The INL is a U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory
operated by Battelle Energy Alliance
Rev. 1
Battery Test Manual for
Plug-In Hybrid Electric
September 2010
Rev. 1
Battery Test Manual for Plug-In Hybrid Electric
September 2010
Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415
Prepared for the
U.S. Department of Energy
Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Under DOE Idaho Operations Office
Contract DE-AC07-05ID14517
U.S. Department of Energy
Vehicle Technologies Program
Battery Test Manual
For Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
The Idaho National Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy National
Operated by Battelle Energy Alliance
This manual was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States
Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes
any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness,
or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not
infringe privately owned rights. References herein to any specific commercial product, process or service by
trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions
of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any
agency thereof.
This battery test procedure manual was prepared for the United States Department of Energy (DOE),
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Vehicle Technologies Program. It is based
on technical targets established for energy storage development projects aimed at meeting system level
DOE goals for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV). The specific procedures defined in this manual
support the performance and life characterization of advanced battery devices under development for
PHEV’s. However, it does share some methods described in the previously published battery test manual
for power-assist hybrid electric vehicles.
Due to the complexity of some of the procedures and supporting analysis, future revisions including some
modifications and clarifications of these procedures are expected. As in previous battery and capacitor
test manuals, this version of the manual defines testing methods for full-size battery systems, along with
provisions for scaling these tests for modules, cells or other subscale level devices.
The DOE-United States Advanced Battery Consortium, Electrochemical Energy Storage Technical Team
supported the development of the manual. Technical Team points of contact responsible for its
development and revision are Harshad Tataria of General Motors Corporation and Jeffrey R. Belt of the
Idaho National Laboratory.
The development of this manual was funded by the Unites States Department of Energy, Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Vehicle Technologies Program. Technical direction from DOE was
provided by David Howell, Energy Storage R&D Manager and Hybrid Electric Systems Team Leader.
Comments and questions regarding the manual should be directed to Jeffrey R. Belt at the Idaho National
Laboratory. ([email protected]).
FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................v
CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................. vii
FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................... ix
TABLES ..........................................................................................................................................x
ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................. xi
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................. xii
1. PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY ......................................................................................1
1.1 Energy Storage Targets For Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles ................................................ 1
2. TEST PROFILES DERIVED FROM TARGETS .................................................................3
3. TEST PROCEDURES ...........................................................................................................3
3.1 General Test Conditions and Scaling ....................................................................................... 3
3.1.1 Temperature Control .............................................................................................. 3
3.1.2 Scaling of Performance and Cycle Life Test Profile ............................................. 3
3.1.3 Scaling of HPPC-Current ....................................................................................... 4
3.1.4 Charging Procedure ............................................................................................... 4
3.2 Static Capacity Test ................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 Constant Power Discharge Tests .............................................................................................. 5
3.4 Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test .............................................................................. 5
3.4.1 Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test Profile ................................................ 5
3.4.2 Test Procedure Description .................................................................................... 6
3.4.3 Charge-Sustaining Available Energy Verification Test ......................................... 8
3.4.4 Charge-Depleting Available Energy Verification Test .......................................... 9
3.5 Self-Discharge Test .................................................................................................................. 9
3.6 Cold Cranking Test .................................................................................................................. 9
3.6.1 Cold Cranking Test Profile .................................................................................. 10
3.7 Thermal Performance Test ..................................................................................................... 11
3.8 Energy Efficiency Test ........................................................................................................... 12
3.9 Charge-Sustaining Cycle Life Tests ....................................................................................... 12
3.9.1 Cycle Life Test Procedure Outline ...................................................................... 12
3.9.2 Charge-Sustaining Cycle Life Test Profiles ........................................................ 13
3.9.3 Operating Set Point Stability Test........................................................................ 16
3.10 Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Tests ........................................................................................ 17
3.10.1 Cycle Life Test Procedure Outline ...................................................................... 18
3.10.2 Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile ........................................................... 20
3.10.3 Combined Cycle Life Test ................................................................................... 22
3.11 Calendar Life Test .................................................................................................................. 23
3.11.1 Calendar Life Test Planning ................................................................................ 23
3.11.2 Calendar Life Test Procedure .............................................................................. 24
3.11.3 Calendar Life Test Profile .................................................................................... 26
3.11.4 Alternative Calendar Life Test ............................................................................ 26
3.12 Reference Performance Tests ................................................................................................. 27
4. ANALYSIS AND REPORTING OF TEST RESULTS ......................................................28
4.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 28
4.2 Static Capacity Test and Constant Power Discharge Test ..................................................... 28
4.2.1 Capacity Fade ...................................................................................................... 28
4.3 Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test ............................................................................ 28
4.3.1 Open-Circuit Voltage ........................................................................................... 29
4.3.2 Calculated Resistance Characteristics as a Function of Depth-of-Discharge ...... 29
4.3.3 Pulse Power Capability ........................................................................................ 30
4.3.4 Useable and Available Energies .......................................................................... 34
4.3.5 CD and CS Available Energy Margins ................................................................ 36
4.3.6 CS Available Power ............................................................................................. 38
4.3.7 Power and Energy Fade ....................................................................................... 39
4.3.8 Minimum and Maximum DOD Values ............................................................... 40
4.3.9 Two-Second Discharge Target Verification ........................................................ 41
4.3.10 Pulse Power Characterization Profile Voltage Response .................................... 41
4.3.11 Other Laboratory Cell Performance Characteristics ............................................ 41
4.3.12 Determining Battery Size Factor When Not Supplied By Manufacturer ............ 41
4.4 Self-Discharge Test ................................................................................................................ 44
4.5 Cold Cranking Test ................................................................................................................ 45
4.6 Thermal Performance Tests ................................................................................................... 45
4.7 Energy Efficiency Test ........................................................................................................... 46
4.8 Operating Set Point Stability Test .......................................................................................... 46
4.9 Cycle Life Tests ..................................................................................................................... 46
4.10 Calendar Life Test .................................................................................................................. 47
4.11 Reference Performance Tests ................................................................................................. 48
4.12 Module Controls Verification Tests ....................................................................................... 49
4.13 System-Level Testing ............................................................................................................ 49
5. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................50
6. Appendix A ..........................................................................................................................51
7. Appendix B ..........................................................................................................................56
Figure 1. Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test Profile. ....................................................................... 6
Figure 2. Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test (start of test sequence). ............................................. 7
Figure 3. Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test (complete HPPC sequence). ..................................... 7
Figure 4. Cold Cranking Test Profiles. ...................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5. Charge-Sustaining Minimum PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile. ........................ 14
Figure 6. Charge-Sustaining Medium PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile. ........................... 15
Figure 7. Charge-Sustaining Maximum PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile. ........................ 16
Figure 8. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Minimum PHEV Battery. ............................ 17
Figure 9. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Medium PHEV Battery. ............................... 19
Figure 10. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Maximum PHEV Battery. .......................... 21
Figure 11. Calendar Life Test Profile. ....................................................................................................... 26
Figure 12. Resistance Calculation Time Points. ........................................................................................ 29
Figure 13. Open-Circuit Voltage and Pulse Resistances versus Depth-of-Discharge. .............................. 30
Figure 14. Pulse Power Capability vs. Depth-of-Discharge. ...................................................................... 31
Figure 15. Relationship Between Energy and DOD in a 10-kW Discharge. ............................................. 32
Figure 16. Unscaled HPPC Cell Power Capability vs. Energy Removed. ................................................. 33
Figure 17. HPPC Power vs. HPPC-Current Discharge Energy Scaled by the Battery Size Factor. .......... 34
Figure 18. PHEV Operating Philosophy. ................................................................................................... 35
Figure 19. CS and CD Useable Energy Determination. ............................................................................. 36
Figure 20. Charge-Depleting and Sustaining Useable Energy Margin Determination. ............................. 37
Figure 21. CD and CS Available Energy and Power Margins Over Life. ................................................. 38
Figure 22. Useable Energy versus Power Curve. ....................................................................................... 39
Figure 23. Minimum and Maximum DOD Values Where Targets Are Met. ............................................ 40
Figure 24. Finding the CD Useable Energy Using Device-Level Results. ................................................ 43
Figure 25. Finding a Battery Size Factor Using Device-Level Results. .................................................... 44
Figure 26. Cold Cranking Test Resistance Calculation Points. ................................................................. 45
Table 1. Energy Storage System Performance Targets for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (November
2009). .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Table 2. Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test Profile. ....................................................................... 6
Table 3. Cold Cranking Test Profile for Plug-In Hybrid Targets. ............................................................. 10
Table 4. Charge-Sustaining Minimum PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile. .......................... 14
Table 5. Charge-Sustaining Medium PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile. ............................ 14
Table 6. Charge-Sustaining Maximum PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile. ......................... 15
Table 7. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Minimum PHEV Battery. .............................. 18
Table 8. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Medium PHEV Battery. ................................ 20
Table 9. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Maximum PHEV Battery. ............................. 22
Table 10. Calendar Life Test Profile. ......................................................................................................... 26
Table 11. Reference Performance Tests and Test Intervals for Life Testing. ............................................ 27
Gap Analysis ............................................................................................................................................... 56
Available Energy for charge-sustaining
CS Target
Available Energy Target for charge-sustaining
Available Energy for charge-depleting
CD Target
Available Energy Target for charge-depleting
ASI area-specific impedance
BSF battery size factor
BOL beginning-of-life
CD charge-depleting
CS charge-sustaining
DOD depth-of-discharge
EOL end-of-life
EV electric vehicle
HEV hybrid electric vehicle
HPPC hybrid pulse power characterization
OCV open-circuit voltage
OSPS operating set point stability
PHEV plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
PNGV Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles
RPT reference performance test
SOC state-of-charge
TLVT technology life verification tests
Useable Energy for charge-depleting
CD Margin
Useable Energy Margin for charge-depleting
Useable Energy for charge-sustaining
CS Margin
Useable Energy Margin for charge-sustaining
USABC United States Advanced Battery Consortium
CS Available Power –the discharge pulse power at which the useable energy is equal to the
Charge-Sustaining Available Energy target for a given mode (Minimum, Medium, or
Maximum PHEV).
Battery Size Factor (BSF) – for a particular cell or module design, an integer which is the
minimum number of cells or modules expected to be required to meet all the
performance and life targets. If this value cannot be determined prior to testing, the
Battery Size Factor is chosen as the minimum number of cells or modules that can
both satisfy the CS energy target with a 30% power margin and provide a 20% energy
margin for Charge Depleting Available Energy at beginning-of-life . Battery Size
Factor is determined separately for each mode.
Beginning-of-Life (BOL) – the point at which life testing begins. A distinction is made in this
manual between the performance of a battery at this point and its initial performance,
because some degradation may take place during early testing prior to the start of life
testing. Analysis of the effects of life testing is based on changes from the BOL
/1 Rate – a current corresponding to the manufacturer’s rated capacity (in ampere-hours)
for a one-hour discharge at 30°C. For example, if the battery’s rated one-hour
capacity is 40Ah, then C
/1 is 40A.
Charge – any condition in which energy is supplied to the device rather than removed from
the device. Charge includes both recharge and regen conditions. Charge is indicated
in this manual as a negative value (from the perspective of the battery)
Charge-Depleting Available Energy –the discharge energy available at a 10-kW constant
power discharge rate between an arbitrarily defined upper limit (nominally 10%
DOD) and the minimum DOD. (See Section 4.3.4)
Charge-Sustaining Available Energy –the discharge energy available over the DOD range
where both the discharge and regen pulse power targets for a given mode (Minimum,
Medium, or Maximum PHEV) are precisely met. This energy is measured using a
10-kW discharge rate, and the limiting power conditions are calculated using the
procedure defined in this manual (section 4.3.4).
Depth-of-Discharge (DOD) – the percentage of a device’s rated capacity removed by
discharge relative to a fully charged condition, normally referenced to a constant
current discharge at the HPPC-Current rate.
Device – a cell, module, sub-battery or battery pack, depending on the context. The generic
term “device” is normally used in test procedures except where a specific type of
device is meant. (Most test procedures are intended to apply to any of these types).
Discharge – any condition in which energy is removed from the device rather than supplied
to the device. Discharge is indicated in this manual as a positive value (from the
perspective of the battery)
End-of-Life (EOL) – a condition reached when the device under test is no longer capable of
meeting the targets. This is normally determined from HPPC Test results scaled
using the Battery Size Factor, and it may not coincide exactly with the ability to
perform the life test profile (especially if cycling is done at elevated temperatures).
The number of test profiles executed at end of test is not necessarily equal to the cycle
life per the targets.
End of Test – a condition where life testing is halted, either because criteria specified in the
test plan are reached, or because it is not possible to continue testing.
Energy Margin – for a given HPPC Test data set, the difference between either the CS or the
CD Available Energy and the energy target for a given application and operating
Fully Charged – The condition reached by a device when it is subjected to the
manufacturer’s recommended recharge algorithm. This state is defined as 100%
state-of-charge, or 0% depth-of-discharge.
HPPC-Current rate – the constant current equivalent of a BSF-scaled 10-kW rate (see
Section 3.1.3).
Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization (HPPC) Test – a test procedure whose results are used
to calculate pulse power and energy capability under operating conditions.
Maximum Rated Current (Imax) – the maximum discharge current that a manufacturer will
permit to be sustained by a device for 10 seconds. (This value need not be achievable
at all DOD values).
PHEV Charge Target—the upper regen limit used during PHEV operation, also known as
the charge limit during charging.
Power Fade—the change in CS Available Power from the beginning-of-life value to the
value determined at some later time, expressed as a percentage of the BOL value.
(Similar definitions apply to Capacity Fade and CS or CD Available Energy Fade,
although these are not included in this glossary).
