The International Decentralization of
US Commercial Aircraft Production:
Implications for US Employment and Trade
Alan MacPherson
David Pritchard
Canada-United States Trade Center
Department of Geography
State University at Buffalo
Buffalo NY 14261, USA
June, 2002
The views presented in this paper are those of the authors, and are in no way policy statements
of the Canada-United States Trade Center or the State University of New York at Buffalo.
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The authors may be contacted at the Canada-United States Trade Center, Department of
Geography, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14261, USA (Tel 716-645-2283; Fax 716-645-
2329; e-mail This research was based upon the second author's
PhD dissertation in Geography (University at Buffalo), which involved multiple site visits to
aircraft production plants in Russia, China, France, the UK and the US, as well as extensive
personal interviews with US and foreign industry representatives. All errors and omissions
are the sole responsibility of the authors.
This paper examines the role of industrial offset agreements in the global decentralization of
US commercial aircraft production. Particular attention is given to the manufacturing processes
involved in the design and assembly of large passenger jets (100 seats or more). It is argued that
the current geography of aircraft production at the global level has been shaped by a new
international distribution of input costs and technological capability. Specifically, low-cost
producers within several of the newly emerging markets (NEMs) have acquired front-end
manufacturing expertise as a direct result of industrial offset contracts and/or other forms of
technology transfer (e.g. international joint-ventures, imports of advanced machine tools). We
find that the growth of international offset agreements portend the transformation of Boeing from
an aircraft manufacturer to a systems integrator. The economic implications of this potential
reconfiguration of the US commercial aircraft industry are discussed in the context of several
techno-market futures, some of which look rather bleak for US workers in this industry.
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The commercial aircraft industry has long been the single most important sector of the US
economy in terms of skilled production jobs, value-added, and exports [1]. Over the last decade,
however, this sector has become increasingly import dependent, as evidenced by rising levels of
intra-industry trade (IIT). Recent research suggests that part of this import thrust can be traced to
industrial offset agreements that transfer significant portions of US aircraft production to
foreign companies [2]. In order to sell Boeing 747s to Air China, for example, at least part of
the final product must be manufactured or assembled inside China itself. Offset agreements
within the aircraft industry have become increasingly complex, such that, by now, major
producers like Boeing and Airbus operate with globally decentralized supply networks that are
not wholly shaped by cost, quality, or logistical factors [3]. We argue that many of these
subcontracting relationships have been configured in response to the industrial development
priorities of foreign governments that control the purchasing decisions of their domestic airlines.
If this argument is correct, then the geography of input supply for a global company like Boeing
may not simply reflect issues such as unit costs, price-quality considerations, or input delivery
speeds. More simply, our argument is that big buyers can impose purchasing conditions that
aircraft suppliers cannot ignore.
This paper examines the role of industrial offset agreements in the global decentralization of US
commercial aircraft production. Three key arguments are advanced that point to a major
restructuring of the industry over the near future. First, it is argued that industrial offset
agreements act as conduits for international technology transfer. In simple terms, these
agreements deliver new production methods to foreign manufacturers, some of who are destined
to become future competitors [4]. Ultimately, industrial offsets represent an international
transfer of production skills from one nation to another [5, 6]. A second and related argument is
that offsets allow foreign competitors to build new production capability [7, 8, 9]. Specifically,
we contend that US compensatory trade agreements with Russia and China have created the
technological foundations required for market entry (i.e. both of these nations will soon have the
ability to manufacture large passenger jets for global markets). Third, we argue that key
segments of the US commercial aircraft industry are poised on the edge of market exit [10]. For
example, evidence presented later shows that the only remaining US producer of large civil
aircraft (Boeing) has invested little in new manufacturing technology over the last decade or
so (the company's capital stock is close to obsolete). At the same time, Boeing has been
following a systems-integration strategy (i.e. buy components from overseas, and assemble
aircraft at home) [11]. Overall, our main thesis is that US commercial aircraft production faces
an uncertain future in terms of employment, exports, and long-run survival. While our analysis
is focused mainly upon the production of large passenger jets (i.e. aircraft that can seat at least
100 people), much of the discussion, which follows, is pertinent to the regional jet market as
well. As we show later, moreover, other US sectors have moved toward systems integration
and/or offset-related marketing over the last few years. In short, some of the arguments advanced
in this paper can be applied to a variety of US high-technology activities outside the aerospace
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Direct and indirect offsets: an overview
Industrial offset can be defined as a form of compensatory or reciprocal trade where exporters
(sellers) grant concessions to importers (buyers). A direct offset usually involves some
form of production sharing (subcontracting), technology transfer, or worker training, whereas
indirect offsets can include counter purchase agreements or other forms of counter trade (e.g.
barter) [2]. Industrial offset agreements are common in sectors where unit-selling prices are high
(e.g. aircraft, weapons systems, machine tools), and where buyers are either owned or heavily
regulated by national governments (e.g. airlines, defense departments, public utilities). No
exporter will enter into an offset agreement unless there are significant competitive pressures to
do so. Conversely, no importer will attempt to negotiate an offset unless substantial bargaining
power is present. Offsets are particularly prevalent in markets where unit costs are high, buyers
are part of an oligopoly, and sellers are desperate to make a sale (competition is intense). Under
these conditions, exporters can exploit offsets as a competitive tactic [2]. Other things
being equal, firms that offer the best-offset conditions win export contracts.
