issue of that Subtask. Sometimes an Issue needs to be separated into
Subtasks to be completed by different users. Multiple Subtasks can be created for an Issue.
Master Quick IssuesQuick Issue templates can be defined to create Master Issues and related Subtasks
automatically, for example, to define the New Hire process. In addition, you can sequence the subtasks so
that subtasks cannot be performed until other subtasks are completed. This provides another level of control
over the subtask process.
Global Issues/GlobalLinkGlobal Issues are used to designate important or frequently reported Issues that affect
many users. Global Issues can be broadcast to all Agents, are displayed on the Agent homepage, and,
optionally, can be displayed for customers. When a new Issue is reported with the same problem as that of a
Global Issue, the Agent (and, optionally, the customer) can link the Issue to the known Global Issue (called
GlobalLinks). Global Issues can be configured so that closing the Global Issue also closes the GlobalLinks at
one time.
Using Quick Issue Templates
Quick Issue templates can be used by all Agents of a Workspace to open Issues quickly with information that is pre-
filled for that Issue type. Agents only need to fill in the customer's contact data and any other mandatory fields not
already set by the template. This is a useful timesaver for common or repetitive Issues, such as password resets,
requests for brochures, etc.
The name of this feature depends on the name given to records in BMC FootPrints Service Core for the
system/Workspace. For example, if the name "Call" has been defined for records in the current Workspace, the
feature is called "Quick Call" throughout the Workspace (on the Toolbar, on the administration pages, etc.) For
consistency, all help files refer to the feature as "Quick Issue".
When at least one Quick Issue template has been created by the Workspace Administrator, the Quick Issue option
appears on the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar for Agents in the Workspace. To use a template:
1. Select the Quick Issue from the New Issue menu on the BMC FootPrints Service Core toolbar. For example, if a
user has called in because of a forgotten password and needs it reset, select the Reset Password template. The
menu displays all the available templates. If the option is not in the Toolbar, there are no templates in the
This is only an example; the available templates depend on what the BMC FootPrints Service Core administrator
created for the current Workspace.
2. An Issue page is displayed with information pre-filled from the template. For example, the Title may be Reset
Password, the Problem Type field may be set to Network, the Network Request Type field may be set to
Password Reset, and the Description may contain the description and solution of the problem.
3. Select the user's contact information as you would when
creating a regular Issue.
4. Fill in any mandatory fields (indicated by the red asterisk) that are not already pre-filled, as well as any optional
fields desired. Email settings follow the rules for the Workspace.
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5. Make any changes or additions to the Description (or any other fields) needed if the customer's Issue has special
circumstances. Contact with your FootPrints Service Core administrator or your supervisor for guidance on
what may be changed. These changes only affect the current Issue; the Quick Issue template is not affected.
6. Click Save to submit the Issue.
7. The Issue is created. If the status in the template was set to Closed, the Issue is closed automatically. If this
Issue is active, it is automatically placed in the queue of the assigned Agent(s). If email notification is enabled
for Assignees and/or the customer, notifications are sent.
8. If the Quick Issue template was a
Master Quick Issue, one or more Subtasks are also created automatically
without user intervention.
Issues created with the Quick Issue template are like any other regular Issue after they are created. They can be
edited, deleted, re-assigned, etc. Escalation rules apply to them as well.
Customers can use Quick Issue templates, however, built-in fields work differently for customers than for Agents when
using Quick Issues. The only change a customer can make to a Quick Issue template built-in field that is saved when
the Issue is submitted is a change to the assignee field. If a customer makes a change to a built-in field in a Quick
Issue, such as a change to the Status or Priority field, the field reverts to the default when saved.
Master Issues and Subtasks
Master Quick Issue
Sometimes an Issue should be split into separate Subtasks with different properties, perhaps to be completed by
different users. For example, the process to set up a new employee may consist of many steps, each performed by a
different user. BMC FootPrints Service Core Master Issue/Subtasks allow you to create parent-child relationships
between Issues for complex processes, such as the new hire process, change management, and more. Subtasks can
be created manually by an Agent or can be created automatically by a Master Quick Issue Template.
This feature combines two other features of BMC FootPrints Service Core: Quick Issue templates and Master
Issues/Subtasks. This topic describes how to set up Master Quick Issue templates. For more information on Master
Issues and Subtasks, refer to
Subtasks. For more information on creating, managing and using single Quick Issue
templates, refer to Quick Issues.
Creating Master Quick Issue Templates
Master Quick Issue templates are created by the Workspace Administrator. To create a template, select
Administration | Workspace from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar, then select Quick Issue under the
Automated Tasks section of the Workspace Administration page. The second section on this page is entitled Manage
Master Quick Issue Templates. From here, you can create, edit, and delete Master Quick Issue and Subtask
Creating a Master Quick Issue template involves multiple steps. First you create a Master Issue template. This is the
template that is available on the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar that Agents use to create a new Master Quick
Issue. You also design one or more Subtask templates associated with the Master Issue. When an Agent creates an
Issue with a Master Quick Issue template, the subtasks are created automatically by the system.
The Master Quick Issue templates section contains two dialog boxes:
Master TemplatesThis contains all Master templates. Controls to the right of the box allow you to create,
edit, and delete Master templates.
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Subtask TemplatesDisplays the Subtask templates associated with the Master template selected in the
preceding dialog. Controls to the right of the dialog allow you to create, edit, and delete Subtask templates.
Related Topics
Create a Master Quick Issue Template
Create Subtask Templates
Edit Master and Subtask Templates
Delete Master and Subtask Templates
Master Issue Closure Process
Using Master Quick Issue Templates
Creating Subtasks
Sometimes an Issue should be split into separate Subtasks with different properties, perhaps to be completed by
different users. For example, setting up a new PC contains many tasks, including installing the operating system,
installing software, configuring an email client, etc. The BMC FootPrints Service Core Master Issue/Subtasks feature
allows you to create parent-child relationships between Issues for complex processes, such as the new hire process,
change management, and other such Issues.
This topic describes creating Subtasks manually. For information on defining Subtasks automatically as part of a
Master Issue template, refer to
Master Quick Issue Templates.
Creating a Subtask of an Issue automatically makes the originating Issue a Master Issue, with a parent-child
relationship between the Master Issue and the Subtask.
The name of this feature is dependent on the name given to records in FootPrints for the system/Workspace. For
example, if the name "Ticket" has been defined for records in the current Workspace, the parent Issue is referred to as
a "Master Ticket" throughout the Workspace. However, Subtasks are always referred to as "Subtasks". For
consistency, all help files refer to the feature as "Master Issue" and "Subtasks".
To create a Subtask of a regular BMC FootPrints Service Core Issue (and turn that Issue into a Master Issue), on the
Details page of an Issue, select Subtask. If this option is not available, you might not have write access to the Issue
or the Issue may already have other special properties that preclude it from becoming a Master Issue and having
Subtasks. Refer to
Restrictions for more information. A second menu appears with the following options:
BackReturn to the main Details toolbar
Create SubtaskCreate a Subtask of the currently displayed Issue
1. The Create Subtask page is displayed, pre-filled with values from the originating Issue, including
contact information and Issue information (Workspace fields). Edit the fields as necessary.
2. You can change the Title of the Subtask. For example, if the originating Issue was titled Setup New
PC, the first Subtask may be to Install Operating System.
3. Fill in or make changes to any contact or Issue information fields. For example, if this task must be
completed within two days, fill in the Due Date field with a date that is two days from the current date.
This does not affect the Due Date field for the originating (Master) Issue, only for the new Subtask.
4. Enter a Description for the Subtask. This should describe the steps needed to complete the Subtask.
5. Optionally attach any files the Agent requires to complete the Subtask.
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6. Assign the Subtask to an Agent or Team. Subtasks are not required to have the same assignees as
the related Master Issue. In fact, Subtasks are a good way to assign a large Workspace to multiple
users, defining the task for each user or team to complete.
7. Email rules follow the Workspace defaults unless you override them by selecting or deselecting the
email check boxes.
8. Click Save. The Subtask is created and the originating Issue is now a Master Issue.
9. The Master Issue and Subtask are listed with special icons on the FootPrints Homepage. The related
Subtasks of the Master Issue are listed on the Details page of the Master Issue. The Master Issue to
the Subtask is listed on the Details page for the Subtask.
10. Additional Subtasks can be created from the Details page of the Master Issue by repeating steps 19
above. For example, other steps in setting up a new PC may include Install Software, Configure Email
Client, Configure Network Card, etc. A Subtask can be created for each of these tasks and assigned
to the same Team or Agent or different Agents/Teams.
Link to Master - Link this Issue to an existing Master Issue or to another Issue.
To link this issue to an existing Master Issue:
1. Select View Master Issues from the pop-up window. A second window with a list of existing Master
Issues is displayed. The Issue number and Issue title are listed as well.
2. Click the radio button next to the Master Issue that you want to become the Master for the current
3. Click GO. The Master Issue number now appears in the Issue Number box of the Link to Master pop-
up window. You can review the details of the Master Issue you selected by clicking on View Details.
4. Click GO. The current Issue is now a Subtask of the Master Issue you selected.
To link this issue to any existing Issue:
1. Enter the Issue number for the Issue to which you wish to link as a Subtask. You can select from any
existing Master Issue or any regular Issue that is not a Global Issue, GlobalLink, Subtask, or Solution.
2. Click GO. The current Issue is now a Subtask of the Master Issue you selected.
If you input the Issue number of an Issue that is a Global Issue, GlobalLink, Subtask, or Solution, an error message is
Viewing Master Issues and Subtasks
Master Issues and their Subtasks have special properties to help show their relationship.
For Master Issues
On the BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage, Master Issues are listed with the Master Issue icon to
indicate at a glance that it is a Master Issue.
If the Issue Type field is displayed on the Homepage (selected under My Preferences), the Issue is described
as a Master in that column.
On the Details page for the Master Issue, a note indicates that it is a Master Issue and all Subtasks for that
Issue are listed in a table with the Issue Number, Title, Status, and Assignees displayed for each one.
