Combining powerful OCR with essential PDF capabilities,
FineReader provides a single solution for working
with PDFs and scanned paper documents.
ABBYY FineReader 14
Your Single Solution for Working with Documents
Key Features
01 | Edit and Comment PDFs
02 | Convert PDFs and Scans
03 | Compare Documents
04 | Automate Conversion
Choose the Right FineReader
Benefits for You and Your Business
Team Benets
Business Benets
IT Benets
Volume Licenses for Businesses
Technical Specifications
2ABBYY FineReader 14
Edit and Comment PDFs
PDF has become the de-facto standard for sharing digital documents and information.
With FineReader 14, PDF documents, whether scanned or digitally created, are accessible
for immediate use. You can edit, comment and protect any type of PDF, ll out PDF forms,
collaborate with your colleagues, and create and share PDFs with ease.
Convert PDFs and Scans
For more than 20 years ABBYY FineReader has been synonymous with OCR (optical char-
acter recognition). It has enabled business professionals and knowledge workers around
the world to work more efciently with documents – allowing them to digitize and access
information previously locked in paper and image-based documents, nd relevant informa-
tion faster and better prepare documents for long-term archiving.
Compare Documents
Comparing text from different versions of a document is a time consuming and laborious
task. FineReader 14 provides an efcient and fast way to detect text differences between
two document versions and to make sure that no critical changes were made to previously
nalized text. You can now compare the nal version of a contract in Word with the scanned
copy that your partner sent back signed – quickly, easily and efciently.
Automate Conversion
Sometimes there are just too many documents to process one by one. With ABBYY
FineReader 14 this is no longer an issue. It provides Hot Folder tool that allows you to
schedule automated processing of your documents, leaving you free to deal with other
tasks. Whether you need to convert multiple images and scans into searchable PDF and
PDF/A documents for long-term archiving or conversion of documents into editable le
formats such as Microsoft® Word and Excel®, FineReader has your back.
ABBYY FineReader 14 is an all-in-one PDF and OCR software application for increasing document productivity.
It provides powerful tools for convenient work with both scanned paper documents and PDFs.
Your Single Solution for
Working with Documents
3ABBYY FineReader 14
Edit and
Comment PDFs
Key Features
4ABBYY FineReader 14
Extract information
Quick extraction of tables and text by selecting an area
directly either in digital or scanned PDF documents – no
additional text recognition needed.
Protect documents and information
Redaction of sensitive information so that it cannot be
retrieved at a later point of time. Even from multiple
instances within the document simultaneously.
Quick removal of “hidden data” within PDF documents
– metadata, text layers, comments, attached les,
bookmarks, etc.
Different levels of password protection restrict opening,
printing, editing or accessing of information in a PDF.
Control of the integrity and authenticity of PDFs through
application of one or multiple digital signatures.
Create PDFs
Creation of PDF documents from a scanner, from Ofce
documents or from any application with a print function
using the virtual printer.
Creating of multiple PDFs or merging of different le
formats into one PDF document.
MRC compression when creating PDFs – delivers the
same visual quality in a smaller le size.
Convenient PDF viewer with extras
Using FineReader as default PDF viewer makes the infor-
mation in any type of PDF document – whether scanned
or digitally created – immediately actionable.
PDFs are immediately searchable as soon as they are
opened, even if they were created using a scanner.
Convenient adding and editing of bookmarks to quickly
return to important parts of a document.
Easy navigation through documents thanks to a variety of
display options.
Collaborate with colleagues
Versatile commenting and annotation tools enable you
to exchange feedback and ideas with your colleagues, as
well as track the status of comments.
Drawing tools for commenting graphs, charts, drawings
and other document elements, besides text.
Edit and modify PDF documents
Direct editing of typos and other small corrections within
a PDF – works for both digitally created and scanned
documents alike.
Rearranging or adding new pages or even adding and
moving images.
Adding, changing or removing document properties (meta-
Form lling for interactive elds in PDF forms.
Convert PDFs
and Scans
5ABBYY FineReader 14
Scan and convert documents into editable formats
Up to 99.8 %* recognition accuracy and precise retention
of layout and formatting deliver documents in editable
les (such as Microsoft® Ofce or OpenOfce® Writer
documents) that look just like the original.
Exact reconstruction of tables, even with complex struc-
tures, for performing editing and calculations directly
within Microsoft® Excel®.
