Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework
May 20, 2023
Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program
Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework
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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Bridge Program Framework ........................................................................................................................ 13
Job Specific Training Options ...................................................................................................................... 23
A. Solar Photovoltaic Training Framework ................................................................................................. 24
B. Energy Auditor Training Framework ....................................................................................................... 31
C. Weatherization Training Framework ...................................................................................................... 37
D. HVAC Installer & Technician Training Framework .................................................................................. 43
E. Construction and Building Inspectors ..................................................................................................... 50
F. Hybrid/EV Technician TrainingRecommendations ................................................................................. 56
G. Wind Turbine Construction and Maintenance Training Recommendations .......................................... 60
References .................................................................................................................................................. 63
Fitsum Abebe, Paul Francisco, Zachary Merrin, Sydney Curtis, Lori Ann Shupe, University of
Illinois, Illinois Climate Research and Training Center.
Linda Larsen, Todd Rusk, Stacy Gloss, Devin Day, Sumi Han, James Kim, Aakanksha Kulkarni,
Pranjali Shah, Bo Pang, and Jarin Subah, University of Illinois Smart Energy Design Assistance
Reggie Greenwood, Governors State University
Gary Kinsel, Southern Illinois University
Jubilee Dickson, Chicago State University
Jennifer Foster and Whitney Thompson, Illinois Community College Board
Lisa Jones and John Barr, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
Brian Richard and Deidra Minor, Northern Illinois University Center for Governmental Studies
We thank the many clean energy employers, industry leaders, community-based organizations, and
workforce and training providers who provided input on the curriculum framework and who reviewed
drafts and provided feedback. Your input was invaluable.
Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program
Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework
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The Illinois Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (20 ILCS 730) establishes
several new workforce programs, administered by the Illinois
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), to
expand the clean energy workforce in Illinois and accelerate the
adoption of clean energy sources, electric vehicles, and energy
efficiency efforts. The largest of these programs is the Clean Jobs
Workforce Network Program. This program will consist of 13
Workforce Hubs run by community-based organizations to provide
clean jobs training and a career pipeline for equity eligible individuals
and displaced energy workers.
The main objective of the Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program is
to increase access to and opportunities for education, training, and
support services to help program eligible individuals succeed in the
labor market generally and the clean energy sector specifically.
Equity is foundational to the CEJA legislation as a whole and to the Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework in
particular. Those who deliver the curriculum should uphold the core values of Diversity, Inclusion,
Accessibility, and Equity (collectively referred to as “DIAE”).
CEJA requires that the Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program hubs (“Workforce Hubs”) utilize a
standard Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework (“curriculum framework”), developed through a stakeholder
process to identify the career pathways and training curriculum needed for participants to be skilled,
work ready, and able to enter clean energy jobs. The Workforce Hubs will implement the curriculum
framework to provide training; certification preparation; job readiness; skill development, including soft
skills, math skills, technical skills; certification test preparation, and other development needed, to
program participants.
The curriculum framework:
Identifies the core training curricular competency areas needed to prepare people to enter
clean energy and related sector jobs.
Identifies a set of required core cross-training competencies to provide a foundation for
pursuing a career composed of multiple clean energy job types.
Integrates broad occupational training to provide career entry into the general construction and
building trades sector and any remedial education and work readiness support necessary.
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Identifies on-the-job training formats, where relevant, and identifies suggested trainer
certification standards, where relevant.
Recommends best practices to ensure equity and cultivate safe, dynamic, enjoyable, successful
working environments for all.
The legislation’s inclusive definition of “clean energy jobs” includes jobs in the solar energy, wind
energy, energy efficiency, energy storage, solar thermal, green hydrogen, geothermal, electric vehicle
industries, other renewable energy industries, industries achieving emission reductions, and other
related sectors including related industries that manufacture, develop, build, maintain, or provide
ancillary services to renewable energy resources or energy efficiency products or services, including the
manufacture and installation of healthier building materials that contain fewer hazardous chemicals.
Clean energy jobs also include administrative, sales, other support functions within these industries and
other related sector industries.
Curriculum framework development
Clean energy jobs and training inventory
The Clean Energy Jobs and Training Program Inventory Report informs the design of the Clean Energy
Jobs Curriculum framework to be used by the Workforce Hubs. This report assesses existing clean
energy training and skills development programs in Illinois. It evaluates industry employment trends to
identify in-demand career opportunities for clean energy workforce training participants. Finally, it
identifies best practices and programmatic gaps that will need to be addressed to support the industry
requirements of in-demand clean energy occupations. Public input on this report and its findings was
requested through a Request for Information process. The report was revised based on this feedback.
Key highlights include:
A list of in-demand clean energy jobs in Illinois, based on data from the Department of Labor
and the Illinois Department of Employment Security. In-demand jobs included those in
renewable technologies (solar and wind), automotive electric vehicle technologies, electrical,
green building construction and maintenance, and the manufacturing of clean energy
Training, skill and knowledge requirements for in-demand clean energy jobs. The report outlines
top employability skills, technical skills, and knowledge requirements as well as technical skill
gaps in clean energy training.
Workforce system challenges, including 1) a lack of communication and coordination; 2) a lack
of awareness and/or negative perceptions of clean energy jobs; 3) workforce trainees with
inadequate skills for emerging clean energy jobs; and 4) failure to reach and support diverse,
underserved populations.
A clean energy training program inventory that identifies 1,157 training programs for clean
energy-related jobs in Illinois.
Curriculum framework recommendations, such as which jobs to prioritize and what skills to be
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Program delivery recommendations, including gathering more data on clean energy jobs and
training and increased collaboration among training providers, employers, and other
Stakeholder outreach and engagement
DCEO’s implementation team conducted a stakeholder engagement process in the fall of 2022 to inform
the development of the curriculum framework. The stakeholder engagement process comprised six
virtual and in-person listening sessions, 15 individual interviews or meetings, submission of written
feedback, and administration of an online survey. 381 people attended listening sessions, and 161
people completed the survey. Of the stakeholders who provided race and ethnicity information, 103
were white, 52 were Black or African American, and 15 were Hispanic or Latino. Stakeholders discussed
training priorities, curricular recommendations, and significant programmatic supports to guide CEJA
implementation. Key findings include the following:
Training priorities. Stakeholders indicated that solar and electrical jobs were most in-demand,
followed by HVAC and building maintenance, wind, and automobile (electric vehicle focus).
Training outcomes. Stakeholders highlighted the need for programs to provide well-rounded
and flexible training so graduates can apply to a variety of jobs and advance in their careers.
They agreed that short, stackable, industry-recognized, and employer-sought certificates would
best serve program participants.
Curriculum content. Stakeholders wanted curriculum to be holistic, not just focused on the
technical aspects of the job. In discussing technical skill needs across different clean energy jobs,
stakeholders centered safety, basic construction skills, and electrical basics. They recommended
aligning curriculum with established, respected curricula and certifications.
Curriculum delivery. Stakeholders emphasized hands-on and contextualized learning, as well as
different learning and delivery methods to account for the diversity of adult learning
preferences. They preferred flexibility in program delivery to reach equity eligible individuals.
Compilation of curriculum framework
After analyzing the results of the stakeholder engagement process and the Clean Energy Jobs and
Training Program Inventory report, the curriculum framework was compiled by an expert team including
representatives from DCEO, the University of Illinois, the Illinois Community College Board, Southern
Illinois University at Carbondale, Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, and Governor’s
State University. The curriculum framework consists of 1) a bridge program curriculum outline; 2) a set
of job-specific curricula; and 3) general standards and minimum requirements for inclusion of other
clean energy training programs and work-based learning to be offered through the Clean Jobs Network
The team shared drafts of the clean jobs curriculum framework with clean energy employers,
representative community-based organizations, industry leaders, and training providers. A Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion committee was formed to provide feedback on the framework and program
design. Committee members included community-based organizations that serve equity eligible
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communities, community college equity initiative leaders, minority-led business owners, and more. This
committee met biweekly for 3 months to provide feedback. The framework was modified based on all
Overview of the curriculum framework
The curriculum framework is intended to be used as a set of guidelines, standards, and minimum
requirements for curricula offered by education and training providers through the Clean Jobs
Workforce Network Program Hubs (Workforce Hubs). As such, the framework outlines the overall
program objectives, content, and certifications and provides recommendations and guidelines for how
the curriculum should be taught, but it is not intended to be a detailed curriculum. The table below
describes what the curriculum framework does and does not do.
Table 1: Curriculum framework: What it does and does not do
The curriculum framework does . . .
The curriculum framework does not . . .
Provide a set of objectives and main topics that
must be covered. Examples and resources are
provided for reference, but training providers can
select the specific training materials and
curriculum they want to use.
Provide detailed lesson plans and tell programs exactly
what should be taught.
Allow training providers to teach additional
content or offer additional certifications, beyond
the required topics and certifications.
Limit the content that can be taught.
Provide suggestions for the learning environment
and equipment needed, how long the program
should take, and how skills and knowledge should
be assessed.
Require that programs deliver the curriculum in a
certain way.
Provide instructor credential, knowledge and skill
requirements and recommendations.
Tell programs who should teach the program.
Allow Workforce Hubs to select the job-specific
training curricula that best matches the workforce
needs in their region.
Require that the Workforce Hubs teach all the job-
specific training areas.
Provide a training framework for a few of the most
in-demand entry-level clean energy jobs in Illinois.
Hubs may propose training for other in-demand
clean energy jobs, if desired.
Provide a training framework for all clean jobs in
Allow flexibility in training delivery. It allows
participants to test out of portions of the
curriculum and be placed in a variety of existing or
new clean energy training programs or on-the-job
training, depending on their needs and interests.
Require that all participants follow the same training
and career path.
The figure below describes the main elements of the Curriculum Framework and how it should be
delivered. It provides a high-level overview of how the curriculum framework works and how people
flow through the program, from enrollment to job placement. The different components of the
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curriculum framework (pre-assessments, bridge program, job-specific training options, and transition
services) will be described in more detail below.
Figure 1: Overview of Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework
Bridge program training
The bridge program is a portion of the overall clean energy jobs curriculum framework (see Figure 1
above) that provides training in essential employability skills and clean energy basics to help participants
succeed in an array of clean energy industries and workplaces. It prepares participants for the job-
specific technical training options that follow the bridge program.
Job-specific training options
Following the completion of the bridge program, participants will be directed to different job-specific
training options. Hubs must offer at least two different job-specific training options, based on the
employment needs in their area and connections with employers.
Workforce Hubs will help transition participants into these training options and support them
throughout their training. Workforce Hubs should select at least 2 job-specific training options to grow
the clean energy workforce in their region. Options include:
Solar PV training
Energy auditor
HVAC training
Construction &
building inspector
Auto mechanic
training with
hybrid/EV focus
Wind turbine
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Figure 2: Job-specific training options
The curriculum framework contains requirements and training guidelines for each option, with guidance
on program delivery and content to be taught. Training providers must align their curriculum with these
guidelines and requirements. Workforce Hubs should select the job-specific training options based on
regional job needs and training gaps. Hubs that propose to offer this training must align their curriculum
with these frameworks.
Workforce Hubs may also propose to develop a new training program for clean energy jobs not included
in the list of specialties. They will be required to document:
The need for training in this area (including job demand, existing training programs, employer
Learning objectives
Instructional hours
Credentials and certifications
Work-based learning opportunities
Content taught
Existing clean energy training programs and on-the-job training
Workforce Hubs may propose to direct participants to existing, successful clean energy training
programs after they complete the bridge program. To do so, Workforce Hubs must document:
The curriculum topics, objectives, and certification exams covered in the existing training
Any training program accreditations and the experience and credentials of the instructor(s).  
Program outcomes from at least one calendar year (percentage of participants who complete
the program, percentage of participants who pass a certification exam, percentage of
participants who are placed in jobs, demographics of participants, etc.). 
Relationships with clean energy employers to facilitate job placement after training program
completion, as demonstrated through memorandums of agreement.
Program funds may be used to cover tuition, books, fees, and stipends for equity eligible individuals who
are participating in the Workforce Hubs. All other wrap-around supports should also be available to
program participants through the barrier reduction funds.  Workforce Hubs should work with the
training programs to facilitate job placement after program completion.
Workforce Hubs are also encouraged to connect participants to on-the-job training (OJT) opportunities
with clean energy employers. Participants may be directed to these opportunities after they complete
the bridge program or during or after they complete the job-specific training.
