AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
1. AFC Asian Cup China 2023
2. The Asian Football Confederation 16
3. Organising Associations 17
4. Participating Member Associations 18
5. Entry 21
6. Withdrawal from the Competition 21
7. Competition System 24
8.Qualiers 25
9. Finals 26
10. Extra Time and Kicks from the Penalty Mark 28
11. Match Schedule 28
12. Cancellation of Matches 29
13. Abandonment of Matches 29
14. Stadiums 30
15.OfcialTrainingSites 31
16. Laws of the Game 32
17. Refereeing 32
18. Team Bench and Technical Area 32
19. Footballs 32
20. Equipment 33
21.TeamOfcialDelegation 34
22. Eligibility of Players 35
23. Registration of Players 35
24.DocumentsforRegistrationofPlayers 36
25. Preliminary Registration 36
26. Final Registration 37
27. Player Selection List 38
28.RegistrationofOfcials 38
29.DocumentsforRegistrationofOfcials 40
30. Media Access 41
31. Press Conferences 41
32. Mixed Zone 41
33. Interviews 42
34. Flash Interviews 42
35. Recording of Matches 42
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
36. General Requirements 43
37. Terms and Conditions 43
38. Complimentary Tickets 43
39. Purchasable Tickets 44
40. Commercial Rights 45
41. Clean Stadium 45
42. Advertising and Branding 45
43. General Principles 46
44. Pre-Competition Medical Assessment 47
45. Facilities and Personnel 47
46.Anti-Doping 48
47. Responsibilities 49
48. Trophy, Awards and Medals 50
49.DisciplinaryMeasures 51
50. Good Conduct 51
51. Administrative Procedure 51
52. Cautions and Expulsions 52
53. Protest 52
54. Arbitration 53
55. Special Instructions 55
56.Decisions 55
57. Amendments 55
58. Force Majeure 55
59. Matters Not Provided For 55
60. Implementing Provisions 55
61. Enforcement 55
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
In these Competition Regulations, capitalised terms shall have the following meanings, unless the
Accommodation Any location approved by the AFC which provides accommodation
Accreditation Card Any physical item which is issued by the AFC and/or Organising
Association which provides the recipient the right to access a
Controlled Access Area (or part thereof) where the Controlled
Access Area is under the control of the AFC or the Organising
Advertising Rights The right to promote brand and/or corporate names and/or
products and/or services at and/or in relation to the Competition by
whatever means available, whether existing now or to be developed
in the future, whether at the Stadiums or Facility Areas or within
the Controlled Access Areas, by in-stadium/out-stadium perimeter
signage and other advertising, digital signage and screens, closed
circuit television, equipment usage or other methods and through
printed matter (including digitally delivered printed matter) such as
programmes, posters, letterheads, press releases, newsletters and
Tickets, and subject to any AFC regulations, the right to display such
advertising on the clothing or footwear worn, or on any equipment
and/or logo of the bona de supplier of clothing on the strip of
doubt, advertising on the strip of Participating Players is excluded,
and is in accordance with any FIFA and/or AFC regulations.
Similarly, branding on any equipment, goods and/or services used
in connection with the Competition, save where supplied by a
CommercialAfliate, may only include customarybrandingof the
AFC Asian Football Confederation.
AFCAS The AFC Administration System, the AFC’s online competition
management and registration system.
AFC Commercial Rights
The entity appointed by the AFC for the sale of Commercial Rights
(or any part thereof) and the provision of services in relation thereto.
AFC Committee Any Committee of the AFC as constituted in accordance with the
AFC Statutes.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
AFCDelegation (i) AFC staff;
(ii) MatchOfcials;
(iii) otherofcialsappointedbytheAFC;
(iv) AFC Committee members; and
(v) AFC guests.
AFC Marks All design marks, slogans, designations, names, logos, insignia,
emblems or devices (in any application) owned and/or controlled
by the AFC (in any language) relating to the AFC itself, but excluding
the Competition Marks.
AFC Organising
Committee for the Asian
Cup 2023
AFC Organising
The Standing Committee of the AFC which is responsible for the
organisation of the Competition and related matters in accordance
with the AFC Statutes and AFC Organisation Regulations.
AFC Website Theofcialwebsite oftheAFC(currently,
including without limitation all other domains or ofcial media
platforms and channels created and/or owned by the AFC (e.g.
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc).
Away Goals Rule At the end of the second Match played in a knockout home and
away format, if the Participating Teams have scored the same
number of goals across both Matches, the Participating Team which
has scored the higher number of goals away from home shall be
declared the winner.
Broadcast Partner Any entity, including the Host Broadcaster, which has been granted
the Media Rights to the Competition.
Champion TheParticipatingTeamthatwinsthenalMatchoftheCompetition.
Clean Stadium AStadiumorOfcialTrainingSite,whetherinside,intheairspace
above or the outer perimeter, delivered to the AFC at a prescribed
(i) any advertising and commercial signage of any kind, whether
on any stadium infrastructure, staff uniforms, accreditations,
fences, equipment or elsewhere;
(ii) third party agreements relating to the use and operation of the
Stadium (or part thereof); and/or
(iii) Stadium or venue naming rights.
CommercialAfliate Any entity which has been granted the right to exercise and exploit
the Commercial Rights (or any part thereof) in respect of the
Commercial Rights Advertising Rights, Concession Rights, Hospitality Rights, Image
Rights, Media Rights, Merchandise Rights, Promotional Rights,
Sponsorship Rights, Travel and Tour Rights and any other rights of a
commercial nature relating to the Competition.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
Competition The AFC Asian Cup China 2023™, which includes without limitation,
all Matches as set out in the Match Schedule, all qualifying Matches,
all activities on the Field of Play (other than Matches), opening
ceremonies, presentation or closing ceremonies, press conferences
CompetitionData Any and all information related to the Competition, including
xture lists, Image Rights, information and/or statistics about the
Participating Teams and/or Participating Players, information and/
or statistics about their participation and/or performance in the
Competition, Match analysis, Referee decisions, and any other
information in relation to the Competition.
Competition Marks All design marks, slogans, designations, names, logos, insignia,
emblems, mascot or devices (in any application) owned and/or
controlled by the AFC (in any language) relating to the Competition.
Competition Website The ofcial website of the Competition (if any) with a dedicated
platforms and channels of the Competition created and/or owned
by the AFC (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc).
Complimentary Tickets Tickets which are supplied without charge.
Concession Rights Sampling, vending, display and other distribution methods and
payment methods connected therewith for and of products or
services, including pourage rights at the Stadiums and Facility Areas.
Controlled Access Area (i) any Stadium;
(ii) anyOfcialTrainingSite;
(iii) anyofcialhotel(publicareasbeingexcepted),subjecttoand
to the extent agreed in any executed hotel agreement;
(iv) anyofcialexclusionzoneencirclingaStadiumonaMatchday;
(v) any ofcial parking area, accreditation centre, International
Broadcast Compound, and/or hospitality area;
(vi) thevenueofanyOfcialFunction;
(vii) anyofcialAFCfanpark;
(viii) Facility Areas; and/or
(ix) any other location and/or facility designated by the AFC as
a Controlled Access Area, associated to the Competition to
which access is permitted only to those in possession of an
Accreditation Card, Ticket, and/or other ofcially-sanctioned
entry permit.
DigitalMedia Any digitalised media (including the AFC Website and any related
Competition Website) created by AFC in relation to the Competition,
including but not limited to any mobile website, mobile application
(app), online video channel, data product, photo-sharing account,
social media account, and any further form of digital media
developed herewith.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
Extra Time Two (2) equal periods of additional time which shall be played in
accordance with these Regulations should there be no winner at the
conclusion of a Match.
Facility Areas ThelocationofOfcialFunctions,ceremonies,presscentres,ticket
areas used for viewing of any public exhibition), sponsor village
areas (including without limitation “AFC fan park” areas, and areas
areas (including without limitation areas used for the exploitation
of the Hospitality Rights), and information centres controlled by or
on behalf of the AFC and used in connection with the Competition
whether at the Stadium or elsewhere at the Venues.
Field of Play The area described in Law 1 of the Laws of the Game issued by the
International Football Association Board (IFAB) and administered by
FIFA The Federation Internationale de Football Association.
Finals The Final Stage of the Competition, split into the Group Stage and
Knockout Stage.
Football Association The controlling body for football within a country or territory
recognised by the AFC.
Force Majeure Any event affecting the performance or any provision of these
Regulations arising from or attributable to acts, events, omissions or
accidents which are beyond the reasonable control of a party, and
shall include but not be limited to abnormally inclement weather,
ood, lightning, storm, re, explosion, earthquake, structural
damage, epidemic or other natural disaster, failure or shortage
of power supplies, war, terrorist action, military operations, riot,
crowd disorder, strike, lock-outs or other industrial action, or civil
Group Stage TherststageoftheFinalsheldinaccordancewiththeseRegulations.