Over 190 recognition languages, including newly-added
recognition of single-line mathematical formulas and
transcription symbols.
Superior conversion results from documents scanned
directly with FineReader thanks to automatic image
Check and correct recognition results
Side-by-side comparison of the original document
image and the recognized text gives a quick overview
of uncertain characters – or of recognition areas that
require adjustment.
Verication tool for systematic examination of every un-
certain character and immediate correction, if necessary.
* According to internal ABBYY tests. Accuracy, speed and formatting results may vary depending on document quality and scanner settings.
Prepare documents for digital archiving
Precise conversion of scanned documents into searcha-
ble PDF and PDF/A les for fast retrieval of documents
through keyword search and for long-term archiving.
MRC compression reduces the size of PDF les in
order to save storage space and costs, while
preserving the visual quality of documents.
Collect and consume information on the go
Conversion of scanned articles and books into e-book
formats such as EPUB® or FB2 for convenient reading on
the go.
Documents captured with digital cameras deliver con-
version results with the same exceptional quality as
scanned documents thanks to advanced image pre-pro-
*Connection fees for telephone and internet may apply.
Intuitive start screen provides a convenient hub for all
common tasks for working with scanned paper docu-
ments and PDFs of all types.
Simple and clear user interface makes dealing with both
regular and more complex tasks fast and easy.
Intelligent detection of document types eliminates addi-
tional manual steps, while delivering superior results.
Ease of Use
ABBYY Screenshot Reader: Lets you capture text or
tables from your computer screen and convert them
directly into editable, re-usable text that you can
paste into your documents – no retyping required.
Free technical support*.
Bonus for Registered Customers
Quick identication of crucial text changes between
different versions of the same document, even if they
are in different formats – e.g. a scanned paper docu-
ment and its original version in Word.
Easy revision thanks to intuitive navigation through the
detected changes that are highlighted in the compared
Export of identied changes as comments in a PDF or
as a change log for convenient sharing.
Automated conversion of multiple documents with the
Hot Folder tool: Just set FineReader 14 to “watch” a fold-
er on a local drive, network drive, FTP server or mailbox
and all incoming documents will be processed automati-
Sophisticated settings for improving text recognition and
conversion quality are available.
Easy scheduling of document processing workows to
run at a specied time.
6ABBYY FineReader 14
With ABBYY FineReader 14 you can choose from different options, depending on your specic document-related tasks - from
the daily interaction with PDFs and scans to automated conversion of multiple documents. In addition, IT managers can select
from a variety of license types, to best serve the infrastructure of their organization.
ABBYY FineReader 14 Standard Corporate Volume Licensing
Edit and Comment PDFs
Multiple licenses
for companies and
Benet from progressive
volume discounts, network
deployment and license
management, and various
license types to t your
Convert PDFs and Scans
Compare Documents
| Automate Conversion
5.000 pages per month
via Hot Folder*
2 cores
*The number of pages per month resets every 30 days.
Download 30-day TRIAL Learn more
Choose the
Right FineReader
Your Document Tasks –
Your FineReader
7ABBYY FineReader 14
Support employees with their
document-related tasks, regardless of
department or requirements.
FineReader 14 combines OCR, PDF
editing and document comparison –
making it suitable for a wide range of
tasks when working with PDF docu-
ments and scans. Employees can rely
on one multi-function document tool to
get their work done.
All-in-one tool for your
document-related tasks
Paper-based information is quickly
accessible for easy searching, editing,
commenting, re-use, sharing, protecting.
FineReader allows you to recover time
previously lost to re-typing, re-formatting
and nding documents and use it for
more important things.
Fast information access
from documents of all types
Creating, updating and nalizing
documents as a team or with external
partners is much easier thanks to a
collaboration tool that makes it easy
and straightforward to comment, anno-
tate, assign statuses and nd relevant
changes. Make your group efforts really
count with a tool that enables team
cooperation and collaboration.
Efficient collaboration
FineReader is as international as your
company needs it to be. It “reads”
documents in over 190 languages and
in any combination of languages. Plus, it
can automatically detect the language a
document has been written in, too.
Multilingual for your
multilingual documents
Team Benets
FineReader 14
takes information
locked in
documents and
PDFs and makes
it actionable,
for efcient work
and collaboration.
