joint with the 5
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 16
Washington, D.C. 18
The interview in the above matter was held in room 6480, O'Neill House Office 21
Building, commencing at 10:39 a.m. 22
Present: Representatives Comer, Jordan, Gaetz, Biggs, Timmons,and Raskin. 23
Appearances: 2
during the interview that have been previously discussed with your attorney. 1
First, our questioning today will occur in rounds. The majority will ask questions 2
for up to 1 hour, and then the minority staff will also have an opportunity to ask 3
questions for an equal period of time if they choose. We will go back and forth until 4
both sides are finished asking questions, and we'll try to be as efficient as possible. 5
Mr. Biden. Sure. 6
Mr. . Typically, we take a short break at the end of each hour, but if 7
you would like to take a break apart from that, please just let us know. You can take as 8
many breaks as you would like. 9
As you can see, there is an official court reporter here taking down everything we 10
say to make a written record, so we ask that you give verbal responses to all questions. 11
Do you understand everything so far? 12
Mr. Biden. Yes, sir. 13
Mr. . To ensure the court reporter can make a clear record, we will do 14
our best to limit the number of people directing questions to you at any given time to just 15
those staff that are asking the questions. 16
It's important that we don't talk over one another or interrupt each other if we 17
can help it, and that goes true for everyone that's here today. 18
We encourage witnesses who appear before the committee to freely consult with 19
your counsel if you choose. It's my understanding that you are accompanied here by 20
counsel. 21
Counsel, could you please state your name for the record? 22
Mr. Fishman. Paul Fishman from Arnold & Porter. 23
Mr. Hibey. David Hibey from Arnold & Porter. 24
Mr. . Thank you. 25
Mr. Biden, we want you to answer our questions in the most complete and 1
truthful manner possible, so we will take our time. If you have any questions or if you 2
don't understand one of our questions, please just let us know. We can repeat the 3
question, reframe the question -- 4
Mr. Biden. Sure. 5
Mr. . -- so that way it's very clear. 6
Mr. Biden. Yep. 7
Mr. . If you honestly don't know the answer to any questions -- or to a 8
question, excuse me -- or do not remember, it is best not to guess. Please give us your 9
best recollection. And it's okay to tell us if you learned information from someone else. 10
Just indicate how you came to know the information. 11
If there are things you don't know or can't remember, just say so, and please 12
inform us who, to the best of your knowledge, might be able to provide a more complete 13
and truthful answer to the question. 14
You should also understand that, although this interview is not under oath, by law 15
you are required to answer questions from Congress truthfully. Do you understand 16
that? 17
Mr. Biden. Yes, sir. 18
Mr. . This also applies to questions posed by congressional staff during 19
an interview. Do you understand that? 20
Mr. Biden. Yes, sir. 21
Mr. . Witnesses who knowingly provide false testimony could be 22
subject to criminal prosecutions for perjury or making false statements. Do you 23
understand that? 24
Mr. Biden. Yes, sir. 25
Mr. . Furthermore, you cannot tell half-truths or exclude information 1
that would be necessary to make the statements accurate. You're required to provide 2
all the information that would make your response truthful. A deliberate failure to 3
disclose information can constitute a false statement. Do you understand that? 4
Mr. Biden. Yes, sir. 5
Mr. . Is there any reason you are unable to provide truthful answers to 6
today's questions? 7
Mr. Biden. No, sir. 8
Mr. . And, as I said before, if you choose to confer with your attorney 9
at a sidebar, that's completely permissible. However, when I discussed the time, how 10
each side gets an hour of time, that would pause the clock. 11
Mr. Biden. Okay. 12
Mr. . Similarly, if there are interruptions from staff or Members during 13
another side's questioning, that, too, pauses the clock for the hour. 14
This is the end of my preamble. 15
Is there anything the minority would like to add? 16
Ms. . I think we just thank the witness for joining us today. 17
Mr. . Thank you for agreeing to appear voluntarily today. 18
Mr. Fishman. Thank you. 19
Mr. Biden. Thank you. 20
Mr. . Mr. Fishman, do you have any statement that you would like to 21
have Mr. Biden put into the record or read? 22
Mr. Fishman. We do. He's not going to read it, but I do have a statement that 23
we're offering. 24
Mr. . Thank you, sir. 25
Mr. Fishman. Do I just hand it to you now? 1
Mr. . We can mark this as exhibit 1. 2
[Biden Exhibit No. 1 3
was marked for identification.] 4
Mr. Fishman. I'm not quite sure I had anticipated this many people, so I don't 5
have copies for everybody in the room, but -- 6
Mr. . We can have somebody make a copy of it. 7
Mr. Fishman. Yeah. I mean, I kept one for myself, but I think Mr. Hibey has 8
one, too. 9
Mr. . In addition to the written statement, would Mr. Biden like to 10
make any statements, or we can just begin? 11
Mr. Fishman. No. You can begin. 12
Mr. . My clock reads 10:45 a.m., and we'll begin now. 13
Mr. Fishman. Actually, I do have one thing. 14
Mr. . Sure. 15
Mr. Fishman. A couple things I wanted just to mention. 16
One is, we appreciate your sending us the documents in advance that you intend 17
to show Mr. Biden this morning. 18
Mr. . Yes, sir. 19
Mr. Fishman. Obviously, we've reviewed those documents, not having shown 20
them all to him, but we've reviewed those documents. If there are other documents, 21
we're going to need time for him to look at them probably if there are questions about 22
those documents. 23
Similarly, we've reviewed the list of topics that you provided. We appreciate 24
that, and we've reviewed those topics with him. If there are other topics -- obviously, I 25
understand that you may ask him about other topics, but he may not be fully prepared to 1
answer those questions today. 2
And then the third thing is, pursuant to our discussions, I understand that we will 3
have an opportunity to review the transcript before it's finalized. 4
Mr. . That is correct regarding the transcript. 5
And with regard to if there are additional documents that are presented here 6
today or topics that were not provided to you in advance, if you need a few minutes to 7
step outside and talk with your client, we are happy to make that accommodation to you 8
and your client. 9
Mr. Fishman. Thank you. 10
Mr. . So we'll begin now. 11
Mr. Biden, thank you for being here today. I wanted to start off the interview 12
with getting to understand your background. 13
Could you please tell us about your education and your, I'll say, an overview of 14
your professional background? I know you have a number of different jobs you've had 15
over your career, so if you could give us some of the highlights. 16
Mr. Fishman. Briefly. 17
Mr. . Yes. 18
Mr. Biden. Briefly. I am several credits short of graduating from the University 19
of Delaware. I have my securities license, my real estate licenses, my insurance licenses. 20
I -- 21
Mr. Fishman. Not anymore. 22
Mr. Biden. Not -- well, still my insurance license. 23
But I have a company that provides voluntary worksite benefits to major 24
institutions on behalf of the employees. It's voluntary. And we have -- we do 25
businesses in, I don't know, 20 States. I'm licensed in 50. We have -- all our employees 1
are W-2 employees that work directly for us, and, you know, they are compensated with 2
bonuses and things like that. 3
But other than, you know, presenting our offerings in the voluntary worksite 4
world -- which is relatively small. There are only probably six to eight major insurance 5
companies that are involved in that space. You know, I -- 6
Mr. Fishman. How far back do you want him to go is, I guess, the question. 7
BY MR. : 9
Q Yeah. We can start with -- and I can run you through some of the 10
companies. 11
A Yeah. 12
Q That might help us begin. 13
A Yeah. That would be good. That would be fine. 14
Q I thought it would also be helpful to talk about some of the companies that 15
are likely going to come up today, and that way we can -- 16
A Sure. 17
Q -- go through who was involved in some of these companies, that way, when 18
we're talking about them, we don't have to keep going back to what is that company. 19
A Sure. 20
Q Let's start with the Lion Hall Group. 21
A Uh-huh. 22
Q When was the Lion Hall Group formed, to the best of your recollection? 23
A Best of my recollection, it was in the early -- like, '92, '93. 24
Mr. Fishman. When did you get married? 25
Mr. Biden. When did I get married? 1
Mr. Fishman. It was after you got married. 2
Mr. Biden. It's after I got married. But probably in '97, probably. We've been 3
married for 29 years. 4
Mr. Fishman. That's it. That was the question. That was the question, when. 5
Mr. Biden. Sorry. 6
BY MR. : 7
Q But I think you're getting to the next question. 8
Who was your partner with the Lion Hall Group? 9
A My wife, Sara Jones Biden -- 10
Q Are there any -- 11
A -- who is an attorney with -- graduated from and has her license here in 12
Washington, D.C. She's a Duke Law School graduate and -- yeah. 13
Q Are there any other members or employees of the Lion Hall Group that 14
you -- 15
A Other than secretarial. 16
Q Based upon my review of records, the corporate address for the Lion Hall 17
Group, I believe, is your residence. Is that correct? 18
A Yes. 19
Q I'm not going to put your residential address on the record. I just want to 20
confirm that that's correct. 21
A Yeah. And the reason why we picked the Lion Hall Group as a company is 22
that was the name that -- the house was built in, I don't know, 1915. 23
Mr. Fishman. The house before this one. 24
Mr. Biden. The house before this one that I lived in was named the Lion Hall. 25
BY MR. : 1
Q What was Sara Biden's role in the Lion Hall Group? 2
A She assisted me in administration, bookkeeping. She kept most of the 3
records in conjunction with our accountants. And she interfaced with our attorneys and 4
the like. 5
Q Moving on to JBBSR Inc. 6
A Yes. 7
Q Is that your company as well? 8
A Yes. 9
Q What kind of work -- 10
A I don't know if that's still in existence. But Sara, my wife, formed that 11
company along with my agreeing to it. But it was set up just as another vehicle where 12
we could -- it was an LLC, and it was set up for that reason. It has been used very, very, 13
very little. 14
Q I now want to show you exhibit 1, which is going to be a certificate of 15
incorporation of JBBSR Inc. 16
Mr. it's exhibit 2. 17
Mr. . Thank you so much. Exhibit 2. 18
[Biden Exhibit No. 2 19
was marked for identification.] 20
BY MR. : 21
Q You can take a second to look over it. Let me know when you're ready. 22
I'd like to direct your attention to the second paragraph. 23
And, for the record, this is the certificate of incorporation of JBBSR Inc. 24
A Uh-huh. 25
Q And the last sentence in that second paragraph, if you wouldn't mind just 1
reading it into the record. 2
A "The purpose of the Corporation is to engage in any lawful or" -- "lawful act 3
or activity for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation Law 4
of the State of Delaware." 5
Q I apologize if I misspoke, but if you could read the last sentence in the 6
second paragraph, where it says "second." 7
A The name of the registered agent at the address is Melvyn Monzack. 8
Mr. Fishman. Read what it says. 9
Mr. Biden. Right there. 10
Well, it's Monzack Murkowsky (sic) and McLaughlin and Brower (sic), P.A. 11
BY MR. : 12
Q And then if you flip the page -- if you go to page 2 -- and it appears that the 13
signature is by Melvyn Monzack. Is that correct? 14
A Yes, sir. 15
Q It's my understanding that the corporate address, based upon the records 16
that we have in front of us, is also your home, correct, your home address? 17
A That was my previous home that I sold. I think it was 4 years ago. 18
Q It would have been your home address at the time? 19
A Yes, at the time. Correct. Yes, sir. 20
Q What I'd like to understand is what kind of services and businesses did the 21
Lion Hall Group and JBBSR Inc. provide? 22
A Consulting in many different areas. The list is incorporated in the 23
documents that I provided you. I mean, too many for me to mention off the top of my 24
head. But, you know, clearly the insurance business, the liquid natural gas. 25
You know, as I said, I had my securities license, I had my real estate license, and I 1
did that in conjunction with a couple of my earlier enterprises in the food and beverage 2
business. 3
And just, you know, there were a lot of different corporations and a lot of 4
different business entities that I was involved in. 5
Q Are you a registered lobbyist? 6
A No, sir. 7
Q Have you ever been a registered lobbyist? 8
A Never. 9
Q Have you heard of the company BG Equity Partners? I believe you held it 10
with Hunter Biden at one point. 11
A Yes, sir. 12
[Biden Exhibit No. 3 13
was marked for identification.] 14
BY MR. : 15
Q We're now going to show you exhibit 3. 16
And looking at exhibit 3, for BG Equity Partners, it appears -- and correct me if I'm 17
wrong -- that Mr. Robert Hunter Biden was the president and you served as the vice 18
president. Is that correct? 19
A Yes, sir. 20
Q And -- 21
A Well, I -- yes, sir. 22
Q And on the bottom of this page, it dates -- the date is -- appears to be 23
4/30/09. Do I have that correct? 24
A Yes, sir. 25
Q Based upon at least this document, you've worked in business with Hunter 1
Biden dating back to at least 2009. Is that accurate? 2
A Yes, sir. 3
Q Did you have businesses with Hunter Biden predating 2009 that you can 4
recall? 5
A Not that I can recall. 6
Q What kind of businesses/services did you perform with Hunter Biden 7
generally? We'll get into the specific deals later, but if you could just give us an 8
overview of what you can recall. 9
A I basically consulted with and gave advice to Hunter Biden, who is my 10
nephew, and, you know, depending on what the particular enterprise was at the time. 11
But he valued my judgment and my expertise in the different fields that we were involved 12
in. 13
Q Is it correct that one of the companies owned by Hunter Biden that you 14
consulted for was Owasco PC? 15
A Yes, sir. 16
Q And what is Owasco PC? 17
A It was a LL -- a PC that Hunter had formed and that he asked me to join him 18
in several different ventures. 19
Q And now I'd like to turn to a couple of those joint ventures that you were 20
involved with. I'm going to discuss first the CEFC business associates and those that 21
were involved. 22
A Sure. 23
Q And then we can talk about the Americore business associates -- just to give 24
you a road map -- and we can talk more about Americore, and I think we'll come back to 25
CEFC in more detail. 1
A Sure. 2
Q But let's start just with CEFC in the beginning. 3
To your knowledge, what was CEFC? 4
A CC -- CEFC was a privately held Chinese energy company that -- 5
Q What was your role when it came to CEFC? 6
A Sourcing business opportunities for them. And I, you know, tried to source 7
deals that would be of interest to CEFC that they could participate in, purchase and/or 8
participate in. 9
Mr. Gaetz. Sir, just a moment. 10
When you say CEFC is a privately held Chinese company, privately held by who? 11
Mr. Biden. By the chairman of CEFC. 12
Mr. Gaetz. And when you say privately held, you mean -- 13
Mr. Biden. It wasn't affiliated with the Chinese Government. 14
Mr. Gaetz. And how did you know that? 15
Mr. Biden. From Hunter and from the papers that were presented to me. 16
Mr. Gaetz. Which papers were those? 17
Mr. Biden. I don't recall, but, you know, several papers along the way. When I 18
first joined, there was no way that Hunter would have brought me into a situation dealing 19
with the Chinese Government. 20
Mr. Gaetz. Can you tell us what the nature of those papers might have been that 21
you relied upon to reach the conclusion -- 22
Mr. Biden. Basically, the word of my nephew, Hunter, who was -- 23
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. Let me draw a fine point on this, Mr. Biden. 24
There are things that you learn based on writings that you review and then there's 25
things that you learn based on things that people tell you. 1
Mr. Biden. Sure. 2
Mr. Gaetz. So your conclusion that CEFC was not connected to the Chinese 3
Government, is that something that was based on things people said, writings that you 4
reviewed, or both? 5
Mr. Biden. Documents that Hunter showed me and by his assertion that it was a 6
private company. 7
Mr. Gaetz. So it sounds like both. 8
Mr. Biden. Both. 9
Mr. Gaetz. And can you tell me anything about the nature of those documents? 10
Were they corporate governance documents? Were they bylaws? Were they letters? 11
Were they receipts? 12
Mr. Biden. I really didn't go into detail. He told me it was a private company. 13
And I know the nature of my nephew. He's a Yale Law graduate and had, you know, 14
done due diligence. It wasn't my place to do it. That Hunter had assured me that it 15
was not affiliated with the Chinese Government and it was a private company. 16
Mr. Gaetz. And it sounds like you relied heavily on that assurance from your 17
nephew? 18
Mr. Biden. Yes, sir. 19
Mr. Gaetz. And why did you rely so heavily on that? 20
Mr. Biden. Because, basically, Hunter was an attorney and, you know, he 21
was -- you know, graduated, I think, from Georgetown summa cum laude. He went to 22
Georgetown Law School, then transferred to Yale Law School, and was very familiar with, 23
you know, the appropriate documentation that was needed to verify that it was a private 24
company. 25
Mr. Gaetz. Do you recall if you asked Hunter whether or not CEFC was affiliated 1
with the Chinese Government or whether he asserted that to you unprompted? 2
Mr. Fishman. If you remember. 3
Mr. Biden. If I remember. 4
You know, I don't remember the particulars, but it was conveyed to me in very 5
direct terms that this was a -- and knowing my nephew the way I do and, you know, I just 6
took it on his -- basically his verbal assurance that it was. 7
Mr. Gaetz. And when you say knowing your nephew like you do, is that -- should 8
the committee understand that to mean you, knowing your nephew as you do, you would 9
never believe that he would do business with the Chinese Government? 10
Mr. Biden. Correct. 11
Mr. Gaetz. Are you aware of meetings that your nephew had at the home of the 12
Chinese ambassador? 13
Mr. Fishman. The Chinese ambassador to the United States, Mr. Gaetz? 14
Mr. Gaetz. Yes. 15
Mr. Biden. No. 16
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. If you knew that your nephew was holding meetings at the 17
Chinese ambassador's residence for his -- or were you aware of that for -- 18
Mr. Biden. I just said I wasn't aware. 19
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Got it. 20
Are you aware of an investment fund that Hunter ran? 21
Mr. Biden. No. At the time. 22
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. If you were aware that Hunter was having meetings at the 23
Chinese ambassador's house, would that have changed how you viewed his 24
representations to you regarding doing business with the Chinese Government? 25
Mr. Fishman. I'm sorry, Mr. Gaetz. Just in general, would it have changed his 1
view? 2
Mr. Gaetz. Yeah. Right. 3
Would that be the type of thing, if you were aware of it, that might have altered 4
your view of those representations? 5
Mr. Fishman. I'm sorry. Are we talking about the Chinese ambassador to the 6
United States or the Chinese ambassador to the U.N.? 7
Mr. Gaetz. The Chinese ambassador to the United States. 8
Mr. Biden. I would probably query him more in terms of. But I would have no 9
reason to believe that Hunter would engage in business with the Chinese Government. 10
Mr. Gaetz. Are you aware of a laptop that Hunter Biden left at a repair shop that 11
was turned over to the FBI? 12
Mr. Biden. The allegations. 13
Mr. Gaetz. And are you aware of any of the contents of that laptop? 14
Mr. Biden. No. 15
Mr. Gaetz. None of them? 16
Mr. Biden. I never saw the laptop, or I never examined the laptop, and I never 17
went into any depth in terms of what was represented to be true or not and/or -- you 18
know, it was in other people's hands. It could have been added or deleted to that 19
laptop. 20
Mr. Gaetz. Are there any of the contents of the laptop that you've observed that 21
you know to be false? 22
Mr. Biden. Only what I read through the press. 23
Mr. Gaetz. And when you said earlier, knowing the nature of your nephew you 24
wouldn't get in business with the Chinese Government, why is it that you wouldn't want 25
to be in business with the Chinese Government? 1
Mr. Biden. Because my brother was in Federal office, and there would be no 2
reason for me to believe that he would do such a thing. 3
Mr. Gaetz. And so you think your brother wouldn't want you in business with 4
the Chinese Government? Is that how I should understand your testimony? 5
Mr. Biden. Absolutely. 6
Mr. Gaetz. Thank you. 7
I yield back. 8
Mr. Biggs. Can I just interrupt? I just have a quick clarification. 9
Mr. Biden. Sure. 10
Mr. Biggs. I want to get to the documents that Hunter Biden showed you, as 11
you've mentioned that you relied on documents and oral -- his oral representation, and 12
you can't really recall -- 13
Mr. Biden. Correct. 14
Mr. Biggs. -- the documents. 15
But did you examine them or just kind of scan them or take a look? 16
Mr. Biden. Scan them, because he was the attorney. I wasn't. 17
Mr. Biggs. Okay. So you can't recall what type of documents? And I just want 18
to make sure. 19
Mr. Biden. No, sir. 20
Mr. Biggs. Okay. And so you wouldn't know, perhaps, who has those 21
documents today? 22
Mr. Biden. No, sir. 23
Mr. Biggs. Thank you. 24
[Biden Exhibit No. 4 25
was marked for identification.] 1
Mr. I now want to show you exhibit No. 4, which is going to be a 2
memorandum of interview prepared by special agents with the Department of Treasury, 3
the IRS Criminal Investigation. 4
Let me know when you have it, please. 5
Mr. Biden. Okay. Sure. 6
Mr. Fishman. Is that exhibit 4, Mr. Mandolfo? 7
Mr. Yes, sir. 8
Mr. Fishman. I can represent to you, Mr. , he's never read this 9
document before. 10
Mr. . Okay. 11
Do you recall being interviewed by law enforcement agents related to the 12
investigation of Hunter Biden? 13
Mr. Biden. There have been several. 14
Mr. Fishman. That's right. 15
Mr. . Well, do you remember one that I believe occurred in -- at Arnold 16
& Porter, your attorneys' office, with Mr. Fishman, where -- 17
Mr. Fishman. In New York. 18
Mr. . In New York. 19
Mr. Fishman. In September of 2022. That's what this is about. 20
Mr. Biden. Okay. 21
BY MR. : 22
Q It appears that after that meeting IRS agent prepared a memo detailing your 23
statements. And so I'd like to direct your attention to page 7 of 13, paragraph 27(b). 24
And I think this gets to Representative Gaetz's question. 25
In the memo the agent wrote, "James B" -- which I believe is a reference to 1
you -- "noted that RHB" -- which I understand is a reference to Hunter Biden -- "portrayed 2
CEFC to him as Chairman Ye was a protege of President Xi." 3
A It was just a term of art. I mean, it was not specifically. You know, that 4
he was held in high esteem by many in China. I was alleged -- it was alleged by Hunter 5
to me, and I, obviously, I said that, and that's my recollection. 6
Q So Hunter Biden did refer to Chairman Ye -- who is Chairman Ye 7
Jianming -- as a protege of President Xi then. 8
A He was a very successful young businessman, and I think that he was 9
recognized as an up-and-comer, and he had a very profitable, very successful business. 10
Q Do you know where Ye Jianming is now, Chairman Ye? 11
A I have no idea. 12
Q Have you heard the allegations that he was arrested for fraud in China? 13
A I have no idea. 14
Q When was the last time you spoke with Chairman Ye? 15
A We had a meeting at his home in New York. I had presented several 16
different business opportunities. One of them was Monkey Island -- that was an LNG 17
property -- and that I was working with the chairman who was running the U.S. 18
operations. It was my understanding -- 19
Mr. Fishman. The director or the chairman? 20
Mr. Biden. The director. 21
And we met at his apartment -- or his townhouse -- and he represented the 22
director, who I had extensive conversations with. 23
Mr. . If I can stop you. Is that Director Zang? 24
Mr. Biden. Yes. 25
Mr. Biggs. Can I butt in here just real quickly? Before we leave 27(b), I just 1
want to clarify and make sure I understand again. 2
"James B noted that RHB portrayed CEFC to him as Chairman Ye." 3
So I take that that Hunter portrayed to you that CEFC was Chairman Ye? 4
Mr. Hibey. It doesn't say that. 5
Mr. Fishman. So I'm not, Mr. Biggs, I'm not sure that this sentence is so artfully 6
drafted. 7
Mr. Biggs. I'm not saying it is. 8
Mr. Fishman. No, I'm just -- 9
Mr. Biggs. That's why I'm asking for clarification. 10
Mr. Fishman. Let me just say, as some people say, you know, I've been in and 11
around law enforcement on both sides for 40 years. These reports are often not 12
particularly well written and are not always right. 13
Mr. Biggs. Which is exactly to my point, which is why I'm trying to get 14
clarification here. 15
And that is, did Hunter portray to you that CEFC was essentially Chairman Ye? 16
Mr. Biden. No. 17
Mr. Biggs. Did he portray to you at all -- I mean, the next sentence -- it's a 18
fractured sentence. There's no doubt about it. But, I mean, the next clause here says 19
Chairman Ye was a protege of President Xi. 20
And my question for you is, did he portray that to you, that he was a protege of 21
Chairman Xi? 22
Mr. Biden. No. It wasn't that he was a -- you know, he had a very profitable 23
company, and they had major dealings with, and he was a recognizable, you know, player 24
in China. 25
Mr. Biggs. That would be different than saying he had a relationship or was a 1
protege or Xi was his mentor or he was a protege of President Xi? 2
Mr. Biden. I thought I answered that question. 3
Mr. Biggs. Well -- 4
Mr. Biden. And I answered that question was -- you know, it was -- you know, it 5
wasn't -- I just took the liberty of, you know, inserting, you know, "protege," and it wasn't 6
my intention. 7
Mr. Biggs. So you did use the term "protege," but you didn't mean to use the 8
term "protege"? 9
Mr. Biden. If it says it here, I'm not refuting that. But I didn't take it as him 10
being a protege and, you know, next in line to the throne. 11
Mr. Biggs. Well, okay. So I'm trying to understand what you understood, then, 12
because you used the term "protege." You apparently used the term "President Xi." 13
You apparently used the term "Chairman Ye." All related. 14
So did you understand that Chairman Ye had some kind of relationship 15
whatsoever with President Xi? 16
Mr. Biden. No. 17
Mr. Biggs. But you just -- 18
Mr. Biden. Listen, you know -- 19
Mr. Biggs. So -- 20
Mr. Biden. It was a gratuitous comment, okay, and it wasn't well chosen, okay, 21
being a protege of the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party. 22
Mr. Biggs. So I guess I'm wondering why you even inserted the name "President 23
Xi" here in your discussion. 24
Mr. Biden. You know, I just misspoke. 25
Mr. Biggs. All right. 1
Mr. Fishman. By the way, it's not clear from this that he was the one who 2
inserted the name into that, you know, whether that was the question from the agent or 3
from the prosecutor. 4
Mr. Biggs. When you say "he" -- 5
Mr. Fishman. Whether Mr. Biden -- you said Mr. Biden inserted the name. It's 6
not clear from this document that he volunteered that or whether it was from the agent 7
himself. I don't know. 8
Mr. Biggs. Well, I just asked him, and he said that he said it. 9
Mr. Biden. I very well could have said it, is what I said. 10
Mr. Biggs. Okay. 11
Mr. . If we can go back to the -- I'll repeat the question. 12
When was the last time you spoke with Chairman Ye? 13
Mr. Biden. I had a -- 14
Mr. Fishman. Just the time period. Just when it was. 15
Mr. Biden. 2017. 16
Mr. . Can you tell us about when you talked with him? 17
Mr. Biden. When I talked to him, I had presented Monkey Island as a potential 18
acquisition for LNG, and they were looking to have a presence in and build a refinery. 19
There was a refinery -- at the time, Cheniere, which was a very large facility 5 miles south 20
of this location of Monkey Island -- and we felt that we could develop the property much 21
cheaper, maybe up to 50 percent cheaper, I was told by the analyst. 22
They reviewed this for some months, 2, 3, 4, 5 months. And I had mentioned 23
this to the director, who I had close -- I had frequent contacts with. 24
Mr. . Director Zang? 25
Mr. Biden. Zang. And Director Zang presented to the chairman -- who I met for 1
the first time at his residence -- that he felt -- 2
Mr. Fishman. The chairman's residence. 3
Mr. Biden. The chairman's residence. 4
That -- 5
BY MR. : 6
Q I'm going to stop you. 7
Where was the residence? 8
A I don't know the exact address. 9
Q In Manhattan? 10
A In Manhattan, correct. 11
Q Please continue. 12
A Yes. He -- the director informed the chairman that he thought that it was a 13
worthwhile project to pursue and that they had done due diligence, extensive due 14
diligence, and that the director was recommending that they pursue the opportunity. 15
[Biden Exhibit No. 5 16
was marked for identification.] 17
Mr. . I would like to now pass out exhibit 5, which will be chats from 18
the Ways and Means Committee. And you can hold on to these. We'll probably refer 19
to them a couple times throughout the day. 20
Mr. Fishman. Are we up to 5? 21
Mr. . This is No. 5. 22
Mr. Fishman. Do you have glasses, Mr. , for these? 23
Mr. . Contacts in. 24
Mr. Fishman. Well, that's not going to do enough. It's not going to do it for me 25
Mr. Fishman. Yeah. So -- 1
Mr. . And because it's small, I will read it into the record, and then I'll 2
ask you the question. 3
Mr. Biden. Great. Good. Good. Great. 4
Mr. . This is dated August 27th, 2017, Apple iCloud backup 03, chat 59. 5
"WA" -- which stands for WhatsApp message -- "with SM" -- which we understand 6
to be Sportsman, which is the -- supposed to be Hunter Biden -- "and Dong" -- a reference 7
to Kevin Dong. 8
"Dong says, 'I will pick you up at 12:00 p.m. at the lobby of your hotel. The 9
luncheon will start at 12:30 p.m.'" 10
"SM" -- Hunter Biden -- "responds, 'Where is luncheon, Kevin? My uncle will be 11
here with his BROTHER'" -- "BROTHER" in all caps -- "who would like to say hello to the 12
chairman. He is here to visit my daughter.' 13
"Dong says, 'The chairman invited you to his new home in New York City, 15 14
Central Park West.' 15
"Hunter Biden says, 'So please give me a location and time. Jim's 16
BROTHER'" -- "BROTHER" in all caps -- "'if he is coming just wants to say hello. He will 17
not be stopping for lunch.'" 18
Mr. Fishman. So -- 19
Mr. . My question to you is, one, was the residence you're talking 20
about -- does that refresh your memory? Is it 15 Central Park West? 21
Mr. Fishman. The answer is, does it refresh your recollection? 22
Mr. Biden. I am not refuting it, but it doesn't, you know, pop to mind what his 23
address was. I have sometimes difficulty remembering my own address. 24
Mr. . But was the residence on Central Park West? 25
Mr. Biden. It was in that vicinity. 1
Mr. . And during this meeting that you're talking about, who else was 2
at this meeting? 3
Mr. Biden. The chairman, the -- the -- Hunter, myself. And I don't think any of 4
the other principals of our group, James Gilliar or Rob -- 5
Mr. Fishman. This was in August. 6
Mr. Biden. Yeah. No. 7
Mr. Fishman. The director? 8
Mr. Biden. No, no, no, no, no. This is in August. This isn't -- 9
Mr. Fishman. This wasn't the director? 10
Mr. Biden. Yeah. 11
Mr. Fishman. Okay. 12
BY MR. : 13
Q You're saying that this, the meeting that you're referencing, is at a different 14
timeframe than this chat? 15
A Correct. 16
Q Was this the only time that you had met Chairman Ye, or did you met him on 17
other occasions? 18
A This was the first time I met Chairman Ye. 19
Q Were you aware if Joe Biden had met with Chairman Ye at any point? 20
A Absolutely not. 21
Q Do you know why Hunter Biden is referring to Joe Biden as "Jim's brother"? 22
A I have no idea. 23
Q Had you ever heard Hunter Biden in any business meetings or any meetings 24
refer to his dad as that, as your -- "Jim's brother," instead of saying his -- just saying "my 25
dad" or "Joe Biden" will be here? 1
A Not that I recall. 2
Mr. Fishman. I just want to -- that assumes that he was mentioning his father at 3
all, but -- 4
Mr. . If there is another -- 5
Mr. Fishman. You said in meetings. That's why. 6
Mr. . -- another brother involved -- 7
Mr. Fishman. No, you said in meetings. No, you said in meetings. That's why. 8
Mr. . Okay. All right. 9
Mr. Fishman. I think your question assumed that he had mentioned his father in 10
meetings, and I'm not sure that Mr. Biden would say that, but -- 11
Mr. . We're going to come back -- 12
Mr. Biden. I definitely wouldn't say that. 13
BY MR. : 14
Q You mentioned James Gilliar. Who is James Gilliar? 15
A James Gilliar was an original partner before I became involved with Robert 16
Walker. 17
Q And who is Rob Walker? 18
A Rob Walker is a -- was a long-time friend of Hunter's. I believe he's from 19
Arkansas. I know him, you know, casually. I know he was a friend of Hunter's during 20
the -- I believe it was the Clinton administration. And, you know, I didn't have a close 21
personal relationship with Rob Walker or James Gilliar. 22
Q Do you know a person by the name of Tony Bobulinski? 23
A Yes. 24
Q And how did you come to know Mr. Bobulinski? 25
A James Gilliar recommended that he was a, quote, a Wall Street type and was 1
very organized and could serve in a more efficient capacity as CEO of the company. 2
Q Was Mr. Bobulinski what you would consider a business associate of you and 3
Hunter Biden? 4
A He wasn't of mine. I had discussions with him, but there was never 5
