Coming Together 3
Character Tips 3
Campaign Traits 6
Lastwall at a Glance 7
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Player’s Guide
Tyrant’s Grasp
Player’s Guide
The Whispering Tyrant stirs in his underground prison and flexes
his arcane might through his Whispering Way minions, eager to
threaten all of Golarion once again. With deadly new magic at
his command—capable of destruction on a scale the world has
never seen before—his freedom seems all but inevitable, and
swi enough to evade the notice of even Lastwall’s watchful
eyes! Avistan’s only hope may lie in the most unlikely heroes: the
Whispering Way’s newest victims!
The first adventure of the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path
assumes all the PCs begin in the small town of Roslar’s Coer,
in the southwestern corner of Lastwall. Named for Ervin Roslar,
a hero of the Shining Crusade, the town has survived over 800
years despite sharing a frontier with the orcs of Belkzen, even
trading peacefully with several tribes who seasonally wander
nearby. Lastwall considers the town, which helps establish the
local borders and grows much of the flax used in Vigil, important
enough to maintain a small garrison of knights there. While its
existence has been challenging, Roslar’s Coer persisted largely
without issue for centuries until the more violent Twisted Nail
tribe pushed the less aggressive orc tribes out of the region and
began launching raids against outlying farms. These attacks
eventually escalated until the Twisted Nails assaulted Roslar’s
Coer itself in 4707 , burning its historic buildings, wiping out
over a quarter of the population, and scattering the remaining
residents. About half the survivors returned the next season to
rebuild, only to discover a territorial creature called a red reaver
had moved into the Sarenite monastery a mile outside of town,
forcing the church to relocate into the newly rebuilt town itself.
Lastwall deployed additional knights to patrol the border
regions as Roslar’s Coer rebuilt. These warriors turned back
several new raids by the Twisted Nail, who eventually turned their
frustrations inward toward Belkzen. None of the knights’ eorts
managed to dislodge the red reaver from its new lair, however.
It continued to plunder nearby farms and assault travelers, and
locals quickly learned to simply avoid the grounds and orchards
once managed by the church and otherwise went on with their
lives. Agents of the prestigious Pathfinder Society arrived last year
to investigate the temple, and aer a daring battle, finally felled
the beast! The church of Sarenrae has made only brief surveys
of the damage caused by the monster in its 10-year stay, and
they still operate from town. This sudden burst of excitement
nonetheless inspired many of the town’s youth to spin fantasies
about becoming adventurers and Pathfinders themselves.
In addition to the Sarenite temple, Roslar’s Coer enjoys minor
fame for Roslar’s Tomb, a sizable crypt in the town cemetery that
houses the earthly remains of several heroes from the Shining
Crusade (although, ironically, not Roslar himself, aer rumors of
a scandal arose upon his death). Faithful of both Iomedae and
Gorum occasionally visit on pilgrimage to pay their respects
to these fallen heroes of the past, and the town is all too happy
to provide accommodations in exchange for newcomers’ coin.
Thanks to its location along the Tourondel River, the town also
sees some trac in the form of crusaders, messengers, pilgrims,
and traders from both Lastwall and Nirmathas.
Player characters might be stubborn residents of Roslar’s Coer,
members of the militia dispatched by Lastwall to guard the border,
part of the displaced church of Sarenrae, pilgrims visiting the crypt,
Pathfinders surveying the temple aer their superiors departed,
traders, or ocials from Vigil. Ideally at least one character is a
local—either a lifelong resident or someone who settled in the area
as part of the post–Twisted Nail reconstruction. Those PCs who
do not hail directly from Roslar’s Coer or Lastwall should at least
have a strong interest in the legacy of the Whispering Tyrant and
the Whispering Way and hope to minimize the damage these vile
forces can inflict on the world.
This guide includes a short gazetteer of Lastwall to help players
know what to expect from the self-styled bastion against the dark
forces of the world. Additional information on Lastwall and the
Shining Crusade can be found in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner
Sea World Guide and Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Cities of Golarion.
