November 2023
Safe Streets for All
A transportation safety update to JPACT
and the Metro Council
2 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
Metro respects civil rights
Metro fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that requires that no
person be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise
subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin under any program
or activity for which Metro receives federal financial assistance.
Metro fully complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act that requires that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability
be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to
discrimination solely by reason of their disability under any program or activity for which
Metro receives federal financial assistance.
If any person believes they have been discriminated against regarding the receipt of
benefits or services because of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, they have
the right to file a complaint with Metro. For information on Metro’s civil rights program, or
to obtain a discrimination complaint form, visit
or call 503-
Metro provides services or accommodations upon request to persons with disabilities and
people who need an interpreter at public meetings. If you need a sign language interpreter,
communication aid or language assistance, call 503-797-1700 or TDD/TTY 503-797-1804
(8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays) 5 business days before the meeting. All Metro meetings are
wheelchair accessible. For up-to-date public transportation information, visit TriMet’s
website at
Metro is the federally mandated metropolitan planning organization designated by the
governor to develop an overall transportation plan and to allocate federal funds for the
The Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) is a 17-member committee
that provides a forum for elected officials and representatives of agencies involved in
transportation to evaluate transportation needs in the region and to make
recommendations to the Metro Council. The established decision-making process assures a
well-balanced regional transportation system and involves local elected officials directly in
decisions that help the Metro Council develop regional transportation policies, including
allocating transportation funds. JPACT serves as the MPO board for the region in a unique
partnership that requires joint action with the Metro Council on all MPO decisions.
Project web site:
The preparation of this report was financed in part by the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration. The
opinions, findings and conclusions expressed in this report are not necessarily those of
the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and Federal
Transit Administration
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 3
Letter from the Director................................................................................................................. 5
Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction and the Safe System Approach ................................................................................. 7
Safe System Approach Elements and Principles......................................................................... 9
Intersection of Traffic Safety And Public Health........................................................................... 11
Notable Safety Actions Since 2021 ............................................................................................... 12
Update on the Roadway Safety Problem ..................................................................................... 14
2021 Safety Performance Measures ........................................................................................ 15
Fatality Trends ......................................................................................................................... 16
Race and Ethnicity .................................................................................................................... 17
Pedestrians .............................................................................................................................. 19
Speed and Intoxication ............................................................................................................ 20
Vehicle Design .......................................................................................................................... 22
Urban Arterials ......................................................................................................................... 25
Taking Action New Safety Strategies ......................................................................................... 27
Data and Methods ....................................................................................................................... 29
Resources ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 1 Road fatalities per 100,000 people in International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis
Group (IRTAD) countries, 2021 ...................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2 Upstream Approach to Public Health Issues .................................................................. 11
Table 1 Notable Safety Actions Since 2021 .................................................................................. 13
Safe System Approach element ................................................................................................... 13
Notable safety actions since 2021................................................................................................ 13
Figure 3 Annual Traffic Fatalities, Trend, and Targets 2007-2022, Greater Portland Region ....... 15
Table 2 Federal Safety Performance Measures, Greater Portland Region, 2017-2021 ................ 16
Figure 4 All Crashes by Year, 2007-2011 Greater Portland Region .............................................. 16
Figure 5 All Fatal (Injury K) Crasher by Year, 2017-2022 Greater Portland Region....................... 17
Figure 6 All Serious Injury (A) Crashes by Year, 2007-2022 Greater Portland Region .................. 17
4 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
Figure 7 Traffic Fatalities per 100k Population, by Race and Ethnicity in Clackamas, Multnomah,
and Washington Counties, 2017-2021 ......................................................................................... 19
Figure 8 Number of Pedestrian Deaths Compared to All Other Traffic Deaths in the Greater
Portland Region, 2017-2022 ........................................................................................................ 20
Figure 9 Contributing Factors in Deadly Traffic Crashes, Greater Portland Region, 2017-2021 ... 21
Figure 10 Speed Involved Traffic Deaths and Life Changing Injuries in the Greater Portland
Region, 2017-2022 ....................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 11 Percentage Change of New Vehicle Sales by Body Type, 1990-2022 ........................... 23
Figure 12 Average Vehicle Weight by Body Type Over Time in Oregon, 2009-2022 .................... 23
Figure 13 Probability of Survival Based on Speed of Vehicle Impact ........................................... 25
Figure 14 Regional High Injury Corridors, Intersections and Equity Focus Areas ......................... 26
Table 3 Planned and proposed safety strategies ......................................................................... 28
Safe System Approach element ................................................................................................... 28
Planned and proposed safety strategies for the next two years .................................................. 28
Table 4 Crashes in the Greater Portland Area, 2007-2021 ........................................................... 30
Table 5 2021 Traffic Fatality Rates per 100,000 People ............................................................... 31
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 5
Our region is facing growing roadway safety challenges as seen across the United
States and in Oregon. These challenges reflect systemic issues impacting
communities large and small, but that disproportionately impact lower income and
communities of color.