anything that was memorialized in terms of his involvement. He took on the 6
self-appointed role of requesting moneys from the chairman on behalf of Hudson West 7
III, I believe. 8
Mr. Fishman. Or whatever it was. 9
Mr. Biden. Whatever it was. 10
I was primarily involved with Hunter's company that was part of this chain, 11
Owasco. 12
BY MR. : 13
Q You didn't have a personal friendship with Tony Bobulinski, though, correct? 14
A Absolutely not. 15
Q In addition to the -- I'm calling them the American partners for the CEFC 16
deal. I know James Gilliar is not from the U.S., but -- 17
A Yeah. 18
Q -- I'll call them -- in addition to those individuals, I also want to ask 19
about -- you mentioned Director Zang. Can you just give us who was Director Zang? 20
A It was my understanding that he was moving to the United States. I know 21
he was moving to the United States because I referred him to a realtor. 22
And I tried to acquaint the director and his family -- he had a daughter, a child, and 23
he had a -- I believe it was a young son or daughter, an infant. You know, 3 or 4 years 24
old. The daughter was 9 or 10 years old. I think she was second or third grade. It 25
could have been higher. I don't remember. 1
But I developed a relationship with him and tried to acquaint him with New York 2
that he wasn't familiar with. 3
Q And who is Mervyn Yan? 4
A He is -- my understanding was that he was working with CEFC. Whether 5
they were direct employees or not of CEFC, to this day, I have -- I don't have direct 6
knowledge of that. 7
And there was another -- I don't want to be demeaning in any way -- but more of a 8
secretarial role of a Jackie -- 9
Q Bao? 10
A Bao. Correct. 11
And then there was another individual, Kevin, and I can't remember his last name. 12
Q Is that Gongwen Dong? 13
A Yeah. 14
Q Now that we've talked about the business associates for CEFC, we're going 15
to come back to CEFC probably the next hour, but I want to switch gears and go to 16
Americore. 17
A Sure. 18
Q Can you tell us how you know a person by the name of Joey Langston? 19
A I've known Joey Langston for some 30-plus years. It could be longer. But 20
he was an attorney in Mississippi. I developed a close personal friendship with him 21
through many different ventures, advising them -- "them" being the attorneys in 22
Mississippi -- and we became close personal friends. 23
Q Was another one of those attorneys that you just referenced Dickie Scruggs? 24
A Yes, sir. 25
Q Who is Dickie Scruggs? 1
A Dickie Scruggs is a very prominent attorney in -- I believe he's in Oxford. 2
I'm not sure. But it could be Jackson. I don't believe I've ever been to his home. But 3
I knew he was Trent Lott's brother-in-law. 4
And so I knew him from chance encounters on -- here in Washington, and I met 5
him through numerous fundraisers and things like that that we had in Mississippi for 6
several of my brother's campaigns. 7
And he was the, quote, "lead," along with Rice and Motley, in South Carolina in 8
the tobacco litigation. He was the one that was successful in prosecuting tobacco in the 9
first case that tobacco ever lost in Mississippi. And he then went on to bring on -- I 10
believe it was 27 or 37 attorneys general throughout the country to participate in the 11
lawsuit, along with dozens of others of attorneys who were involved in the tobacco 12
litigation. 13
Q Were Mr. Scruggs and Mr. Langston also involved in your brother's political 14
career at all? 15
Mr. Fishman. I'm sorry. I'm not sure I know what "involved" in his political 16
career means. 17
BY MR. : 18
Q Were they donors? Did they help fundraise? Did they campaign? Were 19
they involved in any type -- 20
A From time to time, yes. 21
Q And when you say "from time to time," what does that mean? 22
A Depending on the election. 23
Q Well, what did they do to assist your brother? 24
A They would participate in a fundraiser with, you know, a hundred other 25
people, 50 or whatever the venue was. And, you know, they supported him in his 1
political life. 2
Q And did probably then-Senator Biden ever meet with Mr. Scruggs or Mr. 3
Langston in person? 4
A Mr. Scruggs, for sure. He spent quite a bit of time on the Hill with his 5
brother -- with his brother-in-law. And Joey Langston may have met the Senator at a 6
fundraiser that he participated in and contributed to my brother's campaign. And I am 7
not sure of any of the amounts or the, you know, the depth and breadth of his 8
involvement. 9
Q Is it correct -- and I'm using an approximate year -- that approximately 2007, 10
you were trying to establish a lobbying company with some of Mr. Scruggs' associates? 11
Is that correct? 12
A That is not correct. I was never a lobbyist. As I told you, my wife is a 13
licensed Duke Law School graduate, and Mr. Balducci and Mr. Patterson approached me 14
to see if Sara was interested in starting a firm here in Washington. 15
Q When you say "a firm," would that be a consulting firm or a law firm? 16
A A law firm. 17
Q Did that law firm ever come to be? 18
A No. 19
Q Are you aware of the Federal criminal charges against Mr. Scruggs and 20
against Mr. Langston? 21
A Yes, but the -- I am aware that they were accused and convicted. I don't 22
know the exact charges and/or the particulars why they were charged. And they both 23
served minimal sentences, I believe. I don't know the depth and breadth of their 24
incarceration. 25
Q But are you generally aware that the charges related to Mr. Scruggs and Mr. 1
Langston pertain to bribery -- 2
A Yes. 3
Q -- allegations related to a judge? 4
A Yes. Yes. 5
Q And is that one of the reasons why your wife, Sara Biden, did not pursue 6
going forward with a law firm here in D.C.? 7
A That was one of the reasons. 8
Q And, as you said, they were convicted and -- 9
Mr. Fishman. To be clear, I think he testified that it was Mr. Balducci and Mr. 10
Patterson who were getting involved with the law firm, not Mr. Scruggs and Mr. 11
Langston. But Balducci was also prosecuted, as was Patterson. 12
Mr. Thank you. 13
Mr. Fishman. As was Patterson. 14
Mr. . Thank you. Thank you. 15
Mr. Biden. I am sorry if I wasn't clear on that. 16
BY MR. 17
Q No, you were. 18
Who is Keaton Langston? 19
A Joey Langston's son. 20
Q And by approximately 2016, 2017 or so, at this point, Joey Langston had 21
been prosecuted federally for bribery, served his sentence -- 22
A Correct. 23
Q -- and was out of prison? 24
A I believe so, yes. 25
Q Around that time? 1
A Yeah. Yeah. 2
Q Did you become involved in any companies with Keaton Langston? 3
A No. 4
Q Did you have any role in a company called Fountain Health? 5
A No. 6
Q How did you become involved with Americore? 7
A I was introduced to a -- the principal of Americore, Grant White, in Florida, 8
and it was through the introduction of Joey Langston. 9
Q What was the purpose of introducing you to Grant White? 10
A That I was unaware that there were -- I was told at the time, and the 11
numbers and controversy, that there's some -- you know, there are hundreds of rural 12
hospitals going out of business on a yearly basis for -- you know, shutting down, you 13
know, emergency rooms. And these are primarily located in rural areas. 14
So a hospital that we were involved with in -- I believe it was Pineville outside of 15
Pittsburgh. But it would take somebody, you know, 2 hours to get into Pittsburgh for 16
treatment. And I may be wrong that that was the name of that particular hospital. 17
Q Did you take on a role after that meeting with Mr. White at Americore? 18
A Yes. 19
Q And what was that role? 20
A My role was to assist him in identifying rural hospitals. And I have always 21
been involved with and interested in addiction. And I felt that the VA -- the veterans 22
were being underserved and the local population being underserved, everything from 23
emergency rooms to getting adequate care for, you know, serious illnesses. 24
And so I was drawn to that. I tried to envision how that we could repopulate 25
these rural hospitals, everything from veterans to, you know, firefighters to whomever 1
might be in that area who were being underserved, plus the local residents. And I 2
thought it was a very worthy goal. 3
Q Did you get a salary from Americore? 4
A No. 5
Q We previously interviewed Carol Fox, who was the trustee for Americore 6
when they filed a lawsuit against you. 7
A I met with her, yeah. 8
Q And one of the questions -- I'm going to paraphrase here -- that I asked her 9
was if she was able to identify what services you provided. 10
And I said, "Is it fair to say that you weren't able to identify any service that he 11
provided to Americore?" 12
And she responded, "Well, that's why I sued him." 13
What services did you provide to Americore if you weren't getting a salary? 14
Mr. Fishman. So, to be fair, that's not what the lawsuit says. That's not the 15
reason the lawsuit says she sued him. 16
Mr. . I introduced the lawsuit to introduce Carol Fox. That was one 17
of my questions posed to her. 18
Mr. Fishman. We haven't seen the transcript, so I don't know exactly what she 19
said. 20
Mr. . And that's fine. I'm just trying to understand -- 21
Mr. Fishman. Sure. 22
Mr. . -- what services did you render to Americore if you weren't 23
getting a salary? 24
Mr. Biden. I met with, for example -- my brother wasn't in office at the time. 25
He was a private citizen. And I had gotten through his -- as Vice President, his personal 1
physician was Colonel Kevin O'Connor. 2
And Kevin O'Connor -- there was a very -- and still there is an outcry for a solution 3
for post-traumatic stress disorder. And one component in terms of filling these 4
hospitals, I thought that if we followed the same protocols that the VA does with 5
post-traumatic stress disorder and alcoholism -- that there was a backlog at the VA. So 6
he introduced me to a team. 7
Mr. Fishman. "He," Kevin? 8
Mr. Biden. "He," Kevin O'Connor. 9
And I remember we had -- our first lunch was in Alexandria, Virginia. 10
And she -- the name escapes me at the time -- but she ran a group that would go 11
on the military bases, and they would screen for post-traumatic stress disorder and other 12
related illnesses. 13
And so they would go on and they would say, "Okay, Jim Biden is a candidate for 14
post-traumatic stress disorder, and we're going to put you on" -- 15
Mr. Fishman. That's not part of his actual truthful testimony, that he's a 16
candidate for that. 17
Mr. . I understand. I understand. 18
Mr. Biden. Okay. I've never been in combat. I've never been in the middle 19
of -- 20
Mr. . It's an example. 21
Mr. Biden. There you go. Just as an example. Let's pick Paul. 22
At any rate, they would go onto the bases all over the country and -- for a fee. I 23
believe it was -- the testing that they went through was -- I don't know -- it was $1,500. 24
And they would say, "You are a candidate for the VA, but we can't fit you into a VA for 25
another 9 months." Okay. 1
My query to her was, "Well, you know, what does this individual do for the next 9 2
months before he's admitted or she is admitted to the VA?" They don't know. 3
And I queried her that, if we went to the VA or NIH and went and said, listen, you 4
know, we have a facility, because these rural hospitals were, in the main, very large, okay. 5
But there was a lot of empty space. Different units. It could be 40,000 square feet, 6
okay. 7
And we were going to segregate -- my idea was to segregate part of this hospital 8
to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, okay. You cannot -- I was told it was the 9
medical -- the medical field's belief that you could not treat PTSD and alcoholism in the 10
same setting, okay. 11
So my idea was to get drug and rehab and put it in one end of the hospital and put 12
post-traumatic stress disorder in the other to cut down the timeline, but we would have 13
to follow all the protocols that the VA had. And I saw that as a huge market because the 14
VA or these rural hospitals was heavily populated by former veterans with this disease, 15
and they weren't getting any help or treatment. 16
So what I was going to do and I proposed that we do is we file some sort of a joint 17
venture with them and that we operate post-traumatic stress disorder clinics within the 18
hospitals along on the other side of the hospital with drug- and alcohol-related problems, 19
okay. 20
Maybe once a week, maybe twice a week, that there would be some interface 21
between the two physician groups who were treating the drug and alcohol and who were 22
then dealing with someone having PTSD that may also be an alcoholic, okay, and that 23
they would treat the two sets of combatants who were suffering from alcoholism and 24
drug addiction who were -- have a -- also have a problem with PTSD.25
business with them? 1
A No. 2
Q So I just want to read through -- 3
A I mean, you know, I may have mentioned my brother's name on occasion, 4
but I never did it in the, you know -- what you're inferring is that I tried to use it as a lever 5
or influence. 6
Q Well, if you could actually go to page 14 -- 7
A Sure. 8
Q -- at the top. 9
Mr. Gaetz. Hold on. Just for a point of clarification there, in what context 10
would you have mentioned your brother's name in the Americore enterprise? 11
Mr. Biden. I didn't-- 12
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. 13
Mr. Biden. -- to my knowledge. 14
Mr. Gaetz. So -- 15
Mr. Biden. But have I ever mentioned my brother? You know, I am 75 years 16
old. And, you know, my brother and I are very close personal friends and I've helped my 17
brother in numerous campaigns. I haven't been really closely involved in any of his 18
campaigns or on his campaign or raising money for him since he joined the Obama 19
administration. 20
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. My question was about the Americore enterprise, and within 21
the construct of that enterprise how would your brother's name have come up. And if 22
you're saying it didn't come up, that's fine. If you're saying -- 23
Mr. Biden. It didn't come up. Did my sister's name come up? Possibly, 24
Valerie. Did my younger brother's name come up, Frank? He's a great athlete. 25
Possibly. 1
Mr. Gaetz. In what context would the names of those family members come up 2
as you're discussing -- 3
Mr. Biden. Because they're my best friends. 4
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. I guess a lot of what we're trying to discuss today, Mr. Biden, 5
is where your friendships and familial relationships interact with your business activities. 6
Mr. Biden. They didn't. 7
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. So if the name had been -- any of these names had been 8
mentioned or brought up, you're saying that would've been in passing, not as a feature of 9
any business deal? 10
Mr. Biden. Yes, sir. 11
Mr. Gaetz. Thank you. 12
BY MR. 13
Q If you go to the top of page 14, I'm going to read a statement into the 14
record, and I just want to know if it's true or not true. 15
A I'm sorry, sir. 16
Q Sure. No, that's okay. Top of page 14. It's going to be the first 17
paragraph. Let me know when you're ready. 18
A Top of? 19
Q Yeah. 20
A Would you read it? 21
Q Yes, sir. It states, "Another former executive said that Jim Biden spoke of 22
plans -- which did not come to pass -- to give Joe Biden equity in Americore." 23
Did you ever speak with anybody at Americore about Joe Biden getting equity in 24
the company? 25
A That is ridiculous on its face. No. 1
Q If you go down to the third paragraph, it says, "A third former executive said 2
that White and Jim Biden spoke of plans to put Joe Biden on Americore's board." 3
A Again, ridiculous. No. 4
Q If you skip down two more paragraphs, it says, "One person on the receiving 5
end of Jim Biden's health care pitch recalled a phone call in which Jim Biden said he was 6
sitting in a car next to his brother Joe." 7
A No. 8
Q Then if you go down two more paragraphs, it says, referencing an email, 9
"The newly obtained email sent to another potential business partner confirms that Joe 10
Biden at times was featured in Jim Biden's pitch. 'This would be a perfect platform to 11
expose my brother's team to your protocol,' he wrote to Jonathan Brenner, the CEO of 12
Tampa-area health care firm Medicus. Brenner did not respond to requests for 13
comment." 14
So this appears to be an email. Do you recall referencing -- 15
A No. 16
Q -- your brother? 17
A No. 18
Q Do you -- does this -- quoting an email, does this change any of your other 19
answers about never involving -- 20
A No. 21
Q -- Joe Biden in your business? 22
A It doesn't change. 23
Q So even with this email, it's your testimony that you've never referenced 24
your brother in any of your -- your brother being Joe Biden -- in any of your business 25
dealings? 1
A They may have queried me, "Is he your brother?" And I'd say, you know, 2
"Yes, he's my brother." I'm very proud of my brother, and I'm proud of his public 3
service. 4
Mr. Biggs. I have a point of clarification again. 5
Mr. Biden. Sure. 6
Mr. Biggs. Going back, the piece says, "One person on the receiving end of Jim 7
Biden's health care pitch recalled a phone call in which Jim Biden said he was sitting in a 8
car next to his brother Joe," and you said no. 9
Mr. Biden. There would be no reason why I would ever have volunteered that 10
information, even if it were true. 11
Mr. Biggs. Okay. So what -- I just -- for clarification. 12
Mr. Biden. Sure. 13
Mr. Biggs. That conversation never took place. 14
Mr. Biden. To the best of my knowledge, yes. 15
Mr. Biggs. Okay. 16
Mr. . I'm just going to ask one follow-up question and we'll be done. 17
So it would be odd if somebody went into a business meeting and put Joe Biden 18
on speakerphone, correct, if it had nothing to do with the business meeting? Would you 19
agree with me? 20
Mr. Biden. Yes, I would. 21
Mr. . Thank you. 22
Mr. . Off the record. 23
[Recess.] 24
Ms. . We are back on the record. 25
BY MS. : 1
Q Mr. Biden, thank you for joining us today. I want -- 2
A Yes, ma'am. 3
Q I want to start by just letting you know that I'm going to be referring to your 4
brother as either "Joe" or "your brother." I'm not going to be referring to him as 5
"Mr. President." And that's not out of disrespect, but it's just I want to always make 6
sure we're clear on what time period we're talking about and what role your brother 7
played, so I don't want to create any confusion. 8
A Okay. 9
Q And along those lines, I just want to clarify, all of your dealings with CEFC 10
and the Chinese, those were in 2017, correct? 11
A Yes, ma'am. 12
Q And your brother was a private citizen in 2017? 13
A Yes, ma'am. 14
Q And your dealings with Mervyn Yan, they stretched into a little bit of 2018, 15
but they were done by 2018, correct? 16
A Yes, ma'am. 17
Q And it started in 2017? 18
A Yes, ma'am. 19
Q And, again, that was when your brother was a private citizen? 20
A My best recollection, yes. 21
Q And the Americore dealings that we were talking about in the previous hour, 22
that was also in 2017 and 2018, correct? 23
A Yes, ma'am. 24
Q And, again, that was when your brother was a private citizen? 25
A Correct. 1
Q Now, I want to step back and talk about your relationship with your brother 2
and with Hunter, since that's really what's brought us all here today. 3
A Yep. Uh-huh. 4
Q You've always had a close personal relationship with your brother. 5
A Very close. 6
Q And it's close enough that when he decided to run for Senate you left school 7
before you graduated in order to help raise money for his campaign. Is that fair to say? 8
A Yes, ma'am. It wasn't -- I think the polls were 80/20 against my brother. 9
Q And so you felt an obligation to -- 10
A Yes. 11
Q -- devote yourself full time. 12
A Yes. And the fact of the matter is that we weren't able to raise -- other 13
than I think Joe took out a second mortgage on his house to raise some initial money. 14
But I had to raise money outside of the State of Delaware. 15
Q And you're close with all of your nieces and nephews as well? 16
A Yes. 17
Q But you have a particularly strong bond with Hunter. Is that fair to say? 18
A Very. 19
Q Now, in order to understand that bond and your relationship with Hunter, I 20
think it's necessary to understand some of the tragic circumstances that your family went 21
through many years ago. So I'm going to ask you some difficult and personal questions, 22
but hopefully it won't be too painful. 23
When Hunter was only 2 years old, his mother and his baby sister, your niece, 24
were killed in a car crash, correct? 25
A Yes, ma'am. 1
Q And you were with them that morning before they died, weren't you? 2
A I had breakfast with them. 3
Q And then my understanding is they left the breakfast to go -- 4
A Buy a Christmas tree. 5
Q -- to buy a Christmas tree? 6
A Yes. 7
Q And who all was in the car at the time? 8
A Naomi, the little girl -- she was 13 months, I believe -- Hunter and Beau and 9
Neilia. 10
Q And Neilia was your brother's wife? 11
A My brother's wife. 12
Q And they left to buy a Christmas tree, but they never made it back. Is that 13
correct? 14
A Yes. 15
Q And Hunter and Beau were seriously injured in that accident? 16
A Yes, ma'am. 17
Q And they were in the hospital for some time. 18
A Months. 19
Q Now, at the time of the accident, you were the person who went to the 20
hospital and identified the bodies of the dead. 21
A I got a call. I was in campaign headquarters at the time, and I got a call 22
from the attorney general. 23
Mr. Fishman. Up in Delaware? 24
Mr. Biden. Of Delaware, I'm sorry. 25
BY MS. : 1
Q Thank you. 2
And this was just a few weeks after your brother had been elected to the Senate? 3
A It was December 18th. 4
Q Okay. So less than a month -- 5
A Or November 18th, I beg your pardon. 6
Q So -- 7
A Yeah. 8
Q -- literally probably 2 weeks -- 9
A Yeah. 10
Q -- at most? 11
And how old were you at the time? 12
A I was born in '49, so I was -- 13
Q 22? 14
A 22 -- 21. 15
Q And at that age you had to go identify the body of your niece and your 16
sister-in-law? 17
A Yes, ma'am. 18
Q And were you also the person who informed Neilia's parents about the 19
death of their daughter? 20
A I had called the doctor. Her father, Robert Hunter, had a triple bypass 21
surgery and wasn't in the greatest of health, and I accompanied Joe many, many, many 22
trips to Skaneateles, New York, with him and got to know the family quite well. And 23
their cousins lived next door, and I got to meet his personal physician, Dr. Lesch (ph). 24
And rather than him getting this news through the media or anything, I called 25
Dr. Lesch and told him to go over to the house and call me when he got there, because I 1
wanted him to be there when I told Mr. and Mrs. Hunter of the accident and of Neilia and 2
the baby's death. 3
Q So you had the presence of mind to make sure that they had support there, 4
medical assistance if necessary? 5
A Yes. Because I had no idea the severity of his condition, but he had a triple 6
heart bypass. 7
Q But nonetheless, you were the one who actually broke the news to him? 8
A Yes, along -- and Dr. Lesch was with them when I told them. 9
Q And how did your brother find out about the death of his wife and child? 10
A I called my sister. They were interviewing candidates for staff here in 11
Washington. And I called my sister Valerie, who was Joe's campaign manager for seven 12
campaigns for the Senate, and Valerie and Joe were extremely close, as am I with my 13
sister. 14
So I called Valerie, and I said, "There has been a horrible accident. What I'm 15
going to do is I'm going to lease a plane and I'll fly you home." Because we use private 16
charter. Delaware is a hundred miles long and 35 miles wide, so it doesn't take a, you 17
know, 747 to get around Delaware. 18
And so what I didn't want, Joe or Valerie to get on the train and drive back and 19
hear it from a passerby and, you know, because, you know, it spread like wildfire. There 20
were literally hundreds of people outside of the emergency room when I got there, which 21
was no more than a, you know, 5- or 6-minute drive from our headquarters. 22
And I called the State police and had them meet the plane, because I didn't, again, 23
want them to hear it from anyone else. But I told my sister it was very serious, without 24
telling them that Neilia and the baby had died, okay. 25
So they came in, and I had our personal doctor, who I had sent over to my parents' 1
place to do basically the same thing with my parents, Dr. Rogers. 2
And Dr. Rogers came into the -- was at the hotel with my mom and dad. And 3
then I went up and told Joe. And along with Dr. Rogers I went back. And I believe it 4
was just me at first, and then Dr. Rogers went in and confirmed that it was, in fact, Neilia, 5
because he was -- this is back in the day when they carried the bag and came to the house 6
for house calls. 7
Q So you, at the age of 21, told your brother, your parents, Neilia's parents, 8
you were the messenger. 9
A And I also had the State police -- I called the attorney general, and I had the 10
State police go to the high school. My younger brother, Frank, who is 5 years my junior, 11
and he was in high school, and I had them go in and pick Frank up from the high school 12
and bring him to the hospital, because I didn't want -- again, I didn't want them hearing it 13
from anyone else but, you know, a family member. 14
Q And after the terrible events of that day, I mean, your brother hadn't even 15
been sworn in yet -- 16
A Correct. He was sworn in at the hospital, months later. 17
Q Months later. 18
A In January sometime. 19
Q So the kids were still in the hospital? 20
A Yes. 21
Q The boys were still in the hospital in January? 22
A Yes, the boys were there. He would not leave the hospital, and I didn't 23
leave the hospital with him. 24
Q And when the boys finally were able to leave the hospital, what did you do 25
to help your brother be able to fulfill his term as Senator while dealing with the fact that 1
he was suddenly widowed with two toddlers who didn't have a mother at home? 2
A Well, his first reaction, that he wasn't going to serve and he was going to 3
give up his seat. He had purchased a home, Neilia and Joe had purchased a home in 4
Chevy Chase, Maryland, and it was, I don't know, several months after he got out of the 5
hospital that he had me go down and sell the house, put the house on the market to sell 6
it. And he was not going to leave the boys at the hospital. 7
And so I basically became a Senate wife. Once he went down, I was with him 8
24/7, and my sole responsibility was to be with him. 9
So he would go sometimes hours -- 10 hours -- without saying a word, and then at 10
4 o'clock in the morning he would want to get up and go for a walk. And he would say 11
very, you know, limited, you know, things to me but very -- in a personal nature, and was 12
adamant to me that he wasn't going to serve and for me to, you know, call the Governor 13
and start the process of trying to find a replacement. 14
At the same time, there were certain Senators that were calling me and imploring 15
me to have Joe, you know, give it a try, you know, come down. 16
And so I accompanied Joe, you know, for the first, I don't know, year. Because I 17
had left school early, was a handful of credits short of graduating, but there was no -- it 18
wasn't the right time to go back and finish. 19
Q That makes sense. 20
A And so I was primarily, not tasked, but I, like my sister and I always do, who 21
is also one of my closest and best friends, she immediately, once the boys were released 22
from the hospital, moved in with Joe and with my mom, who lived very close by. But 23
they would take care of the children once they were released from the hospital sometime 24
in January. 25
Q And what role did you play in helping to raise the boys? 1
A I was always very close to the boys, you know. I went to, you know -- now, 2
they're very young. They're toddlers. So there weren't a lot of -- you know, taking 3
them to the movies or taking them to a professional basketball game or high school 4
basketball game or whatever it was, just activities to just be around them and play with 5
them. And I became very, very, very close to both Beau and Hunter, while my sister's 6
primary role was to mother the children, along with my mother. 7
Q Okay. 8
A But she actually moved into the house. 9
Q Okay. Thank you. 10
And that closeness that you just described, that continued as the boys grew up, 11
correct? 12
A Yes, very, very close. 13
Q And so when Hunter went to law school, for example, I understand you 14
helped move him into the apartment? 15
A Yep. And I am a frustrated interior designer, and I said -- it wasn't the most 16
lavish apartment. And I said, "Listen, I'm staying. And you can all go home, but I am 17
going to paint this apartment for him." 18
And there were probably five or six rooms. And Joe stayed under protest, I 19
think. But over the course of 24 hours, 36 hours we had completely painted and minor, 20
you know, renovation to the property to make it, you know, more accommodating, 21
more -- as my sister would say, make it more commodious. 22
Q And in addition to these sort of happier moments of making an apartment 23
feel like a home -- 24
A Yeah. 25
Q -- you also watched Hunter as he grew up begin to struggle with addiction? 1
A In later years, yes. They -- his -- their friends referred Beau, who was older, 2
a year and a day, Irish twins, as the sheriff, and he was Joe, as we refer to him, without 3
any of the flaws. 4
And so it was contemplated that Beau had a real interest in getting into politics, 5
and, you know, teenage, and, you know, they were debate team, both of them. But 6
Beau had a real interest. But Beau was calm and steady, and Hunter was a little bit 7
more precocious. 8
Q And was that part of your bond with him, the sort of the difference between 9
the two brothers? 10
A Yeah. But I was also very, very close to Beau but in a different way. 11
Hunter, you know, may get into a scrape or something, and he would call me because he 12
didn't want to dissatisfy his father, who was a very kind and gentle and loving father, but, 13
you know, he was under a great deal of pressure. And he commuted basically from 14
Washington to Wilmington. 15
Q And from your perspective, did you -- 16
A So he was in Wilmington every night before they went to bed -- most, 17
99 percent of the time. 18
Q Fair enough. No one's going to hold you to that. 19
A Sure. 20
Q When did you first start to see Hunter struggle with addiction, to the best of 21
your recollection? 22
A To the best of my recollection, you know, in his -- he was married. After 23
Hunter graduated with honors from Georgetown, he went and ran a homeless shelter in, I 24
believe it was Washington State, and for 6 months, 9 months, something like that. And 25
he had been accepted to Georgetown Law School, and he was going to come back, and 1
after he finished he went to law school. 2
He met his first wife, Kathleen, at the same homeless shelter, and they were 3
married by the time he came back from the homeless shelter. 4
You know, Hunter -- you know, Hunter wasn't a -- Beau wasn't a teetotaler, but 5
Hunter had the occasion to have a little bit of a wilder side than Hunter, and that's why 6
the loss of Beau, Hunter sort of lost his rudder a little bit, you know, during the action. 7
So I would say, you know, several years into his marriage that was -- came on very 8
quickly. And they had their first child when he was, you know, very young, 21, 22, 9
something like that. And I don't have the exact dates for, you know, when he was 10
married. And then subsequently had two more children. And the relationship, you 11
know, seemed to be a little tenuous at times. 12
Q You mentioned a few minutes ago that when Hunter would get into a scrape 13
when he was younger he would call you instead of his dad to avoid disappointing his dad. 14
A Ofttimes. You know, I'm not saying that he didn't call his father or his 15
father found out, but he would call Beau, and then Beau would call me or Hunter would 16
call me, you know. 17
Now, you know, to give you an example, I mean, Hunter, whether you were, you 18
know, 6'6'', 245, or whether you were, you know, 5'4'', you know, 135, you know, if there 19
was a confrontation, you know -- I'm digressing, but my late uncle, my mother's brother, 20
had an expression, you know, physicality is the -- it's a limited mind trying to express 21
itself. And Hunter was more prone to my personality getting into a lot of fights. 22
And I'll give you one example. He was, you know, in a bar when he was, you 23
know, in his early twenties, and somebody literally, you know, hit him with a baseball bat 24
and knocked out all of his teeth, and, I mean, all of his teeth, his front teeth. But that 25
was, you know, that was not unusual for Hunter to, you know, express himself. 1
And Beau was much more the diplomat, and he watched over his younger 2
brother, that even though they were only a year and a day apart, he was an older brother 3
to Hunter and more of, you know, someone to emulate, which Hunter always did and was 4
extremely close to Beau. 5
Q You said that this predilection to sometimes get in fights was something that 6
you could relate to. 7
A Yes. 8
Q Would you say that the -- 9
A Yes. 10
Q -- the differences between Hunter and Beau were not dissimilar to the 11
differences between you and your brother Joe? 12
A Yeah. Like, for example, I didn't have my first drink of alcohol until I was 13
22 years old. Joe made a bet with me and he said, "Hey, listen, if you can tell me 14
honestly on your 21st birthday if you never had a drink or you never smoked," and at the 15
time big money, that he would give me $200 each for not drinking and/or smoking. 16
I did not -- I wasn't a -- due to my business, I started drinking in my -- drinking 17
more regularly when I got into one of my many businesses. I owned several nightclubs 18
and restaurants, pizza parlor. I was trying to develop a marina and a hotel and, you 19
know, lots of different things. 20
And I'm drifting, and Paul is getting very angry with me. 21
Mr. Fishman. No. No. No. 22
Mr. Biden. But Hunter is a very kind, gentle person. I took a job after these 23
