Chief of Space Operations’
Planning Guidance
Chief of Space Operations
CSO Planning Guidance
CSO Priorities
Empower a Lean and Agile Service
Develop Joint Warfighters in
World Class Teams
Deliver New Capabilities at
Operationally Relevant Speeds
Expand Cooperation to
Enhance Prosperity and Security
Create a Digital Service to
Accelerate Innovation
“We are forging a warfighting Service that is always above. Our purpose is
to promote security, assure allies and partners, and deter aggressors by
demonstrating the capability to deny their objectives and impose costs
upon them. We will ensure American leadership in an ongoing revolution
of operations in space, and we will be leaders within government to
achieve greater speed in decision-making and action. We will partner with
and lead others to further responsible actions in, and use of, space to
promote security and enhance prosperity. Should an aggressor threaten
our interests, America’s space professionals stand ready to fight and win.”
General John W. Raymond
CSO Planning Guidance
This Chief of Space Operations’ Planning Guidance (CPG)
provides foundational direction for the Space Force to
advance National and Department of Defense (DoD)
strategic objectives. This authoritative Service-level
planning guidance supersedes previous guidance and
provides the context and outline for our new Service
design. In some areas, the CPG will define specific
actions, timelines and offices of primary responsibility. In
other areas, the CPG describes my intent and desired
outcomes. This guidance is intended to empower space
professionals at all echelons to take initiative consistent
with their delegated authority and mission focus to
implement Service priorities. To enable initiatives, I will
also specify several efforts that should be deprioritized
to generate resources for reinvestment.
This CPG communicates my intent and defines the
capabilities and culture the USSF will pursue over my
tenure. I will update intent, expand on guidance and
review the progress of transformation initiatives via
Force Design guidance annually. I expect all echelons to
read, understand and implement this guidance.
The Space Force has a mandate in national strategy,
policy, and law to be both pathfinder and protector of
America’s interests as a space-faring nation.
The convergence of proliferating technology and
competitive interests has forever re-defined space from
a benign domain to one in which we anticipate all
aspects of human endeavor including warfare. The
return of peer, great power competitors has dramatically
changed the global security environment and space is
central to that change.
The United States Space Force is called to organize,
train, equip, and present forces capable of preserving
America’s freedom of action in space; enabling Joint
Force lethality and effectiveness; and providing
independent options in, from, and to space.
Demonstrable and persistent military spacepower
promotes security in the space domain and assures
partners. Spacepower backstops deterrence by
communicating America’s ability to impose costs on
hostile actors and deny adversary objectives. Security
and stability set conditions for a range of national and
partner interests in all domains and enhance America’s
long-term competitive advantage and leadership.
While the Industrial Age created our nation’s early
advantage in space, the tools and skillsets of the
Information Age are required to sustain and extend that
advantage. The rapidly increasing scale, scope,
complexity, and pace of space domain operations in
general, and military space operations in particular,
demand an independent space Service. The change in
policy and law that created the Space Force followed
closely on the heels of the 2017 National Security
Strategy and 2018 National Defense Strategy, and their
bold, future focus informs our force design. We will
deliver a streamlined, agile, and innovative organization
that sets a new standard in the Department of Defense.
During this period of transformation, our forces must
continue to deliver the effects our Nation and Joint Force
count on without fail. Commanders responsible for those
missions will prioritize efforts to ensure they continue
seamlessly despite the disruptions inevitable during
Service establishment. This CPG outlines my priorities to
guide how the Space Force will organize, train, equip,
integrate, and innovate:
Empower a Lean and Agile Service
Develop Joint Warfighters in World Class Teams
Deliver New Capabilities at Operationally Relevant Speeds
Expand Cooperation to Enhance Prosperity and Security
Create a Digital Service to Accelerate Innovation
These priorities will guide Service efforts across all
echelons, shape performance assessment at Headquarters
U.S. Space Force, and frame how we communicate to
civilian leaders across and outside the DoD. They provide
a strong foundation for where we want to be as a Service
over the next decade, beyond the tenure of any one CSO,
Administration, or Congress.
Space Force will offer civilian leaders and Joint
Commanders options that can be used independently or
in combination to deter or defeat aggression and achieve
national objectives. While we will extend and defend
America’s competitive advantage in peacetime, the
ultimate measure of our readiness is the ability to
prevail should war initiate in, or extend to space.
America’s Space Force will be Semper Supra, always
above. We are moving swiftly to establish a lean, agile,
and innovative Service ready to meet the challenges of
today and the future. We stand ready to protect and
deter, and to fight and win in freedom’s high frontier.