The overall concept of Tyrant’s Grasp—a resurgence of the
Whispering Way and their new weapon of mass destruction—
is one that likely appeals to a vast variety of characters, but how
do you pick just one concept, and what will best fit with the
campaigns challenges and mood? Despite the large scope of the
storyline, most of the challenges are personal and immediate—
the Whispering Way and other minions of Tar-Baphon threaten
the PCs directly and personally, and in uncovering and stopping
their plot, the PCs will delve into ancient ruins, devastated
landscapes, and secret strongholds with nothing to protect them
beyond courage and a sturdy shield. The PCs will need to rely
on themselves and their fellow adventurers rather than armies
or the social order. The following suggestions do not cover
every potential character concept appropriate for this campaign;
many more possibilities exist, limited only by your imagination
Theme: Survival Horror
The overall theme of Tyrant’s Grasp is survival horror. The player
characters will often find themselves in desperate circumstances
with limited resources, particularly during the first few adventures.
Terrible tragedies are destined to occur as the events of Tyrant’s
Grasp unfold; often, your objective isn’t to prevent these disasters,
but to survive them and to display heroism and resourcefulness
in their wake. Circumstances will compel the player characters
to leave Roslars Coffer much sooner than you might expect, so
characters prepared to travel across Lastwall and beyond are the
best fit for this Adventure Path.
and familiarity with the various options presented over the past
10 years of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game products. For more
discussions about characters in the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure
Path, visit the forums at and share your questions and
experiences with others who are playing through this campaign.
Almost everyone, whether good, evil, or purely self-motivated,
stands to lose considerable freedom and safety under the rule
of Tar-Baphon and legions of the dead, and so alignment isn’t
necessarily limited by morality or ethos for Tyrant’s Grasp so
long as characters can agree that the Whispering Tyrant and the
Whispering Way must be stopped. As Lastwall is a nation ruled by
paladins, lawful good and its immediate neighbors lawful neutral
and neutral good are the most common alignments, with citizens
expected to work toward the common good for their education,
community and nation when they are able, and benefiting from
a strong support infrastructure that delivers expertise, protection,
and resources where and when they are needed. Even Lastwall’s
villains tend to adopt a code of honor, leaning more toward lawful
evil than any chaotic outlook. Chaotic characters aren’t especially
disdained, but they have a dicult time finding a place in the well-
ordered societies of the border nation. Those who do exist dri
toward border communities like Roslar’s Coer or lumber camps
in the Fangwood Forest, and many eventually migrate further
south to Nirmathas. As always, talk to your Game Master before
creating an evil character, as they are not appropriate for all groups.
Archetypes And clAss OptiOns
Most of the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path involves battling
unrepentant evil and surviving in the face of overwhelming
destruction. Many adventures involve dicult scenarios where
awful things have already transpired, and the PCs must do what
good they can in the aermath—comforting survivors and healing
victims. All character classes are suitable for this Adventure Path,
but those who rely on a certain degree of stable infrastructure,
especially urban-focused classes and archetypes, may have a harder
time finding useful applications for their skills. This Adventure
Path also requires considerable travel, and so characters with some
ability to navigate eectively, get by on the road, or have some
ability to travel faster will find practical application for their skills.
Given their prevalence in Lastwall, paladins are an obvious choice,
as are clerics and warpriests, but players of such characters should
do so with an open mind, as many important growth moments
in the Adventure Path require working alongside the lesser of
two evils for the betterment of the world. It’s worth pointing out
that even the paladin code allows lawful good characters to work
alongside evil companions for the greater good, so long as they can
curb the dark actions of their allies.
