The Scientific World Journal
Volume 2012, Article ID 939645, 8 pages
The cientificWorldJOURNA
Research Article
Comparison of Effectiveness of Supervised Exercise Program and
Cyriax Physiotherapy in Patients with Tennis Elbow
(Lateral Epicondylitis): A Randomized Clinical Trial
Rajadurai Viswas,
Rejeeshkumar Ramachandran,
and Payal Korde Anantkumar
BCF College Of Physiotherapy, Indo American Hospital Campus, Kottayam District, Kerala State, Vaikom 686143, India
Physiotherapist, Rudraksh Physiotherapy Clinic, Kandivali (West), Maharashtra State, Mumbai 400 067, India
Correspondence should be addressed to Rajadurai Viswas, vr
Received 1 November 2011; Accepted 4 December 2011
Academic Editor: G
ul Baltaci
Copyright © 2012 Rajadurai Viswas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction i n any medium, provided the original work is properly
Objective.Tocomparetheeectiveness of supervised exercise program and Cyriax physiotherapy in the treatment of tennis elbow
(lateral epicondylitis). Design. Randomized clinical trial. Setting. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation centre. Subjects. This study was
carried out with 20 patients, who had tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis). Intervention.GroupA(n
= 10) had received super vised
exercise program. Gr oup B (n
= 10) was treated with Cyriax physiotherapy. Al l patients received three treatment sessions per
week for four weeks (12 treatment sessions). Outcome measures. Pain was evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS), and
functional status was evaluated by completion of the Tennis Elbow Function Scale (TEFS) which were recorded at base line and
at the end of fourth week. Results. Both the supervised exercise program and Cyriax physiotherapy were found to be significantly
eective in reduction of pain and in the improvement of functional status. The supervised exercise programme resulted in greater
improvement in comparison to those who received Cyriax physiotherapy. Conclusion. The results of this clinical trial demonstrate
that the supervised exercise program may be the first t reatment choice for therapist in managing tennis elbow.
1. Introduction
The syndrome of persistent disabling pain in the elbow, pre-
dominantly in the radio humeral joint, is called as tennis
elbow, lateral epicondylitis, or lateral epicondylalgia [15].
The definite cause of tennis elbow is not yet known. It is a
painful and debilitating musculoskeletal condition that af-
fects health care industry [6]. It is ver y common in indi-
viduals whose jobs necessitate frequent rotary motion of the
forearm (e.g., tennis players and carpenters) [7]. It is com-
monly due to more quick, monotonous, cyclic eccentric con-
tractions and wr ist griping activities [8]. The commonly
aected arm is the dominant arm, with a prevalence of 1–3%
in the general population, but the incidence rapidly increases
to 19% between 30–60 years of age and seems to be more
severe and long-standing in women [9, 10]. The average
period of an episode of lateral epicondylitis ranges between
6 months and 2 years [ 11]. In tennis elbow, microscopic
and macroscopic lesions can be found in the Extensor Carpi
Radialis Brevis (ECRB) [12].
The main clinical presentation and the chief complaints
in tennis elbow are decreased grip strength, decreased
functional activities, and increased pain, which may have
significant impact on activities of daily living. T he diagnosis
of tennis elbow can be made simple, and it may be confirmed
by test which would elicit the pain, tenderness over on the
facet of the lateral epicondyle on palpation, resisted wrist
extension, resisted middle finger extension, and passive wrist
flexion [13].
Even though tennis elbow has well-defined clinical feat-
ures, no proper treatment intervention has emanated [14].
In literature, more than 40 dierent methods have been doc-
umented for the treatment of tennis elbow [15]. Conven-
tional treatment [16] for tennis elbow has focused primarily
on the pain management by anti-inflammatory medication,
ultrasound, phonophoresis [17], or iontophoresis. Various
2 The Scientific World Journal
treatments have been attempted for tennis elbow including
corticosteroid injection [18], drug therapies, laser [1922],
electrical stimulation [23, 24], ergonomics [25, 26], coun-
terforce bracing [27], acupuncture [28, 29], and splintage
[2]. Surgical treatment is indicated in 5–10% [30]ofpatients
who did not improve from their symptoms with conservative
treatment approach. The theoretical mechanism of actions
of these treatment interventions diers widely, but the entire
treatments goal is to improve function and reduce pain [14].
