Universities today face a growing challenge - to develop relevant cost-
effective learning environments that transition into actualized career
opportunities for their graduates. You can provide
a unique educational
experience at your university, by
bringing the
basic scientific principles of human
to life using
Dartfish Video Analysis Technology
. This white paper
will illustrate how to use Dartfish to tackle real-world scenarios, blend face-
to-face instruction with practical experience, promote a dynamic learning
experience, and provide
individual and collaborative video research
opportunities to augment learning in Kinesiology.
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
Dartfish Video Technology for Kinesiology at your University
The Microsoft Super Bowl ad airing Sunday, February 1, 2015, features Dartfish Technology.
OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................................................2
COMPANY - unleashing the power of video ...............................................................................................................3
DARTFISH TECHNOLOGY in a university setting .........................................................................................................3
SPORTS MEDICINE ......................................................................................................................................................4
VIDEO GAIT ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................................5
BIOMECHANICS ..........................................................................................................................................................6
DYNAMIC BIOMECHANICS video embedded e-text bundled with Dartfish ............................................................7
STUDENT CERTIFICATION & INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ........................................................................................8
CLINICAL SETTINGS: Bike Fitting and Physical Therapy ..............................................................................................8
PHYSICAL THERAPY .....................................................................................................................................................9
ATHLETIC TRAINING ................................................................................................................................................. 10
PHYSICAL EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................................. 11
OUR GLOBAL SOLUTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 14
In Motor Behavior and Development, Biomechanics, Sports Medicine, Sport and Exercise
Science. In Education for Physical Therapy, Athletic Training, Personal Training. In Sport
Pedagogy for Physical Education, Adapted PE, Coaching. In Research.
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
Dartfish enhances learning in Kinesiology, an interdisciplinary field focusing on the science of human
movement, with incorporation of our affordable cutting edge 2-D video analysis technology.
In the field of
human movement, you not only augment student learning, but also meet the needs of the
65 percent who are
visual learners, according to the Social Science Research Network. (Forbes 01.08.2013) In creating a
visual learning experience, you provide your students with the opportunity to:
Study human movement in depth and visually from different perspectives
Apply biomechanical concepts that study how movement is quantified, learning how to sequence to
modify movement behaviors
Learn the adaptation of motor behavior across the lifespan, enhanced with visual input/data
Give students the opportunity to gain valuable and relevant opportunities to research and apply
movement-based principles for improved performance and for protocols in rehabilitation
Apply both scholarship and practice of different movement forms to enhance performance in hands on
environments using Dartfish in practicums, clinics, and internships.
Bottom-line, it is about preparing students as leaders and innovators in the workforce, and it is about giving
your students a distinct advantage as professionals in a laboratory, school, medical or business setting.
Why Dartfish?
to capture, analyze, and share video content
Note the article published in the International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2012: Evaluation of the Performance of Digital Video Analysis of
Human Motion: Dartfish Tracking System
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
DARTFISH THE COMPANY - unleashing the power of video
For over fifteen years, Dartfish has set the standard, developing video technology solutions across the spectrum
of sports medicine, education, healthcare, and athletics. Trusted globally by thousands of elite sport
organizations, universities, federations, and corporations, we lead the world with technology to create, analyze
and distribute video content. Our engineers, sales and marketing teams have spent thousands of hours
interfacing with biomechanics and sports medicine experts, coaching professionals and educators worldwide.
Their feedback has provided an evolving ability to produce the latest video technology with state of the art
products apps, software, video platform, training, and USA based tech support.