CSO Planning Guidance
America needs a Space Force able to deter conflict, and
if deterrence fails, prevail should war initiate in or
extend to space. Space capabilities enhance the
potency of all other military forces. Our National
leadership requires resilient and assured military space
capabilities for sustained advantage in peaceful
competition, or decisive advantage in conflict or war.
We will design and build a Space Force to meet three
cornerstone responsibilities: preserve freedom of action,
enable Joint lethality and effectiveness, and provide
independent options in, from, and to space. We must
build a force that allows civilian decision makers and
Joint commanders to fully exploit the space domain to
achieve National strategic objectives.
The change in the geo-strategic and operating
environment that compelled the creation of the Space
Force means that many of our legacy space capabilities
must be reevaluated for ongoing relevance. Let me be
clear if we do not adapt to outpace aggressive
competitors, we will likely lose our peacetime and
warfighting advantage in space.
The process of designing and building a new Service
requires productive disruption. We cannot deliver the
new capabilities the Nation requires while remaining
indistinguishable from the ways and means of our past.
I expect commanders and program managers to accept
moderate risk associated with innovation and
experimentation to build an agile force that better
ensures our long-term competitive advantage in space.
Failing to accept the risk that accompanies innovation
and experimentation will slow capability development
and ultimately transfer risk to Joint warfighters. I do not
accept the imposition of risk on warfighters to protect
bureaucratic processes.
We face twin challenges: we will not be bold enough, or
that risk-aversion and legacy-oriented processes will
undermine our efforts. The first challenge is my charge
to all space professionals be bold, your leaders and
your Nation expect it. The second is the responsibility of
Service senior leaders lead boldly and inspire bold
leaders inside and outside the Service.
Chinese and Russian military doctrines indicate they
view space as essential to modern warfare, and view
counterspace capabilities as potent means to reduce
U.S. and allied military effectiveness.
Modern Chinese
and Russian space surveillance networks are capable of
finding, tracking, and characterizing satellites in all earth
orbits. Both Russia and China are developing systems
using the electro-magnetic spectrum, cyberspace,
directed energy, on-orbit capabilities, and ground-based
antisatellite missiles to destroy space-based assets.
These systems can achieve a range of effects against U.S.
and allied military, civil and commercial capabilities from
temporary and reversible, to irreversible degradation.
In addition to holding our own space capabilities at risk,
systems fielded by peer competitors increasingly allow
them to operate with the reach, agility, and lethality that
U.S. forces once unilaterally enjoyed. Both China and
Russia continue to improve their space-based
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and
communications capabilities to support long-range kill-
chains that hold U.S. and allied terrestrial forces at risk.
In addition to space capabilities, both China and Russia
have elevated information superiority and decision
speed to be central tenants of their doctrine. The ability
to observe, orient, decide, and direct action at machine
speeds will revolutionize future military operations. This
is especially true in space where spacecraft operate at
speeds and distances orders of magnitude greater than
terrestrial counterparts. The force that prepares for this
revolution and reaps its potential will have a significant
advantage over the force that does not.
The rapid growth of the commercial space sector provides
the United States both new potential partners and
opportunities to leverage commercial investment to
enhance our space capabilities. Ubiquitous technology
reduces barriers to access space for all and introduces
new actors, competitors, and potential adversaries.
Advantage will go to those who not only create the best
technologies, but who also best integrate, field, protect,
and operate them in ways that provide significant military
CSO Planning Guidance
When the space age began, mastery of the most
advanced disciplines of science, engineering, and
manufacturing was required to produce a few exquisite
systems. Early military space systems were designed for
strategic missions such as detecting ballistic missile
launches. In the 1960s, the Soviet Union actively
developed anti-satellite (ASAT) capabilities to attack the
small inventory of U.S. military satellites. From that time
on, the mission of space professionals had changed to
include defense of exquisite military space systems.
New technology and the innovation of our operators and
industry pressed these limited number of high value
strategic space systems into unforeseen operational and
tactical applications. The 1991 Gulf War was the first
“space war” to fully integrate America’s space
capabilities on the battlefield. The dominant advantage
that space-based ISR, satellite-based communication
(SATCOM) and the Global Positioning System (GPS) gave
Coalition forces led potential adversaries to consider
space systems attractive targets in future conflict.
Recent resurgence in deployment of modern direct
assent and co-orbital ASAT capabilities require us to
develop and deliver offensive and defensive options in
the near-term, while we transition to a resilient
architecture able to mitigate attack, assure capabilities,
and rapidly reconstitute in the mid- to long-term.
Every interaction in space, between military,
government, civil, and commercial entities creates a
pattern of behavior that communicates intent and
establishes, reinforces, or diminishes norms. Our space
domain awareness capabilities allow us to compare
intent as communicated by words and behaviors.