To view the Details of a related Subtask, click the Title of the Subtask. The view is refreshed to the Detail view
of the Subtask.
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For Subtasks
On the BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage, Subtasks are listed with the Subtask icon to indicate at a
glance that it is a Subtask.
If the Issue Type field is displayed on the home page (selected under Preferences), the Issue is described as a
Subtask in that column.
On the Details page for the Subtask, a note indicates that it is a Subtask and the related Master Issue for that
Subtask is listed. In addition, other related Subtasks are listed, each with the Issue Number, Title, Status, and
Assignees displayed.
To view the Details of the Master Issue, click the Title of the Master Issue. The view is refreshed to the Detail
view of the Master Issue. From here, you can view all Subtasks related to that Master Issue.
Editing Subtasks
A Subtask can be edited by the Assignees of that Subtask or anyone else who has write access (Workspace
Administrator, Team members, etc.) Editing the Subtask does not affect other Subtasks or the Master Issue, only the
current Subtask. The one exception is when closing Subtasks (refer to
Closing Master Issues and Subtasks).
To edit a Subtask:
1. On:
the BMC FootPrints Service Core Homepage, click the Edit icon next to the Issue number, or
on the Details page, select Edit from the menu. If you do not have the Edit icon, then you do not have
rights to this Subtask.
2. The Edit Subtask form is displayed, pre-filled with information from the Subtask.
3. Make changes to the Subtask (see
Editing Issues for more information).
4. Email notifications are sent to the assignees and customer contact for the Subtask, if the email checkboxes were
5. If the Subtask is closed, and there are no more active Subtasks for the Master Issue, the Assignee of the Master
Issue is notified. Refer to
Closing Master Issues and Subtasks for more information.
Deleting Subtasks
Subtasks can be deleted by anyone who has
Delete rights to that Subtask. Deleting a Subtask does not affect the other
Subtasks or the related Master Issue. Refer to Deleting Issues for more information.
Editing Master Issues
A Master Issue can be edited by the assignees of that Master Issue or anyone else who has Edit rights (Workspace
Administrator, Team members, etc.) In addition, Subtasks can, optionally, be updated automatically by editing their
Master Issue.
To edit a Master Issue:
1. On:
the BMC FootPrints Service Core homepage, click the word More after the issue title and then click the Edit
icon or
on the Details page, select Edit from the menu. If you do not have the Edit icon, then you do not have
rights to this Master Issue.
2. The Edit Master Issue form is displayed, pre-filled with information from the Master Issue.
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3. Make changes to the Master Issue (refer to Editing Issues for more information).
4. If the Description is updated, you can update the Description of all related Subtasks by checking the box to
Update all related Subtasks with this appended Description.
5. Email notifications are sent to the assignees and customer contact for the Master Issue, if the email checkboxes
were checked.
6. If the Description was updated and the Update Subtasks checkbox was checked, the Subtasks are also updated
and the assignees and customer contacts receive email notification.
7. Master Issues are normally not closed until after all of the Subtasks are closed. The assignee of the Master
Issue can override this. Refer to
Closing Master Issues and Subtasks for more information.
Updating Field Data in Subtasks from a Master Issue
Data in the Subtask fields can be updated "on-the-fly" from a Master Issue when you return to Master Issue to edit it.
When you first fill out a Master Issue template, you can also use the Master Issue template fields to populate the
Subtasks. To update the data in Subtask fields:
1. Edit the Master Issue or complete a Master Issue template as you normally would.
2. Before you click the GO button, select the item or combination of items in the Subtasks that you want updated (in
existing Subtasks) by checking the boxes at the bottom of the Edit Issue page. This will update all of the
Subtasks with the same information. The checkboxes are as follows:
DescriptionAppends the Description fields in all of the Subtasks with the Description data that was just
completed in the Master Issue.
AssigneesChanges the Assignees in the Subtasks to match the Master Issue Assignees.
PriorityChange the Priority fields in the Subtasks to match the Master Issue Priority.
StatusChanges the Status fields in the Subtasks to match the Master Issue Status.
TitleChanges the Title fields in the Subtasks to match the Master Issue Title.
Changed FieldsChanges all other fields in the Subtasks not listed individually (above) to match the Master
Issue fields. This applies to editing existing Master Issues only.
Issue InfoPopulates the Subtasks' Issue information fields with all the Master Issue's Issue information.
This applies to a newly completed Master Issue only.
New AttachmentsAny files that were attached to the Master Issue during this edit are attached to the
Subtasks as well. This applies to editing existing Master Issues only.
AttachmentsAny files that were attached to the Master Issue are attached to the Subtasks as well. This
applies to a newly completed Master Issue only.
3. Click the GO button. All of the Subtasks are updated as specified.
Deleting Master Issues
Master Issues can be deleted by anyone who has
Delete rights to that Master Issue.
Deleting a Master Issue also deletes the related Subtasks.
To delete the Master Issue:
1. Select Delete from the menu on the Details page of the Master Issue.
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2. A dialog box is displayed that prompts you to confirm the deletion. Related Subtasks are listed in the dialog.
Click OK to continue or Cancel to cancel the deletion.
3. The Master Issue and its associated Subtasks are deleted.
Closing Master Issues and Subtasks
When Master Issues or Subtasks are closed, it can affect the related Issues. When all Subtasks are completed, the
Master Issue can either be closed automatically or an email can be sent to the assignee of the Master Issue. A
Workspace option is available to control how this is handled.
To specify the rule for closing Master Issues when all related Subtasks are completed:
1. Select Administration | Workspace | Automated Workflow | Issue Workflow from the BMC FootPrints Service
Core Toolbar.
2. Scroll to the section entitled Subtask Closure Process.
3. Upon closure of the last active subtask, there are two options:
Automatically close the Master IssueThe system automatically closes the Master Issue and sends the
assignee an email confirmation.
Send email to Assignees upon closureAn email is automatically sent to the assignee of the Master Issue
informing them that all Subtasks have been closed. The assignee of the Master Issue can then review the
Subtasks and close the Master Issue manually.
The closure option selected here specifies how closing is handled for all Master Issues and subtasks in the
Workspace, whether created manually or with a Master Quick Issue template.
4. After selecting an option, enter your administrator password and click Save .
Closing a Master Issue with Active Subtasks
The Assignee of a Master Issue can choose to close the Master Issue manually when one or more related Subtasks
are still active, but this also automatically closes all of the related Subtasks. Master Issues cannot be closed by an
escalation rule.
To close a Master Issue that has active Subtasks:
1. On the Edit page of the Master Issue, select Close in the Status field, enter the reason for closing the Master
Issue in the Description, and, optionally, check the box to Update the Subtasks.
2. Click GO. A dialog box listing all of the related Subtasks that are still active is displayed .
3. Click OK to continue or Cancel to cancel the closure.
4. The Master Issue and the remaining active Subtasks are all closed and updated.
Updating Subtasks from Master Issue
BMC FootPrints Service Core provides a checkbox at the bottom of the Master Issue edit page to enable you to
update all subtask fields from the Master Issue page. Check the "Check here to update the edited fields of this Master
Issue (excluding assignees)" checkbox and the related fields of all subtasks will be updated with the same information
as the Master Issue.
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Configuring Subtask Sequencing
Where there is more than one subtask for a master Issue, BMC FootPrints Service Core allows configuration of a
sequence for subtasks so that some subtasks cannot be closed or edited (unless the Agent has appropriate
permissions) until others have been closed. There are two ways to configure a sequence:
Specify a sequence using the administration functions,
Agents with appropriate role permissions can set a sequence for subtasks "on the fly" as they work in a
master Issue.
This section describes how to set sequencing from the administration page. Refer to
Using Master Quick Issue
Templates for a description of how to set a subtask sequence from within the master Issue.
In order to specify a subtask sequence you must first create a master Issue and at least two subtasks to that master
To specify subtask sequencing:
1. Select Administration | Workspace and then select Quick Issue Templates from the Automated Workflow section
of the main frame. The Quick Issue Template page is displayed.
2. In the Master Templates section of the Quick Issue Template page, highlight the master Issue, click the
Sequence/Remove Sequence ordering for Subtasks of the selected Master Quick Issue template checkbox,
enter your password, and click the Save button. The Sequence/Remove Sequence for Subtask Templates page
is displayed.
3. Click the checkbox to enable sequencing.
4. Use the drop-down boxes next to the subtask names to set the order. You can specify more than one subtask
with the same number. If you do so, then either of the equivalent subtasks can be closed ahead of the other, but
any subtasks that have been set to higher numbers must still wait until the subtasks with equivalent numbers
have been closed. For example, you could have the first two subtasks set to "1", which means either can be
closed first, but both must be closed before the subtask set to "2" can be edited or closed.
5. When you have specified the order for all of the subtasks, click the Save button. The sequence is saved and will
be enforced by FootPrints. The Quick Issue Template page is displayed.
Editing the Subtask Sequence.
To change the sequence on a set of subtasks, perform the steps in the preceding procedure.
Master Quick Issue
Using Master Quick Issue Templates
Master Quick Issue templates can be used by all Agents in a Workspace to open complex Issues quickly, with
information pre-filled for that Issue type. Related Subtasks are created by the system automatically. Agents only need
to enter the customer's contact data and complete any mandatory fields that are not already set by the template. This
is a useful time saver to quickly handle common or repetitive multi-step Issues, such as the new hire process, change
management approvals, etc.
When at least one Quick Issue template has been created by the Workspace Administrator, the Quick Issue option is
included on the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar for Agents in the Workspace. Master Quick Issue templates
are listed in the same section.
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Subtasks can be sequenced for Master Quick Issue Templates. This means that an order for closing the subtasks can
be designated and the next subtask in the sequence cannot be closed or edited until the current subtask has been
closed. Subtask sequencing can be specified by an administrator or, with appropriate permissions, by an Agent on the
Details page of a Master Quick Issue. A Master Quick Issue must have at least two subtasks in order to specify
sequencing. The procedure for specifying a subtask sequence is below.