Hospitality Rights The opportunity to offer and sell hospitality and entertainment
services at the Venues or within the Controlled Access Areas in
combination with the Tickets whether such facilities are in boxes,
marquees or otherwise, but excluding those non-commercial
functions and facilities reserved for AFC and/or Organising
Association ofcials and its guests not forming part of the
Commercial Rights.
Host Broadcaster The party appointed, to ensure and provide the production
of broadcast signals of the Matches and other events of the
Competition, and the provision of all related services in accordance
with the Media Rights granted to it.
Host City Anycityand/oridentiablemetropolitanarea in which any Match
is staged.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
Image Rights The right to use still and/or moving images and/or representations
of ParticipatingTeams,Participating Players, ParticipatingOfcials,
International Competition An international football competition organised by the AFC in
conjunction with other continental football confederations and/or by
FIFA in conjunction with other continental football confederations.
Kicks from the Penalty
“Kicks from the Penalty Mark” as described in the Laws of the Game.
Knockout Stage The second stage of the Finals held in accordance with these
Laws of the Game The laws of association football issued by the IFAB.
Match A football match in its entirety (including a replayed and/or deferred
football match, Extra Time and Kicks from the Penalty Mark) which
takes place as part of the Competition in accordance with the Match
Schedule. For the avoidance of doubt, a match formally commences
when the Stadium is ofcially opened to spectators and formally
MatchOfcials Any individual appointed to ofciate a Match in the Competition
intheroleoftheReferee,AssistantReferee, FourthOfcial,Video
Assistant Referee (VAR), Assistant Video Assistant Referee (AVAR),
of the Game.
Match Schedule Theofcialschedulewhichsetsout,withoutlimitation,thedatesand
times on which Matches will be played, the Stadiums at which the
Matches will be played, and the names of the Participating Teams.
Media Any individual granted a media Accreditation Card by the AFC.
Media Rights The right and license to produce, edit and/or transmit, for intelligible
reception throughout the world in any language and in any format,
and on any platform including lm, xed media, Digital Media,
games, internet, public exhibition, radio, mobile, and television, a
visual, audio-visual, and/or audio signal and/or image or recording
(including without limitation the basic feed, multi feeds, additional
feeds,audio feeds,afeed incorporatingCompetitionData, world
feed, and unilateral feeds) of the Competition, and all interview
activities and action during and forming part of the Competition
including Ofcial Functions and the Image Rights by any and all
means of transmission distribution, exhibition and reception, now
existing or hereinafter developed including but not limited to
analogue, digital, satellite cable and interactive communication
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
Media Rights (cont.) systems, on a live, delayed, and unlimited repeat basis, in full or in
part (including without limitation by way of clips and/or highlights
access), and all rights to exploit any and all commercial opportunities
(including for example broadcast sponsorship and commercial
airtime opportunities) arising from and/or in connection with such
Member Association A Football Association which is a member of the AFC.
Merchandise Rights The right granted to Commercial Afliates for the use and
exploitation of the Competition Marks and/or ofcial designation
in the manufacture, packaging, distribution, and sale of goods and
services of all kinds, including items of equipment (i.e. footballs),
clothing, coins, medals, games (electronic or otherwise), other
collectibles and premiums related to the Competition.
OfcialFunction AnyeventwhichisofciallyorganisedorsanctionedbytheAFCin
connection with the Competition. For the avoidance of doubt, this
expressly includes, without limitation, all matches and/or events
held at Ofcial Training Sites, the opening ceremony, the closing
ceremony, any AFC gala dinner, lunch, or banquet, cultural events,
OfcialTrainingSite Any site designated by the Organising Association and approved by
the AFC for use by the Participating Teams throughout the duration
of the Competition for training purposes.
Organising Association A Member Association approved by the AFC to organise, stage, and
Participating Member
A Member Association whose representative team participates in
the Competition.
ParticipatingOfcial AnyofcialwhoisregisteredtoparticipateintheCompetition.
Participating Player Any player who is registered to participate in the Competition.
Participating Team Any representative team afliated to a Participating Member
Premiums Any promotional item (including packaging, labelling, and/or
containers thereof) which incorporates a mark and/or logo of the
AFC and/or the Competition, and which is distributed free of charge
Promotional Rights Anyrightstoproduceand/ordistributeofcialpublications,ofcial
suppliers, ofcial products, sales promotion including but not
limited to the right to organise promotional competitions (including
without limitation any sweepstakes or lotteries) and to make awards
and give prizes, ofcial music rights, the right to use an ofcial
designation and all other promotional, marketing and/or other
rights of commercial value in regard to the Competition.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
Proprietary Interests Without limitation, intellectual property, copyright and analogous
rights, trademark rights, moral rights, performing rights, personality
rights, and all remedies available under the applicable laws of unfair
competition comprised in the Commercial Rights.
Qualiers The Qualifying Stage of the Competition
Regulations These Competition Regulations.
Sponsorship Rights The right, in any and all media, throughout the world, and in all
languages, to promote an association between the Competition
and certain products, services, and/or brands, and shall include
(by way of illustration only) the exclusive right to exercise rights of
association with the Competition, including without limitation the
(i) useanofcialdesignation;
(ii) use the AFC Marks and/or applicable Competition Marks
on branded products and/or product packaging (including
Premiums, and in relation to the Competition Marks only on
items for retail sale) and/or advertising;
(iii) receive commercial programme Tickets; and
(iv) receive broadcast sponsorship opportunities in connection with
Stadium Any stadium at which a Match is played. For the avoidance of doubt,
(i) the entire premises (to the extent that a valid Accreditation Card
or Ticket is required in order to gain access) of a stadium facility
inside the outer stadium perimeter fence and (on Match days
stadium), the aerial space above such stadium premises;
(ii) parking facilities;
(iii) VIP and hospitality areas (including any hospitality village);
(iv) the Media tribune;
(v) concession areas;
(vi) commercial display areas;
(vii) buildings;
(viii) the Field of Play;
(ix) any broadcast compound or stadium media centre;
(x) any stands; and,
(xi) any areas beneath the stands.
TeamOfcialDelegation 1. Competition systems played in a home and away format
The nal-registered delegation of a Participating Team
for each Match of the relevant stage of the Competition
subject to the limits set out in the competition regulations.
2. Competition systems played in a centralised format
duration of the relevant stage of the Competition subject to the
limits set out in the competition regulations.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
(a) the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa;
(b) the feminine gender shall include the masculine and vice-versa;
(c) reference to natural persons shall include any legal person or corporation;
(d) references to the AFC shall include its successors and permitted assigns and its respective
Member Associations and AFC Committees;
advised by the AFC, its successors, and permitted assigns;
(f) alldenedterms,unlessotherwisestatedhereinshallbearthesamemeaningasascribedinthe
AFC Statutes, unless the context indicates otherwise.
Ticket A pass providing access to a venue for the purpose of attending
Ticketing All operational measures to provide Tickets to all spectators of
them to enter the Stadium or a Venue. Ticketing shall include the
management of the operation necessary for the production, sale,
distribution, delivery and payment of the Tickets of the Competition.
Travel and Tour Rights The right to organise and/or sub-license ofcial travel and tour
activities in relation to the Competition, which travel and tour
activities shall, for the avoidance of doubt, include the provision of
Venue The Host City and immediate surrounding area in which a Stadium
is located.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
1. AFC Asian Cup China 2023
1.1. TheAFCstagestheAFCAsianCup™comprisingaQualifyingStage(“Qualiers”)and
Final Stage (“Finals”) once every four (4) years.
1.2. These Regulations govern the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the AFC, Organising
Associations, Member Associations, Participating Teams, Participating Players and
1.3. These Regulations and all related directives, decisions, guidelines, and circulars
issued by the AFC shall be binding upon all parties participating and involved in the
preparation, organisation, and hosting of the Competition.
1.4. The AFC Competition Operations Manual (“Manual”) forms an integral part and shall
be read in conjunction with these Regulations. The Manual shall be binding upon all
parties participating and involved in the preparation, organisation, and hosting of the
Competition. Failure to adhere to any matter set out in the Manual may lead to the
of any discrepancy between these Regulations and the Manual, these Regulations shall
prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
1.5. Any rights and Proprietary Interests associated with the Competition that are not
or Participating Member Association shall vest in the AFC.
1.6. Any reference to the AFC Statutes and to AFC and FIFA regulations refer to those valid
at the time of application.
2. The Asian Football Confederation
2.1. The AFC Organising Committee for the Asian Cup 2023 (“AFC Organising Committee”)
shall be responsible for organising the Competition in accordance with the AFC
Statutes. The AFC General Secretariat shall carry out the necessary administrative work
in support of the AFC Organising Committee.