On-the-job training is a “hire-first” training model in which the employer agrees to hire, train, and retain
the individual upon successful completion of the training program. Hubs that wish to connect people to
on-the-job training opportunities with employers must document:
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The skills that will be taught during the on-the-job training.
Connections to employers to provide on-the-job training or apprenticeships, as demonstrated
through memorandums of agreement.
Wrap-around supports and transition services
The Workforce Hubs will provide Energy Transition Barrier Reduction funds and services to program
participants throughout their training and beyond to help reduce barriers to successful program
completion. Workforce Hubs will also provide stipends to participants. Following the completion of the
job-specific training, the Workforce Hubs will work with employers to place participants in jobs. They
will also provide certification testing support. Transition services and wrap-around supports are not
described in this curriculum framework but will be required elements to be addressed by Workforce
Hubs. More information about these supports and transition services will be provided in the Notice of
Funding Opportunity.
Illinois residents who are aged 18 and above can enroll in the Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program.
Participant placement will be prioritized as follows:
One-third of program placements are for people residing in an area that is BOTH an R3 area and
an environmental justice community.
One-third of program placements are for people who reside in EITHER an R3 area OR an
environmental justice community. Preference will be given to applicants who face barriers to
employment, such as low educational attainment, prior involvement with the criminal legal
system, language barriers, and applicants that are graduates of or current members of the foster
care system.
Priority for the remaining placements must be given to displaced energy workers and their
family members or persons who face barriers to employment, such as low educational
attainment, prior involvement with the criminal legal system, language barriers, and applicants
that are graduates of or current members of the foster care system.
“Equity investment eligible person” or “eligible person” is a person who would most benefit from
equitable investments by the State designed to combat discrimination and foster sustainable economic
growth. Specifically, eligible persons mean:
persons whose primary residence is in an equity investment-eligible community; or
persons who are graduates of or currently enrolled in the foster care system; or
persons who were formerly incarcerated.
“Equity investment eligible communities” are the geographic areas throughout Illinois that would most
benefit from equitable investments by the State, which are designed to combat discrimination and
foster sustainable economic growth. Specifically, equity investment-eligible communities include the
following areas:
Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program
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R3 Areas as established pursuant to Section 10-40 of the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act (410
ILCS 705), where residents have historically been excluded from economic opportunities,
including opportunities in the energy sector. Eligible R3 Areas are defined in the R3 service map
( Criteria for defining R3 Areas include rates of gun injury,
unemployment, child poverty, incarceration with Illinois Department of Corrections, and historic
disinvestment; and
Environmental justice communities, as defined by the Illinois Power Agency pursuant to the
Illinois Power Agency Act (20 ILCS 3855), but excluding racial and ethnic indicators, where
residents have historically been subject to disproportionate pollution burdens, including
pollution from the energy sector. For more information on the criteria and for a map that
defines these areas in Illinois, refer to the Illinois Solar For All webpage on Environmental Justice
Communities (
The Equity Investment Eligible Community Map
defines the areas that satisfy the criteria above for either R3 Areas or Environmental justice
Participants may include new workers or reskilled workers or those with experience in another industry.
Equity focused program culture
Workforce Hubs should utilize an equity lens when delivering the Clean Jobs Curriculum to program-
eligible participants by upholding the core values of Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Equity (DIAE).
Welcoming others and making room for difference not only helps create a dynamic, creative, productive
workplace, but it also encourages a comfortable and enjoyable environment for all. Recognizing,
embracing, and celebrating difference can foster a safe, supportive, and successful environment for
disadvantaged and underserved groups that have been and continue to be subject to prejudice and
systemic discrimination. Programs that embrace such a culture have better outcomes.
Core equity values, as described in the Illinois Office of Equity “Illinois Toward Equity Action
Framework,” include the following:
Diversity is the representation of people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. This
includes race, ethnicity, and gender, but also other traits and characteristics that encompass
Inclusion means authentically bringing representatives of disadvantaged and underserved
individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision/policy making in a way that
shares power and influence. To be inclusive means more than having these individuals and
groups in the room; it means listening to them and taking their input seriously in a way that can
impact decisions. True inclusion brings an empowered sense of belonging to each individual
within a group or organization.
Accessibility is the degree to which an environment, service, or product is understandable,
meaningful, and useable by as many people as possible. According to the Office for Civil Rights
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at the U.S. Department of Education, accessibility is “when a person with a disability is afforded
the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy
the same services as a person without a disability in an equally integrated and equally effective
manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use.” The Office of Equity extends accessibility
beyond disability to include the creation of financially, technologically, and linguistically
accessible systems, resources, and services so that all can thrive in a society.
Each of these three foundational elements contributes to Equity: The state, quality, or ideal of
being just, impartial, and fair. Equity must also be both structural and systemic and comprised of
a robust infrastructure and dynamic process that produce equitable ideas, power, and
resources. Equity is NOT the same as equality; equality implies everyone gets the same, whereas
equity allows an accounting for each person’s individual needs.
Commitment to these values means upholding them in all elements of the workforce program and
intentionally pursuing policies and practices to support all program participants and team members. The
recommendations below provide specific guidance on centering equity in the delivery of the Clean Jobs
Develop a set of written DIAE principles for your organization. Consider seeking expert
Make sure that all policies, procedures, and processes are in writing and are aligned
with the DIAE principles. This can be a reference to make sure that you are following
your intentions and can also be used for accountability. Consider seeking expert help.
Identify and recruit instructors, mentors and coaches who are from disadvantaged and
underserved groups and have shared or similar experiences with potential participants.
Ensure ALL program staff are trained on Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Equity.
Ensure ALL program staff model behaviors aligned with equity values and practices.
Recruitment and intake
Ensure program rules, guidelines, and policies do not inadvertently marginalize a group (for
instance, “you must be able to lift 100 pounds to apply for the program”).
Make all program requirements easily accessible.
Actively outreach to and recruit diverse groups. If they have historically been underrepresented,
do not expect them to come and show up. Leverage trusted partners, including staff from
similar backgrounds and community leaders.
Nurture the program’s existing diversity. Word of mouth is a very powerful tool.
Ensure compensation for participation and access to supportive and transition services are
As early as the program orientation, instructors and facilitators should take the time to learn
who the participants are and how they self-identify with respect to their specific groups.
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Identify and leverage strengths in diverse participants and build on those strengths. Consciously
acknowledge all sexes, genders, and ethnicities in educational settings. Positively affirm
contributions and inquire about relevant personal experience.
Use supportive communication that frames participants as members of a professional
community (the clean energy industry), not just a participant in a program.
Validate participants’ self-worth, inherent ability, and creativity to help counter “imposter
syndrome” and respond positively and affirmatively to their internal questions, “Am I supposed
to be here?” “Do I belong here?” “Can I be successful here?”
Strengthen the voices of underrepresented groups by participating in meaningful engagement,
problem-solving, and empowerment with participants who have not historically had power in
the current environment (the clean energy industry).
Encourage participants to incorporate their current body of knowledge and utilize their lived
experiences and personal expertise to achieve personal success.
Recognize, welcome, and elevate participant contributions in the training room, worksite, and
program environment as a whole.
Develop genuine and quality relationships between and among all levels of staff and program
participants. Encourage mutual trust.
Show participants how their cultural values, current knowledge, and experiences are
transferable and reflected in the clean energy industry. Tell relatable stories during training.
Intentionally communicate positive cultural and social messages regarding their career choice in
the clean energy industry and emphasize the value of participants’ contributions to the
Be willing to discuss and address difficult/taboo topics and work to find equitable solutions.
Acknowledge in the curriculum, among staff, and on worksites the environmental and historical
factors that impact underrepresented groups.
Eliminate exclusionary practices within the learning environment and on worksites (for example,
negatively singling out participants, overlooking or ignoring certain participants, verbally
insulting or marginalizing membership in certain groups, or otherwise discounting participants).
Provide additional instruction, coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship, as needed, for individuals
who require supplementary or different supports to be successful.
Represent diverse cultures in instructional materials and curricula, in physical spaces, and in
online and print materials.
Proactively and equitably share insights and wisdom, as well as influence and power, with all
participants to develop skills, confidence, and leadership. Be aware of the ways some groups
may be inadvertently singled out (for example, choosing a male to serve as a team leader for all
group projects).
Provide participants with multiple ways to demonstrate knowledge and capability. Not all ways
of learning and means of assessment have been a significant part of everyone’s educational
Through work-based learning opportunities or mentorships, connect participants with
employers from R3 and/or EJ communities and businesses that are certified through the
Business Enterprise Program
to help participants feel a sense of belonging within the industry.
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The bridge program is a portion of the overall clean energy jobs curriculum framework (see Figure 1)
that provides training in job readiness skills and clean energy basics to help participants succeed in an
array of clean energy industries and workplaces. It prepares participants for the job-specific technical
training options that will be taught after the bridge program. The bridge program training should be
taught before starting job-specific technical training, though aspects may be taught concurrently with
the technical training component.
Workforce Hubs must provide all elements of the bridge program training, as described below. The
bridge program should be tailored to participants’ needs, based on the results of a set of pre-
Figure 3: Overview of Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework
Prior to beginning the bridge program training, Workforce Hubs will help participants complete the
following pre-assessments, as shown in the pre-assessment diagram below.
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Figure 4: Bridge Program Pre-assessment Components
There are four aspects of pre-assessment.
Needs assessment: The purpose of this assessment is to identify the wrap-around supports
needed to for participants to attend training and successfully complete it. Enrolling participants
should be connected to the Energy Transition Barrier Reduction Program to ensure that needs
are met throughout the training program. Grantees will be required to utilize a standard needs
assessment questionnaire.
Career assessment: The purpose of this assessment is to explore participants’ interests in clean
energy jobs. If the potential participants decide not to pursue the training, the Workforce Hubs
should help to direct them to other programs or resources that more closely match their
interests or skills. Grantees will be required to utilize a standard career assessment
Reading and math assessment: Participants will receive a reading and math assessment (using a
standard test such as TABE or ALEK) to assess their reading and math level. Participants are
required to have a reading and math level of 6th grade or higher before beginning the bridge
program. To participate in the solar or energy auditor job-specific training options, they must
have an 8
grade reading and math level or higher by the time they complete the bridge
program. If participants do not have an 6
grade reading and math level or higher, Workforce
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Hubs should provide access to tutoring or adult education programs to receive additional math
or reading instruction before beginning the bridge program. If participants plan to participate in
the solar or energy auditor job-specific training option following the bridge program but do not
have an 8
grade math and reading level, the Workforce Hubs should provide access to tutoring
or instruction to help participants meet this requirement. See Illinois
ABE/ASE Math and
Language Arts Modules for example adult basic education curriculum participants may receive.
Bridge program assessment: Participants will complete a bridge program pre-assessment to
measure their proficiency in the essential employability and clean energy basics skills addressed
in the bridge program. The pre-assessment should provide a baseline of where participants are
at, identify areas where extra support is needed, and allow participants to test out of some or all
elements of the bridge program if they have already demonstrated proficiency. See these
sample pre-assessments.
Bridge program training overview
Training outcomes
Upon completion of the bridge program, participants will have the personal effectiveness, workplace,
and clean energy basics skills to proceed to job-specific technical training program(s) in a clean energy
career field of their choosing.
Workforce Hubs must offer bridge program training that covers the following content areas: essential
employability skills and clean energy basics.
Learning environment and format
Workforce Hubs should offer classrooms with computer access, proper lighting, acoustics, equipped to
accommodate group activities, and space to move about comfortably. The learning environment should
accommodate individuals with disabilities such as hearing loss or diminished vision, and any
instructional materials, where applicable, should reflect the broad potential diversity of those enrolled.
It is recommended that the bridge program training be offered in person, but some elements may be
offered online. 
Skill development and practice should be integrated into coursework. Participants should work
individually and in diverse groups. Training should be contextualized to demonstrate how bridge
program skills are needed in typical clean energy jobs. Essential employability skills should be integrated
into clean energy basics training to demonstrate how these essential skills can support their ability to
perform clean energy tasks.
Throughout, Workforce Hubs should create a trusting and supportive environment in which participants
feel a sense of belonging to and significance of the clean energy industry. Workforce Hubs must
reinforce and build from participants’ existing knowledge and strengths. The learning environment is a
place where participants know their cultural values, current knowledge, and experiences are
transferable and reflected in the clean energy industry. Instructors should share relevant examples and
tell relatable stories during training.