Alignment between what an actor claims to be doing and
what we observe, such as who initiates movement to
proximity with another spacecraft, or who does or does
not respond to requests to maneuver responsibly,
refines our understanding of an actor’s intent. We will
actively use interactions, consistent with applicable law,
to shape norms of behavior that enhance National
security and reduce opportunity for a competitor or
potential adversary to misinterpret intent.
Aware of substantial U.S. military strength on the land,
in and under the sea, and in the air, potential adversaries
are using asymmetric counters to mitigate U.S. power
projection. Great power adversaries have used
aggression and illegal occupation to seize territory, and
invested heavily in “anti-access and area-denial” (A2/AD)
capabilities to make the air, sea, and land of their near-
abroad inaccessible to an American or Coalition
intervention. Space capabilities expose the vertical flank
of the terrestrial A2/AD environment. In the future
multiple missions currently conducted by terrestrial
forces will shift, in whole or in part, to space. This is
already underway with tactical ISR and will soon expand
to other missions.
Empower a Lean and
Agile Service
The new design of our Space Force headquarters and Field
Command structure aligns complementary functions and
streamlines echelons of command in the deliberate pursuit
of speed and agility. Space Force will innovate and incubate
faster, flatter decision and command structures that can be
refined and applied across the Department of Defense.
During the analysis that led to the creation of the Space
Force, Congress identified over 60 offices responsible for
elements of space policy, oversight, and guidance, with
nearly 30 more who influence space architecture. We will
work across the Department to unify and harmonize
efforts. We will prepare implementation plans to unify
disparate acquisition and sustainment authorities for space
systems currently distributed across the Army, Navy, and
Office of the Secretary of Defense.
The imperative to flatten bureaucracy is about more than
efficient management it enables the decision-making
speed and agile implementation that generate advantage
in competition or conflict. Our current system struggles to
keep pace with fast evolving threats and technologies.
Today’s modernization efforts must navigate a slow,
disaggregated and desynchronized bureaucratic process
that increases risk for our Joint warfighters. We will
consolidate and coordinate disparate processes to
accelerate decisions and reduce that risk.
Reducing bureaucracy does not mean eliminating the
oversight required by law and policy. Rather, it emphasizes
empowerment through delegation of decision authority to
the most responsive competent authority, and a high
degree of accountability. Tight alignment of responsibility,
accountability, and authority is key to speed and agility.
CSO Planning Guidance
Our smaller, more empowered force will be reflected in a
smaller, more streamlined headquarters structure, re-
formatted to merge direction of aligned functions under
four new offices.
The Human Capital Office (HCO) will build and manage our
workforce of the future. They will develop a human capital
strategy that emphasizes up-to-date and innovative
approaches to access, engage, assess, and retain world
class civilian and military professionals. Their primary
responsibility is to win the battle for talent, now and in the
future. They will tailor force development to produce
expertly trained and effectively led space professionals
with the skills and mindset to sustain U.S. advantage in
competition and prevail in war against a peer adversary.
They will capitalize on our small Service size to enable
talent management practices that individually develop,
retain, manage, and cultivate high impact professionals.
The Operations Office will enable our space operations
and training commands. They will oversee unit and
capability readiness and develop force presentation
options for the Secretary of the Air Force. They will
integrate intelligence and operational policy to outpace
threats and sustain a high-end ready spacecrew program;
direct integrated analysis to assess performance of Space
Force systems, personnel, and processes; and ensure the
CSO can manage the readiness of forces. In addition, they
will develop and represent USSF positions as Service
operations deputy in support of the CSO as a Joint Chief.
Under the Operations Office, the USSF Senior Intelligence
Officer will build a space ISR enterprise to support
operations, inform Service design and development, and
enhance civilian and military decisions.
The Strategy and Resources Office (SRO) will drive USSF
strategy, planning, and programming to ensure our force
is resourced to succeed. They will lead USSF capability
development, serve as resource champion for space
capabilities, and influence the design of the national space
The SRO will lead coordination with
Combatant Commands to ensure the USSF POM
position optimizes Joint effectiveness and lead
partner engagement to ensure complementary allied,
commercial and civil capability development.
In order to accelerate our Service transformation to a data-
driven “digital service,we have created a new Technology
and Innovation Office (TIO). The TIO will direct USSF
innovation and incorporation of advanced technology. In
addition, the TIO will work with the HCO to drive the
technical culture and competencies of our Space
professionals. The TIO will ensure the USSF has the data
infrastructure and machine augmentation to embrace
cutting edge information age organizational practice.
The USSF Director of Staff will generate a comprehensive,
yet succinct hierarchy of business rules and directives that
define roles and responsibilities within the headquarters
enterprise. They will publish directives on behalf of the
CSO defining the scope and sequence of staff actions.