2.2. TheresponsibilitiesoftheAFCshallinclude,butarenotlimitedto:
2.2.1. supervising general preparations and deciding on the Competition format,
the draws, and the entries to the Competition;
2.2.2. determining the Match Schedule (cf. Article 11);
2.2.3. selecting Stadiums for the Competition (cf. Article 14);
2.2.4. appointingMatchOfcialsforeachMatch;
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
2.2.5. choosingtheofcialfootballandstipulatedtechnicalmaterial;
2.2.6. approvingthechoiceoftheWADA-accreditedlaboratoriesthatwillcarryout
doping analyses (cf. Article 46);
2.2.7. reporting cases where appropriate to the AFC Disciplinary and Ethics
Committee (cf. Article 49);
2.2.8. replacing Participating Teams that have withdrawn from the Competition (cf.
Article 6);
2.2.9. dealing with cases of abandoned Matches or cancelled Matches (cf. Articles
12 and 13);
2.2.10. dealing with cases of Force Majeure (cf. Article 58);
2.2.11. providinginsurancecoveragefortheAFCDelegationappointedtoanyMatch
from the time of their departure from their home Member Association to their
departure from the Venue; and
2.2.12. dealing with any other aspect of the Competition that is not the responsibility
of any other body pursuant to these Regulations or the AFC Statutes (cf. Article
2.3. All decisions made by the AFC Organising Committee and/or AFC General Secretariat
2.4. Alldecisions made bytheAFC Disciplinary and Ethics Committeein relationto the
3. Organising Associations
3.1. The principal obligations and responsibilities of any Organising Association are
stipulated in the (where relevant) Organising Association Agreement (“OAA”), these
Regulations, the Manual, the AFC Statutes and all other AFC regulations, directives,
guidelines and circulars.
3.2. EachOrganisingAssociationshallundertake,atitsowncost,to:
3.2.1. observe all obligations set out in the (where relevant) OAA, these Regulations,
the Manual, the AFC Statutes and all other AFC regulations, directives,
guidelines and circulars and all applicable national and supra-national laws;
3.2.2. perform each of its obligations and exercise each of the rights granted to
it as host, in connection with the hosting, staging and organisation of the
Competition in accordance with professional standards;
3.2.3. assist and coordinate with Member Associations on all arrangements relating
to the Competition in agreement with the AFC;
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
3.2.4. negotiate with and/or lobby the appropriate government bodies and/or local
authorities to assist for the successful hosting, staging and organising of the
3.2.5. obtain all applicable and relevant licenses, permits, grants and authorisations
organising of the Competition;
3.2.6. comply with the AFC’s instructions on the provision of key services, facilities,
equipment and infrastructure at each Stadium;
3.2.7. provide the necessary assistance and support to the AFC, AFC Commercial
of the Commercial Rights and all Proprietary Interests of the AFC and the
protection and enforcement of rights in relation thereto;
3.2.8. procure all necessary insurance policies which shall provide coverage for all
risks relating to the hosting, staging and organising of the Competition and
name the AFC as a co-insured;
3.2.9. obtaining all clearances and executing all required documentation to enable
the free and unfettered exercise and exploitation of Commercial Rights and
clearance of all products, equipment or materials relating to the exploitation
of the Commercial Rights of the Competition; and
3.2.10. guarantee safety and security at the Stadium.
3.3. Each Organising Association shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the AFC,
members, agents, auxiliary persons, representatives, and employees from and against
costs or expenses (including without limitation all costs and expenses for nding
and contracting with another Organising Association able and willing to stage the
Competition and/or all attorneys’ fees and expenses) which such parties may suffer or
incur in connection with, resulting from, or arising out of any breach by the Organising
Association (including its ofcers, directors, representatives, auxiliary persons,
employees or agents) or any act or omission of the Organising Association (including
its ofcers, directors, representatives, auxiliary persons, employees or agents) in
connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.
4. Participating Member Associations
4.1. The principal obligations and responsibilities of each Participating Member Association
are stipulated in the Participating Team Agreement (“PTA”), these Regulations, the
Manual, the AFC Statutes, and all other AFC regulations, directives, guidelines and
4.1.1. Each Member Association that has entered the Competition must submit a
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
4.1.2. The PTA shall be completed and submitted to the AFC not later than the
deadline provided by the AFC.
4.1.3. Failure to submit the PTA to the AFC by the deadline shall result in the non-
participation of the relevant Member Association.
4.2. Each Participating Member Association shall ensure as a condition of its participation
aware of and agrees to comply with the PTA.
4.3. EachParticipatingMemberAssociationshallundertaketo:
4.3.1. observe all obligations set out in the PTA, these Regulations, the Manual,
the AFC Statutes, and all other AFC regulations, directives, guidelines and
circulars, and applicable national and supra-national laws;
4.3.2. comply with the Laws of the Game laid down by the IFAB;
4.3.3. accept that all the administrative, disciplinary and refereeing matters
connected with the Competition shall be settled by the AFC in compliance
with these Regulations;
4.3.4. eldtheirstrongestteamthroughouttheCompetition;
4.3.5. observe the principles of Fair Play;
4.3.6. ensurethegoodconductofitsTeamOfcialDelegationandofanyperson
carrying out duties on its behalf throughout the Competition, which includes
but is not limited to their arrival on the territory of any Organising Association
until their departure;
4.3.7. accept all arrangements made by any Organising Association in agreement
with the AFC;
4.3.8. ensure that Participating Players and Participating Ofcials attend and
participate in all ofcial activities and events, including without limitation
any team arrival meeting, match coordination meeting, press conferences,
and other media and marketing activities in accordance with the instructions
issued by the AFC; failure to attend and/or fully participate in any ofcial activity or
event shall result in the Participating Member Association being
nedatleastUSD10,000;and the AFC Disciplinary and Ethics Committee may issue further
sanctions in its discretion.
4.3.9. provide to the AFC, free of charge, prior to the Competition, any photographs,
audio/visual materials and/or information regarding the Participating Member
Association, Participating Team, Participating Player and/or Participating
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
any further information as requested by the AFC;
4.3.10. linktheofcialURLfortheCompetitiononitsofcialwebsite;and
4.3.11. not establish any digital, media or social media platform without the
involvement and express approval of the AFC.
4.4. Each Participating Member Association shall, at its own expense, be solely responsible
4.4.1. the procurement of insurance coverage of its Team Ofcial Delegation
which shall include without limitation hospital and surgical insurance, travel
insurance, and/or sports equipment insurance for all Matches;
4.4.2. all other necessary insurance policies, which must provide an appropriate
guaranteed sum for injury and damage to persons, objects, and property,
Association’s participationintheCompetition.TheAFC must be notied of
all insurance policies, and may request copies of any and all policies at its
4.4.3. paymentofincidentalexpensesandforanycostsincurredbyitsTeamOfcial
4.4.4. paymentofanycostsofextendingthestayofanymemberofitsTeamOfcial
4.4.5. obtaining visas to enter the territory of any Organising Association no later
related to the visa application process; and
4.4.6. payment of all taxes, fees, duties and any other costs related to the importation
and/or exportation of equipment, merchandise and/or goods to be used for
the Competition.
4.5. Each Participating Member Association shall indemnify, defend, and hold the AFC and
persons free and harmless against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages,
penalties,claims,actions,nes,andexpenses(includingreasonable legalexpenses)
of whatsoever kind or nature resulting from, arising out of, or attributable to, any non-
compliance with these Regulations by the Participating Member Association, their Team
Member Association.
4.6. It is acknowledged that one or more Participating Member Associations may qualify
directly for one or more International Competitions as a result of their performance
in the Competition. Where applicable, each such Participating Member Association
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
undertakes to participate in the relevant International Competition(s).
4.7. Participating Member Associations are not authorised to represent the AFC or the
Competition without the prior written approval of the AFC.
4.8. AllParticipatingPlayersandParticipatingOfcialsareencouragedtoattendtheAFC
Annual Awards in the relevant calendar year if they are nominated for an award.
4.9. Each Participating Member Association shall ensure that any decision made by the AFC
relating to its duties and responsibilities is enforced immediately.
5. Entry
5.1. The AFC shall determine the Member Associations who are eligible to participate in the
5.2. Eligible Member Associations must complete a PTA and submit it to the AFC in
5.3. AlldecisionsbytheAFCOrganisingCommitteeregardingentrytotheQualiersfor
5.4. Twenty-four (24) Member Associations shall participate in the Finals of the Competition
5.4.1. qualifyingthroughthePreliminaryJointQualicationfortheFIFAWorldCup
Qatar 2022
and AFC Asian Cup China 2023
5.4.2. qualifyingthroughtheQualiers;and/or
5.4.3. being the Organising Association; and/or
5.4.4. being invited by the AFC to participate in the Finals.
6. Withdrawal from the Competition
6.1. All Participating Member Associations undertake that their Participating Teams shall
playall of their Matchesinthe Qualiers and,ifrelevant, all of theirMatchesin the
Finals until elimination.