Even though numerous studies have been conducted on
treatment of this clinical condition, till date the most eective
management str a tegy is not agreed [31]. For the treatment
of tennis elbow, both medical and physiotherapeutic inter-
ventions have been reported in research literature [32]. Cy-
riax and Cyriax suggested the use of deep transverse fric-
tion massage in combination with mill’s manipulation for
the treatment of tennis elbow [33]. In order to label the treat-
ment intervention as Cyriax physiotherapy, both the treat-
ment components mentioned above must be used jointly in
the sequence specified. In this protocol, person must adhere
to this intervention 3 times a week for duration of 4 weeks
[34]. However, the number of research studies analysing the
eectiveness of this treatment intervention is less, the reason
being that most of them do not have proper randomization,
blinded outcome measures, and accurate functional outcome
questionnaires [3537]. For the above-mentioned reasons,
further research is warranted to find out the eectiveness of
Cyriax physiotherapy intervention.
The conventional treatment intervention of tennis elbow
is most often accompanied by exercise program which may
include strengthening, flexibility, or endurance training exer-
cises. For instance, Stasinopoulos et al. [38] recommended
the use of static stretching of the Extensor Carpi Radialis
Brevis (ECRB) and eccentric strengthening exercises for the
wrist extensors in treating lateral epicondylitis. Even though
various treatments exist in the management of tennis elbow,
optimal treatment intervention is not agreed upon till date.
Hence, further research is necessary to find the most eective
treatment option in the management of patients with tennis
elbow [33]. The purpose of the study was to compare the
eectiveness of Cyriax physiotherapy and supervised exercise
program in the reduction of pain and improving functional
status in patients with tennis elbow.
2. Methods
A randomized clinical trial was conducted between March
2011 and September 2011 in an outpatient department,
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation centre, Alleppey, Kerala,
India. Patients were referred by orthopaedic consultant,
health care providers, and also self-referral to the centre.
Patients were included if they were between 30 to 45 years
of age a nd had been diagnosed with tennis elbow, and the
duration of symptoms was between 8 and 10 weeks.
2.1. Inclusion Criteria
(1) Pain with gripping.
(2) Pain with resisted wrist extension.
(3) Pain with passive wrist flexion with the elbow exten-
(4) Tenderness on palpation over the lateral epicondyle
of humerus.
2.2. Exclusion Criteria
(1) Cardiovascular diseases.
(2) Neurological impairments.
(3) Aversion to manual contact.
(4) Neuromuscular diseases.
(5) Previous trauma to the elbow region.
(6) Elbow pain.
(7) Previous surgery to the elbow region.
(8) Peripheral nerve entrapment.
(9) Cervical radiculopathy.
(10) Corticosteroid injection within 6 months.
(11) Previous therapy for elbow joint (minimizing expec-
tation bias).
All patients signed the written consent form prior to part-
icipation. The recruited patients had also completed a stand-
ard health questionnaire which encompassed details relating
to patient demographics, dura tion of symptoms, any previ-
ous treatment undertaken, and job status.
2.3. Treatment. Patients assigned to Group A received super-
vised therapeutic exercise program which included static
stretching of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis followed
by eccentric strengthening of the wrist extensors. Static
stretching was performed in the seated position w ith elbow
extension, forearm pronation, and wrist flexion with ulnar
deviation. According to the patient tolerance stretch force
was applied. This stretch position was held for duration of
30–45 seconds and was performed 3 times b efore and 3 times
after the eccentric exercise portion of the treatment for a
total of 6 repetitions [14]. There was a 30-second rest interval
between each bouts of stretching.
