Components of a Resume:
Contact Info, Education, Experience (Leadership, Work, Relevant, Involvement, etc.), Optional - Skills/
General Resume Tips:
Include your GPA - You should always include your cumulative average (to the hundredth). If your cumulative
average is below a 3.00, consider including your major GPA in addition to your cumulative GPA if it is over
3.00. Do NOT round your GPA up.
List experiences in terms of “power” - Experiences do NOT need to be listed in chronological order (most
recent to oldest).
Think about which experiences you most want to feature because they are either the most relevant or
where you had the most success or biggest contribution.
Discuss accomplishments instead of listing job duties.
When drafting your resume, keep the following in mind:
Tips for Freshmen & Sophomores:
Include high school experiences if they provide valuable skills to your resume, but only keep them on
your resume until the end of sophomore year. These experiences should be removed first as you gain
experience in college. Your high school institution should be the first item removed.
List the Smeal College of Business if you are in Smeal. List Division of Undergraduate Studies if you are in
DUS (change to Smeal once you are officially in the college).
Work to build leadership experience and highlight progression, For example, denote if you were
promoted from lifeguard to head lifeguard.
Smeal Resume Tips, Samples, and Formats
Business Career Center | 114 Business Building | careerconnections.smeal.psu.edu
Do NOT embellish experiences or your GPA-
recruiters do typically ask for your unofficial
Check and recheck for spelling/grammar mistakes
Keep your resume to one page
You can include your address but it isn’t
necessary. If you include, you should list your
school address and can also include your home
address. International students do not need to
include their home country address
Include an appropriate email address that you
check frequently
Keep your margins between .5 – 1.0”
Communicate key skills in every bullet point
Keep your formatting consistent (i.e. all dates
along the right side of the resume)
Use the same size font [10-12”] for everything but
your name [16-18”]
Be consistent with the type of font (i.e. all titles of
positions in italics) and the way dates are written
(abbreviate all months or spell all months out)
Use Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial as your
font style
Do NOT use a Microsoft or web-based resume
template; they are challenging to edit. There is a
downloadable Smeal resume format available on
the Business Career Center website
Do NOT use web-based systems like Google
Docs to create your resume - stick to Microsoft
DO NOT print your file from a web browser PDF
viewer - this can skew the margins. Be sure to
download your resume locally and print it from
Adobe Reader
Save your resume as a PDF with your name as the
file title (i.e. Sally.SmithResume20XX)
Bullet Point Tips
Start with a strong action verb (supervised, trained, led, organized, etc.)
Use industry-specific keywords and quantify your accomplishments. Review each job posting to identify key
language to highlight in your resume.
What tasks did you perform?
What were those tasks used to accomplish? What did you actually do?
Why was this helpful or important?
Who did it help?
Were there any outcomes?
List skills such as computer software that are relevant to the position you are applying to.
Simply stating that you are proficient in Microsoft Excel could mislead a recruiter. Explain how you have used
the skills through an activity, a project, or if you completed coursework focusing on a specific program. It is
better to incorporate skills info specific bullet points instead of listing them in a skills section.
Penn State Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
Student Intern, Businesss Career Center August 20XX – May 20XX
Prepared Excel spreadsheets for online research for 9 professors and 3 graduate students
XYZ Company State College, PA
Marketing Intern May 20XX - August 20XX
Designed weekly customer newsletters in Adobe InDesign
Sample Action Words:
Led a project:
Developed something:
Made something efficient:
Increased something:
Changed/improved something:
Managed a team:
Researched something:
Supported customers:
Task What did you do? Who did it help? Why was it
Waited Tables Communicated
with customers
specific sales and
with back of the
house and wait
staff team
Store owners,
Created efficient
food delivery
Followed proper
food handling
transaction sales
by 10%
Employee of
the month/top
selling employee
customer seating
time by 5%
Major-Specific Requirements, 2-Piece Sequence, Major “Options”
Having a minor, 2-piece sequence, or major “option” can enhance your resume by showcasing specific
focuses, additional skills, and career interests.
Be sure you can comment on how those skills relate to the job function you are pursuing throughout the
recruiting process (resume, career fairs, interviews, etc.)