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Undergirding this environment is a willingness to discuss and address difficult topics and work to find
equitable solutions. Workforce Hubs should acknowledge in the curriculum and among participants the
environmental and historical factors that impact underserved and disadvantaged groups. Exclusionary
practices have no place within the learning environment.
Work-based learning components
Work-based learning components should also be included in the bridge program, in partnership with
clean energy employers. Work-based learning (WBL), as defined by the State of Illinois, provides
participants with the opportunity to engage and interact with industry experts (employers), while
learning to demonstrate essential employability and technical skills necessary for today’s workforce.
WBL is defined in Perkins V legislation as “sustained interactions with industry or community
professionals in real workplace settings, to the extent practicable, or simulated environments at an
educational institution that foster in-depth, firsthand engagement with the tasks required in a given
career field, that are aligned to curriculum and instruction.”
Work-based learning may include:
Career awareness activities
Career exploration activities, such as job-shadowing
Workplace experience (hands-on work experience at a construction work site, supervised by an
Workforce Hubs are required to provide work-based learning components as part of the bridge
program, in partnership with employers or nonprofit organizations in their region. Workforce Hubs are
encouraged to form work-based learning partnerships with employers from equity investment eligible
communities, equity eligible contractors, and businesses that are certified through the
Enterprise Program to help participants feel a sense of belonging within the industry.
In addition to the pre-assessments described above, Workforce Hubs should utilize assessments during
and after the bridge program training is complete to measure learning and identify need for further
training. Workforce Hubs are encouraged to use standard assessments that are developed through
evidence-based industry-recognized providers or certificate granting institutions. Additional instruction,
coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship may be needed for individuals who require supplementary or
different supports to be successful. Furthermore, a variety of different assessment strategies are
encouraged to account for participants’ unique learning styles. After all, not all ways of learning and
means of assessment have been a significant part of everyone’s educational background.
Suggested assessments during the training include:
Reflective writing prompts
Dialogue/informal interviews
Aptitude tests/quizzes
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Suggested assessments at the end of the training include:
Role-playing on-the-job scenarios
Formal demonstrations with evaluation by the instructor
Estimated program length
The duration of the bridge program training is 120-200 hours, depending on individual needs and the
needs of participating employers. 
Program size
Program size is flexible depending on the number of participants and their needs. Recommended cohort
size is between 5 and 25 participants. The training can also be delivered as an open entry/exit program
where participants enter and exit the program when they are ready and able to do so.
Instructor requirements
Instructors who deliver the clean energy basics curriculum must have an intermediate to advanced
knowledge in construction, the building trades, manufacturing technology, or other clean energy related
Instructional staff must have a strong connection to target populations and communities and be capable
of cultivating a welcoming, inclusive environment. All staff, including instructors, must be trained on
Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Equity and committed to upholding these values.
Instructors should know how to create learning objectives and learning evaluation criteria, facilitate
conversations, involve participants, and communicate clearly. Instructors should be closely connected to
administrative support staff to assist with support services, stipends, scheduling, etc.
1. Essential employability skills
Training objectives
At the end of this training, participants should be able to:
Set personal and professional goals effectively, utilizing goal-setting skills.
Demonstrate an understanding of what dependability and reliability mean in a workplace
context and the behaviors that are associated with dependability and reliability.
Develop a personalized time management plan that demonstrates how to productively
complete assigned tasks.
Evaluate various strategies for learning from challenges, setbacks, and failures, and apply them
to achieve personal and professional goals.
Develop effective resume writing and interviewing skills to facilitate successful job searches.
Create a sound personal finance plan, encompassing budgeting, savings, and investments,
among other elements.
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Implement effective job application practices, including resume writing and interview
techniques, to facilitate successful job searches.
Implement emotion management strategies to cope with challenges and achieve personal and
professional goals.
Enhance their communication skills, including active listening, conveying ideas, expressing
information effectively, and being understood by colleagues and customers.
Demonstrate their ability to work cooperatively with others, completing work assignments and
achieving mutual goals.
Utilize various digital tools, including email, keyboarding, word processing, and digital media, to
complete job tasks and communicate courteously and directly.
Interact with customers using role-play to understand their needs, answer questions, resolve
issues, and nurture relationships effectively.
Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a workplace context, using logical and
reasoned analysis to address problems, identify root causes, implement appropriate solutions,
and communicate solutions.
Identify their legal right to work in an environment free of discrimination and harassment and
understand how to address discrimination and harassment if it is experienced.
Demonstrate the ability to communicate and work effectively across a range of abilities,
cultures, and backgrounds, emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Curriculum content (40 hours)
Workforce Hubs are encouraged to tailor instruction to participants’ individual needs, based on
assessment results.
At a minimum, the personal effectiveness training must cover the following topics:
1. Goal setting: Employ goal-setting skills to set personal and professional goals.
2. Dependability and reliability: Explain how commitment and follow-through can ensure team
effectiveness and help to meet collective goals.
3. Time management: Develop a time management plan to accomplish assigned tasks.
4. Adaptability: Explain different strategies to learn from challenges, setbacks, and failures; apply
these strategies to achieve personal and professional goals.
5. Financial literacy: Create a personal finance plan and explain how personal finances relate to
6. Getting a job: Apply effective job application practices (including resume writing and interviews)
to search and apply for jobs.
7. Emotion management: Practice recognizing and managing emotions to cope with challenges
and achieve personal and professional goals.
8. Verbal communication skills: Participants should improve their ability to listen to others, convey
ideas, express information, and be understood by colleagues and customers.
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9. Workplace writing skills: Participants should practice using standard business English to write
documents and messages to colleagues and customers that are clear, direct, and courteous.
10. Teamwork skills: Participants should practice working cooperatively with others to complete
work assignments and achieve mutual goals.
11. Digital communication skills: Participants should practice using email, keyboarding, word
processing, and digital media to complete job tasks and communicate directly and courteously.
12. Customer service skills: Participants should practice working with customers to understand
their needs, answer questions, resolve issues, and nurture relationships.
13. Critical thinking and problem solving: Participants should practice critical thinking and problem-
solving skills to generate and evaluate solutions as they relate to the needs of the team,
customer, and company.
14. Workplace rights: Participants should understand their right to work in an environment free of
discrimination and harassment and what to do if they experience discrimination or
15. Diversity and inclusion: Participants should practice diversity and inclusion strategies to
communicate and work effectively across a multitude of abilities, cultures, and backgrounds.
All essential employability training should be hands-on and scenario-based when possible. It should be
contextualized, integrated into clean energy basics, to demonstrate how these skills are needed in
typical clean energy jobs. It should allow participants to practice skills, set goals, develop plans and
demonstrate mastery.
Curriculum examples and resources
Illinois Essential Employability Skills Framework and Self-Assessment
Illinois workNet Job Skills Guide
Revolution Learning and Development: Managing Yourself and Personal Effectiveness Training
Illinois Adult Education: ABE/ASE Curriculum Project
Northstar (digital literacy assessments and training)
2. Clean energy basics
Training objectives
After completing this training, participants should be able to:
Identify job opportunities and analyze career pathways for their potential for growth and
advancement in the clean energy industry.
Develop a personalized clean energy pathway based on individual skills, interests, and
credentials that leads to promising career advancement opportunities.
Demonstrate safety practices in construction, electrical and solar fields, and understand safety
regulations and codes.
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Explain the skills and responsibilities of construction workers and understand how they apply to
the clean energy industry.
Interpret basic construction drawings and their components and explain their relevance to clean
energy installations.
Discuss the main components of building materials and building envelope systems, and explain
installation procedures and materials of building, as they apply to the clean energy industry.
Explain the importance of energy use, indoor air quality, and durability of building materials in
the clean energy industry.
Demonstrate the use of basic hand and power tools and understand their proper use and
maintenance in the context of clean energy installations.
Explain the different types of energy, energy conservation, features of green buildings, and
principles of sustainability or energy efficiency in the clean energy industry.
Explain basic electricity and clean energy fundamentals, including the principles of energy generation,
transmission, and storage, and their applications in the clean energy industry. If participants will be
learning portions of the clean energy basics curriculum in the job-specific technical training, those
portions may be skipped to avoid duplication of efforts (e.g., they do not need to take OSHA 10 twice).
Curriculum content (80+ hours)
At a minimum, the clean energy basics training should cover the following topics:
1. Introduction to clean energy careers (At least 5 hours).
a. Clean energy careers and pathways: Develop a personalized clean energy career
pathway leading to promising credentials and career advancement opportunities.
2. Energy and sustainability fundamentals (At least 5 hours).
a. Clean energy definitions: Explain energy, clean energy, sustainability, energy efficiency,
energy conservation, and climate change.
b. Climate change: Explain how different clean energy careers will help with state and
national climate goals.
c. Sample curriculum guide for energy and sustainability fundamentals.
3. Safety basics (At least 10 hours). Training includes required certifications in OSHA 10 and First
a. Safety compliance: Explain safety principles and regulations to maintain a secure work
environment and how to comply with local, federal and jobsite health and safety
b. Personal protective equipment and safety practices: Demonstrate safety practices and
proper use of PPE when navigating a construction environment.
c. Working at height: Demonstrate safety practices when using ladders, applying
scaffolding, safety harnesses, and rigging when navigating a construction environment.
d. First aid/CPR: Demonstrate ability to administer emergency first aid and CPR and know
when to call for help.
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e. Sample curriculum guide for safety basics.
4. Building science principles (At least 10 hours). The topics below align with the Building
Performance Institute’s Building Science Principles curriculum, though their actual Building
Science Principles curriculum is more comprehensive and leads to a certification exam.
a. Home performance and introduction to building science: Explain energy use in terms of
building science
b. House-as-a-System: Describe “House-as-a-System” and how the different components
work together to impact energy use.
c. Energy & the building shell: Identify the main envelope components and control layers.
Describe how heat is transferred in and out of the building envelope.
d. Residential heating, cooling, and ventilation: Describe whole-house mechanical
ventilation systems and combustion science. Identify the main components of
mechanical heating and cooling systems.
e. Evaluation strategies: Explain evaluation strategies of house performance including
building envelopes, mechanical systems, appliances, and lighting.
f. Energy efficiency solutions: Describe common energy efficiency strategies to reduce
home energy use.
g. Sample curriculum guide for building science principles.
5. Construction basics (At least 40 hours). The construction topics below align with those in the
NCCER Core Construction curriculum, though the NCCER Core curriculum is more
comprehensive and leads to a certification exam.
a. Intro to hand and power tools: Identify, correctly set up, and operate hand and power
b. Intro to schematics and blueprints: Understand how to read basic schematics and
blueprints and how to differentiate among schematics needed for different trade areas.
c. Intro to design and construction processes: Describe the basic design and construction
concepts in a residential construction project. With minimal supervision, safely
construct or install an authentic project.
d. Intro to construction math and cost estimation:
i. Apply measurement systems and scaling concepts to demonstrate proper use of
measuring tools (time, temperature, distance, length, width, height, perimeter).
ii. Demonstrate how to convert from one measurement to another and between
decimals and fraction units.
iii. Apply basic cost estimation principles to estimate labor and material costs.
iv. Read and understand tables and graphs.
v. Calculate perimeters, areas, and volumes of basic shapes and solids.
e. Intro to materials handling: Use knowledge of material types, standard sizes and safe
handling practices to identify and utilize materials needed for basic project types.
f. Sample curriculum guide for construction basics.
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6. Electrical basics training (At least 10 hours). The topics below align with those in the
Journeyman Electrician exam, though the actual Journeyman Electrician training is much more
a. Intro to electricity: Explain where electrical power comes from and how electricity
b. Intro to direct current and alternating current: Explain the basic difference between AC
and DC voltage.
c. Intro to circuits: Describe how circuits work, the components of a basic circuit, and three
basic types of circuits.
d. Intro to conductors: Explain what a conductor is and provide examples of good
conductors and poor conductors.
e. Intro to electrical safety procedures: Describe how to protect against over-current and
electric shock.
f. Sample curriculum guide for electrical basics.
All clean energy basics training should be hands-on and scenario based when possible. It should be
contextualized to demonstrate how these skills are needed in typical clean energy jobs. It should allow
participants to practice skills, set goals, develop plans and demonstrate mastery.
