Human Trafficking/Prostitution
Inaugural Recipient of Carol Goss Leadership
Scholarship Motivated Toward Success
University of Michigan School of Social Work Winter 2015
4 CASC Profile:
Jake Heller
6 MSW Student Profile:
Michael Charles Joiner-Hill
8 Doctoral Student Profile:
Amy Krings
10 International Community
Organizing Course
12 Distinguished Alumni
14 Fauri Lecture
16 Publications
18 Accolades
21 In Memoriam
26 Donor Profile:
Mary Romano
28 Carol Goss Leadership
30 Class Notes
Girls Group
International Community
Organizing Course: Human
Distinguished Alumni
Published biannually by:
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1106
Laura Lein
Marci Raver Lash
Michigan Creative:
Martin Soave
For information regarding
this publication, class notes
and address changes,
contact the Office of
Development and Alumni
Relations, 734-763-6886 or
Hazelette Crosby-Robinson,
Randy Ross, ’94,
Vice President
Jonathan Stern, ’84,
Debbie Cohl, ’08
Stephanie Francois, ’07
Norm Lancit, ’98
Tina Louise, ’10
Alan McBroom, ’77
Joseph Mole, ’01
Mary Ortega, ’86
Vicki Poleni, ’91
Nan Richter, ’09
Will Sherry, ’07
MeShon Watkins, ’08
Jamila Weathers, ’04
School of Social Work
Dean Laura Lein
Mike Spencer
Susan Himle
Laurie Bueche
Our social work faculty, students and graduates excel at
examining issues from different perspectives to achieve new
responses to ongoing problems.
Our faculty and students are developing new
collaborations with other U-M units, schools,
hospitals, and organizations to confront the
tough challenges facing our communities. In this
issue, we describe how one group of students
and faculty from across campus came together
to encourage critical thinking on global issues
and study new approaches to problems including
human trafficking, prostitution, juvenile justice and
abandoned urban spaces. The group participated in
a U-M class and travelled to Berlin and Amsterdam
to gain global perspectives. The program has
received funding from the U-M International
Institute to extend its work on important global
challenges to a new cohort in 2015.
Another effort, the Girls Group, is celebrating
11 years of mentoring in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
schools and so far, 100 percent of the girls in
the group have graduated from high school
and attended college. SSW is proud to have an
alumnus serving as program director, current
MSW students working in field placement with the
organization, and several Girls Group graduates
enrolled at SSW. These efforts exemplify the
numerous projects underway at our School.
We are also more than two-thirds of the way
toward our campaign goal of $16.5 million. Your
financial support provides our students and faculty
with the education and tools they need to respond
to the needs of our communities and confront
tough challenges. Together we can continue
to build partnerships and work towards new
solutions. To learn more about the campaign see
the back cover.
Last, I write to let you know that I will be stepping
down as dean of SSW at the end of the 2015–16
academic year. It was a difficult decision to make
but family issues have emerged that need my
time and energy. Working at SSW has been and
continues to be a pleasure and a privilege. The
provost will open a search this semester for my
successor, and I will keep you posted on the
process. Meanwhile, I will be working hard with
the entire SSW community for the next eighteen
months to continue our new research, innovative
curriculum and on-going efforts with the
individuals, families, communities and agencies
we serve.
With great appreciation to all of you,
Laura Lein, Dean
Katherine Reebel Collegiate Professor
of Social Work
Professor of Anthropology
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 1
The Girls Group, a program to develop self-sufficiency in young
women in grades 6 though 12 who have the potential to become
first-generation college students, celebrated its 11th anniversary
with a brunch for more than 300 supporters on November 15.
Girls Group provides year-round programming
and mentoring to develop character, leadership,
self-confidence and social consciousness, including
the desire and ability to mentor others. Since its
inception, 100 percent of Girls Group high school
students have graduated and gone on to attend
Program Director Alissa Little, MSW ’11, had her
field placement with Girls Group under the direction
of Executive Director Sue Schooner in 2010–11. She
felt such a strong commitment to the Girls Group
mission and joined the staff immediately after
graduation in 2011.
“Girls Group started 11 years ago with 6 girls, and
today we have 250 girls with programming in Ann
Arbor and Ypsilanti schools,” Little said. “Currently
we have interns from the University of Michigan
School of Social Work, Eastern Michigan University
and Wayne State University.”
During the anniversary celebration a panel
discussion included young women who are
participating in the program, a graduate of the
program, a high school principal and a parent. Each
panelist shared their experiences with attendees.
Clague Middle School Principal Che Carter has
had the program in his school since Fall 2013. “The
Girls Group participants show an improvement in
academics and behavior, and as a result they have
an eye on the future,” Carter said. “We have a limit
to how many girls we can take into the program,
and we hope it continues to grow because we love
the success that comes with it.”
The program includes individual mentoring and
counseling including homework and organization
support for high school and middle school girls.
Each month they participate in community service
projects, art and cultural activities and youth-
led leadership council. Girls Group also provides
mother-daughter workshops and college prep
2 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
For more information about Girls Group and the year-round programming and mentoring they provide,
please go to
Alexia Burton is a graduate of the Girls Group
program, completed her undergraduate degree at
Tuskegee University and is currently working on
her MSW with the University of Michigan School of
Social Work.
“The Girls Group was an amazing support system
for me and gave me the confidence to express
myself,” Burton said. “The world is yours if you
envision it!”
Burton met with First Lady Michelle Obama not
once, but twice, during Girls Group opportunities.
“Girls Group helped me become the woman I am
today,” Burton said. “They gave me confidence and
helped me realize that I have limitless potential.”
Alecia Girma, a Girls Group graduate who is now
attending Washtenaw Community College, said, “I
wouldn’t be here today without the Girls Group…
they held my hand and gave me the
support I needed during a very tough
time in my life.”
Azira Azzizudin-McCloud, a senior
at Skyline High School, said her best
memory of Girls Group is her college
tour of historically black universities.
“I wouldn’t have been able to do a
college tour without the help of Girls
Group,” Azzizudin-McCloud said.
“They taught me how to follow my passion.”
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 3
Biomedical Engineering and Community Action and Social Change
(CASC) minor
Jake Heller combines a biomedical engineering
major with a Community Action and Social Change
(CASC) minor, a program for students interested in
developing knowledge, skills, and experiences in
community action and social change. Some might
consider this an unlikely combination, bringing
together right brain and left brain thinking, and yet
Heller discovered this is exactly what he wanted as
he searched for a program with a leadership focus.
“I like the opportunity to explore identity based
learning and better understand how people are
integral in developing technology,” Heller said.
“The purpose of science is to make life better for
people, but if we don’t understand the people we’re
creating for, then we really miss a big piece of a
potentially successful outcome.”
Through the CASC program, Heller has learned
to appreciate the importance of thinking about
the work, how people treat one another based on
privilege and circumstances, and how all of that
feeds into the process of developing technology.
Heller grew up in a family of low socioeconomic
status in Indiana where he attended a self-
described inner city, low-income high school in
an underprivileged area. He chose his biomedical
engineering major based on his interest and on the
potential income he would earn after graduation.
His experience with the CASC program game him
a better understanding of how others perceive him
based on his social identities.
“Not only did the CASC program help me
understand myself, but it also taught me how other
people see me,” Heller said.
A component of Heller’s CASC program was
working with the Summer Youth Dialogues program
in metro Detroit, where he facilitated dialogues with
high school students in the city and suburbs.
At the beginning of the program, I didn’t fully
appreciate why we were working with students of
the same race/ethnicity as ourselves, and then I
realized that I wouldn’t have been ready to work
with another group of students with a different
racial/ethnic identity, until I understood my self…
and where I came
from…and that
was powerful,”
Heller said.
Heller has
learned that he is
often perceived
differently based
on his living and
working situation.
I’m more than
the sum of
my identities
and U-M has
helped me
head into the
right direction
for whatever
that path
might be.
4 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
“In social justice work, I’m sometimes viewed as
just a white man, ignoring my other identities,”
Heller said. “One of my mentors taught me to try to
be my whole self all of the time, instead of silencing
parts of myself.”
He attributes CASC to helping him contextualize his
background, and to managing all of the elements of
his life.
“CASC has a big focus on ‘now what’ and how to
help other people have a better quality of life,”
Heller said, “and how to be sensitive to other
people’s issues.”
Heller says his next challenge to is put all of his
learning into place as he approaches graduation
this year.
Since finding a social justice community at the
University of Michigan, Jake is rethinking his career
path and considering an MSW after he completes
his engineering degree.
“I’m more than the sum of my identities and the
University of Michigan has helped me head into the
right direction for whatever that path might be,”
Heller said.
CASC has a big focus on ‘now what’ and how to
help other people have a better quality of life.
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 5
Michael Joiner-Hill grew up on Detroit’s west side. As one of six
kids raised in a single-parent family, he knows first-hand the
difficulties, as well as the dangers, facing vulnerable, at-risk
Joiner-Hill credits his stern, yet loving, mother with
being the driving force which kept her kids from
the gang activity and violence in their community
by steering them toward volunteerism, athletics
and most importantly, education. Joiner-Hill
excelled in all of those areas, gaining admission
into the University of Michigan, where he earned
his bachelor’s degree in psychology. Joiner-Hill
continued his education and says one of his
proudest moments came when he was accepted
into U-M School of Social Work.
Joiner-Hill believes his story has a very important
message. Since recently completing his MSW,
he plans to bring the message of perseverance
of education back to the young people who so
desperately need to hear it.
“There are so many young people living in
disadvantaged situations who aren’t getting the
message that despite your circumstances, you CAN
be someone who succeeds and change the fortune
of this city,” Joiner-Hill said.
I have a personal success story to share that could
be helpful to them, and I am going back to Detroit
to proudly represent that message.”