I expect the Chiefs of these offices and Director of Staff
to make service-level decisions aligned with this
guidance and keep me informed through candid, timely
Like our forward-looking headquarters structure, our
field command structure flattens our force structure
from five echelons to three and reflects a mission-
focused force design.
The Space Operations Command (SpOC) will be the
primary force provider of space forces.
The SpOC
generates ready space forces for presentation to the Joint
Force via the Commander of Space Forces
The Space Systems Command (SSC) is responsible for
developing, acquiring, and fielding effective and
resilient space capabilities. SSC will be responsible for
developmental testing, launch, on-orbit checkout,
sustainment, and maintenance of USSF space systems,
as well as integration with other space development
activities including coordinated capability
development with multi-national partners. In addition,
SSC will provide oversight and integration of USSF
science and technology initiatives. SSC will lead efforts
to adapt our acquisition culture, workforce, and practice to
match the pace of partners who are significantly
accelerating space technology development.
Space Training and Readiness Command (STARCOM)
will educate and train space professionals and conduct
operational test and evaluation of systems in order to
deliver combat-ready space forces prepared to
succeed in our warfighting domain. While currently
provisionally organized as a Delta, it will grow to a
CSO Planning Guidance
full-strength field command in fiscal year 2021. Our
very near-term doctrine development, training, and
education paradigms depend heavily on Air Education
and Training Command and Air University. STARCOM,
in coordination with the HCO, will develop options to
establish a more independent system of doctrine and
professional military education by 2023.
Agile decision-making capability must extend outside
headquarters and staff structures as well. Commanders,
directors, and supervisors at the lowest competent and
authorized level should be empowered to make
decisions. Clear communication of delegated authorities
is critical to empower effective and timely decision
making. I expect headquarters elements to publish, and
commanders to understand such authorities.
The potential speed and scale of space warfare means a
traditional “command by affirmation” style, where a
subordinate echelon assumes they are limited to
narrowly prescribed authorities unless explicitly
authorized by higher echelons, likely incurs a dangerous
disadvantage. Therefore, I direct a default command
style of “command by negation” where subordinate
echelons are expected to default to action except where
a higher echelon has specifically reserved authority.
In order to capitalize on unique opportunities of our
small mission-focused Service, and to enhance
conditions for initiative at all levels, I am directing use of
mission command by the Space Force. Joint Publication
3-0 describes mission command as “built on leaders at all
echelons who exercise disciplined initiative and act
aggressively and independently to accomplish the
mission,” and that aligns with the bold, agile, innovative
force we are developing. We will use “mission-type
orders” (MTO) to direct subordinate echelon action, and
work with USSPACECOM to implement MTOs to enhance
resilient and responsive command and control of
operational space forces.
Soon, Commanders at all levels must be prepared to
engage in combat operations enhanced by artificial
intelligence to observe, orient, decide and act at
machine speeds. Anticipating the incorporation of
automation into our decision making and C2 structures,
STARCOM will prepare Commanders with the skill to
develop and publish MTOs that are both human and
machine executable. We will train our space
professionals and the intelligent systems that support
them to make deliberate, conditions-based delegations
of authority or transitions between human-on-the-loop,
human-in-the-loop, or autonomous modes of operation,
consistent with appropriate human judgement, to
maintain decision advantage under contested conditions.
Develop Joint Warfighters
in World Class Teams
Every Service presents warfighters with a common sense of
duty to Nation and devotion to mission. Every Service also
presents warfighters with characteristics that reflect their
unique domain. We are America’s space warfighters. We
share expertise and technical fluency with other space-
oriented organizations, but space professionals are charged
with mastering both space domain knowledge and unique
operational art to achieve military purposes. The character
of war in the space domain is fundamentally unique from
warfare in other domains. This necessitates unique
systems, tactics, and doctrine, and a dedicated cadre of
warfighting professionals with specialized education,
training, and experience to prevail in combat.
Core values are our Polaris. Our success depends on a
solid foundation of shared personal values to enable
agility, innovation, empowerment, mission command,
and partnership. We expect all members to understand,
exemplify and reinforce our core values.
Until we develop and finalize thoughts on core values
with insights from Space Force leaders at all levels, we
will keep as our foundation the Air Force core values
“integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all
we do.”
Our Space Force is charged with protecting the people
and ideals of the United States. Inclusion of professionals
with diverse backgrounds, skills, and experiences
enhances our ability to achieve national security
objectives by increasing our ability to re-frame complex
problems and inoculate against groupthink and bias.
CSO Planning Guidance
We have a unique opportunity for a fresh start to create
new policies, from dress and appearance, to family
needs, personal development, and facility standards that
are more consistent with inclusion efforts. The Space
Force will not sustain an industrial-era accession
paradigm that placed a premium on conformity and de-
emphasized members’ unique culture and heritage.