To use a Master Quick Issue template, follow the same procedure as for using a Quick Issue (refer to
Using Quick Issue
Templates). When you have completed the procedure, the Master Issue is created and is automatically added to the
queue of the Agent(s) assigned to the Master Issue. One or more associated subtasks are also created automatically
and assigned to the appropriate users. For example, the Network Administrator is assigned to create a new network
ID for the employee, the Telephony Administrator is assigned to get the employee a new phone, and the Inventory
Control team is assigned to get the user a new PC. If the email setting was set to email the assignees and/or
customer, email notifications are also sent for the Master Issue and Subtasks.
The name of this feature depends on the name given to records in BMC FootPrints Service Core for the
system/Workspace. For example, if the name "Call" has been defined for records in the current Workspace, the
feature is called "Master Quick Call" throughout the Workspace (on the Toolbar, in the administration pages, etc.) For
consistency, all help files refer to the feature as "Master Quick Issue".
Issues created with the Master Quick Issue template are like any other regular Master Issue once they have been
created. They can be edited, deleted, re-assigned, etc. Escalation rules apply to them as to any other Issue. Closure
of the Master Issue is regulated by the Subtask Closure Process rule set by the Workspace Administrator.
To learn more about Master Issues and Subtasks, refer to
Specifying a Subtask Sequence from a Master Issue Details Page
You can specify a sequence for closing subtasks once you have created a Master Issue. In order to specify
sequencing, the Master Issue must have at least two subtasks linked to it and the Agent must have role permission to
specify sequencing. If you want to specify sequencing but cannot do it, check with your Workspace or System
Administrator to determine whether you have permission.
To specify a subtask sequence from a Master Issue Details page:
1. Select the Master Issue Details page.
2. Select the tab for Related Issues.
3. Click the "Check this box to allow sequencing of Subtasks" checkbox. Drop-down boxes are displayed in the
section for you to specify the sequence.
4. Use the drop-down boxes next to the subtask names to set the sequence. You can specify more than one
subtask with the same number. If you do so, then either of the equivalent subtasks can be closed ahead of the
other, but any subtasks that have been set to higher numbers must still wait until the subtasks with equivalent
numbers have been closed. For example, you could have the first two subtasks set to "1", which means either
can be closed first, but both must be closed before the subtask set to "2" can be edited or closed.
5. When you have specified the order for all of the subtasks, click the Update Subtask Sequencing button. The
sequence is saved and will be enforced by BMC FootPrints Service Core. The Quick Issue Template page is
Remove Subtask Sequence
To remove the sequencing of subtasks from a Master Issue Details page:
1. Select the Master Issue Details page.
2. Select the section or tab for Related Issues.
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3. Make sure the "Check this box to allow sequencing of Subtasks" checkbox is not checked and then click the
Remove Subtask Sequencing button. The sequence is removed and the page is redisplayed.
Creating Global Issues
Viewing Global Issues
Once a Global Issue is created, it is viewable by all Agents in the Workspace, as well as customers who have
Global Issues can be accessed in multiple ways:
In the Global Issues "Scoreboard" on the BMC FootPrints Service Core HomepageOn the BMC
FootPrints Service Core Homepage for all Agents of the workspace, there is a Global Issues dashboard
component. Click the Title of a Global Issue to see the Details, or click the GlobalLink icon to create a new
GlobalLink for that Global Issue. If there are more Global Issues than can be displayed, click More; list of all
active Global Issues is displayed.
Select "Global Issues" from the Display Drop-downIf this choice is selected, all active Global Issues are
listed on the Homepage.
Broadcast MessageWhen a new Global Issue is created, a broadcast message is sent to all Agents in the
Workspace (by default). To learn more about that Global Issue, visit your Homepage for that Workspace and
use one of the methods above.
CustomersCustomers can view and subscribe to Global Issues, if they have
permission to do so, by
selecting Global Issues from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
Global Issue Details
On the Details page of a Global Issue, a reference to the fact that it is a Global is displayed, along with a table listing
all related GlobalLinks, including Issue Number, Title, Status, and assignees of each GlobalLink.
GlobalLink Details
On the Details page of a GlobalLink, a reference to the fact that it is a GlobalLink is displayed, along with information
about the related Global Issue, including Issue Number, Title, Status, and assignees.
Creating a GlobalLink
Agents and customers can link to Global Issues, creating GlobalLinks, in a number of ways. When a GlobalLink is
created, it inherits many of the properties of the Global Issue, but also contains the contact information for the
individual customer. GlobalLinks can all be closed simultaneously when the Global Issue is closed.
There are two ways for an Agent to create a GlobalLink:
From a Global Issue
From a Regular Issue
Customers can also
subscribe to Global Issues, creating their own GlobalLinks.
Create a Global Link from a Global Issue
1. From the Global Issues "Scoreboard" on the BMC FootPrints Service Core HomepageOn the BMC
FootPrints Service Core Homepage, click the icon next to the Global Issue. If there are additional active Global
Issues that are not displayed, click More; the issue list is updated to display all active Global Issues.
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2. From the Details screen of the Global Issueselect Global | New Global Link from the Details menu.
3. The Create GlobalLink form is displayed. It is similar to the regular Create Issue page, but with fewer fields.
4. Title/Priority/StatusThese fields are pre-filled with the information from the Global Issue. There is no need to
change them unless the GlobalLink has special properties (for example, the CEO has reported the problem and
the Issue should receive an Urgent priority).
5. Contact InformationSelect the user's contact information, as you would when
creating a regular Issue.
6. Issue InformationThese are pre-filled with information from the Global Issue. Make any changes needed or
fill in additional fields as required.
7. DescriptionThis is pre-filled with the description from the Global Issue. Make any changes needed. Changes
to this field do not affect the Global Issue.
8. AttachmentsFiles attached to the Global Issue are also linked here.
9. AssignmentBy default, the GlobalLink is assigned to you or to whoever is normally assigned to Issues based
on problem type or other Auto-Assign/Escalation rules. The main Global Issue remains assigned to the original
assignee of that Global Issue. The original assignee is responsible for closing the Global Issue, which also
closes all of the associated GlobalLinks.
10. EmailThe Agent or Team Assigned to the GlobalLink receives email notification if the Assignee checkbox is
checked, and the customer receive an email if the Contact checkbox is checked.
11. Time TrackingTime tracking information applies to this GlobalLink.
12. Click GO. The GlobalLink is created. It is listed on the Details page for the Global Issue.
Create a Global Link from the Details Page of a Regular Issue
Regular Issues can also be converted into GlobalLinks.
To convert a regular Issue into a GlobalLink:
1. From the Details page of a regular Issue, select Link to Global from the Details menu. If this option is not
available, it is because the Issue already has other special properties that prevent it from being linked to a Global
Issue. Refer to
Restrictions for more information.
2. A pop-up window is displayed with a list of available Global Issues to link. Select the radio button for the desired
Global Issue and click GO.
3. The Create GlobalLink form is displayed. It is pre-filled with the information from the origination Issue, not the
Global Issue. Make changes as necessary.
4. Click GO.
5. The GlobalLink is created. It is listed on the Details page for the Global Issue, along with the other GlobalLinks.
Updating Global Issues
A Global Issue can be updated by the assignee of the Global Issue or anyone with edit rights to it. Updating the Title,
Workspace fields, priority, etc. of the Global Issue does not affect existing GlobalLinks.
The following occur when a Global Issue is updated:
Two important fields are updated in all associated GlobalLinks when updated in the Global Issue:
StatusWhen the Status of the Global Issue is updated, the statuses of all associated
GlobalLinks are also updated.
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Description - When a Description is appended to a Global Issue, it is appended to all associated
GlobalLinks, unless the Include Appended Description option is unchecked.
Email notifications are sent when changes are made to the Global Issue:
When changes are made to the Global Issue, all Agents who have at least one GlobalLink linked to
the Global Issue receive an email notification about the change (one per Agent, not one per
If changes are made the Status or Description fields of the Global Issue, the customer contacts for
each GlobalLink receive an email notification, provided that email notification is enabled for
The Agent or Team assigned to the Global Issue also receives email notification for any changes.
When the Global Issue is resolved, it can be closed along with all related GlobalLinks at the same
Updating GlobalLinks
When GlobalLinks are updated, the originating Global Issue is not affected, nor are the other GlobalLinks. Update that
affects all related GlobalLinks (to the Description or Status) must be done from the main Global Issue.
Deleting Global Issues
Global Issues can be deleted by anyone who has
delete rights to that Global Issue. Deleting a Global Issue does not
delete the related GlobalLinks, it only removes the links.
To delete the Global Issue:
1. Select Delete from the menu on the Details page of the Global Issue.
2. A dialog box appears prompting you to confirm the deletion. Click OK to continue or Cancel to cancel the
deletion. The Global Issue is deleted. The link is removed from associated GlobalLinks, turning them back into
regular Issues.
Closing Global Issues
Global Issues are used to designate important or frequently reported Issues that will affect many users, for example, a
System Down failure that will be reported by many users. One of the main features of Global Issues is that when the
Global Issue is closed, all related GlobalLinks are also closed and updated and the customer contacts are
automatically notified via email. This feature can save time by combining the work of closing many related Issues into
a single task. It also improves communication by notifying all affected users about the resolution of the problem at
one time.
To close a Global Issue:
1. Select the Edit icon for the Global Issue you want to close on the Homepage or the Details page of the Global
Issue. You must have
Edit rights for the Global Issue to do this.
2. Change the status to Closed.
3. Enter the final resolution for the Issue in the Append Description field. Make sure the Include Appended
Description in GlobalLinks checkbox is checked.
4. Click GO. The Global Issue is Closed, as are all associated GlobalLinks. Email notifications are sent to all
Agents who have at least one GlobalLink linked to the Global Issue, to the assignees of the Global Issue, and to
the customer contacts for all GlobalLinks.
Global Issues can also be closed using the .