Joiner-Hill attributes some of his success to the
scholarships he received during his MSW program.
“I applied to the Clinical Scholars Program because
it’s the one that I felt would be most beneficial to
me for helping people with the same barriers that I
faced growing up. And I can’t emphasize enough the
importance of the relationships I’ve formed through
this program. The other clinical scholars and our
faculty have been incredibly supportive. It would be
so easy to get lost in the shuffle here, but being part
of the CSP, I haven’t experienced that. We’re more
than just colleagues…we’re friends.”
My Clinical Scholars Program scholarship allows
me the invaluable opportunity to work with
others who share my passion for helping under-
represented people and communities.
6 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 7
Amy Krings, MSW ’03, a doctoral candidate in the Social Work
and Political Science Joint Doctoral Program, conducts research
focused on the ways in which poor communities leverage
their resources to make economic development equitable and
“I wanted to study marginalized groups working
toward improving their health and quality of life,
despite being confronted with environmental
injustices,” Krings said. “Without protection,
residents living near hazardous developments
such as interstates, garbage incinerators, and
waste water treatment plants experience negative
health impacts, while the broader community
benefits,” Krings said.
She is interested in exploring policies which reduce
or alleviate environmental impacts, as well as
the politics within community-based campaigns
seeking to make large-scale development
accountable to local concerns.
Krings dissertation, Building Bridges Where
There is Nothing Left to Burn: The Campaign for
Environmental Justice within a Southwest Detroit
Border Community, is an ethnographic study
of a community’s efforts to secure protections
and investments in exchange for hosting a new
international bridge crossing.
She has been following the Delray Southwest
Development Community Benefits Coalition and its
campaign to secure a policy known as a community
benefits agreement, which if successful, will
provide legal protections to community members,
some of whom will be relocated and others of
whom will have a new international border crossing
in the neighborhoods, including thousands of diesel
trucks each day.
“The Community Benefits Coalition believes that
the new bridge has the potential to bring new
8 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
economic development to the region,” Krings
said. “At the same time, it will bring noise and
pollution to their residents. Rather than asking
this community to bear the burdens associated
with hosting the new crossing, it is advocating for a
number of policies and programs which will protect
the health of residents, especially their efforts to
reduce health impacts like asthma and cancer.”
Krings’ research draws from more than three years
of participant observation (2010–2014), including
seventy in-depth interviews and an analysis of
media coverage, and it examines why and how
power dynamics influence this neighborhood
group’s goal and tactical selection, ability to build
alliances, and campaign outcomes. She concludes
by demonstrating why environmental injustices are
reproduced at a local
level, often in invisible
Ultimately, it is her
plan to publish her
dissertation as a book.
It is her hope that by
carefully demonstrating
the nature of ethical
and strategic dilemmas
confronted in
communities like Delray,
her audience will have
greater empathy for
people living in environmental sacrifice zones. She
believes that by exposing difficult decisions that
community groups in environmental sacrifice zones
confront, it will catalyze political reforms which
will systematically protect and benefit the nation’s
most vulnerable neighborhoods, rather than
leaving them to make the best of unfair and unjust
She will defend her dissertation in the spring of
Awards Amy
Krings has
• Irene and William
• Rackham
• Regents Merit
• Rackham
Graduate Student
Research Grant
• Association for
and Social
Emerging Scholar
• Gerald R. Ford
Research Mentor
Dissertations Defended
Social Work and
Toward an Etiology of
Child Maltreatment:
An Ecological Study of
Primary Caregivers At
Risk of Child Welfare
System Involvement
Assistant Professor of Child Welfare and Social
Work, University of Nebraska Omaha, Omaha,
Social Work and
Differential Aging In
Assistant Professor,
Washington University
of Saint Louis, MO
Social Work and
Exploring correlates
of Prison Violence
in Chilean Prisons:
examining nationwide,
administrative data
Assistant Professor of Social Work, Pontifical
Catholic University, Santiago, Chile
Social Work and
Prisoner Reentry,
Parole Violations, and
the Persistence of the
Surveillance State
Social Work Resident
with the Learning
Community on Poverty and Inequality, University
of Michigan
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 9
10 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
The University of Michigan School of Social Work
believes students should not only need to be highly
competitive professionals within the United States,
but with the age of globalization, be able to either
apply global principles on a national level or be
prepared to work internationally post-graduation.
Professor of Social Work Larry M. Gant received
funding from U-M Global Course Connections
and the International Institute’s Experiential
Learning Fund for the Winter 2014 and subsequent
study abroad component during May 2014. For
the first time, faculty led an integrative group of
MSW ’s, who received partial scholarships, and
undergraduate students on a study abroad program
that is funded again in 2015.
“One of our goals is to encourage critical thinking
on different approaches and strategies about
similar issues that face us nationally and globally,
including human trafficking/prostitution, juvenile
justice/delinquency, and transforming abandoned
spaces into viable community use,” Gant said.
“We hope that as students enter new employment
opportunities after graduating from post-secondary
education, they are highly competitive in shaping
new policies, advanced strategies and diverse
modes of approaching issues that face entire
The study abroad program took place in Amsterdam
and Berlin where students focused on topics
including human trafficking and juvenile justice,
which also affect US cities including Detroit.
“Detroit is one of the top ten cities in the United
States with the highest prevalence rates in human
trafficking,” Gant said. “We are interested to know
how other advanced western democracies address
the same problems.”
Students and host city partners provided each
other with detailed presentations about prevention,
intervention and treatment strategies.
“We learned for example that in Amsterdam,
despite the legalization of prostitution, Human
Trafficking has not significantly decreased,”
Christiane Edwards, project coordinator said.
“Both, Amsterdam and Berlin partners wanted to
learn more about our approaches and strategies in
Detroit and Michigan overall.”
Adrienna Perales, MSW ’14, along with other
students with the Global Course Connections spent
time with the Prostitution Information Center (PIC)
in Amsterdam to learn more about the business of
being a sex worker. PIC was established in 1994 by
Mariska Majoor, who began working as a prostitute
at the age of 16. The non-profit organization played
an important role in the change of Dutch laws
regarding prostitution and the protection of sex
workers in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam considers sex workers normalized
and provides grass roots outreach with sex workers
to offer sex education, healthcare information and
condom distribution,” Perales said.
“The information we gained during our study
abroad was directly supported by our U-M SSW
Theories of Change course and the focus on harm
reduction,” explained Emily Whitley, MSW ’14.
“Harm reduction has been used in nursing and
drug and alcohol treatment with the approach of
what is the safest, healthiest way to do it. People
are going to engage in sex work…so it’s important
to understand how to make this safe.”
“While juvenile justice and delinquency is not
only a Detroit issue, we know that incarceration
rates are staggering,” Whitley said. “We wanted
to understand better what our partners are
doing differently in keeping juvenile justice and
delinquency rates lower. While overall immigrant
youth is targeted more than white youth in either
city, there is huge emphasis placed on prevention,
diversion and reintegration programs.”
Lorenzo Shaw-Graham, an LSA student studying
sociology, also participated in the study abroad
“I didn’t know too much about sex trafficking,
but I have been involved with NAACP and youth
incarceration, and after attending this program,
I’d like to see more training for youth who are
incarcerated…similar to what we saw in Berlin
where prisoners receive a certificate for the skilled
trade they learn while they’re incarcerated,” Shaw-
Graham said.
Both Amsterdam and Berlin offer interesting
approaches to transforming abandoned spaces into
viable community use through gardening, graffiti
arts and high jacking of abandoned spaces. A few
examples exist in Detroit, such as the Brightmoor
Community, Heidelberg project or Springwells
Village in Southwest Detroit.
“While we certainly can’t transplant every
interesting policy approach from our European
partners to our own communities or work places
here in Detroit, students are now more thoughtful
and flexible in shaping and/or implementing
creative strategies and policies around these or
other areas of social justice concerns,” Gant said.
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 11
The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes School of Social Work
alumni whose achievements exemplify the values of the School
of Social Work and who have made an exceptional impact on the
profession, the community and/or Social Work education. The
award is presented annually during the university-wide reunion
weekend each fall.
This year, we honor an inspiring list of alumni who were recognized by Dean Laura Lein at the School of
Social Work All Class Reunion Lunch on Friday, October 31, 2014.
A volunteer committee of three to five members of the SSW Alumni Board of Governors was charged with
overseeing the nomination and selection process for this prestigious ward. The committee reviews all
nominations and provides a recommendation to the dean of the U-M School of Social Work.
Larry Davis, MSW ’73, PhD ’77
Larry Davis was honored for his perpetual
dedication to the impact of race, gender and class
issues on society. He is the founder and director
of the Center on Race and Social Problems, and
is currently dean of the School of Social Work at
the University of Pittsburgh. Davis has received
research funding from the National Science
foundation, the National Institute of Health and the
National Institute of Mental Health.
“Social work has changed a lot over the years...
the elevator goes all the way to the ground. Social
workers study the problem, and we have the license
to do what we study…most other professions don’t.
The joint degree doctoral program at the University
of Michigan was a satisfied my
intellectual curiosity and it was useful...practical.
I was well grounded in theory and had a license
to practice. I still think social work is a wonderful
Robert Steger, MSW ’68
Robert Steger was commended for his continuous
efforts to promote the health and well-being
of United States service members, veterans
and military families, and as a result, guided
thousands of active and retired military members
toward gaining control over their lives. During his
distinguished 43-year Army career as an officer
and a social worker, he has fought for improved
services for the military community.
“I’m just one of the guys…and surprised by this
honor. When I was selected back in ‘75 to go to the
University of Michigan School of Social Work, it
didn’t bother them that I was a veteran, and I was
grateful for that because in ‘75 it was still Vietnam
and the Army were not well liked. After receiving
my degree, I re-joined the Army and served as a
social worker to service members. At the time,
social workers in the military sounded like an
oxymoron, but it was a great career for me.”