Other classes well suited for the Tyrant’s Grasp include
fighters, rangers, rogues, and wizards. Druids—residents of the
nearby Fangwood Forest—are likewise a local feature, though
druid players may find the desolate landscapes visited over the
course of this campaign too limiting. Because of the prevalence
of undead opponents, bards (as well as enchanter and illusionist
specialist wizards) may find fewer targets for their oensive magic
and songs, but their ability to make their companions more
resistant to fear will be appreciated nonetheless. Gunslingers and
other classes that require very specific equipment might struggle
to find places to shop, particularly in the first few adventures. A
few monasteries of Iomedae exist within the nation, encouraging
enlightenment through martial skill and physical perfection,
though they focus on Avistani fighting styles rather than those
of Tian-Xia. Among the base classes, cavaliers and inquisitors
are most represented in Lastwall, but even summoners and
witches are le in peace so long as their gis aren’t turned
toward destruction or control. Brawlers, hunters, investigators,
and slayers are also found among the nations heroes, as well as
spiritualists and mediums who handle the omnipresent restless
spirits still lingering aer the original Shining Crusade. Classes
of a chaotic bent—barbarians and skalds especially—are not
unheard of, but are not as heavily represented among the
notably honor-bound culture of Lastwall.
Some potentially useful archetypes are listed below.
Battle scout ranger
Champion of the faith warpriest
Crossbowman fighter
Crusader cleric
Daring champion cavalier
Deliverer slayer
Divine commander warpriest
Divine defender paladin
Empyreal knight paladin
Exemplar brawler
Exorcist inquisitor
Grave warden slayer
Hedge witch
Knight of Arnisant cavalier (Pathfinder Player Companion: Armor
Master’s Handbook)
Martial artist monk
Monk of the healing hands
Phalanx soldier fighter
Possessed oracle
Reanimated medium
Scout rogue
Shield champion brawler
Silver balladeer bard
Skirmisher ranger
Skirnir magus
Spirit warden shaman
Spiritualist investigator
Standard bearer cavalier
Trapper ranger
Undead scourge paladin
Witch hunter inquisitor
In addition to these options, Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures
also introduces the Order of the Shroud for cavaliers, dedicated
to putting down undead threats.
BlOOdlines, mysteries, And pAtrOns
While most sorcerer and bloodrager bloodlines are acceptable for
the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path, those derived from the fiendish
planes are sure to earn more than a few suspicious glances. The
paladins of Lastwall understand intellectually that a child is not
responsible for the sins of his parents—and such characters have
nothing to fear as far as their lives are concerned, provided they
obey the law—but overtly fiendish heritage or magic still draws
second glances and increased scrutiny. The following suggestions
are especially appropriate for this campaign: accursed
, arcane,
celestial, destined, undead, verdant
. The oracle mysteries
and shaman spirits with the strongest thematic ties to this
Adventure Path include battle, bones, heavens, and life. Suitable
witch patrons for the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path include
, death
, endurance, healing
, light
, portents
, strength, vengeance
, and wisdom.
These choices are only suggestions, and players should not
feel obligated to select from only these options. Most bloodlines,
mysteries, spirits, and patrons can find their place in the war
against the Whispering Way.
FAmiliAr And AnimAl cOmpAniOns
Because of its unusual nature, the first adventure separates
the player characters from any followers, animal companions,
mounts, or familiars they may have. Losing a class feature for
the duration of an adventure may be challenging, but it is only
temporary, and PCs will be able to regain their companions at
the beginning of the second adventure. If players can accept
this temporary limitation, the following list of familiars are
local to Lastwall and make ideal choices for familiars: bat, cat,
, goat
, hawk, hedgehog
, house centipede
, owl, pig
rabbit (Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive), raccoon
rat, raven, skunk
, sloth
, squirrel (Animal Archive), toad, and
weasel. Characters looking for improved familiars will find the
following most appropriate to the themes and challenges of
tyrant’s Grasp: silvanshee agathion
, cassisian angel
, harbinger
, carbuncle
, arbiter inevitable
, pseudodragon, and
nosoi psychopomp
The following animals can be found throughout Lastwall
and would be good choices for companions or mounts, and
are readily available replacements should a character’s existing
animal companion perish: aurochs, axe beak
, badger, bear,
bird (eagle, falcon, or hawk), boar, small cat (lynx or mountain
lion), digmaul
, dire rat, dog, horse, ram
, giant raven
, stag
, giant vulture
, giant weasel
, and wolf .