The multifaceted nature of traffic safety challenges may appear daunting, but it is
crucial that we tackle them collectively and strategically, with a sense of shared
purpose and unwavering commitment to eliminating traffic-related deaths and
serious injuries. With federal funding Metro can work with partners to focus more
deeply on roadway safety using the Safe System Approach over the next few years.
Our goal is to transform our region into a place where every resident, regardless of
their background, income, or zip code, can enjoy the benefits of safe, accessible,
and reliable transportation. Together, we will not only make our roadways safer
but also work to right the historical and contemporary injustices that have
disproportionately impacted our communities for far too long. This will require
dedication, collaboration, and innovative thinking, and I have no doubt that we are
up to the challenge.
Our safety program staff have prepared this report to kick-off the implementation
of the federally funded Safe Streets for All (SS4A) grant, which will fund regional
and local safety program activities. This report will be used to frame initial
discussions with regional partners as Metro and jurisdictional partners develop
work plans. We want to learn what data and information Metro can provide to
support local, regional, and state efforts and determine what additional questions
we need to be asking to arrive at effective solutions. As the regional government
and MPO, Metro serves as the regional convenor and coordinator with the
intention of making our collective actions more effective.
Working together in coordination we will realize a future where death and serious
injuries are no longer consequences of using our transportation system.
Catherine Ciarlo, Director
Planning, Research and Development
6 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
This report provides a preliminary overview of traffic-
related deaths and life changing injuries in the greater
Portland region since 2017 and a summary of actions
undertaken in the past few years by regional, state and
local partners since 2021, when the last comprehensive
update was provided to the Metro Council and Metro’s
technical and policy committees with the
Progress Report on the Regional Transportation Safety
This report was developed to support discussions with Metro’s technical and
policy advisory committees and the Metro Council as Metro begins to coordinate
efforts with government and community partners to implement the Safe Streets
for All program activities.
Metro, in partnership with Washington County, the City of Tigard and Multnomah
County and the cities of East Multnomah County received a federal Safe Streets for
All grant for the purpose of developing local safety action plans, updating the
regional safety action plan and advancing safety strategies. Using this report as a
starting place, Metro is seeking guidance and input from the Metro Council and
Metro’s technical and policy committees and other partners on what analysis and
information will increase understanding of safety challenges and solutions.
Metro will coordinate with government, community, and business partners on the
Safe Streets for All project over the next few years on this effort. The final section
of the report lists high-level actions that would benefit from coordinated efforts.
Metro Regional Transportation Safety Strategy 2-year progress report, June
The data presented in this
report represent real people
members of our regional
community. The victims of
traffic crashes are family
members, friends, and
coworkers in our region.
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 7
In the past ten years, state, regional and local transportation agencies and the
communities they serve have adopted and begun implementing transportation
safety action plans with goals to eliminate traffic deaths and life-changing injuries
using the proven Safe System Approach,
recognizing that this approach has been
successful in greatly reducing serious crashes in other places.
2016 - City of Portland adopts the first Vison Zero Plan in the state, with a goal to
eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2025.
2018 - JPACT and the Metro Council adopt the Regional Transportation Safety
Strategy with the goal to eliminate traffic deaths and life changing injuries by
2019 - Clackamas County adopts the updated Drive to Zero safety action plan, with
a goal to eliminate fatal and serious injury crashes by 2035. The County developed
the first safety plan in the state in 2012.
2021 - Oregon Transportation Commission adopts the Transportation Safety
Action Plan with a goal to eliminate traffic deaths by 2035.
2023 - Metro updates the 2023 Regional Transportation Plan, including regional
safety policies embedded in the Safe System approach; the City of Hillsboro begins
development of a safety action plan, and the City of Tigard, Multnomah County and
the cities of East Multnomah County, and Washington County prepare to develop
safety action plans.
The Safe System approach relies on multiple, complementary safety interventions
for all people who use our roadways to prevent crashes from occurring in the first
place and to reduce harm if a crash occurs.
When the Metro Council and JPACT adopted a regional strategy to eliminate traffic
deaths and life changing injuries, it was clear that confronting this challenge would
be neither easy nor quickly resolved. People dying on our highways, streets, and
roads is an ingrained and persistent problem, one that many in society have come
to accept as part of our everyday lives.
ITF (2022), Road Safety Annual Report 2022, OECD Publishing, Paris.
ITF (2022), Road Safety Annual Report 2022, OECD Publishing, Paris.
8 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
In recognition of the need to substantially change how the region views and
addresses roadway safety, the Regional Transportation Safety Strategy
commits to
the Safe System Approach the region’s guiding principle.
The Safe System Approach has been used with great success in a growing number
of nations and cities around the world and has now taken hold in the United States.