In the context of the commercial aircraft sector, the first industrial offsets that we are aware of
started in the 1960s when Douglas first subcontracted the wing and fuselage assemblies for the
DC-9 and DC-10 [12]. The wing assembly was outsourced to Dehavilland in Toronto, while the
fuselage sections went to Alenia in Italy. These transactions resulted in substantial sales of
Douglas aircraft to the national carriers of Canada and Italy. One of Boeing's early offsets was
with Japan in 1974, when Mitsubishi was given contracts to produce inboard flaps for the 747
(resulting in major sales of 747s to Japan). In virtually every case that has been documented, the
goal of an offset agreement is to secure a sale that would not take place in the absence of
compensatory provisions. Although Douglas is credited with the first batch of offsets, as we
know them today, Douglas no longer exists as an independent aircraft company and Boeing has
become the nation's single largest corporation in terms of offset-related commitments. As we
write, there is no explicit US policy regarding offsets, and the US Department of Commerce has
yet to issue guidelines regarding commercial best practice in this sphere. The only regulatory
requirement at present is that offsets valued at $5 million or more must be 'screened' to
ensure that sensitive technologies are not delivered to potentially hostile nations [10]. In
short, current US policy regarding commercial offsets has been framed with respect to military
and/or national security issues rather than economic considerations (e.g. domestic job retention).
Recent trends in US commercial aircraft production
The commercial aircraft sector accounts for approximately 8% of the nation's industrial exports
($53 billion in 2000), almost 800 thousand jobs, and close to 10% of US industrial output [1].
Despite strong export performance over the last 40 years, evidence is mounting that this sector is
not nearly as healthy as it was in the 1960s or 70s. In 1960, for example, imports of aircraft and
parts amounted to only 5% of exports by value, compared to 45% today. In terms of global
market share for large passenger jets, the US moved from an almost complete monopoly (95%)
in 1960 to a decidedly weaker position by 2001 (49%). Part of this shift can be explained by the
emergence of Airbus, which moved from zero market shares in 1970 to a 51% position by 2001
[8]. Faced with an increasingly competitive environment, the US commercial aircraft
industry has responded via rationalization, joint ventures, mergers, and various types of
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international subcontracting agreements [9]. By now, there is only one major US producer and
only two high-volume domestic parts manufacturers (contrast this with the 1970s, when there
were three large producers and over ten major parts suppliers). Foreign content has increased
dramatically over the past four decades. For example, the foreign content of a Boeing 727 was
only 2% in the 1960s, compared to nearly 30% for the Boeing 777 in the 1990s [10]. In the case
of the Boeing 777, there is no domestic production for the vertical and horizontal stabilizers, the
center wing box, or the aft and forward fuselage sections (the only significant part of the
airframe that is domestically manufactured is the wing assembly).
To an extent, of course, the falling domestic content of US-built aircraft reflects a cost-driven
trend toward international sourcing [11]. Of the $23 billion import bill for 2000, roughly 55%
consisted of airframe parts for Boeing's assembly plants in Seattle. Although this type of intra-
industry trade (IIT) has been growing for some time, US revealed comparative advantage (RCA)
in aircraft production remains strong (Table 1). Whether or not the RCA index will remain
above unity over the long run is far from assured (discussed later).
The rapid growth of IIT owes much to the nature of competition within the global aerospace
sector. While Airbus and Boeing compete vigorously in terms of price, product quality,
reputation, and delivery speed, the ability to offer and/or satisfy offset packages is important as
well. Direct offset agreements between airlines and aircraft producers are designed to
transfer a segment of the manufacturing work to the buyer. Thus, for example, Boeing
737s contain Chinese parts (tail assemblies) because Air China negotiated offset production as a
condition of purchase. Not surprisingly, the proliferation of offset agreements has cut the
domestic supplier base for major aircraft companies such as Boeing. To an extent, then, part of
the recent employment trajectory for the US aircraft industry can be traced to offset-induced
imports (Table 2). For instance, many of the US airframe parts that were once
manufactured by domestic companies are now imported under offset agreements with
companies from South Korea, Japan, China, and Russia. Significantly, several of the companies
that were once prominent suppliers to Boeing are no longer in business (e.g. Fairchild, Douglas,
Perhaps a more disturbing feature of Table 2 is that employment levels for aerospace R&D
scientists and engineers (S&Es) have been falling steadily for some time. Between 1970 and
2000, total aerospace S&E employment dropped from 573 thousand to 120 thousand (an 800%
decrease). Over the same period, S&E employment as a proportion of total aerospace
employment dropped from 30% to 15% (further cuts are widely anticipated in light of the
post-September 11 slowdown in air travel and aircraft orders). Thirty years ago, the US
aerospace sector held a 22% share of the nation's total S&E employment, compared to just over
6% today. When we factor in the fact that the aerospace workforce as a whole is aging, the
steady drop in S&E employment suggests that the industry will soon face a major human
capital shortage [12].