Power Margin – for a given HPPC Test data set, the difference between the maximum power
at which the applicable energy target can be met and the power target for a given
Profile – a connected sequence of pulses used as the basic ‘building block’ of many test
procedures. A test profile normally includes discharge, rest and charge steps in a
specific order, and each step is normally defined as having a fixed time duration and a
particular (fixed) value of current or power.
Recharge – any device charge interval corresponding to the sustained replenishment of
energy by a continuous power source (such as an engine-generator or off-board
Regen – any device charge interval corresponding to the return of vehicle kinetic energy to a
device (typically from braking). Because of physical limitations, high rates of regen
can only persist for a few seconds at a time.
Rest the condition in which energy is neither supplied to the device nor removed from the
device. Rest is indicated by zero current
State- of-Charge (SOC)—the available capacity in a battery expressed as a percentage of
rated capacity (Handbook of Batteries, 3
Useable Energy – a value (calculated from HPPC Test results) that represents the discharge
energy available over a DOD range corresponding to any pair of discharge and regen
power values whose ratio is that of the corresponding power targets. Charge-
Sustaining Available Energy is the value of useable energy at the actual power target
values. (Useable energy has been frequently but inaccurately called “Available
Battery Test Manual
For Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
This manual defines a series of tests to characterize aspects of the performance or life behavior of
batteries for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) applications. Tests are defined based on the
Vehicle Technologies Program targets for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, though it is anticipated
these tests may be generally useful for testing energy storage devices for plug-in hybrid vehicles. The
test procedures in this manual are directly applicable to complete battery systems. However, most
can also be applied with appropriate scaling to the testing of modules, cells or sub-scale cells. Much
of the rationale for the test procedures and analytical methodologies utilized in this manual evolved
from the USABC Electric Vehicle Battery Test Procedure Manual (Reference 1), the PNGV Battery
Test Manual (Reference 2) and the FreedomCAR Battery Test Manual for Power-Assist Hybrid
Electric Vehicles (Reference 3).
1.1 Energy Storage Targets For Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Vehicle Technologies Program Energy Storage Targets are the primary driving force for the test
procedures and methods defined in this manual. These targets are outlined in Table 1 for a Minimum
PHEV Battery, Medium PHEV Battery, and a Maximum PHEV Battery performance specified for the
Vehicle Technologies Program. Note that this table of targets is presented as the primary basis for
this test manual. Establishing or verifying battery performance in comparison to these targets is a
principal objective of the test procedures defined in this document. The intended vehicle platform for
the Minimum PHEV Battery target is a sport utility vehicle with a vehicular mass of 2000 kg with an
equivalent electric range of 10 miles; the Medium PHEV Battery target is a car with a vehicular mass
of 1600 kg with an equivalent electric range of 20 miles; and the Maximum PHEV Battery target is a
car with a vehicular mass of 1500 kg with an equivalent electric range of 40 miles. Unless otherwise
stated, these targets all pertain to devices operating at 30°C.
This manual defines two operational modes for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, Charge-Depleting
(CD) and Charge-Sustaining (CS). The Charge-Depleting mode is intended to allow the vehicle to
operate in hybrid mode (propulsion and accessories are powered by the electric drive and/or engine)
and electric mode (propulsion and accessories powered by the electric drive and onboard electric
energy storage), with a net decrease in battery state-of-charge (SOC). The Charge-Sustaining mode
only allows the vehicle to operate in hybrid mode with a relatively constant battery state-of-charge.
Table 1. Energy Storage System Performance Targets for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
(November 2009).
Characteristics at EOL (End-of-Life) Unit
PHEV Battery
PHEV Battery
PHEV Battery
Reference Equivalent Electric Range miles 10 20 40
Peak Discharge Pulse Power (2 sec /10
kW 50/45 45/37 46/38
Peak Regen Pulse Power (10 sec) kW 30 25 25
Max. Current (10 sec pulse) A 300 300 300
Available Energy for CD (Charge-
Mode, 10-kW Rate
kWh 3.4 5.8 11.6
Available Energy for CS (Charge-
Mode, 10-kW Rate
kWh 0.5 0.3 0.3
Minimum Round-trip Energy Efficiency
CS 50 Wh
% 90 90 90
Cold cranking power at -30°C, 2 sec, 3
kW 7 7 7
CD Life / Discharge Throughput Cycles/MWh 5,000 / 17 5,000 / 29 5,000 / 58
CS HEV Cycle Life, 50 Wh Profile Cycles 300,000 300,000 300,000
Calendar Life, 35°C year 15 15 15
Maximum System Weight kg 60 70 120
Maximum System Volume Liter 40 46 80
Maximum Operating Voltage Vdc 400 400 400
Minimum O
e Vdc >0.55 x Vmax
>0.55 x Vmax
>0.55 x Vmax
Maximum Self-dischar
e Wh/da
50 50 50
Maximum System Recharge Rate at
Unassisted Operating & Charging
Temperature Range
52°C >100% Available Power
0°C >50% Available Power
-10°C >30% Available Power
-30°C >10% Available Power
°C -30 to +52 -30 to +52 -30 to +52
Survival Temperature Range °C -46 to +66 -46 to +66 -46 to +66
Suggested Total Energy kWh 5.6 8.7 17.0
Maximum System Production Price @
100k units/
$ $1,700 $2,200 $3,400
1 Minimum, Medium and Maximum PHEV Battery are also referred to as High Power/Energy Ratio Battery,
Moderate Energy/Power Ratio Battery, and High Energy/Power Ratio Battery.
2 The Peak Discharge Pulse Power and Peak Regen Pulse Power targets are applicable for the Charge-Sustaining
3 The HPPC-Current rate is used to approximate the required 10-kW rate during the HPPC Test and the Static
Capacity test.
4 This value can be reduced to 45% of Vmax for temperatures lower than 0°C.
5 With the battery manufacturer’s concurrence, an increase recharge rate can be used to accelerate life testing.
Maximum System Recharge Rate refers to the maximum power expected from a standard garage outlet.
The test procedures described in this manual are intended for use over a broad range of devices at
various stages of developmental maturity. Application of the procedures is further complicated by the
existence of three different sets of performance targets. The approach taken for these procedures is to
define a small set of test profiles based on the overall vehicle characteristics, independent of the size
or capability of the device to be tested. These profiles are specified in terms of the characteristics of
vehicle power demand. They can be used in various combinations, with the appropriate scaling
factors, to define specific performance or cycle life tests for cells, modules or battery systems. Each
profile is defined within the respective procedure described, because there is essentially a one-to-one
relationship between test profiles and test procedures.
3.1 General Test Conditions and Scaling
In general, testing is divided into three broad phases, i.e., characterization, life, and reference
performance testing. Characterization testing establishes the baseline performance and includes static
capacity, hybrid pulse power characterization, self-discharge, cold cranking, thermal performance,
and efficiency tests.
Life testing establishes behavior over time at various temperatures, states of
charge and other stress conditions and includes both cycle life and calendar life testing. Reference
Performance Tests establish changes in the baseline performance and are performed periodically
during life testing, as well as at the start- and end-of-life testing. A generic test plan for testing is
outlined in Appendix A; this outline can be used as a starting point for device-specific test plans.
3.1.1 Temperature Control
Unless otherwise specified in a device-specific test plan, the ambient temperature for all tests should
be controlled at a default nominal temperature of 30ºC. Also, to the extent possible, all testing should
be conducted using environmental chambers. As a general practice, a rest of 60 minutes (or more if
required) should be observed after each charge and each discharge prior to proceeding with further
testing, to allow devices to reach stable voltage and temperature conditions.
3.1.2 Scaling of Performance and Cycle Life Test Profile
With the exception of the Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test (HPPC) and Calendar Life Test,
all performance and cycle life test profiles are defined in terms of required power levels at the system
(i.e., full-size vehicle battery) level. Testing any device smaller than a full-size system requires a
method for scaling these test profiles to a level appropriate to the size of the device (cell, module, or
sub-battery) under test. This is done by using a battery size factor. For purposes of this manual, the
Battery Size Factor (BSF) is defined as the minimum number of units (cells, modules or sub-
batteries) of a given design required for a device to meet all targets, including cycle life and calendar
life. Wherever possible, the Battery Size Factor will be specified by the manufacturer, based on the
6 In this manual, unless specifically stated otherwise, the desired state-of-charge for a test is established as a depth-of-
discharge (DOD) value, which is always reached by removing the appropriate fraction of the rated capacity from a fully
charged device (normally at a constant HPPC current discharge rate.) Also, the term “fully charged” means “charged in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended procedure”.
manufacturer’s testing and best estimates of any allowances needed for system burdens and
degradation over life.
If insufficient data exist to allow the manufacturer to determine a meaningful value, the Battery Size
Factor will be determined from the beginning-of-life Low Current HPPC Test results using a C
/1 rate
for the HPPC-Current rate by applying the larger BSF from either a nominal power margin of 30% or
a nominal CD Energy Margin of 20% to allow for degradation resulting from cycle life and calendar
life effects. See Section 4.3.12 for details of this determination.
Once the Battery Size Factor is determined, it becomes a constant (i.e., fixed over life) scaling factor
for all subsequent performance and cycle life tests. Any test profile (except HPPC or calendar life) is
then scaled by dividing the nominal profile power levels by the Battery Size Factor. For example, if
the Battery Size Factor is 100 for a particular cell design, the 7-kW Cold Cranking Test would then be
performed at a pulse power level of 7000/100 = 70 W for such cells. Note that there is a different
mode-specific Battery Size Factor for Minimum, Medium and Maximum PHEV Battery operation.
3.1.3 Scaling of HPPC-Current
The HPPC-Current is a constant current that will closely resemble the steady state current during the
10-kW Constant Power Discharge Test. In order to relate the energy removed at the 10-kW rate and
the energy removed during the HPPC Test, the “HPPC current” will be used for the 10% DOD
(depth-of-discharge) constant current discharge segments.
The HPPC-Current is calculated using the formula below.
= P
* BSF) (1)
where I
is the HPPC discharge current between pulses, P
is the Constant Power Discharge
Test power, and V
is the average voltage between V
and V
. For example, if V
= 4V and
= 3V, and V
= (V
)/2 = 3.5V, and the BSF = 100, and where P
= 10-kW, then I
= 10,000W/(3.5V * 100) = 28.6 A. Note that if the Battery Size Factor has not been determined, a
/1 rate can be used as an approximate rate for the HPPC-Current during the first iteration of the
HPPC Test to determine an appropriate Battery Size Factor. This value is used extensively once the
BSF is determined for the Static Capacity and HPPC tests
3.1.4 Charging Procedure
The manufacturer is responsible for defining a reasonable charging procedure with the assistance of
the Program Manager. In order to speed up testing and avoid the degradation that may accompany
the fully charged condition, the manufacturer may specify a charging procedure to charge up to the
manufacturer’s specified DOD
during life testing and Reference Performance Tests. This charging
procedure should specify rest periods required before and after (1 hour recommended) charging is
performed. During CD cycle life testing a rest period of 15 minutes can be used to accelerate testing
before and after charging. This is a default value can be adjusted based on the needs of the chemistry.
7 In some cases, this value and/or the associated voltage limits may require modification to ensure that the round-trip
efficiency targets are also met.
The HPPC current should be compared with the average current for a scaled 10-kW discharge. An alternate method
to determine the HPPC current is as follows (HPPC Current = 10 kW / (BSF *(Device Energy/ Device Capacity)).
3.2 Static Capacity Test
This test measures device capacity in ampere-hours at a constant current discharge rate corresponding
to the HPPC Current (See Section 3.1.3). Discharge begins following a one-hour rest from a fully-
charged state and is terminated on a manufacturer-specified discharge voltage limit, followed by a
one-hour rest at open-circuit voltage. If the manufacturer does not provide a discharge voltage limit,
or if the provided limit is unrealistically low, either an appropriate value is determined from the
literature or 55% of the maximum charge voltage is used. (This will automatically become the lowest
possible value for full-size battery tests in any event because of the operating voltage ratio limits).
The HPPC-Current rate is used as the reference for static capacity and energy measurement and as a
‘standard’ constant current rate for module and system-level testing. The slower rates more
commonly used for electric vehicle (EV) batteries are unrealistically low for hybrid applications.
3.3 Constant Power Discharge Tests
This test measures device capacity in ampere-hours and energy in watt-hours at a constant power
discharge rate corresponding to a BSF-scaled 10-kW rate. Discharge begins following a one-hour
rest from a fully-charged state and is terminated on a manufacturer-specified discharge voltage limit,
followed by a one-hour rest at open-circuit voltage.
3.4 Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test
The Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization (HPPC) Test is intended to determine dynamic power
capability over the device’s useable voltage range using a test profile that incorporates both discharge
and regen pulses. The primary objective of this test is to establish, as a function of depth-of-
discharge, (a) the V
discharge power capability at the end of a 10-s discharge current pulse and (b)
the V
regen power capability at the end of a 10-s regen current pulse.
These power and energy
capabilities are then used to derive other performance characteristics such as Charge-Sustaining
Available Energy and Available Power as well as the Charge-Depleting Available Energy.
Secondary objectives when used for cell testing are to derive from the voltage response curves the
fixed (ohmic) cell resistance and cell polarization resistance as a function of state-of-charge with
sufficient resolution to reliably establish cell voltage response time constants during discharge, rest,
and regen operating regimes. The resistance measurements will be used to evaluate resistance
degradation during subsequent life testing and to develop hybrid battery performance models for
vehicle systems analysis.
3.4.1 Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test Profile
The objective of this test is to determine the 10-second discharge-pulse and the 10-second regen-pulse
power capabilities at each 10% depth-of-discharge (DOD) increment for the Minimum PHEV
Battery, Medium PHEV Battery, and the Maximum PHEV Battery Targets. Between each pair of
discharge and regen pulses, the device is discharged to the next 10% DOD increment using the
HPPC-Current as determined in Section 3.1.3. The pulse profile is shown in Table 2 and Figure 1.