FAvOred enemies And FAvOred terrAins
Easily the most obvious and numerous opponent players will
face in the course of the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path will be
undead, which make up the majority of the Whispering Tyrant’s
forces. The PCs will also face many living opponents in service to
Tar-Baphon, including humans and elves. Other common threats
will include aberrations, plants, and the new mortic humanoid
subtype. The campaign will cover a variety of landscapes, with
underground dungeons—where the dead and their secrets lie
buried—being the most common. Other common landscapes
will include urban and forest, as well as some time spent in the
rolling hills and rugged mountains of Lastwall and Ustalav.
With the campaigns beginning set in a border town steadily
rebuilding aer an orc attack a decade ago, most player characters
likely hail from Lastwall in general, if not Roslar’s Coer
specifically. They may be clergy, engineers, farmers, healers,
masons, town watch, or weavers, with the local industry focusing
primarily on flax farming, sheep herding, reconstruction, and
weaving cloth from the local flax and wool, as well as selling
linseed oil and lanolin. Even though the border with Belkzen has
been quiet the past few seasons, Vigil maintains a small defensive
force in Roslar’s Coer made up of healers, knights, scouts,
and soldiers, as well as a few academic observers who report on
the reconstruction eorts. Roslar’s Coer attracts trade from
Nirmathas and Ustalav, and even the occasional Varisian caravan
and Razmiri refugee. The reconstruction eort attracted many
souls eager for work, as well as a few opportunistic sorts who saw
the local authorities handing out compensation and support to
displaced locals and decided to take advantage of this generosity,
though most of these have long since moved on now that the
charity has dwindled to a trickle.
With the bulk of the Shining Crusade’s forces originally provided
by Taldor, the Taldan common tongue is the language of the
area. A large number of Kraggodan dwarves assisted in both the
war and reconstruction, and Dwarven remains a fairly common
tongue even among humans. Similarly, Lastwall’s proximity to
Ustalav means that many among the peasantry speak at least a
little Varisian—especially to mutter curses and protections. Hallit
and Orc are still found on many of the old ruins that predate
Tar-Baphons rule, while Necril was the language of choice under
the Whispering Tyrant’s iron fist and remains the common
tongue of the Whispering Way. The church of Iomedae also
commonly commits important messages or prayers in Celestial.
prestige clAsses
Characters interested in pursuing a prestige class have many
options. Any that emphasize their faith and dedication—
especially to the gods Iomedae or Gorum—are prime choices.
The following suggestions are the most thematic for the Tyrant’s
Grasp Adventure Path.
Battle herald
Evangelist (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods)
Exalted (Inner Sea Gods)
Horizon walker
Knight of Ozem (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Paths of Prestige)
Prophet of Kalistrade (Paths of Prestige)
Sentinel (Inner Sea Gods)
Stalwart defender
Humans are the overwhelming majority of Lastwall’s population,
but the Shining Crusade brought defenders from across the Inner
Sea region, and almost every ethnicity on Avistan is represented in
the local populace. Though the majority of Lastwall’s population
is at least part Taldan, most citizens carry a blend of Taldan,
Chelaxian, Varisian, Kellid, and Garundi ancestry, and Keleshite
and Tian heritage have also become more common as trade has
increased following Lastwall’s independence from Taldor.
Dwarves and halflings are common sights, especially in
the military. Gnome and elven visitors—primarily from the
Fangwood Forest—are not unheard of, but by far the most
common non-humans in Lastwall are half-orcs. Most of the
nations half-orcs hail from the generations of tense but peaceful
contact between human border towns and nomadic orc tribes,
or even self-sustaining villages of half-orcs that have dwelled
along the Mindspin Mountains since the Age of Darkness and
that have occasionally adopted human or orc members into
the local population. Despite these diverse origins, the negative
perception of orcs among humans sees that most half-orcs bear
at least some stigma.