This said, the US aircraft industry has been driven by foreign competition to reduce unit costs as
far as possible, and thus the growth of international subcontracting is not very surprising [13]. It
would appear that this trend has been commercially successful for both Boeing and Airbus. Over
the long run, however, the financial interests of the Airbus/Boeing duopoly may not be well
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served by this strategy. An issue of mounting concern is that offset agreements involve
technology transfer (i.e. advanced production capability is delivered to potential competitors). A
related concern is that most of the world's aircraft producers expect that future growth of revenue
passenger miles (RPMs) will be concentrated in the Asia-Pacific region. According to Boeing,
for instance, global air travel is expected to increase by 75% over the next 10 years, suggesting a
need for over 22 thousand new aircraft [14]. Given that most of the RPM growth is forecast for
the Asia-Pacific region (especially China), it is widely anticipated that aircraft orders among
newly emerging markets (NEMs) will outstrip orders among the industrialized nations within the
next few years. This implies that many of the Asian NEMs will soon be in a position to impose
tougher offset requirements than at present. A more problematic scenario for the US industry
(and for Airbus as well) is that several of the NEMs may eventually enter the market as highly
competitive aircraft producers. How likely is this?
A new geography of commercial aircraft production
The evidence in support of a major shift in the geography of aircraft production at the global
level comes from three interlinked processes that have already gained significant momentum.
The first process concerns technology transfer via industrial offsets (which first started in
the mid-1960s). The second process concerns the acquisition of advanced manufacturing
equipment (machine tools) by the NEMs (often linked to offsets). The third process concerns
the rapid economic growth of the NEMs. Simply stated, several NEMs are poised on the
threshold of launching their own aircraft programmes on the basis of production technologies
gained via offsets and/or imports of advanced capital goods.
The transfer of strategic technology from western to non-western producers can be rapid. For
example, a 1995 offset contract between Boeing (US) and Hyundai (South Korea) provided
Hyundai with the engineering and technical specifications required to build wings for the
Boeing 717. The wing is the most critical part of an airframe and the production procedures
required for wing assembly can be described as ‘core technology’. By 1997, Hyundai had
purchased some of the world's most advanced machine tools for riveting and milling the wing
components and is now successfully producing wing assemblies for Boeing. Over the space
of only 2 years, a nation with no prior production capability in key areas of airframe construction
became fully competitive as a result of two types of technology transfer (i.e. industrial offsets
and machine tool imports). While the trade literature is replete with similar examples involving
both Airbus and Boeing, the fundamental point is that offset agreements have increasingly
involved the transfer of core production capabilities that were once exclusively controlled by the
A second factor concerns the advanced manufacturing technology that NEMs can buy at arm's
length from US, Japanese, or European machine tool (MT) companies. MT products are critical
to aircraft assembly. Most of these products have life spans of 20-30 years (e.g. CNC riveting
machines, multi-axis workstations, etc). If a Chinese or Russian aircraft company were to invest
in contemporary MT products for manufacturing purposes, then that company would be
operating with state-of-the-art production equipment. Much of Boeing's capital stock consists of
machines that were bought more than 20 years ago [10]. Other things being equal, a new
foreign producer that invests in current manufacturing technology will hold a production
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advantage over older companies (many of whom do not replace their machines until such
machines depreciate beyond repair). Of course, other things are rarely equal. A further
advantage for the NEMs is that labor costs are typically at least 50% lower than those that
prevail in Europe or North America.
The third factor in our argument is that most of the world’s RPM growth is forecast to take place
within or between the NEMs of Asia. Aircraft producers that target airlines operating in this
rapidly expanding region do not need to worry about US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA)
or European Joint Aviation Authority (JAA) certification standards (these standards must
be met before a commercial aircraft can enter EU or US/Canadian airspace). Compliance with
FAA/JAA standards increases costs for all producers [12]. In essence, then, any NEM that
wants to build an aircraft industry to serve an essentially non-western market will enjoy an
additional cost advantage over western producers (most of whom do not manufacture non-
certified aircraft as a matter of principle). Taken together, these three factors portend a global
restructuring of the commercial aircraft industry in terms of production locations, regional
markets, and, ultimately, jobs. The question thus arises: how strong is the evidence for all this?
And, when can we expect to see signs of a global shift of this type?
The following section addresses these questions in terms of several strands of emerging
evidence. The first strand of evidence comes from the growth of US industrial offset agreements
and the widening technological gulf between Boeing and Airbus (Boeing trails). The second
strand of evidence concerns the accumulation of production capability in China and Russia.
Both of these nations already have the technological and production infrastructure to
manufacture passenger aircraft that can take off, fly, land, and navigate just as efficiently
as their western counterparts -- and at half the cost. Having acquired important production
skills via international offsets, new manufacturing technology via MT imports, and crucial
avionics systems via joint-ventures and/or import contracts with western suppliers, it is curious
that so few scholars have taken notice of the emerging capabilities of non-western producers.