The Safe System Approach has origins in Sweden through its Vision Zero program
and with the Sustainable Safety program in the Netherlands. These early adopters
experienced impressive decreases in roadway deathseach with at least a 50%
reduction in fatalities between 1994 and 2019. The concept has spread to other
countries in Europe and beyond with notable success in Australia and New
Zealand. The progress of these counties, compared to the United States, is
illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Road fatalities per 100,000 people in International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis
Group (IRTAD) countries, 2021
Source: International Transport Road Safety Annual Report 2022
While Figure 1 shows that there are over 12 traffic fatalities for every 100, 000
people in the United States, the 2017-2021 per capita fatality rate in the greater
Portland region is 6 people per 100,000 people, closer to some of the countries
that are moving in the right direction. The regional per capita rate is lower than
Oregon’s (12). Washington County has the lowest fatality rate in the region (4).
Clackamas and Multnomah County have fatality rates double that of Washington
County (8). Refer to Table 5 for per capita 2017-2021 fatality rates for Oregon, the
region, the three counties, and all cities in the region.
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 9
Safe System Approach Elements and Principles
There are five elements of the Safe System Approach:
Safe People. Encourage safe,
responsible behavior by people who
use our roads and create conditions
that prioritize their ability to reach
their destination unharmed.
Safe Roads. Design roadway
environments to mitigate human
mistakes and account for injury
tolerances, to encourage safer
behaviors, and to facilitate safe travel
by the most vulnerable users.
Safe Vehicles. Expand the availability
of vehicle systems and features that
help to prevent crashes and minimize
the impact of crashes on both
occupants and non-occupants.
Safe Speeds. Promote safer speeds in all roadway environments through a
combination of thoughtful, context-appropriate roadway design, targeted
education and outreach campaigns, and enforcement.
Post-Crash Care. Enhance the survivability of crashes through expedient access to
emergency medical care while creating a safe working environment for vital first
responders and preventing secondary crashes through robust traffic incident
management practices.
With the Safe System approach, these five elements work together to create a safe,
redundant transportation system. In such a system, if one layer fails another layer
is in place to prevent serious harm.
Six principles underpin the Safe System approach:
Death and serious injuries are unacceptable. The Safe System approach rejects
the idea that these are simply the price of mobility.
People make mistakes, so the transportation system should be designed and
operated to avoid death and serious injuries when a crash occurs.
Human bodies are vulnerable and have physical limits for tolerating crash forces
before death or serious injury occurs; therefore, it is critical to design and operate
a transportation system and vehicles that is human-centric and accommodates
physical human vulnerabilities.
10 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
Responsibility is shared among those who design, build, and manage streets and
vehicles, those who use these streets and vehicles, and those who provide care
after crashes.
Safety is proactive. Systemic change is needed to prevent serious crashes.
Redundancy is crucial. If one layer of the system fails, another layer is in place to
prevent serious injury.
A cyclist rides their bicycle through a crosswalk at a roundabout along a tree lined street, a pedestrian
stands on the corner in Orenco Station, Hillsboro
Source: Metro
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 11
Preventing fatal and serious traffic injuries is an intersectional issue that is not
only about the physical design of roadways but also social, economic, and political
power. Solutions for improving road safety and preventing serious crashes are
more effective when they are developed with an understanding of contextual
factors that impact roadway safety. Including holistic solutions to address
upstream public health issues including mental health, discrimination, substance
abuse, income inequality, and housing and job insecurity, will make roadways
safer for everyone.
Public health is focused on creating a safe transportation system through street
design, but we are acutely aware of the need to also address contextual factors
such as housing, mental and behavioral health, substance abuse, and cost of
living.” Public Health Data Report: Traffic Crash Deaths in Multnomah County,
August 2023
Roadways are the meeting places of communities and can reflect the health of
communities. Supporting solutions that complement traffic safety
countermeasures, such as affordable housing and substance abuse rehabilitation
will result in better outcomes.
Figure 2 Upstream Approach to Public Health Issues
Figure 2 illustrates an upstream
approach to addressing roadway
safety. Core to the concept is
promoting healthy environments
including roads and streets,
preventing injury by creating a
transportation system where traffic
crashes do not result in serious
injury, and addressing social
injustice to address the root causes
of traffic safety disparities.
Source: BCCDC Foundation for Population and Public Health
12 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
The actions needed to significantly improve safety, protect people from traffic
death and injury, and achieve a cultural shift that treats roadway deaths as
unacceptable are multi-year endeavors. Although it may take years of sustained
effort to realize substantial reductions in lives lost due to traffic crashes, regional
partners have been taking actions to target our most significant and urgent
problems to improve road traffic safety.
Table 1 provides a summary of notable actions of local, regional, and state
governments with the support and championship of communities and advocates.
These actions are in addition to ongoing city, county, regional, state, and advocacy
led safety programs.
A cyclist exits a separated bikeway in SE Portland.
