Gambier Island - Keats Island
Ferry Advisory Committee
June 2023 Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 27, 2023 5:00 pm 6:30 pm
Meeting Purpose
1. Share information by providing the Ferry Advisory Committee with:
Updates on corporate and route-specific activities, plans and projects
Answers and updates on route-specific questions and concerns
2. Hear feedback and initiate action by:
Hearing from the Ferry Advisory Committee about potential solutions to areas of concern
Generating trackable action items and next steps to address areas of concern raised by the
Ferry Advisory Committee
3. Increase transparency and accountability by providing a public venue where:
Community members can observe and hear the information and feedback exchanged
between BC Ferries and the Ferry Advisory Committee
Actions and solutions to concerns can be identified, recorded, tracked and reported
Intros and welcome
Welcome and Territorial Acknowledgement
5 mins
Follow-up Items
1. Terms of Reference
2. BCF Website and App
3. Langdale Terminal Upgrade
4. PT6 and Capital investments on Route 3 vessels
5. Communications to FACs
6. Eastbourne frustration with unreliable winter service
7. Gambier/Keats Ferry Tickets in stores
8. Route 13 Sailing cancellations
9. Terminal waste management
45 mins
Discussion section
1. Community meetings on Gambier and Keats
2. Route 3 overloads and on time performance
3. Schedules and Ferry upgrades
4. Final questions & Close
40 hour
Final questions and close
5 mins
Gambier Island Keats Island Ferry Advisory Committee Meeting Topic Log
June 2023
NOTE: notes summarizing the general discussion of meeting participants is included in the appropriate
section of each agenda item in the table below.
Text in black was information sent to all meeting invitees prior to the meeting as part of the agenda. Text
in blue are notes taken during the meeting as each item was discussed. Text in red captures a follow up
action and parties responsible.
Meeting attendees:
BC Ferries: Tamara Olson, Arielle Houghton, Damon Durant, Natalie McCall
Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure: Brian Jonker
FAC: Joseph Wright, Leanne Bruce, Peter Grierson, Michelle Hughes, Bruce Kerr, Trish Cowley, Debbie McKearney
Follow up:
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference will be discussed by the FAC Chairs in August.
During the last full week of May BCF met with the FAC Chairs to review the feedback we received from members
on the Terms of Reference, and to discuss the next steps in the revision process. A synopsis of the discussion was
emailed to all FAC member on June 6, including the engagement process we agreed on moving forward.
The intention is to provide an online feedback mechanism once again, and to welcome feedback through email,
Word docs etc. as well. Please let C. McIntosh or T. Olson know if you have a preferred method of providing your
input and we will do our best to incorporate.
BCF Website and App
Residents want to know when the Gambier/Keats schedule will be integrated into the app in the
same manner as it is on the BCF website schedules for the Sunshine Coast. FAC expresses
frustration with being redirected to the BCF website.
Information provided on this topic in March remains the same: Gambier/Keats scheduling information is pulled
from a different system of which the application is not able to integrate. The app and website have different
abilities and not all systems are compatible. We hope to be able to add this to future updates to the app.
FAC believe that the technical difficulties between Gambier/Keats scheduling system and BCF app is an excuse
and repeat their frustration.
BCF acknowledges the frustration. Requested improvements have been noted and will be reviewed during
the next phase of the app development.
The app can still be used for service notices for both Gambier/Keats and Route 3.
ACTION: N. McCall to talk to Digital Marketing team to investigate when the scheduling updates will be
applied to the app for Route 13.
FAC shared that when the Stormaway is cancelled a service notice is often not received. When service notices are
provide they are often delayed.
The current process is that B. Kerr from Kona Winds calls the Langdale terminal about any cancellations. The
Terminal staff then notifies the Operations and Security Centre to trigger a service notice. Langdale Terminal
Manager, D. Durant, confirms this is the appropriate process.
ACTION: T. Olson to follow up with OSC to investigate how to better integrate Stormaway cancellations with
BCF service notices.
Langdale Terminal
Update: Project timelines remain the same as provided in October with one project now complete. The larger
terminal redevelopment project was deferred at the start of COVID and it is not currently in the 12 year Capital
Update from the previous meeting:
Life Extend Transfer Deck steel repairs are complete. Work on the ramp is expected to begin in the late
fall. Once dates are confirmed we will start conversations with FAC with more details on the project. At this
time, work is planned to take place during the night time hours.