6.2. In the case of a Participating Member Association withdrawing or being excluded from
the Competition, the AFC Organising Committee shall be responsible for making any
6.2.1. replace the Participating Member Association;
6.2.2. change the competition system (cf. Article 7); and/or
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
6.2.3. change the technical rules (cf. Section 4).
not appealable.
6.3. AnyParticipatingMemberAssociationthatwithdrawsfromtheQualiersbeforeithas
6.3.1. uptothirty(30)daysbeforeitsrstMatchintheQualiers:atleastUSD10,000;
6.3.2. less than thirty (30) days before its rst Match in the Qualiers: at least
6.4. Any Participating Member Association that withdraws from the Finals before it has
6.4.1. uptothirty(30)daysbeforeitsrstMatchintheFinals:atleastUSD30,000;
6.4.2. lessthanthirty(30)daysbeforeitsrstMatchintheFinals:atleastUSD50,000.
6.5. AnyParticipatingMemberAssociationthat:
6.5.1. withdrawsfromtheQualiersortheFinalsafterithascommenced;or
6.5.2. doesnotreportforaMatchintheQualiersorFinals;or
6.5.3. refusestocontinueaMatchintheQualiersorFinals;or
6.5.4. leaves the Stadium prior to the completion of a Match in the Qualiers or
6.5.5. have all its Matches cancelled and considered null and void. For the
avoidance of doubt, all points and goals in those Matches shall not be taken
Article 7.3;
6.5.6. bedisqualiedfromparticipatinginthenexteditionoftheCompetition;
6.5.7. bedisqualiedfromparticipatingintheFinals,ifqualicationisattained;
6.5.8. bedisqualiedfromparticipatinginanytournamentorganisedunderArticle
6.5.9. return to the AFC any subsidy that had been paid in support of its participation
in the Competition or if not yet paid, forfeit its right to that subsidy;
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Competition Regulations
6.5.10. bened: atleastUSD50,000ifitwithdrawsafterthecommencementofthe
Qualiers;or atleastUSD100,000ifitwithdrawsafterthecommencementofthe
6.5.11. be required to pay compensation for any and all damages or losses suffered
by, where applicable, the other Participating Member Associations, the AFC,
Associations. The amount of compensation shall be determined by the AFC
Executive Committee.
6.6. Any Participating Member Association that withdraws from the Competition at any
stageshallalsobereferredtotheAFC Disciplinary and Ethics Committee.TheAFC
for under Articles 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 at its discretion.
6.7. The above Articles 6.3 to 6.6 are not applicable in cases of Force Majeure recognised
by the AFC Organising Committee. The AFC Organising Committee shall take whatever
action it deems necessary in cases of Force Majeure.
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Competition Regulations
7. Competition System
7.1. TheCompetitionshallconsistof:
7.1.1. Qualiers,comprisingthePlayoffRoundandFinalRound;
7.1.2. Finals, comprising the Group Stage and Knockout Stage.
7.2. The AFC Organising Committee shall decide upon the format of the competition
7.3. Should the competition system involve groups of several teams, the ranking in
each group shall be determined in accordance with Article 1 of the Manual and in
7.3.1. higher number of points obtained in all group Matches;
7.3.2. if two (2) or more Participating Teams are equal on points, the following criteria
Head-to-Head criteria higher number of points obtained in the group Matches played
among the Participating Teams in question; superior goal difference from the group Matches played among the
Participating Teams in question; higher number of goals scored in the group Matches played among
the Participating Teams in question; higher number of goals scored away from home in the group
Matches played between the Participating Teams in question (only
Tiebreaker if, after having applied the Head-to-Head criteria, two (2) or more
Participating Teams still have an equal ranking, the Head-to-Head
criteria shall be reapplied exclusively to the Matches between the
Participating Teams in question to determine their nal rankings.
If this procedure does not lead to a decision, the Group Results
criteria shall apply;
Group Results criteria superior goal difference from all group Matches played; higher number of goals scored from all group Matches played;
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
25 Kicks from the Penalty Mark if only two (2) Participating Teams still
have an equal ranking and have played their last group Match
against each other; the lower score calculated according to the number of yellow
and red cards received in the group Matches (Appendix 1 of the
Manual); or the drawing of lots.
7.4. Should the competition system require the best-ranked Participating Teams from
among different groups to advance, the rankings shall be determined by the method
set out at Appendix 2 of the Manual.
8. Qualiers
8.1. EachroundoftheQualiersshallbeconductedinaccordancewiththecompetition
system set by the AFC Organising Committee.
8.2. Forthesakeofcompleteness,theQualiersshallcommenceafterthecompletionof
Cup China 2023™ which are governed by the Regulations for the FIFA World Cup
2022™ Preliminary Competition.
8.3. There shall be two (2) rounds played in a knockout format.
8.3.1. Each Participating Team shall play its opponent twice, once at home and once
8.3.2. The eligible Participating Teams shall be drawn to play each other, including
the order of the Matches.
8.4. The Participating Team which scores the higher aggregate of goals over the two (2) legs
shall be declared the winner.
8.4.1. If the Participating Teams score the same number of goals, the Away Goals
Rule shall apply.
8.4.2. If no result is produced, Extra time and Kicks from the Penalty Mark (if required)
shall be played at the end of second leg in accordance with Article 10.
8.5. Attheconclusionoftherstround:
8.5.1. eachwinnershallqualifyfortheQualiers(FinalRound);and
8.5.2. eachlosershallqualifyforthesecondroundoftheQualiers(PlayoffRound).
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8.6. Attheconclusionofthesecondround:
8.6.1. eachwinnershallqualifyfortheQualiers(FinalRound);and
8.6.2. each loser shall be eliminated.
8.7. TheQualiers(FinalRound)shallconsistoftwenty-four(24)ParticipatingTeams,drawn
into six (6) groups of four (4) teams each.
8.8. Each Participating Team shall play against the other Participating Teams within its group
twice, one at home and one away in accordance with the Match Schedule.
8.9. The duration of Matches shall be played in accordance with the Manual.
8.10. AttheconclusionoftheQualiers(FinalRound):
8.10.1. the rst-placed and second-placed Participating Team in each group shall
qualify for the Finals;
8.10.2. all other Participating Teams shall be eliminated from the Competition.
9. Finals
9.1. TheFinalsshallcommenceafterthecompletionoftheQualiersandshallbeplayedin
a Group Stage, followed by a Knockout Stage.
Group Stage
9.2. Twenty-four (24) Participating Teams shall be drawn into six (6) groups of four (4) teams
each (cf. Article 5.4).
9.3. Each Participating Team shall play against the other Participating Teams within its group
once in accordance with the Match Schedule.
9.4. The duration of Matches shall be played in accordance with the Manual.
9.5. AttheconclusionoftheGroupStage:
9.5.1. therst-placedandsecond-placedParticipatingTeamineachgroup,aswell
as the four (4) best third-placed Participating Teams among all groups, shall
qualify for the Knockout Stage;
9.5.2. all other Participating Teams shall be eliminated from the Competition.
Knockout Stage
9.6. The Knockout Stage shall consist of the Round of 16, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and
Final, with each round conducted as single-leg knockout Matches.
9.7. Each round of the Knockout Stage shall be conducted in accordance with the Match
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Competition Regulations
9.8. The duration of Matches, including Extra Time and Kicks from the Penalty Mark (if
required), shall be played in accordance with Article 10.
9.9. Thesixteen(16)ParticipatingTeamsshallplaytheRoundof16asfollows:
For the avoidance of doubt, the above does not represent the chronological order in
which the matches will be played.
9.10. Thefollowing table indicates the pairings in the Round of 16 for the qualied rst-
placed and third-placed Participating Teams.
Qualied 1A vs 1B vs 1C vs 1Dvs
ABCD 3C 3D 3A 3B
A B C E 3C 3A 3B 3E
A B C F 3C 3A 3B 3F
ABDE 3D 3A 3B 3E
ABDF 3D 3A 3B 3F
A B E F 3E 3A 3B 3F
ACDE 3C 3D 3A 3E
ACDF 3C 3D 3A 3F
A C E F 3C 3A 3F 3E
ADEF 3D 3A 3F 3E
BCDE 3C 3D 3B 3E
BCDF 3C 3D 3B 3F
B C E F 3E 3C 3B 3F
BDEF 3E 3D 3B 3F
CDEF 3C 3D 3F 3E
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9.11. Theeight(8)winnersintheRoundof16shallplaytheQuarterFinalsasfollows:
For the avoidance of doubt, the above does not represent the chronological order in
which the matches will be played.