Source: Metro
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 13
Table 1 Notable Safety Actions Since 2021
Safe System
Notable safety actions since 2021
warded $1.6 million regional funds to local SRTS programs for education and
activities across the region.
Passed the
2023 Bike Bus Bill (House Bill 3014) giving schools more flexibility spending
state transportation funds
Instituted modifications to the
Safe Routes to School program in the 2023 Omnibus
Transportation Bill
(House Bill 2099) increasing the radius for eligible schools, and
updates to DMV regulations related to safety.
Passed the
2021 Driving Under the Influence of Psilocybin bill (House Bill 3140).
Added clarifications to laws related to
Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants
Senate Bill 201).
Safe Roads
$613 million for capital projects to improve safety in the FY 21-24 and 24-27
, including $14 million for SRTS infrastructure projects and $47.4 million in
regional funds
Applied the
ODOT Blueprint for Urban Design to all urban projects scoped for the
2024/2027 STIP cycle
, and several projects in the 2021/2024 STIP.
Advanced safety
improvements on high injury urban arterials, such as: Outer Division
Safety Project
, 82nd Avenue; 122
Avenue SS4A, OR 8 at East Lane (Cornelius)
Pedestrian Safety Project,
OR 141: SW Hall Boulevard Pedestrian Safety
Continued planning for
safety improvement on high injury urban arterials, including:
Tualatin Valley Highway Transit Project
, McLoughlin Boulevard Investments Strategy,
82nd Avenue Transit Project
Established the state
Jurisdictional Transfer Advisory Committee (House Bill 2793) to
recommend highways for jurisdictional transfer
Developed a new regional mobility policy that measures safety in addition to
Safe Vehicles
Developed research examining the role of v
ehicle design and speed as a factor in the
severity of pedestrian injury in Oregon
Safe Speeds
Expansion of
Portland’s use of cameras in traffic enforcement, up to 40 cameras at the
end of 2024
Passed legislation to allow all cities in Oregon to install t
raffic cameras and set
designated speeds on certain types of residential streets at up to 10 miles below the
statutory speed (provided it’s not less than 20 mph)
(House Bill 2095).
Passed legislation
(House Bill 4105) making it easier for jurisdictions to review and
issue citations based on photo rada
No new activities reported.
14 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
Traffic violence continues to be one of the major public health crises facing many
communities in the greater Portland region. In a trend seen in the region, in
Oregon, and across the United States the number of traffic deaths have been on the
rise for the past decade.
While cities, counties, the state, and the region make significant investments in
proven safety measures, other factors that impact safety have been moving in the
wrong direction. These factors include, increasing car size and car weight and
increasing driver speed.
It will likely take years of sustained investments in proactive and systemic safety
countermeasures that separate roadway users and calm traffic to realize
substantial reductions in lives lost due to traffic crashes.
Analysis of traffic crashes in the greater Portland region since 2017 indicate:
Traffic deaths are increasing.
Pedestrian deaths have risen disproportionately over the past decade.
Black and Native American people are at much higher risk of being killed in a
traffic crash whether driving, walking, or bicycling.
Intoxicated driving is a leading risk factor for deadly crashes.
High traffic speeds continue to be a risk factor.
Increasingly heavier, larger vehicles on roadways is a growing risk factor.
Arterial roadways account for most deadly crashes.
Figure 3 illustrates that the region is not on track towards zero traffic deaths and
serious injuries. The blue bars and red numbers show the increase in the annual
average traffic deaths each year since 2009. The blue numbers and blue dotted line
indicate regional targets. The average number of yearly traffic deaths increased
56% between 2016 and 2022, increasing, on average, by 8% each year.
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 15
Figure 3 Annual Traffic Fatalities, Trend, and Targets 2009-2022, Greater Portland Region
Source: ODOT crash data 2007-2021, ODOT preliminary crash data 2022, Metro 2018 RTP targets
Compared to 2021, traffic deaths in the greater Portland region in 2022
17% - 125 lives were lost, the highest total number recorded since 2007.
29% for people walking - 49 pedestrians were killed, the highest number recorded
since 2007, the first year of data that Metro began tracking.
80% among motorcyclists, 27 motorcyclists were killed, the highest number
recorded since 2007.
2021 Safety Performance Measures
Safety performance measures compare observed number and rate of traffic
fatalities and serious injuries to targets set in the 2018 Regional Transportation
Plan. The region is not on track to meet its targets. In fact, across all the measures
summarized in Table 2, the region’s streets have gotten less safe since compared to
baseline data established in 2015.