Larry Davis,
MSW ’73, PhD ’77
Robert Steger, MSW ’68
12 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
Amy Good, MSW ’80
Amanda (Amy) Good was selected as a recipient
for her commitment to community involvement as
a model for overcoming obstacles and achieving
success, in particular targeting homeless and
high-risk girls and young women.. She was part
of the founding of Alternatives for Girls in Detroit
and served as CEO since 1988, transforming
the once volunteer-led project to a full-service
agency, serving homeless and vulnerable girls and
young women. In 2012, she was an adjunct course
instructor at the U-M SSW during her Eugene Miller
“It’s a pleasure to have my work lifted up. My
education as an undergrad and graduate student
at U of M was important and valuable, but just as
critical have been the connections, networking and
the ongoing mentoring. The conversations shared
among many of us throughout the state about
strategies have been critical to making progress in
social justice for our youth. We all want to have the
greatest impact we can have…and one of the best
ways is to pave a pathway for youth to find their
voice, their power, and their roles as community
members and leaders.”
Milton J. Robinson, MSW ’66
Milton Robinson was honored for his prominent
career as a researcher, educator and practitioner
in the civil rights, juvenile justice and international
education sectors. In 2011, Robinson was inducted
into the World Association for Cooperative
Education Hall of Fame and in 2012, he was
honored with the Rotary International Paul
Harris Fellowship Award. He continues to create
a more equitable society for youth in emerging
nations of the Caribbean, in particular developing
engineering-related competitions for elementary,
middle and high school students, as well as
generating scholarships for those students to
matriculate in colleges and universities in the
United States.
“The more things change…the more they seem to
stay the same. I specialized in group work, which
is no longer a discipline and is now woven into
other programs. In the 1960s and 1970s when I was
employed as president and CEO of the Flint Urban
League, Battle Creek Area Urban League and
Executive Director (CEO) of the Michigan Civil rights
Commission, my career emphasis was on civil
rights and seeking changes that positively impact
minorities in Michigan. Recent events in places like
Ferguson, MO and New York City appear to be a
throw back to what was happening in the 60s and
70s. We’re making progress…but it’s taking us a
long time to get there.”
Rosemary Sarri, PhD ’62
Rosemary Sarri was honored for her work with
public policy issues on gender studies, deviant
behavior, executive leadership, social policy
and families and children in poverty. She has a
remarkable history with SSW, from a junior faculty
member in the 60s to her current position as a
professor emerita, which has helped her become
the world-renowned expert in areas of child/
family welfare policy and juvenile/criminal justice
systems. Sarri is a fellow of the American Academy
of Social Work and Social Welfare, and has received
numerous awards including the Council on Social
Work Education’s Significant Lifetime Achievement
Award, the National Association of Social Workers
Presidential Award for Research, and the U-M
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award.
“The great teachers I had at U-M were a
tremendous influence in my career as a social
worker. Social Work has grown throughout the
world and throughout my career, I worked in
developing countries…watching social work
blossom was a wonderful experience. Social work
and education is what made a difference in South
Korean after the war. South Korea is now one of the
most successful countries in Asia. I’m very honored
to receive this award…and it’s been a privilege to
have been a social worker.”
Amy Good, MSW ’80
Rosemary Sarri, PhD ’62
Milton J. Robinson,
MSW ’66
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 13
Written by Sara Stein
The 2014 Fedele F. Fauri and Iris M. Fauri Memorial Conference
“Disarming Youth Violence: Strategies that Work” was held
November 19, to address the pressing social dilemma of youth
The Fauri Memorial Conference is held annually to
acknowledge former University of Michigan School
of Social Work Dean and Vice President Fauri’s
leadership and accomplishments in the field of
child welfare. This year’s conference presented
the work of professors, community activists and
political leaders. Young people from Detroit also
spoke about the complexities of youth violence in
the country.
Keynote speakers James Garbarino, PhD, (the
Maude C. Clarke Chair in Humanistic Psychology
and founding Director of the Center for the Human
Rights of Children at Loyola University Chicago) and
Andrew Papachristos, PhD (Associate Professor
of Sociology, Public Health, and Law (adjunct) at
Yale University) highlighted important perspectives
through their research on understanding the
origins and risks associated with youth violence
and trauma in the United States. While approaching
the topic with vastly different methodological
frameworks, they both made clear that their
ultimate goal is to find solutions to this social
dilemma on both an individual and a societal level.
Garbarino’s talk focused on the importance of
an ecological understanding of violence and
the multiple contributors to youth violence. He
highlighted how violence and trauma impacts
developmental trajectories and accompanying
traumas of young offenders of violence. He
identified these areas as primary mechanisms
to engage in prevention, and to consider their
relevance in treatment and recovery. Papachristos
approached the issue from a macro-perspective,
speaking to the application of network science to
understand social networks, neighborhoods, and
interpersonal and gang violence. His work focuses
on violence reduction strategies, most notably
evident in his involvement with the Project Safe
Neighborhoods initiative and the Group Violence
Reduction Strategy in Chicago.
U-M SSW Assistant Professor Desmond Patton,
PhD, presented his qualitative research on the
Digital Contagion of Youth Violence on Twitter,
studying the widely known homicide of Gakirah
Barnes, the alleged teenage queen of Chicago’s
gangland, which he used to explore how and when
gang-involved youth communicate aggression on
Twitter. His findings illuminated the ways in which
social media has become an important space
for coping and expressing raw emotion by young
people living in violent, urban neighborhoods, and
therefore concludes that online interventions that
target this population could be very beneficial.
He indicated that the development of online
interventions for youth is an important next line of
research to explore.
14 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
In the afternoon, young members of Youth Power
Movement led by Director Kayla Mason, MSW ’11,
spoke about the reality of adolescence and youth
violence in Detroit. These impressive young leaders
spoke about the importance of peer mediation and
restorative practices as mechanisms of change in
adolescent relationships in schools. City of Detroit
Council Member Raquel Castañeda-López, MSW
’07 followed this conversation with a discussion of
the City’s Youth Development Task Force and the
political paradigm shift to developing solutions to
social problems.
The day ended with a panel on youth violence
intervention approaches with Stacie Bowens, MSW
’00 (Wayne County Department of Human
Services-Child and Family Services), Patrick
Carter, MD (University of Michigan Injury Center)
and Cheryl Myhand (Wish Ministries Inc.). Robert
Ortega, MSW ’83, PhD ’91, Rosemary Sarri, PhD
’62, (Emerita), Shawna Lee, MSW ’01, PhD ’05, and
Joseph Ryan, MSW ’96, PhD, University of
Michigan School of Social Work faculty and
members of the conference planning committee,
facilitated lively conversations throughout the day
between the presenters and the audience, paving
the way for serious thought and critical
perspectives in the Schools long-time
commitment to child welfare and child well-being.
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 15
CHANG, E. C., & Kwon, P. (2014). Special issue on
psychopathology in Asians and the DSM-5: Culture
Asian Journal of Psychiatry
, 7, 66-67.
CHANG, E. C., Yu, E. A., & Kahle, E. R. (2014). BMI,
body discrepancy, and self-construal as predictors
of eating disturbances in European and Asian
American females.
Eating Behaviors
, 15, 328-330.
Downey, C. A., Reinking, K. R., Gibson, J. M.,
Cloud, J. A., & CHANG, E. C. (2014). Perfectionistic
cognitions and eating disturbance: Distinct
mediational models for males and females.
, 15, 419-426.
Yang, H., & CHANG, E. C. (2014). Examining the
structure, reliability, and validity of the Chinese
Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II: Evidence for
the importance of intentional self-change among
Journal of Personality Assessment
, 96,
CHANG, E. C., Cheng, P., Dolsen, M., Girz, L.,
Rudowski, M., Chang, E. C., & Deldin, P. (in press).
Understanding perfectionism and depression in an
adult clinical population: Is outcome expectancy
relevant to psychological functioning?
Journal of
Personality and Individual Differences
Hirsch, H. K., Nsamenang, S. A., CHANG, E. C.
& Kaslow, N. J. (2014). Spiritual well-being and
depressive symptoms in female African American
suicide attempters: Mediating effects of optimism
and pessimism.
Psychology of Religion and
Perera, M. J. & CHANG, E. C. (2014). Ethnic
variations between Asian and European Americans
in interpersonal sources of socially prescribed
perfectionism: It’s not just about parents!
American Journal of Psychology
CHANG, E. C., Kahle, E. R., & Hirsch, J. K. (in press).
Understanding how domestic abuse is associated
with greater depressive symptoms in a community
sample of female primary care patients: Does lack
of belongingness matter?
Violence Against Women
CHANG, E. C., Kahle, E. R., Yu, E. A., & Hirsch, J.
K. (2014). Understanding the relationship between
domestic abuse and suicide behavior in adults
receiving primary care: Does forgiveness matter?
Social Work
CHANG, E. C., Lian, X., Yu, T., Qu, J., Zhang, B.,
Jia, W., Hu, Q., Li, J., Wu, J., & Hirsch, J. K. (2015).
Loneliness under assault: Understanding the impact
of sexual assault on the relation between loneliness
and suicidal risk in college students.
The Journal of
Positive Psychology
, 8, 314-321.
CHANG, E. C., Kahle, E. R., Yu, E. A., & Hirsch, J. K.
(2014). Behavioral inhibition system and behavioral
activation system (BIS/BAS) motives and loneliness
as predictors of eating disturbances in female
college students: Interpersonal context matters.
ournal of Social and Clinical Psychology
, 33, 250-
269. Guilford Press.
Perera, M. J. & E. C. CHANG (Eds.) (in press).
