Beginner Box
Pathnder Beginner Box
Pathnder Beginner Box: Menace Under Otari can be
run or played to gain specic benets for the Pathnder
Society Organized Play campaign.
The Pathnder Beginner Box uses a streamlined
version of the Pathnder ruleset. The Pathnder Beginner
Box has variable playtimes. It doesn’t contain specic
faction-related elements, nor is it designed for play by
characters over a wide range of levels. Sometimes they
include pregenerated characters tailored and themed to
the adventure. While not required, we recommend using
the provided characters, as they strengthen players’
immersion in the story.
Thematically, the Pathnder Beginner Box doesn’t
assume the characters are members of the Pathnder
Society. Menace Under Otari is therefore offered outside
of the standard Organized Play environment; characters
don’t need to conform to the standard Organized Play
requirements laid out in the Guide to Organized Play:
Pathnder Society, and they do not receive the school
benets from Pathnder Training listed in the Additional
Character Options section of the Guide.
Running the AdventuRe
The Pathnder Beginner Box Game Master’s Guide
outlines how to run the adventure Menace Under
Otari. GMs should use the adventure as a framework
and make adjustments for their table, focusing on the
goal of providing an enjoyable, engaging experience for
all participants. Players earn one set of rewards after
completing the upper oor and again after nishing the
The Beginner Box Heroes Handbook describes the
rules for character creation, or players can use the
four pregenerated characters included in the Pathnder
Beginner Box. Alternatively, GMs may allow players to
bring their own characters built using rules found outside
the Pathnder Beginner Box. GMs should be advised that
challenges may need to be adjusted to compensate for
characters built using other character options.
Players who play through Menace Under Otari,
as well as GMs who run the adventure, can apply the
adventure’s Chronicle Sheet to any rst level Pathnder
Society Organized Play characters. Players and GMs
must decide which character to apply credit to when they
receive the Chronicle Sheet. Each Chronicle Sheet gives 4
Experience Point(s), 4 Reputation with one faction, and
14 gold pieces. It also grants 8 days of Downtime. This
adventure is repeatable, therefore an individual may earn
a chronicle each time they play or GM the adventure.
Players earn access to the items and options listed on
the Chronicle Sheet through their actions during the
adventure. If the PCs don’t discover an item or fulll the
conditions described in the adventure to gain access to an
option, cross that option off of each player’s Chronicle
Sheet. If a PC gains access to an option presented on the
Chronicle Sheet that can only be obtained by one member
of the party, they earn that option on the Chronicle Sheet
for all members of their group.
About the Pathnder
The Pathnder Society is a worldwide fantasy living
campaign that puts you in the role of an agent of the
Pathnder Society, a legendary league of explorers,
archaeologists, and adventurers dedicated to discovering
and chronicling the greatest mysteries and wonders of
an ancient world beset by magic and evil. A Pathnder’s
adventures explore the dark alleys and political intrigues
of Absalom between far-ung travels to the most
interesting and remote locales in the world of Pathnder.
In an organized play campaign, characters exist in a
common setting shared by tens of thousands of other
gamers from around the world. Paizo’s Organized Play
programs, including Pathnder Society and Starnder
Event Reporting Form
Date Event Code:
GM Org Play #: GM Name: GM Faction:
Adventure #: Adventure Name:
Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report)
Fame Earned:
Bonus Faction Goal Achieved:
Yes No N/A
Scenario-based Infamy earned?
Yes No N/A
Character Name:
Grand Archive Envoy’s Alliance
Slow Track
Radiant Oath Horizon Hunters
Org Play #: Level
Vigilant Seal Verdant Wheel
Character Name:
Grand Archive Envoy’s Alliance
Slow Track
Radiant Oath Horizon Hunters
Org Play #: Level
Vigilant Seal Verdant Wheel
Character Name:
Grand Archive Envoy’s Alliance
Slow Track
Radiant Oath Horizon Hunters
Org Play #: Level
Vigilant Seal Verdant Wheel
Character Name:
Grand Archive Envoy’s Alliance
Slow Track
Radiant Oath Horizon Hunters
Org Play #: Level
Vigilant Seal Verdant Wheel
Character Name:
Grand Archive Envoy’s Alliance
Slow Track
Radiant Oath Horizon Hunters
Org Play #: Level
Vigilant Seal Verdant Wheel
Character Name:
Grand Archive Envoy’s Alliance
Slow Track
Radiant Oath Horizon Hunters
Org Play #: Level
Vigilant Seal Verdant Wheel
Society, are campaigns produced by Paizo and used by
a volunteer community of organizers and GMs in more
than 36 countries on six continents.