Note that the current values are relative, not absolute. The actual current values are determined as
defined at the end of Section 3.4.2. Also, note that this manual uses positive values for discharge
current and power, whereas charge or regen values are negative.
9 V
and V
refer to the device minimum and maximum voltages that correspond to the operating voltage
range as defined in Table 1. For cells, the specific voltages can be any values appropriate to the technology as long as they
fall within the BSF-scaled limits in Table 1.
Table 2. Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test Profile.
Time Increment
Cumulative Time
(s) Relative Currents
10 10 1.00
40 50 0
10 60 -0.75
0 102030405060
Time in Profile (s)
Current (relative)
Figure 1. Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test Profile.
3.4.2 Test Procedure Description
The HPPC Test incorporates the pulse power characterization profile as defined in Section 3.4.1.
Constant current steps are used in the ratios listed in Table 2. The test is made up of single repetitions
of this profile, separated by 10% DOD (depth-of-discharge) constant current discharge segments
(performed using the HPPC Current defined in Section 3.1.3),
each followed by a 1-hr rest period to
allow the cell to return to an electrochemical and thermal equilibrium condition before applying the
next profile. The constant current used during these segments i.e., between the pairs of discharge and
regen pulses is the HPPC-Current as determined in Section 3.1.3. The test begins with a fully
charged device after a 1-hr rest and terminates after completing the final profile at 90% DOD, a
discharge of the cell at the HPPC-Current rate to 100% DOD, and a final 1-hr rest. The voltages
during each rest period are recorded to establish the cell’s OCV (open-circuit voltage) behavior. The
sequence of rest periods, pulse profiles, and discharge segments is illustrated in Figures 2 and 3.
These figures also illustrate a 10-kW discharge to be executed just prior to each HPPC Test.
10 Note that the energy of the pulse profile must be accounted for in determining the actual state-of-charge at which
the profile was performed. The profile in Table 2 may remove several percent of the capacity from a typical device. The
test should be programmed such that 10% of the rated capacity is removed in each test segment, including that removed by
the pulse profile itself.
11 This HPPC current discharge is required because the HPPC results will eventually be reported as power capability
versus energy removed at a 10-kW rate. The availability of linked HPPC current data facilitates this analysis and reporting;
see Section 4.3.
-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180
Time (minutes)
100% SOC Discharge
at 10 kW
1 hour Rest
1 hour Rest
1 hour Rest
NOTE: Time scale is approximate because some
elements in the test sequence have variable length.
For example, the 100% SOC discharge is
conducted to a minimum voltage, not necessarily
for one hour.
1 hour Rest
Figure 2. Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test (start of test sequence)
Time (hours)
Time scale is
Figure 3. Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test (complete HPPC sequence).
A discharge and regen pulse can also be applied at 0% DOD if deemed appropriate for the chemistry.
The HPPC Test may be performed at the low-current level, the high-current level, or both. Each
HPPC Test sequence is performed using peak currents scaled to one of the levels. Scaling of the
levels is determined by the following criteria.
LOW CURRENT HPPC TEST—The pulse profile discharge current is equal to 2.5 times the HPPC-
Current rating. If the BSF is unknown at the time of first testing, a 5C
/1 rate can be used to
determine the BSF.
HIGH CURRENT HPPC TEST—The pulse profile discharge current is selected as 75% of I
manufacturer’s absolute maximum allowable pulse discharge current for 10-s at some state-of-charge,
which needs not be specified).
3.4.3 Charge-Sustaining Available Energy Verification Test
In general the HPPC Test produces slightly conservative results, because it is normally performed at
power levels that are less than the target values. (At higher test currents, internal heating lowers the
battery resistance and gives higher power capability). In some cases (e.g. when a new technology, a
new cell design or a full-size battery design is tested for the first time), it may be desirable to verify
the extent of this conservatism by performing a test at the actual target values. This is done using a
special test sequence as follows:
1. From HPPC Test results, calculate (a) the minimum DOD value (DOD
) at which the
regen pulse power target can be met and (b) the maximum DOD value (DOD
) at which
the discharge pulse power target can be met. The Available Energy for Charge-Sustaining
Mode should equal the energy discharged at the 10-kW rate between DOD
. These values are calculated using Section 4.3.4 and 4.3.8 and graphically shown
in Figure 23 of this manual.
2. Starting with a fully-charged battery, discharge to DOD
at a constant 10-kW rate, and
then rest for one-hour at open-circuit conditions.
3. Perform a 10-s regen pulse at the BSF-scaled Peak Regen Pulse Power target from Table 1.
Remove the energy added to the battery from the regen pulse at the 10-kW rate.
4. Remove the Available Energy for Charge-Sustaining Mode from Table 1 by discharging
the battery at a constant 10-kW rate, and then rest for one-hour at open-circuit conditions.
5. Perform a 10-s discharge pulse at the BSF-scaled Peak Discharge Pulse Power 10-s
from Table 1.
The results of this test can be used to verify that the HPPC-predicted power capabilities and energy
values are actually achievable and that they are not excessively conservative.
13 This same procedure can be used to verify the 2-second target by using a 2-second pulse at the associated power
level for comparison with the target.
3.4.4 Charge-Depleting Available Energy Verification Test
This test will verify the Available Energy for the Charge-Depleting mode by direct measurement;
secondarily, it will determine the charge range to be used for the Charge-Sustaining mode tests (i.e.
that region where Charge-Sustaining operation will take place after Charge-Depleting energy is used).
This test is performed in two steps.
1. Starting at 10% DOD or manufacturer’s specified DOD, remove 3.4 kWh at the
10-kW rate.
2. Verify that the DOD is less than DOD
if established in Section 3.4.3, or
perform a 10-s, 45 kW discharge pulse without violating the minimum voltage
3.5 Self-Discharge Test
This test is intended to determine the temporary capacity loss that results from a cell or battery
standing (i.e., at rest) for a predetermined period of time (i.e. 7 days at 30°C).
The test consists of the following sequence of activities:
1. Measure the actual cell capacity from full charge to the discharge voltage limit using a
constant 10-kW discharge rate, and recharge it using the manufacturer’s recommended
charge algorithm.
2. Remove the Available Energy for Charge-Depleting Mode plus half the Available Energy
for Charge-Sustaining Mode at the scaled 10-kW rate. Allow it to stand in an open-circuit
condition for a nominal interval of 7 days.
(The actual stand period should be selected
based on the expected stand loss rate, with the value chosen to yield an expected capacity
loss of 5% or more over the interval). All measurement equipment may need to be
disconnected from the cell during this period to reduce parasitic losses.
3. Discharge the cell for its remaining (residual) capacity at the 10-kW discharge rate.
4. Recharge the cell and fully discharge it again at the 10-kW discharge rate. If a loss of
capacity is observed between (1) and (4), additional recharge/discharge cycles may be
performed to return the cell to its nominal capacity.
3.6 Cold Cranking Test
The Cold Cranking Test is intended to measure 2-s power capability at low temperature (normally
-30ºC) for comparison with the Cold Cranking Power target(s) in Table 1. The test is conducted at
the maximum DOD (minimum state-of-charge) where CS and CD Available Energy targets are just
14. Although the end of the CD Available Energy Target is the default nominal condition for this test, the actual value to
be used is commonly defined in a device-specific test plan. The DOD value that will be used for cycle life or calendar life
testing is a typical value.
met, i.e., after removal of the energy required by both targets, based on the most recent L-HPPC
The test consists of the following sequence of activities:
1. At normal ambient temperature, discharge the fully charged device at a 10-kW discharge
rate to the maximum DOD value (minimum state-of-charge) determined as above.
2. Reduce the ambient temperature to –30ºC, and soak the device for a period of time
adequate to ensure it has reached thermal equilibrium at this temperature (nominally 4 to 8
3. Perform the Cold Cranking Test profile defined in Section 3.6.1. The pulse power level to
be used is 7 kW divided by the Battery Size Factor as determined in Sections 3.1.2 and
4.3.12. Note that the manufacturer may specify a different minimum discharge voltage for
cold cranking testing. This voltage, if specified, will be used for both test control and the
subsequent calculation of cold cranking power capability, but it may not exceed the voltage
ratio limits in Table 1. Note also that the profile pulses must be performed for the full 2-s
duration (even if the test power has to be limited to stay within the minimum discharge
voltage) to permit the later calculation of Cold Cranking power capability.
3.6.1 Cold Cranking Test Profile
The Cold Cranking Test Profile is a literal implementation of the Cold Cranking Power targets, which
require the ability to provide 7 kW of discharge power for three 2-s pulses at 12-s intervals (i.e., 10
seconds between pulses). The profile is defined in Table 3 and illustrated in Figure 4 for the Plug-In
Hybrid Battery targets.
Table 3. Cold Cranking Test Profile for Plug-In Hybrid Targets.
Time Increment
Cumulative Time
System Power
2 2 7
10 12 0
2 14 7
10 24 0
2 26 7
15 The analysis procedure to determine this DOD value is described in Section 4.3.8.
0 2 4 6 8 101214161820222426
Time in Profile (s)
Power (kW)
Figure 4. Cold Cranking Test Profile.
3.7 Thermal Performance Test
A primary objective of the thermal performance testing is to demonstrate the ability to meet some
fraction of the CS Available Power target at various temperatures. The effects of environment
(ambient temperature) on device performance will be measured as required by performing the Static
Capacity Test, Low-Current Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test, and/or Cold Cranking Test at
various temperatures within the operating temperature target range (-30 to +52ºC). At the laboratory
cell level, such testing has two targets: to characterize the performance of the technology as a function
of temperature and to bound the likely constraints on thermal management of full-size cells or
batteries. At the module and system level, the emphasis of thermal performance testing is
increasingly on thermal management system design and behavior.
Unless otherwise specified in a device-specific test plan, initial charging should be performed at 30ºC
during thermal performance testing. This implies a test sequence as follows: (1) fully charge the
device at 30ºC; (2) raise or lower the device ambient temperature to the target value; (3) wait a
suitable soak period for thermal equalization, typically 4 to 8 hr; and (4) execute the desired
performance test. If self-discharge is a major concern during the soak period, the device can be
clamped at a voltage during this period; however, this requires knowledge of the device OCV versus
temperature behavior to ensure that the SOC is not changed inadvertently.
It may be necessary to adjust the rest intervals in the HPPC Test to ensure that thermal stability as
well as voltage equilibrium is reached before each repetition of the pulse power characterization
3.8 Energy Efficiency Test
Charge sustaining efficiency is determined at the cell level by calculation from a charge-balanced
pulse profile. These profiles have been constructed for use in both efficiency and CS hybrid cycle life
testing. This test is performed similarly to the Operating Set Point Stability (OSPS) Test, as follows:
1. With the cell at 30°C, discharge at the HPPC current (See Section 3.1.3) to the specified
target state-of-charge value and then bring the cell to the specified test temperature.
2. Perform 100 efficiency test profiles.
3. Determine the change (if any) in the state-of-charge before and after the 100 profiles.
Allow a 1-hr rest period before and after the 100 profiles are performed to determine any
change in open-circuit voltage.
4. If the initial and final SOC values are different (by 5% or more), or the data indicate that
stable cycling was not achieved by the completion of 100 profiles, repeat the test with
different SOC control values or additional profiles, as appropriate.
The Charge-Sustaining Test Profiles are used for the efficiency tests and are 90-s in duration,
nominally charge-neutral pulse profile scaled to a level appropriate to verify the round trip energy
efficiency target of 90% with a 50-Wh energy swing.
The test profile for the Minimum PHEV
Battery is defined in Table 4 and illustrated in Figure 5, Medium PHEV Battery is defined in Table 5
and illustrated in Figure 6, and the profile for the Maximum PHEV Battery is defined in Table 6 and
Figure 7.
3.9 Charge-Sustaining Cycle Life Tests
Charge-Sustaining Cycle life testing is performed using one of the 50 Wh Hybrid Cycle Life Test
Profiles defined in Section 3.9.2 for Plug-In Hybrid operation. Cycle life testing is performed by
repeating the selected test profile at a fixed state-of-charge (i.e., the profile is charge-neutral).
3.9.1 Cycle Life Test Procedure Outline
The cycle life testing process consists of the following steps:
1. Scale the selected test profile (Table 4 for the Minimum PHEV Battery, Table 5 for the
Medium PHEV Battery or Table 6 for the Maximum PHEV Battery) by dividing the
nominal profile power values by the Battery Size Factor as described in Section 3.1.2.
2. Determine end-of-test criteria for cycle life testing. These are normally specified in a
device-specific test plan. A default (and generally mandatory) end-of-test condition is
reached when the test profile cannot be executed within the discharge and regen voltage
16 These profiles are calculated to be charge-neutral for a device that is about 90% efficient. Note that the Efficiency
Test may also serve as the OSPS Test if the same SOC value and temperature are used.
Another default end-of-test condition also occurs if performance degrades to a point where
the HPPC Reference Test yields insufficient information to show further degradation.
End of test is normally chosen to occur when one of the following conditions exists: (a)
cycle life meeting the targets has been attained (i.e., the number of properly scaled test
cycles exceeds the applicable target); or (b) CS or CD Available Energy drops below the
target value. In case (a) the battery may not have reached end-of-life when testing stops,
but further testing is not usually considered cost-effective. In case (b), end-of-life has
occurred at some prior time.
3. Bring the cell to the desired operating state-of-charge and test temperature for cycle life
testing and perform the Operating Set Point Stability Test (Section 3.9.3) to verify stable
operation at the selected SOC point. Make any needed adjustments to the test profile or test
operating conditions.
4. Repeat the selected test profile(s) at the desired operating conditions the number of times
specified in Table 11 or a device-specific test plan.