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Restrictions of Global Issues
As the relationship between Global Issues and GlobalLinks has certain rules associated with it, there are certain
restrictions to these Issue types:
A GlobalLink cannot be created from another GlobalLinkYou must create the GlobalLink from the
Global Issue.
A Global Issue cannot be created from another Global IssueThis would result in duplicate Global
Issues. To replace a Global Issue, delete the Global Issue, then create a new Global Issue.
A Subtask cannot be created for a Global Issue or a GlobalLinkBecause Subtasks and Master Issues
have their own rules and links, Global Issues and GlobalLinks cannot contain Subtasks.
A Master Issue cannot become a Global Issue or a GlobalLinkBecause Subtasks and Master Issues
have their own rules and links, Global Issues and GlobalLinks cannot contain Subtasks.
Global Issues and GlobalLinks cannot be copied and linked to other Issues or WorkspacesWhile
regular Issues can be copied and linked to within the current Workspace or to another Workspace, Global
Issues and GlobalLinks do not have this option.
Customers Subscribing to Global Issues
Customers can view and subscribe to Global Issues themselves if they have appropriate permissions. This saves the
Help Desk time by allowing customers to identify their own problems and link to a central Global Issue, rather than
entering many Issues that address the same problem. Allowing customers to do so provides them with faster service,
because they receive updates automatically when the originating Global Issue is updated and eventually resolved.
To view and subscribe to Global Issues:
1. In the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar, select Global Issues. A pop-up window is displayed entitled
Current Global Issues. This contains a list of Global Issues currently affecting other users.
2. To view the full description of a Global Issue, click the Title.
3. To subscribe to a Global Issue, select Subscribe.
4. Once a customer subscribes to a Global Issue, it is listed with the customer's Requests. The customer receives
email updates as the Global Issue is updated and eventually resolved. The customer can view the latest status
at any time under View My Requests.
Real-time Issue Resolution Tools
Remote Manager
Remote Manager is an add-on module. Remote Manager supports Windows Vista on the client machine provided the
client obtains a patch from BMC. Contact BMC Support to obtain the patch.
Remote Manager allows you to control a user’s desktop remotely for troubleshooting purposes. BMC FootPrints
Service Core includes an email feature that can be used to send instructions for downloading and installing the
Remote Manager Host application to customers.
There are two parts to Remote Manager:
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HostThe Host resides on the customer’s machine, i.e., the machine to be controlled.
GuestThe Guest is used to connect to the customer’s machine and display the desktop for that user.
The Host and Guest can reside on different machines, and even on different networks, as long as they can
communicate via TCP/IP (dial-up is not supported). The Host and Guest machines can also be on different platforms.
Installing the Guest on the Agent Machine
Agents obtain the Guest software by selecting Communication | Remote Control from the BMC FootPrints Service
Core Toolbar and then clicking the "To download Remote Manager Guest, click here" link. The Guest can be installed
over the web or downloaded and installed from there.
Agents perform this installation the first time they require remote control. After that, the installation need not be
Installing the Host on the Customer Machine
When the agent selects the More | Remote Manager link from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar, the Remote
Manager page is displayed in the main frame.
The customer must install the Remote Manager Host on his or her machine in order for the agent to use the Remote
Manager Guest to control the customer machine. In order to do this:
1. Enter the customer's email address in the field provided. Optionally, enter any additional comments for the
customer in the Additional Comments field.
2. Click the GO button. FootPrints Service Core sends an email to the customer containing instructions for
downloading and installing the Host application.
Using Remote Manager
1. To start the Remote Manager Guest, the agent selects Start | Programs | Remote Manager Control | Guest
from the Windows Start menu.
2. When the Remote Manager application is displayed, the agent then enters the customer's IP address in the
Host field and clicks the Connect button.
3. For additional instructions on using Remote Manager, consult the online documentation that accompanies
Remote Manager. To obtain the documentation, start the client and then click the Help link.
Another Way to Run Remote Manager
Agents can run Remote Manager such that it genuinely resembles sitting at the desktop. Instructions for this
procedure can be found at
Supported Platforms and Requirements
Remote Manager Guest
Computer and processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) processor or higher
Memory: 512 megabyte (MB) RAM or higher
Hard disk: 50 megabyte (MB); a portion of this disk space will be freed after installation.
Display: 1024x768 or higher resolution monitor
Operating systems:
Windows Server 2003 Standard, Enterprise and Web Edition
Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server
Windows XP Pro and Home
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows Vista
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Remote Manager Host
Computer and processor: Intel Pentium processor or higher, or 100% compatible
Memory: OS requirement plus additional 12 MB (16 MB or more recommended).
Hard disk: Requires <= 15 MB
Video: Any 100% VGA compatible graphics adapter supported by Windows. The Guest module requires at
least 256 colors (16-bit color depth or higher recommended)
Operating systems:
Windows Server 2003 Standard, Enterprise and Web Edition
Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server
Windows XP Pro and Home
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows Vista
Smart Card Authentication to Active Directory requires that the Security Server(s), Active Directory and Active
Directory domain controllers be configured properly. Active Directory must trust a certification authority to authenticate
users based on certificates from that CA. As with any PKI implementation, all parties must trust the Root CA to which
Installing and Configuring BMC Service Core FootPrints Sync
BMC FootPrints Sync is included with BMC FootPrints Mobile (an add-on module purchased separately) and supports
the following:
Operating Systems: Windows XP Pro, Windows XP Home, Windows 2000, Windows 2003 Server
Personal Information Manager (PIM) software: Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, Lotus Notes,
Palm Desktop, Palm HotSync
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs): PocketPC (through Outlook), BlackBerry (through Outlook or Lotus
Notes), Palm (through Palm Hotsync or Palm Desktop)
Installing the Desktop Client
To install the BMC FootPrints Sync client:
1. Select Preferences on the BMC FootPrints Service Core homepage, then select FootPrints Sync (2-way) from
the Miscellaneous tab. Select Configure BMC FootPrints Sync Settings. The BMC FootPrints Sync page
2. Click the Download the BMC FootPrints Sync client link on this page to access the client. You can choose to
open and run the client installation or download it and run it.
3. Double-click the BMC FootPrints Sync file (FPSync.exe) that you just downloaded to start the BMC FootPrints
Sync InstallShield Wizard. The Welcome screen displays.
4. Click the Next button to continue. The Program Maintenance window displays.
5. Click the Install button to install the client. When installation is completed, the Completed window displays.
6. Click the Finish button to finish the installation.
Once installation is complete, there should be two icons on your desktop, one called BMC FootPrints Sync Setup and
one called simply BMC FootPrints Sync. In addition, the BMC FootPrints Sync client displays. If it does not, double-
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click either icon to display it. See Configuring BMC FootPrints Sync Settings within BMC FootPrints Service Core for details on
configuring and using BMC FootPrints Sync desktop client.
Uninstalling the BMC FootPrints Sync Desktop Client
There are three ways you can uninstall the BMC FootPrints Sync Client:
Run the FPSync.exe file:
Once the Welcome window displays, click the Next button.
In the Program Maintenance window, click the Remove radio button, then click the Next button.
The client is removed.
On Windows, use the Add/Remove Software program:
Select Start-->Control Panel.
Select the Add/Remove Programs option. This can vary depending on your version of Windows.
Select FPSync in the list and click the uninstall button.
Open the BMC FootPrints Sync client and select File, then select the Uninstall option.
Configuring BMC FootPrints Sync Settings in FootPrints Service Core
These settings configure how BMC FootPrints Sync:
Handles appointments made in BMC FootPrints Service Core or made in the PIM
Synchronizes BMC FootPrints Service Core Issues with PIM tasks and vice versa
Maps contact fields between BMC FootPrints Service Core and the PIM
Some PIMs have a concept of “private” and “public” calendars, similar to the BMC FootPrints Service Core personal
calendar and workspace calendar. A private calendar is viewable only by the PIM owner, but the public calendar can
be seen by others, with the owner’s permission.
When BMC FootPrints Sync initially synchronizes BMC FootPrints Service Core assignments with the tasks list, it
takes role permissions into consideration. Only the Agent's own assignments or team assignments are synchronized.
However, if the Agent's role only permits him or her to edit his or her own assignments through the BMC FootPrints
Service Core interface, the Agent will be able to close and add to the Description field of the team's assignments
through the PIM. Administrators must be aware of this if they are to restrict Agents from editing team assignments
and, in that circumstance, may wish to restrict use of BMC FootPrints Sync.
Enabling synchronization and defining the PIM are done in the client. The following options only apply when
synchronization is enabled in the client.
To enable and configure BMC FootPrints Sync in BMC FootPrints Service Core:
1. Select Preferences from the BMC FootPrints Sync homepage.
2. On the Miscellaneous tab, select FootPrints Sync (2-way). If you want to continue to use the 1-way BMC
FootPrints Sync, which only synchronizes calendar appointments with your Outlook Calendar and does so only
from BMC FootPrints Service Core to Outlook, select Manual Calendar Sync (1-way). If you choose 1-way
synchronization, continue no further with this procedure.
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3. Select Configure FootPrints Sync Settings from the BMC FootPrints Sync section. The BMC FootPrints Sync
page displays.
4. Select options as follows:
BMC FootPrints Service Core -> PIMTell BMC FootPrints Sync how to handle appointments
created in BMC FootPrints Service Core when writing them to the PIM.
o Personal AppointmentsOnly write personal calendar appointments to the PIM.
o Personal & Workspace AppointmentsWrite appointments from both personal
calendar and workspace calendar to the PIM.
PIM -> BMC FootPrints Service CoreTell BMC FootPrints Sync how to handle appointments created
in the PIM when writing them to the BMC FootPrints Service Core calendar. BMC FootPrints Sync does
not synchronize invitees in an appointment from a PIM to an appointment in BMC FootPrints Service
o Private AppointmentsTell BMC FootPrints Sync how to handle private appointments
created in the PIM when writing them to BMC FootPrints Service Core.
Personal Calendar OnlyWrite private appointments from the PIM to the personal
calendar only.