Biopsychosocial Approaches to Understanding
Health in South Asian Americans. Springer
CHANG, E. C., Downey, C. A., Hirsch, J. K. & Lin,
E. A. (Eds.). (2014). Cognitive-behavioral Models,
Measures, and Treatments for Depression, Anxiety,
and Stress in Ethnic and Racial Minorities.
Psychological Association
CHANG, E. C., Downey, C. A., Hirsch, J. K. & Lin, N.
J. (Eds.). (in press). Positive Psychology in Racial
and Ethnic Minority Groups: Theory, Research,
Assessment, and Practice. Washington, D. C.:
American Psychological Association
CHANG, E. C., Downey, C. A., Hirsch, J. K. & Lin, N.
J. (in press). Introduction to positive psychology in
racial and ethnic minority groups: A second call to
action! In E. C. Chang, C. A. Downey, J. K. Hirsch,
& N. J. Lin (Eds.). Positive Psychology in Racial
and Ethnic Minority Groups: Theory, Research,
Assessment, and Practice. Washington, D. C.:
American Psychological Association
Yu, E. A., CHANG, E. C., Yang, H. & Yu, T. (in press).
Positive psychology assessment in Asian Americans.
In E. C. Chang, C. A. Downey, J. K. Hirsch, & N. J.
Lin (Eds.). Positive Psychology in Racial and Ethnic
Minority Groups: Theory, Research, Assessment,
and Practice. Washington, D. C.:
Psychological Association
Downey, C. A., CHANG, E. C., Hirsch, J. K. & Lin, N.
J. (in press). Challenges and prospects for positive
psychology research, theory, assessment, and
practice in a multiracial and multiethnic world. In
E. C. Chang, C. A. Downey, J. K. Hirsch, & N. J. Lin
(Eds.). Positive Psychology in Racial and Ethnic
Minority Groups: Theory, Research, Assessment,
and Practice. Washington, D. C.:
Psychological Association
Kahle, E. R., McCabe, H. K., Porter, P. M., Yu, E. A.
& CHANG, E. C. (2014). Spirituality and religiosity
as important sources of hope. In L. Bormans
World Book of Hope
. Tielt, Belgium: Lannoo
Yu, E. A., Chia, S. W., Jilani, Z., Kahle, E. R. &
CHANG, E. C. (2014). Hope and positive thinking:
Should we double up? In L. Bormans (Ed.).
Book of Hope
. Tielt, Belgium: Lannoo Publishers.
Downey, C. A. & CHANG, E. C. (2014). History of
cultural context in positive psychology: We finally
come to the start of the journey. In J. T. Pedrotti & L.
M. Edwards (Eds.).
Perspectives on the Intersection
of Multiculturalism and Positive Psychology
. New
York: Springer Publications.
Downey, C. A. & CHANG, E. C. (2014). Positive
psychology: Current knowledge, multicultural
and ethical considerations, and the future of the
movement. In F. T. L. Leong, L. Comas-Diaz, G. C.
Nagayama Hall, V. McLoyd, & J. E. Trimble (Eds.).
APA Handbook on Multicultural Psychology, Vol. 2:
Applications and Training 133-149. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association
Oshri, A., Schwartz, S. J., Unger, J. B., Kwon,
J. A., Des Rosiers, S. E., Baezconde-Garbanati,
L., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., CÓRDOVA, D., Soto,
D. W., Lizzi, K. M., & Szapocznik, J. (2014).
Bicultural stress, identity formation, and alcohol
expectancies and misuse in Hispanic adolescents:
A developmental approach.
Journal of Youth and
Salas-Wright, C. P., Vaughn, M. G., Clark, T. T., &
CÓRDOVA, D. (in press). Substance use disorders
among first and second-generation immigrant
adults in the USA: Evidence of an immigrant
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
CÓRDOVA, D., Cervantes, R., & Ciofu, A. (in press).
Exploring culturally based intrafamilial stressors
among Latino adolescents.
Family Relations
Salas-Wright, C. P., Vaughn, M. G., Clark, T. T.,
& CÓRDOVA, D. (2014). Profiles of acculturation
among Hispanics in the United States: Links with
discrimination and substance use.
Social Psychiatry
and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Horner, P., Lopez, W. D., Doering-White, J., Sanders,
L., Martinez, R., & DELVA, J. (2014). “I put a mask
on”: The human side of deportation effects on
Latino youth. J
ournal of Social Welfare and Human
, 2(2).
Doering-White, J., Horner, P., Sanders, L., Martinez,
R., Lopez, W. D., & DELVA, J. (in press). Testimonial
engagement: Undocumented Latina mothers
navigating a gendered deportation regime.
of International Migration and Integration
Goldman, K. (2014). Connecting the dots: Southern
Jews, civil rights, and the impact of Jewish women’s
organizations in the fight for racial justice. In J.
Antler (Ed.),
Why Jewish History Matters: An Archive
of Stories in Honor of Gail Reimer
. Boston.
Vogel, P. A., Solem, S., Hagen, K., Moen, E. M.,
Launes, G., Håland, Å. T., Hansen, B., & HIMLE,
J. A. (2014). A pilot randomized control trial of
videoconference-assisted treatment for obsessive-
compulsive disorder.
Behaviour Research and
, 63, 162-168.
Levine, D. S., HIMLE, J. A., Abelson, J. M., Matusko,
N., Dhawan, N. & TAYLOR, R. J. (2014). The
relationship of discrimination on social anxiety
disorder among African Americans, Caribbean
blacks and non-Hispanic whites.
Journal of Nervous
and Mental Disease
, 202(3), 224-230.
HIMLE, J. A., Bybee, D., Steinberger, E., Laviolette,
W. T., Golenberg, Z., Heimberg, R. G., WEAVER, A.,
Vlnka, S., Levine, D. S., & O’Donnell, L. A. (2014).
Work-related CBT versus vocational services as
usual for unemployed persons with social anxiety
disorder: A randomized controlled trial.
Research and Therapy
, 63, 169-176.
Alford, B., & LEE, S. J. (2014). Toward complete
inclusion: Lesbian, gay, and bisexual military
service members after Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell repeal.
Social Work
LEE, S. J., & Walsh, T. B. (2014). Using technology
in social work practice: The mDad (Mobile Device
Assisted Dad) case study.
Advances in Social Work
16 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
ONGOING · Summer 2014 · 17
LEE, S. J., Altschul, I., & Gershoff, L. (2014). Hugs
not hits: Maternal warmth, not spanking, predicts
early positive child behavior.
Journal of Marriage
and the Family
LEE, S. J., Altschul, I. & Gershoff, L. (2014). Wait
until your father gets home? Fathers’ and mothers
spanking and development of child aggression.
Family Relations
Taylor, C. A., Al-Hiyari, R., LEE, S. J., Priebe, A.,
& Guerrero, L. W. (2014). Attitudes and ideologies
linked with approval of corporal punishment in the
United States: Content analysis of online comments.
Family Relations
LI, L. W., Liu, J., Zhang, Z., & Xu, H. (2014). Late-life
depression in rural China: Do village infrastructure
and availability of community resources matter?
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
MILLER, R. (in press). “You’re in a room full of
addicts!” Prisoner Reentry as a social institution
and the “making up” of the ex-offender.
Sociological Review
S. Haymes, M. Vidal de Haymes, & R. MILLER (Eds.).
Routledge Handbook on Poverty in the
United States
. New York, NY: Routledge Press.
MILLER, R. & Silvers, A. (2015). Global poverty and
the lived experience of poor communities in the
United States. In S. Haymes, M. Vidal de Haymes, &
R. Miller (Eds.),
Routledge Handbook on Poverty in
the United States
. New York, NY: Routledge Press.
MILLER, R. & Williams, E. (2014). Racial geography,
carceral policy narratives and the politics of care in
the prisoner reentry field.
Nonprofit and Volunteer
Sector Quarterly
MILLER, R. (in press). Learning to languish:
Prisoner reentry and the pedagogy of the oppressed.
Critical Sociology
MILLER, R. (2014). Becoming a better man: How
formerly incarcerated fathers draw on ‘good parent’
narratives to ‘make good’.
Qualitative Social Work
MILLER, R. (in press). The right to respite: Prisoner
reentry, human rights, and the politics of care in an
age of austerity.
Social Service Review
MILLER, R. & Stuart, F. (2014). Citizenship in the
carceral continuum.
Theoretical Criminology
Stuart, F. & MILLER, R. (2014). The old head goes to
American Journal of Sociology
NICKLETT, E. J., Anderson, L., & Yen, I. (in press).
Gardening activities and physical health among
older adults: A review of the evidence.
Journal of
Applied Gerontology
NICKLETT, E. J., & TAYLOR, R. J. (2014). Racial/
ethnic predictors of falls among older adults: the
Health and Retirement Study.
Journal of Aging and
Hong, J. S., Huang, H., McHaney, M., PATTON, D.
U., & Washington, T. (in press). Are community
violence-exposed youth likely to engage in
delinquency? A closer investigation of the potential
Residential Treatment for Children and
PATTON, D. U., Hong, J., Ranney, M., Patel, S.,
Kelley, C., Eschmann, R., & Washington, T. (2014).
Social media as a vector for youth violence: A review
of literature.
Computers in Human Behavior
, 35,
PATTON, D., MILLER, R., Kornfeld, E., & Gale, A.
(in press). Hardiness scripts: How high achieving
African-American males navigate community
violence and school.
Psychological Services
Johnson-Goodstar, K., RICHARDS-SCHUSTER, K.,
& Sethi, J. (2014). Exploring critical youth media
practice: Connections and contributions for social
Social Work
, 59(4), 339-346.
Nicoll, K. L., Distelrath, C. & Galura, J. A. (2014).
Using e-portfolios to assess program goals,
integrative learning and civic engagement: A case
International Journal of ePortfolio
, 4(2),
Williams, A. B., RYAN, J. P., Davis-Kean, P. E.,
McLoyd, V. C., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2014). The
discontinuity of offending in African-American youth
in the juvenile justice system.