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A. Solar Photovoltaic Training
B. Energy Auditor Training
C. Weatherization Training
D. HVAC Training
E. Construction and Building Inspector Training
F. Auto Mechanic Training, Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Focus
G. Wind Turbine Installation and Maintenance Training
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The CEJA workforce solar photovoltaic training specialty is designed to prepare individuals for entry level
jobs in the solar industry, including solar installer, solar sales representative, and solar site assessor or
designer. This training curriculum framework focuses on the basic skills needed to understand, design,
and assist in the safe installation of photovoltaic systems and should use both hands-on and classroom
environment experiences. Upon completion of the training, individuals will be prepared to take the
Photovoltaic Associate exam offered by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners
A-1. Demonstration of need for training
There is a great need for more solar energy workers in Illinois. In addition, equity requirements for solar
employers will incentivize employers to hire trainees from the CEJA programs. Applicants should
demonstrate the need for this training in their region by describing:  
The approximate number of job openings and current jobs in their region in solar installation,
sales, and design.
The potential benefits to equity investment eligible populations within the region.
Existing solar training programs in the region and any training program gaps.
The need for solar installation, sales, and design employees, as demonstrated through employer
partnerships. Employers must express a need for new employees and a willingness to hire
graduates of the program through a Memorandum of Understanding. 
A-2. Training outcomes
Upon completion of the training, students should have obtained basic knowledge related to the design,
sales, installation, and operation of Photovoltaic Systems. The students should also have received
sufficient instruction to be prepared to take the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners
(NABCEP) PV Associate Exam. Finally, the students should have sufficient technical and practical
knowledge to be prepared to pursue employment opportunities in Solar Photovoltaic system
installation, design, or sales.
A-3. Job(s)/roles trained by this training
Solar Photovoltaic System Installer
Solar Photovoltaic System Site Evaluator/Designer
Solar Photovoltaic System Sales Representative
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A-4. Career progression
Solar PV Sales Representative and Site Assessor
Solar PV Crew Chief
Solar PV Project Manager
PV System Inspector
Solar Field Technician
Solar Project Developer
For a more detailed solar career progression map, see the Interstate Renewable Energy Council’s Solar
Career Map
A-5. Prerequisites
Before beginning technical training, participants should:
Be comfortable working in elevated spaces such as rooftops
Be comfortable using hand and power tools and managing materials
Be comfortable working in teams and individually
Possess good communication skills
Be capable of working 6-8 hours per day in the field (with occasional overtime)
Have at least an 8
grade math level and reading level (tutoring/instruction should be provided
to help people meet this requirement, if needed)
Be able to use computers/tablets to communicate with clients and perform basic calculations
Have OSHA 10 certification
By completing the bridge program, participants should have met these prerequisites.
A-6. Learning environment and format
It is strongly recommended that the technical training be offered as an in-person classroom and lab-
based course, with extensive hands-on components. Classroom/lab should have enough workspace for
students to work individually and in diverse groups. Access to either a computer lab or laptops is helpful
to support student evaluation/testing and calculations. Portions of this curriculum may be taught using
either synchronous or asynchronous e-Learning with the appropriate support systems.
Throughout, Workforce Hubs should create a trusting and supportive environment in which participants
feel a sense of belonging to and significance of the clean energy industry. Workforce Hubs must
reinforce and build from participants’ existing knowledge and strengths. The learning environment is a
place where participants know their cultural values, current knowledge, and experiences are
transferable and reflected in the clean energy industry. Instructors should share relevant examples and
tell relatable stories during training.
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Undergirding this environment is a willingness to discuss and address difficult topics and work to find
equitable solutions. Successful programs will acknowledge in the curriculum and among participants the
environmental and historical factors that impact underserved and disadvantaged groups. Exclusionary
practices have no place within the learning environment.
A minimum of 10% of the curriculum hours should be devoted to work-based learning activities. Work-
based Learning (WBL), as defined by the Illinois, provides participants with the opportunity to engage
and interact with industry experts (employers), while learning to demonstrate essential employability
and technical skills necessary for today’s workforce. WBL is defined in Perkins V legislation as “sustained
interactions with industry or community professionals in real workplace settings, to the extent
practicable, or simulated environments at an educational institution that foster in-depth, firsthand
engagement with the tasks required in a given career field, that are aligned to curriculum and
Work-based learning may include:
Career awareness activities
Career exploration activities
Workplace experience (hands-on work experience at a work site, supervised by an employer)
Career development experience (On-the-job training, internship, or an apprenticeship)
Applicants are required to provide work-based learning components as part of their training. To meet
this requirement, they are encouraged to partner with employers in their region, especially equity
eligible contractors and businesses that are certified through the Business Enterprise Program. They are
also encouraged to direct participants to work-based learning opportunities (including apprenticeships
or on-the-job training) during or after they complete training.
A-7. Tools and equipment
The following tools and equipment are recommended:
Basic construction tools (hammer, screwdriver, pliers, wire cutters, etc.)
Access to power tools
Access to diagnostic equipment
o Multimeters
o Insulation testing devices (e.g., megohmmeter)
o Irradiance meter
o Infrared thermometer (e.g., module, breaker, connection temperature measurement)
o IV curve tracer
o Battery capacity testing devices (e.g., load tester)
o Hydrometer
Course materials/books
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Access to demonstration PV systems / PV site installations or suitable props for hands-on
Laptops, tablets and/or computer lab
Software for rooftop PV system design and estimator of solar energy collection efficiency
A-8. Estimated training length
The training for the Solar PV Installer should involve at least 80 hours of instruction which may
encompass in-person, on-line or hybrid instruction. This is in addition to the hours required for the
bridge program instruction. Courses with more contact hours, hand-on activities and an instructor with
significant current solar PV system installation experience can contribute to a better learning
A-9. Training size
This training is recommended for cohorts of 10-15 students. Programs can also opt for an open
entry/exit model, rather than a cohort model.
A-10. Instructor requirements
The curriculum must be administered by a NABCEP Associate Registered Training Provider. Instructors
must have intermediate to expert-level knowledge of the curriculum modules in the Core Curriculum
section below.
It is strongly recommended that the instructor have significant recent experience in Solar PV system
design, sales, and installation. We recommend that the instruction team consist of:
Lead instructor
Facilitator, especially during labs
Training admin/logistics support to assist with support services, stipends, scheduling
Instructional staff must have a strong connection to target populations and communities and be capable
of cultivating a welcoming, inclusive environment. All staff, including instructors, must be trained on
Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Equity and committed to upholding these values.
A-11. Training objectives
By completing this training, students will be able to:
1. Discuss the fundamental concepts of Solar PV systems, including key terminology and different
system design options, and apply this knowledge to analyze different solar PV systems.
2. Analyze the landscape of Solar PV system installation, including consumer expectations, system
capabilities, and long-term cost-benefit relations, and make informed recommendations based
on this analysis.
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3. Demonstrate an understanding of governmental regulations and local and state building codes,
contract provisions, and construction standards relevant to Solar PV system installation, and
comply with them in all aspects of the work.
4. Analyze how Solar PV system design parameters impact overall system performance and make
informed decisions to optimize system design based on this analysis.
5. Use technical terminology specific to Solar PV system installation and testing to communicate
with team members, customers, and other stakeholders.
6. Effectively and safely use all necessary tools and equipment to assist in the installation, testing,
and maintenance of Solar PV systems, and identify potential safety hazards and appropriate
safety measures.
7. Contribute effectively as a member of a diverse team to install and test Solar PV systems at
various work sites and consider both individual and team safety requirements in all aspects of
the work.
8. Effectively scaffold existing strengths, experiential knowledge, and newly established trusting
relationships to pursue a meaningful career in the clean energy industry.
A-12. Curriculum content overview
The table below summarizes the five domains of content recommended for the Solar Photovoltaic
Installer curriculum for Technical Skill. The curriculum and training should align with the most recent
NABCEP Photovoltaic Associate Training Job Task Analysis and prepare students to successfully pass the
NABCEP Photovoltaic Associate Certification exam. A summary of the tasks found in the Job Task
Analysis is shown in the tables below. Up-to-date local or state-wide codes, requirements, design
considerations, and economic considerations should be taught. Where applicable, instructional
materials should reflect the broad potential diversity of those enrolled.
Table 2: Solar Photovoltaic Association Job Task Analysis Domains
Domain I: Application
Domain II: Sales & Economics
Domain III: Design
Sales & Economics
-Describe types of PV system
Identify key features and benefits of
specific types of PV systems
List the key component of specific
types of
PV systems
Understand the safety concerns
associated with different types of PV
-List the advantages and disadvantages
of PV systems compared to other
electricity generation sources
-Determine necessary customer
information to collect
Identify t
he customer’s motivations
to install solar
Estimate system size to meet the
customer’s financial objective
Identify information from the client
on electricity usage relevant to
-alone solar
Recognize how federal, state, and
local policies and avail
able financial
benefits affect different PV markets
-Identify financial risks associated
-Ensure equipment is appropriate for
intended use
Identify relevant codes and
requirements that impact PV design
and installation, including local codes
and requirements
Recognize electrical concepts &
Identify factors impacting solar
resource on design and performance
Identify equipment specification
-Describe the function of typical
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with PV systems
Identify common financing options
and incentives
Identify predictable maintenance
costs over the life of the system
components in PV systems
Explain PV system sizing
Read an electrical diagram of a PV
-Recognize structural requirements of
PV systems
Domain IV
Domain V
Maintenance and Operation
-Identify the elements of a complete site-specific safety
Identify the elements of the plan set
Identify the elements of racking installation
Identify the elements of electrical component installation
Identify the elements of energy storage component
Identify the elements of the system commissioning
-Identify commonly used electrical test equipment and
its purpose
Demonstrate the ability to analyze simple electrical
Describe the effects of performance parameters that
are commonly monitored for PV systems
Describe different types and elements of system
performance monitoring equipment
-Identify common factors that result in deviations from
expected syste
m performance
Describe typical maintenance requirements for PV
Identify the safety requirements for operating and
maintaining different types of PV systems
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A-13. Assessment methods
We recommend students be evaluated via the following:
In-class exams
In class/lab evaluation
Training final proficiency and field exams
Additional instruction, coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship, may be needed for individuals who
require supplementary or different supports to be successful. A variety of different assessment
strategies, such as lab evaluation and demonstrated knowledge proficiency, are encouraged to account
for participants’ unique learning styles. Importantly, not all ways of learning and means of assessment
have been a significant part of everyone’s educational background.
A-14. Certification
Individuals who successfully complete the Solar PV Installer curricula should be prepared to take the
NABCEP Photovoltaic Associate Certification exam if they wish to take the exam. Participants are not
required to pass the exam to complete the program; participants may need to take the exam multiple
times to pass. The Workforce Hubs should assist with test preparation and provide funds to cover the
A-16. References and example curriculum
NABCEP Associate Registered Trainings
US Department of Labor’s Renewable Energy Competency Model
NCCER Solar Photovoltaic Systems Curriculum
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The CEJA workforce Energy Auditor (EA) training specialty is designed to prepare people for a career as
an Energy Auditor and/or Quality Control Inspector for residential buildings. The course focuses on the
basic skills needed to properly assess building performance in both a hands-on and classroom
environment. Upon completion of the training, students will be prepared to challenge the Illinois Energy
Auditor field exam, as well as the national BPI Energy Auditor certification exam and the BPI Quality
Control Inspector sub-certification exam.
B-1. Demonstration of need for training
To receive funding to develop a new energy auditor training program, applicants will need to
demonstrate the need for this training in their region. We recommend reaching out to employers and
workforce development organizations in the region to better understand the employment and training
To demonstrate need, applicants will need to, at a minimum, describe:  
The approximate number of energy auditor job openings and current jobs in your region.
The potential benefits to equity investment eligible populations within the region.
Existing energy auditor training programs in the region and any training program gaps.  
The need for energy auditor employees, as demonstrated through employer partnerships.
Employers must express a need for new employees and a willingness to hire graduates of the
program through a Memorandum of Agreement. 
B-2. Training outcomes
Upon completion of the training, students will be prepared to take the exams for Illinois certification, as
well as both the BPI Energy Auditor and Quality Control Inspector certifications. They will also be
prepared to evaluate building performance utilizing a whole-house approach to make energy
conservation decisions that incorporate occupant health and safety.
B-3. Job(s)/roles trained by this training
Energy Auditor, Residential
Quality Control Inspector, Residential
Weatherization Specialist
B-4. Career progression
Energy Auditor (residential, commercial, and multifamily)
Quality Control Inspector
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Energy Services Coordinator
Building Performance Instructor-Weatherization Technical Trainer
B-5. Prerequisites
Before beginning technical training, participants should:
Be comfortable in confined spaces (attics, crawl spaces, etc.)