Information from the previous meeting:
Berth 2 - Life Extension estimated completion Spring 2024
Upgrade to on-site sewage treatment plant at Langdale terminal estimated completion 2024
Berth 1 Replacement estimated completion 2027
FAC questioned whether upgrades to foot passenger loading area have also been delayed. Currently, passengers
are loaded via the car deck.
ACTION: T. Olson to follow up on Langdale Terminal update project
PT6 and Capital
investments on Route 3
BC Ferries’ Performance Term 6 (PT6) submission provides information to assist the Commissioner in setting
price caps for all regulated routes as specified in the Coastal Ferry Services Contract between BC Ferries and
the Province of British Columbia. The next performance term will run from April 1, 2024 March 31, 2028.
Performance Term 6 was submitted to the BC Ferry Commissioner in early October and is now under
These documents are posted on the Commissioner’s website bcferrycommission.ca for review and
public feedback.
The Commissioner will make a final determination on the Performance Term Six price caps by
September 30, 2023
What is in PT6 for Southern Sunshine Coast
SSC submission includes additional investments in service including filing the gap of the midweek sailings in the
peak season.
Challenges identified:
Growth in commuter demands
Growth in commercial traffic
On-time performance challenges due to high demand
Community requests for more frequent sailings
Plan submitted:
Near Term: increase sailings in spring/fall with supplementary vessel, increase summer service to
seven days a week with supplementary vessel
Medium Term: vessel procurement to provide a higher frequency two ship service in spring and fall aligned
with higher frequency peak service
Vessel update for Route 3:
Vessels on route 3 are planned to be replaced mid 2030’s. More information on the details of vessel plans will be
available in the next 18-24 months.
BC Ferries Commissioner decision release is at the end of September. Once this has been determined BCF teams
will work through the next steps to finalize schedules and services. More details are expected to be shared the
beginning of 2024.
FAC shared thoughts around the cost of fares for Route 13. The FAC believe that $7 fee both ways is too
high for the 10 minute passage compared to Metro Vancouver bus transit.
Communications to FACs
BCF has recently started a new Action tracking list to aid in responding to requests and actions received from the
FAC and the community and provide responses and follow up in a timely manner. The intent is to share this with
the FAC on a monthly basis sharing updates on action items. In addition, on a quarterly basis we will be sharing
the action list for all FACs so all FACs can see what common themes are occurring and to give a broader view of
all routes.
Eastbourne frustration
with unreliable winter
Eastbourne residents are frustrated when Stormaway sailings are cancelled due to wind warnings set by
Transport Canada but the weather conditions seem calm based on residential cameras.
Weather plays an important role in Stormaway service to Eastbourne. The Stormaway captain has to follow
Transport Canada regulations for safety and are mandated to follow wind warnings from Pam Rocks
FAC share that sailings on the Stormaway are cancelled quite frequently to the Eastbourne terminal. With no
shuttle system available on the island the 45 minute walk distance to the alternate terminal, this
disproportionately impacts seniors who prefer the Stormaway because it is slightly cheaper than the water taxi.
The FAC emphasized that not all people on the island have cars and it can cost $30 to get a ride from one end to
the other. While the FAC acknowledges that Transport Canada sets the regulations for wind warning, they would
like better communication when a sailing will be cancelled so community members can arrange a ride or cancel
their trip. Community members need more than 30 minutes notice. Ideally, 2 hours’ notice would allow residents
to make alternate arrangements. If the app worked, a text notification or email would be sufficient.
ACTION: T. Olson to work with OSC and Stormaway to improve the efficiency of service notices when a
cancellation to Eastbourne takes place.
Gambier/Keats Ferry
Tickets in stores
FAC had asked that they be available in a local Gibsons store, e.g., London Drugs, or preferably sold
on the Stormaway.
Ticket books for travel between Sunshine Coast (Langdale) Gambier Island (New Brighton) Keats Island
(Keats Landing) can be purchased at:
Horseshoe Bay terminal foot passenger ticket booth and customer service office
Langdale terminal administration office, weekdays 6 am 8 pm and weekends 7 am 8 pm
At Passages on board select ferries servicing this route
We continue to explore options for a third party vendor of BC Ferries tickets or the potential to set up a kiosk at
Langdale terminal.
Cash fares or prepaid fares only. Ferry fares and fees.