Youth and Society
TAYLOR, R. J., Forsythe-Brown, I., Taylor, H. O.,
& CHATTERS, L. M. (2014). Patterns of emotional
social support and negative interactions among
African American and Black Caribbean extended
Journal of African American Studies
, 18(2),
TAYLOR, R. J., Forsythe-Brown, I., Lincoln, K. D. &
CHATTERS, L. M. (in press). Extended family support
networks of Caribbean black adults in the United
Journal of Family Issues
Cnaan, R., & VINOKUR-KAPLAN, D., Eds. (2015).
Cases in Innovative Nonprofits: Organizations
That Make a Difference
. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
VOSHEL, E. (2014). Interprofessional education
and social work.
The Field Educator.
Boston, MA:
Simmons School of Social Work.
Assari, S., WATKINS, D. C., & Caldwell, C. H. (in
press). Multiplicative effects of discrimination and
race attribution on depression among blacks: The
role of gender and ethnicity.
Journal of Racial and
Ethnic Health Disparities
WATKINS, D. C., & Griffith, D. M. (2014). Mental
Health Promotion Programs: A Scoping Review of
Men’s Mental Health Promotion Programs in the
United States. Movember Foundation and the Centre
for Men’s Health at Leed’s University, London, UK.
WATKINS, D. C., & Gioia, D. (in press).
Methods Research: Pocket Guides to Social Work
Research Methods Series
. New York: Oxford
University Press.
WATKINS, D. C., Assari, S., & Johnson-Lawence
V. D. (in press). Race and ethnic differences in
comorbid psychiatric disorders with chronic medical
conditions. J
ournal of Racial and Ethnic Health
Hawkins, J., WATKINS, D. C., KIEFFER, E.,
SPENCER, M., Espitia, N., Sinco, B., & Anderson, M.
(in press). Structural and psychosocial factors that
influence health care use and self-management
for African American and Latino men with type 2
diabetes: An exploratory study.
Journal of Men’s
WEAVER, A., HIMLE, J. A., TAYLOR, R. J., Matusko,
N. N., & Abelson, J. M. (in press). Place matters:
The differential impact of rural residence on the
prevalence of depression and mood disorder among
African American and non-Hispanic white women.
Journal of the American Medical Association
WITTMANN, D., Carolan, M., Given, B., Skolarus,
T. A., An, L., Palapattu, G., & Montie, J. E. (2014).
Exploring the role of the partner in couples
sexual recovery after surgery for prostate cancer.
Supportive Care in Cancer
Skolarus, T., Wolf, A., Erb, N., Brooks, D., Rivers,
B., Underwood, III, W., Salner, A., Zelefsky, M.,
Aragon-Ching, J., Slovin, S., WITTMANN, D., Hoyt,
M., Sinibaldi, V., Chodak, G., Pratt-Chapman,
M., & Cowens-Alvarado, R. (2014). American
Cancer Society prostate cancer survivorship care
CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
Jones, B., Phillips, F., Head, B., Hedlund, S.,
Kalisiak, A., ZEBRACK, B., Kilburn, L. & Otis-Green,
S. (in press). Enhancing collaborative leadership in
palliative social work in oncology.
Journal of Social
Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care
BrintzenhofeSzoc, K., Davis, C., Nedjat, F., Kayser,
K., Lee, H., Oktay, J., Zabora, J. & ZEBRACK, B.
(in press). Screening for psychosocial distress: A
national survey of oncology social workers.
of Psychosocial Oncology
Zabora, J., Buzaglo, J., Kennedy, V., Schapmire,
T., ZEBRACK, B. & Ghobrial, I. (2014). Clinical
perspective: Linking psychosocial care to the
clinical disease continuum in patients with multiple
Palliative and Supportive Care
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 17
KRISTIN SEEFELDTs report, “Understanding the
Dynamics of Disconnection from Employment
and Assistance” was published by the Office of
Planning, Research & Evaluation an Office of the
Administration for Children & Families of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services.
their research, “A Community-Engaged Approach
to Developing a Primary Care Substance Abuse
Prevention and Sexual Health Promotion App,” at
the annual conference of the Society for Prevention
Research in Washington, DC.
LAURA LEIN was part of the Achieving Racial Equity
Symposium, which produced its final report; she
presented one of the examples featured in it — the
curriculum on behavioral health disparities.
The November 2013 Achieving Racial Equity:
Calling the Social Work Profession to Action think
tank symposium convened by the NASW Social
Work Policy Institute.
DAVID CORDOVA’S paper, “The Role of
Intrapersonal and Ecodevelopmental Factors in
the Lives of Latino Alternative High School Youth,”
was published in the
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural
Diversity in Social Work
. Co-authors include
Amanda Ciofu (MSW ‘13) and Kune Park (MSW 13’).
LUKE SHAEFER was cited in a
New York Times
op-ed about poverty and welfare.
KRISTIN SEEFELDT, along with the Urban Institute,
wrote a report about jobless single mothers without
financial assistance, which was published in
DANIEL SAUNDERS was awarded a Fulbright
Scholar grant to do research comparing intimate
partner violence intervention practices and policies
in New Zealand and the United States.
ROBERT TAYLOR organized the Summer Workshop
on African American Aging Research held at the
Institute for Social Research on June 4–6. This
workshop was funded by the NIA funded center,
Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging
Research. Junior professors and post-docs from
around the country attended the event. Former joint
program doctoral students, KHARI BROWN and
AMANDA TOLER WOODWARD were co-facilitators
of this workshop. LAURA LEIN, TRINA SHANKS,
spoke at this workshop.
ROBERT TAYLOR organized the Council on Social
Work Education Minority Doctoral Fellows Summer
Workshop held at the School of Social Work and
Institute for Social Research on June 11–13. CSWE
Doctoral Fellows and UM-SSW Joint Program
doctoral students and other doctoral students
from around the country attended the event.
co-facilitators of the event. LAURA LEIN, LINDA
spoke at the event.
MICHAEL SPENCER was selected as the 2014 Carl
A. Scott Memorial Lecturer at the Council on Social
Work Education’s 60th Annual Program Meeting.
REUBEN MILLER’S article, “Devolving the carceral
state: Race, prisoner reentry, and the micro-politics
of urban poverty management” was published in
the journal
Punishment and Society
award from the Skillman Foundation to do a project
with the Technical Assistance Center, providing
technical assistance to the Skillman Foundation
and the six neighborhoods which are part of the
Skillman Good Neighborhoods program. More
than 65,000 children live in these neighborhoods,
roughly 30% of the child population in Detroit.
LEE’S article, “Parental spanking of 1-year-old
children and subsequent child protective services
involvement” published in
Child Abuse and Neglect
was mentioned in the most recent newsletter of the
National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence
Across The Lifespan.
authored an article, “Racial/Ethnic Predictors
of Falls Among Older Adults: The Health and
Retirement Study”, which was published in the
Journal of Aging and Health
EMILY NICKLETT, as part of a team led by Arbor
Research Collaborative for Health, received
a contract from the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services for the research, measurement,
assessment, design, and analysis of innovative
health care models.
EMILY NICKLETT’S research, on falling amongst
the elderly, was featured in an article in
spanking is cited in
New York Magazine
Kristin Seefeldt
Robert Taylor
Trina Shanks
18 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
“The Michigan Community Health Worker Alliance
(MiCHWA)”, received a proclamation from Governor
Rick Snyder declaring August 2014 as “Community
Health Worker Appreciation Month” in the State of
LUKE SHAEFER co-authored an article, “The Truth
About Food Stamps” for
The New Republic
DESMOND PATTON interviewed with Cleveland
Public Radio on street gangs’ online presence.
ROSEMARY SARRI published a paper entitled,
“Intergenerational Incarceration: Risk Factors and
Social Exclusion”.
LARRY GANT’S grant, ‘’Community Building
Partnership for Selected Detroit Communities’’ was
funded by the Skillman Foundation.
collaborators at U-M’s William Davidson Institute
received mention in the Summer 2014 issue of the
William Davidson Institute Review.
SAGE/CSWE Innovative Teaching Award. Her
application achieved the highest ranking among all
DESMOND PATTON was cited in a MLive article,
“From Facebook to the streets: How social media
is fueling youth violence in Kalamazoo”; he also
interviewed with the Kalamazoo Gazette regarding
the shooting.
SANDRA MOMPER was approved for funding by the
National Institute on Minority Health and Health
Disparities for a National Institutes of Health Health
Disparities Loan Repayment Program award.
LORRAINE GUTIÉRREZ received the Jane Addams
Medallion for her exceptional long-term organizing
work with multicultural communities in Detroit at
the Fielder, Brown, Duffy Education Social Justice
REUBEN MILLER was selected as a 2014–15
Michigan Center for Urban African American
Aging Research scholar. His project is a qualitative
longitudinal study comparing the experiences of
54 older and younger formerly incarcerated men
transitioning from prison back into their home
communities in Detroit.
REUBEN MILLER was selected as a Junior Fellow
of the Yale Urban Ethnography Project.
TONY ALVAREZ received the 2014 Michael Stratton
Practitioners Award from the Association for
Experiential Education.
TRINA SHANKS’ article, “Assets and African
Americans: Attempting to Capitalize on Hopes
for Children Through College Savings Accounts”
was published in
The Review of Black Political
LARRY ROOT presented at the 10th annual Beijing
Forum, organized by Peking University. He was
part of the panel session on “Social-Economic
Development and State Governance in Comparative
JOHN TROPMAN was inducted as a Fellow of the
American Academy of Social Work and Social
research on spanking was cited in the
Detroit Free
, BBC, the
and various sports blogs
reporting on the indictment of the Minnesota Viking
running back Adrian Peterson on child abuse
DAVID CORDOVA’S research, “A Community
Engaged Approach to Working toward the
Implementation of Mental Health Best Practices
in a Primary Care Setting,” was accepted for
presentation at the 7th Annual Conference on the
Science of Dissemination and Implementation.