9.12. Thefour(4)winnersintheQuarterFinalsshallplaytheSemiFinalsasfollows:
9.13. Thetwo(2)winnersintheSemi-FinalsshallplaytheFinalasfollows:
10. Extra Time and Kicks from the Penalty Mark
10.1. Ifnowinnerisdeterminedattheendofnormalplayingtimein:
 10.1.1. thesecondlegofanytieintheQualiers(PlayoffRound);or
10.1.2. any Match in the Finals (Knockout Stage),
10.2. The Away Goals Rule shall not apply during or at the conclusion of Extra Time in any
10.3. One (1) additional substitute may be used when a match goes into Extra Time (whether
or not the team has already used the full number of permitted substitutes).
10.4. If no winner is determined at the end of Extra Time, Kicks from the Penalty Mark shall be
taken in accordance with the Laws of the Game and the Manual.
11. Match Schedule
11.1. All Matches shall be played in accordance with the AFC Competitions Calendar. The
11.2. TheMatchScheduleshallbedeterminedfollowingtheofcialdrawsfortheQualiers
and Finals.
11.3. TheAFCGeneralSecretariatretainsnaldiscretiontoamendtheMatchScheduleat
any time.
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Competition Regulations
12. Cancellation of Matches
12.1. For any Match which is cancelled as a result of Force Majeure, the AFC Organising
Committee shall decide on the matter at its sole discretion and take whatever action is
deemed necessary.
12.1.1 Decisions made pursuant to Article 12.1 are nal and binding and not
12.2. Any Match which is cancelled, except in cases of Force Majeure recognised by the AFC
and Ethics Committee against the relevant party that has caused the cancellation in
13. Abandonment of Matches
13.1. For any Match which is abandoned as a result of Force Majeure, the AFC Organising
Committee shall decide on the matter at its sole discretion and take whatever action is
deemed necessary.
13.1.1. Decisions made pursuant to Article 13.1 are nal and binding and not
13.2. Any Match which is abandoned, except in cases of Force Majeure recognised by
the AFC Organising Committee, may lead to the imposition of sanctions by the AFC
Disciplinary and Ethics Committee against the relevant party that has caused the
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Competition Regulations
14. Stadiums
14.1. The Organising Association(s) shall ensure that all Matches in the Competition
are played in Stadiums which meet the requirements dened in the AFC Stadium
Regulations and any other applicable AFC regulations. The AFC General Secretariat
may carry out stadium inspections at any time before and during the Competition to
check whether the requirements are met.
14.2. The relevant Organising Association(s) shall ensure that no football matches and/or any
14.2.1. during the period starting at least ten (10) days prior to each Match until one
(1) day after the Match; and
14.2.2. during the period starting at least thirty (30) days prior to the opening Match
unless prior written permission has been obtained from the AFC.
14.3. AnOrganisingAssociationthatfailstocomplywithArticle14.2shallbe:
14.3.1. nedatleastUSD10,000;and
14.3.2. theAFCDisciplinaryandEthicsCommitteemayimposefurthersanctionsatits
14.4. Unless otherwise specied or directed by the AFC, the Stadiums shall be made
14.4.1. duringtheperiodstartingatleastve(5)dayspriortoeachMatchuntilone(1)
day after the Match; and
14.4.2. during the period starting at least ten (10) days prior to the date on which the
or training session to be held in the Stadium, or other Competition-related
event to be held in the Stadium prior to such Match or training session) until
one (1) day after the last use of the Stadium in connection with the Finals.
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Competition Regulations
15. OfcialTrainingSites
15.1. OfcialTrainingSitesshallcontainafullyequippedtrainingeldpreparedtoMatch-
15.1.1. AnOrganisingAssociationthatfailstocomplywithArticle15.1shallbened
15.1.2. TheAFCDisciplinaryandEthicsCommitteemayimposefurthersanctionsin
addition to those provided for in Article 15.1.1.
15.2. OfcialTrainingSitesshallbemadeavailableatleasttwo(2)dayspriortoeachMatch
until the commencement of the Match. They shall not be used for any other purpose
during this period, unless written permission has been obtained from the AFC.
15.2.1. AnOrganisingAssociationthatfailstocomplywithArticle15.2shallbened
15.2.2. TheAFCDisciplinaryandEthicsCommitteemayimposefurthersanctionsin
addition to those provided for in Article 15.2.1.
15.3. OfcialTrainingSitesshallbemadeavailableatleastthirty(30)dayspriortotherst
Match in the Venue until one (1) day after the last Match in the Venue. They shall not
be used for any other purpose during this period, unless written permission has been
obtained from the AFC.
15.3.1. AnOrganisingAssociationthatfailstocomplywithArticle15.3shallbened
15.3.2. TheAFCDisciplinaryandEthicsCommitteemayimposefurthersanctionsin
addition to those provided for in Article 15.3.1
15.4. ParticipatingTeamsmustsolelyutiliseOfcialTrainingSitesforanyofcialtrainingfrom
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16. Laws of the Game
16.1. All Matches shall be played in accordance with the Laws of the Game in force and as laid
down by The International Football Association Board. In the case of any discrepancy in
the interpretation of the Laws of the Game, the English version shall be authoritative.
16.2. EachMatchshalllastninety(90)minutes,comprisingtwo(2)periodsofforty-ve(45)
16.3. Only three (3) substitutes listed on a ‘Match Starting List’ may take part in a Match. Any
Participating Player who has been substituted may take no further part in that Match.
16.4. The AFC may, at its discretion, decide to use football technologies in any Match or
Matches in the Competition or in the Competition as a whole (including Goal-Line
Technology (GLT), a Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system or Electronic Performance
and Tracking Systems (EPTS)) in accordance with the Laws of the Game.
17. Refereeing
17.1. If the Referee is prevented from carrying out his duties, such Referee shall be replaced
Assistant Referee is not appointed.
17.2. A Video Assistant Referee (VAR) may assist the Referee to make a decision using replay
footage in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Laws of the Game in force at
the time of the Competition and as laid down by the IFAB.
18. Team Bench and Technical Area
18.1. A maximum of eleven (11) Participating Ofcials and a maximum of twelve (12)
Participating Players are permitted to sit on the team bench during a Match, provided
they are in possession of the appropriate Accreditation Card.
19. Footballs
19.1. ThefootballsusedintheQualiersshallbesuppliedbyeachOrganisingAssociation.
The Organising Association shall supply the visiting Participating Team with the same
19.2. Participating Teams shall solely utilise the training footballs provided by the Organising
Association for training and warming-up purposes.
19.3. Only footballs that bear one (1) of the FIFA quality marks or the “IMS – International
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
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19.4. The footballs used in the Finals shall be selected and supplied by the AFC.
19.5. Participating Teams shall solely utilise the footballs provided by the AFC for training
and warming-up purposes.
19.6. Each Participating Member Association is responsible for any taxes and/or fees
pertaining to the customs clearance of footballs delivered to it by the AFC.
20. Equipment
20.1. The AFC has the sole authority to approve the equipment (including kit) in accordance
with the AFC Equipment Regulations.
20.2. Each Participating Member Association shall indemnify the AFC and hold the AFC
harmless from any and all damages in the event that a conict arises as a result of
any endorsement deal existing between itself and its sponsor(s) which contravenes the
AFC Equipment Regulations.
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21. TeamOfcialDelegation
21.1. EachParticipatingTeamshallensurethatnopersoninitsTeamOfcialDelegationor
on the Field of Play or in any other Controlled Access Area without being in physical
possession of the necessary Accreditation Card which has been validly issued to such
21.2. For each Match in the Qualiers, Participating Teams shall register a Team Ofcial
21.2.1. EachParticipatingTeammaynominateanadditionalnine(9)ofcialswhoshall
21.2.2. All costs related to the additional nine (9) ofcials shall be borne by the
relevant Participating Member Association.
21.3. Foreachmatchin the Qualiers,ParticipatingTeams shall include followingfour (4)
21.3.1. Head Coach;
21.3.2. Team Manager
21.3.3. TeamMediaOfcer;and
21.3.4. TeamDoctor
21.4. ParticipatingTeamsshallregisteraTeamOfcialDelegation,subjecttotheconditions
set out below, comprising between eighteen (18) to twenty-three (23) Participating
21.4.1. Each Participating Team may nominate an additional ten (10) ofcials who
shall receive the same Accreditation Card as the twenty (20) Participating
21.4.2. All costs related to the additional ten (10) ofcials shall be borne by the
relevant Participating Member Association.
21.5. ParticipatingTeamsshallincludefollowingve(5)Ofcialsintheregistrationlist:
21.5.1. Head Coach;
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21.5.2. Team Manager
21.5.3. TeamMediaOfcer
21.5.4. TeamDoctor;and
21.5.5. TeamSecurityOfcer
22. Eligibility of Players
22.1. EachParticipatingMemberAssociationshallensurethatallplayers:
22.1.1. are duly registered with the AFC pursuant to these Regulations;
22.1.2. hold the nationality of its country and are subject to its jurisdiction; and
22.1.3. are eligible to participate for the representative team of the Member
Association in accordance with Articles 5 to 8 of the Regulations Governing
the Application of the FIFA Statutes.