Industrial offsets and aircraft manufacturing technology
A snapshot of the evolution of Boeing's industrial offset exposure is shown in Table 3, which
collates the 700-level product family alongside the company's sourcing strategy for airframe
components (foreign versus domestic). A striking feature of these data is that foreign sourcing
has expanded dramatically over time (compare the 727 with newer models such as the 767 and
777). In the case of the 767, industrial offsets have been used to source a number of critical
airframe components, including the inboard and outboard flaps, the front and centre fuselage, the
aft fuselage, the stabilizers, the dorsal and vertical fin (including the rudder), the elevators, and
all external doors. The foreign content of a Boeing 727 (which started production in the 1960s)
was only 2%, whereas the foreign content of the 777 (1990s) is close to 30% [11, 12]. The
upshot of all this is that Boeing operates with only two major domestic subcontractors today,
compared with ten in the 1970s. Examples of formerly major US suppliers include Avco,
Convair, Douglas, Fairchild, Grumman, Lockheed, Martin, Northrop, and Rockwell. As noted
earlier, some of these suppliers have gone out of business altogether (e.g. Convair), while others
have merged and/or exited the commercial aircraft business (e.g. Lockheed-Martin). All told, an
estimated 125,000 domestic aerospace jobs were lost between 1975 and 2000 as a direct result of
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Boeing's international offset agreements [12]. Presumably even more jobs were lost via
multiplier effects, especially among smaller subcontractors.
In contrast to Boeing, Airbus subcontracts internationally to support the production of its older
models only (e.g. the A300). Newer models are close to 100% European content [8]. A further
contrast is that Airbus more typically offers indirect offsets as a means of securing contracts. As
an example, Airbus has the ability to offer foreign airlines landing rights to major EU airports
such as Heathrow and Gatwick. Boeing cannot do this on the US side because regulatory and
legal conditions are quite different. These are interesting distinctions for at least three reasons.
First, direct offsets by Boeing involve production-sharing arrangements that allow the foreign
partner to begin assembly work using brand new machine tools (the foreign partner thus
becomes a state-of-the-art subcontractor that can produce at lower cost than either a US supplier
or a production unit inside Boeing itself). Second, the fact that Airbus will only do this for older
models suggests that the two companies are following radically different sourcing strategies.
Third, it would appear that Airbus has wider scope for offering indirect offsets than Boeing.
Another contrast between Boeing and Airbus concerns the vintage of the machine tools and
manufacturing processes that are used to assemble commercial aircraft. Evidence from
Pritchard [12] reveals that the wing and fuselage assembly riveters for the Boeing 747 and
767 models were delivered to Boeing in the 1960s and early 1970s. Although these
machines have been electrically upgraded since then, the basic assembly procedures are based
on machine tools that are nearing the end of their life cycles. Airbus, in contrast, has been
moving away from riveting technologies to laser welding and composite materials (non-
metallic), necessitating multi-billion dollar investments in new generations of tools and
fixtures. Although Boeing's equipment for the assembly of 777s comes from the 1990s, the
equivalent Airbus stock comes from the 2000s [11,12].
Unlike the flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) described in the engineering literature for use
in sectors such as automobiles, the commercial aircraft industry requires machine tools that are
designed to meet the unique specifications of particular models (e.g. the size and shape of
aircraft panels dictates the dimensions of the machine tool). As an example, the wing riveting
systems for the Boeing 737 cannot be used on the 777 because of the size and configuration of
the 777's wing [12]. One consequence of this relative lack of flexibility is that the inherent
design of an aircraft lends itself to the use of dedicated assembly equipment over the life cycle of
the aircraft. For Boeing, this means that old systems are in place for the most part, if only
because Boeing's product family is old. A major problem with old capital equipment is that rates
of machine failure are high (downtime becomes an issue). A further problem is that machining
speeds and accuracy levels are low when compared to the high-speed machines of the 2000s.
With no new large aircraft programmes in place to compete with the emerging Airbus line of
products (including the A380), the technological gulf between Boeing and Airbus is expected
to widen [8]. At present, Boeing does not have any commercial aircraft that operate with fly-
by-wire navigational systems, nor does Boeing have a replacement for the ageing 747
(which is nearing the end of its life cycle). Although the Airbus/Boeing duopoly is likely to
remain intact for some time (Boeing has order backlogs in excess of $31 billion), the stability of
this duopoly is questionable in light of the growing technological advantage of Airbus. As
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shown in the following section, moreover, non-western producers are beginning to emerge as
potential challengers as well.
Potential competition from outside the duopoly
It is sometimes forgotten that both China and Russia have long enjoyed substantial technological
capability in aerospace production, notably on the military side. In recent years, however, both
of these nations have developed an extensive manufacturing infrastructure for the production of
commercial aircraft. Russian capability is spread across multiple locations within the CIS
(Commonwealth of Independent States), including major factories in Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Kiev
and Voronezh. While China's civil capability is more modest, no less than 10 factories produce
major aircraft components (including aero engines) for 20 western manufacturers. The Chinese
aerospace sector is controlled by Aviation Industries of China (AVIC), which is a large national
corporation under the leadership of the State Council [15]. The Russian aerospace sector, in
contrast, has moved toward a joint stock company structure, with shares held by the Russian
government, the design bureaus (e.g. Tupelov and Ilyushin) and manufacturers (e.g. Aviastar).
The Russian/CIS industry has produced several western adapted aircraft over the last 10
years, while the Chinese industry is rapidly gaining launch capability as a result of western
offsets. Significantly, a Chinese-built regional passenger jet (70 seats) is slated to enter service
by 2007 [16]. Given that this jet is expected to include western components and avionics,
FAA/JAA certification standards are likely to be met.