Though rare, aasimars and dhampirs both call Lastwall
home, and both are treated with a certain level of mistrust—
dhampirs for their obvious ties to undeath, and aasimars for
their otherworldly origins. Changelings, duskwalkers, and
skinwalkers—many immigrants from Ustalav—can also be found
in small numbers, but are uncommon enough that they generally
don’t draw attention as anything more than unusual travelers.
Faith is a cornerstone of Lastwall’s culture. Owing to the nations
roots as a religious crusade against overwhelming evil, nearly
every citizen pays homage, whether casual or devout, to one or
more gods on a regular basis. During the 74 years of the Shining
Crusade—and for many years into the recovery era—survival
depended on the ability to invoke the light of the gods or find
courage and perseverance through faith. Although Lastwall is not
technically a theocracy, every watcher-lord has maintained strong
ties to one church or another.
Iomedae, the crusader and disciple of both Arazni and
Aroden, is the most prominent god of Lastwall, followed
closely by the war god Gorum, who is popular with both the
crusaders of Lastwall and their orc rivals in Belkzen. Most
soldiers worship both. Iomedae is the usual favorite, and the
church of Iomedae is all but a branch of the government. Other
gods commonly seen in Lastwall include the Taldan pantheon—
Abadar, Cayden Cailean, Norgorber, and Shelyn—imported by
the earliest crusaders. Sarenites are less common, but were still
a strong foundation in the Shining Crusade, especially among
healers. Desna, largely important among Varisian settlers, is also
a common faith among the civilian citizenry. Many dwarves pay
homage to Torag and the rest of the dwarven pantheon.
Many small cults exist to various empyreal lords as well,
especially the avenging angel Ragathiel—whom many of the
most violent paladins follow—and Andoletta, who is embraced
both by communities hoping to invoke her protection and by
veterans who look to her for healing and peace.
skills And FeAts
A Tyrant’s Grasp party will benefit most from a great diversity
of skills. A diversity of Knowledge skills will prove valuable to
solving puzzles and identifying threats, with Knowledge (history)
and Knowledge (religion) being the most useful, and Knowledge
(arcana), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (geography),
and Knowledge (planes) all having their own applications. Many
of the physical challenges in the adventure will provide use for
physical skills like Acrobatics, Climb, and Ride. Perception will
serve most adventurers well, and classic adventuring standbys
like Disable Device, Spellcra, Stealth, and Survival will all have
moments to shine.
Combat with a wide variety of foes is a staple of the Tyrant’s
Grasp Adventure Path, and PCs will benefit from dedicating
themselves to one or more combat feat trees. With undead
as a common feature, feats like Power Attack and Cleave that
allow a warrior to carve quickly through resilient opponents
will be handy, as will feats to bolster one’s Fortitude and Will
saving throws. The Ectoplasmic Spell
metamagic feat allows
spellcasters to more eectively engage incorporeal undead, and
feats that augment a cleric or paladins ability to channel energy
will likewise prove useful.
In addition to the campaign traits listed below, several traits from
the Advanced Player’s Guide are common and appropriate among
the faith-minded citizens of Lastwall: Armor Expert, Birthmark,
Child of the Temple, Courageous, Divine Warrior, Indomitable
Faith, Militia Veteran, Reactionary, Resilient, Sacred Conduit,
Undead Slayer, and Veteran of Battle.
The Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path takes players across Lastwall
and into Ustalav, as well as to far more distant ports of call. The
campaign begins in the border town of Roslar’s Coer, and player
characters should be natives of the community or its surrounding
environs. Regardless of their backgrounds, every character should
have a vested interest in stopping the rise of undeath and evil that
threatens to conquer all of Avistan.
Each player character should select one of the following campaign
traits as one of her two traits available at character creation.
The Artisan: Precision is important in getting exactly what you
want, and you give careful consideration in building everything
from homes and vases to roads and empires. Your own attention
to detail has proven vital in rebuilding Roslar’s Coer from the
orc occupation a decade ago, whether you are an accountant,
architect, engineer, or herbalist. Your attention to detail provides
you a +1 trait bonus on Appraise and Heal checks, and one of
these skills becomes a class skill for you. Once per day, you can
spend a full round casting a spell you can cast that has a normal
casting time of 1 standard action to increase your eective caster
level for that spell by 1. This ability has no aect on spells with a
casting time other than 1 standard action.