5. After the specified number of repetitions, suspend cycling. If cycling is being done at
other than 30ºC, return the cell to 30ºC. Observe the open-circuit voltage after a 1-hr rest.
Remove the residual capacity at a constant HPPC-Current rate to verify the cycling depth-
of-discharge, and perform one or more Reference Performance Tests to determine the
extent of degradation in capacity and/or power capability. The reference tests are listed in
Table 11. The intervals between repetitions of these reference tests are also specified in
Table 11, though these may be adjusted somewhat if required for time synchronization of
cells being tested under different test regimes.
6. If the residual capacity measured in Step 5 indicates an unacceptable drift in DOD during
cycling, repeat Step 3 to re-establish the target cycling condition.
7. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until an end-of-test condition is reached.
3.9.2 Charge-Sustaining Cycle Life Test Profiles
The objective of these test profiles is to demonstrate device life in the Charge-Sustaining mode when
subjected to different energy use levels and patterns appropriate to the targets.
Each profile is a 90-s pulse profile intended to demonstrate the ability to meet the cycle life target of
300,000 cycles with a 50-Wh swing. The profile families transfer about 15 million watt-hours (MWh)
respectively in and out of the device over 300,000 cycles.
17 At this point, the cell has insufficient available energy and capacity at the test conditions to execute the test, i.e. its
capability is less than that required by the test profile.
18 This would normally be the point where valid discharge and regen data are obtained at less than three DOD values
using the Low-Current HPPC test.
19 Note that end-of-test and end-of-life are not the same, and they may not even be related. See the glossary for more
information on this distinction. The determination of End-of-Life and Cycle Life is discussed in Section 4.9.
Table 4. Charge-Sustaining Minimum PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile.
33 33 3.00 27.5 27.5
3 36 27.00 22.5 50
52 88 -3.2 -46.2 3.8
2 90 -18.00 -10 -6.2
0 102030405060708090100
Time in Profile (s)
Power (kW)
Figure 5. Charge-Sustaining Minimum PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile.
Table 5. Charge-Sustaining Medium PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile.
(s) (s) (kW) (Wh) (Wh)
33 33 3 27.5 27.5
3.6 36.6 22.8 22.8 50.3
51.4 88 -3.4 -48.5 1.8
2 90 -15 -8.3 -6.6
0 102030405060708090100
Time in Profile (s)
Power (kW)
Figure 6. Charge-Sustaining Medium PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile.
The test profiles are all defined at the battery pack level. They are scaled to the appropriate power
levels for testing laboratory cells, full-size cells and module designs using the Battery Size Factor as
described in Section 3.1.2.
Each of the Charge-Sustaining (50Wh) Cycle Life Test Profiles removes 50 Wh on discharge and is
nominally charge-balanced for a device that just satisfies the 90% efficiency target. The Minimum
PHEV Battery profile is defined here as Table 4 and is illustrated in Figure 5, the Medium PHEV
Battery profile is defined here as Table 5 and is illustrated in Figure 6, and the Maximum PHEV
Battery profile is defined in Table 6 and illustrated in Figure 7.
Table 6. Charge-Sustaining Maximum PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile.
(s) (s) (kW) (Wh) (Wh)
37 37 3 30.8 30.8
3 40 23 19.2 50.0
48 88 -3.6 -48.0 2.0
2 90 -15 -8.3 -6.3
0 102030405060708090100
Time in Profile (s)
Power (kW)
Figure 7. Charge-Sustaining Maximum PHEV Battery (50 Wh) Cycle Life Test Profile.
3.9.3 Operating Set Point Stability Test
This test is a special case of the cycle life testing regime to be applied to a given cell or battery. Since
cycle life testing is normally done at an intermediate state-of-charge, it is necessary to determine that
stable cycling will occur at the target SOC, and to adjust test conditions if necessary to ensure that
this will be the case. The target state-of-charge for the cycle life test(s) defined in Section 3.9 is
normally specified in a device-specific test plan based on projected use of the device.
This test
should be performed immediately before the beginning of cycle life testing.
With the cell at the selected state-of-charge value and all other conditions (e.g., operating
temperature) as required for life cycling, apply the selected Cycle Life Test Profile for a period long
enough to reach thermal equilibrium and to return to the target SOC.
Determine the change (if any)
in the state-of-charge before and after the cycling interval. Allow a 1-hr rest before and after this
cycling is performed to determine any change in open-circuit voltage. The residual capacity can also
be removed at a constant HPPC-Current rate to verify the depth-of-discharge at the end of the cycling
interval. Adjusting the Operating Set Point
If the device does not reach a voltage and temperature equilibrium during the cycling interval, upper
or lower voltage constraints or other limits may be adjusted (within manufacturer limits) to provide
20 There is no “default nominal” state-of-charge for life cycling. However, if the appropriate value is not known in
advance of the start of testing, the range of useable target SOC values can be determined from the HPPC test results (see
Section 4.3) based on the peak discharge and regen powers planned for cycle life testing.
21 This typically requires approximately 100 complete pulse profiles.
stable cycling conditions, and this test may be repeated or extended if necessary. The test may also
be repeated at the beginning of any cycle life testing interval if the device condition has changed
significantly. Controlling the State-of-Charge during the OSPS Test
The preferred approach to maintaining a target state-of-charge during the OSPS test and later cycle
life testing depends on the test profile used and on test equipment capabilities. Guidelines for
accomplishing can be called out in a device-specific test plan.
Note that achieving the target SOC and a stable cycling condition are related but have separate
constraints. The maximum and minimum pulse voltages from profile to profile are usually the most
sensitive indicators of stable cycling (unless the device resistance is changing appreciably during the
cycling period), while the SOC during cycling must actually be measured after cycling stops. A
voltage clamp during the last 10 seconds of the discharge before the discharge pulse is the default
method to stabilize the cycling profiles. The intent of this test is to establish control parameter values,
and if necessary to fine-tune the test profile, such that life cycling can be performed continuously over
the intervals between reference tests specified in Table 11
3.10 Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Tests
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time in Profile (s)
Peak Discharge Power (W)
Figure 8. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Minimum PHEV Battery.
Using the voltage to stabilize the CS Cycle Life Profiles may not be appropriate for all chemistries. With the approval of
the workgroup, other methods that are chemistry appropriate can be employed to stabilize the profile for long term cycling.
Charge-Depleting Cycle life testing is performed using one of the Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test
Profiles. Cycle life testing is performed by repeating the test profile(s) until the Target Energy for the
Charge-Depleting mode is reached. The device is recharged at the Maximum System Recharge Rate
listed in Table 1, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
Table 7. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Minimum PHEV Battery.
Power Power
(sec) (sec) (%) (W) (Wh) (Wh)
1 16 16 0 0 0 0
2 28 44 12.5 5625 43.75 43.75
3 12 56 25 11250 81.25 81.25
4 8 64 -12.5 -5625 68.75 81.25
5 16 80 2 900 72.75 85.25
6 24 104 12.5 5625 110.25 122.75
7 12 116 25 11250 147.75 160.25
8 8 124 -12.5 -5625 135.25 160.25
9 16 140 2 900 139.25 164.25
10 24 164 12.5 5625 176.75 201.75
11 12 176 25 11250 214.25 239.25
12 8 184 -25 -11250 189.25 239.25
13 16 200 2 900 193.25 243.25
14 36 236 12.5 5625 249.5 299.5
15 2 238 100 45000 274.5 324.5
16 6 244 50 22500 312 362
17 24 268 62.5 28125 499.5 549.5
18 8 276 -25 -11250 474.5 549.5
19 32 308 25 11250 574.5 649.5
20 8 316 -50 -22500 524.5 649.5
21 12 328 2 900 527.5 652.5
22 2 330 111 50000 555.28 680.28
23 5 335 2 900 556.53 681.53
24 2 337 -66.7 -30000 539.86 681.53
25 23 360 2 900 545.61 687.28
3.10.1 Cycle Life Test Procedure Outline
The cycle life testing process consists of the following steps:
1 Scale the selected test profile by dividing the nominal profile power values by the Battery
Size Factor as described in Section 3.1.2.
2 Determine end-of-test criteria for cycle life testing. These are normally specified in a
device-specific test plan. A default (and generally mandatory) end-of-test condition is
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time in Profile (s)
Peak Discharge Power (W)
Figure 9. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Medium PHEV Battery.
reached when the test profile cannot be executed within the discharge and regen voltage
3 The initial state-of-charge is either the minimum operating DOD specified by the
manufacturer or 10% DOD.
4 Bring the cell to the desired DOD and temperature. (If testing is to be performed at a
temperature other than 30°C, then charging should occur at the same temperature.) Repeat
the selected test profile(s) at the desired operating conditions five times for the Minimum
PHEV battery, 10 times for the Medium PHEV battery, or 20 times for the Maximum
PHEV battery.
5 Recharge the device using the Maximum System Recharge Rate unless otherwise specified
by the manufacturer. (For accelerated testing, this may be performed at temperatures other
than 30°C and charging to the minimum operating DOD as stated in step 3, see Section
3.1.4). Steps 4 and 5 will be the equivalent of one Charge-Depleting Cycle.
6 Repeat the cycle (from steps 4 and 5) at the desired operating conditions the number of
times specified in Table 11 or a device-specific test plan.
23 At this point, the cell has insufficient useable energy and capacity at the test conditions to execute the test, i.e. its
capability is less than that required by the test profile.
Table 8. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Medium PHEV Battery.
Power Power
(sec) (sec) (%) (W) (Wh) (Wh)
1 16 16 0 0 0.00 0.00
2 28 44 12.5 4625 35.97 35.97
3 12 56 25 9250 66.81 66.81
4 8 64 -12.5 -4625 56.53 66.81
5 16 80 2 740 59.82 70.09
6 24 104 12.5 4625 90.65 100.93
7 12 116 25 9250 121.48 131.76
8 8 124 -12.5 -4625 111.21 131.76
9 16 140 2 740 114.49 135.05
10 24 164 12.5 4625 145.33 165.88
11 12 176 25 9250 176.16 196.72
12 8 184 -25 -9250 155.61 196.72
13 16 200 2 740 158.89 200.01
14 36 236 12.5 4625 205.14 246.26
15 2 238 100 37000 225.70 266.81
16 6 244 50 18500 256.53 297.64
17 24 268 62.5 23125 410.70 451.81
18 8 276 -25 -9250 390.14 451.81
19 32 308 25 9250 472.37 534.03
20 8 316 -50 -18500 431.26 534.03
21 12 328 2 740 433.72 536.50
22 2 330 121 45000 458.72 561.50
23 5 335 2 740 459.75 562.53
24 2 337 -65.8 -25000 445.86 562.53
25 23 360 2 740 450.59 567.26
7 After the specified number of repetitions, suspend cycling. If cycling is being done at other
than 30ºC, return the device to 30ºC. Observe the open-circuit voltage after a 1-hr rest.
Perform the Reference Performance Tests to determine the extent of degradation in
capacity and/or power capability. The reference tests are listed in Table 11. The intervals
between repetitions of these reference tests are also specified in Table 11, though these may
be adjusted somewhat if required for time synchronization of cells being tested under
different test regimes.
8 Repeat Steps 4 through 6 until an end-of-test condition is reached.
3.10.2 Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile
The objective of these test profiles is to demonstrate device life in the Charge-Depleting mode when
subjected to energy use levels and patterns appropriate to the targets.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time in Profile (s)
Peak Discharge Power (W)
Figure 10. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Maximum PHEV Battery.
Each profile is a series of constant power discharge/charge steps with a total duration of 360 seconds.
The profile for the Minimum PHEV Battery is intended to demonstrate the ability to meet the Charge-
Depleting cycle life target of 5,000 cycles (in sets of five profiles per cycle) with a 687-Wh of energy
throughput (i.e. energy discharged) per full profile. The profile discharges about 17.2 million watt-
hours (MWh) respectively out of the device over 5,000 cycles. The profile for the Medium PHEV
Battery is intended to demonstrate the ability to meet the Charge-Depleting cycle life target of 5,000
cycles (in sets of ten profiles per cycle) with a 567-Wh of energy throughput (i.e. energy discharged)
per full profile. The profile discharges about 28.4 million watt-hours (MWh) respectively out of the
device over 5,000 cycles. The profile for the Maximum PHEV Battery is intended to demonstrate the
ability to meet the Charge-Depleting cycle life target of 5,000 cycles (in sets of 20 profiles per cycle)
with a 582-Wh of energy throughput per full profile. The profile discharges about 58 million watt-
hours (MWh) respectively out of the device over 5,000 cycles.
Table 9. Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profile for the Maximum PHEV Battery.
Power Power
(sec) (sec) (%) (W) (Wh) (Wh)
1 16 16 0 0 0.00 0.00
2 28 44 12.5 4750 36.94 36.94
3 12 56 25 9500 68.61 68.61
4 8 64 -12.5 -4750 58.06 68.61
5 16 80 2 760 61.43 71.99
6 24 104 12.5 4750 93.10 103.66
7 12 116 25 9500 124.77 135.32
8 8 124 -12.5 -4750 114.21 135.32
9 16 140 2 760 117.59 138.70
10 24 164 12.5 4750 149.26 170.37
11 12 176 25 9500 180.92 202.03
12 8 184 -25 -9500 159.81 202.03
13 16 200 2 760 163.19 205.41
14 36 236 12.5 4750 210.69 252.91
15 2 238 100 38000 231.80 274.02
16 6 244 50 19000 263.47 305.69
17 24 268 62.5 23750 421.80 464.02
18 8 276 -25 -9500 400.69 464.02
19 32 308 25 9500 485.13 548.47
20 8 316 -50 -19000 442.91 548.47
21 12 328 2 760 445.44 551.00
22 2 330 121 46000 471.00 576.56
23 5 335 2 760 472.06 577.61
24 2 337 -65.8 -25000 458.17 577.61
25 23 360 2 760 463.02 582.47
3.10.3 Combined Cycle Life Test
The purpose of the combined cycle life test is to combine the appropriate number of Charge-
Depleting Cycle Life Profiles with Charge-Sustaining Cycle Life Profiles such that both sets of cycle
life targets are met at the end of testing.