Much of the impetus behind these developments can be traced to joint ventures that link China
and Russia with the western duopoly (Boeing in particular). For example, Boeing currently has
more than 30 joint projects in Russia, including a program with Ilyushin to redesign the Boeing
777 arch beam. In April of 2001, Boeing signed an agreement with the Russian agencies to
develop several new initiatives, including the establishment of collaborative aircraft
maintenance/modification facilities and the possible co-development of a new regional jet. At
the same time, Boeing also has multiple joint ventures with Chinese producers, including offsets
for the production of nose sections, vertical fins, tails, cargo doors, and fuselage panels [12]. It
should be emphasized that many of these joint ventures have encouraged producers in Russia and
China to invest in state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment. For instance, the CIS aircraft
plants in Kazan and Ulyanovsk have invested heavily in automatic fastening equipment for
wing and fuselage production. Significantly, this type of equipment is not currently in place in
any of Boeing's factories.
At present, China’s AVIC employs 560,000 workers, while the Russian/CIS employment base is
estimated at around 600,000. There is widespread agreement that the employment trend is
curving upward for both players, while the trend for the US is distinctly downward [11]. More
important, perhaps, is the fact that S&E employment in the aerospace sectors of both nations
recently surpassed 8% (compared to 6% in the US). Notwithstanding the fact that
productivity gaps are likely to be present between the US and Russia/China, the general
employment and occupational trends are suggestive of growth in both of these nations.
An interesting aspect of the emerging aerospace programs of China and Russia is that they are
both evolving with help from Boeing. In 1998, for instance, Boeing and Tupelov completed the
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initial phase of an US/Russian joint venture for supersonic research, which included 19 flights of
the TU-144. In China, moreover, Boeing has several FAA-approved subcontracting/offset links
for the production of horizontal stabilizers and vertical fins for the 737, as well as cargo doors for
the 757. Significantly, Russia now has a production model TU-204 (210 passenger jet) that is
expected to receive JAA certification by 2003, while China recently acquired production rights
to co-manufacture Canadair's Challenger jet. In sum, both of these NEMs now have the basic
infrastructure to produce all of the major airframe components that are required to assemble
large passenger jets, as well as regional jets.
Policy implications: the case for government intervention
There is little doubt that the US commercial aircraft sector is operating on borrowed time
as far as the manufacturing side of the business is concerned. Boeing's Chief Executive Officer
(Phil Condit) appears to agree [13]. Is there a case for government intervention to curtail the
erosion of US manufacturing capability? Although Condit [13] regards new international joint-
ventures as being critical to the commercial side of the company's aerospace interests, it would
seem that Boeing has other concerns that are more important over the long-run (e.g. military
markets, aircraft maintenance services). The question thus arises: would a commitment by the
US government to protect or enhance Boeing’s commercial aircraft divisions make any sense at
this point in time?
The theory of strategic trade policy holds that a public subsidy can be economically justified if
the ultimate social benefits exceed the costs of government assistance (as well as the extra costs
that might face consumers during the subsidy period). For instance, the theory suggests that
export subsidies can affect the underlying structure of an oligopolistic game, so as to allow
domestic producers to achieve extra profits from exports that exceed the amount of the subsidy
[17]. How might such a theory be applied to Boeing? On the plus side, Boeing meets all of the
theoretical criteria that are required for strategic trade policy to work [18]. On the negative side,
Boeing appears poised to exit the business of commercial and/or conventional aircraft
manufacturing on its own volition [13]. To an extent, then, the case for government
intervention is weakened by the strategic intentions of the company itself, as well as by the
fact that intervention ought to have been considered during the initial rise of Airbus some 30
years ago [12].
This said, there is little doubt that Boeing has long met the industry-level criteria required for
strategic intervention. According to Spencer [17], these criteria include: (1) the presence of
major entry barriers to new competitors; (2) the existence of significant foreign competition;
(3) high levels of industry concentration (both at home and abroad); (4) little chance that factor
prices would increase in response to domestic targeting; (5) good prospects that the domestic
industry would garner cost and/or learning economies via increased production; and (6) equally
good prospects that targeting would minimize technological spillovers to competitors (or
maximize domestic access to foreign technology). Interestingly, Spencer [17] notes that Airbus
met most of these criteria during its rise as a challenger to Boeing, and that Airbus received
substantial public subsidies whereas Boeing did not [12].