We value members for the culture they bring with them
into the Service and believe people of all backgrounds
who are inspired by our mission and committed to our
standards make the Space Force stronger. We will not
accept either conscious or unconscious bias in our midst
and support policies that actively guard against
Future growth projections and missions require
additional space professionals and we want the best and
brightest. In order to meet the demand, the HCO will lead
efforts to develop recruiting partnerships at institutions
that are recognized pipelines for technical talent from
diverse backgrounds. The HCO will also develop a robust
marketing campaign that encompasses experiential,
partnership, media, and literature marketing to increase
overall public and pre-accession interest in space. We will
not passively wait for the best to respond to marketing,
but actively use merit and diversity-based criteria to seek
the talent we want.
Our efforts to manage, develop, and retain this talent
will be central to the long-term viability and success of
the Service. Our small, flat organization allows for
deliberate individualized development focused on
building space warfighters with the necessary
experience and skills to prevail in combat while giving
them the opportunities and benefits they seek for a
fulfilling career. The HCO will maximize the full range of
existing civilian and military personnel authorities,
including those contained in recent changes to Law such
as Modified Direct Hire Authorities.
We will monitor competition for talent from other DoD
and civilian organizations looking to hire USSF space
professionals. We will provide developmental
opportunities for space professionals across all U.S.
space sectors, including national security, civil, and
commercial. We will recruit professionals with
recognized expertise and unique experience able to
perform immediately, as well as to build a junior cadre
with the potential to grow into future leaders and
innovators. We will create opportunities to crossflow
high caliber personnel from industry into government
positions and USSF members to industry or other
government agencies to remain current in technology
and best practices.
We will make every effort to train in realistic, contested
conditions. Our forces are always in competition, and our
capabilities are likely among the first targets of an
aggressor’s action. In both competition and conflict
adversaries will seek to impose fog and friction through
degraded systems, compromised networks, false
information, and disrupted communication. We will
develop and acquire in hi-fidelity simulators, virtual and
augmented reality, and artificial intelligence to improve
warfighting proficiency against a thinking, reacting
adversary and foster the critical thinking and decision-
making skills required in combat.
Commanders at all levels must ensure crew commanders
and Mission Directors are proficient at applying
warfighting concepts like acceptable level of risk, self-
defense, risk to mission, and risk to force, and prepared
to make sound tactical decisions in a contingency. We will
recognize and reward expert system management and
prudent risk acceptance to meet commander’s intent.
A lean, agile, and mission-focused force requires a high
degree of connection, collaboration, and communication
at all levels. We value a culture that actively shares
insights and information, and provides context up and
down echelons of command to ensure our space
professionals understand their mission, commander’s
intent, and updates that align evolving requirements. We
value clear verbal and written communication oriented to
inform decisions and implement actions.
We also value design approaches to critical thinking, and
data-driven problem solving. Over the next year, the
Director of Staff will publish guidance that establishes a
standard for how space professionals approach
structured data-driven decision-making. Like MTOs, a
standardized process is not intended to constrain thinking
but rather to enhance our ability to rapidly analyze
complex problems, develop and evaluate courses of
action, and select a best option.
CSO Planning Guidance
As the lead military Service for space, we will foster the
synchronization and integration of space warfighting
doctrine across our sister Services and National, Joint,
and Combined operations. We will prioritize training and
education courses for space professionals and optimize
coursework to keep pace with advancing space
employment demands. Space professionals will also gain
experience from advanced education, selected space
duty assignments, and broadening tours in Joint and
Coalition environments.
In order to build tactical depth and operational
leadership in our space professionals, we will focus
leader development on specialization in our seven
spacepower disciplines. We will build experts in these
disciplines through advanced training and education that
expands upon the space warfighting fundamentals
taught at Undergraduate Space Training. STARCOM will
develop the unique curricula required by the first four
disciplines of Orbital Warfare, Space Electromagnetic
Warfare, Space Battle Management, and Space Access
and Sustainment. In addition, STARCOM will facilitate
inclusion of space-unique content for Military
Intelligence, Cyber Operations, and Engineering and
Acquisition career fields for individuals intending to join
or support Space Force units.
Beyond formal education, every space professional is
expected to improve themselves and their teammates to
better contribute to their teams. Leaders at all levels
have a responsibility to enable and encourage the growth
of their subordinates. We embrace a growth mindset
and lifelong learning, allowing us to evolve and adapt to
changing environments faster than our adversaries.