Participants in the Pathnder Society can take their
characters to any public Pathnder Society event
anywhere in the world, and any Game Master can gather
a group of players to run through dozens of different
pre-made adventures. It’s a great way to get in touch with
other local gamers, meet new people, and play regularly
without all the prep work and scheduling of a traditional
Players and GMs both earn special Achievement Points
for participating, which they can use to buy special
options for their characters on paizo.com. GMs earn
double Achievement Points rewards for the games they
run. For more information on the Pathnder Society, on
how to read the attached Chronicle Sheet, and to nd
games in your area, check out the campaign’s homepage
at pathndersociety.club.
Creative Directors • James Jacobs and Luis Loza
Director of Game Design • Jason Bulmahn
Director of Visual Design • Sonja Morris
Director of Game Development • Adam Daigle
Development Manager • Linda Zayas-Palmer
Managing Creative Director (Starnder) • Thurston Hillman
Senior Developers • John Compton, Eleanor Ferron, and Jenny Jarzabski
Developers • Vanessa Hoskins, Dustin Knight, and Landon Winkler
Lead Designer (Games) • Joe Pasini
Organized Play Line Developers • Jessica Catalan, Josh Foster, and
Shay Snow
Design Manager • Michael Sayre
Pathnder Lead Designer • Logan Bonner
Senior Designer • James Case
Managing Editor • Leo Glass
Lead Editor • Avi Kool
Senior Editors • Patrick Hurley, Ianara Natividad, and Simone D. Sallé
Editor • Solomon St. John
Art Directors • Kent Hamilton, Kyle Hunter, and Adam Vick
Senior Graphic Designer • Emily Crowell
Graphic Designer • Adriana Gasperi
Production Designer • Danika Wirch
Director of Brand Strategy • Mark Moreland
Paizo CEO • Lisa Stevens
President • Jim Butler
Chief Creative Ocer • Erik Mona
Vice President of People & Culture • Maggie Gallagher
Vice President of Sales & Operations • Mike Webb
Vice President of Technology • Rei Ko
Controller • Mary Webb
Sales Manager • Cosmo Eisele
Sales & E-Commerce Assistant • Mika Hawkins
Director of Licensing • John Feil
Marketing and Media Manager • Aaron Shanks
Marketing and Licensing Coordinator • Raychael Allor
Director of Community • Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator • Alex Speidel
Director of Project Management • Glenn Elliott
Project Manager • Lee Aula
Senior Accountant • William Jorenby
Finance Operations Specialist • B. Scott Keim
Front End Engineering Lead • Andrew White
Senior Software Developer • Gary Teter
Software Architect • Brian Bauman
Software Developer • Robert Brandenburg
Software Test Engineer • Erik Keith
System Administrators II • Whitney Chatterjee and Josh Thornton
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Webstore Coordinator • Katina Davis
Customer Service Lead • Austin Phillips
Customer Service Team • Jonathan Morgantini, James Oakes,
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Warehouse Distribution Lead • Heather Payne
Warehouse Team • Alexander Crain, Summer Foerch, James Ma,
ZacMoran, Evan Panek, and Jesus Reynoso Ortiz
Open Game License Version 1.0a
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
1. Denitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who
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broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Game Content”
means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines
to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice
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3. Oer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the
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5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material
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6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as
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8. Identication: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated
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10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of
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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make itenforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors:
JonathanTweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E.Gary Gygax
and Dave Arneson.
Pathnder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner,
Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.
Pathnder Beginner Box Sanctioning Document © 2023, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alex
Speidel and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the
Pathnder Roleplaying Game (Second Edition).
