Presented by: FedRAMP PMO
FedRAMP System
Security Plan (SSP)
Required Documents
What Does This Course Cover?
This course is divided into three main parts:
Course Recap and
SSP Overview
This section details the importance of the SSP with
respect to the overall security package.
The SSP Relationship with Other Documents
The SSP Organization and System
Authorization Package Attributes
SSP Organization and Scope
Sections 1 - 12 of the SSP
FedRAMP Initial
Package Checklist
This is an Excel checklist that
details the documents required
for a complete FedRAMP initial
authorization package.
1 2 3
At the conclusion of this course,
you should understand:
What documents are required for the FedRAMP initial
authorization package submission
Why the system security plan is one of the essential documents
in the security package
How to organize a system security plan
How to develop clear, concise, consistent, and complete
information within each section of a system security plan
Course Objectives
FedRAMP Initial Authorization
Package Checklist
The FedRAMP Program Management Office or PMO has created some templates for documents that the CSP must edit and
modify based on the security controls implemented in its system. Please note that FedRAMP does not have templates for
all documents. You should become familiar with theses templates by searching for them on
The templates provided by the FedRAMP PMO are intended to:
𑁋 Standardize the security assessment process for agency reviews
𑁋 Enable CSPs to move through the assessment process quickly
𑁋 Enable agencies to more easily recognize where they can find important aspects of the systems used by agencies
(some of these documents may be considered attachments to others, but are listed separately to enable easier
uploading and tracking)
Please note that if no template is provided, cloud service providers should follow the proper NIST standard (Special
Publication (SP) 800 Series) to ensure required information is captured appropriately.
FedRAMP is a documentation-heavy process
FedRAMP Initial Authorization Package Checklist
SSP ATTACHMENT 7 - Configuration Management Plan (CMP)
SSP ATTACHMENT 8 - Incident Response Plan (IRP)
SSP ATTACHMENT 9 - Control Implementation Summary (CIS) Workbook
SSP ATTACHMENT 10 - Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 199
SSP ATTACHMENT 11 - Separation of Duties Matrix
SSP ATTACHMENT 12 - Laws and Regulations (if additional system-specific
laws or regulations apply (e.g., HIPAA), include them)
SSP ATTACHMENT 13 - Integrated Inventory Workbook
Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M)
Continuous Monitoring Strategy (required by CA-7)
Continuous Monitoring Monthly Executive Summary
Cloud Service Providers Documentation Responsibilities
System Security Plan (SSP) - Must be submitted in Word format and a PDF
SSP ATTACHMENT 1 - Information Security Policies and Procedures
(covering all control families)
SSP ATTACHMENT 3 - Digital Identity Worksheet
SSP ATTACHMENT 4 - Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA)
SSP ATTACHMENT 4 - Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) (if the answer to any
of the qualifying questions in the PTA is “Yes”, complete the PIA template
and submit it as an attachment to the SSP)
SSP ATTACHMENT 5 - Rules of Behavior (RoB)
SSP ATTACHMENT 6 - Information System Contingency Plan (ISCP) (be sure
to include the Contingency Plan Test Report in Appendix G of the ISCP)
FedRAMP Initial Authorization Package Checklist (cont.)
Security Assessment Plan (SAP)
Must be submitted in Word format; final versions
can be submitted in PDF, after a FedRAMP
Authorized designation is achieved
SAP APPENDIX A - Security Test Case
SAP APPENDIX B - Penetration Testing Plan
and Methodology
SAP APPENDIX C - 3PAO Supplied Deliverables
(e.g., Penetration Test Rules of Engagement,
Sampling Methodology)
Security Assessment
Report (SAR)
Must be submitted in Word
format; final versions can be
submitted in PDF, after a
FedRAMP Authorized
designation is achieved
Third Party Assessment Organizations Documentation Responsibilities
SAR APPENDIX A - Risk Exposure Table
SAR APPENDIX B - Security Test Case Procedures
SAR APPENDIX C - Infrastructure Scan Results
SAR APPENDIX D - Database Scan Results
SAR APPENDIX E - Web Scan Results
NOTE: Provide all fully authenticated infrastructure, database, and
web scans results generated by the scanner in a readable format.
Do not provide files that require a scan license to read the file.
Bundle scan results into one zip file.
SAR APPENDIX I - Auxiliary Documents (e.g., evidence artifacts)
SAR APPENDIX J - Penetration Test Report
FedRAMP Initial Authorization Package Checklist (cont.)