Personal and Workspace CalendarsWrite private appointments from the PIM to the
personal and workspace calendars.
Because BMC FootPrints Sync has no way of knowing when a user is one of many invitees to an
appointment, if multiple invitees to a single appointment synchronize their Outlook calendars to the BMC
FootPrints Service Core workspace calendar, the same appointment will appear multiple times. To
avoid this problem, invitees (but not the originator) to such an appointment should temporarily turn off
synchronization to the Personal & Workspace Calendars and, instead, synchronize only with the
personal calendar.
o Public AppointmentsTell BMC FootPrints Sync how to handle public appointments
created in the PIM when writing them to BMC FootPrints Service Core.
o Personal Calendar OnlyWrite public appointments from the PIM to the
personal calendar only.
o Personal and Workspace CalendarsWrite public appointments from the
PIM to the personal and workspace calendars.
TasksBMC FootPrints Sync can write Issues to your PIM’s Tasks list.
BMC FootPrints Service Core-> PIMTell BMC FootPrints Sync how to handle Issues when writing
them to your PIM’s Tasks list.
o My AssignmentsWrites all Issues that are assigned to you to the PIM’s Tasks list when
BMC FootPrints Service Core is synchronized with the PIM.
o Post address book and workspace fields into the description of the tasksAll of the
field data elsewhere in the Issue is written to the Description portion of the Task.
PIM -> BMC FootPrints Service Core
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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o Completed/Deleted TasksIf you mark a task as completed or deleted in your PIM, when
you synchronize your PIM and BMC FootPrints Service Core, the status of the
corresponding Issue in BMC FootPrints Service Core is changed to the status you select
from the drop-down fields:
OpenStatus is changed to Open.
ClosedStatus is changed to Closed.
[Other Statuses]—Other BMC FootPrints Service Core statuses are
displayed in the drop-down. Select one of those to determine what to do
when the status is marked as completed in the PIM.
Don’t change StatusStatus is left unchanged ].
o Deleted TasksIf you delete a task from your PIM, when you synchronize your PIM and
BMC FootPrints Service Core, the status to the status you choose from the drop-down
OpenStatus is changed to Open.
ClosedStatus is changed to Closed.
[Other Statuses]—Other BMC FootPrints Service Core statuses are
displayed in the drop-down. Select one of those to determine what to do
when the status is marked as completed in the PIM.
Don’t change StatusStatus is left unchanged.
Lotus Notes only supports three levels of priority. When mapping priorities from BMC FootPrints Service Core to
Lotus Notes, any priorities numbered higher than 3 are mapped to 3.
ContactsBMC FootPrints Service Core can write the contacts in your BMC FootPrints Service Core
Address Book to your PIM’s Address Book. Contact synchronization requires that you have a personal
Address Book search defined.
BMC FootPrints Service Core-> PIMTell BMC FootPrints Service Core whether to write the
contacts from your BMC FootPrints Service Core Address Book to the Address Book in the PIM
and maps the fields in BMC FootPrints Service Core to the fields in the PIM.
o Search drop-downSelect the Address Book search. The results are what will
be written to your PIM.
o Field MapperIf you are going to synchronize contacts, you must configure the
mapping between BMC FootPrints Service Core Address Book fields and PIM
Address Book fields.
o BMC FootPrints Service Core Field to PIM FieldUsing the drop-
down boxes, select the PIM fields that correspond to the BMC
FootPrints Service Core fields.
Configuring the FootPrints Sync Client
The first step after installation is to define the settings in the BMC FootPrints Sync client. The following sections of
this document explain the buttons on the BMC FootPrints Sync interface and then the items in the menu bar at the top
of the interface.
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To configure settings in the BMC FootPrints Sync client:
1. Double-click the BMC FootPrints Sync Setup shortcut on your desktop.
2. Click the Settings button. A page displays where you can enter your BMC FootPrints Service Core User ID,
password, and the URL for the location of the BMC FootPrints Service Core link. The default for this location is
http://localhost/MRcgi/webcal/, where localhost is your PC or handheld device.
3. Click the Next button. The Information Manager Settings window displays.
4. Select your PIM from the Information Manager Name drop-down list, then click the Configuration Options button.
Options are:
Lotus Notes
Microsoft Outlook
Outlook Express
Palm Desktop
Palm HotSync
PocketPC Sync thru Outlook
5. Click the Configuration Options button. A tabbed window is displayed with options for you to configure your PIM.
Not all tabs are displayed for all types of PIM. Select settings on each tab.
The following are the tabs and their options:
User IDSelect the User ID from the drop-down (this tab displays for Palm and Palm HotSync only).
Transfer MethodSelect whether to transfer data in both directions, from the PIM to BMC FootPrints
Service Core only, or from BMC FootPrints Service Core to the PIM only.
Synchronize changes both waysWhen synchronizing the PIM with BMC FootPrints Service
Core, write new data in both directions.
Add PIM_type into BMC FootPrints Service CoreOnly write data from the PIM to BMC
FootPrints Service Core.
Add BMC FootPrints Service Core into PIM_typeOnly write data from BMC FootPrints
Service Core to the PIM.
ContentSelect which data to transfer.
ContactsWrite BMC FootPrints Service Core contacts into the PIM. Regardless of whether
you chose to synchronize both ways or in just one direction on the Transfer Methods tab, you
can only write contacts from BMC FootPrints Service Core to the PIM.
TasksWrite BMC FootPrints Service Core Issues to the Tasks list. When synchronizing from
the PIM to BMC FootPrints Service Core, tasks synchronization changes the status field of the
BMC FootPrints Service Core Issue according to what you specified when you configured this
feature in BMC FootPrints Service Core.
CalendarWrite calendar appointments between BMC FootPrints Service Core and the PIM.
Personal CategorySelect whether to synchronize Personal Category data (this tab displays for Palm
HotSync only).
Synchronize Personal Category
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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Do not synchronize Personal Category
6. When you have configured all of your settings on the tabs, click the OK button. The Information Manager
Settings window displays again.
7. Click the Next button. The Synchronization Settings window displays.
8. Select how you want your PIM synchronized with BMC FootPrints Service Core:
Synchronize once each day at timeUse the drop-downs to select the time of day at which the
BMC FootPrints Sync client will perform synchronization. You can still synchronize “on-demand” by
clicking the Synchronize button from the BMC FootPrints Sync client interface.
Synchronize every x hoursUse the drop-down to schedule synchronization every X hours. You
can still synchronize “on-demand” by clicking the Synchronize button from the BMC FootPrints Sync
client interface or by double-clicking the BMC FootPrints Sync icon. Because synchronization can be
demanding on the server, auto-synchronization can be scheduled with a maximum frequency of once
per hour per user. If immediate synchronization is required, double-click the FootPrints Sync icon in
your system tray.
Synchronize when the computer is startedIf you select this option, the BMC FootPrints Sync
client will synchronize when the PC or handheld on which the client resides is booted. You can still
synchronize “on-demand” by clicking the Synchronize button from the BMC FootPrints Sync client
Synchronize ManuallySynchronization only occurs when you select the Synchronize button from
the BMC FootPrints Sync client interface.
9. When you have made your choices, click the Next button. The final window displays.
10. Click the Finish button to complete the configuration tasks.
Social Media
Broadcasting Issues to Social Media
Broadcast an Issue to Social Media
Agents can broadcast individual Issues from the Assignees and Notifications tab/section on the Create Issue and Edit
Issue pages.
The instructions below describe how to broadcast an Issue to social media (Facebook and Twitter).
Users will be able to view the first 2,048 characters of the Issue description on the Facebook post and 140
characters on the Twitter post.
Users will only be able to view Issue details once they access BMC FootPrints Service Core from Facebook if
they are Global Issues or if they have rights to view the Issue. For more information, see
Creating Global Issues.
If the BMC FootPrints Mobile license has been applied to your BMC FootPrints Service Core installation,
customers will not be able to view Issue details in BMC FootPrints Service Core from mobile devices when
clicking the BMC FootPrints Service Core links in social media posts. More more information on BMC BMC
FootPrints Service Core Mobile, see
Mobile Options.
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Your user role (e.g., Agent) needs permissions set up by the System or Workspace Administrator before you can
broadcast Issues to social media. See
Broadcasting Issues to Social Media (Overview).
1. Select the Assignees and Notifications tab/section on the Create Issue or Edit Issue page.
2. Select the Social Media Broadcast checkbox in the Send Email to section.
3. Click the Save button.
The Issue will be broadcast the next time the BMC FootPrints Service Core scheduler runs (approximately
every three minutes).
Capturing Twitter Tweets to Create Issues
Capturing Twitter Tweets to Create Issues (Overview)
BMC FootPrints Service Core is integrated with Twitter so that Agents can view Twitter messages ("Tweets") on their
Homepage and create Issues from them. By default, all Administrators and Agents can customize their Homepages to
capture Tweets. To do this, Agents customize their Homepage preferences to capture Tweets from specific Twitter
users and display them on their Homepage Dashboard. They select a specific Tweet, click Create, and the Issue page
us created. Agents can also configure the feature to capture specific keywords (search queries) in Tweets.
A benefit of this feature is if your organization's service desk has a Twitter account, when Twitter users mention your
Twitter username or particular keywords in their tweets, your Agents can view the Tweets in real time on their BMC
FootPrints Service Core Homepages. In this way, you and your Agents can proactively manage your service desk by
monitoring social media. Your Agents can then decide to create Issues from the Tweets and resolve any requests or
When Workspace Administrators associate a Twitter username with a Contact in the Workspace's Address Book,
Issues created from Tweets are automatically populated with the sender's Contact information. Agents can then
respond to the sender of the Tweet without leaving the Issue page.
The following represents the user workflow from configuring the system to capture Tweets to viewing Issues created
from them.
Note: it is not necessary to configure the Social Media Connectors feature in order to capture Twitter Tweets, since
that feature is to broadcast messages from BMC FootPrints Service Core
System Administrator
By default, Agents and Administrators can create Issues from Twitter Tweets. However, System Administrators can
prevent this ability system-wide. See: Prevent Agents and Administrators from Creating Issues from Twitter Tweets
(System-wide) in the Administrator's Guide (Optional).