Eccentric strengthening exercise was performed in the
seated position with full elbow extension, forearm pronation,
and maximum wrist extension. From this position, the
patient slowly lowered wrist into flexion for a count of 30,
using the contralateral hand to return the wrist to maximum
extension. Patients were instructed to continue the exercise
even when they experience mild discomfort and to stop
the exercise if the pain worsens and becomes disabling. For
whom the eccentric exercise could be performed without
minor discomfort or pain, the load was increased using free
weights based on the patients 10 RM (Repetition Maximum).
Three sets of ten repetitions were performed during each
treatment, with a one-minute rest interval between each set.
Patients were also provided with education manual regarding
ergonomics and activity modification technique to avoid
aggravation of symptoms.
The Scientific World Journal 3
Figure 1: Deep transverse friction massage.
Figure 2: Mill’s Manipulation.
Patients in Group B received Cy riax physiotherapy, which
consists of 10 minutes of deep transverse friction massage
immediately followed by a single application of Mill’s manip-
ulation. The hand placement is shown in Figure 1.Deep
transverse friction for tennis elbow is applied as follows [34,
39]. The patient should be positioned comfortably with the
elbow fully supinated and in 90
of flexion. After palpating
the anterolateral aspect of the lateral epicondyle of humerus,
the area of tenderness was mapped. Deep transverse friction
is applied with the side of the thumb tip. The pressure was
applied in a posterior direction on the tenoosseous junction.
It was applied for ten minutes after the numbing eect has
been attained, to prepare the tendon for Mill’s manipulation
For the technique of Mills manipulation, patients were
positioned comfortably in the seating position with the
aected extremity in 90
of abduction with internal rotation
enough so that the olecranon faced up. The ther apist stabi-
lized the patient’s wrist in full flexion and pronation with one
hand, while other hand was placed over the olecranon [14].
While assuming full wrist flexion and pronation position, the
therapist should apply a high-velocity low-amplitude thrust
at the end range of elbow extension (Figure 2).
2.4. Outcome Measures. Outcome measures used in the study
includes pain intensity and functional status which were
recorded at base line (pretest) and at the end of 4 weeks. An
independent observer, who was blinded to the patient group
allocation, assessed the outcome measures. Pain intensity was
measured using the visual analogue scale (VAS). The VAS
consists of a 10 cm horizontal line with two ends labelled
as 0 cm representing the “least pain imaginable” and 10 cm
the “worst pain imaginable”. Patients were g iven instructions
to intersect this VAS scale with a vertical line depending on
their current level of pain. The VAS assessment tool has been
found to be a valid and also a reliable method of measuring
patients perceived pain [40, 41].
Patients functional status was assessed by completion of
the Tennis Elbow Function Scale (TEFS) [42]. In TEFS scale,
the patients were instructed to perform certain set of task that
can be dicult in performing as a result of their problem and
were informed to accordingly rate the intensity of their pain.
Higher scores are indicative of greater levels of disability.
The TEFS assessment tool has been found to have high test-
retest reliability (ICC 0.92) and moderate construct validity
(Pearsons correlation coecient 0.47) [42].
3. Data Analysis
Thirty-five patients, 20 male and 15 female, were initially
assessed for eligibility for this study. 15 patients were
excluded for the following reasons: not meeting inclusion
criteria (n
= 7), declined to participate (n = 7), and other
reason (n
= 1). The remaining 20 patients (10 males and
10 females) randomly allocated into 2 groups. Participant
flow through the study is illustrated in Figure 3. Patients in
Group A received supervised exercise program while patients
in Group B received Cyriax Physiotherapy treatment. All
patients were seen 3 times a week for 4 weeks for a total of
12 treatment sessions.
Data analysis was performed with SPSS version 16.0. Sta-
tistical analysis including mean and standard duration was
calculated for all measurement. The mean dierences with
standard deviation for outcome measures of pain intensity
and function scale were calculated before the treatment and
also the end of 4 weeks. Mann Whitney U test, Wilcoxon
Signed Rank test, and two sample t-test are the statistical tests
used in this study.