Preliminary 2022 Fatal & Serious Injury data, Oregon Department of Transportation,
16 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
Table 2 Federal Safety Performance Measures, Greater Portland Region, 2017-2021
Performance Measure
5-year rolling averages
Number of fatalities 62 49 98
Fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled 0.6 0.4 0.9
Number of serious injuries 458 357 544
Serious injuries per 100 million vehicle miles traveled 4.5 3.3 5.0
Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries 113 95 122
Source: Source: ODOT crash data 2017-2021, analyzed by Metro
Fatality Trends
While the total number of crashes has decreased since 2007, as shown in Figure 4,
the number of deadly crashes has increased, especially since 2016, as shown in
Figure 5. The increase is due primarily to the increase in pedestrian fatalities. The
number of serious injury or life-changing crashes after remaining somewhat
constant since 2007 increased 134% from 2020 to 2022, shown in Figure 6.
This pattern points to the need to focus on the contributing factors of fatal traffic
crashes, namely intoxication, speed, roadway design, pedestrian safety, and
heavier vehicles.
Figure 4 All Crashes by Year, 2007-2021 Greater Portland Region
Source: ODOT crash data 2007-2021
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 17
Figure 5 All Fatal (Injury K) Crasher by Year, 2007-2022 Greater Portland Region
Source: ODOT crash data 2007-2021, ODOT preliminary crash data 2022
Figure 6 All Serious Injury (A) Crashes by Year, 2007-2022 Greater Portland Region
Source: ODOT crash data 2007-2021, ODOT preliminary crash data 2022
Race and Ethnicity
Within the three counites, Native Americans and Black people are being killed in
traffic crashes at higher rates than white people. Analysis from the National
Highway Traffic Administration concludes that by several measures, roadway
travel is less risky for white people than for most other race-ethnicity groups; this
2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024
All Fatal (Injury K) Crashes by Year, 2007-2022
Greater Portland Region
18 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
disparity persists, even accounting for the amount and mode of travel.
And, recent
analysis from Multnomah County Health Department found that rising traffic
fatality rates in the region are largely driven by growing pedestrian fatalities, the
impacts of which are disproportionately experienced by Black, Indigenous, and
people of color (BIPOC), people with lower incomes, and people likely
experiencing houselessness.
For all traffic fatalities 2017-2022 in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington
Black people experience a fatality rate 40% higher than white people, though
lower than the national average.
Native Americans experience a traffic fatality rate that is 129% higher than white
Hispanic/ Latinx people experience a traffic fatality rate that is 18% lower than
white people, and Asian people experience a traffic fatality rate that is 186% lower
than white people. This is consistent with national rates.
Black pedestrians are killed at a rate twice as high compared to white pedestrians,
and Native American pedestrians experience a traffic fatality rate that is 141%
higher than the rate of white pedestrians.
Three quarters of serious pedestrian and bicycle crashes, and 65% of all serious
crashes, occur in areas identified as Equity Focus Areas.
Evaluating Disparities in Traffic Fatalities by Race, Ethnicity, and Income, NHTSA, United States
Department of Transportation, January 2022
Public Health Data Report: Traffic Crash Deaths in Multnomah County Taking a Safe System approach
to address traffic-related fatality trends & contributing factors, Multnomah County, 2020-2021 August
Disparities by Race or Ethnic Origin, National Safety Council
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 19
Figure 7 Traffic Fatalities per 100k Population, by Race and Ethnicity in Clackamas,
Multnomah, and Washington Counties, 2017-2021
Source: Fatality Analysis Reporting System, 2017-2021, Race and Ethnicity Population Estimates 2020
Census, Metro
Fatal pedestrian traffic deaths in the region, in Oregon, and across the United
States continue to rise; the 2022 Dangerous by Design report
identified Oregon in
the top 20 states that are most dangerous for pedestrians based on pedestrian
fatalities between 2016 and 2020.
People walking are more likely to die in traffic crashes than people traveling by
other modes of transportation. While pedestrians are involved in only 2.5% of all
crashes, they represent 38% of all traffic fatalities.
Preliminary crash data for 2022 suggests that it will likely to be the highest count
of pedestrian deaths since Metro began tracking crashes, with 49 people were
killed in a traffic crash while walking, a 29% increase from 2021.
Dark or dim light conditions are a contributing factor in fatal pedestrian crashes -
75% of pedestrian deaths in the region occur when it is dark or dim out, while
57% of motor vehicle occupant deaths, 50% of bicycle deaths, and 44% of
motorcycle deaths occur in dark/dim lighting conditions.
2022 Dangerous by Design, Smart Growth America,
Dim/dark lighting conditions are darkness-no streetlights, darkness-with street lights, dawn (twilight),
dusk (twilight).
American Indian, Non-Hispanic
Asian, Non-Hispanic
Black, Non-Hispanic
Hispanic/ Latinx
Multiple Races, Non-Hispanic
Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic
White Non-Hispanic
Average Fatality Rate
Number of Traffic Fatalities per 100,000 Population
US Census Race and Ethnicity Categories
Traffic Fatalities per 100K Population, by Race and
Ethnicity in Clackamas, Multnomah, and
Washington Counties, 2017-2021
20 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
Figure 8 Number of Pedestrian Deaths Compared to All Other Traffic Deaths in the Greater
Portland Region, 2017-2022
Source: ODOT crash data 2007-2021, ODOT preliminary crash data 2022
Speed and Intoxication
While there are many factors that contribute to the likelihood of a crash occurring,
higher speeds and drugs and alcohol are among the top contributing factors to
deadly crashes in the region.