Our ability to retain diverse, talented and highly skilled
space professionals is directly linked to our ability to
meet the needs and expectations of their families. Just
as we support the development and growth of Space
Force members, we support the development and
growth of Space Force families. We will work with our
partners in the Air Force to improve access to childcare,
housing, employment opportunities, and resources that
make service in the Space Force attractive. We will
develop and employ human capital management tools to
reduce the tension between a member’s military career
and professional opportunities for their family members.
Deliver New Capabilities at
Operationally Relevant Speeds
Service-level wargames over the past few years have
focused on peer adversary conflict scenarios. Insights
from these wargames inform future force development
and highlight the potential for space warfighting
capabilities to dramatically enhance the effectiveness,
efficiency, and flexibility of our Joint Force.
Wargames have shown in any great power
conflict, our
alliances and partnerships are an essential factor to
We will enable and defend our allies
as they in turn provide capabilities that complement
our own.
The absence of features equivalent to national borders in
space means there is no sovereign territory separating
forces. While separation of terrestrial forces creates
opportunity for early warning, defense by maneuver, and
deterrence by credible escalation capabilities, the
current lack of equivalent norms in space allows actors to
operate at any location in the domain and at any distance
from other spacecraft. This may allow a potential
attacker to maneuver close to other space assets, from
where they can execute a “first mover” surprise attack.
This creates a potentially destabilizing “use it or lose it”
dilemma that accelerates escalation. To avoid this
dilemma, our force design must reduce vulnerability to a
first mover attack and provide calibrated escalation options
for Joint Commanders to seize or regain initiative.
Further, wargaming shows that space forces have inherent
vulnerabilities in multiple domains. Space operations
depend on orbital, terrestrial, and link segments. Each of
these offers an attack surface, and adversaries will target
vulnerable segments to degrade the larger architecture. We
must ensure Joint Commanders are prepared to defend
critical space assets that enable Joint Forces.
The ability to prevail in conflict is foundational to all other
Space Force missions. While America’s legacy military
space capabilities have been in the fight enabling combat
effects for decades, our systems have not been consistently
designed for war that initiates in, or extends to, the space
domain. Adapting legacy designs will not produce effective
CSO Planning Guidance
systems for conflict because combat considerations favor
fundamentally different design and engineering choices.
Our programs of record will deliver
Joint Warfighting
, providing Combatant Commanders
military capability to achieve operational objectives.
We will enable Combatant Commanders to protect
and defend the people and homeland of the United
States and our interests and allies.
I am willing to take
risk in legacy system capacity and availability in order
to create recapitalization opportunities for next-
generation resilient and defensible systems.
force design must
reflect data-driven, threat-informed
choices that are stressed against the forecast
capabilities of potential great power adversaries.
In order to establish a consistent structure for
developing programmatic positions, I am establishing
a Space Warfighting Analysis Center (SWAC) built on
the foundation of the Enterprise Strategy and
Architectures Office (ESAO) and the Space Security
and Defense Program (SSDP). The SWAC will develop
future force design options for consideration and CSO
decision. SWAC analysis will support effective
communication with Executive and Legislative
resourcing and oversight functions.
To ensure our force design offers the Joint Force
assured effects, the SWAC will analyze opportunities
to enhance the resilience of legacy systems as an
interim step to fielding a force designed to operate in
a warfighting domain. The SWAC will develop future
force structures that meet evolving mission
requirements, are resilient to the threat, and are cost-
informed. The SWAC will execute Service wargaming
functions that help to formulate these architectures,
as well as understand their interplay between USSF
and the Joint Force. SWAC designs inform the CPG,
annual “Force Design” updates, Service requirements,
and programming options validated by the SRO.
Programmatic options will consider partner and
hybrid architectures where appropriate, including
other U.S. government agencies.
In the case of
space-based environmental monitoring, some tactical
satellite communications, and positioning, navigation
and timing, civil and commercial partner services
provide a degree of capability that may allow further
re-investment in next-generation warfighting
In the near term, the Space Force benefits from
government and commercial partnerships to rapidly
enhance capabilities in Space Launch and Sustainment
and Space Domain Awareness. We will prioritize
investments in Orbital Warfare, Space
Electromagnetic Warfare, and tactical intelligence
portfolios to enable effective defensive options and
prompt offensive capability to deter adversaries from
initiating conflict in or extending conflict into space. If
deterrence fails, these capabilities posture us to fight
and win in space.
While our mission in space has evolved dramatically,
shifting from strategic to operational and finally
tactical warfighting, our acquisition paradigm has
remained largely static. Current acquisition processes
often require years from validating capability gaps to
new fielded capabilities, even when the technologies
involved are well known and program risks are low.