Demonstrate what makes you stand out as a candidate because of the additional coursework
Major “Option”
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
B.S. in Management, Human Capital Management/Organizational Leadership May 20XX
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
B.S. in Risk Management, Enterprise Risk Management/Real Estate May 20XX
2-piece Sequence
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management and Information Systems May 20XX
Additional coursework in Accounting (6 credits)
(Don’t say 2-piece sequence –employers don’t know that term)
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
Bachelor of Science in Finance, Minor in Economics May 20XX
Actuarial Science Exams
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science May 20XX
ExamP – Passed, January 20XX
Exam FM – Passed, August 20XX
Exam MLC – Sitting, November 20XX
If you are majoring in accounting, be sure to accurately list how you intend to complete 150 credits if you
plan to obtain the CPA certification. Listing the appropriate Master of Accounting (MAcc) option (one-year or
integrated) or that you intend to complete 150 credits by graduation is important to recruiters.
Four-Year Accounting Students
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
Bachelor of Science in Accounting May 20XX
Four-Year Accounting Students who will obtain 150 hours in four years
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
Bachelor of Science in Accounting May 20XX
Will obtain 150 credit hours by graduation (or in four years) GPA
Four-Year Accounting Students who are planning on applying for the 1-year MACC program
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
Bachelor of Science in Accounting May 20XX
Anticipated 150 credits completed by August 20XX
MAcc Students
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
Master of Accounting (MAcc), Bachelor of Science in Accounting May 20XX
Additional coursework in Data Analytics
One Year MAcc Program
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
One-Year Master of Accounting (MAcc) Aug. 20XX
Additional coursework in Data Analytics Cum. GPA & Major GPA
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
Bachelor of Science in Accounting May 20XX
Cum. GPA & Major GPA
Smeal Alumni Mentor Program
Did you have a Smeal Alumni Mentor? Below is how you can indicate that experience on your resume in your
experiences section.
Penn State Smeal Alumni Mentor Program University Park, PA
Mentee Month 20XX – Month 20XX
Learned…from Smeal alumnus in XZY job field
Networked with …
Studying Abroad- place under ‘Education’ section
Study Abroad Institution (if completed) City, Country
Program Name/Course focus Month 20XX
Skills, Online Free Trainings, And Certifications to Add to Your Resume
Check out these sites to get access to free online trainings and certifications.
edx.org – offers MOOCs (massive open online courses from Universities)
Highlighted Learning Path Trainings In Lynda.psu.edu
Highlighted Individual Trainings In Lynda.psu.edu
How To List Lynda.com Trainings & Certifications On A Resume
Example 1: Professional Training
Completed the Managing Up training in Lynda.com (1 hour)
Lynda.com certified Excel 2013 Specialist (25 hours)
Example 2: Skills
Completed the Become a Leader learning path in Lynda.com (10 hours)
Completed the Google Analytics Essential Training in Lynda.com (3 hours)
Example 3: Skills & Professional Training
Lynda.com Completed Trainings: Excel Quick Tips, Learning Office 365, & Persuading Others (4 hours)
Technical Skills
Excel Quick Tips (26 minutes)
Learning Excel 2016 (1 hour)
Learning Access 2016 (1 hour)
Learning Office 365 (2 hours)
Excel for Marketers (2 hours)
Excel for Sale Professionals (3 hours)
Google Analytics Essential Training (3 hours)
Communication Skills:
Writing Formal Business Letters and Emails (38
Giving & Receiving Feedback (49 minutes)
Persuading Others (33 minutes)
Managing Up (1 hour)
Business Etiquette: Phone, Email, & Text (1 hour)
Working with Difficult People (2 hours)
Job Skills: Learning the Basics (19 minutes)
Technical Skills:
Excel 2013 Specialist (25 hours)
Improving Excel Skills (18 hours)
Communication Skills:
Become a Leader (10 hours)
Improve your Presentation Skills (5 hours)
Legal First Name (Optional: Preferred Name) Last Name (Sample Smeal Format)
(111) 111-1111 | [email protected]
The Pennsylvania State University City, ST
Smeal College of Business (or Division of Undergraduate Studies) Month 20XX
Bachelor of Science in (Freshmen/Sophomore: Intended Bachelor of Science in) GPA: X.XX
Insert Minor or Secondary Major here (delete this line if you don’t have one) Dean’s List X/X semesters
High School (This should be removed after rst semester of Freshmen Year) City or Country, ST
(Can put AP classes here or any scholarships/special awards received) Month 20XX
Study Abroad Institution (if completed) City, Country
Program Name/Course focus Month 20XX
HEADING LABEL (Examples of labels: Work, Leadership, Involvement, Activities, Volunteer, etc.)