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At this stage, however, at least four factors suggest that US government intervention would not
be successful even if substantial export and/or R&D subsidies were granted. First, from a game-
theoretic point of view, Airbus would probably interpret a new subsidy program as an unfair
increment to the implicit support that Boeing already receives with regard to US military
contracts. If one accepts that the best strategy in a 'prisoner's dilemma' is 'tit-for-tat' [19],
then Airbus would likely respond with additional subsidies. Second, Boeing has already
started to shift its core business away from commercial aircraft manufacturing toward space
vehicles, communications, technical services, and specialized defense applications. Given
this shift, it might be more effective to target Boeing’s emerging priority areas than its
commercial aircraft interests. Third, Boeing’s drift toward a systems integration mode for
commercial aircraft production suggests that export subsidies would generate windfall profits
rather than long-run technological or cost advantages. Fourth, the much-publicized concept of a
Sonic Cruiser to capture the business class traveler segment has generated minimal interest
among the world’s major airlines. Will a prototype of this futuristic aircraft ever be built? We
suspect not. Finally, the US has never engaged in strategic trade policy before, and has no
experience in the design and/or implementation of subsidy programs to gain an
international competitive advantage [12]. This is not to suggest that US trade subsidies are
absent. Rather, the suggestion is that no Administration has attempted to target a specific
sector with strategic trade policy objectives in mind. On balance, then, we would suggest that it
is too late for the US government to do anything of significance to reorient the US commercial
aircraft sector along a growth path.
Techno-market futures for the US aerospace industry
If Airbus becomes the dominant global supplier of large passenger jets in the 2000s (albeit facing
emerging competition from China, Russia, and possibly India), then what will the US aerospace
workforce do? Presumably there will be a reduced need for skilled machinists, R&D scientists,
test engineers, and other talented people in fields such as MT maintenance (not to mention
unskilled or semi-skilled workers). Boeing has already announced a 30,000 employee cutback
in light of September 11, as well as a reduced commercial aircraft production schedule over
the period 2001-2007 (500 less aircraft than anticipated in 1999). At the same time, foreign
producers of regional jets (e.g. BAe Industries, Canadair, Embraer) are starting to erode the
US/Boeing share of the smaller jet market at a remarkably fast rate [12]. These circumstances
point to a number of techno-market futures for the US commercial aircraft industry. We believe
that the first and most likely future will involve a shift towards a mix of high-end military work
(e.g. space vehicles, defense systems), high-end service activity (e.g. preventive aircraft
maintenance and repair), and satellite communications. This is an interpretation that meshes
closely with the strategic statements of Boeing itself. A second industrial future might
involve a mix of the above, combined with a retained presence in the commercial aircraft market
via complete systems integration (e.g. design at home, manufacture abroad). A third future,
though an unlikely one, is that the Airbus A380 fails completely as a commercial venture,
leaving Boeing an opportunity to introduce an updated 747 that might stretch the company's
position within the global market for large passenger jets for another 20 years or so. This
scenario might also buy time for the development of a Sonic Cruiser that could be manufactured
on a competitive basis.
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We choose to focus on the first future because this is what the company's current CEO sees as
the most likely path for Boeing [13]. Under this scenario, Boeing becomes a multinational
services conglomerate with both military and commercial interests (but with only limited
involvement in commercial aircraft production). While the military side of the company’s long-
range mission remains uncertain (Boeing does not advertise detailed aspects of its military
programs), it seems unlikely that the production of 20-year-old designs for fighter aircraft or 40-
year old designs for bombers will represent growth markets for the company over the next few
years. In light of the fact that Lockheed-Martin won a $200 billion contract for the production of
the USAF's next generation of fighter aircraft in November of 2001, it seems unlikely that
Boeing will want to compete in this particular market (i.e. defensive military aircraft).
On the commercial side, however, it is evident that Boeing has identified a new set of futures for
corporate growth (Table 4). These futures are based almost entirely upon aviation services such
as the re-marketing of used airplanes, flight crew training, airport routing, airframe maintenance,
and aircraft upgrades (e.g. engine replacement). All told, Boeing expects that these types of
aviation services will generate an annual average of $87 billion in revenues over the next 20
years, compared to commercial aircraft sales of only $12 billion in 2000 [20]. Annual
revenues of around $87 billion would represent a 65% share of the global market for commercial
aviation services. Although Airbus currently holds a 51% market share for new orders of large
passenger jets, close to 80% of the big jets that are currently in service are Boeing products.
Looking at the maintenance and repair needs of this enormous fleet of US-built aircraft, it should
come as no surprise that Boeing wants to dominate the global market for service and
maintenance contracts.
All of this implies a new occupational structure for Boeing's workforce, as well as new skill
requirements. After all, R&D scientists are not needed for flight crew training; specialized
machinists are not needed for route planning or air-traffic control systems design; semi-skilled
manufacturing workers are hardly needed at all; and, who needs a production engineer to sell old
aircraft under a used airplane re-marketing initiative? Given that annual revenues from aviation
services are expected to exceed commercial aircraft sales by a factor of at least 4 over the period
2000-2019, it is not difficult to see why Boeing would want to exit and/or downscale the
manufacturing side of its business.