22.2. Individuals who meet the criteria set out in Article 22.1 are eligible to participate in the
22.3. The approval of the registration of a Participating Player by the AFC General Secretariat
does not automatically provide for the eligibility of the Participating Player. Each
Players. Failure to do so shall lead to the consequences stipulated in the AFC
22.4. AParticipatingPlayershallbedeemedineligible,withoutlimitation,if:
22.4.1. there is a violation of Article 22.1; or
22.4.2. heparticipatesinaMatchcontrarytoadecisionoftheAFCDisciplinaryand
and Ethics Code; or
22.4.3. the AFC determines that any document submitted during registration is false.
23. Registration of Players
23.1. Therearetwo(2)stagesofplayerregistrationfortheQualiersandthree(3)stagesof
23.1.1. Preliminary Registration: each Participating Team must submit a squad of
minimum eighteen (18) Participating Players, with no maximum number;
23.1.2. Final Registration / Player Selection List: each Participating Team must
submit a squad of minimum eighteen (18) and maximum twenty-three (23)
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Participating Players by latest ninety (90) minutes prior to each Match which
individuals registered in the Preliminary Registration.
23.1.3. Preliminary Registration: each Participating Team must submit a squad of
23.1.4. FinalRegistration: each Participating Team must submit a squad of minimum
eighteen (18) and maximum twenty-three (23) Participating Players comprising
individuals registered in the Preliminary Registration;
23.1.5. PlayerSelectionList: each Participating Team must submit a Player Selection
List prior to each Match which identies the starting eleven (11) and up
to twelve (12) substitutes comprising individuals registered in the Final
23.2. All Participating Players will be issued with Accreditation Cards authorised by the AFC
General Secretariat. Should a card be misplaced, the relevant Participating Team shall
23.3. Should the AFC not receive all required documents by the stipulated deadline, the
Participating Member Association concerned shall be considered to have withdrawn
from the Competition (cf. Article 7.1) prior to its commencement and subject to Article
24. DocumentsforRegistrationofPlayers
24.1. Participating Players must be registered via the AFCAS with the supporting documents
set out in the Manual.
25. Preliminary Registration
25.1. Each Participating Team shall submit the supporting documents in accordance with
25.2. There is no allocation of jersey numbers during the Preliminary Registration for the
25.3. If a Participating Team fails to register minimum eighteen (18) Participating Players, its
Member Association shall be deemed to withdrawn from the Competition (cf. Article
7.1) prior to its commencement and subject to Article 6.
25.4. Each Participating Team must register a minimum of four (4) goalkeepers in their
Preliminary Registration.
25.5. Each Participating Team may add any Participating Players or replace any registered
individual up to seven (7) days prior to each Match.
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25.6. Each Participating Team shall submit the supporting documents in accordance with
25.7. There is no allocation of jersey numbers during the Preliminary Registration for the
25.8. EachParticipatingTeamshallregisterminimumeighteen(18)andmaximumfty(50)
Participating Players in the Preliminary Registration.
25.9. Each Participating Team must register a minimum of four (4) goalkeepers in their
Preliminary Registration.
25.10. The Preliminary Registration for the Finals may differ from that registered for the
25.11. The provisions of Article 25.3 shall apply equally to the Finals.
25.12. Once the Preliminary Registration has been received by the AFC and after the deadline
has passed, under no circumstances shall Participating Teams be permitted to submit
has not been met.
26. Final Registration
26.1. The submission of the Final Registration for each Match shall be undertaken using the
Player Selection List.
26.2. Each Participating Team shall submit a Final Registration of minimum eighteen (18) and
maximum twenty-three (23) Participating Players.
26.2.1. The Final Registration may only be composed of those Participating Players
26.2.2. Numbers on the Participating Players’ shirts must correspond with the
numbers indicated on the Player Selection List (numbers 1-23 only). Jersey
number 1 shall be reserved for a goalkeeper.
26.3. Each Participating Team must register a minimum of three (3) goalkeepers in their Final
26.4. Each Participating Team shall submit a Final Registration of minimum eighteen (18)
players and maximum twenty-three (23) Participating Players.
26.4.1. The Final Registration may only be composed of those Participating Players
registered in the Preliminary Registration for the Finals.
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26.4.2. The Participating Players must be assigned jerseys numbered 1-23. Jersey
number 1 shall be reserved for a goalkeeper. Each Participating Player shall
wear the same number allocated in the Final Registration during all Matches
in the Finals.
26.4.3. Each Participating Team shall submit their Final Registration to the AFC by
26.5. Each Participating Team must register a minimum of three (3) goalkeepers in their Final
26.6. Once the Final Registration has been received by the AFC, Participating Teams may
26.6.1. Any replacement Participating Player must have been registered in the
Preliminary Registration.
26.6.2. Replacement Participating Players shall only be allocated the vacated shirt
26.6.3. To replace a Participating Player, a Participating Team must provide his
Accreditation Card to the AFC and shall receive the Accreditation Card of the
replacement Participating Player in exchange.
26.6.4. Replacement Participating Players shall only be eligible to participate in the
Competition after receiving their Accreditation Card.
27. Player Selection List
27.1. Each Participating Team shall mark the starting eleven (11), including the team captain,
and up to twelve (12) substitutes, on the “Player Selection List” via AFCAS.
27.1.1. Each Participating Player who is marked on the Player Selection List must be
available at the Player and Equipment Check undertaken by the AFC Match
Commissioner on Match day.
27.2. Each Participating Team must submit their ‘Player Selection List’ using the AFCAS
together with the ‘Ofcials on the Substitution Bench’ form with the names of the
AFC Match Commissioner by latest ninety (90) minutes prior to the commencement of
each Match.
28. RegistrationofOfcials
28.1. Thereshallonlybeone(1)registrationperiodforParticipatingOfcialsforeachofthe
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28.2. Each Participating Team shall submit the supporting documents in accordance with
Article 29 via AFCAS by the deadline provided by the AFC.
28.3. EachParticipatingTeammaynominateuptoeleven (11)ParticipatingOfcials. Each
Article 21.
28.4. Up to eleven (11) ofcialsmaysitontheteambenchfor each Match.Thefollowing
28.4.1. Head Coach;
28.4.2. Team Manager; and
28.4.3. TeamDoctor.
28.5. Each Participating Team is entitled to register a ‘Video Analyst’ who shall be the only
This recording shall be strictly for technical purposes and should not interfere with
Match operations or be utilised by any Broadcast Partner.
28.6. AllParticipatingOfcials(andadditionalofcials)willbeissuedwithanAccreditation
Card. Should a card be misplaced, the relevant Participating Member Association shall
28.7. Should the AFC not receive all required documents by the stipulated deadline, the
Participating Member Association concerned shall be considered to have withdrawn
from the Competition (cf. Article 7.1) prior to its commencement and subject to Article
28.8. Once the registration of Participating Ofcials has been received by the AFC,
days before each Match by submitting the documents set out in Article 29 in the AFCAS
28.8.1. To replace a Participating Ofcial, a Participating Team must provide his
Accreditation Card to the AFC and shall receive the Accreditation Card of the
28.8.2. ReplacementParticipatingOfcialsshallonlybeeligibletoparticipateinthe
Competition after receiving their Accreditation Card.
28.9. Each Participating Team shall submit via AFCAS online registration the supporting
documents in accordance with Article 29 by the deadline provided by the AFC.
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28.10. Each Participating Team may nominate twenty (20) Participating Ofcials. Each
Article 21.
28.11. Uptoeleven(11) ofcialsmaysitontheteambenchforeachMatch.Thefollowing
28.11.1. Head Coach;
28.11.2. Team Manager; and
28.11.3. TeamDoctor.
28.12. Each Participating Team is entitled to register up to two (2) ‘Video Analysts’ who shall
Competition. This recording shall be strictly for technical purposes and should not
interfere with Match operations or be utilised by any Broadcast Partner.
28.13. Once the registration of Participating Ofcials has been received by the AFC,
at any stage with twenty-four (24) hours notice to the AFC by submitting the documents
28.13.1. To replace a Participating Ofcial, a Participating Team must provide his
Accreditation Card to the AFC and shall receive the Accreditation Card of the
28.13.2. ReplacementParticipatingOfcialsshallonlybeeligibletoparticipateinthe
Competition after receiving their Accreditation Card.
28.14. The provisions of Article 28.7 shall equally apply to the Finals.
29. DocumentsforRegistrationofOfcials
29.1. Participating Ofcials must be registeredvia theAFCAS online registrationwith the
supporting documents set out in the Manual.
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30. Media Access
30.1. Each Organising Association shall ensure that the AFC, the Host Broadcaster, and all
BroadcastPartners have free access to the Stadium fromve (5) days prior to each
Match until one (1) day after each Match to allow for the resolution of any technical
issues and for the assembly and/or disassembly of the relevant infrastructure required
to execute the Media Rights.