Organization/Employer City or Country (if abroad), ST
Position title Month Year – Month Year
Accomplishments and results (quantify if possible). For each bullet point, try to include: What task you completed,
the Purpose of the task, How you completed the task, and show any Results
Start each bullet with a strong action word (facilitate, lead, organize, train, etc.) – visit careerconnections.psu.edu for
more examples
Aim for 2-5 bullets for each experience
Organization/Employer City or Country (if abroad), ST
Position title Month Year – Month Year
Accomplishments and results (quantify if possible). For each bullet point, try to include: What task you completed,
the Purpose of the task, How you completed the task, and show any Results
Start each bullet with a strong action word (facilitate, lead, organize, train, etc.) – visit careerconnections.psu.edu for
more examples
Aim for 2-5 bullets for each experience
HEADING LABEL (Examples of labels: Work, Leadership, Involvement, Activities, Volunteer, etc.)
Organization/Employer City or Country (if abroad), ST
Position title Month Year – Month Year
Accomplishments and results (quantify if possible). For each bullet point, try to include: What task you completed,
the Purpose of the task, How you completed the task, and show any Results
Start each bullet with a strong action word (facilitate, lead, organize, train, etc.) – visit careerconnections.psu.edu for
more examples
Aim for 2-5 bullets for each experience
Organization/Employer City or Country (if abroad), ST
Position title Month Year – Month Year
Accomplishments and results (quantify if possible). For each bullet point, try to include: What task you completed,
the Purpose of the task, How you completed the task, and show any Results
Start each bullet with a strong action word (facilitate, lead, organize, train, etc.) – visit careerconnections.psu.edu for
more examples
Aim for 2-5 bullets for each experience
(Optional – but can showcase computer skills, language skills, and any Honors/interests you would like to share with
Update all elds and save as a PDF with your name as the le title
Legal First Name (Optional: Preferred Name) Last Name (MAcc Resume)
Phone | Email
The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
Master of Accounting (MAcc), Bachelor of Science in Accounting Graduation Month 20XX
Additional Coursework in Data Analytics Cumulative GPA: X.XX, Major GPA X.XX
Dean’s List: X/X semesters
Reznick Group New York, NY
Audit Intern Month Year Month Year
Conducted annual audits and reconciliation activities for 8 commercial real estate clients
Analyzed and used pivot tables in Excel to provide accurate assessments of client financial statements
Maintained accurate records of ledger audits using NetSuite in accordance with Sarbanes-Oxley
Streamlined audit processes for real estate clients as part of a team of 4; resulted in $1M in annualized savings
Communicated directly with clients regarding missing details of financial statements to update and record correct data
Penn State Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) University Park, PA
Tax Preparer, Member Month Year Present
Complete weekly trainings to understand income tax laws and preparation procedures; passed examination to assist low-
income earners file federal income tax forms
Meet with approximately 12 clients each week to accurately and efficiently file federal income taxes
Engage in conversations with members surrounding best practices and ethical behavior in the accounting industry
Penn State Smeal College of Business University Park, PA
Accounting Department Tutor Month Year Present
Tutor approximately 6 students weekly in accounting skills in 2 upper-level accounting courses
Accounting Proctor Month Year Month Year
Proctored exams for approximately 5 hours/week for 200 students; ensured academic integrity standards and Smeal's Honor
Code were upheld by collaborating with professors to resolve academic integrity issues
Work Study Month Year Month Year
Prepared Excel spreadsheets for online research for 9 professors and 3 graduate students
Women in Business University Park, PA
Community Service and Social Committee Month Year Present
Provide insight and planning in a group setting for organization’s Penn State Dance Marathon’s (THON) Events Committee
Contributed to organization’s fundraising total of $51,000 to benefit THON
Design and distribute print and electronic marketing materials for Powerful Women Paving the Way Conference 20XX in
conjunction with team of 4 to attract 180+ student, faculty, staff, and non-Penn State attendees
Top Five Most Active Member, Fall 20XX
Discuss personal and professional issues relevant to women in the corporate world at weekly meetings
Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon (THON) University Park, PA
Entertainment Captain Family Relations Liaison Month Year Month Year
Served as interface between THON families and entertainment committee to create new themes and programs for world's
largest student-run philanthropy in the fight against pediatric cancer
Collaborated with 23 students to plan and manage three family relations events, including a carnival
PwC Case Competition University Park, PA
2nd Place Team Member Month 20XX
Penn State Ultimate Frisbee, Participant Month 20XX - Present
Friendsville Community Pool, Lifeguard (CPR Certified) Month 20XX - Present
Penn State Alumni Trustee Scholarship Recipient, year 20XX
Conversational in Mandarin Chinese
Skills: Advanced in Adobe Photoshop, Intermediate with Microsoft Excel, and familiar with Microsoft Access
