Pilot Fitness
Aviation Rulemaking
Committee Report
November 18, 2015
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC ii
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 Recommendations ................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Enhance AME Training ..................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Psychological Testing ....................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Pilot Assistance Programs ................................................................................................................................ 2
4. Air Carrier Education ........................................................................................................................................ 3
5. Informational Material on Pilot Support Programs ............................................................................................ 3
6. Medical Professional Reporting ........................................................................................................................ 3
7. Two Persons on Flightdeck and Flightdeck Access .......................................................................................... 3
8. Aircraft Design Standards ................................................................................................................................. 4
2.0 Pilot Fitness ARC Background ............................................................................................................... 4
Pilot Fitness ARC Charter ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 ARC Data and Research ....................................................................................................................... 5
Tasks and Inputs ................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.0 Estimated Costs ................................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix A—Pilot fitness ARC Members ................................................................................................. A–1
Appendix B—Definitions ........................................................................................................................... B–1
Appendix C—Acronyms ........................................................................................................................... C–1
Appendix D—Pilot Support Program Descriptions .................................................................................. D–1
Contract Aeromedical Advisors ........................................................................................................................ D–1
Air Carrier Employee Assistance Programs ..................................................................................................... D–1
Air Carrier-Specific Pilot Assistance Programs ................................................................................................. D–1
Crew Resource Management ........................................................................................................................... D–2
Critical Incident Response Program ................................................................................................................. D–2
Formal Pilot Mentoring Programs ..................................................................................................................... D–2
Human Intervention Motivation Study ............................................................................................................... D–2
Professional Standards Program ...................................................................................................................... D–3
Appendix E—Charter ................................................................................................................................ E–1
Appendix F—Medical Privacy Laws Overview .......................................................................................... F–1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... F–1
Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) ............................................................................................................ F–1
Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 .................................................................................................................... F–3
Aviation and Transportation Security Act .......................................................................................................... F–4
Health Insurance and Portability Accountability Act .......................................................................................... F–5
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 1
The Pilot Fitness Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) was chartered by the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) on May 11, 2015, to consider specific objectives and tasks in a forum for
the U.S. aviation community to discuss and provide recommendations to the FAA on pilot
mental fitness for duty. The ARC was chartered after the Commercial Aviation Safety Team
(CAST) considered the circumstances surrounding the Malaysia flight 370 and Germanwings
flight 9525 events. CAST ultimately determined it did not have all of the needed expertise to
examine pilot mental fitness issues (that is, issues affecting a pilot’s emotional state, mental
health, or cognitive ability to safely conduct their duties), and a committee of medical and
aviation industry professionals with expert knowledge on pilot mental fitness issues was best
suited to explore the topic.
The ARC membership and working groups consisted of a broad representation of people
including aerospace medicine, psychiatric, and psychological medical experts from the FAA,
FAA Flight Standards Service, U.S. aviation industry trade associations, pilot representative
organizations, and international aviation industry associations. The working groups examined
individual issues in detail. ARC meetings were held in person in Washington, DC, and working
group meetings were held on an ad hoc basis in person or through teleconferences.
The ARC developed eight recommendations that are found in the next section of this report.
Several of these recommendations suggest actions the FAA and air carrier community could take
to address pilot mental fitness issues through education, outreach, and training initiatives. Others
address reporting mental health issues, operational procedures, and aircraft design.
The ARC believes the best strategy for minimizing the risks related to pilot mental fitness is to
create an environment that encourages and is supportive of pilot voluntary self-disclosure.
However, even within a supportive environment the group identified many barriers to voluntary
self-disclosure. It is clear even when symptoms are recognized, pilot mental fitness issue
self-reporting may be perceived as a high risk situation. There may be misperceptions that all
mental illness is career ending. Financial and career implications for professional pilots can be
significant even for short-term medical disqualification. Therefore, it is critical that the pilot
community receive healthcare and support information that is timely, accessible and accurate.
The best approach to address misperceptions is to expand the use of pilot support programs,
educate the air carrier and pilot communities on mental fitness for duty issues, and ensure pilots
experiencing such issues are cared for in a confidential, non-stigmatized, and safe environment.
Additionally, the ARC believes a risk mitigation process built on Safety Management System
(SMS) principles should be used by air carriers and pilot representative organizations to create an
environment where early reporting, appropriate treatment, and rapid return to the flightdeck are
the expectation. Early identification of mental fitness issues leads to better results. A holistic
approach to educating and addressing pilot mental fitness issues offers the best opportunity for a
positive outcome.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 2
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) should ensure all Aviation Medical Examiners
(AME) demonstrate knowledge in assessing basic mental health concerns, and enhance AME
training on this topic.
Rationale: Most AMEs have limited psychiatric education and experience. This may be as little
as 3 weeks in medical school and 2 hours in AME basic training, of which 1 hour is entirely
devoted to substance abuse and dependence. It is desirable to expand general knowledge
regarding mental status assessment and mental health. This could be accomplished by
restructuring the AME basic and refresher curricula, with the goal to enhance the AME’s ability
to identify warning signs and refer the pilot for evaluation and appropriate intervention.
The ARC does not recommend mandating formal psychological testing during the pilot
hiring process nor as part of routine FAA aviation medical examinations beyond those which
already exist.
Rationale: The Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) found no convincing data to conclude
that adding psychological testing to the hiring process or to the routine medical examinations
enhance the ability to assess the mental fitness of the pilot workforce.
Air carriers should develop effective pilot assistance programs.
Rationale: An environment needs to be created where pilots feel comfortable disclosing mental
fitness issues. Pilot support programs should provide the opportunity for a pilot to disclose a
mental fitness concern and if appropriate, receive temporary relief from flight duties and be
referred to professional resources. The successful implementation of pilot support programs
benefits from a joint collaboration between the air carrier to include senior management support,
its pilot representative organization, and pilot peer volunteers. The trusting relationship with a
fellow pilot in a peer-supported program may provide the best opportunity to identify and engage
an individual requiring assistance. To encourage use, pilots must be handled in a confidential,
non-stigmatized, and safe environment. If a culture of mutual trust and cooperation is
maintained, pilots are less likely to conceal a condition, and more likely to report and seek help
for mental health issues.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 3
Air carrier operators should be encouraged to implement mental health education programs for
pilots and supervisors that improve awareness and recognition of mental health issues, reduce
stigmas, and promote available resources to assist with resolving mental health problems.
Rationale: Improved mental health literacy is associated with earlier reporting and improved
treatment outcomes.
The FAA should assemble and disseminate information on benchmark pilot support programs,
which includes pilot assistance programs, to serve as a resource for air carriers to develop new
or improve existing programs.
Rationale: There is a need for more opportunities for sharing best practices among air carriers.
Providing the basic description, function, and benefits of pilot support programs will encourage
air carriers to implement some or all of these programs. Implementation of the full complement
of these programs is considered a best practice.
Encourage advocacy for a uniform national policy on mandatory reporting of medical issues
that affect public safety.
Rationale: In the United States, medical professional reporting responsibilities are unclear.
Reporting requirements and guidelines vary by State and by licensing boards. The perceptions
of adverse legal consequences of reporting appear to be greater than not reporting. AMEs are
expected to report issues potentially affecting public safety, but among medical professionals at
large, concerns exist about professional and legal liability for violating patient privacy.
It should be noted there exists a concern that universal implementation of mandatory reporting
requirements may deter individuals from seeking treatment. Also, because of the current uneven
legal landscape, and medical ethics considerations notwithstanding, it is important that existing
or future pilot support programs and policies continue to raise pilot awareness and encourage
voluntary self-disclosure in a confidential and safe environment.
The ARC recommends no changes to the guidance found in FAA Order 8900.1, “Procedures for
Opening, Closing, and Locking Flight Deck Doors” concerning two persons on the flightdeck
and flightdeck access.
See appendix D.
For purposes of this report, this term includes physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, psychologists,
and clinical social workers or substance abuse specialists (all “health professionals” as defined on FAA Form 8500,
the medical application form).
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 4
Rationale: The ARC notes that mental health episodes have occurred even with two persons in
the cockpit, and no single safety practice can address all possible hypothetical events and other
civil aviation authorities may have different procedures best suited to their regulated air carriers
and operating environments.
The ARC believes existing aircraft and flightdeck door design standards are adequate and no
changes are required by the FAA.
Rationale: No additional design requirements or pending technologies have been identified that
would reduce risk more than those systems currently in place.
The Pilot Fitness ARC was chartered by the FAA on May 11, 2015. The full charter,
appendix E, includes purpose, background, and objectives and tasks for the ARC to consider,
which formed the basis of the committee’s work. The objectives and tasks were:
The Pilot Fitness ARC will provide a forum for the United States aviation
community to discuss and provide recommendations to the FAA and is tasked to
review the following questions and provide findings and, if appropriate,
recommendations to the Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety.
a. What does data show us about changes in awareness and reporting of
emotional and mental health issues in the general population?
b. If the review completed under Task a demonstrates a change in awareness and
reporting of mental health issues in the general public, can we determine
whether a similar change is reasonably expected to have occurred in the pilot
community? If not, why not?
c. If so, do the changes in the awareness and reporting of emotional and mental
health issues reflected in the pilot community indicate increased risks to
aviation safety? If so, does that suggest that further review is valuable?
d. What methods are used to evaluate the emotional and mental health of pilots
today? Do those methods differ depending on the level of certification held by
the pilot? If so, are those differences appropriate?
e. What methods are used to encourage pilots to report medical conditions,
including emotional and mental health issues? What steps are taken when
emotional and mental health conditions are reported--either by the pilot or by
family, friends or co-workers who are concerned about the pilot?
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 5
f. Are there barriers that prevent pilots from reporting medical conditions,
including emotional and mental health issues?
g. Given the findings under Tasks a through f; are there gaps in the methods used
today to evaluate the emotional and mental health of pilots?
h. If there are gaps in current methods of evaluation, what would the ARC
recommend to address those gaps?
i. Are there medical methods that could be employed to address the gaps?
ii. Are there aircraft design improvements that would mitigate the gaps?
iii. Are there policies and/or procedures that would mitigate risk during
iv. Are there pilot training and/or testing improvements that would mitigate
the gaps?
v. Are there actions by professional standards groups or other airline or
union actions that would mitigate the gaps?
vi. Are there training or other improvements for AMEs that would mitigate
the gaps?
To address the ARC charter tasks and objectives, the ARC formed 10 working groups of
ARC members, observers, and subject matter experts (SME) to address each of the areas. The
ARC recognized early in its deliberations that the failure to get information where it needed to be
was a critical element in the Germanwings event, therefore, the ARC created a Task x,
Organizational Cross-Communication Working Group, to examine impediments to information
flow. The working groups were tasked with researching their given subject, analyzing existing
policies and procedures, and presenting their findings to the ARC. They only applied the charter
tasks and objectives to Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 121 certificated
air carriers. The working groups drafted potential recommendations if their findings warranted.
The inputs of working groups to each task follow.
Task a. What does data show us about changes in awareness and reporting of emotional and
mental health issues in the general population?
Although data is limited, there is some evidence of an increase in both awareness and reporting
in both the general U.S. population as well as other developed countries. It is noteworthy that a
significant portion of the literature reviewed comes from research in Germany and Australia. In
terms of the scientific literature, awareness is studied as “mental health literacy” and reporting is
reflected as “help-seeking.”
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 6
Anthony Jorm and colleagues coined the term “mental health literacy” which refers to
knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders which aid in their recognition, management, or
He further developed several components of mental health literacy: a) the ability to
recognize specific disorders or different types of psychological distress; b) knowledge and
beliefs about risk factors and causes; c) knowledge and beliefs about self-help interventions;
d) knowledge and belief about professional help available; e) attitudes that facilitate recognition
and appropriate help seeking; and f) knowledge of how to seek mental health information.
Schomerus, et al. conducted a meta-analysis of six studies from different countries, including the
United States through 2011. They concluded that there was a coherent trend to greater mental
health literacy over the time period studied.
The working group believes that increased awareness may be related to increased media
attention on mental health issues in recent years. Congress and President George H.W. Bush
designated the 1990s as the “Decade of the Brain” to enhance public awareness of the benefits of
brain research. Some believe that a more biologically based public understanding of mental
illness parallels greater acceptance of professional treatment.