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 21
Figure 9 Contributing Factors in Deadly Traffic Crashes, Greater Portland Region, 2017-2021
Source: ODOT crash data 2007-2021
Crash causes, speed involved flag, drug and alcohol involved flag
Speed involved crashes tend to be deadlier: 36% of all traffic deaths involve
speeding, while only 7% of all crashes involve speeding.
Speed involved traffic fatalities and life changing injuries in the region have
doubled since 2017 and increased 81% from 2020 to 2022 reflecting a national
trend. In 2020 there were 117 traffic deaths involving speed, in 2022 there were
51% of fatalities in motor-vehicle-only crashes (crashes not involving pedestrians,
motorcyclists or bicyclists) involved speeding (average of 2017-2021 crash data).
15% of pedestrian fatalities involve speed, and18% of all motorcycle crashes and
45% of fatal motorcycle crashes involve speed
38% of all traffic deaths involve alcohol: 41% of motor vehicle occupant deaths,
36% of pedestrian deaths, 28% of motorcyclist deaths, and 19% of bicyclist deaths
involve alcohol.
22 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
49% of all traffic deaths involve drugs: 49% of motor vehicle occupant deaths,
49% of pedestrian deaths, 43% of motorcyclist deaths, and 44% of bicyclist deaths
involve drugs.
Figure 10 Speed Involved Traffic Deaths and Life Changing Injuries in the Greater Portland
Region, 2017-2022
Source: ODOT crash data 2007-2021, ODOT preliminary 2022 fatal and serious injury data
Vehicle Design
Heavier vehicles are contributing to more deadly crashes. The share of larger and
heavier vehicles in the United States and Oregon has been steadily rising over the
past ten years, as shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12.
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 23
Figure 11 Percentage Change of New Vehicle Sales by Body Type, 1990-2022
Figure 12 Average Vehicle Weight by Body Type Over Time in Oregon, 2009-2022
24 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
The growing share of heavier vehicles correlates to the increase in deadlier
crashes and pedestrian fatalities. Research indicates that larger vehicles including
pickups, SUVs, CUVs, and vans significantly increase the odds of a pedestrian being
seriously or fatally injured in the event of a crash, even at lower speeds.
Source: Consumer Reports
As vehicles get larger the impact of speed may be even more pronounced. Many
people are familiar by now with the graphics showing the impact of speed on
survivability for people walking, such as shown in Figure 13 from the National
Traffic Safety Board and Smart Growth America. An article by Smart Growth
America points out that “One important bit of fine print is that the data behind this
graphic (and almost all the other versions you see all over the internet) are
sourced from a 1995 European study that predates the significant shift of the
vehicle fleet (and increase in size) of the last two decades. This means that, today,
it could be that the likelihood of surviving crashes with an “average” vehicle in the
USat all speed levelscould be even worse than the graphic shows, because the
“average” vehicle is so much larger todayand getting bigger.”
Vehicle Design and Speed: Factors Associated with Pedestrian Injury Severity in the 1 Pacific
Northwest, Josh F. Roll, Oregon Department of Transportation, Submitted for presentation and
publication at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Submitted 8/1/2023
SUVs Responsible for More Pedestrian Deaths, December 22, 2003
The Hidden Danger of Big Trucks: Pickup trucks are getting larger and becoming a hazard to
pedestrians and drivers of smaller vehicles, Consumer Reports, Keith Barry, June 08, 2021
“Bigger vehicles are directly resulting in more deaths of people walking” Steve Davis, April 12, 2021,
Smart Growth America,
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 25
Figure 13 Probability of Survival Based on Speed of Vehicle Impact
Urban Arterials
Urban arterials are critical transport corridors. They are transit and freight routes,
and important routes for trips made by car, walking and bicycling. They typically
have speeds of at least 35 mph with four or more travel lanes and they carry tens
of thousands of vehicles per day. Without systemic safety interventions, these
roads are more dangerous due to a combination of high traffic speeds and
volumes, more lanes, a mix of travel modes and auto-oriented design and land
uses. These safety issues are exacerbated for pedestrians and bicyclists. Most
regional high injury corridors are urban arterials. Most speed involved, and drug
and alcohol involved serious crashes occur on urban arterials.
68% of traffic deaths and serious injuries occur on urban arterials, and 41% of
traffic deaths and serious injuries occur on major arterials, which make up only
5% of the roadway miles in the region.
There is more than one fatal crash every year on every mile of the deadliest high
injury corridors in the region.