1. Scale the selected test profile by dividing the nominal profile power values by the
Battery Size Factor as described in Section 3.1.2.
2. The initial state-of-charge is either the Minimum operating DOD specified by the
manufacturer or 10% DOD.
3. Perform five successive Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profiles for the Min
PHEV Battery (or ten successive Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profiles for the
Med PHEV Battery or 20 successive Charge-Depleting Cycle Life Test Profiles for
the Max PHEV Battery).
4. Perform 60 successive Charge-Sustaining Cycle Life Test Profiles for the Min PHEV
Battery, Med PHEV Battery, or Max PHEV Battery.
5. Recharge the device using the Maximum System Recharge Rate unless otherwise
specified by the manufacturer. (For accelerated testing, this may be performed at
temperatures other than 30°C and charging to the minimum operating DOD as stated
in step 3, see Section 3.1.4).
6. Repeat Steps 3-5, 500 times.
7. Perform the Reference Performance Tests from Table 11.
8. Repeat Steps 1-7, ten times. (Note: Steps 6 and 8 can be modified to provide longer
or shorter intervals between Reference Performance Testing).
3.11 Calendar Life Test
This test is designed to permit the evaluation of cell or battery degradation as a result of the passage
of time with minimal usage. It is not a pure shelf life test, because the devices under test are
maintained at or near a target state-of-charge during the test. They must also be periodically
subjected to reference discharges to determine the changes (if any) in their performance
In general, calendar life testing is performed using multiple cells over a range of test conditions.
is commonly done at elevated temperatures in order to shorten the time required for obtaining useful
results. Cells to be tested may be included in a matrix of test variables such as temperature and state-
of-charge. This matrix may in turn be part of a larger cycle life test matrix where calendar life testing
is considered a limiting cycle life test, i.e., one in which the state-of-charge swing during cycling is
zero. Reference 4 provides more guidance on this subject. The calendar life test procedure assumes
that the target test conditions for each cell or group of cells have been defined, typically in a device-
specific test plan.
3.11.1 Calendar Life Test Planning
Careful planning and analysis of calendar life tests are critical to estimation of battery life with high
confidence. Accurate life estimates are, in turn, essential for assessing battery warranty risks and
costs. Calendar life estimates are necessarily based on accelerated test methods. The general
approach is to store cells or batteries under open-circuit conditions at elevated temperatures to
artificially increase their rates of performance deterioration. The key tradeoff in the selection of
storage temperatures is to avoid introducing irrelevant failure modes at too high a temperature, while
achieving high rates of deterioration to minimize test time and cost.
24 The cell terminology in this section is not intended to prevent the calendar life testing of modules or complete
batteries. It reflects only the fact that the vast majority of such testing is done at the cell level.
At a minimum, three temperatures should be selected. Optimally, five to seven elevated temperatures
should be selected. The lowest temperature should be the baseline temperature for calendar life,
while the highest temperature should result in an end-of-life condition at the desired test duration
(e.g., two years). Other temperatures should be equally spaced between these extremes. At least two
cells should be tested at each temperature, but for improved statistical results, additional cells should
be used, especially at the lower temperatures. The cells under test should be stored in an open-circuit
condition, but with voltage monitoring using sensing circuits that present negligible loads to the
devices under test. Periodically, based on criteria for acceptable decay in open-circuit voltages (and
the corresponding SOC), the cells should be brought back to nominal operating temperature (i.e., 30q
C) and their performance measured. Such performance tests should be done at least monthly on each
cell. Additionally, a 5-minute voltage clamp after each daily pulse will help maintain the appropriate
Key parameters, e.g., CD and CS Available Energy and Power, and minimum voltage (or voltage
margin) in the Cold Cranking Test, should be monitored by periodic execution of Reference
Performance Tests. The corresponding end-of-life criteria for these parameters are: (1) CD and CS
Available Energy or Power < target energy or power; and (2) inability to complete the Cold Cranking
Test within voltage limits. The test-to-test repeatability of these parameters should be no worse than
one percent of the target values (to one standard deviation).
Other guidelines to improve test consistency for multiple cell tests include the following:
Wherever possible, cells subjected to the same test conditions should be contained in the same
test chamber or other environment, preferably using identical test channels, and test
intervals should be time-synchronized.
All cells that are part of a common test matrix should be subjected to reference testing at the same
intervals if possible. Minimizing the fraction of time not spent at target temperatures is
important for testing at elevated temperatures. However, in some cases rapid degradation
may take place at very high temperatures; in such cases, the use of uniform test intervals
will lead to a reduced number of data points for predicting trends over life. The reference
test intervals have been selected to balance these conflicting needs but may need
adjustment in special cases.
3.11.2 Calendar Life Test Procedure
The outline of this test procedure for a particular cell is as follows:
1. Characterize the cell using the Static Capacity Test (Section 3.2), the Constant Power
Discharge Test (Section 3.3) and the Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test (Section
3.4) and other reference tests as appropriate.
2. Discharge the fully charged cell to the target DOD/SOC value at 30ºC. This can be done in
one of two ways: (1) [default] remove the appropriate fraction of the cell’s rated capacity
at a HPPC-Current rate, or (b) if the open-circuit voltage corresponding to the target
DOD/SOC is known, clamp the cell at this voltage while limiting discharge current to a
HPPC-Current rate and then wait for the voltage and current to stabilize.
Note that the
25 A value less than 1% of the HPPC current is probably adequate to meet this criterion, provided this is within the
measurement capability of the test equipment.
default method will typically reach the target DOD more quickly. However, in some cases
it may be desirable to use voltage (rather than fractional discharge) as the measure of SOC.
3. Apply a single iteration of the Calendar Life Test Profile defined in Section 3.11.3. The
nominal discharge current to be used for this profile is equal to the peak discharge current
for the Low-Current HPPC Test.
4. Bring the cell to the target temperature at open-circuit condition and wait for the ambient
temperature and voltage to stabilize (i.e. 4 to 8 hours).
5. Apply a single iteration of the Calendar Life Test Profile defined in Section 3.11.3 at the
same current level defined in Step 3. The device is then placed in an open-circuit state and
the test continues at the target conditions.
6. Once every 24-hours, and immediately before beginning Step 7, repeat Step 5. Note that
data acquisition requirements during this pulse profile execution will be similar to those for
HPPC Tests, even though other data may be required only infrequently during the 24-hour
7. At intervals as specified in Table 11 or a device-specific test plan, return the cell to
nominal temperature (e.g., 30ºC), observe its open-circuit voltage after a 1-hr rest, and
apply a single iteration of the Calendar Life Test Profile before discharging its remaining
capacity at the HPPC-Current rate. Conduct a single iteration of the required periodic
Reference Performance Tests, and then return the cells to their test temperatures.
8. Repeat this test sequence until the cell reaches an end-of-test condition. Default end-of-test
conditions are generally analogous to those for cycle life testing in Section 3.9.1: (a) the
Calendar Life Test Profile cannot be performed within the voltage limits; (b) the HPPC
Reference Test yields insufficient information to show further degradation; (c) calculated
CD or CS Available Energy is less than the target; or (d) sufficient data is acquired to
project calendar life at 35ºC with a predetermined degree of confidence. Note that
condition (d) may take precedence over condition (c) in some cases.
This test profile is intended for once-per-day execution during calendar life testing at the target
temperature and state-of-charge. Additionally, this test profile is performed again at the target SOC
but at 30°C, immediately before and immediately after each calendar life testing interval. The data
provide daily information regarding the extent and rate of cell degradation during the intervals
between periodic reference tests. This test profile differs from Cycle Life Test Profile in that it is not
intended for continuous execution; instead, it is executed once during each 24-hr period while the cell
under test is maintained at a given temperature and state-of-charge. The pulse profile is shown in
Table 10 and illustrated in Figure 11. Note that although not shown in the figure, the pulse extends to
380 seconds just as specified in Table 10.
26 Intermittent charge increments may be required to compensate for self-discharge to keep the state-of-charge within
an acceptable range until the next reference test. The method to be employed for doing this should be specified in a device-
specific test plan. The suggested method is to clamp each device after the once-per-24-hours profile at its elevated-
temperature OCV (as measured in Step 4) for a specified duration sufficient to compensate for increased self-discharge at
the target temperature.
3.11.3 Calendar Life Test Profile
Table 10. Calendar Life Test Profile.
Step Time
Cumulative Time
Relative Current
10 10 1.0
60 70 0
10 80 -0.75
300 380 Voltage Clamp
Figure 11. Calendar Life Test Profile.
3.11.4 Alternative Calendar Life Test
In some cases calendar life testing may be conducted without using the once-per-24-hr Calendar Life
Test Profile. The most likely reason for this is a shortage of continuously available test channels for
the number of devices to be tested. (If the 24-hr pulse profile is not performed, a test channel is
required only for the periodic Reference Performance Tests and possibly for occasional charge
increments). The earlier procedure can be used in this fashion by omitting the daily performance of
the test profile specified in Step 6 in the preceding section. If testing is performed in this fashion, the
device open-circuit voltage should be checked every 24 to 48-hours to verify that the state-of-charge
remains in an acceptable region.
3.12 Reference Performance Tests
Reference Performance Tests (RPTs) are a set of tests performed at periodic intervals during life
testing to establish the condition and rate of performance degradation of devices under test. Except as
modified by a device-specific test plan, these tests should be performed (a) prior to the start of life
testing; (b) at defined periodic intervals; and (c) at end of testing, for all devices undergoing either
cycle life testing or calendar life testing.
Table 11. Reference Performance Tests and Test Intervals for Life Testing.
Type of Life Testing Interval Between RPTs Reference Performance Tests
Charge-Sustaining Cycle
Life Testing
30,000 cycle life profiles
~32 days, (50 Wh profile)
10-kW Constant Power Discharge Test
(This test is to precede the HPPC Test
and generally included in the same
data file as the HPPC Test for analysis
Low-Current HPPC Test
Charge-Depleting Cycle
Life Testing
400 cycles (This value can be
adjusted to provide an RPT
each month if the cycling lasts
much longer than the
anticipated 32 day period)
~32 days
Calendar Life Testing Approximately 32 days
(consistent with CS cycle life
Combined Cycle Life
~32 days
Other Life Tests TBD 10% of expected life
A Reference Performance Test iteration consists of one repetition of each test listed in Table 11. It is
recommended that these tests be performed in the order listed.
These tests are performed for all
PHEV testing modes. Table 11 also lists typical intervals for reference tests during cycle life and
calendar life testing. In practice, these intervals may have to be adjusted somewhat to synchronize
reference testing for groups of multiple cells, especially where calendar life and cycle life cells are
being tested in the same temperature chamber.
27 For battery chemistries that have a strong dependence of performance on temperature, it may be desirable to
measure accurately the actual (ambient) temperature of the test article during the RPTs and adjust the performance results
using the data from the Thermal Performance Tests (Section 3.7) to estimate the present performance at the nominal 30°C
temperature. Performing such an adjustment is necessarily limited to those cases where the following conditions are
satisfied: temperature data is available with accuracy better than the variations to be corrected (2°C or less); Thermal
Performance Test data is available "near" the normal testing range, e.g., within +
5°C on either side of the nominal
temperature; and the test whose data is to be adjusted is conducted within this limited range "near" the nominal temperature.
28 The Cold Cranking Test is not included in the list of Reference Performance Tests, because it will not routinely be
performed at the intervals specified in Table 9. However, it should typically be performed along with the Reference
Performance Tests at each of three times over the life of a device: (1) as part of initial characterization testing, (2) about
halfway through the projected life, and (3) at the end-of-life testing.
4.1 General
For purposes of consistency in test reporting (particularly between multiple testing organizations), a
required minimum subset of information, based on the procedures in this manual, has been compiled
for testing and is tabulated in Appendix B for the Minimum PHEV battery. Corresponding data
should also be reported for the Medium PHEV battery and Maximum PHEV battery, when
appropriate. This is not intended to limit the reporting of other test results where appropriate; the
intent is rather to ensure that important test results are reported in a fashion that allows them to be
compared to test results on hybrid energy storage devices performed at various locations and stages of
4.2 Static Capacity Test and Constant Power Discharge Test
Capacity in ampere-hours and energy in watt-hours at the specified discharge rates are reported based
on manufacturer-specified discharge termination conditions. The Static Capacity Test is performed at
a constant current discharge rate corresponding to the HPPC-Current and the Constant Power
Discharge Test is performed at a constant power discharge rate corresponding to a BSF-scaled 10-kW
rate. (Note that all of this capacity will not generally be useable within operating conditions, and thus
it does not reflect conformance to the Plug-In CS or CD Available Energy targets. However, it is still
considered a useful measure of capacity at the laboratory cell stage).
Ampere-hours and watt-hours returned (and the corresponding overall charge/discharge efficiencies)
are also reported for the manufacturer-specified charge algorithm. Energy removed (watt-hours) is
reported as a function of depth-of-discharge (in percent of rated capacity). These data are used for the
later calculation of CS and CD Available Energy.
4.2.1 Capacity Fade
For devices subjected to life testing, the change in static capacity and constant power discharge
capacity from the beginning-of-life values (measured just prior to the start of life testing) to some
later point in time are to be reported periodically for each test as Capacity Fade, expressed as a
percentage of the original (BOL) capacity as shown in Equation (2).
where t0 refers to the time of the initial Beginning-of-Life (BOL) RPT and t1 refers to the time of the
later RPT where capacity fade is to be determined.
