The evolutionary history
of dogs in the Americas
Máire Leathlobhair
*, Angela R. Perri
*, Evan K. Irving-Pease
*, Kelsey E. Witt
Anna Linderholm
*, James Haile
, Ophelie Lebrasseur
, Carly Ameen
Jeffrey Blick
, Adam R. Boyko
, Selina Brace
, Yahaira Nunes Cortes
Susan J. Crockford
, Alison Devault
, Evangelos A. Dimopoulos
, Morley Eldridge
Jacob Enk
, Shyam Gopalakrishnan
, Kevin Gori
, Vaughan Grimes
, Eric Guiry
Anders J. Hansen
, Ardern Hulme-Beaman
, John Johnson
, Andrew Kitchen
Aleksei K. Kasparov
, Young-Mi Kwon
, Pavel A. Nikolskiy
, Carlos Peraza Lope
Aurélie Manin
, Terrance Martin
, Michael Meyer
, Kelsey Noack Myers
Mark Omura
, Jean-Marie Rouillard
, Elena Y. Pavlova
, Paul Sciulli
Mikkel-Holger S. Sinding
, Andrea Strakova
, Varvara V. Ivanova
Christopher Widga
, Eske Willerslev
, Vladimir V. Pitulko
, Ian Barnes
M. Thomas P. Gilbert
, Keith M. Dobney
, Ripan S. Malhi
Elizabeth P. Murchison
§, Greger Larson
§, Laurent A. F. Frantz
Dogs wer e present in the Americas befor e the arrival of European colonists, but the origin and
fate of these precontact dogs are largely unknown. We sequenced 71 mitochondrial and
7 nuclear genomes from ancient North American and Siberian dogs from time frames spanning
~9000 years. Our analysis indicates that American dogs were not derived from North
American wolves. Instead, American dogs form a monophyletic lineage that likely originated
in Siberia and dispersed into the Americas alongside people. After the arrival of Europeans,
native American dogs almost completely disappeared, leaving a minimal genetic legacy in
modern dog populations. The closest detectable extant lineage to pr econtact American dogs
is the canine transmissible vener eal tumor, a contagious cancer clone derived from an individual
dog that lived up to 8000 years ago.
he histor y of the global dispersal of dogs
continues to be contentious (1). In North
America, the earliest confirmed dog re-
mains (from Koster, IL) have been radio-
carbon dated to ~9900 calibrated years
before the present (2, 3), ~4500 years after the
earliest unambiguous evidence of humans arriv-
ing in the Americas (4). Although these early
dogs were most likely not domesticated in situ
(5), the timing of their arrival and their geo-
graphic origins are unknown. Studies of the
control region of mitocho ndrial DNA have sug-
gested that the precontact American dog pop-
ulation was largely replaced following the arrival
of European dogs after colonization and the in-
troduction of Eurasian Arctic dogs (e.g., Siberian
huskies) during the Alaskan gold rush (57). It
remains possible, however, that some modern
American dogs retain a degree of ancestry from
the precontact population (8, 9).
We sequenced complete mitochondrial ge-
nomes (mitogenomes) from 71 archaeological
dog remains collected in North America and
Siberia (Fig. 1A and table S1) and analyzed these
with 145 mitogenomes derived from a global data-
set of modern and ancient canids (3). A phylo-
genetic tree constructed from the mitogenomes
indicated that all sampled precontact dog s
(PCDs) (from time frames spanning ~9000 years)
formed a monophyletic group within dog haplo-
analysis indicated that the mitochondrial lineage
most closely related to the PCD clade is that of
the ~9000-year-old population of dogs from
Zhokhov Island in Eastern Siberia (3) (Fig. 1B
and figs. S3 and S6). In addition, molecular clock
analyses suggest that all PCDs share a common
ancestor that lived ~14,600 years ago [95% highest
posterior density (HPD), 16,484 to 12,965 years
ago] (Fig. 1B and fig. S6), which had diverged
from an ancestor shared with the Zhokhov Island
dogs ~1000 years earlier (95% HPD, 17,646 to
13,739 years ago) (Fig. 1B and f ig. S6). These
time frames are broadly coincident with early
migrations into the Americas (1012).