MARY RUFFOLO the principal investigator along
received a grant from the Health Resources and
Services Administration to increase the number
of MSW behavioral health workers. This project
prepares MSW students to work with impoverished
racial and ethnic minority children, adolescents,
and transitional age youth living with behavioral
health conditions. SSW, in collaboration with the
Detroit/Wayne County Mental Health Authority, will
provide a specialized inter-professional behavioral
health education and training program to 33 MSW
students per year (a total of 99 over three years).
TRINA SHANKS wrote an article, “The Promise of
Child Development Accounts: Current Evidence
and Future Directions” for the Summer/Fall 2014
issue of
Community Investments
, “Rebalancing the
American Dream: Forging Pathways to Financial
DESMOND PATTON’S co-authored manuscript,
Are Community Violence-Exposed Youth at Risk
of Engaging in Delinquent Behavior? A Review and
Implications for Residential Treatment Research
and Practice” was published in
Treatment for Children & Youth
Michael Spencer
Lorraine Gutiérrez
Sandra Momper
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 19
ACCOLADES (continued)
The Michigan Community Health Worker Alliance
(MiCHWA), hosted its third Annual Meeting for 170
Community Health Workers and other community
stakeholders from across Michigan. Photos and
meeting materials are on the MiCHWA website.
Detroit News
story, “Top 2 at DIA got boost in
compensation after millage” about the Detroit
Institute of Arts’ executive compensation.
DESMOND PATTON’S research was highlighted in
the October 2014 issue of
National Association of
Social Workers News
LUKE SHAEFER was cited in a
USA Today
“States See More Poor Among Children and the
BRAD ZEBRACK received a grant from the Seventy
K to identify factors that affect how young adults
with cancer cope with cancer, treatment, and
associated life disruptions in order to aid the
development of supportive care resources.
SANDRA MOMPER, the principal investigator
in collaboration with American Indian Health
and Family Services of Southeast Michigan Inc.,
received a grant from the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration to continue
work on youth suicide prevention among American
Indians aged 10 to 24. This project, entitled
“Manidookewigashkibjigan”: Sacred Bundle
R.E.S.P.E.C.T., will provide suicide prevention skills
training and community-based screenings for
suicide risk in Southeast Michigan and on American
Indian reservations across Michigan for the next 5
LARRY GANT’S article, “A Census Tract-Level
Examination of Social Determinants of Health
among Black/African American Men with
Diagnosed HIV Infection, 2005–2009-17 US Areas”
was published in the
Public Library of Science One
SHERRIE A. KOSSOUDJI’S article, “Viewpoint:
Tackling Sexual Assault on Campus” was published
in the
Michigan Daily
BRANDY SINCO’S article “Contemporary
heterosexism on campus and psychological distress
among LGBQ students: The mediating role of self-
acceptance” was published in the American Journal
of Orthopsychiatry.
JORGE DELVA was selected as President Elect
(2014–2016), in addition to his position as Spanish
Language Chair, of the Association of Latina and
Latino Social Work Educators.
SUE ANN SAVAS received funding from the
The National Council for Behavioral Health to
support the development and implementation of
the data management and reporting system for
the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral
to Treatment project. She received a second
grant award supporting the development and
implementation of the Baltimore Integrated Health
Study Evaluation.
DESMOND PATTON’S book review, “The Other
Wes Moore: One Name Two Fates, Wes Moore”
Qualitative Social Work January 2013 12: 93-97, was
the most-read article during September 2014.
SHAWNA LEE was featured in
The University
The University Research Corridor
November newsletter for creating the Positive Tech
Conference which aims to develop technological
apps to improve the well-being of tech users.
discussion on U.S. immigration reform, which was
hosted by Common Sense Action and Social Work
Allies for Immigrant Rights. The panel discussion
was highlighted in
The Michigan Daily
ANDREA SIEGEL’S chapter, “Domestic Violence,
the ‘Woman Question,’ and the Arab Question’ in
Early Zionism” was published in Gender in Judaism
and Islam: Common Lives, Uncommon Heritage.
, NASDAQ, and
The Wall Street Journal
unauthorized workers.
EMILY NICKLETT presented, “Research
Approaches from Health Policy to Identify Risk
and Protective Factors for Aging in Place” at the
Gerontological Society of America and was also the
session organizer at the American Public Health
Association. Her session was”Chronic Disease
Management and Self-Care.”
TONY ROTHSCHILD’S (alum, lecturer) nonprofit,
Common Ground was selected as this year’s Crain’s
Best-Managed Nonprofit and was featured in
Crain’s Detroit Business
lecture to a symposium on the 25th Anniversary
of the launch of the United Nations Convention
on the Rights of the Child, at an event hosted
by Academics for Equal Protection, part of the
Children’s Social Care Research and Development
Centre in Cardiff, Wales.
Edie Kieffer
Sherrie Kossoudji
20 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
(Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology) received a
grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
via the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to
train Ukrainian colleagues to examine substance
abuse disorders from a lifespan approach.
BRAD ZEBRACK received a grant from the National
Cancer Institute via the Eastern Cooperative
Oncology Group to serve as co-chair for the
Adolescent and Young Adult task force.
Professor of Psychiatry and Research Assistant
Professor of Human Growth and Development)
received a grant from the National Institute
of Mental Health to use functional magnetic
resonance imaging to study brain mechanisms of
OCD in adolescent and adult patients, examining
the change that occurs with cognitive behavioral
therapy and correlating that change with network
activity in the brain.
(Director, Institute for Healthcare Policy and
Innovation) received a grant from the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services-Subcontracts via
the Michigan Department of Community Health
to conduct the evaluation of Michigan’s Medicaid
expansion, the Healthy Michigan Plan.
EMILY NICKLETT’S article, “Gardening Activities
and Physical Health Among Older Adults: A Review
of the Evidence” was published in the
Gerontological Society’s Journal of Applied
DESMOND PATTON was interviewed by Cleveland
Public Radio about finding gang presence online,
particularly on social media.
(director, Institute for Healthcare Policy and
Innovation) received a grant from the Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Services-Subcontracts
via the Michigan Department of Community Health
to conduct the evaluation of Michigan’s Medicaid
expansion, the Healthy Michigan Plan. Their
grant is included in a
University Record
on Medicaid evaluation as well as in
News Net
In Memoriam
William C. Lawrence | July 25, 2014
Catherine T. Ziebell | MSW ’04, January 12, 2014
Ron G. Reed | MSW ’71, February 21, 2014
David M. Franco | MSW ’90, April 4, 2014
Leslie J. Eringaard-Poleo | MSW ’87, April 20, 2014
Joyce H. Collins | MSW ’44, April 24, 2014
George E. Kelly | MSW ’03, April 28, 2014
Dolores M. Hagen | MSW ’82, May 13, 2014
Gerald Fleury | MSW ’92, May 17, 2014
Ronald A. Wolter | MSW ’70, May 25, 2014
Lucille I. Wolgemuth | MSW ’67, June 6, 2014
Thomas E. Manning | MSW ’83, June 15, 2014
Sally E. Candy | MSW ’95, June 19, 2014
Joan C. Anderson | MSW ’76, June 22, 2014
Hilde M. Lehmann | MSW ’69, June 24, 2014
Carl E. Bloom | MSW ’65, July 22, 2014
Robert A. Stebbins | MSW ’72, July 27, 2014
Seta M. Dilanian | MSW ’93, August 5, 2014
Beth H. Brown | MSW ’55, August 11, 2014
Phillip A. Huyck | MSW ’85, August 12, 2014
Elizabeth C. Stone | MSW ’62, September 6, 2014
Elizabeth S. Rowley | MSW ’75, September 29, 2014
James J. Minder | MSW ’74, October 9, 2014
Eugenia T. Kapsanis | MSW ’48, October 14, 2014
Michael R. Sosin | MSW ’73 and PhD ’77,
November 25, 2014
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 21
For researchers and practitioners in social work,
nursing, psychology, and other applied fields
interested in:
ways to integrate qualitative and
quantitative research methods
commonly used statistical procedures
approaches to research conducted
in practice settings
Understand and appreciate a scientific
approach in building practice knowledge
Increase your ability to
critique theoretical foundations of research
form research questions
apply research methods
conduct statistical analysis
interpret research reports
Program begins on June 1, 2015
Priority application deadline is May 18, 2015.
Qualified applicants will be considered
until program fills.
• Web-based
skill development
• Podcasts and
web modules
• Connect from
home or work
• User-friendly
instructions and
technical support
22 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 23
Members of the School of Social Work Alumni
Board of Governors work together to develop and
implement initiatives that help strengthen the
relationship between the School of Social Work and
its alumni. Members provide vision, leadership,
commitment, expertise, and advice.
Alumni Relations Committee
Members of the Alumni Relations Committee
serve as ambassadors for the School of Social
Work. Committee members create and host alumni
events, provide networking opportunities, foster
fellowship, and strengthen ties among alumni.
Professional Development
Members of the Professional Development
Committee plan and implement the annual Building
Healthy, Strong Communities event. This event
provides an opportunity for social workers to earn
continuing education units while attending innovate
workshops presented by leaders in the field.
SSW Alumni Board of Governors
The SSW Alumni Board of Governors Award was
created by the School of Social Work Alumni Board
of Governors. It provides support to students
participating in national and international field and
special study experiences.