Willingness to seek help can be considered a surrogate for self-reporting. Mojtabai examined
Americans’ attitudes toward seeking mental health treatment over the period 1990-1992 and
2001-2003. He concluded that over these periods, Americans indicated more willingness to seek
professional help for mental health problems, were more comfortable talking with a professional
about personal problems and would be less embarrassed if others found out they had sought
professional help.
Schomerus, et al. likewise found population based time-trend studies show
that public attitudes towards help-seeking have improved over the last decade.
A body of
literature exists on reporting mental health issues in the workplace.
9 10
The consistent theme is
that individuals are more likely to report if they do not have fears about their job.
The working group noted the general population is not good at recognizing mental disorders in
other people. Given a typical case scenario, studies found only 3972 percent of respondents
recognized depression and 7584 percent recognized schizophrenia.
11 12
This is unfortunate
Jorm AF, Korten AE, Jacomb PA, Christensen H, Rodgers B, Pollitt P. "Mental health literacy": a survey of the
public's ability to recognize mental disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of treatment. Med J Aust. 1997
Jorm AF. Mental health literacy. Public knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders. Br J Psychiatry. 2000
Schomerus G, Schwahn C, Holzinger A, Corrigan PW, Grabe HJ, Carta MG,Angermeyer MC. Evolution of public
attitudes about mental illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2012 Jun;125(6):440-52
Mojtabai R. Americans' attitudes toward mental health treatment seeking:1990-2003. Psychiatr Serv. 2007
Schomerus G, Matschinger H, Angermeyer MC. Traces of freud--the unconscious conflict as a cause of mental
disorders in the eyes of the general public. Psychopathology. 2008;41(3):173-8.
Brohan E, Henderson C, Wheat K, et al. Systematic review of beliefs, behaviours and influencing factors
associated with disclosure of a mental health problem in the workplace. BMC Psychiatry. 2012;12:11.
Elllison ML, Russinova Z, MacDonald-Wilson KL, Lyass A. Patterns and correlates of workplace disclosure among
professionals and managers with psychiatric conditions. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 2003;18:3-13
Jorm AF, Korten AE, Jacomb PA, Christensen H, Rodgers B, Pollitt P. "Mental health literacy": a survey of the
public's ability to recognise mental disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of treatment. Med J Aust. 1997
Lauber C, Nordt C, Falcato L, Rossler W. Do people recognize mental illness? European Archives of Psychiatry
and Clinical Neurosciences. 2003;253:248-251.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 7
because individuals are more likely to seek professional help if someone else suggests it. Yap
concluded that improved recognition of mental health signs and symptoms may facilitate
It is a significant concern that although mental health literacy and willingness to seek help are
improving, the same studies suggest that no changes or changes to the worse were observed
regarding attitudes towards people with mental illness. Schomerus, et al. states, “Increasing
public understanding of the biological correlates of mental illness seems not to result in better
social acceptance of persons with mental illness.”
Others have also demonstrated that
stigmatization is alive and well.
Difficulties with early reporting and help seeking remain. There is evidence that mental health
symptoms are frequently underestimated or mischaracterized by patients. Patient recollection of
past symptoms (whether physical or mental) is poor. Even after mental health symptoms are
recognized, patients may delay months to years before seeking treatment.
Task b. If the review completed under Task a. demonstrates a change in awareness and reporting
of mental health issues in the general public, can we determine whether a similar change is
reasonably expected to have occurred in the pilot community? If not, why not?
The working group attempted to locate published studies to determine whether there has been a
similar increase of awareness and reporting within the pilot community. The group concludes
that scientific data is not readily available to support whether or not changes in awareness or
reporting of mental health issues have occurred in the pilot community. The group noted the
gradual increase of pilot assistance programs, and the increase in the number of subscribers to
aviation medical assistance services in both air carrier and business aviation communities. This
may point to an increase in mental health awareness and reporting among pilots; however, the
number of mental health consultations within these programs has not been compiled.
Task c. If so, do the changes in the awareness and reporting of emotional and mental health issues
reflected in the pilot community indicate increased risks to aviation safety? If so, does that suggest
further review is valuable?
In general, the working group agreed the more information and the more awareness, the better.
The point was made however, that focusing increased scrutiny on mental health issues may
decrease reporting.
Yap MB, Reavley NJ, Jorm AF. The associations between psychiatric label use and young people's help-seeking
preferences: results from an Australian national survey. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2014 Mar;23(1):51-9.
Schomerus G, Schwahn C, Holzinger A, Corrigan PW, Grabe HJ, Carta MG,Angermeyer MC. Evolution of
public attitudes about mental illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Psychiatr Scand.
2012 Jun;125(6):440-52.
Pescosolido BA, Medina TR, Martin JK, Long JS. The "backbone" of stigma:identifying the global core of public
prejudice associated with mental illness. Am J Public Health. 2013 May;103(5):853-60.
Jorm A. The population impact of improvements in mental health services: The case of Australia. British Journal
of Psychiatry. 2011;199(6):443-444
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 8
Given that the ARC cannot ascertain with certainty whether changes in the awareness and
reporting of emotional and mental health issues reflected in the pilot community indicate
increased risks to aviation safety, the working group reached consensus that the ARC should
continue its work in the spirit of continuous improvement based on the mantra of “What can we
collectively do to make it better?”
Task d. What methods are used to evaluate the emotional and mental health of pilots today? Do
those methods differ depending on the level of certification held by the pilot? If so, are those
differences appropriate?
In the United States, initial and periodic medical examinations are completed by AMEs who are
designees of the FAA. Pre-employment exams may include some psychological exams or
testing but this is variable and deferred to the hiring subgroup.
The working group found before applying to an air carrier, most pilots have gone through career
steps that tend to eliminate candidates with significant personality and/or skills deficiencies that
will prevent them from effectively performing as a pilot. These steps include, but are not limited
to education, military service, flight schools, and employment at smaller companies.
The working group found during the air carrier industry downturn of the 2000s, pilot hiring
plunged. Thousands of pilots were furloughed and air carrier workforces shrunk. The group
noted at some air carriers, no new pilots were hired for 10 years or more, and many of the pilots
hired during this period were highly experienced pilots on furlough from other air carriers.
Consequently, any data on new hires during this period may be somewhat skewed in favor of a
strong group of candidates.
The working group noted while hiring practices and interview steps vary from one air carrier to
another, the similarities are quite striking. The group found this true regardless of whether the
hiring air carrier is a major, midsize, or regional air carrier.
The working group found hiring practices have been largely unchanged for over 20 years. A
review of the 1999 Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee
(ARAC) report on
Pre-Employment Screening shows similar processes were employed in the 1990s.
The working group found during the hiring process, all air carriers conduct extensive background
checks and in-depth interviews. Air carriers are typically looking for candidates who have
appropriate aviation knowledge and skills. In addition, candidates are screened for leadership
traits and strong interpersonal and communication skills that will enable the candidate to work
effectively with fellow crewmembers.
The working group found no statistical data measuring whether different hiring protocols
produce better pilot performance at one air carrier over another, for either an extended career or
during the pilot’s early years at an air carrier. The group noted new hire pilots are closely
scrutinized during their initial training and qualification period, as well as during their first year
or probationary period.
Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee, “Report to Congress: Air Carrier Pilot Pre-Employment Screening
Standards and Criteria Study,” US Department of Transportation: Federal Aviation Administration, 1999
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 9
The working group conducted a teleconference, during which four participating major
U.S. air carriers all reported that very few new hire pilots experience voluntary or involuntary
terminations during initial training or their probationary period. None of the major air carriers
interviewed could recall any recent incident of a probationary pilot departing for mental health
reasons, involuntarily or voluntarily.
The working group noted low termination rates at major air carriers are consistent with the
findings of the 1999 ARAC
report, which stated: “Regardless of the selection criteria utilized,
all major air carriers surveyed report strong safety records and exceedingly low failure rates by
probationary pilots during initial training.”
The working group found that at midsize and regional air carriers, resignations, or involuntary
terminations during the first year are higher: ranging from 1 percent to as high as 40 percent,
with a mean of approximately 10 percent. With regards to involuntary terminations, most are for
training failures, along with disciplinary and behavioral matters. Resignations are usually
financially related, such as obtaining a better paying job or over business uncertainties at the
air carrier. Three air carriers reported pilots departing because of stress issues usually related to
personal or family illness or divorce. The 1999 ARAC
report showed a similar pattern of
first year departures at regional air carriers, ranging from 1 percent to 55 percent, with a mean of
12.4 percent.
The working group also found that none of the 19 carriers, regionals and majors, surveyed
reported any instance of a pilot being unable to complete their initial operating experience (IOE)
and/or training period because of mental health issues. This zero failure rate may be a reflection
of several factors that greatly reduce the likelihood for a pilot with significant health issues—
mental or physical—to enter into the pool of candidates for pilot hiring. While a pilot applying
to an air carrier may be “new” to that air carrier, he/she is generally not “new” to the career path
and has been subject to medical and professional evaluation at earlier stages. The applicants are
generally working at smaller companies, or serving in the military. In those environments, their
behavior is being scrutinized by co-workers and supervisors, and they are already subject to FAA
and military medical examinations.
The working group found no statistical studies on the long term outcomes of different hiring
protocols and emotional/mental health stability of the pilot workforce. Consequently, there is no
statistical basis to conclude that adding psychological evaluations to the hiring process either
enhances or detracts from the quality of the new hires.
The working group did not address differences in evaluating the emotional and mental health of
pilots depending on the level of certification held by the pilot. The ARC only applied the charter
tasks and objectives to part 121 certificated air carriers which require a first class medical
certificate for pilots
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 10
Task e. What methods are used to encourage pilots to report medical conditions, including
emotional and mental health issues? What steps are taken when emotional and mental health
conditions are reported—either by the pilot or by family, friends or co-workers who are concerned
about the pilot?
The working group found a myriad of pilot support programs available through pilot
representative organizations and air carriers working in conjunction with flight operations
departments that offer a safe environment for a pilot to report medical, emotional and
mental health issues. In most cases these programs and departments provide the opportunity
for the pilot to identify a need, if appropriate receive temporary relief from flight duties, and
if necessary be referred to a professional resource to address medical, emotional, and
mental health issues.
The working group also found the air carrier industry has developed a comprehensive network
of flight operations support departments and programs to continually evaluate pilots’ cognitive
and behavioral performance and offer support for any identified deficiencies. Although these
oversight programs and procedures may have aspects of confidentiality, they are generally
used to openly evaluate aviation knowledge, skill levels, crewmember interactions, and
stress management.
The working group noted some company and pilot representative initiatives provide mental
health education in an effort to counter negative stigma associated with emotional and mental
health problems. In addition, in some aviation organizations, senior company and pilot
representative leaders offer direct support through media or written communication encouraging
crewmembers to seek help for emotional and mental health issues.
The working group found when an emotional or mental health concern is reported, the pilot is
engaged in a timely manner to investigate the situation and to be offered support and assistance.
Informal mental health triage is provided and the pilot is assisted in assessing his or her problem
and fitness for duty. Potential resources for help are discussed with the individual, some of
which may include a referral to a medical or mental health professional.
The working group noted all visits to medical and mental health professionals are required to be
reported to an AME through FAA Form 85008,
Application for Airman Medical Certificate
or Airman Medical & Student Pilot Certificate during the medical certificate examination. In
addition, in cases where the medical or mental health condition is of potential concern, the
crewmember must be evaluated through FAA protocols.
The working group examined how an event is handled in which air carrier management receives
a report concerning the emotional or mental health of a pilot. In those cases, an investigation is
initiated to determine the credibility of the report. After this evaluation, if management
determines additional research into the report is necessary, the pilot will be removed from flying
status and a mandatory fitness for duty exam may be required.
FAA Form 85008 (9-08) Application for Airman Medical Certificate or Airman Medical and Student Pilot Certificate
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 11
Task f. Are there barriers preventing pilots from reporting medical conditions, including
emotional and mental health issues?
Self-reporting of mental health issues may be perceived by the pilot as a high risk situation.
Studies have shown that a clear disincentive for reporting mental health concerns is fear of
negative action on one’s career. This concern is reported to be especially high in the
transportation industry. The myth that all mental health conditions are career ending may be
widely believed.