Metro 2016-2020 High Injury Corridors Dashboard, 2022
26 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
54% of high injury corridors and 71% high injury intersections are in equity focus
areas, disproportionately impacting people of color and people with lower
59% of all alcohol involved crashes, 62% of all drug involved crashes, and 55% of
all speed involved crashes occur on arterials.
Figure 14 shows regional high injury corridors, intersections, and equity focus
areas (census tracts that above regional average populations of people of color,
people with limited English proficiency and people with low incomes) identified in
the Regional Transportation Plan. Sixty percent of all fatal and serious crashes and
all pedestrian and bicycle crashes in the region are on these corridors, which
account for about 6% of all roadway miles.
Figure 14 Regional High Injury Corridors, Intersections and Equity Focus Areas
Source: 2023 Regional Transportation Plan
Regional High Injury Corridors and Intersections Dashboard (2016-2020 crashes),
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 27
The actions needed to significantly improve safety are multi-year endeavors.
Although it may take years of sustained effort to realize substantial reductions in
lives lost due to traffic crashes, regional partners continue to implement short and
long-term strategies and actions to target our most significant and urgent
problems to improve road traffic safety.
The Safe System Approach requires a culture that places safety and equity first and
foremost in road system investment decisions. Systemic interventions that focus
on creating a safe transportation system are needed to address the safety trends
highlighted in this report.
Table 3 provides proposed strategies and actions that local, regional, and state
governments, communities and advocates could focus on in the coming years, in
addition to ongoing city, county, regional, state, and advocacy led safety programs.
Two adults and a child walk on a sidewalk along Tualatin Valley Highway in Cornelius.
Source: Metro
28 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
Table 3 Planned and proposed safety strategies
Safe System
Planned and proposed safety strategies for the next two years
Safe People
investments in stable housing, harm prevention, and behavioral health.
Support legislation to lower legal limits for blood alcohol content (BAC) to 0.
05 or
. Countries with lower BAC levels have lower fatality rates.
Develop in
-depth pedestrian traffic crash analysis with corresponding countermeasures
and strategies
Develop in
-depth crash victim analysis (age, seat belt use, BAC level, etc.)
Support strategies to reduce intoxicated driving, including enforcing Oregon law to not
serve people who are visibly intoxicated.
Safe Roads
Form a regional work group and convene interagency partners for coordination.
Develop strategies for additional funding (including SS4A) and prioritize HSIP and other
funding for systemic, corridor wide safety interventions on the urban arterials where
most deadly crashes occur, with a focus on pedestrian safety and speed reduction
Pilot ODOT Vulnerable User Crash Response team.
Hold workshop
s on street design, such asImproving Pedestrian Safety on Urban
Arterials: Learning from Australasia
Implement findings from the
Oregon Vulnerable Road User Assessment Safety
Develop regional high injury corridor profiles
Develop in
-depth assessment of primary causes and contributing factors of serious
crashes for each county and city in the region
Safe Vehicles
Identify and focus
on interventions and incentives to reduce the impact of heavier
Support legislation that prioritizes people when considering the
safety of new cars.
data to understand kinetic energy involved in crashes.
for state-level policies adopting intelligent speed technology systems and
detection systems in new vehicles.
Safe Speeds
Focus on
reducing speeds on high injury urban arterials through automated
, roadway design and lowering posted speeds to a maximum of 30mph.
Increase the number of fixed speed and red
-light cameras in the region.
Develop SS4A safety camera toolkit to support implementation
Hold workshop on speed setting and speed management.
Complete a scan of best practices for EMS response times to crash sites and
assessment of needs.
Review state and
national (NRSS) strategies on post-crash care to identify strategies
that could be supported at the regional level.
Use planned data exchange to link EMS response activities and hospital outcomes.
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 29
Data and Geography
Unless otherwise specified, all analysis uses the Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA)
boundary. Other boundaries used include county and city boundaries.
ODOT crash data 2007-2021, summarized by Metro and available at RLIS
Also see ODOT Crash Statistics and Reports.
Preliminary 2022 Fatal & Serious Injury data, Oregon Department of
Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
Metro streets data available at RLIS Discovery
Race and Ethnicity Population Estimates 2020 Census, Metro
American Community Survey, 1-Year and 5-Year
Data Tables
Between 2017 and 2021 in the greater Portland region, there were 93,322 crashes
documented in ODOT crash data. 232,435 people were involved in crashes, and
184, 279 vehicles (including bicycles and motorcycles).
Between 2007 and 2021, there were 312,422 crashes documented in the ODOT
crash data.