Alumni Board of Governors
Hazelette Crosby-Robinson, ’08,
Randy Ross, ’94,
Vice President
Jonathan Stern, ’84,
Debbie Cohl, ’08
Stephanie Francois, ’07
Norm Lancit, ’98
Tina Louise, ’10
Alan McBroom, ’77
Joseph Mole, ’01
Mary Ortega, ’86
Vicki Poleni, ’91
Nan Richter, ’09
Will Sherry, ’07
MeShon Watkins, ’08
Jamila Weathers, ’04
School of Social Work
Laura Lein
Mike Spencer
Susan Himle
Laurie Bueche
24 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
Attending U-M was a life-changing
experience for me. It was a dream
that I had most of my childhood.
Growing up in Ann Arbor, who
doesn’t think about attending U- M at
some point? Since graduating from
the School of Social Work, I have
experienced career opportunities that
would not have been possible without
my U-M degree.
Serving on the Board of Governors
lets me stay in touch and gives me
the opportunity to provide feedback
on things like curriculum changes.
I’ve recently been appointed to the
Ypsilanti Township Civil Service
Commission and I’m working as a
research assistant on Assistant Professor Reuben Miller’s “Detroit Reentry Project.” I look forward to
continuing to support the School of Social Work in multiple capacities and hope you consider giving back
Hazelette Crosby-Robinson, President,
SSW Alumni Board of Governors
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 25
A generous endowed scholarship has been established through
an estate gift provided by Ross and Leona DeLue, parents of Mary
D. Romano, MSW ’68, to honor their daughter’s work advocating
for persons with disabilities and her contribution to the social
work profession.
Romano was the
ultimate patient
advocate, who
ensured persons
with disabilities
were successfully
reintegrated into
the community. The
endowed scholarship
provides support for
U-M School of Social
Work MSW students
interested in medical
social work.
Romano joined the
National Rehabilitation
Hospital (NRH) in
Washington, DC in
1985, where she was
the founding director
of the Social Work Service. Her work focused on
leading a team of social workers who specialized
in rehabilitating patients with spinal, head, arthritic
and neurologic disorders. Romano was known to
challenge those with whom she worked to approach
patient care in new, creative ways, and responded
to questions and concerns, from patients or staff,
with keen insight and understanding.
Romano was greatly admired for outstanding
leadership abilities, her wit and her commitment to
her patients.
Her personal affiliations included membership
in the National Association of social Workers,
the Society of Hospital Social Work Directors, the
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and
the Academy of Certified Social Workers. In 1989,
the Medlantic Center for Humanizing Healthcare
established the Mary D. Romano Humanism Award
to honor Romano’s memory and commitment to
empower her fellow human beings. She also gave
numerous presentations and was widely published
on such topics as the impact of disability on the
family, sexuality and disability and the role of social
work in rehabilitation.
Prior to joining NRH, Romano practiced social work
at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York
City for 13 years, including four years as assistant
director. She also was a social worker at the
University of Michigan for four years.
Romano died July 31, 1989 after a lengthy fight with
Mary D. Romano, MSW ’68
26 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
This scholarship allowed
me to be able to start
paying back my student
loans and saving money for
the future. I am incredibly
grateful for the Mary DeLue Romano Memorial
Scholarship because it allowed me to start
preparing for life after graduation and my future
social work career.
Lauren Hanley, MSW ’14
I am grateful for the opportunities that this
scholarship opens up for me personally and
professionally. In a time of transition, it will help
me bridge the period between my graduation
from the MSW program and the beginning of my
professional social work
career. This scholarship
reduces financial burdens
and will help me obtain
further training and
learning opportunities.
In true social work
fashion, I feel supported
and empowered by the
generosity of this award
and take this feeling going
forward into my work.
Trevor Brooks, MSW ’14
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 27
Written by Anne Farris
Michael Joiner-Hill, MSW ’14, was named the inaugural recipient
of the Carol Goss Leadership Scholarship in December 2013.
When he was officially informed of his award, he felt humbled. But
more than that, Joiner-Hill says, he was genuinely surprised.
“That someone recognized leadership qualities in me
was so surprising, because I’m really a very low-key kind
of person,” Joiner-Hill said. “I’ve always liked helping
others. To be rewarded for that is something I never would
have asked for, but I truly appreciate it.”
In fact, it is his low-key demeanor that helped Joiner-
Hill deal with the inevitable rejections he’s experienced
throughout his life. Those rejections, in turn, motivated
him to find the determination to take on leadership roles
and serve as a calming influence and role model for
others facing similar struggles in school, work and life.
The Carol Goss Leadership Scholarship is given annually
to one U-M SSW student who is a resident of the Detroit
area and who demonstrates leadership potential
with a particular interest in community building, civic
engagement, education, and leadership development.
The recipient must also hold a field placement within
the city of Detroit.
Joiner-Hill grew up on Detroit’s west side in a single-
parent household. His mother steered him and his five
siblings towards volunteerism, athletics and education.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from U-M,
and earned his MSW in December 2014. His one-year
field placement was with the Children’s Center in
Detroit’s midtown.
“The Carol Goss Leadership Scholarship afforded me
tremendous opportunity to enrich my development as a
future social worker and community leader far beyond
what I was learning in the classroom at U-M,” Joiner-Hill
said. “You just can’t put a price on that.”
At The Children’s Center, Joiner-Hill was part of a team
working with clients between the ages of 4 and 18 years
old who presented a wide range of mental and behavioral
health needs such as depression, bi-polar disorder and
autism spectrum disorders. His work at the center also
was aimed at helping family members gain a deeper
understanding of their child’s disorder and develop more
effective coping skills for daily living, both at home and
in the community. He says it was gratifying to work with
other professionals who share his passion for serving an
underrepresented population.
At The Children’s Center, I learned that being a good
leader means being flexible and open to communication,
especially in moments of stress and confusion,” Joiner-
Hill said. “You have to let go of your pride so that you
can more effectively help and serve the people who are
trusting you to do so.”
Tonya Allen, MSW ’96, president and CEO of the Skillman
Foundation of Detroit, is responsible for the creation of
the Carol Goss Leadership Scholarship to honor Carol
Goss upon her retirement and celebrate her legacy at the
Allen said she loves leadership development programs
for students and adults, because it’s possible to see
28 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
The Carol Goss
Scholarship was
established by a grant
from the Skillman
Foundation to honor
Carol Goss, MSW ’72,
former President and
CEO of the Skillman
Foundation, upon
her retirement. We
are honored that the
Foundation selected
the UM School of
Social Work to celebrate Carols legacy at the
Foundation and her many years of service to the
Detroit community. This scholarship provides
support for MSW students with leadership
potential, from the Detroit area, who have a
passion for the community and the social work
profession. Student support is our number
one priority for Victors for Michigan campaign.
You too can help us address this need by
establishing an endowed scholarship or by
making a gift to an established scholarship fund.
If you are interested, please contact the SSW
Development Office.
What are the benefits
of making an endowed
scholarship gift?
Establishing an endowed scholarship, such
as the Carol Goss Leadership Scholarship,
provides support for our students forever.
Scholarships can be designed to be awarded to
students based upon financial need, academic
merit; special interests or qualities, or other
criteria defined by you. You designate the
purpose of your endowed gift, and earnings
from that investment will grow over time
to fund your scholarship forever. If you are
interested in learning about establishing an
endowed scholarship, or providing support for
an established scholarship contact the SSW
Development Office at
the transformation of people as they learn to own their
personal power.
“I think there’s a future generation of Detroiters today
who are going to college with a new frame of mind,” Allen
said. “A decade or so ago, young people saw a college
degree as a way out of the city…today, students are going
to college with the expectation of coming back to Detroit
to make a difference.”
Students who want to make a difference in the city are the
inspiration for the creation of the U-M scholarship.
“I thought the leadership scholarship was important,”
Allen said, “and I want to invest in someone who
views him or herself as a change agent and wants to contribute to the growth and
prosperity of a city in the same vein and legacy of Carol Goss.”
Joiner-Hill does indeed view himself as a change agent, and he intends to return to the
city of Detroit to share his story… and with it a message of hope.
“When I was growing up, we didn’t have money, but being disadvantaged does not have to
be a deterrent to achieving your dreams. The message I want to bring back to the people
in Detroit is that no matter what their background, they can change the fortune of this
city. That’s something Detroiters just don’t hear enough.”
In the future, Joiner-Hill wants to help eradicate the stigma that has long been
associated with seeking help for mental health issues. He says the need for more
accessible, compassionate mental health care in Detroit is one of the reasons that he
hopes to one day open a private clinical practice within the city where he grew up.
“I can relate to the people in Detroit because it’s my home, and I’ve faced many of the
same barriers,” Joiner-Hill said. “I envision a practice where community members
can come knowing they’ll receive consistent, high-quality care with the empathy and
acceptance that they need and deserve.”
The Carol Goss Leadership Scholarship was established by the Skillman Foundation
of Detroit to honor U-M School of Social Work alumnae Carol Goss’, MSW ’72, long and
storied career as an advocate for children. Goss was president and CEO of Skillman from
2004 until her retirement in December 2013.
Incorporated in 1960 by Rose Skillman, the Foundation is a grant-making charitable
organization dedicated to providing resources to improve the lives of metropolitan Detroit
children by improving their homes, schools and neighborhoods.
Goss’ tenure at Skillman was defined by her shepherding of the Foundation from that
of a traditional, responsive organization to a visionary, proactive one that took on the
toughest issues facing Detroit children while mobilizing stakeholders throughout the city.
One example of Goss’ leadership was the establishment of “Excellent Schools Detroit,”
a 10-year plan to provide an excellent education to every Detroit child by 2020, no matter
where they go to school. Goss’ goal is to see that 90 percent of all high school students
graduate; 90 percent go on to college or post-secondary programs; and 90 percent of
those graduates do so on the strength of their classroom education, without the need for
special teaching methods or additional support.