30.2. The Organising Association shall ensure that the AFC, the Host Broadcaster, and all
the resolution of any technical issues and for the assembly of the relevant infrastructure
required to execute the Media Rights.
31. Press Conferences
31.1. The Head Coach and minimum one (1) of the key Participating Players of each
Participating Team must attend a pre-Match press conference for each Match in which
they participate to be held at least one (1) day prior to the Match.
31.2. The Head Coach of each Participating Team and the Player of the Match must attend a
post-Match press conference for each Match in which they participate, commencing no
31.3. Anyindividualwhofailstoattendanobligatorypressconferenceshallbenedatleast
Article 4.3.8.
31.4. The AFC Disciplinary and Ethics Committee may impose further sanctions at its
32. Mixed Zone
32.1. The Head Coach and all Participating Players shall pass through the Mixed Zone on
their way from their team dressing room to their bus after each Match.
32.2. Any individual who fails to pass through the mixed zone shall be ned at least
through the Mixed Zone in accordance with Article 4.3.8.
32.3. The AFC Disciplinary and Ethics Committee may impose further sanctions at its
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33. Interviews
33.1. If requested by the AFC, Participating Teams shall make their Head Coach and one (1)
Participating Player available the day before each Match for an interview of up to ten
(10) minutes, to be recorded by the Host Broadcaster or any other Broadcast Partner,
33.2. If requested by the AFC, Participating Teams shall make their Head Coach available on
Match day for an interview of not more than ninety (90) seconds at their point of arrival
at the Stadium for the Match.
33.3. Any individual who fails to conduct an interview when requested shall be ned at
conduct an interview when requested in accordance with Article 4.3.8.
33.4. The AFC Disciplinary and Ethics Committee may impose further sanctions at its
34. Flash Interviews
34.1. If requested by the AFC, any Participating Player (Maximum 3) and/or Participating
34.2. Anyindividualwhofailstoconducta‘ashinterview’whenrequestedshallbenedat
34.3. The AFC Disciplinary and Ethics Committee may impose further sanctions at its
35. Recording of Matches
35.1. Any Organising Association that fails to provide three (3) copies of the Match recording
to the AFC Match Commissioner immediately after the completion of each Match shall
35.2. The AFC Disciplinary and Ethics Committee may impose further sanctions at its
35.3. The AFC shall provide each Participating Team with relevant online link for them to view
and download relevant footage of each Match in the Finals.
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36. General Requirements
36.1. Tickets, electronic or hard copy, shall include seat numbering and serial numbering,
approved by the AFC.
36.2. The AFC reserves the right at its sole discretion to substitute the seating area or the
or technical reasons.
37. Terms and Conditions
37.1. Each Organising Association shall be responsible at its own cost for the design,
production, distribution, and sales of all Tickets. Such matters are subject to the
approval of the AFC.
37.2. EachOrganisingAssociationshalldetermineforeachoftheMatches:
37.2.1. the total number of Tickets made available in a stadium in which a Match takes
37.2.2. the pricing of all Tickets;
37.2.3. the category of Tickets; and
37.2.4. the assignment of Stadium seats to Tickets.
37.3. The AFC shall, in collaboration with the Organising Association, issue Ticketing terms
and conditions which are applicable to all Ticket holders.
38. Complimentary Tickets
38.1. Each Organising Association shall provide Complimentary Tickets to the AFC for each
Match in the Competition as instructed by the AFC.
38.2. Each Organising Association shall provide the following Complimentary Tickets to each
Participating Team competing at a Venue which it controls for each Match it participates
38.2.1. two (2) VVIP Tickets;
38.2.2. ve(5)VIPTickets;and
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38.2.3. twenty (20) Tickets of the next-best category;
38.2.4. two (2) VVIP Tickets;
38.2.5. ten (10) VIP Tickets;
38.2.6. thirty (30) Tickets of the next-best category (as determined by the AFC); and
38.2.7. two (2) Tickets of the next-best category (as determined by the AFC) for all
other Matches at the Venue not involving the relevant Participating Member
38.3. The completion or submission of the ticket application form by the Participating Team
does not guarantee the availability of Complimentary Tickets for the Participating Team.
39. Purchasable Tickets
39.1. Each Organising Association must make available at least eight percent (8%) of the
net saleable capacity of a Stadium available exclusively to the supporters of each
Participating Member Association, in a segregated, safe area to be determined by the
AFC and the Organising Association.
39.2. The number of Tickets to be purchased must be declared by each Participating Member
Association in accordance with the Ticketing timeline and guidelines issued by the
AFC. Each Participating Member Association is responsible for all Tickets purchased,
even if not utilised. The price of the Tickets shall not exceed the price of comparable
Tickets that are sold to the general public in the Organising Association.
39.3. Each Organising Association shall provide the AFC Commercial Rights Partner with
the opportunity to buy Tickets at face-value for each Match. The number of Tickets to
be purchased must be declared at a time to be mutually agreed between the AFC
Commercial Rights Partner and the Organising Association.
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40. Commercial Rights
40.1. AFC is the owner of all the Commercial Rights emanating from the Competition as well
as from any other related events coming under its jurisdiction, without any restrictions
as to content, time, place and law. The AFC may grant the Organising Associations the
Commercial Rights, in whole or in part, in accordance to the Manual which governs the
rights, duties, and responsibilities of all parties regarding the Commercial Rights.
40.2. Each Organising Association shall use reasonable efforts in seeking political and
administrative support from all local, regional and national governmental authorities
including through the implementation of government guarantees and tabling
of supplementary legislation for the effective exploitation and protection of the
Commercial Rights.
40.3. Each Organising Association shall where requested by the AFC, procure at its own cost
the registration of all Competition Marks and Competition Websites in its territory, at
least two (2) months prior to the start of the Competition.
40.4. Each Organising Association shall appoint a reasonable number of personnel to assist
the AFC in the conduct of its rights protection programme.
41. Clean Stadium
41.1. TheOrganisingAssociationshall deliver all Stadiums and OfcialTrainingSitesas a
42. Advertising and Branding
42.1. The Organising Association shall ensure that all relevant approvals are secured and
unrestricted access for the placement and publishing of advertising or branding of the
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
43. General Principles
43.1. All matters relating to safety and security shall be undertaken in compliance with the
AFC Stadium Regulations and AFC Safety and Security Regulations
43.2. Each Organising Association shall, in conjunction with the relevant government
authorities and/or Stadium owners, devise, plan, and implement adequate security and
safety measures for the Competition at all Controlled Access Areas within the Venue
and other relevant locations to protect all relevant persons, including without limitation
the AFC Delegation, Team Ofcial Delegations, AFC Commercial Rights Partner,
CommercialAfliates, Media, and spectators, and all goods brought in by the AFC,
43.3. Each Organising Association shall issue a detailed security plan in the form of a binding
This security plan shall be based upon the principles set out in the AFC Stadium
Regulations and AFC Safety and Security Regulations.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
44. Pre-Competition Medical Assessment
44.1. Each Participating Team shall ensure that each Participating Player in its Preliminary
Registration undergoes a Pre-Competition Medical Assessment (PCMA) at least thirty
44.1.1. Participating Players that have undertaken a PCMA for a FIFA competition may
provide the AFC with the physician and players declaration form originally
provided to FIFA, provided that the PCMA was conducted within one (1) year
of the Finals.
44.1.2. The AFC shall provide all Participating Teams with the PCMA form setting
out the necessary matters to be tested, which shall include testing to prevent
players from experiencing sudden cardiac death during any Match.
44.1.3. Each Participating Member Association must submit to the AFC latest ten
(10) days prior to the rst Match of the Competition the following signed
documents: “MemberAssociationDeclarationofAgreementtothePCMA”; for each Participating Player, the “Player and Examining Physician
44.1.4. Any player for whom the required documents are not provided is not eligible
to be registered in the Final Registration for a Participating Team.
44.2. The AFC Medical Committee may, in its sole discretion, order any further medical
evaluation of a Participating Player that it deems necessary. The cost of such further
testing shall be borne by the AFC.
45. Facilities and Personnel
45.1. Each Organising Association shall provide a medical room and doping control room
fully-equipped with all items stipulated in the Manual.
45.2. AnOrganisingAssociationshallbened:
45.2.1. atleastUSD20,000forfailingtofullyequipthemedicalroom;or
45.2.2. atleastUSD10,000forfailingtofullyequipthedopingcontrolroom;or
45.2.3. atleastUSD40,000forfailingtofullyequipbothrooms.
45.2.4. TheAFCDisciplinaryandEthicsCommitteemayimposefurthersanctionsin
its discretion.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
45.3. Each Organising Association shall provide all medical personnel and doping control
personnel stipulated in the Manual.