4.3 Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test
Analysis and reporting of the results of the HPPC Test are generally aimed at comparing the present
performance of a cell to the targets. Since the targets are all expressed at the system level, most
results must be scaled using the Battery Size Factor before such comparisons can be made (See
Section 3.1.2). The Battery Size Factor for a cell is necessarily specific to the Minimum PHEV
Battery, the Medium PHEV Battery, or the Maximum PHEV Battery targets and most likely will be
different for each set of targets.
4.3.1 Open-Circuit Voltage
Open-circuit voltage (OCV) is measured and plotted as a function of depth-of-discharge (DOD) at the
end of each HPPC rest period, as shown in Figure 13. From these data, OCV at other DOD values
can be estimated by straight-line interpolation or by fitting a curve through the measured data.
4.3.2 Calculated Resistance Characteristics as a Function of Depth-of-Discharge
Calculated resistance characteristics as a function of depth-of-discharge are derived from the pulse
profile test data as follows:
1. Discharge resistance 10 sec after start of discharge pulse
2. Regen resistance 10 sec after start of regen pulse.
0 102030405060
Time in Profile (s)
Current (relative)
Figure 12. Resistance Calculation Time Points.
Discharge and regen resistances are determined using a 'V/'I calculation for each iteration of the test
profile, in accordance with Equations 3 and 4 and Figure 12. Resistances are normally only
calculated for completely unabated test profile pulses, i.e., those with full duration and amplitude.
The signs of all terms in these equations have been chosen to agree with the manual convention that
discharge current is positive and regen current is negative, thus assuring that the calculated resistance
is always a positive quantity. These discharge and regen resistances are plotted as a function of
29 The HPPC test is required to continue to 100% DOD (or until the constant current discharge rate cannot be
sustained), however some data may be acquired during pulses where current limiting was encountered. Tests conducted
indicate that pulse resistances calculated using such data will be somewhat different (probably higher) than the values
calculated for pulses where limiting does not occur. While this current limited data may be useful as an indication of device
behavior, it should not be used for direct comparisons to the targets.
depth-of-discharge, as shown in Figure 13. Also it may be informative to plot open-circuit voltage on
this same figure as shown here. (Resistance and voltage values are shown for illustration only).
0 102030405060708090100
Depth of Discharge (%)
Resistance (ohms)
Open Circuit Voltage (V)
10s Discharge Resistance
10s Regen Resistance
Figure 13. Open-Circuit Voltage and Pulse Resistances versus Depth-of-Discharge.
4.3.3 Pulse Power Capability
Pulse power capability is defined and plotted from the voltage and resistance characteristics, showing
the V
discharge capability and V
regen capability at each DOD tested. (See Footnote [8] in
Section 3.4 regarding allowable values for V
and V
Discharge and regen pulse power capability is calculated at each available DOD increment from the
open-circuit voltage and resistance determined for that DOD (as shown in Figure 13), using Equations
5 and 6.
Discharge Pulse Power Capability = V
x (OCV
- V
) y R
Regen Pulse Power Capability = V
x (V
) y R
These power capability values are used to determine the total available depth-of-discharge and energy
swing that can be used (within the operating voltage limits) for specified discharge and regen power
levels. Note that profile charge removal has to be accounted for in determining DOD.
An example
of the power capability versus DOD plot is shown in Figure 14. (Power values shown are for
illustration only).
0 102030405060708090100
Depth of Discharge (%)
Power (W)
10s Discharge Power Capability
10s Regen Power Capability
Figure 14. Pulse Power Capability vs. Depth-of-Discharge.
30 Note that OCV at the start of each regen pulse must be interpolated from the OCV curve derived from the rest
periods before each discharge pulse, accounting for the percent DOD removed by the discharge pulse (i.e., this is not the
same OCV used for discharge calculations.) For example, if the discharge pulse starting at 10% DOD removes 3% of the
device capacity, the subsequent regen pulse OCV is interpolated starting at 13% DOD.
31 In this manual, plotted DOD values always represent the beginnings of their respective discharge or regen pulses.
At this point, for analytical purposes it becomes convenient to transform the X-axis in the Pulse
Power curves to Discharge Energy and to scale the Y-axis by the Battery Size Factor which then
enables direct comparison to the PHEV Targets. This is accomplished as follows:
1. From the HPPC Test results, establish the relationship between HPPC power and 10-kW
discharge energy as a function of DOD.
2. Scale both the energy and power results using the Battery Size Factor.
0 102030405060708090100
Depth of Discharge (% of Rated)
Cumulative Energy Removed at 10 kW Rate (Wh)
specific DOD value
(e.g. 50%) is matched
to the corresponding
"energy removed"
value (e.g. 22.3 Wh)
Figure 15. Relationship Between Energy and DOD in a 10-kW Discharge.
HPPC power capability and 10-kW discharge energy values are related by assuming that the
corresponding measured DOD values in a pair of such tests are equivalent.
With this assumption,
Figure 14 can be transformed to a power-versus-energy plot by replacing each DOD value from the
HPPC data with the energy value at that DOD from a corresponding 10-kW discharge test. Figure 15
shows a 10-kW equivalence, and Figure 16 illustrates the resulting HPPC power versus 10-kW
equivalent energy plot for cell-level data.
(Power and energy values are illustrative only).
32 This equivalence is not exact, because part of each 10% capacity increment removed in the HPPC test is due to the
pulse profile. However, for high-power batteries the corresponding DOD values are assumed to represent the same state-of-
charge in both tests.
33 In Figure 16 and the following figures, the data markers continue to correspond to data taken at 10% DOD intervals.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Energy (Wh)
Power (W)
10 s Discharge Power Capability
10 s Regen Power Capability (30/45)
10 s Regen Power Capability
Figure 16. Unscaled HPPC Cell Power Capability vs. Energy Removed.
The power-versus-energy data plot can now be scaled by the Battery Size Factor for comparison with
the targets. This is performed by multiplying all cell-level power and energy values by the Battery
Size Factor (for Minimum PHEV, Medium PHEV, or Maximum PHEV Battery as applicable). To
simplify the targets comparison, the regen power results are plotted on a second y-axis scaled by the
ratio of required regen to discharge power, e.g., 30-kW regen and 45-kW discharge for the Minimum
PHEV Battery targets. Figure 17 illustrates the result of this scaling applied to Figure 16, for a
Battery Size Factor of 44 with the Regen Power now plotted on a secondary y-axis.
Note that in Figure 16, the crossover point of the two power capability curves shifts when the axes are
scaled in proportion to the discharge and regen pulse power targets. Because of the way these pulse
power values are calculated in Equations 5 and 6, changing the operating voltage limits V
will also cause the curves to shift relative to each other. Thus the location of the useable energy
range can be varied if desired by altering the operating voltage range (within the allowable voltage
The comparison of these results to the targets can be performed graphically in several steps as shown
in the next sections.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Energy (Wh x BSF)
Discharge Power (W x BSF)
Regen Power (W X BSF)
10s Discharge Power Capability
10s Regen Power Capability
Figure 17. HPPC Power vs. HPPC-Current Discharge Energy Scaled by the Battery Size Factor.
4.3.4 Useable and Available Energies
The Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) targets include two power targets (Peak Discharge Pulse
Power and Peak Regen Pulse Power) plus two energy targets (CD Energy and CS Energy) for each
mode (i.e., the Minimum PHEV Battery, the Medium PHEV Battery, and the Maximum PHEV
Battery) which must be satisfied in several combinations of these parameters. Further, because
PHEV’s in deed have dual operating modes, i.e., Charge Depleting and Charge Sustaining, the
Electrochemical Energy Storage Technical Team has decided that the CD energy can be regen limited
(unable to accept complete regen at the upper end of the SOC range). This regen limit is dubbed the
PHEV Charge Target and has been chosen to be 10% DOD by the ECES Technical Team. (The 10%
DOD is the default value, however, a manufacturer may specify a different minimum operating DOD
that may be more suitable for their technology). Lastly for simplicity, all the following discussions
use the Minimum PHEV Battery Targets in the examples, but the methodology applies equally to the
Medium PHEV Battery and Maximum PHEV Battery.
To assess the energy and power capabilities of the battery at Beginning of Life (BOL) and how these
change with usage and time, we define several new terms. In general (but with some correction
terms), Useable Energy is the discharge energy at the scaled 10-kW rate between the PHEV Charge
Target and the Pulse Power Discharge curve for any given power level. In contrast, Available Energy
is the single point on the Useable Energy versus power curve that precisely corresponds to the Pulse
Power Discharge Target. These terms are precisely defined in Equations 7 and 8 and discussed
extensively later in this section. Similarly, Available Power is the single point from the same Useable
Energy Curve that precisely corresponds to the Available Energy Target.
Figure 18 diagrams the relationship between the Charge Depleting Useable Energy, the Charge
Sustaining Useable Energy and the PHEV Charge Target during charge depletion, charge
maintenance and recharge.
Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Operation Modes
Charge Depleting
Usable Energy
Engine Off
= Charge Depletion
Engine-Generator on (off)
= Charge Sustaining
Electric on-board charger
for (electric) grid power
Tar g e t
Figure 18. PHEV Operating Philosophy.
The following equations define UE
, the Charge Depleting Useable Energy and UE
Charge Sustaining Useable Energy.
= [E
PHEV Discharge
– E
PHEV Charge Target
] – ½ AE
CS Target
= [E
PHEV Discharge
– E
PHEV Charge Target
] – [AE
CD Target
-½ AE
CS Target
At a selected discharge power level, E
PHEV Discharge
is the corresponding energy on the pulse
power discharge curve; E
PHEV Charge Target
is the energy that corresponds to the PHEV Charge Target of
10% DOD; AE
CS Target
is the Charge Sustaining Available Energy Target (i.e., 500 Wh); and AE
is the Charge Depleting Available Energy Target (i.e., 3,400 Wh). In Equations 7 and 8, when
and UE
are evaluated at precisely the Peak Discharge Pulse Power Target (i.e., at 45 kW for
the Minimum PHEV Battery), they are by definition equal to AE
and AE
, i.e., the corresponding
Available Energies.
In the example shown in Figure 19, E
PHEV Discharge
= 5,260 Wh; E
PHEV Charge Target
= 700 Wh; and
the selected evaluation power is the Peak Discharge Pulse Power Target of 45 kW. Thus,
Although the Charge Sustaining Useable Energy is defined based on the Charge Depleting Useable Energy, it still must
meet the discharge and regen requirements, where UECS = [E PHEV Discharge-E PHEV Regen]
= AE
= [5260 Wh – 700 Wh] – ½{500 Wh} = 4310 Wh
= AE
= [5260 Wh – 700 Wh] – [3400-½{500 Wh}] = 1410 Wh
Please note that this methodology deviates from the customary method to calculate Useable
and Available Energies for conventional hybrid electric vehicles and the methodology from Rev 0 of
the Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Battery Test Manual.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Energy (Wh X BSF)
Discharge Power (W X BSF)
Regen Power (W X BSF)
10s Discharge Power Capability
CD Energy
CS Energy
1/2 UECS Target
10s Regen Power Capability
Minimum PHEV Battery
45 kW Discharge
30 kW Regen
Battery Size Factor for this
example is 44
= 1410 Wh
700 Wh -
PHEV Charge Target
= 4310 Wh
3850 Wh
5010 Wh
5260 Wh -
PHEV Discharge
Target= 3400 Wh
1/2 AE
3150 Wh
Figure 19. CS and CD Useable Energy Determination.
4.3.5 CD and CS Available Energy Margins
The CD and CS Available Energy are measures of the energy available for either CD or CS
operation at different points in life and also how much those energies exceed the targets. As stated
earlier and repeated here for emphasis, the CD Available Energy is the CD Useable Energy at
precisely the CD Discharge Power Target of 45 kW. Likewise, for the CS Available Energy, the
values can easily be determined from Equations 7 and 8 or graphically from Figure 22.
The CD and CS Useable Energy margins are defined as the differences between their respective
Useable Energies and the corresponding Available Energy Targets as defined in Equations 9 and 10
and as shown in Figure 20.
CD Margin
= [UE
- AE
CD Target
] (9)
CS Margin
= [UE
- AE
CS Target
] (10)
Continuing this example, UE
= 4,310 Wh and AE
CD Target
= 3,400 Wh, while UE
= 1,410
Wh and AE
CS Target
= 500 Wh. Thus,
CD Margin
= [4,310 Wh – 3,400 Wh] = 910 Wh
CS Margin
= [1,410 Wh – 500 Wh] = 910 Wh
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Energy (Wh X BSF)
Discharge Power (W X BSF)
Regen Power (W X BSF)
10s Discharge Power Capability
CD Energy
CS Energy
CS Energy Margin
10s Regen Power Capability
Minimum PHEV Battery Targets
45 kW Discharge
30 kW Regen
Battery Size Factor for this
example is 44
CS Useable
700 Wh -
PHEV Charge Target
CD Useable
4350 Wh
5010 Wh
5260 Wh -
PHEV Discharge
1/2 UECS Target
Figure 20. Charge-Depleting and Sustaining Useable Energy Margin Determination.
Some margin is necessary at beginning-of-life to allow for the degradation of power capability and
CD and CS Available Energy that occurs over both life cycling and calendar life. Because the power
and energy targets are required to be met at end-of-life for both the Charge-Sustaining mode and
Charge-Depleting modes, the point in life where this energy margin decreases to zero is the end-of-
life, unless some other target criterion has already failed to be met (for example, the self-discharge
rate might become unacceptably high). Since the CD and CS Useable Energies are linked together, as
the CD energy margin approaches 0, the CS energy margin will also approach 0.
The variations of energy and power margin over life are illustrated in Figure 21. This figure shows
the energy margin and power margin at beginning-of-life, how they change over life, and that these
margins are zero (by definition) at end-of-life.