in a university setting
Dartfish qualitative and quantitative movement analysis
technology saves time and money while providing a
micro-level view of motion technology: In human
movement analysis labs with force plate integration, in
clinics for screening to evaluate mechanical deviations to
prevent injury, during rehabilitation, for diagnosis and to
treat movement dysfunction, to recommend proper
exercises with evidenced progression and for a return to
activity that is age/developmentally appropriate. In
training and coaching Dartfish technology is used to fine
tune motion, optimizing athletic performance, to teach
corrective exercises/drills to improve joint and muscular
motion, for analysis of sprinting/running/walking gait
mechanics to detect miniscule deficits and to zero in on biomechanical abnormalities. For bike fitting it is used
to fine-tune and optimize biomechanics, position, and power output. Dartfish offers solutions for the classroom,
lab, research, internships, practicums and clinics - opportunities to analyze all types of movement - sport skills
performance, training procedures, gait analysis and rehab protocols, as well as projectile motion, and vector
resolution. SUNY Cortland has adopted Dartfish in multiple departments including Kinesiology, Athletic Training,
Sports Management, Physical Education, Athletics, and Research.
Dartfish a 2D motion analysis system, with video and data integration. AMTI Force Plates (pictured above) are
fully compatible with our Dartfish Video Analysis Software. Data stream from these types of devices can be
displayed in Dartfish and integrated with video in real time, providing instant feedback for athletes and
researchers, while offering a seamless, visual solution for teaching in multiple areas of Kinesiology.
We have the ability to integrate any time-stamped data from almost any device that outputs a .csv file so that you
have a view of the motion (video) and its associated data. This allows your students to grasp both the qualitative
and the quantitative when analyzing motion. It provides the ability to synchronize data and video with data display
on the video using graphs, texts, or symbols, so your students can interpret and validate data by creating a motion
and data interface. Note some Dartfish TeamPro Data video examples.
Dartfish empowers you and your students to capture, analyze, code, enrich, publish, and
share video content.
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
Dartfish’s comparative and quantitative analysis tools allow you to
achieve what would be otherwise impossible - to make detailed
observations and measurements of the moving athlete, client, or
patient. Video compliments your expertise and Dartfish provides that
video instantly and simultaneously from multiple camera angles. Part
of analyzing is about the hard numbers, but measurements can be
meaningless without seeing them within the context of the entire
motion. Dartfish gives you that and in doing so offers a new way to
communicate with your students in a visual way they can understand.
Enrich the video by recording your observations, get it online and the
understanding and communication continues, even after leaving the
Use feedback and in-depth movement analysis to remediate, restore,
and maximize performance. Using analysis tools to measure angles,
speed, and trajectory with auto tracking of movement function or
dysfunction means your students experience better and faster results.
Train, teach and remediate using dynamically measured data analysis
of velocity, distance, angles, and range of motion - tools to help you
articulate and customize your client’s performance goals. In PT, OT, AT practicums and clinics, your students work
in conjunction with experts to develop protocols and proper exercises for clients and patients, enhanced with
Dartfish technology. During the session, they get instant visual feedback showing exactly what their body is
doing, so movement is properly executed. Store their data in a secure and private digital collection on dartfish.tv
to show side-by-side comparison with before and after video shots tracking progress throughout their treatment
process, showing improvement in every aspect of their rehab and performance.
Note the Sports Medicine Mayo Clinic Dartfish TV Channel public access videos.
Note use of Dartfish in a clinical laboratory at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine’s Rehabilitation Department
The Journal of Human
Kinetics vol. 40/2014, 29-
35 Sect. I Kinesiology,
published an article
entitled, Biomechanical
Evaluation of the Phases of
the Triple Jump Take-Off in
a Top Female Athlete.
Photo left illustrates
Dartfish Stromotion of an
athlete performing the
long jump.
The Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center has incorporated Dartfish Technology at their
Rochester, Minnesota Campus. In the photo above, Mayo’s highly trained staff uses Dartfish
Video Solutions: Dartfish ProSuite Software, a customized camera solution and Dartfish TV to
provide video feedback for athletes training in various disciplines, including running,
baseball, golf, hockey, tennis, basketball and lacrosse.
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
Video gait analysis has been increasingly used to evaluate a
subject’s movement patterns in order to assist in
diagnosing pathologies, improving sports performance
and/or monitoring therapeutic interventions such as gait
retraining or footwear changes. The tools incorporated into
Dartfish high speed video analysis software, allow
observers to slow down, magnify, and manipulate the video
image in order to do such things as calculate joint angles
and obtain other measurements. A recent study showed
that the reliability of gait parameter data was higher with
Dartfish® software than with standard video software that
lacked these tools. (Borel S., et al, Video Analysis Software
Increases Interrater Reliability of Video Gait Assessments in
Children with Cerebral Palsy, Gait & Posture, March 18,
2011; online abstract prior to publication).