A closely related barrier is concern about adverse financial impact. This can include substantial
or total loss of income, as well as the added cost of treatment. There are fewer opportunities to
offset the costs of mental illness than medical illness. Paid leave may not be available. There is
disparity between disability benefits for mental health and other medical conditions. Insurance
coverage, even in good plans, is typically limited for mental health diagnoses. Length of medical
grounding is difficult to predict.
Lack of trust that the “system,” be it employers or regulators, will treat pilots in a fair,
enlightened, and expeditious manner is also a major barrier.
Data cited earlier in this report shows that stigmatization regarding mental illness is still highly
prevalent in the general population. There is no reason to think this is less true for pilots and
may contribute to barriers in reporting and barriers based in denial of a problem.
The mental illness itself may be a barrier to reporting. Individuals with certain diagnoses may
not recognize their symptoms or signs of mental illness and view their behavior as normal.
Studies show it is common for people to minimize or miscategorize their symptoms and have
poor recollection of them. Accurate psychiatric “labeling” may facilitate reporting/help seeking
according to some studies.
Schomerus and Angermeyer report
that an individual is less likely to seek help if they do not
believe that professional treatment will do any good. The extent to which this is true among
pilots is unknown.
Task g. Given the findings under Tasks a. through f.; are there gaps in the methods used today to
evaluate the emotional and mental health of pilots?
All identified gaps are addressed by the recommendations and rationales that suggest actions the
FAA and air carrier community could take to address pilot mental fitness issues through
education, outreach, training initiatives, and the reporting of mental health illness affecting
public safety.
Schomerus, G and Angermeyer, M. Stigma and its impact on help-seeking for mental disorders: what do we
know? Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale,17 (1) 31-7. 2008
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 12
Task h. If there are gaps in current methods of evaluation, what would the ARC recommend to
address those gaps? Specifically,
i. Are there medical methods that could be employed to address the gaps?
The working group determined it is essential to first identify which of the identified gaps may be
amenable to medical intervention, as no evaluation or combination of evaluations is perfect.
Most evaluations rely on honest reporting by the pilot, and it is important to note the nature of
mental illness is such that failure to disclose symptoms may be a result of lack of awareness and
insight as well as a deliberate decision to conceal.
The working group noted the medical community did not miss the pathology in Germanwings
pilot Lubitz. Reporting and disclosure failed because critical information did not get where it
needed to be. The working group found in the United States, reporting responsibilities of the
AME are clear, they are expected to report. Among medical professionals at large, concerns
exist about professional and legal liability for violating patient privacy. Reporting
requirements/protections vary by State and by licensing board. In Canada, reporting is
required nationally.
Even when symptoms are recognized, reporting may be perceived by pilots as a high-risk
situation. Financial and career implications can be significant even for short-term medical
disqualification. Misinformation, anecdotes, and hearsay propagate the misperception that all
mental illness is career-ending. In the United States and Canada, less than 0.5 percent of airmen
have their medical certificates denied once they have provided all requested information.
The working group believes a risk mitigation process built on SMS principles should be used by
air carriers and pilot representative organizations to create an environment where early reporting,
appropriate treatment, and rapid return to the flightdeck are the expectation. Early identification
of mental fitness issues leads to better results. A holistic approach to educating and addressing
pilot mental fitness issues offers the best opportunity for a positive outcome.
Some air carriers have elected to perform psychological testing as part of their hiring practices.
The working group endorses the inclusion of medical professionals in that process.
Because one third of individuals with substance abuse also have coexisting mental health
diagnoses, the Medical Working Group supports the current efforts by the Office of Drug
Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Department of Health and Human Services, to expand the
five drugs the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) currently tests for on random,
reasonable suspicion and other mandated Department of Transportation (DOT) tests by
including synthetic opioids. This should aid in identifying individuals who could benefit from
mental health treatment.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 13
ii. Are there aircraft design improvements that would mitigate the gaps?
The working group found significant improvements have been made to aircraft and avionics
design over time that have increased the safety of flight. With respect to pilot mental fitness
issues, however, the working group found aircraft design and technology have no easy fixes or
ready technology. The group did not identify additional design requirements or pending
technologies that would reduce risk more than those systems in place.
While examining events related to pilot mental fitness, this working group worked with the
Policy and Procedures Working Group to determine if any design or hardware change might
have been helpful in preventing or limiting the outcome of such events. No such change
was found.
The work of this group was focused solely on the issue of events or incidents related to
pilot mental fitness that occurred outside of the United States involving non-U.S. operators.
Hardware or design changes have been discussed in other initiatives related to aircraft safety
and security. Such issues are beyond the scope of this ARC and working group and were
not addressed.
This working group examined the Policy and Procedures Working Group’s work to see if any
changes in procedures would mitigate any risk arising from methods of evaluating pilot mental
fitness and whether any aircraft design changes could further mitigate risk.
Three potential design issues were identified by the working group as the focus of its work.
These areas include:
The hardened flightdeck door and possible use of a secondary barrier,
Changes to the flightdeck locking mechanism, and
Any other aircraft design changes or technologies.
These issues are summarized below.
Existing FAA Requirements For Hardened Cockpit Doors
Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Congress enacted Public
Law 10771, the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (the Act), which specifies that
improved flightdeck security must be applied to aircraft operating in passenger or
intrastate air transportation. Section 104 of the Act directed the FAA to issue a final rule,
without seeking public comment before adoption, addressing security requirements for
flightdeck doors. As a result, the FAA issued a series of Special Federal Aviation
Regulations (SFAR) and four final rules without notice. Actions of note include:
FAA SFAR 92 (66 FR 51546, October 9, 2001; 66 FR 52835, October 17, 2001;
66 FR 58650, November 21, 2001; and 67 FR 12820, March 19, 2002;
Docket No. FAA200210770) first allowed, and then required, the installation of
internal locking devices on the flightdeck doors.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 14
In January 2002, the FAA amended 14 CFR § 25.795 to set standards for reinforcing
flightdeck doors. The new standards required them to resist forcible intrusion and
ballistic penetration. Section 121.313(f) was amended to mandate installation of the
reinforced doors on certain airplanes not later than April 9, 2003. Affected airplanes
included transport category all-cargo airplanes operated under part 121 which had
flightdeck doors installed on or after January 15, 2002.
In June 2002, the FAA amended 14 CFR part 129 to apply similar standards to
foreign operators operating into the United States. Section 129.28 required
installation of the reinforced door not later than April 9, 2003.
The reinforced cockpit door has served as a deterrent to unauthorized flightdeck entry
since its introduction. The working group noted the possible addition of a second
installed barrier has been discussed outside of this ARC as a potential security
enhancement, preventing or further deterring unlawful or unauthorized entry to the
flightdeck. The working group agreed however, such a change in aircraft design or in
FAA regulations would not mitigate risks arising from any gaps in current methods of
pilot mental fitness screening.
Possible Changes to the Cockpit Door Locking Mechanism
The Policy and Procedures Working Group discussed various original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) guidance and flight manual information on flightdeck door/design
during both manual and automatic operation, determining no modifications to policy and
procedures were necessary. This working group reached a similar conclusion with
respect to any necessary design changes in the locking mechanism.
Other Aircraft Design Changes or Technologies
The working group discussed various other design changes or technologies that could be
employed to mitigate any gaps in fitness screening, but no known design changes or
technology could be found to meet the goal. Included in those discussions were, among
others, the use of additional cameras in the aircraft and remote aircraft control
As noted in the report section by the Policy and Procedures Working Group, and based
on their survey, cameras are already widely used by a number of international air carriers
to monitor the area immediately outside of the flightdeck door during crew transition.
This working group believes using these cameras as a tool to mitigate gaps in screening,
or during an inflight incident involving a crewmember would be limited.
The working group noted remote operation of aircraft during an inflight emergency, or
during an act of unlawful interference, has been discussed in some media circles
following recent events and during past hijackings. The group did not investigate the
technical feasibility of installing such technology on civil passenger aircraft.
Nonetheless, providing the ability to control an aircraft from a remote location not only
would present a major security concern with respect to hacking of the system or operation
by unauthorized persons, but would also be prohibitively expensive. For a system that is
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 15
highly unlikely to ever be used, and introduces entirely new security concerns, the
working group believes it does not make operational or economic sense to
investigate further.
After discussing the possible uses of such technologies in various scenarios, the working
group determined none would mitigate any gaps in pilot or crew screening or feasibly
enhance any required response by other crewmembers.
iii. Are there policies and/or procedures that would mitigate risk during flight?
The working group’s deliberations were conducted within the following scope statement:
The Policy and Procedures Working Group will provide recommendations to the ARC on
policies and/or procedures used in flight that would mitigate risks caused by current methods of
evaluating fitness. This may include review of pilot training, cockpit resource management,
cockpit operational procedures/discipline, use of installed equipment such as the hardened
cockpit door, and integration with programs such as Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO).
The working group identified five areas as the focus of its work. A working group member
served as the lead for each research area. These areas include:
Prescriptive vs. outcome based approach to closing identified gaps,
Existing FAA guidance related to occupying the cockpit in flight,
Existing international guidance related to occupying the cockpit in flight as benchmarks,
Procedures used for opening/closing the hardened cockpit door during manual
operation, and
Procedures used for opening/closing the hardened cockpit door during
automatic operation.
Each area of work is summarized below. The working group’s findings introduce each
research area.
Prescriptive vs. Outcome Based Approach to Closing Identified Gaps
During the course of its deliberations, the working group examined options available to
the FAA to close unforeseen or future gaps and minimize risks. The options ranged from
collaboratively developing a compendium of best practices to issuing prescriptive
changes through 14 CFR. The working group acknowledged while best practice
guidelines could be used to close some gaps, others would require the FAA to issue new
regulations to all aircraft operators.
The working group examined previous regulation involving other areas of safety and
pilot certification and analyzed whether one size fits all regulation, which is appropriate
in some cases, would be suitable for issues involving pilot mental fitness. Because of the
rarity of such events and the resulting lack of data sets, frequency tables, and risk
modeling, the working group determined that prescriptive regulation in this case may
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 16
introduce more vulnerabilities and gaps than it closed. The working group believes the
FAA should identify desired outcomes through regulation and allow operators within the
context of their own unique operational circumstances, to develop compliance solutions.
The working group believes performance-based solutions allow air carriers, who have the
best knowledge of their operations and flightcrews, the latitude to develop tailored
solutions and the incorporation of industry standard crew resource management (CRM)
risk mitigation measures.
Existing FAA Guidance Related to Occupying the Cockpit in Flight
The working group recognized that mental health episodes have occurred even with
two persons on the flightdeck, and no single safety practice can address all possible
hypothetical events. The group recommends no change to FAA Order 8900.1,
Procedures for Opening, Closing, and Locking Flight Deck Doors, guidance for two
persons on the flightdeck and flightdeck access, but believes foreign aviation authorities
should have the option to adopt the flightdeck practice(s) that best suits their regulated
air carriers and operating environments; no change to part 129 is suggested.
Existing international guidance related to occupying the cockpit in flight as benchmarks
The working group conducted a survey of 28 global air carriers carrying 16 percent of
world traffic. The results of survey responses indicated the following:
There is a menu of options across the industry that aircraft operators use to
maintain the integrity of the flightdeck.
Only a minority of regulators (7 of 28) mandate a second person in the cockpit.
Various air carriers have chosen to voluntarily implement the
“Four Eyes” practice.
Cameras are widely used to monitor the area immediately outside of the cockpit
door during transition.
Procedures Used For Opening/Closing the Hardened Cockpit Door During Manual
The working group discussed various OEM guidance and flight manual information on
flightdeck door/design during manual operation. This is defined as the use by flightdeck
personnel to open and close the hardened door using the door handle and latching of
manual bar/latches/strike plates. The working group is satisfied that these procedures are
safe and reliable and no modifications are necessary. The group notes aircraft operators
should continually verify they have documented policies and procedures in place.
The working group discussed the issue of flightdeck door secondary barriers. The group
is satisfied that these procedures are safe and reliable in existing installations, and no
modifications to procedures are necessary. Additional commentary on the construction
and performance of secondary barriers was referred to the Aircraft Design Work Group.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 17
Procedures Used For Opening/Closing the Hardened Cockpit Door During
Automatic Operation
The working group discussed various OEM guidance and flight manual information on
flightdeck door/design during automatic operation. This is defined as the use of the
keypad and pedestal unlock/override switch used by flightdeck personnel to open and
close the hardened door using electronic means. The working group is satisfied that these
procedures are safe and reliable, and no modifications are necessary. The group noted
air carriers should continually verify that they have documented policies and procedures
in place.
iv. Are there pilot training and/or testing improvements that would mitigate the gaps?