This is one possible end-of-life condition.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Energy (Wh)
Discharge Power (W X BSF)
Regen Power (W X BSF)
BOL, 10s Discharge Power Capability
CD Energy
CS Energy
EOL, 10s Discharge Power Capability
BOL, 10s Regen Power Capability
EOL, 10s Regen Power Capability
Battery Size Factor for this
example is 44
3.4 kWh
0.5 kWh
BOL Power
EOL Power
BOL CS Available
EOL CS Available
EOL Calculated CS Available Energy
= Energy Goal
BOL Calculated CS Available
EBOL = Goal + Mar
Power Margin
Figure 21. CD and CS Available Energy and Power Margins Over Life.
4.3.6 CS Available Power
CS Available Power (only applicable to the CS Energy Target), is the discharge power capability at
which useable energy is equal to the Charge-Sustaining Available Energy Target for a given mode.
In effect it is the maximum discharge power capability at which the Charge-Sustaining Available
Energy Target is precisely met. CS Available Power is illustrated at both beginning-of-life (BOL)
and end-of-life (EOL) conditions in Figure 21. CS Available Power at EOL is precisely equal to the
discharge target power. This parameter is defined primarily for reporting battery degradation over
life. In fact, Charge-Sustaining Available Power and Available Energy represent two complementary
aspects in the performance of a battery at any point in time. Additionally, the Charge-Depleting
Available Energy must also be tracked and reported over life.
35 These end-of-life data are theoretical; in practice, test data are seldom available exactly at the point in life where
power and energy margins are zero because reference tests are performed only at periodic intervals. Thus this point
normally occurs between two sets of reference tests. See Section 4.9 regarding the implications of this behavior on reported
The useable energy is calculated using Equations 7 and 8 as a function of the associated discharge
pulse power. In this context, the numerical example depicted in Figure 19 illustrates one such
specific energy value (CS Available Energy) which happens to be calculated at a power equal to the
discharge pulse power target of 45 kW. A more complete representation of the energy and power
behavior is represented by the example of the Useable Energy versus Power curve illustrated in
Figure 22. The Figure also illustrates the CD Available Energy at the 10-kW power level, the CS
Available Energy and the CS Available Power. Only the magnitude of the CD Available Energy is
relevant, the length of the CD Energy Target line in Figure 22 is only for graphical convenience.
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
Pulse Discharge Power (W X BSF)
Useable Energy (Wh X BSF) [Removed at 10 kW rate]
CS_Useable Energy (30/45 PHEV)
CD_Useable Energy (30/45 PHEV)
CD Energy Target
CS Available Energy
CS Available Power
CD Available Energy
Figure 22. Useable Energy versus Power Curve.
4.3.7 Power and Energy Fade
For devices subjected to life testing, the change in CS Available Power and CS and CD Available
Energy from the beginning-of-life values (measured just prior to the start of life testing) to some later
point in time are to be reported periodically as Power Fade and Energy Fade, both expressed as
percentages of the original (BOL) values as shown in Equations 11 and 12.
In both cases t0 refers to the time of the initial (BOL) RPT and t1 refers to the time of the later RPT
where power and energy fade are to be determined.
4.3.8 Minimum and Maximum DOD Values
Minimum and maximum DOD values where the power targets can be met may be needed for other
test purposes. These values can be determined by using the same HPPC data and scaling factors as in
Figure 17, but plotted against the original DOD values from the HPPC Test (i.e., DOD values are not
converted to the 10-kW equivalent energy values). Figure 23 shows the results of this scaling applied
to the same example data as previously shown. This graph shows that the minimum and maximum
DOD values corresponding to the 45 kW Pulse Power Discharge Target and the 30 kW Pulse Power
Regen Target are approximately 39 and 81%, respectively. In addition, this DOD point must also
satisfy the Available Energy Target for the Charge-Sustaining mode.
0 102030405060708090100
Depth of Discharge (%)
Power (W)
10s Discharge Power Capability
CD Energy Goal
10s Regen Power Capability
Minimum DOD
Maximum DOD
Cold Cranking
Test DOD
3.4 kWh
Figure 23. Minimum and Maximum DOD Values Where Targets Are Met.
The Cold Cranking Test DOD value can be determined by adding the energy removed at 10% DOD
from full charge (or whatever value specified by the manufacturer as the minimum operating DOD)
and the Available Energy Target for the Charge-Depleting mode, 3.4 kWh and then reading the
corresponding DOD value as illustrated in Figure 23.
4.3.9 Two-Second Discharge Target Verification
The 2-second discharge performance can be verified by using the voltages and currents from
the same HPPC discharge pulses, but after 2 seconds into the pulse instead of the 10-second values
that are normally used. The rest of the analysis is the same as previously discussed.
4.3.10 Pulse Power Characterization Profile Voltage Response
Voltage response to the associated current stimulus may be shown by graphing the measured voltage
and current as functions of time during one or more executions of the HPPC pulse profile or for the
entire HPPC Test sequence.
4.3.11 Other Laboratory Cell Performance Characteristics
Other laboratory cell performance characteristics can be calculated from the HPPC data to permit
scale-up calculations to full-size cells. These include some or all of the following:
Voltage response time constant estimates for discharge, regen, and rest periods derived from the
current-driven HPPC Test data
Cell capacity and energy in area-specific, gravimetric, and volumetric units (mAh/cm
, Ah/kg, Wh/kg, Ah/liter, Wh/liter)
Cell area-specific impedance (ASI) in ohms-cm
for discharge and for regen from HPPC data for
PHEV applications. (Note: this requires specific knowledge of the active surface area of
the cells).
The data acquired from HPPC cell testing are ultimately used for modeling cell characteristics and for
the selection and design of full-size module and battery pack characteristics.
4.3.12 Determining Battery Size Factor When Not Supplied By Manufacturer
Section 3.1.2 discusses the special case where the device manufacturer is unable to supply a Battery
Size Factor in advance of testing. In this case, the minimum Battery Size Factor is calculated directly
from the initial Low Current HPPC Test results. Since the BSF scaling factor is not yet known, the
magnitude of the HPPC pulses is calculated relative to the 5C
/1 current and the C
-rate current is
used in lieu of the scaled HPPC current. Once the BSF is determined, the process should be repeated
using the HPPC test in section 3.4, using the HPPC Current to validate the choice of BSF. The
method for doing this is effectively an inversion of the CD Available Energy calculation process
described in Section 4.3.4, with steps as follows.
36 This process is most accurately done using an automated analysis tool. However, it is described graphically here for
an understanding of the calculation method, and the graphical result may be accurate enough if done carefully.
1. Establish the relationship between the HPPC discharge and regen powers versus DOD
similar to Figure 14. Plot the Energy Removed at a C
-rate versus DOD similar to Figure
15. Transform the x-axis in Figure 14 to Energy similar to Figure 16.
2. Also as shown in Figure 16, rescale the regen power by the ratio of the regen power and
discharge power targets and re-plot the results.
3. Develop the Useable Energy versus discharge pulse power capability using the method
described below and depicted in Figures 24 and 25.
4. Draw a vertical line at the 10% DOD point. Starting at the crossover point of the pulse
discharge and the scaled regen curve, calculate the useable energy between the 10% DOD
line and the discharge curve. Repeat this calculation at various power levels until reaching
the lowest power point on the end of the discharge curve.
5. Plot the useable energy versus useable power as shown in Figure 25.
6. On this Useable Energy graph, draw a line from the origin having a slope equal to the ratio
of the CD Available energy target plus one-half of the CS Available Energy Target (i.e.,
3,400 Wh + 250 Wh = 3,650 Wh) to the 10-sec discharge power target (i.e., 45 kW) times
1.2 to provide a 20% energy margin. This line is labeled the CD Goal Ratio + 20%. For
Minimum PHEV Battery, this slope would be 0.0973Wh/W, [i.e., (1.2 x 3650 Wh ÷ 45
7. Determine the value of power at the point where this line intersects the CD Useable Energy
curve. This is about 98.3 Wh in this example and the power is 1010.4 W.
8. Divide this energy value into the energy target including the 20% energy margin (i.e. [3650
x 1.2] / 98.3 = 44.56). This BSF is a rough estimate of the true BSF. Use this value to add
the BSF-scaled equivalent of 250 Wh (one-half of the CS Available Energy Target) to the
CD Useable Energy to obtain the CD Useable Energy Curve + 250 / BSF.
9. The intersection of this CD Useable Energy Curve + 250 / BSF and the CD Goal Ratio
20% line will provide the true BSF (which accounts for the CD Available Energy Target,
3400 Wh, a 20% margin, and one-half of the CS Available Energy Target, 250 Wh). This
is about 101.7 Wh in this example and the power is 1045 W.
10. Divide this energy value into the energy target x 1.2 (i.e. [3650 x 1.2] / 101.7 = 43.07).
The result (normally rounded to the next larger integer) is the Battery Size Factor. For the
graph shown in Figure 25, the resulting BSF with a 20% energy margin would be about 43
11. Steps 1-10 should be performed again using the results from the HPPC Current version of
the HPPC test to validate the approximated BSF determined from the C
/1 version of the
HPPC test.
12. This method, steps 1-10 can also be used to determine the BSF with no 20% margin, which
is also shown in Figure 25 by the intersection of the CD Goal Ratio 0% line and the CD
Useable Energy Curve + 250 / BSF. ). This is about 92.5 Wh in this example and the
power is 1141 W. The resulting BSF for no margin would be 39.4 cells.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Energy (Wh)
Power (W)
Discharge Power & Energy
Regen Power & Energy
Regen Power & Energy (30/45)
Figure 24. Finding the CD Useable Energy Using Device-Level Results.
13. Verify that this Battery Size Factor is still expected to give round-trip efficiency values
within the targets at end-of-life. This can be done by executing the Efficiency Test at a
power level scaled at 120% of the normal value (i.e., test power = full system power
divided by Battery Size Factor and multiplied by 1.2).
If the applicable efficiency
target(s) are not met using this scaling factor, the multiplier must be increased
14. Verify that the BSF provides an adequate BOL energy margin for CS operation, e.g. CS
Available Power should be at least 45000 W x 1.3 = 58500 W. If it doesn’t, the BSF may
need to be increased.
15. The BSF resulting from this process is used for all future testing. (A single typical or
average value can be used for testing a group of identical devices).
37 The logic behind this approach is to increase the testing “stress level” (power) by a percentage equal to the BOL
power margin, to give results that approximate those expected at end-of-life when the power margin has declined to zero.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Discharge Power (W)
Useable Energy (Wh)
CD Useable Energy (30/45)
CD Goal Ratio 0%
CD Goal Ratio 20%
CD Useable Energy +250
(30/45) PHEV
Goal Energy Divided by this Energy is
the Battery Size Factor with no energy
Line with Slope = 3650 Wh / (45 kW)
Line with Slope = 1.2 X 3650 Wh / (45 kW)
CD Useable Energy Curve
+ 250 Wh / BSF
CD Useable Energy Curve
Goal Energy Divided by this Energy X 1.2
is the Battery Size Factor with 20% energy
Figure 25. Finding a Battery Size Factor Using Device-Level Results.
4.4 Self-Discharge Test
Self-discharge rate is determined over a fixed period (nominally 7 days) at one or more intermediate
DOD conditions. The difference between the energy (watt-hours) capacities measured prior to the
test and during the test is considered to be the energy loss reflecting self-discharge during the stand
period. This energy loss is computed as the difference between the pretest HPPC-Current energy and
the sum of the energies in the partial HPPC-Current discharges before and after the stand period.
This value is then divided by the length of the stand period in days and multiplied by the appropriate
Battery Size Factor for the applicable mode, as shown in Equation 9.
2part1part testbefore
The result of this calculation is reported for comparison with the target of no more than 50 Wh per
4.5 Cold Cranking Test
The fundamental result of the Cold Cranking Test is the power capability at the end of the third 2-s
pulse at -30°C, which is to be multiplied by the Battery Size Factor and compared to the target of 7
kW. The actual power achieved does not necessarily represent the maximum power capability; it
merely shows whether the device was able to meet the target. (Some batteries may be capable of
higher power than this). The maximum power capability may be calculated in a manner analogous to
the normal pulse-power capability results, as follows:
1. Calculate discharge pulse resistance values using the voltage and current values at three
pairs of time points [(t0, t1), (t2, t3), and (t4, t5), illustrated in Figure 26], using the same
'V/'I calculation (Equation 3) used for discharge resistance in Section 4.4.2.
2. Calculate the discharge pulse power capability for each of the Cold Cranking Test pulses
using Equation (5) as in Section 4.3.3. The current limitations must also be observed here.
If the manufacturer specifies a minimum discharge voltage specifically for cold cranking,
this voltage must be used for the calculation in place of the normal Minimum Discharge
3. Multiply each of these three pulse power capability values by the Battery Size Factor and
report the resulting power values for comparison with the target of 7 kW.
0 2 4 6 8 101214161820222426
Time in Profile (s)
Measured Current
Figure 26. Cold Cranking Test Resistance Calculation Points.
4.6 Thermal Performance Tests
Measured capacity at the HPPC-Current rate is reported over the range of temperatures at which the
Static Capacity Test is performed. Results of HPPC Testing at temperatures other than nominal are
reported in the same formats defined in Section 4.3 except that the test temperature must accompany
all data and graphs.
4.7 Energy Efficiency Test
Round trip energy efficiency is calculated from an integral number of test profiles of the Efficiency
Test. The preferred approach is to use a group of 10 or more consecutive test profiles, both to reduce
the impact of small profile-to-profile variations and to minimize numerical round-off effects. The
calculation is performed as follows:
1. From an examination of the Efficiency Test data, choose a group of consecutive test
profiles where the cell average SOC (as implied by temperature and peak voltage behavior)
is stable, normally at the end of the cycling period. The amount of time to reach this
condition varies but will commonly be an hour or more after the start of cycling.