To further investigate the evolutionary history
of PCDs, we generated low-coverage (~0.005 to
2.0×) nuclear genome sequences from seven
PCDs sampled in six locations in North America
from time frames spanning ~9000 years (table
S1). We analyzed these nuclear data alongside
publicly available datasets including 45 modern
canid whole genomes sampled from Eurasia
and the Americas (table S2) (1316). A neighbor-
joining tree constructed by using single-nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) revealed that, like the mito-
genome phylogeny, PCDs clustered in a distinct
monophyletic lineage that is more closely related
to dogs than to either Euras ian or North American
wolves (Fig. 1C). Furthermore, our nuclear genome
analysis indicated that the closest-related sister
clade to PCDs consists of modern Arctic dogs
from the Americas (including Alaskan malamutes,
Greenland dogs, and Alaskan huskies) and Eurasia
(Siberian huskies) (Fig. 1C). Treemix (3)(Fig.1D),
outgroup f3 statistics (fig. S13), and D statistics
(figs. S14 and S15) also supported this phylo-
genetic structure. Combined, our mitochondrial
and nuclear results indicate that PCDs were not
domesticated in situ from North American wolves
but were instead introduced by people into the
Americas via Beringia from a population related
to modern Arctic dogs.
Studies of nuclear genome data have identified
two modern clades of global dogs: an East Asian
clade (including dingoes) and a Western Eurasian
clade (including European, Indian, and African
dogs) (9, 14, 16). These analyses placed modern
Arctic dogs with either Western Eurasian (16, 17)
or East Asian (9, 14
) dogs. Our analyses of nuclear
data revealed a close relationship be-
tween Arctic dogs and PCDs, which together form
Leathlobhair et al., Science 361,8185 (2018) 6 July 2018 1of5
Transmissible Cancer Group, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Department of Archaeology, Durham University, Durham, UK.
Department of Human Evolution,
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany .
The Palaeogenomics and Bio-Archaeology Research Network, Research Laboratory for Archaeology and History of Art, University of
Oxford, Oxford, UK.
School of Integrative Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA.
Centre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool,
Department of Government and Sociology, Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA, USA.
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Department of
Earth Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, UK.
Department of Anthropology, University at AlbanySUNY, Albany, NY, USA.
Pacific Identifications, Victoria, Canada.
Arbor Biosciences, Ann Arbor,
Millennia Research, Victoria, Canada.
Department of Archaeology , Memorial University , Queens College, St. Johns, Canada.
Department of Anthropology, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada.
The Qimmeq Project, University of Greenland, Nuussuaq, Greenland.
Department of Anthropology, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
of Anthropology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA.
Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Geological Institute, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
Centro INAH Yucatán, Mérida, Yucatán, México.
Department of Archaeology, BioArCh, University of York, York, UK.
UMR 7209, Archéozoologie, Archéobotanique, Muséum
National dHistoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
Research and Collections Center, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL, USA.
Touray & Meyer Veterinary Clinic, Serrekunda, Gambia.
Glenn A. Black
Laboratory of Anthropology, Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, USA.
Department of Mammalogy, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.
of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Arctic & Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Department of Anthropology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
VNIIOkeangeologia Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Center of Excellence in Paleontology, East Tennessee State University,
Gray, TN, USA.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University Museum, Trondheim, Norway.
Department of Archaeology , University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.
Department of
Anthropology , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL,
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.
*These authors contributed equally to this work. Deceased. These authors cosupervised this work.
§Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (L.A.F.F.); greger[email protected] (G.L.); [email protected] (E.P.M.)
on December 3, 2018 from
a clade (PCD/Arctic) that is basal to both Western
Eurasian and East Asian dogs and suggests the
existence of a third monophyletic clade of dogs
(Fig. 1C). Although all three clades are well sup-
ported, the relationships between them are
ambiguous. For example, outgroup f 3 statis -
tics analysis (fig. S13) indicated that the PCD/
Arctic clade is basal to the two other Eurasian
dog clades. However, when we excluded specific
East Asian dogs that possess evidence of gene
flow from European dogs (table S7) (14), East
Asian dogs became the most basal clade in a
neighbor-joining tree and the PCD/Arctic clade
became the sister clade to Western Eurasian
dogs (fig. S11). Conversely, admixture graphs (3)
(fig. S25) and Treemix (18)(Fig.1D)suggested
that the PCD/Arctic clade is closest to East Asian
dogs and that Western Eurasian dogs are the
most basal. Conflicting phylogenies based on
nuclear data have been reported on numerous
occasions (1, 14, 16), and these inconsistent to-
pologies could result either from substantial post-
divergence gene flow among Eurasian dogs (Fig.
1C and fig. S25) (3, 14)orfromnearlysimulta-
neous divergence of all three lineages.
Our nuclear genome data indicate that mod-
ern Arctic dogs sampled from both Siberia and
North America cluster in a distinct phylogenetic
group that forms a sister taxon to PCDs (Fig. 1C).
This close phylogenetic relationship between mod-
ern American Arctic dogs (Alaskan malamutes,
Alaskan huskies, and Greenland dogs) and mod-
ern Eurasian Arctic dogs (Siberian huskies) (Fig.
1C and figs. S11 and S13) suggests that PCDs are
not the direct ancestor of modern American Arctic
dogs are the descendants of dogs brought onto the
continent by the Paleo-Eskimos (~6000 years ago)
or by the Thule (~1000 years ago) (19). However,
both mitogenomic and low-coverage nuclear
data from a late Paleo-Eskimo dog from Kodiak
Island, Alaska (Uyak site sample AL3198) (Fig. 1A
Leathlobhair et al., Science 361,8185 (2018) 6 July 2018 2of5
Fig. 1. Sample locations and ancestry of PCDs. (A) A map depicting the
locations and ages of the archaeological remains analyzed in this study.
Each dot represents a single sample, and multiple samples per ar chaeological
site are grouped in bo xes. Sites mentioned in the tex t are labeled. BP, before
the present. (B) A tip-calibrated Bayesian mitochondrial phylogeneti c tree of
dogs within haplogroup A. This analysis was conducted with 66 nov el ancient
mitogenomes (all genomes with at least 10× coverage) together with 145
publicly available mitogen omes fro m both modern and ancient canids (3)
(fig. S6). Red branches r epr esent modern dogs, dark blue repr esents PCDs,
and light blue denotes ancient DNA from Arctic dogs. Blue bars on nodes
represent 95% HPD ages. The gray shaded area represents the time frame
during which people likely enter ed the Americas based on the age of
diverg ence between Native Americans and ancient Beringians (~20,000 years
ago) (12) and the flooding of the Bering land bridge (~11,000 years ago) (11).
(C) A neighbor-joining tree built with whole genomes (3). (D)Anadmixture
graph constructed with Tr eemix (on the basis of transversions ) (3, 18)depicting
the relationship betw een PCDs [including the P ort au Choix (AL3194) and
Weyanoke Old Town (AL3223) samples] and other dog, wolf, and CTVT
populations. The scale bar shows 10 times the average standard error (s.e .) of
on December 3, 2018 from
and table S1), indicate that this dog was more
closely related to PCDs than to modern American
Arctic dogs (figs. S4 and S10). This finding sug-
gests that modern American Arctic dogs are not
the descendants of Paleo-Eskimo dogs and that
Paleo-Eskimos likely acquired local dogs in North
America or brought Siberian dogs that were
genetically indistinguishable from PCDs. Our
sampling did not include dogs from sites as-
sociated with the Thule culture, so it is plausible
that the modern American Arctic dogs included
in our analysis, such as Alaskan malamutes and
Greenland dogs, are the descendants of dogs
introduced by the Thule. Alternatively, the mod-
be the descendants of recently introduced
Eurasian Arctic dogs, many of which were in-
troduced during the 19th-century Alaskan gold
rush and as sled dog racing stock (6).