The working group found air carrier pilots complete rigorous training and testing programs
throughout their careers. These programs are intended to ensure safe, compliant, standardized
pilots, adequately trained and prepared to face many situations. Through training and testing,
there are programs and processes that help in the determination of issues associated with a pilot’s
mental fitness.
The working group believes one of the most critical air carrier training programs is the CRM
program. CRM ensures a constant flow of communication between the pilots on the flightdeck,
and between the pilots and the rest of the crew. CRM also ensures that pilots understand the
need to communicate, the duties of each position, such as pilot flying, monitoring, or
flight attendant, and methods to interact with crewmembers who do not seem to be performing at
an appropriate level. This is a program that is continuously trained, evaluated, and emphasized
to all crewmembers. The level of communication and awareness required by this program helps
highlight any concerns or issues and in that way, helps to mitigate gaps.
The working group noted there are other programs to ensure pilot performance, and through
observation, help ensure pilot mental fitness. These programs include but are not limited to:
Recurring simulator training and evaluations,
Line flying evaluations,
Ground training through classrooms and other means,
Flight Operation Quality Assurance (FOQA) programs (which would highlight anomalies
in flying performance),
Line Operation Safety Audits (LOSA) which monitor crew performance from a safety
and CRM standpoint—usually without the stress of a flight evaluation, and
Aviation Safety Action Programs (ASAP) which allow pilots to self-disclose any issues
associated with a flight.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 18
The working group determined all of these programs, whether administered through the safety,
flight operations, or specifically through the training department provide the opportunity for
air carrier personnel to determine the ability of an individual to perform their duties in various
environments and with various levels of stress. The working group noted pilot fitness issues
have been highlighted by instructors and crews based on these and similar programs. This type
of continuous scrutiny of pilots helps mitigate gaps.
Because pilot training is performed initially upon hiring and then on a recurring basis throughout
a pilot’s career, the training program is an excellent forum for ensuring that the pilot understands
fitness requirements and the programs available to the crewmember if he or she is encountering a
pilot mental fitness issue (either personally or a fitness issue observed in another crewmember).
v. Are there actions by professional standards groups or other airline or union
actions that
would mitigate the gaps?
The working group addressed mitigating the gaps based on its members’ operational experience
and its opinion as air carrier pilots.
The working group summarized known information about pilot support programs and gathered
additional data on operating pilot support programs within the U.S. air carrier industry through
an email and telephone survey to determine the prevalence of these programs. This information
is in appendix D. Working group members contributed information about the variety of pilot
support programs for discussion. Based on these discussions the group formed recommendations
to address the gaps.
Professional Standards and Pilot Support Groups
The working group determined that the reference to “Professional Standards Groups”
found in the assigned task question is meant to extend to the full complement of pilot
support programs available to support pilot mental fitness, not specifically “professional
standards” programs that are designed to address pilot professionalism. The full
complement of pilot support programs include air carrier employee assistance programs
(EAP), CRM, critical incident response programs (CIRP), the Human Intervention
Motivation Study (HIMS), professional standards, formal mentoring programs, and
aeromedical support programs.
The working group found that the interpretation of the word “methods” in the
fundamental question, “Are there gaps in methods of evaluation…?” had a bearing on its
conclusion. The working group viewed the definition of the word from two perspectives
and answered for each perspective.
Pilot representative organizations as defined in Appendix B.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 19
When defining “methods” as “the way pilot mental fitness issues are detected and
addressed”, the working group concluded that while some existing pilot support programs
were not specifically developed for the purpose of detecting pilot mental fitness issues,
when the full complement of those programs are available at an air carrier, they are
mostly effective in doing so.
The working group conducted both telephone and email surveys with U.S. air carriers.
Data from this survey was combined to form a picture of how many air carriers
participate in which pilot support programs.
The survey data shows that access to a variety of pilot support resources is available to
the vast majority of air carrier pilots, because major U.S. air carriers, which employ a
majority of the air carrier pilot workforce, have most, if not the full complement of pilot
support programs in place at their companies. Those air carriers that have no in-house
services have access to most services through their pilot representative organization or
other sources.
The working group found the survey data revealed that the majority of air carriers
provide an EAP. Of the air carriers that provide an EAP, the majority do not provide a
separate EAP for pilots; there is a single EAP for all employee groups. The working
group also found that a majority of air carriers and/or pilot representative organizations
also provide HIMS programs.
Additionally, the working group found that the majority of air carriers do not provide a
pilot peer-supported assistance program; however, there are programs such as the Pilot
Assistance Network (PAN) or Project Wingman (PW) provided by pilot representative
organizations and their air carriers. The group noted that although gaps exist in access to
some in-house resources, these gaps affect a relatively small number of air carrier pilots
and are well mitigated by access to programs available through their respective pilot
representative organizations.
When “methods” are defined as “the way a pilot’s mental fitness is determined after a
deficiency is detected,” the working group discussed streamlining communication
between some pilot support program volunteers and mental health professionals, but gaps
were not identified.
Mitigating Actions by Air Carriers
The working group found in some cases, pilots will not self-disclose perceived fitness
issues because of potential adverse consequences in medical certification and licensing.
The group believes because of the attendant loss of short or long-term income, even loss
of career, it is critical that EAPs and other pilot support programs provide as much
confidentiality as reasonably possible to foster participation.
The working group believes major air carriers that have implemented effective EAPs
serve as a model to the industry. Often, effective EAPs are employee-group-specific, and
in the case of air carrier pilots, understand the pilot’s work environment, the regulatory
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 20
environment, and the consequences of how interactions with pilots are best conducted
and reported. EAPs serving an air carrier’s entire employee group frequently lack this
pilot group specificity. As a consequence, such EAPs are often unable to gain the trust,
reputation, and rapport required to serve as a viable pilot resource. The working group
believes that employee-group-specific EAPs are preferred by pilots and maximize the
potential for effectiveness.
Mitigating Actions by Others
The working group considers access to the full complement of pilot support programs as
a best practice in maintaining pilot mental fitness.
The working group investigated the concept of developing a pilot mental fitness-focused
ASAP-like program as one potentially effective method to bridge any existing gaps
between existing pilot support programs, such as CIRP, HIMS, or professional standards.
Consensus among the group as to the ability to implement such a program was not found.
The working group notes that the Air Carrier Safety and Pilot Training ARC
participation in five volunteer peer programs as an air carrier industry best practice. The
five programs enumerated in that recommendation are among the eight programs the
working group has identified in its proceedings.
The working group identified a number of programs and points of observation available
to assist in identifying pilots suffering from mental and emotional health issues and
provide support and if necessary, referral into treatment. These include the following:
Aeromedical Advisory Programs;
Air carrier Specific Pilot Assistance Programs such as PW and PAN;
Formal pilot mentoring programs;
HIMS, substance abuse program; and
Professional standards programs.
Federal Aviation Administration Task Force on Air Carrier Safety and Pilot Training: Report from the Air Carrier
Safety and Pilot Training Aviation Rulemaking Committee, 31 July 2011
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 21
The working group noted all of these pilot support programs were developed based on a
specific need; however, all of the pilot support programs work in unison and overlap as
far as mental fitness is concerned. The group found that most air carriers have at least a
small number of these programs in place, but some smaller or newly established
air carriers do not have any of the programs in place, which creates a significant void.
The working group believes one of the reasons for lack of implementation is lack of
knowledge regarding the existence and benefits of the programs. The working group
noted that where these pilot support programs have been established, they have been
predominately successful.
vi. Are there training or other improvements for AMEs that would mitigate the gaps?
The working group found that AME-pilot encounters are not optimized to detect mental health
issues. These encounters are generally brief and infrequent, ranging anywhere from a single visit
to once every 6 months to 1 year. The group noted there is both an economic and personal
incentive for the AME to assume an advocacy role. The group members shared many anecdotes
of AMEs encouraging airmen to not report significant items of history or to minimize items
which were reported. The working group believes the AME regulatory role should be
reemphasized versus the trend toward advocacy.
The working group found most AMEs have limited psychiatric education and experience. This
may be as little as 3 weeks in medical school and 2 hours in AME basic training, of which 1 hour
is entirely devoted to substance abuse and dependence. The group believes it is desirable to
expand general AME knowledge on mental status assessment and mental health issues. The
working group suggests this could be accomplished by restructuring the AME basic and
refresher curricula, with the goal of enhancing the AME’s ability to identify warning signs and
refer the pilot for evaluation and appropriate intervention.
The Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) is a professional organization of over 2,500
physicians, nurses, and scientists engaged in the clinical practice of Aerospace Medicine and
related research and education activities. On September 21, 2015 the organization sent FAA
Administrator, Michael Huerta a list of recommendations
from their Pilot Mental Health
Work Group. One of those recommendations stated, “AsMA believes that in-depth
psychological testing for detecting serious mental illness as part of the routine periodic pilot
aeromedical assessment is neither productive nor cost effective and therefore not warranted.”
The working group feels the same.
The working group members’ opinions were divided over the value of standardized rapid
assessment tools, such as the Patient Health Questionnaire for Depression and Anxiety (PHQ4),
and the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (CSSRS). The group believes it should be
noted that the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has issued a recommendation to conduct
routine screening for depression in the primary care setting for public comment.
Aerospace Medical Association Ad Hoc Working Group On Pilot Mental Health. Pilot mental health: expert working
group recommendations. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 2012; 83:1184–5
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 22
Task x. Organizational Cross-Communication Working Group
Early in the ARC’s deliberations, it was suggested that communication between and among the
several parties who may have an interest in ensuring that pilots are mentally fit for duty, may be
either inadequate or otherwise impeded not only by a pilot’s reluctance to self-report, but by
potential organizational, institutional, and legal considerations that further impede
communication. This suggestion was rooted, in part, over concerns based on media accounts and
the Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses (BEA) preliminary report, that German medical privacy
laws may have precluded private medical doctors from disclosing Mr. Lubitz’s condition to his
employer or the German authorities. Although not specifically addressed in the ARC charter, the
ARC determined this consideration to be highly relevant to its inquiry. An additional task was
created and assigned to the Organizational Cross-Communication (OCC) Working Group.
As the various working groups developed their analyses and reported out to the entire ARC, it
became apparent that significant overlap existed between the OCC Working Group’s objective
and several other working groups, except in the area of legal considerations. Accordingly, the
OCC Working Group narrowed its scope to an overview of relevant Federal and State laws that
may impact on the disclosure of personal health information for the purpose of protecting
public safety.
Medical information privacy laws are rooted in a strong public policy concern that seeks to
protect the confidentiality of personal health information. The underlying rationale is that a
patient’s interests are best served where open and candid dialogue with a medical provider is
encouraged. Consequently, Congress and State legislatures have enacted statutes, and some
State courts have recognized common law actions that protect the confidentiality of personal
health information. A countervailing policy concern arises, however, when a patient
communicates a threat of harm that, if acted upon, would pose a serious threat to public safety.
Recognizing this competing policy, Congress, many State legislatures, and some State courts
have carved out narrow exceptions to medical information privacy laws.
An initial review of Federal and State law suggests that the balance tips in favor of protecting
medical information, except where there exists specific or direct threats of imminent physical
harm against specific victims or a reasonably identifiable victim or victims. The challenge for
medical professionals who provide medical services from which they may obtain confidential
medical information may be choosing between disclosing a confidential communication that
proves to be a hollow threat, and thereby undermining the trust of that patient (and potential
patients) thus deterring the future seeking of medical help where needed, and risking liability to
the patient; or failing to disclose a confidential communication that later proves to be a credible
threat and possibly incurring liability to the victim and the victim’s family.
Additionally, the legal and regulatory interests in protecting public safety cannot be overlooked.
Under the system, pilots and AMEs are required under 14 CFR and statutory authority to
disclose instances where the pilot has sought treatment for mental health issues.