2. Integrate both the current and power for the discharge and regen intervals of these profiles
(separately). Verify that the discharge ampere-hours and the regen ampere-hours are equal
(within 1% or less). If this condition is not satisfied, either (a) cycling conditions were not
sufficiently stable or (b) the cell is not 100% coulombically efficient at the cycling
conditions. In the first case, the test must be repeated using additional test profiles. In the
second case, if a review of the data indicates that voltage and temperature conditions were
stable, the results are reported but the charge imbalance must be noted.
3. Calculate round-trip efficiency as the ratio of discharge energy removed to regen energy
returned during the profiles, expressed in percent as shown in Equation (10).
efficiencytrip-Round u
Round-trip efficiency may also be calculated if desired over a longer period of time (e.g., during life
cycling) using any integral number of repeated test profiles for which the state-of-charge is stable,
e.g., an entire block of several thousand profiles may be used instead of a small group.
4.8 Operating Set Point Stability Test
No results are reported specifically from this test. The current, voltage, and residual capacity data are
reviewed to determine that state-of-charge and other conditions are stable (and at their target values)
for continuous cycle life testing, but otherwise this test is treated as part of cycle life testing.
4.9 Cycle Life Tests
For the selected life test profile, the cumulative number of test profiles executed prior to the most
recent Reference Performance Tests is reported, along with any performance changes measured by
these Reference Performance Tests. If testing is terminated due to the inability of the cell to perform
the programmed test profile within the voltage limits or some other end-of-test condition, this is
38 The Efficiency Test and CS Cycle Life Test profiles are identical, so the Cycle Life Test data are directly useable for
efficiency calculations if cycling is done at a constant SOC.
reported. However, the number of profiles performed is not necessarily the cycle life and should not
be reported as such. Detailed results of the reference tests are reported over life as described under
these specific tests, including the magnitude of adjustments made (if any) due to the measured
temperatures being above or below the nominal temperature. In addition, degradation of capacity,
pulse power capability, CD and CS Available Energy, and Cold Cranking Power capability as a
function of life (i.e., number of test profiles performed) should be reported graphically.
The value of cycle life to be reported for a device subjected to cycle life testing is defined as the
number of test profiles performed before end-of-life is reached. In general an end-of-life condition is
reached when the device is no longer able to meet the targets (regardless of when testing is actually
terminated). The ability to meet the targets is evaluated based on the periodic Reference Performance
Tests, particularly the HPPC Test results. When the power and energy performance of the device
(scaled using the Battery Size Factor) degrades to the point that there is no power and energy margin
(i.e., CS or CD Available Energy is less than the target value at the target power), the device has
reached end-of-life. In addition, the inability to meet any of the other technical targets (e.g., the cold
cranking power, efficiency or self-discharge target) also constitutes end-of-life. The basis for the
reported cycle life value (i.e., the limiting target condition) should also be reported.
If the cycle life
based on power and energy performance is very near the target, the end-of-life point may need to be
interpolated based on the change in HPPC performance from the previous reference test.
4.10 Calendar Life Test
The raw data from calendar life testing are the periodic reference performance parameter
measurements for all the batteries under test. The objective of this data analysis is to estimate battery
calendar life under actual usage in a specified customer environment. Typically, the environmental
specification will include a cumulative distribution of expected battery temperature over its 15-year
life in, for example, the 90
percentile climate among the target vehicle market regions. These
temperatures will vary, and will generally be substantially lower than the elevated temperatures used
for (accelerated) calendar life testing. Note that for most (> 90%) of its 15-year life, the battery will
typically be in a non-operating, vehicle-parked state.
Predicting battery life is a desired outcome of testing. There are various approaches to constructing a
battery life model. One is theoretical, using various physical and chemical processes that may occur
in the battery, which degrade its performance. A second is fitting a curve to the data. The following
discussion is limited to the latter approach and is meant to illustrate a general approach to construct a
reasonable, data-based model. For a more advanced treatment of life test results, refer to the
Technology Life Verification Test (TLVT) manual, Reference (4).
Curve fitting may be applied to resistance, power, energy, and capacity data and is transparent to
battery chemistry and technology. Curve fitting is an interpretative, deductive approach to
understanding the performance degradation process. Assuming that the battery test was performed
with a number of different temperatures over a number of reference performance tests, the most
39 Efficiency and Self-Discharge are not necessarily measured at regular intervals during life testing, so the point
during life cycling where such an end-of-life condition is reached cannot always be determined with high accuracy.
Typically the test results showing that the targets are not met would be reported, without attempting to interpolate an end-of-
life point using two test results widely separated in time.
general curve fit allows for a linear combination of temperature and time dependencies, as given in
Eq. 11,
)()( tgTfQ
, (11)
where Q is the property of interest, f(T) is the temperature-dependent part of the degradation process
and g(t) is the time-dependent part of the degradation process. An important assumption in
constructing a curve-fit model is that there was no important change in mechanism of the degradation
process with temperature and time. Temperature- and time-based changes can be accommodated, but
the exact treatment of these cases is beyond the scope of this discussion.
Temperature. The two main approaches for describing temperature dependence of the degradation
process, are linear and Arrhenius. Linear-with-temperature processes are very rare in battery testing.
They usually occur in the early part of a longer test and are not truly indicative of the actual
degradation process.
Arrhenius-like temperature dependence is common. It occurs when there is an activation energy
barrier which must be overcome for the process to occur. The activation energy barrier, in this case,
is a thermally activated process. The temperature-dependent part of Eq. 11 above then can be written
as given in Eq. 12,
, (12)
where A is a constant, E
is the activation energy for the process in J/mol, R is the universal gas
constant, 8.314 J/mol-K, and T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin.
Time. Many life-limiting processes in a battery depend on either (t
) or ln(t), depending how fast the
property of interest, such as cell resistance, changes. The exponent z is a constant that is determined
by curve fitting. Which form of the time-dependent part of Eq. 11, g(t), is germane is determined by
curve fitting. The simpler forms of the fit are usually preferable if the values of r
are approximately
the same.
For example, if
, the data may be fit to the linearized form of Q, Eq. 13, using the
Microsoft Excel function LINEST.
)ln()/()ln()ln( tzRTEAQ
, (13)
Care must be taken when t=0. These data points should be excluded from the initial fit. If the
process depends on ln(t), as shown in Equation 13, the data at t=0 cannot be used.
4.11 Reference Performance Tests
Results to be reported from the periodic Reference Performance Tests are defined in the previous
sections on Cycle Life and Calendar Life Tests.
4.12 Module Controls Verification Tests
Testing and analysis at the module level is similar to that employed for cells. However, standard tests
are not defined in this manual for module control behavior, so analysis and reporting requirements for
such tests must be detailed in device-specific test plans, as needed. Typically, these may include an
understanding of the logic employed for electrochemically balancing the cells within the modules,
and also understanding the thermal issues.
4.13 System-Level Testing
In general, the analysis and reporting of test results for complete battery systems is conducted
similarly to comparable cell tests. Additional reporting requirements (e.g., detailed cell or module
performance) should be specified in a battery-specific test plan that accounts for the specific design
features of such a system.
Test procedures and the associated reporting requirements are not defined in this manual for system-
level thermal management load testing.
1. USABC Electric Vehicle Battery Test Procedures Manual, Revision 2, DOE/ID-10479,
January 1996.
2. PNGV Battery Test Manual, Revision 3, DOE/ID-10597, February 2001.
3. FreedomCAR Battery Test Manual for Power-Assist Hybrid Electric Vehicles, DOE/ID-
11069, October 2003
4. Advanced Technology Development Program for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Battery
Technology Life Verification Test Manual, INEEL/EXT 0401986, February 2005
5. Battery Test Manual for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, INL/EXT-07-12536, Rev. 0,
March 2008
Sample Test Plan
1.0 Purpose and Applicability
The intent of this test plan is to characterize the performance, of TBD cells supplied
by TBD for the TBD Battery mode. This testing will support the proposed program
and provide baseline data for comparison with previous technologies and future cell
developments. This testing is under the oversight of the Department of Energy,
Office of Vehicle Technology. These Articles will be subjected to the performance
test procedures defined for the PHEV Program.
2.0 References
2.1 Battery Test Manual for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, INL/EXT-07-
12536, Rev 0, March 2008
3.0 Equipment
3.1 All testing is to be performed on test channels with current and voltage
capabilities adequate for the specific test procedures to be performed.
3.2 Except where specifically noted otherwise, all tests will be performed within a
temperature chamber capable of controlling the chamber temperature to
within +3 qC.
4.0 Prerequisites and Pre-Test Preparation
4.2 Actual weights and open circuit voltages of the Articles as delivered shall be
5.0 Cell Ratings, Test Limitations and Other Test Information
5.1 Ratings
Rated Capacity: TBD A-h (C
/1 rate)
Application: TBD Battery
Battery Size Factor: TBD cells
HPPC Pulse Power Voltage Calculation Ranges:
Vmin TBD V
Vmax TBD V
5.2 Temperature Ratings
Operating Temperature Range: TBD
Discharge Temperature Range: TBD
Charge Temperature Range: TBD
Storage Temperature Range: TBD
Cold Cranking Temperature TBD
5.2 Nominal Values
Nominal Capacity: TBD A-h
Nominal Weight: TBD kg
Nominal Volume: TBD L
5.4 Discharge Limits
Minimum Discharge Voltage
d10 second pulse: TBD
d C
/1 rate: TBD
d10 second pulse and temp d0°C: TBD
Maximum Discharge Current: TBD
5.5 Charge and Regen Limits
Maximum Regen Voltage for d10s: TBD
Continuous rates d C
/1 rate: TBD
Maximum Regen Current (10 sec): TBD
d10 second pulse and temp d0°C: TBD
5.6 Other Test Info:
Charge Procedure: TBD
5.6 End-of-Testing Criterion: 1. Completion of a number of
properly scaled life cycle test profiles
adequate to meet the PHEV life cycle
target (as appropriate for the technology)
or scheduled testing; or
2. Inability to perform the life cycle test
profile at the programmed values at the
required DOD without exceeding the
voltage limits; or
3. Inability to give valid data from the
HPPC Reference Performance Test; or
4. Inability to meet the PHEV power and
energy targets or
5. When directed by the Vehicle
Technologies Program Manager.
6.0 Safety Concerns and Precautions
In general the safety issues with these cells are similar to those encountered
previously with other similar technology tested for the Vehicle Technologies
Program. Care is warranted due to the high power capability of these cells, as noted
6.1 Cell Handling
6.2 Other Safety Precautions
7.0 Tests to be Performed Under this Test Plan
The Cells to be tested under this test plan will be subjected to the performance
test sequence in Table 1. The depth of discharge is to be established by
discharging at a rated HPPC current for a fixed period of time from full
charge. Unless otherwise specified, the test temperature shall be 30 + 3 qC.
These Articles will be tested in a temperature chamber
7.1 Performance Testing
Table 1. Performance Test Sequence
Sequence of Initial Performance Tests for the Cells
1 Static Capacity Test (See Reference 2.1, Section 3.2)
Conduct this test on TBD cells at a constant rated C
discharge current.
Note: Test is to be terminated at manufacturer-specified
cutoff voltage, NOT rated capacity
* Repeat discharge until measured capacity is stable within
2% for 3 successive discharges (maximum 10 discharges)
2 Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization Test (Reference 2.1,
Section 3.4)
Perform the Low test on TBD cells. The Low Current Test
is performed at a peak discharge current of TBD. HPPC
Current = TBD.
For all Articles, the HPPC Current discharge will be
included in the same data file as the HPPC test for
calculation purposes.
3 Constant Power Discharge Test (Reference 2.1, Section 3.3)
Conduct this test on TBD cells at a BSF-scaled 10-kW
discharge rate.
Note: Test is to be terminated at manufacturer-specified
cutoff voltage, NOT rated capacity
4 Self-Discharge Test (Reference 2.1, Sections 3.5)
Conduct this test on TBD cells
5 Cold Cranking Test (Reference 2.1, Sections 3.6)
Conduct this test on TBD cells at -30qC at the maximum
DOD value where the targets can be met. For this test plan,
the cold soak time at -30qC prior to pulse testing shall be
four hours.
6 Thermal Performance Test (Reference 2.1, Sections 3.7)
Perform a Constant-Power Discharge Test and the Low-
Current HPPC Test (see 2 above) at 0, –10, –30, and 50°C
on TBD of the cells.
Recharging for these tests is to be done at 30 qC ambient
temperature. A soak period of nominally four hours or
longer is required at each temperature for all tests.
7 Cycle Life Test (Reference 2.1, Sections 3.9 & 3.10)
As directed.
8 Calendar Life Test (Reference 2.1, Sections 3.11)
As directed.
Gap Analysis
Min PHEV Target BOL Present
Peak Discharge Pulse Power (10 sec)
Peak Regen Pulse Power (10 sec) [kW] 30
Available Energy for CD (Charge-
Mode, 10-kW Rate
Available Energy for CS (Charge-
Mode, 10-kW Rate
Minimum Round-trip Energy Efficiency
CS 50 Wh
Cold cranking power at -30°C, 2 sec, 3
CD Cycle Life (cycles) 5,000
CS HEV Cycle Life, 50 Wh Profile
Calendar Life, 35°C [yr] 15
Maximum System Weight [kg] 60
Maximum System Volume [L] 40
Maximum Operating Voltage [Vdc] 400
Minimum O
>0.55 x Vmax
Maximum Self-dischar
Maximum System Recharge Rate at
1.4 (120V/15A)
Unassisted Operating & Charging
Temperature Range
52°C >45 kW Discharge Power
0°C >22.5 kW Discharge Power
-10°C >13.5 kW Discharge Power
-30°C >4.5 kW Discharge Power
-30 to +52
Survival Temperature Range -46 to +66
Maximum System Production Price @
100k units/