Previous genomic analyses of the canine trans-
missible venereal tumor (CTVT) genome indicated
a close affinity with modern Arctic dogs (20).
CTVT is a contagious cancer clone that manifests
as genital tumors and spreads between dogs by
the transfer of living cancer cells during mating.
This clone first originated from the cells of an
individual dog, the CTVT founder dog, which
lived several thousand years ago, and the clone
still carries the genome of this individual (20).
To investigate the relationship between the
CTVT founder dog and PCDs, we analyzed two
CTVT genomes alongside a panel of modern and
ancient canid genomes.
Because CTVT is a cancer, and to limit the
impact of somatic mutations, we confined our
genotyping analysis to SNPs mapping to ge-
nomic regions that have retained both parental
chromosomal copies in CTVT (20) and excluded
singleton SNPs called exclusively in CTVT ge-
nomes and not found in any other canid genome.
CTVT clustered with PCDs on neighbor-joining
trees (Fig. 1C and figs. S10 and S11), a Bayesian
tree (fig. S12), Treemix (Fig. 1D), and admixture
graphs (fig. S25). This result is further supported
by both outgroup f3 statistics (fig. S13) and D
statistics (figs. S14 and S15). These findings indi-
cate that the CTVT founder dog is more closely
related to PCDs than to modern Arctic dogs.
Multiple horizontal transfers of mitochondrial
genomes from dog hosts to CTVT has led to the
replacement of the founder dogs mitogenome
(21, 22); thus, we could not determine the mito-
chondrial haplogroup of the CTVT founder dog,
and we limited our analyses to the nuclear genome.
To assess whether the CTVT founder dog lived
before or after dogs entered North America, we
re-estimated its temporal origin by sequencing
the nuclear genomes of two CTVTs, 608T and
609T. 608T is a CTVT from the skin of a 10-month-
old puppy and was likely engrafted from the
mothers vaginal tumor (609T) during birth. We
identified mutations generated by a clocklike
mutational process that were present in 608T but
not detectable in 609T and used these to derive
a lower bound for a somatic mutation rate for
CTVT (3). Applying this rate to the total burden
of clocklike somatic mutations in the CTVT lin-
eage (3), we estimated that the CTVT founde r
dog lived up to 8225 years ago (3). This time
frame postdates the initial arrival of dogs into
the Americas, raising the possibility that CTVT may
have originated in a dog living in North America.
To further assess this scenario, we quantified
the degree of introgression between canids en-
demic to North America (coyotes and North
Leathlobhair et al., Science 361,8185 (2018) 6 July 2018 3of5
Fig. 2. Legacy of PCDs in
modern American dogs.
(A) A map showing the
locations of dog populations
obtained from (9) and
their degrees of relatedness
(D statistics) to the
~4000-year-old Port au
Choix dog (AL3194) [see (3)
and fig. S14]. Higher values
(in red) represent closer
relatedness. The location of the
founder CTVT individual,
labeled in the plot, is unknown.
(B) A map depicting the
multiple introductions of dogs
into the Americas.
on December 3, 2018 from
American wolves), PCDs, modern Arctic dogs,
and the CTVT founder dog. Our analyses in-
dicated that, unlike Arctic dogs, PCDs share a
number of derived alleles with coyotes and
North American wolves, indicative of admixture
(figs. S16 and S17). The CTVT founder dog also
showed some weak evidence of coyote ancestry
but did not appear to possess admixture with
North American wolves (figs. S16 and S17). Be-
cause coyotes are restricted to North America,
this finding suggests that CTVT may have orig-
inated there. As we did not ascertain the degree
of coyote ancestry in ancient PCD-related dogs in
Northern Siberia (such as the Zhokhov Island
dogs) (Fig. 1), however, this analysis does not
establish the location in which CTVT originated.