With DAF support, we will seek new acquisition authorities
critical to enable the Space Force to streamline
requirements validation; accelerate decision speed;
maximize budget execution, stability, flexibility, and
efficiency; increase program capability; and accelerate
contracting speed. These changes will allow us to outpace
adversaries unencumbered by industrial-era acquisition
and oversight paradigms and consider new technology
opportunities in which we can capitalize. This requires new
delegated authorities in law or policy in some cases, and
more effective utilization of existing authorities in others.
We commit to providing the transparency required for
effective oversight by Congress and other stakeholders.
According to the 2017 National Security Strategy
adversaries and competitors [have become] adept at
operating below the threshold of open military conflict and
at the edges of international law. Adversaries actively
create and exploit “gray zones” in which they achieve
political objectives through actions that avoid traditional
triggers for conflict where the United States enjoys clear
military advantage. The Space Force will provide unique
space-enabled options, tailored to support operational
commanders, to shrink gray zones. Space Domain
Awareness, for instance, enables attribution that reveals
illegal or hostile action and sets conditions for a better
informed and legitimized response.
CSO Planning Guidance
Our design for force transformation must consider
opportunities to enhance America’s civil and commercial
spacepower. Both Space Policy Directive-4 and statutory
provisions of Title 10 task the USSF to protect America’s
interests, including commercial interests in space. The
recent Space Force 2020 Space Industrial Base Report
described a role the Space Force can play to help promising
commercial partners thrive through high-risk initial
ventures to validate high-potential new technologies.
Space Force will use strategic investments to cultivate a
strong, diverse and competitive American space industrial
base. Civil and commercial developments that pave the
way for exploration and commercialization beyond near-
Earth orbit will both generate technology that benefits the
USSF and require an order of magnitude expansion of our
ability to sense, communicate and act to protect and
defend American interests in cis-lunar space and beyond.
Expand Cooperation to
Enhance Prosperity and Security
Evolved and expanding partnerships will improve our
enterprise capability, capacity, and resilience. We will build
on existing relationships and identify opportunities to
integrate partner space capabilities into our enterprise.
Our closest partner will be the Air Force, on whom we will
rely for enablers to accomplish tasks common to both of
our missions. The Air Force will operate our bases, help us
communicate throughout our global footprint, and deliver
care and services for space professionals and their families.
We will undertake deliberate effort to enhance partnership
with all Services by participating in both Joint and Service
wargames and capability development efforts to
understand their space equities, multi-domain concepts,
enabling requirements and integration opportunities.
Space professionals must be expert integrators and
communicators to ensure Joint counterparts in all Services
and at all levels understand fast evolving space capabilities
and threats, and their operational implications. To ensure
Joint Force commanders are better equipped to utilize
space domain-unique warfighting capabilities the COO will
lead engagement to update space training modules in the
JFMCC, JFLCC, JFACC, and JTF training courses to increase
awareness of space warfighting capabilities as both
independent and integrated operational options. In
addition, over the next year STARCOM will work with the
National Security Space Institute to develop updated space
warfighting training modules in fulfillment of
USSPACECOM joint training requirements.
In order to ensure service members from multi-Service
backgrounds can better consume and contribute to USSF
planning and direction, I am directing use of Joint
planning methodology throughout the Space Force. In
addition, we will template to Joint style, formats, and
terminology unless explicitly required by DAF direction.
This ensures a common standard and prepares USSF
members for integration with Joint forces.
The need for space domain intelligence continues to
increase in the face of changing missions and emerging
threats. The U.S. Space Force will continue to strengthen its
partnerships across the Intelligence Community, especially
with the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial-
Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and
National Security Agency. Current cooperation is largely
focused on the mission to protect and defend assets and
must grow into operational collaboration at multiple levels.
Today we are building deeper alignment across multiple
agencies. In the future we will develop and expand shared
strategies that synchronize national security space
capabilities and operations to detect and characterize
threats, defeat attacks, and respond to aggression.
As a focal point for space domain intelligence, we will seek
to re-align space-oriented functions of the National Air and
Space Intelligence Center to form a co-located National
Space Intelligence Center (NSIC). In concert with the Space
Force ISR Enterprise, the NSIC will provide a framework for
growth to meet anticipated demand for increased space
intelligence at foundational, tactical, operational and
strategic levels.
Our efforts to deter and promote stability are enhanced by
a multi-national effort. We will leverage ally and coalition
partner capabilities in operations and acquisitions to
identify and close gaps in our space enterprise. We will take
measures to strengthen our allies' space capabilities. This
includes cooperative capability development, professional
education and training, and operational coordination and
liaison. As we expand our network of partners, we will strive
to be the partner of choice, providing the collective security
for all those who join alongside us.