Be comfortable using basic tools
Be comfortable working in teams and individually
Possess good communication skills
Be capable of working 6-8 hours per day in the field (with occasional overtime)
Have at least an 8th grade math level
Be able to use computers/tablets to perform basic calculations
By completing the bridge program, participants should have these required competencies.
B-6. Learning environment and format
It is strongly recommended that the technical training be offered as an in-person classroom and lab-
based course, with extensive hands-on components. Classroom/lab should have enough workspace for
students to work individually and in groups.
Access to either a computer lab or laptops is helpful to support student evaluation/testing and
calculations. Portions of this curriculum may be taught using either synchronous or asynchronous e-
Learning with the appropriate support systems.
Throughout, Workforce Hubs should create a trusting and supportive environment in which participants
feel a sense of belonging to and significance of the clean energy industry. Workforce Hubs must
reinforce and build from participants’ existing knowledge and strengths. The learning environment is a
place where participants know their cultural values, current knowledge, and experiences are
transferable and reflected in the clean energy industry. Instructors should share relevant examples and
tell relatable stories during training.
Undergirding this environment is a willingness to discuss and address difficult topics and work to find
equitable solutions. Successful programs will acknowledge in the curriculum and among participants the
environmental and historical factors that impact underserved and disadvantaged groups. Exclusionary
practices have no place within the learning environment.
At least 10% of the curriculum hours should be work-based learning activities. Work-based learning
(WBL), as defined by the Illinois, provides participants with the opportunity to engage and interact with
industry experts (employers), while learning to demonstrate essential employability and technical skills
necessary for today’s workforce. WBL is defined in Perkins V legislation as “sustained interactions with
industry or community professionals in real workplace settings, to the extent practicable, or simulated
environments at an educational institution that foster in-depth, firsthand engagement with the tasks
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required in a given career field, that are aligned to curriculum and instruction.” Work-based learning
may include:
Career awareness activities
Career exploration activities
Workplace experience (hands-on work experience at a work site, supervised by an employer)
Career development experience (On-the-job training, internship, or an apprenticeship)
Applicants are required to provide work-based learning components as part of their training, in
partnership with employers in their region. To meet this requirement, they are encouraged to partner
with employers in their region, especially equity eligible contractors and businesses that are certified
through the Business Enterprise Program. They are also encouraged to direct participants to work-
based learning opportunities (including apprenticeships or on-the-job training) during or after they
complete training.
B-7. Tools and equipment
This training requires the following:
1. Tool belt
2. Basic construction tools set (hammer, screwdriver, pliers, wire cutters, etc.)
3. Access to power tools
4. Laptops and/or computer lab
5. Access to diagnostic equipment
a. Blower door
b. Digital manometer
c. Infrared camera
d. Combustion analyzer
e. Combustible gas detector
f. 4-gas monitor
g. Exhaust fan flow meter
h. Duct tightness assessment tools (e.g. duct blaster, pressure pan)
6. Dolly
7. Course materials/books
8. Access to demonstration buildings or suitable props for hands on activities (possible alternative
compliance using VR or other digital means)
9. Access to a variety of functional water heating and HVAC appliances for combustion safety
testing (possible alternative compliance using VR or other digital means)
Recommended: Airflow visualization tool (e.g. physical props, interactive digital software/interfaces,
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B-8. Estimated training length
The training for Energy Auditor (Residential) should involve a minimum of 200 hours of instruction, in
addition to the bridge program training.
B-9. Training size
This training is recommended for cohorts of 10-15 students.
B-10. Instructor requirements
Instructors must have intermediate to expert-level knowledge of the curriculum modules in the Core
Curriculum section below and possess BPI Energy Auditor and BPI Quality Control Inspector
Instructional staff must have a strong connection to target populations and communities and be capable
of cultivating a welcoming, inclusive environment. All staff, including instructors, must be trained on
Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Equity and committed to upholding these values.
We recommend that the instruction team consist of:
Lead instructor
Facilitator, especially during labs
Training admin/logistics support to assist with support services, stipends, scheduling
B-11. Training objectives
By completing this training, students will be able to:
Identify, evaluate, select, move, store, and supply construction and building material resources
for all types of construction activities, and apply this knowledge to ensure timely and cost-
effective completion of construction projects.
Interpret, analyze, and compare data related to energy fuel types (e.g., propane, electricity, oil),
energy consumption, and power units, and demonstrate an understanding of fundamental
principles of energy and power concepts.
Demonstrate an understanding of governmental regulations and local and state building codes,
contract provisions, and construction standards relevant to construction activities, and comply
with them in all aspects of the work.
Assess building/unit components regarding energy consumption and health and safety-related
issues and generate a proposed scope of work based on cost-effectiveness, client priorities,
and/or other energy efficiency program requirements, and effectively communicate this to
Practice basic accounting and cost estimating related to construction/retrofit and building
operations and use this knowledge to inform decision-making related to energy efficiency
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Generate a recommended scope of work, including the cost-effectiveness of the proposed work,
and apply this knowledge to inform energy efficiency retrofit decision-making.
Identify and calculate potential savings from green energy retrofits, including solar,
electrification, and upgrades to high-efficiency retrofits, and use this information to inform
decision-making related to energy efficiency upgrades.
B-12. Curriculum content overview
The table below presents the three domains of energy auditors content for Sector-Specific Technical
Skills. Training must align with the Building Performance Institute’s BPI-1200 Standard and include all
knowledge and skills required to take the BPI Energy Auditor certification exam. House and duct leakage
testing methods must align with the RESNET 380 Standard. Training on the development of the scope of
work must align with NREL’s Standard Work Specifications (SWS). Core training topics are listed below
and should structure the curriculum outline.
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Table 3: Energy auditor content domains
Domain I
Domain III
Collection of Visual, Material,
Dimensional, and
Information about the Building for an
Energy Audit
Evaluation of Collected Energy Audit
Data to Determine the Scope of
-Document energy consumption
Document the building history
Conduct a physical/visual inspection
Collect health and safety data
Collect appliance and base load
Identify a conditioned building
Collect mechanical ventilation data
Identify building insulation (attic,
walls, and foundation/subspace)
Collect attic data
Collect wall data
Collect window and door data
Collect foundation/subspace data
-Collect roof data
Test the electric appliances
Conduct indoor air quality tests
Determine air leakage of the
Determine the performance of
-Evaluate the health and safety data
Evaluate the durability/structural
integrity of the building
Evaluate the HVAC system
Evaluate the mechanical ventilation
Evaluate energy use
Evaluate the foundation/subspace
Evaluate the walls
Evaluate the attic
Evaluate the doors and windows
Use energy modeling software
Generate the recommended work
B-13. Assessment methods
We recommend students be evaluated via the following:
In-class exams
In class/lab evaluation
Training final proficiency and field exams
BPI Energy Auditor written and field exams
Additional instruction, coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship, may be needed for individuals who
require supplementary or different supports to be successful. A variety of different assessment
strategies, such as lab evaluation and demonstrated knowledge proficiency, are encouraged to account
for participants’ unique learning styles. Importantly, not all ways of learning and means of assessment
have been a significant part of everyone’s educational background.
B-14. Certification
The Energy Auditor training will prepare trainees to take the BPI Energy Auditor certification exam.
B-16. References and example curriculum
Green Building Career Map
Single-Family Energy Auditor Job Task Analysis 
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Understanding by Design
US Department of Labor’s Renewable Energy Competency Model
The weatherization training curriculum framework below is designed to prepare people for a career as a
weatherization technician, weatherization field technician, or as a salesperson for a residential efficiency
improvement organization. The curriculum should cover the basic skills needed by a weatherization
technician to install upgrades to a home, through online or blended training with components of hands-
on activities in a classroom, lab, or field environment. Upon completion of the training, students will be
prepared to take the BPI Retrofit Installer Technician (RIT) exam and have a firm grasp of the skills and
competencies needed to be successful in installing and/or selling energy upgrades.
C-1. Demonstration of need for training
To receive funding to develop an energy auditor training program, applicants will need to demonstrate
the need for this training in their region. We recommend reaching out to employers and workforce
development organizations in the region to better understand the employment and training needs.
To demonstrate need, applicants will need to, at a minimum, describe: 
The approximate number of energy auditor job openings and current jobs in your region.
The potential benefits to equity investment eligible populations within the region.
Existing weatherization training programs in the region and any training program gaps.  
The need for weatherization employees, as demonstrated through employer partnerships.
Employers must express a need for new employees and a willingness to hire graduates of the
program through a Memorandum of Agreement. 
C-2. Training outcomes
Upon completion of the training, students will be prepared to take the BPI RIT exam and apply for an
entry-level position. They will have a firm grasp of the skills and competencies needed to be successful
in installing and/or selling energy upgrades.
C-3. Job(s)/roles trained by this training
Weatherization installation technician
Weatherization marketing & sales
Construction laborer with a retrofit focus
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C-4. Career progression
Weatherization installation supervisor
Weatherization Crew Leader
Weatherization field trainer
C-5. Prerequisites
Before beginning technical training, participants should:
Be comfortable in confined spaces
Be comfortable using basic tools
Be comfortable working in teams
Be capable of working 6-8 hours per day in the field (with occasional overtime)
Have at least a 6th grade math level
Be able to use computers/tablets to perform basic calculations
Be able to work in all types of housing stock in most weather conditions
By completing the bridge program, participants should have these required competencies.
C-6. Learning environment and format
It is strongly recommended that the technical training be offered in an in-person classroom and lab-
based format, with extensive hands-on components. These exercises should represent “real world”
fieldwork to best prepare students for their future tasks.
Access to either a computer lab or laptops is helpful to support student evaluation/testing and
calculations. Portions of this curriculum may be taught using either synchronous or asynchronous e-
Learning with the appropriate support systems.
Throughout, Workforce Hubs should create a trusting and supportive environment in which participants
feel a sense of belonging to and significance of the clean energy industry. Workforce Hubs must
reinforce and build from participants’ existing knowledge and strengths. The learning environment is a
place where participants know their cultural values, current knowledge, and experiences are
transferable and reflected in the clean energy industry. Instructors should share relevant examples and
tell relatable stories during training.
Undergirding this environment is a willingness to discuss and address difficult topics and work to find
equitable solutions. Successful programs will acknowledge in the curriculum and among participants the
environmental and historical factors that impact underserved and disadvantaged groups. Exclusionary
practices have no place within the learning environment.
At least 10% of the curriculum hours should be work-based learning activities. Work-based learning
(WBL), as defined by the Illinois, provides participants with the opportunity to engage and interact with
industry experts (employers), while learning to demonstrate essential employability and technical skills
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39 | Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework
necessary for today’s workforce. WBL is defined in Perkins V legislation as “sustained interactions with
industry or community professionals in real workplace settings, to the extent practicable, or simulated
environments at an educational institution that foster in-depth, firsthand engagement with the tasks
required in a given career field, that are aligned to curriculum and instruction.” Work-based learning
may include:
Career awareness activities
Career exploration activities
Workplace experience (hands-on work experience at a work site, supervised by an employer)
Career development experience (On-the-job training, internship, or an apprenticeship)
Applicants are required to provide work-based learning components as part of their training, in
partnership with employers in their region. To meet this requirement, they are encouraged to partner
with employers in their region, especially equity eligible contractors and businesses that are certified
through the Business Enterprise Program. They are also encouraged to direct participants to work-
based learning opportunities (including apprenticeships or on-the-job training) during or after they
complete training.
C-7. Tools and equipment
This training requires the following:
Diagnostic equipment specific to weatherization
Tools to measure and record data
Access to power tools
Laptops and/or computer lab
Tools and equipment to install specific energy upgrades
Basic hand tools
Course materials/books
C-8. Estimated training length
The training for Weatherization Installers and Technicians should involve a minimum of 200 hours which
may encompass in-person, on-line, or hybrid instruction.
C-9. Training size
This training is recommended for cohorts of 15-20 students. Student outcomes should include taking the
RIT exam and taking active steps towards job placement.
C-10. Instructor requirements
Instructors must have intermediate to expert level knowledge of the curriculum modules in the Core
Curriculum sections below.
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It is recommended that the instructor have strong ties to the target communities and populations
served. Instructor certification requirements could include but are not limited to BPI HEP Home Energy
Auditor (EA), BPI HEP Quality Control Inspector (QCI), BPI HEP Retrofit Installer Technician (RIT), BPI HEP
Crew Leader (CL), BPI Air Leakage Control Installer (ALCI), BPI Healthy Home Evaluator (HHE), State
Weatherization certification or other technical training certification relating to the housing, construction
or home energy field.