Sailings on this route are independently operated by Kona Winds Yacht Charters
Due to limitations with cell phone reception, Kona Winds is unable to take debit or credit card transactions
N. McCall shared that Route 12 (Brentwood Bay to Mill Bay) had a similar process but was discontinued. BCF will
continue to investigate with the Revenue Team what policies and legalities are required to instigate sales at a
local store in Gibsons. BCF acknowledges the benefit of providing tickets at alternate location because not all
passengers travel via Route 3. Furthermore, difficulties travelling across staged vehicle traffic, upstairs, and
requiring attendance during staff shortages exacerbates the inconvenience.
FAC inquired about an electronic ticket booth kiosk at an easily accessible location to avoid travel into town.
This would also reduce the risk of passengers being unable to board because they do not have cash.
M. Hughes shared that the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) is open to selling ticket books at the
Sechelt and/or Gibsons recreational centres and would be happy to collaborate with BCF to sell tickets.
ACTION: T. Olson to follow up with the Manager of Recreation at the SCRD about the sale of ticket books at
the Gibsons and/or Sechelt recreation centres.Complete. Information was sent for contact information
for possible sales.
ACTION: N. McCall to follow up with Revenue team on potential for third party vendor or kiosk at Langdale
terminal. UPDATE: Revenue Team is currently at capacity for instigating changes and will revisit this item
after peak season. CR Team to follow up in three months.
The FAC asked if it is possible to use the Experience Card onboard the Stormaway as an alternative to cash or
As Route 13 utilizes a contract provider for the services (Kona Winds) revenue does not go through the
same system and Experience cards cannot be used.
ACTION: Capt. Grewal and B. Kerr to discuss what options may be available for ticketing onboard the
Route 13 Sailing
Route 13 Sailing cancellations notification process (BCF Service Notices)
Communications: Service Notices are posted and distributed, Updates are shared on Twitter @BCFerries BC
Ferries Mobile App sends push notifications to those signed up for updates on sailings
Information on how to sign up for service notices and the BCF app are found on the community page:
Terminal waste
Update on garbage/recycling improvements discussed at last meeting.
There is an initiative underway to change our composting streams on vessels and at the Langdale terminal.
FAC shared that they are content with the current garbage disposal at the terminal and are requesting a
recycling system, including returnable bottle/can disposal. Some BCF staff have taken upon themselves to
collect the returnable bottles/cans.
While this is not part of the BC Ferries scope of service, our teams will look into possible options alongside
SCRD. M. Hughes offered to connect the SCRD and BCF to create a formal recycling system at the Langdale
ACTION: D. Durant and M. Hughes to connect about recycling system at Langdale terminal
New Items - Discussion Section
Community meetings on
Gambier and Keats
FAC noted they would like this in June, and not later than early summer. Weekends have been
identified as the preferred days.
We had a scheduled June engagement for Friday June 16. After feedback from FAC it was moved to the fall. Our
teams do not typically travel during the summer months as operational demands are too high. In conversation
with FAC it was discussed that if the Friday in June would not work, the in person event would need to wait until
the Fall. We will be sharing the fall calendar shortly with the dates. Please note, we have a small team that travel
the full coast line to meet with each of the communities and will do our best to accommodate the preferred times
and dates for the community.
FAC request that BCF holds engagements on both Gambier and Keats Island and they come on a weekend
because many community members are not available during the week.
The FAC asked what the purpose of the community drop-ins are.
BCF shared that community engagements are an opportunity for community members to have the
opportunity to speak directly to our teams.
Due to the small size of the Community Relations team, BCF will not be able to host engagements on both
islands this fall. Standard practice on all multi-island routes is to rotate hosting engagements on the different
FAC inquired about Route 13 as a part of BCF. It was noted that while it was serviced differently they consider
Kona Winds the same as a BC Ferries vessel and would like to see the same policies and structures in place as
other routes.
BCF acknowledged that while Route 13 is unique from other FACs as it is serviced by a contracted provider
(Konda Winds), it continues to be recognized as other routes and FACs across the fleet. There are no
changes currently planned in this regard.
Route 3 overloads and on
time performance
Overloads occur frequently during summer and shoulder seasons on Route 3. Schedule delays have
a big impact on the Route 13 users who may miss their connection as a result.
Route 3 passenger limitations due to inadequate staffing: e.g., HB run refusing passengers on a key
run that resulted in many owners to have to cancel their trip to Keats Island due to the fact there is
already limited (Stormaway) service.
We continue to take actions to mitigate challenges at HSB terminal and improve on-time performance, such as:
Retain expanded schedules that were introduced on the Horseshoe BayLangdale route to give more time
between sailings and improve on-time performance. These schedule adjustments better reflected actual
sailing times.