A professional level gait analysis involves more than watching a video of gait. A detailed clinical exam would also
include muscle strength and balance testing, static and dynamic range of motion measurements, footwear
evaluation, detailed injury and medical history and a review of the athlete’s training program. This would usually
be done prior to the video gait analysis.
Further documentation on Dartfish use for video gait analysis can be accessed here.
Note lateral knee and ankle tracking with Dartfish used by Dr. Paul Langer, DPM, author of Great Feet for Life.
Dr. Langer was appointed as the new President of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, July 2013.
Note 2D Gait Analysis Validity by Justin Pretzel DPT, CSCS, CDT, published June 8, 2012
The Wall Street Journal’s Matthew Futterman participates in a Dartfish gait analysis
at Manhattan's Hospital for Surgery with Physical Therapist Michael Silverman to
learn how he may be able to prevent some running injuries.
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
Dartfish video technology brings to life
biomechanical movement concepts for improved
comprehension and career application. I use
Dartfish in a variety of ways for my classroom and
research responsibilities, states Dr. Jeff Bauer, a
professor in the Kinesiology Department at SUNY
Cortland, teaching undergraduate biomechanics. Dr.
Bauer is also the Co-Director of the Biomechanics
Laboratory and the Associate Director of the Center
for Obesity Research and Education. Under Dr.
Bauer’s direction, Dartfish is used in classroom
lecture, student laboratories; for research, and by
the SUNY Cortland Dartfish Club. In the classroom I
use it to present real-life movement concepts to my
students. It is my primary tool for demonstrating
digital video capture and analysis concepts. It provides a way for me to show my students actual examples of
sport skill analysis, projectile motion, vector resolution, and to highlight subtle differences in movement
performance. Dartfish has provided me with a tool that brings alive many key biomechanical principles of
movement that are so hard to fully understand and appreciate, when presented in standard classroom settings.
Dartfish Used for Instruction and in the Sports Biomechanics Lab at Auburn University
Professor Dr. Wendi Weimar, is the Director of the Sport Biomechanics Laboratory in the School of Kinesiology
at Auburn University, where she earned her doctorate in Biomechanics. Dr. Weimar's research is focused on the
function of the lower extremity with specific interest in gait dynamics. According to Dr. Weimar, The Sports
Biomechanics Laboratory at Auburn is an applied lab that consults with athletes at the university, as well as from
the general community. We analyze movement and help people improve their performance.
We also work sport camps in the summer, using Dartfish to help campers get more out of their camp
experience. Dr. Weimar teaches two graduate level courses, KINE 7420 Dartfish I and KINE 7430, Dartfish ll.
These courses are a part of an online program teaching movement analysis.
I use Dartfish to supplement my teaching in KINE 7400/7410 Advanced Anatomical
Principles and the associated lab. And I use it in KINE 7620, Principles of
Biomechanics. We cover the gamut with use of Dartfish. In my Dartfish classes we
use Team Pro software. I also encourage my students to use the Dartfish Express App.
And for all of these courses, we use Dartfish TV, explained Weimar.
Adding to this, Auburn has been named the training site of the men's and women's
USA Team Handball and we use Dartfish with them A LOT.
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
Exercise Science at the University of Jamestown, ND Works with Latest Technology
The University of Jamestown’s Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science, equips graduates for a variety of
careers in exercise physiology, sport science, physical therapy and more. Working with the latest technology,
Dartfish Motion Analysis Software, students analyze technical performances before and after training, and
improve their understanding of motor skill acquisition, technique analysis and feedback, with application into
sport science and physical education.