businesses failed, and they failed because I was -- I went to Cornell, sought out a very 24
knowledgeable, the -- I don't know if he was the dean, but he was the head of the food 25
and beverage school, and he did consulting. 1
So I retained him along with these other partners that were involved to help write 2
up the feasibility studies for the first nightclub. And he was -- and my idea was to 3
basically franchise these things and to -- and -- so, you know, it was -- we were just always 4
very, very close. 5
Q And you, yourself, at some point -- 6
A Yes. 7
Q -- struggled with addiction -- 8
A Yes -- 9
Q -- correct? 10
A After I lost the nightclub. Someone embezzled $600,000 from me because 11
I was an absentee owner, okay. The reason why a lot of minority restaurants thrive so 12
much is because the father, son, brother, sister are running the place, okay. So it's a 13
cottage industry, waitresses steal, bartenders steal, purveyors steal. You know, you 14
name it, everybody wants a piece. 15
I factored in an 8 percent loss ratio in terms of my numbers through my 16
consultation with -- knowing nothing about that. I didn't know how to operate a cash 17
register, but I had the largest pour system tied to my second restaurant that -- you know, 18
gallons of vodkas on -- 19
Mr. Fishman. Now you are digressing. Now you are digressing. 20
Mr. Biden. But the point is -- 21
Mr. Fishman. Talk about your alcohol issue. 22
Mr. Biden. But my alcohol issue was I moved to California. I took an 23
agreed-upon -- an agreed amount with all my bankers and lawyers once they found the 24
suspended funds, okay, and I don't know what the exact number, but it was around a half 25
a million dollars, which was a lot of money at the time, okay. 1
And so what I said to the bankers was, "I'll tell you what, you know. I will hand 2
over the keys to you because I don't know how to operate it." I tried to do it for, you 3
know, a couple months, but it was, you know -- I mean, it wasn't my thing. 4
Mr. Fishman. Talk about the drinking problem. Let's talk about the drinking 5
problem. 6
Mr. Biden. My drinking problem was I became -- so we left. I was going to 7
Australia, and I drove the Corvette that's ofttimes mentioned. He drove it half the time; 8
I drove it half the time, okay. And I reconditioned the Corvette, and I was driving to Los 9
Angeles to sell the Corvette in Los Angeles. And I bought my ticket for Sydney, okay. 10
And so I was driving to Los Angeles, on my way out saying good-bye to my 11
parents, never to return, because I was going to Australia, and some person backed up 12
into me with a pickup truck and completely damaged the front. It's all fiber glass. 13
1967 Corvette. 14
And I said, "Hey, listen, I am leaving tonight. I'm going." The bank agreed to 15
take the properties, and there were three at the time, four. I think I still had the -- 16
Mr. Fishman. That's good. 17
Mr. Biden. At any rate. And I would turn over the keys, and if they sold it for 18
$1, that I was out, that I would give them the keys and they would bring in an appropriate 19
operator, okay. 20
Ms. Ginstling. I'm going to stop you here for one second, Mr. Biden. 21
Mr. Biden. Yeah. 22
Ms. Ginstling. You don't need to explain what was going on, you know, that 23
triggered this. I just want to understand if -- 24
Mr. Biden. But it was a failing business, and sometimes I take offense -- 25
Mr. Fishman. Jim. 1
Mr. Biden. Okay. I'm sorry. 2
Ms. Ginstling. Yeah. And I don't mean any offense to this. What I'm getting 3
is, by the time -- 4
Mr. Fishman. No, not offense from you, the offense from people who criticized 5
his running of the nightclub when there was a $600,000 embezzlement that drove them 6
out of business. 7
Ms. Ginstling. No, I understand that. Thank you. 8
Mr. Fishman. Right. 9
Ms. Ginstling. What I'm trying to ask is, is your experience with it. 10
You have been sober now for decades, correct? 11
Mr. Biden. Forty-some-odd years. I am not one that counts the dates, you 12
know. 13
What happened was I took a job in -- I diverted from Los Angeles and went to San 14
Francisco where I was successful in raising a lot of money -- not a lot, relatively speaking, 15
little State of Delaware. But a Walter Shorenstein. I had taken a job with someone 16
else, not going to Shorenstein and asking him for a job. 17
He was a billion dollars when a billion dollars was a lot of money, okay. He 18
owned vast majorities and was the largest real estate -- one of his largest tenants was 19
IBM, and they were in New York, but he had properties in St. Louis, in Los Angeles, and all 20
over the country. He was a major player in Democratic politics. If you were a 21
Democrat and you came into San Francisco, like Lew Wasserman in Los Angeles, if you 22
didn't kiss the ring, you know, you had a problem, okay. So -- 23
Mr. Fishman. You got a job. 24
Mr. Biden. I got a job. I started basically commuting from -- or spent a lot of 25
time on these other foundations and philanthropy that he was involved in, and he was 1
very involved with the Democratic Party. 2
And so I would travel a lot. So basically I started out, you know, drinking more 3
because I was having, you know, brunch, lunch, you know, pre-drinks, dinner, 4
after-dinner drinks. 5
And what I became what was known as a maintenance drinker. So no one could 6
ever tell that I was any different, but I was self-medicating myself. And so over time I 7
developed into, you know -- raise my hand first -- into an alcoholic. 8
Mr. Fishman. Okay. 9
Mr. Biden. I came home. My mother said, "Hey, listen, you look horrible. Go 10
to my internist." She said, "I'm checking you in right away." 11
I said, "I have to be on a plane back to San Francisco." I said, "Hey, listen, you 12
don't say no to my mother." 13
And I went in and they put me on an IV drip and tested me and never said 14
anything about -- alcohol was never mentioned, okay, but I was jaundiced, that only a 15
mother can see and a professional. 16
And I was in the hospital for 6 days, and they put me through every test known to 17
man. And James Strong (ph), who was my internist, came up and said, "Hey, listen, I 18
don't care if you call yourself a race car driver, an astronaut, a da da da da da da da da da, 19
but you're allergic to alcohol." 20
Now, I felt so good for the first time in so many years in self-medicating myself. 21
It was no fun, okay. It was a job, okay. 22
And she came up to my bedside when they were going to discharge me and said, 23
"Do me one favor." She said, "I want you to see a friend of mine." 24
I said, "You want to send me to a, you know, rehab or talk to a psychiatrist." And 25
I said, "Fine, for you, and out of respect for you. I feel great, but I'm finished. I will 1
never have another drink." 2
She just went, "Uh-huh. Okay." 3
So I went in, and it was like something out of "The Munsters." This guy had, you 4
know, the Van Dyke and the whole bit and da da da da da. 5
And I sat down and started with the Freudian bullshit, you know. Was I beaten 6
as a child? And I said, "Listen, what is the bill? I want to pay you now. And I'm out." 7
And I never had any desire. I deserve no credit. And I have never had a drink 8
since. And that's when I was 33 years old or 34 years old.9
BY MS. : 2
Q And would you say that your experience with self-medicating could help you 3
relate to Hunter when he started doing that -- 4
A Yeah. 5
Q -- the alcohol and drugs? 6
A Yeah. 7
Q And were you -- 8
A Because he was functioning in his job. 9
Q And you could recognize that. 10
A And I could recognize that. 11
Q And when Hunter was particularly struggling, would you say you were the 12
person in the family that was called upon most to help try to deal with it and help have 13
that conversation like your mother did with you? 14
A For everyone in the family and friends and acquaintances, and I was the 15
person that was designated to -- so I have been to 20 treatment centers. I just got a call 16
from my sister-in-law. 17
Mr. Fishman. Not yourself checking in. 18
Mr. Biden. My brother had -- my younger brother had me, at 4 o'clock in the 19
morning, "Find your brother." And I found him at a hotel and he was dressed in one of 20
my suits. And I'd like to think that I am a relatively good dresser, and he was dressed in 21
one of his suits, drunk as a skunk. And it was 2 o'clock in the morning. And I said, 22
"Frank, I'm going to drop you off at the front of the hospital." 23
And the director, out of respect for me, because I had taken several other people 24
to this facility, said, "You know, you have to help me and admit my brother now." Okay. 25
Never met the man. It was over the telephone. But he had a very close friend 1
of mine who worked for him, a guy named Jimmy Phelan (ph). 2
At any rate, I said, "Frank, it's in the back and, you know, make a right and 3
everything else." And Frank is sitting there talking to the head of this facility, and da da 4
da da da da da. 5
And I sit down in jeans and a T-shirt, and the doctor looks at me and says, "You 6
know, this is going to be okay, Jim." 7
And I said, "What the hell are you talking about?" 8
And he goes, you know, "You'll stay here for a month and da da da da da." 9
And I said, "He's the goddamn patient. I'm not the patient. It's him." 10
But, you know, my role in the family, okay, was the person who goes -- you know, 11
helped or straightened things out. 12
BY MS. : 13
Q In early 2017, when Hunter first approached you about doing business with 14
CEFC -- 15
A Yes. 16
Q -- was he dealing with addiction then? Could you tell? 17
A Maybe. Maybe. I wasn't around him that much because he was living in 18
Washington and I was in Philadelphia. But he was -- you know, I mean, he could throw 19
on a bender or whatever with his friends, but he made a habit of not drinking excessively 20
around me. 21
And so he was, you know, cognizant, and, you know, he felt that this was a real 22
opportunity that he wanted my help and advice because he had some partners that he 23
wasn't quite sure of in terms of their, you know, value added, and he asked me to join, 24
and I said I would. 25
Q And as the months went on in 2017 and you were traveling with Hunter, 1
were you seeing more of his addiction -- 2
A Yes. 3
Q -- start to surface? 4
A Yes, but I didn't recognize it, because I have never been involved with drugs 5
or addiction or crack or any, you know, pills, or any of that sort of stuff. I was a 6
run-of-the-mill, you know, maintenance drunk. 7
Q But you were familiar with alcoholism? 8
A Oh, yeah, yeah. But this was a completely different animal that he was 9
dealing with, and he wrote a book about it. 10
Q And when you were traveling with him doing some of the business deals or 11
attempting to do some of these business deals in 2017, was part of your reason for 12
traveling to look after him -- 13
A Yes. 14
Q -- to make sure that -- 15
A Yes. 16
Q -- he was doing okay? 17
A Because I realized -- I didn't know what it was, but I know it was beyond 18
alcohol. 19
Q Okay. So you could tell he was -- 20
A He was acting very, very -- 21
Q -- he had a substance abuse problem? 22
A Yes, a substance abuse problem well beyond what I would recognize as an 23
alcoholic. 24
Q You saw that his judgment was impaired? 25
A I questioned him more, and he sought out my advice more. 1
Q And you wanted to make sure that when he was in that vulnerable state -- 2
A That I was with him. 3
Q -- that you were with him? 4
A Yes. 5
Q And part of that, I imagine, was to make sure that his interests would be 6
protected -- 7
A Correct. 8
Q -- particularly since he was -- 9
A Correct. 10
Q -- in such a state? 11
A Correct. 12
Q And, I believe, at some point you tried to take him -- during 2017 and 2018, 13
you tried to take him to rehab several times. 14
A Correct. 15
Q And that's because -- 16
A I think it was three times, but I'm not certain. It could be two. 17
Q Fair enough. 18
During this time period that we've been talking about, the time period 19
where -- 2017, 2018 -- I believe you told the IRS that you never knew who was going to 20
show up when Hunter showed up to a meeting, was it the businessman or the addict. 21
A Correct. 22
Q And could you sometimes see the addict coming through in his 23
communications, in his emails, in his texts, the erratic? 24
A Yes. 25
Q And by the time he moved out to California in 2018, he was completely over 1
the top in his addiction. 2
A Correct. 3
Q He wouldn't answer your calls. 4
A In my judgment. 5
Q In your judgment. And you would fly out to Los Angeles once a month -- 6
A Yes. 7
Q -- to try to check in on him. 8
A On a very regular basis. 9
Q One time you found him in a hotel or a motel? 10
A Yeah, and I sat in front of his hotel room because they wouldn't let me in for 11
2 days. 12
Q And ultimately you saw him? 13
A Yes. Ultimately, he came out and said, "Give up," and I took him to a very 14
high-end, very private facility, you know, to try to help him. 15
Q Hunter wrote in his book, and this is a quote, "Uncle Jimmy is my best friend 16
in the world. My dad knew that if his younger brother asked me to do something, I'd do 17
it." Is that -- 18
A Yep. 19
Q Is that your experience with him? 20
A Yes. 21
Q And that characterizes your relationship with him during that period? 22
A Right. I think more than anyone that because my brother has never had a 23
drink, to my knowledge, I'm sure he's toasted or whatever, but my brother is -- doesn't 24
imbibe in alcohol or -- 25
Q But he wasn't as equipped as you were to be able to deal with this. 1
A Yeah, because he didn't recognize it. 2
Q Okay. I'm going to turn it over to my colleague. Thank you, Mr. Biden. 3
A Sure. Sorry if I was long-winded on those answers. 4
Q No, nothing to apologize for. 5
BY MR. : 6
Q Good afternoon, Mr. Biden. 7
I want to talk briefly about your professional career. 8
A Right. 9
Q I know there's a lot there, but I'm hoping we can move through it quickly. 10
Is it fair to say you've spent your whole life in the private sector? 11
A Yes, sir. 12
Q You've never worked in government? 13
A I have never worked in government. 14
Q And across your career in the private sector, you worked in a number of 15
different industries, correct? 16
A Yes. 17
Q I think you discussed how you worked in the energy industry, and I believe -- 18
A The securities. 19
Q -- securities industry. 20
A Yes. 21
Q And you were licensed in the securities industry. 22
A Yes. Here, in Washington, D.C., I worked for an LNG company based in 23
Washington. And I don't recall the name, but I can get it for you. 24
Q And were you also a licensed energy trader at some point? 25
A Yes. 1
Q And -- 2
A Well, I mean, it goes with -- the licensure that I secured, I was authorized and 3
licensed to trade in LNG and natural gas. 4
Q And you've also worked in the benefits and human resources industry? 5
A Yes. I worked for a company once I got back from California, and I 6
thought -- I really didn't care for the West Coast. You know. I lived in Sausalito, and, 7
you know, but it was -- it wasn't -- you know, it was too hippy-dippy for me, okay. I'm 8
more of a straight-laced person. 9
But I was 30 years old. I thought that the banks had sold my -- they had to sell 10
one property for $1, and I was out, and I -- 11
Mr. Fishman. The question was benefits. 12
Mr. Biden. Benefits. I worked for a fellow named -- for Improved Funding 13
Techniques, and they were a factoring company. And I had to get my insurance license, 14
and I sold insurance as well. 15
BY MR. : 16
Q And you also mentioned you worked in the real estate industry and were -- 17
A Correct. 18
Q -- licensed in real estate. Is that right? 19
So it's fair to say throughout your career in the private sector you've worked in 20
many different industries. 21
A Yes, sir. 22
Q Okay. And throughout your career across these industries, you've gotten 23
to know people in each of those different sectors. 24
A Yes, sir. 25
Q And have the connections that you built through this career, through this 1
experience in these different sectors, been helpful to you in pursuing new opportunities 2
in the private sector? 3
A Yes, sir. 4
Q Now, obviously, we've talked a lot about your brother, who's the President 5
of the United States, who served as President Obama's Vice President for 8 years, who 6
was first elected to the U.S. Senate at age 30, who served as -- 7
A Twenty-nine. 8
Q Twenty-nine, I'm sorry. Thank you. 9
Who served as chairman of both the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate 10
Foreign Relations Committee. 11
But I want to ask you, has it always been important to you to achieve your own 12
success in the private sector independent of your brother's career in public service? 13
A Yes, sir. My brother has no idea what I do because I don't talk about 14
business to my brother, I don't ask him advice in terms of business, because I just don't. 15
It is a line, a red line drawn in the sand. I never discuss business with my brother. 16
Q So it's fair to say your brother hasn't had any involvement in your business 17
ventures. 18
A Zero. 19
Q And that includes that he hasn't had any financial interests, direct or 20
indirect, in your business ventures. 21
A Zero. 22
Q Okay. And have you ever asked your brother to take any official actions on 23
behalf of any of your business ventures, your business partners, or your clients? 24
A Never. 25
Q Did he, in fact, ever take any official action on behalf of any of your business 1
ventures, your business partners, or your clients? 2
A Not to my knowledge. 3
Q And we've talked today about a number of your business ventures, and I just 4
want to confirm that that's true for the business ventures we've discussed today. 5
Lion Hall. 6
A Right. 7
Q JBBSR. BG Equity Partners. No involvement of your brother, no financial 8
interest, no official actions taken by your brother. 9
A None. 10
Q And we talked about Americore and CEFC. Same thing? 11
A Yes, sir. 12
Q And just to be clear, because we're talking about official action, your 13
involvement with Americore was in 2017 and 2018, if I'm correct. Is that fair? 14
A Yes, sir. 15
Q So your brother was out of office during the entire time you were involved 16
with Americore. 17
A Yes, sir. 18
Q And we talked about your business involvements at CEFC. Again, that 19
occurred in 2017 and 2018, entirely when your brother was out of office. Is that 20
correct? 21
A Yes, sir. 22
Q And I just wanted to touch quickly on a couple points that came up during 23
my Republican colleagues' questions. 24
You were asked some questions about exhibit 5. And I want to be clear about 25
what exhibit 5 is. It's a long spreadsheet that purports to summarize certain messages 1
and, as my colleagues explained, it was a summary prepared by IRS investigators. 2
But exhibit 5 doesn't actually contain any actual text messages, right, just what 3
purport to be summaries? 4
A To the best of my knowledge. 5
Q And as we saw when my colleague read you, I mean, these summaries 6
contain a lot of abbreviations, some typos. And you were asked a question about an 7
August 2017 entry in here that purports to be about a message that you were not on, 8
correct? 9
A Yes, sir. 10
Q And I just want to be clear. In August 2017, did your brother, Joe Biden, 11
attend any meeting with anyone affiliated with CEFC? 12
A Not to my knowledge, and I believe it's absolutely false. 13
Q You were at that meeting in August 2017. 14
A Yes. 15
Q And your brother was not there, to be clear. 16
A No. 17
Q And you were asked a number of questions about exhibit 4. A lot of the 18
questions were about Chairman Ye being a protege of President Xi. 19
And I just also want to be clear about what this is. This is a document entitled 20
"Memorandum of Interview" -- 21
A Uh-huh. 22
Q -- that purports to be a summary of your interview with IRS agents on 23
September 29th, 2022. Is that correct? 24
A Yes, sir. 25
Q This is not a transcript of that conversation, right? 1
A To the best of my knowledge, it's not. 2
Q It doesn't capture word for word -- 3
A No. 4
Q -- what you said. 5
And the questions that you were asked about paragraph 27(b), there are no 6
quotation marks at any point in that sentence, right? 7
A There doesn't appear to be. 8
Q And I want to direct you to the last page -- second-to-last page -- just above 9
the signatures. And it's signed by two special agents of the Internal Revenue Service. 10
And above their signature it says, "I prepared this memorandum on over the 11
period of October 10th through November 2nd, 2022, after refreshing my memory from 12
notes made during and immediately after the interview with James Biden." 13
Do you see that? 14
A Yes. Yes, sir. 15
Q So is it pretty clear from reading that that this memorandum was prepared 16
over a month after the actual interview on September 29th? 17
A Yes, sir. 18
Q So would you concede it's possible that this memorandum of interview 19
doesn't exactly capture the words that you used to -- 20
A Well, it's the first time I've seen that. But, yes, I would contest that it was 21
not verbatim and it was not, you know, quotable in terms of my testimony. 22
Mr. . And with that, I think we'll go off the record. 23
[1:41 p.m.] 2
Mr. . We'll go back on the record. 3
Mr. Jordan. Mr. Biden, in exhibit 1, which was your opening statement, if you 4
could go there to page 6. 5
First -- 6
Mr. Fishman. If you'd give me a second, I -- 7
Mr. Jordan. Sure. 8
The first full paragraph on page 6, first sentence says, "Hunter agreed with my 9
assessment." The next sentence says, "As a result, in early August, he reached an 10
agreement with CEFC that no longer included the others." 11
And "the others" I think refers to Mr. Gilliar, Mr. Bobulinski, and Mr. Walker. Is 12
that right? 13
Mr. Biden. Yes, sir. 14
Mr. Jordan. So it was your decision to cut the other partners, I guess, out of the 15
deal? 16
Mr. Biden. It was my suggestion. It wasn't my decision. 17
Mr. Jordan. But it originated with you? 18
Mr. Biden. Yes. 19
Mr. Jordan. And you told Hunter -- you told your nephew, "We should kick these 20
guys out and do this" -- 21
Mr. Biden. No, I didn't say that. 22
Mr. Jordan. Okay. What did you say? 23
Mr. Biden. What I said was I questioned -- I'm sorry. I said, I don't -- 24
Mr. Fishman. Just a second. Take a second. 25
Mr. Biden. Sorry. I said I didn't see the value added in their participation. 1
Mr. Jordan. And isn't it true Mr. Gilliar is the one who first brought CEFC to your 2
nephew's attention? 3
Mr. Biden. I have no idea. 4
Mr. Jordan. Okay. What did -- and obviously -- did you have any discussions 5
with the folks at CEFC? Did you talk to Zang, Ye, Dong, any of the Chinese officials with 6
that company and say, "Hey, it's just going to be the two of us now" -- 7
Mr. Biden. No. 8
Mr. Jordan. -- "it's not going to be five of us"? 9
Mr. Biden. No, sir. 10
Mr. Jordan. Did they raise any concerns when they discovered that it was no 11
longer the people they were originally talking about doing business with and did business 12
with, that it was now going to change? 13
Mr. Fishman. I'm going to object to the question, Mr. Chairman. I think there 14
were so many things buried in that one sentence. 15
Mr. Jordan. Okay. Did they raise any concerns about the change? 16
Mr. Biden. No. 17
Mr. Jordan. No concerns at all? 18
Mr. Biden. Not to me, sir. 19
Mr. Jordan. Did you talk to any of them personally about the change, that there 20
was no longer five but now only two? 21
Mr. Biden. No, sir. 22
Mr. Jordan. You didn't talk to them. Did Hunter? Did your nephew talk to 23
them? 24
Mr. Biden. I assume so, yes. 25
Mr. Jordan. So he made them aware that now the arrangement with CEFC was 1
just going to be with you and him, you and "him" being Hunter Biden? 2
Mr. Biden. That's my assumption, because I did not have that discussion. 3
Mr. Jordan. Okay. 4
Mr. Biden. Hunter was the principal. 5
Mr. Jordan. No, I understand that. 6
Okay. Let's go back to the page before. The middle of that page, you said, "I 7
received several payments" -- this is page 5 of your statement. "I received several 8
payments in the spring of 2017." 9
Mr. Biden. Yes, sir. 10
Mr. Jordan. Can you tell me how much and how frequent and what those 11
payments were? 12
Mr. Biden. I don't remember the exact amounts. I think it was in and around -- 13
Mr. Fishman. Don't guess. 14
Mr. Biden. I don't remember, but yes. And I believe them -- I had believed 15
them to be -- they were wires, and I believed them to have come from Owasco, Hunter's 16
solely owned company. 17
Mr. Jordan. Okay. But you said several. So how many is several? Can you 18
guess? 19
Mr. Biden. I am -- I'm guessing two. It could have been -- I am guessing two. 20
Mr. Jordan. And you don't know how much -- how much was the wire for? Do 21
you know the amount? 22
Mr. Biden. I would only be guessing, sir, but -- 23
Mr. Fishman. I don't think he needs to guess. Mr. Chairman, I think that it's 24
reflected in the records that your staff has provided to us, so -- 25
Mr. Jordan. Well, a little later on you say you were getting a hundred -- that 1
Owasco was getting 165 a month, a hundred stays with Hunter and 65 came to you. 2
I'm just wondering if it was different, because this is back when it's still five in the 3
deal, and later in the summer in July and August, July or August, it goes to just two in the 4
deal. And I'm wondering if the amounts changed, because you said, "I received several 5
payments in the spring of 2017." 6
Mr. Fishman. So, Mr. Chairman, I'm not sure if that's right. I don't think there 7
were any payments to Mr. Bobulinski that we've seen in the spring. I think it was -- 8
Mr. Jordan. I'm not saying they were payments. 9
Mr. Fishman. Well, you said five, so there were five in the deal. So I don't -- 10
Mr. Jordan. I'm not sure they got money, but I think they were still part of the 11
negotiations, at least, based on some of the emails we've seen. 12
So you got two payments in the spring of 2017. 13
Mr. Fishman. Again, Mr. Chairman, he says he suspects there were two. I don't 14
want -- 15
Mr. Jordan. Fair enough. 16
Mr. Fishman. -- the speculation and -- 17
Mr. Jordan. Were each of these payments for 65,000, which is what you indicate 18
on the next page that you received after it was just the deal with you, Hunter Biden, and 19
CEFC? 20
Mr. Fishman. If you remember. 21
Mr. Jordan. Was it a different amount? 22
Mr. Biden. I believe it to be $65,000. 23
Mr. Jordan. Both the payments in the spring and the payments that came after? 24
Mr. Biden. I am not sure, sir. 25
Mr. Jordan. Okay. I want to -- I'll go back to -- James, let's go back to you, but I 1
want to get to that. 2
Mr. Gaetz. I had some, Mr. Jordan, if it's okay. 3
Mr. Jordan. Sure. Go ahead, Matt. 4
Mr. Gaetz. So I want you to bring us into this decision to move from an 5
arrangement with CEFC that included you, Hunter, Gilliar, Walker and Bobulinski to just 6
including you and Hunter. What prompted that decision on your part? 7
Mr. Biden. I really didn't see the value added. They had entered into a 8
transaction, and they were all paid -- Hunter, Gilliar, and Rob Walker were each paid a 9
million dollars. And there was, you know, nothing beyond that when I joined. 10
Mr. Gaetz. And what were they paid that million dollars for? 11
Mr. Biden. I don't know. I mean, I was not part of the deal at that point in 12
time. Seed money. 13
Mr. Gaetz. It never came up what service they provided? 14
Mr. Biden. Seed money in terms of -- 15
Mr. Gaetz. What were they seeding? 16
Mr. Biden. Pardon me, sir? 17
Mr. Gaetz. What were they seeding? 18
Mr. Biden. They were seeding opportunities. 19
Mr. Gaetz. Which ones? 20
Mr. Biden. It could have been a number of ones. 21
Mr. Gaetz. Are you aware of any opportunity that your nephew -- 22
Mr. Biden. That was part of the problem, is that they didn't, in my judgment, 23
bring any deals to the table. 24
Mr. Gaetz. For the million bucks they got paid? 25
Mr. Biden. Correct. 1
Mr. Gaetz. And did Hunter bring any deals to the table for the million -- 2
Mr. Fishman. So, Mr. Chairman -- Mr. Gaetz, I think that you're misinterpreting 3
his testimony. His testimony is it was seed money, which was going forward, not going 4
backward. 5
Mr. Gaetz. Well, that's what I'm trying to probe. 6
Mr. Fishman. Okay. 7
Mr. Gaetz. So what did Hunter provide for the million he was paid? 8
Mr. Biden. In anticipation of identifying deals that they could participate in. 9
Mr. Gaetz. But you've testified to the committee that the reason that Gilliar, 10
Walker, and Bobulinski get cut out is because they got paid their million and didn't 11
produce deals, right? 12
Mr. Biden. Part of the reason. 13
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. So that then brings us to Hunter. He got paid a million. 14
He wasn't cut out. What deals did he seed or develop? 15
Mr. Biden. It was his relationship. He had a contractual relationship with the 16
chairman of CEFC. 17
Mr. Gaetz. Your attorney just said that the business venture was to get money 18
out the door, right, not back, but forward. So what forward deployment of this million 19
dollars did Hunter engage in? 20
Mr. Biden. They were looking at different opportunities. 21
Mr. Gaetz. And you can't name one of those opportunities here? 22
Mr. Biden. Of their opportunities, no. But I can name mine. 23
Mr. Gaetz. What about Hunter's? 24
Mr. Biden. I don't know. 25
Mr. Gaetz. So you can't name one of Hunter's as you sit here? 1
Mr. Biden. Yes, sir. 2
Mr. Gaetz. Did you ever notify Gilliar, Walker, and Bobulinski why they were no 3
longer needed? 4
Mr. Biden. No. 5
Mr. Gaetz. So, on August 17, 2017, 3 days after the first transfer from Owasco, 6
Hunter's group, to Lion Hall, your group, it was publicly announced that CEFC was in talks 7
to purchase a stake in a Russian state-owned energy company called Rosneft. 8
Are you aware of that transaction? 9
Mr. Biden. I've heard about it, but I wasn't involved in it at all. 10
Mr. Gaetz. Was that one of the deals that Hunter was working on? 11
Mr. Biden. I have no idea. 12
Mr. Gaetz. But it wasn't one you were working on? 13
Mr. Biden. It wasn't one I was working on. 14
Mr. Gaetz. I've always wondered why you weren't in the Burisma deal. Can 15
you help the committee understand that? 16
Mr. Biden. I wasn't asked. 17
Mr. Gaetz. So how did you and Hunter go about deciding which deals you would 18
participate in in joint venture with him versus the deals that he would participate in 19
without you? 20
Mr. Biden. It's where he thought I was valued added. 21
Mr. Gaetz. Did he ever talk to you about Burisma as a possibility even though 22
you weren't -- 23
Mr. Biden. No. 24
Mr. Gaetz. -- consummated in that? 25
Mr. Biden. No. 1
Mr. Gaetz. Have you ever made direct payments to your brother, Joe Biden? 2
Mr. Biden. I repaid two loans that I secured from my brother. 3
Mr. Gaetz. And were any documents memorialized in terms of those loans? 4
Mr. Biden. Through -- through -- 5
Mr. Fishman. Actual documents. 6
Mr. Biden. Actual, no, no. 7
Mr. Gaetz. And what was the amount? 8
Mr. Biden. But they were through Mel Monzack, his attorney, who was handling 9
my brother's affairs. 10
Mr. Gaetz. And what was the full sum of those loans? 11
Mr. Biden. One was for $200,000, and one was for $40,000. 12
Mr. Gaetz. And what was the interest rate on those loans? 13
Mr. Biden. There weren't any. 14
Mr. Gaetz. So an interest-free loan? 15
Mr. Biden. Yeah. Family. Uh-huh. 16
Mr. Gaetz. And what did your brother need the money for? 17
Mr. Fishman. I'm sorry; what did he need the money for? The loan went from 18
his brother to him. 19
Mr. Gaetz. I'm sorry. What did you need the money for? 20
Mr. Biden. Outstanding bills that I had. 21
Mr. Gaetz. When did you first learn that Hunter Biden was an addict? 22
Mr. Biden. Well, I wasn't -- I wasn't sure, but his behavior, you know, gave me 23
great pause and concern. 24
Mr. Gaetz. When was the beginning of that concern? 25
Mr. Biden. Oh -- 1
Mr. Fishman. Are you looking for a specific date, Mr. Gaetz, or -- 2
Mr. Gaetz. A year, a month, a date, an event. 3
Was there a particular episode that caused you to initiate this concern? 4
Mr. Biden. His brother's death. 5
Mr. Gaetz. So that was -- 6
Mr. Biden. Well, it gave me pause for concern that he was acting erratically. 7
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. So you testified in the first hour that you reposed all this 8
trust in Hunter Biden on the CEFC deal, that it wasn't the Chinese Government, that he 9
would not do business with the Chinese Government. 10
And then, in the second hour, you said that you really started to question Hunter's 11
judgment because you became aware of his addiction. 12
And now, in the third hour, you've testified that you became aware of the 13
addiction pretty approximate to Beau Biden's death. 14
Mr. Fishman. I don't think that that's what he said, Mr. Gaetz. I think what he 15
said is he started seeing him behaving somewhat erratically after Beau Biden's death. 16
Mr. Gaetz. Well, I think you're recharacterizing your client's testimony, but I'm 17
happy to replow this ground. 18
When did you first initiate concern over Hunter's addiction issues? Because I 19
thought you just said it was after Beau's death. 20
Mr. Biden. In and around his brother's death. 21
Mr. Gaetz. So, since you knew Hunter Biden was an addict, why -- 22
Mr. Biden. I didn't know he was an addict. 23
Mr. Gaetz. Since you suspected -- 24
Mr. Biden. I had suspicions. 25
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. Since you had suspicions that he was acting erratically, why 1
did you not apply more scrutiny to the CEFC deal? 2
Mr. Biden. I think that I gave it enough thought and consideration. And he 3
asked for my help, and I thought that I could help him. 4
Mr. Gaetz. There's no question about that. That's not the -- that's not what I'm 5
probing here. 6
What I'm probing is, if this was a bribe paid to your family, then there would be 7
less scrutiny than if it was an actual business deal. 8
And your testimony seems inconsistent, because you oscillate between 9
questioning your nephew's judgment and then reposing this exquisite amount of trust in 10
him. 11
Mr. Fishman. Is that a question, Mr. Gaetz? 12