4. Results
At the time of initial evaluation, statistical analysis did not
reveal any significant dierences for any of the variables
between Group A (supervised exercise program) and Group
B (Cyriax physiotherapy).
4.1. Age Distribution. Statistical tool used is the two sample
t test. For Group A, the age of the subjects ranged between
30 and 45, while for Group B it ranged between 31 and
45. The mean age for Group A was 37.40
± 4.881 and
Group B was 38.20
± 4.341 as shown in Figure 4 and Table 1 .
The intergroup comparison of mean age did not show any
significant dierence between the ages of the two groups.
4.2. Gender Distribution. Group A consisted of 10 patients
= 10), with a gender distribution of 4 males (40%) and
4 The Scientific World Journal
Assessed for eligibility ( )
Excluded ( )
Not meeting inclusion criteria ( )
Declined to participate ( )
Other reasons ( )
Randomized ( )
Analysed (n 10)
Lost to follow-up (n 0)
Discontinued intervention (n 0)
Lost to follow-up (n 0)
Discontinued intervention (n
= 0)
Allocated to supervised exercise ( )
Received allocated intervention ( )
Allocated to cyriax physiotherapy ( )
Received allocated intervention ( )
Analysed (n 10)
n = 15
= 7
= 7
= 1
= 35
n = 20
= 10
n =
n = 10
= 10
Figure 3: Participants flow chart.
Table 1: Mean, standard deviation (SD), & standard error (SE) of age.
Age comparison n Mean SD Standard error mean P value Result
Group A 10 37.40 4.88 1.543
1.000 P>0.05 (not significant)
Group B 10 38.20 4.34 1.373
Comparison of the ages of the two groups
Group A Group B
Figure 4: Comparison of the ages of the two groups.
6 females (60%). Group B also consisted of 10 patients (n =
10) and a gender distribution of 6 males (60%) and 4 females
(40%).ThesedatawerepresentedinFigure 5 and Tab l e 2.
4.3. Duration of Symptoms. Themeandurationofsymptoms
(in weeks) for Group A was 9.1
± 0.88 and for Group B was
Table 2: Percentage of distribution of gender in both groups.
Male Female
Group A 4 (40%) 6 (60%)
Group B 6 (60%) 4 (40%)
8.8 ± 0.91 weeks. There is no significant dierence between
the duration of symptom of the two groups a t 5% level of
significance as shown in Figure 6 and Table 3.
4.4. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). VA S s co re s w e re f ou nd t o
be similar between groups at baseline (Pretest). Statistical
tool used is the Mann-Whitney U test. There is no significant
dierence between the pre-VAS score s of the two groups at
5% level of significance (Ta b l e 4).
4.4.1. Tennis Elbow Function Scale (TEFS). TEFS scores were
found to be similar between groups at baseline (Pre Test).
Statistical tool used is the Mann-Whitney U test. There is no
significant dierence between the pre-TEFS scores of the two
groups at 5% level of significance (Table 5).
The Scientific World Journal 5
Table 3: Duration of symptoms (in weeks) in both groups.
Duration of symptoms in
Mean SD P value Result
Group A 9.1 0.88
1.000 P>0.05 (Not Significant)
Group B 8.8 0.91
Male Female
Group A
Group B
Figure 5: Distribution of gender in both groups.
Duration of the symptoms (weeks)
Group A Group B
Figure 6: Duration of symptoms (in weeks) in both groups.
Table 4: Comparison of Pretest VAS score of Group A and B.
(a) Ranks
Group n Mean rank Sum of ranks
VA S Pre
Group A 10 10.50 105.00
Group B 10 10.50 105.00
Tot a l 20
(b) Test statistics
VA S Pre
Mann-Whitney U 50.000
Exact significance 1.000
4.4.2. Pre-Post Test Comparison of VAS Scores in Group A.
The intragroup comparison of pain intensity as measured
Table 5: Comparison of Pretest TEFS scores of Groups A and B.