Instructional staff must have a strong connection to target populations and communities and be capable
of cultivating a welcoming, inclusive environment. All staff, including instructors, must be trained on
Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Equity and committed to upholding these values.
We recommend that the instruction team consist of:
Lead instructor
Facilitator, especially during labs.
Training admin/logistics support to assist with support services, stipends, scheduling
C-11. Training objectives
To design and deliver curricula to address each of the following sector-specific technical competencies
and sub-competencies via instruction and assessment of the learner’s proficiencies, the learners should
demonstrate their mastery of the following training objectives:
Explain modern weatherization measures, including their purpose, benefits, and impact on
energy efficiency, occupant health, and safety.
Demonstrate the ability to read and follow a work order to complete a set of energy upgrade
tasks, and effectively communicate progress and issues to stakeholders.
Display knowledge of fundamental principles of energy savings by comparing the existing system
or systems with the proposed upgrades or repairs and identify opportunities for cost-effective
energy savings.
Prioritize and map out the work to be done in a timely and effective manner, taking into
consideration the needs of the building occupants, budget constraints, and other relevant
Follow industry guidelines for safety, occupant and worker health, and energy savings, and apply
this knowledge to ensure that the work is done safely and effectively.
Use diagnostic equipment to verify the savings or performance of the work performed and apply
this knowledge to identify potential issues and opportunities for improvement.
Identify potential savings from retrofits, including solar, electrification, and upgrades to building
efficiency, and use this information to inform decision-making related to energy efficiency
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C-12. Curriculum content overview
The table below presents Weatherization Installers and Technicians and its career progression towards
Crew Leader for Sector-Specific Technical Skill Tier 5 which are recommended in the training. The scope
of work must also align with NREL’s Standard Work Specifications (SWS).
Domain I
Domain III
Weatherization installers and
technicians’ basic tasks
High Level Task: Weatherization Crew
-Maintain safety
Prepare for the job (before arriving at
job site)
Prepare and maintain tools and
materials on-site
Prepare and maintain job site
Identify materials and staffing needs
Prepare homeowner/occupants for
the scope of work
Determine readiness of the job site
for the scope of work
Install windows and doors
Install baseload measures
Clean all debris and work materials
from the job site
work areas
Protect interior/exterior of house
(e.g., with drop cloths, poly,
Tyvek booties, pressurizations)
Worksite safety and fall protection
Install roof penetrations and
Install or repair vapor retarders
Energy efficiency upgrades
Identify and report deviations from
scope of work
Conduct diagnostic testing
Adjust scope of work as needed to
-Develop Plan to Execute Scope of
Prepare and Maintain Job Site
Implement Scope of Work
Verify work orders, create change
orders, and inspect completed
C-13. Assessment methods
We recommend students be evaluated via the following:
In-class exams
In class/lab evaluation
Final exam including hands on demonstration
Additional instruction, coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship, may be needed for individuals who
require supplementary or different supports to be successful. A variety of different assessment
strategies, such as lab evaluation and demonstrated knowledge proficiency, are encouraged to account
for participants’ unique learning styles. Importantly, not all ways of learning and means of assessment
have been a significant part of everyone’s educational background.
C-14. Certification
Training must include all knowledge required to challenge BPI RIT, State Weatherization certification or
other technical training certification relating to the housing, construction, or home energy field.
C-15. References and example curriculum
1. Green Building Career Map
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2. NREL Job Task Analysis: Retrofit Installer Technician
3. Understanding by Design
4. US Department of Labor’s Renewable Energy Competency Model
5. Weatherization Crew Leader Job Task Analysis
6. Weatherization Standardized Curricula: Weatherization Assistance Program
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The CEJA workforce HVAC installer training specialty is designed to prepare people for a career as a
HVAC technician and/or a career in HVAC sales. The course covers the basic skills needed by an HVAC
technician to install and service basic HVAC systems in both a hands-on and classroom environment.
Upon completion of the training, students will have a firm grasp of the skills and competencies needed
to be successful in an entry level position installing, servicing and/or selling HVAC systems and be
prepared to take the EPA Universal exam (Section 608 Technician Certification), as well as other NATE
certification or HVAC Excellence exams.
D-1. Demonstration of need for training
To receive funding to develop a new HVAC training program, applicants will need to demonstrate the
need for this training in their region. We recommend reaching out to employers and workforce
development organizations in the region to better understand the employment and training needs.
To demonstrate need, applicants will need to, at a minimum, describe:  
The approximate number of energy auditor job openings and current jobs in your region.
The potential benefits to equity investment eligible populations within the region.
Existing energy auditor training programs in the region and any training program gaps.  
The need for energy auditor employees, as demonstrated through employer partnerships.
Employers must express a need for new employees and a willingness to hire graduates of the
program through a Memorandum of Agreement. 
D-2. Training outcomes
Upon completion of the training, students will be prepared to take the EPA Universal certification
(Section 608 Technician Certification), as well as other NATE certificate or HVAC Excellence exams, and
be qualified for an entry level position in the HVAC industry. They will have a firm grasp of the skills and
competencies needed to be successful in installing, servicing, or selling HVAC systems.
D-3. Job(s)/roles trained by this training
HVAC installer (residential)
HVAC service technician (residential)
HVAC marketing & sales
D-4. Career progression
HVAC installation supervisor
HVAC installation technician (commercial)
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HVAC service technician (residential)
HVAC service technician (commercial)
HVAC marketing/sales supervisor
HVAC instructor
D-5. Prerequisites
Before beginning technical training, participants should:
Have professional communication skills with other employees and clients
Have the ability to read a wiring diagram and blueprints
Have basic knowledge of a furnace, air conditioner, boiler, heat pumps and willingness to learn
Be comfortable on ladders and in attics, crawlspaces, and rooftops
Be comfortable using basic tools
Be comfortable working in teams and individually
Be capable of working 6-8 hours per day in the field (with occasional overtime)
Have a 6
grade or higher math and reading level
By completing the bridge program, participants should have these required competencies.
D-6. Learning environment and format
It is strongly recommended that the technical training be offered as an in-person classroom and lab-
based course, with extensive hands-on components. Classroom/lab should have enough workspace for
students to work individually and in groups.
Access to either a computer lab or laptops is helpful to support student evaluation/testing and
calculations. Portions of this curriculum may be taught using either synchronous or asynchronous e-
Learning with the appropriate support systems.
Throughout, Workforce Hubs should create a trusting and supportive environment in which participants
feel a sense of belonging to and significance of the clean energy industry. Workforce Hubs must
reinforce and build from participants’ existing knowledge and strengths. The learning environment is a
place where participants know their cultural values, current knowledge, and experiences are
transferable and reflected in the clean energy industry. Instructors should share relevant examples and
tell relatable stories during training.
Undergirding this environment is a willingness to discuss and address difficult topics and work to find
equitable solutions. Successful programs will acknowledge in the curriculum and among participants the
environmental and historical factors that impact underserved and disadvantaged groups. Exclusionary
practices have no place within the learning environment.
At least 10% of curriculum hours should be spent on work-based learning activities. Work-based learning
(WBL), as defined by the Illinois, provides participants with the opportunity to engage and interact with
industry experts (employers), while learning to demonstrate essential employability and technical skills
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45 | Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework
necessary for today’s workforce. WBL is defined in Perkins V legislation as “sustained interactions with
industry or community professionals in real workplace settings, to the extent practicable, or simulated
environments at an educational institution that foster in-depth, firsthand engagement with the tasks
required in a given career field, that are aligned to curriculum and instruction.” Work-based learning
may include:
Career awareness activities
Career exploration activities
Workplace experience (hands-on work experience at a work site, supervised by an employer)
Career development experience (On-the-job training, internship, or an apprenticeship)
Applicants are required to provide work-based learning components as part of their training, in
partnership with employers in their region. To meet this requirement, they are encouraged to partner
with employers in their region, especially equity eligible contractors and businesses that are certified
through the Business Enterprise Program. They are also encouraged to direct participants to work-
based learning opportunities (including apprenticeships or on-the-job training) during or after they
complete training.
D-7. Tools and equipment
This training requires the following:
Classroom or mobile HVAC lab
HVAC Hand Tools such as Crescent Wrenches, Hammers, Screwdrivers, Pliers, Tape Measure
HVAC Safety Tools such as Multimeter, Safety Goggles, Footwear
HVAC Specialty Tools such as Thermometer, Reciprocating Saw, Caulking Gun, HVAC Software
Laptops, tablets, and/or computer lab
Course materials/books
D-8. Estimated training length
The training for HVAC Installer should involve a minimum of 140 hours which may encompass in-person,
on-line, or hybrid instruction.
D-9. Training size
This training is recommended for cohorts of 15-20 students.
D-10. Instructor requirements
Instructors must have intermediate to expert level knowledge of the curriculum modules in the Core
Curriculum section below. Instructors must have significant experience in HVAC system design,
installation, and maintenance.
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Instructional staff must have a strong connection to target populations and communities and be capable
of cultivating a welcoming, inclusive environment. All staff, including instructors, must be trained on
Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Equity and committed to upholding these values.
We recommend that the instruction team consist of:
Lead instructor
Facilitator, especially during labs
Training admin/logistics support to assist with support services, stipends, scheduling
D-11. Training objectives
The learners should demonstrate their mastery of the following training objectives:
Identify and evaluate basic and advanced HVAC systems (including heat pumps), and their
components, operation, and efficiency.
Display knowledge of fundamental principles of how HVAC systems (including heat pumps)
operate, including basic HVAC troubleshooting, basic electrical concepts, and identification of
energy fuel types (e.g., propane, natural gas, all electric systems), and apply this knowledge to
analyze HVAC systems.
Demonstrate an understanding of governmental regulations and local and state building codes,
contract provisions, and construction standards relevant to HVAC systems, and comply with
them in all aspects of the work.
Assess building/unit components regarding energy consumption and health and safety-related
issues and generate a proposed scope of work based on cost-effectiveness, client priorities,
and/or other energy efficiency program requirements, and effectively communicate this to
Practice basic accounting and cost estimating related to construction/retrofit and building
operations and use this knowledge to inform decision-making related to HVAC upgrades.
Generate a recommended scope of work, including the cost-effectiveness of the proposed work,
and apply this knowledge to inform HVAC system retrofit decision-making.
Identify and calculate potential savings from green energy retrofits, including HVAC systems and
upgrades to high-efficiency retrofits, and use this information to inform decision-making related
to energy efficiency upgrades.
D-12. Curriculum content overview
The table below presents four domains of content recommended for HVAC Mechanics and Installers
Sector-Specific Technical Skills, which are recommended for use in the training. Training should align
with the NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code) and ACCA QI-5 (HVAC Quality Installations) standard. The
content should also align with NREL’s Standard Work Specifications (SWS).
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Table 4: HVAC content domains
Domain 1
Domain 2
Basic technical knowledge
Basic installation skills
-Demonstrate how to operate a basic residential HVAC
Identify and describe the function of system
components of residential HVAC systems (
e.g., furnace,
air conditioner, coil, heat pump boiler, geothermal heat
Demonstrate technical knowledge of sizing piping,
wiring, fuses and breakers in residential heating and
cooling systems.
Demonstrate knowledge of tools required in the HVAC
trade a
nd how to operate them.
-Demonstrate and describe installation techniques of
residential natural gas heating, heat pump, and cooling
equipment according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Demonstrate and describe the procedures of measuring,
and joining of copper tubing, black iron pipe, PVC
pipe, and CVPC pipe.
Demonstrate and describe the procedures of measuring,
and joining sheet metal.
Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot HVAC systems
Demonstrate how to read blueprints and wiring
-Understand how to input and translate a load calculation
Follow the specs and P.M.I. of the equipment you are
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Domain 3
Domain 4
Work safety standards and practices
Customer service and sales
-Demonstrate and describe proper refrigerant
techniques according to EPA 608
Demonstrate and describe ladder and fall prevention
safety in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910
Read and execute safety plan for HVAC system
-Construct and deliver a sales presentation
Prepare an HVAC construction/remodel plan for a client
Explain the work order
Perform work order system
Assign work orders to other HVAC technicians
Follow through with technicians to verify work has been
complete and work orde
rs closed out properly
-Work with outside vendors, engineers and consultants on
projects affecting HVAC systems on buildings and
incorporate their designs.