To an extent, of course, the scenario described above mirrors a broader trend that has
characterized the US economy since the 1970s. Specifically, there has been a structural shift
toward non-production occupations, as well as a general shift toward information and/or
knowledge-based services. Seen from this perspective, Boeing is evolving in tandem with the
US economy as a whole. For example, US service exports have recently been growing faster
than merchandise exports [1]. If Boeing becomes a service-based corporation along the lines
described above, then the US current account will surely be given a boost. After all, projected
revenues from aviation services are much higher than those for commercial aircraft [13]. The
downside is that the US will lose much of its manufacturing capability in a critically important
sector (i.e. skilled production jobs will disappear, and the existing supplier base will suffer
further losses). Over the short-run, we are likely to see major employment decay in skilled
production occupations such as machining, testing, and welding. Looking to the future,
however, it is possible that these losses will be counterbalanced by new jobs spread across
- 12 -
radically different skill categories (e.g. marketing, planning, software design, logistics). Overall,
the net social benefits (or costs) are likely to depend upon the extent to which Boeing can capture
a dominant share of the global market for aviation services over the 2000s. It was once said that
Boeing 'bet the company' on the 747 [12]. Is Boeing doing the same again regarding aviation
Related trends in other industries
Lest one conclude that the commercial aircraft sector represents a special case, it should be
mentioned that other US industries have been following similar trajectories in terms of industrial
offset agreements and/or systems integration [21]. Compensatory trade provisions are now
common across a wide range of product-markets, including construction equipment, machine
tools, defense systems (e.g. armored vehicles), locomotives (e.g. subway systems), and
industrial machinery (e.g. automated textile looms). A common denominator among these
industries is that unit-selling prices are high. A further commonality is that the US domestic
market is not large enough to support US firms in these industries (i.e. export sales are critically
important). Given the intensely competitive global market for high-technology goods in these
types of sectors, industrial offset agreements have become increasingly important to the export-
marketing process. Although such agreements are generally believed to involve higher dollar
figures for the commercial aircraft sector than for any other sector, the fact remains that many of
America’s largest high-technology companies are offset-affected. Notable examples include
Caterpillar (construction and earthmoving equipment), Cincinnati Machine (multi-axis CNC
machine tools), and Lockheed-Martin (military aircraft). To date, however, it is fair to assert that
very little empirical work has been conducted on the extent to which US high-technology
companies have become dependent upon offset agreements. Although the 2001 Presidential
Commission on Offsets [22] offers anecdotal evidence to support all of the claims stated above,
we must concede that hard data are simply not available. This is because no US Company is
required to divulge the extent to which its commercial export contracts are offset-related. While
the US Department of Commerce collects aggregate data by sector, these data are not published
and are hard to obtain. Nevertheless, the latest available data suggest that direct military offsets
over the period 1993-1998 cost US companies (suppliers) an estimated $2.3 billion in lost work
[22]. If these estimates were to be spread across all US commercial sectors that are offset-
affected, then presumably we are talking about a good deal more than $2.3 billion in lost work.
With regard to systems integration and the rise of international subcontracting (whether offset-
related or not), many other US sectors have been following a path that is similar to the
commercial aircraft industry. For example, the US personal computer industry is now organized
on a systems integration basis, while the US automotive industry is beginning to move in the
same direction [23]. Although Dell laptop computers are designed and assembled in the US, the
critical components and modules are manufactured in Taiwan and South Korea. In a similar vein,
US automotive companies have increasingly sourced key components from US-owned
subsidiaries based in Mexico and Canada to take advantage of multilateral trade deals such as the
North American Free Trade Agreement. The key point, however, is that systems integration is
not the same phenomenon as international outsourcing (i.e. buy cheap parts from abroad). The
primary difference is that systems integration implies an eventual elimination of the domestic
manufacturing process altogether.
- 13 -
If the above argument were correct, then it would seem that the US economy is restructuring in a
fashion that was not fully anticipated 10 or 20 years ago when the literature on the ‘information
age’ first started to become popular. Specifically, US industrial exports in high-technology
sectors such as aircraft and computers are not likely to diminish over the near future. Instead, it
would appear that the import-content of these exports is slated to increase dramatically. One
possible industrial future for the US might be an information-based economy that has no
‘manufacturing’ at all, but plenty of ‘manufactured’ exports. Another industrial future, and a
less appealing one, is an economy based upon service activity alone (e.g. export designs, and do
no assembly at home). One reason that we selected the US commercial aircraft industry for this
paper is that Boeing appears to be the US corporate leader in terms of all of these possible
futures. Sooner or later, industrial offset agreements are likely to endow foreign producers with
the technological capability to perform both basic and advanced manufacturing tasks to suit any
US company that wants to operate on a systems integration basis. The task remains to monitor
and evaluate the diffusion of this mode of international business activity across different sectors,
nations, and product-markets.
Summary and Conclusions
US exports of large passenger jets are likely to grow under a systems integration approach over
the next few years. Even so, the task of manufacturing is destined to shrink inside the US itself.
Industrial offset agreements have already transferred core production technologies to foreign
producers, while limited domestic investment in new machine tools continues to undermine
Boeing's capacity to manufacture in a competitive fashion. Airbus now holds a 51% share of the
world market for large passenger jets, compared to a 0% share in 1970 when Airbus first started
production. Further, it would appear that several low-cost NEMs have become viable challengers
within the regional jet market (e.g. Russia, China, Brazil). Strategic trade policy might have
prevented all this if the US government had intervened during the early rise of Airbus. At this
stage in the game, however, it is probably too late for public intervention to arrest or reverse
the decline of the US commercial aircraft sector. The fact that Boeing has not pressured
the US government for strategic support suggests that a phased exit from commercial aircraft
manufacturing was planned some time ago.