Continue to observe operational procedures, like loading and unloading were updated to improve efficiency.
Summer #1 schedule was also extended into Fall shoulder same as in Fiscal 2023
A second vessel providing supplementary sailings for Route 3 seven days a week was planned for summer
2023, however due to the inability to find sufficient crew, we were unable to increase the service more than
five days a week. We plan to provide the supplementary service in summer 2024 and are currently hiring to
fill the required positions.
We are repositioning a vessel from DEP-HSB (Route 2) to DUK-TSA (Route 30) to divert Nanaimo bound
traffic from HSB. We have also increased sailings from Tsawwassen to Departure Bay and provided saver
fares to encourage travellers bound for Nanaimo to depart from Tsawwassen terminal. This will begin June
25 and run until September 4. In addition to improved safety the goal is to increase on time performance by
reducing congestion at HSB.
FAC emphasized the impact of on time performance when connecting to Gambier and Keats. Furthermore, heavy
traffic on Route 3 results in the inability to access reservations months in advance of sailings.
BCF shared that improving on time performance is a top priority. We track and measure every minute and
are constantly applying new approaches to prevent delays.
With the addition of the Queen of Coquitlam on Route 3 it looks promising that delays will be reduced over
the summer months due to the additional capacity.
Schedules and Ferry
Service is inadequate for traffic on Route 3
FAC request hourly service on Route 3, especially during peak season. The compounding issue of late on
performance times results in frequently miss connections to the Stormaway. With population growth, especially
on Gambier, the community is seeing increase travel. Often in the summer and on weekends, travellers have big
carts and lots of carry-on items. The Stormaway schedule does not have a lot of room for extra trips if overloads
FAC share that overloads occur when youth and their parents are travelling to a local camp. In addition, there is a
new resort on Gambier Island.
BCF suggested that when it is known that a large group will be travelling that they provide a warning to the
Stormaway and consequently BCF so that a warning of high traffic can be shared in a service notice.
B. Kerr has spoken to the camp in the past to warn parents travelling that day of limited capacity to set clear
ACTION: B. Kerr to call the Keats Island youth camp and ask them to inform parents and alert the Kona
Winds when they are expecting large groups of travellers.
The FAC asked what the policy is in place when people are left behind due to an overload.
When there is room in the schedule to put in an extra run, the Stormaway will do so. Unfortunately in the
summer months this can be challenging with the number of trips already taking place.
Passenger loads on the Stormaway, as of May, are up 16% from last year, 29% from the year. Therefore Kona
Winds are now doing the same numbers as their peak year in 2007. On Sunday, when Route 3 was running on
time, the Stormaway was running within 5 minutes of on time. One sailing from the Stormaway could have
connected to the 4:20 pm sailing from Langdale because BCF closed off boarding 5 minutes in advance which
was consequently when the Stormaway arrived. Proposal to move the Sunday Stormaway sailing up a 10-15
minutes to ensure the connection at LNG is secured. B. Kerr has reached out to BCF about making this change
and BCF responded, yes. B. Kerr and FAC Chair, J. Wright ask for consensus on adjusting the schedule.
FAC agreed to change the schedule in time for this Sunday and stated they would share the updates with
the local community
ACTION: T. Olson to follow up with S. Anderson to action this item and confirm with the FAC - complete
ACTION: BCF will create service notices and update the online schedule once approved. - complete
ACTION: CR team to update the Community Page with these changes. - complete
ACTION: FAC will share updated schedule through their mailing list and Facebook. - complete
UPDATE: Schedule changes have now been updated on the BCF Website. Further updates have been
requested from the FAC and is currently under review.
Final questions & Close
FAC shared they recently received a service notice about a large number of foot passengers travelling on Sunday,
July 2 from HSB to LNG. The FAC questioned if there is a risk of foot passenger overload.
BCF shared that creating service notices when a large number of foot passengers is expected to travel is a
new practice in place to inform travellers of potential congestion so they may plan accordingly.
An FAC member asked what the foot and vehicle capacity limits were for Route 3 sailings. Capacity limits for
crew and passengers for the Queen of Surrey are: “A” license – 1430, “B” license 1239, “C” license 823
FAC asked what the likelihood of having a passenger only ferry available on particular days.
There are no current plans to for this service.
FAC request to know how long each committee member has been on the FAC
ACTION: BCF to review how long each committee members have been on the FAC