The group drafted an overview of Federal and State law that bears on the issue of a pilot’s mental
fitness for duty, which is found in appendix F.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC 23
The ARC was tasked with estimating costs associated with improvements to aircraft design and
pilot training and testing. There are no costs associated with changes to aircraft design standards
or pilot psychological testing, because the ARC recommended no changes. The ARC’s
recommendation to enhance AME training can be incorporated in current initial and recurrent
training, resulting in no additional cost. The ARC was unable to estimate neither a cost
associated with its recommendation for air carriers to voluntarily develop and implement
effective pilot assistance programs nor the cost of air carrier education and for the FAA to
assemble and disseminate informational material for pilot support programs.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC A–1
ARC Members
Name Affiliation
Michael Berry, M.D. M.S. Co-Chair, FAA Office of Aerospace Medicine (AAM2)
Paul Morell Co-Chair, Airlines for America
Les Smith Co-Chair, FAA Flight Standards Service (AFS200)
Stacey Bechdolt Regional Airline Association
Charles Chesanow, D.O. FAA Office of Aerospace Medicine (AAM200)
Rob DeLucia Airlines for America
Joe DePete Air Line Pilots Association, International
John Duncan FAA Flight Standards Service (AFS1)
Ken Dunlap International Air Transport Association
Claudia Gerstle Airlines for America
Peggy Gilligan FAA Aviation Safety (AVS1)
Penny Giovanetti, D.O. FAA Office of Aerospace Medicine (AAM200)
Keith Hagy Air Line Pilots Association, International
Katie Haley FAA Office of Rulemaking (ARM203)
Carl Johnson FAA Flight Standards Service (AFS800)
Ken Lee Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations
John Linsenmeyer FAA Flight Standards Service (AFS800)
Tom McSpadden Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations
George Novak Aerospace Industries Association
George Paul National Air Carrier Association
Brad Sheehan Regional Airline Association
Tim Steeds International Air Transport Association
Peter Stein Flight Safety Foundation
ARC Observers
Name Affiliation
Charlie Curreri Airlines for America
Maryanne DeMarco Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations
Jeff Hamlett Airlines for America
Thomas Mickler European Aviation Safety Agency
Jeff Miller Airlines for America
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC A–2
Name Affiliation
Chris Puckett Airlines for America
Di Reimold International Air Transport Association
David Salisbury, M.D. Transport Canada Civil Aviation
Medical Working Group
Name Affiliation
FAA Physician, Aerospace Medicine, Working Group Chair
Physician, Psychiatrist
Physician, Psychiatrist
FAA Chief Psychiatrist
Physician, Aerospace MedicineICAO CMO
FAA Clinical Psychologist
Physician, Family MedicineAME
Physician, Aerospace MedicineTransport Canada CMO
Physician, Aerospace Medicine
Physician, Aerospace MedicineIATA CMO
Physician, Aerospace MedicineAME
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC B–1
Aeromedical advisor
An aeromedical professional who assists pilots with health concerns by
providing specialized aeromedical advice, and works as a liaison with the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to help pilots maintain or regain their
medical certification.
Air carrier
A business that undertakes directly by lease, or other arrangement, to
engage in air transportation.
Aviation Medical
An FAA-designated physician authorized to receive airman medical certificate
applications, perform airman physical examinations, and to issue airman
medical certificates.
Medical professional
Physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, psychologists, and
clinical social workers or substance abuse specialists (all “health
professionals” as defined on FAA Form 8500, the medical application form).
Mental health literacy
Knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders which aid their recognition,
management or prevention.
Mental illness
Disorders generally characterized by dysregulation of mood, thought,
and/or behavior.
A systematic method of evaluating statistical data based on results of several
independent studies of the same problem.
Pilot assistance program
A pilot-specific program at an air carrier designed to address specific mental
fitness issues.
Pilot mental fitness
Issues affecting a pilot’s emotional state, mental health, or cognitive ability to
safely conduct their duties.
Pilot Representative
An official or ad hoc organization representing pilot interests at an air carrier
such as labor unions, nonunion organized pilot groups, or professional
Pilot support programs
A network of programs at an air carrier available to assist pilots and other
employee groups with mental fitness issues.
Public safety
The welfare and protection of the general public.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC C–1
Acronym Definition
ADA Americans With Disabilities Act
AME Aviation Medical Examiners
Aviation Rulemaking
Advisory Committee
Aviation Rulemaking
Aviation Safety
Action Programs
AsMA Aerospace Medical Association
ATP airline transport pilot
Aviation and Transportation
Security Act
Commercial Aviation
Safety Team
CBA collective bargaining agreement
critical incident
response programs
CRM crew resource management
Columbia Suicide Severity
Rating Scale
Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders,
Fourth Edition
EAP employee assistance programs
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FFDO Federal Flight Deck Officer
Family Medical Leave Act
of 1993
Acronym Definition
Flight Operation
Quality Assurance
Human Intervention
Motivation Study
Health Insurance and Portability
Accountability Act
IOE initial operating experience
LOSA Line Operation Safety Audits
National Transportation
Safety Board
original equipment
PAN Pilot Assistance Network
PHI personal health information
Patient Health Questionnaire
for Depression and Anxiety
PW Project Wingman
Special Federal
Aviation Regulations
SME subject matter expert
Transportation Security
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC D–1
Contracted aeromedical advisors provide confidential, but not anonymous, assistance to pilots
with the full range of aeromedical concerns. These physicians and their staffs work as case
managers and provide specialized aeromedical advice as well as liaison with the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) to help pilots maintain or regain their medical certification.
These physicians may or may not be FAA Aviation Medical Examiners (AME), and do not act
as treating physicians, although they may refer the pilot for appropriate evaluations and
treatment. Pilots typically self-refer. Frequently these services are provided at no cost to the
pilot. One large service reports utilization of around 1,000 pilots per month.
Air carrier employee assistance programs (EAP) are employee benefit programs that provide
consultation, information and referral services to air carrier employees and their eligible family
members at many, but not all, air carriers. They provide confidential help on a 7-day, 24-hour
basis to address a variety of personal and professional challenges. Programs vary among
air carriers. They may be run by the company or a contract service. Most offer referral
assistance and provide payment for limited medical and counseling services. Some provide legal
and financial counseling. Employees are encouraged to self-refer and to refer others.
Two air carrier pilot representative organizations, in cooperation with management, operate
air carrier-specific pilot assistance programs (Pilot Assistance Network (PAN) for Delta Air
Lines, Inc. and Project Wingman (PW) for American Airlines, Inc.). These programs were
developed to help pilots with “life’s mental health challenges” or “physiological, psychological,
or medical” issues that may adversely impact their piloting career, but do not fall into the
category of substance abuse, post-traumatic stress, ethical and professional standards, or
maintenance of medical certification. These programs are staffed on a 24/7 basis and are
contacted via a toll-free number. Staff may consist of mental health professionals or peer pilot
volunteers. This service is generally available at no cost to the pilot. Some data shows that
utilization of these programs exceeds EAP participation.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC D–2
Originally known as cockpit resource management, crew resource management (CRM)
has expanded to include a wide variety of individuals or groups who are involved in decisions
required to operate a flight safely. These may include pilots, aircraft dispatchers, flight
attendants, maintenance personnel, air traffic controllers, and additional crewmembers.
CRM training was developed to improve aviation safety through better communication,
crew coordination, teamwork, workload management, fatigue and stress mitigation, and
decision making. The goal is to optimize the human/machine interface and accompanying
interpersonal activities. It refers to the effective use of all available resources: human, hardware,
and information. There is formal initial and recurrent training as well as continual reinforcement
on the job. Poor CRM performance may be an indicator of a deeper individual problem, and
mechanisms exist for reporting anomalous occurrences.
The purpose of critical incident response programs (CIRP) is to mitigate the adverse
psychological impact of work-related traumatic events such as an incident or accident, and aid in
the recovery from these events before harmful stress reactions affect job performance, careers,
families, and health. A “critical incident” is any event which has a stressful impact sufficient to
overwhelm the usually effective coping skills of an individual or a group. Pre-event education
and post-event crisis intervention is provided by specifically trained and certified peer
crewmembers either from within or from another air carrier. Licensed mental health
professionals may also be involved. Participation is voluntary and no records are kept.
Formal pilot mentoring programs are company programs which pair highly experienced pilots
with newly employed pilots, pilots upgrading to captain, or transitioning to different equipment.
Mentors are a personal resource for answering questions and addressing concerns, and a source
of sound advice and guidance covering not only training and flying skills, but also
professionalism, air carrier pilot culture, ethics, leadership, regulatory and policy compliance.
The Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act of 2010 directed
the FAA to convene an Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) to develop procedures for each
Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations part 121 air carrier to establish flightcrew member
mentoring programs.
The Human Intervention Motivation Study (HIMS) provides a structure within which pilots with
substance abuse or dependence can be identified, referred for treatment and if in recovery, safely
returned to the cockpit. HIMS program education and training is funded by the FAA and
administered via contract. The program involves the coordinated efforts of air carrier managers,
peer pilot volunteers, pilot unions, healthcare professionals and the FAA. HIMS training is
available to all interested parties but is required for healthcare professionals and highly
recommended for pilot peers. Pilots with substance abuse problems may be identified through
peer intervention, employee drug and alcohol testing programs, law enforcement encounters such
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC D–3
as DUI arrests, coworker and family referrals, and less often, self-reporting. Treatment in an
inpatient program is preferred followed by long-term aftercare, participation in a 12-step
program, frequent unannounced follow-up drug/alcohol testing, abstinence and close monitoring
by supervisors, sponsors, peers, AMEs and other medical professionals. HIMS may be the
mechanism to identify other mental health problems as mood disorders are twice as common in
persons with addiction disorders compared to the general population. The HIMS program has
established an impressive track record of success and safely returned over 5,400 pilots to flying
since its inception.
Professional standards programs (ProStans) are volunteer, peer, conflict/behavior resolution
programs which address allegations of misconduct or conflicts between crewmembers.
Their purpose is to promote and maintain the highest degree of professional conduct among
crewmembers and maintain the positive image of the air carrier pilot profession. Direct
resolution between parties is encouraged. The ProStans volunteer attempts to arbitrate a
resolution and reach a verbal agreement between a pilot and another individual. No records
are maintained.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC E–1
iation Rulemaking Committee Charter
ve Date: 05/
SUBJECT: Pilot Fitness Aviation Rulemakiog Committee
1. PURPOSE. This charter establishes the Pilot Fitness Aviati
according to the Administrator
ty under Title 49
the Unit
de (49 U.S.C.
§ 106(p)(5).
also establishes a wor
mposed of medi
l profession
s r
ing to
e sponsor
C is the Associate Administrator f
Aviation Safety and this
charter outlines the committee
organization, responsibilities,
d tasks.
two recent events, Malaysia 370 and German Wings 9525, the
on Safety Team (CAST) is interested in the ques
pilot fitness. Becau
ofessionals on CAST do not have
fficient experti
to examine the qu
ion, the
has determined that an
C and a
rking group of medical professionals reporti
to the
C will provide the most complete
peditious revi
this issue.
e Pilot Fitness
provide a f
um for
the Unit
mmunity to discuss and provide recommendations to the FAA and is
tasked to r
llowing questions and provide
dings and, if appropriate,
endations to the Associate Administrator for Avia
at does data show us about changes in awar
ess and
onal and
mental h
lth issues in the general popula
b. If the revi
mpleted under
k a. demonstrates a change in awareness
d reporting
of mental health issues in the general pub
c, c
we determine whe
a sim
change is
reasonably expected to have occurred in the pilot community? If not, why not?
so, do the changes in the
d report·ing
l and mental health issues
ted in the p
ot community indi
te increased
sks to aviation safety? If so, does that
at further revi
is valuable?
d. What methods are used to evaluate the emotional
d mental health of pilots today? Do
those methods
ffer depending on the level of certifi
held by the p
ot? If so, are
erences approp
e. What methods are u
d to encourage p
ots to report me
cal conditi
, including
emotional and men
l health issues? What steps
e taken when emo
onal and mental
health conditions are reporte
either by the pilot or by famil
co-workers who
about the pilot?
f. Are there barriers that prevent pilots from reporting me
l conditions, including
d mental health issues?
Given the
ndings under Tasks
through f.; are there gaps in the methods used today to
evaluate the emotional and mental health of p
Initiated By: AFS-200
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC E–2
gaps in current methods
evaluation, what would the
recommend to
address those gaps?