D-13. Assessment methods
Students should be evaluated via the following:
In-class exams
In-class/lab evaluation
EPA Section 608 Certification exam
N.A.T.E certification exams or HVAC Excellence exams.
Final exam including hands on demonstration
Additional instruction, coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship, may be needed for individuals who
require supplementary or different supports to be successful. A variety of different assessment
strategies, such as lab evaluation and demonstrated knowledge proficiency, are encouraged to account
for participants’ unique learning styles. Importantly, not all ways of learning and means of assessment
have been a significant part of everyone’s educational background.
D-14. Certification
Training must prepare people to take the EPA Section 608 Certification exam.
We recommend that training prepare people for one or more of the following certification exams.
Programs have the flexibility to select the exams that best meet their needs:
NATE certifications
NATE Ready-to-Work certificate (fundamentals and safety)
NATE Core Exam
Specialty exam: Air to Air Heat Pump (installation or service)
NATE Certified HVAC Professional exams (5 exams: HVAC Fundamentals, Electrical and Controls,
Comfort and Airflow, Installation, and Service).
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HVAC Excellence Employment Ready certifications:
Air conditioning
Basic refrigeration and charging procedures
Electric Heat
Heat Pumps/Geothermal Heat Pumps
Building Automation Systems
D-15. References & example curriculum
ACCA QI-5 (HVAC Quality Installations) standard.
EPA refrigerant certification
Green Building Career Map
NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code)
Understanding by Design
US Department of Labor’s Renewable Energy Competency Model
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The CEJA workforce construction and building inspector training specialty is designed to prepare people
for a career as a construction inspector and/or as a building inspector. The course prepares students to
investigate building components, building integrity, safe operation of mechanicals and appliances, and
health and safety issues. Upon completion of the training, students will have a firm grasp of the skills
and competencies needed to be successful construction and building inspectors and be prepared to
challenge the State of Illinois Licensed Home Inspector exam.
E-1. Demonstration of need for training
To develop this training program, applicants will need to demonstrate the need for this training in their
region. We recommend reaching out to employers and workforce development organizations in the
region to better understand the employment and training needs. To demonstrate need, applicants will
need to, at a minimum, describe:  
The approximate number of construction and building inspector job openings and current jobs
in your region.
The potential benefits to equity investment eligible populations within the region.
Existing construction and building inspector training programs in the region and any training
program gaps.  
The need for new employees, as demonstrated through employer partnerships. Employers must
express a need for new employees and a willingness to hire graduates of the program through a
Memorandum of Agreement. 
E-2. Training description
The CEJA workforce construction and building inspector training specialty is designed to prepare people
for a career as a construction inspector and/or as a building inspector. The course trains on the basic
construction skills needed by an inspector to thoroughly investigate building materials, its integrity, safe
operation of mechanicals and appliances, as well as health and safety training through on-line or
blended training, field training, and classroom environment. Upon completion of the training, students
will have a firm grasp of the skills and competencies needed to be successful in inspections, or building
maintenance, and be prepared to take the State of Illinois Licensed Home Inspector exam.
E-3. Training outcomes
Upon completion of the training, students will be prepared to take the State of Illinois Licensed Home
Inspector exam and/or apply for an entry level position in as a construction or building inspector.
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E-4. Job(s)/roles trained by this training
Licensed Home Inspector
Property/ Building Maintenance Professional
E-5. Career progression
Energy Auditor/ Building Analyst Professional
Weatherization Installer and Technician
Quality Control Inspector
E-6. Prerequisites
Before beginning technical training, participants should:
Be comfortable on ladders and rooftops
Be comfortable using basic tools
Be comfortable working independently and in teams
Be capable of working 6-8 hours per day in the field (with occasional overtime)
Be able to do math and read at an 8
grade level or higher
Be able to use computers/tablets to perform basic calculations
Be prepared to learn new techniques and terminology
Have the necessary soft skills for effective communication
By completing the bridge program, participants should have these required competencies.
E-7. Learning environment and format
It is strongly recommended that the technical training be offered as an in-person classroom and lab-
based course, with extensive hands-on components. Classroom/lab should have enough workspace for
students to work individually and in groups.
Access to either a computer lab or laptops is helpful to support student evaluation/testing and
calculations. Portions of this curriculum may be taught using either synchronous or asynchronous e-
Learning with the appropriate support systems.
Throughout, Workforce Hubs should create a trusting and supportive environment in which participants
feel a sense of belonging to and significance of the clean energy industry. Workforce Hubs must
reinforce and build from participants’ existing knowledge and strengths. The learning environment is a
place where participants know their cultural values, current knowledge, and experiences are
transferable and reflected in the clean energy industry. Instructors should share relevant examples and
tell relatable stories during training.
Undergirding this environment is a willingness to discuss and address difficult topics and work to find
equitable solutions. Successful programs will acknowledge in the curriculum and among participants the
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52 | Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework
environmental and historical factors that impact underserved and disadvantaged groups. Exclusionary
practices have no place within the learning environment.
At least 10% of the curriculum hours should be work-based learning activities. Work-based learning
(WBL), as defined by the Illinois, provides participants with the opportunity to engage and interact with
industry experts (employers), while learning to demonstrate essential employability and technical skills
necessary for today’s workforce. WBL is defined in Perkins V legislation as “sustained interactions with
industry or community professionals in real workplace settings, to the extent practicable, or simulated
environments at an educational institution that foster in-depth, firsthand engagement with the tasks
required in a given career field, that are aligned to curriculum and instruction.” Work-based learning
may include:
Career awareness activities
Career exploration activities
Workplace experience (hands-on work experience at a work site, supervised by an employer)
Career development experience (On-the-job training, internship, or an apprenticeship)
Applicants are required to provide work-based learning components as part of their training, in
partnership with employers in their region. To meet this requirement, they are encouraged to partner
with employers in their region, especially equity eligible contractors and businesses that are certified
through the Business Enterprise Program. They are also encouraged to direct participants to work-
based learning opportunities (including apprenticeships or on-the-job training) during or after they
complete training.
E-8. Tools and equipment
This training requires the following:
Tool bag
Basic inspection tools set (ladder, screwdriver set, measuring device, digital camera, flashlight,
outlet polarity tester, non-contact voltage tester etc.)
Access to power drill
Laptops and/or computer lab
Course materials/books
E-9. Estimated training length
The training for Construction and Building Inspectors, Residential should involve a minimum of 80 hours
which may encompass in-person, on-line, or hybrid instruction.
E-10. Training size
This training is recommended for cohorts of up to 10-15 students. Student outcomes should include
taking the State of Illinois Licensed Home Inspector and job placement.
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E-11. Instructor requirements
Instructors must have intermediate to expert level knowledge of the curriculum modules in the Core
Curriculum section below.
Instructional staff must have a strong connection to target populations and communities and be capable
of cultivating a welcoming, inclusive environment. All staff, including instructors, must be trained on
Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Equity and committed to upholding these values.
We recommend that the instruction team consist of:
Lead instructor
Facilitator, especially during labs
Training admin/logistics support to assist with support services, stipends, scheduling
E-12. Training objectives
Identify, evaluate, and determine current and potential issues of a building's shell, including roof
type and condition, chimneys, flashing, exterior building cladding, site drainage, vegetation, and
grading pitch at perimeter, and apply this knowledge to assess building integrity and safety.
Display knowledge of fundamental principles of electrical components, including height of
electrical line from utility to mask (service entrance), electric panel or breaker box type and
condition, outlet polarity, amperage, wire size and type, and condition of light fixtures, and
apply this knowledge to assess electrical safety and functionality.
Inspect for egress, including window and door operation, and apply this knowledge to assess
occupant safety and accessibility.
Evaluate plumbing components at hot water heater, faucets, showerheads, and proper drainage
configurations, and apply this knowledge to assess plumbing safety and functionality.
Determine the safety and functionality of installed appliances such as oven, refrigerator,
dishwasher, and kitchen ventilation (e.g., microwave vent or range hood), and apply this
knowledge to assess occupant safety and comfort.
Evaluate the condition of the heating system(s), ensuring heat is supplied to all living and
sleeping areas, and apply this knowledge to assess occupant safety and comfort.
Assess building/unit components regarding integrity, function, and health and safety-related
issues, and generate a detailed report regarding recommendations and hazards discovered at
the time of inspection, and effectively communicate this to stakeholders.
Practice basic accounting and cost estimating related to construction/retrofit and building
operations and use this knowledge to inform decision-making related to repair or retrofit
Use building inspector software to generate a report, including recommendations of
professionals (e.g., roofing, electrical, plumbing professionals) as a guide to repair function or
safety issues found, and effectively communicate this to stakeholders.
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E-13. Curriculum content overview
The table below presents Construction and Building Inspectors tasks for Sector-Specific Technical Skill
(Tier 5) in three levels which are recommended to address in the training. The scope of work must also
align with NREL’s Standard Work Specifications (SWS).
Table 5: Construction and Building Inspector Content Domains
Domain I
Domain II
Domain III
-Knowledge of building
Ability to identify and describe
them and their
Collect exterior, interior, attics,
basement/ crawlspace, mechanical
Document the building history.
Conduct a physical/visual
-Ability to determine whether a
building is safe to occupy.
List hazards such as tripping,
cutting, electrical, falling,
presence of mold
, asbestos,
potential radon etc.
-Generate a report using home
inspector software.
Address each section of
List deficiencies and include
Recommend qualified
professional(s) for repairs.
E-14. Assessment methods
We recommend students be evaluated via the following:
In-class exams
In class/lab evaluation
State of Illinois Licensed Home Inspector exam
Final exam including hands on demonstration
Additional instruction, coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship, may be needed for individuals who
require supplementary or different supports to be successful. A variety of different assessment
strategies, such as lab evaluation and demonstrated knowledge proficiency, are encouraged to account
for participants’ unique learning styles. Importantly, not all ways of learning and means of assessment
have been a significant part of everyone’s educational background.
E-15. Certification
Training must include all knowledge required to challenge the Home Inspector Exam.
E-16. References and example curriculum
Green Building Career Map
Understanding by Design
US Department of Labor’s Renewable Energy Competency Model
Weatherization Standardized Curricula: Weatherization Assistance Program
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There are relatively few training programs and standard curricula available to prepare people to service
and repair hybrid and electric vehicles, in part because technologies are evolving quickly, electric vehicle
technologies are often proprietary, and the electric/hybrid vehicle demand is still low in many areas.
Therefore, what follows is a set of recommendations, rather than a standard curriculum framework for
this focus area
Due to the growing demand for electric and hybrid vehicles in Illinois, Workforce Hubs, especially those
hubs located in areas with a large demand for electric and hybrid vehicles, are encouraged to partner
with existing automotive technician training programs to add hybrid/EV training components to their
More and more municipalities in Illinois are electrifying their bus fleets, and there is a large demand in
Illinois for bus and truck mechanics with training to diagnose, service, and repair these larger vehicles as
well. Workforce Hubs that work with bus and truck technician training programs are encouraged to add
hybrid or electric vehicle training components to their programs.
Training to maintain and repair hybrid and electric vehicles is typically approached as an advanced
training topic, after technicians have mastered basic diagnosis, service, and repair topics (e.g., engine
repair, automatic transmission, manual drive train & axles, suspension & steering, brakes,
electrical/electronic systems, heating & air conditioning, and engine performance).
However, there is a growing need for all technicians to learn some electrical and safety basics so that
they can safely service electric and hybrid vehicles.
For automotive training programs that wish to add an EV training component to their program, we offer
the following recommendations:
For all programs: Make sure your program has a strong electrical training foundation (such as a
course on automotive electrical/electronic systems). This course could be adapted to include
electric vehicle topics (see below).
For all programs: Provide safety training for working with high voltage electric and hybrid
vehicles, based on industry standards.
Consider adding an advanced course that addresses basic maintenance and repair of hybrid and
electric vehicles.
Integrate hybrid and electric vehicle topics in other courses as relevant.
Provide hands-on training on actual hybrid and/or electric vehicles or simulators, if possible,
through connections with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).
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Develop strong connections to repair shops and dealerships servicing hybrid and electric
Workforce Hubs may request program funds to develop and deliver a new hybrid/EV training
component for an existing automotive program. Workforce hub program funds may be requested for
training instructors to deliver the curriculum and for purchasing vehicles, simulators, learning materials,
and other equipment. Training providers are encouraged to leverage industry partnerships and other
funding sources to purchase vehicles and equipment as well.    