Goss grew up in Detroit and attended U-M for undergraduate and graduate studies,
earning her MSW in 1972. Between degrees, Goss worked for a year as a caseworker
at the City of Detroit’s Department of Public Welfare, focusing on children and youth
living in communities damaged by poverty, racism, and crime. Later in her social work
career, Goss was handpicked by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to lead an innovative youth
development program targeting one Detroit neighborhood. She joined the Skillman
Foundation as a senior program director in 1998.
Tonya Allen, MSW ’96 Carol Goss, MSW ’72
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 29
ILGA SVECHS, MSW ’60, writes poetry that attempts to
address the deeper meaning of social and psychological
issues in the contexts of universal human experience;
contemporary world events; and the arts.
LINDA KATZ, MSW ’66, announces the release of her
book, “Sing Me Awake”. It is about two young American
women, Linda and Donna, who chose to be involved in
making a difference in the fast-changing world of the
1960s and 1970s.
RANDY GOON, MSW ’68, has retired. Following
graduation, he embarked upon a career in hospital
psychiatric social work in Ontario and B.C. He organized
a patient self-government program on a psychiatric
ward, a cognitive-behavioral and supportive outpatient
treatment program, headed an outpatient clinic, taught
social welfare policy, and was the social worker on an
interdisciplinary team in a special short stay psychiatric
assessment program.
R.L. MCNEELY, MSW ’70, has created a scholarship fund
at Marquette University Law School. The R.L. McNeely
Endowed Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance
to male African American students enrolled in Marquette
University’s Law School.
BETTY BROWN-CHAPPELL, MSW ’71, retired from
Eastern Michigan University on September 1, 2013. She
also published Open Secrets: A Poor Person’s Life in
Higher Education. In addition, Dr. Brown-Chappell has a
chapter review of Marcus Hunter’s Black City Makers in
the Spring 2014 SSA Review published by the University of
MARC MAUER, MSW ’75, was quoted in The New York
Times article “New Rule Permits Early Release for
Thousands of Drug Offenders”. He serves as executive
director of the Sentencing Project.
NORMA MARIE KEIL SHAW, MSW ’78, is a social worker
in a subacute rehabilitation facility. She is also President
of The Tuesday Musicale of Detroit, an organization
that dates back to 1885. Norma plays clarinet in two
orchestras as well as performs chamber music in Detroit.
MAUREEN KELLY, MSW ’79, has been the executive
director of Cathedral Counseling Center for 20 years. The
non-profit mental health agency has doubled its capacity
to 25,000 visits per year to meet the pressing need.
JUDY LEVICK, MSW ’82, has been the Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit MSW Parent-to-Parent Partnership Coordinator
at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital for 29 years (and a
piano teacher for 10 years). She recently published an
article in Neonatal Network: The Journal of Neonatal
Nursing (March/April, 2014), titled “NICU Parent-to-
Parent Partnerships: A Comprehensive Approach”. She
also presented at the Institute for Patient-and-Family-
Centered Care International Conference in Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada.
AMY ELLWOOD, MSW ’83, was a recent participant
at the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science
Summer Institute at Stony Brook University in NY.
The faculty development program teaches faculty
from various disciplines in science, social science
and journalism to distill information about their
research and work so that it is easily understood by
the general public. More information is available at
JOANNE O’ROURKE, MSW ’86, accepted a new position
as the Director of Research for the College of Health and
Human Services at Western Michigan University.
MARIANNE YOSHIOKA, MSW ’86, has been named Dean
of the School for Social Work at Smith College. She is
stepping down from her position as Associate Dean for
Academic Affairs at the Columbia University School of
Social Work.
ALICIA SIMMONS, MSW ’89, was promoted to Vice
President of Research, Planning and Collaboration at
Jacksonville State University. She has secured millions of
dollars in federal grant funding to enrich and support the
campus and local communities.
Linda Katz
Randy Goon
Judy Levick
JoAnne O’Rourke
30 · University of Michigan School of Social Work
RICK RITTER, MSW ’95, is retired and enjoys beekeeping
and gardening. His workbook, “Coping with Physical Loss
and Disability: A Workbook” is now in English, Spanish
and Vietnamese (including Vietnamese braille).
KAREN LINCOLN, PHD ’02, MSW ’96, wrote an article
that appeared on The Opinion Pages Room for Debate of
The New York Times. The article is titled “Minorities Are
Forced Into Nursing Homes at Greater Rates”.
JULIE (CROUCH) BAPTISTE, MSW ’03, is working in
California as an LCSW in the emergency department of a
local hospital.
JORDANA MUROFF, PHD ’04, MSW ’99, was promoted to
associate professor with tenure at Boston University.
LINDA FAVITTA, MSW ’05, recently established a private
practice. She serves youths, parents, co-parents and
couples with special-needs children who are experiencing
issues of grief and loss, family dynamics, and self-esteem
issues. She also provides clinical supervision to licensed
social workers.
AUBREY (WILLIAMS) PATINO, MSW ’05, was selected
to participate in the Transatlantic Practice Exchange.
Aubrey spent two weeks placed at a homeless assistance
organization in the exchange country. She developed a
research proposal and explored the work of the “Making
Every Adult Matter Coalition” which is based out of
Cambridge. Aubrey met with providers so that she could
bring her findings back to the U.S.
SIOBHAN TAYLOR, MSW ’06, recently accepted a position
as the Assistant Principal of the Springer School and
Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. Previously she served as the
College Readiness and Mediation Director at a Montessori
high school.
AMANDA BOSWORTH, MSW ’09, has been accepted to
the PhD program in history at Cornell University. She will
specialize on the impact of American foreign policy.
EDMUND LEWIS, JR., MSW ’09, was named on the
Skillman Foundation’s “25 Black Men Making Detroit
Stronger” list for 2014.
Detroit-stronger. He is also a recipient of the Detroit Young
Professionals 2014 Vanguard Award.
ERIC CHISHOLM, MSW ’10, has joined The Patterson
Law Firm located in Chicago. He is an associate attorney
focusing on business litigation matters.
CHRISTINE SAUVE, MSW ’11, attended the first White
House National Convening on Immigrant and Refugee
Integration in July. She joined leaders from across the
country to put forth recommendations for a national
immigrant integration plan.
D. ALVAREZ, MSW ’12, is the Student Life program
manager for The Program on Intergroup Relations. He
works with staff and student volunteers who facilitate
workshops and dialogues for various groups on U-M
campus through the CommonGround program.
REBECCA KENDERES, MSW ’12, was recognized in the
Detroit Free Press for her partnership in “Lots of Love
Detroit.” The project aims to beautify neighborhoods
and give back to Detroit by lending out lawn equipment
and tools such as lawnmowers and weed whackers at
no charge. The project has received several grants for
addressing this need.
MARSHA DAVISON, MSW ’13, and Erik Burris, MSW
’13, had their article, “Transitioning Foster Care Youth
and Their Risk for Homelessness: Policy, Program,
and Budgeting Shortcomings,” published in Human
Welfare: An International Journal of Graduate Research.
The article reports the results of a literature review on
homelessness and housing solutions for young adults
transitioning out of the foster care system.
GWENYTH HAYES, MSW ’13, has been appointed the
Resident Commissioner of the Ann Arbor Housing
Commission. The Ann Arbor Housing Commission is
governed by a board of five city residents, each of whom is
appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Council.
STEPHANIE CHANG, MSW ’14, ran for State
Representative for District 6 (Detroit, River Rouge and
Ecorse) and won. She is the first Asian-American woman
to serve in the state Legislature.
JUSTIN FLOWERS, MSW ’14, was cited in the Detroit
Free Press article, “Scholarship fund for foster kids
before House”. The article describes Justin’s journey to
becoming a social worker and how his life impacted his
career path.
Marianne Yoshioka
Edmund Lewis Jr.
Alicia Simmons
We’d love to hear about what’s new with you. Please send your news, updates and photos to:
ONGOING · Winter 2015 · 31
For healthcare professionals who deliver care
to people living with memory loss or dementia
Gain clinical knowledge and skills in
cultural competency based assessment
care planning
state of the art clinical intervention
Learn strategies to apply these skills
during client interactions
Link with peers to practice new skills
and discuss ideas
34 hrs of CE over four months
11.5 hrs web-based live instruction
22.5 hrs podcasts and self-paced webinars
Program begins on March 2, 2015
Live lectures with
real-time access
for comments,
questions, and
Podcasts and
web modules
Connect from
home or work
instructions and
technical support
Michael J. Behm
Grand Blanc
Mark J. Bernstein
Ann Arbor
Laurence B. Deitch
Bloomfield Hills
Shauna Ryder Diggs
Grosse Pointe
Denise Ilitch
Bingham Farms
Andrea Fischer Newman
Ann Arbor
Andrew C. Richner
Grosse Pointe Park
Katherine E. White
Ann Arbor
Mark S. Schlissel,
ex officio
The University of Michigan,
as an equal opportunity/
affirmative action employer,
complies with all applicable
federal and state laws
regarding nondiscrimination
and affirmative action. The
University of Michigan is
committed to a policy of equal
opportunity for all persons
and does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color,
national origin, age, marital
status, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity, gender
expression, disability, religion,
height, weight, or veteran
status in employment,
educational programs and
activities, and admissions.
Inquiries or complaints may
be addressed to the Senior
Director for Institutional
Equity, and Title IX/Section
504/ADA Coordinator, Office
for Institutional Equity, 2072
Administrative Services
Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109–1432, 734-763-
0235, TTY 734-647-1388,
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MC 150047
Together we can build partnerships, enhance collaborations and
work towards new solutions. Your financial support helps ensure
a world of promise, strengthening our ability to Reach Out,
Raise Hope, and Change Society.
Laura Lein, Dean
Your support of the Michigan Campaign will help us
prepare the next generation of Social Work professionals
to change the world.
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106