Furthermore, studies that used somatic muta-
tions to reconstruct the phylogeography of the
CTVT clone indicated deep divergence in Asia
and rece nt introduction to the Americas (21).
Altogether, these results suggest a scenario in
which CTVT originated in Asia from a dog that
was closely related to PCDs, although we cannot
exclude the possibility that the clone arose in
America and then dispersed early into Asia be-
fore being reintro duced to America.
populations is uncertain. It has been suggested
that some North American wolves obtained a
mutation leading to black coat color possib ly via
admixture with early American dogs (23). This
allele was not present, however, in either of the
two higher-coverage ancient PCDs in this study
(3)orinCTVT(20). Additional ancient genomes
are necessary to determine if this allele was
present in the PCD population.
In addition, previous studies have argued that
some modern American dog populations possess
a genetic signature fromindigenousAmerican
dogs (8, 9, 24). To test this hypothesis, we
analyzed nuclear data obtained from more than
5000 modern dogs (including American village
dogs) genotyped on a 180,000 SNP array (9).
We found 7 to 20% PCD ancestry in modern
American Arctic dogs (Alaskan huskies, Alaskan
malamutes, and Greenland dogs) by using f4
ratios (tables S10 and S11) (3). This result, how-
ever, may reflect ancient population substructure
in Arctic dogs rather than genuine admixture (3).
Our f4 ratio analysis did not detect a significant
admixture signal from PCDs in any modern
American dogs of European ancestry (table S10).
Our admixture analysis detected varying de-
grees (0 to 33%) of PCD/Arctic ancestry in three
individual Carolina dogs (fig. S20). This analysis,
however, could not distinguish between PCD and
Arctic ancestry, and we cannot rule out that this
signal was a result of admixture from modern
Arctic dogs and not from PCDs (3). The majority
of modern American dog populations, including
138 village dogs from South America and mul-
tiple native breeds (e.g., hairless dogs and
Catahoulas), possess no detectable traces of PCD
ancestry (Fig. 2A, fig. S20, and table S10), though
this analysis may suffer from ascertainment bias.
To further assess the contribution of PCDs
to modern American dog populations, we also
analyzed 590 additional modern dog mitoge-
nomes, including those from 169 village and
breed dogs that were sampled in North and
South America (21). We identified two modern
American dogs (a chihuahua and a mixed-breed
dog from Nicaragua) that carried PCD mito-
chondrial haplotypes (fig. S5), consistent with
a limited degree of PCD ancestry (<2%) in
modern American dogs. We also identified
three East Asian dogs that carried a PCD hap-
lotype, possibly as a result of ancient population
substructure or recent dog dispersal (fig. S5) (3).
Although greater degrees of PCD ancestry may
remain in American dogs that have not yet been
sampled, our results suggest that European dogs
almost completely replaced native American dog
lineages. This near disappea rance of PCDs likely
resulted from the arrival of Europeans, which led
to shifts in cultural preferences and the per-
secution of indigenous dogs (25). Introduced
European dogs may also have brought infectious
diseases to which PCDs were susceptible.
The first appearance of dogs in the North Amer-
ican archaeological record occurred ~4500 years
after the earliest evidence of human activity on
the continent (4, 11). In addition, our molecular
clock analysis indicates that the PCD lineage ap-
peared ~6500 years after North American human
lineages (Fig. 1B) (10). These discrepancies suggest
that dogs may not have arrived into the Americas
the very first human migration but
were instead potentially part of a later arrival (12)
before the flooding of the Bering land bridge
~11,000 years ago (11). This timing is compati-
ble with both the archaeological record and our
PCD divergence time estimate and suggests a
scenario in which dogs were brought to the
Americas several thousand years after the first
people arrived there.