The Lawbringer: The frontier is a land of risk and disorder,
and while people are welcome to brave those elements
themselves, they all too oen bring pain down upon
folk who never wanted such a risk. You might serve
on the town guard or as part of a detachment
of soldiers supported by Vigil, or you could be
simply a concerned farmer who endures when
others cannot, but your purpose is to stand as a
bulwark against the cruel whims of fate for anyone
who needs it. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving
throws against fear eects. If you have the aura of
courage class feature, the bonus provided by your
aura increases by 1. Your courage is inspiring; the
first time each day you are knocked unconscious or
killed, all allies within 30 feet of you immediately
gain a number of temporary hit points equal
to your level plus your Charisma modifier, as
they rally to your defense. These temporary
hit points last for 1 minute.
The Optimist: People don’t need to take
your word that things are getting better; they
only need to look around and see the proof
before their eyes. The towns recovery from the
orc occupation more than a decade ago is all but
complete, and the monster in the Sarenite temple
outside of town has finally been bested. Your irrepressible
sense of optimism seems to fly in the face of the hard life that
most residents of Roslar’s Coer face, but you’re convinced
that your positive attitude lis up your community. You gain a
+1 trait bonus on saving throws against mind-aecting eects.
Further, your optimism can be infectious. As a swi action
a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier
(minimum 1), you can grant this bonus to an ally within 10 feet.
This bonus lasts for 1 minute.
The Outsider: You don’t have a place, but the frontier seems
comfortable enough for now. Maybe you’re too informal for city
life, too selfish for Lastwall’s general culture of camaraderie,
or too scarred by things youve seen to entirely trust another
person. You are accustomed to moving without drawing much
attention to yourself, gaining a +1 trait bonus on Stealth and
Survival checks, and one of these skills is always a class skill for
you. Accustomed to working alone, you gain only half the benefit
(+1) from aid another actions, but you’re accustomed to doing the
job right the first time and so increase the bonus you provide by
1 when aiding another character.
The Pessimist: You expect the worst and have rarely been
disappointed. Your dour outlook may hail from the original
destruction of Roslar’s Coer at the hands of the Twisted Nail
tribe, the exile of the faithful from the nearby Sarenite temple,
or some more personal misfortune, but it has set you apart
among the largely forward-thinking population of Lastwall.
Your faith that the worst possible outcome will occur grants you
a +1 trait bonus on Will saving throws. Your frustrating pessimism
can spur friends to succeed just to spite you; once per day as a free
action, you can force an ally within 30 feet to reroll a saving throw
she just failed, using the better of the two results.
The Reclaimer: You lost something precious in the
destruction of Roslar’s Coer 12 years ago—a home,
a legacy, perhaps even family—but returned because
a soul shouldn’t run from pain, but heal from it.
Rebuilding your life and preventing that same
hurt from dragging down others drives you to
serve and protect, perhaps as a politician, charity
worker, healer, or soldier, but that same loss fills you
with an uncharitable anger that is oen dicult to
reconcile. Your wary eyes grant you a +1 trait bonus
on Perception checks. You gain a +1 trait bonus
on attack and damage rolls against any
opponent that dealt hit point damage to
one of your allies in the previous round.
The Snoop: You know a little bit
about most everything and everyone
in Roslar’s Coer. It may be your
profession, as you could be an
archivist, crier, or librarian—or you
simply make a hobby of gossip. Either way,
you have a gi for recall and reading others.
You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history)
and Knowledge (local) checks, and these both become class
skills for you. Once each day you can reroll a single Blu or Sense
Motive check against a creature you have known for at least 24
hours, using the better result.