Are there medi
l methods that could
loyed to address the gaps?
ii. Are there aircraft design improvements that would mitigate the gaps?
Are there policies and/or procedures that would mitigate risk during flight?
Are there pilot training and/or testing improvements that would mitigate the gaps?
v. Are there actions
professional standards groups
other airline or union actions
ld mitigate the gaps?
Are there training
other improvements for
that would mitigate the gaps?
Recommendation Report.
the Pilot Fitness ARC identifi
that there are gaps,
shall make
recommendations that may be used by the FAA to impr
the emotional and mental health
training and certification
pilots in the United States and any improvements
aircraft design.
report should include:
the data and research found
a result
the tasks
b. Proposed mitigation
identified risks for aircraft design and pilot training and testing
c. Provide revised regulatory language based
identified gaps
ormation the ARC considers, associated with the tasks, that
further understand the recommendation
e. Estimated costs associated with
to aircraft design and pilot training and
a. The Pil
Fitness ARC acts
lely in an advisory capacity
advising and providing
written recommendations to the Associate
inistrator for
Safety and the
the Office
The Pilot Fitness
may propose additional tasks as necessary to the Associate
Administrator for Aviati
Safety for approval.
c. Status Reports.
Pilot Fitness ARC wi
provide a status update to the Associate
Administrator for Aviation Safety every month.
Recommendation Report. The Pilot Fitness
will submit a r
rt detailing
recommendations within six months from the effective date
the charter.
Industry Co-Chair se
s the recommendation report
the Associate
ministrator for
iation Safety and the
the Office
e Associate Administrator for
Safety determines when the
recommendation report is released to the public.
may reconvene following the submission
the recommendation report for the
providing advice and assistance to the FAA, at the discretion
the Associate
Administrator for Aviation Safety, provided the charter is still in effect.
will set up
a committee
the aviati
community. Members will be selected based
familiarity with emotional and mental health, certi
analysis and regulatory
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC E–3
Membership will be balanced in viewpoints, interests, and knowledge
objectives and scope.
the August
, 2014 Office
Management and Budget guidance, "Revised
Federal Advisory Committees, Boards, and
issions" (79
47482), continues the ban
registered lobbyists participating
Boards and Commissions
participating in their "individual capacity." The revised guidance
now allows registered lobbyists to participate
Boards and Commissions in a
"representative capacity" for the
press purpose
providing a committee with the views
nongovernmental entity, a recognizable group
nongovernmental entiti
industry, sector, labor unions,
l groups, etc.)
local government." (For
further information see the Lobbying Disclosure
1995 (LOA) as amended, 2 U.S.C 1603,
1604, and 1605.)
The Pilot Fitness
membership is limited to promote discussion. Attendance, active
participation, and commitment by members is essential for achieving the objectives and tasks.
When necessary, the Pilot Fitness
may set up specia
zed and temporary task groups that
least one Pilot Fitness
member and invited subject matter experts from industry
and governmen
Pilot Fitness
will consist
nior safety officials from the airlines, pil
manufacturers and FAA. A working group, made up
medical experts from the organizations on the
ARC, wi
established at the same time.
a. The Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety
I) Select and appoint industry and the FAA participants as members to the
2) Select
-Chair from the membership
the Pilot Fitness ARC,
3) Select the FAA Co-Chair from the
4) Provide the
participation and support from all affected lines-
5) Provide admi
strative support for the Pil
Fitness ARC, through the Office
Standards Service and the Office
Aerospace Medicine , and
Receive all status reports and the recommendations report.
Once appointed, the Industry Co-Chair will:
I) Coordinate requir
(and task group,
any) meetings in order to meet the
objectives and timelines,
Provide notification to the members
the time and place
r each meeting,
3) Estab
sh and distribute meeting agendas in a timely manner,
4) Keep meeting notes,
deemed necessary,
5) Perform other responsibilities as required to ensure the objectives are met,
6) Provide status reports in writing to the Associate Administrator for Avia
on Safety,
7) Submit the recommendation report to the Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC E–4
6. COST AND COMPENSATION. The estimated cost to the Federal Government for the Pilot
is approximately $2,500. A
travel costs for government
loyees are the
the government employee
organization. Non-government representatives,
including the Industry
-Chair, serve without government compensation and bear all costs
related to their participation
the ARC.
7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Meetings are not open to the public. Persons
outside the Pilot Fitness
who wish to attend a meeting must get approval in advance
meeting from either the Industry Co-Chair
the FAll. Co-Chai
RECORDS. Consist
, Title 5,
U.S.C., section 552, records, reports, agendas, working papers,
documents that are
available to
prepared for
by the
available for public inspection and
the FAA Office
Flight Standards Service, 800 Independence Ave
D.C. 20591. Fees will be charged for information furnished to the public according to the fee
hedule published in Title
Federal Regulations, part 7.
You can find this charter
the FAA Committee Database website at:
9. DISTRIBUTION. This charter is distributed to the Office
Flight Standards Service, the Office
Aerospace Medicine, the Office
Aircraft Certification Servic
and the Office
Investigation and Prevention, the Office
the Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety, the
Counsel, the Office
Aviation Policy and Plans, and the Office
Pilot Fitness ARC is effective upon issuance
this charter and will remain in
istence for twelve months, unless the charter is sooner suspended,
extended by the Administrator.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC F–1
The following report provides a general overview of Federal and state law that bears on the issue
of a pilot’s mental fitness for duty.
The ADA provides that “[n]o covered entity shall discriminate against a qualified individual with
a disability because of the disability of such individual in regard to job application procedures,
the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees.”
To establish a prima facie case of
disability discrimination under the ADA, a plaintiff must show that: (1) he is disabled; (2) he is a
qualified individual; and (3) he was subjected to unlawful discrimination because of his
I. Federal medical qualification standards insulate air carriers from ADA liability in cases where
pilots have a mental disability.
The highly regulated and stringent qualification standards placed on commercial pilots means
that from both a legal and practical standpoint, air carriers have very limited liability under the
ADA. The ADA recognizes a defense to liability where: “a challenged action is required or
necessitated by another Federal law or regulation, or that another Federal law or regulation
prohibits an action (including the provision of a particular reasonable accommodation) that
would otherwise be required....”
The Supreme Court described the relationship between
Government mandated standards for physical qualifications and the elements of an ADA claim
as follows:
When Congress enacted the ADA, it recognized that Federal safety rules would limit application
of the ADA as a matter of law. The Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee Report on
the ADA stated that ‘a person with a disability applying for or currently holding a job subject to
[DOT standards] must be able to satisfy these physical qualification standards in order to be
considered a qualified individual with a disability’ under [the ADA].
Put simply, a pilot with a mental illness, or other medical condition that will not allow him or her
to hold a medical certificate cannot satisfy the qualification element of a prima facie ADA case.
42 U.S.C.A. § 12112(a).
Holly v. Clairson Indus., L.L.C., 492 F.3d 1247, 1255–56 (11th Cir. 2007).
29 C.F.R. § 1630.15(e)
Albertson's, Inc. v. Kirkingburg, 527 U.S. 555, 573 (1999) (holding that federal safety rules would limit
application of the ADA as a matter of law)
Martin v. Lennox Intern. Inc., 342 Fed. Appx. 15 (5th Cir. 2009) (Employee, who lacked the required Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) certification, failed to establish that he was qualified for pilot position with
employer, as required to establish prima case that his termination violated the ADA); Johnson v. Board of Trustees
of Boundary County School Dist. No. 101, 666 F.3d 561 (9th Cir. 2011) (Teacher who failed to complete
professional development training required for renewal of her teaching certificate because of major depressive
episode was not qualified for a teaching position, and thus the school district's board of trustees was not required by
the ADA to accommodate the teacher's disability); Levinger v. Mercy Medical Center, Nampa, 75 P.3d 1202 (Idaho
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC F–2
Moreover, under the ADA a “[q]ualified individual with a disability means an individual with a
disability who satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education and other job-related
requirements of the employment position such individual holds or desires, and who, with or
without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of such position.”
“Essential functions” are defined as the “fundamental job duties of the employment position the
individual with a disability holds or desires.”
It can therefore be argued that passing an
appropriate FAA medical exam and holding an airman’s medical certificate are essential
functions of any commercial pilot’s job. Thus, a pilot with a mental disability that would
prevent him from holding an airman’s medical certificate cannot perform an essential function
and is not qualified.
II. The ADA contains confidentiality provisions.
Like the myriad of state and federal laws designed to protect medical privacy, the ADA also
contains confidentiality provisions. The ADA provides that information regarding an applicant
or current employee shall be collected and maintained on separate forms and in separate medical
files and shall be treated as confidential medical records, except that: (1) supervisors and
managers may be informed regarding necessary restrictions on the work or duties of the
employee and necessary accommodations; (2) first aid and safety personnel may be informed
when appropriate, if the disability might require emergency medical treatment; and
(3) government officials investigating compliance with the ADA shall be provided relevant
information on request.
At present, the courts are divided on whether a plaintiff seeking relief under the ADA for misuse
of medical information must also demonstrate that he is a qualified individual with a disability.
The courts holding that no cause of action exists unless the plaintiff is qualified with a disability
have relied mainly on plain text interpretations of the statute that require the employer to misuse
the collected information to discriminate on the basis of a disability.
In contrast, the courts that
disagree conclude that the plain text reading makes little sense because requiring a plaintiff to
2003) (An anesthesiologist whose medical privileges and medical license were suspended was not a “qualified
individual with a disability” for the purposes of the ADA).
29 CFR § 1630.2(m)
29 CFR § 1630.2(n) (1)
Jones v. Nationwide Life Ins. Co., 696 F.3d 78 (1st Cir. 2012) (Holding a registered investment advisor license, as
required to sell securities products offered by employer, was an essential function of the employee’s job); (Holding
a commercial driver's license and passing the Department of Transportation (DOT) medical examination were
essential functions of a technician position conditionally offered to a job applicant); Knutson v. Schwan's Home
Serv., Inc., 870 F. Supp. 2d 685, 691 (D. Minn. 2012) aff'd, 711 F.3d 911 (8th Cir. 2013) (Holding that DOT
qualification to drive delivery trucks was an essential function of the job).
42 U.S.C.A. § 12112(d)(3), 29 C.F.R. § 1630.14(b)(1) (applicants); 29 C.F.R. § 1630.14(c) (current employees).
Wetherbee v. Southern Co., 754 F.3d 901, 904 (11th Cir. 2014) (Joining the Seventh and Tenth Circuits in holding
that an individual seeking relief under § 12112(d)(3)(C) must demonstrate that he is a qualified individual with a
disability); O'Neal v. City of New Albany, 293 F.3d 998, 1010 n. 2 (7th Cir.2002) (“If the applicant is not disabled, ...
then the applicant cannot recover under § 12112(d)(3)(C).”); Garrison v. Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations, Inc.,
287 F.3d 955, 960 n. 4 (10th Cir.2002) (“[T]o recover under subsection 12112(d)(3)(C) a plaintiff must show the
employer used collected medical information to discriminate on the basis of a disability.”)
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC F–3
show that he is qualified with a disability would completely negate the privacy protections
written into the ADA.
Although the courts are currently split, any employee involved in the review or handling of
personal health information at any stage of a pilot’s career should take great care to ensure that
the information is kept confidential. While it is most likely that an air carrier will come into
possession of a pilot’s personal health information as part of a fitness for duty process, however
it happens, the air carrier should ensure that the information is sealed off in a secure location and
that only a small defined group with a need to know should have access. These steps will
mitigate any risk that the pilot’s personal health information will be used inappropriately.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) provides eligible employees with up to
12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for certain family and medical reasons. FMLA is also
intended to accommodate the legitimate interests of employers and promote equal employment
opportunity for men and women.
FMLA applies to all public agencies, all public and private elementary and secondary schools,
and companies with 50 or more employees. The foregoing employers must provide an eligible
employee with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year for any of the following reasons:
(1) for the birth and care of the newborn child of an employee; (2) for placement with the
employee of a child for adoption or foster care; (3) to care for an immediate family member
(spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health condition; (4) when the employee is unable to
work because of a serious health condition; or (5) because of an exigency arising out of the fact
that the spouse, or a son, daughter, or parent of the employee is on covered active duty in the
armed forces.