45.4. AnOrganisingAssociationshallbened:
45.4.1. atleastUSD10,000forfailingtoprovideallrequireddopingcontrolpersonnel
(subject to Article 45.3); or
45.4.2. atleastUSD20,000forfailingtoprovideallrequiredmedicalpersonnel.
45.4.3. TheAFCDisciplinaryandEthicsCommitteemayimposefurthersanctionsin
its discretion.
46. Anti-Doping
46.1. Dopingisstrictlyprohibited.TheAFCAnti-DopingRegulations,theAFCDisciplinary
and Ethics Code, and all relevant AFC directives in relation to anti-doping are applicable
to the Competition.
46.2. The AFC shall inform each Participating Team by means of a circular of the doping
control procedure for the Competition.
46.3. The AFC Anti-Doping Unit (mandated by the AFC Medical Committee to handle
organisation and administration of anti-doping activities) shall be responsible for the
doping samples.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
47. Responsibilities
47.1. Participating Member Associations shall settle all logistical costs among themselves.
47.1.1. The visiting Participating Team shall cover its international travel costs to the
Venue or the nearest airport, as well as board, lodging costs and incidental
47.1.2. The Organising Association shall cover domestic transport costs for the entire
Team OfcialDelegationof the visiting ParticipatingTeam,subjectto ight
47.1.3. The Organising Association shall pay for board and lodging in a high-standard
47.1.4. The Participating Teams shall not be permitted to stay at the same hotel or at
47.1.5. Anydisputesarisingregardingnancialprovisionsshallberesolvedamongst
the Participating Member Associations concerned but may be submitted to
47.2. The AFC and Organising Association shall provide all logistical arrangements in
accordance with the Organising Association Agreement. Such arrangements shall be
communicated to the Participating Teams by circular prior to the Finals.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
48. Trophy, Awards and Medals
48.1. The original trophy of the Competition shall be presented as a formality to the
Champion during the prize presentation ceremony after the Final. Following the
conclusion of the ceremony, the original trophy shall be returned to the AFC and
remain in the possession of the AFC at all times. The Champion shall subsequently be
awarded a replica by the AFC for its permanent possession.
48.2. The awards of the Competition shall be presented in accordance with the Manual.
48.3. TheAFCshallawardthefollowingmedals:
48.3.1. fty-three(53)medalstotheChampion;
48.3.2. fty-three(53)medalstotherunner-up;
48.3.3. fty-three(53)medalstothethirdplace;and
48.3.4. commemorativemedalsfortheMatchOfcialsofthenalMatch.
48.4. The AFC Organising Committee may decide to introduce further awards.
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
49. DisciplinaryMeasures
49.1. All disciplinary measures in relation to the Competition shall be undertaken in
relevant AFC circular.
49.2. The AFC may introduce new disciplinary rules and sanctions for the duration of
the Competition. Such rules shall be communicated to the Participating Member
49.3. AllParticipatingPlayersagreeto:
49.3.1. respect the spirit of fair play, non-violence, and the authority of the Match
49.3.2. behave accordingly; and
49.3.3. refrain from doping.
50. Good Conduct
50.1. ParticipatingMemberAssociationsareliablefortheimproperconductof:
50.1.1. anymemberofitsTeamOfcialDelegation;and/or
50.1.2. anypersonafliatedtoitand/orcarryingoutdutiesonitsbehalfthroughout
the Competition.
50.2. ForanyviolationofArticle50.1,theAFCDisciplinaryandEthicsCommitteemayissue
51. Administrative Procedure
51.1. Subject to the AFC Disciplinary and Ethics Code, for any offence set out in these
51.1.1. the AFC, after completing its investigation but prior to opening disciplinary
proceedings, may write to the party and make an offer to compound the
admit to the offence;
51.1.2. if the offence is admitted, the AFC shall submit the compounded offence to
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
52 should the party deny the offence, the AFC shall open disciplinary
51.1.3. uponapprovaloftheChairmanoftheAFCDisciplinaryandEthicsCommittee,
thesanctionshallbenotiedandappliedadministrativelybytheAFC; shouldtheChairmanoftheAFCDisciplinaryandEthicsCommittee
not approve the compounded offence, the AFC shall open
disciplinary proceedings;
51.1.4. by agreeing to compound the offence, the party waives its right to request a
motivated decision or appeal the sanction issued;
51.1.5. any sanction issued administratively comes into force immediately upon
52. Cautions and Expulsions
52.1. All matters relating to cautions and/or expulsions, including the carrying forward of
cautions between stages of the Competition, shall be undertaken in accordance with
52.2. AnyParticipatingPlayerorParticipatingOfcialwhocompletestheQualiers(Playoff
Round) having only received one (1) caution shall not carry-over that caution to the
52.3. Any Participating Player or Participating Ofcial who completes the Qualiers (Final
Round) having only received one (1) caution shall not carry-over that caution to the
52.4. Any Participating Player or Participating Ofcial who completes the Qualiers (Final
Round) with a match suspension as a result of receiving two (2) cautions imposed
in different matches of the Qualiers (Final Round) shall not carry-over that match
suspension to the Finals.
52.5. Any Participating Player or Participating Ofcial who completes the Group Stage,
Round of 16, and Quarter Finals having only received one (1) caution shall not carry-
over that caution to the Semi Finals.
53. Protest
53.1. For the purpose of these Regulations, a protest is an objection of any kind related to
any event and/or matter that has a direct effect on a Match.
53.2. Unless otherwise stipulated in these Regulations, to be considered valid, a protest must
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
53.2.1. submitted in writing (using the appropriate Protest Form issued by the AFC
General Secretariat) to the AFC Match Commissioner for the relevant Match
within two (2) hours of the end of the relevant Match;
53.2.2. followed up with a full written report (including a copy of the original Protest
Form) which must be sent to the AFC General Secretariat within twenty-four
(24) hours of the end of the relevant Match; and
53.2.3. accompanied by a non-refundable fee of USD500 (non-inclusive of any
bank charges) which must be transmitted to the bank account nominated by
the AFC General Secretariat within twenty-four (24) hours of the end of the
relevant Match.
53.3. No protest shall be lodged relating to the Referee’s decisions regarding facts
for any potential issue concerning the use and/or operation of any goal-line technology
(GLT) and/or video assistant referee (VAR) system.
53.4. Any protest which relates to the eligibility of a player to participate in the Finals must
on which the opening Match of the Finals is scheduled to take place. To be considered
53.4.1. submitted in writing (in the form of a full written report); and
53.4.2. accompaniedbyanon-refundablefeeofUSD500(non-inclusiveofanybank
charges), which must be transmitted to the bank account nominated by the
AFC General Secretariat before the expiry of the aforementioned deadline.
53.5. If any of the formal requirements set out in Article 53.2 and/or 53.4 is not met, the
relevant protest shall be disregarded. The AFC General Secretariat decides whether or
not appealable.
53.6. Subject to Article 53.5 and any other exceptions set out in these Regulations, the
AFC Disciplinary and Ethics Code, the AFC Statutes and/or any other applicable
AFCregulation,theAFCDisciplinaryand EthicsCommitteeshall makedecisionson
Committee may transfer a protest to the AFC Organising Committee for its decision if
it is deemed to be purely operational in nature.
54. Arbitration
54.1. Any dispute in connection with the Competition shall be promptly settled by
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
54.2. In compliance with the AFC Statutes, Participating Member Associations, Participating
court of law and must submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the AFC.
54.3. Participating Member Associations, Participating Players, and Participating Ofcials
acknowledge and accept that, once all internal channels have been exhausted at the
AFC, their sole recourse shall be to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). The Code
of Sports-related Arbitration shall be applicable. The language of arbitration shall be
54.4. The jurisdiction of the CAS to resolve disputes is only available where it has not been
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
55. Special Instructions
55.1. The AFC Organising Committee shall, in conjunction with the various Organising
Associations, issue any instructions necessitated by special circumstances which might
arise in the organisation of Matches.
55.2. These instructions shall form an integral part of these Regulations.
56. Decisions
56.1. All decisions made in accordance with these Regulations, except where expressly
AFC Statutes.
57. Amendments
57.1. The AFC reserves the right to make amendments to any part of these Regulations for
any reason whatsoever. Such amendments shall be duly communicated in due course.
58. Force Majeure
58.1. The AFC Organising Committee is the only body capable of declaring a Force Majeure
59. Matters Not Provided For
59.1. Matters not provided for in these Regulations shall be decided by the AFC Organising
60. Implementing Provisions
60.1. The AFC General Secretariat is entrusted with the operational management of the
Competition and is therefore entitled to make decisions and adopt the detailed
provisions necessary for implementing these Regulations.
61. Enforcement
61.1. TheseRegulations were ratiedby theAFC Executive Committeeon 10 September
2020 and came into force immediately.
For the AFC Executive Committee
Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa
General Secretary
AFC Asian Cup China 2023
Competition Regulations
AFC House, Jalan 1/155B, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T: +603 8994 3388 l F: +603 8994 2689