Mr. Gaetz. So how do you reconcile that? 13
Mr. Biden. I don't understand the point of your question. 14
Mr. Gaetz. A lot of money went from some people connected to the Chinese 15
Government to your family, okay? And so -- 16
Mr. Biden. Who was suggesting that they were part of the Chinese 17
Government? 18
Mr. Gaetz. By you. You're the one that suggested that. In the meeting that 19
you had with the Department of Treasury, you said that the chairman was the protege of 20
Xi. 21
Mr. Fishman. Mr. Gaetz, we've already been over this ground. 22
Mr. Gaetz. I know. I know. 23
Mr. Fishman. And I don't think you have to argue. 24
Mr. Gaetz. So you need to instruct your client to be responsive to the question. 25
Mr. Fishman. I'm not sure he understood the question, I think. 1
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. We're happy to rephrase then so that he's able to fully 2
understand. 3
If Hunter Biden -- if you were concerned about Hunter Biden's addiction issues, 4
how could you be certain that this wasn't an illicit business relationship with the Chinese 5
Government for the purpose of executing a bribe? 6
Mr. Biden. It was my judgment that that was not the case. 7
Mr. Gaetz. And what was your basis for that judgment? 8
Mr. Biden. My knowledge of my nephew and his ethics. 9
Mr. Gaetz. But wasn't your knowledge of your nephew that he was erratic? 10
Mr. Biden. People can be erratic from time to time. 11
Mr. Gaetz. Were you purposefully unsuspicious of this deal with this Chinese 12
venture because it was the delivery of a bribe? 13
Mr. Biden. Absolutely not. 14
Mr. Gaetz. I'll yield back, Mr. Chairman. 15
Mr. Timmons. Mr. Chairman, can I have a quick question? 16
Mr. Jordan. Sure. 17
Mr. Timmons. So you received $200,000 and $40,000 from your brother, that is 18
correct, as a loan? 19
Mr. Biden. I borrowed. 20
Mr. Timmons. You borrowed. Okay. We have evidence that you repaid that 21
money. 22
Mr. Biden. Yes, sir. 23
Mr. Timmons. We haven't seen the evidence of you receiving that money. Do 24
you have any documentation surrounding receipt of that money, whether it's a bank 25
deposit, bank transfer, wire, anything of that nature? 1
Mr. Fishman. Congressman, I think we received those documents at the same 2
time you received those documents from the banks. 3
Mr. Timmons. It's my understanding there's nothing in the bank records that 4
show the receipt of the money. 5
Mr. Fishman. I can't point to it at the moment, but I don't think that that's 6
correct. 7
Mr. Timmons. Okay. 8
Mr. Fishman. I'm happy to explore that with you. I'm not sure my client can 9
identify which records those would be, but from my recollection -- 10
Mr. Timmons. He's not going to be able to show that he received the $200,000? 11
Mr. Fishman. If he can find the bank statement, yes. I mean, I'm not 12
saying -- all I'm saying is the way he would know is by looking at the bank statement. 13
Mr. Timmons. Sure. Okay. Thank you for your help with that. 14
Mr. Jordan. And the original 3 million that gets sent on March 1st, I believe it 15
was a million for Walker, a million for Gilliar, and then a million for Hunter Biden, you 16
were paid -- those several payments or those two payments in the spring of 2017 came 17
from the million that CEFC had sent to your nephew? 18
Mr. Biden. That was my understanding at the time. 19
Mr. Jordan. And, again, you don't recall the amount, but you think the number 20
stayed the same at 65,000 a month? 21
Mr. Biden. As I said, I am not sure. I didn't do the banking. My wife, who is 22
an attorney, she handled all the books. And it was a wire. 23
Mr. Jordan. Okay. 24
Mr. Fishman. Mr. Chairman, it's in the records that we've gotten from your staff, 25
if that would be helpful. 1
Mr. Jordan. No. I just wanted to know that. 2
And then when did the first payment come in to you, and how long did they 3
continue when the 5 million came in in August? Were you paid right away the 65 a 4
month? 5
Mr. Biden. I believe so. 6
Mr. Jordan. And then how long did that continue? 7
Mr. Biden. Through the early part of -- 8
Mr. Jordan. October. 9
Mr. Biden. 2018. 10
Mr. Jordan. October 2018? 11
Mr. Biden. Yes. 12
Mr. Jordan. And it stayed 65 a month for those 13 months? 13
Mr. Biden. No, it went up to -- I believe it was -- because it was a -- because of 14
the time and effort that I was putting into the venture, Hunter made a decision to split it, 15
and it was 82-5. 16
Mr. Jordan. Okay. Okay. James. 17
Mr. . If you could pass around exhibit 7. 18
[Biden Exhibit No. 7 19
was marked for identification.] 20
BY MR. : 21
Q This is going to be one of our bank memorandum. Go to page 31 when you 22
get it. 23
A I'm sorry; what page are we talking about? 24
Q Page 32. Excuse me, bottom of 31 and top of 32. 25
A Top of 31? 1
Q The top of 31, sir, and then -- excuse me, bottom of 31, sir, and then top of 2
32. 3
A Okay. 4
Mr. Biggs. Excuse me, James, what page are you on? 5
Mr. It's the bottom of 31-top of 32. It's a chart. 6
Mr. Biggs. Thank you. 7
BY MR. : 8
Q Chairman Jordan was referencing that there's a wire that comes in from a 9
company called State Energy HK Limited on March 31st of 2017 for approximately $3 10
million -- 11
Mr. Fishman. I'm sorry, is that on -- 12
Mr. . I'm just giving you background. It's not in the memo. It's not 13
in the chart yet. 14
Mr. Fishman. Listen to Mr. , and then we'll see where we're going. 15
BY MR. 16
Q It's approximately a million dollars that is sent out to James Gilliar. There is 17
money that's retained in Rob Walker's account, and there's money that is sent out to 18
Hunter Biden and various other individuals. What we've been able to trace is after that 19
money comes in from State Energy HK Limited; you get a series of wires. 20
Now, if you go to the top of page 32, you'll see that you get two wires on April 3rd 21
of 2017 for $50,000, JBBSR INC. Is that correct? 22
Mr. Fishman. I mean, I assume you're representing, Mr. , this is what 23
the bank records show? 24
Mr. . That is correct. These are from Robinson Walker, LLC's bank 25
accounts. 1
Mr. Fishman. Okay. 2
BY MR. : 3
Q And then you'll see another wire on April 27th of 2017 for $120,000. And 4
then, on April 24th of 2017, there's another wire for $125,000. And then, on May 18th 5
of 2017, there's a wire for $15,000. 6
Our math when we add that up, it's approximately $360,000, and that money is 7
being delivered in under a 2-month time period, based upon what I can see. 8
My question to you is, what services did you provide to warrant $360,000 in 9
approximately 7 weeks? 10
Mr. Fishman. Services to whom? 11
Mr. . That's what I -- exactly. Who did he provide services to? 12
What services did he do? Why did you get that money? 13
Mr. Fishman. In the spring of '17? 14
Mr. . Correct. 15
Mr. Fishman. Okay. 16
Mr. Biden. I identified four or five -- 17
Mr. Fishman. That's later. In the spring. 18
Mr. Biden. Hunter directed these -- these funds to be wired in to me, and I had 19
no direct interface with Rob Walker in terms of these funds. 20
BY MR. : 21
Q To be clear, you did not provide any services then to Robinson Walker, LLC 22
during this time period? 23
A It was my understanding that he was part of the group and that -- that the 24
chairman of the company or the CEO of the company was Hunter, and Hunter was 25
directing Rob, Rob Walker to make these transfers. 1
Q Did you provide any services during this time period to Hunter Biden to 2
warrant the $360,000? 3
A I was providing and I was looking for possible transactions for CEFC. 4
Q Do we understand that you're getting paid $360,000 at this time period just 5
to look for transactions for CEFC? 6
A That was part of the role, yes. 7
Q You testified before that it was your understanding that the money that 8
came from State Energy HK was seed capital. Where does that understanding come 9
from? 10
A Verbal communications with Hunter. 11
Mr. Jordan. Did you have any communications with the Chinese officials with 12
CEFC in this same timeframe, spring of 2017? 13
Mr. Biden. No, sir. 14
Mr. Jordan. You never talked to the people? 15
Mr. Biden. Yeah, I talked to the director, but I -- but I never got into any 16
payments. 17
Mr. Jordan. And you talked to Zang, Director Zang. Is that right? 18
Mr. Biden. Yes. 19
Mr. Jordan. And when was that? 20
Mr. Biden. Sometime in 2017. 21
Mr. Jordan. I'm asking in the spring, in the timeframe that you're receiving 22
360,000, did you have any conversations with him in that timeframe? 23
Mr. Biden. I believe so. 24
Mr. Jordan. You believe? 25
Mr. Biden. Yeah. I mean, it would surprise me if I didn't because I -- because 1
he was unfamiliar with New York, and he was going to be moving to the States with his 2
family, his wife and his children. And I was trying to assist him, out of courtesy, to assist 3
him in familiarizing himself with the city. 4
Mr. Jordan. Okay. 5
Mr. Biggs. I have a question, again, to clarify. 6
When you were asked what services you were providing to Robinson Walker from 7
March 29th to middle of May 2017, you said you were looking for possible transactions. 8
And then I wrote down -- 9
Mr. Fishman. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Congressman. He said he wasn't providing 10
services to Robinson Walker. He was providing -- 11
Mr. Biggs. I'm sorry. Well, he's looking for possible transactions for CEFC, 12
right? 13
Mr. Biden. Yeah. 14
Mr. Biggs. And then you said, quote, "That was part of it," close quote. 15
What was the other part you were doing to earn this money? 16
Mr. Biden. Looking for a transaction and assisting the director in -- in help 17
situation -- help situation -- situating his family in New York, where he planned to move 18
and become a, you know -- 19
Mr. Biggs. They were paying you to act as kind of a moving consultant for 20
Mr. Zang? 21
Mr. Biden. No. 22
Mr. Fishman. They weren't paying him, Congressman. He said Hunter paid 23
him. 24
Mr. Biden. Hunter paid me. 25
Mr. Biggs. So Hunter was paying you to act as a moving consultant for Zang? 1
Mr. Biden. I think that's a little unfair. I was doing it out of personal kindness 2
to -- to familiarize him and his family with the city. And I know that he was an integral 3
part of CEFC, and he was basically the United States representative that was going to be 4
living in New York City. 5
Mr. Biggs. So I'm trying to understand this. On one hand, you're saying that 6
you were looking for possible transaction opportunities for CEFC. 7
Mr. Biden. Correct. 8
Mr. Biggs. And so Hunter was paying you for that. You were providing Director 9
Zang with friendly consulting, you know, if you were just helping him. 10
Mr. Biden. Right. 11
Mr. Biggs. You weren't getting paid for that. 12
Mr. Biden. Correct. 13
Mr. Biggs. So we get back to your answer earlier where you were asked, what 14
else were you doing? For possible transactions. You said, looking for possible 15
transactions. And you said, quote, "That was part of it," close quote. 16
Mr. Biden. Strategizing. I was basically trying to incorporate myself and 17
become as familiar as I can with what their objectives were and to make them feel as 18
comfortable and welcoming as possible. 19
Mr. Biggs. I yield back. 20
BY MR. : 21
Q Were you aware that Robinson Walker, LLC, was -- got this million 22
dollars -- $3 million, excuse me, from CEFC? 23
A Not until after the fact. 24
Q When did you become aware of that? 25
A I don't -- I don't recall the exact date, but I became aware of it, I don't know, 1
months later. It could have been a -- I don't know the exact timing of it, but I wasn't 2
aware of it at the time. 3
Q But you knew that Hunter Biden had received money from a Chinese entity 4
at some point in 2017, in the spring of 2017, I'll say? 5
A Yeah, I guess I was. 6
Q So, when Joe Biden during the campaigns talks about how his family never 7
received money from China, that would be incorrect, right? 8
A No. 9
Q You just said that you were aware that Hunter Biden received money from a 10
Chinese entity -- 11
A From a private Chinese company. 12
Q And, if Joe Biden talked about how his family had never received money 13
from anyone in China, would that be correct or incorrect? 14
Mr. Fishman. Are you asking him to speculate on -- 15
Mr. . No. I'm asking a fact. 16
Mr. Biden. It's not a fact. 17
Mr. . So you're saying that it's -- that Joe Biden is accurate in saying 18
that nobody from the Biden family has received money from China? 19
Mr. Fishman. The question is -- are you asking if he was aware of it, or are you 20
asking if -- I'm not sure what the question is. 21
Mr. . I'm asking, if Joe Biden says that no Biden family member 22
received money from China, is that correct or incorrect? 23
Mr. Biden. Joe Biden -- 24
Mr. Fishman. Are you asking him the country of China, or do you mean did the 25
money come from China? 1
Mr. . Anyone in China. 2
Mr. Biden. He wasn't aware of CEFC. 3
BY MR. 4
Q You don't think Joe Biden was aware of CEFC in the spring of 2017? 5
A No. No. No, I don't. 6
Q What would be wrong with Joe Biden being aware of CEFC in the spring of 7
2017? 8
A Because we never discussed business with my brother. 9
Mr. Fishman. Well, he didn't say there was anything wrong with it. He just said 10
he didn't discuss it. 11
Mr. . And so, to your knowledge, Joe Biden has never met with Ye 12
Jianming? 13
Mr. Biden. To my knowledge. 14
Mr. Fishman. Is that the chairman? 15
Mr. . Chairman Ye Jianming. To your knowledge, he's never met with 16
Chairman Ye Jianming? 17
Mr. Biden. Absolutely, 100 percent. That's my -- that's my knowledge. I have 18
no knowledge of that ever happening. 19
Mr. Timmons. Mr. Biden, you received $360,000 over a 7-week period that we 20
referenced. Was that treated as income? Did you pay tax on it? 21
Mr. Biden. Yes, I did. 22
Mr. Timmons. So it was income to you. And, again, you -- 23
Mr. Biden. And I paid taxes on it. 24
Mr. Timmons. Okay. And you said earlier that that was from Hunter for the 25
overall business agreement. You didn't actually provide services for that during those 7 1
weeks. Is that fair? 2
Mr. Biden. No, it's not fair, because I was strategizing with Hunter and trying to 3
learn more about CEFC's objectives and the opportunities that they were looking for. 4
Mr. Jordan. Why were you concerned about helping CEFC if they weren't paying 5
you? Like -- 6
Mr. Biden. Hunter was paying me. They were not paying me. Owasco was 7
paying me. It was a privately owned company. 8
Mr. Jordan. Owasco was paying you, and you're doing the work for CEFC? 9
Mr. Biden. No, I was working for Owasco. 10
Mr. Jordan. I know, but you said you were trying to help the director of CEFC 11
find a place to live. 12
Mr. Biden. I was trying to make his family more comfortable. 13
Mr. Jordan. It's not a question. That's fine. 14
Mr. Biden. Okay. 15
Mr. Jordan. I'm just asking, like you said you didn't know where the money came 16
from. You even put that in your testimony: "I didn't know then, but I've learned 17
recently that the money I received was a portion of Hunter's share that he directed 18
Mr. Walker to send to me." 19
So you didn't know where it -- but it was coming from CEFC? 20
Mr. Biden. Yes. 21
Mr. Jordan. Okay. 22
Mr. Biggs. If I can ask a question. Again, I'm sorry, I get confused easily, 23
apparently. 24
So the bank records show they're coming from Robinson Walker. Hunter was 25
paying you. And you mentioned Owasco a moment ago, that it was -- so who are you 1
working for, Robinson Walker, Owasco, Hunter personally? Who was your contract 2
with? 3
Mr. Biden. Owasco. And these were wires, okay, that I wasn't -- I didn't do the 4
banking. My wife did the banking. So the wires that Hunter directed Robin -- Walker 5
to send was upon -- must have been upon his direction, because I never had those 6
discussions with Walker. 7
Mr. Biggs. So a minute ago, you mentioned you were getting -- the wires were 8
coming from Owasco, but they may have been coming from Robinson Walker, is that 9
what you're saying, directly from Robinson Walker, LLC, to your company, JBBSR Inc.? Is 10
that the way that transaction was? 11
Mr. Fishman. I mean, I think -- Congressman, I think the records that Mr. 12
gave us that we just -- which is the exhibit, is that the money to Mr. Biden's 13
company, JBBSR, were -- that those funds were wired from the Robinson Walker, LLC, 14
account. But Mr. Biden has testified that it's his understanding that Walker did that at 15
Hunter Biden's direction or request. 16
Mr. Biggs. No, I understand that. But he mentioned Owasco just a moment 17
ago, and I'm trying to figure out where Owasco figures into this. 18
Mr. Biden. That was Hunter's company, and that's where he received his money. 19
Mr. Biggs. So money from CEFC goes to Owasco? 20
Mr. Biden. That was my understanding. 21
Mr. Biggs. Then to Robinson Walker? 22
Mr. Biden. No. 23
Mr. Biggs. Well, the wires came from Robinson Walker to you. They didn't 24
come from Owasco. That's what your attorney just said. 25
Mr. Biden. And what I am telling you is that these moneys that came from Rob 1
Walker were on the direction of Hunter to Rob Walker to wire the moneys into my 2
account, that I was unaware of. That's pretty clear. 3
Mr. Biggs. Not necessarily. 4
Mr. Biden. To me, it was clear. 5
Mr. Biggs. To you, it's clear you were getting money from Owasco? 6
Mr. Biden. Correct. 7
Mr. Biggs. But, in reality, Robinson Walker was the cutout. Owasco is the 8
Robinson Walker -- 9
Mr. Fishman. The cutout, Congressman? All of the money was distributed. 10
Everybody knows where it went. So I'm not sure what the mystery is. The money 11
came -- 12
Mr. Biggs. The mystery is that he raised Owasco, that he was working for 13
Owasco, yet the wire came from Robinson Walker. So we'll leave it. 14
Mr. Jordan. Is it fair to say, Mr. Biden, that the money came from CEFC to 15
Robinson Walker. Robinson Walker paid you, JBBSR, and Robinson Walker also paid 16
Owasco? 17
Mr. Fishman. I think "paid" is a word I would object to, Mr. Chairman. I think 18
"disbursed" would probably be fair. 19
Mr. Jordan. Disbursed, okay. 20
But Robinson Walker is not an account controlled by Hunter Biden. Is that right? 21
Mr. Biden. I don't believe so. 22
Mr. Jordan. Okay. So the money went from a Chinese entity to Robinson 23
Walker to you, or it went from CEFC to Robinson Walker to Owasco, which is Hunter 24
Biden's company? 25
Mr. Biden. I don't know. The money was wired in, and I was unaware of -- I 1
assumed -- and I probably should have been more aware, but my wife did all the banking, 2
and it came in as a wire. 3
Mr. Jordan. Okay. 4
Mr. . If we could pass out exhibit 8, which will be the Robinson Walker 5
transcript, the Rob Walker.6
public transcripts. 1
Mr. Fishman. Oh, that's what that was? Okay. 2
BY MR. : 3
Q All right. Page 84, line 12, I'm going to read it out loud. 4
Question -- this is the interview of Rob Walker by the committee. "Why were 5
you sending money to Hallie Biden and then James Biden's entity, JBBSR, Inc.? 6
Answer: "That's what Hunter wanted. At this time, we were starting to have 7
discussions with Jim about joining our group." 8
Mr. McAndrew: "Jim Biden?" 9
Mr. Walker: "Jim Biden." 10
Mr. McAndrew: "Uh-huh." 11
Mr. Walker: "I remember Hunter telling me that he needed it. And I believe 12
Jim confirmed that, that he needed it at a certain -- I don't know whether he was having 13
financial difficulties. But that's where Hunter wanted it sent. I remember Jim calling 14
me to ask me if I could send him more, and I would clear it with Hunter first. And then 15
Hunter would say yes, and then I would send it to Jim -- or to JBBSR." 16
So my question to you is, did you call Rob Walker and ask him to send you money? 17
A Only on the direction that -- that Hunter informed me that Rob Walker was 18
going to be sending me money. And I asked him -- I asked him, you know, when he was 19
sending it and what amount. 20
Q In 2017, were you aware that Hunter Biden was also going through a 21
divorce? 22
A Yes. 23
Q Was there any discussion with Hunter Biden that he would send you or 24
JBBSR, Inc., money from the Robinson Walker account in order to avoid any money being 25
deposited in his Owasco account because then he would owe his ex-wife money? 1
A No. 2
Q Were you concerned at all that, by not having the money directly sent to 3
Owasco, PC, and by having it sent to your JBBSR, Inc., account that his ex-wife would not 4
be able to obtain her rightfully amount of money that she should have received during 5
the divorce proceedings? 6
A I wasn't involved with his divorce proceedings, and I never contemplated 7
that. 8
Q Looking at it now, do you think that Hunter Biden was sending money 9
directly from Robinson Walker, LLC, to you in order to limit the amount of money that he 10
was receiving to Owasco, PC? 11
Mr. Fishman. I'm not going to let him answer that question, Mr. . It's 12
completely speculative. 13
BY MR. : 14
Q Did you have any discussions with Hunter Biden about his divorce at all? 15
A Certainly. 16
Q And, at any point, did he complain about how much money he had to pay his 17
ex-wife? 18
A I mean, in divorces, they get messy and, you know, he may have made some 19
representations that -- you know, about alimony, because I went through a divorce, and I 20
know that they can be very contentious. 21
Q But it's your testimony here today that you never discussed anything with 22
him regarding sending money to your account from Robinson Walker, LLC, to avoid him 23
having to make payments to his ex-wife? 24
A Correct. 25
Q I want to turn your attention to early May of 2017. 1
Do you recall a meeting in Los Angeles at the Beverly Hotel with you, Hunter 2
Biden, and Tony Bobulinski? 3
A I remember that my brother had a speaking engagement at the hotel. I 4
don't know what it was. And that we were in Los Angeles, and I met -- I was outside of 5
the hotel. I never went into the hotel with my brother. 6
And it's my recollection that -- that my brother never came out and had any 7
discussions. May have came out to say hi. That's all. 8
Q Said hi to who? 9
A Me. 10
Q When you were at the hotel, do you recall having a meeting with Hunter 11
Biden and Tony Bobulinski and Joe Biden? 12
A Absolutely not. 13
Q It's your testimony here today that meeting never took place? 14
A Yes, sir. 15
Mr. Fishman. That he was present for. 16
Mr. Biden. That I was present for. 17
Mr. . Did you ever talk with Hunter Biden about meeting Tony 18
Bobulinski? Excuse me. Did you ever talk with Hunter Biden about Joe Biden meeting 19
Tony Bobulinski? 20
Mr. Biden. No. 21
Mr. Fishman. Not that he remembers. 22
Mr. Biden. Not that I recall. 23
BY MR. : 24
Q Do you recall assisting Tony Bobulinski at the Milken Conference? 25
A No. 1
Q So is it your testimony that, in May of 2017, that you did not assist Tony 2
Bobulinski at the Milken Conference? 3
A Other than possibly -- possibly -- getting him access to get into the hotel. 4
Q Is it fair to say that your memory might not be on point when it comes to this 5
May 2017 timeframe? 6
Mr. Fishman. Wait. I'm not sure what that means. 7
Mr. . I guess I'm having difficulty. Do you not remember this 8
happening or are you saying that you don't -- 9
Mr. Fishman. You asked him if he had a meeting with Bobulinski and Hunter. 10
He said no to that, a meeting. 11
Mr. . Correct. 12
Mr. Fishman. But then you asked him if he gave him any assistance, and he said 13
he assisted him in maybe getting in the hotel. 14
Mr. . Well, he said he didn't -- I think he said he couldn't remember. 15
And so that's what I'm trying to understand, if it's that he's not remembering doing these 16
things -- 17
Mr. Fishman. To be fair -- 18
Mr. Biden. I don't see that as a big event, of being able to give him access to get 19
into the hotel. 20
Mr. . I'm going to show you exhibit 9. 21
[Biden Exhibit No. 9 22
was marked for identification.] 23
Mr. . Now, looking at this chat -- this is a production by Tony 24
Bobulinski. This is what appears to be a chat between you and Mr. Bobulinski. 25
Mr. Fishman. This is a screenshot? 1
Mr. . A screenshot of the chat, yes. 2
And I'll read it. 3
Mr. Fishman. Have you guys authenticated this in any way? 4
Mr. Through Tony Bobulinski, yes, we did. 5
Mr. Fishman. But not from the electronics itself? 6
Mr. . There is a host of information about the electronics which are 7
available on the Ways and Means website through 302s. 8
BY MR. : 9
Q The first chat I'll read into the record: "I'll get back to you 15 min! Let's 10
meet at same place as last night! Jim." 11
Then it looks like Mr. Bobulinski replies, "Okay. With conference going on might 12
be tough to even get in front doors so you might have to grab me out front." 13
And it appears you responded, "Will do. Tony spell your last name? Sorry. 14
Jim." 15
Does this refresh your recollection? 16
A Yeah, about possibly getting him into -- 17
Mr. Fishman. The question is, does it refresh your recollection? Do you 18
remember it? 19
That's the question you're asking, right? 20
Mr. . Correct. 21
Mr. Fishman. Does this help you remember or does it not help you remember? 22
Mr. Biden. You know, it would suggest that he asked to get into the hotel. 23
And, with, you know, Secret Service and everything going on around this convention that, 24
you know, that the reason I wanted the spelling of his last name is to, you know, send him 25
to door 3 and ask for agent X and for them to give him admittance. 1
BY MR. : 2
Q And then the first text, which appears to be from you, says, "I'll get back to 3
you 15 min! Let's meet at same place as last night! Jim." 4
Do you remember what you're referring to when you say that? 5
A It could have been the bar. I don't know. 6
Q Well, did you go to the Beverly Hotel bar the night before the Milken 7
Conference? 8
A I don't recall. 9
Q Do you recall whether you were at the bar with Hunter Biden, Tony 10
Bobulinski, and Joe Biden? 11
A That I know did not happen. 12
Q Who were you at the bar with? 13
A I could have been there just with Tony Bobulinski. I could have been there 14
with Hunter as well. But my brother was never there. 15
Q Do you recall why Tony Bobulinski was invited to the Milken Conference? 16
A No. 17
Q Do you remember how it came up in conversation that he would even be 18
invited to an event where your brother was speaking? 19
A No. 20
Q Do you recall your brother speaking at that event? 21
A My brother speaks at so many different events, it wouldn't have surprised 22
me that he was speaking there. 23
Q After the Milken Conference, did you meet with Tony Bobulinski at the 24
Peninsula Hotel? 25
A Possibly. I don't recall. 1
Q So you have no memory of -- 2
A No, it's very -- 3
Mr. Fishman. Calm down. 4
Mr. Biden. It is very possible. He was in Los Angeles. He was part of the 5
promoting himself as a, you know, whiz bang Wall Street operative, and that -- and that 6
he could have very well -- I could have very well met him there or seen him there, had a 7
discussion with him there. 8
Mr. Jordan. How many times do you think you talked with Mr. Bobulinski? 9
Mr. Biden. I don't know. Ten is a wild guess. But I wasn't fond of Bobulinski. 10
Mr. . I'm going to show you exhibit 10, which is another chat. 11
[Biden Exhibit No. 10 12
was marked for identification.] 13
BY MR. : 14
Q This is another chat with you and Tony Bobulinski on May 3rd, the same day 15
of the Milken Conference. I believe you write, "I'm very close, no worries! 2 blocks. 16
We are off to see Lieutenant G," which I believe is Lieutenant Governor. "See you in 17
NYC. Great getting to spend time with you. Best, Jim." 18
Then Mr. Bobulinski responds, "Okay, great, good luck in the mtg," meeting, "safe 19
travels, see you in NYC, thx," thanks. 20
When you say, "We are off to see Lieutenant Governor," who are you referring to 21
as "we"? Do you recall? 22
A I don't. 23
Q Were you with Joe Biden at that time? 24
A No. 25
Q Do you know if it was Hunter Biden? 1
A More likely than not, it was Hunter. 2
Mr. . I'm now going to show you exhibit 10 -- 11, excuse me. 3
[Biden Exhibit No. 11 4
was marked for identification.] 5
Mr. . Do you have it? 6
Mr. Biden. Yeah. 7
Mr. . This appears to be a memo regarding key phase one domestic 8
contacts, and it's an email from you to James Gilliar, copying Tony Bobulinski, Hunter 9
Biden, and Rob Walker. 10
Mr. Yim. Can you wait? 11
Mr. . Sure. 12
BY MR. : 13
Q It's dated May 15th of 2017. 14
A Okay. 15
Q Do you recall sending this email? 16
A I don't see any reason why it wouldn't have been. 17
Mr. Fishman. The question is, do you remember sending it? 18
Mr. Biden. Do I remember sending it? No. 19
BY MR. : 20
Q Does it look like an email you sent? 21
A Yes. 22
Q Then, after you flip the page, you go through the key domestic contacts for 23
phase one target projects. 24
Can you explain to the committee -- 25
A Phase one? 1
Q If you flip the page. 2
A Phase one, sorry. 3
Q Can you explain to the committee what the strategy was for introducing 4
these key domestic contacts to CEFC? 5
A Because they were looking to get involved in major infrastructure projects in 6
the United States. 7
Q But why were you focusing in on government officials? 8
A It was my assumption that they would be involved. I had a personal 9
relationship with Cuomo, who referred me to Howard Zemsky, who I met with and would 10
be the appropriate person. 11
I did not and never had a conversation with de Blasio. Terry McAuliffe is a 12
personal friend, and he also worked with one of my employers in San Francisco early on 13
back in the late -- the late seventies, Warren Shorenstein that we worked with. 14
I had a relationship with and had personal knowledge that there were -- through 15
research that there were going to be projects in I believe it was -- is Franken from 16
Minnesota? 17
Mr. Fishman. Minnesota. It says Minnesota at the top. 18
Mr. Biden. Minnesota, yeah, sorry. I've had a relationship since 1972 and 19
throughout my years in San Francisco, which was 3 years or so in the late -- in the late 20
eighties. 21
But with -- no. I met him when he was first elected Governor. Joe was elected 22
United States Senator. And we met at the Hyatt at the base of California Street. And 23
he's a very brash guy. 24
I'll never forget him pushing back the table. And he was talking to donors and 25
putting his feet up on the table and saying, "What's a punk ass kid from Delaware know 1
anything about fucking politics?" 2
And I said, "Joe, why don't we just leave," because he was talking to his donors 3
around the room. 4
BY MR. : 5
Q Was the idea that you would connect CEFC with government officials so that 6
CEFC could get -- 7
A Absolutely not. 8
Q So they could get State or Federal contracts? 9
A No. 10
Q So why would you introduce CEFC to individuals such as Andrew Cuomo? 11
Mr. Fishman. It doesn't say that he's introducing them. 12
Mr. Biden. It doesn't say to them, because I didn't. 13
BY MR. : 14
Q Well, phase one key contacts, domestic contacts for phase one, who's 15
contacting these -- if CEFC is not contacting these government officials, are you contacting 16
them? 17
A Yes. 18
Q It's my understanding you're not a lobbyist at any -- 19
A I am not a lobbyist. I was simply making an inquiry in terms of projects that 20
were in the newspaper. 21
Q I'm going to come back to this, but -- 22
Mr. Gaetz. Hold on one second. Just so I understand this, is phase one 23
essentially an outreach phase to government officials? 24
Mr. Biden. It was -- that was not the primary focus. 25
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. Well, you write here, "Memo re key phase one domestic 1
contacts." 2
So maybe I'll ask the question this way: What was phase one? 3
Mr. Biden. Sourcing energy deals. 4
Mr. Gaetz. And what role were these policymakers supposed to play in the 5
sourcing of those deals? 6
Mr. Biden. That was the question I had. 7
Mr. Gaetz. But it seems to be the answer you're providing, right? I mean, how 8
is this a document that proposes questions? 9
Mr. Biden. I was simply identifying that there were projects that would be going 10
on in these different locations, and that I wanted a further understanding through any 11
operative of these principals in terms of what the qualifications were and the scope of 12
the -- scope of the projects. 13
Mr. Gaetz. And would you be engaging in that inquiry personally? 14
Mr. Biden. Not necessarily. 15
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. Well, who would? 16
Mr. Biden. It could have been any number of people. 17
Mr. Gaetz. Is the committee to understand this document that you could 18
nurture the relationships described herein for the benefit of CEFC? 19
Mr. Fishman. Nurture? What does that mean? I'm sorry, Congressman, he 20
didn't understand what you mean by that. 21
Mr. Gaetz. You don't know what the word "nurture" means? 22
Mr. Fishman. I'm not sure what you mean by it. 23
Mr. Gaetz. Well, develop these relationships. 24
Mr. Fishman. You can answer. 25
Mr. Biden. I think it's fair. Yeah, yeah. 1
Mr. Gaetz. So you were developing relationships with U.S. Government 2
policymakers on behalf of -- 3
Mr. Biden. These were relationships that I had longstanding relationships with. 4
Mr. Gaetz. What was your longstanding relationship with Rick Scott? 5
Mr. Fishman. Congressman, this will become clear when you talk to him about 6
the deals that he actually did do in the fall and how it worked, and then maybe you'll find 7
some clarity. 8
Mr. Gaetz. That sounds fascinating, but I'm interested in how phase one was 9
contemplated. 10
Mr. Biden. One of my companies, BBS, had proposed a voluntary worksite 11
project with the former sheriff, Ken Jenne. And they -- you know, there was a lot going 12
on in Florida. 13
Mr. Gaetz. Did anyone ever advise you about the registered foreign agent laws 14
in the United States? 15
Mr. Fishman. Congressman, I think you are drawing completely the wrong 16
implication from his answer. 17
Mr. Gaetz. I'm not drawing an implication, sir. I'm asking questions. 18
Mr. Fishman. No, I appreciate it, but your question is premised on the idea that 19
what he said might implicate FARA, and it doesn't. 20
Mr. Gaetz. By the way, I get to explore that by asking him these questions. So 21
why don't you let me do that. 22
Mr. Fishman. I appreciate that, but the implication I think is -- 23