(a) Ranks
Group n Mean rank Sum of ranks
Group A 10 10.50 105.00
Group B 10 10.50 105.00
Tot a l 20
(b) Test statistics
Mann-Whitney U 50.000
Exact significance 1.000
Table 6
(a) Ranks
n Mean rank Sum of ranks
VA S p o st - VA S
Negative ranks 10 5.50 55.00
Positive ranks 0 .00 .00
Ties 0
Tot a l 1 0
(b) Test statistical
VA S p o st - VA S p r e
Z 2.889
Asymp. significance ( 2-tailed) .004
by VAS at the end of treatment intervention in Group A,
presented in Tables 6(a) and 6(b), shows that there was a
definitive reduction in the pain intensity at the end of 4 weeks
of supervised exercise program. The statistical test used is
Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
4.4.3. Pre-Post Test Comparison of VAS Scores in Group B. The
intragroup comparison of pain intensity as measured by VAS
at the end of treatment intervention in Group B, presented
in Tables 7(a) and 7(b), shows that there was a definitive
reduction in the pain intensity at the end of 4 weeks of Cyriax
physiotherapy t reatment. The statistical test used is Wilcoxon
signed-rank test.
4.4.4. Posttest Comparison of VAS Scores between the Groups.
The results of the posttest intergroup comparison of pain
intensity as measured by VAS are presented in Tables 8(a)
and 8(b). Though both groups showed significant reduction
in pain when compared to the pretest score, the intergroup
comparison of VAS scores showed a higher reduction in VAS
scores in Group A than Group B, which was statistically
6 The Scientific World Journal
Table 7
(a) Ranks
N Mean rank Sum of ranks
VA S p o st - VA S
Negative ranks 10 5.50 55.00
Positive ranks 0 .00 .00
Ties 0
Tot a l 1 0
(b) Test statistics
VA S p o st - VA S p r e
Z 2.919
Asymp. significance .004
Table 8
(a) Ranks
Group n Mean rank Sum of r anks
VA S Po s t
Group A 10 7.10 71.00
Group B 10 13.90 139.00
Tot a l 2 0
(b) Test statistics
VA S Po s t
Mann-Whitney U 16.000
Exact significance .009
Table 9
(a) Ranks
n Mean rank Sum of ranks
Negative ranks 10 5.50 55.00
Positive ranks 0 .00 .00
Ties 0
Tot a l 1 0
(b) Test statistics
Z 2.859
Asymp. significance .004
significant. The statistical tool used is Mann-Whitney U test
(Figure 7).
4.4.5. Pre-Post Test Comparison of TEFS Scores in Group A.
The intragroup comparison of functional status as measured
by TEFS at the end of treatment intervention in Group A,
presented in Tables 9(a) and 9(b), shows that there was a
definitive improvement in the functional status at the end of
4 weeks of supervised exercise program. The statistical test
used is Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
4.4.6. Pre-Post Test Comparison of TEFS Scores in Group B.
The intragroup comparison of functional status as measured
by TEFS at the end of treatment intervention in Group B,
Table 10
(a) Ranks
n Mean rank Sum of ranks
Negative ranks 10 5.50 55.00
Positive ranks 0 .00 .00
Ties 0
Tot a l 1 0
(b) Test statistics
Z 2.889
Asymp. significance .004
Group A
Group B
VAS pre VAS post
Figure 7: Comparison of VAS scores of t wo groups.
presentedinTables10(a) and 10(b), shows that there was a
definitive improvement in the functional status at the end
of 4 weeks of Cyriax physiotherapy treatment. The statistical
test used is Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
4.4.7. Posttest Comparison of TEFS Scores between the Groups.
The results of the posttest intergroup comparison of func-
tional status as measured by TEFS are presented in Tables
11(a) and 11(b). Though both Groups showed significant
improvement in the functional status when compared to
the pretest s core, the intergroup comparison of TEFS scores
showed a higher reduction in TEFS scores in Group A than
Group B, which was statistically significant. The statistical
tool used is Mann-Whitney U test (Figure 8).