Stephen F. Austin State University, TX - Student Project Using Dartfish Motion Analysis
SFASU student, Wesley Kephart, did his term project for KINS 417, Analysis of Movement, a project requiring the
comprehension and utilization of various biomechanical principles. This course is taught in the Kinesiology and
Health Science Department of the College of Education at SFASU and is one of the core courses making up the
scientific foundations area for kinesiology and all movement related fields. Note Mr. Kephart’s term project, “A
Biomechanical Analysis of the Weight Training Squat Using Dartfish Motion Analysis Software.
DYNAMIC BIOMECHANICS video embedded e-text bundled with Dartfish
Dynamic Biomechanics is the first of its kind e-text embedded
with video and teamed with Dartfish technology. It provides
hands on learning to help students understand and apply
biomechanical movement principles, often difficult to grasp in
traditional formats. Using Dartfish cutting edge technology,
students view, manipulate, and analyze movement and
performance, creating an authentic learning experience to best
prepare for success in the classroom and beyond.
A video-infused e-text bundled with Dartfish changes, enhances,
and refines learning, giving students marketable skills for future
careers as PE teachers, trainers, physical and occupational
therapists and in sports medicine. Across America, biomechanics professors choose Dynamic Biomechanics, an
e-text embedded with video and teamed with Dartfish Technology.
For more information please contact [email protected]
Note the article, Kinematic Changes During a Marathon for Fast and Slow Runners, published in the
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2012) 11, 77-82 by professors in the Department of Exercise
Sciences and the Department of Statistics at Brigham Young University, UT
Note the article published in the International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research March 2012
: Evaluation of the Performance of Digital Video Analysis of Human Motion: Dartfish Tracking System
Note the SUNY Cortland Dartfish Use Case Study
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
When students become expert Dartfish users,
they have outstanding opportunities for
internships. Some Dartfish Certified
Technologists have interned at Olympic
Training Centers, others in the private center.
Note the article: Video Connects Exercise
Scientists to Olympics as well as the internship
of a SUNY Cortland student in Atlanta, GA at
Diamond Directors, with former MLB Cub’s
player, CJ Stewart.
Students can learn valuable skills online at any time with the Dartfish learning management system,
earning certification in key aspects of technical and tactical video analysis. This interactive, online
Dartfish certification course gives practical knowledge and practice for students. Video projects are
critiqued and promoted at www.dartfish.tv/DCT.
CLINICAL SETTINGS: Bike Fitting and Physical Therapy
Real world clinical settings become opportunities for your
students to gain ‘in the field’ application of principles learned
in the classroom. Note two examples of entities using Dartfish
motion analysis in their assessment. Road and triathlon cycling
specialists, Fit Werx, uses Dartfish motion analysis technology
in their dynamic fittings and agrees that it is the most
promising technology for the future of bike fitting.
Note: Motion Capture & Analysis in Cycling Fit with Dartfish.
Bike fitting with Dartfish, allows you to make detailed
observations and measurements of the moving athlete. Video
compliments your expertise. Dartfish provides video instantly and simultaneously and with use of multiple
camera angles, offers evidenced visual communication with clients. Enrich the video by recording your
observations, get it online and the understanding continues after leaving the clinic.
Rebound Physical Therapy (photo above) remains at the forefront of physical therapy and sports performance in
Oregon. Its mission is to create meaningful change in people’s lives through continuing education, integrity and
exceptional outcomes. One of the ways this is accomplished is with use of Dartfish software. At Rebound, clients
receive a detailed physical therapy exam to understand the source and cause of a painful condition, including a
TPI screen with exercise prescription. In addition, a client’s examination may also include Dartfish video analysis
to identify movement patterns that aggravate your condition.
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
As a university professor, you are preparing some of your students for careers as physical therapists - licensed
healthcare professionals, who help patients reduce pain, improve or restore mobility, and maximize human
performance. Dartfish leverages video technology to provide immediate visual feedback and in-depth movement
analysis to remediate, restore, and maximize performance. Using analysis tools to measure angles, speed, and
trajectory with auto tracking of movement function or dysfunction means experiencing results better and faster.