Mr. Gaetz. I don't really -- I'm not interested in what you think the implications 24
of my questions are. I'm asking direct questions. I just want direct answers. 25
Did you ever contemplate registering as a foreign agent? 1
Mr. Biden. No. 2
Mr. Gaetz. And were you -- did anyone ever advise you that connecting CEFC to 3
U.S. policymakers could potentially run afoul of FARA? 4
Mr. Fishman. And that's my objection. That's not what he said he was doing. 5
What he said was he was talking about what projects might be out there. That's what 6
he said he was doing. 7
Mr. Biden. That's exactly what I was doing. 8
Mr. Gaetz. What's your understanding of FARA? 9
Mr. Fishman. If he has one. 10
Mr. Biden. I don't. 11
Mr. Gaetz. You have no understanding of when someone is doing so much for a 12
foreign entity that they become an agent of a foreign government? 13
Mr. Biden. This was a private company that I was dealing with. 14
Mr. Fishman. That is an incorrect statement of the law, actually. You have to 15
be working for the foreign government, not for a foreign company. 16
Mr. Gaetz. Right, right. 17
Mr. Fishman. So the implication of your question isn't correct. 18
Mr. Gaetz. I tell you what, if you want to parse where the Chinese Government 19
ends and CEFC starts, that can be for another time. 20
But for the purposes of this question -- 21
Mr. Biden. Gave me a break. 22
Mr. Gaetz. -- you were never concerned that the -- 23
Mr. Biden. No. 24
Mr. Gaetz. -- relationship development here on behalf of -- 25
Mr. Biden. No. 1
Mr. Gaetz. -- CEFC with U.S. policymakers converted you to an agent of a foreign 2
government? 3
Mr. Fishman. That's not what he said he was doing, and you know it. 4
Mr. Gaetz. That is what he said he was doing. 5
Mr. Biden. That is not what I said I was doing. 6
Mr. Gaetz. You write a memo to James Gilliar identifying projects, contacts, and 7
politicians. What was the purpose of that memo if not to develop those relationships? 8
Mr. Biden. I was dealing with a private company. 9
Mr. Gaetz. Right. And you were trying to develop relationships for them, 10
weren't you? 11
Mr. Biden. No. For the private company? Yes. 12
Mr. Gaetz. All right. Well, we'll debate at another time CEFC's propriety on 13
that. 14
Let me ask this question: What was phase two? 15
Mr. Biden. Pardon me? 16
Mr. Gaetz. This is phase one, this memo. What was phase two? 17
Mr. Biden. There were other projects to come. 18
Mr. Gaetz. Okay. Tell us about them. 19
Mr. Fishman. Go ahead. I'm not sure what you mean by phase two. 20
Mr. Gaetz. Well, this is -- okay. This document describes phase one of some 21
sort of plan. How many phases were there of that plan?22
A Correct. 1
Q In fact, it was 2 years before he would even become a candidate for 2
President of the United States. 3
A Correct. 4
Q And you had no sway or influence in the Trump administration. 5
A Correct. 6
Q Thank you. 7
BY MR. : 8
Q Mr. Biden, there were a lot of questions about CEFC in the last round, and so 9
I was hoping we could just go through a few questions to kind of clear up what was going 10
on there. 11
A Okay. 12
Q Am I correct in understanding that, in early 2017, when you first became 13
involved with the CEFC ventures, your understanding was that Hunter Biden had a 14
relationship with CEFC, a private Chinese company, and was trying to help them find 15
investment opportunities in the United States? 16
A Correct. 17
Q And as, my colleague pointed out, in 2017, at that time, your brother, Joe 18
Biden, was former Vice President, private citizen, correct? 19
A Yes, sir. 20
Q And is it fair to say that over the course and -- that you were involved in 21
these business -- this business venture with CEFC in 2017 and 2018? 22
A Yes, sir. 23
Q And, over that time period, there were different partners, different 24
individuals that Hunter Biden partnered with to help pursue this business opportunity, 25
find investment opportunities for CEFC in the United States. 1
A Yes, sir. 2
Q So, when you first came on, it was Hunter Biden, together with James Gilliar 3
and Rob Walker. 4
A Yes, sir. 5
Q Is that right? 6
And so my Republican colleagues ran through some payments from early 2017 7
that you talked about. 8
A Yes, sir. 9
Q And is it fair to say that you started receiving those payments because you 10
started becoming involved in helping to identify investment opportunities for CEFC? 11
A Yes, sir. 12
Q And, when you say those funds came from Owasco, is it fair to say that, 13
because Hunter Biden was the one who brought you on, you were kind of getting paid at 14
his direction? 15
A Yes, sir. 16
Q And, you know, the set of individuals who were involved in this business 17
venture changed over time. At some time, Tony Bobulinski came on. Is that right? 18
A He was attempting to come on. 19
Q And then, later, it just became you and Hunter Biden. Is that right? 20
A Yes. 21
Q But, throughout the whole time, the goal was to find investment 22
opportunities in the United States for CEFC. Is that right? 23
A Yes, sir. 24
Q And that -- 25
A That was the primary focus. 1
Q And were you successful in finding investment opportunities in the United 2
States for CEFC? 3
A Yes. 4
Q Can you describe one of those for us? 5
A Monkey Island, I had a friend, a longtime friend who was the former 6
Attorney General of Louisiana, General Richard Ieyoub, who was the conservation 7
commissioner under John Bel Edwards. 8
And I called him, and I asked him if there was any opportunity for LNG on the Gulf 9
Coast. 10
Ms. . And by "LNG," you mean -- 11
Mr. Biden. Liquefied Natural Gas. 12
Ms. . Thank you. 13
Mr. Biden. And he said, "Well, it just so happens there are several." There are 14
three. One was Magnolia, and that was to do with the expansion of the ports and -- in 15
Louisiana and building a, you know, extending their capacity for shipment of LNG 16
products and even cruise liners and that kind of stuff. There was a -- 17
BY MR. : 18
Q Can I -- 19
A Sure. 20
Q -- pause you there for a second? 21
So someone tells you, for example, Monkey Island, there's this investment 22
opportunity in Louisiana to help develop an LNG terminal. 23
A Yes. 24
Q I assume there's kind of work that goes from there to kind of taking that 25
information and building it into an actual investment opportunity. 1
A Correct. And he identified the controlling owner, who owned the lease for 2
a hundred years. 3
Mr. Fishman. He hadn't owned it for a hundred years. 4
Mr. Biden. He hadn't owned it. He owns it for the next 90 years. Okay? 5
And he had done extensive -- 6
Mr. Fishman. He the owner. 7
Mr. Biden. He, the owner, Greg Michaels, had done extensive geological studies 8
of the island and was identified to him that or by his, you know, scientific team that there 9
were major holdings in Monkey Island, on Monkey Island. 10
Cheniere was another which was -- and I only point out this for the feasibility of a 11
project like this. Cheniere was 5 miles south of Monkey Island, further from the Gulf of 12
Mexico. 13
So the opportunity for Monkey Island was we could build it cheaper. We could 14
build the terminals cheaper. We can -- we could extract the LNG at a much reduced 15
price, blah da blah, create, you know, thousand, tens of thousands of jobs, blah da blah 16
da blah da blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. 17
I introduced that to the director and who I was interfacing with in New York, who 18
passed on to the home office in China, the chairman. And they did 2, 3, 4 years of -- 2, 19
3, 4 months of due diligence on this, the viability of this project. 20
LNG is, you know, Cheniere; it was one of the largest producers in the country, if 21
not the world. It is 5 miles down. Here's the Gulf back here, and here's Monkey 22
Island. Okay? 23
He did a lot of extensive, he, Greg Michaels, who held the lease, did a lot of 24
extensive investments in terms of being able to build the port and permitting and all that 25
sort of thing. Okay? He wasn't at the final stage but what he was looking to do, 1
because he was carrying this project by himself. Okay? 2
So I met with him and introduced it to LNG, introduced it to CEFC. They did their 3
due diligence, and this was the opportunity -- first opportunity that I had to meet with the 4
chairman. And the director brought it up to the chairman and said, "We've done 5
extensive research on Monkey Island." Okay? This is a major project, okay, you know, 6
tens of millions of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars. 7
And, at this meeting, the first time I met with the chairman, the director 8
informed -- the director, who I had a relationship with, informed the chairman that this is 9
a project that they thought that they wanted to move on, okay, that they basically had 10
the go-ahead to move ahead. It wasn't in writing, but the director strongly suggested to 11
the chairman to move ahead with the project. 12
It was suggested then by the chairman, "Let's go out to a celebratory lunch and we 13
can, you know, you know, celebrate our, quote, 'potential,' potential first deal that we 14
have a real interest in." 15
There were other projects along the way. There was one with -- I have a 16
relationship with and have had for 20 years with Carlos Slim in Mexico. And he was 17
building a port on the western -- on the eastern -- the east, west, you know, the Gulf. So 18
it was on the eastern -- 19
Mr. Fishman. On the Mexican side of the Gulf. 20
Mr. Biden. On the Mexican side of the Gulf, and he was developing a major port 21
that I introduced this to Carlos Slim that he was contemplating on moving on. Okay? 22
There were others. 23
Mr. . And so this is the 2017/2018 time period. And am I fair to 24
under -- 25
Q And so this Monkey Island terminal project was one of these LNG terminal 1
project. 2
A Yes. And there were five or six others that I can provide the committee. 3
Q That's very helpful. Thank you. 4
I want to talk briefly about these -- 5
A Finally, by the way, I -- Ieyoub, who was the former attorney general, was 6
also the commissioner of -- oh, my God. Help me out here. 7
Mr. Hibey. Conservation. 8
Mr. Biden. Conservation. So he knew what -- everything that was going on 9
within the Gulf Coast and the Port of New Orleans and Baton Rouge. 10
Mr. . And so this exhibit 11 that we looked at with my colleagues, this 11
May 15th, 2017, document called -- 12
Mr. Fishman. The phase one memo? 13
BY MR. : 14
Q -- "Key Domestic Targets for Phase One Target Projects," I think you 15
described that there were actually no meetings with any of these people and the only 16
meeting that did happen was with Howard Zemsky -- 17
A Yes. 18
Q -- and that had nothing to do with CEFC. Is that right? 19
A No, no, no, no, it did. I was only trying to identify and to validate projects 20
that were viable. Okay? I wasn't asking for their assistance in securing contracts. 21
Okay? 22
Q This was a list of people who might be able to help you identify here are 23
some investment opportunities -- 24
A Correct. 25
Q -- that you might want to look into. 1
A Right. There was rumor at the time that -- and maybe it's still going 2
on -- that Penn Station, that they're going to completely renovate Penn Station, and it's 3
going to cost, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars. So, you know -- 4
Mr. Fishman. We all hope so. 5
BY MR. : 6
Q And this is about public information. 7
A Public information. 8
Q And, for example, Howard Zemsky, the one meeting that actually did 9
happen -- 10
A Yes. 11
Q -- I see in here that, you know, he was the commissioner of the New York 12
Department of Economic Development -- 13
A Yes. 14
Q -- and CEO of Empire State Development. 15
And so his role was to increase private sector investment and job creation in 16
New York. Is that correct? 17
A Yes, yes. 18
Q So you were talking to him because you were looking to make private sector 19
investments -- 20
A Correct. 21
Q -- in the United States, in New York, and elsewhere. 22
A It's my understanding that more information -- I'm going to get slapped to 23
when I walk out of here by Paul here. 24
Mr. Fishman. No, no. 25
Mr. Biden. But the Chinese, private Chinese companies have invested some, you 1
know, 30- or $40 billion a year here in the United States. 2
BY MR. : 3
Q And you're not saying that's through you. 4
A No, it's not through me. It's just happening every year, you know. 5
Didn't -- you know, the Governor of the stalwart who was, you know, was running against 6
Trump in Florida said that he prevented -- he was not going to do any business with China 7
and that then he would not sell them a piece of property or whether they were private, 8
public, or whatever. Okay? 9
So, you know, you know, this was strictly a -- it wasn't a -- I didn't want to go on a 10
fishing expedition. Okay? I wanted to know what projects in their judgment that I had 11
longstanding relationships with, of what projects were really viable, not inside 12
information. You know, this is a real deal. 13
And that's why I didn't meet with Cuomo. I met with the person that really had 14
firsthand knowledge of projects that were realistically going to be started within the next 15
10 years. 16
Q And that's why it was phase one. Phase one is to identify possible 17
projects -- 18
A Absolutely. 19
Q -- and you can do due diligence. You've got to put the projects together. 20
A Absolutely. 21
Q Okay. I'd like to move on to exhibit 9 and 10 which were shown to you. 22
Mr. Fishman. Is this the Blackberry texts? 23
Mr. . Yes. 24
BY MR. : 25
Q And I just want to be clear about what these documents are. Each one is 1
single page, and it's just what appears to be a photograph of a phone screen, showing 2
what appear to be text messages. 3
A Yes. 4
Q Is that fair? 5
You have no idea what text messages were exchanged before or after. 6
A No. 7
Q You didn't provided these text messages. 8
A Yes no. 9
Q As my Republican colleagues explained, these were provided by Tony 10
Bobulinski. 11
When you're looking at a text message like this out of context, would it be helpful 12
to know what's going on before and after to understand the full context? 13
A I surely would, and that's why I had -- I was so suspect of Tony Bobulinski, 14
who didn't bring anything to the table. 15
Q I agree with you. And -- 16
A Sorry. 17
Q Unfortunately, we don't have the full context. Mr. Bobulinski provided 18
these excerpts, these kind of single pictures. And we asked Mr. Bobulinski. 19
Mr. Bobulinski offered in his transcribed interview to allow the committee to review the 20
full contents of his phone. Ranking Member Raskin wrote to him, asking that he follow 21
through on that, and he has refused to do so. 22
And so, unfortunately, all we have are these cherry-picked examples. And we 23
don't the full context of these text message because Tony Bobulinski has refused to 24
provide them at least to the Democratic staff and members of the committee. 25
BY MS. : 1
Q Mr. Biden, in the prior hour, you were -- you said that Tony Bobulinski was 2
promoting himself as a whiz bang Wall Street operative. I think I wrote that down 3
correctly. 4
A Yes. 5
Q Without getting into what necessarily he brought to the table, what did you 6
mean when you said that he was presenting himself as an operative? 7
A This is how he was represented from James Gilliar. James Gilliar 8
introduced him to the group as being somebody with really bona fide CEO credentials and 9
that, you know, that he did these deals of this magnitude on a regular basis and that he 10
should be -- he was trying to usurp and replace Hunter Biden. 11
Q And, when you said that Mr. Gilliar said that Mr. Bobulinski did deals of this 12
magnitude on a regular basis, did he identify any -- 13
A No. 14
Q -- particular deals or any -- 15
A Not to me. 16
Q Did he identify any clients he represented, for example? 17
A No. 18
Q Okay. And then, after you had interacted with Tony for some period of 19
time, did you come to form an opinion about whether or not he was, in fact, a Wall Street 20
operative? 21
A In my judgment, no, but I am no expert, and I am not, you know, a Wall 22
Street type. I am more of an entrepreneur, finder. I am not a managerial person. 23
Q Uh-huh. 24
A I identify projects, I get them off the ground, and then I let other people 25
manage them. 1
Q And you said just now that Mr. Bobulinski didn't bring anything to the table. 2
Can you expand on that? 3
A The only thing that I saw Tony Bobulinski was doing was, in my judgment, 4
harassing the chairman, that he wanted a $10 million wire or funding for this new 5
operation, that this chart that I saw somewhere that had, you know, everybody was at 20 6
percent and Tony was one of the five partners. 7
It was Hunter Biden, myself, Gilliar. I don't know. It was the five. Okay? 8
And everybody was 20 percent. Okay? You know, that was never executed. It was 9
never signed. He could have, you know, written that up in his, you know, you know, 10
before going to bed at night after having a quart of gin. I don't know. 11
Q All right. What was the relationship like between Hunter Biden and 12
Mr. Bobulinski? 13
A Very contentious. 14
Q And what do you mean when you say very contentious? 15
A Email traffic back and forth, and, you know, he was -- he was -- 16
Mr. Fishman. "He," who? 17
Mr. Biden. He, Hunter Biden, was being -- Hunter Biden always maintained that 18
he had a 50-50 relationship with the chairman. Okay? And that was his partner. 19
Okay? 20
And Tony Bobulinski was trying to dilute Hunter's participation. And there were 21
basically nothing went out the door or no project was started and there's no activities 22
engaged in unless Tony Bobulinski signed off on it. And he wanted control of the 23
company. 24
BY MS. 25
Q And you described what you said as Mr. Bobulinski harassing the chairman. 1
A Well, I mean, repeatedly asking him, "When is the wire coming?" 2
Q Uh-huh. 3
A And I didn't understand at the time how it went from $5 million that was the 4
original request to $10 million. And it was my judgment and it was everybody else, 5
saying, "Hey, listen, asking for 10, you know, ask him for 10." You know, this was 6
multibillion-dollar company. 7
And so, but it was never clear to me how the number went from 5 to 10. 8
Q And, specifically, your use of the term "harassing." 9
A Repeatedly asking and basically questioning Hunter Biden and me and 10
everyone else involved in this, you know, "When are they going to send the money?" 11
Q Would you describe Mr. Bobulinski as a bully? 12
A Yes. 13
BY MR. : 14
Q I just want to turn quickly back to the loans, the loans that your brother, Joe 15
Biden, made to you in 2017 -- 16
A Yes. 17
Q -- and 2018 that we discussed briefly in the previous hour. I think you said 18
you explained that you needed a loan at that time to pay some bills. 19
But I wanted to ask, prior to 2017, was it usual for you to go to your brother if you 20
needed to borrow money? 21
A No. My brother was voted in the 36 years that he was in Senate as the 22
poorest man in the United States Congress. Okay? All right. And I know, as a 23
younger brother, going out to dinner with him. I'm allowed to do that. I'm allowed to 24
buy dinner. 25
But Joe would say, "Hey, you want to join us for dinner, you want to join us for 1
dinner," you know, da da da da da, whatever it was. 2
But the point is, is it's ludicrous. Joe sold a -- his book, and for the first time in 3
his life, he had some disposable income. Okay? I knew that I was getting a payment, 4
you know, several weeks or it could have stretched out to a month. 5
I went to Mel Monzack, his attorney, and said, "What kind of shape is Joe in?" 6
And he said, "You know, Joe's -- Joe's doing fine." 7
I said, "I would like to borrow -- and I will repay in a very timely basis -- the 8
$200,000." 9
Mr. Fishman. The 40 first. 10
Mr. Biden. The 40 first, and I repaid that. 11
And then I have three children, all with different needs, and a wife, who is very 12
frugal and has more money than, you know -- 13
Mr. Fishman. Okay. 14
Mr. Biden. At any rate, but the point is I knew and had great confidence that I 15
was going to able to pay him back, and I think it wasn't more than a couple of weeks that 16
the moneys that I was expecting came back in. 17
But, being a -- basically a sole provider, a sole entrepreneur, notwithstanding the 18
fact that I have an insurance business, BBS, that supply voluntary work benefits, that, you 19
know, that I make a, you know, a reasonable living on, I would go off and look for other 20
ventures. And sometimes I wasn't the best judge of character in people that I got 21
involved with. 22
Q And, just to be clear, when you say that, in 2017, for the first time in his life, 23
Joe Biden had this disposable income, you're referring to the money he made from his 24
book deal. 25
A The sale of his book, yeah. 1
Q And you told your brother you would repay him this money that he was -- 2
A I told his attorney, Mel Monzack, that I would. I don't even remember 3
having the discussion with my brother to borrow the $200,000. I asked, because I didn't 4
want to put him in a position that, if he wasn't in the position, that I didn't want to ask 5
him for something was inappropriate. 6
Q But, to be very clear, those were loans from your brother, Joe Biden. 7
A Yes. But was being held by Mel Monzack, one of his original law partners. 8
Q And did you explain to Mel Monzack or your brother exactly where you were 9
going to get the money to pay him back? 10
A No. 11
Q And there was some question about what records exist, and so I just want to 12
go over this very quickly. 13
You -- there was a check, dated September 3rd, 2017, from your joint account 14
with your wife -- 15
A Right. 16
Q -- to Joseph R. Biden, Jr., in the amount of $40,000 -- 17
A Yes. 18
Q -- with a memo line that read, "Loan Repayment." 19
A Yes. 20
Q You know when which check I'm talking about? 21
A Yep. 22
Q Now -- 23
A As I said, my wife does all the bookkeeping and handles all the business 24
accounts. 25
Q Now, bank records that the committee received from PNC Bank on October 1
17th, 2023, Bates No. PNC00001219, show that, on July 28th, 2017, so about 4 weeks 2
earlier, you received $40,000 to that same account wired to you from the client trust 3
account at Mel Monzack. 4
A Yes. 5
Q Is that wire transfer your brother loaning you the $40,000? 6
A Yes, sir. 7
Q So, to be clear, your brother loaned you $40,000 at the end of July 2017. 8
And you repaid him $40,000 about 4 weeks later in early September -- 9
A Yes, sir. 10
Q -- at a time when you were both private citizens. 11
A Correct. 12
Q And I just want to quickly go over the second loan. 13
A Sure. 14
Q There is a check, dated March 1st, 2018, from your joint account with your 15
wife in the amount of $200,000 to Joseph R. Biden, Jr.? 16
A Right. 17
Q Where the memo lean reads, "Loan Repayment." 18
A Yes, sir. 19
Q Bank records received from PNC Bank on October 17th, 2023, Bates No. 20
PNC00001219, shows that, 6 weeks earlier, on January 12th, 2018, you received $200,000 21
to that same account from the client trust account at Mel Monzack. 22
Is that wire transfer a $200,000 loan -- the $200,000 loan from your brother? 23
A Yes, sir. 24
Q So, to be clear about what happened with the second loan, your brother 25
loaned you $200,000 in early January, 2018, and you repaid him about 6 weeks later on 1
March 1st. 2
A Yes, sir. 3
Q Is that fair? 4
A Yeah. 5
Q And, again, you were both private citizens at the time, and your brother 6
wasn't even running for office at that time. Is that fair? 7
A Yes, sir. 8
Q Is there anything -- in your mind is there anything illegal, unethical, or 9
untoward about either of these two short-term loans from your brother to you? 10
A Absolutely not, in my opinion. 11
Mr. . We'll go off the record. 12
[Recess.] 13
Mr. Fishman. So, over the break, Mr. Biden realized that he misspoke on one 14
particular aspect of the questions he was asked -- 15
Mr. . All right. 16
Mr. Fishman. -- which is there -- he doesn't recall the actual document, but there 17
was a document that reflects a five-way split from May of 2017 that bears his electronic 18
signature. 19
Mr. . All right. 20
Mr. Fishman. And you can ask him questions, obviously, about that. But he 21
doesn't -- has never to his recollection has never signed anything electronically in his life 22
and doesn't remember. 23
Mr. Biden. I don't know how to. 24
Mr. Fishman. Okay. So, if you want to explore that with him -- 25
their permission, I would like to replace the incorrect Schedule I with the attached 1
Schedule I. Let me know, and I'll recirculate. Thanks," the attorney. 2
And then, if you go to -- if you go to the back page, last page of this -- 3
A The last page? 4
Q Yes, sir, Schedule I. I believe it has a company for you called Sino Atlantic 5
Solutions, LLC, where you were to receive 20 percentage of Oneida. 6
A Uh-huh. 7
Q Then, if you flip back two three, four, five pages, there appears to be your 8
signature as one of the managers, electronic signature. 9
A Right. 10
Q Then, if you flip one more page -- 11
Mr. Fishman. Backwards? 12
Mr. . This will be six pages in. 13
Mr. Fishman. Yeah. 14
BY MR. : 15
Q Sino Atlantic Solutions, LLC, underneath there, that appears to be your 16
name, title, manager, and then electronic signature for Oneida. 17
Do you recall -- 18
A No. 19
Q You don't recall signing, being one of the -- signing this particular 20
agreement? 21
A I don't. 22
Q Do you recall Oneida Holdings, that company? 23
A No. 24
Q Do you recall having any percentage of a share in a company with Tony 25
Bobulinski, Rob Walker, or James Gilliar? 1
A No. 2
Q Is it that you don't recall or you never had any type of company with those 3
individuals? 4
A I -- it's my belief that I never had any company with those individuals. 5
Q So this particular signature, you're saying you didn't authorize your signature 6
on this contract? 7
A I don't know how to sign a -- this agreement electronically. 8
Q But did you talk with anyone such as mister -- maybe the attorney for this 9
particular matter to authorize your signature? 10
Mr. Fishman. That you remember. 11
Mr. Biden. Not that I remember. 12
Mr. . Is it your position here today that you were never a member of 13
Oneida Holdings? 14
Mr. Fishman. Well, I guess the question is the legal significance of the 15
document, Mr. . It may call for a conclusion, but he doesn't recall ever being a 16
member of Oneida Holdings. 17
BY MR. : 18
Q Separate from the document, do you ever -- is it your position here today 19
that you were a member of Oneida Holdings? 20
A Correct. 21
Q That you were not a member. 22
A I was not a member. 23
Q All right. 24
Mr. . I now want to show you what's going to be marked as exhibit 13. 25
And then that's on May 2nd. And then the following text from Tony Bob is, 1
"Morning. Please let me know all set for things this mrng," assume morning. "I don't 2
have credentials to get into Milken. So just want to make sure not an issue to get me in. 3
Where should we meet this Mrng?" Morning. 4
A Uh-huh. 5
Q The question's related to first text message here. Does this refresh your 6
recollection that Joe Biden did meet with Tony Bobulinski? 7
A Joe Biden never met with Tony Bobulinski. 8
Mr. Fishman. To your knowledge. 9
Mr. Biden. To my knowledge. 10
BY MR. : 11
Q At the Beverly hotel, on May 2nd, 2017, were you with Tony Bobulinski the 12
entire time you were at that hotel? 13
A No. 14
Q Where did you go? 15
A I have no idea. I mean, I was in and around the area, but I don't know my, 16
you know -- I don't know. I could have been back up in my room. 17
Q Was there any time period that you were aware of where Hunter Biden and 18
Tony Bobulinski were together but not with you at the Beverly hotel that evening? 19
Mr. Fishman. That he would know? 20
Mr. . That he knows of. 21
Mr. Biden. No. 22
BY MR. : 23
Q But it's your testimony here today that Tony Bobulinski never met Joe Biden 24
in your presence. Is that correct? 25
A That's correct. 1
Q And it's your testimony here today that Tony Bobulinski, you're not aware of 2
him meeting with Joe Biden while you were not in the room. 3
A Correct. He never, to my knowledge, met with my brother. 4
Q And I want to talk with you about, which came up during the Democrats' 5
hour, regarding the $200,000 and the $40,000 -- 6
A Loans, yeah. I'm sorry. 7
Q -- payments that you made to Monzack. 8
A Yes. 9
Q From your testimony, is it correct that you understood Joe Biden made a 10
significant sum of money, after he stepped down from Vice President, from a book deal? 11
A Yes. That was my understanding, and that's the reason why I called Mel. 12
Q And is it also your understanding that the entity that would receive that 13
money wouldn't be Joe Biden personally; it would be his company, CelticCapri? 14
Mr. Fishman. I don't think he would know that at all. How would he know the 15
contracting -- 16
Mr. . I'm asking if he knows -- 17
Mr. Biden. No, no, I don't. 18
Mr. Fishman. Calm down. 19
BY MR. : 20
Q Are you aware if the Monzack law firm oversees Joe Biden's business 21
accounts, as well? 22
A I don't have the full depth of what he does or doesn't do, but I know that 23
he's intricately involved and has been, you know, for the last, you know, 40 or 50 years. 24
Q Sitting here today, you can't tell the committees whether the $40,000 or the 25
$200,000 that the Democrats put on the record the last hour, whether that came from 1
Joe Biden's personal account or from a corporate account, correct? 2
A Correct. Mel Monzack has been -- 3
Mr. Fishman. No, no, you answered. 4
Mr. Biden. No, no. 5
BY MR. : 6
Q And when you paid that money back -- 7
A Yeah. 8
Q -- to Joe Biden, you wrote those checks back to just Joe Biden, correct, or 9
your wife did? 10
A My wife did. 11
Q And so those checks, we don't know whether they were deposited then into 12
Joe Biden's personal account or a corporate account, correct? 13
A I have no idea. 14
Mr. Fishman. I believe there were endorsements on the backs of those checks, 15
at least for one of them, for the Monzack trust account, but I don't know. 16
Mr. . But the endorsement wouldn't necessarily say whether it was 17
placed in a corporate or personal account. 18
Mr. Fishman. No, it would tell you whether -- which is the trust account of the 19
law firm, I think, is what it would tell you. He certainly doesn't know. 20
Mr. . But we don't know where, sitting here today -- 21
Mr. Biden. I don't know. 22
Mr. . And the only person who would, two people who would know 23
potentially would be your brother, Joe Biden, or the Monzack, someone from the 24
Monzack law firm. 25
Mr. Biden. I assume so, yeah. 1
Mr. . And it's also my recollection of those payments that initially go to 2
you for 40 or $200,000 that they say on them something to the effect of "an attorney 3
trust account" in those records. 4
Mr. Fishman. On the wire coming to Mr. Biden or -- 5
Mr. . Correct. 6
Mr. Fishman. -- a check going back? 7
Mr. . The wires from Joseph Biden to James Biden. 8
Mr. Biden. I didn't do the banking on that. My wife did, and I have no idea. 9
BY MR. : 10
Q But it's your testimony here today that you never even received permission 11
from the Monzack -- excuse me -- from Joe Biden you received permission for those -- to 12
receive those wires from the Monzack law firm. 13
A First, I asked Mel if Joe was in a position to do it. I then thanked Joe and 14
called him and requested that the transaction happen. 15
Q You called Joe Biden after you talked -- 16
A After Mel -- I called Mel, who was also my personal attorney, okay, because I 17
didn't want to put Joe in an awkward position if he wasn't in a position of lending me the 18
money. And, you know, that's the answer. 19
Q Regarding the $40,000 payment that you made, were you aware that the 20
$40,000 was funded from money that was deposited by a CEFC entity? 21
Mr. Fishman. Was -- I'm sorry. Wasn't it deposited by Owasco -- from Owasco, 22
I think? 23
Mr. . It goes from a CEFC entity to Owasco to a Lion Hall Group into 24
Mr. Joseph Biden -- excuse me -- James Biden's -- 25
Mr. Fishman. Uh-huh. 1
Mr. . -- personal account, and then it is written over to Joe Biden. 2
Mr. Fishman. Oh, okay. 3
Mr. . Were you aware the $40,000 that was used to send to Monzack 4
was sourced from a Chinese entity? 5
Mr. Fishman. I think, again, I think the money's fungible. Right? So I don't 6
know how much goes in that account. So you can't -- 7
Mr. . We've traced it in the Fourth Bank Records Memorandum, and 8
he did not have sufficient funds. So it is traceable. 9
Mr. Fishman. Okay. 10
Mr. Biden. No. 11
Mr. . Did you at any point talk with Hunter Biden about the source of 12
the funds that you received from Owasco in order to fund the $40,000 payment 13
eventually to Monzack? 14
Mr. Fishman. I'm sorry. I don't understand the question. 15
Mr. Biden. I don't understand the question. 16
BY MR. 17
Q You received $50,000 from Owasco, PC, over to the Lion Hall Group. 18
A Okay. 19
Q Excuse me. I think it's $150,000. 20
That money, did you talk with Hunter Biden at all about where the source of that 21
money came from? 22
A No, because my relationship was with Owasco that he controlled and 23
owned, and that's the way I was being paid. 24
Q Where did you think Hunter Biden was getting the money from at that time? 25
This is 2017, late fall of 2017, I believe. 1
A I believe -- 2
Mr. Fishman. If you're asking him whether he knew he'd gotten -- he knew he 3
was getting money through the Hudson West, CEFC, deal? Is that what you're asking? 4
Mr. . I'm asking him where he believed -- James Biden was receiving 5
money in Lion Hall Group from Owasco, PC, around this timeframe. 6
Where did you believe the source of the money that was going into Owasco, prior 7
to being sent to you, was coming from? 8
Mr. Biden. CEFC. 9
Mr. Fishman. I didn't mean to be difficult. I'm just trying to be clear. 10
Mr. . No, no, no, no. 11
[Biden Exhibit No. 14 12
was marked for identification.] 13
Mr. . We're going to give you a new number "14." 14
Mr. Biden. We had 12. 15
Mr. Fishman. Thirteen was the -- 13 was the third Blackberry page. Was there 16
a fourth? 17
Mr. . Yeah, yeah, copies are coming around. 18
I just handed you a 14. We're handing you a new 14. 19