5. Discussion
The results of this study demonstrate that both the super-
vised exercise program (Group A) and Cyriax physiother-
apy treatment (Group B) groups experienced significant
improvements in pain and function following 4 weeks treat-
ment sessions. The supervised exercise and static stretching
group experienced greater outcomes for all variables in com-
parison to those receiving Cyriax physiotherapy treatment.
The reported success of supervised exercise program in this
study is consistent with previously published research s tudies
The Scientific World Journal 7
Group A
Group B
TEFS pre TEFS post
Figure 8: Comparison of TEFS scores of two groups.
Table 11
(a) Ranks
Group n Mean rank Sum of ranks
Group A 10 6.65 66.50
Group B 10 14.35 143.50
Tot a l 2 0
(b) Test statistics
VA S Po s t
Mann-Whitney U 11.500
Exact significance .002
[12, 36, 37]. Pienim
aki et al. compared a six-to-eight-week
exercise programme of stretches and exercises (isometric
and isotonic) with a treatment of pulsed ultrasound across
the same time span and showed that the SMD for pain
visual analogue scale at rest was 0.97 (95% CI 0.30 to
1.63) and 0.66 (95% CI 0.01 to 1.31) for pain visual
analogue scale under strain. Maximum grip strength was not
significantly dierent between groups [12]. This suggests a
favourable eect in that exercise may improve pain in lateral
epicondylalgia but not maximum grip strength [12]. Verhaar
et al. compared the eects of corticosteroid injections with
Cyriax physiotherapy in treating patients with tennis elbow.
The results showed that the corticosteroid injection was
significantly more eective on the outcome measures (pain,
function, grip strength, and global assessment) than Cyriax
physiotherapy at the end of the treatment, but at the follow-
up, one year after the end of treatment, there were no sig-
nificant dierences between the two treatment groups [37].
Stasinopoulus et al. compared the eectiveness of supervised
exercise, Cyriax physiotherapy, and treatment with poly-
chromatic noncoherent light in managing tennis elbow.
They concluded that supervised exercise consisting of static
stretching and eccentric strengthening produced the largest
eect in reducing pain and improving function [36].
a sports person, as it will facilitate his/her return to sports
in less duration. This improvement in functional status will
also prevent disuse atrophy or muscle weakness resulting
from less or no activity due to pain and disability caused
by tennis elbow. It has been assumed that the underlying
mechanism of pain relief secondary to friction massage may
be due to modulation of pain impulses at the spinal cord level
[43]. At present, no published evidence exists to support the
proposed mechanism as to what actually occurs during and
following manual treatment with Cyriax physiotherapy [33].
The hypothesized mechanism of Mill’s manipulation is the
lengthening of scar tissue following the rupture of adhesions
due to the manipulation [33]. In comparing the results of
these trials to those experienced by the supervised exercise
treatment group in the present study, two points must be
considered. First, none of the above-mentioned trials used
a true control group, thereby not controlling for the natural
course of the disorder or spontaneous recovery. Second, the
present study did not assign patients to receive supervised
exercise as an isolated treatment. Therefore, comparisons
between our results and those of previous trials should be
made with caution as it is not possible to determine which
intervention made the greatest contribution to the treatment
6. Limitati ons of This Study
(i) No follow-up data was collected; therefore, the long-
term eects of the interventions in the present study
remain unknown.
(ii) Absence of true control group aects the internal
validity of the study.
7. Conclusions
We rejec ted the null hypothesis that no dierence would be
seen in pain intensity and functional status after 4 weeks as
compared with Cyriax physiotherapy treatment. The groups
that performed supervised exercise program for 4 weeks
showed significantly greater improvement in reduction of
pain and functional status than the Cyriax physiotherapy
treatment. The favorable results in the present study indicate
the need for future research examining the incorporation
of supervised exercise program into multimodal treatment
Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests.
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