Legal First Name (Optional: Preferred Name) Last Name (Junior/Senior Resume)
Phone | Email
The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA
Smeal College of Business May 20XX
Bachelor of Science in Marketing GPA: X.XX
Minor in Economics Dean’s List X/X semesters
Kellogg Company Battle Creek, MI
Retail Sales Intern Month Year Month Year
Exceeded sales goal by 163% with $125,991 in gross sales over a one-month period
Achieved the top sales position among interns by 233%, attaining a total sales volume of over $100,000 in two months
Analyzed target market characteristics and implemented innovative sales strategies which increased client business by 6.1%,
grossing sales of $3,000 during the first week of the internship
Generated sales by maximizing distribution, growing shelf share and pursuing creative secondary positioning
Utilized a full range of data sources to prepare and conduct effective, fact-based, in-store presentations
Student Programming Association University Park, PA
Marketing Director Month Year Present
Direct a diverse team of five in organizing a communications plan that coordinated event management information to 1,000
student organizations across 19 campuses
Improve collaborations among student programming initiatives through implementation of strategic marketing and
communications plan
Manage a $100,000 budget that has been increased to a current budget of $1.2 million due to program success
Develop and executed strategic marketing timelines and presented strategies to board of directors
Penn State American Marketing Association (PSAMA) University Park, PA
Marketing Sales Chair Month Year Month Year
Created marketing strategy for club fundraisers and events
Led brainstorming sessions to generate ideas for new innovative fundraising events resulting in two new initiatives raising
$2000 for the club
Coordinated volunteers for staffing fundraising events resulting in a 20% increase in member participation and support of
Kappa Delta, Beta Theta Chapter Sorority University Park, PA
Panhellenic Delegate Month Year Month Year
Elected as leader to represent chapters interests in all Panhellenic matters discussed at Delegates Council that have an
impact on the chapter and campus and demonstrate positive relations among other sororities
Communicated monthly with the national organization and completed the Annual Panhellenic Report to Nationals including
all documented records and monthly outlines of Panhellenic activities and participation
Planned and managedStand Up, Stand Out,a forum regarding issues affecting American college women
Penn State Dance MaraTHON University Park, PA
Morale Team Member Month Year Present
Raise approximately $2,000 individually through canning and canvassing to help fight pediatric cancer
Provide energy and support for 700 dancers during the 46-hour dance marathon
Penn State Tennis Club University Park, PA
Active Member Month 20XX Present
Texas Roadhouse - Hostess, 20XX 20XX
Conversational in Spanish
Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Canva, Indesign
Legal First Name (Optional: Preferred Name) Last Name (Freshmen/Sophomore Resume)
104 Pennypacker Hall | University Park, PA 16802
(814) 555-5555 | [email protected]
The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA
Division of Undergraduate Studies May 20XX
Intended Bachelor of Science in Marketing (don’t list any GPA until after your first semester)
Harrison Area High School Harrison, NJ
Recipient of James Myers Service Award June 20XX
Beta Alpha Psi University Park, PA
Active Member Month Year Present
Completed the pledge process by attending 7 pledge meetings, 5 professional events and volunteering in three
service events
Penn State Dance MaraTHON University Park, PA
Morale Team Month Year – Month Year
Provided support and motivation for 700 dancers during 46-hour dance marathon benefiting pediatric cancer with a
team of 30
Raised $2,000 individually through canning and canvassing which benefited the Four Diamonds Fund
Blake Beat Harrison, NJ
Managing Sports Editor Month Year – Month Year
Wrote and edited articles for the sports section of the top high school newspaper in the state of New Jersey
Directed 11 peer writers to ensure weekly deadlines were met
Harrison Area High School Varsity Lacrosse Harrison, NJ
Captain, Player Month Year – Month Year
Acted as a liaison between players and coaches to help maintain and boost team morale
Led team in all warm-up and cool-down activities during practices and games
Organized team fundraising for new equipment, which resulted in raising over $2,000
Penn State University Housing Service University Park, PA
Food Service, Student Employee Month Year – Present
Work 10 hours per week while taking full class load
Train new student employees on operations and customer service with Assistant Manager
Handle cash transactions and serve over 400 students and staff members
Dante’s Family Restaurant Harrison, NJ
Server Summers 20XX – 20XX
Provided superior customer service by recommending specific products to customer’s unique preferences
Improved time management skills by efficiently handling approximately 50 customers per shift
Performed store opening and closing duties to ensure restaurant operations would run smoothly during operating
Harrison Area Swim Club Harrison, NJ
Lifeguard, Swim Instructor Month Year Month Year
Assured safety of guests for facility serving approximately 200 members with a team of seven lifeguards
Developed lesson plans for groups of eight swimmers that were age & level appropriate
Cleaned pool and grounds to provide safe and aesthetic environment