Unique eligibility requirements apply to pilots, flight attendants, and other crewmembers. The
Airline Flight Crew Technical Corrections Act of 2009 modified the original legislation to
provide that an air carrier flightcrew member is eligible for FMLA leave if he or she has worked
(1) at least 504 hours during the previous 12–month period for the employer and (2) at least
60 percent of the minimum number of hours that the employee was scheduled to work in any
given month or, for an employee who is in “reserve status,” at least 60 percent of the hours that
an employee was paid for any given month. The hours that a flightcrew member works include
not only the hours spent in flight, but also the hours that a crewmember is on duty.
In cases where a pilot is suffering from depression or other serious mental health condition, the
protections offered by FMLA may make the affected individual more inclined to temporarily
cease flying in order to seek appropriate assistance. On the other hand, certain FMLA eligibility
Fredenburg v. Contra Costa County Dep't of Health Servs., 172 F.3d 1176, 1182 (9th Cir.1999) (requiring
plaintiffs to prove that they have disabilities would defeat the privacy protections set forth in the ADA); Cossette v.
Minnesota Power & Light, 188 F.3d 964, 969 (8th Cir. 1999) (holding that “to required proof of disability would
obliterate much of [the confidentiality provisions] usefulness.”).
See 29 U.S.C.A. § 2601(a)(1).
PL 111-119, December 21, 2009, 123 Stat 3476. See also 29 U.S.C. 2611(2)(D).
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC F–4
requirements may have the effect of deterring or preventing individuals from taking leave to
address personal health issues. For example, employees may be reluctant to pursue FMLA leave
because of real or perceived uncertainty as to whether a mental health condition rises to the level
of a “serious health condition” under FMLA.
Another potential inhibiting consideration is that
a portion of an employing air carrier’s pilot population may be ineligible for FMLA; a pilot who
does not qualify for FMLA leave and is not otherwise afforded similar protection from his or her
employer may choose to refrain from seeking treatment for a mental health condition out of fear
of compromising his or her employment status. Notwithstanding the potential impact on
non-qualifying individuals who are unable to work because of a serious medical condition or
other enumerated reason under the statute, Congress recognized the entitlements provided under
FMLA must be balanced against “the legitimate interests of employers.”
Accordingly, the
statute was intentionally crafted to limit an employer’s obligations under FMLA to full-time
employees who have demonstrated a commitment to the organization by meeting the time and
hour threshold requirements.
Any future efforts to modify the statute to relax the prescribed
eligibility requirements could prove burdensome and costly to employers.
The Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) provides that any air carrier or any
employee of an air carrier who makes a voluntary disclosure of any suspicious transaction
relevant to a possible violation of law or regulation, relating to air piracy, a threat to aircraft or
passenger safety, or terrorism to any employee or agent of the Department of Transportation, the
Department of Justice, any Federal, State, or local law enforcement officer, or any airport or
air carrier security officer shall not be civilly liable to any person under any law or regulation of
the United States, any constitution, law, or regulation of any State or political subdivision of any
State, for such disclosure. Immunity under the ATSA is not available, however, if (1) the
disclosure was made with actual knowledge that the disclosure was false, inaccurate, or
misleading, or (2) the disclosure was made with reckless disregard as to the truth or falsity of that
The immunity offered by the ATSA may provide an incentive for air carrier personnel to report
an individual who they believe, because of a mental condition or otherwise, poses an immediate
threat to the safety of the traveling public. While ATSA has not been extensively tested or
challenged, two relatively recent Federal cases affirm the notion that reporting threats to
passenger safety without fear of liability override the growing trend to protect personal
reputations and privacy interests.
Air Wisconsin Airlines Corp. v. Hoeper involved a pilot who reacted angrily after repeatedly
failing required simulator training. Considering the pilot’s outburst, as well as his impending
termination and the potential he might be armed by virtue of being a Federal Flight Deck Officer,
See e.g., Price v. City of Fort Wayne, 117 F.3d 1022 (7th Cir. 1997) (finding that that job-related stress
manifesting itself in physical symptoms may constitute a serious medical condition under the FMLA). But see e.g.,
Deleva v. Real Estate Mortgage Corp., No. 1:04cv1299 (N.D. Ohio June 21, 2007) (finding that stress, without any
evidence of mental illness cannot constitute a serious health condition under FMLA).
29 USCA § 2601(b)(4).
29 U.S.C. 2611(2)(D).
49 U.S.C.A. § 44941(b).
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC F–5
the air carrier decided to notify the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The TSA
detained, searched and questioned the pilot upon his arrival at the airport to board a flight home.
The pilot subsequently sued Air Wisconsin for defamation. After a verdict in the pilot’s favor at
jury trial, the pilot recovered a judgment for more than $1 million in compensatory and punitive
damages against the air carrier. The case was appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, where
the damages award was vacated. The court upheld the application of ATSA immunity after
finding that the statements by the air carrier employee were substantially true.
Another relevant case recently was decided by the Second Circuit. In Baez v. JetBlue Airways
Corp., an air carrier passenger who made reference to a hypothetical bomb in her checked
luggage, which had been loaded onto an airplane that the passenger was not permitted to board,
brought action against the air carrier and an air carrier employee, alleging negligence,
defamation, false arrest, and intentional infliction of emotional distress, in connection with
employee's relaying of the passenger's statements and passenger's subsequent arrest. The court
held that: (1) the air carrier employee and the air carrier were entitled to immunity under the
ATSA, and (2) the employee was not stripped of ATSA immunity by the fact that she initially
relayed passenger's statements to her supervisor, rather than to law enforcement.
The protection and exchange of health-related information is controlled to a large extent by the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
HIPAA, among other things,
addresses the rights of individuals with regard to their protected health information, the
procedures by which individuals may exercise these rights, and how protected health information
may be used and disclosed.
While HIPAA provides Federal protections for health information
held by health providers and gives patients an array of rights with respect to that information, it
also considers and balances the need in certain instances to disclose health information to protect
the interests of individuals and the public.
HIPAA applies to covered entities that include the following groups: (1) health care
clearinghouses, (2) health plans, and (3) health care providers that conduct certain transactions in
electronic form. As a general rule, a covered entity must obtain an individual’s written
authorization for any use or disclosure of protected health information that is not for treatment,
payment or health care operations.
Absent express written authorization from an individual, HIPAA regulations permit covered
entities to disclose personal health information to third parties in twelve narrowly defined
categories aimed at advancing national priority purposes.
The twelve categories include:
See Air Wisconsin Airlines Corp. v. Hoeper, 134 S. Ct. 852, 187 L. Ed. 2d 744 (2014), 134 S. Ct. 1575, 188 L. Ed.
2d 582 (2014).
See generally Baez v. JetBlue Airways Corp., 793 F.3d 269 (2d Cir. 2015).
PL 104–191, August 21, 1996, 110 Stat 1936 (codified at 42 U.S.C. §§ 1320d–1320d–8).
See 45 CFR Part 164.
45 C.F.R. § 164.508. Assuming an aviation medical examiner, as a representative of the Federal Aviation
Administration, is considered a covered entity, he or she is required to treat a pilot/patient’s medical information in
accordance with the requirements of HIPAA regulations, in addition to any applicable FAA-imposed obligations.
45 C.F.R. § 164.512.
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC F–6
(1) uses and disclosures required by law; (2) uses and disclosures for public health activities;
(3) disclosures about victims of abuse, neglect or domestic violence; (4) uses and disclosures for
health oversight activities; (5) disclosures for judicial and administrative proceedings;
(6) disclosures for law enforcement purposes; (7) uses and disclosures about decedents; (8) uses
and disclosures for cadaveric organ, eye or tissue donation purposes; (9) uses and disclosures for
research purposes; (10) uses and disclosures to avert a serious threat to health or safety; (11) uses
and disclosures for specialized government functions; and (12) disclosures for workers'
When discussing pilot fitness, the tenth category—uses and disclosures to avert a serious threat
to health or safety— is pertinent while the others have little or no relevance. Under the health or
safety category, a health provider may use or disclose protected health information if the
provider in good faith believes the use or disclosure (1) is necessary to prevent or lessen a
serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of a person or the public; and (2) is to a person
or persons reasonably able to prevent or lessen the threat, including the target of the threat.
This may include, depending on the circumstances, disclosure to law enforcement, family
members, the target of the threat, or others who the covered entity has a good faith belief can
mitigate the threat. For example, if a provider knows a patient is not taking medication as
prescribed and without the medication the patient is at an increased risk of suicide, then the
provider may disclose this information to a family member or friend who is in a position to avert
the threat, if the provider has a good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen
the threat of harm to the health or safety of the patient. Another example, specific to the aviation
industry, is if a provider has a good faith belief that a pilot/patient intends to commit an act that
compromises the safety of the traveling public. While the appropriate recipient of the disclosure
will depend on the specific facts and circumstances, the employing air carrier may be best suited
to take immediate action to prevent or lessen the threat (by relieving the individual of flying
duties, restricting access to secured areas, etc.).
A disclosure to avert a serious threat is a permitted disclosure—not a required disclosure—under
HIPAA, but State law may impose affirmative reporting requirements on health providers.
HIPAA rules are consistent with (but do not affirmatively prescribe) the “duty to warn” third
persons at risk, which has been established through case law.
In Tarasoff v. Regents of the
Univ. of California, the Supreme Court of California found that when a therapist’s patient had
made credible threats against the physical safety of a specific person, the therapist had an
obligation to use reasonable care to protect the intended victim of his patient against danger,
including warning the victim of the danger.
Many states have adopted, through either statutory
or case law, versions of the Tarasoff duty to warn. While HIPAA rules are not intended to create
a duty to warn or disclose, they also do not prohibit states from imposing mandatory disclosure
Accordingly, covered entities must remain cognizant of the state law disclosure
requirements that may vary from HIPAA rules.
45 CFR § 164.512(j)(1).
65 Fed. Reg. 82538 (Dec. 28, 2000).
Tarasoff v. Regents of Univ. of California, 17 Cal.3d 425 (1976).
65 Fed. Reg. 82538 (Dec. 28, 2000).
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC F–7
Medical Information Privacy under State Law
I. Introduction
The protection of medical information privacy under state law varies widely and lacks
uniformity. The public policy underlying the protection of medical information is rooted in the
patient-physician privilege, which seeks to serve the patient’s best interests through open and
candid disclosure of personal health information. Because of this strong policy concern,
employers and third-party medical providers encounter not only strong federal protections
surrounding personal health information (for example, HIPAA
) but a broad landscape of State
law protections.
An exhaustive analysis of potential State law claims for the unlawful disclosure of personal
health information is beyond the scope of this report because of the vast geographical diversity
among pilot residences, third party medical providers, and employer domiciles. The purpose of
this report is to provide the reader with a general understanding of how state law may prevent or
impede a medical professional from disclosing an employee’s personal medical information to an
employer, regulatory agency, or law enforcement; or may encourage or require disclosure and
Under State law, claims for the unlawful disclosure of personal medical information may be
founded upon state constitutions, common law causes of action, and state statutes. Statutory
claims may be brought under statutes that specifically protect mental health records, medical
records generally, privacy rights, and a mental health provider’s duty to protect or warn.
II. State Constitutions
Unlike the United States Constitution, many State constitutions explicitly recognize a right to
In the absence of governmental action, however, it is unlikely that an employee would
prevail in a state constitutional claim for unlawful disclosure of personal information.
California, however, recognizes a private constitutional right of action against a private entity as
well as the government.
III. Common Law Actions
The unlawful disclosure of an individual’s personal health information may also give rise to
common law actions. Examples of such actions include the following:
Invasion of privacy,
Breach of duty of confidentiality,
Health Insurance and Portability Accountability Act of 1996, 42 U.S.C. 1320d et seq.
Shaman, Right of Privacy In State Constitutional Law, Rutgers Law Journal Vol. 37:971,988; see, e.g. ILCS
Const. Art. 1 § 6 (Illinois); West’s F.S.A. Const. Art. 1 § 23 (Florida); West’s Ann.Cal.Const.Art. 1, §1 (California);
People v. Stritzinger, 34 Cal.3d 505, 511 (1983)(Patient-psychotherapist privilege is part of a patient’s constitutional
right to privacy).
See, e.g. Kelly v. Mercoid Corp., 776 F. Supp. 1246(N.D. Ill. 1991).
Hill v. National Collegiate Athletic Association, 7 Cal.4
1, 16 (1994).