Metro RLIS
ODOT Crash Statistics and Reports
TDS Crash Reports
30 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
Table 4 Crashes in the Greater Portland Area, 2007-2021
Fatal Injury
Crash (K)
Minor Injury
Crash (B)
Possible Injury
Crash (C)
No Apparent
Injury/PDO (O) Total
64 531 2,132 4,837 12,073 19,637
47 693 1,936 5,029 10,755 18,460
56 302 1,873 6,042 9,921 18,194
46 359 2,310 7,117 10,267 20,099
54 455 2,489 8,404 11,191 22,593
63 421 2,653 8,556 11,371 23,064
66 363 2,429 7,666 12,213 22,737
56 383 2,512 8,219 12,123 23,293
65 480 2,655 9,881 11,635 24,716
80 525 2,701 10,099 12,902 26,307
82 477 2,581 9,019 12,174 24,333
86 453 2,502 8,537 8,858 20,436
91 495 2,281 8,326 8,970 20,163
101 360 1,647 4,851 6,051 13,010
101 649 3,276 4,514 6,840 15,380
Total All
Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council 31
Table 5 2021 Traffic Fatality Rates per 100,000 People
Fatality rate
per 100,000
State of Oregon 4,246,155 2541 12
Region (MPA) 1,740,845 488 6
Clackamas County 422,537 174 8
Multnomah County 803,377 337 8
Washington County 600,811 123 4
City of Beaverton 98,204 18 4
City of Cornelius 12,893 3 5
City of Durham 2,073 0 0
City of Fairview 10,439 6 11
City of Forest Grove 25,767 3 2
City of Gladstone 12,017 2 3
City of Gresham 113,106 54 10
City of Happy Valley 23,442 8 7
City of Hillsboro 106,651 25 5
City of Johnson City 451 0 0
City of King City 4,992 0 0
City of Lake Oswego 40,390 4 2
City of Maywood Park 1,054 0 0
City of Milwaukie 21,108 1 1
City of Oregon City 37,160 10 5
City of Portland 642,218 248 8
City of Rivergrove 545 0 0
City of Sherwood 20,281 1 1
City of Tigard 54,750 6 2
City of Troutdale 16,353 8 10
City of Tualatin 27,821 2 1
City of West Linn 27,173 3 2
City of Wilsonville 25,887 2 2
City of Wood Village 4,435 3 14
Source: ODOT 2021 crash data, American Community Survey, 1-year and 5-Year
population estimates. Notes: 1) Portland Metropolitan Planning Area geographically defined as Oregon
Census tracts that intersect Metropolitan Planning Area boundary. 2) 1-year estimates only available for
geographies with 65,000 persons or more.
32 Safe Streets for All Report to JPACT and Metro Council
The following resources support efforts of communities to apply the Safe System
approach and make streets safer for all.
Reports, Plans and Strategies
2023 Progress Report on the National Roadway Safety Strategy
, United States
Department of Transportation, February 2023
Public Health Data Report: Traffic Crash Deaths in Multnomah County Taking a
Safe System approach to address traffic-related fatality trends & contributing
factors, Multnomah County, 2020-2021, August 2023
Vision Zero Portland 2022 Deadly Traffic Crash Report, City of Portland, 2022
Oregon FFY 2023 Highway Safety Plan, Oregon Department of Transportation
Regional Transportation Safety Strategy, 2018, Metro
Data and Tools
Fatality and Injury Reporting System Tool (FIRST)
This query tool allows a user to
construct customized queries from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
and from the Crash Report Sampling System (CRSS).
Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Transportation Safety Dashboard
Metro 2016-2020 High Injury Corridors Dashboard
Race and Ethnicity
Disparities by Race or Ethnic Origin
, National Safety Council
Evaluating Disparities in Traffic Fatalities by Race, Ethnicity, and Income, NHTSA,
United States Department of Transportation, January 2022
Race and income disparities in pedestrian injuries: Factors influencing pedestrian
safety inequity, Josh Roll, Nathan McNeil, Transportation Research Part D:
Transport and Environment, Volume 107, 2022
Pedestrian Safety, Speed, and Urban Arterials
Global Benchmarking Program: Reducing Pedestrian Fatalities and Serious Injuries
on Urban Signalized Arterials, United States Department of Transportation,
September 2022
Safe and Healthy Urban Arterials, Policy Brief, Metro RTP, 2023
Speeding Away from Zero: Rethinking a Forgotten Traffic Safety Challenge,
Governors Highway Safety Association, January 2019
Speed Safety Camera Program Planning and Operations Guide, United States
Department of Transportation, 2023
If you picnic at Blue Lake or take your kids to the Oregon Zoo, enjoy symphonies at
the Schnitz or auto shows at the convention center, put out your trash or drive
your car we’ve already crossed paths.
So, hello. We’re Metro nice to meet you.
In a metropolitan area as big as Portland, we can do a lot of things better together.
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Metro Council President
Lynn Peterson
Metro Councilors
Ashton Simpson, District 1
Christine Lewis, District 2
Gerritt Rosenthal, District 3
Juan Carlos González, District 4
Mary Nolan, District 5
Duncan Hwang, District 6
Brian Evans
600 NE Grand Ave.
Portland, OR 97232-2736
December 13, 2023