Mr. Fishman. So this is not 14? The thing that says "Expectations" is not 14? 20
Mr. Correct. I'm going to give you a new one. 21
Mr. . We don't have the one that has this top part, but we got this. 22
Mr. Fishman. So you want 14 -- you want this one back? Or do you want us to 23
just go on with this later? 24
Mr. . Well, you can hold on to it. 25
Mr. Fishman. Okay. That's fine. Thanks. 1
We're not looking at it now, though. That's fine. That's all. 2
Mr. . Yeah, we're going to give you the same email from a different 3
source. 4
Mr. Fishman. Okay. 5
Mr. Sometimes the email's from a laptop website, but it'd provoke a 6
whole thing. So we're going to get you one. 7
Mr. Fishman. We don't know where it's from anyway. So that's fine. 8
Mr. What's that? 9
Mr. Fishman. We don't know where it's from anyway. So that's fine. 10
Mr. . We're just subbing out as the new 14. 11
Mr. Biden. This is the new 14. 12
Mr. . Yep. 13
Mr. Fishman. Much clearer. 14
Mr. . So this is the famous "10 held by H for the big guy" email, which I'm 15
sure you've seen before. 16
Mr. Fishman. Well, not -- not contemporaneously because he's not on it, right? 17
Mr. . Understood. But it's been covered in the news and so forth. 18
Mr. Fishman. Yeah, yeah. 19
Mr. . So this is an email from James Gilliar to Tony Bobulinski. Rob 20
Walker is cc'd, and so is Hunter Biden. Mr. Gilliar is going through. At the bottom, he 21
divides out. 22
He states, "At the moment, there is a provisional agreement that the equity will 23
be distributed as follows." 20 for H, which presumably is Hunter Biden; 20 for RW, 24
which is Rob Walker; 20 for JG, which presumably is James Gilliar; 20 for TB, Tony 25
BY MR. : 1
Q But Mr. Gilliar, tell us a little bit about Mr. Gilliar. Like when did you first 2
meet him? And what did you -- what are your impressions of him? Do you dislike him 3
like you do mister -- 4
A No, no, no, no, no. And I didn't dislike Rob Walker be. He's a big man. 5
He was -- I remember the first time I met him. I believe it was New York. I'm not 6
certain of that, but I believe it was New York. 7
And then there was some sporting event going on in the bar or hotel on the 8
second floor, and it could have been -- I don't know what it was. It was the World Series 9
or a big basketball game, a golf match or something. And they were selling tickets to go 10
up and watch this private viewing of this sporting event. 11
And Gilliar was -- seemed to be very nice guy. I believe him to be a good guy. 12
He had on a Superman T-shirt, and he said that he had paid $1,500 for this T-shirt -- 13
Q Okay. 14
A -- a Superman T-shirt, which I found a little strange, odd. 15
Q Right. 16
A And, you know, and I had pleasant conversations with him. Matter of fact, 17
my son, who was -- had graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, my younger son, 18
was going on a tour with one of his classmates throughout Europe. And he was 19
traveling all throughout Europe, and I asked James if he had any suggestions. 20
And they had a, I don't know, a levitation, hot air, you know, blow you up, and you 21
go in a suit and all the rest of that stuff. And I remember him being gracious enough to 22
arrange that for -- he had a son or daughter in and around the same age -- and made 23
arrangements for that, which I thank him profusely, and then, you know, pointed him to 24
the right bar or restaurant or whatever it might be. 25
Q And so all your dealings with Mr. Gilliar were positive? 1
A Yes. 2
Q Okay. This email's, you know, dated May 13th, 2017, which is when what 3
was happening with the Sinohawk deal. Like what stage of the proceedings was this 4
email? 5
A This email? 6
Q Yeah. 7
A I don't know. Could you be more specific? 8
Q Well, there came a time where Mr. Bobulinski was sort of kicked out of the 9
program, correct? 10
A Correct. 11
Q And when was that? 12
A I don't -- I don't remember the exact day, but it was, you know, Hunter Biden 13
and Bobulinski got into a, you know, who's king of the mountain. And, you know, and 14
Bobulinski was, you know, never officially, other than the document that we referred to 15
earlier, was, you know, part of the -- part of the company. 16
Q But you don't remember when that happened? 17
A I don't, sir. 18
Q Okay. So the date of this email, as of this point in time, was the group 19
going to include Hunter Biden, Rob Walker, James Gilliar, Tony Bobulinski, and yourself? 20
A That was Hunter Biden's determination. Again, he was the principal who 21
brought me in, and I was working for Owasco, which he controlled. 22
Q Okay. 23
A And I realize that he was receiving his funds from, you know, CEFC. 24
Q Okay. But, I mean, at this stage, did you realize that you would be getting 25
20 percent of the entity? 1
A It wasn't -- it wasn't discussed. I was there to help and -- 2
Q Or I'm sorry; 10 percent of the entity? 3
A No. 4
Q You didn't know that? 5
A I didn't know that. 6
Q Now your testimony is that there was never any discussion that 10 percent 7
would be held by Hunter for his father. 8
A Absolutely not. 9
Q Okay. So, when you see this email and you heard about news reports 10
about it, is it just totally fabricated or what -- 11
A I believe -- 12
Q What possibly could -- 13
Mr. Fishman. What do you mean by "fabricated," Mr. ? I'm not sure 14
what you mean by that. 15
BY MR. : 16
Q You know, where does this idea that 10 would be held by H for his father 17
come from? 18
A I honestly have no idea. 19
Q But you have no reason to think that Mr. Gilliar, you know, isn't a 20
trustworthy person, a good business partner. 21
A No, but he was the one that brought in Tony Bobulinski. That is the only, 22
you know, quote, questionable evaluation of my relationship with Gilliar, nothing 23
other -- nothing other than him, him bringing in Bobulinski. 24
Q At that point in time, had Hunter Biden ever referenced his father in any sort 25
of business deal arrangement? 1
A Never in my presence. 2
Q Is it possible that Hunter Biden was talking with James Gilliar about 10 3
percent being held for his father? 4
A I seriously doubt it. 5
Q I want to go back to the text message package which was exhibit No. 5, page 6
4. 7
A Page 4. 8
Q And it's a text, dated July 30th, 2017, about halfway down the page. 9
A July 30th? 10
Q July 30th, 2017? 11
Mr. Fishman. There's only one of those. So -- 12
Mr. . Yeah, there's only one of them. 13
BY MR. : 14
Q And I can read it. 15
A Yeah, if you would, yeah, my glasses aren't the best. 16
Q So this set of text messages was produced by the IRS special agents as part 17
of the Ways and Means proceedings. 18
A Right. 19
Q And they testified that this was prepared during the ordinary course of the 20
Sportsman investigation, which was the code word for the Hunter Biden case. 21
A Which by the way I wasn't aware that that's, until just a few days ago, that 22
that's the way -- 23
Q Right. I'm just making it clear that this document was prepared in the 24
ordinary course of the IRS investigation. 25
A Yeah. 1
Q It wasn't prepared for Congress. 2
A Right. 3
Q It was produced to Congress, but it wasn't prepared for us. 4
Anyway, the July 30th, 2017, it's a WhatsApp message, with Sportsman, meaning 5
Hunter Biden and Zhao. Who is Zhao again? One of the CEFC officials? 6
Mr. Fishman. I don't know if he knows the full Chinese name. So I'm not sure 7
that -- 8
Mr. . Right. 9
Mr. Fishman. -- whether that's -- what's the -- it's not the director. That's Zang, 10
right? 11
Mr. Biden. It could be the translator. 12
Mr. . Is it the translator? If you know. 13
Mr. Biden. I'm not sure. There was a translator involved. So it could have 14
been. I am not -- 15
Mr. Fishman. He doesn't know. 16
Mr. Biden. I don't know. 17
BY MR. : 18
Q Okay. Fair enough. 19
The text, the WhatsApp text from Hunter Biden says, "Z, please have the director 20
called me, not James or Tony or Jim. Have him called me tonight. I am sitting here 21
with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not 22
been fulfilled. I am very concerned that the chairman has either changed his mind and 23
broken our deal without telling me or that he is unaware of the promises and assurances 24
that have been made, have not been kept. Tell the director I would like to resolve this 25
now before it gets out of hand. And now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text 1
from anyone involved in this other than you, Zang, or the chairman, I will make certain 2
that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows, and my ability to 3
forever hold a grudge, that you will regret not following my direction. All too often 4
people mistake kindness for weakness, and all too often I am standing over the top of 5
them, saying, I warned you. From this moment until whenever he reaches me -- it's 9:45 6
a.m. here and I assume 9:45 p.m. there. So, this night is running out." 7
Zhao responds, "Copy. I will call you on WhatsApp." 8
Hunter Biden responds, "Okay, my friend. I'm sitting here, waiting for the call 9
with my father. I sure hope whatever it is you are doing is very, very, very important." 10
Zhao then says, "Hi, Hunter, is it a good time to call now? Hi, Hunter, Director 11
did not answer my call, but he got the message you just mentioned." 12
And what I just wanted to ask you about is, were you ever aware that Hunter 13
Biden was texting the CEFC officials and invoking his father? 14
A No.15
[4:12 p.m.] 2
BY MR. : 3
Q Does it surprise you that he was? 4
A Absolutely, if -- I don't believe it to be true. 5
Q And what don't -- 6
A I mean, it just -- I cannot see my brother, with the ethics and the character of 7
my brother, that he was and/or has ever been involved with any of our -- my business 8
dealings and specifically Hunter's. 9
Q Okay. 10
Some witnesses that we've asked about this have chalked it up to the state of 11
Hunter Biden's mind, you know, his addiction problems -- 12
A It could very well be. 13
Q -- and that he might have typed this text message when he was in the throes 14
of a situation where he was not thinking clearly. 15
A Yes. 16
Q Is that possible? 17
A Yes, sir. 18
Q Okay. 19
Mr. . ? 20
BY MR. : 21
Q I want to get back to your -- I believe you stated that you only received 22
payments from Owasco PC as it relates to Hudson West III. 23
A There was a credit card at some point in time that Hunter requested. And 24
since Sara was working directly with me, a credit card was issued from Hudson West III, I 25
think. And those expenses that were put on those cards were reimbursed and justified 1
to Hudson West III, which then, you know, went on up the chain. 2
Q What were some of those expenses that were put on the credit card that 3
you can recall? 4
A You know, office supplies sort of stuff. We had a part-time secretary 5
working on this with -- 6
Mr. Fishman. That wasn't on the credit card, though. That was separate. 7
Mr. Biden. That was separate. 8
You know, travel that was in relation to work being done on behalf of CEFC. And, 9
again, my wife would, you know, submit expenses and the reason therefore -- you know, 10
what it was used for. 11
BY MR. : 12
Q In addition to the credit card, we also saw some direct payments from 13
Hudson West III, I believe, over to the Lion Hall Group. Do you recall what those 14
payments were for? 15
A No. But the only person who would know that would be my wife, because, 16
as I said, I didn't get involved in any of the end (ph). 17
Q Did you or your wife ever try and assist CEFC associates with getting visas 18
into the United States? 19
A I directed them to a firm -- 20
Q The John Sandweg? 21
A John. John Sandweg. Yeah. 22
Q How do you know Mr. Sandweg? 23
A I knew him through a relationship that I -- I believe Hunter probably 24
introduced me to him at some point in time, but I don't know; it could've been somebody 25
else. He was the former director of -- in a past administration -- of ICE, but he's in the 1
private sector now. 2
Q I think you talked a little bit about some favors you did for Director Zang 3
regarding trying to -- I believe it was "find real estate." That might've been what you 4
said, or -- 5
A Yeah. Just familiarizing him with New York and the options for the 6
schooling and all that sort of stuff. 7
Q Did you do anything similarly for Chairman Ye Jianming or his wife or 8
children? 9
A No. 10
Q Did you ever try and assist them in finding a school? 11
A No. 12
Q The projects that you discussed -- Monkey Island, and I believe there's a few 13
other projects that were mentioned -- 14
A Uh-huh. 15
Q -- did any of those projects ever materialize? 16
A Well, we had thought that Monkey Island was going to move forward. That 17
was the most promising. 18
You know, we were in discussions with Jose Luis Manzano, who was a partner with 19
Mercuria. He was a big, very large trader in commodities. 20
There was three projects that -- besides Monkey Island, there was a Magnolia, I 21
believe it was, that was another large project in the Gulf that Mr. Ayoub informed me was 22
going on and developing. And I think there was -- I think there was one or two more, 23
but I am not -- I would have to get back to you, you know, in terms of what they were. 24
Q But none of the deals solidified? Meaning, they never happened, where 25
the CEFC partnered with any of those companies that you were introducing them to? 1
A No, because, very abruptly, you know, everything went dark after I made a 2
trip with Hunter to Hong Kong. After our luncheon and celebratory lunch of moving 3
forward and taking the next steps, constructive steps -- CEFC had done due diligence. 4
Greg Michaels had provided information of extensive depth. Richard Ayoub had said 5
that it was -- in terms of permitting, that they were well down the road of permitting and 6
it would take a couple more steps. 7
He introduced me to Ayoub, who was the conservation -- 8
Mr. Fishman. No, but the question is -- 9
Mr. Biden. Okay. Sorry. 10
Mr. Fishman. -- what happened to the deal. That's really the gist of it. 11
Mr. Biden. No. Everything went dark when I came back from Hong Kong with 12
Hunter. 13
BY MR. : 14
Q Was that because Patrick Ho was arrested? 15
A I believe that that probably contributed to it, yes. 16
Q What do you know about the Patrick Ho arrest? What was your 17
involvement here in the States after he was arrested? 18
A I was staying at the Fitzpatrick Hotel. I get a call on my -- 19
Mr. Fishman. In New York. 20
Mr. Biden. In New York City. It's 55th and -- I don't know what the -- and it was 21
a U.S. Marshal or U.S. agent or something on the phone. He said, "Is this Jim Biden?" 22
And I said, "Yes." It was on my cell phone because I had given him a Lion Hall business 23
card, because he asked for a card because -- 24
Mr. . Who's "he"? 25
Mr. Fishman. In Hong Kong. 1
Mr. Biden. In Hong Kong. Ho. I'm sorry. 2
And Ho apparently was an active member of -- in what capacity -- I don't know his 3
official title -- but with the U.N. on behalf of Hong Kong. And we had a lunch with him 4
that Hunter -- 5
Mr. Fishman. No. He's just asking about what happened when he got arrested. 6
Mr. Biden. When he got arrested, I said, I am not an attorney. I don't -- you 7
know, this is not in my bailiwick. You ought to contact Hunter. 8
BY MR. : 9
Q When did you -- and I think you were discussing it, but when did you meet 10
Patrick Ho for the first time? 11
A In Hong Kong, at a luncheon. And we discussed nothing but social -- you 12
know, Hong Kong Bay, here -- it was a beautiful restaurant. And we had a, you know, 13
very pleasant social lunch. 14
Ho said, "Can I borrow Hunter for, you know, a half-hour? We're going to go in 15
the next room." And, you know, I would go out to the veranda and, you know, take a 16
look around. 17
Q What was the purpose of your and Hunter's trip to Hong Kong? 18
A That was Hunter's affair, and I had nothing but -- Hunter implored me to 19
come with him. He wasn't in a great state of mind at the time, and he asked me to 20
accompany him, so I said, okay. 21
Mr. Gaetz. What do you mean, "he wasn't in a great state of mind"? 22
Mr. Biden. Just what I said. 23
Mr. Gaetz. Elaborate on that. 24
Mr. Biden. He was acting erratically. And he asked me personally if I would 25
accompany him to Hong Kong, because he didn't want to go by himself. 1
BY MR. : 2
Q Who else did you meet during that Hong Kong trip with Hunter Biden in 3
addition to Patrick Ho? 4
A That was it. 5
Q Was the purpose of the trip to meet Patrick Ho? 6
A Correct. That was the sole purpose. 7
In my -- now, when I wasn't with Hunter, I don't know if he had any other 8
meetings. We were only there for a day or two, could've been -- I don't know the 9
record. But it was a very abbreviated trip. I went to a tailor that Ho recommended. 10
You know, everybody goes to Hong Kong and has a suit made. And so -- 11
Mr. Fishman. Not everyone goes, but everyone who does go. 12
Mr. Biden. Everyone who does go. So -- at any rate, it wasn't the quality, I 13
mean -- but, anyway, you know -- 14
Mr. Fishman. I think your answer is done. 15
Mr. Biden. That's it. Yeah. 16
Mr. Fishman. It's getting late. 17
BY MR. : 18
Q There was a -- I want to make sure I understand it. You and Hunter Biden 19
go to Hong Kong to meet Patrick Ho -- 20
A Correct. 21
Q -- and the sole purpose was to meet Patrick Ho. 22
Mr. Fishman. I think, to be fair, what he testified was, it was, Hunter was going 23
to meet Patrick Ho, and he asked Mr. Biden to come along, but -- 24
Mr. . Okay. 25
BY MR. : 1
Q You both go to Hong Kong -- 2
A Yes. 3
Q -- and you meet Patrick Ho there, while you're in Hong Kong. 4
A Yeah. Like, the next day. Yeah. 5
Q And it's your understanding that Hunter Biden set up this travel for the 6
purpose of -- sole purpose of meeting Patrick Ho, correct? 7
A Yes, sir. 8
Q But Hunter Biden, to your knowledge, he didn't have any business with 9
Patrick Ho at that time, did he? 10
A I wasn't aware of it, if he did. You know, I mean, I didn't know if he was 11
representing Ho. I knew that he had a relationship with and was of counsel to Boies 12
Schiller, and I thought it could've been in -- possibly in conjunction with that. 13
Q At this time when you're going to go visit Patrick Ho, there was no Federal 14
publicly filed document that you were aware of, like an arrest warrant or any of that 15
nature, for Patrick Ho -- 16
A No, but I'm glad you brought it up -- 17
Mr. Fishman. That's okay. The answer is no. 18
Mr. Biden. No. Right. No. 19
BY MR. : 20
Q Did Hunter Biden ever say to you or explain to you on the trip what the legal 21
matter was that he went to go see Patrick Ho for? 22
A I don't know if it was a legal matter, if it was a business matter. I had no 23
idea. 24
Q Forgive me, but you're going on this long trip to Hong Kong, and you're going 25
to go see -- 1
A Strictly to go as a companion with my nephew who asked me to go with him. 2
Q I understand. But if I was traveling with a family member all the way to 3
Hong Kong, I would ask -- to go see a person like Patrick Ho, I would say at some point 4
during this airplane ride, "What are we doing? Why are we going to go see Patrick Ho?" 5
A That was his business, and I wasn't involved with Patrick Ho. 6
I try to separate things, for the same reason why I don't talk to my brother about 7
business and I never have in the 52 years that I've been in business. Okay? I don't 8
discuss -- I don't ask his opinion. If you ask my brother what I did today, he wouldn't be 9
able to tell you. 10
Mr. Fishman. Well, today he might know. 11
Mr. Biden. He might know because of the press. 12
But the point is, it has always been a policy of mine not to involve any family 13
members. I like to stand on my own two feet, notwithstanding the fact that my last 14
name is "Biden." There's, you know, something called the right of primogeniture, okay? 15
And I was a younger brother. I'm 7 years younger. I wasn't interested in politics. 16
When they couldn't raise money for his first campaign, where it was a joke in 17
Delaware, and he had the chairman of the -- not the chairman -- the chief counsel for 18
the -- a fellow named -- 19
Mr. Fishman. That's not the -- 20
Mr. Biden. Okay. But the point is, they weren't doing the job, okay? 21
Mr. Fishman. I know, but the question is, why didn't you ask Hunter why you 22
were going? That's the question. 23
Mr. Biden. Because I didn't. If he wanted to volunteer what it was, he 24
would've told me. 25
I didn't pry into what he was doing. I wanted to stay in my space. I control my 1
space, and I do things that I know that are to my standards. 2
BY MR. : 3
Q What did he tell you before you got on the plane to Hong Kong? 4
A Nothing. He was meeting with -- 5
Q Because -- 6
A He was meeting with Ho. He was asked to go, I assume, by the chairman or 7
by the director to meet with Ho, who was -- 8
Q Okay. So you knew it was CEFC-related. 9
A Yes, it was CEFC-related. 10
Q Okay. So, when he asked you to go, you didn't say, well, what are we going 11
for? 12
A No. 13
Q And then you just met him at the airport, and you flew to Hong Kong, and 14
you didn't ask him, like, what are we trying to accomplish here with this meeting? 15
A It was his meeting. It wasn't my meeting. 16
Q Did you attend the meeting with him? 17
A No. I attended a lunch, but I didn't attend the meeting with him. 18
Q So the lunch was separate from the meeting? 19
A Yes. 20
Q So -- 21
A We talked about Hong Kong Bay, how historic, you know -- you know, ba ba 22
ba ba ba ba ba. Okay? It was a very pleasant lunch. 23
Ho said at the end of the luncheon, I want to borrow Hunter for a half-hour and 24
we're going to meet in, you know, this room. 25
Q Okay. 1
A If I were you, I would stroll around the perimeter of the hotel and you can 2
get better views and -- da da da da da da da. Okay? 3
Q Okay. 4
A Hunter came out of the meeting, and he seemed satisfied with his meeting. 5
Q Okay. 6
A And I think, that afternoon, he -- Ho had recommended the tailor, and we 7
went over to the tailor and had several, you know, sport coats or, you know, 8
whatever -- again, it is not all it's cracked up to be, in my opinion. 9
Q Right. Okay. 10
A And, at any rate, we went back to the hotel. He was staying on a different 11
floor than I was at the hotel. And then, you know, a day or two later, we left and flew 12
back. 13
Q Okay. 14
A Hunter flew back -- we flew back to New York. I went back to Philadelphia. 15
And I came back up the next day. I believe, if my recollection serves me, that, you know, 16
I walked into the -- 17
Mr. Fishman. That's it. 18
Mr. Biden. Okay. Yeah. And I get a call -- 19
[Crosstalk.] 20
Mr. Fishman. -- about the phone call again. That's why. 21
Mr. . Fair enough. Okay. 22
BY MR. : 23
Q When you were in Hong Kong, did you get a cell phone in Hong Kong? 24
A No. 25
Q Did Hunter Biden use a different phone when he was in Hong Kong? 1
A I have no idea. 2
Q How many phones did he normally have? 3
A I have no idea. 4
Q Did he have more than one phone? 5
A I have no idea. 6
Q Did you ever hire, retain, or use a private investigator to look into Patrick 7
Ho? 8
A Yes. 9
Q Why? 10
A Because his name was invoked at the meeting with the chairman, and that 11
Hunter was going to Hong Kong, and just because them invoking the name -- I'm a very 12
cautious person, believe it or not, and I called a private investigator, who I felt warranted 13
that, if I was going to take this trip, I wanted to know who I was meeting with and if there 14
were any complications at all. 15
And a guy named Dale Pupillo, who was the former lead Secret Service agent for 16
my brother's detail as Vice President and he was now in private practice -- and I called 17
him and I said, Dale, you know, I am going to Hong Kong with Hunter. I am not certain 18
of the purpose of the meeting, okay? And I know that he is coming back to attend the 19
U.N. session that's coming up in 3 or 4 days, okay, after we were there. Ho was on, like, 20
the next plane or whatever. I knew it was happening the next week. So we may have 21
gotten there on a Thursday; the U.N. was opening up on Monday. I don't know. 22
Mr. Fishman. Whatever meeting it was. 23
Mr. Biden. Whatever meeting it was, I don't know. But he came in for months. 24
And he had been doing this, I was told, for, you know, 10, 20 years that he was 25
representing Hong Kong. Okay? 1
And he said, no, there's nothing that I can see. He didn't use any special, you 2
know, relationships. To the best of my knowledge, he was a very ethical guy. I liked 3
him very much. I grew to become friends with him. As matter of fact, he lives in 4
Annapolis, where I live, across the bay in Royal Oak, Maryland, by Saint Michaels. 5
And I said, would you please just do a quick check on Patrick Ho, okay? He came 6
back to me and said, you know, he's fine. I got to the -- you know, and I said, do you 7
have that document? You haven't given me a report. Okay? Because, you know, if I 8
pay for something, I want something that he had done his business, notwithstanding the 9
fact that we were friends. Okay? 10
I got to Hong Kong, and before we had the meeting, I think I called him a couple 11
times and I said, are you sure? Because I'm going to be having lunch with this guy. 12
Okay? He said, no, there's -- we don't see anything. 13
Now, what means did he use to gain this knowledge? I have no idea. He's a 14
professional. He's a friend. And I expected him to do a professional job. 15
BY MR. : 16
Q Was this person used to try and understand whether or not there was a 17
Federal investigation of Patrick Ho before you went on your -- 18
A I have no idea. I just wanted -- 19
Q If I could finish my question, just for the record. 20
A Sorry. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go ahead. 21
Q Was this person used to investigate Patrick Ho to try and identify whether or 22
not there was a Federal investigation before you and Hunter Biden went out to go visit 23
Patrick Ho so that you could inform Patrick Ho if there was an indictment or a Federal 24
investigation, maybe, that was under seal? 25
And I said, who is Patrick Ho? And he is a representative to the U.N. In what 1
official capacity, I don't know. 2
And I was just being cautious, because I don't like to be put in a position where I 3
am meeting someone, especially in China, that, at least for myself, that I wasn't 4
comfortable with. 5
And it wasn't -- I mean, it was -- you know, it was $5,000 or, you know, something, 6
and he did, you know, whatever they do. 7
BY MR. : 8
Q Was there anything communicated to you at that time that there was 9
something that you should've been uncomfortable with? 10
A No. I just -- my sixth sense. I have, you know -- 11
Mr. Fishman. Spidey sense. 12
Mr. Biden. My Spidey sense. 13
My what? 14
Mr. Fishman. Spidey sense. I was looking at Mr. , who seems to be 15
young enough for that reference. 16
Mr. Biden. Oh, okay. Well, I am not familiar with "Spidey sense." 17
But it's something that -- people call me constantly, trying to get me involved in 18
business deals. And I just wanted to be sure. I had confidence in my nephew and 19
whatever his purposes were, but, as I said, I segregate my business dealings and inquiries 20
into my family, and I keep mine separate and apart. 21
Mr. . How many of other Hunter's business partners did you get 22
background reports and hire a PI for? 23
Mr. Fishman. I'm not sure that "Hunter's business partners" covers Ho. I'm not 24
really sure if that's what he -- 25
Mr. . He was a part of CEFC, and Hunter, as he testified earlier, was a 1
50-50 chairman with Chairman Ye and Hunter Biden, so I think he was in business with 2
CEFC. And Patrick Ho was -- 3
Mr. Biden. No. No. I -- 4
BY MR. : 5
Q So there was no other of his business partners -- 6
A No. 7
Q -- that you hired a private investigator? 8
A I was leaving the country -- 9
Q Okay. 10
A I'm going to a foreign country, and I'm meeting with somebody that I know 11
nothing about. I am not going to query Hunter and ask him what his business dealings 12
is. His business dealings are his business dealings, okay? And that may be hard for you 13
to believe, but that's the way we operate within our family. 14
Q So this was the only one? 15
A Yes. 16
Mr. Fishman. The only one of Hunter, yeah. 17
BY MR. : 18
Q After the Patrick Ho charges became public, I believe it was your testimony 19
that CEFC went dark or quit responding. Do I have that correct? 20
A Yes. My interface with the chairman, he -- I think I got a call from the 21
school of -- 22
Mr. Fishman. The director. 23
Mr. Biden. Or the director, rather. 24
I got a call from the school that his children didn't attend or -- you know, that they 25
were trying to communicate, because they paid the tuition in full, and they were trying to 1
communicate with them. 2
And the realtor, you know, I had little or no contact with him. I just -- he was a 3
very prominent realtor that someone referred me to. And I put him on to him, who 4
found a home that was within walking distance -- the wife was insistent on the home 5
being within walking distance of the school that they chose. They chose the Spence 6
School, okay? And that's -- 7
Mr. Fishman. The question is whether they went dark, okay? 8
Mr. Biden. And then everything went dark. 9
So we have JiaQi and we have Mervyn in the offices off of Dupont Circle, where 10
there were four offices, okay? And there was, like, a bullpen, okay? They were 11
working there. And I had an office there; Hunter had an office there. And I was in that 12
office one time, and they showed me -- and they had a special flower or something, you 13
know, in my little cubicle, and I said, isn't this nice, and thank you very much. And that 14
was the last time that I ever went in there. 15
There was other office space that CEFC was looking for, commercial space, where 16
they were going to hire, you know, lots of people for these potential projects that were 17
coming up. And, you know, that was the extent of it. 18
BY MR. : 19
Q Was Hunter Biden involved in trying to find office space with CEFC? 20
A He was; I was. 21
Q Do you recall the office space that Hunter Biden was looking into called the 22
House of Sweden? 23
A That was in Washington, D.C. I am talking about New York. Okay? 24
He had offices for years, it's my understanding -- because I wasn't involved with 25
any of Hunter's, you know, Burisma or any of those other deals that he was involved in. 1
And he had office space there with Eric Schwerin and a secretary. It was a boutique 2
office. It was on the Potomac, the base of Georgetown. And it was in the Swedish 3
Embassy, I think, or, you know, a portion of. You went up a separate elevator to his 4
offices. 5
Q After Patrick Ho gets indicted, CEFC is not responding, in looking at the bank 6
records, Hunter Biden and you continue to get paid from -- 7
A There was money in the account, okay? We were still sourcing deals, okay? 8
But we were not getting a response. 9
So, you know, we didn't say, hey, listen, take the money that you have paid the 10
firm, Owasco, or, you know, whatever moneys that Hunter was taking in from. And, you 11
know -- so we basically paid the -- I don't know if he paid the staff that was there, JiaQi 12
and the other -- administrative people. 13
Q Mervyn Yan? 14
A Mervyn Yan, yeah. And there was another fellow that was involved there, 15
Kevin. And he seemed to be senior to these two individuals who were more of the 16
administrative people. Okay? 17
And after Ho's arrest, he left the country and never came back. And I never had 18
a conversation with him. I don't -- 19
Q "He" being Kevin Gongwen Dong? 20
A Yeah. Yeah. And I never had a further conversation with him or anybody 21
else involved with CEFC. 22
Q Did you and Hunter Biden ever have a conversation about whether it was 23
appropriate to keep drawing down money from Hudson West III when CEFC basically 24
wasn't responsive? 25
A Well, they weren't responsive, but the moneys that were paid they paid in a 1
lump sum. And we had responsibilities to try to find projects, and we continued to do 2
that. And we saw no reason to, you know, take the money back and -- send it to whom? 3
I don't know. That was Hunter's, you know, call. 4
So we, you know -- until the funds were expunged -- 5
Mr. Fishman. "Expunged"? 6
Mr. Biden. Well, whatever you want. 7
Until it was drawn down, we continued to work with them because we were never 8
dismissed or we were never -- they never said, hey, listen, you know, the deal is off. I 9
mean, when I say they went dark, they went dark. 10
BY MR. : 11
Q Were you aware that Chairman Ye at some point gave Hunter Biden a 12
diamond? 13
A Yes. 14
Q Tell us about that. 15
A Sure. 16
When I asked him -- he asked me to come to lunch in Washington. I'm not far 17
away. 18
Mr. Fishman. "He," Hunter? 19
Mr. Biden. "He," Hunter. I beg your pardon. 20
He, Hunter, asked me to come, that he wanted to talk to me about something, to 21
his office at the House of Sweden, his offices, okay? 22
And he said a father of one of his daughter's -- or a classmate of his daughter's 23
came to him and asked him if he would be interested in getting involved with CEFC. 24
Okay? He told him that they were a mega-, you know, company, that they supplied 25
Western Europe with a vast majority of their, you know, LNG or whatever it might be, 1
they were a very, very large company, and that they were interested in doing business 2
with Hunter. Okay? 3
And, as is the custom in many occasions that I have traveled the world as well, in 4
other different capacities -- and, apparently, they gave him a -- this fellow -- I don't know 5
if it was on the first visit, but -- but Hunter said, yes, I'm interested, okay? 6
He called me and said, what do you think? And I said, well, you know, have you 7
looked them up and, you know, checked them out and went on their website and, you 8
know, that sort of thing? And it all proved out, and he said, yes, I would be interested. 9
I don't know how he culminated his deal, but, shortly thereafter, this same father 10
who was at Friends School -- Friends Central, whatever it is, in Washington -- 11
Mr. Fishman. Sidwell. 12
Mr. Biden. It's Sidwell Friends. 13
Mr. Fishman. You don't have to give the school. It was a long time ago. 14
Mr. Biden. -- said, listen, this is a gift from the chairman. 15