Workspace Administrators
By default, Agents and Administrators can create Issues from Twitter Tweets. However, Workspace Administrators
can prevent this ability via user roles. See: . Preventing Agents and Administrators from Creating Issues from Twitter
Tweets in the Administrator's Guide.
1. Create or edit an Agent Preference Template to capture Twitter Tweets on Agents' Homepages (optional).
(Agents can capture their own Tweets in addition to the Agent Preference Template set up by Workspace Administrators).
a. Add the Twitter dashboard component to the Agent Preference Template.
2. Add an Address Book field in the Workspace using the Twitter ID field type.
This allows Issues to be automatically populated with the FootPrints user ID of the Twitter user (sender).
3. Add the user's Twitter username to the Twitter ID field in his Contact information in the Workspace's Address Book (e.g., @username).
1. Customize your
user preferences to capture Twitter tweets on your Homepage.
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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a. Add the Twitter dashboard component to your Homepage.
2. Monitor the Tweets and create Issues from them as necessary.
3. Respond to user from the Issue page (optional).
1. Send Twitter Tweets mentioning your organization's Twitter username (optional).
2. Track Issuescreated from your Tweets in the Customer Service Portal.
Capturing Twitter Tweets on Your Homepage
By default, you can display six Dashboard components on your Homepage, depending on your role permissions as
set up by your Workspace Administrator.
1. Follow the steps in the
Homepage Preferences topic under Add a FootPrints Service Core Dashboard
2. Select Twitter Feed from the Available Components list.
3. Under Setting for Twitter Feed:
a. Select the number of Twitter Tweets to display from the Records to display drop-down list (between 1
and 10).
To capture Tweets from or mentioning a specific Twitter user, select User screen name, then
enter the Twitter username in the User screen name field (e.g., @Username).
To capture Tweets containing keywords, select Search string, enter the search query in the
Search string field (e.g., @YourServiceDesk).
Below are some examples of search operators you can use in the Search string field. For more
search operators, see
Using the Twitter Search API on Twitter's Developers Web site.
Finds Tweets
Useful for
sent to the user
tracking requests problems sent directly
from your Twitter users to your service
desk Twitter account, from which y
can create Issues
mentioning @YourCompany
monitoring Tweets mentioning your
company name
containing both "MyProduct" and
"Another Product". This is the
default operator.
monitoring Tweets comparing your
product wi
th another product
b. Select an option to capture Tweets from a specific Twitter user or from keywords:
c. Select an option to determine how much of the Tweet to display:
Display the first (from 5 to 60) characters option.
Display all characters
4. Click the Add Component button.
5. Enter your password and click Save
Your Homepage displays the Twitter Feeds on your Dashboard. To edit the Twitter Feeds, see
Edit a Dashboard
Component in HomePage Preferences.
Viewing Twitter Tweets on Your Homepage
After configuring your Preference to capture Twitter Tweets, you can view them on your Homepage.
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Note: Your Workspace Administrator may have already set up an Agent Preference Template for your role to include
the Twitter Feed dashboard component. You can display more dashboard components on your Homepage,
depending on your role permissions as set up by your Workspace Administrator.
Twitter Feeds display as separate dashboard components on your Homepage. A Tweet can contain up to 140
characters, but not all of the message will display. Administrators and Agents can configure their Twitter Feeds to
display only the first 5 to 60 characters, as well as all characters. You can also configure the number of tweets to
display in a dashboard component (between 1 and 10).
Refresh ComponentTwitter Feeds are updated in real time; however, you can click the Refresh
Component button on the component to update the Tweets.
Minimize ComponentTo minimize the component, click the Minimize Component button.
Delete ComponentTo delete the component, click the Delete Component button. For detailed information
on deleting components, see
Homepage Preferences.
Creating Issues from Twitter Tweets
In order to create Issues from Tweets, customize your
user preferences to capture Twitter tweets on your Homepage.
Then add the Twitter dashboard component to your Homepage. See Capturing Twitter Tweets on Your Homepage.
Once you create the Issue from the Tweet, the Issue will display on your Homepage as well as on the Contact's
Homepage in the Customer Service Portal. You can then interact with the Contact from within the Issue using the
email notifications feature. For details, see
Create/Edit Issue Email Notification.
1. Click the Create button on the Twitter Tweet.
The New Issue page appears.
Note: If the Workspace Administrator has associated a Twitter username with a Contact in the Workspace's
Address Book, Issues created from Tweets are automatically populated with the sender's Contact information.
2. If a Search dialog appears, search for a Contact to associate with the Issue.
3. Complete the New Issue page, then Save the page.
Note: Only the first 53 characters of the Tweet will display in the Issue Title. You can edit the title as necessary.
BMC FootPrints Change Manager
Using BMC FootPrints Change Manager
Change management is a process of acquiring approval for steps in that process. The steps in the process are
defined as "phases". Designated approvers vote to approve or disapprove the Issue at each phase in the process.
An Issue that is in the Change Manager approval process looks the same as any other Issue unless the Agent has
been designated as an approver for that phase of the approval process. Votes by approvers are cast either within the
BMC FootPrints Service Core interface or via email.
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Voting from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Interface
If the Agent has been designated as an approver, extra fields are displayed on the Details page so that the approver
can cast his or her vote. Approval votes are cast on the Details page.
The fields for voting are as follows:
Change voteThis box is checked by default. Check the box to leave your vote unchanged. The buttons for
voting are displayed when you uncheck the box.
Approve/Disapprove/DeferClick the Approve or Disapprove button to vote to approve or disapprove the
Issue. Click the Defer button to acknowledge that you have seen the "ballot" and leave a comment without
affecting the final outcome of the decision. If the phase does not end before you have the chance, you can
go back and change your vote to Approve or Disapprove as you see fit. If you defer, you continue receiving
reminder emails.
approval criteria have been met, the Issue is moved into another phase of the process or the process of
approvals is completed. Voters may be required to vote on only one phase or multiple phases in the
End this phase - Override all votingSome voters may be assigned the privilege of ending the phase
entirely on the authority of their vote. This is a configurable option and is not present on all ballots.
If you cast your vote before entering comments, the vote is recorded and the Details page changes to show the result
of your vote. See below for information on how to change your vote, which allows you to add comments if you voted
but did not include comments at that time.
Extended Voting DetailsExtended Voting Details include:
Issue number
process name
process description
phase name
phase description
approval/disapproval requirements
list of approvers
next phase in the process
list of approval/disapproval votes, including who voted, date of the vote, and voter comments
list of votes cast with voters' comments
Comments on Vote (optional)You can enter any comments you wish in this field. Some comments you
might include are the rational for your vote or, for example, if you vote to disapprove, you might include what
you would require to vote to approve the Issue if it came back to you again.
Voting by Email
If approvers receive email notification when voting begins and/or recurring email reminders that a vote is pending,
approvers may, depending on how the notifications are configured, be able to cast his or her vote by replying to the
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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If you can vote by email, the email contains a line of text similar to the following:
[ ]Approve [ ]Disapprove
To vote by email, select Reply in your mail program, enter an X between the appropriate square brackets in the reply,
then send the reply. Do not alter the security ID in any way. That data is required for a successful vote.
If the email is configured to allow it, you can also enter comments in your reply along with your vote by simply typing
your comments on the line indicated.
One of a set of responses is returned to email votes for both successful and unsuccessful votes, as follows:
For successful votes:
'Your re-vote for approval for [Issue: %s, Process: %s, Phase: %s] was counted.';
'Your vote for approval for [Issue: %s, Process: %s, Phase: %s] was counted.';
'Your re-vote against approval for [Issue: %s, Process: %s, Phase: %s] was counted.';
'Your vote against approval for [Issue: %s, Process: %s, Phase: %s] was counted.';
For unsuccessful votes:
'Your vote for [Issue: %s, Process: %s, Phase: %s] was not counted. Voting for this phase ended.';
'Your vote for [Issue: %s, Process: %s, Phase: %s] was not counted. The ballot was not clear.';
'Your vote for [Issue: %s, Process: %s, Phase: %s] was not counted. Reason not known.';
'Your vote for [Issue: %s, Process: %s, Phase: %s] was not counted. Your email address did not
match our records.';
'Your vote for [Issue: %s, Process: %s, Phase: %s] was not counted. This is not the correct
'Your vote was not counted. The security ID was invalid.';
'Your vote was not counted. The security ID was not found.';
Override VotesSuper-approvers
A "Super-approver" is empowered to end any phase immediately on the authority of his or her vote only. A super-
approver's vote overrides all other votes in the phase.
If you are empowered with super-approver status and want to end the phase on your own authority, check the End
this phase - Override all voting checkbox. A warning message is then displayed. Cast your vote to approve or
disapprove and the phase is ended.
When the phase ends, it follows the normal procedure configured for approval or disapproval, depending on which
way the super-approver voted.
Viewing the Change Manager Audit Trail
If you are a member of a role with permission to view Change Manager history and run Change Manager reports, a
voting history is provided in addition to the three tabs that comprise the
regular Issue history (see the online help or
Reference Guide PDF).
This audit trail provides a listing of all actions that were taken on a Change Manager Issue and when they were taken.
Only users who have permission, based on role membership, can view all of the available history information.
The Audit Trail page cannot be edited.
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To view the Change Manager audit trail:
1. Select the Details page of a Change Manager Issue.
2. Go to the History section of the page. The Audit Trail page for that Issue is displayed.
Using the Audit Trail Page
When you first open the Audit Trail page, the Issue's complete history is displayed. Use the links to view different
history data, as follows:
Complete HistoryAll activity of the Issue.
Issue HistoryActions performed on the Issue by all users and automatically by the system.
Email HistoryAll email activity for the Issue.
Voting historyA history of the individual votes cast. Voting history is not shown in any other view.
The following information is maintained for all views but the voting history:
DateThe date the action was performed.