The Authorizing Official or AO Documentation Responsibilities
There are two approaches to obtaining a FedRAMP authorization:
𑁋 A provisional authorization through the Joint Authorization Board (JAB)
𑁋 An authorization through an agency
Either the JAB or agency is responsible for the Authorization To Operate Letter (ATO) letter.
In the agency authorization path, agencies may work directly with a cloud service provider (CSP) for authorization at any time. CSPs
that make a business decision to work directly with an agency to pursue an Authority to Operate (ATO) will work with the agency
throughout the FedRAMP authorization process.
For a JAB authorization, cloud service providers must submit a business case through the FedRAMP Connect process.
FedRAMP may prioritize up to 12 CSOs for a JAB authorization per year.
𑁋 In the business case provided to the FedRAMP Connect Team, the most important prioritization criteria is to demonstrate
government-wide demand for the cloud service offering. Second, cloud service offerings who are FedRAMP Ready have
preference in prioritization.
SSP Overview
Objectives of the SSP
What is a System
Security Plan or
The system security plan provides an overview of the security requirements for a cloud service
The system security plan describes the controls in place, or planned for implementation, to
provide a level of security appropriate for the information to be transmitted, processed, or stored
by a system.
The system security plan contains the:
𑁋 Authorization boundary diagram
𑁋 Data flow diagram
𑁋 Types of inheritances from other FedRAMP leveraged systems
𑁋 External services in use by the system (external services are other cloud services that are
not FedRAMP authorized such as corporate services and external update services)
𑁋 Federally noted pieces that should be adequately described and secured. For instance:
Development/test environments
Any transport services
Multi-factor authentication
All alternate storage and processing sites
System Security Plan Document Attachments
FedRAMP does add emphasis to
these documents being carefully and
thoughtfully created:
IT Contingency Plan; Incident
Response Plan; Configuration
Management Plan; Privacy Threshold
Analysis/Privacy Impact Analysis;
Control Implementation Summary
The SSP is aligned with the following attachments:
SSP ATTACHMENT 1 Information Security Policies and Procedures (covering all control families)
SSP ATTACHMENT 3 Digital Identity Worksheet
SSP ATTACHMENT 4 Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA)
SSP ATTACHMENT 4 Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) (if the answer to any of the qualifying questions in the PTA is “Yes”,
complete the PIA template and submit it as an attachment to the SSP)
SSP ATTACHMENT 5 Rules of Behavior (RoB)
SSP ATTACHMENT 6 Information System Contingency Plan (ISCP) (be sure to include the Contingency Plan Test Report in
Appendix G of the ISCP)
SSP ATTACHMENT 7 Configuration Management Plan (CMP)
SSP ATTACHMENT 8 Incident Response Plan (IRP)
SSP ATTACHMENT 9 Control Implementation Summary (CIS)/Customer Responsibility Matrix (CRM) Workbook
SSP ATTACHMENT 10 Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 199
SSP ATTACHMENT 11 Separation of Duties Matrix
SSP ATTACHMENT 12 Laws and Regulations (if additional system-specific laws or regulations apply (e.g., HIPAA), include
SSP ATTACHMENT 13 Integrated Inventory Workbook
Necessary Organization and System Attributes
The cloud service offering must be documented to demonstrate important aspects such as:
1. The system boundary and all data flows internally, externally, and traversing the system boundary
2. All dataflows that have FIPS 140 validated encryption internally, externally, and traversing the system boundary with the correct
directional arrows
3. The customer responsibilities, for each security control, defined in the system baseline and what the leveraging partner must do to
implement controls.
4. System diagrams that show the cloud service offering provides identification and two-factor authentication plus all authentication
methods minimally for:
a. Network access by privileged customer accounts
b. Network access by non-privileged customer accounts
c. Network access by the cloud service privileged administrators
d. Local access by the cloud service privileged administrators (when applicable)
5. All scanning capabilities for operating systems, databases, and web applications
6. The CSP can remediate high risks within 30 days, moderate risks within 90 days, and low risks within 180 days
7. An inventory for all hardware, software, and firmware
FedRAMP Mindset for SSP Development
How to Write a System
Security Plan
1. Writing Takes Time and Effort
2. Strongly and Clearly Articulate System Functionality
3. Tell a Story
4. Answer Who, What, When, and How
5. Answer 100% of the Controls
6. Be Clear, Concise, Consistent, and Complete
7. Adequately Reference all Documentation
8. Ensure Compliance with FedRAMP Policy
SSP Organization and Scope
Section 1: Identifies information system name and title
Section 2: Identifies the system categorization and digital identity determination
Section 3: Identifies the system owner and contact information
Section 4: Identifies the authorizing official
Section 5: Identifies other designated contacts
Section 6: Identifies the assignment of security responsibility
Section 7: Identifies the information system operational status
Section 8: Identifies the type of information system
Section 9: Describes the function and purpose of the information system
Section 10: Describes the information system environment and inventory
Section 11: Identifies interconnections between other information systems
Section 12: Laws, regulations, standards, and guidance
Section 13: Minimum Security Controls
Sections 1-8: Identifying the System
Using the
If you have questions email
All tables in the SSP template should be populated with the most current information - the “as is” state.