With Dartfish you teach, train, and remediate using dynamically measured data analysis of velocity, distance,
angles, and range of motion - tools to help you articulate and customize performance goals. In physical therapy
education, when using Dartfish, your students/patients work on the appropriate exercises during their session,
getting instant visual feedback showing exactly what their body is doing, so movement is properly executed. You
are then able to store the patient’s data in their secure and private digital collection on dartfish.tv to show side-
by-side comparison with before and after video shots throughout their treatment process. Dartfish helps your
students take their learned expertise to the next level using video to analyze every aspect of performance, now
and later when practicing in the field. With so many practices using Dartfish, having Dartfish video analysis
expertise listed on your student’s resume will help in this competitive job market.
Bradley University Professor and PT, Joseph Kelly, Teaching in the Physical Therapy and
Health Sciences Program, Sees Dartfish as Fresh Approach
Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois offers a multidisciplinary degree in Health Science providing a comprehensive
academic background in preparation for graduate study in Physical Therapy. Dartfish is infused in the Bradley
Physical Therapy and Health Science Program, with use by Joseph Kelly, an Assistant Professor at Bradley, who
teaches Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy at the graduate level and Motion Analysis in the undergraduate
program. Joseph Kelly is a licensed physical therapist in the state of Illinois and a member of APTA. He teaches HS
480 Motion Analysis, the final course for health science majors, states Kelly, who uses Dynamic Biomechanics, a
video embedded e-text bundled with Dartfish Technology. This 3 credit course covers the analysis of the kinetic
and kinematic principles influencing human motion with emphasis on sport and fitness activity from a health
science perspective.
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
Bradley University………
How well we move reflects how well we manage our day-to-day activities or how we can perform from an athletic
perspective. In health science, we look at human movement as being a biological marker to health, Kelly explains.
Using their cell phone cameras, students can take videos of people engaging in large, dynamic movements such
as swinging a baseball bat or a tennis racquet, or punting a football. Students can compare a novice and an expert,
added Kelly. They can look at differences in technique by comparing angles and postures. Students analyze the
videos, watching for indicators such as a weakness in a muscle group. We can see impairments in technique and
connect that to exercise to help correct the faulty movement. On a larger scale, it’s what we would instruct for
physical therapy students. Kelly uses Dartfish in both undergraduate and graduate classes with positive response.
This is a fresh approach, Kelly noted. students can have access on their personal laptops, which takes the
learning opportunity out of the classroom. I am pleased by our students’ acceptance of it. We are using equipment
at the undergraduate level that is usually utilized only at the graduate level.
Julie M. Cavallario, MS Ed., ATC, former
Clinical Coordinator, clinical instructor, and
Certified Athletic Trainer at SUNY Cortland,
now with CAATE, the Commission on
Accreditation of Athletic Training
Education, implemented the use of
dartfish.tv in an orthopedic examination
class, within the Athletic Training Education
Program. One of the inherent problems
with teaching hands-on skills in the
classroom is that it requires the student to
practice technique on their own without the
guidance and correction of an instructor, in
order to become proficient at it, states
Cavallario. Athletic Training majors now
have a site on the SUNY Cortland Dartfish.tv
channel where they can view over 120 videos with comprehension-enhancing comments. This allows students
to watch their orthopedic examination skills being correctly performed by their faculty instead of just reviewing
class notes and textbook illustrations. I have been an instructor in athletic training education for seven years,
and my greatest frustration is when a student practices a skill wrongly, because they can’t remember exactly
what they were told. I have created videos demonstrating the correct orthopedic testing technique for each test
they are taught during the course of this class. The students have access to this outside of the classroom, and it
has already greatly improved retention and skill performance for the students using it. I have actually had students
from previous years contact me to complain that this resource wasn’t made available to them when they took the
class. This is definitely a tool that I will continue to use in the future. I think it will have a great impact, not only
on my instructional technique, but on student performance and skill retention as well.
Note article Athletes Flip for Motion Analysis published in Bradley Works, 2014
Note the Athletic Training SUNY Cortland Channel on Dartfish TV
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
See. Learn. Succeed.