The shift toward a systems integration model implies that the import content of US commercial
aircraft exports will continue to increase, especially in light of Boeing’s offset-driven marketing
strategy. To maintain a healthy RCA score, IIT will need to grow steadily over the 2000s. In
short, US commercial aircraft production has become globalize, and the US must import in order
to export. The fact that few domestic suppliers are still in business means that additional imports
are almost inevitable. Contrast this with Airbus, which offers indirect offsets rather than
production sharing as a means of securing contracts. Recall also that Airbus subcontracts
internationally for the production of older aircraft, whereas newer models are produced with
close to 100% European content. We believe that Boeing intends to exit the market for
large passenger jets as soon as current backlogs and/or new orders for aircraft within the
existing product family have been filled. Recall that Boeing does not have any new civil aircraft
programs (note that the Sonic Cruiser proposal is a concept, not a program). Contrast this with
Airbus, which has invested heavily in advanced automation for a new generation of products
- 14 -
(including the A380 super jumbo). On balance, we find it hard to believe that significant
production activity on the civilian side of the aircraft industry will remain in the US beyond
Boeing's 3-4 year backlog. The fact that the company recently moved its corporate headquarters
from Seattle to Chicago means that strategic decision-making now takes place far away from
Boeing's main production sites. One could be cynical about this, in that disgruntled or
redundant production workers can no longer confront senior management face-to-face
without hopping on a plane (at considerable expense). Perhaps a more realistic view is that most
global companies prefer to locate their corporate headquarters in world cities. Seattle is an
attractive place to live, but Chicago is a world city with a very large airport. Where better in the
US to launch a new commercial trajectory based on aviation services?
Finally, it should be repeated that the commercial aircraft industry is not the only US sector that
has been drifting toward systems integration. Other high-technology sectors have been following
a similar path, including the machine tool industry, the electronics sector, and the automotive
industry. In all three cases, rising intra-industry trade reflects an accelerating trend toward
international subcontracting and domestic downsizing. This has profound implications for the
future occupational structure of the US industrial workforce, as well as for the nation’s
merchandise trade balance. Although de-industrialization is hardly a new theme in the literature
on structural economic change, the rise of systems integration within strategic sectors such as
aerospace and machine tools is hardly good news for US production workers with specialized
industrial skills -- nor is it good news for the US subcontractor base. On a more positive note,
systems integration at least promises to ensure a continued US presence within such sectors
(albeit in a design/assembly role rather than a manufacturing role).
- 15 -
Table 1. US trade in commercial aircraft and parts (1970-2000).
(US$ millions) a. b. c.
Year Exports Imports Imports/Exports IIT RCA
1970 2286 271 11.8 0.21 4.08
1975 5644 81 1.4 0.03 5.20
1980 13494 2662 19.7 0.33 8.71
1985 5674 1894 33.3 0.50 3.25
1990 35770 10817 30.2 0.46 5.70
1995 29580 10739 36.3 0.53 3.60
2000 52920 23772 44.9 0.62 3.70
a. imports as a % of exports
b. intra-industry trade index: IIT = 1 - [(x - m)/(x + m)]
where: x = exports; m = imports.
c. RCA = (US aircraft x/total US x)/(world aircraft x/total world x).
RCA = revealed comparative advantage.
Source: US Department of Commerce, 2001.
- 16 -
Table 2. US employment in commercial aircraft production (1970-2000).
a. b. c. d.
Year Jobs (000s) S&E Jobs (000s) S&E % S&E as % of
All sectors
1970 1900 573 30.2 22.5
1975 1870 390 20.9 21.4
1980 1690 341 20.2 17.7
1985 1235 264 21.4 20.2
1990 1200 238 19.9 16.3
1995 832 155 18.7 12.1
2000 798 120 15.1 6.2
a. Production plus non-production workers (total employment).
b. R&D scientists and engineers.
c. R&D scientists and engineers as a % of aerospace employment.
d. Aerospace R&D scientists and engineers as a % of total manufacturing employment.
Sources: US Department of Commerce (2001); Pritchard (2002).
- 17 -
Table 3. Boeing's airframe production by source.
Launch year: 1963 1966 1969 1981 1982 1994
Aircraft model 727 737 747 757 767 777
Wings D D D D D D
Inboard flaps D F F F F D
Outboard flaps D F F F F F
Engine nacelles D D D D D D
Nose D D D D D D
Engine strut D D F D D D
Front fuselage D D D F/D F F
Center fuselage D D D F/D F F
Center wing box D D F D D F
Keel beam D D D D D F
Aft fuselage D D D D F F
Stabiliser D F/D D D F D
Dorsal fin D D D F F F
Vertical fin D F/D D D F D
Elevators D F D F F F
Rudder D F D F F F
Passenger doors D D D D F F
Cargo doors D D F F F F
Section 48 D F/D F/ D D F F
# of major parts
from foreign 0 7 6 8 13 12
D = domestic production; F = foreign production; F/D = shared production.
Source: Pritchard (2002)
- 18 -
Table 4. Boeing's estimates of the size of the world market for commercial aviation services
Service $ Billions
Used airplane remarketing 20
Airplane servicing 441
Heavy airplane maintenance 588
Engine repair 268
Airframe component repair 394
Major airplane modifications 43
Airframe and engine parts 257
Flight crew training 49
Airport and route services 622
20 year total 2682
Source: Speednews (2001)
- 19 -
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