See, e.g., Darcangelo v. Verizon Commc'ns, Inc., 292 F.3d 181, 186 (4th Cir. 2002)(disclosure of medical
information where employer sought to declare employee a “direct threat” to co-workers).
Report from the Pilot Fitness ARC F–8
Publicity of private facts,
Wrongful disclosure of medical information,
Intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.
Meeting evidentiary burdens and individual State pleading requirements will ultimately
determine an employee’s success in prevailing on a common law action rooted in an unlawful
disclosure of personal medical information. To the extent that the existence of common law
actions would have a chilling effect on a medical provider’s disclosure of personal medical
information to an employer, regulatory agency, or law enforcement is uncertain.
IV. State Statutes
A likely ground for bringing a claim based on an alleged unlawful disclosure of personal medical
information would be for violation of a State statute, or such a claim may be brought in
conjunction with other state law claims. There is considerable variation among statutory
protections. Broadly speaking, statutory protections can be broken down as follows:
Mental health information statutes;
Medical records statutes;
Right to privacy statutes; and
Duty to protect or warn statutes.
A. Federal Preemption – HIPAA & Railway Labor Act
As a threshold matter, the question arises whether federal law would preempt a State law claim.
In the context of the ARC, two questions arise with respect to an alleged unlawful disclosure of
personal medical information: (1) whether HIPAA would preempt a State law claim; and
(2) whether the Railway Labor Act
would preempt a State law claim where a collective
bargaining agreement (CBA) is in place.
See, e.g., Byrne v. Avery Ctr. for Obstetrics & Gynecology, P.C., 314 Conn. 433, 102 A.3d 32 (2014)(breach of
duty alleged against health care provider for complying with subpoena).
Davis v. Monsanto, 627 F.Supp. 418 (S.D. W.Va. 1986)(employer’s limited disclosure of information insufficient
to constitute publication necessary to establish cause of action for public disclosure of private facts).
See, e.g., R.K. v. St. Mary's Med. Ctr., Inc., 229 W. Va. 712, 721, 735 S.E.2d 715, 724 (2012) (common-law tort
claims based upon the wrongful disclosure of medical or personal health information not preempted by HIPAA).
See, e.g., Fanean v. Rite Aid Corporation of Delaware, Inc., 984 A.2d 812 (Del. 2009)(allegations in complaint
sufficient to allege common law action for intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress related to
providing sensitive medical information to third party).
45 U.S.C § 151 et seq.
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HIPAA and its regulatory progeny expressly recognize that it may not entirely preempt State
“[I]f ... [t]he provision of State law relates to the privacy of individually identifiable
health information and is more stringent than a standard, requirement, or implementation
specification adopted under [HIPAA],” HIPAA will be preempted.
Accordingly, a
case-by-case analysis is necessary to determine if a State law claim is preempted by HIPAA.
Where a collective bargaining agreement is in place, the RLA may preempt a State law claim
against an employer. In Carmack v. National R.R. Passenger Corp., a railroad engineer alleged,
among other things, an invasion of privacy based upon his employer’s request for a
comprehensive psychiatric evaluation and psychological testing.
The court held that the RLA
preempted the employee’s claim because his employer’s right to demand the evaluation and
testing “hinge[d] upon” an interpretation of the CBA.
Discussing RLA preemption generally,
the court stated that if a plaintiff’s claim is tantamount to a minor dispute, it must be resolved
only through the “mechanisms established by the RLA.”
If, however, a claim involves rights
and obligations that exist independent of the CBA, the RLA will not preempt the State law
Accordingly, a fact-intensive inquiry will be required to determine whether a state law
claim is preempted by the RLA.
B. Mental Health Information Statutes
Some States expressly protect mental health information from disclosure.
For example, the
Texas Mental Health Records statute provides, in part, as follows:
“(a) Communications between a patient and a professional, and records of the identity,
diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of a patient that are created or maintained by a professional,
are confidential.
(b) Confidential communications or records may not be disclosed except as provided by Section
611.004 or 611.0045.
(c) This section applies regardless of when the patient received services from a professional.”
42 U.S.C. § 1320d-7(a); 45 C.F.R. § 160.203.
See, 45 C.F.R. § 160.203; see, e.g., Nat'l Abortion Fed'n v. Ashcroft, No. 03 CIV. 8695 (RCC), 2004 WL 555701,
at *3 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 19, 2004)(State law did not control under Federal question jurisdiction but would control in a
State proceeding)
Carmack v. National Railroad Passenger Corporation, 486 F.Supp.2d 58 (D.Mass 2007).
Carmack, 486 F.Supp. at 80.
Carmack, 486 F.Supp. at 75.
Carmack, 486 F.Supp. at 74, citing, Hawaiian Airlines v. Norris, 512 U.S. 246, 261 (1994).
See, e.g. V.T.C.A. Health & Safety Code § 611 et seq. (Texas); MD Code, Health § 4-302 and 4-307 (Maryland);
IC 16-39-2-3 (Indiana); 50 P.S. §7111 (Pennsylvania); SDCL §27A-12-26 (South Dakota).
Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. § 611.002 (West)
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The Texas statute does enumerate a list of exceptions to the general prohibition under certain
Two notable exceptions are when the patient consents to disclosure, or a
disclosure to medical or law enforcement personnel if the professional determines that there is “a
probability of imminent physical injury by the patient to the patient or others or there is a
probability of immediate mental or emotional injury to the patient.”
C. Medical Records Statutes
Some states provide broad statutory protections to medical records generally, which may
encompass mental health information.
For example, in Pettus v. Cole, an employer and
two employer-hired psychiatrists violated California’s Confidentiality of Medical Information
Act for the unauthorized release of medical information in conjunction with an employee’s
request for disability leave.
The psychiatrists violated the CMIA when they provided the
employer with detailed reports of the employee’s psychiatric evaluations.
D. Right to Privacy Statutes
In addition to statutes that protect mental health information and medical records generally, a
claim may also be brought under a general right to privacy statute.
In Korntved v. Advanced
Healthcare, S.C., a lab technician accessed a patient’s medical records and then disclosed
information to her husband. The plaintiff filed suit against the health care provider and
lab technician alleging, among other things, that Wisconsin’s general privacy statute was
violated. The court ultimately ruled in favor of the health care provider on the ground that the
lab technician was not acting within her scope of employment, but commented that the plaintiff
may have a viable claim against the lab technician.
E. Duty to Protect or Warn Statutes
In the seminal Tarasoff v. Regents of Univ. of California, the California Supreme Court held
that when a psychotherapist determines that his patient presents a serious danger of violence to
another, he has a duty to protect the intended victim against such danger.
In response to the
Tarasoff decision, many states, including California, enacted statutes that addressed a
psychotherapist’s obligation to warn or protect third parties. For example, the California statute
provides limited immunity from monetary liability where a psychotherapist fails to protect
“from a patient’s threatened violent behavior or failing to predict and protect from a patient’s
V.T.C.A., Health & Safety Code § 611.004 et seq.
V.T.C.A., Health & Safety Code § 611.004(2)(4).
See, e.g., 735 ILCS 5/8-802 (Illinois); Cal. Civ. Code §56.10 (California); 49 Pa.
Code § 25.213 (Pennsylvania).
Pettus v. Cole, 49 Cal.App.4
402, as modified on denial of reh’g (1996).
Pettus, 49 Cal.App.4
at 425.
See, e.g., W.S.A 995-50 (Wisconsin); R.I. Gen. Laws 1956 § 9-1-28(a)(3)(Rhode Island).
Korntved v. Advanced Healthcare, S.C., 286 Wi.2d 499, 513 (2005); see also, Lisnoff v. Stein, 925 F.Supp.2d 233
(D. R.I. 2013)(A physician’s use of a patient’s medical information for a book stated the claim for violation of right
to privacy under State statute).
Tarasoff v. Regents of Univ. of California, 17 Cal.3d 425 (1976).
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violent behavior except if the patient has communicated to the psychotherapist a serious threat
of physical violence against a reasonably identifiable victim or victims.” (Emphasis added.)
Although variability exists between and among the various State statutes, they can generally be
divided into those that (1) impose an affirmative duty
; or (2) are permissive.
81 82
a few states have not enacted Tarasoff statutes, and one state found the Tarasoff rationale
It should be noted, however, that even among jurisdictions with a like-kind
statute (for example, affirmative duty), variations exist. Therefore, before considering a
statute’s effect within a particular jurisdiction, a careful reading of the applicable statute and its
interpretive case law is essential.
Two examples, one from an affirmative duty jurisdiction and another from a permissive
jurisdiction, illustrate how state courts have interpreted their Tarasoff statutes. In Colorado, a
mental health provider is “not liable for damages in any civil action for failure to warn or
protect a specific person or person … against the violent behavior of a person receiving
treatment … except where the patient has communicated to the mental health provider a serious
threat of imminent physical violence against a specific person.” (Emphasis added).
Interpreting its statute, Colorado courts have held that a health care provider had no duty to
warn where a patient reported suicidal thoughts and ultimately committed suicide
and a
patient’s communicating of thoughts and homicidal fantasies without stating an intent to act did
not constitute to a threat.
The court did find that the “imminent threat” requirement was
satisfied when a patient called his psychologist in the middle of the night, and told him about his
strong negative feelings toward his supervisor and expressed concern that he might not be able
to control his anger.
Similarly, a California court held that a psychotherapist had no duty to
warn, in the absence of concrete threats of violence, victims who were injured during a shooting
spree by a deranged gunman who subsequently committed suicide.
In Texas, a state with a permissive-type Tarasoff statute, the Supreme Court refused to impose a
common-law duty on mental health professionals to warn third parties of their patient’s threat.
In reaching its conclusion, the court considered the Legislature’s intent to protect from
disclosure communications during the course of mental health treatment, except in the narrow
Cal.Civ.Code § 43.92 (West).
See, e.g., Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13-21-117 (West)(Colorado); Cal. Civ. Code Ann. § 43.92 (California);
M.C.L.A 330.1946 (Michigan); N.H. Rev. Stat. § 329-B:29 (New Hampshire).
See, e.g., V.T.C.A, Health & Safety Code § 611.004(a)(2)(Texas); 740 ILCS 110/11 (Illinois).
Herbert & Young, Tarasoff at Twenty-Five, J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 30:275-81 (2002)
Nasser v. Parker, 249 Va. 172 (1995)(Absent control, there is no duty to warn a victim of possible harm),
distinguished by Delk v. Columbia/HCA HealthCare Corp. 259 Va. 125 (2000).
Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13-21-117 (West).
Sheron v. Lutheran Medical Ctr., 18 P.3d 796, 800 (Colo.App. 2000)(The statute applies only to threats directed
to third persons).
Fredericks v. Koehn, No. 06-CV-00957-MSK-KLM, 2009 WL 765876, at *4 (D. Colo. Mar. 20, 2009) aff'd sub
nom. Fredericks v. Jonsson, 609 F.3d 1096 (10th Cir. 2010)
McCarty v. Kaiser-Hill Co., 15 P.3d 1122, 1125 (Colo.App. 2000); see also, People v. Kailey, 333 P.3d 89, 98
(2014)(Non-threatening statements remain privileged).
Calderon v. Glick, 131 Cal.App.4
224 (2005)
Thapar v. Zezulka, 994 S.W.2d 635, 640 (Tex. 1999).
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circumstance, among others not relevant to the discussion here, where the professional
determines that “there is a probability of imminent physical injury by the patient/client.”
court rejected the notion that the statute imposed a mandatory duty on mental health
professionals to disclose threats by patients. The court stated that it was permissive.
In the context of the ARC, and based upon a cursory examination of Tarasoff statutes, it is
unlikely, regardless of jurisdiction, that merely communicating thoughts of depression or
suicide to a mental health provider would trigger either an affirmative or permissive duty to
warn or protect third parties. Moreover, as pointed out in Thapar, and is likely elsewhere,
mental health professionals find themselves between two competing interests: (1) disclose a
confidential communication that proves to be a hollow threat and risk liability to the patient; or
(2) fail to disclose a confidential communication that later proves to be a credible threat and
incur liability to the victim and the victim’s family.
Thapar, 994 S.W.2d at 639, citing, Texas Health & Safety Code §611.004(a)(2).
Thapar, 994 S.W.2d at 639.
Thapar, 994 S.W.2d at 640.