I became aware of this when Hunter's ex-wife, when he was going through a 16
divorce, said that Hunter received a diamond worth $80,000. Okay? Hunter said, I 17
don't know what to do. You know, I have this -- I have this ring. I said, give it to me. 18
Now, Hunter could've easily done this himself, but he was going through a 19
divorce, he was very upset, and -- you know, have you ever been through a divorce? 20
Mr. Fishman. That's okay. 21
Mr. Biden. At any rate, you know, so I said, give it to me. And there was a 22
jeweler that I had dealt with for 50 years, you know, since I was a kid, okay? Barry 23
Beifeld. And I showed up -- it was a family business, and -- but I was going up there 24
when I was 16 years old. 25
Mr. Fishman. Okay. Just keep going. 1
Mr. Biden. At any rate, I said, show me this stone. So he shows me the stone. 2
I showed it to Beifeld. He was in Philadelphia. And he said, this is a worth a couple 3
hundred bucks, you know. 4
And I said, hey, listen, hey, Hunter, the money -- this is not worth anything. And I 5
took it and I threw it in the trash. 6
BY MR. : 7
Q Who gave Hunter Biden the diamond? Could you just repeat that one 8
part? 9
A I don't know the gentleman's name, but it was someone -- it was a father 10
from a friend or an acquaintance of one of his daughters who went to Sidwell Friends. 11
Q In the United States? 12
A In Washington, D.C. 13
Q Okay. 14
Mr. . That's it. That's our time. Thank you. 15
Mr. Fishman. But I think -- but someone who was introducing Hunter Biden to 16
the folks at CEFC. It was sort of a transmitted gift kind of -- 17
Mr. . Got it. 18
Mr. Fishman. -- thing for the introduction, is the way I understood what he just 19
described. 20
Mr. . Okay. 21
Off the record. 22
[Recess.] 23
Mr. . We'll go back on the record. 24
You okay? 25
Ms. . Yeah. We don't have questions this round. We reserve to ask 1
questions after this round. 2
Mr. . Thank you. 3
BY MR. : 4
Q I'd just like to talk about the diamond exchanges very quickly. 5
A Sure. 6
Q Do you recall -- 7
A One. Sorry. 8
Q The diamond that you recall -- 9
A Yes. 10
Q -- do you remember what time period this was? 11
Mr. Fishman. When he got it, or when he had it appraised? I mean -- 12
Mr. Biden. It was in and around the same time. So maybe a month or two 13
after he engaged with them, he -- could've been 3 months -- that's when Hunter told me 14
about it. 15
I learned of it not from Hunter but in the divorce filings of his ex-wife, and said it 16
was a diamond worth $80,000, which would've been a problem. 17
BY MR. : 18
Q But this would've been prior to -- when Hunter Biden received the diamond, 19
it would've been prior to any of your involvement with CEFC, correct? 20
A Yeah. You know, to tell you the truth, I don't remember. But it was 21
weeks after he received it and that I saw this in the divorce proceedings and I asked him 22
about it. And he said, yes. And I said, show it to me, and let's see if this is what they 23
say it is, and if it is, you've got a problem. Not "you have a problem," but, you know, 24
you ought to address it. And then it was worthless. 25
Q I'm going to turn now to Americore. 1
A Okay. 2
Q We were talking about, a couple rounds ago, Joey Langston. 3
A Yeah. 4
Q Did there come a time when you received loans from Joey Langston? 5
A Yes, sir. 6
Q Can you tell the committee why you received those loans? 7
A Because I was in financial distress. And Langston I know to be a very 8
wealthy man. He was involved in the -- he was a wealthy guy. He basically owned the 9
town of -- Christ, what is it? 10
Q Boonville? 11
A Boonville. Boonville. And Joey and I have had a -- I would like to think, a 12
mutual respect for one another. 13
And Joey got over his skis and made a mistake. I don't, to this day, know exactly 14
what he did, but I know that he went to -- he was incarcerated for a year or two, 18 15
months, something like that. I don't remember the exact timeframe. 16
When he got out, I called him and said, Joey, this doesn't mean that we're not 17
friends. People make mistakes, and you owned up to your mistake, and, you know, 18
there's no reason why we can't be friends. Some people may take issue with that. 19
I -- you know, I don't. Okay? 20
I always have known him to be an honorable, straightforward guy. And, simply, I 21
told him, as far as I was concerned, we were friends and I wasn't, you know, abandoning 22
him. 23
Apparently, he didn't get that kind of support from most of the other community 24
within the bar or any of his other supposed friends. And we remain friends. 25
So I knew that he was a very wealthy guy. And I was in a situation -- I have three 1
kids and -- I really don't want -- this -- I mean, I really -- I had a serious need for helping 2
one of my children, okay? And this could flow into Americore, but it was, you know, a -- 3
Mr. Fishman. A health issue. 4
Mr. Biden. -- a health issue, okay? And it was a very expensive health issue, 5
okay? I mean, you know -- you know -- 6
Mr. Fishman. That's fine. I think they respect that part. 7
Mr. Biden. If you would please respect that, because she -- 8
Mr. Fishman. That's fine. That's fine. 9
Mr. Biden. At any rate -- so I was at Joey's. Again, I don't know, he has a 10
thousand or so acres and several houses on the property. 11
And he said, you know, what would you do with this house if you were -- and I 12
said, well, first of all, I'd put on a slate roof. And he said, I never thought of that. But, 13
you know, he would buy a collection from the Rothschilds or something from -- 14
Mr. Fishman. [Inaudible.] 15
Mr. Biden. The point is, I said, Joey, I am anticipating getting a substantial 16
amount of money in the immediate short term. And it was -- I was supposed to be paid 17
from a deal -- okay? -- that didn't materialize, and it was supposed to be a done deal. 18
A deal ain't done until it's done, okay? And so I said, I feel that I'll be able to pay you 19
back this within the next, you know, 3 to 6 months, something like that. 20
And he said, well, how much? And I said, you know, $400,000. And then he 21
said, no problem. And so I borrowed the 400,000 from him. And I paid this obligation 22
that I had that was of a personal nature. Okay? 23
I subsequently paid him back his $400,000. And it wasn't a document, a written 24
document, but he loaned me, personally, as a friend. 25
And there was some interest that accrued. It was interest-related. You know, I 1
mean, I don't know, it was 6 percent or something like that. And I haven't, to date, been 2
able to pay him back the full amount. There -- 3
Mr. Fishman. We know how much it is. I don't know that he has a full 4
recollection of exactly what the accounting is, but -- 5
Mr. Biden. Okay. So -- 6
Mr. . I'll paraphrase from -- 7
Mr. Biden. Sure. 8
Mr. . We interviewed Joey Langston. My memory -- I'm just 9
paraphrasing this -- that he loaned you -- he said approximately, I believe, around 10
$800,000 or so. He didn't have an exact amount. 11
Mr. Fishman. That's not inconsistent with what we believe. 12
Mr. . And that you had paid back approximately half or $400,000, I 13
believe is what he said. 14
Mr. Fishman. Also not inconsistent with what we believe. 15
Mr. Biden. But I -- 16
Mr. Fishman. Yeah. 17
Mr. Biden. $200,000 of that was interest, okay? So -- you know. 18
But the fact of the matter is, I am still obligated, and I still feel a responsibility to 19
pay him back once I am in a position, you know, after these usurious legal fees and all the 20
other things that I've been involved in. 21
Mr. Fishman. That was a joke. 22
Mr. Biden. That was a joke. 23
Mr. Fishman. That was a joke. 24
Mr. Biden. That was a real joke. And I'm surprised that Paul is not going to hit 25
me. 1
Ms. . I laughed. 2
Mr. Fishman. What's that? 3
Mr. Biden. But -- so, yes, I borrowed the money. He's a personal friend. And 4
I think Joey appreciated the fact that I remained his friend with not looking forward to 5
knowing that I was going to borrow money from him, but when it came the time, you 6
know, I needed the money relatively quickly because -- 7
Mr. Fishman. You got it. You got it. We're good. 8
BY MR. : 9
Q Have you also taken loans by an individual by the name of John Hynansky? 10
A Yes. 11
Q And can you tell the committee about those loans? 12
A I think I have an outstanding balance with John, who is not pressing. He's a 13
very wealthy guy. 14
Q Who is he? 15
A He is a car dealer who has been very prominent in Wilmington, New Jersey, 16
and down to Dover. Again, the State is only, you know, 100 miles long. 17
Mr. Fishman. How long have you known him? 18
Mr. Biden. Fifty years. 19
John is a prominent -- John is the guy that walks in and has a cigarette holder and 20
has the coat draped over his back, okay? I mean, you know, John is a character, okay? 21
But John and I have always hit it off. You know, "When the hell are we going to 22
make any money on any of these deals we're doing?" Da da da da da da da. But if I 23
went to John and asked him for a loan, he has never been -- he has never denied me that 24
loan. Okay? 25
I leased all my cars or bought -- have bought cars from him. And if you're driving 1
another car that his dealerships in the United States do not sell, I get a raft of shit because 2
he is, you know, a guy that, you know, is bitching because I got a -- 3
Mr. Fishman. Okay. Yeah. 4
Mr. Biden. At any rate. But he's a character. I mean, he is -- he just had a 5
major stroke several years ago. For the first year of his stroke, he wouldn't see anybody 6
because he wasn't, you know, the dashing, daring, you know, cigarette-holder, 7
coat-over-the-thing, you know, dashing guy that was his persona. Okay? 8
Mr. . Has he also met Joe Biden before? 9
Mr. Biden. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, John was a fixture in the Delaware area. 10
He had probably, in Delaware, I don't know, 12 dealerships. 11
BY MR. : 12
Q You said "United States." Does he have dealerships elsewhere, outside the 13
country? 14
A Ukraine. 15
Q How many dealerships does he have in Ukraine? 16
A I don't know, but quite a few. 17
Q Joe Biden -- has your brother attend any family weddings of the Hynanskys? 18
A I know that I did. I don't recall whether -- when his daughter Lexi (ph), who 19
runs the dealership with his son, who is a complete jerk -- at any rate. At any rate. He 20
is a born-again Christian, and his, you know -- 21
Mr. Fishman. Jim, the question was, did your brother go to the wedding? 22
Mr. Biden. I don't know. 23
Mr. Fishman. Okay. 24
Mr. Biden. I don't recall. 25
BY MR. : 1
Q So, if it was publicly reported, you have no reason to disagree? 2
A No, no, I have no reason to disagree. 3
Q Sure. 4
And, in 2009, while your brother was Vice President, he made a speech in Ukraine 5
and called John Hynansky a "good friend" in his speech. Is that an accurate 6
representation? 7
A Yeah. I mean, you know, a good friend, a good acquaintance, a supporter. 8
You know, he wrote a check for, you know, one of his campaigns for, you know, the 9
$2,500 or $2,300, whatever it was. He may have, you know -- 10
Q So he was a supporter of your brother as well? 11
A He was a supporter of my brother, yes. 12
Q He was a financial supporter of his campaigns. 13
A Yes. Correct. Yes. 14
Q Okay. 15
And, in this speech, it's also publicly reported that your brother called him a 16
"prominent businessman." Would that sound accurate to you? 17
A That would not surprise me at all. 18
Q Okay. 19
It's been publicly reported that Mr. Hynansky has given you approximately 20
$900,000 in loans. Does that sound like a fair and accurate estimate? 21
A Yes. 22
Mr. Fishman. No. That seems quite high, actually. 23
Mr. But he just said yes. 24
Mr. Fishman. I know, but I -- 25
Mr. Biden. No, I mean, I don't know. 1
Mr. Fishman. But, no, because those loans are documented, and that's 2
not -- that does not seem correct, from what we know. 3
Mr. Biden. I know I have an outstanding balance of -- I think it's $97,000 -- 4
Mr. . Okay. 5
Mr. Biden. -- that I still owe him. 6
Mr. . Okay. So, if $900,000 isn't an accurate representation, what 7
would be a closer to accurate representation? 8
Mr. Fishman. We believe it's half of that, but Mr. Hynansky might be right. We 9
just -- it's not -- he just -- 10
Mr. Biden. I've never challenged him to fight him about it. Again, we're 11
friends. And Mr. Hynansky, you know, is a very wealthy guy, but he is still a -- 12
Mr. Fishman. Careful about the -- right. 13
Mr. Biden. Yeah. He watches his pennies. 14
BY MR. : 15
Q Okay. 16
Going back to Americore now and to Joey Langston -- 17
A Yep. 18
Q -- I believe you testified earlier that Joey Langston was the one that 19
introduced you to Grant White, correct? 20
A Correct. 21
Q And just because it was earlier, who is Grant White again? 22
A Grant White was the CEO of Americore. And what he did was -- 23
Mr. Fishman. That was the -- yeah, just answer the question; we'll move faster. 24
Yeah. 25
BY MR. : 1
Q What was your title at Americore? 2
A I don't know if they gave me a title, but I was there to facilitate to try to fill 3
the rural hospitals. I was shocked to learn -- 4
Mr. Fishman. Just -- just -- just -- 5
Mr. Biden. Okay. Just answer the questions. Okay. 6
Mr. Fishman. We'll move faster. 7
BY MR. : 8
Q Did you have an office at Americore? 9
A No. Yes. No, no. Yes. Yes, I did. 10
Q Where was that? 11
A In Fort Lauderdale. 12
Q Was that the headquarters of Americore? 13
A Yeah, I believe so. But I didn't spend much time there. I mean, when I 14
was in Florida, I had an office at Americore. 15
Q And they gave you a business card, correct? 16
A Yeah. 17
Q And we can now introduce the trustee's lawsuit as an exhibit, exhibit 15. 18
[Biden Exhibit No. 15 19
was marked for identification.] 20
Mr. . Once you get it, if you could just go to the last page. 21
Mr. Fishman. I'm sorry, what number, Mr. 22
Mr. . Fifteen. 23
Mr. Fishman. Thanks. 24
Mr. . You're welcome. 25
BY MR. : 1
Q And on the last page, there's a business card. Does this appear to be the 2
business card that you had while you were at Americore? 3
A Yeah. They -- you know, I -- yes. Yeah. 4
Q And it says "principal" under your name. Is that correct? 5
A Yes, sir. 6
Q Is that what you understood your role to be? 7
A There was a contemplation that I was going to receive equity, 35 percent, 8
but it was never consummated. 9
Early on in the relationship, I was -- I raised $20 million for the acquisition of rural 10
hospitals. I couldn't tell you the specific ones, okay? 11
Mr. Fishman. Just the title. The question is the title. 12
Mr. Biden. Title. Yep. 13
BY MR. : 14
Q And just so we're clear -- because we talked about this earlier and I've asked 15
these similar questions, but I'm going to ask them again. 16
A Sure. 17
Q Did you or anyone else at Americore discuss the possibility of Joe Biden 18
receiving equity in Americore? 19
A No. 20
Q And you or no one else, to your knowledge, discussed making Joe Biden a 21
member of the board at Americore? 22
A No. 23
Q Did you ever reference that Americore could assist Joe Biden's campaign if 24
he were to run? 25
A Absolutely not. 1
Q Did there come a time when you learned that Americore was struggling 2
financially in a very significant way? 3
A Later on in the -- you know, after 6 or 7 months. Longer. A year. 4
Q What was your understanding of the financial health of Americore during the 5
time when you learned that it was struggling? 6
A I didn't realize that they were struggling until, I think, again, 6 months to a 7
year, something like that. 8
Mr. Fishman. That was approximate, because it's -- 9
Mr. Biden. Approximate. I -- you know -- Jesus. At any rate -- 10
Mr. Fishman. Again, it was long after he got the $600,000. 11
Mr. Biden. Long after I got the $600,000. I thought they were in fine shape. I 12
raised $20 million through a -- but the point is that they were being well-funded, okay? 13
I had said that I thought that I could raise the money, because rural healthcare 14
was in crisis, whether it's 100 hospitals going out of business a year or 800. I was told at 15
one point in time there were 800 hospitals that were in jeopardy of going out of business, 16
with the emergency rooms and all the rest of the stuff. And the local communities, the 17
veterans, the elderly, the da da da da, you know, they were, you know, sometimes 2 and 18
3 hours from a class-A medical facility. 19
BY MR. : 20
Q Did there come a time when you discussed with others at Americore that 21
you would try and obtain a bridge loan or a loan on behalf of Americore? 22
A You know, in terms of financing, I delivered what I said that I would deliver, 23
and that was roughly $20 million. 24
Q I'm going to turn you to page 4 in this document, paragraph 15. 25
It states, "By information and belief" -- 1
A Which number are we talking about? 2
Q Paragraph 15 on page 4. 3
A Okay. Okay. 4
Q "By information and belief, Defendant procured the $600,000.00 in loans 5
from Americore Health based upon representations that his last name, 'Biden'" -- in 6
quotes -- "could 'open doors' and that he could obtain a large investment from the 7
Middle East based on his political connections." 8
Did you tell anyone at Americore that your last name, Biden, could open doors? 9
A No. 10
Q Did you tell anyone at Americore that you would seek to obtain a large 11
investment from the Middle East based on your political connections? 12
A No. 13
Q Did you ever try and obtain an investment from anyone in the Middle East, 14
such as Qatar, on behalf of Americore? 15
A There was a gentleman that was involved who introduced me to Michael 16
Lewitt, who was the prime financier who lent the $20 million. And the person -- 17
Mr. Fishman. I think there were too many "he"s in that sentence. I just want 18
to be sure -- 19
Mr. . We can start over. 20
Mr. Fishman. Yeah. So start again. 21
Mr. Biden. Dr. Amer Rustom introduced me to Michael Lewitt once I told him 22
about this project. Michael Lewitt has a newsletter, has an impeccable reputation -- 23
Mr. Fishman. At least he did. 24
Mr. Biden. He did. Well, you know, I don't know where it went off the wheels, 25
but the fact of the matter is that I found him to be a pleasant, knowledgeable, educated, 1
very connected guy who had a fund. I don't know the -- but it was well in excess of 2
$20 million, because I got $20 million. 3
BY MR. : 4
Q If I could stop you there, the $20 million that you raised that you've been 5
referencing several times -- 6
A Uh-huh. 7
Q -- you raised that through Michael Lewitt? 8
A Correct. 9
Mr. Fishman. He was introduced to Michael Lewitt by Dr. Rustom.10
[5:29 p.m.] 2
BY MR. : 3
Q Did you have -- were you involved in any other companies with Michael 4
Lewitt? 5
A No. Not to my recollection. 6
Q Were you involved with any Platinum Global companies that you recall? 7
A In name only. You know, I -- yes, but I couldn't tell you exactly what they 8
are. I was looking for investments from Qatar, again, in infrastructure projects. They 9
were building hotels in Miami. They were building hotels, you know, I mean, you know, 10
all over, you know, the United States. 11
Q Why did the Qatar investment fall through? 12
A Well, because -- 13
Mr. Fishman. Well, "fall through" implies they got far enough along the road. I 14
think it's different than -- "fall through" sounds like they had a deal and it didn't happen. 15
BY MR. : 16
Q Why didn't you obtain the investment from Qatar? 17
A Because we weren't able to show the financial and the -- the financial bona 18
fides of any one particular project. We got pretty far down the road on several hotel 19
complexes, but they never came to fruition. 20
Q Is that why you then sought financing through Mr. Lewitt? 21
A No. I was -- they're two separate things. They're two separate entities. 22
The Platinum Group is one group. Supposedly, Dr. Amer Rustom's -- 23
Mr. Fishman. So that Platinum is different from this Platinum Group. That's 24
the problem. 25
So just to -- and I'm not sure he's going to get -- there's a -- Dr. Rustom has 1
something called Platinum. Lewitt also used the name Platinum. And that's what I 2
think is creating a little bit of the confusion. 3
So forget about the name of the group. You could talk about "Qatar" and you 4
could talk about "Americore." I think they're two different things, is the point. 5
BY MR. : 6
Q Regarding the $20 million that you were able to raise, what company did 7
that come from? 8
A From Michael Lewitt's company. 9
Q But which company? I think he had several. 10
A His investment -- Third -- Third -- 11
Q Third Friday Management? 12
A Third Friday Management. 13
Q Now, if we could pass out the SEC lawsuit, 16. 14
[Biden Exhibit No. 16 15
was marked for identification.] 16
Mr. Fishman. Anything -- 17
Mr. . Yes. If you could please go to page 7, paragraph 29. 18
Mr. Fishman. I'm sorry? 19
Mr. . Page 7, paragraph 29. 20
Mr. Biden. Page 7, 29? 21
BY MR. : 22
Q This is the SEC lawsuit versus Third Friday Management, LLC, and 23
Mr. Michael Lewitt. 24
A Uh-huh. 25
Q I'm going to read into the record paragraph 29. 1
"In January 2018, Lewitt used the Fund's assets to make an initial $2 million loan 2
to the Bankrupt Entity," which we understand is Americore. 3
A Uh-huh. 4
Q "Lewitt continued to make loans to the Bankrupt Entity," which is Americore, 5
"for almost two years using the Fund's assets." 6
A Okay. 7
Q "By November 2019, Lewitt had made 45 separate loans totaling more than 8
$19 million to the Bankrupt Entity," which is Americore -- 9
A Right. 10
Q -- "which constituted the majority of the Fund's capital." 11
Mr. Fishman. And that's Third Friday funds, not Americore, just so we're clear. 12
Mr. Biden. I saw this -- 13
Mr. Fishman. Wait, wait. He hasn't asked you a question yet. 14
Mr. Biden. Okay. 15
Mr. . Was this money, this $2 million loan in January 2018, and then in 16
November 2019, 45 separate loans -- 17
Mr. Fishman. It's not in November. It's by November '19. 18
Mr. . Excuse me. 19
Mr. Fishman. It's a whole -- there's a whole -- 20
Mr. . You're correct. By November 2019. 21
Mr. Biden. Uh-huh. 22
BY MR. : 23
Q Were those loans the capital that you were -- 24
A Yes. 25
Q -- assisting in raising? 1
A Yes. 2
Q I'm going to read paragraph 30 on the next page. 3
"As part of the agreement for receiving the loans, the Bankrupt Entity," which is 4
Americore, "was required to pay Platinum 'brokers fees' of 3% of the Fund's loans, which 5
totaled more than $450,000." 6
A Okay. 7
Q I'm going to stop there. So, just so I understand it, money gets loaned from 8
Third Friday over to Americore. 9
A Directly to Americore, yeah. 10
Q And Platinum -- 11
Mr. Fishman. Not the Platinum from Dr. Rustom. 12
Mr. . Not that Platinum. 13
Mr. Fishman. Correct. 14
Mr. . This Platinum -- 15
Mr. Fishman. Right. 16
Mr. . -- Michael Lewitt's Platinum -- 17
Mr. Biden. Right. Yep. 18
Mr. . -- gets a 3-percent broker fee for the money that he loans -- 19
Mr. Biden. That he lends -- 20
Mr. . -- to Americore. 21
Mr. Biden. Right. 22
BY MR. : 23
Q So he gets basically a 3 percent kickback, for lack of a better word, for 24
loaning his own money. 25
A Right. 1
Q But it's your testimony here today that you didn't have any affiliation with 2
this -- with Michael Lewitt's Platinum? 3
A Correct. 4
Mr. Fishman. And he didn't know about that money. 5
Mr. Biden. And when he showed me this several days ago, I was absolutely 6
shocked. I mean, I was shocked. If you met Michael Lewitt, I mean, talk about 7
a -- Michael Lewitt was a refined -- he was just a nice guy. And up until last week, I 8
thought that he was that same nice guy. 9
Mr. . I now want to show you what's going to be exhibit 17. 10
[Biden Exhibit No. 17 11
was marked for identification.] 12
Mr. Sorry. Just 1 minute. 13
Ms. . While you're doing that, if I could ask a couple questions, if that's 14
okay? 15
Mr. . Yes. Go ahead. 16
BY MS. : 17
Q Mr. Biden, I know we've spoken about Joey Langston and John Hynansky. I 18
believe you said you still have an outstanding balance of $400,000 -- 19
A No. 20
Q -- with Mr. Langston? 21
Mr. Fishman. With Langston. 22
Mr. Biden. Well, that's what he represents, but we haven't gone into any, you 23
know -- he is not in need of the money, and I intend to pay it back once we sort -- I have 24
been involved in -- 25
BY MS. : 1
Q Of course. 2
A -- a few things. 3
Q Yes, of course. 4
A Okay? 5
Q And then Mr. Hynansky, there was an outstanding balance of $97,000. Is 6
that consistent with your understanding? 7
A That's what he represents, yes. 8
Q Besides who we have spoken about today, Mr. Langston and Mr. Hynansky, 9
have there been loans from anyone else that you have received? 10
A Not -- not that -- not that come to mind. 11
Q Thanks. 12
Mr. . You should be getting 17. I'm going to pass you it starred and 13
marked, so, that way, you can see where I'm going to direct you to. 14
It should be coming around. 15
Mr. Fishman. Go ahead. 16
Mr. . Looking at exhibit 30, this is a Lion Hall bank account. 17
Mr. . Exhibit 17. 18
Mr. . Exhibit 17. And -- 19
Mr. Fishman. Exhibit 17? Yeah, this is exhibit 17. Yeah, it doesn't -- does it 20
say "Lion Hall" on it? I don't see that. 21
Mr. . We can pull -- 22
Mr. Fishman. No, and I'm not -- 23
Mr. . We can pull the document. 24
Mr. Fishman. I'm not suggesting -- it just doesn't say that on it. 25
BY MR. : 1
Q We saw two deposits from Third Friday, total, into your company account -- 2
A Okay. 3
Q -- for $50,000 on July 9th -- 4
A Okay. 5
Q -- it appears, of 2019, and then on August 19th of 2019. And then, in 6
addition, we also identified two -- 7
A I obviously stand corrected. 8
Q -- two wires that were sent in April and May of 2019 for $50,000 each -- 9
A Right. 10
Q -- making it a total of $225,000 from Third Friday to Lion Hall. 11
A Yes, sir. 12
Q The question is, why were you receiving money from Third Friday to Lion 13
Hall? 14
Mr. Fishman. That's the answer to -- I'm sorry, I don't know your 15
colleague's -- question that he didn't remember. 16
Mr. Biden. I didn't -- I mean, I didn't remember. I'm sorry. But -- 17
Mr. Fishman. It's a loan, is what he's -- 18
Mr. . It's a loan? 19
Mr. Biden. It was a loan. It was a loan. And, again, I have, you 20
know -- because I think, in and around this time, I'm -- 21
Mr. Fishman. It's a loan. It's a loan. It's a loan. 22
Mr. Biden. It was a loan. 23
BY MR. : 24
Q So this wasn't a referral or a payment from Michael Lewitt to you -- 25
A No. 1
Q -- for Platinum getting the 3-percent brokers fees? 2
A No. I was not aware of that. 3
Q Did anyone at Americore know that you were receiving money from Third 4
Friday? 5
Mr. Fishman. Well, it was after he was gone from Americore. 2019. 6
BY MR. : 7
Q Did you have any discussions with Michael Lewitt about giving you this 8
money while you worked at Americore? 9
A No. 10
Mr. . Do you have any loan docs for this $225,000 loan? 11
Mr. Biden. I'll have to ask my wife, but I -- 12
Mr. Fishman. There are. There were loan documents. 13
BY MR. : 14
Q There are? Okay. 15
A Yeah. 16
Q And when's the repayment on that loan? 17
A They were forgiven. 18
Q Say that again? 19
A They were forgiven by Michael Lewitt. 20
Q And when were they forgiven? 21
A I don't have the exact date, sir. I don't know. 22
Q Okay. 23
Mr. Fishman. We can let you know. 24
Mr. Biden. We'll provide that. 25
BY MR. : 1
Q Okay. And all $225,000 was forgiven? 2
A Correct. 3
Q So nothing was repaid on it? 4
A Correct. 5
BY MR. : 6
Q The payments from Americore that you received, the $400,000 on 7
January 12th of 2018 -- I know there was a trustee lawsuit, and I know there was a 8
settlement. What is your understanding of why you were paid that $400,000? 9
A Because -- 10
Mr. Fishman. Why he was paid the 400? 11
BY MR. : 12
Q Uh-huh. 13
A Because, first of all, I was delivering on what I represented to Grant White 14
and -- 15
Q If I could stop you there. And that would be that, in January of 2018, 16
Michael Lewitt started making loans over to Americore, and that's what you're referring 17
to? 18
A Yeah. 19
Q You delivered? 20
A Yes. 21
Q Please continue. I just wanted -- 22
A Yeah. I was offered, and there were loan documents that were being 23
executed, that I was going to receive 35-percent -- 24
Mr. Fishman. Not loan documents. 25
Mr. Biden. Loan documents. There was agreement by Grant White that I was 1
going to receive 35-percent equity in Americore. I chose to take $600,000 and forego 2
the 35-percent interest because I had very questionable, again -- 3
Mr. Fishman. No, that was later, that was later. It was just -- 4
Mr. Biden. Okay. 5
Mr. Fishman. It was money. 6
Mr. Biden. I chose the money over the 35-percent investment. I was not going 7
to take the 35-percent investment. And I told Lewitt that. I told everybody who would 8
listen. I told Amer that. And I took it as a -- my efforts in raising the 19 point -- or, I 9
was on track raising money for him. I found it out -- 10
Mr. Fishman. And other services. Let -- 11
Mr. Biden. And many other services that, I mean, I'd be happy to go into with 12
you, if you ask me a direct question and I can answer you, yes or no. Jesus Christ. 13
Mr. Hibey. Gonna start now. 14
Mr. Biden. Yeah. 15
Mr. Fishman. Relax. We're in the home stretch. 16
Mr. Biden. Okay. 17
So what I said to him was, listen, you know, this is not a loan. I want to get paid 18
out now. Okay? And we can talk about the others later. Because I found out in and 19
around the same time that this was going on -- 20
Mr. Fishman. It was not until the summer. 21
Mr. Biden. Not until the summer, I mean -- 22
Mr. Fishman. It's late. It's late. 23
Mr. Biden. It's tough to keep all this -- 24
Mr. Fishman. It's late, so we can -- we'll come back to that. 25
Mr. Biden. All right. 1
Mr. Fishman. And if you want to go through -- 2
BY MR. : 3
Q Well, what did you find out in the summer? Let's just continue. 4
A What I found out in the summer, that he was also borrowing -- he, Grant 5
White, was also borrowing money at usurious prices. So I said, anybody doing that kind 6
of business, that I really don't want to be in business with. Okay? 7
Mr. Hibey. He's talking the summer of 2018. 8
Mr. Biden. Okay? So I said, what the hell are you doing? Okay? 9
At this time, he got married -- or, he was divorced, had a young child, and he was 10
acting very he erratically, okay? He wasn't providing the operating statements that I 11
was trying to do, you know, a presentation deck in terms of justifying the investment to 12
others besides Michael Lewitt. Okay? 13
But I told Michael Lewitt that I took this -- not took this money, but I asked for this 14
money in lieu of at some point down the road getting the 35-percent interest. I wanted 15
to get paid out, but I was going to stick around, and I was going to fulfill my obligation of 16
trying to raise him the $20 million, okay? 17
Because I didn't want to be involved with a shady character, notwithstanding the 18
fact that there was a real need in rural hospitals that -- I can document for you at some 19
point in time, if you're interested, of what I did for these rural hospitals and what my plan 20
was. 21
Because I have always been interested in drug rehab. I have probably taken, you 22
know, two dozen people to treatment centers, half of them being family members and/or 23
extended family members or friends and -- ba ba ba ba ba ba. 24
I got a call from my sister-in-law -- I think I started to say this the other day -- and 25
she was calling me and thanking me that she got her 15-year chip or something. 1
Because I'd gotten a plane, went out to Kentucky, where my sister-in-law lives, and took 2
her to a facility in Florida. And she got clean and sober, and she has a happy, beautiful 3
life. Okay? So she called me to thank me. 4
But I have done that with my -- with other family members, with other family 5
friends, with other people within the addiction community, right? It was mainly drug 6
and rehab, okay? And it wasn't necessarily narcotics or, you know, anything like that, 7
crack, that kind of stuff, because I didn't know anything about it. 8
Mr. Fishman. Okay. That's good. 9
BY MR. : 10
Q If I could turn your attention to the March 1st, 2018, payment. 11
A Yep. 12
Q When you received that payment, am I correct that you then used that 13
money to -- what I believe you have said today is to then pay back money that -- to Joe 14
Biden, correct? That $200 coming from Americore was then sent to Joe Biden on the 15
same day via check? 16
A Did I have a loan document? 17
Mr. Fishman. No, no, no. He didn't say loan document. He just said the -- I 18
think he didn't understand the question. 19
BY MR. : 20
Q On March 1st, 2018, you received -- 21
Mr. Fishman. He's just getting tired. 22
BY MR. : 23
Q No, I'll break it up. 24
On March 1st of 2018, you receive $200,000 from Americore -- 25
A Yes. 1
Q -- according to our records. 2
A Yes. 3
Q On the same day, there is a check written, either you or Sara Biden -- 4
A Sara. 5
Q -- to Joe Biden for the exact same amount. 6
A To Mel Monzack's -- you know. 7
Q But I believe the check's written to Joe Biden. 8
A Yeah, they were to Joe Biden, but they were sent to Mel Monzack. 9
Q So the Americore money was used to, in your words, pay back Joe Biden. Is 10
that what you're testifying to? 11
A Yes. 12
Q So the money that Joe Biden received came from Americore. 13
A It came from money that I earned at Americore. 14
Q And you did end up paying back some of the money back to Americore, 15
correct? 16
A Yes. 17
Q Of the $600,000? 18
Mr. Fishman. In a settlement. 19
Mr. Biden. In a settlement because of litigation costs and stuff and we were, you 20
know -- 21
Mr. Fishman. That's fine. 22
Mr. Biden. $350,000. It was just, you know, I -- 23
Mr. Fishman. Easier. 24
Mr. Biden. The last thing I needed was another lawsuit, and so I paid back the 25
$350,000. 1
Mr. . Okay. 2
Do you have a question? 3
Mr. Yeah. 4
BY MR. : 5
Q We saw three checks for -- it's $87,000, and it's either $300 or 6
$500 -- $87,500 back to Carol Fox. So that -- 7
A They were payments that I made to make up the $350,000. 8
Q Correct. So -- but $87,500 times three does not equal $350,000, so I'm 9
wondering -- 10
Mr. Fishman. There's a fourth check. 11
Mr. . There's a fourth check? 12
Mr. Fishman. There's a fourth check. 13
