Department of Homeland Security
DHS Directives System
Directive Number: 251-03
Revision Number: 01
Issue Date: 09/24/2018
I. Purpose
This Directive establishes the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) human capital
policy and responsibilities regarding the maximum age for original appointment to a
customs and border protection officer, firefighter, or law enforcement officer position.
II. Scope
A. This Directive applies throughout DHS, unless exempted by federal
statutory or regulatory authority.
B. DHS Directive 252-08, Revision 00, “Maximum Age for Appointment to the
Department of Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection Officer
Positions,” is hereby superseded.
C. DHS Directive 251-03, Revision 00, “Maximum Age for Original
Appointment to DHS Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighter Positions,” is
hereby cancelled.
III. Authorities
A. Title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.), § 2108, “Veteran; Disabled Veteran;
Preference Eligible”
B. Title 5, U.S.C. § 3307, “Competitive Service; Maximum-Age Entrance
Requirements; Exceptions”
C. Title 5, U.S.C. § 3312, “Preference Eligibles; Physical Qualifications;
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D. Title 5, U.S.C. § 3320, “Excepted Service; Government of the District of
Columbia; Selection”
E. Title 5, U.S.C. §§ 8331 and 8401, “Definitions” for Civil Service Retirement
System (CSRS) and for Federal Employees’ Retirement System (FERS)
F. Title 5, U.S.C. §§ 8336 and 8412, “Immediate Retirement” for CSRS and
G. Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 831, Subpart I, “Law
Enforcement Officers and Firefighters” and Subpart P, “Customs and Border
Protection Officers” for CSRS
H. Title 5, CFR, Part 842, Subpart H, “Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters
and Air Traffic Controllersand Subpart J, “Customs and Border Protection
Officers” for FERS
I. DHS Delegation 00002, Delegation to the Under Secretary for
J. DHS Delegation 03000, “Delegation for Human Capital and Human
IV. Responsibilities
A. The Under Secretary for Management establishes the policy regarding
maximum age for original appointment to customs and border protection officer,
firefighter, and law enforcement officer positions within DHS.
B. The DHS Chief Human Capital Officer establishes and oversees the
implementation of the human capital policy and guidance regarding the maximum
age policy, consistent with the statutes, regulations, and guidelines prescribed by
Office of Personnel Management.
C. The Component Heads:
1. Oversee the administration and implementation of the maximum
age policy within their Components, in compliance with all applicable
federal laws, rules, and regulations; the policy and procedures outlined in
this Directive and associated Instructions; and any other DHS policies,
procedures, and guidance; and
2. Establish guidelines and procedures, as necessary, to administer
the maximum age policy within their Components.
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D. The Executive Director, Headquarters Human Resources
Management and Services assumes the responsibilities listed under section
IV.C. for all Support Components with the exception of the National Protection
and Programs Directorate (NPPD), the Office of Inspector General (OIG), and
the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC).
E. The Heads of NPPD, OIG, and FLETC assume the responsibilities listed
under section IV.C. for their respective Support Component.
V. Policy and Requirements
A. The day before an individual’s 37
birthday is the maximum age for
original appointment to a customs and border protection officer, firefighter, or law
enforcement officer position within DHS.
B. The maximum age policy allows the appointment or reappointment of an
individual to a customs and border protection officer, firefighter, or law
enforcement officer position when:
1. The individual is able to complete a total of twenty years of service
covered by the special provisions of the retirement law [as described in 5
U.S.C. § 8336(c) for CSRS or § 8412(d) for FERS] before the age of 57;
2. The individual was previously appointed under an exception to the
maximum age policy (provided under section V.C.3. or equivalent
authority exercised within DHS or another federal agency) and is able to
complete the service requirements described in section V.B.1. before the
age of 60.
C. Exceptions to the maximum age policy:
1. The maximum age policy does not apply to positions determined to
be secondary positions.
2. The maximum age policy does not apply to the appointment of a
preference eligible veteran, unless the hiring component can show that the
age requirement is essential to the performance of the duties of the
position for which the application has been made.
3. Component Heads may establish exceptions to the maximum entry
age policy up to the day before an individual’s 40
a. In cases involving highly qualified individuals and the unique
needs of the Component, or
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cretary for Management
b. To address documented skills shortages in specific positions
or in certain geographic areas.
4. An individual who has retired under the special provisions for
customs and border protection officers, firefighters, and law enforcement
officers [5 U.S.C. § 8336(c) for CSRS or 5 U.S.C. § 8412(d) for FERS] is
barred from reemployment in a primary or rigorous position after the age
of 60.
VI. Questions
Address any questions or concerns regarding this Directive to the Office of the Chief
Human Capital Officer.
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