Benets for You
and Your Business
8ABBYY FineReader 14
Multi-functional teams benet from improved
productivity with this one diverse tool. Applicable
and useful across multiple departments and
trusted in many industries, FineReader supports
enterprise use and enables enterprise-wide
Trusted provider for increased
document productivity
Uncomplicated deployment and license management,
regardless of the type of license and number of
workstations, makes it easy to install FineReader in
an organization.
Easy deployment and use
Attractive volume discounts and a low-entry point
make it easy for businesses to equip multiple
employees with ABBYY FineReader. Instead of
providing different tools to employees with differ-
ent document tasks, you can now equip every
employee with one multi-functional tool – and
lower your cost per user by purchasing higher
volumes from one provider.
Cost effective
Depending on the frequency of use and size of
organization, IT managers have the freedom and
exibility to choose what best ts their infrastructure
and needs today – while knowing they have the
scalability needed to meet the needs of tomorrow.
Flexible licensing options
Business Benets
IT Benets
9ABBYY FineReader 14
Volume Licenses
for Businesses
FineReader 14 offers simple and exible licensing options that t the requirements of any organization – from small businesses
to large corporations and institutions in the education and government sectors.
License Types
Type of license
Multiple user license for
local use on
Terminal license for remote
access to software from
client computers.
Network license, shared
within a LAN, for local use on
Open license for
local use on
Ideal for
Organizations of any size
with decentralised or LAN
networks, or workstations
not connected to the net-
work, such as laptops.
Organizations using
terminal services to provide
access to software tools or
complete desktops to their
Organizations or
departments within LAN net-
works, where multiple
employees have the occasio-
nal need to use the software.
Organizations with strict
network security
regulations and no access
to the Internet from the
Frequency of use
Regular Regular Occasional Regular
Number of users
Equals number of
licenses purchased.
Equals number of
licenses purchased.
Limited by the number of
simultaneous users.
Equals number of licenses
purchased, separate
written agreement
Entry point**
min. 5 licenses min. 5 licenses min. 5 licenses min. 50 licenses
Stay up-to-date with the latest ABBYY technology at a reasonable price. By
purchasing annual Upgrade Assurance for ABBYY volume licenses, customers
automatically receive upgrades to new product versions as they are released.
Upgrade Assurance
* Available only for FineReader 14 Corporate
** Single user licenses available through ABBYY online shop and ABBYY partner resellers.
10ABBYY FineReader 14
Microsoft® Windows® 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7
Microsoft Windows Server® 2016 / 2012 / 2012 R2 /
2008 R2
Interface languages require Windows support for the
corresponding language.
1 GHz or faster x86 or x64 processor with SSE2
instruction set
1 GB of RAM (4 GB of RAM is recommended)
1.2 GB of hard disk space for typical program instal-
lation and 1.2 GB of free space for optimal program
Monitor with 1024x768 resolution or higher
Internet connection for product activation. Connection
charges for Internet may apply.
Keyboard, mouse or other pointing device
Input le formats
PDF documents, incl. PDF/A
Image formats - TIFF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, JBIG2, PNG, BMP,
Editable formats** - DOC(X), XLS(X), PPT(X), VSD(X), HTML,
Saving formats
PDF (searchable, image-only, text and
images), incl. PDF/A (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b,
2u, 3a, 3b, 3u)
Image formats - TIFF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, JBIG2, PNG,
Editable formats - DOC(X), XLS(X), PPT, HTML, RTF, TXT,
E-book formats - EPUB, FB2
Supported file formatsSystem requirements
* Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 required.
** For creating PDF les from editable formats it is required that Microsoft Ofce or Apache®
OpenOfce® are installed on your computer.
Technical Specications
© 2017 ABBYY Production LLC. ABBYY, ABBYY FineReader, and FineReader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ABBYY Software Ltd.; Datalogics®, The DL Logo®, PDF2IMG™ and DLE™ are trademarks of Datalogics, Inc.; Adobe®, The Adobe Logo®, Adobe®
PDF Library™, Powered by Adobe PDF Library logo, Reader® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.; This software is derived in part from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest
Algorithm. This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. ( This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (; Microsoft, Windows, Excel, and Windows
Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.; Apache and OpenOfce are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation registered in the US and/or other countries. No endorsement by The
Apache Software Foundation is implied by the use of these marks.; EPUB is a registered trademark of the IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum). All other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. #9329
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