Mr. . Okay. And when was -- 14
Mr. Fishman. I don't know, but the settlement was paid in full. 15
Mr. . And the fourth check, was that paid by -- 16
Mr. Biden. Yes. 17
Mr. . -- Mr. Biden? 18
Mr. Biden. Yes. 19
Mr. Fishman. Yes. 20
Mr. . Okay. So it wasn't paid by anyone else; it was paid by Mr. Biden. 21
Mr. Biden. No. No. It was paid by me. 22
Mr. Fishman. Or by his wife. It's out of their funds, if that's what -- yes, that's 23
correct. 24
Mr. . Okay. 25
Mr. Biden. My wife could've paid it. 1
Mr. Fishman. Right. Yes. 2
Mr. . Sure. Out of their personal accounts or Lion Hall Group. 3
Mr. Fishman. Yes. 4
Mr. Biden. Yes. 5
Mr. . Okay. 6
BY MR. : 7
Q Why did you disassociate yourself with Americore? 8
A Because Americore, in my judgment -- someone borrowing $2 million, 9
a million dollars comes in, and these 17 different payments would come in. And he said, 10
I have to pay the employees at X hospital or they're going to walk. Okay? So I got him 11
the money to pay. And then he would say, you know, next Thursday, "Hey, listen, I need 12
another $200,000." And I said, I just got you $400,000 or $200,000 or whatever the hell 13
the number was. Okay? 14
And he said, listen -- I said, it doesn't make any fucking sense to me. You say you 15
need -- and let's keep it in round numbers, okay? You need $100,000, and you need it 16
by Friday, or the staff is going to walk off the hospital and shut down the hospital. 17
Once a hospital is shut down for a week or two, you know, mold, rot, the air 18
conditioners go off, and it's -- you know, you may as well, you know, knock down the 19
hospital, okay? There's different codes and restrictions and all that kind of stuff. So 20
you can't afford to actually stop the operation in terms of the mechanicals and all the rest 21
of it within a hospital. 22
So I said, you know, I got you the $100,000 that you were looking for, and now 23
you're telling me on Monday that you need another $100,000. Is this for the same 24
hospital? Because you already paid that. 25
And he said, I was getting, on the side, loans that he was taking out and putting up 1
the same collateral that he was dealing with Michael Lewitt, and he was paying exorbitant 2
interest rates. Okay? So, you know, they were looking for their money, and they 3
wanted their money. So he needed it. 4
And I said, hey, listen, I'm not going to do -- I am not going to shut down a 5
worthwhile cause that Lewitt is committed to doing. People that I've spoken to are very 6
interested in rural medical care. There's a great need. You know, they're going out of 7
business every week -- okay? -- around the country. 8
And at one time I was told -- I'm repeating myself, but -- there were 800. I was 9
told, and Paul corrected me and said, there are 250, okay? So I don't know. But -- 10
Mr. Fishman. I looked it up. 11
Mr. Biden. A grand number that's -- 12
Mr. Fishman. The answer is, financially -- I mean, he was having financial 13
mismanagement. 14
And were you also -- were you able to get financial statements from him? 15
Mr. Biden. No. I wasn't able to get anything, you know, in terms of -- other 16
than scribbles of, you know, like, I -- how many times do I have to explain this to you? 17
You know? This is where the money goes, here, and -- da da da. And, literally -- you 18
know. And I said, shit. You know, I had my son, who is a graduate of Georgetown, 19
Fordham Law School, blah da blah -- 20
BY MR. : 21
Q Me too. 22
A He's in the entertainment business. 23
You're Fordham? 24
Q Yeah. 25
A Okay. Well, you guys are -- yeah. But, anyway -- 1
Q John too. John too. 2
A But he said, hey, Dad, you know, I don't want to be a lawyer. And I said, 3
Jamie, I'm out. And guess what -- 4
Mr. Fishman. This is not the -- 5
Mr. Biden. At any rate -- okay. So I -- 6
Mr. Fishman. Jim -- 7
Mr. Biden. Yeah? 8
Mr. Fishman. -- take a second. Take a breath. 9
You needed financial statements for investor presentations? 10
Mr. Biden. Right. 11
Mr. Fishman. And could you get them? 12
Mr. Biden. No. 13
Mr. Fishman. Okay. And how did -- 14
Mr. Biden. So I put my son -- 15
Mr. Fishman. How did Jamie figure into that? 16
Mr. Biden. Jamie figures into that because Jamie is not only a musician -- 17
Mr. Fishman. And a lawyer. 18
Mr. Biden. -- and a lawyer and a -- he does the shorts for major movies, okay? 19
Mr. Fishman. Trailers. 20
Mr. Biden. Trailers. And he's at the top of the heap there. But to break into, 21
you know, the $50 million, you know, or the $100 million movie -- people are skeptical 22
about getting someone that is just breaking into the business. It's a very difficult 23
business. But he's committed to it. I said, listen, if you're going to do it, do it now. 24
Mr. Fishman. Okay. What's -- tell them -- how do they fit into the Americore 25
story? 1
Mr. Biden. Jamie said, he's not giving me any information. And so put 2
together -- 3
Mr. Fishman. What was Jamie hired for? 4
Mr. Biden. Jamie was hired to put together a presentation, to put together a, 5
you know, presentation deck, you know, justifying the investment. And -- 6
Mr. Fishman. For investors. 7
Mr. Biden. To investors. To other investors. Okay? And -- 8
BY MR. : 9
Q Do you recall how much he was paid? 10
A $10,000. 11
And he said, Dad, you know, I mean, he's not giving me anything, you know. He's 12
not giving me anything that I can put together. And -- 13
Mr. Fishman. "He" being Grant White? 14
Mr. Biden. "He," being my son, was not giving -- my son, Jamie -- 15
Mr. Fishman. No, but "he," being Grant White, was not giving Jamie -- 16
Mr. Biden. -- Jamie -- any sophisticated numbers in terms of what the hospitals 17
were doing, what the flow was, what the, you know, utilities, the this, the that, the 18
other -- everything. 19
And some of these hospitals were large hospitals. There was one in St. Louis that 20
had a nursing school, the oldest Black nursing school in the country, that I thought that 21
there would be an opportunity to get people from abroad to come over and go to school 22
in St. Louis, get their nursing degrees, and then funnel them out to these hospitals that 23
we were acquiring and -- because there was such a need for nursing, okay? 24
Mr. Fishman. Okay. All right. 25
Mr. Biden. At any rate, so -- 1
Mr. Fishman. That's what -- those were the issues that caused him to -- 2
BY MR. : 3
Q Do you know the timeframe when you left Americore, approximately? 4
A I didn't leave -- 5
Mr. Fishman. Summer of '19 -- summer of '18? Mid-summer of '18. 6
Mr. Biden. Yeah. 7
But I didn't leave right away, okay? Because I didn't want to see this go down 8
the drain because of my -- I told Lewitt and I told Amer what he was doing, and I said, I 9
will have no part of this. Okay? 10
So I had been paid out. I will stick around, and I will help introduce to you, who 11
are bringing in operators -- and they brought in -- Lewitt brought in, for example, one of 12
his neighbors who was the financial manager/consultant or whatever to Greg Norman, 13
and he did all of his financials. And he brought him into Third Friday to help him 14
organize and manage these hospitals in terms of the administration, hiring, firing, all of 15
that sort of stuff. Okay? 16
BY MR. : 17
Q What did Michael Lewitt tell you was the source of the $20 million that he 18
was providing to Americore? 19
A It was just out of his fund. And I wasn't sophisticated enough to know, in 20
terms of, you know, running a fund of -- and I didn't know at the time, but I know is in 21
excess of, you know, $20 million. And I thought that, you know -- you know, I was 22
shocked to learn that, after telling Lewitt this, that Lewitt continued lending him money. 23
Okay? I mean -- 24
Mr. Fishman. That's fine. Yeah. 25
[Discussion off the record.] 1
Mr. . Okay. We're coming down the home stretch. If you want to 2
take a little break, we can. 3
Mr. Fishman. Yeah, can we take 2 minutes, please? 4
Mr. . Yeah, of course. 5
Off the record, please. 6
[Recess.] 7
Mr. . On the record, please. 8
BY MR. : 9
Q Mr. Biden, I know my colleague asked earlier, but any other loans -- 10
A Not that I'm aware of at this time, sir. 11
Q What is Burist (ph) Trading International Corp? 12
Mr. Fishman. Oh. I don't think he knows it by that name. It's on the bank 13
records that way, correct? 14
Mr. . Correct. 15
Mr. Fishman. It's Manzano. 16
Mr. Biden. Oh. He is an industrialist. He owns -- he is a citizen of Switzerland, 17
but he has extensive holdings around the -- in Argentina, owns most of the media. Has 18
extensive oil and gas holdings, everything from graphene and graphite, mining. And he 19
has been a friend of mine for, I don't know, 20 years. 20
BY MR. : 21
Q Okay. And your attorney said Manzano, but, I guess, who is Manzano? 22
Mr. Fishman. That's his name. 23
Mr. Biden. That's his name, Jose Luis Manzano. 24
BY MR. : 25
Q Okay. And is this the same Jose Luis Manzano that we had previously 1
talked about, with CEFC procuring potential deals with Mr. Manzano? 2
A Yes. Yes. 3
Q Same Mr. Manzano? 4
A Yes. Yes. 5
Q Okay. And you said he lives down in Argentina? 6
A He lives in Switzerland. 7
Q Lives in Switzerland. Has he ever lived in Argentina? 8
A Yes. 9
Q Has he ever held government positions in Argentina? 10
A I think that he was involved in some capacity in his youth. He was a 11
professor at Georgetown for a couple years, but he had a position with the government in 12
Argentina at some point in his early career. 13
Q He was an elected official, a representative down in Argentina? Does that 14
sound right? 15
A I think he was more of an appointed, but -- I don't know if he was elected, 16
but he very well could've been elected. 17
Q Okay. There's public reports he also, correct, served an appointment as 18
well as also serving in their -- 19
A Yeah. Okay. 20
Q -- Congress or whatever -- 21
A Yes. Yeah. Yeah. 22
Q -- whatever they have down in Argentina. 23
A That's when he was a young man. 24
Q But I asked you the question of what is Burist (ph) Trading International 25
Corp, and you're not familiar with that -- 1
A No. 2
Q -- entity. Okay. 3
So, I guess, we have payments, and I'll read them into the record -- a wire for 4
$200,000 on November 30th of 2022; $290,000 on December 31st of 2022; $200,000 on 5
February 28th of 2023; and $150,000 on July 31st of 2023 -- all going to your account. 6
A Yes, sir. 7
Q So that's $840,000. 8
A Yes, sir. 9
Q And you didn't know the name of the entity that was wiring you $840,000. 10
So I guess my question is -- 11
Mr. Fishman. No -- 12
BY MR. : 13
Q -- who is -- you say Luis Manzano. Why is he paying you $840,000? 14
A Because I hold an interest in an LNG company that I sold 50 percent of my 15
interest, and at some point in the near time he's going to sell the rest of it, Metro Gas. 16
Q So you own how much in Metro Gas? 17
A I don't know the exact amount, 7 or 8 percent. 18
Q And then what was the 35 percent? 19
Mr. Fishman. That was Americore. 20
Mr. Biden. That was Americore. 21
Mr. . So 7 to 8 percent in Metro. And how -- 22
Mr. Fishman. No, he doesn't have 7 or 8 percent of Metro Gas. He has 7 or 8 23
percent -- he's got some percentage of Manzano's interest in Metro Gas. 24
Mr. Biden. Which I am estimating to be 6 or 7 percent. 25
Mr. Fishman. Yeah, we don't know. 1
Mr. Biden. But I don't know, because he hasn't sold the company yet. But he 2
is -- because there were restrictions on selling the company. 3
BY MR. : 4
Q Okay. 5
A I don't know what they were. I wasn't involved in lifting and/or trying to 6
promote the ability of them being able to sell the company. 7
And I know that he gave me, years ago, an interest in his share of Metro Gas. So 8
I said, I need it, the money, and I would like to sell 50 percent of my interest. 9
Q Okay. So now you maybe have 3 to 4 percent of his interest? Does that 10
sound about right? 11
A Something like that. 12
Q Okay. And how much is the interest worth? 13
A Well, I -- 14
Mr. Fishman. We don't -- the answer is, we don't know. 15
Mr. Biden. We don't know, but in and around the same amount, I suspect -- 16
Mr. Fishman. Currently. 17
Mr. Biden. -- it could be, currently, but once they sell it it could be worth more. 18
I don't know. 19
BY MR. : 20
Q Well, if you sold 50 percent of your equity and he gave you $840,000, could 21
we estimate that maybe the whole percentage that you own would roughly be around 22
1.6, 1.7 million dollars? 23
Mr. Fishman. That's left. Half -- well, the equivalent amount would be left, is 24
the answer. Yes. 25
Mr. . Okay. So selling the half was what got you $840,000? 1
Mr. Biden. Yes. 2
Mr. Fishman. Correct. 3
Mr. . Okay. And when did he give you this interest? 4
Mr. Biden. Well, he sold -- 5
Mr. Fishman. No, what did he give you -- the part that you sold and the part you 6
haven't sold, when did he give that to you? 7
Mr. Biden. Nine months ago. 8
Mr. Fishman. No. No, you sold it -- 9
Mr. Biden. What? Sold it? 10
Mr. Fishman. No, when did you get the interest that you -- when did you first get 11
the interest? 12
Mr. Biden. Oh. Oh. Five years ago. I don't know. Quite some time ago. 13
Frankly, I had -- I hadn't forgotten about it, but I was reminded that I had the 14
interest because I had lunch with him in New York and he said, we're getting ready to sell 15
Metro Gas, and I said, I would like to sell out 50 percent of my interest of your interest 16
now. 17
Mr. . Okay. When was this lunch? 18
Mr. Fishman. Right before he sold the -- 19
Mr. So there's five payments of installments. So it would be 20
right -- that lunch was right before -- 21
Mr. Fishman. Sometime in '22. 22
Mr. . -- end of 2022? 23
Mr. Fishman. Sometime in 2022. 24
Mr. . Okay. 25
Mr. Biggs. So I'm sorry to interrupt, but -- 1
Mr. Fishman. That's fine. 2
Mr. Biggs. -- counsel, you keep answering the question, and I -- you're not sworn 3
in. And neither is Jim, but he's here -- he's the guy we -- I would really like to hear from 4
him, so -- 5
Mr. Fishman. No, I appreciate that, Congressman. The problem is that he 6
doesn't know the dates, and I'm trying to expedite it so that we can -- 7
Mr. Biggs. I understand. 8
Mr. Fishman. -- sort of get the information you want. And so perhaps -- it's up 9
to you, whatever you want to do, but I'm -- 10
Mr. Biggs. I'm just -- so -- 11
Mr. Biden. I'm more than happy to -- 12
Mr. Biggs. You know, I get what's going on, sir -- 13
Mr. Biden. I am speaking too much, and -- 14
Mr. Fishman. No, no, no. No. No. It's not -- 15
Mr. Biggs. We'd like to hear from you, Mr. Biden. That's why you're here. 16
Mr. Fishman. I just want to -- Congressman, I just want to make sure you get the 17
information you're entitled to -- 18
Mr. Biggs. No, I understand. 19
Mr. Fishman. -- and do it quickly. That's all. 20
Mr. Biggs. All right. 21
So the first payment was November of '20, so sometime -- 22
Mr. Fishman. No, November of '22. 23
Mr. Biggs. I'm sorry, yes, '22. 24
Mr. Biden. Yep. 25
Mr. Biggs. So sometime, we're talking summer, spring, fall, you instructed him to 1
sell -- 2
Mr. Biden. Yes. 3
Mr. Biggs. -- half of your interest? 4
Mr. Biden. Yes. 5
Mr. Biggs. Okay. That's fine. 6
BY MR. : 7
Q Okay. And how much did you invest to acquire this percentage stake? 8
A It was sweat equity, mainly, in dealing with him in terms of his other 9
ventures, everything from -- for example, he was awarded 20 percent of 4G that 10
Argentina was going to put into the country. Carlos Slim, Mexico, Carlos Slim, was 11
awarded 40 percent. I have a relationship with Carlos Slim. I have a relationship with 12
him. He asked me to try to broker a deal where they could joint venture and have 13
60 percent of the 4G in Argentina. The deal fell through with the government. The 14
government changed hands, and the 4G never went through. 15
You know, things like that. You know, again, looking -- he has one of the largest 16
holdings of graphite in the world. And from graphite comes graphene in all -- you know, 17
technical, you know, stuff, once it's ground down and all the rest of that stuff. And I 18
have tried to sell that, you know, for him and get him equity partners from, you know, 19
guys like -- you know, from wealthy individuals wealthy individuals that I have been 20
acquainted with over the last 50 years. 21
Q In this Metro Gas, you said that they did LNG; is that right? They have 22
interest in LNG companies, investments? 23
A Yes. Yes. 24
Q Okay. What does that look like? Are they investments? Are they -- 25
A No. They're an operating company that actually sells the LNG. 1
Q And where do they get the LNG from? 2
A From the ground that they pump it from. 3
Q And where in the -- where, what country? 4
A In Argentina. 5
Q In Argentina. And they export it where? 6
A Around the world. I don't know. 7
Q Did you ever accept a salary in addition to the sweat equity that you got? 8
A Not a salary per se, but there were, you know, incentives for, you know, 9
arranging meetings with private individuals, not with government entities. And, you 10
know, we just had a good relationship. 11
Tried to sell a couple of his radio stations, television stations. And I had people 12
that were interested in doing that, from the people at Comcast, to Brian, who -- I bought 13
his first house up there -- Brian Roberts, who owns -- at any rate. 14
Q This Burist (ph) Trading International Company, it looks like it appears to be 15
incorporated in Panama. But Mr. Manzano is in Switzerland. 16
A Yes. 17
Q The drilling is in Argentina. So I'm just wondering why this entity was set 18
up in Panama. 19
A Oh. Well, he -- 20
Mr. Fishman. Well, first of all, do you know why it was set up in Panama? 21
Mr. Biden. I have no idea. 22
Mr. Fishman. And, also, I will say -- I mean, you can look him up -- he has vast 23
holdings all over the world. So it's not up to him to figure out why something was 24
incorporated. It's not weird. 25
Mr. Biden. I don't know. 1
Mr. . Okay. Have you ever been to Panama? 2
Mr. Biden. Have I, for -- yes, I have been to Panama. I have been to -- 3
Mr. Fishman. Just Panama is the question. 4
Mr. Biden. Yes. Yes, I have been to Panama. 5
Mr. . Okay. 6
And, then, on December 27th of 2016, you received $50,000 from Stanhope 7
Worldwide Services. And there was three more payments from Stanhope Worldwide 8
Services -- $50,000 on January 26, 2017; $50,000 on February 2, 2017; and $50,000 on 9
March 20, 2017 -- so another $200,000 from Stanhope Worldwide Services. 10
What is Stanhope Worldwide Services? 11
Mr. Biden. I'm having a meltdown here. 12
Mr. Fishman. You're trying to remember? 13
Mr. Biden. Yeah, I'm trying to remember. 14
Mr. Fishman. Okay. If you don't remember, you don't remember. 15
Mr. Biden. Can you give me a hint? 16
Mr. Fishman. No, I can't give you a hint. 17
Mr. Biden. No, I was being facetious. 18
Mr. Biggs. Do you need to consult with your counsel and just ask him? 19
Mr. Biden. May I consult with my counsel? 20
Mr. Biggs. Absolutely. 21
Mr. Hibey. What's the date? 22
Mr. Fishman. What are the dates on those? 23
Mr. Abourisk. December 27th of 2016, January 26th of 2017, February 2nd of 24
2017, March 20th of 2017. It appears to be another Panamanian entity. 25
Mr. Fishman. Do you have -- 1
Mr. Biden. I don't know. 2
Mr. Fishman. Do you have bank statements that go with that? 3
Mr. . We can certainly get that to you. 4
Mr. Fishman. Yeah, if you don't mind, that would probably -- that might be 5
helpful to him. It might be helpful to me. But off the top of his head, he doesn't, 6
obviously, remember, and I don't either. 7
Mr. Biden. No, but I'll be more than happy, you know, once we identify it, you 8
know -- 9
Mr. Fishman. Try to figure it out. 10
Mr. Biden. -- to figure it out. 11
Mr. Okay. So you have no idea what Stanhope Worldwide Services 12
is? 13
Mr. Fishman. He doesn't -- no, that's not what he said. He said he doesn't 14
remember what it is. That's not "no idea." If you had something to refresh his 15
recollection, that might work, but I -- 16
Mr. . Okay. 17
Mr. Fishman. 19
Mr. . Off the record. 21
[Discussion off the record.] 22
Mr. We can go back on the record. 23
Mr. Fishman. Okay. Thank you. 24
Ms. . I want to switch topics a bit. I want to go back to exhibit No. 4, 25
which is your statement, the "Memorandum of Interview." 1
I have a copy right here, if that's easier than the big pile of exhibits. 2
Mr. Fishman. Oh, the IRS report? 3
Ms. . Yes. I want to look at page 12. 4
Mr. Fishman. And I'm sorry, I don't remember your name. 5
Ms. . 6
Mr. Fishman. Okay. Thank you. 7
Mr. Biden. Page 12? 8
BY MS. : 9
Q Page 12, yes. Looking at the letter C -- this is of number 51, but letter C. 10
And I'll read it into the record and then just ask you some questions about it. 11
A Sure. 12
Q So it says, "Morris was helping RHB a lot, but James B didn't know why. 13
James B thought that this might have been because of his ego. RHB asked James B to 14
thank Morris because Morris requested a thank you. James B had no understanding of 15
what the team of people means and has no knowledge of what Morris had done for RHB. 16
James B was not sure if there was a loan between Morris and RHB. James B thought 17
that the money was significant enough that RHB asked his uncle to say something to 18
Morris and thank him. James B didn't recall a specific discussion, only to say thank you 19
'on behalf of the family.'" 20
And this paragraph is referring to Kevin Morris. 21
Mr. Fishman. What? Sorry. This refers to Kevin? 22
Ms. . Kevin Morris. 23
Mr. Fishman. Yeah. Sure. 24
BY MS. : 25
Q Have you ever met Kevin Morris? 1
A Yes. I had dinner at his home once with some other celebrity types. He -- 2
Mr. Fishman. That's -- that was the question. 3
Mr. Biden. Yep. 4
BY MS. : 5
Q And was Mr. Hunter Biden at that dinner as well? 6
A I believe so. 7
Q Okay. And was it a fundraiser of sorts -- 8
A No. 9
Q -- a political fundraiser -- 10
A No, no. Social. 11
Q -- or just a dinner? Social dinner? 12
Do you know when Hunter Biden first met Mr. Morris? 13
A I have no idea. 14
Q Do you know what kind of relationship Hunter Biden has with Mr. Morris? 15
Is it more of a friendship or business or attorney-client? 16
A Friendship. He also happens to be an attorney, a Hollywood attorney. 17
Q And do you know if Mr. Morris represents Hunter Biden at all? 18
A In -- I am not sure in what capacity, but -- 19
Mr. Fishman. That's it. 20
BY MS. : 21
Q Okay. 22
And in the paragraph that I read into the record, it refers to Mr. Hunter Biden 23
asking you to thank Mr. Morris. Can you tell us a little bit about that conversation? 24
How did it come up? 25
A Oh, he just said, you know, Hunter is in a time of need. And I said, that's 1
very lovely of you to help him. 2
He had just came into a great deal amount of money that was public record. 3
Mr. Fishman. Not Hunter, but -- 4
Mr. Biden. Morris. 5
Ms. . Uh-huh. 6
Mr. Biden. A horrible cartoon, I can't remember the name of it, but they sold it, 7
and he earned for his -- 8
Mr. Fishman. "South Park" would be the answer. 9
Mr. Biden. "South Park." 10
Mr. Fishman. And I apologize to the Congressman for testifying about the name 11
of the cartoon. 12
Mr. Biden. "South Park." I find it offensive. But at any rate -- 13
Mr. Fishman. Okay. That's it. 14
So he's not sure what the relationship is entirely. 15
BY MS. : 16
Q And in the paragraph, it states that James B was not sure if there was a loan 17
between Morris and RHB. 18
Have you come to any sort of understanding of whether or not there is a loan 19
between Mr. Morris and Mr. Hunter Biden? 20
A Through public media, it's been reported that Kevin loaned him, you know, a 21
substantial amount of money. 22
Q And Mr. Morris's attorney sent the committee, following Mr. Morris's 23
transcribed interview, a letter that discussed the loans that were made. And there were 24
five promissory notes, and the loans totaled somewhere around $6.5 million. Does that 25
number surprise you at all? 1
A No, it doesn't surprise me. 2
Q And why would Mr. Hunter Biden need this large amount of money? Do 3
you know what he was -- 4
A Are you kidding? 5
Q -- paying for? 6
A For legal representation. That's one of the primary things, plus the fact of 7
his divorce. He is an artist. Through his addiction, it helped him with his addiction, his 8
art, which I think is quite good. And he's had several, you know, showings of his art. 9
Mr. Fishman. Okay. The question is, why does he need $6.5 million? That's 10
the -- if you know. 11
Mr. Biden. Attorneys' fees, I believe, was the main -- that -- you know. 12
BY MS. : 13
Q And do you have an understanding of whether Mr. Morris paid off any of 14
Mr. Hunter Biden's tax liabilities with the Federal Government?15
[6:28 p.m.] 2
Mr. Fishman. Do you know that question? 3
Mr. Biden. I don't. I don't. I am not aware of that, but it wouldn't surprise 4
me if he did. 5
BY MS. : 6
Q Okay. 7
And I want to switch back to talking about Mr. Lewitt just for a few moments. 8
And you had talked about that there were some loans and he had forgiven them, loans in 9
$225,000. Is that correct? 10
A Yes, I believe so. 11
Q And how did you learn that he had forgiven these loans? 12
A He told me. 13
Q And did you report the forgiven loans on your taxes? 14
A Yes. 15
Q Okay. And for what tax years? 16
A I don't remember. 17
Q Okay. 18
A But the taxes have been paid. 19
Q Okay. 20
Thank you. 21
Mr. . Last couple of questions. 22
Mr. Biden. Sure. 23
BY MR. : 24
Q Have you ever been contacted by any bank regarding any suspicious 25
transactions that have come out of any of your accounts? 1
Mr. Fishman. Contacted by the banks? 2
BY MR. : 3
Q By the banks. 4
A By the banks. That's a question that I'll have to ask my wife. But I believe 5
that there was -- I don't know, there was some flag that goes up, and I think it was Wells 6
Fargo Bank. I am not sure of that, but -- 7
Q Okay. 8
A -- but, you know, when there are a certain amount of transactions at a given 9
level, whether it's $5,000 or, you know, whatever it might be, if there is a preponderance 10
of loans or payments, that they flag it in some way. 11
Q Has a bank ever exited its banking relationship with you or any of your 12
companies? 13
A No. 14
Mr. . That's all I have. Anything else? 15
Ms. . I'm done. 16
Ms. . Yeah, I think we -- are we off the record? We can go off the record. 17
[Recess.] 18
Ms. . We can go back on the record. Thank you. 19
BY MR. : 20
Q Mr. Biden, there were a lot of questions about Americore, and I just want to 21
quickly run through that in a few questions. 22
Your involvement with Americore lasted from about June 2017 to March 2018. 23
Does that sound right? 24
A Yes, sir. 25
Mr. Fishman. Maybe a little -- actually, maybe a little later, Mr. Ewenczyk. I 1
think maybe 'til, like, the -- maybe -- 2
Mr. . Summer of 2018? 3
Mr. Fishman. Yeah, that's probably closer. 4
BY MR. : 5
Q Summer of 2017 to summer of 2018, does that sound right? 6
A Yep. 7
Q And I think you explained you were initially attracted by Americore's mission 8
to help rural health, so you came in and started working with them. Is that fair? 9
A Yes, sir. 10
Q And you worked with them to advance this mission, including to secure 11
funding that Americore badly needed at the time you joined. 12
A Yes, sir. 13
Q And is it fair to say that between the summer of 2017 and the summer of 14
2018 you spent a lot of time and effort working to help Americore with those goals? 15
A A great deal of time. 16
Q Are we talking on the order of 100 hours, 1,000 hours of your time? 17
A Five hundred to 1,000 hours. 18
Q And for those services, you were paid about $600,000. Is that right? 19
A Yes, sir. 20
Q And, then, a few years later, when Americore was going through bankruptcy, 21
the bankruptcy trustee sued you and alleged that you didn't deserve those $600,000. 22
A Yes, sir. 23
Q And you disagreed with those allegations? Is that -- 24
A Yes, sir. 25
Q But rather than face the time and expense of litigation, you settled with the 1
trustee. 2
A Yes, sir. 3
Q And you agreed to pay about half of that money back, and the trustee 4
agreed to let you keep about half of that money. Is that fair? 5
A Well, it was $600,000, and I paid back $350,000. 6
Q And she agreed to let you keep the $250,000? 7
A A real sport. Yeah. 8
Q But, in your mind, you deserved the $600,000 for all the time and effort that 9
you spent working with Americore. Is that fair? 10
A I believe that to be the case, yes. 11
BY MS. : 12
Q Mr. Biden, I'm going to go through a list of topics that came up in the past 13
hour and a half or so -- 14
A Okay. 15
Q -- and just ask you some yes-or-no questions. 16
A Yes. 17
Q You were asked in the earlier hour about the loan from Mr. Hynansky. 18
A Yes. 19
Q Do you recall those questions? 20
A Yes. Yes, ma'am. 21
Q That loan was between Mr. Hynansky and yourself, correct? 22
A Yes. Yes, ma'am. 23
Q Joe Biden had no involvement in that loan, correct? 24
A None. 25
Q Okay. 1
You were asked in the earlier hour about the loan from Joey Langston. Do you 2
recall those questions? 3
A Yes, ma'am. 4
Q That loan was between Mr. Langston and yourself, correct? 5
A Yes, ma'am. 6
Q Joe Biden had no involvement in that loan? 7
A None. 8
Q You were asked about Third Friday. 9
A Right. 10
Q To the extent you had interactions with Third Friday -- 11
A Yes. 12
Q -- Joe Biden had no involvement in any of those interactions -- 13
A Zero. 14
Q -- correct? 15
A Yes. 16
Q Just let me finish the question. 17
A Sorry. 18
Mr. Fishman. But zero was the answer. 19
BY MS. 20
Q Thinking about all of your work with Americore, 2017 through sometime in 21
2018, Joe Biden had no involvement whatsoever in any of your work with Americore, 22
correct? 23
A Correct. 24
Q You were asked about the SEC lawsuit, which I think is exhibit 16. And you 25
don't need to pull it out. But you were not a named party in that lawsuit, correct? 1
A Correct. 2
Q In fact, you're not involved in that lawsuit, correct? 3
A Correct. 4
Q And Joe Biden certainly is not involved in that lawsuit, correct? 5
A Correct. 6
Q Okay. 7
You were asked just a couple minutes ago about your interactions with Jose Luis 8
Manzano. You recall those questions? 9
A Yes, ma'am. 10
Q Okay. Joe Biden did not have any involvement in any of your business 11
dealings with Mr. Manzano, correct? 12
A Absolutely not. 13
Q And to the best of your recollection, did you ever discuss your business deals 14
with Mr. Manzano with Joe Biden? 15
A Absolutely not. 16
Q Okay. Thank you. 17
BY MS. : 18
Q Just to wrap things up, Mr. Biden, we've been here for approximately 8 19
hours now in a proceeding that is ostensibly related to the impeachment inquiry of 20
President Joe Biden. 21
Until you were asked about transactions that occurred in 2022, which I believe 22
happened at about 6:10 p.m. tonight, everything else that we discussed today predated 23
the Presidency of Joe Biden. Is that correct? 24
A Yes, ma'am. 25
Q And, as you just explained to my colleague, the transactions from 1
Mr. Manzano that occurred in 2022 and, I believe, one maybe in 2023 have nothing to do 2
with your brother. 3
A Nothing. 4
Q You didn't give any of those funds to your brother? 5
A No, ma'am. 6
Q And you didn't discuss them? 7
A No, ma'am. 8
Q Thank you very much. 9
Ms. . Thank you. 10
We can go off the record. 11
[Whereupon, at 6:36 p.m., the interview was concluded.]12
Certificate of Deponent/Interviewee 1
I have read the foregoing ____ pages, which contain the correct transcript of the 4
answers made by me to the questions therein recorded. 5
_____________________________ 9
Witness Name 10
_____________________________ 13
Date 14
Paul J. Fishman
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
One Gateway Center, Suite 1025
Newark, NJ 07102-5315
US 175608612v1
February 29, 2024
General Counsel
Committee on Oversight and Accountability
Re: Errata for Transcribed Interview of James Biden
Dear Mr. :
On behalf of our client, James Biden, we have attached a list of errata in the draft
transcript of his voluntary interview.
Best regards,
Paul J. Fishman
Attachment enclosed
Errata Sheet
James Biden – February 21, 2024 Transcribed Interview
Global: change “Boonville” to “Booneville”
Global: change “Burist” to “Briest
Global: change “Metro Gas” to “Metrogas”
P. 14, line 11 – change “Murkowsky” to “Mersky”
P. 37, line 25 – remove “that” before “we could repopulate”
P. 55, line 6 – change to “a little bit of a wilder side than Beau”
P. 60, line 6 – remove “what” before “I became”
P. 85, line 16 – change “82-5” to “82.5”
P. 89, lines 17-18 – replace “in help situation – help situation –” to “to help situating”
P. 94, line 5 – replace “Robin Walker” with “Robinson Walker”
P. 110, line 22 – change “gave” to “give”
P. 112, line 16 – change “LLP” to “LLC”
P. 115, line 7 – remove “General” before “Richard Ieyoub”
P. 116, line 7 – add comma after “he”
P. 116, line 9 – add “it” before “was identified to him”
P. 117, line 14 – remove “potential” before “first deal”
P. 117, line 22 – remove “this” before “Carlos Slim”
P. 117, line 22 – remove “on” after “contemplating”
P. 119, line 2 – change “project” to “projects
P. 120, line 23 – remove “to” before “when
P. 121, line 2 – change “30- or $40 billion” to “$30 or 40 billion”
P. 122, line 8 – change “provided” to “provide”
P. 122, line 24 – add “have” after “don’t”
P. 124, line 21 – remove “there were” before “basically nothing”
P. 126, line 3 – remove “is” before “it’s ludicrous”
P. 127, line 6 – remove “was”
P. 127, line 21 – remove “when”
P. 128, line 18 – change “lean” to “line”
P. 129, line 22 – remove “has never” before “signed anything”
P. 133, line 17 – change “Beverly hotel” to “Beverly Hotel
P. 133, line 19 – change “Beverly hotel” to “Beverly Hotel
P. 141, line 3 – replace “The ” with “This”
P. 142, line 5 – remove “be” after “Rob Walker
P. 150, line 22 – change “Ayoub” to “Ieyoub”
P. 151, line 5 – change “Ayoub” to “Ieyoub”
P. 151, line 8 – change “Ayoub” to “Ieyoub”
P. 162, line 12 – change “dealings” to “dealing”
P. 172, line 16 – change “New Jersey” to “Delaware”
P. 190, line 14 – change “.” to “?” after “Gonna start now”
P. 202, line 15 – remove “that” and replace with a period
P. 206, line 11 – remove “Carlos Slim” after “Mexico
P. 206, line 20 – change “wealthy individuals wealthy individuals” to “wealthy
P. 207, line 24 – change “why” to “where
P. 213, line 12 – change “main -- that – you know” to “main thing, you know”