This initial dog population entered North
America and then dispersed throughout the
Americas, where it remained isolated for at least
9000 years. Within the past 1000 years, however ,
at leas t three independent reintroductions of
dogs have occurred. The first may have consisted
of Arctic dogs that arrived with the Thule culture
~1000 years ago (6). Then, beginning in the 15th
century, Europeans brought a second wave of
dogs that appear to have almost completely re-
placed native dogs. Lastly, Siberian huskies were
introduced to the American Arctic during the
Alaskan gold rush (25). As a result of these more
recent introductions, the modern American dog
population is largely derived from Eurasian breeds,
and the closest known extant vestige of the first
American dogs now exists as a worldwide trans-
missible cancer.
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We thank L. Orlando, R. K. Wayne, and D. Meltzer for their valuable
comments; B. M. Kemp, M. Masson, and J. Chupasko for support;
and J. Southon (W. M. Keck Carbon Cycle Accelerator Mass
Spectrometry Laboratory, University of California, Irvine) for the
radiocarbon date on the Port au Choix dog. We acknowledge the
University of Oxford Advanced Research Computing (ARC) facility
for providing computing time. We thank the Illinois State Museum,
the Illinois State Archaeological Survey, the Glenn A. Black
Laboratory of Archaeology at Indiana University Bloomington, the
Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, and the Ohio
Historical Society for access to material. We thank The Rooms
(Museum Division), the Board Executive, and the Government of
Newfoundland and Labrador for permission to access and sample
the Port au Choix material. We are grateful to M. Ptaszynska for
useful information and to S. Zhang for assistance with samples. We
thank the staff of the Danish National High-throughput Sequencing
Centre for assistance in data generation. Funding: L.A.F.F. was
supported by the Wellcome Trust (210119/Z/18/Z) and by Wolfson
College (University of Oxford). L.A.F.F., J.H., A.L., A.H.-B., O.L.,
K.M.D., and G.L. were supported by a European Research Council
grant (ERC-2013-StG-337574-UNDEAD) or Natural Environmental
Research Council grants (NE/K005243/1 and NE/K003259/1)
or both. M.N.L. and E.P.M. were supported by Wellcome
(102942/Z/13/A) and a Philip Leverhulme Prize awarded by the
Leverhulme Trust. A.R.P. was supported by the Max Planck
Society. E.K.I.-P. was supported by a Clarendon Fund scholarship
from the University of Oxford. M.T.P.G. was supported by a
European Research Council grant (ERC-2015-CoG-681396
Extinction Genomics). A.M. was supported by the Muséum National
dHistoire Naturelle. K.E.W. and R.S.M. were supported by an NSF
grant (BCS-1540336) and a Wenner-Gren grant. V.G. was
supported by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Insight grant. V.V.P., E.Y.P., and P.A.N. were supported by Russian
Science Foundation project N16-18-10265-RNF. Y.-M.K. was
supported by a Herchel Smith research fellowship. S.J.C. was
supported by Millennia Research. J.J. was supported by the Santa
Barbara Museum of Natural History. A.R.B. was supported by the
American Kennel Club and the NIH. We thank the Illinois State
Museum Society for funding. Author contributions: L.A.F.F., G.L.,
and E.P.M. conceived of the project and designed the research;
A.R.P., K.M.D., and G.L. coordinated the archaeological analyses
and sample collection efforts with input from R.S.M., C.A., A.H.-B.,
and K.E.W.; A.R.P., C.A., J.B., E.G., A.J.H., M.-H.S.S., S.J.C., M.E.,
Y.N.C., V.G., J.J., A.K.K., P.A.N., C.P.L., A.M., T.M., K.N.M., M.O.,