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identied as Product Identity, as dened in the
Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: All trademarks,
registered trademarks, proper nouns (characters, deities, locations, etc., as well as all adjectives,
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Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity, the game mechanics of
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Pathnder Beginner Box Sanctioning Document © 2020, Paizo Inc. All rights reserved. Paizo,
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Accessories, Pathnder Adventure, Pathnder Adventure Card Game, Pathnder Adventure
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Flip-Mat, Pathnder Flip-Tiles, Pathnder Legends, Pathnder Lost Omens, Pathnder Pawns,
Pathnder Roleplaying Game, Pathnder Tales, Starnder Adventure Path, Starnder Combat
Pad, Starnder Flip-Mat, Starnder Flip-Tiles, Starnder Pawns, Starnder Roleplaying Game, and
Starnder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.
Character Name Organized Play # Character #
Add 1/2 this value to the GP Gained Box
GP Gained
XP Gained
Reputation Gained
EVENT CODE GM Organized Play #
Chronicle Code: KZ0P
Pathnder Beginner Box: Menace Under Otari
Upper Dungeon Level
Adventure Summary
Boons Rewards
Items Sold / Conditions Gained
Items Bought / Conditions Cleared
Notes Downtime
hunter’s bow (level 3, 60 gp; Pathnder Beginner Box Game Master’s
Guide 51)
smoking sword (level 3, 60 gp; Game Master’s Guide 51)
pyrite rat (level 2, 32 gp; Game Master’s Guide 54)
storm hammer (level 3, 60 gp; Game Master’s Guide 51)
Note: Weapons refered to as +1 magic in the Pathnder Beginner
Box are the same as +1 weapons in the Pathnder Core Rulebook,
and use the standard rules for upgrading named weapons.
Adventure begins in Otari! Investigating a beast feeding on stored sh, you faced a number of trials including giant rats and spiders,
undead in a forgotten tomb, a band of kobolds and a golden puzzle. You’ve done well and proved your mettle, but the darkness beyond
that spiral staircase promises more trials—and more treasure!
Congratulations on completing the adventure! You’ve earned Pathnder Society (second edition)
Achievement Points, a currency that be redeemed on our website at paizo.com for special character boons,
such as access to rare or uncommon ancestries, feats, and more! To redeem your Achievement Points, go to
paizo.com/organizedPlay/myAccount and click on the Boons tab. Note that you must have created a paizo.
com account and registered a character before you can begin making Achievement Point transactions.
Playing or GMing this adventure earns double the regular amount of Achievement Points .
This adventure qualies you for a unique Achievement Point boon: Deckhand
Character Name Organized Play # Character #
Add 1/2 this value to the GP Gained Box
GP Gained
XP Gained
Reputation Gained
EVENT CODE GM Organized Play #
Chronicle Code: ECEK
Pathnder Beginner Box: Menace Under Otari
Lower Dungeon Level
Adventure Summary
Boons Rewards
Items Sold / Conditions Gained
Items Bought / Conditions Cleared
Notes Downtime
belt of good health (level 4, 85 gp; Pathnder Beginner Box Game Master’s
Guide 54)
green wyrmling breath potion (level 5, 30 gp; Game Master’s Guide 53)
poisonous dagger (level 5, 150 gp; Game Master’s Guide 51)
wand of heal (level 3, 60 gp)
Delving into the lower levels of the tunnels under Otari, you discovered more peril! You faced a trio of foul xulgaths and a mechanical
mermaid before discovering the true source of the missing sh. A gang of kobolds had hatched a green dragon and needed to sate its
appetite, but you defeated the wyrmling and restored peace to the shing village. This adventure has awakened a taste for adventure;
who knows what lies in store for you?
Congratulations on completing the adventure! You’ve earned Pathnder Society (second edition)
Achievement Points, a currency that be redeemed on our website at paizo.com for special character boons,
such as access to rare or uncommon ancestries, feats, and more! To redeem your Achievement Points, go to
paizo.com/organizedPlay/myAccount and click on the Boons tab. Note that you must have created a paizo.
com account and registered a character before you can begin making Achievement Point transactions.
Playing or GMing this adventure earns double the regular amount of Achievement Points .