TimeThe time the action was performed.
UserThe user who performed the action. If the action was performed by the system automatically, the
escalation rule is listed here.
ActionThe action performed on the Issue, i.e. "Changed Status", "Changed Priority", "Updated
Description", etc.
Email typeFor email actions, the type of mail (incoming update or outgoing email notification) is displayed
and the user who made the update or received the notification.
The following information is maintained for the voting history:
DateThe date the vote was cast.
TimeThe time the vote was cast.
UserThe user who cast the vote.
ProcessThe name of the process in which the vote was cast.
PhaseThe name of the phase in which the vote was cast.
VoteThe vote that was cast (approve or disapprove).
CommentAny comments made by the voter that were a part of the vote.
Using Service Catalog
Customers can use the Service Catalog to place service requests or simply view the services that are available for
future reference. To view the Service Catalog, select Service Catalog from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar.
The Service Catalog is displayed.
The Service Catalog displays service categories and a Hot List. The service categories are a hierarchy that allows the
services to be organized. The Hot List is a quick means of navigating to specific services.
Service Categories
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Service categories are determined by the administrator and may contain subcategories to any number of levels. To
view services, you have to click the appropriate service category, and perhaps continue clicking on subcategories until
you get to the one you want. For example, you may want to find a service in the IT Services department dealing with a
business application. To select the category, you would click on IT Services and then Business Application Services.
There you would find a list of services. Clicking on the service reveals the details of the service. From there you may
submit a service request for that service using the Service Request Template provided.
Hot List
The Hot List is a list of services that it is useful to access quickly. The Hot List is displayed when you click the Service
Catalog button on the same page as the service categories. Rather than go through the process of drilling down
through the service categories, a customer can click on a service in the list to view the details. From there, the
customer can submit a service request using the Service Request Template.
Submitting a Request Via Service Catalog
Requests for services are submitted in substantially the same way as any other BMC FootPrints Service Core request
once you have determined which service you want. To submit a request:
1. Select Service Catalog from the BMC FootPrints Service Core Toolbar. The Service Catalog page is displayed.
2. Either:
Drill-down through the service categories until you find the list of services
Find the service you want to request in the Hot List.
3. Click on the service you want to request. The Details page of the request is displayed.
4. Click the SAVE button. The service request is submitted.
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Address Book
FootPrints table used to keep customer contact and configuration information. For example, the Project Administrator may
have set up the Address Book to hold a customer's name, email address, phone number, location, etc. Multiple Address
Books can be created within FootPrints, each associated with one or more Projects.
A standard, full-strength user of FootPrints. Common uses for this user type include: Help Desk Agent, Call Center Agent,
Developer, Engineer, Manager and Project Member. Agent users have the ability to use all of the basic functions of
FootPrints, including creating, viewing, editing Issues, and running queries.
A record of the FootPrints Calendar. Used to schedule meetings, service calls, and other types of appointments for
FootPrints Agents. Can be optionally synced to the user's Outlook Calendar.
FootPrints users assigned to work on an Issue.
Auto-run Reports
FootPrints can run any saved report automatically at regularly scheduled times. The reports can be saved to a file on the
server, emailed to a list of addresses, or both.
Built-in Report
A report included in FootPrints (not a custom report).
A web-based calendar for a FootPrints Workspace and/or Agent that can contain appointments, meetings, and jobs for that
Workspace and/or Agent.
A classification of items, such as an Issue type, Service Category, or FAQ category.
Change Management
A feature that helps manage changes ranging from small solutions, e.g., upgrading memory or software on a single
machine, to large projects, such as an organizationwide system upgrade. Changes are managed by designated approvers
who vote to approve or disapprove Requests for Change (RFCs) at each phase in the process.
Change Order
To change the order of the display of a list of items, e.g., to ascending or descending order.
A letter, number, punctuation mark, or other symbol.
Character (Multiple Line)
A type of field that can accept an unlimited number of lines of data.
Character(Single Line)
A type of field that can accept one line of data.
A graphic or diagram that displays data or the relationships between sets of data in pictorial rather than numeric form.
Status of an Issue when completed.
The default name given to a record in the FootPrints Address Book. Normally contains a customer's name, email address,
phone number, etc.
Cross-workspace report
Across Workspaces, such as searches or reports that can be created that include more data from more than one
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
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A user account type in FootPrints. This type of account is intended for both internal and external customers, and other
groups of people who require only partial access to the data. A A Customer account is very cost-effective, and allow
customer users to submit and track their own Requests via the Customer Self-service interface, and to search the
Knowledge Base. The word "Customer" is used throughout this documentation to refer to both employee customers and
external customers who access FootPrints.
Customer Read KB
Customer role that only allows the user to view and search the Knowledge Base.
Customer Read KB/Requests
Customer role that only allows the user to view and search the Knowledge Base, and track the status of his/her Requests.
Customer Read/Submit
Customer role that only allows the user to submit and track his/her own Requests, and search the Knowledge Base.
Customer Read/Submit/Edit
Customer role that only allows the user to submit, track and edit his/her own Requests, and search the Knowledge Base.
Customer Service Portal
The Customer Service Portal enables customers to view the Knowledge Base Solutions to their problems without having to
first log into the company Customer Support site or FootPrints.
The FootPrints Dashboard section of the Preferences page is where Agents specify which dashboard components are
displayed on your homepage in the Workspace. Agents can specify different sets of dashboard components for each of
their Workspaces. By default, Workspace Totals and Global Issues are displayed. Dashboard components can be displayed
in as many as four columns. Agents can also make custom components for display on the homepage.
Database Type
The type of database configured to use with FootPrints, e.g., SQL or Oracle.
Date Submitted
The date an email was sent.
Decision field
The single drop-down field that, when a value is selected, determines whether certain project fields appear in a pop-up
window when creating or editing an Issue. This only applies when the "Field Dependencies" Pop-up Window option is
enabled in a project.
A sub-category field in an Issue can be dependent on the main category selected. For example, if a user selects
"Hardware" as the main category, the sub-categories might be Printer, Monitor, etc.
From highest to lowest, as in "descending order".
The built-in FootPrints field that contains all notes entered by users regarding an Issue. It is a multi-line text field, and
acts as a journal for an Issue. Each addition to the description includes a time/date/user stamp. The Description can be
displayed on the FootPrints Homepage, on an Issue's Details screen, and in reports. A full-text search can also be
performed on the Description field.
The Details Screen displays all the information about a FootPrints Issue. The details are displayed by clicking the title of an
Issue from the FootPrints Homepage. Data can include Title, Status, Priority, Creator, Date and Time submitted,
Description, Project field data, Contact data, and file attachments.
Any piece of equipment that can be attached to a network or computer, for example, printers, keyboards, external disk
drives, or other peripheral equipment. Devices normally require a device driver to function with Windows.
To make a device, component, or feature nonfunctional.
To not allow an action.
To not approve a request.
Display drop-down
A dialog on the FootPrints home page that contains built-in and custom queues and searches, such as "My Assignments".
By selecting an option, the list of Issues on the home page is updated to that queue.
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
Numara Software Confidential. BMC Software Confidential.
Distinguished Name
A name that uniquely identifies an object by using the relative distinguished name for the object, plus the names of
container objects and domains that contain the object. The distinguished name identifies the object as well as its location
in a tree. Every object in Active Directory has a distinguished name.
Drop-down field
A type of custom Project and Address Book field. A drop-down choice field offers the user a drop-down list of choices from
which to pick. An unlimited number of values can be defined per drop-down choice field.
Dynamic Address Book Link
The FootPrints feature that allows any LDAP-compliant contact database to be linked to FootPrints. Supported contact
databases include Microsoft Exchange 5.x/2000, Netscape iPlanet, Lotus Notes and Novell Directory Services.
Dynamic LDAP Address Book
An address book using Dynamic LDAP as the data source (this requires the BMC FootPrints Service Core Dynamic Address
Book Link add-on module).
Dynamic Link
A link between Issues in which changes made to fields in one Issue are automatically reflected in the other Issue.
Dynamic SQL Address Book
An add-on module that allows FootPrints access to Address Book entries maintained in a SQL database table not
maintained by the FootPrints infrastructure.
Email Filter
A feature that allows FootPrints to block sending and receiving email from certain email accounts or domains.
Executive Dashboard
Executive Dashboard provides a customizable overview of the performance of your service desk. Agents with access to
Executive Dashboard can set the types of data they wish to display and observe that data, seeing it change dynamically as
the Executive Dashboard is refreshed.
Global Issue
A special FootPrints Issue type used to designate important or frequently reported Issues that will affect many users.
Global Issues can be broadcast to all Agents, are displayed on the Agent Home page, and can optionally be displayed for
Customers to subscribe to. Whenever a new Issue is reported with the same problem, the Agent (and optionally the
Customer) can link the Issue to the known Global Issue (called GlobalLinks). Global Issues can be closed with the
GlobalLinks together at one time.
Global Issues
A special FootPrints Issue type used to designate important or frequently reported Issues that will affect many users.
Global Issues can be broadcast to all Agents, are displayed on the Agent Home page, and can optionally be displayed for
Customers to subscribe to. Whenever a new Issue is reported with the same problem, the Agent (and optionally the
Customer) can link the Issue to the known Global Issue (called GlobalLinks). Global Issues can be closed with the
GlobalLinks together at one time.
The child or related Issue linked to a Global Issue. A Global Issue is a special FootPrints Issue type used to designate
important or frequently reported Issues that will affect many users. Global Issues can be broadcast to allAgents, are
displayed on the Agent Home page, and can optionally be displayed for Customers to subscribe to. Whenever a new Issue
is reported with the same problem,the Agent (and optionally the Customer) can link the Issue to the known Global Issue
(called GlobalLinks). Global Issues can be closed with the GlobalLinks together atone time.
Individual user
A full-strength user of FootPrints. Built-in types include Agent, Project Administrator, and System Administrator. Custom
Roles can also be created to assign different permissions to different groups of users. Each individual user is assigned an
individual account and password and is the only person using that account. This type of account is intended for internal
users of the system, such as Help Desk Agents, Customer Service Representatives, Engineers, and Administrators.