CSO Planning Guidance
When space was a less contested domain, America could
prefer security at the expense of collaboration. The
evolution of the security environment requires greater
interoperability with partners and allies, many of whom
have already integrated with U.S. combat capability in
other domains. We will reevaluate data sharing
agreements and security paradigms that often limit
coalition interoperability in space. We will expand partner
participation in operations and capability development in
order to reduce cost, increase resilience, and accelerate
capability modernization.
Our approach to partnering also includes U.S.
industry, civil organizations, academia, laboratories, and
agencies. Key enablers for this effort are the scalable
architectures and open standards which will also allow
rapid, cost-effective integration of all desired partners.
Create a Digital Service to
Accelerate Innovation
Data and information, along with the skills and tools to
put them to use, and drive to innovate will guide and
accelerate our decision-making and permeate all the key
activities of the Space Force.
Harnessing the best that technology has to offer and
applying it in ways that can outpace the advances of our
adversaries require us to change our capability
development processes. We will lead efforts to
implement Digital Engineering standards for Space
Force acquisition programs. This will include adopting
digital twins and model-based systems engineering, and
expanding agile software development and DevSecOps
to expedite capability development and improve
acquisition outcomes. America’s most successful
companies, including hardware manufacturers, logistics
providers, software companies, and “big data” analytics
producers, employ these techniques to create
competitive advantage for their businesses. These
activities are also required of America’s Space Force, and
we will take industry’s best practices, tools and
benchmarks to create similar agility in military space
development and operations.
Effectively harnessing technology requires the Space
Force to foster and grow a Digital Workforce. Our
personnel must be comfortable with technology and
have ability to apply and adapt it for our national security
objectives. They should be capable of thinking and acting
in the “data space,” prioritizing data-centric solutions
over product-centric processes. In addition, we will
develop organic modeling acumen among USSF members
to guide our digital efforts. This will make us more
capable and engaged partners with industry and allow us
to implement a more digital acquisition paradigm using
modeling and simulation. Digital fluency will begin with
state-of-the-art training environments and is sustained
through continued exposure and implementation of
digitally supported decision-making throughout their
With digital engineering and fluency as foundational
elements, we will drive Digital Operations across our
space mission sets to increase all domain awareness and
close the kill chain faster with more robust, informed C2
decision options. In doing so, we will fully exploit modern
commercially-based digital capabilities including
software defined networks, data analytics, machine
intelligence, cloud edge computing, and modular plug-n-
play systems. Digital applies not only to our weapon
systems but to our business processes as well, and the
Space Force will apply similar techniques to enable a
Digital Headquarters. Full implementation of our digital
strategy will involve investments in Digital Engineering
data and analytics infrastructure to ensure all our data is
discoverable, accessible, understandable, linked, and
trusted across multiple security levels.
Automation and autonomy will accelerate and
streamline our operations and provide analytics to
optimize mission and headquarters effectiveness.
Applying machine learning and trusted levels of
autonomy will allow our personnel to focus on data-
driven decision-making instead of manually sorting and
sense-making the vast amounts of data created by
operations in space.
Our investments in this digital campaign will be
effective if they allow us to make better use of our
human capital. By automating tasks that are repetitive,
time-consuming, or that do not require application of
human intelligence, we will create the time to train,
educate, wargame, and develop a world-class fighting
force. This will also give us an advantage in recruiting and
retaining space professionals who expect to work with
cutting edge cognitive tools. The TIO will lead automation
and digitization efforts over the next year to generate a
15% enhancement in the amount of dwell time available
for advanced training.
CSO Planning Guidance
Space is a vital national interest. Activities on land, at sea,
in the air, through cyberspace, and in the
electromagnetic spectrum all depend on space
superiority. The nation established the U.S. Space Force
to ensure freedom of action for the United States in,
from, and to space. The strategic environment demands
we act boldly now to build a Service designed to act with
speed and decisiveness to ensure the United States
maintains its advantage in the domain.
By executing this guidance, we will support a position of
strategic stability, U.S. advantage in space, and a space
warfighting posture that deters aggression and ensures
Joint and Coalition warfighters can employ forces in the
time, place, manner, and domain of our choosing.
While not all encompassing, this CPG is sufficient to provide
clear guidance on the way forward. I expect all uniformed
and civilian space professionals, and USAF personnel
assigned to USSF units and staffs, to read and begin
implementing this guidance immediately. Soon, the USSF
Director of Staff will publish an implementation plan to
accompany this guidance that offers specified and
implied tasks derived from the CPG, the offices of primary
responsibility, and timelines.
This CPG identifies those characteristics and capabilities
within the force that must evolve. We do not have the
luxury of delay for further analysis. We will move out to
build the Service our nation expects and needs. I am
excited to join you in this journey.
General, USSF
Chief of Space Operations