The Word: In a nation overcrowded with faith, you oen worry
that your message is drowned out, but nonetheless important. The
souls in Roslar’s Coer needed comfort and charity once upon a
time, but have bounced back so fully—in part thanks to your hard
work—that you worry you’ve made yourself unnecessary. You
are accustomed to long hours, granting you a +1 trait bonus on
Fortitude saving throws. Your faith is invigorating, and once per
day you can lay on hands as a paladin of half your character level
(minimum 1). If you gain the lay on hands ability from a class, you
instead gain one additional use of lay on hands each day.
Lastwall is a land of rolling grasslands, primeval forests, and
ancient battle scars. Once a landscape of orc holds and Kellid
city-states dotted with Taldan supply forts, the Whispering
Tyrant began to steadily consume the territory aer 3200 . Orc
and Kellid populations were pressed or enslaved into service,
with those who fell—either in battle of ill-fated rebellions—
animated to serve mindlessly until their bones crumbled to
dust. Tar-Baphons forces razed entire cities and monuments,
leaving only buried foundations that now litter the landscape as
dungeons and makeshi crypts. By the time Taldor mobilized
against the Whispering Tyrant 5 centuries later, generations of
Castle Everstand
Castle Everstand
Three Pines Ford
Three Pines Ford
Roslar’s Coffer
Roslar’s Coffer
Hallein Town
Hallein Town
Dortrot RanchDortrot Ranch
Hammer Rock
Hammer Rock
Vaishau RuinVaishau Ruin
gloom and toil had rendered the landscape fallow and hopeless.
War le new wounds upon the land. Strongholds and cities built
to honor the Whispering Tyrant were torn down to the flagstones
and used as the building blocks for new fortifications against
the wizard-king. Mass battles le landscapes impregnated with
shattered bone and bent steel, with many stretches of land still
fetid and unable to support crops. Terrible magic and spirits still
haunt many ancient battlefields, even a millennium later.
Despite the horror it has seen, those portions of Lastwall held
by mortal hands are beautiful and bountiful. Proximity to Lake
Encarthan provides ample rainfall and cool summers, albeit
harsh and snowy winters. Growing seasons are long enough to
support a variety of crops. The Northern Fangwood Forest and
foothills of the Hungry Mountains eectively divide Lastwall
in half. Eastern Lastwall is far more urban and reclaimed,
with vast farms and ranches supporting cattle and the nations
famous horses, as well as the trade city of Vellumis—an ancient
Ustalavic port and the largest city in the nation. Western
Lastwall is less tamed and more hostile—an irony, given that
the nations capital of Vigil lies in this untamed half—with
frequent incursions from Belkzen orcs, occasional resurgences
of necromantic energy, and large tracts of land and forest le
largely unexplored and untouched by modern hands. Roslar’s
Coer—western Lastwall’s southernmost town—exists largely
by the grace of the Tourondel River, and little in the way of
modern construction exists between it and the fortresses over
100 miles north except a well-guarded stone road and a few
hunting lodges. Despite this isolation, the people of Roslar’s
Coer squarely consider themselves residents of Lastwall and
do what they can to contribute to the nation.
With a strong-hearted and faithful military tradition, the
people of Lastwall tend to be community-focused, forthright,
and hard working. Their survival depends on trusting each
person in the community to do their job to the best of her
ability, and every citizen knows his community could fall
to the next orc raid or harsh winter if he doesn’t give every
task his best eort. As a people squeezed between two hostile
presences, they are deeply devout, with most residents
attending temple services multiple times a week, but as with all
things, practicality comes first, and worship must wait if there
is work to be done. Most citizens spend the spring planting,
summers drilling with weapons and armor, and the autumn
harvesting before the first hard freeze. The long, cold winters
are a time of respite—orcs rarely campaign in the snow, and
freezing temperatures harden the ground and prevent the
restless dead from wandering—allowing more attention to
hobbies, family, and friends. Feasts and marriages are common
in the winter months, though most are generally small, local
aairs, as roads during the Lastwall winter can be punishing
even for seasoned travelers.
Open Game License Version 1.0a
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is
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Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors:
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Axe Beak from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Carbuncle from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore.
Tyrant’s Grasp Player’s Guide © 2018, Paizo Inc.; Author: Crystal Frasier.