Since the SSP is a living document, it will change based on the system environment.
𑁋 If something changes in the SSP, normally the change affects other documents (e.g., the
Control Implementation Summary (CIS)/Customer Responsibility Matrix (CRM), the
“dash “1” control documentation, etc.).
The FedRAMP PMO has incorporated blue italicized text instructions throughout the front
sections of the SSP.
𑁋 Once the instructions are met, the instruction can be removed from the document.
Consistency and accuracy are key.
𑁋 The SSP tells a complete story from the beginning to end.
Inconsistencies and inaccuracies result in inconsistencies and inaccuracies in
the security control implementation summaries.
The authorization boundary is explicitly identified in the network diagram.
The data flow diagram is aligned with the authorization boundary diagram.
Section 9: General System Description
System Function/Purpose
Explain your system's technical function and purpose
Please refrain from including marketing language/material.
Information System Components & Boundaries
Describe the information system’s major components, inter-
connections, and boundaries in sufficient detail that fully and
accurately depicts the authorization boundary for the information
Types of Users
Include all roles and privileges, including system
administrators, database administrators, customer end users,
and customer administrators as role types.
Ensure that roles and privileges are specific and detailed enough to
support 3PAO testing.
Network Architecture
Provide a legible and complete network diagram, which maps all
system components.
If the authorization boundary shows sufficient detail regarding items like
virtual private networks, subnets, ports and protocols, DNSSEC, the
authorization boundary might also be able to be used as the network
Section 10: System Environment and Inventory
System Technical Environment
General description of the technical system environment
System Inventory
Directions for attaching the FedRAMP Inventory Workbook (Att. 13 FedRAMP Inventory
Workbook) can be found within the template
Data Flows
Describe all data flows and stores of data
Include data flows for privileged and non-privileged authentication/authorization to the system for internal
and external users and encryption for all flows and stores internally, externally, and traversing the system
Ports, Protocols, and Services
Indicates the components of the information system that make use of the ports, protocols and
This section has
the following
Section 11: System Interconnections
Must be consistent with Table 13-3 - CA-3 Authorized Connections
Lists each service provider IP address
External Organization and IP address of the system
External point of contact and phone number
Connection security (IPSec, VPN, SSL Certificates, and Secure File Transfer)
Data direction (incoming, outgoing, or both)
Information being transmitted
Port or circuit numbers
Section 12: Laws, Regulations, Standards and Guidance
GUIDANCE…………………………………………………………………. 18
12.1. Applicable Laws and Regulations………………………………………………………….………………………….
12.2. Applicable Standards and Guidance……………...………………………..……………………………………….
Section 13: Minimum Security Controls
Security controls must meet the minimum security control baseline requirements for:
Access Control (AC)
Audit and Accountability (AU)
Awareness and Training (AT)
Configuration Management (CM)
Contingency Planning (CP)
Identification and Authentication (IA)
Incident Response (IR)
Maintenance (MA)
Media Protection (MP)
Personnel Security (PS)
Physical and Environmental Protection (PE)
Planning (PL)
Risk Assessment (RA)
Security Assessment and Authorization (SA)
Supply Chain Risk Management
System and Communications Protection (SC)
System and Information Integrity (SI)
System and Services Acquisitions (SA)
Course Recap
Course Recap
As a recap to the course material, let’s review a few key takeaways:
When writing the SSP think of the 4 C’s - Clear, Concise, Consistent and Complete.
The SSP provides a global view of how the system is structured and is the focal point for all FedRAMP
documentation but other documents that are provided along with the SSP have direct impact on the structure
and content provided in the SSP.
System boundary is a very critical concept for cloud security models and impacts the risk authorization levels for
FedRAMP assessment. Security controls must meet minimum security control baseline requirements as defined
by NIST 800-53A Rev 4.
A high level of detail is required for writing FedRAMP control implementations and give a 3PAO solid
evidence/artifacts when testing the control.
Learn more at
Contact us at
Penetration Guidance
NIST 800 53
A2LA Website
SAP Template
Rev 4 Test Case Workbook
201 B Training