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
Numara Software Confidential. BMC Software Confidential.
The default name given to a FootPrints record. Each Issue is a numbered record in the FootPrints database around which
all help desk and problem tracking activity centers. The name for this may be different (Ticket, Entry, etc.) depending on
how your system is configured. An Issue can be opened, assigned, worked on, and closed by Agent users and
The default name given to a FootPrints record. Each Issue is a numbered record in the FootPrints database around which
all help desk and problem tracking activity centers. The name for this may be different (Ticket, Entry, etc.) depending on
how your system is configured. An Issue can be opened, assigned, worked on, and closed by Agent users and
Issues linked
The child or related Issue linked to a Global Issue. A Global Issue is a special FootPrints Issue type used to designate
important or frequently reported Issues that will affect many users. Global Issues can be broadcast to allAgents, are
displayed on the Agent Home page, and can optionally be displayed for Customers to subscribe to. Whenever a new Issue
is reported with the same problem,the Agent (and optionally the Customer) can link the Issue to the known Global Issue
(called GlobalLinks). Global Issues can be closed with the GlobalLinks together atone time.
Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base is a place to record, organize and manage important information for a FootPrints project database.
This can include, but is not limited to: solutions to common problems, answers to frequently asked questions, patches, and
documents. By utilizing the FootPrints Knowledge Base feature, you can turn the past experiences of individual customers
and agents into a database of solutions for all project members. This can assist in Agents finding quicker resolutions to
recurring problems, and in empowering Customers to find the answers to their questions without submitting a request.
LDAP Address Book
Any LDAP-compliant contact database linked to using the FootPrints Dynamic Address Book link feature. Supported contact
databases include Microsoft Exchange 5.x/2000, Netscape iPlanet, Lotus Notes and Novell Directory Services.
The first page that FootPrints displays when the URL for your Footprints system is requested by a user's web browser. Also,
the act of starting a FootPrints session.
Master Issue
A type of FootPrints Issue that contain Subtasks, each with a different task that must be completed before the Master
Issue is Closed. The Master issue is the "parent" in a parent/child relationship between the Master Issue and its Subtasks.
Master Issues
A type of FootPrints Issue that contain Subtasks, each with a different task that must be completed before the Master
Issue is Closed. The Master issue is the "parent" in a parent/child relationship between the Master Issue and its Subtasks.
Multi-select field
A type of custom Project and Address Book field. A multi-select field offers the user a dialog box from which they can
select multiple, pre-defined choices. An unlimited number of values can be defined per multi-select field.
Organizational Unit
An Address Book field used to organize contacts, such as “Department” , “Company Name”, “Business Unit”, or “Location”.
Must be enabled by the Administrator.
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
Numara Software Confidential. BMC Software Confidential.
Password complexity rules
Rules that govern the mandatory characteristics of passwords for FootPrints authentication. Rules are optionally set by the
System Administrator. Rules can be configured to govern the length of a password (minimum and maximum number of
characters), whether letters and/or numbers and/or punctuation characters are required, and case sensitivity.
Personal Calendar
A web-based calendar for a FootPrints Agent that can contain appointments, meetings, and jobs for that user.
Personal Report
A FootPrints report created by an Agent that is only available to that Agent.
Primary key
The key field in the FootPrints Address Book that is used by FootPrints as a reference to identify the customer contact.
Examples include "Email Address" and "User ID".
A built-in field in FootPrints used to determine the severity or impact of an Issue. Priorities are customizable, and may
include numbers (1,2,3) or words (High, Medium, Low).
FootPrints stores and tracks information in projects. A project is a separate sub-database within the system, which can
have its own custom fields, options and users. There is no limit to the number of projects that you can create within
FootPrints. You may choose to keep all of your data in a single project, or you can create multiple projects. For example,
one project can be used for help desk activity, while a second project is used for internal bug tracking.
Project Administrator
A built-in User Role in FootPrints . In addition to all Agent user privileges, the Project Administrator can administer a
project, including adding custom fields, setting options, and adding users.
Project Calendar
A web-based calendar for a FootPrints Project that can contain appointments, meetings, and jobs for members of that
Project field
Custom field created by the Project Administrator to store information about a particular Issue. There is no limit to the
number of fields allowed per project (NOTE: The FootPrints database only allows 100 fields per project).
Quick Issue
Quick Issues are templates that contain pre-filled information for frequently reported Customer Issues, such as "Password
Reset", "Service Request", etc. For example, a Quick Issue template for "Password Reset" would start out pre-filled with a
description of the problem, the problem categories pre-filled with "Network" and "Password Reset",and perhaps a Status of
"Closed". The Agent only needs to fill in the user's contact information to submit the Issue. The Project Administrator can
create an unlimited number of templates, which are available to all Agents from the FootPrints Toolbar.
FootPrints reports can be created by the Agent from simple keyword searches to multi-level metrics with color charts.
Virtually any data can be reported on in FootPrints to analyze activity, trends, and statistics with no programming from the
FootPrints web interface.
An Issue submitted by a Customer that has not yet been assigned. Also the Status assigned to Issues submitted by
Customers. Agent users can then "Take" the Request to work on it, or Requests can be automatically assigned to one or
more Agent users by the system. Your FootPrints Administrator can tell you how Requests are to be handled in your
A user type assigned to one or more users to define permissions. Both built-in roles and custom roles can be assigned to
users. Examples of built-in roles include Agent, Customer Read/Submit, and Workspace Administrator.
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
Numara Software Confidential. BMC Software Confidential.
The Workspace Schema is a display of the order of the fields in a workspace. The Workspace Schema is useful when you
are attempting to import data to FootPrints or export data from FootPrints. The Workspace Schema can be used to check
that the tables of data match up.
1. To try to locate an object (a file, a folder, a computer, a text). 2. The process of seeking a particular file or specific
Shared Report
Report that is available to other users in the same workspace to run.
A record in the FootPrints Knowledge Base. Can be a solution to a common problem, frequently asked question, patch, or
step-by-step procedure. Solutions can be created from scratch, or from existing Issues. Solutions are public, and can be
viewed/searched by Customers (as well as Internal users).
The state of a Footprints Issue. Each Issue has a Status field, which tracks the workflow of an Issue from "Open" status,
the default state of a new Issue, to "Closed" status. The Project Administrator can easily add new statuses to a project
database, such as "Assigned", "Pending" or "Testing".
A type of FootPrints issue that is a "child" of a related "parent", called a Master Issue. Multiple subtasks can be created to
define different tasks to be completed for a larger Master Issue. The Master Issue cannot be closed until all Subtasks are
A type of FootPrints issue that is a "child" of a related "parent", called a Master Issue. Multiple subtasks can be created to
define different tasks to be completed for a larger Master Issue. The Master Issue cannot be closed until all Subtasks are
System Administrator
A built-in User Role in FootPrints. In addition to Agent user and Project Administrator privileges for all projects, the System
Administrator has control over the whole FootPrints system, including administration of any project, adding new projects,
and administering licenses.
The option of allowing Agent users to assign themselves to a given Footprints Issue. This is a Role option set by the Project
Administrator for a particular Role.
A organizational unit used to organize Agent users for assignment purposes, such as “Application Support”, “Network
Support”, “Development”, etc. Issues can be assigned to the whole team, or to individual users within the Team. This
allows an Agent to assign an Issue to a group of people, such as a Development Team, without needing to know the
individual person who will work on the Issue.
User ID
The Footprints user name which, when entered with the proper password during login, permits access to the Footprints
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
Numara Software Confidential. BMC Software Confidential.
address book, 103, 105, 106, 108
advanced search, 107
description of, 9
homepage, 104
reports, 108
search and report options, 106
toolbar, 44, 104
advanced reporting, 70
advanced search
Address Book, 107
criteria, 63
Workspace, 63
login, 46
appointment, 115, 118, 119, 120, 122
asset management, 18
assignees, 23, 51
Audit Trail, 168
authentication, 19
Auto-suggest solutions, 48, 49, 142
Broadcast, 163
calendar, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124
basic information about, 114
preferences, 124
call, 7, 49, 50, 53, 55, 56
Change Management Audit Trail, 168
chat, 18
contact, 50, 103, 105, 106
advanced search, 107
copy, 57
issue, 57
ticket, 57
copy issue, 57
Advanced Search, 63
cross Workspace, 58, 92
customer, 4
day view, 114
delete, 56
description, 49, 54
edit issue, 52, 54
email, 60, 133
alternate submitter, 134
incoming, 128, 133, 134
outgoing, 127
entry, 6, 48, 52, 54, 56, 57
escalation, 23
Facebook, 163
FAQ, 141
Frequently Asked Questions, 141
global issue, 8, 153, 154, 156
closing, 155
homepage, 27, 36, 37, 41
Instant Talk, 17
issue, 6, 48, 52, 54, 56, 57
Knowledge Base, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143
LANSurveyor, 18
BMC FootPrints Service Core User Guide 11.6
Numara Software Confidential. BMC Software Confidential.
authentication, 19
login, 46
master issue, 7, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150
Mcirosoft SMS, 18
move, 57
quick issue, 8, 144, 151
quick search, 62
report, 69, 70, 74, 85, 92, 93
reporting, 69, 70, 72, 74, 85, 92, 93
reports, 69, 70, 74, 85, 93
Address Book, 106, 108
request, 7, 9, 59, 60
role, 12
search, 61, 63, 66, 67, 106
Social Media, 163
solution, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143
subtask, 7, 146, 147, 148, 150
Super-approver, 168
team, 12
ticket, 6, 48, 52, 54, 56, 57
time tracking, 93
toolbar, 36, 44
Advanced Search selection, 63
Twitter, 163, 164, 165, 166
UNIX authentication, 19
user ID
Agent login, 46
Using Change Management, 166
Voting by Email, 167
Voting from the FootPrints Interface, 167
What's New, 2
Windows NT/2000 Authentication, 19