Integrating Dartfish technology into the instruction of Physical Education Teacher Education, PETE, enhances
learning with students engaged as empowered self-evaluators. Research shows that learning and retention of
motor skills is reinforced by the quantity/quality of visual feedback, during and after motor skill execution,
helping students develop and refine motor skills. Students improved in concrete ways when their performance
was broken down into key positions, enhanced with drawing tools, text, and audio comments, illustrating how
to properly execute a skill or movement. Students learn best when they see themselves in action, confirmed by
PE teachers in the field, using Dartfish instant feedback tools, which allow immediate adjustment to skill
execution. PE teachers can save video clips for future analysis or as video learning tools, illustrating key skill
positions for PE instruction. Integrating Dartfish video analysis into the daily routine of teaching PE and used in
PETE, provides an interactive learning experience with tangible results.
Communicate. Improve. Empower.
PE Departments and PE Teacher Education Programs use Dartfish technologies for PE certification and to qualify
teacher candidates for the teaching profession. Physical Education majors learn how to use Dartfish to maximize
student performance, for corrective feedback in skill development, and for learning the fundamental principles
of teaching/coaching. Research shows that self-analysis of teaching improves performance and confidence. Using
Dartfish brings PETE students face-to-face with their performance. In the words of a PETE student, I feel there is
no better way to improve your teaching methods than to watch yourself. Dartfish really enhanced and benefited
my learning of how to teach PE, much more than typical pen and paper feedback.
Dr. Cheryl A. Howe Finds Dartfish Ideal for Coding in Research Project, PASE, Physical
Activity Schoolyard Evaluation Study at Ohio University
In the Classroom at Ohio University
Dartfish is used to teach measurement of physical
activity to advanced undergraduates in the exercise
physiology program, states Dr. Cheryl A Howe, a
professor at Ohio University in the College of Health
Science and Professions in the Department of Exercise
Physiology. Dartfish is used as a tool for tagging real-
time physical activity behavior via direct observation as
the criterion measure for assessing the accuracy of
objective activity monitors (heart rate, accelerometers,
pedometers). Students learn to use the software, set up
their own tagging panels and then follow a fellow
student (subject) for 20-30 minutes, tagging their
behavior. The subjects are given different routines to
complete during this time, while wearing an activity
monitor to measure their physical activity level. The groups then compare their results from the monitor to the
data capture via Dartfish and present the results to their classmates. In the photo above, Dr. Howe, assists one
of her students with the set up of direct observation, using Dartfish tagging panels for pediatric physical activity
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
For Research at Ohio University
Dartfish Team Pro software is used to tag pre-recorded video footage of school-aged children’s physical activity
on the playground, explains Dr. Howe. Free-play physical activity duration (minutes) and intensity (sedentary,
light, moderate and vigorous) relative to playground location (grassy field, sport-specific courts, adventure and
traditional play sets) and social engagement (solitary vs. group play) was measured in 3rd 5th grade children to
characterize their free-play behavior overall and by sex and weight status. Multiple camera views are combined
into one video to view the entire playground from multiple angles in Dartfish. Footage for each child was analyzed
separately to code their free-play physical activity intensity, duration, location and social engagement during the
entire recess period. Tagged video data will be used as the criterion measure to validate the use of objective
monitors (GPS + accelerometer) for measuring the same outcomes (PA intensity and duration) relative to
playground location and social engagement overall and by sex and weight status.
State of the Art Human Performance Lab at Southern Utah University Uses Dartfish
Dr. Camille Thomas, Assistant Professor of Physical Education & Human Performance, shares how their state of
the art lab has opened countless doors for students to complete research, which in turn enhances their
educational experience. She went on to explain that she and her colleague Dr. Julie Taylor have implemented
a new and innovative technique in their classes with Dartfish software. From the iPad, students and professors
can then analyze the exact movement in slow motion to see what’s the most effective angle for a free throw or
the right velocity for a golf swing, all projected on a special wall in the biomechanics lab. A technology, according
to Thomas, that changed the entire curriculum of her courses.