E.Y.P., P.S., V.V.I., C.W., and V.V.P. provided and/or collected
samples; K.E.W., A.L., J.H., O.L., S.B., A.D., E.A.D., J.E., J.-M.R.,
and M.-H.S.S. conducted the ancient laboratory work with input
from R.S.M., G.L., L.A.F.F., E.W., I.B., and M.T.P.G.; M.M., E.P.M.,
and A.S. provided and/or collected CTVT samples; M.N.L. and
Y.-M.K. conducted the CTVT analyses with input from E.P.M., K.G.,
and L.A.F.F.; M.N.L., L.A.F.F., and E.K.I.-P. conducted the analyses
of ancient data with input from S.G., A.K., A.R.B., and E.P.M.;
and L.A.F.F., G.L., E.P.M., M.N.L., and A.R.P. wrote the paper with
input from all other authors. Competing interests: A.D., J.E.,
and J.-M.R. are employees of Arbor Biosciences, which provided
target enrichment kits used in this study. J.-M.R. is also a founder
of Arbor Biosciences. A.R.B. is the founder and chief strategy
Leathlobhair et al., Science 361,8185 (2018) 6 July 2018 4of5
on December 3, 2018 from
officer of Embark Veterinary. K.M.D. currently holds honorary
professor positions in the departments of archaeology at both the
University of Aberdeen and Simon Fraser University. Data and
materials availability: The reads for the ancient data have been
deposited at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) with project
number PRJEB22026. Reads for new CTVT genomes were
deposited at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) with project
number PRJEB22148. Mitochondrial sequence alignments,
genotype files (in plink format), and phylogenetic trees were
deposited in Dryad (26).
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S27
Tables S1 to S16
References (27180)
13 September 2017; resubmitted 26 December 2017
Accepted 10 May 2018
Leathlobhair et al., Science 361,8185 (2018) 6 July 2018 5of5
on December 3, 2018 from
The evolutionary history of dogs in the Americas
Elizabeth P. Murchison, Greger Larson and Laurent A. F. Frantz
Christopher Widga, Eske Willerslev, Vladimir V. Pitulko, Ian Barnes, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Keith M. Dobney, Ripan S. Malhi,
Jean-Marie Rouillard, Elena Y. Pavlova, Paul Sciulli, Mikkel-Holger S. Sinding, Andrea Strakova, Varvara V. Ivanova,
Pavel A. Nikolskiy, Carlos Peraza Lope, Aurélie Manin, Terrance Martin, Michael Meyer, Kelsey Noack Myers, Mark Omura,
Guiry, Anders J. Hansen, Ardern Hulme-Beaman, John Johnson, Andrew Kitchen, Aleksei K. Kasparov, Young-Mi Kwon,
Devault, Evangelos A. Dimopoulos, Morley Eldridge, Jacob Enk, Shyam Gopalakrishnan, Kevin Gori, Vaughan Grimes, Eric
Lebrasseur, Carly Ameen, Jeffrey Blick, Adam R. Boyko, Selina Brace, Yahaira Nunes Cortes, Susan J. Crockford, Alison
Máire Ní Leathlobhair, Angela R. Perri, Evan K. Irving-Pease, Kelsey E. Witt, Anna Linderholm, James Haile, Ophelie
DOI: 10.1126/science.aao4776
(6397), 81-85.361Science
, this issue p. 81; see also p. 27Science
transmissible venereal tumor.
have been mostly replaced by dogs introduced by Europeans, with the primary extant lineage remaining as a canine
date back to a common ancestor that coincides with the first human migrations across Beringia. This lineage appears to
not domesticated from North American wolves but likely originated from a Siberian ancestor. Furthermore, these lineages
nuclear genomes of ancient dogs (see the Perspective by Goodman and Karlsson). The earliest New World dogs were
sequenced the mitochondrial andet al.and populations reflect their introduction to the New World, Ní Leathlobhair
Dogs have been present in North America for at least 9000 years. To better understand how present-day breeds
Lineage losses for man's best friend
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