F-1. Curriculum recommendations
Hybrid/electric vehicle curriculum should be developed through strong employer and industry input and
based on industry standards, such as ASE standards.
Developing EV safety curriculum
The ASE Education Foundation’s most recent 2023 Medium/Heavy Truck Program Standards includes a
new “Electrified Vehicle High Voltage Safety” section under Electrical/Electronic Systems. The tasks in
this section are also applicable for Automobile Programs and can be used to guide curriculum
development on EV safety. The ASE Education Foundation expects to add these tasks to Automobile
Program Standards soon.
The first five tasks in the Electrified Vehicle High Voltage Safety section are now required for all ASE
accredited Truck Training Programs, including Inspection, Maintenance, and Minor Repair programs at
high schools:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of hazards related to high voltage system/electric vehicles, including
electrocution, fire, explosion, arc flash, gases and fumes, hazardous chemicals, and EMF, and
how to properly respond to emergency situations.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of high voltage system and component coloring, warning labels, lights,
signage, and lock-out/tag-out procedures.
3. Demonstrate ability to identify which components and circuits contain high voltage.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of steps needed to assess possible hazards prior to servicing a high
voltage/electric vehicle, including awareness of automatic systems that may operate while the
key switch/ignition is off.
5. Understand limitations on which systems, components, and circuits of a high voltage/electric
vehicle a technician is capable of safely servicing based on their level of training and
Tasks 6-10 below are now required for all ASE accredited Truck Service Technology programs and
Master Truck Service Technology programs.
6. Demonstrate knowledge of special multimeters, insulated tools, and other test equipment
required for use in high voltage/electric vehicle circuits.
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7. Demonstrate knowledge of personal protective equipment (PPE) required for use in high
voltage/electric vehicle circuits.
8. Demonstrate knowledge of proper procedures used to disconnect/isolate the high voltage
traction battery.
9. Demonstrate knowledge of the use of a live-dead-live test to verify isolation of the high voltage
traction battery.
10. Demonstrate knowledge of the testing and verification of ground circuit isolation between
vehicle chassis ground and the high voltage circuits components.
We recommend that all training programs incorporate these high voltage/electric vehicle safety tasks
into their existing electrical coursework or develop a separate class to address these topics.
Developing advanced EV service and repair curriculum
Programs that wish to go beyond these safety basics should consider adding a course that prepares
students for ASE Light Duty Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Specialist (L3) exam. This exam is regularly updated
to meet the changing demands of the industry. Updates for the 2023 version are currently underway
and are expected to be available in the fall of 2023. A task list and sample questions for the older
version can be found here.
Here are a few curriculum options to consider to prepare people for the ASE L3 exam:
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 1
edition (Pearson, 2022). By James D. Halderman and Curt Ward.
This training is appropriate for a 3
or 4
semester course in electrical systems, though it can be
used as a standalone curriculum as well. It is aligned with the ASE L3 exam and is part of the
Pearson Automotive Professional Technician Series.
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicle Education Program (National Alternative Fuels Training
Consortium, 2013). Though the NAFTC is currently revising the curriculum to address battery
electric vehicles in greater depth, the basic components of the curriculum are still relevant.  It is
aligned with the ASE L3 exam.
Light Duty Hybrid & Electric Vehicles, 1
edition (CDX Learning Systems, 2023). By Mark L.
Quarto and Nicholas Goodnight. This curriculum, aligned with the ASE L3 exam, prepares
students to be entry-level technicians and covers topics including hybrid/EV safety systems,
battery chemistries, power conversion, motor operation, and interconnected network dynamics.
A textbook and online curriculum with resources for an online course are both available.
Electric Vehicles: A Systems Approach (G-W, 2024). By Sean Bennett. This curriculum provides
foundational knowledge to safely service all types of electric vehicles, with a strong emphasis on
high-voltage safety.
F-2. OEM partnerships
Automotive programs in Illinois have partnered with several different Original Equipment
Manufacturers, including Rivian and Ford, to offer training on specific proprietary hybrid or electric
vehicle technologies. 
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Training providers are encouraged, if feasible, to partner with an OEM to provide hands-on training on
specific hybrid and electric vehicle technologies. These partnerships also provide excellent opportunities
for trainees to receive on-the-job training and to find employment after completing the training
F-3. Equipment needs
Simulators, videos, and virtual reality technology can be used to provide training on high voltage safety
basics. Hands-on training on actual hybrid and electric vehicles is also recommended. Work with a local
OEM partner to explore training equipment and vehicles that can be used.
Training programs should also have personal protective equipment (safety glasses, HV class zero 1,000-
volt gloves), HV digital volt ohm meters that can handle up to 1,000 volts, milliohm meters, electrical-
insulated EV tools, and insulation testers.
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Workforce Hubs, especially those in areas where wind farms have been or are being developed, are
encouraged to support or develop new wind training programs to train participants for entry level wind
turbine construction or maintenance jobs, such as wind technician. Workforce Hubs may connect
participants to existing wind training programs or on-the-job training or apprenticeships offered by
To develop a new wind training program, Workforce Hubs and their training providers must have strong
connections to wind employers to assist with curriculum development, work-based learning
opportunities, and job placement. There must also be a clear demand for wind technician jobs in the
region where the training will be offered.
There are few standardized, up-to-date curricula and certifications for wind turbine technicians and
installers, in part because technologies are often proprietary. Therefore, what follows is a set of
recommendations for developing a new wind turbine technician training program, rather than a
standard curriculum framework for this focus area.
G-1. Program design recommendations
In Illinois and elsewhere, there are a variety of wind training programs that vary in length and design.
Some wind training programs are part of a larger renewable energy program at a community college or
technical school. Associate degree programs and shorter vocational certificate programs are both
feasible. Larger wind employers often train people on the job rather than requiring people to acquire
the training beforehand.
Wind technician curriculum should be developed through strong employer and industry input and based
on industry standards, to the extent that they are available.
Safety and electrical fundamentals training
Wind employers that operate in Illinois have indicated that electrical and safety fundamentals would be
very helpful for entry-level technicians. We recommend that training programs consider offering a short
certificate program that covers these fundamentals to prepare people for entry-level employment and
on-the-job training offered by employers. These topics might include:
o First Aid/CPR
o OSHA 10 and OSHA 30
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o ENSA Climb and Rescue
o Safe lockout practices
o NFPA 70E Arc Flash Safety
Electrical fundamentals
o Current, voltage and resistance in different configurations of electrical circuits
o Transformers & circuits
o Electromagnetism and induction
o Components of electric motors
Longer training programs (such as a renewable energy associate degree program) that have greater
access to wind turbine components and systems might cover additional topics, such as:
Hands-on training on wind turbine components and systems
Hands-on training on installation, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of wind
turbine electromechanical systems
Training on components and process of electrical power generation and delivery systems
G-2. Curriculum examples
Introduction to Wind Energy; Wind Turbine Maintenance Trainee Guide, Level 1, Volumes 1 and
2 (Contren Learning [Pearson], first edition, 2011). By NCCER.
Volume 1 Key content areas: Intro to Wind Energy, Intro to Wind Turbine Safety, Climbing Wind
Towers, Intro to Electrical Circuits, Electrical Theory, Electrical Test Equipment, and Electrical
Volume 2 key content areas: AC and 3-phase systems, circuit breakers and fuses, switching
devices, wind turbine power distribution systems, fasteners and torquing, intro to bearings,
lubrication, intro to hydraulic systems.
Maintenance Fundamentals for Wind Technicians (Cengage, 1
edition, 2013). By Wayne
Kilcollins. Topics include intro to wind energy, tower safety, workplace safety, lubrication, fluid
power, bolting practices, test equipment, component alignment, down tower assembly, tower,
machine head, drive train, generator, rotor assembly, external surfaces, developing a
preventative maintenance program, wind farm management tools.
G-3. Learning environment and format
Technical training may be offered through in-person classroom and lab-based courses, with extensive
hands-on components. Access to either a computer lab or laptops is helpful to support student
evaluation/testing and calculations. Portions of this curriculum may be taught using either synchronous
or asynchronous e-Learning with the appropriate support systems.
Tools and equipment may include:
Basic handheld tools (hammer, screwdriver, pliers, wire cutters, etc.)
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Access to power tools
Access to electrical diagnostic equipment
Battery capacity testing devices (e.g., load tester)
Course materials/books
Access to training towers or tower simulation stands
Access to full body harnesses for high-elevation safety training
Laptops, tablets, and/or computer lab
Software for estimation of wind turbine power generation and efficiency
Software for electrical malfunction diagnosis
G-4. Certification
Safety certifications recommended include:
Climb and Rescue
OSHA 10 and OSHA 30
First Aid/CPR/AED
NFPA 70E Arc Flash Safety
G-5. Other references
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Career Map: Wind Technician
Northwest Renewable Energy Institute: Wind Turbine and Telecom Technician Training Program
O*NET OnLine: Wind Turbine Service Technicians
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Building Performance Institute, June 10, 2020, Energy Auditor Certification Scheme Handbook,
Clean Jobs Midwest, 2022. 2021 Illinois Fact Sheet. Clean-Jobs-Midwest-2022_Illinois.pdf
Illinois Community College Board and Education Systems Center at Northern Illinois University, August
2021. State of Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide: Architecture, Construction, and Energy.
Illinois Community College Board and Education Systems Center at Northern Illinois University, October
2020. State of Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide: Manufacturing and Engineering.
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Education Systems Center at Northern
Illinois University, JFF, and JPMorgan Chase, 2022. Recommended Technical and Essential Employability
Competencies for College and Career Pathway Endorsements.
Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). “Employment Projections.
Illinois Department of Transportation, August 1, 2022. “Illinois Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
Deployment Plan.”
Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC), 10 February 2022. “Clean Energy Career Maps.”
Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC), 25 Oct. 2022. “National Clean Energy Workforce Alliance.”
25 Oct. 2022,
Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC), July 25, 2022. National Solar Jobs Census 2021.
Katz, Jennifer, 2012. Teaching to Diversity: The Three-Block Model of Universal Design for Learning.
Keyser, David, et al., 2022, United States Energy & Employment Report. Department of Energy Office of
Policy, Washington, DC. U.S. Energy & Employment Jobs Report (USEER) | Department of Energy
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Muro, Mark, et al. Brookings Institute, Metropolitan Policy Program, 2019, pp. 440, Advancing Inclusion
through Clean Energy Jobs.
NABCEP, 2011. Objectives and Task Analysis for a Professional Small Wind Energy System Installer.
NABCEP, December 2017. PV Installation Professional Job Task Analysis.
NABCEP, August 2018. PV Technical Sales Job Task Analysis.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2011. Job Task Analysis: Energy Auditor.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2020. State-Level Employment Projections for Four Clean Energy
Technologies in 2025 and 2030.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2019. Weatherization Crew Leader Job Task Analysis.
New York State of Energy Research and Development Authority, 2022. 2021 New York Clean Energy
Industry Report.
Pollin, Robert, et al. August 4, 2022. Job Creation Estimates Through Proposed Inflation Reduction Act;
Modeling Impacts of Climate, Energy, and Environmental Provisions of Bill. Political Economy Research
Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Sederberg, R, et al., April 8, 2022. Green Jobs Now: Illinois. Working Nation.
Smart Energy Design Assistance Center, 2020. Energy Efficiency Workforce Stakeholder Outreach
Smart Energy Design Assistance Center, 2019. Literature Review: Workforce Development and
Diversification for the Ameren Illinois Market Development Initiative.
Truitt, Sarah, et al. 2022, pp. 1145, State-Level Employment Projections for Four Clean Energy
Technologies in 2025 and 2030. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
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US Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. “Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
Career Map.” Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Career Map | Department of Energy
US Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, n.d. Job/Task Analysis for
an Operating Engineer/Building Technician.
US Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. “Wind Career Map.”
US Department of Labor. “O*Net Online.
US Department of Labor Career One Stop, 2018. “Advanced Commercial Buildings Energy Management
Competency Model.”
US Department of Labor Career One Stop, 2019, “Commercial and Industrial Construction Competency
US Department of Labor Career One Stop, 2018, “Energy Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Competency Model.”
US Department of Labor Career One Stop, 2017, “Renewable Energy Competency Model.”
US Department of Labor Career One Stop, 2019, “Residential Construction Competency Model.”
WIOA Works Illinois. 2022. 2022 WIOA Regional and Local Planning.”