In the article, State of the Art Lab Finds Home in P.E. Building professors like Thomas and Taylor, find that this
lab has given them the ability to step away from lecture heavy curricula and instead, gives them the ability for
their students to spend more time in the lab, running tests on athletes and community members.
We are using Dartfish as a mainstay for the lab as well as for instruction, stated Dr. Thomas. We have just
finished using Dartfish to create a series of pickle ball videos for instruction in our classes, as well as for a pickle
ball website. Furthermore, the swim coach has been using our Dartfish software on a regular basis. More
recently, students have used Dartfish to analyze running kinematics, linear kinematics of a standing long jump,
and the trajectory of a soccer kick. Finally, the gymnastics coach is sending me film from a recent meet for my
students to analyze as part of the lab.
Both Graduate and Undergraduate Physical Education Programs at SUNY Cortland
Incorporate Dartfish
At SUNY Cortland in both the graduate and undergraduate physical education programs, Dartfish technologies
are infused into the curriculum. A special emphasis is placed on the analysis of video within the context of
curricular performance. Physical Education majors in selected courses learn to use certain modules of the
Dartfish TeamPro software. Specifically, In the Action, Player, and Analyzer modules are utilized to maximize
student performance, teaching cues, and corrective feedback, explains Dr. Gary Babjack, who instructs in these
Undergraduate students in bowling, archery, gymnastics activities, self-defense and dance have been exposed
to the use of Dartfish. In the Graduate Program, extensive training is employed during a summer residency
program which highlights the fundamental principles of coaching and the integration of Dartfish.
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
Teaching, Coaching, Training, Certifying
There is no smarter way to teach, coach, train or certify
than with video analysis, using our full suite of Dartfish
technology, because when you see it, you get it. Students
capture, import into Dartfish, analyze, and provide
feedback. They can then share/exchange their
performance analysis with you, their professor, on your
own private dartfish.tv channel. Dartfish software
provides in depth video analysis. In addition, students can
use their iOS mobile devices to capture performance with
our Dartfish Express App for in-the-moment capture and
for later, detailed examination of performance. When you
break down every movement, extract data, and give
accurate feedback, you maximize learning.
PE and Dartfish TV
Remote online instruction in PE
becomes a reality when
dartfish.tv teams with our
software and apps. Students
can access their private video
collections 24/7 to exchange
comments with you, their PE
instructor. With development
of motor skill instructional
video libraries, students and PE
instructors at a university, or
later when in the field teaching PE, can share within a building or across a district, accessing collections for
standardization of best practices, assessment, and continuity of curricula. PETE students located at different
schools in outlying areas can be monitored remotely by university evaluators, reducing travel time and school
site visits, which means that more gets done with less cost using Dartfish.tv.
Dartfish for Kinesiology: white paper 2015 copyright Dartfish
Dartfish offers a vast range of global solutions - customized to meet your exact needs.
CAPTURE and organize your videos. Then ANALYZE video images with our powerful data-driven enrichment
tools. SHARE, notate, and evaluate videos for evidenced, collaborated, remote communication for increased
student understanding. And build your customized video library for ongoing instruction and research.
This white paper summarized the important aspects of capturing, analyzing, and sharing with use of 2D video
analysis to create a dynamic learning experience in kinesiology at your university. The information provided
should serve as a foundation for applied best practices to maximize visual learning.
In review, by
incorporating Dartfish Technology
to augment learning, you
your students with the
opportunity to:
study human movement in depth and visually from different perspectives
apply biomechanical concepts that study how movement is quantified, learning how to sequence to
modify movement behaviors
learn the adaptation of motor behavior across the lifespan, enhanced with visual input/data
give students the opportunity to gain valuable and relevant opportunities to research and apply
movement-based principles for improved performance and for rehabilitation protocols
apply scholarship and practice of different movement forms to enhance performance in hands on
environments using Dartfish in practicums, clinics, and internships.
For more information to optimize university student learning
using Dartfish Technology in Kinesiology,
please contact us at 1.888.655.3850.